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Ovulation calculator online. Ovulation calculator Online ovulation calculator

The period when there is an exit, ripe for fertilization by a spermatozoon, an egg from the follicle, is called ovulation. This is the only day in the month when conception can occur. Therefore, many women who are planning a pregnancy or do not want to get pregnant try to calculate the day of ovulation.

Today there are many ways to calculate. But, unfortunately, they cannot give an exact guarantee that it is on this day that the egg will be released from the follicle, because many factors can affect this process (various diets, medication, irregular menstrual cycle, illness, hormonal failure, etc.). ). Therefore, it is by no means impossible to protect yourself in this way from unwanted pregnancy.

According to the calendar

It is possible to use this method only with a regular menstrual cycle, lasting 28 days. In this case, the release of the egg occurs 2 weeks before the start of the next menstruation. To make a calculation, it is necessary to add 28 days (the duration of the menstrual cycle) to the first day of the beginning of the last menstruation, then count 14 days ago from the received date.

We offer to calculate ovulation online

(calculation will take a few seconds)

It is important to note that under the influence of some factors, ovulation can occur 1-2 days earlier or later, and spermatozoa can live on average for about 3 days, it is recommended to plan conception 5 days before the calculated date of ovulation.

Calculation of ovulation by basal temperature

It is the lowest body temperature observed during sleep. By measuring it, it is possible to easily determine ovulation, since it causes an increase in indicators by 0.3-0.5 ° C.

The female hormonal background at different periods of the menstrual cycle has different temperature indicators. In the first phase, the basal temperature under the influence of the hormone estrogen is kept at a low level. These are ideal conditions for the maturation of the egg and preparing it for fertilization. Average temperatures in the first phase are 36.3-36.5 °C. It can slightly increase or decrease by 0.1 ° C. During ovulation, BBT increases significantly, and averages 37.1-37.3 ° C. Such indicators will be kept until the onset of menstruation. If menstruation has not occurred, and the temperature continues to stay at 37.1-37.3 ° C for more than 18 days after the delay, then pregnancy can be judged.

To calculate ovulation as accurately as possible, you should follow clear rules when measuring basal temperature:

  • Measurements are taken daily at the same time after sleep.
  • The same mercury thermometer is used, which should always be near the bed, since it is impossible to make sudden movements and get out of bed before measuring the basal temperature.
  • To measure the thermometer should be inserted into the anus and lie quietly for 5 minutes. After the time has elapsed, enter the indicator in the graph.

To obtain the most accurate readings, measure basal temperature only after a long night's sleep, lasting at least 6 hours. Any violation of the rules during measurement and many other factors (illness, evening sexual intercourse, medication, overwork, drinking) can affect the performance. These factors are also indicated on the graph.

A schedule drawn up according to all the rules can show the onset of ovulation or its absence. When planning pregnancy, basal temperature is measured over 3-4 menstrual cycles. Thus, it is possible to accurately calculate the day of ovulation.

Calculation of ovulation by ultrasound

According to ultrasound, it is possible to calculate the release of the egg from the follicle as accurately as possible. Also, this method is suitable for women with irregular menstrual cycles. Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to track the development of the follicle and the moment the egg is released from it.

With a regular menstrual cycle, ultrasound begins 3-4 days before the expected date of ovulation. With an irregular cycle, the follicle is monitored 4-5 days after menstruation every 2-3 days.

Calculation of ovulation by test strips

It is possible to determine a favorable day for conception with the help of special tests, which can be bought at any pharmacy. The test strips react to the content of luteinizing hormone in the urine, which appears in it 24-36 hours before the rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg from it.

With a regular cycle, tests begin to be done 17 days before the start of the next menstruation. But with an irregular cycle, it will be problematic to find out the day of ovulation using a test, since it is impossible to determine the right time for testing. In this case, it is better to turn to ultrasound monitoring.

Calculate the day of ovulation by discharge and sensations

Some women can calculate the day of ovulation without any calculations. They just need to listen to their own body. During the period of ovulation, a woman may experience short-term aching pains in the lower abdomen, breast swelling, mood changes, increased sexual desire, the nature of vaginal discharge changes (they become plentiful and viscous).

