The most luxurious blankets. How to choose a good blanket for yourself and for a child

How to find the softest, warmest and most hypoallergenic blanket, how artificial fluff differs from natural, and bamboo from camel hair, which blankets are better to cover in summer and which ones in winter - read about all this in our article.

The size

Let's start with size. No one will argue that a blanket should cover well from all sides. What length and width should the blanket be? The easiest way is to add 30 cm to your own height, this will be yours comfortable size. As for the width of the blanket, it all depends on the number of people sleeping under it.

If you sleep alone (alone), it is best to take a quilt and a half. Not all one and a half blankets are the same - there are several standards, the most popular of which are 155x215 cm (“Euro one and a half”) and 172x205 cm (“English” or “Soviet size”), from which, apparently, it should follow that Europeans now go high and thin, and the British - small and fat.

For married couple a blanket measuring 220x240 cm is suitable if the spouses sleep on a wide bed, or 200x220 cmif on a small one. The latter is also popular with Europeans, and a rich assortment of duvet covers is produced and sold under it. American sizes are somewhat different from European ones: for example, a 137x190 cm blanket is called Full size, and King size is 198x203 cm. Americans, it turns out, are less whimsical, or more economical.

Winter and summer

For the cold season, it is better to choose a blanket with good thermal conductivity, and in summer - something that absorbs less moisture. These characteristics directly depend on the material of the filler.

Down duvets are soft and light, they are resilient and durable, retain heat well. They are stuffed with goose or duck down, and the most expensive ones are stuffed with loon down. But duvets also have disadvantages - due to the high hygroscopicity, the fluff quickly absorbs moisture, and the blanket can become damp. Also, duvets, unfortunately, are not recommended for allergy sufferers, since dust mites can start in them. But if you do not have allergies and you are ready to dry the duvet regularly, then a duvet is your choice. Just pay attention to the fastener: it is better to take a product stitched with a pattern of squares.

Silk blankets are lightweight and durable. They are very warm and do not attract dust mites. Such blankets have almost no drawbacks, with the exception of one - the high cost, which, however, depends on the class of silk used.

A person spends a third of his life in sleep. At the same time, his constant companions are a pillow and a blanket. Therefore, it is very important to choose such a blanket and pillow so that they provide the best holiday. And although each of us has our own preferences when choosing bedding accessories, everyone tends to believe that they should meet our physiological characteristics, temperature conditions, bed sizes, providing us with a sound and healthy sleep.

1. What should you pay attention to when choosing a blanket?

The main function of the blanket is to maintain a constant body temperature that will be comfortable for you and appropriate for the season. In other words, a blanket is a nightwear. Maintains the temperature of the filler, which is used as: silk , fluff , cotton , synthetics , wool . When choosing a blanket, pay attention not only to its composition, but also to the size and thermal insulation properties.

2. Choose the size

By size, the blankets are divided into double and one and a half. One and a half come in the following sizes: 140 x 200 cm, 140 x 205 cm, 150 x 200 cm, 150 x 210 cm, 155 x 200 cm, 155 x 220 cm, 160 x 220 cm. Dimensions are considered standard: 140 x 205 cm and 145 x 205 cm. Double blankets are sewn in the following sizes: 172 x 205 cm, 175 x 205 cm, 180 x 210 cm, 200 x 200 cm, 200 x 220 cm, 240 x 220 cm. Recently, the most common size double blanket considered 200 x 220 cm, the so-called "euro" size. In addition, blankets measuring 200 x 200 cm are imported to us from Germany and Italy.

3. Warming properties

The warming properties of the blanket must be indicated on the package. It looks like points, the number of which reflects the degree of heat - from one to five. But not all blanket manufacturers adhere to this standard. So you need to understand the fillers and materials from which the blanket is sewn in order to correctly assess its warming properties yourself.

