Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

What kind of sewer pipe is there in a private house? How to choose the diameter of a sewer pipe - tips for correct calculation. What is the diameter of a sewer pipe in a private house.

The diameter of the sewer pipe primarily depends on the location where it will be installed. The largest diameter, not counting the one that leads to the septic tank or the general sewer network, is the pipe coming from the toilet, and when installing sewerage inside the house, a variety of pipe sizes are used. The selection of materials for the construction of a sewer system has great importance, since its functioning for many years depends on it. Miscalculations in this area can result in serious problems, and the right choice, combined with high-quality installation work, will allow you to get a sewer system that works without problems at any time of the year.

Materials from which sewer pipes are made

Like all pipes, sewer pipes have their own ratio of internal diameter to external diameter. It also depends on what material the product is made from. The following materials are used in the manufacture of pipelines:

  • Polyvinyl chloride. Resistant to all aggressive influences; when choosing, it should be taken into account that heat leads to disruption of the integrity of the pipe.

  • Polypropylene. Also has high degree resistance to various factors, however, it is not recommended for installation of the external part of the sewer system due to its vulnerability at low temperatures.
  • Cast iron. It has a higher cost than plastic pipes. Installation of cast iron pipes is associated with certain difficulties, but they are suitable for the widest possible use and their service life can be about a century. When considering cast iron pipes as an option, it should be remembered that if the markings of plastic pipes indicate the outer size, then the numbers on cast iron products indicate the internal diameter of the sewer pipe made of this material.

When choosing a material for sewerage, it is worth assessing the conditions of use, installation location, type of soil (if we're talking about O country house), as well as their own financial capabilities.

Sewage pipe diameter value

During construction utility network The diameter of the sewerage pipes is the main parameter that is relied upon during selection. Why is it given so much importance? The answer to this question simplifies the procedure for choosing the diameter of the pipes, since it becomes clear what its principle is.

The diameter of the sewer pipe determines the throughput of the system in a given area. If it is insufficient for the volumes that come from a particular plumbing fixture, a slowdown in flow, and possibly even the appearance of leaks, becomes inevitable. However, it is not only the volume of water that matters, but also how long it takes to arrive.

As mentioned above, sewer pipes large diameter are installed to drain wastewater from the toilet. This is due to the fact that in this place there is a short-term intensive discharge of a large volume of water containing solid inclusions. In order to ensure its fast and unhindered passage, a large pipe is required.

If we consider such a representative of plumbing as a bathtub or shower stall, where the volume of water is also noticeable, then a large-diameter pipe will be unclaimed, since the diameter of the drain itself is small, and the amount of drainage depends on it.

Building codes regulating the diameter of sewer pipes

To ensure that every builder or plumber does not experience difficulties when installing sewerage systems associated with the need to carry out calculations, there are building codes, which regulate the value of each indicator.

In a special collection they can be found in section SNiP 2.04.01085. It presents not only the recommended pipe diameters for installation in a specific location, but also calculation methods that take into account parameters such as the angle of inclination of the pipe in the horizontal section and at the junction with the riser. Without going into details, we can say the following:

  • For installing a network as a main branch, a 110 mm sewer pipe is quite suitable, of course, if the number of plumbing fixtures falls within the average statistical framework.
  • For all plumbing fixtures, except the toilet, a sewer pipe of 50 mm in diameter is quite suitable; it can cope with the load coming from them.
  • When installing sewerage in apartment buildings For risers, a 100 mm pipe is used, and in areas where drains from several apartments are combined - 150 mm.

It should also be taken into account that the diameter of each main pipe varies from separate apartment should not be larger than the diameter of the common riser.

Where are pipes of different diameters used?

Having familiarized themselves with the theory, many believe that sewerage does not present any difficulties, but when they find themselves in a store and see PVC sewer pipes - their diameters are very diverse - they experience some confusion in the selection. In order to avoid confusion, you need to know where a pipe of a particular diameter is used, then it becomes easier not only to choose, but also to replace one diameter with another, which may be required in the process. Diameters of plastic sewer pipes can vary over a wide range, from 25 to 300 mm.

