The portal about the repair of the bathroom. Useful advice

Our enemies. Karl Gustav Emil Background Mannerheim

"Feldmarshal Mannerheim had a high height, a slim and muscular body, a noble posture, confident manner to hold on and clear features of the face. He belonged to that type as if specially created to fulfill his mission of great historical personalities, which were so rich in the XVIII and XIX century, but at present almost completely extinct. He was endowed with personal features peculiar to everyone who lived to him great historical characters. In addition, he was an excellent rider and a shooter, a gallant cavalier, an interesting interlocutor and an outstanding connoisseur of culinary art and made himself in the salons, as well as on jumps, in clubs and parades to the same degree magnificent impression. "

Praded Gustav Mannerheim, Karl Eric Mannerheim, was the head of the delegation adopted by Emperor Alexander I, and contributed to the success of the negotiations ended with the approval of the Constitution and the autonomous status of the Grand Principality of Finland. Since then, all mannerheims have become different with a clear barrier orientation.

"I was 15 years old when I entered the Cadet Cabinator of Finland in 1882. I was the first of three generations Mannerheim, who dedicated himself a military career. My service in the royal army of Russia began with the case that had a decisive influence on my life. I mean the deduction from the Cadet Corps in Finland and entering the Nikolaev Cavalry School in St. Petersburg. "

K.G. Mannerheim among brothers and sisters: in the center of Sofia, on the left Karl, Augusta and Johan,right Annica and Gustav, sits Eve

The Nikolaev Cavalry School he graduated with honors. Born in the family of Baron Karl Robert Mannerheim and the Countess Hedwig Charlotte Helena von Yulin, having received an education in one of the elite units of the Imperial Guard, thanks to his personal qualities, he soon approached the yard, became close to the circle of the imperial family.

In 1891, he comes to the service in the cavalry regiment of her imperial Majesty, whose chief was a widowed Empress Maria Fedorovna. Being a birth from the northern countries, it was especially warmly related to the city ofmanheim, who welcomed it at the first acquaintance of Danish. Friendly relationships were formed from his great princess Olga Alexandrovna.

Widdling Empress Maria Fedorovna with Kavaleargard

Thanks to its elegant outfit and good manners, Nimnerheim in 1896, at the coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and the Empress Alexandra, a responsible and honorable role was assigned. After the coronation, he headed the solemn procession. He remembers the very bottom of the coronation:

"It was the most tedious ceremony of those in which I had to participate. I was one of the four cavalry officers, who, together with the most high-ranking persons of the state, formed a tag along a wide staircase, which led from the altar to the throne on the coronation elevation. The air from Ladan was choking. With a heavy executioner in one hand and "dove" in the other we stood motionless from nine in the morning to half the second day. "

Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II. Two cavaloigards are ahead; to the left of the emperor Karl Gustav Mannerheim

On another day, the order in the cavalry regiment was reading: "His imperial majesty knew twice to express his gratitude for the shiny yield of the regiment and his impeccable uniform ...".

On May 16, the emperor, dressed in Red Mundir Kavaleargards, made a reception in the Kremlin Palace for the regiment officers, at which K.G.mannerheim had a long conversation with the emperor Nikolai II. After this meeting, the image of Nicholas II appeared Baron G.mannerheim as "my emperor" - the correct, attentive and polite, spiritually close to him.

During the First World War, when officers asked him why he was invulnerable to bullets and shells, Baron answered that he had a silver mascot and touched to the left chest pocket: there was a silver medal of 1896, the medical unit of the coronation of his imperial Majesty Nicholas II . When K.G. Mannerheim in September 1908 returned from the Asian expedition to St. Petersburg, the emperor Nicholas II was listened to his report on the trip.

During the service of the KG Mannerheim, he has established itself as a successful mentor commander. They admired, they spoke about him. The conversations reached the emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich, who in 1910 appointed G.mannerheim by the commander of the Life Guard of the Ulansky Majesty Regiment with the assignment of the title of Major General Sweets of His Imperial Majesty.

In 1911, on February 17, the Baron G. Mannerheim accepted the regiment. The barracks of the regiment were located in Warsaw.

In the fall, as usual, the ulanes guarded the area of \u200b\u200bthe royal hunting land about slept - one of the summer residences of the imperial surname. At this time, K.G. Mannerheim was especially close to the royal family and was invited daily to the table.

Right-General Major General Sweets of His Imperial Majesty G. Mannerheim

On May 18, 1915, the Baron received the following telegram: "General Speerts by Having Baron Gustav Mannerheim. I want to see my Akhtyrtsev. I will be May 18 at 16.00 by train. Olga. The honorary guard led by Mannerheim was at the station was removed in anticipation of the military-sanitary train No. 164/14 with the great princess Olga Alexandrovna several hours, but the train never approached. It was decided to start the celebration - festive tables were covered in one of the barns.

After some time later, a woman was quietly entered into the barn in the dress of the sister of mercy and sat down at the table next to Mannerheim, since one of the officers was recognized in time and offered a chair. The princess leaned toward Gustavu: "Baron, you know that I do not like ceremonies. Continue lunch and do not forget to pour me wine, I know that you are a gallant cavalier, not as an example of our common acquaintances ... and ask for a long time for being late - my train did not miss because of the fear of German raids. I sat on the horse - you know me like a rider - and here you have with my unnecessary king me ... and order to invite my guardians to the table. "

A solemn lunch continued and very good. Gustav and Olga performed the first pair in the first polonais. The next day, a solemn parade of Akhtyrtsev took place.

Great Princess Olga Aleksandrovna was one of those women whom no one forgot. Preserved Gustav's photo with a memorable inscription Princess: "... I send you a card removed during the war, when we met more and when, as your favorite head of the 12th Cavalry Division, you were with us. It reminds me of the already ... ".

Great Princess Olga Aleksandrovna

There were no more commanders of the divisions of the First World War, which were evaluated by the members of the Imperial Family, like Baron Gustav Mannerheim.

During the war, the plan for the overthrow of the monarchy in Russia accepted the greatest strength - the royal throne loosened.

"In mid-February, learning that the emperor is in the royal village, went there. As I entered the retinue of His Majesty, and earlier he commanded the Guards Ulamen, he could expect that the sovereign would accept me. On that day, the reception was appointed only for two people, and I very quickly got an audience. In the custom of the emperor, it was carefully to listen to everything that he was reported, and I believed that he would be interested in a message about the situation in the Romanian front. But, as it seemed to me, at that moment his thoughts occupied completely different problems. The general mood in Petrograd was depressed. People openly condemned not only the government, but also the king himself. Increasing fatigue from war, economic destruction and chaos on transport imposed their imprint on everyday life.<…> The harsh elders of the State Council, the Supreme Tutorial of the Russian Empire, took the side of the opposition, which required the introduction of parliamentary rule. "

G.Mannerheim did not accept the oath to the new government. Immediately after the February Revolution, he suggested a row of generals to end the temporary government and restore the monarchy.

"Going to the south to your division, I visited the South Sakharov commander (Romanian) Front. I told him about my impressions from events in Petrograd and Moscow and tried to persuade the general to lead resistance. However, Sahars believed that time for such actions had not yet come. I finally approved in the thought that the commander who was not able to protect his officers from violence should part with the Russian army. The situation in the troops worsened every day, and it only strengthened my decision to leave the Russian army. But it was necessary to come up with some reason! Helped the case.

<…> Lenin and Trotsky, putting at the head of the Bolshevik government, captured power. This news was completely perceived in Odessa. With the officers' friends, we argued that it would be necessary to organize the resistance of this dictatorship of the minority, but I had to realize that neither they nor the society as a whole were considered necessary to begin any actions.

<…> It was quite obvious that they are all in a terribly depressed state. People owned fear, and they did not show any desire to fight against the new regime.<…> I said that resistance is necessary and it would be nice if one of the great princes became the head of the movement. It is better to die with a sword in hand than get a bullet in the back or be shot. My neighbors adhered to another opinion and considered the struggle against the Bolsheviks with hopeless matter. I was deeply disappointed that in the capital and Odessa public opinion was one. "

Being sincerely devoted to the sovereign, Mannerheim before leaving in Finland risking life, decides to go to the royal village to say goodbye to the commander-in-chief of the army. A good attitude to him affects him, and he penetrates the palace. The sovereign has not yet returned.

"Baron, you know me well and know for a long time," Mannerheim said the sovereign. You know what I can own himself. But when the center of Kornilov entered here with the Order, a complained nickname, and with a red bow on the sleeve, and said: "Romanov's citizen stand up to listen to a temporary government decree," I darkened in my eyes. And in the eyes of the Empress, "writes Mannerheim - there were tears."

My emperor

The message about the renunciation of "his emperor" caught Mannerheim in Moscow.

In September 1917, he was transferred to the reserve as a commander, and in January 1918 he sent a resignation.

"On December 6, Finland declared independence, and I no longer experienced intentions in the Russian army. By the way, in this army, I, being a Finnish citizen, served almost thirty years. " "In that December day of 1917, when I arrived in Helsinki, the weather was gloomy and rainy ...

K.G. Mannerheim in the form of General White Army

<…> I was interested in what the strengths that the Russian state had to save. Therefore, staying a week in Helsinki, I returned to Petrograd. There was no hint of resistance. On the contrary, I noticed that the Soviet government is increasingly strengthened and becomes a threat to the young Finnish state. I quickly realized: the question is not in whether Finland will be in a revolutionary cycle or not, the question is only when it happens. "

With a big sorrow, he received the G. Mannerheim about the execution of the royal family in Yekaterinburg. At his request, the Summer Divine Liturgy in the Assumption Cathedral of Helsinki was served. When the Kerensky fled in 1918 from Russia found himself in Finland, Mannerheim did not accept him. As always, acting at the venue of the conscience, loyal to the Russian emperor, who made every effort to liberate the royal family and Russia from the "Red Plague", he was contemptible to a person who had instructed the instructions of the Masons on the crushing of monarchical power in Russia. To a person who arrested the emperor and his family and exiled them to Tobolsk at the direction of the Masonic lodge.

Marshal G. Mannerheim at the Victory Parade in the Civil War. May 1918

In Finland, Nimnerheim could sometimes protect the country from the "red infection". In this struggle, he united and the communists and monarchists - all the sectors of society, in a short time he managed to form a completely efficient 70th-thousandth army, led to General from Cavalry in the rank.

