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Tengenism: an ancient religion of Tatar, Chuvash and Marijtsev. analyze the religious views of the ancient Turks in the period from the VI-VII centuries

Being parents (and I still have them), he paused "Encyclopedia for children. Religions of the world." Almost at school, I bought almost all the volumes of this encyclopedia, but I loved to read the most about the story and religion. An article about Zoroastrianism I learned almost by heart. I was always interested in the article "Religion Steppe", which I want to give here (because it is very interesting).

Ancient civilizations were far from so simple and primitive in their spiritual stuff, as it seemed recently. Already then, long before the new era, people began to gradually develop an idea of \u200b\u200bGod as the Creator of the Universe. An example of the origin of such religious views can be civilization, which was conventionally called steppe: it existed on a huge territory, called the steptee.
After the opening by the archaeologist A. Okladnikov on the shores of the Yenisei traces of the ancient Turkic culture, there was an opportunity to talk about the religion of the Turkic-Kipchakov, who inhabited the giant country of the Cafe-I-Kip-Chuck (the steppe of the Kipchak). In the West, she reached the foot of the Alps, in the east her border was lost behind Baikal. In the north, the country of Bait-I-Kipchak reached the Moscow River, and in the south - to the Black Sea. It was such a country that the Great King Attila was bequeathed to descendants (V. N. er), the leader of Kipchakov. Turkic boils are more famous in Europe under the names of "Gunns" (so they called the Greeks), "Varvara" (they were called the Romans) or "Geets" (this name was given by the Germans and Normans).
Warriors king Attila by the middle of V c. We won almost all of Europe not only because they owned more advanced weapons or used the unknown tactics of the battle. The main force of the people who came from the east was to be in his high spirit that described on the developed religion.
Cult Tengri. Turkic-Kipchaks came to pagan Europe under banners with a cross. The cross on Horugvy Attila was a symbol of Tengri-Khan - the Supreme, and possibly the only god of their ancient religion. (The word "Khorugwe" comes from the Turkic "Horug" - "Stag", "banner" - and translates as "defense", "patronage".)
On the stone plates in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Upper Yenisei, an ancient artist image of the priests in long clothes with rods are preserved. The drawings of the altar with the cup standing on it are found here, very similar to the Patir, used for communion in Christianity. Apparently, the scenes depict elements of a religious rite, not similar to the ancient shamanic rites, common, as it is considered, in these places in those distant times.
According to the researchers, long before the new era of Turks who lived then in Altai and in South Siberia, worshiped a man-sky, the Sunman - Tengri Khan. Chinese historians noted that the cult of Ten-Chert in Kipchakov has developed no later than the V-III centuries. BC e.
The image of Tengri is hardly a sign of not all the peoples of Central Asia, he applies to the number of the most ancient mythological images of the East. Tengri is not only the Heavenly Hospital, but also the sky itself; It is the place of its constant habitat.
Kipchaks called his Tengri or Tengeni, Buryats - Tangari, Mongols - Tinger, Chuvashi - Tour; But, despite various pronunciation, we are always talking about one thing - about the male divine start, about God-Father.
Tengri Khan thought as a deity truly cosmic scales. He ordered the fate of man, the people, the state. He is the creator of the world, and he himself is the world.

Hase - Senior Son Tengri Khan
When Kipchak, first having met Christians, heard the son of God of Heaven - about Jesus Christ, - they were not surprised at all: after all, in the Tengrian Pantheon, the sons of Tengrian Khan was given away special place.
One of them, Geser, was known for the clergymen of Kipchakov in Tibetan and Mongolian legends, according to which there was no ruler in a certain city for a long time, and one of the three sons of Heavenly Lord was sent there. He was born, like Christ, in human appearance, but in the family is not a carpenter, but the prince.
In the legends about Geser, there is a lot of common with legends about Christ, about the chosen man ... It is important to notice that Geser lived and performed feats for a thousand years before Christ; He is the eldest son of Tengri Khan. Therefore, during the origin of the Christian religion, this hero has been well known and well known in Tibet, and in Mongolia, and in neighboring countries.
However, in the south (for example, in India), under the influence of Buddhism, the image of a heter was changed over time and received a different development: Brahma began to be considered his father. Buryat the image of Heser also underwent a change: the attitude towards it was determined by common shaman representations, so the Son of God acquires the shaman's features. Saving the appearance, but somewhat changing the "functions", the Geaster occupies an honorable place in the Pantheon of Tibetan Buddhism as a hero cleansing the world from the firm.
Now it is hardly possible to establish how highly put the Türki-Kipheli heerarchy in the hierarchy of their celers. But, judging by the preserved legends of the peoples neighboring with the boils, it can be assumed that this son of the Heaven's God was really well known in Central Asia in ancient times, and the Kipchak, of course, also honored him.

Eastern peoples have a sustainable idea of three Mirah - Heavenly, earthly and underground - and appropriate hierarchy of celestials, as well as inhabitants of the underworld. The Turks, Mongols and other peoples of the sky are divided into tiers, and each tier shares in two, which corresponds to different manifestations of the image of God: a good and strict, protecting and punishing. God sees everything but only from a person, from his affairs and thoughts depends on how God will react to him and his actions.
The sky, divided into 9 tiers, in the representations of the Turks reflects the trocherness of the spiritual world (three times three). Mongols increased the number of sky tiers to 99, in their world-upsion - 99 gods, but they all wear the name of Tengri and are essentially an amazing of a single God.
German scientist. Derfer traced the evolution of the very concept of "Tengri" from the early, still the shaman's idea of \u200b\u200bthis image to the highest stages in his religious and mythological development and came to the conclusion that we are talking about one of the first (if not the very first) monotheistic religions in world.
Tengri, Father's God, the Creator of the World, turned their prayers, requests, the victims were brought to him. Until now, the descendants of the Kipchak have the most unrealistic oaths begin with: "Let Tengri shook me ...".
Tengrianism is a religion based on faith in the Creator - originated at the end of the II - early I thousand BC. e. Like any religion, the Tengrianism over time has acquired all the necessary attributes: the hierarchy of the celestialists, the priesthood of different ranks, preachers, and the most important thing - enshrined in writing and verbal arch of the liturgical rules (canon).
In addition to Tengri Khan, Kipchak was honored by the goddess of Umay. She personified the female earthly start. Umai patronized babies, and portrayed it, as a rule, with a baby in her arms. The image of this Tengrian borrowed, apparently from Hinduism.
His humility of Tengri-Khana Kipchak was emphasized using ancient symbol - sign of the equilateral cross (Aji): it was applied to the forehead or paint, or in the form of a tattoo.
Most likely the sign of the cross is borrowed by Tengrians from the ancient Tibetan (Dobddian) culture. He symbolized the concept of Rum - the world, where everything comes from and where everything comes back. There is heaven and earth, top and bottom with their patrons. Rum swims B. best ocean On the back of a huge fish or turtle attached for greater resistance to the mountain. At the base of the mountain rests the serpent commemorative. From time to time in the room flashes, like lightning, cross-tree Vajra ("Almaz"). In Buddhism, Vajra has become a symbol of strength and non-profitability.
When excavations of the steppe city of Belenger in Dagestan, the remains of the temples and the preserved ancient crosses were found. This is what Professor M. Magomedov writes, the author of many amazing discoveries made by him on the territory of Chet-I-Kipchak "One of the crosses managed to restore, he had the so-called" Maltese "form. The front side was decorated with a relief ribbon framing the branch of the cross. On the cross are preserved cut in the center ... Circles, intended for decoration ... with plaques of precious metals and stones. The shape of the cross is carefully worked out, the surface is well smoothed. The carving is accurately ... The cross with the help of a special protrusion was strengthened on the pedestal from the East Wall of the Church. "
The same crosses found archaeologists on the grave stones from Baikal to the Danube - on earth forgotten the countries of the Country and Kipchak.
His temples steppes called Kilisa. The word is coming from the name of the sacred mountain of Kailas, one of the most high mountains In the south of Tibetan Highlands. Many nations of the East, it is considered the abdomen of the gods. The mountain is located north of the small lake Manas. According to Dobddian legends, a paradise of god Shiva was on Kailas; There was also a cube - God of wealth. The mountain consisted of pure silver. Tradition also reports some other details. It turns out that in the ancient times the mountains had wings and could fly, but since their flight often led to great destruction, the God of Indra is counting on them wings and secured the mountains in their current places.
The forms of the first Buddhist and Tengrian temples tried to repeat, reproduce the outlines of the sacred mountain. A century in India (Maharashtra) in the Temple Complex Ellora appeared the temple carved from the whole cliff and received the name of Kailas. Nearby are another 33 temples. Since the gods of cubeer's wealth, temples were distinguished on the slopes of Kailasi, the temples were distinguished by an unusually rich external and interior decoration.
The image of the god Indra migrated to the myths of the peoples of Altai under the name of Tengri. In the Tengrian religion, many traditions of reverancy indra, suffered, however, on the image of Tangry Khan. That is why South Tibet was previously considered the traditional place of the pilgrimage of the Turks.
It was believed that he saw Kailas would be happy all his life. But to approach the grief, all the more climbing it, no one risked not to nice the gods. People stayed on the shir of the Holy Lake Manas and looked at Caylas. Here they read prayers, they led the philosophical conversations ... "Manas-Tir" in translated from Turkic meant "to gather near Manas on prayer."

How old is Psaltyri?
main book Tengrian was called Psalrty. It was recorded the entire set of laws and rules for which the rite was cited, prayers were read.
In the word "Psaltry" noticeably his eastern origin. The word "psya" came from India, from Buddhism, and means "crown", "crown". The Turkic word "altar" means "raised", "sublime". Altar, as you know, holy place in the church, its spiritual point of support. Therefore, Kipchak and gave their main holy book such a name "Psalrty", i.e., the "crown of the altar".
On the presence of holy books in Kipchakov, an ancient historians wrote an ancient historians during the greatest relocation of peoples, in particular Moses Kagankatvi, mentioned about them in the Chinese chronicles. According to the preserved legends of the pore, one of such books, apparently "Psalrty", brought to Rome in V c. Bishop Alexander from the city of Tan on Lona. You can judge the accuracy of these information from the vintage books at least for the fact that the Vatican library stores an instance of Psalti, written in Turkic tongs by Runic signs.

In one of the ancient Chinese handwritten sources, it is reported that by 165 BC. e. Turks possessed the fully established religion with a developed canon. This canon truly repeated the Buddhist, bequeathed by the Indian king canice. Apparently, he came from here and came the main Sacred book of Tengrian - "Psalrty". On Turkic language, the word "Psaltry" means the "crown of the altar". The book contained the Tengrian Canon - customs, rites and rules with whom it was necessary to apply to God. And the spiritual center of the Tengrian religion, as mentioned in the bank's testation, was the Buddhist temple in Kashmir, specially erected for this purpose by order of the king. From this temple, the branch of Buddhism takes place, which has gained independent development and issued as Tengrianism.
Probably already in II century. BC e. Tengrian temples were in Altai. Of course, it is difficult to expect that they looked as majority as Buddhist temples in India or Indochite. But they existed. This proves the results of the excavations produced by Professor M. Magomedov in the Caspiani. The preserved remnants of early Armenian and especially Lezghin cult facilities also allow some conclusions about appearance Tengrian temples.
Tengrian temples at some similarity with Buddhist still differed from them. Kipchak's cult facilities were built on foundations that had the shape of an equilateral cross. This was the mainly peculiarity of Tengrian temples. In addition to the strength, the congestion of the cross, apparently, symbolized and the intersection, where the path of the world converge.
At first, Tengrian temples looked quite modestly, inconspicuous. These were the chopped houses with a high roof for Kipchakov, on top of which the magician was mounted with a cross. Later, when the great resettlement of peoples and the Kipchak began to master new temples for themselves, new temples appeared. With its aspiration in the sky, they repeated the outlines of the sacred mountain.
Temple for Tengrian was a holy place, there was no longer allowed to enter ordinary believers; Only the clergyman in the course of service could briefly go inside. And once a year he was allowed to enter the altar part of the temple. Such a tradition was justified by the fact that the temple was considered the place of recreation Tengri-Khan, so believers were supposed to pray only near him. The prayer for prayer was called "Haram" - "place for prayer." More here nothing could not be done - just pray (hence another meaning of the word "Haram" - "ban", "Forbidden").