If you feel cold even in summer, then choose a blanket with a heavy filling - cashmere or camel hair. For those who are cold only in winter, a blanket filled with goose down will do. If you are one of those who are hot even in the cold, then buy either a synthetic blanket or a blanket filled with eucalyptus fiber, and if you are not constrained in funds, then silk. When choosing a blanket, consider your characteristics, habits and capabilities.

4. Which is better - wool or down?

Both fillers will provide warmth and comfort. So the duvet is light, airy, voluminous. They cover you like a cloud. Blankets made from cashmere, camel or sheep wool somewhat heavier and denser. They are suitable for those who do not like to freeze, and those who have sore joints.

- a rather expensive product. Since cashmere wool is a unique material that is much rarer than other types of wool. Cashmere wool is not only warm, but also resistant to damage - it does not roll, does not lose pile, it can even be machine washed. Another one useful feature- cashmere wool is hypoallergenic, which is why it is suitable for allergy-sensitive people and young children.

Blankets from camel hair -Most Popular. This wool consists not only of coarse hair, but also of soft fluff and undercoat. Camel wool hair is hollow inside, so a blanket made of it is twice as light as that of sheep wool. In addition, they are durable and retain heat well.

Blanket made from sheep wool , similar to a camel, but such a blanket is cheaper. At the same time, it is soft and warm. But such blankets are not always suitable for allergy sufferers. And they also need special care– for blankets made of sheep wool, only dry cleaning is suitable.

Synthetic blankets preferred for the reason that they are easy to care for - threw in the washing machine, and it is clean. Synthetic blankets also dry quickly. Moreover, it can be used in high humidity. For example, leave in the country, in which there is no heating. Any other blanket will absorb moisture and will need to be dried. Quilts with Tencel fiber are good. It is made from eucalyptus. It turns out a viscose-type fabric with special properties - antibacterial, hypoallergenic, very smooth and soft. It absorbs moisture well, contributing to excellent thermoregulation. Eucalyptus filling can be suitable for any climate - the degree of warmth depends on the volume of the filler, which of course affects the weight of the blanket.

The most common type of blankets in our latitudes is duvets . Their advantage lies in their lightness and ability to warm perfectly. The cost of such a blanket varies widely, it is influenced by the name of the manufacturer, the properties of the down, the quality of the fabric ... Blankets filled with gray goose down are cheaper than similar ones filled with white down. When choosing a duvet, you should pay attention to tailoring.

Exist cassette or quilted blankets. The difference lies in the fact that in the cassette blanket, each cassette (compartment), separated by a line from the rest, is placed down, which can only move within the cassette. Quilts usually contain little down and are thinner. Down duvets can be washed even in washing machines, but professional washing will still be more effective, allowing you to achieve the best result.

In the article we will talk about the rules for choosing a good blanket. Guided by the instructions, everyone will find out which blanket is better to choose - from natural or synthetic filler.

An adult spends about a third of his life sleeping. Quality and comfortable sleep is impossible without a blanket and pillow.

Bedding should correspond to the size of the bed, the temperature regime, the physiological characteristics of the person.

  1. The main function of the blanket is to maintain a constant body temperature. The filler is responsible for maintaining the temperature - wool, synthetics, cotton, down, silk. When choosing, consider the composition, size, ability to retain heat.
  2. Choose the right size. Manufacturers offer different sizes and even make to order.
  3. A quality blanket has good warming properties. This indicator is written on the packaging.

Even if you get cold on a summer night, buy a camel or cashmere blanket. To keep warm in winter, pay attention to the product made of fluff. If it's hot even in severe frosts, get a synthetic or silk version.

Video tips

Rules for choosing a down blanket

Some duvets are much more expensive than others. How to choose not to overpay? To do this, you need to take a closer look at the proposed options.

In the production of low quality duvets, cheap materials are used. Be sure to pay attention to the quality of the fabric.

The cassette type blanket is considered the most durable. It takes more time to make such a product. True, the result is worth it, because it differs in some features:

  • Inner seam prevents fluff from escaping
  • thanks to the cassette type of cut, the fluff does not mix inside;
  • more airy due to internal membranes.

