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The influence of colors on a person. How do flowers affect the human psyche? The influence of brown

The influence of color on a person has been proven for a long time. Color is able to regulate our mood, emotional background and even appetite. In modern medicine, even such a thing as a method of color therapy has appeared. It consists in the effect of colored light on a person in order to cure him of various diseases.

Looking at what colors a person prefers in clothes, in what range he decorates the interior in his home, you can tell a lot about his character and personal qualities. And vice versa - if a person knows how colors affect his condition, he can "pull" himself out of depression and set him up in a positive way.

How red affects a person

Red is one of the most aggressive and "hot" colors. It has an exciting effect on the human psyche, its symbolism is rich and contradictory. This is what the red color symbolizes: blood, fire, aggression, enmity - and at the same time wealth, vitality, power, self-realization. It is also a symbol of revolutionary action and the struggle for independence.

It is no coincidence that the Caesars in the Roman Empire dressed in purple robes, the Spartan warriors put on a red uniform before the battle, and in ancient egypt the red color symbolized the spirit of evil.

V modern world red color is preferred by strong-willed, energetic, active, impulsive, self-confident people. As a rule, they are optimistic, able to achieve their goals, but at the same time a little stubborn. Among the negative features of people who prefer red, there are sharpness, intolerance to criticism, rejection of any advice, excessive maximalism.

Women who prefer this color love to be the center of attention of the opposite sex, they are confident in their beauty and do not tolerate competition. Men easily build a career, they make good leaders.
The effect of red on a person in the interior is as follows: it excites nervous system, stimulates appetite, but at the same time can cause headache, overwork. It is not recommended to make out in red, burgundy, purple flowers bedroom: it will be difficult to relax and fall asleep peacefully. Also, red is not very suitable for a child's room.

With elements of red, you can decorate the living room: the room will look very impressive. also in bright colors you can finish the kitchen, and then the red finish or furniture will cheer you up and increase your appetite.

How blue and blue colors act on a person

Blue color creates a calm, confident mood. It is associated with the color of the sea and sky, personifies peace and harmony, and stabilizes the mental state.

Blue is preferred by calm, balanced people, phlegmatic by temperament type. They are self-confident, purposeful, but not as impulsive as red lovers. They are characterized by perfectionism, the desire to bring everything to the ideal. Among blue lovers there are many businessmen, people with an analytical mindset. They are insightful, able to establish contact with others and come to a compromise.
Blue has a calming effect on a person’s mood, while at the same time helping to concentrate on the goal. In light blue colors are often decorated office rooms, meeting rooms. Dark- blue color well suited for decorating a bedroom, because the effect of blue on a tired person can be soporific.

Blue color symbolizes purity, coolness, serenity, clarity. People who choose it are distinguished by good intuition, the ability to make quick decisions. Often they are overly irritable and need reassurance. Blue helps to reduce the level of aggression and anxiety, has a relaxing effect on the central nervous system.

Bachelors and single people, as well as representatives of creative professions, often decorate their apartments in blue.

How yellow affects a person

Yellow color is light and bright, associated with summer, sun, relaxing on the beach. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question whether it refers to warm or cold shades. Intense yellow: mustard, golden, pear, - refer to warm tones, and lemon yellow or yellow-green - to cold.
The effect of yellow on a person is positive. Psychology believes that this color symbolizes the intellectual activity of a person. It stimulates those areas of the cerebral cortex that are responsible for the development of memory. A variety of studies have shown that shades of yellow increase mental productivity, help to concentrate and remember large amounts of information.

People who prefer yellow are characterized by an easy-going character, a large charge vital energy and a good sense of humor. They are positive, they know how to find their pluses in everything, they rarely take offense. They have developed logical thinking, desire for self-education.

Since the emotional state of a person yellow influences positively, decorating your interior in this color scheme is a great idea. Yellow invigorates and gives energy, so it is suitable for decorating those rooms where there is little sunlight. It also awakens the appetite, and the kitchen, decorated in yellow-orange tones, will look bright and elegant.

How green affects a person

Green is a symbol of life, nature, harmony. Subconsciously, it is perceived by people as a symbol of safety - it is no coincidence that the traffic light that allows it is green. It is also used in the treatment of claustrophobia - the fear of closed spaces.
The effect of color on human health is as follows: according to color therapy fans, green has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens muscles and bone tissue, relieves tension from the eyes and heals the bronchi.