What were the Tengrian temples?
Unfortunately, the time rules the time, especially if they are from a tree or from another short-lived building material, for example, an unbearable brick ... It is the centuries who ordered the fate of Tengrian temples. Only foundations survived from them.
During the excavations of the Cychak settlement in the steppe Dagestan, archaeologists have often found places where the temples were stood. It would seem that they looked, we will never know. However, based on the comparison of the facts, some assumptions can be made. The fact is that the architecture of Tengrian temples, apparently, was borrowed by Armenian Christians and received its development in Armenia, but in another expression - in stone. After all, it is the stone since sincer building material In Mountain Armenia, the steppe was poor to them.
"In the remnants of the Christian architecture of the Transcaucasus," Professor M. Magomedov writes, "the norms of church construction known in the Christian world are represented. The earliest center of birth various shapes Church-architectural construction is Armenia ... "
Of course, if you wish, you can find some similarity of the ancientarmian monuments with Syrian or some other. But ... and this "but" is perhaps the most important thing, the most evidence is: it is in Armenia in the IV century. For the first time, Christianity became a state religion. Consequently, it is in Armenia, and not somewhere else, for the first time church construction was opened open, by the state itself, because Christianity has already become here official religion And the state cared for its strengthening.
Of course, this statement is not indisputable, but the Armenian missionaries have nowhere to borrow the architecture of their churches, except in the Bapt and-Kipchak. In the European world about such temples at that time did not yet know. That is why the ancient Armenian temples with their unique forms, in their sizes perfectly "get up" on those foundations that remained after Tengrian temples.

After the care of the Kipchak, with Altai in the steppe, their temples found a geographical orientation: the altar part turned strictly to the east, in the direction of Altai.
Professor M. Magomedov, who investigated the remnants of the ancient temples of Kipchak, described his finds: "They were located in the center of the Kurgan groups and differed little sizes. They are erected from small and medium seven sizes on a clay solution ... The broken internal outlines of one of the churches are recreated in terms of the shape of the cross. Church is focused on the length of the west to the east, with some deviation to the northeast. "

Tengrian rites and holidays

Tengrian-khan, tanning rites were strict and complex, prayers - long and cleansing soul. They also largely resembled the religious traditions of the East. For example, the mandatory were baptized with water, which looked like a complete triple immersion; Religious meal.
The biggest holiday was considered a hump. The holiday fell on December 25, when after the winter solstice, the day began to arrive and the sky - Tengri Khan - went out into the world.
On this day, it was supposed to bring Yelka to the house - a message from more ancient God Yer-Su, who worshiped the Altai peoples of about 3 thousand years ago, long before the acquaintance with Tengri Khan.
In Kipchakov, it was the elder who was a sacred tree. Spruce was "allowed to house," the holidays arranged in her honor. The tradition associated with Yer-Su is very ancient. This God is celebrating in the center of the Earth, just where, according to the legend, there is a "PUP of the Earth" and the giant spruce is growing, symbolizing the world tree. About ate sits an elder in a bathrobe with a thick white beard; His name is Ulgen. More often, he portrayed evil and insidious, but once a year, in winter, became kinder, went to the people and the children helped him hand out gifts from the robby. Ulgen and brought a Christmas tree to the house, near which all night had fun, drove away dances; They were called "Indress" in Kipchak and constituted the mandatory element of any holiday.
"Ulgen" translated from Turkic means "deceased", "sleeping underground". By the way, the bottom of the tomb of the Tengrian clergyman was supposed to be rided with spruce legs.
The custom of reverend the ate of Turks brought to Eastern and Central Europe, where their wave of the great resettlement of peoples threw. In the valleys of the Danube, Dnieper, Don, the holiday of this holiday is probably since the Attil. In Western Europe, it began to celebrate it in this form only in the XIX century. It should be remembered that the Slavs and the Romans of the Sacred Tree was considered the Oak, Finnov - Birch, in the Greeks - Oliva, and the South Germans - spruce. For some reason, many researchers omit the fact that the Southern Germans right up to the XVI century. spoke on Turkic language. The very first mention of the Christmas tree was found in the Alsas Chronicles of 1500. Earlier documents on the Turkic language were destroyed. Gradually, people have forgotten the language itself.
The second large religious holiday in Tengrian was considered the arrival of spring. By tradition, the roots of which go to India, he was celebrated on March 25. It is known that the day of Tengrian baked cakes. Kulich persongal male start. In India and in many other countries, his symbol was a phallus. The Tengrian coulich was attached to the appropriate form, two painted eggs were supposed to put two painted eggs. This already involves the relationship with phallic agricultural cults of India. But the connection of this custom and with Easter traditions of Christianity is just as obvious. Only Tengrian customs ancient ...
The first contact of Tengrianism and Christianity, apparently, occurred in the Caucasus at the end of the III - early IV centuries. Moses Harensky (V- VI centuries) in his "History of Armenia" noted that from the end II century. There was a close communication of Armenians with Kipchak. It was even before the hike of Kipchakov to Europe; They then only mastered the Caspian steppes. In the Caucasus in the Caucasus during this period, the ancient author Agafangel mentioned. He wrote that they served mercenaries in the Armenian king of Josro's army, which was ruled at the beginning of the III century.
The beginning of the communication of two religions, apparently, put the young Armenian bishop of Grigoris. He appeared in front of the king of Kipchak and asked permission to preach the ideas of Christianity Kipchak's nobility. There is every reason to assert that the first contacts proceeded quite calm due to the external similarity of many provisions of both religions. Already at the beginning of the IV century. There was a legend about St. Georgia - the most honored holy in the step of steppes - as a man, brought the idea of \u200b\u200bChristianity into the steppe.
The legend tells how in one city began to shut a huge snake or dragon, who took the young men and girls from the side of the marshes. So it lasted for quite a long time until the blacks of the ruler came. In tears, she sat by the road, waiting for her fate. She saw her spent by the Warrior in the glory of God George. Having learned that she threatens, he was left to wait for a snake. The monster appeared, and their duel began.
It is important to note that the fight was bloodless. At the sight of the Snake Georgy postponed the weapon and began to pray to Istivo. The prayer he defeated evil and thus proved that the Word of God is stronger than the sword. For this, he began to read as saint.
Exhausted and tamed prayer snake fell to the legs of the warrior, and the innocent girl threw his belt to the monster, like a leash, and led to the city, "as a perpetual PSA". At the sight of this spectacle, the citizens, led by the ruler, agreed to listen to the sermon George.
The fate of the young George Warrior and the Armenian Bishop of Grigoris are similar: both in the end took martyrdom. Georgy died during persecution of Christians under the Emperor Diocletian. Bishop Grigoris, apparently, overlooked in sermons, and Kipchak, storing the loyalty to Tengri Khan, "caught a wild horse, tied the young Grigoris to his tail and put on the field." So ends the story about the Armenian bishop antique historian Favst Buzand (V century).
However, the grain of the new faith among the Kipchak was already thrown. It is not by chance that ancient European historians (Prosq, Jordan) called the king Attila and his predecessors, Donat and Haraton, Christians ...
Within a long time, mutual influence, the mutual enrichment of two religions, adjacent to the steppe, - Tengrianism and Christianity. In the voperability of Kipchakov, Christianity gradually found more and more supporters, and in the end, borrowing a lot from the Tengrian rites, it was it that he became the primary religion in the steppes and neighboring countries.
Up until the present, some nations who are descendants of Kipchak, preserved the custom of honoring the Father's God - Tengri. This convincingly shows the connection of two spiritual cultures and the united roots of two religions.

Before the emergence of major world religions, such as Islam, Christianity and Buddhism, Turks and Mongols have already had their own, a kind of religion - the Tengrianism, which is mentioned in the ancient Chinese sources of the period VI - X centuries.

Religious representations of Turkov

Tengryanism is a religion based on faith in the creator, tentatively originates from the end of the I - early II thousand BC.

In one of the ancient sources it is indicated that by 165 BC Turks then had already had a preemptive religion, a very similar Buddhist, from which the individual branch of Buddhism was originated, which was generated as Tengrianism.

Researchers argue about the presence of the main holy Book Tengrian - Psaltry, in which the Tengrian canon is described - customs, rites and rules for which they should apply to God.

Tengri (Tangri)

The cult of Tengri is the cult of the blue sky - the heavenly spirit-owner, the eternal sky, whose constant habitat was visible. Kipchak called his Tengri, Tatars - Tangri, Altai - Tengri, Tengeni, Turks - Tangri, Yakuts - Tangar, Kumyki - Tengiri, Balkaro-Karachay Woman, Mongols - Tinger, Chuvashi - Tura; But it was always about one thing - about the male inconspicuous divine beginning, about God-Father.

Tengri-Khan thought as the God of Universal Scale, as a single benefactor, all-knowing and renewed. He ordered fate as one person and the people and the state. He is the creator of the world, and he himself is the world. The peculiarity of this religion is the allocation of three zones of the Universe: heavenly, earthly and underground, each of which, in turn, was perceived as visible and invisible.

The structure of the universe

The invisible heavenly world was represented as a few layers, horizontal tiers, each of which was the inadequate of that or another deity. On the upper tier, the great spirit of the sky - Tengri.

There were only bright and friendly deities and spirits to the celestial zone. They moved at the horses, due, with which horses were sacrificed.

The middle world, invisible, was inhabited by the deities and spirits of the surrounding nature: the owners of mountains, forests, waters, passages, sources, other objects, as well as spirits of dead kamov. They managed visible world and were closest to people.

The lower, the underground world, invisible, was a concentration of evil forces led by the powerful deity of Erlik. He was also multiple, but had a limit was inhabit people whose life in the middle world was over. Features of the underworld - its mirror invertes and smells other than earthly. At the lower world, there was a visible structure with its borders: any ward panine and the hole could be the entrance to underground kingdom. All living living in the ground, underground, in water, was considered the belonging of the lower world.

Divine start

Ancient Turks believed that the Universe was ruled by: Tengri Khan - Supreme Divine; Divine: Yer-Sub, Umay, Erlick, Earth, Water, Fire, Sun, Moon, Stars, Air, Clouds, Wind, Tornhead, Thunder and Lightning, Rain, Rainbow. Tengri Khan, sometimes in a coupe from the yer (earth) and other spirits (Yort Iyasa, Su Anas, etc.), the earth affairs peak up and, first of all, "distributed life time", but the birth of the "sons of the human" was visible - the personification of the female earthly start, and their death is Erlick, the "spirit of the underground world".