The filler should consist of high-quality fluff, without an unpleasant odor. In most cases, goose down is used, the quality indicator of which is elasticity. When choosing, consider temperature regime in the apartment. If the bedroom is cool, buy a warmer product.

A duvet will last a long time if properly cared for. Down is a natural product, so it needs access to air and periodic ventilation.

It is strictly forbidden to store fluff in a wet state. Drying, it is not worth knocking out.

Choosing a Bamboo Blanket

Bamboo fiber is a viscose type material that resembles cotton wool.

  1. Choose the size of the bamboo product more bed by 50 cm. So the edges will go down the edges bed.
  2. The filler of the bamboo blanket should spread as evenly as possible.
  3. Look at the firmware. If the firmware is thick, the filler will remain fluffy and will not crumple.

In some cases, bamboo blankets are made on the basis of a blanket-duvet cover. With the onset of cold weather, such products play the role of a duvet cover, and in warm weather - an independent blanket.

Benefits of Bamboo Blankets

  1. Suitable for sensitive skin.
  2. They do not cause allergic irritation and prevent the growth of bacteria.
  3. They allow air to pass through and do not absorb unpleasant odors.
  4. They do not need special care. It is enough to occasionally take out to clean air and not to expose to prolonged exposure to moisture.
  5. Washable in washing machine. After washing, it is not recommended to keep it folded for a long time, the filler and the coating may be deformed.
  6. Quite democratic value.

Pros and cons of a sheepskin blanket

When a person buys new clothes, he is primarily guided by the season. The choice of blanket is similar. In summer, a silk or bamboo product is considered indispensable, in winter it is better to use down or wool.


A product filled with sheep wool has many advantages:

  1. Has a healing effect.
  2. Keeps warm.
  3. Long serves.
  4. Lung.
  5. Absorbs moisture.


  1. If the sheep's wool has not been sheared or combed out, it is uncomfortable to sleep under such a product.
  2. In some cases, it causes an allergic reaction.
  3. Moth can start.

Expert opinion

Rules for choosing a warm blanket

A summer blanket filled with silk, viscose, or bamboo will not help in winter, unless the apartment is very hot.

Let's talk about blankets that will protect you from the cold in winter and ensure a comfortable sleep.

  1. The pinnacle of leadership belongs duvets, despite its light weight and softness. You can use 5-point products placed in a cassette-type case. They are very warm and reliable.
  2. In second place are wool models. The most expensive camel wool, it is resilient, durable, elastic.
  3. Hypoallergenic winter blankets for sale. Such products are well cleaned and are not afraid of machine washing. Widely used in Germany and Austria.
  4. Noteworthy and blankets made of cotton. The material is well washed, absorbs moisture, does not go astray.

Types of synthetic fillers

Visiting any store that sells bedding, you will find a wide variety of models of synthetic products that differ in filler. Such fillers do not cause allergies, bugs, mites and fungi do not start in them.

  1. Lyocell. First appeared in Britain. Produced from cellulose. Durable, well absorbs moisture, pleasant to the touch. Easy to care for, washable washing machine.
  2. polyester fiber . Made from polyester. The fibers are carefully intertwined, resulting in an elastic structure. Finished products quickly restores its shape, evaporates moisture, retains heat and has ventilating properties.
  3. Thinsulate. The characteristics resemble fluff. Differs in long service life.
  4. Silicone. Does not accumulate dust and smell, ticks do not live in it. It boasts enviable thermoregulating properties.

Synthetic blankets are soft and light, highly practical and long lasting. Their cost is much lower than products made of fluff or wool.

How to choose a blanket for the summer

Many in summer time winter blankets, sheets or blankets are used, but it must be appropriate for the season.

