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Fireplace made from boxes in the interior. Fireplaces made from boxes: beautiful DIY decor for the New Year holidays (51 photos)

Decorative fireplaces are becoming more and more popular every day. This is due to the low cost of the design when compared with a real heating device. Most often, people install such decorations under New Year. You can make it from various improvised means or purchase it in a store, but the cost can be quite high. That's why many people make a New Year's fireplace with their own hands.

You can make such a festive fireplace yourself

First stage

To make and assemble any structure with your own hands, you need to make its layout before starting work. This stage may seem unnecessary, since the novice builder already has an image of a fireplace in his head that needs to be brought to life. But it's not right. Without appropriate preparation and creation of a sketch, the work on making an artificial hearth may be delayed, and the result will subsequently be disappointing. When planning you need to:

  • It’s good to think about where the fireplace will be located, since once it’s finished it’s better not to move it to another place so as not to destroy it;
  • consider the style and color of the design, because it should be combined with the interior of the room;
  • collect everything necessary materials and tools (cardboard boxes are suitable for the frame), and also decide on the dimensions;
  • do detailed drawing with the necessary parameters;
  • after this, you need to think about the method of finishing the fireplace and record everything on the diagram, since what appears in a person’s head is not always ideal, and all the shortcomings will be immediately visible on paper.

Consider where it is better to install such a fireplace

When choosing a finish for a structure, it is advisable to go to specialized stores or look for photographs ready-made models fireplaces. This will allow you to get acquainted with fresh ideas from designers and new decoration materials, and will also help make the design of an artificial hearth attractive.

In terms of finishing, there is no need to simplify everything too much. New Year decorative fireplace easy to make. If you don't pay attention to appearance special attention, then you can get results at the level of labor lessons at school.

Required tools and materials

The simplest version of a fireplace made from boxes for the New Year is made from cardboard packaging from a large TV. If you use small boxes, then they will need to be remade and glued, and this will only complicate the work. It's better to find a big box and save yourself from unnecessary problems. You can also use a box from a large-sized household appliances, for example, from the refrigerator. In this case, it will be necessary to reduce it in size and re-glue it.

In this video you will learn how to make a similar fireplace:

Before starting work, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • single-sided and double-sided masking tape;
  • white paper;
  • drywall;
  • ruler, pencil and tape measure;
  • scissors and stationery tape;
  • polymer glue and PVA;
  • acrylic paints;
  • water-based primer;
  • a set of brushes and a sponge;
  • other finishing materials.

The list is not exhaustive. In each individual case, you can add or remove certain items depending on the craft project.

New Year's false fireplace can be made in various variations. It all depends on the skills and imagination of the performer.

If you can make the scenery in 3D, it will turn out very impressive

An excellent option would be a design in the shape of the letter P. If you make additional finishing for brickwork from rectangular sheets orange paper, then the craft will fully correspond to the New Year theme. It will look perfect next to the Christmas tree. You can glue an applique in the form of burning firewood to the front wall of the fireplace. Such a product will not only decorate the room, but will also become an excellent decoration for a New Year's children's performance or matinee.

If the application is made in the form of a 3D drawing, the effect will be even more impressive. For decoration, you can use ready-made wallpaper to match a brick wall, rather than using individual bricks. But in this case, it is necessary to carefully prepare the frame, since you will need ideal straight corners.

Another finishing option could be the use of paint. It takes quite a long time to draw bricks, but they will look more realistic. Inside the artificial hearth, you can put rolled up rolls of white paper, which will resemble firewood.

This composition can be made from 3 parts

You can depict not only brick structure, but also stone. To do this, you should use plaster. White or marble will look good in a pastel-colored bedroom.

If the structure is installed in a large private house, then it should be placed between the windows of a spacious living room. For small rooms, you can make an imitation of a chimney, which will look very impressive.

For the aristocratic style of the fireplace, foam plastic is often used to create additional decoration (baguettes, various patterns and strips). The elements can be glued using polymer glue to a ready-made structure. It is important to maintain the correct level and symmetry.