"June 23, 1919 Admiral A.V. Kolchak sent the official appeal to Namnerheim: "In these decisive days of our struggle with the devastating and anarchic starts of Bolshevism, I would not fulfill my debt to Russia, if I hadn't addressed to your Excellency with a completely frank, filled with deep confidence, to which I was encouraged Caring for the salvation of innumerable human lives tormented by the Bolshevik regime.

I emerge from the belief that everything possible should be done to achieve the highest crushing of Bolshevism. Therefore, I would like to hope that you will encourage the Finnish government to take part in a general matter and move to decisive measures to liberate the northern capital of Russia, starting active military operations towards Petrograd.

I ask you, general, take this my appeal as a sign of the constant memory of the Russian army about your glorious past in its ranks and sincere respect for Russia to the national freedom of the Finnish people. Admiral Kolchak. June 23, 1919.

Answer G.Mannerheim said: "I ask your excellency to take my gratitude for the telegram of June 23, obtained by me on the 4th month.<…> Although I am sure that he will continue to destroy all attempt to raise the Red Banner of the Revolution in Finland, but nevertheless [we] know that the Soviet government existing in them represents a constant threat to us and are not indifferent to the suffering experienced by the Russian people Under the yoga Bolsheviks.<…> Therefore, the Finnish people and his government are far from alien to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe participation of regular troops of Finland and the liberation of Petrograd. I will not hide from you, Mr. Admiral, that, according to my government, the Finnish Seimas will not approve the enterprise that brings us although and the benefit, but requiring heavy victims, if we do not get a guarantee that new Russia, in whose favor we would act I agreed to some conditions whose execution we not only consider it necessary for our participation, but also the necessary guarantee for our national and state existence.

That they were for the conditions recorded in his diary V.N. Pepliaev: "Finns from the participation in the capture of Petrograd require recognition of unconditional independence, self-determination of the population of Karelia and Olonets province." And commented on his reaction: "Proposal to reject and respond in the spirit of our note."

The project was unanimously rejected by Yudenich, A.V. Kolchak, S.D. Sazonov and Commander-in-Chief Armed Forces of the South of Russia General A.I. Denikin as contrary to the national interests of Russia, in the absence of a guarantee of the help of Finland "in view of the internal political difficulties" on the eve of the elections.

K.G. Mannerheim in recent years of life

Mannerheim wanted to win elections, and start a war with tips already as president. On July 25, 1919, elections were held, which were decided as an exception to be carried out not nationwide, and parliamentary voting. And here the city ofmanheim was not chance. The universal professor of Helsingfor University of Stolberg won. G.Mannerheim leaves the country for a long time.

L.V. Vlasov writes: "In 1938, Stalin decides to leave personally in G.mannerheim, since he could not agree with the president or with the prime minister. In Moscow, at this time, General Ignatiev lives, from the former, once Savergard, he knew G.mannerheim. Asked him to write a letter to the old friend. G.Mnergeim read and replied: "I have no business traitors" ". Shcherbatov, Alexey Pavlovich (1910-2003), Prince, President of the Union of Russian Nobles North and South America writes in his memoirs: "I returned a lot to the topic of the king, and in one of the visits Kerensky told me that when Nikolai II was under Arrest, still in the royal village, a secret mission to crossing him abroad through Finland in Sweden was offered to organize General Karl Gustavovich Mannerheim, the future commander-in-chief of the Finnish army. Being in the Russian service, he was selflessly devoted to the sovereign and did not miss the case to emphasize: "I am a subject of Grand Prince Finland."<…> In 1936, I met with Mannerheim, an elegant, beautiful, successful former officer of the Cavaliangardian regiment, by the time of the meeting glorified as the hero of the First World War. He has already wore the title of Finland Marshal, but still very positively related to Russia, spoke well in Russian. Our meeting was held, can be said in the home setting: Karl Gustavovich was very friendly with my rich aunt, Countess Elizabeth Vladimirovna Shuvalova, nee Baryatinsky. Mannerheim told me then to take a tsar family at the secret echelon was not difficult, and he was ready in 1917 together with the army to support General Yudenich, but Kerensky did not go for it: the flight of the emperor immediately after the revolution would lead to the collapse of the temporary government. And England did not show active support for this project. "

Nimnerheim retained the devotion to the emperor Nicholas II, imperial Russia. Until the end of the life, on his desktop, always, even with the Rusophobia reigned in Finland, stood a portrait with a photo and a personal signature of his imperorskrgo of Majesty Nicholas II. Nearby stood a photo of the widespread empress of Mary Fedorovna, whom he was owned by many of them. He applied her visits of courtesy in Denmark in the 1920s. Almost a quarter of a century after her death in Denmark, he in his memoirs was very warm about her responded.

Lutheran, Mr.mannerheim was essentially a Christian, deeply honored the Orthodox faith, he wore an Orthodox cross on his chest and was buried with him. He prayed on Valaam and asked Russian monks to pray for him.

Baron G.Mannerheim was represented by Anna Alexandrovna in the Tsarskoye Selo in 1908, when he had just returned from the Asian campaign. After that, coming to the Tsarskoye Selo, Lieutenant-General of the Russian Imperial Army, Mannerheim, was several times in her small house located next to the Tsarist Palace. Anna Aleksandrovna with her friendly friendly people was glad to guests and was always welcoming them.

A. A. Taneyev at the beginning of the ministry in the Empress

In January 1909, guests in the house of Anna had tsarist couple, as well as Mannerheim. It was shortly before his departure to Poland.

The last meeting and conversation Anna Aleksandrovna and Gustav Mannerheim in Russia took place in February 1917 at the Tsarskoye Selo, in the Alexander Palace.

On March 21, 1917 (Art. Style), Kerensky arrested a sick chere Anna, and on March 22, she concluded her in a single chamber of the Peter and Paul Fortress, where she was before transfer to an art house, she stayed 3 months in not human conditions.

A month later, without going away from the horrors of the prison sentence, she again on the order of Kerensky, as a misconceptionable person sent out of St. Petersburg, in the then the Grand Principality of Finland, and as the Prime Minister's Artantachka is held at first on the yacht of their majesty "Polar Star", and then Sveaborg Fortress.

The prayers of the innocently suffering Anna, her parents, their troubles that cost considerable money, the grace of God, Anna Alexandrovna managed to escape from imprisonment and avoid execution. "... in a black scarf, with a bag in your hands, I went from acquaintances to a friend. Shutting, asked how every time: "I left prison, will you accept me?" ... as a suburban beast, I hid it in one dark corner, then in the other. ... I had no shoes for a long time, and I last month (December), went barefoot that it was not difficult if you get used to, and even, maybe with my sick legs easier ... I went to bed every night, thinking that this night My last on earth. There were so many critical moments: and searches, and meetings ... So I lived alone ... I said on Gorokhovo, that they will immediately kill me if they find; Others said that I ran away to white. "

In the daily fear of death she lived for more than a year. For the love and devotion of the royal family, the Lord kept her.

Her Majesty Alexander Fedorovna, Anna Alexandrovna in Anna's House

Being wanted, in every minute danger to be found and killed, an extremely tired and changed, she still agreed to leave Russia and gave the vow, that if she was able to settle in Finland with his mother, she will take a monk there and dedicate the remaining life .

Mary's nun (A.A. Taneyev). Russian Valaam Monastery, 1923

Mr. Mannerheim followed the events held in Russia, and in the stories of approximal knew about the tragic fate of the royal family, and the fact that Anna Alexandrovna was the Uznzeta of the Trubetskaya bastion of the Petropavlovsk fortress and was kept in custody in the fortress of Sveaborg.

January 10, 1921 (new style) Two Finns on the Large Sanya on the ice were crossed by Anna Alexandrovna with the mother's hope of Hellarionna for Finnish Coast. Anna Aleksandrovna, restraining the vow of God, adopted the secret monastic stop with the name Maria in the Russian Valaam monastery.

Before the beginning of the Winter War War, she lived with her mother in Vyborg.

"From Vyborg Anna Alexandrovna sends Gustav Mannerheim a beautiful Russian Christmas card with the best wishes. Friendly text completed the signature: "Anna Taneff, Wasancat, 13, Viipuri."

For Mannerheim, it was a big surprise, and the general of the cavalry of the Finnish army immediately answered Anna by the usual letter, without using its official forms. Gustav in French wrote:

"Dear Madame, I was very pleased that you broke out from the revolutionary petrograd hello and live in the family of noble people of Acutins, which I know well."

In July 1930, General Gustav Mannerheim was traveling in Vyborg on the way to Teriyoka, at the Bianca Villa. Anna Alexandrovna intended to meet with him, the general on arrival in Vyborg, the general fell ill and returned to Helsinki.

The last years of the life of Anna Alexandrovna in Vyborg, among other things, washed away by a long disease, and then the death of a mother who understood and supported Anna both in joy and in the mountain, dividing along with his daughter the god path of her life. Hope Illarionovna died on March 13, 1937. The funeral was committed in the Vyborg Preobrazhensky Cathedral. It was buried in the Cemetery of Ristimäk.

Parents meaning for her, Anna Alexandrovna writes in his memoirs: "Despite the travels and the received education, most of all of us, children, still brought up our parents. The biggest happiness for us was to be in their circle, and they for their part dedicated us every free minute. Under the influence of our parents, people who love art and everything beautiful were grown. Faith in God, visiting worship, impeccable life, prayer were supporting us on the life path. Our Father emphasized the importance of a sense of duty and called us in all cases of life to follow the voice of their conscience. He himself was selflessly devoted to the throne and his sovereign; We adopted the same loyalty from him, as he took her away from her ancestors. "

Spouses Taneev with Son Sergey

Mannerheim, being already Feldmarshal Finland, learning that Anna Aleksandrovna has a big grief, sent it a hearty, sympathetic telegram in which he recalled the meeting with her mother in St. Petersburg.

After the death of Mother Anna with the faith of the Seveavoy, they move from the house "Eden" to another, more modest house of Vyborg.

As a result of the winter war, Vyborg moved to the Soviet Union, and for Anna Aleksandrovna and the Faith of Return It was no longer. For the same reason, there was no road and on Valaam, the monastery life in which he suspended for many years. On February 5, 1940, Brachia, led by Igumen Hariton, who had the Finnish citizenship by that time, left him. During the winter war, when the struggle for Karelian shells and waterways of Ladoga, the monastery was subjected to enhanced bombardment.

Monks managed to take with them all the most valuable - cancer of St. Sergius and Herman, Icons, the Gospel, the objects of church utensils, the vestments, books, bells, the gifts of Russian emperors. In winter, due to severe frost, ice on the lag was strong enough. The values \u200b\u200bof the monastery were exported to the trucks of the Finnish army, which allocated the commander-in-chief of the Finnish Army Field Marshal. Mannerheim. At the same time, the main, theological part, the famous library of the Valaam monastery was taken out.

