Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

To spite scrap metal collectors: homemade products from a washing machine engine. Grinding machine from a washing machine engine Jointer from a washing machine engine

Homemade engine from washing machine(video selection, photos, diagrams)

1. How to connect a motor from an old washing machine through or without a capacitor

Not all washing motors will work with a capacitor.

There are 2 main types of engines:
- with capacitor start (always on capacitor)
- with start relay.
As a rule, “capacitor” motors have three winding terminals, a power of 100 -120 W and a speed of 2700 - 2850 (centrifuge motors for washing machines).

And motors with a “start relay” have 4 outputs, a power of 180 W and a speed of 1370 - 1450 (washing machine activator drive)

Connecting a "capacitor" motor through the start button may result in loss of power.
And using a permanently switched capacitor in a motor designed for a starting relay can lead to burnout of the windings!

2. Homemade emery from the engine washing machine

Today we will talk about remodeling asynchronous electric motor from the washing machine to the generator. In general, I have been interested in this issue for a long time, but there was no particular desire to remake the electric motor, since at that time I did not see the scope of application of the generator. Since the beginning of the year, work has been going on new model ski lift. Having your own lift is a good thing, but skiing with music is much more fun, so I quickly came up with the idea of ​​​​making such a generator so that in winter on the slope I could use it to charge the battery.

I had three electric motors from the washing machine, and two of them were absolutely working. I decided to convert one of these asynchronous electric motors into a generator.

Looking ahead a little, I will say that the idea is not mine and not new. I will only describe the process of converting an asynchronous electric motor into a generator.

The basis was taken from an electric motor of a washing machine with a power of 180 Watts produced in China in the early 90s of the last century.

I ordered magnets from NPK Magnets and Systems LLC, I had already bought magnets during construction before wind farm. Neodymium magnets, magnet size 20x10x5. The cost of 32 pieces of magnets with delivery is 1240 rubles.

The alteration of the rotor consisted of removing the core layer (deepening). Neodymium magnets will be installed in the resulting recess. First, 2 mm of the core was removed on a lathe - the protrusion above the side cheeks. Then a 5 mm recess was made for the neodymium magnets. The result of the rotor modification can be seen in the photograph.

Having measured the circumference of the resulting rotor, we made necessary calculations, after which a strip template was made from tin. Using a template, the rotor was divided into equal parts. Neodymium magnets will then be glued between the risks.

8 magnets were used per pole. There are a total of 4 poles on the rotor. Using a compass and marker, all magnets were labeled for convenience. The magnets were glued to the rotor with “Superglue”. I will say that this is a painstaking task. The magnets are very strong, I had to hold them tightly when gluing. There were times when magnets came off, pinched fingers, and glue flew into my eyes. Therefore, you need to use safety glasses when gluing magnets.

I decided to fill the cavity between the magnets with epoxy resin. To do this, the rotor with magnets was wrapped in several layers of paper. The paper is secured with tape. The ends are covered with plasticine for additional sealing. A hole is cut in the shell. A neck is made of plasticine around the hole. Epoxy resin was poured into the shell hole.

After hardening epoxy resin, the shell has been removed. The rotor is clamped into the chuck drilling machine for subsequent processing. Grinding was carried out sandpaper medium grit.

There were 4 wires coming out of the electric motor. I found a working winding and cut off the wires from the starting winding. I installed new bearings because the old ones were a bit stiff to rotate. The bolts that tighten the body are also new.

The rectifier is assembled using D242 diodes; the “SOLAR” controller, purchased a few years ago on Ebay, is used as a charging controller.

Tests of the generator can be seen in the video.

To charge the battery, 3-5 revolutions of the generator are enough. At maximum speed of the drill, it was possible to squeeze 273 Volts out of the generator. Alas, the sticking is quite significant, so there is no point in installing such a generator on a windmill. Unless the windmill will have a large propeller or gearbox.

The generator will be located on the ski lift. Tests in field conditions already this winter.

