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How to choose the right pot for an orchid. Orchid pot: determining the size and all the secrets of choosing the right one

Orchid is beautiful flower, which is easy to grow on your windowsill. Choosing the right pot for an orchid is the key successful cultivation this plant. If you decide to start growing phalaenopsis, then let's figure out how to choose the right pot for your orchid.

In a botanical sense, phalaenopsis belongs to epiphytes. This is a group of plant organisms that develops on the bodies of other plants. Among flower plants This specialization is considered unusual: most of epiphytes are algae.

Understanding these physiological characteristics will give you the answer to the question of what shape, size and character the orchid pot should be.

There are actually other ways to grow orchids. Some gardeners plant them in blocks, while others cultivate them in a closed system. Despite this, the use of flowerpots for home-grown phalaenopsis is one of the most common and easily applicable options.

However you decide to grow these flowers, your location must meet 4 criteria:

  1. The roots must receive required amount oxygen. To do this, it is advisable to use a well-drained vessel with free access of air.
  2. It is not necessary to look at how transparent the orchid pot will be - this is only important for the one who will care for the flower. In transparent pots it is much more convenient to track the amount of evaporated moisture and the time of the next watering.
  3. Pay attention to the type of your flower. It is better to grow vandas in glass pots, phalaenopsis are more suitable for transparent containers for growth, and for the growth of pseudobulb epiphytes, ordinary ceramic containers are used.
  4. The right pot for an orchid should fit it. There should be a minimum of free space in your container - this is a potential place for root rot.

Using these tips, you can easily answer the question - how to choose a pot for an orchid.

Types of pots

Today, the variety of materials for growing orchids is off the charts. To choose the right pot for your flower, you need to understand their main varieties.

Pots for home orchids differ in the material they are made of. There are plastic, glass, clay, ceramic, wicker. Some craftsmen make a pot for a phalaenopsis orchid with their own hands. Last technological solution consider a flowerpot with automatic watering. Using built-in sensors, the vessel itself determines the level of humidity in the root system of the flower and at the right time, using a system of capillaries, maintains it at a certain level.

As a rule, an orchid pot can be purchased at a special store. There is no consensus on what the material of the phalaenopsis planting site should be. The container you choose must meet all the physiological needs of the plant.


When we choose a container for a flower, we pay attention not only to the material from which it is made, but also to its size and volume. What size pots should orchids be planted in is a long-studied question. Guided by this criterion when choosing, remember a simple rule - the size of the ideal pot for an orchid should be exactly for its root system. And only if the plant is completely healthy can you take a container with a small amount of free space for future root growth.

Material of manufacture

What kind of pot an orchid needs depends on its type and the conditions you provide it. In fact, this plant can live on a variety of. Popular in Lately are glass pots for orchids. Some people use vases for orchids and wicker baskets. The main thing is that in the selected container there is sufficient space for the air exchange of phalaenopsis roots with environment And a large number of drainage holes. If these conditions exist, then your flower will delight you with its flowers for a long time.

In addition to the above materials, pots are made for phalaenopsis from clay, plastic, ceramics and bamboo.


Clay places for growing flowers are attractive due to their natural material, good permeability to water and air, as well as aesthetic appeal. It may seem that these are the flowerpots that should be for optimal growth orchids. However, clay pots have a number of disadvantages, including:

  • gradual weathering useful microelements made of material
  • Phalaenopsis roots grow to the walls of the container and can be injured during transplantation


Plastic pots are the most popular for growing orchids. This is due to their low cost, manufacturability and ease of use. Plastic containers prevent the plant’s root system from drying out and are easy to care for.

The crown pot is a separate variety plastic containers for flowers.


Ceramic pots have the same pros and cons as those made from clay. In some cases, for ease of use, it is recommended to choose ceramic containers with a tray.


Growing these flowers in glass pots is not very convenient. However, certain types of orchids feel more comfortable in glass. Glass allows more light to pass through and dry out the roots - which is both a plus and a minus. Due to the high risk of injury to the plant itself and humans, it is better to avoid glass.


Bamboo planters are eco-friendly and drain well. In addition, this design fits perfectly into the interior. However, they will have to be changed much more often than plastic or ceramic ones. In addition, if the care technology is violated, rot that is dangerous for the flower can develop on the surface of such a pot.

