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How to choose classic wallpaper for a bedroom. Wallpaper for the bedroom - how to choose the right one? Photos of the best new products in the bedroom interior

You should choose wallpaper for your bedroom depending on its size and style in which it is made. Healthy sleep is a key process in a person’s life. Therefore, competent decoration of the bedroom, as a place to relax and sleep, is important from both a decorative and practical point of view. What you need to consider in order to choose not only attractive, but also functional, safe wallpaper for the bedroom, which will contribute to comfortable rest and sound sleep - read the article.

What determines the choice of wallpaper for the bedroom

Wallpaper is the most common finishing material, which allows you to achieve both a decorative effect and a practical one (visual expansion of space, changing the proportions of the room).

Thanks to the right wallpaper you can significantly improve aesthetic properties bedroom and give it originality

Which wallpaper is best to choose for decorating a bedroom depends on factors such as:

  1. Room location. For bedrooms with windows facing southeast, designers recommend choosing wallpaper in cool colors: they will create the impression of freshness and coolness on hot summer days. For rooms on the north side, the best choice would be light wallpaper in warm shades: such canvases will visually make the room brighter and more comfortable (especially in winter time when daylight hours are shorter).
  2. Lighting in the room. If the bedroom has many sources of natural light, then the choice of wallpaper in terms of saturation is unlimited. As for the bedrooms with exclusively artificial lighting(this happens when one large room is artificially divided into two), then you should choose light wallpaper, preferably with reflective particles or shiny patterns. Dark wallpaper, in this case, will create the impression of a gloomy and cold space.
  3. Bedroom dimensions. A universal color for wall decoration that can be used in bedrooms of any size is white. Dark wallpaper is not recommended for small bedrooms, but in large rooms designers advise using companion wallpaper, which will allow you to gracefully zone the space.
  4. The nature of the design. Good choice For classic bedrooms there will be liquid wallpaper, striped fabrics, latticework, and damask patterns. Stylish and beautiful in modern interiors the wallpaper will look like crow's foot, canvases with geometric patterns, 3D effects, textured elements. When choosing wallpaper to match the design, you should also take into account the direction of the style.

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At the same time, the color and texture of the wallpaper determines the furniture and textiles (curtains, bed linen) in the room. So, choosing wallpaper for the bedroom with light furniture practically unlimited. But if there are bright fittings in the room non-standard forms or richly colored textiles, then the wallpaper should be neutral.

Psychological perception of color: which wallpaper to choose for the bedroom

Most often, we choose wallpapers based on their appearance: texture, pattern. At the same time, the choice of shade of the canvas is influenced, in most cases, by our personal preferences. But, the choice of wallpaper color for the bedroom has its own nuances related to the direct purpose of the room. So, wallpaper in the bedroom should contribute healthy sleep, rest after a working day, relaxation.

The ideal colors to promote restful and long sleep are blue and cyan.

To create a joyful mood at the beginning of the day, you can choose yellow wallpaper. Pink wallpaper will create a romantic atmosphere, lavender color, photo wallpaper in these colors. Green color and its shades will help remove nervous tension and relaxation.

At the same time, more delicate shades of purple and red are suitable for use together with other types of wallpaper. To pick up best combination For partner wallpapers, you can use the color wheel.

What wallpaper is better to glue in the bedroom: rules for gluing

Decorating the walls in the bedroom with wallpaper depends on many factors, including the personal preferences of the apartment owners, the practical purpose of the finishing material, and the features of the room.

If you have a sunny side and a large number of windows in the bedroom, then it is better to stick vinyl, light-resistant wallpaper on the walls: such canvases will not fade over time under the sun's rays.

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Both vinyl and non-woven wallpapers are perfect for the bedroom.

If your bedroom is combined with a nursery, you are prone to allergies or simply care about your health, then for finishing the room you should choose environmentally friendly, safe for humans and environment wallpaper. These include paper, vegetable, fabric, cork coverings. The price range for such wallpapers is quite wide: the most affordable are considered paper wallpaper, the most expensive are fabric and plant ones.

To ensure that safe wallpaper does not lose its properties, it must be glued with special, environmentally friendly compounds.

If you plan to carry out repeated renovations in a year or two (for example, when the baby grows up and the mother no longer needs to be near him all the time), then it makes sense to hang paintable wallpaper in the bedroom, for example, non-woven wallpaper. Such canvases can have different textures, which can easily withstand several color changes.