What kind of people choose green in clothes? Sociable and friendly, not prone to conflicts and squabbles with others. Often they turn out to be too soft and cannot defend their point of view on any issue. Admirers of green easily adapt to new conditions, they know how to compromise. Their weaknesses are the habit of worrying for a long time because of their failures, self-doubt, nervousness.

Green color has a positive effect on a person: it tones, gives strength and energy, stimulates mental activity. In light green tones, you can arrange an office or study area in the room. It is not recommended to decorate the bedroom with green: it is unlikely that you will be able to fully relax.

What will tell black, white and gray colors

Black is traditionally considered a symbol of grief and sorrow, the influence of color on the human psyche is heavy and depressing. It is rare to find a person dressed in black from head to toe, unless it is a representative of some subculture.
Anyone who uses a lot of black when decorating a home is restrained in expressing his emotions and feelings. Such people are often too dry, they try to calculate the situation several moves ahead. The influence of black colors in the interior on a person is rather negative: although dark furniture, floors and walls get dirty less, they seem to “put pressure” on the owner of the home. There seems to be less air in the house. Therefore, do not abuse black and other dark shades when decorating an apartment.

If a person in the interior is dominated by white colors, he strives for perfectionism. White symbolizes completeness, final decision and complete freedom. White lovers often decorate their homes in a minimalist style. What will tell the love of white outfits? About a high level of accuracy, the desire to surpass others in everything.
Grey colour considered neutral. People who prefer it tend to isolate themselves from problems and "merge with the crowd." Perhaps the gray outfit will not look too bright, but it will allow its owner to feel comfortable and cozy. It is often chosen by office workers.

Considering the influence of the color of clothing on a person, it is necessary to take into account how the suit will be perceived by others. For example, the idea of ​​showing up to an interview in a colorful dress may not be the best idea. It is better to give preference to calm, sustained tones.

In addition to the main eight colors discussed above, there are many different colors in the world. different shades. These are purple, brown, pink, light green, beige, turquoise, steel, emerald. Competently combining and combining them, you can create unique images.

The psychological impact of flowers on a person has been proven by multiple studies, so do not neglect this. Knowledge of how colors affect the psyche is worth using when composing your wardrobe or considering upcoming repairs in an apartment. If a person believes that his taste is not well developed, it is difficult for him to choose stylish color combinations, then fashion magazines will come to the rescue, where you can peep current trends.

Our habitual living environment, which is formed with the help of design, has a huge impact on the health and psyche of all people living in the apartment. That is why it is vital that the layout, the objects and colors that surround us are consistent with the character traits of the residents, form a healthy psychological climate and contributed to a comfortable life.

V last years especially much attention is paid to color. Color perception man is a mysterious physiological phenomenon. We are able to perceive color only with our eyes, and it affects almost our entire body: our mood, well-being, and health. Some believe that he is able to heal diseases and set the tone for all life. Let's take a look at how color affects interior design.

How does color affect a person?

It has long been known that the right range of colors in the design of the premises can work wonders. It not only decorates the interior and creates a positive mood among the people in it, but also supports a person in his endeavors.

For example, there are color combinations that help to significantly increase productivity and make work easier, create a calm and cozy atmosphere conducive to good conversation and relaxation.

In addition, with the help of color, you can form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bobjects, their beauty and purpose. Color allows you to focus on certain details in the room, while hiding others.

There is a whole science that studies color, but it is closely related to other areas of human knowledge. It is at the intersection of psychology, physiology, physics, lighting engineering and art history that one can learn how and why color affects our bodies.

Long-term studies and observations have revealed that the colors of the short-wave part of the spectrum (blue, green, cyan) and the long-wave part of the spectrum (yellow, red, orange) affect different parts of the human nervous system. Therefore, the first group of colors began to be called cold, and the second - warm.

Warm colors affect us like coffee in the morning. They temporarily tone up the nervous system, briefly increasing a person’s working capacity, and then bright flashy colors begin to oppress it - and the person does not have resources for vigorous activity. These colors are great for sports facilities.

Cold colors in the interior, on the contrary, calm the nervous system. They help to wisely spend the resources of the body, to maintain working capacity longer. In addition, they allow you to quickly relieve stress and pacify a person. These colors are great for rooms where you have to do mental work, often work at a computer.