Earth and Tengri were perceived as two sides of the same principle, do not fight with each other, but mutual. Man was born and lived on Earth. Earth - its habitat.

After death, during the burning physical body The deceased, "Kut", "Tyn", "Sur" - all simultaneously evaporated on fire, and the deceased "departed", moving on the sky along with the smoke of the funeral fire, where he became a spirit (spirit of the ancestors). The ancient Turks believed that there was no death, there is a steady and consistent cycle of a person's life in the Universe: born and dying not in their will, people came to earth not in vain and not temporarily. The death of the physical body was not afraid, understanding it as a natural continuation of life, but in another existence.

Traditions of honoring spirits, ancestors and heroes

Deeply revered ancient Turks was the "cult of the heroes that glorified by their exploits on the field of Brahi" or creations, material and spiritual, which the name of the Turks altered the name of the Turks. Turks believed that in addition to physical nutrition of the body, it is necessary to feed and soul.

One of the sources of the soul was the spirit of ancestors. It was believed where he lived and worked the hero, or the genius of the case, there, after death, his spirit could have permanent protection and help with his relatives and people. The nice ancestors of the Turks set stone monuments, the words about the feat and appeal to descendants were knocked out on the plates. The monument was a meeting place between people and the spirit of ancestor.

The tradition of honoring the spirits of the ancestors obliged Turks to know their pedigree to the seventh generation, the feats of grandfathers and their shame. Each man understood that his actions would also evaluate seven generations.

The reverence of the ancestors in Turks (and Mongols) found an expression in their tantic attitude towards the wolf - ancestor to boskirt, the guarantor of the immortality of the Turkic people sent by the Great Tengri, which symbolizes the heavenly blue color of the boskurta wool. The ancient Turks believed that their ancestors were descended from the sky and with them the "Heavenly Wolf" - the Being of the Heavenly, Spirit-ancestor, the spirit of the patron.

Tengrian rites

The name of the Blue Sky - Tengri was sanctified by Kagan (Khanskaya) power. After Kagan was elected, he became a high priest in the state. He was worshiped as the son of the sky. The task of Khan was not only to take care of the material well-being of his people, his main task was to strengthen the national glory and the greatness of the Turks. Tengri punished death, captivity, other kaganov karams, and sometimes whole nations for their crimes or misdeed. From Tengri, everything, grace or kara followed usually instantly or for sixty years (the average life expectancy of a person) in the sunny world, it was impossible to avoid them. After the death of man, the power of Tengri stopped him.

Tengri-Khan's reading rites were rigorous, prayers for long and cleansing soul. Under all the circumstances, in life, they apply to Tengry for help, and if the appeal was to other deities or spirits, it was necessarily mentioned after the exaltation of Tengri.

Prayed, raising hands up and making earthly bows, asked to give a good mind and health, to assist in a fair case, in battle, in economic affairs; The other was not asked.

Tengrian prayes

Every year, public prayers were arranged on a state scale - sacrifices. At the beginning of the summer, at the time of the Cagan, the tribal leaders, becks, noble commander and Neuons, etc. came up in the Horde (Capital). On this day, the prayer of Tengri was held throughout the state. On the sacred Mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes and sources gone thousands of people from nearby Aules and cities. The prayers were held without women and kamov, the latter were never part of the priests (priests) of the Tengri religion, their role was to wicked, healing, including hypnosis, conspired - they were simply feared. Tens of thousands of fires burned near the sacred lands near the sacred lands, sacrifices brought horses, sheep, lambs.

Cross symbol in Tengrianism

Her submission of Tengri-Khan Stepniki emphasized, using the oldest symbol, the sign of the equilateral Cross - "Aji": he was applied to the forehead or in the form of a tattoo. He symbolized the concept of Rum - the world from where he takes all the beginning and where everything comes back. There is heaven and earth, top and bottom with their patrons. Rum floats in the vast ocean on the back of a huge fish or a turtle attached for greater resistance to the mountain.

In addition to the strength and unshakable, the cross, symbolized the intersection where the path of the world converge. In contrast to the rules adopted by world religions, temples were built in the Tengrianism in honor of the deities or perfumes of the ancestors with one indoor room intended only for the preservation of their characters. Temple for Tengrian was a holy place, ordinary believers to enter the temple was not allowed.

Only the clergyman in the course of service could briefly visit him. Once a year he was allowed to enter the altar part of the temple. A similar tradition was justified by the fact that the temple was considered a place of recreation of the Divine, and believing was supposed to pray only near him. The prayer for prayer was called "Haram" - "place for prayer." Everything else, besides praying, it was forbidden here, hence another meaning of the word "Haram" - "ban", "Forbidden".

Removing elements in Tengrianism

There were many cult rites in the Turkic religion. In the Chinese chronicles it is said: "The Turks are above all the tight fire, he won air and water, sing the anthem of the earth, worship the same one who created the sky and land, and call him God (Tenger)." They were explained to his veneration of the sun by the fact that "Tengri and his assistant kun (sun) lead the world created; The rays of the sun - the threads, through which the spirits of plants communicate with the sun. Turks twice a year brought the sacrifice of the Sun - Light: in the fall and at the end of January, when the first reflections of the sun were shown on the tops of the mountains. " The moon was not an object of worship. Its reading arose much later and was only among the traditions associated, apparently with the lunar calendar. The cult of fire in Turks, like Mongols, was associated with faith in its powerful cleansing force from evil, given to Tengri.

Public and religious significance of the Tengrianism

Tengryanism, being a decorated religion, for many centuries through the system of spiritual codes cultivated and socialized certain sustainable ethnic constants of nomadic peoples of the steppe, where it was psychological type "Heavenly people": freedom-loving turk - fearless warrior, mobile, temperamental from nature, and the owner of the house - a woman (her husband belonged only to the weapon). In all Turkic childbirth, tribes and hordes, they were all united by one idea of \u200b\u200bunity.

Julius always chose a clear, clear, unjustified detail of the line of behavior. Possessing a wide range of and large-scale thinking, he had unlimited trust and openness to life.

Tengrianism and Islam

In x in. Historically, the political conditions of the close interaction of religious models of Tengrianism and Islam. Both of them were organic in nature from the point of view of a comprehensive spiritual influence, social regulation and control of the vital activity of society and personality. Faced, they did not come to an irreconcilable confrontation among themselves: by the Turks due to the high-dimensionalness and rules of violence in the steppe, from Muslims due to the high adaptation abilities of the Islamic religion.

The perception of Tengri in its essential characteristics as a whole did not contradict the perception of Allah.

At the same time, Islam in the steppe received the Turkic modification based on continuity cultural traditions Tengrianism, the features of the ethnic world of interest and the worldview of a person correlated with the factor of coexistence it with spiritualized nature.

Culichi, painted eggs, christmas tree, Santa Claus - all this attributes of Tengrianism.
It would seem, christmas i am a fir ... Notice, not oak, not cedar, not pine, namely spruce! Her appearance is now binding, of course, with the name of Christ. But in Palestine, ate do not grow, in Egypt - too. The first Christians could not see the fir, as the polar bear or a kangaroo could not see.
It means that the feast of the Christmas fir is a "strangers" holiday in Christianity.
And the Türkov, it was the elder who was a sacred tree. And not only with them, but also from other peoples of Siberia. Spruce let in the house. Her honors arranged holidays three more four thousand years ago. Very an ancient tradition, it is connected with Yer Su.
This god worshiped before the adoption of Tengrianism. He was in the center of the Earth, just "where, according to the legend, its PUP is located and a giant spruce, which reaches the top of a Ulgen's top" is an elder in rich Kaftan.
About Ulgen Ancient Turkic legends have retained a bit. He is always - both in winter, and in the summer - in Kaftan, it is distinguished by a thick white beard to the knees. Ulgen was the head of light spirits. He recresented in the Golden Palace, driving the sun and the moon.
December 25, when in a long and very difficult struggle, the day won the night and the sun just longer than the former remained above the Earth, the ancient Turks treated prayer to Ulgen. They thanked him for the returned sun.
Later, already with Tengri, this day, the Turks began to be called the day of the Epiphany - the most important holiday in the year!
Supplemented 5 years ago
And so that the prayers are heard, again ancient tradition People decorated with an "ug tree". Bright ribbons tied on the ate and folded the generous gifts under the tree. All night have fun on the occasion of the victory of the sun over darkness. Around the Christmas tree drove dance (Inderbay).
Hence the sustainable belief, which has been preserved so far, as if the most intimate desire, mandated in Christmas night, will be fulfilled. And right, Ulgen never failed: after the holiday, the night went on a waning. Ulgen is, of course, and there is Santa Claus.
It is not surprising that spruce, taking the world of people with the world of Ulgen, was revered by the ancient Turks. "Yul" - translated from Turkic means "path", "road". Like an arrow, pointed the tree to Ulgen. All this strengthened the sacred image of the image.

Murad Aji "Europe, Turks, Great Steppe"