Instead of paper, a cardboard fireplace can be covered with fabric. It is better to involve children in this process. They have a well-developed imagination, so the finished product will be more attractive.

The design can be made simple, consisting of only three parts: two sides and a crossbar. Instead of a fireplace, branches from the park are placed or sparkling garlands are simply installed. Such a craft will look poorer, but it can be moved to any part of the room.

You can make a fireplace for the New Year with your own hands in human height, if the height of the room allows. It will look good inside it (at the place of the hearth) small closet, on which a small vase or deep plate with sweets is placed. You can also decorate the craft with tangerines, large candles and other New Year’s symbols.

Instead of a rectangular structure, a corner one is sometimes installed. It is important to choose the right form here. The best option there will be a perfectly straight triangle. But for a more elegant and unique look, various variations are used.

Miniature product

So that the fireplace can be placed in any place, including a desk at work, you need to make a miniature copy of it. To create such a design you should prepare:

  • small box;
  • 3 elongated boxes;
  • white cardboard;
  • white paint;
  • scissors and pencil;
  • PVA glue;
  • other decorative elements.

The bottom of the box must be carefully glued. One long sash needs to be bent at the top, and the second one needs to be carefully glued to the two short ones. Then small elongated boxes are placed around the perimeter of the sash window and their positions are marked with a pencil.

Along the lines formed, you need to enlarge the window, cutting out unnecessary parts of the cardboard. After this, you should glue the small boxes to the main one according to the markings. Decorative elements for decoration can be made from cut pieces of cardboard. A shelf made from another long box is glued on top. It should protrude a few centimeters from the edge of the fireplace. The entire structure is painted White color. It is advisable to paint it on all sides in several layers.

All prepared decorative elements are attached with polymer glue. In the interior of the hearth, you can glue wallpaper in the style of brick or masonry. Small candles will complement the design and New Year's style of the product.

To create a fireplace you will need at least White paint

Arched fireplace

To create such a product you will need two old boxes. The design looks quite attractive and elegant. In addition to the boxes, you need to prepare:

  • scotch;
  • scissors and knife;
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • wrapping paper;
  • sponge and brushes;
  • decorative elements to create the illusion of fire.

Two large boxes must be glued together, and all resulting seams must be carefully sealed with tape. Then you need to make a cornice for the fireplace from cardboard. It is glued to the structure with tape.

An arch is cut out in the center, and the edges are covered with cardboard. The inside of the fireplace is spray painted black. It's better to do it outside. Decor is applied on top with orange paint using a brush or sponge in the form brickwork. Firewood on a black background inside the fireplace creates an extraordinary atmosphere. You can also light large candles.

Corner design with chimney

It's easy to create a corner fireplace from a cardboard box. A more advanced design can be made from sheets white cardboard, additionally attaching a chimney to it. In addition to cardboard, you will need tape, glue, tape measure, ruler and pencils.

Before starting work, it is important to make a drawing, thanks to which the finished product will come out smooth and have the correct geometric shape. In order not to make a diagram on a separate sheet of paper, you can draw the required dimensions directly on the cardboard and cut off the excess sections in the right places. After this, all that remains is to assemble and glue the craft. The manufacturing process is as follows:

  1. Cut out 4 triangular pieces with curves on one side.
  2. In one part, cardboard borders are made, and stiffening ribs are installed along the perimeter.
  3. The other part of the triangle is glued on top. The result is the bottom of the structure. Another part for the top is made in the same way.
  4. For reliability, it is necessary to strengthen the joints with tape.
  5. It is necessary to glue the walls to the top and bottom of the fireplace, and install stiffening ribs in the corners. In this case, the rounded part of the triangle will become the facade of the structure.
  6. The product is coated with primer and white paint.
  7. All that remains is to make a beautiful decoration from cardboard and other elements inside and outside.
  8. To create a chimney, a sheet of cardboard is glued in a semicircle at the top of the structure. In this case, the upper part of the chimney should be smaller in diameter than the lower one.