  1. The size . Summer option the size does not differ from the winter version. If the size of the existing option suits you, feel free to purchase the same one. Otherwise, buy a product that is 40 cm larger than your height. The dimensions of a standard summer blanket for two people, 180 cm tall, are 205 by 220 cm.
  2. Price. Some believe that the cost of the summer model is lower than the winter one. This is not the case, since the price depends on the material and quality. The most expensive woolen blankets, then cotton products, and the cheapest synthetic ones.
  3. Tactile sensations . Make sure that the product is tactilely pleasing.


The choice of materials is huge.

  1. Cotton. Perfect for the warm season. Can be used without a duvet cover.
  2. Wool. Breathes well, retains heat, helps with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, hypoallergenic.
  3. Silk. Only natural silk is suitable. A model made of low-quality silk can cause skin diseases.

Blankets for newborns and children from three years

The right choice of blanket for a newborn

Parents are sensitive to things related to a newborn child. They buy quality clothes, safe toys, a comfortable bed, and a good set of bedding.

Children's doctors recommend not using pillows for sleeping a baby. At the initial stage of life, the body of an infant does not have protection from the influence of the outside world. If the child felt comfortable in his mother's tummy, after birth, parents should provide him with such conditions. What should be a blanket for a baby?

  1. Only from natural material. Choose environmentally friendly raw materials without impurities. Synthetic can not be used and brought into the room where the child sleeps.
  2. The best option is cotton. The filler is light and high quality. Dyes are stable.
  3. If the product is heavy and dense, the baby will only dream of comfort. The product must pass air freely, otherwise the child will start to sweat, which will cause colds, diaper rash and other troubles.
  4. Consider color scheme, strength, size and type of cut. These factors do not affect the health of the baby, but they will affect the wallet of the parents.
  5. Find the golden mean between quality and price.
  6. When buying, be sure to ask the seller about the availability of a license and a certificate of quality.
  7. One blanket is not enough for a child. You will have to choose and buy several options. One product is suitable for walking, the second for sleeping, and the third for the child to crawl on the floor.

In choosing a blanket for a child, there is no place for haste. How right your choice will be depends on the health and well-being of the baby.

Choosing a blanket for a child

Children sleep a lot, so for comfort you need to do right choice bedding. We are talking about pillows, linens and blankets.

When choosing a baby blanket, various indicators are taken into account - the health of the baby, the microclimate of the room, the season, the financial capabilities of the parents.

  1. Synthetic blanket . Warm, light, easy to wash, easy to care for. Poorly passes air and is able to accumulate an electric charge.
  2. wadded. It has good breathability, retains heat and absorbs moisture. It's not easy to take care of. It is hard to wash, dries for a long time, easily absorbs odors, clumps and rolls.
  3. Woolen. The basis is natural fiber. It can be used if the child does not have allergies. Good breathability, warming and moisture absorption. Can't be erased. You have to spend money on chemical cleaning.
  4. Downy. Light weight, good heat retention, good breathability and moisture absorption. Down often contains the remains of mites, as a result, the baby may develop an allergy.
  5. Silk. Practically perfect option. Complies with modern quality standards, does not accumulate an electric charge, absorbs moisture and conducts air. It is warm and easy to care for. The only drawback is the high cost.

If you read the article to the end, you have learned how to choose the right blanket, what filler options are offered by stores. Having decided on your tastes and needs, you can easily choose a wonderful bedding accessory that will warm you. cold winter and bring a comfortable sleep in the hot summer.

House dust and dust mites are a common cause of an allergic reaction. Their potential accumulators are bedding, and in particular, products made of down, feathers and wool. In this article, we will look at the features of choosing hypoallergenic pillows and blankets, as well as their best manufacturers.

Particles of house dust or waste products of mites enter the respiratory system directly from bed linen or soft toys with which children sleep. spring-cleaning and washing give only a temporary effect, and the only way out is to replace ordinary down and feather pillows, woolen and wadded blankets with products with hypoallergenic filler:

  • vegetable (bamboo, eucalyptus, buckwheat),
  • or synthetic (polyester, lyocell, thinsulate, ecofiber).