(37) Comments

    Tengrianism was the religion of the ancient Turks. It was based on the cult of the Space Divine of Tengri. The word "Tangri" was read on the Turkic alphabet, which was named Orkhono-Yenisei. There is also a version that Tengri consists of two words "Tan" -Ravrvet and "Ra" - Full. Only the echoes of this religion reach us.
    Chinese sources celebrate the appearance of Tengri's cult Turks in V - BB. BC e. Other sources celebrate the appearance of Tengrianism for several millennia earlier. Turkic peoples The word Tengri pronounce on a different dialect "Teshr, Tinger, Tura, Danyir, Dandyer, Donar". Türkov had Burkhan Messenger Tengri. According to the ideas of ancient Turks, all existing by Tangri - the embodiment of Heaven started the creator of the Universe, the Spirit of the sky. The sky was considered a father, the Earth - Mother.
    The God of Türkov can be a kind and stringent saving and punishing, God all-seeing, all-knowing. Goodness and punishment depend on the actions of the person himself. Great Tengri teaches that every person himself, with their own hands, creates paradise or hell for himself. It all depends only on himself, from his behavior and actions.
    Therefore, they appreciated in a person, first of all, his actions that he did a good, not at all beautiful words. Lies and betrayal were considered to be the canons of the ancient Turkish religion to an insult. People involved in betrayal should not live and have descendants (Genghis Khan traitors destroyed together with descendants, that is, cleared the nation from rotten descendants).
    In the culture of Altai Umamy-Women's Beginning, with the help of Uma, Tengri showed his divine mercy: he sent a harvest, well-being, wealth. Turks depicted her with a baby in her hands. Image of Umya Archaeologists found in Altai monuments.
    Naturally, Turks owned theological knowledge, prayers in the name of God were read on their Turkic. In IV century The domination of Rome and the Antique era in Europe ended, it was replaced by the Middle Ages, new religions came to the change of the Turkic monotheist Tengri: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and other religions based on the Turkic monotheism.
    M. Aji in the Asian Europe book gives curious information. The first Christians in Europe from 312 were read christian prayers On Turkic language, referring to Turkic icons (Aiken), up to the VIII century. The first episcopes and dads were Turks, received San and blessings from Turkic priests, in Tengrichi and Kamov in Derbent.
    With IV century There was a patriarchate throne of Christian churches. Khanifov (Turks) Europeans studied faith in the God of Heaven and the rites of his worship. Later, the Turkic faith was called heresy, her followers - heretics. There was a centuries-old chain of the Church on the faith of Turks, applied, since the time of the Inquisition, "heretical".
    The symbol of the spiritual culture of the Tengrianism was the equilateral cross, the sign was called "Aji". Equipical crosses of gold or iron Archaeologists often found in the burials of the Turks.
    It was the Turks-Huns on their banners brought a cross to Europe. Now it is known to excavate the Arcaim symbol of the cross existed among the ancient Turks, which moved to the Krestian religion. Oddly enough, the Turkic, now the Kazakh tribe of Kerey since ancient times the cross is the coat of arms (Tanba).
    The cross was indicated on the banners of the Huns, and then moved to the banners of Constantine. As already noted, the cross is available on Sanyrak Yurt. Kilisa (Temples) of the Turks appeared in Europe during the great resettlement of peoples, cruciform in terms of (on excavations). The Turkic tribes, according to M. Agi, turned to God for different ways: Tengri, God (damage), Ala (Alla, Elau) Stick (Kodai, Kuday), Gozbody (Lord).
    In the ancient Yakuts, the word "thin" existed earlier than "Kuda" among the Persians. This proves that this is the word Turkic. The deity was sacrificed in the form of a slaughterhouse, prayers were read. The purpose of the prayer was the crop, the well-being of livestock, health, mind of people, help in a fair case.
    The visible world of Turks called the "Ier sub" "Earth-Water" emphasized its central position in the life of a person, each read his land-water (homeland) as a deity and defeated, as something sacred.
    R. N. BEZERTINES FROM THE ORCHON WORDS IN HAVE TENUKUKA MAYS WORDS: "TENRE, UMAY (Goddess), sacred yer-sub" - here they need to think, granted victory. " Hence, obviously, Sukh Yer, Somer and Sumer, as a deity occur. According to M. Aji Kulichi, painted eggs, Christmas tree, Santa Claus - all these are the previous attributes of Tengrianism, but they had a slightly different meaning.
    The holiday of Turks "Nardigan" The beginning of the rise of the day on December 25 - for some reason in medieval Europe has become the holiday of the Nativity of Christ. Although Christ's birthday is still disputes among the ministers of religion. Trygrian Trygrianism rites came in Christian religionbut followed by changing the content.
    Ancient Normanians also confessed the Turkic monothe. Tengri they called like Chuvashi and Khakasi, Donar, Dangyr, Tor. With the arrival of other religions, the Tengrianism began to be crowned, and then was officially replaced by new religions.
    The advantage of the Tengrianism was that the believer tricks aware that he was personally responsible for his actions before Tengri. He does not put out his sins, he is responsible for them. He can only ask for help of Tengri for his good intentions. Turil believes in Tengri, the Divine and the spirits of their ancestors, that they will help him, with his good actions And intent, and therefore he is ready to perform them, he moves to progress.
    Tengrian does not live by the instructions of the clergy, humility, humble in anticipation of the end of the world and the arrival of Paradise, he in motion and paradise creates himself. Belief in Tengri pushes a turbine on creating, protecting the sacred earth water, the environment.
    The faith in Tengri in the trunk raises the spirit of militancy, nobility and conquering any obstacles for the benefit and creation. This spirit was transferred to the conquered peoples, the Turks were respected from other nations for their fair actions, it was laid in their faith. Tengrianism, playing his role in creating and strengthening the new religions of Buddhis, Christianity and Islam, disappeared from the religious lexicon.
    Religion Tengri has been preserved only in small peoples: Yakuts, Altai Turks, televisers, tungs and other tribes. According to J. Zhakupova (KN. "Shalacazak"): "Like the Japanese, which connected Buddhism and Shintoism, the Kazakhs created their own Islam-Tengrian tradition." Kazakhs preserved many traditions and rituals from Tengrianism.

    Kazakhs used to use Russian Grandfather Frost. And sole passed on the jacket in the jacket named Santa Claus. And they themselves come up with nothing. Name, for example, Komotun-Yeah. And put it on the arbosity of the County Ishak.

    Christianity in Russia

    The chronicles of Russia began to record in the annals with the IX century, the beginning of baptism in Russia is attributed to 1000 year. However, M. Agi believes: Mass baptism in Moscow Rus occurred only in 1589. Russia adopted Orthodox Christianity, obviously, after the final decay of the Golden Horde.

    He believes that before this period, worship took place in Turkic language and prayers were read on Turkic.

    This is confirmed by officially accepting Tengrianism on Moscow Rus with Ivan Grozny. Perhaps further mass baptism prevented the invasion of Oguz, Pechenegs, Polovtsy, then capturing Russia Batha Khan. War and domination of the Turkic tribes in occupied territories were followed. Communication with Byzantium was broken.

    In particular, in the Russian publications of the merchant Afanasiya Tver in 1466-1472, it is confirmed that the Rusa prayed on Turkic language, for that period, probably, the Turkic language was the language of communication and praying: and Ros Yer Tangryd Saklassn, Ollo Sakla, Bu Daniada Munu Kibit Erkit, Nechur Urus Yei Beggaga Aka Togil; Urus Yern Aldan Bolzyn; Ras Kama Dareret. Ollo, Had, God, Danyir! What does it mean:
    Yes will save Tengri husbands of Russia
    Save God in this world Her husband's honor
    Why did the men of Urusov marked light thought;
    Let the men of Urusov be honored; Fair.

    Wheel, God, Tengri! For some reason, the Rusians in prayers are called "urusami".

    Perhaps this is their self-catching, and their language is one with Turkic. Under the domination of the Golden Horde in Russia, temples and monasteries are built more than for all old century, there were not Christian, but Arian. Jasa dismissed the clergy from the filings. They prayed to the whole God and the well-being of the Great Khan. The population of Batya retained the purity of the prayer to one God. It is significant that Batu left the governors in some cities of Russia only by the princes of "Urusov", considering them by the descendants of the Turkic tribes from the royal dynasty of Rusik.

    Only in the XV century. When Sofye (her name Zoya, Sofa-Holy, Prophet) Paleologist of the Greek Tsarevna, Ivan III's wife appeared in Russia christian church Greek sense. With it, the rules began to call "Slavs", the coat of arms of Moscow became "Slavs", the coat of arms of Moscow. The Greeks in the war with the Turks in 1453 lost Constantinople and Byzantium. The state of Greece has weakened, they were looking for an ally in the face of Russia in the fight against Muslims and Catholics, so I was married by Sophia Tsar Ivan III.

    In 1589 (at Prince Fedore), the patriarchy was established in Moscow. Moscow became the capital of the kingdom and the spiritual center of the Turkic peoples after the fall of Kazan and Astrakhan. With Tsar, Alexei in 1652 Nikon became the Patriarch of Russia. Under it, only after the collapse of the Golden Horde began restructuring churches for the Greek sample. Began to destroy all Turkic cults, traditions. Greek clothes were introduced in the church, corrections were made to church books, new ranks, rites and other attributes were introduced. Worship passed from the Turkos Language to Russlavyansky. The church was the church-Slavic dictionary on the basis of a proto-roller language, in which many words of the Turkic root. "Slavic dialect" of the Turkic language appeared.

    The church split occurred between Rus and Stepia in 1666. The Greeks at the Moscow Cathedral of 1666 contributed to the change in the Rus of the Divine Pantheon. Rus has become the religion of the Greek Christian. Christianity is a man's call to humility, patience and soul salvation. For some reason, servants of the Church, instead of God, was allowed to let the sinners allowed. In the same years, due to the transition to the Greek-Crested rites, Turki in Russia began to take faith of Islam close to the faith of the Tengrianism. However, in Russia, tens of millions of Turks were forcibly forced to take Christianity, change the names and be called Greek names.

    Shchors, Aorses and Rusa South Siberian tribes.
    Apparently the origin of Russia, in particular Kievan Rus It is associated with their names, as the main population founded Kiev were: Pechenegi (kanglah), black hoods (Karakalpaks), Torka and Berendei, as evidenced by Arab travelers in Kiev Rus.
    Perhaps among the named Turkic tribes, founded Kiev could be a childbirth or tribes of the Turks: Shchorsov, Aorses and Rusov Siberia.

    Christianity is one of the monotheistic religions, originated in the second half of the I century. The teachings of Christianity used the Bible.
    Main ideas: the redeeming mission of Christ; The second coming of Christ; The terrible court, the heavenly rejection and establishment of the kingdom of heaven. Main branches: Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism. The first communities of slaves and poor people, honoring the teachings of the Savior of Christ, arose in Palestine.
    Christianity basically calls for humility, patience, passive expectation of the outcome of the struggle of the Divine Forces over Antichrist. Old Testament, which Christ relied, became the teachings of the first Christians. The Christian and the Judiyanin were originally equivalent, then divided into sects. Christians believe in the arrival of the Messiah, who will save them from the Roman yoke, reported by Apocalypse.
    Adherents of the teachings of Yeshua (Christ) for refusing to participate in the Jewish War (66-67), they were kicked out of Palestine to Malaya Asia. They later moved to Rome. The name of Jesus Christ is Greek, it appeared in Malaya Asia closer to the IV century. It happened to Renaming Yeshua in Jesus Christ. Christ in translation from the Greek language "Anointed, then-there is a Messiah, Savior." The birth of Christ himself was reliably established.
    According to the Gospel of Matthew, he was born during the reign of King Herod. This corresponds to the 4-3rd year BC. e., which does not comply with generally accepted opinion.
    Christians of Armenia have ancient sacred books written by Armenian graphics on Turkic language. Looks like worship in Christians - Armenians initially occurred in Turkic.
    They retained their church in pristine purity, the cross over it is still Tengrian. The head of the church wears the title "Katalikos". According to M. Agi, in development early Christianity The Armenian Bishop of Grigoris, who was the first of the Europeans who took the One God of Heaven first from Europeans. He was born in 257, ethnically comes from the Turkic clan of Arshakids, a descendant of the Parthian kings. Caucasian Albania with the center in Derbent was under the rule of the Arshakid dynasty. In 297, the Roman emperor Diocletian attacked Iran, joined Armenia and part of Iran's territory.
    In 301, Armenian Grigorian Church appeared. In its history, it was recorded that Christians from the "Gunnov" belonged. Grigory chose Turkic monotheism and Turkic symbols. Diocletian in 304 in Derbent declared faith in the heavenly god of the state of the state, established the church there. The head of the Albanian Church was the grandson of Gregory Enlightener - Grigoris, famous for the name "Holy Georgy" in the San Archbishop of His kama (clergymen), calling it a "skating" (ally). He is the only saint, whom Christians and Muslims called him: Hzri, Girjis, HzR-Ilyas. The rite of baptism in the Turkic faith was called "Ary-Alkyn". Later, Christians accepted the Tengrian cross with the elongation of one of the parties.
    In 325, King Byzantium Konstantin collected the 1st Universal Cathedral From representatives of the Church, the Christian State Religion of Greeks, other than Turkic, was created. He declared Tengri and Christ by one face, a single God.
    Christianity began to produce Greek cults, traditions and new rituals in religion. Christ entered her divine Ponteon, was adopted as a man. The Christian faith due to the lack of his own began to adopt the prayers, rites, rebuild the temples of the Turks and their spiritual culture. Konstantin decided to christianize Palestine first. Jerusalem became the birthplace of Christianity.
    By the end of the IV century. Fragments of the New Testament appeared. In 380, the Emperor of Feodosia was submitted to Rome and announced Christianity for all the state religion, adopting the symbols of the religion of Tengrianism. The religion of Christianity began to master the Greeks.
    The cross later called the Greeks "Byzantine Cross". The center of Europe from Rome moved to Constantinople. Pope fell dependent on the Greek Patriarch. The Romans themselves moved to the background, having received the nickname "Catholics". Türk Dionysius Small translated the sacred books of Turks on greek language And Latin, in addition, he calculated the calendar who enjoyed in the modern world. The word "God" came to the religion of Christianity from the religion of the Turks. According to M. Agi, the ancient Turkic culture was the first to distort the Greeks, they adopted a lot, writing them with ancient Greek, the same was later to do the Romans and others. But archaeological excavations confirm the Turkic start, open the truth.
    At the end of the VII century. The finished text of the Bible appeared. Since that time, he draws Christ on the icons in the human appearance, before that, the icons were depicted in the ramp (sheep). Christians began to betray the crop of Turks and their faith of Tengri. The fan of the Turks began to call "heresy", and they themselves - "heretics". The church has become from the "Greek roots" to withdraw the entire history of Europe and the history of religion, hiding in the Turkic start. However, according to M. Agi, at all the cathedrals there was a communion of bishops from different countries in Turkic, dominant then in religion. This is evidenced by manuscripts from Nag Hammadi. The Latin language prevailed in Byzantium, nevertheless religion passed to Greek.
    Turkic church words began to give Greek vocabulary and sound. In essence, new languages \u200b\u200bwere created in Europe. In medieval Europe, many Turkic documents were destroyed. When Turks called heretics, they were tortured, burn on the fires, forcing them to abandon their ancient culture and faith. According to M. Agi, the oldest text of the Bible "Psaltyr" has been preserved on the Turkic language, which is stored in the Vatican.
    The Roman Pope Nicholas I (858-67) declared the independence of the Roman Church. In 1054, the Greek and Roman Church officially signed an act of mutual exclusion. There was a split of Christianity on: Catholic (Western) and Orthodox (Eastern). Many Turks became Catholics and Dads.
    Simplifying Tengrian Canon, Pope formed his rite and his service. I transferring Turkic religious literature to your language, began to purposefully burn literature on Turkic as a heretical. Christianity in the current position was approved only in the XIII century.