Small room: which wallpaper is best for the bedroom

Correctly selected wallpaper for the bedroom small size can not only make the room comfortable for sleeping and relaxing, but also visually enlarge a small space. So, light wallpaper is ideal for these purposes.

If the bedroom is small, then you can visually enlarge it with the help of light-colored wallpaper

In addition, to make the room visually more spacious, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Choose wallpaper with diagonal patterns and vertical stripes.
  2. Refuse dark models (even if it’s only one or two stripes of paired wallpaper): dark color visually “eats” at least 40% of the entire area of ​​the room.
  3. Avoid wallpaper with overly large elements: such wallpaper will look ridiculous because its size does not match the dimensions of the room and will visually reduce the area of ​​the bedroom.
  4. Avoid small prints around the entire perimeter of the room, otherwise such wallpaper will create the impression of a small, crowded space.
  5. Choose canvases with glitter, reflective particles, shiny patterns: they will diffuse the light and visually enlarge the room.

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What wallpaper color to choose for the bedroom: 6 options and useful tips

The bedroom is personal space for every person. And it is there that the maximum should be created comfortable conditions. Well-chosen wallpaper will bring peace and comfort to the room. Let's see what color wallpaper to choose for the bedroom?

Rules for choosing wallpaper

How to choose suitable wallpaper, from what material and what color range? First and foremost important rule- their combination in interior features. Style lines should be associated with pieces of furniture, accessories and decoration of the room.

Selecting wallpaper for the bedroom is a responsible and sometimes even difficult task. If the apartment does not have a separate room for the bedroom, then it is appropriate to come up with partitions made of building material. You can also visually enclose the space using different wallpapers by color or texture.

Please note wallpaper combined type will allow you to increase the space of the room, namely:

  • give width to narrow rooms;
  • visually make the ceilings higher and, if necessary, lower;
  • divided into zones;
  • hide design flaws or turn them into advantages.

What result do you want to get? For example, wallpaper in pastel colors will allow you to relax and fully relax in the bedroom.

Types of wallpaper: 6 options

I want to go into as much detail as possible about the varieties modern wallpaper. First of all, this will allow you to understand which option will decorate your room:

Photo Instructions

Option 1. Paper

These are the most environmentally friendly coatings. They can be used both in your room and in your child’s bedroom.

They are easy to use and have excellent breathability. Their price is also nice.

Thanks to modern technologies paper wallpaper can even have golden shades, patterns and a variety of textures.

A significant drawback is the fear of water. Paper webs instantly fade in direct sunlight and are easily subject to mechanical stress.

Option 2. Vinyl

Excellent for wet cleaning. They are easy to install, dry quickly and have high wear resistance.

Can choose floral wallpaper. Thanks to their texture, they can create visualizations of images.

An obvious disadvantage of vinyl wallpaper is complete absence air penetration.

Quite often, if the apartment is located on the first or last floor, mold and mildew form underneath.

However, professional impregnation will solve this problem.

Option 3. Non-woven

Such canvases cope excellently with various mechanical damage. They have a fairly long service life.

Excellent air permeability. Eco-friendly. The great advantage of this type of wallpaper is the possibility of repainting it.

Tired of peach shades, green or blue wallpaper crosshairs.

True, non-woven fabrics are quite expensive. Their price depends directly on the texture, images and patterns.

Option 4. Textile

The biggest advantage of this type of wallpaper is high-quality sound insulation. Your sleep will not be disturbed by extraneous voices from your neighbors.

Perhaps this is for a small bedroom great option. Textile wallpaper breathes and can easily withstand a humid environment and any mechanical damage.

As for the disadvantages - the high cost and the surface, which is an excellent dust collector. To apply this wallpaper, you need skill, and sometimes it is better to use professional services.

Option 5. Liquid

They are easily and quickly applied to the wall surface and have a soundproofing effect.

They are durable and do not fade. Any damage that occurs on them can be easily and quickly corrected.

Cons - the coating is easily washed off with ordinary water. To avoid this, you need to apply protective layer, it is purchased separately.

Option 6. Fiberglass

They are environmentally friendly, durable, and soundproof. Wallpaper can be repainted several times.