Source www.konstantin.in

4. Connecting and adjusting the speed of the commutator motor from an automatic washing machine

Manufacturing of the regulator:

Regulator setting:

Regulator test:

Regulator on the grinder:


5. Potter's wheel from the washing machine

6. Lathe from an automatic washing machine

How to make a headstock for a wood lathe from a washing machine motor. and a speed controller with power maintenance.

7. Wood splitter with a washing machine engine

The smallest single-phase, screw cleaver with a 600 W washing machine motor. with speed stabilizer
Working speed: 1000-8000 rpm.

8. Homemade concrete mixer

Simple homemade concrete mixer, consists of: a 200 liter barrel, an engine from a washing machine, a disk from a classic Lada, a gearbox made from a Zaporozhets generator, a large driven pulley from a fairy washing machine, small self-grinding pulleys, a drum pulley made from the same disk.

Prepared and put together: Maximan

At flea markets you often come across engines from Soviet-era washing machines or even from modern products. Such an engine is usually not expensive, but it can have a lot of benefits.

The idea is to make a grinding machine out of it, the performance of which may be even better than that of its Chinese counterpart. However, before purchasing, it is advisable to check the functionality.

First, we measure the resistance of the working and starting windings. Highest value has a starting winding. We are starting to produce the frame for our future machine. It must be stable and durable.

To form the frame, a metal corner and a profile pipe are used. Workpieces are cut. The engine is installed on part of the frame, and then the body is assembled completely around it by welding. Next we make a table for the bed from the same profile pipe, cutting it in half.

Main stages of work

We weld a couple of pieces of round timber, forming an even gap between them and the nuts along the edges. You need to place emphasis under the table. Then we make additional detail to fix the required angle, which can be adjusted.

We take a disk from an old pneumatic grinder diameter 150 mm. We cut the threads on the motor shaft and on the disk itself for the adapter made from an extended nut. If the motor is capacitor, and its power is 180-200 W, we connect a starting capacitor of 12 μF (at the rate of 7 μF per 100 W).

We screw one end to the motor wire, the other to one of the wires of the network cable. We place the capacitor near the engine using zip ties. We carefully isolate all contacts and fix them network cable to avoid displacement.

To make it easier to move the machine, you can make a handle from polypropylene pipe, inside of which there is a metal rod. It is attached to the engine itself. We assemble the entire structure, install the disk and put our machine into operation.

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Scrap metal collectors will be happy to take your old washing machine. But don't rush to please them. You won't get much money for scrap, but if you approach this issue wisely, you can get a lot of useful things for household. Homemade products made from a washing machine engine will help you quickly de-feather poultry, cut pet food, mow the lawn, and smoke fish and meat. And this is not a complete list of what can be made from a washing machine. Today, in the editorial review of the site, there are detailed instructions on how to give the “iron heart” of a washing machine a new life.

Parts from a washing machine are a material for many useful homemade products

If you are planning to make homemade products from a used engine, you need to figure out what it is and what it is capable of. In you can find three types of motors: asynchronous, brushless and commutated. Let's take a closer look at them:

  • Asynchronous– can be two-phase or three-phase. Two-phase engines are found in older Soviet-made models. More modern machines are equipped with three-phase. The design of such an engine is extremely simple; it can reach speeds of up to 2800 rpm. The working engine removed from the machine just needs to be lubricated - and it is ready for new exploits.
  • Collector– you will find this type of motor in the design of most household appliances. Such devices can operate from constant and alternating current, have compact dimensions and controlled speed. The only drawback of such an engine is the brushes that wear out, but these parts can be replaced if necessary.

  • Brushless Direct Drive– the most modern engine from the Korean manufacturer. You will find it in modern washing machines from LG and Samsung.

Now that you can determine the type of motor, all that remains is to decide where you can use the motor from the washing machine.