Now there is a wide choice of hypoallergenic bed linen. It must meet the following requirements:

  • Good antistatic properties that prevent dust settling and accumulation.
  • High breathability.
  • No latex or glue.
  • The material must be designed for repeated washing and have excellent wear resistance.

Hypoallergenic pillow: choose the right one

Filler and pillow material - that's what you should pay attention to when choosing it.

Pillows from:

  • down;
  • pen;
  • sheep or camel wool.

What fillers can an allergic person choose?

In this section, we will consider natural and synthetic fillers for pillows.

Synthetic fillers

Products with such fillers can be washed at a temperature of 60 ο C, which kills mites and their eggs.

Sintepukh, sinteshar

It is considered the most inexpensive type of hypoallergenic pillow filler. It consists of balls treated with a special silicone solution.


  • hypoallergenicity,
  • good breathability,
  • elasticity and softness
  • cheapness.

Of the minuses - crumbles after frequent washing.

Ecofiber (holofiber)

It is considered one of the best artificial substitutes for down and feather. It is airy and when pressed very quickly restores its shape, does not burn and does not absorb odors.

Holofiber pillows:

  • hypoallergenic,
  • environmentally friendly,
  • easy care,
  • odorless,
  • do not absorb moisture
  • keep warm,
  • have an orthopedic effect.
Artificial swan down

Fiber of a new generation, similar in property to bird fluff. Great option for kids.

  • hypoallergenicity,
  • good breathability,
  • softness,
  • machine washable.

natural fillers


natural fillers (such as eucalyptus, buckwheat, juniper flakes, etc.) in some cases can also cause an allergic reaction.


It is light, hygroscopic and provides an optimal microclimate at any time of the year. Unlike down and wool, silk pillows have a lower risk of causing skin irritation: silk fiber contains the protein sericin (silk glue), it does not start dust mites, which are the main cause of allergies.

Therefore, such pillows can be purchased even for babies.

BIO pillows made of buckwheat

Buckwheat husk is a natural vegetable filler, has excellent ventilation, remaining dry and cool. Thanks to this filler - its massage effect - pain in the head and neck is reduced, and proper head support provides high-quality removal of fatigue and tension.

Eucalyptus pillows

They have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, which favorably affects the skin. They do not start the fungus, which allows you to breathe freely.

They also help to relax, relieve fatigue and stay in good shape.

A completely new high-tech material belonging to the elite category, produced in this moment only in some US factories. It is extracted from eucalyptus wood, getting cellulose fiber. Imitates cotton and silk, most often combined with natural materials.

Known under the brands:

  • "Orcel" in Russia,
  • Tencel (Tensel) in America.
Siacell (SeaCell)

Wood fiber treated with seaweed and silver to give antiseptic properties to fabrics.

When changing bedding to hypoallergenic, a person's condition improves by reducing contact with the allergen.

Cushion covers

To maximize the level of protection against household allergens, there are special pillow covers. The cover is a natural barrier because:

  • has a very tight weave
  • makes the pillow impervious to any allergenic particles,
  • while the material breathes.

Their seams are firmly sealed, the zipper is on a protective film and with fine teeth, which prevents ticks from entering through the fastener.

Popular Case Brands:

  • Pristine®100 (USA);
  • Allergo Cover (Germany);
  • "Doctor Al" (Taiwan).

Choosing a Hypoallergenic Blanket

A hypoallergenic blanket perfectly helps out allergy sufferers and perfectly performs its functions, not at all to the detriment of people's comfort.

There are the following types of filling hypoallergenic blankets:

  • silk blanket,
  • bamboo blanket,
  • eucalyptus fiber,
  • blankets with seaweed and silver ions.