There is a special group of colors: shades of the middle part of the spectrum (blue-blue, green-blue, yellow-green colors) and mixed soft pastel colors (green-gray, gray-blue, turquoise colors). Their impact on a person is most favorable. They have a calming, calming effect.

Psychologists and painters know that color affects a person, causing certain emotions. In addition, in different psychological states, we can perceive the same color in different ways. In addition, historically, certain colors contain clear symbols - state, religious, secular. Using this body of knowledge, designers and select colors for the interior.

Color has a tremendous impact on a person, but not only it is able to influence us. Any piece of furniture, any design in the room never appears to us evenly colored. Lighting sets the contours of the subject, lubricating or enhancing its outlines, forms color shades, puts accents. Therefore, light often plays no less important role in creating psychological comfort than color. Keep this in mind when choosing what color to paint the walls!

The effect of color on the human psyche

A professional, like any artist, is well aware of how different colors are distributed in the spectrum, interact with each other, and also what effect the colors and the shades obtained by mixing them have on a person.

White color

It symbolizes purity, peace, chastity, solitude, serenity, concentration, perfection. This is a positive color that includes all shades of the spectrum. It is often associated with spirituality and mental health. It is believed that it cleanses and energizes at the same time, opens the vision of new opportunities and gives strength to overcome obstacles. But an overabundance of this color creates a feeling of superiority or, on the contrary, enhances the inferiority complex. It is recommended to use white color only in combination with other shades. It is an excellent backdrop for various accents, allowing you to expand the room.

Black color

It is considered the most mysterious color of the spectrum, because it easily absorbs light and hides what it carries. Therefore, it is often associated with curiosity, mystery and knowledge. Its symbolism is the end, silence and peace. It gives hope for change, but is able to increase depressive states and despondency, instill weakness and cruelty. This is a very rich, meaningful color that can motivate, push to create and reveal strengths. In some circumstances, it stands out for its elegance and sexuality. This is a business, serious color. It is not recommended to use it in interiors in its pure form. But it is perfect for contrasting underlining. In addition, black allows you to visually reduce and remove the object.

Red color

Associated with fire, heat, dynamic life, activity, will and energy. In extreme states, it symbolizes anger, passion, aggression. It is believed that red not only excites the nervous system and enhances the release of adrenaline, but also has a positive effect on blood circulation and stimulates sexual desire. This bright and saturated color is well suited for melancholic and insecure people, but for extroverts and choleric people, it can be excessive, developing intolerance, stubbornness and cruelty in them. It is recommended to use it in rooms where movement and activity is necessary: ​​in sports halls, stairwells and hallways.

Orange color

It's a pleasant warmth and soft light rising sun and flowing lava. Therefore, this color pleases the eye, improves mood and keeps in good shape. In many ways, it is similar to red, but its effect is softer. It also strengthens the will, enhances sexuality and stimulates the appetite. Orange goes especially well with cold colors, enhancing their positive characteristics and clearing them of heaviness. In general, he is able to bring a joyful revival to almost any interior.


Primarily associated with the sun and warmth. And he personifies freedom, intelligence, knowledge, intuition and quick wits. This color helps to concentrate and deal with difficulties, speeds up the process of analyzing facts and making decisions. Yellow frees thoughts from negativity and improves self-esteem, gives self-confidence. With an excess of yellow details, you can be very overtired - this color becomes annoying.

Green shades

Associated with nature, life and harmony. But the green color not only unites us with nature, but also helps people get closer to each other. He relaxes, calms. In fact, this color does not radiate energy, but rather generates and accumulates for future endeavors. It is the color of rest, stability and prosperity. But with its excess, boredom and drowsiness appear. allows you to neutralize the influence of other colors.


This is the sky, wind, ice and cold. Traditionally, it is associated with sincerity, purity. This color is strongly associated with intelligence and speech. It allows you to detach from the world, focus on your thoughts or just contemplate what is happening. In addition, it improves communication, allows you to overcome shyness and fear. public speaking. An overabundance of blue leads to dissension and manipulation.

Blue color

Embodies constancy, severity, devotion, seriousness. This is the color of order and systematization, adherence to principles and ideals. He is like the depths of the sea, which intoxicates, attracts, calls in search of truth. But this is not the color of singles. On the contrary, it symbolizes fellowship, belonging to the whole, unification. Like any cold shade, it allows you to visually enlarge the room: make it taller and more spacious.