    Islam is humility, one of the common religions of the monotheism. The founder of the religion of Islam in the VII century. It is Mohammed from Hijaz (West Arabia). As a result of the Arab conquest, Muslim Khalifat was formed.
    Islam eliminates the intermediaries between God and believers, the fakies are not carriers of the Divine Grace, they have no exceptional right to carry out rites, to overcome from the community or release sins. This has similarities with Tengrianism.
    Koran - a source of creed, along with him exist sacred legends - "Sunny". The ancient Koran was originally written by writing Kufi Cophs, Arabic writing then did not exist.
    The letter of Campi scientists connect with the writing of the Arshakid dynasty, which in the Middle East introduced Turkic culture and Turkic writing. Before the emergence of new religions, East and the West read the prayers of the monotheism on the Turkic letter and on Turkic.
    The words of Allah, which were based on the new faith of Islam came from the mouth of the Prophet Mohammed.
    In 615, Mohammed sent his people to the Abyssinian Church, he turned to the Abyssinians North Africa, calling them a one-arts.
    On issues related to writing, the Prophet requested the Abyssinians and the Cophes "to help faithful to gain piety" and help Muslims. Muslims for the approval of themselves began to create the language of the faith of Islam, adding the words to the Turkic language and the phrase of nomads - Bedouins from Mohammed's homeland (initial Muslim). After the death of Mohammed in 632, the Muslim community was split on those:
    - who recognizes salvation through God's predestination (Sunits),
    - Who believes that you can escape through the legacy of the Prophet Mohammed (Shiites).
    The murder of Husayna, the grandson of the neck of Califa Ali Khalif, Sunita Jazid, is celebrated now as Martar on the martyr "Ashur". Cossacks of Sunits for some reason contribute in the order of "Ushur". The scientist of Biruni writes that the Arabic Moir-head of Cuteback in Khorezm after the capture of the city in 712 ordered the destroying of people who knew the Khorezmian writing, scribes, clergy of other religions, burned their books and scrolls.
    However, according to M. Agi, the liturgical books written in the "Ancient Turkic Language" did not disappear. The copies are stored in Armenia, in the Hermitage of Russia, museums and church libraries of Asia and Europe as the shrines of the Christian and Muslim faith. Preserved copies of the ancient Koran.
    In the ancient Koran, due "Hanifam" (Turks), who opened the true belief of the monotheism. In the 9th century, the scientific work of Abu Man-Sura Mohammed Ibn Al-Azhara Al-Azhari (891-981) was released (891-981), "Book of Fixes". She contributed to the development of Arabic and the creation of the Arabic Koran. Arabic Finally approved in the 10th century. According to M. Agi, a copy of the early Quran is stored in the Hermitage of Russia. The Turkic language due to the emergence of new religions began to gradually be excluded from everybody. In the XII century The Koran has rewritten from the Turkic language to Arabic, replaced the rite.
    From 1583 of the city of Mecca and Medina, their mosques complex with Saint Kaaba became the place of pilgrimage of Muslims, the center of Hajj. Early Muslims went to Jerusalem, in the sacred mosque of Kubbat As-Sahra (Kilisa Mosque of the Turkic Type). In the XVIII century, the preacher Mohammed Ibn Al-Wahhab opposed innovations that made disagreements to the Muslim world. Wahhabites called for the purity of the morals, to the fraternity, to the inviolability of the former (Turkic) traditions.

    In the VI-V centuries. BC e. Buddhism originated from Ahemeseids in ancient India.
    In the center of the doctrine of "4-noble truths: there is suffering, his reason, the state of liberation and the path to it.
    Suffering and reserves - a subsidistic state of anxiety. Suffering is a state of concern and tensions. Nirvana is the state of unbound personality with the outside world and the cessation of excitement and the deprivation of the world. The legend says that Tsarevich Siddhartka Gautama (623-544g. BC. Er) found the truth and became a boiled buddha.
    In the state of Turkic-achemenidov, a new course of the Religion "Buddhism" appeared, its elements: Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha.
    M. Aji in the Asian Europe book writes: Siddhartka Gautama is a philosopher and a preacher. With his philosophy began a new religious teaching. Curious and more.
    Buddha Indigenous residents of Industan called Shakyamuni, which literally means "Turkic God".
    The indigenous inhabitants of Northern India, obviously, at that time were the Turkic tribes: Aryans, Saki Scythians, Iranians and others. In Naples near the town of Rummindy, there is a column built in III century. BC er, there is written there, where Buddha Shakyamuni was born, "Sage from the Shakyev tribe." King Canice The image of the Buddha on the coins was accompanied by inscriptions "Sakmanano Boddo" and "Bogo Boddo." The first inscription emphasized the belonging of the Buddha to the Turks. And the second is the "God Buddha". The column with a record of the birthday of the Buddha in Naples was likely to put the Scythians in Europe.
    Nechrand in the book "The Mystery of the Holy Cross" shows that for the first time an equilateral cross as a symbol "saw the Buddha statues on the chest - the legendary founder of religion arising over many centuries to Christianity."
    This once again proves that he juliped and Simol of the Cross came from Rhoda from the ancient Turan. The supporters of the Buddha were conveted in Kashmir (consonantly Kash Zhere-Dalny Land) The 4th Cathedral, which recognized that Tengri and his teachings enriched the spiritual world of East "Mahayana", a new philosophy.
    From this cathedral was developed a new branch of Buddhism - "Lamaism". It follows that Buddhism is one of the branches or sect of the Tengrianism.
    The prophet Buddha himself with a cross on her neck, coming out, Turkic origin. He created a new direction in religion - Buddhism.