As you can see, making a New Year's false fireplace is quite simple. There are various variations of it. The product can also be decorated in different ways. For some people it will be enough to install Christmas tree near it, while others will want to move chairs to the structure. But in any case, the product will create a New Year's atmosphere in the house, especially if you decorate it in the appropriate style.

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U You always want comfort and warmth, no matter city ​​apartment or a country house. The desire to create a fireplace in the house especially appears when there is snow and a blizzard outside the window. And what could be better than your own fireplace in the house? If you remember this desire in the summer, then the residents country house it is quite possible to equip it, but the population of high-rise buildings can only dream about it. We have a solution: a less expensive and no less impressive DIY cardboard fireplace (step-by-step instructions included). If this solution interests you, then go ahead... get a large cardboard box. What else is needed and how to do it, we will now tell and show you.

The key and most important thing, without which you won’t be able to create a fireplace with your own hands, even if you have the most detailed instructions, is a large cardboard box. It can be from a TV, refrigerator, or even suitable from. The main thing is that it meets the following requirements:

  • Strong packaging cardboard. It has the necessary rigidity, which will allow you to apply finishing to the future fireplace and make a top shelf.
  • Have big size, so that there is room for imagination. If very big box was not found, then you will have to limit yourself to a laconic corner fireplace, for this you can take less.
  • The box should be unnecessary. For example, you just bought a refrigerator, then don’t rush to use cardboard for a good cause, because when problems arise with the device, without the original packaging they won’t accept it for warranty, and even if they do, it will probably be inconvenient to transport it.

In addition, you will need the following helpers: masking tape, glue gun, paint primer, stationery knife, ruler, paint brush, sponge for applying relief plaster, acrylic paint, spatula (not wide). These are the basic materials. If you are planning additional, then for these purposes you can use, depending on the fireplace design: polystyrene foam, drywall, baseboards and borders (decorative polystyrene foam), mosaic or any other, tile grout, varnish. For the convenience of cutting all this, use a grinder or jigsaw.

Cardboard is convenient because it can be used to make a structure of almost any shape.

Before starting work

Before you start making a fireplace out of cardboard with your own hands, step-by-step instructions for which are already available, you need to develop the design of the future fireplace, since even the most skillful hands They won’t go purely on fantasy and you need to rely on something before making a fireplace with your own hands from cardboard.

The development of the project includes marking the dimensions of the future product in accordance with the possibilities of its placement, and the following factors must be taken into account:

  • If there is little space and there is a free corner, then excellent option there will be a small false fireplace with a corner placement.

Having received information about the free space, you can develop a fireplace layout. On a sheet of paper it is worth drawing to scale the height, width, depth of the furnace and its shape. After such detailing, you can begin to work in kind with our box.

Helpful advice! If you don’t have a large box, use several small ones, gluing them together in the shape of an arch-portal.

Fireplace frame

Now comes the most crucial moment: you need to make markings on the box and cut out the components of the future fireplace. The final result will depend on the accuracy of the work at this stage. appearance fireplace Therefore, work carefully, clearly and accurately.

Lay the box on the floor and mark the future firebox and the necessary bending points. To avoid confusion, mark the cut line with one color and the bend line with another. In order for the cardboard to bend where it is needed, you only need to cut through the top layer, that is, the paper that covers the corrugated insides. This manipulation will allow you to clearly draw the contours of the future fireplace.

Next, we begin cutting out the firebox. Regardless of what shape you choose for it, the steps to form it are the same. First, cut out the window, then bend its lower part inward - this will be the bottom of the firebox. Next you need to organize the back wall and sides. For the back wall, cut out a figure identical in shape from such cardboard, but you need to make it a little larger, about 5 cm allowances are enough to make it convenient to glue it. We do the same with the sidewalls. Then we collect it all. You can fasten it either with a glue gun, or tape, or a stapler, but always from the inside out. If you plan to organize shelves and niches, then the stage of forming the firebox should be postponed. And carry it out after making the shelves, which are made according to the same scheme as the firebox.