In the spring of 1940, Anna Alexandrovna and Vera returned from Sweden to Finland. I got up to the place of residence.

A.A. Taneyev at the cottage. Finland

After the war, the attitude towards Russian became ambiguous. And then Anna Alexandrovna requested the meeting to his old familiar K.G. Mannerheim, hoping to get help and protection.

About this meeting tells L.V. Vlasov in his book "Women in the fate of Mannerheim": "On the day of their meeting, Field Marshal G. Mannerheim sent behind Anna Alexandrovna car. Heavyly, very climbing, with great difficulty and with the help of Mannerheim's adjutant, dressed in the dark dress Anna Alexandrovna entered the house in Kaivopuisto. Feldmarshal with the charm inherent to him and the hospitality met Anna. The conversation over a cup of coffee went in French, moving into Russian. Remembered events in the royal village. Gustav remembered his meetings with the abbels of Valaam and Konec monasteries, as well as with Jeroshimona Efrem, with whom they talked about great Prince Nicolae Nikolayevich. Anna told about his life. She did not ask for material assistance, but wanted to get a letter of recommendation. Knowing how in the years of becoming independent Finland and in the postwar times, already with greater force, the hostility towards Russia and Russian, Gustav quickly wrote the following: "More than thirty years knowing Mrs. Taneyev, her respected parents and many members of her family, I ask for everyone who will have to deal with Mrs. Taneva, who is experiencing suffering due to disability as a result of misfortune on the railway, treat it with sympathy and understanding. Feldmarshal Mannerheim. Helsinki, June 11, 1940. "

The support of Mannerheim gave a sense of security by defenseless Anna Alexandrovna. With this letter, she has repeatedly used in difficult life circumstances. After time, thanks to the letter of the K.G. Mannerheim Anna Alexandrovna, with faith, receive an apartment in Helsinki, in a house on Topelis Street, in which Anna Alexandrovna lives to the end of life.

Mystery nun Maria (A.A. Taneyeva). Helsinki

Anna Alexandrovna's relationship with Mannerheim continued in the correspondence, but mostly it was congratulations to the holidays. On the day of the 75th anniversary of Field Marshal, Anna Alexandrovna sent him a large congratulatory letter from Helsinki in Mikkeli, full of warm Petersburg memories, and received a kind answer to him.

The postwar period was heavy for all residents of Finland. In 1943-1947, the pension from Sweden began to flow irregularly. Finnish Red Cross refused Anna Alexandrovna in help. Anna and Vera were in an extremely complex material situation. Sometimes they did not even have money to buy bread, for non-payment they threatened eviction.

Anna Alexandrovna again appeals to Mannerheim and asks "at least to help." Thanks to its petition and call to the Committee of Women of the Red Cross of Finland, Anna Alexandrovna, with faith, received a small amount of money.

In 1946, the President of Finland Gustav Mannerheim resigns, but still remains for Anne, a simple and affordable person.

In early April 1947, when Anna Alexandrovna appeals to Mannerheim again, begging him in memory of a 37-year-old acquaintance to provide her and faith "the most modest financial assistance." Mannerheim, regretted this, could no longer find funds to help them.

"Dear Madam, I apologize that I forced you to wait for a response for so long, but I did not want to write to you, do not help help: Can I find funds to help you. It took more time on it than I thought because of some urgent cases, which were waiting for me upon return. Unfortunately, my attempts were not crowned with success, and I can't help you. I told you about it several years ago. Since then, you can yourself living in the country, given the riots, reduce your requirements to a minimum. Take, dear Madame, my sincere regrets, my best wishes and assurances in my feelings and sympathies to you. Mannerheim.

Soon with compensation began to receive a pension from Sweden. In these difficult years, Anna Aleksandrovna spends even more disgraced life. Do not trust anyone and fear of new acquaintances, she communicates mainly with the people of the Church Circle.

A.A. Taneyev with faith of sent. Helsinki, 1958

In 1958, six years before the death of Anna Aleksandrovna, she was visited by the Finnish journalist Tuomas Veto. The conversation was about their majesty, about her, Rasputin. Noting the wretchedness of the decor's situation, writes: "In the corner under the saints, the lampada burned. On the wall - a large portrait of their imperial Majesty Nikolay Alexandrovich and Alexandra Fedorovna. Under them Photography of Feldmarshal Finland Mannerheim with a granting inscription. " "He was great and noble - so responded about Mannerheim Anna Aleksandrovna, the secret nun Maria.

Mary's grave of Mary (A.A. Taneva)

Mogila K.G. Mannerheim, January 27, on his rest. Candle and rose from Mary's nuns (A.A. Taneva) and royal family in the good memory of past years

Mannerheim Karl Gustav Emil (1867-1951), Finnish Marshal (1933), State and Military Affairs, President of Finland (August 1944 - March 1946).

He graduated from the Helsingforsian Lyceum (now in Helsinki), the Nikolaev Cavalry School in St. Petersburg and made a brilliant career in the Russian army. For the year of hostilities in Manchuria (1904), the combat awards were awarded three times, was produced in Colonels. After the Russian-Japanese war in the field of the General Staff went to the military-scientific expedition to Central Asia, became an honorary member of the Russian Geographical Society.

In 1911, in the rank of Major General, the Kavalegard regiment was headed. During the First World War, he fought in Galicia (the historical name of Western Ukrainian and Polish lands) and Romania. Since the beginning of the 1917 revolution, Russia returned to Finland, proclaimed independence.

In January 1918, by collecting parts of the Volunteer Army, Finnish and Swedish volunteers, began the struggle against the parts of the Red Army, which were in Finland. After failure with the election of the German Prince Friedrich Karl Hessian King of Finland Mannerheim from December 1918 to July 1919, he performed the responsibilities of the Regency.

On July 17, 1919, Finland was proclaimed by the republic, but in the presidential election Mannerheim suffered defeat.

In 1931, he was appointed Chairman of the Defense Council, in 1937 he achieved the adoption of a seven-year plan for re-equipment of the army, since 1933 created border strengthening on the Karelian Isthmus (Mannerheim Line).

The construction was carried out sluggish and intensified only in the fall of 1938 during the Soviet-Finnish War (1939-1940), which ended with the defeat of Finland, Mannerheim was the commander-in-chief of the Finnish army.

In June 1941, Finland declared the War of the USSR, but the fighting was limited to the return by the Soviet Union in 1940 and the seizure of Petrozavodsk Finns.

On June 9, 1944, the President of Finland R. Ryuti signed an agreement with Germany and received military assistance. On August 4, 1944, the president became Mannerheim; The contract with Germany was terminated.

In September of the same year, Mannerheim concluded a separate world from the USSR, chases to preserve the sovereignty of Finland.

In 1946, 78-year-old Mannerheim resigned.

Karl Gustav Emil Mannerheim lived a long life. He was born on June 4, 1867, and died on January 27, 1951. Of the 83 years lived, almost seventy was the military. As Mannerheim himself writes: "I was 15 years old, when I entered the Cadet Cabinator of Finland in 1882. I was the first of the three generations of Mannerheim, who dedicated himself a military career." The word "quarry", chosen by the author himself, inaccurately reflects the essence of his life. Anyone who became acquainted with Mannerheim's biography, it becomes clear that he did not make a career. He just served as his country.

The discovery in St. Petersburg of the Memorial Board Lieutenant-General Gustav Karlovich Mannerheim raised the wave of dirty lies, including on the pages of the LiveJournal. It is not believed to be indifferent to disturbing the history of our country, publish the material in which the truth will be set forth about this person.

Karl Gustav (Gustav Karlovich) Mannerheim was born in the family of Baron Karl Robert Mannerheim and Grandeon Hedwig Charlotte Helena von Yulin in the estate of Looksisaari near Turku. When Gustavu was 13 years old, his father broke up and, throwing a family, went to Paris. In January next year his mother died.

In 1882, at the age of 15 years, Gustav Mannerheim entered the Cadet Corps, where he studied for two years - in 1886, displeased with new orders (for insignificant abnormalities of the Cadet for months in the barracks, without the right to enter the city), "went to the sickpody ", for which it was expelled from the hull.

To deduct Gustav, it was calm, since it had long been dreamed of admission to the Nikolaev Cavalry School. This decision did not cause any doubts from a patriotic point of view, since the relationship between Russia and the autonomous grand abuse Finnish in those times were very good. Overall in 1887 in the school, Gustav Mannerheim in 1889 graduated with honors with honors, having received the first officer rank of Cornet and sent to pass the service in the 15th Alexandrian Dragun Shepher, located on the border with Germany - in the Polish city of Kalish. The cavalryrs of the regiment, where all the horses were black, were called "suicide bombs" - in memory of the time when this regiment was a hussars and officers wore black boloves with silver plated Galuna. He served a whole year in the Alexandrian Dragun Regiment, Gustav Mannerheim was translated into the cavalry regiment, the honorable chief of which was the Empress Mary Fedorovna herself (the daughter of the Danish king of Christian IX, which Finns were called - Empress Dagmar).

In 1892, in the personal life of Gustav Mannerheim, it was changed, he was combined with Anastasia Arapova, the daughter of Major General Nikolai Ustinovich Arapova, who was in the retinue of His Majesty, in the past also Kavaleargard.

In 1901, the Kavalerigord commander General von Grunwald, appointed by the main string, proposed a promising young officer in the imperial stables. The duties of Gustav Mannerheim, very favorite horses, included the purchase of tribal livestock in Germany, Austria-Hungary, Belgium and England. During one of the trips to Germany, Gustav received a serious injury to the knee joint, the treatment took more than two months, the mobility in the joint was partially lost, but Honorhelm's personal doctor of Emperor II, Professor Bergman, consulted: "Although it is difficult for you to lead the escadron Nevertheless, can be perfectly commanded by the regiment, and nothing will prevent you from becoming a general! "

Soon after receiving in 1903 the title of Rothmistra Gustav Mannerheim received an appointment to the St. Petersburg officer's cavalry school, who was led by Kavalryi General Alexey Alekseevich Brusilov.