Any unevenness in the wall will be well hidden under this type of wallpaper.

Fiberglass products are overpriced and have a limited range. For example, you are unlikely to find wallpaper with roses.

One more interesting variety are considered natural coatings. As a rule, these are bamboo, linkrust and cork wallpapers. It is quite natural that they are environmentally friendly and natural.

Such canvases will fit perfectly into the interior of any bedroom. Their colors are as natural as possible:

  • beige,
  • gold,
  • brown.

But it’s up to you to decide which wallpaper colors are suitable for the bedroom.

Color spectrum

What is the best wallpaper shade for your bedroom? Here it is necessary to start not only from the general style line, but also from own desires, emotions and ideas.

Experts note the diverse influence of one color or another on a person’s physical and mental state. They also say that red is the aggressor among wallpapers.

But if you are comfortable in a red room, you should not choose wallpaper with a floral pattern. You will not feel comfortable spending time in such a bedroom.

When looking for an answer to the question, what color wallpaper for the bedroom? fits better In all, rely on these tips:

  1. Combination - with pieces of furniture and interior accessories.
  2. Lighting- the sunny side of the room indicates the need to use cool shades. A north side- warm, respectively.
  3. Gloss on wallpaper- will make the room look rather cold and uninviting.
  4. Dark wallpaper- absolutely not suitable for small rooms.
  5. Combining wallpaper- will give the interior elegance and hide all sorts of imperfections in the room.
  6. Bright hues- all shades used should set the mood for relaxation and sleep. For example, these are pastel and beige wallpapers.
  7. Burgundy wallpaper in the bedroom- will look great if they are “diluted” with calm colors.
  8. Diagonal pattern- an excellent option for a room with uneven walls and ceilings.

Rules for combining two shades:

  1. Wallpaper of the same color looks advantageous, but different shades. For example, rich blue and delicate blue.
  2. Bright colors can only be combined with calm shades. Perhaps it's beige and bright purple.
  3. A dark bedroom requires accents in the form of white shades, because black and white are a great pair.

How to apply color

Selecting the color of wallpaper for the bedroom is a responsible and painstaking process. When choosing a color combination, you must follow certain principles:


The bedroom is the place where the day ends and a new one begins. When you wake up, you should be full of energy and optimism. Do everything in your power to create a comfortable and at the same time practical interior bedrooms.

The video in this article will introduce you to the intricacies and options for choosing colors and shades in the bedroom. And if you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

The bedroom is a special comfort zone, so whether it is traditional, country, romantic or wild, make it yours. It should become a place where relaxation awaits you at the end of a busy day - exclude technology from the room so that nothing interferes with the peace. My favorite concept is the modern large mural installed above the headboard, look how wonderful it is. Materials, colors, patterns and motifs - more details later in the article.

Creating a bedroom wisely

A good way to update your interior is to hang wallpaper

With the resurgence in popularity of wallpaper, many designers are coming up with new ideas and designs that transform the bedroom into an exceptional space. This quick way change, improve decor, create an elegant interior. Meet the fashionable ones design ideas for the bedroom from bold stripes, prints, elegant floral patterns to original multifaceted projects.

The way you design your bedroom determines how you sleep. The pattern and design with unusual surfaces and soothing colors create a relaxing atmosphere for this holiday destination. The colors used are not limited to cool or neutral shades.

Introduced into the boudoir are also more intense and warm colors. The wallpaper should match your own style, but still check out some design ideas for this room.

A Closer Look at a Quiet Place

People with a healthy sleep-wake rhythm spend at least one-third, and sometimes almost half, of the day in their bedrooms. This is a significant amount of time, which is why the design of this particular room is so significant—everyone plays an important role.

Previously, the approach was different, since this room was mainly considered as a functional area. A little color, maybe a little texture was enough, but patterned texture was used mainly for a public area, such as a living room or dining room.

Today's bedroom is a design oasis, we put a lot of creative effort into this part of the house. Books, magazines and the World Wide Web provide a lot of inspiration. Using all kinds of paintings and modern material, you can achieve any interior design style, for example:

  • Country Look;
  • Shabby & Boho Chic (Shabby Chic & Boho);
  • New Romantic (New Romance);
  • Modern Baroque (Modern Baroque);
  • Mid-Century (Mid-Century Style);
  • Loft Style.