We properly disassemble and decide what can be made from parts of an old washing machine

Disassembling a washing machine is a leisurely task. After working with water, a salt build-up may remain on the parts; it must be carefully removed so as not to damage the parts during removal. What can be made from an old washing machine? A motor will be useful for homemade projects - it will become the basis for many devices. The drum will also come into play. It is usually made of stainless steel. All pipes must be disconnected from the drum. A loading hatch may also be useful. In addition to these parts, do not rush to throw away springs, counterweights and body parts.

How to make a sharpener or grinding device from a washing machine engine

A sharpener is one of the most popular tools for the home. With its help you can sharpen gardening Tools, household knives and scissors. If you don’t already have one, buy it at any hardware store or make a sharpening machine from a washing machine. Most difficult moment– how to attach the emery wheel to the motor. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made flange. It looks something like this.

You can machine a flange from metal pipe suitable diameter, most often a tube with a cross section of 32 mm is suitable. You need to cut a piece 15 centimeters long from it, this is quite enough to fix the emery. The flange is secured to the motor shaft by welding or a through bolt. The video describes in detail how a homemade washing machine sharpener works:

Making a wood lathe from a washing machine

What else can you do with the washing machine motor? One popular idea is a wood lathe. Let's look at the step-by-step process.

IllustrationDescription of action
To firmly fix the engine on the workbench, make fasteners from a metal angle. To do this, drill holes for fixing to the motor legs and table.
To fasten a wooden part, you will need a flange fixed to the motor shaft, and these are the studs made from ordinary bolts with cut off heads. Screw these pins into the base. You will need 3 studs.
The motor is fixed to the table with self-tapping screws and to the metal part with bolts.
The opposite end of the wooden part is attached with such a device. It consists of a screw with a loop, two wooden stands perpendicularly fixed to the corners.
This wooden piece must be movable in order to be used. different blanks. For mobility, it is mounted on a threaded stud with bolts.
To control the motor you will need a power supply. You can use one of the computer units. You will need to install switches to adjust the rotation speed.
How to connect a motor to a power supply in animation.
Make a tool rest to guide your tools. It consists of two wooden parts and a metal corner. All parts are movable due to fastening with one bolt.
The lower part of the tool rest is rigidly fixed on the workbench using self-tapping screws and corners.
The workpiece is fixed on the machine on both sides: on the left - on studs, on the right - on a bolt with a handle. To fix it in the workpiece, you need to drill the corresponding holes.
To work, you will need sharpened tools - cutters.
Final sanding of the workpiece is done using a strip of sandpaper.

How to make a simple feather removal machine for home use from a washing machine with your own hands

The time of slaughtering a bird is a troublesome stage. This is usually done in the fall, when the ducks and broilers have reached the desired weight, and it is no longer profitable to keep them in the winter. You need to pluck several dozen or even hundreds of carcasses very quickly. You can get rid of hard labor with the help of a feather removal machine, and it’s easy to do everything from the same parts of the washing machine.

The device does not require disassembling the washing machine. It is especially convenient to use machines with vertical loading. You just need to fix the beats in the drum so that they point inward. Before plucking, the chicken carcass must be scalded with boiling water and then simply thrown into a rotating drum. Here's what happens:

Important! To prevent water from getting on the engine of the feather removal machine, you need to protect it with a plastic casing.

And the last point - the feather removal device must be firmly fixed, since the vibration when loading the carcass will be very strong.

Lawnmower from a used motor

We continue to look for the answer to the question of where we can use the motor from an automatic washing machine. Another original idea is manufacturing. For small area quite enough electric model connected to a power source with a cord. The design of such a unit is very simple. You will need to make a platform on four wheels with a small diameter.

The engine is fixed on top of the platform, the shaft is threaded into the hole below, and the knife is attached to it. All that remains is to attach handles and a lever to the cart to turn the power on and off. If you have an asynchronous motor lying around, you will be surprised at how quiet the unit will be, even compared to factory models.

Advice! To prevent grass from wrapping around the knives, you need to bend them slightly cutting edges down.

