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How to stop pipe leaks with clamps. How to fix a leak in a heating pipe yourself without draining the water

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Have your neighbors ever “drowned” you, and you neighbors? It’s good if not, but if you have already experienced this “happiness,” then our material will be useful to you. And we’ll tell you how to heat without draining the water

The heating systems are all built according to the same scheme - boiler - supply pipes - appliances - return pipes - boiler. It's looped. The pressure and circulation of the coolant in central heating systems is maintained using pumps. In private sector houses with an autonomous open heating system, pressure and circulation are provided by the boiler when heating. The cottages have an autonomous closed heating system, the coolant is always under pressure.

In heating systems, pressure control occurs using instruments, but small leaks are still difficult to detect; automation equalizes a slight drop in pressure. Pressure gauges are not installed in private houses. Therefore, in both cases, residents have only one way to control the tightness - visually.

When inspecting heating appliances and pipes suitable for them, pay attention to damp places. In areas of obvious leaks, water will drip or flow. But those who hid metal risers in boxes that one of them is leaking will most likely find out from the neighbors to whom the water flowed

Causes and locations of leaks

There are only two reasons for leaks. The first is mechanical damage. Everything is clear here, but the second reason is corrosion. The cause of corrosion in heating is poor water treatment. IN central heating Water treatment equipment purifies water from mechanical impurities and salts. This is not the case in private houses and cottages.

The presence of salts and electricity leads to increased rust formation.

The places that rust the most are threaded connections, welds, and bends made by heating. Often the fistula appears in straight areas without welds and threads Perhaps these are pipe defects or a pipe installed that is not intended for heating.

When is the best time to repair heating pipes?

During the inspection we saw that the heating pipe was leaking, what should we do? Once some confusion passes, the answer will become obvious - fix the leaks immediately. But how and when to start a thorough renovation? Of course in the summer. When it’s warm and you can safely stop the heating and drain the water.

But you shouldn’t delay fixing leaks. If it really breaks through, the damage will be significant. It is necessary to temporarily repair the damage and after completion heating season start repairs.

IN modern systems, which are designed and installed in houses, it is possible to completely turn off one or several branches, without stopping the boiler or riser. In this case, you can carry out repairs without waiting for the end of the heating season.

Repair methods

There are several types of heating repairs without draining the water, but with releasing pressure in the system, but all of them are only a temporary solution:

If circumstances force you to fix the problem yourself, then with some ingenuity and dexterity you can use other methods. Using available means - wire, rubber, screws, wooden choppers, etc.

On a running system

An operating heating system is always under pressure, even in open systems small houses where expanders are used. Therefore, you need to understand how to seal a leak. And one method is suitable here - using a clamp and rubber or bandage.

The sequence is like this. Having found the location of the damage, measure the diameter of the pipe. You make or buy a clamp according to this size. It is necessary to take into account that the clamp covers not only the damage, but also several centimeters of the pipe in different directions. Be sure to put rubber under the clamp.

If the damaged area is small and the pipe diameter is more than 50 mm, it is better to use a factory bandage. It fits tighter than a clamp.

On heating systems with low pressure, you can use a rubber band and wire. Wrap it with a tourniquet, stretching it as much as possible, and secure it with wire.

On a stopped system

It is easier to work with the heating turned off. The pumps are turned off or the supply is cut off. The pressure needs to be relieved. Find the location of the leak and, depending on access to the damaged area, select the most suitable way repair.

Required tools and materials

Depending on the method of repair, the set of tools and materials will change.

Let's try to unify:

  1. Set of welding equipment and electrodes. Welding repair.
  2. Box or open-end wrenches ranging in size from 8 to 24 mm. When installing bandages and clamps.
  3. Latex gloves.
  4. Pliers and knife.
  5. Annealed steel wire 1.5-2.2 mm.