Silk-filled duvets have a number of advantages over down, woolen, wadded and synthetic blankets, they are soft, light and comfortable. Purified natural silk is scientifically proven to be naturally allergen-free. Silk is also able to resist vital activity. dust mite and other saprophytes, due to the protein sericin (silk glue).

bamboo filler, has natural pores through which air circulates freely, which perfectly reflects its thermal conductive properties. This duvet creates pleasant warmth in winter and stays cool in summer. All this allows a person to fall asleep easily, soothes nervous system regulates blood circulation and respiratory processes.

Eucalyptus Blanket perfectly passes air and absorbs excess moisture. This creates an ideal temperature balance. During sleep, eucalyptus fibers are released essential oils which have a healing effect on the human body.

Hypoallergenic bed linen for children

Down and feathers for babies should not be chosen, because they cause allergies, they can start household pincers. The down filler dampens, and the wool absorbs moisture well. Everyone also remembers wadded blankets, but they are very heavy and the filler often gets lumpy.

Synthetic bedding will support sleep throughout the night, and the child will not experience any discomfort. The most affordable will be synthetic winterizer or comforter.

  • ecologicaly clean,
  • non-toxic,
  • the hollow structure of the material allows you to breathe,
  • its fiber structure is similar to sheep's wool,
  • has excellent dimensional stability.

Approved by the Ministry of Health for mass production, products and toys for newborns are sewn from it.

Many orthopedists and pediatricians also recommend latex products. They can be selected taking into account the age of the child and used in the first days of the baby's life. Thanks to its elasticity, it provides correct fixation neck and shoulders, and the cotton cover is good breathability.

Take care of your baby's health from the first days of life by purchasing hypoallergenic bed linen and toys, thereby ensuring proper rest and sleep.

Useful video about choosing a hypoallergenic bed

Hypoallergenic bedding


It can be washed in a delicate wash with a light spin, with a water temperature of 50-60°C.

But not all hypoallergenic fillers withstand high temperatures, many are limited - no higher than 40 or 50 ° C, and at this temperature the tick does not die.

Allergists insist on frequent washing - from 1 time per week to 1 time per month, at the same time, most manufacturers recommend washing their products 2-4 times a year.

After washing

After washing the pillow and blanket when wet, it is necessary to give the original shape and evenly distribute the filler. Dry horizontally in a ventilated place on a line, whisking occasionally.

Important to remember

All hypoallergenic fillers based on polyester are not dry-cleanable. It is also not necessary to “freeze out” products made of polyester fibers.

Branded or specialized stores guarantee the naturalness and quality of the products they sell, which must be certified and properly labeled. But in the markets, you can often buy a fake.

Photo: Pillow Flaum Anna

Among domestic manufacturers, guaranteeing the reliability and quality of the goods produced, we can distinguish:

  • Ivanovskaya trademark soft-tex,
  • OL-Tex in Khotkovo,
  • Natures, La Prima,
  • Fleece,

From foreign manufacturers:

  • Flaum Anna (Germany),
  • Johann hefel and German Grass (Austria),
  • Karna (Turkey),
  • Finlayson-Familon Finland.

The cost of hypoallergenic bed linen

Prices for hypoallergenic bed linen are slightly higher than usual. For pillows, the price starts from 900 rubles. size 50 * 70 and remains within 4,500 rubles. Buying a cheap synthetic pillow and sleeping on it for 2-3 years is unlikely to succeed. The filler will doubt in the first month of use.

The price of blankets is from 2,750 to 11,000 rubles. average.

When choosing, pay attention to appearance and the smell of the product, also on the label with the composition and manufacturer. Do not save on your health and choose a quality manufacturer.

Some hypoallergenic bed manufacturers

Finnish pillows and blankets Familon Ultra

They are especially distinguished by professionals in the development of hypoallergenic bed linen.

They use high-quality and high-tech filler Hollofil, which runs along the entire length of the fiber, which adapts to the movements of the body during sleep, and distributes heat throughout our body.

In Comfortel pillows from DuPont, polyester fluffy balls, weightless, special softness and silkiness are obtained due to the siliconization process. The manufacturer guarantees a service life of 5 years, but the pillow lasts 2-3 times longer.