Video: how to make a lawn mower

Animal feed cutter

For a rural resident, a feed cutter is a very important device on the farm. And this unit is easy to make from. What can be used: a drum and a motor.

For a feed cutter, you will need to make a housing in which a drum with holes sharpened for cutting and a lid for pressing will be mounted. The connection between the rotating drum and the motor is carried out through a drive. Finished model looks like that:

How to assemble a generator from an old washing machine

We continue to look at homemade products from a washing machine motor, and the turn has come to the generator. You won't be able to collect powerful device, but in case of an emergency shutdown you can fully prepare. To turn the engine into a generator, you will have to disassemble it and partially cut off the core. In the remaining part of the core you need to make grooves for neodymium magnets.

The gaps between the magnets are filled cold welding. To operate the device, the kit must include a motorcycle battery, a rectifier and a charge controller. Details of the work in the video:

Homemade concrete mixer

If you have started a small renovation that requires, for example, plastering the walls, a concrete mixer will come in handy. Once again, washing machine parts will come in handy.

As a container for concrete, you can use the same drum with pre-sealed holes for draining water. It is best to use parts from a machine with front loading, almost nothing will have to be redone there. To strengthen the body, use a metal corner, and for convenient movement of the concrete mixer, equip it with wheels. The main difficulty in the design is the manufacture of a “swing” for the correct tilt and subsequent pouring of concrete. How to do it correctly in the video:

Homemade products from a washing machine engine: circular saw

You will be surprised, but a circular machine can also be built based on the motor from a washing machine. Important point in this matter - additional equipment of the motor with a device that regulates speed. Without this additional module, the circular machine will work unevenly and simply will not cope with the task. Device assembly diagram:

The principle of operation of the device is simple: the engine drives a shaft on which a small pulley is mounted. From the small pulley there is a drive belt to a large pulley with a circular saw.

Important! When working with a homemade circular saw, take care of your hands. All structural parts must be firmly fixed.

The resulting unit will not be very powerful, so it can only be used for dissolving boards up to 5 cm thick. How does this work? homemade circular:

What else can be made from a washing machine drum: original decor ideas

The drum with its correct perforation is the material for manufacturing decorative items. Here are some interesting ideas.

Bedside tables and tables. Drums with doors from top-loading machines can be used to hide small items.

Making a barbecue from a drum from a washing machine, photo examples

- a temporary product. Sooner or later it burns out and requires replacement. You can buy a new one each time or use improvised material, for example, a drum from a washing machine. Making this craft from a washing machine drum takes a couple of minutes. The beauty is that oxygen easily enters the perforated container, which causes active combustion.

The metal of the drum can withstand a couple of seasons. Do it for him convenient stand, so that you don’t have to bend over, and you’re done. Skewers standard length conveniently placed on a small roasting pan. If necessary, you can lightly weld a couple of guides.

How to make a good smokehouse from a washing machine drum

The icing on the cake in our question is. Fragrant smoked meat, lard and fish - what could be better for the table? If you have a tank from a top-loading machine lying around in your shed or garage, consider it a done deal.

It is necessary to cut a hole in the bottom of the tank for the firebox, and weld fasteners inside for hanging food. All that remains is to install the tank on the fireplace, hang the fish or lard, cover the top of the tank with a lid and light the sawdust.

It is important that the fuel under the smokehouse smolders and does not burn. It is better to place such a device away from home.

Important! You will have to keep an eye on such a smokehouse. It should not be left for a long time, the fire may flare up, and instead of a smoked product you will get a burnt product.

In some situations, it is cheaper to purchase a new product than to restore broken household appliances. However, a prudent person will receive additional benefits by using functional components for their intended purpose. This publication presents homemade products made from a washing machine engine. And video clips will help you more accurately reproduce the homemade products of masters and get useful products quickly and without extra costs.

Read in the article:

What is a motor from an old washing machine good for?