Orchid buds look like fluttering butterflies and such flowers always look spectacular in the interior. But if the pots for orchids are chosen incorrectly, then over time the flowers will cease to please the eye. Therefore, if there are such plants in the house, or the gardener intends to place them in his home, you need to carefully understand the issue.

Orchids are ideal for original gift!

Orchids are plants that do not tolerate waterlogging of the root system, and they are divided into the following groups:

  • epiphytes, that is, growing on trees and receiving nutrition from the air mass;
  • Lithophytes are those that grow on rocky surfaces or rock formations.

In both cases, their root system is in the following conditions:

  • moisture outflow occurs;
  • root system constantly aerated;
  • flower roots do not overheat.

Therefore, when wondering what kind of pot is needed for an orchid, you need to ensure that the above conditions are met.

Of course, when choosing a container it is important to consider overall design premises, so it’s worth considering different variants flower pots.

Plastic pots for orchids

Such containers are most preferable for planting.

Quite inexpensive and cute pot.
  1. They protect the root system from drying out, because it creates a greenhouse effect inside the pot.
  2. They are easy to place in any hanging pot.
  3. Plastic can serve several generations of plants.

At the same time, if there are not enough drainage holes in the pot, you can make them yourself without the risk of damaging the pot.

Glass flowerpots

Elegantly curved orchid branch, with scattering bright colors looks very impressive in glass flowerpots, especially since the root system appears as long green arrows lying in the drainage layer. And the whole flower looks like a kind of art object.

If pots for orchids are chosen incorrectly, then over time the flowers will cease to please the eye.

But when choosing a glass flowerpot, difficulties may arise with caring for flowers, because it is quite difficult to find glass products that will meet the necessary requirements, primarily those with drainage holes. Capricious beauty The orchid does not tolerate waterlogging, and it is difficult to drain excess liquid without disturbing the flower.

The solution in this situation is as follows:

  1. The orchid is planted in a plastic container.
  2. The plastic is placed in the selected glass flowerpot.
  3. The container is masked with a layer of drainage.
  4. If necessary, simply remove the plastic bowl, drain the liquid and return the flower to its place.

Glass pots don't have to be solid; orchids look great in decorative items, which can disguise the plastic container where the flower grows.

Clay pots

Clay pots have many benefits. They are easily permeable to air and moisture, so the substrate is completely saturated, which provides the flower with all the necessary nutrients.

But over time, the porous structure of the clay becomes clogged with minerals and salts, and the orchid becomes uncomfortable in such a home. Moreover, the root system of flowers is actively developing and grows strongly to the walls of the pot, so transplanting it into another pot becomes problematic.

Orchids look especially impressive in Chinese ceramic vessels.

If the interior of the room requires ceramic products, then it is better to again place the orchid in a plastic pot, and it in a clay pot.

It is important to remember that if you decide to plant an orchid in a clay container, then first you need to disinfect it.

  1. Warm in the oven, except for enamel pots.
  2. Treat the inside with biofungicides.

Baskets made of branches and twigs

This option for planting orchids is suitable for those that are classified as epiphytes.

Baskets can be made from assembled independent material, and from an artificial analogue, but you can use ready-made baskets.

The difficulty of planting and caring for orchids planted in this way is as follows:

  • watering orchids is carried out by immersing the roots in water, and this is difficult to do when the flower grows in a basket;
  • removing overgrown roots also becomes difficult, especially since they are damaged when trying to stop them;
  • the basket may dry out or become wet.

Therefore, you can again call on a plastic container to help or line the inside of the basket with film with drainage holes.

Crown pot for orchids

The crown pot for orchids is becoming popular, but, according to many gardeners, this planting option is detrimental to the flowers. Although, in theory, this design takes into account all the plant growth features, but over time, orchids planted in such a pot die.

The orchid is considered a very capricious plant.

The reason is that there is too much aeration in the container, which causes the moisture to disappear too quickly and disrupt the watering regime. This leads to illness.

DIY orchid pots

It’s not at all difficult to make an orchid pot with your own hands. Any plastic container can serve as the basis, but there are a great many options for pots.

In order not to spend a lot of money, you can easily make a pot with your own hands!
  • polish a wide cut of wood sandpaper, make a hole in the middle, varnish and place the container with the orchid;
  • if you attach multi-colored or monotonous small stones or shells to a metal or plastic container with glue, you will get an original pot;
  • if you paint it yourself with waterproof paints liter jar, and decorate the edges with burlap - this will also be interesting option for framing orchids.