The most majestic. It symbolizes wisdom, nobility, creativity, inspiration and law. This is the most sensual color that hides great excitement - the joy of creative self-realization. Researchers believe that purple allows you to focus and think productively. This color unites the body and spirit, material and spiritual needs.

Please note that the descriptions above refer only to pure colors. Shades of these colors can have a different effect on a person, including the exact opposite.

Interesting to know!
Often the color is chosen so as to regulate the temperament and character of a person. If a choleric person lives in an apartment, it makes no sense to paint it in bright invigorating shades. But the melancholic warm gamma will benefit.

What colors are suitable for the room?

The choice of color for your interiors is determined by your taste, temperament and the task that the designer faces. And yet there are some patterns that are observed almost always.

  • For outdoor apartments, which are located closer to front door, bright colors or contrasting combinations of warm and cold tones are better suited.
  • For the living room, it is also better to use revitalizing and invigorating shades.
  • Which bedroom color to choose? Of course, he must appease. Therefore, rooms for sleeping and relaxing are painted in pastel and cold colors. Sometimes you can liven up the palette with bright details, but don't overdo it!
  • Calm shades are also suitable for the toilet and bathroom.
  • The color of the walls in the kitchen should excite the appetite and encourage good conversation. Therefore, moderately bright colors will fit perfectly here: orange, yellow, brown and green.

And finally...

If you are going to choose the colors for your interior yourself, download on the Internet color circle, which will allow you to combine colors in pairs in accordance with the rules of artistic harmony.

The influence of flowers on the human psyche was noticed in ancient times by various shamans, healers and sorcerers. They can cause joy and grief, bring comfort or irritation, having amazing capabilities.

colorful life

Everyone noticed the impact of color when they put on a red jumper, attracting the eyes of others. For Western society, people dressed in black will look gloomy, but the snow-white dress of the bride speaks of a solemn moment and the purity of the event. If you are interested psychological impact colors, you will find answers to many questions in the presented article.

Why is this happening?

Everything that is incomprehensible attracts a person, kindling cognitive interest. The influence of colors on the human psyche is due to the emission of electromagnetic waves by each color. These waves, due to their length, have different effects. They possess healing properties, since we not only see color with our eyes, but also feel electromagnetic radiation with our skin. By choosing the "right" colors specifically for themselves, a person can feel healthier and more cheerful.

The psychological impact of color lies in the fact that it is a kind of "emotional food", and, accordingly, in order to function normally, our body needs different shades in different proportions. They can help restore a person's mental balance and even some aspects of physical health. Food, clothing items, make-up, surrounding furniture affect the human condition. Thanks to many studies, we now know a sufficient amount of information about the effect of color on the human psyche. In this regard, you can combine tones and improve mood and overall well-being.

What do red and yellow tell us?

Elements of the surrounding world of red color cause excitement in the psyche and are a kind of compulsion to activity. Thanks to him, the muscles are tensed and movements are accelerated, and this leads to an increase in efficiency.

Being in a room where there is red lighting, people show the highest performance. But over time, as the body adapts to this hue, performance levels drop and problem solving becomes more difficult. This is due to color fatigue.

If you need to overcome difficulties, be more determined and resilient, then we advise you to use red in your life.

To stimulate brain activity, awaken intellectual abilities, increase the level of visual perception, use yellow. Contraindications: neuralgia and overexcitation of the cortex. Well, if you are accompanied by disappointments and disappointments, then yellow will do just right.

What is green and blue for?

The color of spring greens ensures the normalization of blood and eye pressure, respiration, pulse, an increase in the sharpness of perception, concentration and intellectual potential. If you want peace, relaxation and rest - feel free to use green, because it will give you what you need. The impact of color plays a huge role in our Everyday life.

Deep blue color, constantly affecting the psyche, can lead to high level fatigue or even depression in some cases. But if a strong shock has happened to you, then this color can restore strength. It will reduce tension in muscle tissue, dull pain sensations, weaken the pulse and have a calming effect on spontaneous impulses in an ardent personality.

Influence of purple, blue and brown

Violet color has a contradictory effect on the human condition, as it can both increase endurance and reduce performance, suppress intellectual capabilities, or even lead to depressive states.

To reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure and relieve pain, use things blue color. But do not overdo it, because the long-term influence of this color leads to fatigue and oppression of some functionality human body.