First, it is necessary to clarify the real capabilities of the existing power unit. IN household appliances Soviet period They installed fairly reliable asynchronous electric motors (180-220 W). They were connected to two-phase AC networks. Previously, structures were created in a collapsible design. Therefore, in the event of a breakdown, repairs do not cause excessive difficulties. The only exception is damage to the windings. Modern models differ in increased power (up to 340 W).

Since the late 90s of the last century, such simple engines have not been used. Instead of asynchronous ones, collector units are more often used. They are more compact and weigh less. The corresponding modifications provide the following capabilities:

  • DC power connections;
  • smooth speed control.

To supply current to the rotor part, use graphite rods with spring pushers. These parts must be replaced periodically. The power of commutator-type electric motors ranges from 340 to 780 W at a working shaft rotation speed in the range of 11400−15200 rpm.

The photo shows a power unit that was first used by engineers of the famous South Korean brand LG. It is often called inverter, since it is assumed that the speed can be smoothly adjusted (up to 2 thousand per minute) using an external control device. The power of such units exceeds 500 W, which allows it to be connected directly to the drum shaft without a special belt drive. The following options and the features of the motor from an automatic washing machine determine where this power unit can be used:

  • power;
  • speed of rotation of the working shaft;
  • dimensions;
  • power supply and control circuit.

For your information! More attentive people pay attention to maintainability, reliability, and resistance to external influences. They study the opinions of experts in specialized forums, and official guarantees of manufacturers.

What can be made from an old washing machine: examples of work with comments

The information below will help you implement various projects based on the corresponding power unit. Here are working homemade products from a washing machine motor, which performed well during practical tests. Attached to some projects step by step instructions with detailed explanations of the assembly process.

How to make a grinder or sharpener from a washing machine engine

IllustrationDescription of action

First of all, let's determine which replacement nozzles will be used in practice. The characteristics of the processing processes are of significant importance: the duration of cycles, the hardness of the workpiece material, etc.
In this embodiment, the author uses grinding discs with a diameter of 200 mm with an adhesive layer on the non-working side. He selected a nozzle of approximately the same size from a grinder (175 mm) with threaded connection in the central part.

To implement the plans, an old washing machine motor was found, which rotates the armature at a speed of up to 1500 rpm. In the photo, the arrow marks the starting relay mounted on the housing. Power supply: AC 220 V.
A special attachment was created on a lathe. It is attached to the 14mm shaft with a screw. A rod with a thread is welded to the end of the part, which corresponds to the connecting node of the adapter.

During practical testing, it became clear that the initial rotation did not correspond to the thread direction. This means that when performing work operations the nozzle will unscrew. The author did not use a special electrical diagram, but swapped the housing covers along with the bearing.
To securely fasten the power unit, a special frame is created from steel corners. Welded joints have been cleaned. At the final stage, the product is coated successively with a metal primer and paint.

Using screws, a table (1) equipped with a rotating frame is connected to the frame. A support rod (2) with height adjustment is installed in the center. With its help, the exact angle required for working with workpieces is established.

The assembly confirmed the accuracy of the calculations and individual parts. To eliminate errors, you need to prepare a set of drawings in advance. It is not necessary to comply with engineering GOSTs. However, you need to carefully understand the features of each design component, note the dimensions and mounting dimensions.
Practical testing shows the good functionality of the new machine. The power is quite sufficient for processing duralumin blanks. An additional plus is the quiet operation of the washing machine motor.

To collect and remove waste, a special box is made with an outlet pipe for connecting a vacuum cleaner. It is installed at the bottom of the frame under the working area.

For your information! Using this algorithm, it is easy to create a high-quality sharpening machine from a washing machine. To increase safety, it is necessary to use individual protective equipment. A transparent polymer shield covering the work area is also useful.

Wood lathe

It is not too difficult to create a sharpener with your own hands from a washing machine. However, the following example demonstrates the relative ease of manufacturing more complex equipment.