Almost any available item can be used as a flowerpot. With a little effort, many things that have become unnecessary will shine with new colors.

How to Determine the Suitable Pot Size for an Orchid

When thinking about how to choose a pot, you first need to understand how to determine comfortable size containers for planting?

If the root mass has grown greatly, then the orchid requires replanting.
  1. The height of the pot should be equal to the diameter of the top of the container.
  2. The orchid likes to be cramped, so the roots should almost completely fill the volume of the bowl.

Replanting an orchid correctly

Most important stage in the life of a flower.

Replanting an orchid according to the rules is one of the stages of growing a plant.

An orchid is a plant that will not tolerate waterlogging of the root system.. When choosing a pot for her, it is important to proceed from this requirement. A specialized flower container should provide:

  • complete outflow of moisture;
  • active aeration of roots and soil inside the pot;
  • safe removal of succulent, long rhizomes that may extend beyond the container;
  • temperature acceptable for the orchid.

Difference from flowerpots

The only difference between the pot and the pot is the presence of holes at the bottom. The pot has them, but the flowerpot does not. You can plant an orchid in any of the suggested containers, only then caring for the flower will be slightly different. In a pot, you can water the orchid from above or provide bottom watering. But in a flower pot you can only moisten the soil from the top.

What's the best way to grow?

An orchid needs a large volume of soil, so a small pot will not work for it.(read about the ideal substrate for orchids - ceramis, as well as about the features of growing flowers in it). When purchasing a pot, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. there should be holes for drainage at the bottom of the container and its lower part of the walls;
  2. the height of the container must be equal to the width of the neck;
  3. the volume of the container must correspond to the size of the root system.

Bad options

Glass containers are not the best for growing orchids. good option. The reason is that it will not be possible to drill holes, therefore, ventilation of the root system will be insufficient.

More worse flower will feel like being in a ceramic container. K will begin to grow to the walls, therefore, during transplantation there is high risk their injuries.

If the container for the orchid was selected incorrectly, then this is fraught with the following problems:

  • root rotting– if you choose a pot without holes, the water will begin to stagnate, which can lead to rotting;
  • lack of flowering– this is the result of an incorrectly selected pot size;
  • wilting and yellowing of leaves- This typical problem incorrectly selected material for the pot.

What to look for when choosing a pot for an orchid?

As mentioned above, for the orchid root system you need to choose a spacious container. But too big is not acceptable either. Otherwise, the growth of the flower will stop, as will flowering. Select a pot that is only a little larger than the one that was before. Then adaptation will happen quickly and painlessly.

When choosing a pot for an orchid, it does not matter whether it is transparent or not.. Just a container with transparent walls allows the grower to monitor the condition of the flower all the time. There are situations when, due to improper watering, the plant is affected by rot. Then it will be easier for the grower to identify the disease in time and eliminate it at an early stage of development. We talked about the pros and cons of a transparent container for growing an orchid, the choice of material, as well as the rules for planting a flower in such a container.

In most cases, for orchids they choose plastic containers. But for some types of flowers there are specifics for purchasing a container. For example, for cymbidium, you can choose a container from any material, as long as it is tight.

But a glass container is not suitable for all crops. Such containers are used for growing on the balcony, with an open root system. The following varieties can be used:

  • Vandu;
  • Ascocendu;
  • Philenopsis.

Due to stagnation of water, the root system may rot and the flower itself may die. So for those types of orchids that do not have photosynthesis in their roots, they do not require additional light, therefore, it is not necessary to make holes in the container. For everyone else, this point is mandatory.

Watch a video about the features of an orchid pot:

Description and photo of materials

Below you can see photos of pots made of different materials suitable for growing orchids.


Growing an orchid on a block allows you to water the plant less often, since the moisture will not leave so slowly; it will linger in the substrate.

Sphagnum moss, which grows in swamps, is ideal as a substrate.. The disadvantage of this method is that the root ball will dry out quickly - in the summer a few hours is enough. So it is worth using block planting for orchids grown in a greenhouse.