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Cycle duration

Cycle duration

duration of menstruation

duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • fertile day

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • fertile day


Calculate ovulation with an online calculator

Above on the page is a calculator that will allow you to calculate ovulation online. The service will give you the opportunity to see a calendar for the next three months, which will mark the dates most favorable for conceiving a child. You will need to enter the required information:

  1. Date of the first day of the last menstruation;
  2. The number of days of the menstrual cycle;
  3. The duration of bleeding, that is, how many days the period lasts.
  • Red - days of menstruation;
  • Yellow - days of ovulation with a specified probability as a percentage to conceive a baby;
  • Green - the day of ovulation with the maximum potential for fertilization of the egg;

Thus, the program allows young spouses planning to replenish the family to calculate ovulation for conceiving a long-awaited baby. An additional option of our service that calculates ovulation for conception is a special marking of days favorable for conception of a girl, and days with a high probability of conceiving a boy. These categories of days are marked with corresponding icons.

Gynecologists call fertile days favorable for egg fertilization. Women who decide to calculate the ovulation calendar in our calculator will receive fairly accurate and reliable data on the fertile days in their body.

How does ovulation happen?

Ovulation is called the maturation of the egg in the female body within the biological cycle of the reproductive system. The maturation of the egg is its readiness for fertilization by a spermatozoon and, as a result, the birth of a new life inside the expectant mother.

Normally, in a woman's body, the menstrual period lasts from 28 to 35 days. The starting point of this cycle is the first day of menstruation. The finish point is the first day of the next menstruation. Usually ovulation occurs exactly in the middle of this cycle. If the menstrual cycle is 28 days, then on the 14th day. However, seven days are considered fertile (or favorable for conception): 1-2 days before ovulation, ovulation itself, 1-2 days after it.

If fertilization does not occur during this period, the mature egg simply dies.

Luteal phase (corpus luteum phase)

The menstrual cycle usually repeats every twenty-eight days. On his first day, the woman notes spotting from the vagina. This cycle is a normal physiological process created by nature in order to enable a woman to become pregnant, bear and give birth to a baby.

Gynecologists distinguish three phases in the menstrual cycle:

  1. follicular phase;
  2. ovulatory phase;
  3. luteal phase.

When menstruation comes, the follicular phase begins. The uterus rejects the mucosal layer, prepared for the adoption of a fertilized egg, the maturation of a new follicle begins in the ovary. During this period, the hormones progesterone and estrogen decrease in the body. However, there is more hormone that stimulates the growth of the follicle. This phase lasts approximately thirteen days.

Then comes the ovulatory phase, which lasts only forty-eight hours. This period ends with the release of the egg, which can be fertilized by the sperm. Fertility is at its peak right now.

It's time for the luteal phase, or the corpus luteum phase, which will last about two weeks.

This phase can turn into pregnancy if the egg was successfully fertilized in the previous stage.

In the luteal phase, a corpus luteum is formed from a ruptured follicle, which is a cell that generates progesterone, a necessary hormone for starting a pregnancy. During this period, the basal temperature increases, which will keep the corresponding indicators until the start of the next menstrual cycle, if the pregnancy has not begun. The corpus luteum is the main endocrine element of the ovary. Because without progesterone, gestation is impossible.

The pituitary gland in the female brain produces luteinizing hormone. It promotes the formation of granulosa cells in the ovarian follicle, which produce progesterone. The corpus luteum in a woman's body is a temporary gland that exists only in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. In the first three days of the corpus luteum phase, granulosa cells in the cavity of the follicle actively increase in size, capillaries appear between them. Each cell of the corpus luteum is saturated with blood vessels. In the corpus luteum, the most active blood flow of the body takes place during this period. Three to four days after the ovulatory phase, the generation of this unique blood supply system is completed - a network of vessels in the corpus luteum. At this point, progesterone is most actively produced in a woman's body. If the fertilization of the egg does not occur, the generation of progesterone - the main function of the corpus luteum is completed on the twelfth day after ovulation. The corpus luteum in this case is an endocrine gland 1-1.5 cm in size, which is now entering the stage of reverse development.