The service in the officer's cavalry school lasted for a long time: on the night of February 9, 1904, without declaring war, Japanese ships blocked the Russian squadron in Port Arthur, the Russian-Japanese war began, on which Lieutenant Colonel Gustavi Mannerheim recorded a volunteer. In the period from December 25 to January 8, Mannerheim, as a commander of two separate squadrons, participated in the cavalry operation, the purpose of the operation was to break through the coast, to seize the Japanese port of Incou with the ships and exploding the bridge, to break the railway link between Port Artur and Mukden. The participants of this battle have not yet known that Port Arthur is already in the hands of the Japanese, and the army of General legs rushed towards the arrangement of the army of General Kuropatkina. In January, the regiment, which served Mannerheim, took part in the offensive under Sandapa, who led his compatriot Oscar Grippenberg. Mannerheim noted that the Japanese, skillfully using the terrain, were invisible in their shape of Khaki (in the Russian army, then there was still no field form) and had tactical superiority in artillery, using disguised artillery positions, while Russian artillery led fire with open area.

Military actions on land ended with the defeat of the Russian army with Mukden, followed by maritime defeat - in May 1905, at the Tsushima Islands, the Japanese fleet completely destroyed the second Russian Pacific Squadron. The consequences of the war with Japan were expected very hard, but according to a peace treaty, signed on September 5, 1905 in Portsmouth, Russia lost quite little. The southern part of Sakhalin Island became the only territorial acquisition of Japan. Russia, for its part, refused the rights to the Liaodan Peninsula with the cities of Port Arthur and the distant and from the concession on the railway in Southern Manchuria. The rights to use the South China Railway Russia has retained. Korea was recognized as the sphere of influence of Japan. There were no complaints of compensation.

According to Gustava Mannerheim, military actions in Manchuria are much brighter than all previous military clashes, showed: War is not only the army, this is the extinguishing of the whole nation, the Japanese showed the world a brilliant picture of the onmost little and self-sacrifice in the name of Victory.

Soon Gustav Mannerheim, who by then was awarded the title of Colonel, received an invitation to arrive in St. Petersburg, where the head of the General Staff General General Fedor Fedorovich Palitsyn offered him a task - to organize an equestrian expedition to Central Asia from Russian Turkestan through Chinese Turkestan and Mount Tien Shan In the area of \u200b\u200bthe river or, and then through the Gobi Desert in the province of Gansu, Shaanxi, Henan and Shanxi to the capital of China.

The expedition began on July 6, 1906, on the recommendation of the Russian Consulse Consulter in China Mannerheim designed a Chinese passport in the name of Ma-Tahan, which meant "Horse, jumping through the clouds", this name caused a benevolent reaction from officials who verified his documents.

Gustav Karlovich Mannerheim at a meeting with His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIII.

In June 1907, Gustav Mannerheim met His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIII, who lived in exile after the recognition of Russia and England of Chinese domination in Tibet (Return to Lhasa Dalai Lama XIII was able only after the Chinese revolution, the overthrow of the Manchurian dynasty and the announcement of the independence of Tibet, Unfortunately, his successor, Dalai Lama XIV, living in exile, no longer hopes for such a perspective).

Mannerheim's expedition ended in August 1908 in Beijing, from where he returned to Petersburg, where he received an invitation to Emperor Nicholas II for a story about his journey.

Gustav Karlovich Mannerheim, Colonel of the Russian Imperial Army. Poland, 1909.

In the fall of 1908, Colonel Gustav Karlovich Mannerheim was appointed commander of the 13th Vladimir Ulan Regiment, located in Novominsk (currently - Minsk Mazowiecki) in Poland, where his military career began nineteen years ago. In 1911, according to General Brusylov, Gustavu Karlovich Mannerheim was awarded the title of Major General. In the summer of 1914, refusing to proposal to accept the command over the second Kirassir Brigade in the Tsarist village, Mannerheim was appointed commander of a separate Guards Cavalry Brigade with headquarters in Warsaw.

A few days after the murder in Sarajevo, the heir of the Austro-Hungarian throne Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Austria-Hungary put forward Serbia Ultimatum, the First World War became the inevitable ...

When Karlu Gustavu was 13 years old, his father broke up, and, throwing a family, went to Paris. In January next year his mother died.

In 1882, the 15-year-old Gustav went to the Cadet Cabinator of Finland in the city of Hamina. In the spring of 1886, it was excluded from the housing for unauthorized beam.

Enrolled in 1887 to the Cavalry School, two years later, in 1889, the 22-year-old Gustav Mannerheim graduated with honors. He was also produced in the rank of officer.

At the end of May 1918, Mannerheim sows off the commander-in-chief of the commander-in-chief due to disagreement with the German-oriented government policies. On March 7, 1918, he received the rank of General Cavalry (Finland), and in December 1918, after the defeat of Germany in the First World War and the change in the foreign policy of Finland, from the proactant, was proclaimed regent - the temporary head of the Finnish state and achieved international recognition of independent Finland.

Mannerheim assumed that the White Victory in Finland could be part of the All-Russian Anti-Bolshevik campaign and considered the possibility of the onset of the Finnish army on Red Petrograd.

In 1920-1930, Mannerheim is engaged in the most diverse activities: visits France, Poland and other European countries, India with semi-official visits, participates in the management of commercial banks, public activities, holds the position of chairman of the Red Cross of Finland. In 1931, he accepts a proposal to become president of the State Committee for Defense of Finland, in 1933 Mannerheim was awarded the honorable military title of Field Marshal Finland.

Until the 1930s, the foreign policy of the Soviet Union reached sufficiently great success: European countries recognized the USSR and established diplomatic relations with him. The Soviet Union entered the League of Nations. This circumstance led to the widespread dissemination of pacifist sentiment in all layers of the European Society, which began to believe in the occurrence of the era of the world.

Mannerheim leads active negotiations with a number of European countries, looking for assistance in a possible confrontation with the Soviet Union. At the same time, he is trying to find, together with Paasikivi, a compromise between the requirements of the USSR and the patriotic community of Finland. At these negotiations, Paasiki said Stalin that "Finland wants to live in the world and stay outside conflicts", to which the latter answered: "I understand, but I assure that this is impossible - the great powers will not allow."


In the fall of 1918, the Kingdom of Finland was created for a while. Finland managed two regent and electoral monarch. On May 18, 1918, the Parliament of Finland gave his consent to the appointment by the regent of the Chairman of the Senate (Government) of the pen of Evinda Swinguwood. On December 12 of the same year, the Parliament took his resignation and approved the new regent of Karl Mannerheim. On October 9, 1918, the Parliament elected to the Trone of Finland under the name Vinezo I German Prince Friedrich Karl Hesssen-Kasselysky (Fredrik Karle in Finnish Transcription), which was moving from the throne on December 14 of the same year, after the defeat of Germany in the First World War.

Until the end of the life on the desktop, Mannerheim always stood a portrait with a photo and a personal signature of Emperor Nicholas II.

In 2009, the creation of a biographical film "Mannerheim" began.

September 28, 2012 in Helsinki as part of the Film Festival "Love and Anarchy" (Rakkautta & Anarkiaa), the premiere of the film "Marshal Finland", which tells about the personal life and love relations of Mannerheim. The public discussion caused the fact of execution by the leading role of Kenyan black actor Toleli Savalos Otipen.

On the monument to K. G. E. Mannerheim installed in Helsinki is depicted in the Army Winter Hat of the pre-revolutionary Russian sample.

Mannerheim owned Swedish, Russian, Finnish, English, French, German and Polish.

In Finland, there is a Foundation for the Heritage Foundation Marshal Mannerheim, the main purpose of which is to preserve the memory of Mannerheim, as well as financial support for research in the field of military history of Finland.

Monuments Mannerheim:
Equestrian monument in Helsinki (opened in 1960),
Monument to Turku,
Monument in Tampere
Equestrian monument in Lahti,
Marshal Marshal Museum Museum and Monument in Mikkeli,
Museum in the genital castle of Looksisaari.
June 14, 2007 By the 140th anniversary of the birth of K. G. Mannerheim in St. Petersburg, Kavalegard Mannerheim Bust was installed in St. Petersburg and an exposition dedicated to his life and activity was opened (Sleerer Street, House 41, Hotel Marshal).

Karl Gustav Emil Mannerheim (Swede and Fin. Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim, MFA (Swede): [Kɑːrl ɡɵsˌtɑf Eːmil Manːrˌheim]; June 4, 1867, Askainen, Abo-Biorneborg Property, Grand Duchy Finland, Russian Empire - January 27, 1951, Lausanne, Switzerland) - Baron, Finnish Military and State Worker of Swedish Origin, General of Cavalry (March 7, 1918) of the Finnish Army, Feldmarshal (May 19, 1933), Marshal Finland (only as an honorary title) (June 4, 1942), Rent of the Kingdom of Finland from December 12, 1918 of June 26, 1919, President of Finland from August 4, 1944 to March 11, 1946; Russian commander, Lieutenant-General of the Russian Army (April 25, 1917).

As a personal name, the second name was used, Gustav; During the service in the Russian army, he was called Gustav Karlovich; Sometimes his name was on the Finnish manner - Bush.

Feldmarshal Mannerheim had a high height, a slim and muscular body, a noble posture, confident manner to hold onto the butt features of the face. He belonged to that type as if specially created to fulfill his mission of great historical personalities, which were so rich in the XVIII and XIX century, but at present almost completely extinct. He was endowed with personal features peculiar to everyone who lived to him great historical characters. In addition, he was an excellent rider and a shooter, a gallant cavalier, an interesting interlocutor and an outstanding connoisseur of culinary art and made himself in the salons, as well as on jumps, in clubs and parades in the same degree magnificent impression.

Vipert Blucher von (him.), Messenger of Germany in Finland from 1934 to 1944.


Until the beginning of the 2000s, Mannerheima was predicted to Sweden from Holland. However, the Finnish-Dutch group of researchers in early 2007 published a message that the church book was found in the archive of Hamburg, according to which the oldest ancestors of Gustav Mannerheim, Hinrich Margein ( Hinrich Marhein.), was baptized in the Church of St. Jacob in Hamburg on December 28, 1618. From the record of his birth, it follows that his father was a kind of Honning Margein ( Henning Marhein), which was granted the citizenship of the city of Hamburg in 1607.

There is a document from which he follows that Hinrich Margein, who, after moving to Sweden, began to be called Henry, founded the ferrishing plant here. His son in 1693 was erected to the Swedish nobility (Swede), while he changed his surname in Mannerheim. In 1768, Mannerheims were erected in Baron City, and in 1825 Karl Eric Mannerheim (Fin.) (1759-1837), Praded Gustav Mannerheim, was erected into County dignity, after which the eldest son in the family became a graph, and the younger senior brothers Member of the surname (to which Gustav Mannerheim belonged to both the representatives of the younger genealogical branches remained Baroni.