In our bedrooms we close our eyes and go into the arms of Morpheus. We also read books there, watch TV, and escape the world for a few hours. But sometimes it can be hard to switch off: insomnia seems to have become widespread.

Therefore, our boudoirs should become another world, a space where we can relax, gently fall asleep, where the stress of our daily rhythm is replaced by positive thoughts.

Therefore, furniture and textiles continue the concept, especially in terms of color: too much contrast is harmful. Furniture should be functional, perhaps a little sparse. The same applies to decorative elements. This helps relaxation, sleep, and your mind, which will have a harder time disengaging if there is chaos around you and the environment is claustrophobic.


Wallpaper usually does not suffer from severe condensation or (with the exception of children's rooms) potential damage. Therefore, they can have any surface material of your choice. Here are some examples.

  • natural;
  • textile;
  • metal;
  • non-woven;
  • vinyl;
  • acrylic;
  • leather;
  • fiberglass;
  • textile;
  • metal;
  • liquid.

Wallpaper for wet cleaning consists of synthetic fiber and has different characteristics strength – with moderate, high resistance to moisture, moderate and high resistance to scratches. You can find this information in the description, but glass wallpaper is considered the most durable and wear-resistant. Their only drawback is the meager number of patterns; here they are inferior to vinyl ones, which are also moisture resistant.

All non-woven materials are durable and retain their shape, so they can be used in wet areas. They can be removed without soaking, so you can easily change wall decor. With these types, the adhesive is applied to the wall, saving time and effort.

Colors, patterns and motifs

There are no specific colors or patterns for bedrooms. Just avoid designs that are too bright or too loud. Sticking to this simple rule you can't go wrong when you choose. There are, however, specific color combinations that are more suitable. The following color combinations are especially popular for boudoir:

  • black red;
  • black-brown;
  • black, white, silver;
  • beige, gold, olive green, delicate shades of brown;
  • white, gold, brown, beige;
  • dark wood shades, turquoise, aquamarine, golden ocher, bronze;
  • white, blue, light gray;
  • combining light natural shades, for example, sand, cream, pearl white;
  • earthy tones combined with green;
  • white, pastel colors.

Avoid bright, flashy, or neon colors. They are too stimulating and may prevent you from finding peace (sleep). Too dark or cool color atmosphere can also be detrimental to well-being.

Contrasts are fine if there is a cohesive picture. For cozy bedroom provide harmonious patterns, effects, materials.

When it comes to patterns, there is an endless choice of themes:

  • baroque;
  • floral;
  • romantic;
  • geometric;
  • nostalgic;
  • striped;
  • glamorous wall decor.

Metal, 3D structures, fiberglass, velvet flocking, natural materials, such as bamboo or straw, imitation wood or stone are just a few examples of how, with designer decor, you can turn your bedroom into a dreamland.

How to make designer decor?

The use of designer wallpaper in bedrooms on an accent wall still enhances the decor in the bedroom. This is often the wall next to the bed, decorated with an unusual pattern, making it the central focal point of the room.

Base your choice on your own style preferences, such as baroque or geometric, abstract or nostalgic style. Interesting solutions made of wood, stone or fine leather are also very suitable for accent walls. Romantic, nostalgic motifs will always be popular in boudoir.

Nose beautiful design or designs are used for more than just walls: how about decorating the front of a dresser or a closet with them? Another popular option is to make a headboard out of chipboard or plasterboard and apply a beautiful paper design to it.

How to decorate walls with a large pattern?

Covering your bedroom walls with a large pattern requires a little finesse to create a cohesive look. big picture. Do it right:

  1. The structure must be consistent and clearly defined.
  2. Choose bedrooms with subtle patterns, floral, baroque and geometric patterns.
  3. Consider the height and layout of the room. Wide, large-scale or three-dimensional designs make a room appear smaller; horizontal stripes have a similar effect. The best option are subtle or small patterns and motifs that lengthen a room.
  4. Wallpaper natural material made from bamboo, cork or grasses can be used on all four walls. They create a very warm, cozy and natural atmosphere.
  5. Metal wall decor captivates with its fantastic shine and dazzling effects, use it not only for Hi Tech style.
  6. Textiles with stripes and shiny threads provide sophistication and glamour.

Create a multi-purpose bedroom space by defining different “zones,” such as a dressing room or home office.