Store products

In specialized stores or departments for repairing heating and other pipes, you will find a lot of interesting things. Bandages and clamps, glue of various compositions and drying times, dry plumbing mixtures based on cement and polymer. There is also a simply wonderful thing on sale - plumber's tape. Sticks to any clean surface so you can't tear it off. Yes, foil and reinforced.

How to seal a leak

In connection, on threads and joints

All heating elements are assembled in unified system using threaded, welded, soldered and fitting connections. Any of them is the least reliable place and happens to leak. Leaks in pipe joints, whether metal or polypropylene, can be eliminated using epoxy resin-based glue. For this purpose the surface metal pipe However, the damage must be cleaned of old paint and rust. You can do a cleanup wire brush, sandpaper or scrape it off with a knife.

If the water is still leaking, it is better to wait until it stops.

Prepare fiberglass or medical bandage. If the pipe has a diameter of 15 to 32 mm, the length of the fabric is approximately 30-35 cm. Then add a hardener to the glue base in the proportion specified in the instructions. You can add more hardener to increase the hardening speed. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you won’t have time to finish before the glue hardens. Soak the fabric with glue and wrap the damaged area. Once hardened, the heating can be started. Work with rubber gloves. Leaks at the joints of polypropylene pipes can be eliminated in the same way.

Most often, threaded connections of the radiator and pipes leak. In these places and at the joints, in addition to epoxy glue, cold welding and cement-plaster dressings can be used. The method is old, but quite workable. Ready-made dressings are rarely found on sale. Therefore, they are prepared independently. Cement is mixed with alabaster ( building gypsum) in a ratio of 1 to 0.5 is diluted with water to a thick rustic sour cream, the bandage is cut into strips of 30-35 cm, and placed in a bowl with a cement-gypsum mortar, then soaked, applied in layers over the threaded connections, and covered with the remaining solution on top. Sometimes salt is added to the composition.

It is believed that as a result of increased oxidation of the metal, the fistula will heal faster.

In the radiator and pipes

There are damages in the radiator sections. It is often not possible to repair a hole in a radiator without dismantling it. It can only be sealed where there is access. If you are lucky and the hole is accessible, you can seal it using a roofing screw, bolt or chopper. Well, everything is clear with the chopper, sharpen it and hammer it into the hole, carefully cut off the excess.

It's more difficult with a self-tapping screw. The self-tapping screw must, first of all, be selected in length so that it does not rest against the opposite wall. If there is one, you need to drill a hole 0.5 mm less than the thickness of the self-tapping screw, and use an 8 key to screw it into the hole.

If there is a large hole in the battery, you can install a bolt. To do this, you need to drill a hole and cut the thread using a tap and dip the body of the bolt in paint and screw it into place. This is easy to do only on paper, in reality everything is much more complicated. The same methods can be applied to pipe repair. If the pipe is thick-walled (3 mm or more)

Between battery sections

Leaks between battery sections can be eliminated if it is cast iron. For aluminum and bimetallic ones, the sections are located very close and it is impossible to get there.

Repair using cold welding or epoxy glue; in addition, a narrow clamp can be installed over the adhesive bandage or cold welding. It will press everything underneath it against the body of the battery. Heat-resistant sealant can also be used in combination with the clamp.

Hidden wiring

Hidden, this is the part of the heating system that is closed concrete screed floors, insulation or decorative boxes. In all these cases, the most difficult thing is to find and get to the place of damage. And after that, evaluate which repair method to choose. There is no way without professionals.

On a straight section

On straight and accessible sections, you can use any method that you like best and works better. But the most reliable will be mechanical method using clamps or bandages.

Common mistakes

You can’t skimp on clamps and install narrow ones. Remember, the clamp should cover the pipe with a margin of 2-3 cm in each direction from the fistula, because with inside the damage may be significantly greater.

Do not grab the pipe wrench and do not try to tighten the “current” threads; on old pipes, break them off.