Ways to calculate the ovulation calendar

Calendar calculation method

Each female body has its own individual calendar of days with maximum fertility, that is, the days most favorable for sexual intercourse, which can result in the fertilization of an egg by a sperm cell. There is a calendar method for calculating ovulation - favorable days for conception. It is based on the peculiarities of the course of the menstrual cycle in a particular woman. It is not difficult to calculate it if the cycle is regular. For example, a girl knows for sure that her menstrual cycle is 30 days. In this case, thirty must be divided in half and subtracted two days. That is, 15 minus 2. Thus, on the thirteenth day after the first day of the last menstruation, a favorable period for conception begins. Ovulation will be in our example on the fifteenth day, and fertile days begin on the thirteenth day of the cycle.

But this is only possible with a regular cycle that does not go astray. Such calculations will be inaccurate and ineffective during the menstrual cycle, which in a woman either increases or decreases during the year.

Ovulation test

You can also calculate the day of ovulation in another way - purchase an ovulation test at the pharmacy. The pharmaceutical market has a rich assortment of such tests. Just like a pregnancy test, an ovulation test should be immersed in a container of urine and wait for two strips to appear. If in a pharmacy pregnancy test, the markers of two strips are oriented to the presence of the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG) in the urine, then the luteinizing hormone (LH) markers are used in the ovulation test. With irregular periods, it is not easy to determine the exact date of ovulation using this method.

Calculation of ovulation by physiological signs

In addition to all the above methods for calculating fertile days, there is a method that any girl can use on her own (without the help of a specialist). It is enough just to carefully observe your own body and trust Mother Nature.

  1. The nature of the discharge from the vagina;
  2. Soreness of the mammary glands;
  3. Increased libido (sexual attraction to a partner);
  4. Emotional irritability;
  5. Discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  6. Changes in well-being.

Let's talk about each feature in more detail.

In different phases of the cycle, which we talked about above, the expectant mother has different discharges. A day or two before the ovular phase, vaginal discharge is usually clear, liquid (possibly viscous), similar in viscosity to egg white. In some cases, brown, bloody discharge is also possible during this period, popularly called "daub". And in the follicular phase, the discharge from the vagina is of a different nature - creamy, sticky, or there is no discharge.

Sometimes a girl's breasts swell a day or two before ovulation, touching the nipples becomes painful. This is due to an increase in the level of progesterone in a woman's body, that is, hormonal changes.

The increase in sexual attraction to the future father is due to nature itself, which makes it clear to the female body that now is the best time to conceive and then bear a child.

In one of the ovaries (left or right), a dominant follicle matures. This process on the day of ovulation may be accompanied by pulling (as during menstruation) pain in the lower abdomen.

Basal temperature

If your menstrual cycle is irregular, the most accurate picture of fertile days on the calendar for you will be the method of regularly measuring basal temperature.

Within the phases of the menstrual cycle described above (follicular, ovulatory, luteal), in most cases, a woman has different indicators of basal temperature. This is due to a change in the dominant hormones in the body of the expectant mother. In the follicular phase, the basal temperature is usually low. In the ovulatory phase, the basal temperature rises to values ​​​​from thirty-seven to thirty-seven and three tenths of a degree. And it is in the corresponding corridor of values ​​until the new follicular phase.

In order for the method of measuring basal temperature to identify the most favorable days for conception to be effective, a woman should follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Measurements are taken rectally or vaginally for at least five minutes in a calm lying position;
  2. It is better if the thermometer is mercury rather than electronic (the same for the entire measurement period);
  3. Measurements must be taken in the morning at the same hour, without leaving the bed, after a long night's sleep (which lasts at least six hours);
  4. Measurements must be taken for at least two months, recording the result every day.

The site has a very convenient service that allows every day the expectant mother to enter the values ​​​​of basal temperature into the program, which, after the daily input of information for two menstrual cycles in a woman, will accurately and clearly calculate the days of ovulation online.