    Beliefs of the Kazakh people: pagan traditions and Tengrianism
    More accurate description and explanation of beliefs that existed before the spread of Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, etc. No. But in the scientific literature they are marked as pagan cultures, shamanism and Tengrianism.
    As with other nations who accepted Islam, the Kazakhs are closely connected with the ancient traditional religious beliefs that have developed for a long time before his appearance.
    The worldview of the Kazakh nomads is slightly slightly and meets all the needs of their carriers, it affirms the involvement of a person to space, nature, other people.
    Nomads-Kazakhs have always lived according to the laws of harmony with the habitat. Their traditional religious complex relied on ideas about the relationship of earthly existence with universal, cosmic spheres.
    In the minds of the nomad, an understanding of the fact that in the phenomena of nature there is an eternal and inexplicable force acting on a person and providing a positive or negative impact on his fate.
    The Kazakh people kept the religious rites of their ancestors. Determining the condition and degree of rooted of Islam in the consciousness of the Kazakhs, researchers call it people or domestic.
    In this regard, the researcher R. M. Mustafina notes: "Islam did not force out fully former religious views and practices, but thoroughly destroyed them.
    During the long time in Islam, the relics of associate traditions were intertwined with the dominant religious worldview, the Islamic shell found and became often perceived as elements of the new, Islamic worldview. "
    This means that syncretism dominated the spiritual sphere - a combination of traditional beliefs and Islam. And therefore the beliefs of the Kazakhs are a kind of palette consisting of heterogeneous components.
    As M. S. Orynbekov wrote "The main teachings of the early Kazakhstan in a religious and philosophical aspect appear the concept of generation of Tengri, Zhere-Su, Umay, Shamanism and paganism, the cult of Mithra, Buddhism, Manichaean, Christianity (non-traditional and poop), Zoroastrianism.
    The distrut and the diversity of religious beliefs allow us to assume the wealth and multivariate of the culture of residents of Kazakhstan, the differences in ideological landmarks, which finds their expression in the various philosophical foundations of the universe. "
    A lot of research of pre-revolutionary scientists about Kazakhstan is devoted to the study of the religious views of the Kazakhs.
    One of the most remarkable works of that time was the article of an outstanding Kazakh scholar-ethnographer, a geographer and traveler, a researcher of the history and culture of the peoples of Kazakhstan, Central and Central Asia Shokan Valikhanov, whose creativity received world fame.
    Evaluating the modern religious situation in the steppe, wrote: "Muslim has not yet entered into our flesh and blood. It threatens to disengage the people in the future. There are still many such people between Kyrgyz, and our shamans have not lost their meanings in many places. "
    Ancient beliefs and various cults and amounted to the basis for Tengrianism, Zoroastrianism and Shamanism. These beliefs were due to the fact that it was based on their faith in natural phenomena, and the fear of a person in front of the highest forces, incomprehensible to their mind and understanding. Perhaps, therefore, various cults, rites, signs, etc., were obtained a lot of distribution, which were in everyday life.
    Among the Kazakhs was very developed to worship the cult of fire. The fire was attributed to the supernatural property and magical strength, which were used in the rite of purification from " unclean power", Providing patronage or protection, etc. So, the rite was accompanied by a swinging from wintering on Jailau. The Kazakhs have survived such belief that "unclean forces" are found in winter cereals, and to cleanse them, they are breeding two large fires, between which people and livestock are missing.
    It was believed that the fire was the patron saint of the dwelling, the domestic sanctuary, so the Kazakhs browse at the entry into the new family should walked fire in a big house. The mother of the groom brought the sacrifice of fire, pouring into it the oil. Similarly, at the birth of a child, the sacrifice is brought fire. The fire was cleaned at home and cradle of babies, thereby being expelled evil spirits and illness. All these rituals have been preserved to this day, and in some families are mandatory executed.
    Such rites have survived and now, when the bride brought the bride into the family, the grandmother put on the head of the daughter-in-law of a white handkerchief, fired a fire and gave daughter-in-law a cup with butter, so that she wore the fire and poured oil into the fire. Also, the marriage bed of the groom and the daughter-in-law she cleared the fire so that they were all good, so that the "unclean forces" would go around and save from the evil eye.
    It is impossible to spit in the fire, it is impossible to move through the fire, even through the place where he was somewhat divorced. The worship of the fire was so strong that even his wrath was afraid and therefore the oath of fire was considered unshakable.
    An equally important rite was the cult of worship of the spirit of ancestors (the cult of saints). The man prescribed the sky, the Sun and the Moon the power over himself, but the influence of it acted on him from birth to death only in this world. After death, the power of Nature over him was stopped and he became Aruah. His well-being in that world depended on how relatives performed rites of the alert. If the commemoration was good and all the necessary burial rituals were performed, he was calm and patronized with all his relatives. The sky was impartial as a deity. The cult of ancestors existed to this day exists in some religions - Confucianism, Buddhism, Sintoism.
    Kazakhs referred to the graves. On the graves rushed, they brought the oath. The traveler, whom the impended night made in the steppe, the custom recommended to spend the night near the graves, for no one to decide violence over them. If the traveler had a cherished desire, he asked the Spirit of buried help to come true.
    Aruhauh anger was afraid all. Special venerations used spirits of outstanding people. It was their names that were uttered in particularly difficult cases. In honor of Aruahuhs, they bring in victims of different animals, and sometimes they specifically go to worship for their graves and, bringing a sacrifice, asking them about something. The victims brought animals of all kinds, by the advantage of camels, horses, rams and, rare, bulls, but always males and with well-known signs.
    Respect for the deceased people reached systematic visits and regular pilgrimage to the burial places. Certificate of this is the cave of Chakpak-Ata, the grave of Batyr Baidibek Ata, and his wise wife of Domalak-Ana in South Kazakhstan, the Mausoleum of Hodya Ahmet Yassaui, Arystan Bab, the grave of Yassaui Gauhar-Ana in Turkestan, etc.
    It can be seen in everyday life Kazakhs. Of course, many people now have a hajj in Mecca, but most of the Kazakhs of Turkestan other boron sites of the Great Batyr consider small haj. Therefore, they go there caravans, bring sacrifices, sleep and worship in spirits. Vera in perfume in the history of religion is called animism. But in one Tengrianism there are all forms of beliefs.
    No less value of the Kazakhs were given to space manifestations of nature. Thus, the stars, according to some Kazakhs, were nothing more than large mountains from precious stones lying from our planet in such a distance that they seem like small points.
    Kazakhs believe in the influence of the star on human happiness. According to others, each star corresponds to the soul of some person on earth and when a person dies, then the star falls. From the stars they differed some, namely:
    1. Polar Star - Temir Kazaker (letters: Iron Cole). The name is probably given due to visible immobility, so two stars close to it and having a movement near it are oriented by Kyrgyz travelers during the night.
    2. Big Major - Zhetikarakchi (letters: seven thieves). It is the souls of the seven robbers who have grown in the afternoon, and at night swore in sins, they were addressed after death in seven stars.
    3. Pleiads - Urker. Because of the noticed progressive movement, Pleiad to the big bear told the view that she pursues seven thieves to help out her daughter. In the Pleiads, the Kazakhs have determined the night hours and seasons.
    4. Venus - a shepherd star. At the rising of this planet, the Kyrgyz shepherds chase rams in Aul in the pen.
    5. Morning Star - Sholpan-Juldus ..
    Now there is a science of stars - astrology. And this science originates from the Tengrianism.
    All the above, the stated cults, rites and beliefs underlie the Tengrianism. There are different points of view in science on the history of tangrianism. According to some scientists, the cult of Tengri is born at the end of the II - early I millennium BC. e. Other researchers believe that this religion has developed later - approximately in the V-III centuries. BC. There is a hypothesis about the proximity of the Cult of Tengri to the worship of the sky Gunnov, the Chinese, Sumerians.
    About the Tengrianism in his book A. I. Krivoshapkin-Ayina explains as follows: "Like any other religion, she applied concepts that were clear for the people related to its economic activities, over time she changed, new borrowings appeared, because the composition of the people of Sakha Representatives of other Eurasian peoples were poured, new canonized saints who were perpetuated in the minds of the people of his legendary leaders, but one thing remained the main one: the worship of the Sun and the sky, personifying the upper world of light creators and the future in the minds of the people, the worship of the median world, which is the cradle and the life of the life of everything humanity and the environment and respect for the Lower World - the world of life on Earth before the emergence of humanity - the biosphere. "
    Tengrian religion is the earliest of all religions, it is connected with the appearance of humanity on Earth, played an important role in the formation of the worldview and the ideology of all mankind. Tengryanism connects man with nature surrounding it by the world, space, God.
    Tengrianism is a very difficult faith, all religions have been taken from this faith. And this must be recognized.
    The teachings of the Tengryanism developed on the basis of the centuries-old experience of the interaction of society and the surrounding world. Therefore, this religion teaches a man with a careful attitude towards the deified nature and its manifestations.

    Tengrianism-religion of Turks.
    Before the adoption of world religions - Islam, Christianity and Buddhism, Turks (and Mongols) had an ancient original religion Tengrianism, which can be found from Manchurian Trees and Chinese Chronicles, Arab, Iranian sources, fragments of preserved ancient Turkic and sogdy-speaking monuments of the VI - X centuries. On the stone plates in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Upper Yenisei, an ancient artist image of the priests in long clothes with rods are preserved. Drawings of the altar with a bowl standing on it, very similar to Patir, depict elements of a religious rite.
    Religious and cultural codes of Turks of Northern Eurasia and their continuity
    Tengryanism - a religion based on faith in the creator, presumably arose at the end of the II - early I thousand BC, but no later than the V-III centuries. BC. It is brought together with Hongnus Chenley ("Sky"), there are more broad parallels with Chinese Tien, Sumerian Dingir, "Sky". Full consent among scientists in understanding the essence of the Tengrianism has not yet developed. Part of the researchers came to the conclusion that this creed took the form of the completed concept with ontology (the doctrine of a single deity), cosmology (the concept of three worlds with the possibilities of mutual communication), mythology and demonology (distinguishing of spirituality of the ancestors from the spirits of nature) by the XII-XIII centuries . . At the same time, in one of the ancient handwritten sources, it is reported that by 165 BC The Turks have already possessed the fully established religion with a developed canon, in many ways close to Buddhist, bequeathed by the Indian king canchka, from which the branch of Buddhism originates, which received independent development and issued as Tengrianism. Part of the researchers insist that the systemic written presentation of the theological doctrine Tengrianism did not arise and had a small sacred props, due to the simplicity and clarity of which existed several thousand years in the sustainable forms of religious ritual and practice. At the same time, another part of the researchers declare the presence of the main sacred book of Tengrian - Psaltry (Turk. - "Crown of the Altar"), containing the Tengrian Canon - customs, rites and rules for which they should apply to God.
    The cult of Tengri is the cult of the blue sky - the heavenly spirit-owner, the eternal sky, whose constant habitat was visible. Kipchaks called his Tengri, Tatars - Tangri, Altai - Tengri, Tengryeri, Turks - Tangri, Yakuta - Tangar, Kumyki - Tengiri, Balkaro-Karachay Woman, Mongols - Tinger, Chuvashi - Tura; But it was always about one thing - about the male inconspicuous divine beginning, about God-Father. Tengri-Khan thought as a truly cosmic scale, as a single benefactor, all-in-law and renewed. He ordered the fate of man, the people, the state. He is the creator of the world, and he himself is the world. He was obeyed by everything in the universe, including all the celersists, perfume and, of course, people.
    The expressive feature of the Tengrianism was the allocation of three zones of the Universe: heavenly, earthly and underground, each of which, in turn, was perceived as visible and invisible
    Invisible (other) Heavenly world looked like a puff pastry: out of three, nine and more horizontal tiers, each of whom was the abundance of one or another deity. On the elevated tier, the Great Spirit of the sky - Tengri lived. The celestial zone was of bright and friendly deities and spirits towards the man. They moved on the horses, so horses brought sacrificing. In the visible sky, the near-dome, the sun and the moon, the stars and the rainbow were located.
    The middle world, invisible, was inhabited by the deities and spirits of the surrounding nature: the owners of mountains, forests, waters, passages, sources, other objects, as well as spirits of dead kamov. They managed visible world and were closest to people. The constant location of the hosts - the border of the human and natural worlds, the invasion zone of a person, which is due to its economic activities. If the plain part of the landscape is a steppe, the mountain valley belonged to people, the places located above or below were populated by the owners, and the person, being there a guest, penetrated this line after the "feeding", or the simplest sacrifice. The relations between people and spirits - the hosts of the terrain were understood as a partnership relationship, and if they were honored, as older relatives, or ancestors, which they often thought. The most significant masters of the mountains, forests and waters of Turks arranged public sacrifices. It was believed that the economic well-being of society depended on them. The middle visible world was perceived by the ancient Turks like alive and inanimate. For a person, it was the world most affordable for development, knowledge, especially in those places where he was born and lived.

    The lower, the underground world, invisible, was a concentration of evil forces led by the powerful deity of Erlik. He was also multiple, but had a limit was inhabit people whose life in the middle world was over. Features of the underworld - its mirror invertes and smells other than earthly. At the lower world, there was a visible structure with its borders: any wpadin and the hole could be the entrance to the underground kingdom. All living living in the ground, underground, in water, was considered the belonging of the lower world. The productive characteristics of the lower part of the human body were transferred to the "bottom" in all its manifestations.

    In general, in the traditional ancienturk worldview, the world was not so much calculated in the levels and tiers, how much was experiencing emotionally and not as a set of characters, but as an action, change, in constant dynamics. The main function of the world is the continuity of life, its constant renewal, and the person as part of the world was inflated in the same. To extend the existence, they were sent - directly or indirectly - all rituals, rites, holidays that were agreed with natural rhythms (time, sequential change of the seasons and the movement of heavenly bodies) labor activityrelated to animal husbandry, worship of the deified forces of nature and the cult of ancestors.

    So, the Tengrianism, being a religion, for many centuries through the system of spiritual codes, cultivated and socialized certain sustainable ethnic constants of nomadic peoples of the steppe, where the psychological type of "heavenly people" was formed: Freedom-loving Turk - fearless warrior, movable, temperamental from nature, and owner Houses - a woman (her husband belonged only to the weapon). In all Turkic births, tribes and hordes, they were all united by one idea of \u200b\u200bunity through the "desire for perpetually" - the guarantor of the order in the steppe, born by Mete Shanuy in the II century BC. "With complete political fragmentation The ideological unity of the Turkic tribes persisted; Ethnic tradition, she is alarm heredity, was not broken, the unforgettable acts of ancestors inspired them to the feat. " As a result, Turks created many dozens of empires and hanses. Often the war carried them out of their native places for thousands of kilometers. Breeding in one edge, Turks died more often in the other. His homeland was the steppe.