Almost every homeowner has encountered the problem of leaking pipes. Moreover, it does not matter at all what these pipes are made of: metal-plastic, copper or polypropylene. Pipes can leak both at their junction and on any part of their surface. The causes of leakage can also be very different, ranging from poor quality pipes to the skill of the specialist involved in the installation. Only when trouble has happened, there is no time to look for the culprits, you need to urgently solve the problem. We’ll talk about how to quickly and efficiently fix a leak in a polypropylene pipe.

In fact, if a leak develops in a pipe, it is not always the master’s fault. Completely other factors may also play a role here:

    Incorrect temperature when soldering polypropylene pipes. Because of this, a gap may form at the junction of the pipe and the fastening element. How to fix a leak polypropylene pipe there is only one way - to replace the defective structural element with a new one.

    The nut has become loose. If the locking nut is really just loose, then tightening it, and thereby eliminating the leakage of the tightening fitting, will not pose any problems. If the nut is defective (or the internal gasket has deteriorated), then there is a reason for more serious repairs. Some in similar situations cover the leak with sealant. But this is only a temporary solution to eliminate leaks in a polypropylene pipe. The fitting needs to be changed, and the sooner the better.

    Poorly prepared pipe. Polypropylene pipes with uneven cuts when installed using push-in fittings will leak in any case.

    Joints of polypropylene pipes connected with glue, will leak if:

      the wrong type of glue was used;

      everything is fine with the adhesive, but after installing the polypropylene pipes the water was turned on too early; the glue did not have time to “grab” properly, and as a result a leak appears.

Options for repairing leaks in a polypropylene pipe can be very different, and they differ, first of all, in their quality. Most reliable way eliminate the leak - replace the damaged pipe section with a new one.

Soldering through fittings using the high-temperature coupling method gives excellent results. But sometimes it is not available, and therefore in certain situations they use other methods of eliminating leaks.

So, a polypropylene pipe has burst in your house. It is quite possible to eliminate the leak and on our own. This is not to say that it will be easy, but there is nothing super complicated in such a repair either. The main thing is to have them at hand necessary tools and consumables.

To eliminate leaks in polypropylene pipes using standard soldering, you will need a special soldering iron (the so-called polyfuse). But, unfortunately, it is not always at hand, or even the neighbors have it.

It is not difficult to get out of the situation in this case; there is a method of “handicraft welding”. When using this method, breaks in a polypropylene pipe are sealed using the material from which the pipe is made. What do we have to do? Apply a hot metal object (for example, a regular nail or screwdriver) to the crack. The polypropylene will begin to melt, which you need to immediately use and cover up the hole. Sometimes you don’t have to heat the nail; an ordinary lighter is enough to fix the leak.

Sometimes it is not possible to eliminate a leak in a polypropylene pipe using a soldering iron. This usually happens when a crack has formed at the junction of pipes, and getting to it with a soldering iron is problematic. In such situations, use an alternative method to fix the leak. To do this you only need two things: firstly, a clamp the right size, which can be bought at any hardware store, and, secondly, a special industrial hair dryer to heat the joint. We heat until the polypropylene softens, then we put a clamp on the pipe and tighten it tightly. The leak in the polypropylene pipe has been fixed. Of course, not every person keeps an industrial hair dryer at home, but if necessary, it is easy to rent.

How to eliminate a leak in a polypropylene pipe in the most effective ways

1. Fixing a leak in a polypropylene pipe using cold welding

Using cold welding, you can join almost any material, from wood to marble and ceramics. But in this case, we are more interested in sealing pipes made of a certain material. How to eliminate a leak in a polypropylene pipe using the cold welding method? Here are the step-by-step instructions:

    Prepare the repair site. To do this, remove all dirt from the surface of the pipe, degrease it and sand it with sandpaper.

    Prepare a polypropylene patch, which you are going to apply to a crack in the pipe. The dimensions of the patch should be bigger hole, and it needs to be treated in exactly the same way as the surface of the pipe.