Large diameter pipes

These include products that are usually used as general or main pipes. Thus, the size of 300, 400, 500 mm is the diameter of external sewer pipes used in urban networks; they carry large volumes of wastewater; they are also used for the installation of sewer wells.

Pipes of 200 and 315 mm in diameter can be used in storm sewer or in non-pressure sewer systems apartment buildings, as they have high throughput and light weight, which is convenient when installing a network.

Medium diameter pipes

These include sewer riser pipes and main pipelines for each apartment or house. Their size rarely exceeds 125 mm; among plumbing fixtures, they are used for toilets, due to the peculiarities of the functioning of these devices, as well as bathrooms, where a pipe with a diameter of 60, 80, 90 mm can be installed. Pipe sizes in the range of 50-75 mm are also used to drain waste from urinals or bidets.

Small diameter pipes

Used for internal wiring and supply to individual plumbing fixtures. Thus, the main part of the apartment’s sewer network consists of pipes with a diameter of 40 mm; 32 mm pipes are suitable for draining wastewater from sinks, and a 25 mm pipe is most often used to connect to the sewerage of a washing or washing machine. dishwasher.

Thus, it is not difficult to select the necessary PVC pipes for sewerage: the diameters are chosen simply based on the type of plumbing fixture and the purpose of the pipe.

Some piping system rules

When determining which sewer pipe diameters are suitable for a particular system and consumers, it is worth remembering a few rules:

  • Maintaining a constant slope. Moreover, if you make it small, the water will flow out slowly, but if you overdo it with this indicator, there will be noise of water in the pipes, and problems may arise at the junction with the riser, since the incoming water will not always have time to go into the general sewer.

  • When installing the system, it should be remembered that as you move away from the main pipe, the diameter of the pipes may decrease, but not increase in any way, otherwise disruptions in the operation of the sewerage system are inevitable.

Finally, I would like to note that when connecting pipes of different diameters, you should use only high-quality fittings and fittings, and avoid handicraft work and negligence, since the very first sewer accident will, with its financial consequences, nullify all savings.

Apartment sewer system or country house - complex design, during which you should adhere to the rules and recommendations of professionals. Otherwise, you may face very unpleasant consequences.

To install a sewer system, pipes of different sizes and diameters are required. Today, two types of pipes are popular:

  • Plastic sewer pipes are lightweight, convenient, characterized by a long service life and good performance properties.
  • Cast iron pipes- are used for the construction of sewer systems much less frequently than plastic ones due to their heaviness and high cost.

Selecting sewer pipes is an important and responsible task. The service life of the system depends on their quality. If you make a mistake at this stage, leaks, blockages and other troubles may occur during operation. It is important not only to select the material from which the pipeline and fittings for the connection will be made, but also to accurately calculate the dimensions of the pipes.

Note! The dimensions according to which sewer pipes must be manufactured are regulated by the provisions prescribed in SPiP.

When installing or overhauling the sewer system of a country house or apartment, a project is first drawn up and materials and tools for installing the pipeline are selected. You can begin to carry out the main set of works only after pipes, fittings and other parts have been purchased and prepared.

It is not so easy to choose the right sewer pipes. Special attention You should pay attention to the diameter of the sewer pipes, as well as weight and length. Also, when designing a sewer system, the following indicators should be calculated:

  • The slope angle ensures correct, uninterrupted operation sewerage, timely and rapid transportation of wastewater to cesspool.
  • Number of connections and turns.
  • Options for connecting sewer pipes to each other, with sewer riser, with plumbing fixtures.

Today on the market is a wide range of, which differ not only in size, but also in scope of use, technical characteristics, material of manufacture. Right choice elements for the pipeline is the key to reliable and long-term functioning of the sewer system; accordingly, the owners will not have any troubles during operation.