    The most relief features of the nature of Turks, except for the power of spirit and confidence in the future, given by Tengri, were public solidarity and respect for public opinion, commitment to the hierarchy and discipline, special respect for the elders, deep respect for the mother. The Turkic community initially stopped betrayal, escape from the field of Brani, inflation, irresponsibility, lie. The desire for a natural lifestyle reflected the relative adequacy of the Turks with the world's surrounding spiritualized world. Julius always chose a clear, clear, unjustified detail of the line of behavior. Possessing a wide range of and large-scale thinking, he had unlimited trust and openness to life. The ancient Turks were distinguished by enviable activity, being deeply religious, did not divide life on the otherworldly and pretentious, and they took it holistically as a transition from one quality to another in a single world for them.

    In x in. Historically, the political conditions of the close interaction of religious models of Tengrianism and Islam.
    Tangiano and Islam
    Both of them were organic in nature from the point of view of comprehensive spiritual influence, social regulation and control of the vital activity of society and personality.
    Faced, they did not come to an irreconcilable confrontation among themselves: by the Turks due to the high-dimensionalness and rules of violence in the steppe, from Muslims due to the high adaptation abilities of the Islamic religion.
    Having high offensive, Islam was supposed to undergo a cultivation period, which assumed a settling lifestyle in urban centers.
    Sufism as a derivative of Islam is the closest in nature to the Tengrianism, widely spreading into the steppe, made some elements that mitigating and adapting the perception by nomadic and semi-oral peoples of harsh presses and duties of Muslims and communities as a whole.
    Despite the fact that the Islamization process was dragged on the century, the Turkic world, the split offensiveness of world religions and adopted a partly Buddhism, partly Christianity, which plunged the steppe to unprecedented before the religious conflicts, again tried to restore the fragmented uniqueness of the spiritual code, uniting under the banner of Islam.
    The main thing in the religion of Tengri is a deep faith in the fact that God is heaven and man - one, there is one essence. You are God! Believe in this, and then no evil power will be flashed, not to destroy. You will win any trouble and attack, any evil, any terrible disease, even cancer. The server, always believe that the God of Heavenly, no matter how important him - in you a person. In you the power of all stars and planets, all the power of the great cosmos. We are Sky-Tengri, and not slaves!
    Nine Tengri covers.

    1. Rone from themselves all bad, evil and black. Live clean.

    2. Love all worthy worthy. Rejoice in the light, people and peace, and you will find your happiness in love.

    3. Create good, true, and it will come back to you in larger quantities. Evil affairs are returned too.

    4. Respect yourself and everyone who is next to you - and will respond.

    5. Know that all living and non-living in the world, movable and immobile in nature have a soul. Take it, not rubi.

    6. Read the Earth, Water, Mountains and Forests, all existing in nature. Do not eat it, because your life and descendants depends on them.

    7. Live in time of the Sun. Pinting the energy of the sun, be treated by the energy of the sun. The sun, fire and light won all - sadness, disease and evil. All evil spirits prefers darkness, and evil often comes to people at night, in darkness. Good deeds are performed during the day.

    8. Eat and drink everything is natural, natural, for the false will destroy you from the inside. Avoid the temptations of animals.
    9. Pray everywhere where you want, bow to the sun arranged hands on the chest, repeating the name of the father of heaven - Tengri

    We were the most strong in Eurasia with Tengri, we were not equal, our ancestors of the thousand years ruled all Eurasia, including the Chinese, Russians, Hindus, Persians and Arabs. Our ancestors created dozens of famous Turkic empires: the empire of Sakov, the Empire of the Huns, illustrated by Her by the leader Attila, the Turkic Kaganat (East Turkic and Western Marksky, the Third Turkic (Uygur) Kaganata, the Empire of Genghis Khan and the Empire of Protokazakh tribes and childbirth Altyn Orda I.T.D .)

    Because our ancestors were aware of themselves with the sons of Tengri - God of Blue Sky, the only God, then when all nations believed in hundreds of Gods and the world were not known neither Christianity, nor Buddhism and Nor Islam.

    Unlike Islam, the main thing in the religion of Trygri Trygriks is a deep faith that God is heaven and man - one, there is one essence. You are God! Believe in this, and then no evil power will be flashed, not to destroy. You will win any trouble and attack, any evil, any terrible disease, even cancer. The server, always believe that the God of Heavenly, no matter how important him - in you a person. In you the power of all stars and planets, all the power of the great cosmos. We are Sky-Tengri, and not slaves!

    Turks, including the Kazakhs, never adopted Arab words in their tongue and did not speak in the language of their slaves and never worn their clothes, especially did not live on their traditions and customs. Civilization and culture, the basis of Islam Our ancestors brought the Arabs when they were ruled. But nothing from his vassals and slaves adopted, including language, culture, traditions and customs. So there were no conquerors and ruling peoples, which were our ancestors.

    The Prophet Muhammed spoke to them to the Arabs: "Leave with the world of Turks, while they leave you alone." Therefore, the opinion that Islam brought us a civilization and culture, instilled to us "Iman" (the pupil and humanity) of the fiction of ignorant, our ancestors were cultural and humane far from Islam, on the contrary, Arabs taught the culture and humanity when they ruled the thousand years.

    The view that the Kazakhs took over a lot of words from the Arabs and Persians is wrong, on the contrary, the Route of the Arabs and Persians never talked to the language of the Arabs consequences and Persians, and the subjects of the Arabs and Persians adopted the Turkic words and made them their own.

    With the adoption of Islam in the 14th century, our empire Altyn Horde fell into the backlog in his development, at that time the NEISP people are Russians and the Chinese intensified. Altyn Horde fell into a decline living on obscure norms of Sharia, consisting of solid prohibitions, which led to the Empire in decline and decay.
    And the people of the empire split into small Khanate and as a result of this, became victims of the growing Empire of Russians, Chinese, Persians and Arabs, who were proud to be sustained by our ancestors.
    That's what I waslas brought the ancestors to the Kazakhs-loss of the former power, the loss of imperiscience, instead of freedom, free psychology and free development of-work and slave psychology.
    And now some Kazakhs are supported by the faith of Arabs trying to plunge the Kazakhs to Arab Rabiting psychology, to lag and obscure, live on the Sharia, which is the brake of the development of the personality and development of statehood. However, the words want through the Sharia of the behavior to turn the Kazakhs in Zombie Menkurts.


    What idirate Tengrianism? The Kazakhs of the time of the centuries were and there are Muslims, Inshallah. And you don't give you a mankrurt
    Judgment and ignorant is you zombie-mancourt. Cossacks accepted Islam in the 14th century by order of Khan Altyn Horde-Berke Khan, brother Bati Khana - only 700 years ago, and not the impertons of the centuries as it seems to you.
    He went to his head to his head that Islam had the Kazakhs from time immemorial, the Kazakhs, the Tengrianism in the Islamic wrap, formal Islam, is essentially the same Tengrianism.
    There is nothing true as in your concepts of Islam in the Kazakhs.
    If you like it so much for a slave, I would go there to live there, than to betray my people and our country, speaking against the Kazakhs, traditions and customs, language and culture, likened behind the backward Arabs.
    We primarily of the Kazakhs with our traditions and customs, their culture and ancient religion, and not the Arabs, with the tradition of us tradition and obscure Sharia.


    You want, believe your Tengri. And leave us Kazakhs with our God. And the name of him Allah
    You were not asked here. I believed and I will believe the God of Türkov-Tengrianism, which gave the basis of all world religions, including Islam.
    You do not need to see the Kazakhs alien to us pseudoeligia Arabs.

    The main thing in the religion of Tengri is a deep faith in the fact that God is heaven and man - one, there is one essence. You are God! Believe in this, and then no evil power will be flashed, not to destroy. You will win any trouble and attack, any evil, any terrible disease, even cancer. The server, always believe that the God of Heavenly, no matter how important him - in you a person. In you the power of all stars and planets, all the power of the great cosmos. We are Sky-Tengri, and not slaves!

    Unlike the Tengrianism, announcing his adherents with sons (parties) of God, instilling in believers freedom and the opportunity to develop as an Islam person declares the believing slaves of Allah, and this instills the believers of slave psychology, depriving believers freely developing as a person.

    Do you think?
    And in Tengrianism .. is there a night mother?
    Lady of the wolf tribe Purga?

    Some kind of pathetic bunch of pagans, naively thinks that the Türkov has its own God Tengri. It is necessary to believe in their logic that the other is another god. Our own, how many gods. But we, the Kazakhs know that not God besides Allah

    Who by last history and the past of their people applies to contempt and bad, that there is a real ignorance, zombie-mancourt.
    Therefore, the Islamists of the Kazakhs relating badly and with contempt for the past of the Kazakhs, especially the Tengryanism, there are real ignoramus and zombie mancourts.

    Began to destroy all Turkic cults, traditions. Greek clothes were introduced in the church, corrections were made to church books, new ranks, rites and other attributes were introduced. Worship passed from the Turkos Language to Russlavyansky. The church was the church-Slavic dictionary on the basis of a proto-roller language, in which many words of the Turkic root. There was a "Slavic dialect" of the Turkic language. /

    ibasy, who do not remember kinship Kul ...

    Stroke you are a narrow shaman. If you are such an amateur tradition and rites of your people, what do you do not write on your own? If the rest preferring Islam in your mankart belief "Slaves" of Arabs, are you whose slave? Fuckle you are cotton maktabas. Shesheңdі Сігиінн МәңГүр өз өз тілінен еніп енді Dynnen Bezdіran Dedің Ba? Want to live according to the Tengery -Piz. There are such shamans like you dohi. Especially on the crash north.

    As it watched the American scientific documentary on the ancient Vikings. Scientists put in a dead end multiple ancient burials on the traditionally Norman Islands, with the remains of Asian origin (on DNA) buried as notable gentlemen surrounded by servants and animals. Now everything falls into place.

    It is difficult to believe, but my friend carries the chineling (that is, spiritual telepathic communication) with Allah himself. So during the Sinelling he repeatedly reported that the Quran was written in Turkic. Someone may think that this guy, they say, fucking or read books. But the fact is that he does not read books at all and could not deduct this idea somewhere. Something like that. And yet, note, the Quran is in the heavenly spheres and, as we assumed, manages all the processes of both in humans and in the whole universe. Something like the control program. So, people think what you are doing or say - everything is fixed.

    Please tell me who finances the site to me need money. I will write the desired articles. Give money and the necessary articles will be.

    sasha, and boyar for start?

    The Quran was written in Turkic. Arabs did not have written, unfortunately. In the middle of the XII century, he was rewritten from the Turkic language to Arabic, replaced rites, the blue banner became green ... well, and so on.

    In the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, the Quran is kept to the XII century, written by the famous Uygur letter, this letter like a swan neck.

    He cannot read the Arabs. Nowadays the words of the Almighty are made in it, I will quit them with pleasure: "I have an army that I called Turks and settled in the East; When I accepted for some people, I give my troop power over these people. " For many it is unexpected. From the words of the Most High, you can see who spread religion. It is clear why Altai language has become a native language.