In Russia, production is carried out under a license from DuPont together with Dodo (France) and GS Europe Group for Lorch equipment (Germany).


Much more pleasant in price and not inferior in quality to the goods we all know IKEA. There are pillows for every taste and. The polyester fiber filling of the pillows ensures optimal comfort.

Pillowcases made of natural and renewable lyocell material allow you to sleep soundly and carefree, enjoying the lightness and softness of your touch.


For expectant mothers and babies, the Mothercare multifunctional pillow is perfect. It is specially designed for women in late pregnancy and after childbirth. With a curved shape, it provides support to the stomach and reduces the load on the back.

It also comes in handy while breastfeeding.

Thus, hypoallergenic bedding is great option for allergy sufferers. It is also important to select natural hypoallergenic linen (sheets, duvet covers and pillowcases) and wash them with powder the minimum amount fragrances and fragrances. And then the dream will be really complete nym and restoring forces.

A good blanket is a prerequisite for a healthy, restful and comfortable sleep. Each buyer always has ideas about the convenience of bedding. When thinking about how to choose a blanket, it would be useful to listen to the advice of experts. With their help, it is easier to understand the variety of assortment and choose really quality product that meets individual requirements and wishes.

Which duvet to choose

Bedding is not at all the things that you can choose from photos in online stores. Before buying, you need to think in advance about all the main qualities of the product: size, sewing technology, material, filler, warming properties. With the first characteristic, everything is more or less clear: the size can be single, one and a half or double. When choosing it, you need to take into account only personal preferences and the possibility of selecting the right bed linen.

Woven materials are used for covering - coarse calico, satin, polyester. As for the sewing technology, according to this parameter, all products are divided into quilted, caro-step and cassette. A quilt is made with a special quilt that secures the filling. In caro-step products, the filler is held by stitching. Cassette models have separate sections with filler inside each. They are considered the most wear-resistant and easy to care for, as they hold the filler best of all, preventing it from rolling into lumps.

For newborns

Standard size products for newborns - 120x120 cm. Experts recommend choosing lightweight models with a practical cotton coating, avoiding synthetics. It is better if the thing is completely natural and environmentally friendly. However, among synthetic models, you can also find a blanket suitable for a newborn's crib, the main thing is to check for quality certificates.

When choosing, it is important to consider the season. In summer, a child can be covered with a light flannelette, fleece, silk or thin woolen blanket, under which he will not sweat. Winter will require more warm option- downy, synthetic winterizer or cotton product. It is advisable to choose a blanket that is planned to be used during walks among models with removable covers.

For the winter

The warmest for the winter and other cold periods of the year should be chosen among models with high-quality filler that has sufficient ability to retain heat. The degree of heat transfer of the product is indicated on the product label in the form of dots. They can be from one to five. The more dots, the warmer the model. Keep in mind that to optimal materials relate:

  • natural and artificial down;
  • camel and sheep wool;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • holofiber;
  • thick wadded blankets warm well in the cold season.

For summer

What is the best duvet for hot weather? For warm summer nights, it is recommended to choose silk products, half-woolen blankets, light bedspreads with bamboo or other vegetable fillers. It is very inconvenient to use models with synthetic winterizer, wool and down in summer - it is too hot to sleep or rest under them. An exception may be thin woolen products.

For all seasons

by the most practical option An all-weather blanket is considered a two-sided product. One side is sheathed with ordinary fabric, and the other with wool or fur. There are also double models. In cold weather, two canvases are fastened together with ties, buttons or buttons, and in warm weather, the lighter one is unfastened and used separately. Products with fillers such as holofiber or silicone fiber are suitable for any season. They provide a comfortable sleep in both winter and summer.