Testing in the laboratory

Different methods for determining fertile days have a different degree of accuracy, because each female body is unique. Recall that the calculation of ovulation online in our calculator is one of the most accurate and effective methods.

There is another method for calculating ovulation days for a long-awaited pregnancy, which we will talk about now. At different stages of a woman's menstrual cycle, the content of one or another hormone changes in her body.

In a modern laboratory (where everything is sterile and precise, like in a pharmacy), a girl who wants to get pregnant can be tested for the main female hormones.

  1. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) increases on day 3-5 of the menstrual cycle;
  2. Luteinizing hormone (LH) - on days 3-8 or 21-23;
  3. Prolactin - for 3-5 or 19-21 days;
  4. Estradiol - on days 4-7 and 6-10;
  5. Progesterone - on the 6-8th day.

The increased concentration of these hormones in the body, detected during laboratory tests, indicates to the gynecologist which phase or which day of the cycle is currently taking place. This allows you to accurately predict the day of ovulation and fertile days.

In addition, the delivery of tests to the laboratory will identify a possible disease in the expectant mother and cure it in a timely manner.

An ovulation calculator is one of the ways to determine the most favorable days for conceiving a child. After all, it is not always easy for even an absolutely healthy couple to conceive a child, if you don’t “get” on a favorable day, then pregnancy will not occur. Someone is more lucky and pregnancy occurs quickly, while someone has to wait for several months. Our ovulation and conception calculator will help you calculate that exact time.

But keep in mind that the results obtained may not be entirely reliable. The female body is very mysterious, and sometimes phenomena that are not entirely clear to medicine occur in it. For example, ovulation can happen towards the end of the menstrual cycle, or vice versa in its first third (whereas it should be exactly in the middle). On the Internet, there are often stories of women who claim to have become pregnant on absolutely safe days in terms of probable conception. So, an online ovulation calculator should not be considered as an independent means of contraception. It is useful as an additional tool for some categories of women.

As you know, today the most effective, effective means of contraception are combined hormonal pills and the Mirena spiral. But, hormonal contraceptives, unfortunately, have a lot of contraindications and side effects. And not all healthy women are recommended to take them ... For example, if a lady has only one healthy sexual partner, but her sex life is not regular - 1-2 times a month, or even less often, then you can use safer methods - spermicides, and on dangerous days, as an addition - also with condoms. Dangerous days can be determined by doing some calculations. You need to know the length of your menstrual cycle. Moreover, if it is irregular, then it is necessary to first calculate the average value, taking the last 6-12 months as a basis. Next, we calculate exactly the middle of the cycle. This way we get the approximate day of ovulation. We add a week before and a week after - the so-called dangerous time. Thus, half of the month is “dangerous” for a woman, and half is relatively “safe”. If you don’t want to count on paper and trust software calculations more, our ovulation calculator is at your service - you can calculate favorable and unfavorable days for conception right now by entering some data.

Now about the more pleasant - about planning a pregnancy using an online calendar. Here, mistakes are no longer so terrible, even if they happen. With the help of the program presented on this page, you can calculate the most likely days for pregnancy. There are already 9 of these days, or even more! But with frequent sexual intercourse, the number of viable spermatozoa becomes less, which means that the chances of conception are less. Better save your strength. Therefore, we not only use the online ovulation calculator, but also practice the good old way - measuring basal temperature. If material possibilities allow, we buy tests to determine ovulation. The onset of ovulation is indicated by an increased (above 37 degrees) basal temperature (taking into account possible factors other than pregnancy that could give such a reaction) and a positive ovulation test. It is also possible to confirm the release of the egg from the ovary on an ultrasound examination. There are also subjective signs, such as an increase in sexual desire, pain in the lower abdomen or on the part of the ovary and fallopian tube involved in the process, the appearance of transparent, rather abundant vaginal discharge.