After the victory of Russia over Sweden in the war of 1808-1809, Karl Eric Mannerheim was the head of the delegation adopted by Alexander I, and contributed to the success of the negotiations ended with the approval of the Constitution and the autonomous status of the Grand Principality of Finland. Since then, all Mannerheims have become a clear proorori orientation, the benefit of Alexander I repeatedly reminded: "Finland is not provincial. Finland is a state. " Grandfather Mannerheim, Karl Gustav, in honor of whom he received his name, was the president of the North Court (Hofgericht - the appellate instance) in Vyborg and the famous scientific entomologist, and the father-industrialist leading large affairs in all of Russia, and the big connoisseur of literature.

early years

Gustav Mannerheim was born in the family of Baron Charles Robert Mannerheim (1835-1914) and Countess Hedwig Charlotte Helena von Yulin. Place of birth - the estate of Loochisaari in the Commune Askainen, not far from the Turk, which was acquired by Count Charles Erik Mannerheim in its time.

When Karlu Gustavu was 13 years old, his father broke up and, throwing a family, went to Paris. In January next year his mother died.

In 1882, the 15-year-old Gustav went to the Cadet Cabinator of Finland in the city of Hamina. In the spring of 1886, it was excluded from the housing for unauthorized beam.

He decided to enter the Nikolaev Cavalry School in St. Petersburg and become Cavalgard. However, for admission to the school it was necessary to take the university exam. During the year, Gustav was engaged in privately engaged in the lyceum (private gymnasium) of Bech (Fin. Böökin YksityiskyMnaasi) in Helsinki and in the spring of 1887 passed the exams in the University of Helsingfors. Among other things, a good knowledge of the Russian language was also required, so in the summer of the same year Gustav went to his relative E. F. Bergendeum, who worked as an engineer in Kharkov. There, he studied the language with the teacher for several months.

Nikolaev Cavalry School

Enrolled in 1887 to the Cavalry School, two years later, in 1889, the 22-year-old Gustav Mannerheim graduated with honors. He was also produced in an officer rank.

Russian army

In the Russian army served in 1887-1917, starting with China Kornet and ending with Lieutenant General.

1889-1890 - served in the 15th dragoon Alexandrian regiment, in Kalishe (Poland).

Cavalgardian Regiment

On January 20, 1891, he entered the servant in the cavalry regiment, where strict discipline was maintained.

On May 2, 1892, Anastasia Nikolaevna Arapova was married (1872-1936), the daughter of the Moscow Ober-Politzmeister General Nikolai Ustinovich Arapova, with rich dowry. Gustav starts the purebred horses, which begin to take prizes on jumps and obstacles, often mannerheim himself speaks as a rider. Typically, the first prize was about 1000 rubles (while renting an apartment for a family in a prestigious house was worth 50-70 rubles per month).

In July 1894, a newborn son is dying during childbirth. In relations of spouses there is a disorder.

On March 24, 1895, Gustav meets with a 40-year-old Countess Elizabeth Shuvalova (Baryatinskaya), which will support a romantic connection for a long time. On July 1, 1895, the guarantile mannerheim was awarded the first foreign order in his life - the Kavarian cross of the Austrian Order of Franz Joseph. July 7, 1895, on Monday, the daughter of Sofya was born (in 1963 she died in Paris).

On May 14, 1896, Nicholas II and Alexandra Fedorovna participates as a younger assistant. After the coronation, Nicholas II declared gratitude to the officers of the cavalry regiment. On May 16, 1896, the Kremlin Palace was given a reception for the regiment officers, where Mannerheim had a long conversation with the emperor.

Court Storey Part

On August 7, 1897, the Brigade Commander Arthur Greenwald said that at the request of the emperor, he would soon be headed by the court stable part and what would like to see Mannerheim in his assistants. On September 14, 1897, the highest decree Gustav was translated into the court stake with leaving in the lists of the cavalry regiment, with a salary of 300 rubles and two government apartments: in the capital and in the royal village. On behalf of Greenwald, the headquarters Mannerheim makes a certificate of affairs in the stable part, according to the results of which the general began to restore order "In the part entrusted to him". At the end of November, Mannerheim picks up for Valentina Horses, from which the artist makes sketches - the royal horses were the best in Russia.

From March 27 to April 10, 1898, Mannerheim was a member of the Judicial Board of Mikhailovsky Manezh, after which he left for a long business trip at the equestrian plants - the horses stables were its main task. In early June, Mannerheim meets Alexei Alekseevich Brusilov. In November, on a business trip to Berlin, during the inspection of the horses, a three-year-old mare crushed a broken bowl (M Mannerheim's life was 14 fractures in varying severity). Operated Professor Ernst Bergman (1836-1907), the famous surgeon, during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877 he was a surgeon-consultant in the Russian Danube Army.

In mid-January 1899, Mannerheim finally began to get out of bed and move with crutches. In addition to strong pain in the knee, he did not give peace of mind that he would not be able to participate in the anniversary (100 years) celebrations of the cavalry regiment, appointed on January 11, 1899. However, Gustava did not forget. He received several telegrams from St. Petersburg, including from the Shef Regiment - a widowing empress, congratulations on the officers of the regiment and the stable part, from Kaiser of Germany. On February 12, Lieutenant and his wife were invited to lunch to the Imperial Palace on the Opera Square of Berlin. Wilhelm II impressions of Mannerheim did not produce: "Feldfelby". It was affected by the upbringing of Gustav in the highest light of the court aristocracy.

On June 22, 1899, Mannerheim went (along with the Countess Shuvalova) to hammer the knee on the mud resort Gapsal (Haapsalu), where he found his order for the assignment of the rank Rothmistra rank.

On August 12, the headquarters of the Rothmist was already in the capital in the widespread spectrum, from the configuration of horses of the stable part before the sale of manure for the manor of Freilina Ev Vasilchikova.

In January 1900, the officer spent a lot of time at the landfill, where the tests of new (armored) carriage were carried out for the royal surname. The carriers were too heavy, the wheels broke under the weight of the armor. The center of gravity was too high - even from a small explosion, the carriage turned over. Mannerheim's proposal to put carriages on pneumatic was not used.

On April 12, 1900, Gustav received the first Russian order - the Order of St. Anne 3rd degree. The injury continued to be felt about himself, and on May 24, Mannerheim headed (temporarily) the stationery of the stable part, in which they worked, for the most part, worshi of officers of the same stable part. Kavalegard correctly and clearly organized the work of the Office, which later in his order noted Greenwald and appointed him to the position of head of the hardened offices. This department was leading in the part and was in a special control of the minister of the courtyard of Frederix Count. Here Gustav also reorganized the division and brought up order, including personally snatched the horse, giving a lesson to the negligent blacksmiths.

All year all year passed in family scandals, since Gustav continued to novels and with Countess Shuvalova, and with the artist faith, Mikhailovna Shuvalova, the spouse arranged the terrible scenes of jealousy. It fell indulged in children.

In early February 1901, Mannerheim was abroad. Equestrian exhibition in London, from there on horseback plants of the Oppenheimer brothers in Germany. Upon return, I worked a lot, putting order in the pension stable, in a horse-in climb. I often visited the hippodrome.

In the summer, Chut Mannerheims acquired the estate in the Kurneda province (I bought Anastasia issued on myself), and in early August 1901 they left the whole family in Apricken (Apriki, Lazh, Latvia). There, addressed in an old house (1765 buildings), Gustav developed a rapid activity (fish farming, farm). But all his undertakings went as shock and the family returned to the capital. The spouse, realizing that the family idyll is no longer worth waiting for the courses of the medical sisters of St. George's community, and at the beginning of September 1901 Baroness Mannerheim, as part of a sanitary train, left for the Far East (Khabarovsk, Harbin, Cycicar) - in China boxers.

In October, Mannerheim elected the 80th actual member of the Company Imperial lynks running On Semenovsky Place and a member of the Judicial Commission.

In February 1902, Baroness returned to St. Petersburg. Her impressions of the experienced in the Far East (she was awarded the medal "For a trip to China 1900 - 1901"), they made a strongest impression on Mannerheim. For some time, he became an "ideal husband."

In mid-March 1902, Mannerheim, which began to make his "paper" work in the stable part, agreed with Brusilov about the transition to his officer cavalry school. In May, when the race season began, Muravyov's Count introduced Gustav with the ascending star of Ballet Tamara Karsavina, from which Mannerheim later supported friendly connections. Another vacation by Mannerheim spent separately from the family, in Finland.

1903 year. Now the spouses did not speak with each other, the apartment on the stable area was divided into two parts. However, in the morning they politely greet. Baronessa sold the estates, the money was transferred to the Paris banks, said goodbye to the near surroundings (without putting her husband to fame), and, taking the daughters and documents on Apricken, went to France, to Côte d'Azur. In April 1904, she settled in Paris.

Baron remained alone with the officer's salary and a very large amount of debt (including cards). The elder brother Gustav participated in the struggle for the change in imperial laws in Finland, which was why he was expelled to Sweden. Spring signed a decree on the secondment of Mannerheim to the Cavalry School of Brusylov.

Officer Cavalry School

Rothmaster is stiguously prepared for the "parfortune" hunt (Brusylov innovation for "The upbringing of real cavalrymen"). At the beginning of August 1903, in the village of Podavi, the Vilen Gubnia Gustav shows the beautiful ride qualities on a par with Brusilov.

Since September, official weekdays are coming: every day at 8 am, an officer in the officer cavalry school on the street Tchalenenna. General Brusilov, knowing that Mannerheim is a supporter of the system of towing horses James Filine, appointed his assistant to the famous English rider.

On January 15, 1904, Gustav meets the New Year in the Winter Palace, on the emperor's ball. It was the last New Year's Ball in the history of Romanov. Already on January 27, Mannerheim is present at the official announcement ceremony Nikolai II of the war with Japan. Since the Guards Parts did not go to the front, Mannerheim continued to serve in the capital.

At the end of February 1904, he surrenders the efforts to Colonel Kamenev. In April, he was awarded two foreign orders, in the summer he receives his fourth foreign order - the officer cross of the Greek Order of the Savior. On August 31, 1904, the order of Emperor Baron is enlisted in the staff of the officers of the Cavalry school with leaving in the lists of the Sauna Region. September 15, after a detailed consultation with the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich, General Brusilov appoints Mannerheim by the commander of the educational squadron and a member of the school academic committee. At school, this squadron was the standard of all new and better in the cavalry science. Such an appointment did not really like the officers of the permanent composition of the school, among themselves they called Baron "Guards Izzry". However, Mannerheim's skill was at the height and at the skillful and tactical assistance of Brusylov Gustav, quickly managed to "manage processes" in the school in the right direction. Baron was also warmly accepted in Brusil's house.