    Prepare a cold welding solution. To do everything correctly, carefully read the instructions on the package. After you knead the mixture (if required), it should warm up a little and acquire some plasticity. Knead the composition only with rubber gloves.

    Immediately apply the finished mixture to both surfaces and attach the patch to the pipe. If necessary, secure with a tourniquet or clamp.

    Wait about an hour– that’s exactly how long it takes for the mixture to harden. After this, you can process it in the previously planned way: for example, paint it. But water cannot be allowed to flow through such a pipe yet. The fact is that the mixture will become as strong as possible only a day after its use.

    If after work there is some amount of mixture, It’s not at all necessary to get rid of it. Wrap in plastic and leave until better times.

2. Eliminating leaks in a polypropylene pipe using sealant

Using sealant to fix a leak is not a full-fledged pipe repair, but only a temporary solution to the problem you are facing.

Once again we need to remind you of an important point. No matter how you plan to fix a leak in a polypropylene pipe, the pipe must first be prepared for repair. Namely, you should degrease and clean all necessary surfaces. Special attention Pay attention to the joints of the polypropylene pipe and fitting.

Sealant for eliminating leaks can be of different types:

    Neutral. Suitable not only for polypropylene pipes. However, to apply it, you will need a mounting gun.

    Acid. If the pipes in the apartment are not durable, then it will be completely useless for repairs.

    Silicone. Just like neutral sealant, silicone has universal properties. His main field of activity is socket joints of sewer pipes.

3. Sealing a leaking section of a polypropylene pipe

Before gluing, as in all previous cases, the polypropylene pipe must be prepared for repair. After cleaning the pipe, it would be a good idea to dry it, even with a simple hairdryer.

After this, we select the material from which we will make the bandage for the pipe. This can be plastic or fiberglass (the main thing is that the repair material can be glued to the polypropylene pipe using epoxy glue). If you intend to use fiberglass to eliminate a leak, then keep in mind: it needs to be wrapped around the pipe at least five turns.

There are also certain requirements for the width of such a patch: it must be at least one and a half times the diameter of a polypropylene pipe. Apply glue to the bandage material, wrap it around the leaking pipe, and then press it with pre-prepared clamps.

Before running water through the pipe, you need to let the glue dry. The waiting time depends on the type of glue, but usually it dries for at least a day at room temperature. If the temperature environment about 15 degrees, then this will take two to three times longer.

How to fix a leak in a polypropylene heating pipe

One of the features of this type of renovation is that you will most likely have to clean up decorative panels, hiding heating pipes behind them. This is necessary in order to accurately determine the location where the leak occurred.

The second feature is the constant presence of hot water in the heating pipes. Based on this, the methods for eliminating the leak will be somewhat different from the usual ones. However, nothing complicated. To eliminate a leak in a polypropylene heating pipe, a regular bandage and simple table salt will suffice.

Found a crack in your pipe? Now bandage it like an injured hand. After each turn of the bandage, sprinkle it with salt. The trick here is that the salt takes on the function of glue and blocks cracks in the polypropylene pipe. And if the cracks are very small, you can even refuse the bandage. From inside the pipes the salt will soon stick various kinds scale, and the leak will become clogged.

People also use another (no less simple and reliable) method to eliminate leaks in a polypropylene pipe. All it needs is a small piece of soft rubber. Cut it off from an old car inner tube (a bicycle tube will also work), tightly wrap the hole in a polypropylene pipe, and secure it with a clamp on top. Leak fixed! The only thing is that it is better to use not one clamp, but all three: attach one above the hole in the polypropylene pipe, the other two for insurance along the edges of the rubber. The width of the rubber patch should exceed the width of the crack by several centimeters.