Watch a video about planting an orchid on a block:

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The basket is best option for those who want to recreate natural conditions for an orchid, but does not want to plant it on a block. Various materials can be used to make a basket:

  • bamboo;
  • tree;
  • steel;
  • plastic;
  • metal mesh.

ADVICE: A basket made of bamboo and wood looks quite original. But there is wooden structure one drawback: the root system grows strongly to it, which is traumatic during transplantation.

It is best to use bamboo. To make a basket you need:

  1. lay out slats or a piece of bamboo;
  2. make a hole in them and stretch the fishing line;
  3. All that remains is to hang a homemade basket and plant a plant in it.

Plastic baskets remain quite practical, but less decorative.


Choosing a pot for an orchid is a responsible process, on which the further growth and development of the flower depends. When choosing, you should focus on such parameters as material, size, air and moisture permeability, as well as design. Properly selected containers will allow the plant to bloom brightly, abundantly and for a long time.

Pots for orchids, in which ornamental crops are grown at home, differ significantly from the already traditional, familiar containers used in indoor floriculture. Any type of orchid must be grown in special containers. Such flower pot must be correctly selected not only in size, but also in material.

What kind of pot is needed for an orchid?

Phalaenopsis or orchid - very popular today indoor plant. You need to grow such a beautifully flowering perennial in a pot that meets the following requirements:

  • with good moisture drainage;
  • with active aeration of the root system;
  • while maintaining the saturation of the substrate with air inside the pot;
  • with the ability to safely extract the root system;
  • with an optimal temperature regime for orchid roots.

Despite the fact that many flower crops They prefer to grow in standard plastic or clay pots and cache-pots; in home floriculture, some types of orchids are also grown, the root system of which requires an active process of root photosynthesis. In this case, it is best to use a transparent container or decorative glass containers. Today, special translucent plastic pots are sold, but if necessary, you can plant decorative perennials in
DIY containers.

Photo gallery

What to plant orchids in (video)

Orchid pots

Choosing a quality pot for growing an orchid is not too difficult. A good pot must have special drainage holes in the bottom and lower part of the walls. The height of the container must be equal to the width of the neck, and the volume must correspond to the size of the root system. Depending on the species characteristics, You can use an opaque flower pot or a transparent container.




Have an attractive appearance and sufficient stability, important for tall species

Planting requires not only careful preparation of the substrate, but also a large, high-quality drainage layer

Opaque plastic

Suitable for growing species that are distinguished by photosynthesis in the aboveground part of the plant, successfully combining lightness and low cost

Transparent plastic

Optimally suitable for growing species that are distinguished by photosynthesis in the underground part of the plant, successfully combining lightness and low cost

Some products do not have drainage holes, so you need to make holes in them yourself using a soldering iron


They have excellent moisture permeability and good air permeability, and also have sufficient weight to prevent the perennial from falling

The root system can grow strongly onto the rough inner surface, which requires special care when transplanting

Wicker baskets

When watering, the most favorable conditions water-air regime in the substrate, which has a positive effect on growth and development decorative culture

To properly plant a plant in a basket you will need to have some skills and correctly compose the substrate.

What is the difference between a flowerpot and a pot?

However, recently manufacturers have been producing pots without holes and flowerpots with drainage holes, so this feature has now ceased to be a fundamental criterion when choosing a planting container.

  • pots differ in the material of manufacture and can be wooden, plastic, ceramic or clay. The difference can be represented by the location of the drainage holes, which can be located at the bottom of the container or on its sides. Some modern models have a very convenient built-in irrigation system for overhead or root irrigation;
  • flowerpot They are very aesthetic and come in a variety of shapes, shades and sizes, which allows you to choose the best option for interior decoration. Part of the plant is located inside the flowerpot, which helps prevent soil from spilling out and stains from leaking water. This landing container is practical and durable.

When choosing, you should remember that some types of orchids need special pots that can provide a perennial crop with maximum comfortable conditions growth.

Pots for orchids (video)

How to make an orchid pot with your own hands

If necessary, it is not at all difficult to make a high-quality and attractive planting container for indoor and greenhouse cultivation of orchids yourself. For this purpose, you need to prepare a plastic base, which is very suitable as a regular grocery or food container of any shape.