As for personal affairs, they were in full disorder. A bunch of debt (and they grew), problems with his wife (they were not officially divorced), plus Schivalov's countess, whose husband, by this time, died suddenly, insisted on a "civil marriage" with a baron. However, Gustav clearly represented all the consequences of a similar step - the capital's highest light did not forgive such actions.

In the established atmosphere, Mannerheim decides to go to the front. Shuvalova, who realized this, throws all the things (without even having left for Ukraine, where her husband's monument was opened) and leaving Vladivostok at the head of the campaign. Brusilov tried to dissuade Gustav, but in the end, who realized the futility of his efforts, agreed with Mannerheim and promised to apply for the inclusion of the Rothmistra in the 52nd Nezhinsky Regiment.

By passing the business of the educational squadron by Lieutenant Colonel Lishin, Mannerheim began to prepare for sending to Manchuria. It got a huge number of things, some of which had to be transferred to other persons on arrival at the front. To cover the huge costs associated with the preparation, the Rothmist received a big loan in the bank (under two insurance policies). Choosing three horses, Mannerheim sent them apart in Harbin, although no one could say even about when they arrive there.

Saturday evening on October 9, 1904 Lieutenant Colonel of the 52nd Dragun Nezhinsky Regiment Baron Mannerheim Courier Train went to Manchuria, along the way to stop in Moscow and attending his wife's relatives.

Russian-Japanese War 1904-1905

In the way, Gustav began to keep diary records.

On October 24, 1904, the train arrived in Harbin, the commandant station told him that the horses would arrive not earlier than in two weeks. Gustav gave in Vladivostok, Countess Shuvalova, telegram and left there himself. Returning to Harbin on November 3, he goes to Mukden. On November 9, arriving in Mukden, Mannerheim is looking for its horses and departs with them to the place of the new service. Already at the place of Baron, he learns that the 2nd separate cavalry team in the composition of the 51st and 52nd Dragun regiments does not participate in hostilities, as the command is afraid to put the commander of the Brigade General Stepanov independent tasks. I had to sit in the reserve lieutenant colonel. This period, he notes in his diary as extremely dull and monotonous.

1905 - January 8, an order was signed on the appointment of Mannerheim's lieutenant colonel Assistant commander of the regiment on the construction part.

After the fall of Port Arthur, Japan freed the 3rd Army, and therefore the Commander-in-Chief of General A. N. Kuropatkin, wanting to delay the arrival of these forces of the Japanese to the Military Action Theater, decided to take a decision on the cavalry raid on Incou. Mannerheim wrote:

In the period from December 25, 1904 to January 8, 1905, I, as a commander of two separate squadrons, took part in the cavalry operation, which was held by General Mishchenko forces of 77 squadrons. The purpose of the operation was to break through the coast, seize the Japanese port of Incou with ships and blowing up the bridge, break the railway link between Port Artur and Mukden ...

Division Mannerheim walked as part of a consolidated Dragun Division under the command of General-Major A. V. Samsonov. During this raid, Mannerheim on a privala near the village of Takaucheng met the colleague in the cavalry school of Semyon from the 26th Don Cossack Regiment, also the future Marshal (the title of Marshal Finland was assigned to Mannerheim on June 4, 1942). The same attack on the income on a variety of reasons (from the wrong placement of the goal to tactical miscalculations of the type of incorrectly selected attack time) led to the defeat of the Russian army. Division Mannerheim did not accept the Attack on Incou.

On February 19, 1905, during one of the skits with the Cavalry Council of the Japanese, the ordinarian Mannerheim was died. Young Count Cankrin - Seventeen-year-old boy who went to war volunteer. Mannerheim, from under the shelling, made his prize stallion talisman, was already injured and fallen after that.

On February 23, 1905, Mannerheim received the order of the 3rd Manchurian army of Lieutenant Martz, to conduct an operation in the area of \u200b\u200bEastern Implement to save the 3rd Infantry Division, which fell into the "bag". Draguns under the cover of the fog went into the rear Japanese and, having spent a rapid attack, turned them into flight. For the skillful leadership and personal braverad, Baron was assigned the rank of Colonel, which, among other things, meant and an increase in 200 rubles to a salary. At the end of the operation, the Mennerheim Division was assigned to rest (4 days), after which he arrived at the location of his shelf, to the station Cantufu.

The headquarters of the 3rd Manchurian army instructed the baron to conduct deep intelligence of the Mongolian territory for the identification of Japanese troops there. In order to avoid diplomatic scandals with Mongolia, intelligence is carried out by the so-called "local police" in the number of three hundreds of Chinese.

My squad is just Honghuse, that is, local robbers with a large road ... These gangsters ... Nothing other than the Russian store rifle and cartridges, do not know ... My squad is assembled on an ambulance hand from garbage. It does not have any order nor unity ... Although they should not be reproached in insufficient courage. They managed to escape from the environment, where we were driven by the Japanese cavalry ... The headquarters of the army was very satisfied with our work - it was possible to sneak up about 400 wool and give information about the Japanese positions throughout our territory.

It was his last operation in the Russian-Japanese war. On September 5, in Portsmouth S. Yu. Witte signed a peace treaty with Japan.

In November 1905, Colonel was serving in St. Petersburg. Arriving in the capital at the end of December, learned that his position, as a staff, was excluded from the state of the 52nd Dragun Nezhinsky Regiment. Family affairs, as they were not arranged before departure, and now looked full disaster. It can be said that all this, taken together, turned the court cavaloricard in a rigid military officer.

In early January 1906, the Colonel departs to his homeland, in a two-month vacation for the treatment of rheumatism. There he participated in the status representative meeting of the noble branch of Mannerheim. It was the last such meeting.

Expedition to China

March 29, 1906 Palitsyn said: " Chinese reforms turned into a dangerous factor of strength ... Gustav Karlovich, you have to commit a strictly secret trip from Tashkent to West China, Gansu Province, Shaanxi. Think over the route and negotiate it with Vasilyev, please contact Colonel Zeil ...».

Colonel Baron K. G.-E. Mannerheim in the Russian consulate. Kashgar, September 1906

Preparation began immediately. Gustav studied the General Staff in the Library closed to print reports on expeditions to Central Asia N. M. Przhevalsky and M. V. Pevtsov. Mannerheim also received an instruction of the Finno-Ugric Society to collect archaeological and ethnographic collections for the National Museum of Finland created in Helsingfors.

On June 10, 1906, Gustav was incorporated into the expedition of the French sociologist Pellia field, but then at his request Nicholas II gave Mannerheim an independent status.

June 19, the colonel with 490 kg of baggage, including the Codak camera and two thousand glass photographic plates with chimreactles for processing them, is departed from the capital. On July 29, 1906, expedition came from Tashkent to the road. In May, Mannerheim meets with the Dalai Lama XIII in Utaishan. July 12, 1908 Expedition arrived in Beijing.

Before leaving to Russia, Mannerheim made another "mission" to Japan. The purpose of the task was to clarify the military's military capabilities of the Simonoski. After completing the task, Colonel arrived in Vladivostok on September 24.

Expedition results

  • 3087 km of expedition paths are applied
  • A military topographic description of the Kashgar district - Turfan is drawn up.
  • The Tauskhan Daria River is investigated from its departure from the mountains to the imposition in Orcheken Daria.
  • Compiled plans of 20 Chinese garrison cities.
  • Danish the city of Lanzhou as a possible future Russian military base in China.
  • It is estimated to the state of troops, industry and mining of China.
  • The construction of railways is rated.
  • The actions of the Government of China to combat the consumption of opium in the country are estimated.
  • Collected 1200 different interesting items relating to China's culture.
  • Brought about 2000 ancient Chinese manuscripts from the sands of Turfan.
  • A rare collection of Chinese sketches from Lanzhou, giving an idea of \u200b\u200b420 characters of different religions was brought.
  • A phonetic vocabulary of nation languages \u200b\u200bliving in Northern China has been compiled.
  • Anthropometric measurements of Kalmykov, Kyrgyz, little-known tribes Abdalov, yellow tangites, traders, trades were carried out.
  • 1353 photographs were brought, as well as a large number of diary records.

Mannerheim drove about 14,000 km. Its report belongs to the number of last remarkable diaries compiled by traveling in this way.

The results of the "Asian campaign" Mannerheim: He was adopted in the honorary members of the Russian Geographical Society. When in 1937 was published in English the full text of the traveler's diary, the entire edition of the publication consisted of articles written by other scientists on the basis of the materials of this expedition.


On January 10, 1909, at the end of the holiday, Mannerheim returned to St. Petersburg, where he received an order to appoint him to the commander of the 13th Ulanovsky Vladimirsky His imperial highness of the Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich Shelka. On February 11, after a short trip to Finland, Gustav went to the city of Novominsk (now - Minsk Mazowiecki), located 40 km from Warsaw.

The preparation of the regiment (he accepted him from Colonel David Dietershs) turned out to be weak, and Mannerheim began to straighten it, as he did earlier with other subdivisions. Service, classes on the fee and "in the field" by 12 hours a year later made the regiment one of the best in the district, and the ability to work with people and a personal example allowed Gustavu to get into allies most regiment officers. Summer fees took place in the village of Kaloshino, not far from Novominsk.

In Warsaw, Mannerheim entered the Polish secular society, it became close to the Zamoyski, Pototsky, Krasinsky and Radzyvilles. His best friends were Graf Moritz and Adam Zamoysky, as well as Prince Zdislav Lubomirsky and his wife Maria Lyubomirskaya. He also repeatedly met with his friend and a companion A. Brusilov, who commanded the 14th Army Corps, the Polk and Mannerheim entered this building as part of the 13th Cavdivia of the Corps, Brusylov's headquarters were stationed in Lublin. Alexey Alekseevich's spouse died, the relationship with his son was not very consistent. In one of the arrival of Brusylov in the Vladimir Regiment, Major General solemnly handed the Colonel of the Order of St. Vladimir - a reward for the Asian campaign.

At the end of 1910, Gustav attended a friend's wedding, quite modest. Brusilov married again.

At meetings with the Grand Duke, Nikolay Nikolayevich Brusilov constantly told him about Gustav and his achievements in the shelf. After the conversation of the Grand Duke with the emperor Mannerheim on January 1, 1911, he was appointed commander of the Lab Guard of the Ulansky Majesty Regiment. On February 19, 1911, he was granted by the Nemina General Major, in 1912 he was enrolled in a retinue of His Majesty.