If you had only part of the evidence of ovulation, and conception did not occur - do not worry. According to statistics, a very small number of couples get pregnant in the first 1-3 months of trying. And doctors generally say that you need to start worrying if pregnancy does not occur for more than 10-12 months of sexual activity without contraception. The fact is that that very favorable day does not happen every menstrual cycle - so, calculating ovulation calculator is only half the battle. Psychologists recommend that in order to achieve a quick result, simply relax and stop counting and calculating something, making love in certain positions and by the clock, etc. Stress has a too negative effect on our body. So, if you're in a hurry to become parents, just go on vacation and enjoy each other's company! And the printed ovulation and conception calculator will then become one of the pleasant reminders for you related to the planning period of the baby.

Many of the women are familiar with the concept of ovulation. Who does not know, ovulation is a relatively short time period at which the probability of fertilization reaches a peak. Calculating this gap is extremely important for couples trying to have a baby. But at the same time, even the most accurate calculations are not a 100% guarantee of conception.

So, ovulation is the period between the phases of the monthly cycle, lasting about two days. What is so special about this process that regularly occurs in the female body?

At ovulation, the egg (mature and formed) moves from the ovary to the uterus. If the egg is fertilized, it will attach to the walls of the uterus and begin to develop. Therefore, women trying to conceive need to make the right calculations. Pregnancy, as well as ovulation, in each case occurs differently, individually, because it depends mainly on the menstrual cycle. Consider how the duration of this cycle is calculated.

How long does menstruation last

Ideally, the cycle should consist of 28 days. Menstruation should be regular and last about 3-5 days, but in reality their duration can vary between 19-35, while the monthly cycle itself can take up to 9 days.

Menstruation is a complex process that is directly related to hormonal balance. The slightest balance changes, sudden jumps caused by bad environment, medication or stress, in any case, affect ovulation and the day of conception.

Basic calculation methods

There are many ways to calculate ovulation, but, alas, none of them can guarantee that on this day the egg will leave the follicle. The fact is that this process depends on a number of factors, including irregular critical days, various diets, hormonal failure, diseases, and so on.

  • test strips;
  • ultrasound examination;
  • basal (rectal) temperature;
  • sensations, secretions;
  • special online calendar d.

Let's take a closer look at each of the methods.

Method number 1. test strips

Now, to calculate the day of conception, you can use special test strips that can be purchased at any pharmacy. These strips are used in the same way as pregnancy tests and respond to luteinizing hormone, which appears 1-1.5 days before the egg leaves the follicle.

Note! If the cycle is regular, then the test should be done 17 days before the onset of menstruation, and if not, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to determine the period of ovulation using test strips, because the woman will not be able to find the right time for this.

In this case, it is better to resort to ultrasound.

Method number 2. ultrasound

Ultrasound allows you to accurately determine the time of release of the egg. In addition, this method is also suitable for women with irregular menstruation. Thanks to the study, it is possible to determine the development of the follicle, as well as find out exactly when the egg will leave it.

If the cycle is regular, then ultrasound should be done three to four days before the planned ovulation, and if not, then egg monitoring should begin four days after menstruation and be carried out every few days.

Method number 3. Basal body temperature (BT)

The lowest temperature in the human body is the basal temperature, which is observed during sleep. Its measurement makes it easy to determine ovulation, since the latter increases the performance by approximately ½ degree.

In different periods of the cycle, women have different temperature indicators. So, in the initial phase, BBT is quite low, the reason for which is the effect of estrogen. And such conditions are ideal for preparing the egg for fertilization. The average temperature at the initial stage varies between 36.3ᵒС and 36.5ᵒС, although it can vary in one direction or another by about 0.1ᵒС. But during the period of ovulation, this indicator rises and can range from 37.1ᵒС to 37.3ᵒС. This temperature will be kept until the most monthly. And if they have not started, and the temperature continues to stay at this mark for more than 18 days and without any delay, then the pregnancy has already begun.

Note! When measuring BBT, you need to follow a number of rules that allow you to calculate ovulation with the utmost accuracy.

  1. For all measurements, you need to use one mercury thermometer. It should always be kept at hand (preferably under the bed), because getting out of bed or sudden movements are unacceptable before measuring BBT.
  2. The procedure should be carried out every day at the same time - after waking up.
  3. The measurement process itself will not cause any difficulties: the thermometer is inserted into the rectum, after which you need to lie down quietly for five minutes. Then the received data fit into a special graph.