Brown tells us about the need for relaxation, bodily comfort. Therefore, if you feel such needs, then think about how to bring this color into your life and get a little distracted from working moments.

Contrast black and white

lovers white color characterized by the need for freedom, breaking burdensome ties and the desire to start everything from clean slate. If you want to forget something and free yourself from the shackles of memories, surround yourself with white.

The black tone characterizes a person who rebels against his own destiny. This color has important medicinal properties, as it absorbs other shades and acts on the body quite positively.

By determining your color preferences, their persistence or volatility, you will be able to recognize your own emotional and physical reactions, general well-being and mood.

The influence of color on the psyche of children

Children are constantly surrounded different colors, they know the world, and you should be smart about the color scheme of children's rooms, furniture, toys and clothes. There is no doubt that the influence of color on the psyche of a child is one of the most topical issues for young parents. According to Norwegian scientists, young children registered with the internal affairs bodies, or juvenile delinquents opted for black. People who are suicidal also choose this tone.

The influence of colors on the psyche of a person, especially a small one, is based on several principles. First, the baby's daily life must be filled with large quantity different shades, one thing is important - their competent combination.

Secondly, the walls and ceiling in the children's room should be either white or light, but not dark, as this will affect both the emotional state of the baby and his cognitive abilities.

Thirdly, use the blue color, and it will help save you and your baby from stressful influences, relieve pain.

Fourthly, a stable state of the nervous system will provide you with green shades and white-blue colors. Green color, taken separately, will be able to adjust the pressure and relieve fatigue.

Fifthly, psychologists argue that the influence of color on the psyche is also expressed in the impact on the development of speech. Therefore, association games will become relevant in the period from one to three years (for example, strawberry-red, sun-yellow).

Sixth, if your baby has lethargy, poor appetite, apathy and mood swings, then the use of red, yellow and orange color.

Knowing the intricacies of color exposure, parents and educators will be able to stabilize the mood, if necessary, calm or cheer.

Some color tricks

To feel the influence of colors on the human psyche, you do not need to put on things of only one tone, because a stylish red scarf or bag will already make a difference and increase your life potential. The main thing is to focus. You can "scatter" bright elements in the room, such as pillows or toys, and then the energy of color will fill the room.

In the living room or bedroom, you can use light bulbs or fixtures different colors. Colorful stickers for window glasses have a similar effect, because not every person can afford multi-colored stained-glass windows.

Scientists advise changing the color of the bedroom if you have bad dream, on calm shades (pale purple, pink, light blue).

Yellow sunflowers and an orange dress will perfectly cheer up and work. A wonderful addition to everyday life bright colors- these are decorative crystals and jewelry made of precious (or not so) pebbles.

Having received such information at your disposal, knowing your needs, you can make bouquets that will emit exactly the colors that are needed for you. To feel light after eating, add more colored foods, because they are easier to digest.

Also, with the help of color, you can send signals to people around you, so use cosmetics (varnishes, shadows, lipsticks) wisely. At home, you can use lavender or geranium aromatic oils, because they emit blue and red, respectively.


The above information is quite useful, because the influence of color on the psyche is huge. And if your mood has deteriorated or you feel unwell, you can easily adjust it with the help of colors, bright and saturated or pale and calm.

Color - can have an impact on human health.

A person perceives color as waves with certain characteristics, which causes resonance in all cells of the body. The impact of the color scheme is so strong that it can even kill a person. Several cases have been noted where particularly susceptible people died from paintings with the wrong choice colors hung in the room. In the old days, children were treated for measles by wrapping them in red cloth. Many lung diseases are treated, in blue.Not without reason in pulmonary sanatoriums the walls are painted in bluish - blue tint it boosts immunity. For vascular diseases, blue and green colors are used. Modern cosmetology centers along with medicines apply color treatment. With acne and the need to tighten the skin of the face, red-orange lighting procedures are used.

If you find out that the color of the wallpaper negatively affects your health, do not rush to make repairs. The negative impact of one color can be offset by the influence of another. For example, orange is offset by blue and lilac, yellow by purple, and red by green. Hang a picture of the appropriate color in the room or add some decorative element.

Red is an aggressive color, it excites, pushes to action. Its place is in the bedroom, but there it should be dark red, closer to brown. A little red is good in the kitchen, in the form of individual interior details, in the morning it will invigorate you and promote appetite. In the evening under the influence artificial lighting it will lose its exciting power and give a feeling of comfort.