How to choose a blanket by filler

Many believe that the ability of a blanket to retain heat depends only on the base material of manufacture. However, models different manufacturers with the same filler can differ greatly in the degree of warmth. It is influenced by the type of cover fabric, the thickness of the product, the quality of the material used. What filler for a blanket is better and how to correctly evaluate the quality of one or another option that provides the warming properties of products?

from bamboo

The bamboo product is soft and light, retains its shape for a long time, is unable to cause allergies, is simply washed, and dries quickly. It is not warm enough for winter, and in summer, spring or early autumn it is very comfortable to sleep under it. However, before choosing a bamboo blanket as your go-to option for the warmer months, it's worth considering the humidity conditions of the climate you live in. Bamboo fiber absorbs moisture very well, so when high humidity it will be difficult to dry.


wool blankets - a good option for the most fastidious couch potatoes. They perfectly absorb moisture, while remaining dry, retain heat, have healing properties. How to choose a wool blanket? Among them there are both light models and thicker and warmer ones, so when buying, you need to focus on the main purpose of the product. For winter, it is better to choose a quilted woolen blanket with sheep, camel, goat or llama hair. Knitted wool blankets are good for the warm season. The disadvantages of this filler include the risk of damage by moths and allergenicity.


These products are known for their useful properties, due to which they are recommended to choose people with sore joints. A blanket made of merino wool - an elite breed of sheep - has especially valuable healing effects. This type of woolen products is considered hypoallergenic. Good option for small children and people with sensitive skin. A sheepskin blanket is valued for:


A camel blanket is warmer than a sheep blanket, but also more expensive. In terms of warming properties, the material is only slightly inferior to swan down. Camel wool is hollow inside, so it is about 2 times lighter than sheep. The only negative of this filler is associated with moths, which can ruin the thing. Camel wool blankets are characterized by:

  • high wear resistance;
  • excellent ability to absorb and evaporate moisture.


Previously, cotton-filled blankets were in great demand due to their excellent warming properties. However, now they are losing popularity, because they have several significant drawbacks at once. They are hard to wash and take a long time to dry. Cotton wool tends to absorb unpleasant odors, roll up and stray into lumps, due to which the thing quickly loses its original appearance. Their advantages:

  • very warm;
  • durable.

Holofiber blanket

This artificial filler is lightweight, has good warming qualities, and also provides excellent breathability. Among blankets with holofiber, it is easy to find both summer and winter models. The material does not cause allergies. The disadvantage of this filler is the worse ability to transmit moisture than natural materials. The advantages of these options:

  • they provide a comfortable sleep;
  • products are unpretentious in care.

From swan down

Blankets with swan down are deservedly considered the warmest and at the same time light. They provide very good air circulation and are highly absorbent, but require regular cleaning. When choosing a natural product, it is important to make sure that the filler used is really swan, and not harder goose down or feather. Another disadvantage of this filler is high allergenicity. Those who suffer from allergic reactions should pay attention to artificial swan down.

From synthetic winterizer

The synthetic winterizer blanket is warm, light, but does not pass moisture well enough. It is recommended to wash it infrequently, because this way the product can quickly lose its shape. How to choose a good blanket with synthetic winterizer? When buying, you need to make sure that the filler of the product is elastic and moderately voluminous. Too loose, lush material is the so-called glued synthetic winterizer. Like other types, it is a specially processed polyester fiber, but in its production they use a toxic glue that releases harmful substances.

cashmere blanket

Cashmere products are different high price but they are very warm, light, durable. Unlike other woolen products, cashmere blankets are suitable for allergy sufferers. At proper care they are able to retain their valuable properties and good appearance for many years. It is believed that cashmere is a capricious material that requires constant recourse to dry cleaning services. However, quality items can be machine washed. To ensure that your cashmere product lasts as long as possible, you need to use the gentle wash cycle.

Video: how to choose the right blanket

The proposed video materials will allow you to get information about the intricacies of choosing bedding for healthy sleep. Experts tell you how to choose the right products depending on the purpose, season and desired characteristics. The video will help you avoid common mistakes that buyers make when purchasing bedding.