The question of what diameter of sewer pipes to use is one of the most important. There are several indicators for determining the diameter of sewer pipes:

  • The internal diameter of sewer pipes is one of the most important indicators. It is the main criterion for classification. It is important not only when choosing pipes, but also other pipeline elements (tees, couplings);
  • The outer diameter directly depends on the inner diameter (always larger);
  • The nominal diameter serves as a criterion for marking pipes in production;
  • Nominal diameter;
  • Wall thickness.

If you choose cast iron products when choosing, keep in mind that their internal diameter decreases over time. The rough surface of the walls contributes to the retention and accumulation of fatty deposits and impurities.

If all indicators are not indicated on the pipe, they can be subtracted from the existing ones using special formulas. The diameter of the external sewer pipe, as a rule, exceeds the diameter of the internal pipeline elements. SNiP contains information about what can be the minimum permissible dimensions for arranging sewerage in an apartment or country house.

Note! Often pipe parameters are indicated in inches, which is not very convenient, especially if the work is performed by a non-professional. There are special tables with which you can easily convert inches to millimeters. If the table is not at hand, translate inch size You can convert it to metric by multiplying it by 2.54.

Weight and length

When choosing pipeline elements, the weight of sewer pipes is also important. Modern technologies make it possible to produce not only durable, but also very light materials that are easy to handle during installation. These are plastic products presented in three options: polypropylene, polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride. As for cast iron products, they are too heavy; when working with them, it is impossible to do without the use of special equipment.

Their cost depends on the weight of the pipes, because the heavier the product, the more material was needed for its manufacture. The weight is determined by the length of the pipe, the ratio of the external and internal diameters.

When arranging a sewer system, you should not neglect such an indicator as length. The larger it is, the fewer connections will have to be made. Normally, the length of pipes varies from one to six meters. If necessary, the products can be cut using a hacksaw. Cast iron pipes are adjusted to size using a grinder.

Relationship between diameter and other parameters

Weight, length, wall thickness, diameter are indicators that are mutually dependent. The purpose and scope of application of sewer pipes depends on them. For the arrangement of internal pipelines and construction external sewerage products are used different sizes. By choosing them correctly, you can protect yourself from breakdowns and troubles that may arise during the operation of the system.

The dependence of the main indicators of sewer pipes on the diameter is determined by the following rules:

  • Pipes with a diameter of 160 mm, which are used for arranging external sewerage, have a wall thickness of 3.9 mm. Pipes with a diameter of 110 mm are much lighter, their wall thickness is 3 mm;
  • Large pipes (160 mm in diameter) weigh about two kilograms per linear meter, while products with a diameter of 110 mm weigh only a kilogram.

The relationship between diameter, weight and other indicators will be different if cast iron or plastic pipes are used.

The sewer system consists of pipes of different diameters. To choose the right pipes for the pipeline, you should pay attention to all the markings on the surface of the products. As a rule, two indicators are indicated there: wall thickness and outer diameter.

Pipe sizing

On the market or in a plumbing supermarket there is a wide selection of products that belong to the sewer pipe category. Dimensions are determined by the needs of the owner. Various products are used for arranging external and internal pipelines, connecting to the system of plumbing fixtures.

If you do not have the professional skills and special knowledge to choose the right sewer pipes, follow the recommendations specified in SNiP. During operation, the pipe should not become clogged or leak.

To connect the toilet, bathtub and kitchen sink, pipes of different diameters are used. This is due to the fact that plumbing fixtures accept and release different types of sewage and work differently.

  • To connect a toilet to the system, you will need a pipe whose diameter exceeds 100 mm. This is due to the fact that there is a need to pass a lot of water in a short period of time, as well as transport solid waste different sizes (fecal matter, toilet paper).
  • A pipe with a diameter of 50 mm is suitable for connecting the bathtub and sink. The fact is that the production of plumbing fixtures is small in size. Even if you install a larger pipe, the water will not drain faster due to the release.