After all the niches are ready, you need to worry about strengthening the structure. To do this you need:

  • Under the firebox and shelves, place cardboard, foam plastic or other light but durable material that would withstand the weight of what is supposed to be placed in the niches.
  • In places of probable deformation (at bends), fix the cardboard rolled into a tube: it will give a stable shape to the structure.
Helpful information! For durability and reliability of the structure, it is best to use drywall or. However, these materials require some skills, and gypsum boards will also require the construction of a metal frame.


If you made a fireplace out of cardboard with your own hands, step-by-step instructions for which you had, but there are irregularities and other shortcomings, then they need to be corrected. Putty will come to our aid. But here you need to work carefully. After all, cardboard absorbs moisture, so it needs to be applied in parts and to small areas, the second layer only after the previous one has completely dried. There is a little trick that will help if the shortcomings are minimal. Stick regular rough paste onto the uneven areas - it sticks well to the cardboard, and the finishing putty fits just fine on it.


There is not a single fireplace that is without a cover, and ours is no exception. It must be made from any dense and light material. For example, from thick foam. First, you need to make recesses in it so that the lid falls into place. That is, it fixed the position of the fireplace. Before fixing it with glue, you need to try it on and check that all the protrusions match. If everything is good, you can record it. The joints need to be puttied.


The last stage will be finishing. First you need to apply finishing putty using a spatula, and then let your imagination float freely. You can decorate the fireplace with foam borders, which are used on the ceiling. Or make it out of polystyrene foam and paint it accordingly, you can apply an ornamental design and much more. It is better to lay out the lid with tiles or paste it with wooden clapboard. The final stage will be to coat all this splendor with varnish in order to fix the decor and give it a finished look.


It’s not difficult to make a fireplace with your own hands from a cardboard box; you just need to use the key factors of our step-by-step instructions and use your imagination. Thus, you can create a truly cozy hearth in any apartment or country house, sit down with the whole family near it and spend a fun evening.

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Create a romantic atmosphere in the house, good mood winter and comfort all year round A decorative fireplace made from boxes with your own hands will help. Step-by-step instructions will help you avoid doing “dirty” work in the house, diluting cement and dismantling the roof for the chimney. A fireplace can be created in one evening using scrap materials. So, let’s turn on our imagination, involve children in the work and start creating.

How to make a fireplace from cardboard boxes

To build such a fireplace we will need:

  1. Cardboard boxes: small, for example, for shoes (5-6 pcs.) and large (4 pcs.)
  2. Scotch tape: regular and double-sided
  3. PVA glue
  4. Thick white paper or a piece of old wallpaper
  5. Sheets of cardboard or wallpaper with a brick pattern
  6. Ruler, simple pencil.

To prevent the boxes from opening, we tape all the joints together with tape. According to the drawing in the figure, we assemble the base of the future fireplace. We glue the boxes that will make up the parts of the fireplace with tape together. For the side racks we use smaller boxes stacked on top of each other. We make the base of the fireplace and the upper mantelpiece from larger boxes, butted end to end with the short sides.

We glue every part of the fireplace thick paper or old wallpaper. Boxes must be completely covered with paper. We connect the edges of the paper with tape. Now we glue the parts of the fireplace together with PVA glue. The product is ready, all that remains is to design it.

To decorate the fireplace, we use wallpaper with a brick pattern or sheets of thick cardboard. Four “bricks” can be cut from one cardboard sheet. We cover the fireplace with wallpaper, giving the appearance of brickwork. If we use “bricks” cut out of cardboard, we glue them onto the surface of the boxes, creating rows of bricks and leaving gaps between the bricks, so that it is as similar as possible to natural masonry.

To glue the “bricks” we use PVA glue. The back wall of the fireplace, adjacent to the wall, does not need to be covered. If the cardboard is white, paint it with paints of appropriate shades - from sandy yellow to dark red.

The fireplace is ready, let's install it in a prepared place in the room, against the wall. We will put decor on the mantelpiece, and we can put natural logs or their imitation in the hole for firewood. Here we focus on our imagination.