Since an asynchronous motor from the Vyatka washing machine is used, a capacitor is installed in the power circuit. The armature of this power unit rotates at a speed of 400/3000 revolutions per minute. To install the axle parallel to the frame parts, washers of appropriate thickness were selected.


The picture shows important nuances:

  1. These rods (1) must have sufficient strength, since the movement of equipment around the site is carried out manually.
  2. The motor switch for the washing machine is installed near the handle for user convenience. For connection, use wire (2) with high-quality insulation. Provide good sealing of electrical components so as not to create emergency situations in conditions of high humidity.
  3. Belt drive (3) reduces vibration levels. By changing the size of the pulleys, select optimal speed rotation of the knives.
  4. Such units (4) are used to adjust the clearance and mowing height of the lawn.
  5. Large wheels (5) are useful for overcoming obstacles on the land.

Feed cutter

How to turn an old washing machine engine into a generator

However, special preparation is required to obtain such a result. A recess is made at the end of the rotor. It is fixed in it permanent magnets. The upgraded part is installed in place. To accumulate the received energy, a rectifier and a battery are used. These units are connected via a controller to optimize the charging process.

Concrete mixer

Here two belt drives are complemented by a gearbox. The complex managed to create the necessary torque with a relatively low power of the electric drive.

A circular saw

What can be made from a washing machine drum: simple designs

In practice, not only the motor from the washing machine will be useful. What can be made from a drum is described in the following sections of the publication.

Brazier from a drum from a washing machine: photos and useful tips

Brazier from of stainless steel looks great. He long time maintains functional characteristics and is flawless appearance. It is easy to clean it from dirt. Not here sharp corners and other potentially dangerous parts. Resistance to high temperatures. Light weight means no difficulty in moving. The most suitable workpiece is a drum from a top-loading washing machine. It has special doors that close the firebox and regulate the air flow.

Can you make a smokehouse from a washing machine drum?

For processing, meat, fish and other food products are placed for a long time in a closed container, where a high concentration of smoke is maintained. Low and high temperature technology is used. In any case, a good seal will come in handy.

Weld all extra holes. Install a pipe for supplying smoke. Lattice shelves and hangers for placing products are installed inside.

Decorative and functional crafts from a washing machine drum

These pictures show examples of products that can be created quickly and efficiently without detailed instructions:

How to create a feather remover from a washing machine with your own hands: using several parts of old equipment

The photo demonstrates what can be done from an activator-type washing machine. After significant rework it will be possible convenient device, which will help automate the tedious process of processing poultry before sale ( long-term storage). Such equipment is used to solve domestic and commercial problems.

A similar design is created from a washing machine. Rubber pins (beaters) are inserted into the walls of the tank and the disk installed below. When the bottom part rotates, these elastic elements tear feathers from the carcass. To increase the efficiency of the process and remove debris, watering is used from the top side of the container.

Homemade products from a washing machine engine: conclusions and additional information

In any case, even when working with a relatively simple design, you should prepare project documentation. This will simplify the search for additional components and prevent errors during assembly. For publication own ideas and get answers to additional questions, use the comments. With the help of our online magazine, it is easy to draw the right conclusion about what to do with your old washing machine after completing the intended use of the equipment.

The video demonstrates the operating principle and features of the feather removal machine:

A skilled owner has no such thing as trash. Any unit or equipment that fails is at least a deferred benefit. Today the editors of the site will talk about how to wisely use some units of old washing machines. A lawn mower, a concrete mixer - this is an incomplete list of useful homemade products from an engine and drum from, which we will discuss in detail in this review. Offers step by step photos and video master classes with the easiest to implement, but useful ideas How to make homemade products from a washing machine motor.

Read in the article

Types of washing machine motors

How to make a grinder or sharpener from a washing machine engine

If you don't know where to use the motor from, do grinder. This is one of the simplest “alterations” of the washing machine motor. The most a big problem in the assembly of the grinder - to ensure good, stable fastening of the grindstone to the motor shaft; most often, a special flange is used.