There are also pipes for connecting a shower stall, washing machine and other devices, but their diameter ranges from 25 to 50 mm.

Note! Sewer diameters plastic pipes for a pipeline may be smaller than cast iron. Plastic products differ in that they have smooth internal walls that are unable to retain waste, and, accordingly, throughput better.

Diameter calculation

Products produced by sewer pipe manufacturers have special markings that determine their size. First of all, you should determine what material the pipes will be used to construct the sewer system. Today you can buy a plastic pipe of almost any diameter. As for the length of the products, it can be easily adjusted using a hacksaw for metal.

A value determined by the outer diameter of the product is applied to plastic pipes. Having this parameter and the wall thickness, you can easily calculate the internal diameter. The range of PVC sewer pipes includes a line of products with a diameter from 25 mm to 200 mm. The length ranges from 1 to 6 meters, but it is not the main indicator, since the pipe can be cut. The most popular pipes with diameters of 110 mm.

As for cast iron products, their weight is much greater than plastic pipes. Cast iron pipes are shorter, available in sizes from 1.5 to 3 m. The internal diameter of sewer pipes is indicated on the products, which can range from 50 mm to 400 mm. It is possible to cut a cast iron sewer pipe, but it is a rather labor-intensive and sometimes dangerous process. Connect individual elements using special fittings.

To calculate the required diameter, use the following formula:

  • d- internal diameter of the pipe, mm;
  • Q- heat flow, kW;
  • v- coolant speed, m/s;
  • dT- temperature difference, degrees.

Purpose of pipes of different diameters

Each pipe has its own purpose. The tables presented in SNiP allow you to calculate the required number of pipes for installing a sewer system. When choosing pipeline elements, the following data should be taken into account.

  • A pipe with a diameter of 100 mm is used for arranging an internal pipeline when the usual number of plumbing fixtures for an apartment or mansion are connected to the sewer (toilet, bathtub, shower, kitchen sink, washing machine).
  • High-quality drainage in plumbing facilities such as bidets and washbasins is ensured by pipes whose diameter does not exceed 50 mm.
  • For installation of a sewer riser in multi-storey building pipes with a diameter of 150 mm are used.
  • Access to the cesspool and the combination of several risers is carried out using sewer pipes with a diameter of more than 200 mm.

Note! If a plastic pipe is used, its diameter may be slightly smaller than cast iron products. The permeability of PVC pipes does not deteriorate during operation due to the accumulation of silt and grease inside.

Installation nuances

The construction of a sewer system is a rather complex task. You can’t do it without tips from professionals. In order to correctly calculate the number and dimensions of pipeline elements, you should seek help in drawing up an estimate and sewerage design from a specialist.

It is important to remember that you cannot make a transition from a large diameter pipe to a smaller diameter product. The junction will become a place for blockages, leaks, and breakthroughs.

  • When installing a pipeline, care should be taken to perform inspections - these are holes that open if there is a need to clean the pipes.
  • No one is immune from accidents in sewer systems. Therefore, each owner prefers to protect himself from such a misfortune in his own way. For data...

One of the most important parameters, which you should pay attention to when selecting pipes for sewerage installations, is, in addition to the pipe material, the diameter of the sewer pipe, because for different systems internal sewerage and pipes are used in different diameters. All sewer pipes are manufactured strictly in accordance with Technical Conditions. At the same time, manufacturers offer huge selection products of different sizes. Therefore, it is easy to choose exactly what is required for each specific case. The article below will tell you how to do this.

The influence of diameter on other pipe parameters

As we have already said, one of the main parameters of any pipe is its diameter. He defines the scope of its application:

  1. to drain water from a free-standing bathtub or sink, use pipes with a diameter of no more than 75 mm;
  2. pipes draining wastewater from the toilet should already have a diameter of 100-110 mm;
  3. Large-diameter sewer pipes are used to drain all collected sewage outside the building.