Another way to eliminate a leak in a polypropylene pipe is to buy a special bandage. This is something like a clamp with thick rubber. Even a person far from plumbing knowledge can figure out how to put such a bandage on a hole and eliminate the leak. The bandage wraps around the perimeter of the pipe and is firmly secured with bolts.

Leaks appear not only due to the formation of cracks in polypropylene pipes. The places where the pipe connects to the elbow or coupling are often the weakest in the entire structure. How to fix the leak in this case? Wrapping the problem area tightly with rubber helps. After this, apply two clamps: on the fitting and on the pipe.

Although some difficulties may arise here due to the fact that the diameters of the polypropylene pipe and fitting are different. In some cases, even a factory bandage will not help, since it is made for pipes of a certain size. A way out of the situation has long been found folk craftsmen. Three or four turns of rubber from the chamber are applied to a polypropylene pipe, the diameter of which is smaller. The fitting is wrapped only a couple of times. The difference in thickness is thus evened out. We attach a clamp on top and the leak is eliminated.

Another option for eliminating a leak in a polypropylene pipe is to simply wrap it with fabric that has been pre-impregnated epoxy glue. After the fabric hardens, there will be no trace of leakage.

As you can see, almost all of the considered methods for eliminating a leak in a polypropylene heating pipe do not require special skills or any incredible effort. Just remember that these are temporary measures. At any moment, leaks in problem areas may resume. So here’s some advice: after the end of the heating season, be sure to replace the damaged piece of polypropylene pipe with a new one.

How to eliminate a leak in a polypropylene pipe once and for all

Polypropylene pipes rarely begin to leak without obvious mechanical influence from the outside. But if this happened, it was probably due to the quality of the pipes themselves. This means that you will have to fix the leak again and again. Or is it worth replacing the entire pipes?

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What are the consequences of even a small leak? water pipes in an apartment, perhaps everyone knows - at a minimum, it is constant dampness, and at a maximum, a serious flood with all the ensuing consequences. This is why knowing how to fix a pipe leak reliably, quickly and effectively in some situations is vital.

A leak or rupture can occur both in the threaded connections of the water supply system, and on the body of the pipe, and even on welded joints - it is simply impossible to eliminate all these leaks with one universal method. In each individual case, pipe leaks are eliminated in an individual way– in some places it is possible to install a clamp, but in others it is impossible to use it and you have to resort to alternative methods. We will discuss where and how this or that method of emergency leak elimination is used in this article.

How to eliminate a leak in a threaded connection?

Perhaps the easiest way to eliminate leaks in places where threaded connections are packed is to simply tighten the fitting with a wrench. In some cases, this may not be enough - when the tow rots over time, it at least partially needs to be replaced. You will have to unscrew the fitting halfway, add a little tow and screw it back. This operation can also be performed under pressure. You just need to act carefully and quickly, constantly monitoring the flow of water.

Sometimes you may encounter damage to the thread body - this is the weakest point of almost all pipelines. The body of the thread is much thinner than the rest of the pipe, which is why it rots faster. This situation is easier to anticipate than to eliminate - the bends and threaded transitions need to be painted with high quality and, moreover, not in one layer.

But if this has already happened, then such a pipe leak can only be eliminated in a “surgical” way - the pipe is cut out and a new one is installed in its place. Well, while waiting for representatives of the water utility, who must turn off the water supply, such a leak can be temporarily eliminated only with the help of raw rubber, tightly wrapping it around the damaged area.

How to eliminate a leak in the pipe body?

For the most part, such leaks occur due to improper pipe maintenance - condensation and stray currents They do their dirty work pretty quickly. Therefore, you will have to eliminate a leak in the riser that has formed in an accessible place using a clamp - you can purchase it at any construction market. As a rule, all leaks happen unexpectedly and you need to acquire such clamps in advance - they cost mere pennies, so purchase them in different diameters so that you can carry out emergency repairs of any pipes.