Let us consider in detail all stages of work:

Illustration Description of action

For work, we will need a 180 V, 1400 rpm motor from a washing machine. You should not choose an engine that is too powerful. The first stage is insulating the wires.
Marking grinding wheel under the adapter. Moreover, to fasten the hub it is necessary to use a washer and a nut with a thread directed in the direction opposite to the rotation of the shaft. Otherwise, it will unwind and the sharpening stone will fly off at the first start.
Slice metal corners, they can be cut from 8 mm sheets. Using bolts we secure the motor to the frame.

We assemble all the elements grinding disc and test run.
The next stage is painting and welding to the base.

To complete the work, decorate the surface with an abrasive material. The easiest way is to use double-sided tape for these purposes. Using the same principle, you can make your own sharpener from a washing machine.

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Electrician 5th category LLC "Petrocom"

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"If you need to change the direction of rotation of the rotor grinding machine from the washing machine, for asynchronous motors It is enough to switch the corresponding windings. If you do not have a trigger coil, then when you push the stone in the right direction, the device will start working on its own.


Wood lathe

The most difficult thing about this homemade project is to weld the correct frame for the base. The lathe must have a stable base. The frame can be made from corners and profiles, and other available materials. The most important thing is that the motor axis is parallel to the supporting structure.

The motor in such models is asynchronous, usually with two speeds, from 400 to 3000 rpm.

For more information on how you can use a motor from a washing machine and use it to assemble a lathe, watch this video:

DIY feather removal machine from a washing machine

This machine will easily do “all the dirty work” for you. She will cope perfectly with the time-consuming and physically difficult task of plucking chickens.

Illustration Description of action

We take a shaft from an old washing machine and work on the thread. Use sandpaper to make neat cuts under the pulley.

In our case, a vertical loading pulley is suitable.
We cut out the adapter from an old steering pin from a UAZ. The thread fit just right.

For pressing we use a centrifuge cap from an old semi-automatic washing machine "Siberia".

To mount our motor, we assemble a frame. We paint and weld the “ears”.
We “seat” the pump on the sealant.

We install the pulley on the reverse side.
We check the belt drive of our unit.

We connect the board with the tachometer. We connect the windings from the collector to the armature in series. If you connect incorrectly, your motor will spin in the wrong direction. We attach the control unit under the tabletop.

We attach it to a bowl for loading carcasses, equipped with rubber pins.
We place the bottom of the feather removal machine on top and secure it with a cap on a screw.

This machine can cope with plucking boiler chickens, as well as quails. About 120 rubber “fingers” with a diameter of 8 mm were used for production.


This is another great way to use a washing machine motor and give it a second life. By analogy with any device, the most difficult thing here is to make a comfortable frame to which the motor can be securely screwed. The second most important task is to come up with a casing to protect the motor from dust and, and the person from cuts.

Sometimes the frame from a stroller or is used as a base. Next it is welded onto the frame a metal sheet. A casing is attached to the top of the platform, and a special bumper is fitted to the front and rear. It can be either plastic or rubber, or metal.

Options for knives can be different - from rotary to cylindrical.

Feed cutter

But to make a feed cutter, not only the motor from the washing machine will be used, but also the drum. True, it’s worth choosing initially. However, if you can’t find one, a regular drum will do.

A clamp is provided to hold beets or juicy products.

Important! If you are using a top-loading washing machine tub, make sure that the blades do not touch the bottom and sides of the container during operation!

How to turn an old washing machine engine into a generator

For the manufacture of homemade generator you will have to seek help from a professional turner. After purchase, it will be necessary to cut grooves of a certain depth on the engine core.

To secure the magnetic “amplifiers,” it is necessary to prepare tin templates in advance, the dimensions of which must match the dimensions of the core and the width of the grooves. It is important to distribute the magnets on the core at the same distance. You can secure them with glue.