The diameter of the sewer pipes determines their other parameters:

  • Pipe wall thickness. Large diameter pipes (up to 160 mm) have larger wall thicknesses than pipes with a diameter of up to 110 mm. They are 3.9 and 3 mm, respectively.
  • Pipe weight. 1 m of pipe with a diameter of 160 mm weighs about 2 kg, while a pipe with a diameter of 110 mm of the same length weighs just over 1 kg.

Inner and outer diameter

Typically, factory markings indicate only the outer diameter of the sewer pipe and its thickness.

Pro tip: In order to determine the internal diameter of the purchased pipe, it is necessary to subtract twice its thickness from the external diameter.

It is necessary to know the internal diameter of the sewer pipe so as not to make a mistake in selecting pipes to perform certain tasks in the sewerage system being installed.

There is an approximate gradation of pipes used in certain cases for internal and external sewerage:

  • Pipes with a diameter of 25 mm are used to drain water from the washing machine or dishwasher.
  • Pipes with a diameter of 32 mm are suitable for drainage from the shower cabin, bathtub, and sinks.
  • The general sewerage distribution in the apartment consists of pipes with a diameter of up to 40-50 mm.
  • To drain all wastewater outside, pipes of the largest diameter are used - from 160 to 200 mm.

Pipes made from various materials, as a rule, are used for different types of sewerage. Thus, for the installation of external sewerage, plastic pipes are often used, for example, PVC sewer pipes: their diameter is most often 110 mm.

Cast iron pipes have markings that indicate their nominal (actual) diameter. For example, the designation “DN 100” indicates that the diameter of the “nominal bore” of the pipe is 100 mm. Thus, to determine the nominal internal diameter of cast iron sewer pipes, it is enough to check their markings.

Smallest permissible diameters

According to Sanitary Standards and Rules (SNiP) for various types Sewerage networks can use pipes whose minimum size is:

  • for drainage of industrial and domestic water inside the block - 150 mm;
  • for the same street networks – 200 mm;
  • for a quarterly network draining rainwater– 220 mm;
  • for street stormwater network – 250 mm;
  • for networks that discharge sludge under pressure - 150 mm.

In some cases it is allowed minimum dimensions pipes:

  • For settlements, the volume of wastewater in which does not exceed 300 cubic meters per day, for both street and neighborhood networks that carry out the removal of industrial waters, it is possible to use pipes with a minimum diameter of 150 mm;
  • For some production networks, if justified, this diameter may be even smaller.

Determining the exact pipe diameter

Convert mm to inches

It is sometimes not very easy to determine the diameter of the required pipe, since it is often indicated not in millimeters, but in inches. To move from one unit to another, there are various tables that you can use.

The conversion table shown in the figure above is used if it is possible to measure the diameter (the pipe is not fixed) with a ruler or using a caliper.

Pro tip:

To measure the diameter of an existing (installed) pipe at home, you simply need to attach a ruler to it and measure its “thickness”. If the resulting number is about 32 mm, then the fitting diameter of the pipe is 1 inch; about 28 mm is already ¾ inch; 16 mm - ½ inch.

Calculation of the required pipe diameter

It is important to know the diameter of the pipes used in the installation of the system. The volume of liquid carrier passing through the pipes is directly related to their diameter. You can make an accurate calculation of the diameter of sewer pipes yourself.

The diameter is calculated using a simple formula:


  • V is the speed of movement of liquid masses through pipes. The indicator should not exceed 0.7 /s. You can select it from the table below.

  • h/d – pipeline fullness indicator. Represents the ratio of flow height h (maximum) to internal diameter pipes. Minimum value should exceed 0.3, maximum - not exceed 0.6.
  • K – coefficient depending on the pipeline material. So, for polymer products it is 0.5, for other materials – 0.6.