In some cases, it may not be possible to install a clamp on the pipes and thereby eliminate the leak in the pipe. As a rule, the main inconvenience associated with the inability to use a clamp is the proximity of the pipes to the walls. In these cases, if the leak is insignificant, it can be temporarily sealed with two-composite cold welding - it is thoroughly kneaded by hand, and then pressed forcefully into the damaged section of the pipes. You will have to hold it on the damaged area for some time so that the glue sets properly.

Very important point in this whole matter, the cleanliness of the pipes is important - it is natural that old paint cold welding will not stick. The pipe must be thoroughly cleaned of paint using a knife or coarse sandpaper - you need to act quickly and at the same time carefully so as not to increase the size of the leak.

Eliminating leaks in heating pipes

When wondering how to fix a leaking heating pipe, you should understand the fundamental difference between a heating system and a plumbing system - it lies solely in the temperature of the liquid in them. Exactly hot water is a decisive factor when choosing a leak elimination technology. Everything is much simpler here - small leaks disappear on their own, and to eliminate larger ones you only need ordinary table salt and a bandage.

In some cases, it is enough to simply rub salt several times into a small damaged area, and the leak will heal. In cases with larger leaks of heating pipes, the “wound” must be bandaged, accompanying this process with a generous sprinkling of salt on each layer of wound gauze.

It should be understood that such elimination of pipe leaks is a temporary solution to the problem - as soon as the water in the pipes cools, the flow will resume. If possible, it is better to use a clamp on heating - this is a more reliable and long-term way to solve the problem. The clamp can stand for years and wait until you deign to replace completely rotten pipes.

Fixing leaks in plastic pipes

As a rule, systems plastic water pipes leak quite rarely, but if it does happen, then it is mostly the fittings that leak. Fix this leak plastic pipe very simple - the nut responsible for fixing and sealing the plastic pipe just needs to be tightened a little. Such repairs can be carried out even under pressure. You must act carefully and without jerking - otherwise the nut may burst and then you are guaranteed a flood.

Things get worse if the question arises of how to eliminate a plastic pipe leak that has formed in its body - as a rule, this is almost impossible. In this case, it will only save complete replacement damaged area, and while you are waiting for the emergency team, the leak can only be slightly reduced with the help of a clamp. You can also try and control the flow of water flowing from the damaged area - for example, you can wrap the pipe with a rag and place a kind of gutter under it, which will direct the water not to the neighbors on the ceiling, but to your toilet.

In general, as practice shows, every leak in pipes requires individual approach– even a large leak, which results in a stream of water, can be eliminated with the help of a wooden chop driven into the hole. The main thing is to understand that all measures that help solve the issue of how to eliminate pipe leaks are exclusively temporary - they must be followed without fail major renovation pipeline.

V.V. Pruzhinkin especially for.


The operation of internal networks such as plumbing and heating is fraught with the occurrence of small pipeline leaks, which can lead to a number of unpleasant consequences.

Long waits for specialized services designed to eliminate stated disadvantage in systems, can only aggravate the current situation. At the same time, it is not difficult to eliminate a leak in a pipe yourself, without the use of specialized tools and materials.

Pipeline cold water V summer period can collect on the outer surface a large number of condensate If you notice a small puddle directly under the pipe, make sure first that the cause is a leak and not simple condensation. To do this, take a fairly large dry rag and thoroughly wipe the pipe. If within a few seconds you find traces of moisture on the surface of the pipeline, you should take measures to eliminate the leak.

Leaks in the pipe can occur in various places– on threaded connections, in corner bends and in straight sections. Often the methods of dealing with such defects may be different. Let's look at the main ones.

Repairing a pipe with bandage and paint

In the event that a small leak is detected on straight section metal pipe, we suggest performing the following steps:

1. If possible, turn off the water and thoroughly wipe the surface of the pipe from moisture;

2. Prepare a wide medical or construction bandage and one of the following materials:

  • oil paint with brush;
  • epoxy adhesive;
  • gypsum solution has a consistency close to liquid sour cream.