On February 17, 1911, Baron took the regiment from Pavel Stakhovich (his former commander). The barracks of the regiment were located in Warsaw, behind the old Lazenki Park. It was the Guards Regiment, in which orders laid back in the early 1880s by the commander of the Okrug Troops General-Field Marshal I. V. Gurko.

Private life of officers before the arrival of Mannerheim was not very diverse. Horses and women, with the Polish population of contacts were a bit, with the exception of three officers - Golovakovsky, Prshadsky and Bibikov, who supported links in the higher Polish light. Mannerheim wrote a lot later: "Personal contacts between Russian and Poles were very small, and during my communication with the Poles looked at me incredulously." But the commander coolly changed the position of things, as a basis, taking equestrian sports. He became the vice-president of the race society of a separate Guards Cavrbrigada and a member of the Warsaw Skinking Society, joined the elite hunting club.

Major General was adopted in the Family Environment Radziwill, Zamoyskiy, Velhelesky, Potocksky. In the house of the Countess of Lubomirskaya, he was adopted for a long time. Polka did not give rest to the officers of the regiment, and Gustav was no exception. Rumors about visits to the Great Ladies of the Mannerheim Apartment quickly spread around the city. Countess Lubomirskaya wrote in his memoirs about the "friend of the heart": "Gustav was a man who was fondant, never knew how to go anything." Mannerheim understood that it was impossible to break relationships with the Countess - it would immediately affect his position in society.

Life in the secular Warsaw required a lot of money, and Mannerheim periodically visited the racetrack, where incognito put his horses for competitions (there was a ban for senior officers of the Guard to expose their horses to competitions). The prizes were large: Warsaw Derby - 10,000 rubles, the imperial prize - 5000 rubles.

In 1912, the commander of the regiment, Mannerheim felt very confident. He refused the very prestigious position of the commander of the 2nd Kirassir Brigade, quartered in the royal village - he was waiting for the post of commander of a separate Guards Cavrbrigada in Warsaw.

Summer maneuvers, conducted under the ivganorod, were very successful for Mannerheim - his regiment was the only one who did not receive a single penalty point, and the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich, Uncle Emperor, called Gustav "the magnificent commander." After these maneuvers began the long friendship of Mannerheim with Prince George Tumanov. In the same year, Baron's acquaintance with an officer of the General Staff was held, an intern with his regiment, Dukhonin, who did not like Mannerheim and subsequently had a negative impact on Military career of Gustav.

In the autumn, as usual, the Ulan was guarded by the Tsarist Hunt area about the slept - one of the summer residences of the imperial surname, which is approximately 21 km from the Kohrnevice railway station. Apparently, Mannerheim also seen with Nikolai II.

In the fall of 1913, Mannerheim spent more than a month in France, in Russian-French exercises. On December 24, Gustav Karlovich Mannerheim, Major General Sweetie's Majesty, appointed to the long-awaited position of the commander of a separate Guards Cavalry Brigade with Headquarters in Warsaw.

The first half of the summer of 1914, the Combridge spends on the resort in Wiesbaden (it makes itself felt the dying rheumatism). Returning from treatment, he looked at Voltmann in Berlin, a horse merchant, who at his time bought horses for the court stable. But the trader's stables were empty - on the eve of all horses were purchased for the needs of the German army. To the question of Gustav, from where the German military so much money for very expensive horses (at the cost of one horses, the army paid Voltmann for 5,000), the trader squinted: "Who wants to fight, he must pay". And on July 22, 1914, having met with Countess of Lubomirskaya, he told her what awaits war. "In the morning of July 31, 1914, I came to me to say goodbye by General Mannerheim ... He asked to pass him on the road ..." - So recorded in her diary Countess Lubomirskaya.

World War I

On August 1, 1914, Germany declared the war of Russia. On August 2, a separate Guards Cavalry Brigade focused on a Lublin, from where the Life Guards Ulan Region, the Krasnik travelers, and on the night of August 6, the telegram came to the night that Austria-Hungary declared the war of Russia.

On August 17, Mannerheim received an order for the holding of the city of Krasnik, who was a strategically important node lying south of the Ivangorod railway (Deblin) - Lublin - Helm (Hill), and, if possible, conduct exploration of enemy forces. Withstanding the first strike of the superior enemy's forces (Austrians, for several hours, powerfully attacked the positions of a rushing Life-Ulansky regiment), Mannerheim with the help of a subcoming reinforcement in the form of two rifle regiments, held his cavalry a rapid attack, turning the enemy to escape. Only about 250 soldiers and 6 enemy officers were captured. Ulans lost 48 people in this battle, of which are seven officers, including their commander, General Alansheva. For this fight in the Krasnik, Major General Mannerheim, the order of the commander of the 4th Army, was awarded the Golden George weapon.

After the defeat of Krasnican, the Austrians mobilized and organized extremely dense defense in front of the right flank of the 4th Army, and therefore the Riding of the Russian cavalry in the enemy's rear practically stopped. Each reconnaissance operation turned into a protracted battle. A good characteristic of the Mennerheim's commander's qualities can serve the exit of the environment under the village of Grabwing. With the onset of the dark, Mannerheim gathered senior officers and divided the ring of the environment on the map by 20 sectors, assigning the officer responsible for each sector. After that, set the task to get in each sector "Language". Around the midnight at the disposal of Mannerheim turned out to be one of the captive Austrian from each sector. After analyzing the situation, at around two o'clock in the morning, the Guardsmen broke through the environment in the lowest place and joined the 13th Cavalry Division by morning.

In August 1914, for successful actions, Major General Mannerheim is awarded the Order of St. Stanislav 1st degree with swords and gets swords to the already existing Order of St. Vladimir 3rd degree.

On August 22, Gustav met with the former beloved, Countess Shuvalova (she headed the Red Cross Hospital in Peremyshl). The meeting left an unpleasant precipitate.

In one of the battles, in the city of Janow, which is 75 km from Lublin, Mannerheim, racing the situation, spent the so-called "star attack" to the city. He "showed" the Austrians, which slowly and thoroughly comes to the city with large forces at once from several sides. The misleading, the opponent, hastily began to regroup for the organization of defense, "worked" the attack of Guardsman Mannerheim, broke through the defense in places where the offensive was not "shown". The cavalry officers flewed to the city sowed panic in the defensive orders of the Austrians, who hastily left the city. In Azart, pursuing a retreating enemy, the Ulans got under strong fire, which had a significant loss. Including the headquarters of Rothmist Bibikov, the favorite of the Higher Women's Society of Warsaw. When the news of the death of Bibikov was sought to Warsaw, the Countess Lubomirskaya wrote Gustav an angry letter, which accused the general that he neglects the lives of officers, knowingly condemn them to death with her "rapid orders." The same senior officers from all sorts of headquarters, on the contrary, believed that Mannerheim evades battles with the enemy. As for the subordinate to Gustav Karlovich themselves, then on this score they had their own opinion other than the "female" and "highly". When Mannerheim was awarded on December 18, the Georgievsky cross of the 4th degree, the Guardsmen folded poems on this:

Cross Georgievsky WhiteDecorate your breasts;There is something that you, cruel, braveFight with enemies to remember.

We are talking about forcing the 9th Army of the River San, where, thanks to the initiative manifested by Mannerheim, the initiative was provided with the right of the river to the right bank. When officers asked him why he is invulnerable to bullets and shells, Baron answered that he had a silver mascot and touched to the left chest pocket: lying there silver Medal of 1896, Coronation Medal his Imperial Majesty Nicholas II.

On October 11, 1914, Russian troops unexpectedly began an operation included in history as a Warsaw-Ivangorodsk operation, as a result of which the Austrian-German troops suffered a serious defeat. At the end of the autumn, Mannerheim Brigade occupied positions on the Nida River, where he met the New Year. Brigade officers presented as a gift to their commander silver cigarette case, "for luck".

In 1915, the German command, concerned about the major success of Russia in Galicia, took serious rearrangement of his forces in favor of the Eastern Front. The General Staff of the German Army also moved his bet to Silesia, near the border with Austria (Plesu city). The command of the Russian army in the person of the commanders of the South-Western Front began the redeployment of troops, and the individual Guards Cavrbrigada Mannerheim nominated to Eastern Galicia and in the end of February he became part of 60 km south-west of the southeast of the 8th Army under the command of his old acquaintance A . Brusylova, who appointed Gustava Karlovich temporarily acting by the commander of the 12th Cavalry Division instead of the retired due to the injury of General Kalian. When appointed Gustav, Brusylov had to overcome a certain resistance of the officers of the General Staff, which were called Mannerheim "Horsadic Morda". Despite all this, the highest decree on the appointment of Mannerheim commander of the Division arrived on June 24. Mannerheim, who accepted the command of the division, at the headquarters of the 2nd Cavalry Corps, who was located in the area of \u200b\u200bStanislav, introduced the commander of the Corps Commander General Khan Nakhichevan. The 2nd Corps, in addition to the 12th Cavdivia Mannerheim, included a separate compound from the six Caucasian regiments, which was called the "Wild Division", and commanded her brother of Emperor Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich.

The 12th Cavalry Division consisted of two brigades, each of which was two regiments, according to Mannerheim, "Magnificent shelf with rich traditions". Akhtyrsky Gusar Regiment led his story since 1651, Belgorod Ulansky Regiment - since 1701, Starodubovsky Dragunsky Regiment - since 1783, the Cossack regiment consisted of Orenburg Cossacks. "Although I had to abandon a good military connection, I was inclined to assume that the new one, I received, no worse; In my opinion, it was absolutely prepared for military actions. " - Gustav Karlovich noted in his memoirs. The division headquarters had an excellent reputation and never lost the presence of the Spirit. The tone in the work asked the head of the headquarters Ivan Poles, who demanded from subordinate officers of real dedication when performing tasks.

On March 12, 1915, in the evening, Mannerheim received the order of the commander of the 2nd Cavalry Corps about the change of the 1st Don Cossack Division, who held the defense near the city of Zaleshiki, which was 45 km from Chernivtsi city. Here "to visit Suddenly" the Commander of the 9th Army, General Lechitsky and General Khan-Nakhichevan, but Austrians, discovering the commander, opened the artillery fire, as a result of which the car was broken, and Khan-Nakhichevan received a contusion. Near this village of Mennerheim's part of Mannerheim held defense until March 15, after which they changed the 37th Infantry Division.