Most best option A sewer system is easy to create if you adhere to the calculated pipe diameter. Drawing up a preliminary detailed project the entire sewage system in the house will allow you to determine required quantity and the size of the pipes purchased for installation of the system.

During construction own home or if necessary carry out major renovation In the apartment, their owners are faced with the need to install utilities. One of the parameters that you will have to decide on is the diameter of the sewer pipe.

You will also need:

  • calculate the slope of the future system, on which the functioning of the sewage system depends,
  • calculate the number of turns in the highway and their angle;
  • choose a pipe assembly method;
  • select fittings and plumbing fixtures.

To do the job correctly, you need to design future design and select all building materials. As for the diameter of the sewer pipe in an apartment or residential building, it is customary to use products with a cross-section of 100 millimeters in toilets, and from 40 to 50 millimeters in the kitchen and bathroom.

Sewage pipe diameter

The difference between the diameters is due to two reasons:

  • when the toilet is flushed, a large volume of water passes through the plumbing fixture;
  • Solid fractions and objects that can clog the pipe often get into the toilet if it has small size sections.

But in this case, the question arises why the diameter of the pipes in the bathrooms is small, but a significant volume of waste flows through them when they are emptied. This feature is explained simply.

The fact is that the permeability of the sewer pipe corresponds to this parameter in its narrowest place, and this is the bathtub outlet. Its sewer pipe diameter is minimal, and it is covered with a special grill. Therefore, there is no point in using large cross-section products in the bathroom.

If you install a bidet next to the toilet, then the diameter should still not exceed 100 millimeters, since the simultaneous operation of two plumbing fixtures, if it happens, is extremely rare.

Large-diameter pipes for toilets are installed not only because of the need to pass solids. The fact is that there should be a small gap left in them for air.

Nuances of system arrangement

To understand why such a large diameter of a toilet pipe is needed, one should imagine a closed system in which wastewater moves at speed, completely occupying the entire internal space.

In this case, the displaced air in all outlets will be under very high pressure. It will squeeze out the water seals in plumbing fixtures, which will cause a lot of trouble for property owners. There will be a terrible smell in the bathroom and there is a high probability that you will have to wash the walls and ceiling of feces.

SNiP 2.04.01-85 describes methods for calculating the diameters of pipes for sewerage in an apartment. They are complex; they take into account the slope of the pipeline on horizontal sections of the main line, the angle of connection of the terminals with the riser and other nuances. The same documentation contains tables that provide the ability to calculate the maximum permeability of pipe products at a certain diameter size.

As practice shows:

  1. To install the entire sewer system in houses and apartments with the optimal amount of plumbing equipment, a product with a cross-section of 100 millimeters will be sufficient.
  2. The diameter of the sewer pipe for sinks, bathtubs and other appliances should be half that size.
  3. If engineering Communication laid in apartment building, then the diameter of the sewer riser pipe in five-story buildings should be 100 millimeters, and in buildings with more floors - no more than 150 millimeters.
  4. General for large quantity apartments are horizontal sections of the sewer system that combine several risers and access to sewer, can be approximately 200 millimeters in diameter.
  5. The diameter of a cast iron sewer pipe in an apartment or private household begins to decrease after a certain time due to fouling of the inner surface different types sediments.
  6. The diameters of plumbing plastic pipes never decrease, since their inner surface is smooth and almost does not collect fat deposits. They also do not silt, sand does not collect in them, provided that they are provided with a sufficient slope and there are no irregularities inside the products.

Based on the above information, the conclusion suggests itself that during repairs when replacing a cast iron 50 mm pipe, you can use a 40 mm plastic product.

The variety of diameters of manufactured sewer pipes is not limited to the previously mentioned sizes. In the trading network you can find pipe products made of polyvinyl chloride or polypropylene, having diameters equal to 75.90, 110,160,300 millimeters.