3. Apply the prepared insulating composition to the insulated surface of the pipe with a margin of 2-4 centimeters on each side;

4. carefully perform one or two turns of the bandage;

5. Apply another layer of insulating material and repeat. 3 and 4 several times;

6. Having achieved the desired result, leave the “bandage” for several hours. After this, you can safely let water into the pipeline. If desired, you can cover it on top to disguise the repair area. oil paint to match the color of the pipe.

Repairing leaks with table salt

Another option that can be used in the absence of the above binding materials is to use ordinary table salt, which can certainly be found in every home. The method consists of pouring about a teaspoon of this mineral onto each layer of bandage. When wetted, salt cokes small cracks in steel pipes and eliminates the leak.

Rubber pad repair

Using these methods you can eliminate small leaks in cold or hot water supply pipelines. If there is a need for minor repairs to the heating pipe, or if it is impossible to shut off the water, we suggest using another method. You will need the following materials:

  • rubber band 20-25 centimeters long;
  • soft steel wire or two metal clamps;
  • in their absence - a piece of steel plate up to 0.5 millimeters thick, three times the width of the pipe diameter with holes drilled along the edges.

From the listed materials it is necessary to make a temporary insulating bandage for the pipe. To do this, after wiping the leak area, wrap it with a rubber band in any direction, pulling it slightly. If strip rubber is not available, it is good to use a piece of bicycle tube cut lengthwise for this purpose, watering hose etc.

Secure the edges of the rubber winding by tightening it with clamps. Instead, you can use a steel plate. Wrap it around a rubber bandage and tighten it with bolts and nuts pre-installed in the holes.

Fixing leaks with “cold welding”

It is much more difficult to eliminate small water leaks located in close proximity to threaded connections. After blocking the flow, you can use the method with a bandage and oil paint, but it is better to first purchase a special quick-hardening composition, popularly called “cold welding.”

Apply the composition to problem area, spread it using a steel plate or rubber spatula and leave until completely dry, the time of which can be specified in the instructions for the material.

Pipe repair with a wooden chopper

One of the old methods of eliminating large pipeline leaks uses the property of wood to absorb moisture and thereby significantly increase its volume. If the fistula is of sufficient size, a wooden stick, previously sharpened with a knife, is inserted into it and lightly hammered down. After turning on the water, the flow continues for some time. Then the wood, swelling, will completely cover the problem area.

All of these methods involve temporarily eliminating a leak in a pipe. The destruction of the metal will continue, which will lead to the re-formation of the defect. If you want to completely protect yourself and your family, we suggest using a radical method - replacing the damaged section of the pipeline. To do this, find the nearest threaded connection and unfold it, after turning off the water. Stepping back 20-25 centimeters from the fistula, saw off the problem section of the pipe using a grinder or a hacksaw. Then strip the end of the remaining pipe and thread it. Between the two threaded ends of the pipeline, install a piece of new pipe, also having threads on the ends. After first wrapping the threads with linen, connect the insert to the main pipeline. This method of eliminating a leak in a pipe is the most reliable.

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In many houses, the heating system is built according to the Soviet model. In those days, steel was the only material used. She has high level strength and quite durable. However, like others metal materials, steel corrodes easily. Over time, a crack forms at the site of corrosion. The result is a leak in the heating pipe.

Causes of leaks

  • corrosion;
  • increased humidity levels;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • long service life;
  • incorrect installation work;
  • periodic occurrence of excessive loads.

All these factors contribute to the gradual destruction of pipes and the occurrence of leaks.

The most common places for leaks to occur

  • fold places;
  • connections of pipes with fittings, taps;
  • joints;
  • flat areas with damaged surfaces.

Preparing to fix a leak

You can fix a water leak in a pipe at any time of the year. If damage is detected, do not postpone work until the end of the heating season. This may cause more serious damage.