It must be taken into account that the volume of such a container must correspond to the size of the perennial flower. A significant number of through holes should be made in the bottom of the container using a knife or screwdriver heated over a fire. If desired, the same holes can be additionally made in the side walls. Some amateur gardeners use for this purpose bottom part, cut from five-liter bottles from drinking water. When planting, it is necessary to use a high-quality nutrient substrate and drainage layer.

  • For the preparation, an ordinary stump is used, the dimensions of which will depend on the size of the pot that is supposed to be made;
  • holes are drilled in the trunk using a large drill, which should be located as close to each other as possible;
  • Using a chisel and hammer, the drilled central part of the future landing tank is removed;
  • The edges of the flower pot are sanded with sandpaper.

Before planting the plant, this structure must dry thoroughly. You need to make several drainage holes in the bottom part, which will prevent the accumulation of moisture inside and prevent the wood from rotting. External part if desired, it can be painted or decorated using wood burning and cutting techniques.

Rules for planting an orchid in a pot

Transplanting and planting a home or greenhouse orchid is carried out using the same, simple technology:

  • nutrient substrate made from tree bark needs to be changed every three years, and substrates based on sphagnum moss need to be replaced every two years;
  • must be carried out when the root system is rotting due to improper watering or prematurely depleted substrate;
  • planned transplantation is performed only in spring period when plants are in their greatest period of growth and activity.

Before transplanting, you will need to prepare a flower pot, the diameter of which is a couple of centimeters larger than the size of the previous planting container. You cannot use containers that are too voluminous, in which the root system will feel very uncomfortable.

Orchids are a large family with more than one hundred thousand varieties. They grow in very unusual tropical forest conditions. Their habitat extends from South Asia to Australia.

Many varieties take root well at home. Miniature specimens can be grown in terrariums. But the best place for potted orchids – a tray with pebbles. All orchids love diffused light and cannot tolerate stale air or drafts. And also cold window sills in winter.

Tight orchid pots are not a problem. But, sooner or later, the question of replanting still arises if a small container interferes with the growth of the flower. Choosing the right pot is vital for these plants. What is worth knowing?

Basic requirements for containers

Orchid is an exotic flower, demanding certain conditions growing, which the pot provides. Therefore, certain requirements are imposed on containers.

The pot must meet the following criteria:

  • Good drainage holes. They are made in the bottom and lower part of the pot. This makes it easier to control soil moisture. Orchids can only be grown in solid containers experienced flower growers. A beginner will not be able to visually assess the condition of the plant. And also roots need to breathe. Additionally, you can use a fan.
  • Thermoregulation. Depends on the material. A properly selected pot should not overheat or overcool the roots.
  • Safety. Containers that are too small will inevitably injure the roots. If the pot is too large, it is easy to flood the flower. Moisture unevenly distributed throughout the earthen clod and evaporates poorly.

Many new flower growers decide replant the orchid when they see that the roots have come out from the pot. But it should be borne in mind that this plant is an epiphyte. The presence of aerial roots is normal.

Features of pots by materials

On sale you can find a large number of different containers. But not all of them are suitable for growing orchids.


The most unsuitable for orchids. On the one hand, they breathe and maintain a stable temperature at the roots. On the other hand, there are also big disadvantages. Roots grow into porous material. Separating them from the walls is a painstaking and dangerous task. The roots are almost always damaged.

Also very difficult to control soil conditions. The clay heats up quickly. This causes moisture from the soil to evaporate faster and the roots to become supercooled. The lighter the pot, the less it overheats.


The most common. Convenient for beginner gardeners. It is easy to make holes in them for drainage (using a drill or soldering iron). The material is resistant to sunlight, protects roots from temperature changes and retains moisture.

Such pots also have their drawbacks. Plastic doesn't breathe. Often such containers are unstable. They can be used together with flowerpots.


Requires good drainage and experience in watering. Glaze prevents air passage. Salt deposits form on the inner walls from water and fertilizers. This is detrimental to orchids.

Big attention is also paid to disinfection. A new pot must be calcined in the oven. The container in which another flower grew is soaked in acidified water. It removes salt deposits.

Glass flowerpots

The use of such containers is controversial. It is believed that such containers are best suited for growing orchids by type closed system . In rooms with dry air, they help retain moisture in the substrate.

To prevent the roots from rotting, a thick layer of drainage is laid at the bottom. The insidiousness of such pots is that condensation collects on their walls, and green algae begin to sprout on the roots. Also difficult to find the optimal size.