Exquisite decorative fireplace from a large box

Let's prepare materials to create a fireplace. For this you will need a large cardboard TV box. You can use thick cardboard instead of a large box. But then you need to be prepared for the fact that it will have to be cut and glued.

You will also find it useful for making a decorative fireplace:

  1. Stationery knife
  2. Scotch
  3. PVA glue
  4. Skirting boards and foam decor
  5. Paint in a can
  6. Ruler, simple pencil.

We transfer the drawing to the TV box. We cut a hole in the middle of the box according to the drawing. This will be the “hearth”. We fold the cut edges and glue them to the back wall of the box. If cardboard is used, we cut the sheets according to the drawing, taking into account gluing tolerances. We connect them together with glue.
To make the top of the fireplace, take a sheet of foam plastic or plywood, or glue together several sheets of cardboard. Glue the resulting mantelpiece to the fireplace itself.

To ensure that the fireplace is stable, it is better to glue an additional sheet of cardboard or plywood to the base. IN hardware store let's buy ceiling cornice made of polystyrene foam and a couple of decorative elements - foam pylons or rosettes. They will add sophistication and grace to our hearth. Let's glue the decor to the fireplace. To do this, use PVA glue or liquid nails.

We paint the fireplace in two layers with white or other pastel color spray paint. So as not to spoil flooring, lay old newspapers or paper on the floor. After painting, let the product dry and install the fireplace. The decorative fireplace is ready.

Firewood for the hearth can be made from cardboard, twisted into logs, or natural branches can be used. If the fireplace is planned in one color, we will paint the firewood with the same paint. You can also place candles in tall glass glasses or an electric garland in the recess of the hearth. Decorating the mantelpiece also leaves room for creativity. Photos in beautiful frames, paintings or floral arrangements and keepsakes in bright packaging will look great on the mantelpiece.

Photo of a decorative fireplace out of a box

It is very easy to create beauty and comfort in your home with your own hands. Imagine and create, then you can do it DIY decorative fireplace made from boxes using step-by-step instructions in the shortest possible time. Your apartment can be decorated with simple decorative items with minimal costs. All it takes is a little time and effort.

Residents of city high-rise buildings do not even think about the fact that they can install a fireplace in their apartment, and for this it is not at all necessary to build a brick chimney and contact the fire inspectorate. A decorative hearth made with your own hands from a cardboard box is an alternative to the traditional type of fireplace. To create this piece of furniture, no construction skills or skills in working with equipment are required. All that is needed from a master is fantasy and imagination.

The process of creating a fireplace

Before you begin to implement your plans, you need to know what the work process is. Main stages:

  • planning:
  • preparation of available means;
  • manufacturing;
  • finishing and decoration.

Read also the article about in addition to this material.


In order for a fireplace made of a cardboard box to fit harmoniously into the interior of a house or apartment, it is important to allocate a suitable place for it. Most often the fireplace is placed in a corner or in the middle empty wall. Having selected the future location of the “hearth”, they determine the size of the structure. It is recommended to do this directly at the location where the fireplace is installed. For ease of use, all dimensions are plotted on paper. It is best to make a small sketch of the future fireplace, where all the blanks and details of the decorative item will be marked.

Advice! During the work process, you may need other available tools, it all depends on the design of the fireplace and its design.

Making a wall fireplace

A fireplace from a TV box can be made in two ways - place it against a wall (wall-mounted fireplace) or in a corner (corner fireplace). The simplest and most common option is the manufacture of a wall structure. It is made of three elements - a rigid base, a fireplace portal and a shelf. Manufacturing process:

  • First, start creating the base. It must be strong and rigid in order to stand confidently on the floor. To prevent the structure from bending, it is strengthened with stiffening ribs. They are placed inside a rectangular podium in the form of a lattice or in a chaotic manner. The base is cut out from a corrugated box with sides. The upper part of the podium is an additional cardboard panel. The side parts are made of several layers of cardboard glued together and glued to the panels with masking tape.

Important! The width of the base should be 1 cm larger than the fireplace portal.