Rooms for children, teenagers and multi-purpose bedrooms

Children's rooms are a multifunctional area in which you need to create visual blocks between the sleeping, playing and learning areas. Teens, however, tend to go for a visually unified look and often choose to use their favorites on all walls. Choose walls with a pattern or motif that stimulates the imagination and promotes learning.

It is not easy to choose wallpaper for the bedroom, given the variety of them on store shelves. Here you go different materials, and roll width, and texture, and manufacturers from Russia and abroad.

First of all, when choosing, you need to take into account the specifics of a room such as a bedroom.

It is important to create here an atmosphere of comfort and individuality of the owners.

Wallpaper and room sizes

First of all, it is necessary to take into account design features premises. If you need to correct some shortcomings, this can be done visually with the help of wallpaper.

Thus, a horizontal pattern will visually expand the room, but the height of the ceilings will seem lower.

With a vertical pattern the situation is the opposite: the ceilings “raise”, but the room seems narrower. Sometimes visually resizing helps geometric figures on the walls.

Also contribute to a visual increase in space bright hues And small drawing, and large prints create the opposite impression.

Wallpaper can be combined and thus zone the space, as well as place accents in the interior, if one of the walls is covered with darker wallpaper.

Main types of wallpaper

Usually, when they talk about the types of wallpaper for the bedroom, they mean the material from which they are made. There are paper, non-woven, vinyl, liquid wallpaper, as well as glass wallpaper.

Now let's take a closer look at the most common options.

Paper. They don't need detailed description, since everyone used them.

The advantages of paper are obvious: environmental friendliness, affordable price, breathability, ease of use, big choice designs and colors.

But paper wallpaper is chosen as temporary option, since they last no more than five years. During this time, they have time to fade, and as a result of cleaning they wear out.

Wet cleaning is generally contraindicated for them.

Non-woven wallpaper consists of two layers: base and decorative. Non-woven fabric – durable material, which contains several components, including cellulose and polymers.

Compared to paper wallpaper, non-woven wallpaper is much stronger. Despite the strength, such wallpaper also allows air to pass through well.

They are easy to glue, since the glue only needs to be applied to the wall. They are good for masking small irregularities on the walls.

Among the disadvantages of non-woven wallpaper is that they cannot be washed, they fade quickly.

Textile. Many people think that these are new items in the world of bedroom wallpaper. In fact, walls were decorated with fabric back in ancient times.

Modern textile wallpapers are quite expensive, but they have no equal in beauty and practicality.

They are durable, eco-friendly, the top fabric layer can be made of any material, including felt or velor. Dense textile wallpaper does not allow sound to pass through and retains heat.

Their disadvantages are the same as those of paper or non-woven ones: only dry cleaning, accumulation of dust, difficulty in applying to the wall.

Vinyl. Despite its practicality, ease of use, and moisture resistance, vinyl wallpapers do not use in the bedroom.

The reason for this is the lack of breathability, plus they cannot be called environmentally friendly.

Wallpaper design for bedroom

What is he doing stylish wallpaper in the bedroom? Of course, texture and pattern. Which ones are most suitable for this room?

Floral motifs. Flowers, leaves, curls are chosen by romantic ladies for their own bedroom.

If spouses live in the bedroom, this will have to be indicated by a combination of floral motifs with more masculine checks or stripes.

If the bedroom is decorated in pastoral styles like Provence or country, you can’t do without the same colors. Strict squares and triangles in the ornament are more suitable for classics.

The color of bedroom wallpaper is important, but its texture is equally important.

Wallpaper with embossed wood looks elegant different types fabrics: velvet, velor, corduroy. Especially if the sofa is upholstered from the same fabric.

Textured wallpaper is best suited for masking wall imperfections or distracting attention from them.

Another advantage of the combination of smooth and embossed options is the ability to change the configuration of the room.

Small bedroom

What wallpaper to choose for a bedroom that can hardly be called spacious?

First, you need to pay attention to light shades, such as pastels.

Secondly, on end walls It’s better to look for wallpaper in rich colors, then the room will visually become more square.

Thirdly, if the ceiling height is too high for such a small bedroom, wide borders will help.

It is better to perceive information visually. Photos of wallpaper for the bedroom best give an idea of ​​their different combinations and combinations.

Photos of wallpaper design for the bedroom