Glass flowerpots usually contain. It's troublesome. IN glass vessel Only the roots should be located, and the trunk and leaves should be on top. First, a small amount of water is poured. When the roots gradually grow, water is added. Keeping roots in water for a long time at low temperatures leads to the development of rot.

Wicker baskets made of twigs and twigs

The material is used both natural and synthetic. It is better to use bamboo products or similar smooth material. Roots will grow into any porous material. The soil with rhizomes dries out quickly. Such baskets are convenient for growing hybrids, in which the peduncles look down.

Before planting flowers, the gaps between the twigs are covered with a soil mixture of a larger structure so that the main soil does not spill out. Such containers bring the content of orchids as close as possible to natural conditions.

Hanging planters

There is no risk that the plant will knock over the pot and stain the windowsill or break. Between the container and the flowerpot your finger should fit freely. Hang orchids near the window. You need to check the soil moisture regularly.

Availability holes for drainage in pots are not yet a full guarantee ensuring that moisture does not stagnate in the pots. To avoid problems, fill the bottom of the hanging container with coarse perlite, charcoal or broken shards. The layer height is from 8 to 10 cm. It depends on the volume of the main pot.

Note! The crown pot was developed especially for orchids. It looks like a disk with rods in a circle. Thanks to the gaps between such a “picket fence,” the plant is provided good ventilation, which is very important for epiphytes.

Basic parameters of containers

The height should be equal to the diameter. An unstable pot is placed in a flowerpot. The size of the container is chosen based on the size of the root system.

  1. Containers that are too wide have a bad effect on the condition of the roots. The new pot should be 2-3 cm wider than the previous one, otherwise the roots may die. But for the paphiopedilum (slipper) it is absolutely forbidden to take a container “for growth”.
  2. Tapered, Cone-shaped necks are not suitable for orchids. With each transplant, the roots will break off.
  3. Orchids can be planted several times in one pot. The volume of the container in such cases is calculated according to general rules, as for individual pots. You just need to take into account the number of plants in the total container.

Note! Often gardeners are interested in what kind of pot is needed for. It is often grown in old aquariums. For each specimen, separate mini-greenhouses are made from plastic bags or transparent bottles. At night, the plug is unscrewed to allow air to flow. Such greenhouses cannot be kept in the open sun.

For a mini-specimen, the best pot is a transparent glass one. These plants need enough high humidity. Roots do well in some cramped conditions.

Small containers are needed for children. The container can serve as an ordinary a plastic cup, and even a jar of cotton swabs. Children are raised in small greenhouses and polystyrene foam.

This video explains what types of orchid pots are available for sale and which one is best to choose.

Transparent containers

Through their walls it is convenient to monitor the condition of the roots and soil. For those who are interested in what kind of pot is needed, for example, we can say that it is transparent containers will fit best.

In these plants, the process of photosynthesis occurs in both leaves and roots. This species can also be grown in baskets. But it is better to choose a substrate that is more moisture-intensive. To do this, add peat or sphagnum.

Note! Cymbidium does not require a transparent container. Only leaves participate in the process of photosynthesis.

Automatic watering

Justified for growing several hybrids at the same time. Along with factory-made products, home-made ones are also used. This very convenient and time saving.

Pots with automatic watering and additional phytolighting often help out busy people. When leaving on a business trip, they don't have to worry about their pets.

How to make a pot yourself?

Designer flower containers have become very popular lately. From simple materials real masterpieces are created. This activity is not only develops imagination, but also saves money.

To work you will need plastic containers for food various volumes, or special baskets for storing food. The main thing is to take care of drainage. But homemade coconut pots are not the best option. Their structure is porous. Over time, the roots grow into it and are severely injured during transplantation. Wicker baskets are not suitable for all types of. Through numerous gaps, moisture evaporates faster. And the product itself quickly cracks and becomes unusable.

Note! often grown on blocks. These are suspended pieces of bark the right size. Moss and swollen hydrogel granules are placed on them, then again thin layer moss and orchid. You can use a piece of plastic instead of bark. Suitable for fastening coconut fiber. This design retains moisture for several days.

Growing orchids is a masterly art. Every detail has a special meaning. And a well-chosen pot will not only an indispensable assistant, but also the final note of the entire composition.

This video shows how to make your own orchid pots.