But, before choosing such products, you need to know that purchasing fittings or cuffs for them, designed for connection with plumbing fixtures, can sometimes be problematic. Perhaps you should not give preference to products with a non-standard cross-section.

In this case, an exception must be made for sewer pipes made of plastic with a cross-section of 200 millimeters or more, since their scope of application is arranging outlets for wells and laying sections between them. The fact is that today there is no alternative to these products. The variety of sizes of plastic sewer pipes makes them increasingly popular.

Choosing the right diameter

When selecting materials for arranging a wastewater disposal system, you should remember not only what diameter the sewer pipes are, but also take into account some of the nuances of such work:

  1. The cross-section of a horizontal pipeline cannot be larger than the diameter of the sewer riser pipe into which waste water is discharged. In addition, you need to remember that any narrowing in the structure located in the direction of movement of the drains are places where blockages will form.
  2. Horizontal connections must be mounted from angles and oblique tees. Angles of 90 degrees are allowed only when connecting a horizontal section of the system to a sewer riser. If you follow this rule, there will be no problems if you need to clean the sewer.
  3. It is mandatory to install revisions in the places where the sewer structure turns, which are cleaning holes with covers. An exception is allowed only when there is, for example, a tee nearby that serves to connect a sink. If necessary, it is he who will perform the audit function.
  4. When the risers are located in multi-storey buildings, audits are placed every three floors. It would not be superfluous to arrange an audit in horizontal blind areas with a length of more than 12 meters.
  5. The sewer riser is left open at the top, which is explained by the need for air suction, otherwise the vacuum when flushing sewage on the lower floors will suck in the water seal from the plumbing fixture installed on the upper floor, and bad smell quickly spread throughout the entire apartment.
  6. The slope of a horizontal pipe should be 1-2 centimeters per meter. If you make it larger, the water will not only make more noise when drained, but also silt up. When the slope is less, the drainage drains too slowly.
  7. When laying a sewer system under a screed, it should be thermally insulated roll material and then the sound of water will not be heard much.
  8. Plastic products with a diameter of 40-300 millimeters can be cut without problems with a hacksaw or grinder. As a result, the cut is smooth and free of burrs. Then you need to chamfer the pipe.
  9. Fasten sewer structure at intervals equal to ten pipe diameters.
  10. When laying plastic pipes with a diameter of 40 to 300 millimeters, they should be left with free space in case of thermal expansion. Therefore, when inserting pipes into the socket of the previous elements, they do not need to be pushed all the way, but should be left about 0.5 centimeters. Then, during prolonged drainage of hot waste, the pipeline sections mounted end-to-end will not be damaged.
  11. All sewer system assembled so that the sockets are positioned towards the moving liquid.

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It is mandatory to install inspections at all sewer bends, which are holes equipped with covers for cleaning. An exception can be made in cases where, for example, a tee for connecting a washbasin is located nearby, since, if necessary, it can perform the inspection function.

Audits are installed every 3 floors in risers multi-storey buildings. The audit will also not be superfluous for the deaf horizontal sections longer than 12 m. must be open at the top. This is necessary for air suction, so that the vacuum during the flushing process on the lower floors will suck in the water seal from the upper toilet. Without a water seal, odors will quickly fill the entire apartment.
A slope of 1-2 cm vertically per 1 m horizontally is desirable.
If it is larger, then during drainage the water will make a louder noise and will begin to flood more strongly, and if it is smaller, the water will begin to drain very slowly.

Plastic sewer pipes with a diameter of 50-200 mm can be cut perfectly with both a grinder and a hacksaw. In this case, the cut is burr-free and very smooth. After the required piece is cut, the pipe is chamfered. When installed, they need to be left with space for thermal expansion.
When laying water supply and sewer pipes in parallel at the same level, the distance between their walls must be at least 1.5 m for water pipes with a diameter of up to 200 mm, and for larger diameters - at least 3 m.