Orange is a super aggressive color. Very quickly tiring perception. Its use in an apartment is undesirable, unless it is absorbed by other colors in some kind of ornament. If guests often come to you, and you want them to leave faster, then stick orange wallpaper in the hallway.

Yellow is a cheerful, active color that promotes communication. Great for kids rooms and kitchens. In the nursery, you can make yellow curtains and pieces of furniture. Wallpaper is not worth doing, they will tire your eyes a lot.

Green - gives a feeling of confidence. A great color for the office and the places where you work. It gives perseverance and activity.

Blue and blue - creates a feeling of calm, contentment. These colors should be the main range in those places where you rest and relax.

Dark blue th - perfect for the living room, giving it significance and causing a sense of self-confidence.

Violet is the color of direct mood, the desire for harmony and harmony. If you like it, then you can put it in the bedroom, it's a romantic feeling, especially when combined with yellow. small picture in purple tones on the wall in the child's room will stimulate his learning.

Brown - causes a feeling of fear and hopelessness. Use only as pattern elements. brown tree with a clearly visible wood structure reduces its negative impact. You can use it in the living room, which will give it significance.

Black - creates various negative states, anxiety, nervousness.
Gray - its various shades are now commonly used in the design of offices. Unfortunately, it does not contribute to active work and causes anxiety, anxiety, and uncertainty. Use more yellow decor elements to remove the negative impact.

Different color have different effectaffects the human body.

Red - normalizes metabolism and blood circulation, promotes the activation of internal energy, increased sexual desire.

Yellow - has a beneficial effect on liver function, improves mood.

Blue - promotes concentration, improves memory.

Green - has a calming, anti-inflammatory effect, improves immunity. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Blue is a reliable friend in the fight against blues and depression. Helps relieve fatigue and anxiety. Helps to overcome various fears.

Violet - helps to relieve blood pressure, has a calming effect, helps relieve tension. It is recommended in case of migraine, has a normalizing effect on the lymphatic system.

Each of us can experience the wonderful effects of color therapy. Use the following tips:
- If you are tired, then a walk through the green forest will calm you down, will help increase your efficiency. It is quite possible that you will mutually find the answer to a difficult question that has arisen in your life.

If you are cold, you will warm up much faster. Wearing red clothes. After all, it is this color that increases internal energy.

- Many women experience some discomfort in violation of the menstrual cycle, as well as in the menopause. They should use the blue color, which has a beneficial effect in this case. By the way, the blue color has a special property to give a woman's suit a business look.

- If you feel tired, unsure about something and, finally, just chondrite, drink orange or carrot juice. It's a good idea to have orange-colored clothes or accessories in your wardrobe. Use them, and the mood will undoubtedly improve. Let your child by all means have orange toys.

- With insomnia, it is good to have bedding with a predominance of blue tones. It's great if your bedroom has a lamp with a blue shade and blue or green curtains. In no case do not paste over the room where you sleep with wallpaper in purple or red tones. After all, these colors have an exciting effect on the nervous system.

- In the room where you spend the most time, it is good to have curtains in golden yellow tones, since yellow is the color Have a good mood. It gives the interior a businesslike and classic character, softening any avant-garde solution.

The Luscher color test is known. The subject is offered seven different color sets. Its task is to select these colors in order of preference. In the first place, the color that causes the greatest sympathy should be chosen. Accordingly, on the last - the smallest. This test determines the mental state of a person on this moment.
For example, if black is in the first place, the person is in a state of tension and something oppresses him. Perhaps he is not having the best streak in his life now, some unpleasant circumstances, or he is negatively affected by the too demanding attitude of the people around him.
Can be used in color therapy various methods. I have a therapeutic effect on a certain color of food, dishes, clothes, some minerals, as well as the correct color solution interior.

Be careful!
The right color scheme you have chosen will cheer you up, increase your vitality or it will promote relaxation, that is, it will have a positive effect on your health. Conversely, the wrong choice of color will negatively affect you and those around you.

Happiness, health, success!

Have you ever wanted to take a gouache set, go outside and paint a gray-white landscape outside the window? Or cover the office walls with orange wallpaper? If you answered in the affirmative, this means that the body is signaling a lack of some color in your life. Scientists have proven that some colors can not only affect our mood, but also act therapeutically on the human body! And now let's look at everything in more detail.