For the indicators to be reliable, BT should be measured only after a long (at least 6-hour) night's sleep. Distortion of indicators can happen not only if these rules are violated, but also under the influence of other factors - diseases, medication, evening sex, fatigue, alcohol consumption, etc. All this should also be indicated in the schedule.

Note! A correctly drawn up schedule will be able to show the absence of ovulation or its onset. If pregnancy planning occurs, then BT is measured during three to four cycles of menstruation. All this will determine the cherished day of ovulation.

Method number 4. Sensations and discharge

Sometimes the period of ovulation can be determined without resorting to any calculations. For some women, it is enough to listen to your body for this. During this period, you may experience:

  • short-term aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • change in vaginal discharge (those become viscous and more abundant);
  • breast augmentation;
  • high sexual activity;
  • mood changes.

Discharge during the ovulatory period becomes abundant, transparent and viscous, reminiscent of the consistency of egg white

Method number 5. Online calendars

Today, on many resources, you can use special programs that allow you to determine the most favorable time for conception. These programs are based on the so-called calendar method in contraception. According to them, if the cycle of menstruation is normal, that is, it lasts 28 days, then 12-16 days from the beginning of menstruation are optimal.

To compile an individual ovulation calendar, enter the duration of your menstruation cycle (usually 28 or 29 days) and the exact date of the last menstruation in the required fields, and then click the "Calculate" button.

Do not forget that the beginning of the cycle can only be considered the first day of menstruation.

Video - How to calculate ovulation and the day of conception

As you can see, the calculation of ovulation is not such a complicated procedure as it might seem at first glance. To do this, you only need to know:

  • the duration of the monthly cycle;
  • date of the last critical days.

By determining the period of ovulation, you will know which days are suitable for conception and which are safe for sex.

Table. Signs of ovulation, cycle, changes

ovulation cycle1 day of menstruation - growth of folliclesFrom day 7 to the middle of the cycle - the release of the Graafian vesicle, in which the egg matures14-28 days - the Graafian vesicle bursts and a mature egg is releasedThe period after ovulation and before the onset of menstruation is the corpus luteum phase. Fats and luteal pigment accumulate around the bursting follicle, i.e. corpus luteum is a modified Graaffian vesicle
Ovulation symptomsPain in the lower abdomen (if you are worried about pain after ovulation, you should consult a doctor)Increased sex driveProducing more mucus in the cervixPossible color change
Causes of premature ovulationIntense physical activity and sexual intercourseStressDiseases and hormonal imbalanceDiets
Periods of ovulation changeDuring a yearAfter childbirthAfter an abortion, within three monthsAfter 40 years, before menopause

Video - Determination of ovulation

Ovulation and conception calendar- this is a universal and fairly easy-to-use service designed to calculate the menstrual cycle and the most favorable period conception of a child. Its main task is to help a woman identify the days of increased fertility ( ovulation), during which conception of a child most likely. At the same time, thanks to the calculation of the so-called "safe days", ovulation calendar allows her to avoid unwanted pregnancy without the use of any medical and mechanical contraceptives. In order to take advantage ovulation calendar and calculate your own menstrual cycle (favorable period conception of a child), fill in all the fields of the form below. Registered and authorized users of our Internet portal can save their personal ovulation and conception calendar in the "favorites" section of your personal account and return to it later.

Ovulation calendar and the most favorable days for conceiving a child

Ovulation- this is the process during which a mature and completely ready for the upcoming fertilization egg leaves the ovary, enters the abdominal cavity and then goes into the lumen of the fallopian tube. It is during this period that the probability conception of a child maximum and is estimated at about 33%, which, of course, should be taken into account when calculating ovulation calendar and planning a woman's upcoming pregnancy. After ovulation the ovum is capable of fertilization conception) within 12-24 hours, while sperm after ejaculation retain their activity for 2-3 (and much less often 5-7) days. Given this fact, the possibility of a woman becoming pregnant the day before ovulation is approximately 31%, two days before it - 27%, and three and four days before ovulation- 16 and 14% respectively. In the same time conception of a child six days before ovulation or the next day after it is unlikely and even practically impossible. Usually ovulation occurs between the 14th and 16th days of the menstrual cycle under the influence of estrogen and pituitary hormones.