  • It is best to make a fireplace portal on frame basis. Mark the dimensions of the fireplace window on the cardboard and cut out the upper part with a stationery knife. The plane of the window is divided in half, and the resulting sashes are folded inward. The result is the side walls of the portal.
  • Width interior walls The portal is equal to the width of the ceiling, and the width of the hearth is the length of the ceiling, cut out of cardboard in the form of a rectangle. The cardboard strip is secured with masking tape.

  • Next we start making frame panels. They can be made from cardboard rectangles glued together, or lattice partitions. They are attached to the front of the portal and glued with tape.

  • A sheet of cardboard is attached to the frame.
  • The resulting fireplace portal is inserted into the base.

Advice! Instead of masking tape Where appropriate, you can use PVA glue and paper.

  • The fireplace structure is covered with paper or painted over. The resulting niches in the fireplace frame can become convenient shelves for storing things. To make the walls of the “windows” more rigid, several layers of cardboard are used, glued together.

  • The next step is making and installing the top shelf. Without a top panel, the fireplace will look unfinished, plus you won’t be able to put decorations on it. To prevent the structure from falling, the weight of the shelf should be lighter than the base of the fireplace and portal. It is “set” on liquid nails or polymer glue.

Making a corner fireplace

A corner decorative fireplace made of a cardboard box can be installed in any free corner of the room. Additionally, a fireplace can hide an unsightly or empty corner space. Stages of making a decorative “hearth”:

  • First, measure the angle. Some install it in a furniture wall.
  • The box is used to form the shape of a fireplace. The walls of the resulting triangle are secured from the top of the corner with masking tape.

  • The base of the triangle is given additional rigidity. In the corners of the structure, with inside including making 10 cm cuts and wrapping them inside. This allows you to get an even fold. The strips are glued together.
  • From part of the box they make a pattern for a fireplace portal or hearth window. The triangle is reduced on each side by 7-10 cm and a mini copy is cut out. Next, it is applied to the large plane of the triangle and cut out. The same cuts are made in the corners, the strips are folded and glued with tape.
  • The back parts of the hearth are made from the corner of a box. For the bottom and ceiling you need two triangular parts. The internal boundaries of the hearth are measured along the resulting opening.
  • Between the bottom of the “firebox” and the bottom of the fireplace, two columns made of several layers of cardboard are attached. This is necessary in order to give rigidity to the structure.
  • It is recommended to cover the corner fireplace with embossed wallpaper. It is better to start work from a corner.
  • Mantel in the form of a triangle attached at the end finishing works.


The appearance of a fireplace from a TV box can be very diverse. The side walls and the front shelf can be framed with relief molding. It will visually divide the fireplace zones. Stucco elements are glued to the resulting areas of the “hearth”, and columns are glued to the sides.

Important! All decorative elements are glued using polyurethane glue directly onto the cardboard. You can use any composition, for example, “Dragon” glue, etc.

After gluing all the decorations, the surface of the fireplace is painted with white paint using a brush. Hard to reach places paint with a sponge. To highlight a particular area of ​​the fireplace, it is coated with colored coloring compounds. Gold inserts look great in combination with white paint. Craftsmen advise applying varnish to the front of the fireplace and side panels. water based- it will prevent the destruction of the “hearth” and protect it from external influences.

Video: making a fireplace from cardboard with your own hands

Some people stick embossed wallpaper onto the fireplace structure. From rectangular panels of cardboard you can make an imitation of brickwork, onto which wallpaper is glued. The “bricks” are secured with liquid nails in the fireplace niche at the same distance from each other. After this, they are coated with water-based paint and allowed to dry.

After all the finishing work, they begin to decorate the mantelpiece. It can also be painted or covered with wallpaper. The stucco molding is covered with tinting. The base of the fireplace is decorated with glued painted pieces of foam plastic.

A decorative fireplace out of a box can be decorated with homemade firewood. They are made from corrugated cardboard, rolled up. The branches are made from smaller bundles. They are attached to the log using glue. The resulting firewood is coated with white paint - gouache.

Anyone can make a fireplace from a cardboard box with their own hands. The best assistants in this matter will be the imagination and fantasy of the master.