    "And the Türkov, it was the elder ancient trees that was a sacred tree."
    I remember how older Uigurs in Soviet still talked about those who died in the mountains during the spilling of the firs: "They died, because it is impossible to throw a fir, sin it."

    Muslim - humble, Muslimin - Pokhan, slave. While the submissive slaves of Mankurts are not that not remembering, but even those who do not want to know their great past, their original native of God makes up a huge percentage of the population and the power of our people are not a good future. In the future, we can become a "folk" norinal without native names, traditions and customs, closed in short pants and something like dresses, all kinds of hijabs, without sovereignty as part of another large people. May Tengrian comes to power - remembering the past, thinking about the people and the future, which will rule for a long time and long.

    I will disappoint you, dear countrymen. Tengrians are not at all believers, as they themselves imagine themselves, Tengrians are a pathetic handful of atheists who believe only in one thing - in money, and this neo-language sect is funded, our native government. All of these Tengrinews and other shusher, all this is created by the Government of Kazakhstan.

    99% of the Kazakhs do not pray to the Arab of Arab 5 times a day not adheres to other mandatory prescriptions for Muslim prescriptions Therefore, the Kazakhs are nominally considered maslims and so fame to our Tengri!

    Baran you shaman, if the Muslim does not make five-time Namaz, etc. This does not withdraw him from Islam. Kazakhs Muslim and you can't do anything about it, and Tanir is just the sky. Allah Akbar!

    Tengri is not God, Tengri is all! Tengri is in everything in me in you, in a stone that is now being somewhere in the Tibetan mountains, in a drop of water that swims somewhere in the ocean, in the morning dew somewhere in the steppes stacking on the soil from the foliage of grass, in the rays of the sun that fall to the ground like a golden Rain giving us light and warmth, Tengri everywhere, and first of all it is in us. Any faith begins with us.

    Hush Buldym Oshbu Articles Eroza. Cargo Zur Rәkhmәt. Kңңesel SIZә: 99.9999% Chyn Dosreslek Pulangan. Keshelәrgә Taratyrga Kirk Bu Sthatҗyan. Alaida, Islam Mankorts Angry Inde ((
    The article is great. Many thanks! My intuition says that all truths are 99.999%. We must extend among people. Although, Muslim mancourts do not believe ((

    Thank you for the article. Information about the Tengrianism has to be collected on the grains, but this is the most harmonious religion of those who know the person. Under Ivan Grozny, Tengrianism was officially adopted in Russia (by the way, schools for children were opened simple people And a number of reforms who are publishing the life of Russia were held, although they diligently silence official sources. It becomes clear why in the nobility of Russia there are often Tatar surnames, Yunusov, for example. In the national ornaments of Belarus, there is an equilateral cross and a slightly modified rolling wheel, there is a worship of fire, the Slavs still burn the candles in the church and a house with a candle bypass in the corners for cleansing, and it would seem 100% Catholics in the villages that the Virodok Mary, and the queen Heaven, whose prototype, apparently, is the goddess of Umay. And this proves that before the imposition of the Abrahamist, slave religions, the peoples of Eurasia were combined with a single more harmonious religion. By the way, China, was combined into a unified state of Kubilai Khan who confessed the Tengrianism.

In order to understand the faith of ancient Turks, it is worth going to consider the range of their settlement. The first archaeological finds of the remains of this ethnos were found in Central Asia - the edge of endless steppes and a clear, sparkling blue sky. It is from the "mood" of heaven depended on the life of a nomadic tribe. The sun warmed, the rains gave moisture, and the zippers often became the cause of fires. Therefore, the main deity was the sky - Tengri, father-patron, male began, the creator of all things. It was believed that the Divine lives on one of the peaks of Tien Shan, the highest point of modern Kazakhstan. This pyramid peak is called - Khan-Tengri, the Lord of the sky.
On the timing of the emergence of this religion disputes go so far. Many scientists believe that the mythology of the ancient Turks was partially borrowed by them in neighboring ethnic groups and existed already in the III Millennium BC. As the main argument in favor of this version, the names of the gods appear in the religions of neighboring peoples are given: if Turkov had Tengri, then, for example, Hunov - Tangrikhan, the Lidiorsk Greeks - Targienos (so sometimes called Zeus), Scythians and Slavs - Targitai. The analogue of the Divine of Tengri - Tangra - also had an ancient boolean, but his name had a somewhat different meaning - not the sky, and the thunder as the embodiment of the Divine Punishment for the Similarity.
However, there is another point of view that the Tengrianism is created by Turks on their own. Such a conclusion, scientists are on the basis of written sources (Issyk's letter), which first described this religious flow in the IV century of our era.
Tengri in Turkic tribes did not have a human appearance. He was all - heaven, air, stars, was a comprehensive spirit that always existed. For example, Shadir - Kyrgyz word, semantically close to the name supreme God, translated as "infinity."
Despite the presence of other lower deities, Tengrianthood is considered the first and most ancient monotheistic religion.
In principle, the Turkic gods are characterized by a good attitude towards a person, they are designed to defend people, only occasionally punish them for the pregroculation.

The issues of religious worldview in the scientific literature until recently did not attach special importance, since in the system of spiritual culture of the former Soviet society about the religious worldview and did not have to talk. In ideology prevailed critical analysis In the context of religious studies and atheism, and the values \u200b\u200bof spiritual culture were delivered only education, science and art.

In the book of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayeva, the critical decade is emphasized: "For us, Kazakhs, Islam is first of all, a high ideal and a factor that defines our worldview, a kind of symbol that allows us to pay for our ancestors and rich Muslim Culture that has once threatened complete oblivion. "

Among the traditional spiritual values, the centuries who have formed the national mentality of the Kazakh people, there is a cult of the universal cosmic of the Divine - Tengri. Tengri - like God, wrote Valikhanov.

In the spacious, Tengri Kazakhs are used as a synonym for Muslim "Allah" and the Persian "Kudaja". Expressions like: "TENI P Zharyksin! - May the Tengri bless you, "" ITTI H IEI Bolshe, Tulki Ni N Teni Ri Bar "-" If the dog has a master, then the fox have tengri "; Own names (Teni Robergen, Khan-Tengri) indicate the deep penetration of the Tengri cult in various areas of the people of the people. In the last century, when S.Ualikhanov complained about the dualsmanship of the Kazakhs, he meant the Tengri alternative to Islam.

The main religion of the ancient Turks was the worship of Tengri (sky). It was by the will of the sky that kagans, who were called "kindly like and in the heaven born": "The sky, which, so that the name and fame of the Turkic people, so as not to miss the name and glory of the Turkic people, elevated my father-kagan and my mother Katun, the sky, giving (kaganam) state, I planted me yourself, it is necessary to think, kagan, so as not to miss the name and fame of the Turkic people, "so writes Bilge Cagan about his addiction to the throne. Upon the will of the sky of Turks hide victory or tolerated defeat. The sky and earth-water saved the Turkic people in Lychy Godina. Turkic khans in their signatures constantly call the sky to be favorable to them.

The next value was the female deity Umay - the patronage of the home of the heart and children. The cult of Umya was still preserved in some Turkic-speaking peoples of Altai at the end of 19V. At the same time, Umay entered the Triad of the Higher Deities of Turks and patronized all their cases; This can be seen, for example, from the monument in honor of Tuyukuk, where, when describing one of the successful hikes, it is said: "The sky, (goddess) Umay, the sacred earth-water, so they need to think, gave us a victory!"

Along with its own ancient beliefs, in 6-9V.V. Among the Turkic-speaking population of Central Asia, and, after, of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, religious systems created by other civilizations were distributed: Buddhism, Manichaean, Christianity, Judaism.

The youngest world religion - Islam, the main ideas and principles of which are recorded in the sacred monuments of the end of 6V. - The first quarter of 7V. - The Quran and Sunne, gradually, peacefully, in the conditions of absolute domination of the religious consciousness in society, displaced both Christianity and Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism and local cults.

In the process of Islamization of the Turkic world, researchers identify such highlights:

1) the penetration of Islam;

2) the adoption of Islam by the Supreme Ruler;

3) adoption of Islam as the official religion of the state;

4) recognition by Islamic states that the people of the neighboring country are also Muslim;

5) the state when the majority of the population professes Islam.

The beginning of the process of Islamization of the tribes of Kazakhstan coincided with the movement of Arabs to South Kazakhstan and the expansion of Chinese expansion: in 740. The Chinese plundered Taraz, in 748. - Sude, in 749. - Shash. Then in the middle 8b. Faced on the land of Turks Far Eastern civilization and Islamic. In 751 Atlach's city near Taraz occurred the Talas battle between the Chinese T United Forces Arab Muslims and Karlukov. The Chinese army lost and the expansion of Tansky China on the West was stopped by the Millennium, Arabs retreated to Shash. The Talas Battle finally decided to cultural fate of the Turkic peoples in favor of Arab-Muslim civilization.

The first Turkic lord, who adopted Islam and the new Muslim name Abd Al-Kerim, was Satuch Borogra Khan (901-955), the founder of the Karakhanid Power in the territory of Semirchia and East Turkestan. According to written sources, about 940g. Balasagun refers to the category of Muslim cities. In 960 Islam becomes the official religion of the state, Musa - the son of Satuch Borogra Khan gets a magnificent title "Light of the Power and Support for the faith." The adoption of Islam 200 thousand. Shatter is estimated as a fateful event. Muslim clergy enjoyed honor and power. The number of 10 sofas (office) on centralized government management included oversight of compliance with the customs and traditions of religion and departments to manage the property of religious institutions.

Of particular attention deserve among the iconic buildings of the Talas Valley of the Mausoleum Babaji Hatun (10-11V.V.) and Aisha-Bibi (11-12V.V.), representing today the attraction of Kazakhstan. On the lower cheese Darya was the Mausoleum of Sarl there (11-12V.V.)

A number of factors were promoted to the active introduction of Islam: the geographical proximity of Central Asia and Persia, the presence of trade, cultural, related ties with Tashkent, Bukhar, Khiva, Samarkand and other Muslim centers, the "example" of rulers, nobility and support of the clergy, dynasty marriages, cities development On the silk path and missionary activity in them preachers, Sufiis, the settlement of nomads. Islam has been inherent in attractive features - democracy and mythopoethiness of the presentation, also helped the promotion of this religion among Turks. The poetic warehouse of the soul of a nomad allowed him to easily remember parables, religious songs (kisa) and stories.

The population of the globe is approximately 5.7 billion years old., Muslims of them are approximately one fifth, i.e.,7 billion MUSULMAN.

"Islam as a religion today is experiencing a rebirth, not only restoring the tradition in the eyes of the adult population, but also rooting in the minds of the younger generation ... Kazakhstan is part of the huge range of Islamic culture ... Atheism for the past century tried to break the faith of the people. But thanks to the power of the creed and the spiritual perseverance of the past generations, this attempt failed, "N.A. Nazarbayev emphasizes in his book" Critical Decade ".

The persistence of Islamic values \u200b\u200bin the mentality of the Kazakhs is due to the fact that Islam played a significant role in the intensification of ethnic processes within the Kazakh community. Speaking as an integrating cultural force, he contributed to the formation of a certain worldview, organically sprinkle with the ethnocon confessional and ethnic features of the Kazakhs.