Let there be color!

Color therapy (chromotherapy) originated in antiquity and was especially widely used to treat certain diseases in Egypt, China, India, and Persia. Since artificial light sources did not exist then, doctors placed colored glasses or fabrics dyed in the desired colors in the path of the sun's rays. Egyptian temples even had special rooms designed so that the sun's rays falling into them were refracted into one or another color of the spectrum. The patients seemed to bathe in the healing streams of rays - and felt better.

European scientists became interested in the healing effect of various colors only in the 19th century and first used chromotherapy to treat neuropsychiatric disorders. Later it was proved that each of the colors of the spectrum in a certain way affects the human body.


Affects the heart, blood, liver, kidneys, rectum.

Effect on the body:

  • improves blood circulation,
  • promotes an increase in blood pressure and an increase in hemoglobin,
  • strengthens the immune system
  • regulates the activity of the liver and kidneys,
  • restores the disturbed menstrual cycle, increases libido,
  • gives energy, excites activity.

People who eat a lot of red foods (berries, beets, red peppers, tomatoes, red apples) are active, mobile and physically hardy.

Red is not recommended for high pressure, inflammatory processes, palpitations, elevated temperature. They should not be abused by easily excitable people, as well as children and adolescents. An excess of red can cause nervous tension and aggression even in a completely healthy person.

To make it easier to focus, hang a picture in red tones in your workplace.


It affects the nervous and lymphatic systems, brain, gallbladder, stomach, duodenum.

Effect on the body:

  • improves digestion and brain function,
  • recommended for people with high acidity of gastric juice
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the gallbladder,
  • improves mood,
  • clears the mind
  • brings me out of melancholy.

"Solar" foods (pears, pineapples, honey) have a cleansing effect.


Affects blood vessels, lungs, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract.

Effect on the body:

  • strengthens the immune system
  • stimulates blood circulation
  • regulates metabolism,
  • helps to restore the nervous and muscle tissue,
  • has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system, the digestive tract and the condition of the skin.

In addition, it helps to relax, gives positive attitude saves from the blues. It is especially useful to surround yourself with orange-colored things for older people.

Orange food will make you immune to viral infections, give you vigor and good mood.


Affects the eyes, nervous system, bronchi, hormonal system.

Effect on the body:

  • beneficial effect on the organs of vision,
  • useful in hypertension and diseases of the cardio-vascular and nervous systems,
  • relieves bronchospasm,
  • Helps with headaches and dizziness.

Green foods (apples, cucumbers, cabbage) cleanse and rejuvenate the body, remove toxins from it.

If you have a choice to make and you hesitate, close your eyes and for a moment imagine yourself in a green garden. To give your eyes a rest, look for 1-2 minutes at a picture of a green landscape.


Affects the lungs, nervous system and thyroid gland.

This color should not be abused, as it affects the endocrine system and affects the production of hormones.

Effect on the body:

  • helps with lung diseases,
  • helps with intestinal and gastric disorders, toothache,
  • suppresses addiction to cigarettes and alcohol

aligns the psycho-emotional state,

Calms and even slightly depresses emotions.

Blue color promotes restful deep sleep. It is best to use it in the bedroom, but be sure to dilute it with light shades - blue or white.

How to apply color therapy in practice?

  1. Eat food, wear clothes and jewelry made of stones of the color that you need now. Add details of certain tones to the interior.
  2. Take a piece of paper (20 x 40 cm) of the desired color and fix it at eye level. Sit a meter away from him and watch for 10-15 minutes.
  3. "Charge" the color of the water you drink: pour it into colored bottles and drink in small sips throughout the day.
  4. You can use colored salts for bathing.
  5. Buy lamps in different colors. Screw the lamp you need at the moment into the lamp, turn it on and be under the influence of color for 2-3 hours (other light sources should be turned off during this period).
  6. Use your imagination: sit, relax, close your eyes and imagine that you are in a room painted in the color you need for treatment (or imagine objects of the desired color and mentally look at them). The duration of therapeutic therapy is 10-20 minutes.

No matter how amazing color therapy may be, it is important to understand that this is not a panacea, but an auxiliary treatment. First of all, you need to contact a specialist doctor, the information in the article is provided for informational purposes only.