Before you begin fixing a leak, consider the following factors:

  • type of material used;
  • location of damage.

Leak on a straight pipe section

The cause of a malfunction in this location may be poor quality welding. Over time, the parts of the pipeline connected by welding lose their strength. This leads to a violation of the integrity of the pipe.

How to eliminate a leak in a heating pipe in this case:

  1. Surface preparation. Cleaning the pipe from paint and drying it. Care must be taken when working. When cleaning the surface of paint, the damage may increase. This will lead to increased leakage.
  2. To eliminate the malfunction, use a special clamp. It plays the role of a patch. It must be purchased from hardware store. The clamp has a rubber layer that acts as a gasket. It must be placed on the pipe with the rubber side.
  3. The clamp is tightened onto the pipe using bolts.

If you use a metal clamp, you must first place a rubber gasket on the leak site. The clamp should be tightened using a screwdriver.

If you don't have a clamp at hand, you can use copper wire instead. In this case rubber gasket tightened and fixed with wire.

Eliminating leaks on threads and joints

Main causes of malfunctions:

  • poorly executed installation;
  • violation of the integrity of the pipeline;
  • violation of tightness;
  • the effects of corrosion.

To resolve the problem, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Resetting the riser system.
  2. Removing threads using a wrench.
  3. Cleaning the threads from contamination.
  4. Applying a layer of sealant or sealant to the damaged area. Actions must be performed clockwise.
  5. System installation.
  6. Connecting the heating system.
  7. Launching risers.

Damage to radiator sections

Radiators have the property of plasticity. Therefore, the leak that occurs when cold temperature may heal on its own.

If it is still necessary to repair the damage, the following work steps should be performed:

  1. Turning off the heating system.
  2. Resetting the riser system.
  3. Disconnecting the radiator. When working, it is recommended to place a basin under the radiator. There may be some water left in the riser that can leak.
  4. Using a radiator wrench, disconnect the part of the radiator with the damaged area.
  5. Attaching a new nipple to the radiator (it should be tightened well).
  6. Connection heating device and launch of risers.

Plate radiator leaking

This type of radiator is characterized by thin walls. They are the most susceptible to damage.

It is usually recommended to completely replace the part if damage occurs. However, there is a way to repair the damage at home:

  1. Turning off the heating system.
  2. Resetting the riser system.
  3. Surface preparation. Cleaning the damaged area from dirt, grease and corrosion.
  4. Apply cold welding mixture to the damaged area.
  5. The mixture should harden. This happens within 30-40 minutes.
  6. Connecting and starting the heating system.

Temporary solutions to the problem

If you don’t have suitable specialized equipment at hand, you can use improvised means:

  • You can use a piece of rubber (for example, a bicycle inner tube) as a patch. It should be wound around the pipe and secured with wire.

  • You can use the factory bandage. It should be fixed to the pipe.
  • You can seal the leak using a regular medical bandage and cement mixture. To do this, you need to dilute the cement with water and soak the bandage in the resulting mixture. The finished bandage should be wrapped around the pipe several times. The finished area on top should also be coated cement mixture. A day after the patch has completely dried, you can connect the heating system.
  • You can also use a cement-salt mixture to eliminate leaks. To do this, you need to immerse the bandage in the cement solution for a few seconds. A layer of salt must be applied to the finished bandage. The damaged area is wrapped with a bandage several times and secured with clamps.

If the battery is leaking

A leak in the radiator requires its replacement. However, you can use a temporary workaround to fix the problem. This way you can extend the battery life by 3 months.

To carry out the work you will need the following materials:

  • Soft fabric.
  • Epoxy adhesive. If you don't have glue on hand, you can use wood varnish or oil paint.


  1. Turning off the heating system.
  2. Drying the damaged surface.
  3. Applying glue to fabric.
  4. Wrap fabric around the damaged area in several layers.
  5. The heating system can be turned on after the installed materials have completely dried.