Ovulation calendar and sign of conception

One of the most reliable and important signs of the onset ovulation and favorable period for conception of a child are changes in the cervical mucus of a woman. First of all, under the influence of estrogens, there is an increase in the amount of secretions and a decrease in their viscosity. The next, no less important, sign of egg maturation should be considered a decrease in rectal (basal) temperature during ovulation and raising it the next day. However, in order to more accurately calculate ovulation and conception calendar, it is recommended to measure the temperature every morning at the same time for several months. Sometimes at the moment ovulation a woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, the nature of which can vary widely enough from weak and short-term to strong and very long. It should also be noted that during ovulation some women experience peak sexual arousal.

Ovulation and conception calendar is a diagram of the menstrual cycle, which marks the time of its beginning, end, as well as itself ovulation. Full management calendar implies mandatory fixation in it of periods of active sexual life. Drafting ovulation and conception calendar it is necessary to start long before pregnancy planning in order to learn how to determine the moment as accurately as possible ovulation and get to know all the features of your own body.

Ovulation calendar and conception of a child

Depending on the probability conception of a child and time ovulation menstrual cycle ( conception calendar) can be conditionally divided into three phases: relative sterility, fertility and absolute sterility. The period of relative sterility begins with the appearance of bleeding and ends ovulation. In this phase, some difficulties with contraception may arise, since its duration sometimes varies within several days, even with a stable cycle duration as a whole. This is due to the fact that periodically, depending on certain factors (external and internal), ovulation comes a little earlier or vice versa later.

The fertile phase starts from the moment ovulation and ends after 48 hours. At this time the probability conception of a child the highest possible. As noted above, after leaving the ovary, the egg is capable of fertilization within 12-24 hours, while the remaining half of the time is devoted to the inaccuracy of timing ovulation. Following a period of increased fertility, a woman enters a phase of absolute sterility, during which conceive a child almost impossible. This period continues until the end of the menstrual cycle and is about 10-16 days.

Ovulation calendar and calculation of the period of conception of a child

Most modern women expect ovulation and conception calendar in order to bring the long-awaited motherhood closer. Others are building calendar to protect yourself from an unplanned pregnancy. However, no matter what goals they pursue, when calculating the menstrual cycle (and ovulation calendar in particular) there is always a chance of error in any way.

According to the calendar method of calculation ovulation a woman should record the days of the beginning and end of the menstrual cycles for at least six months. In order to determine your individual fertile period based on these data ( ovulation and conception calendar), it is necessary to subtract 11 (the last fertile day of the cycle) from the number of days of the longest of the cycles, and 18 (the first fertile day) from the number of days of the shortest. So, for example, the longest cycle in a woman is 32 days: 32-11 = 21 (the 21st day of the cycle is the last in the fertile phase). Her shortest cycle is 26 days: 26-18=8 (day 8 is the first in the fertile phase). In this case, the most favorable period for conception of a child is the interval from the 8th to the 21st day of the cycle (13 days in total).

One of the best and most accurate ways to calculate ovulation and conception calendar child is a combination of the above methods, which is called the symptothermal method. It includes measurement of basal body temperature, daily monitoring of cervical mucus and accurate calculation ovulation calendar and favorable period for conception of a child calendar method.

Action Tests for Calculation ovulation calendar based on the same principle as for the diagnosis of pregnancy. When interacting with a woman's urine, two transverse lines appear on it, one of which indicates the normal performance of the test, and the second indicates an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) and the woman is completely ready for conception of a child. However, if the second line remains paler than the control line for several consecutive cycles, then this may indicate the absence of ovulation due to any disease (thyroid disease and hyperprolactinemia, obesity and malnutrition, polycystic ovary syndrome and infantilism, elevated FSH and low estradiol levels, chronic stress, etc.) and is the basis for visiting a doctor.