On March 17, in the evening, a telegram from the army headquarters, according to which Mannerheim should force the Dniester near the village of Ustye and connect there with the Celllar Count General Corp. On March 22, Mennerheim's part of Mannerheim, already crushed through the Dniester and capturing the village of Schlosks and Folvrok, are forced to move under hurricane counterattacks of the enemy. On the eve, in response to a polite reminder of the Mannerheim officer, Officer Keller about the combat order, about joint actions, the graph replied: "I remember about the task assigned to us". When Mannerheim, seeing that the enemy's forces exceed his strength more than doubled, addressed Keller with a request for support, he received a strange answer: "Sorry, but the dishthele prevents me from helping you.". Mannerheim had to move back to the left bank of the Dniester, and the pontoon crossing burned. The report of the Baron was sent (report No. 1407) to the headquarters of the 2nd Cavalry Corps, where it was in detail this operation, and the actions of the keller. But General Georgy Ruhah, apparently, the "on the brakes". After all, once Georgy Ruhh was a safer at the wedding of Gustav, and his sister Olga supported close ties with the wife of Gustav Arina Arapova. After the gap of Mannerheim with his wife Ruh and his sister stopped the relationship with Gustav. Apparently, for General Raug, the opinion of the woman at that moment turned the debt of the officer and the commander. So fought some Russian generals in the first world. In his memoirs, Mannerheim, this episode noted the extremely scoop, practically "without surnames."

From March 26 to April 25, 1915, Mannerheim's Division was on vacation in the village of Supark. The training sessions were a bit, but the Baron himself repeatedly showed the highest class in shooting competitions from various types of small arms.

On April 25, the Baron was temporarily appointed commander of the Consolidated Cavalry Corps compiled from the 12th division of Mannerheim, a separate Guards Cavalry Division and the Brigade of the Caumur Border Guardian, before which was tasked to force the Dniester and together with the Siberian Corps to host the attack on the city of Kolomyia. In the process of the occurrence of M Mannerheim, the city of Zabotov on the River Prut, in which they stood long enough.

On May 18, 1915, Baron received the following telegram: "General Sweeta, Having Baron Gustav Mannerheim. I want to see my Akhtyrtsev. I will be May 18 at 16.00 by train. Olga. Honorary guard led by Mannerheim was at the station removed in anticipation of the military-sanitary train No. 164/14 with the great princess Olga Alexandrovna several hours, but the train did not come up. It was decided to start the celebration - festive tables were covered in one of the barns. In the midst of the feast in the barn, a woman was quiet in the dress of the Sister of Mercy and sat down at the table next to Mannerheim, good, one of the officers in time recognized her and offered a chair. The princess leaned toward Gustavu: "Baron, you know that I do not like ceremonies. Continue lunch and do not forget to pour me wines, I know that you are a gallant cavalier, not as an example of our common acquaintances ... and ask for a long time for being late - my train did not miss because of the fear of German raids. I sat on the horse - you know me like a rider - and here you have with my unnecessary king me ... and order to invite my guardians to the table. " A solemn lunch continued and very good. Gustav and Olga performed the first pair in the first polonais. The next day, a solemn parade of Akhtyrtsev took place. Great Princess Olga Aleksandrovna was one of those women whom no one forgot. Preserved Gustav photo with a memorable inscription Princess: "... I send you a card removed during the war, when we met more and when, as your favorite head of the 12th Cavalry Division, you were with us. It reminds me of the already ... ".

On May 20, 1915, a new order: "In connection with the general retreat of the armies of the South-Western Front, you should go to the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Voynilov, where to get into the 11th Army Corps." Having covered by crossing our troops through the Dniester, 12 Division Mannerheim began to cover the departure of the 22nd Army Corps toward the River River Lipa. "The June fights clearly demonstrated how collapsed the army was: for all this time, I had to subordinate alone eleven battalions in submission, and the combat capability of them was discharged from time to once, and most of the soldiers did not have rifles."- I remembers Gustav Karlovich in his memoirs.

On June 28, the Baron receives an order to organize defense in the village of Zzulints. Mannerheim Division was strengthened by two "wild brigades" from Han-Nakhichevan's farm. One of these cavalry brigades commanded Peter Krasnov, the other - Peter Polovtsy. During the battle of Brigade Krasnova simply did not fulfill the order of Mannerheim to attack the enemy. According to Baron himself, Krasnov simply "Berg" of their horses, on the other - the mountains did not want to go to the attack in a walk. In any case, at the end of the battle, Great Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich condemned the actions of Krasnov.

The retreat took place hard, the moral spirit of the troops fell, then there, there were cases of ladders, asked by order of the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich to use the tactics of the "scorched land".

At the end of August 1916, the "Manchurian rheumatism" finally twisted the general, and he was sent for treatment in Odessa for a period of five weeks, leaving the 12th Cavalry Division under the command of General Major Baron Nikolai Disero.

In September 1916, he was transferred to the reserve as a warlord, unacceptable in the established conditions. In January 1917, he sent a resignation and went home to Finland.

February Revolution (1917)

Leaving from Helsinki back to the army on February 24, 1917, Mannerheim witnessed a revolution in Petrograd; In the days of February 27-28, he was even forced to hide, fearing that he was arrested as an officer. The news about the renunciation of the emperor found him in Moscow. Mannerheim, who remained the monarchist to the end of the life, met the revolution extremely negative. Upon returning to the front, according to his memoirs, Mannerheim visited the commander of the South (Romanian) front of General Sakharov. "I told him about my impressions from events in Petrograd and Moscow and tried to persuade the general to lead resistance. However, Sahars believed that the time of such actions was not yet failed. "

In March 1917, Generally Mannerheim and Wrangel decided to speak on behalf of the cavalry parts entrusted to them with an appeal to the temporary government per day and demand more energetic efforts in the fight against the army decomposition. On May 16 or 17, Mannerheim left Chisinau in Orhei, where he was the headquarters of the 3rd equestrian building, to lean his commander of the Celler Count, who announced his refusal to speak to the temporary government, sacrifice his political convictions for the benefit of the army or at least not to impact on the housing. Count Keller told Mannerheim that he personally would not change the oath as a Christian, but he was not going to influence his troops.

By the fall of 1917, the progressive collapse of the army was brought by Mannerheim to thoughts about leaving military service. The last drop, according to his memories, served the following circumstances: Several soldiers arrested his officer who led monarchical conversations in the officer club. Mannerheim appealed to the temporary government commissar; The Commissioner liberated the officer and announced the "punishment" of illegally arrested his soldiers, which, however, was reduced only to the fact that the soldiers were temporarily translated into another part, but added the Commissioner, "after incuring the punishment, they will have the right to return to the regiment." "I finally approved in the thought that the commander who could not protect his officers from violence cannot remain in the Russian army," Mennerheim recalled. The feet that followed soon as a result of a fall from the horse gave Mannerheim a convenient pretext in order to leave the army under the guise of the necessary treatment and return to Finland. In Odessa, Mannerheim received news of the Bolshevik Revolution that occurred in Petrograd. According to his memories, and in Odessa, and then in Petrograd, he led among the representatives of the highest Russian society conversations about the need to organize resistance, but, to his extreme surprise and disappointment, he met only complaints about the impossibility of countering Bolsheviks. And he headed to Finland to maintain her newly acquired independence.

Commander and Regent Finland

On December 18, 1917, he returned to Finland, which shortly before that, December 6, independence was proclaimed.

Finland Mannerheim also found in a state of revolutionary fermentation and acute antagonism between the Senate and the Government (headed by P. E. Swinkhowood), on the one hand, and the Social Democrats, who appeared on the Red Guard and in Finland Russian military units with their soldier's councils , with another. Although December 31, 1917 V.I. Lenin officially recognized the independence of Finland, the Russian troops did not exceed it, and the Social Democrats prepared the seizure of power. Mannerheim entered the Military Committee, who was attempted to organize military support of the government, but soon came out of him, realizing his incapacity. On January 12, 1918, the Parliament authorized the Senate to take hard measures to guide the order, and on January 16, Svinkhowood appointed Mannerheim to the commander-in-chief of the actual non-existing army. Mannerheim immediately left the south of Finland with his social democratic workers and Russian troops and drove to the north, to the city of Vaas, where he intended to organize the basis of his forces. There, with the help of a shyzkor, he began to prepare a counter-revolutionary uprising, which was supposed to be accompanied by the disarmament of the Russian units and the Red Guard. On the night of January 28, 1918, Mannerheim's forces, mainly Shrugor (self-defense force), disarmed Russian garrisons in Vaas and a number of other northern cities. On the same day, the Social Democrats were revived in Helsinki, relying on the Red Guard and the support of Russian soldiers.

So the civil war began in Finland. Already by March, Mannerheim managed to form a combat--ful 70,000 army, led to General from Cavalry in the rank (produced on March 7, 1918). On February 18, he introduced military service. For two months, the Finnish army under the command of Mannerheim with the help of a German corps village crushed in Finland defeated the detachments of the Finnish Red Guard detachments located in Southern Finland. Going to the offensive on March 15, Mannerheim on April 6, after a fierce multi-day battle, captured Tampere and began to grow rapidly to the south. On April 11-12, 1918, the Germans took Helsinki, on April 26, Mannerheim took the Vyborg, from where the revolutionary government was escaped from Helsinki. After that, white terror began in the city: mass executions were performed by the Finnish Red Guards and the civilian population, suspected in relations with the Communists. On May 15, 1918, the White was traded by the last Citadel of the Red: Fort AOO on the southern coast of the Karelian Isthmus. Civil war was finished. On May 16, 1918, the Victory Parade was held in Helsinki, Mannerheim himself proceeded at the head of the Nuland Dragun Regiment squadron.

However, the victory soon brought a disappointment Mannerheim. It should be noted that Mannerheim initially opposed the Germanic (and suspected Swedish) intervention on the side of white, hoping to cope with the red internal forces, and learning about the conclusion of an agreement with Germany, demanded that the participation of the Germans were limited and they submitted to his orders. Nevertheless, the Government concluded a number of categories with Germany, who actually deprived the country of sovereignty. When Mannerheim was stated that he must form a new army with the help of German officers and in fact in submission in Germans, Mannerheim, in the indignation, resigned and went to Sweden. In October, in view of the marginal defeat of Germany in war, he at the request of the government is sent to London and Paris with a diplomatic goal - to establish (in the case of France to restore) relations with the countries of the Entente and achieve international recognition of a young state.

In November, Germany capitulated, and the Government of Swinguwood, unilaterally connected himself to Berlin, had to resign (December 12). The temporary head of the state (the regent of the kingdom was called in accordance with the Constitution of 1772, which had the authority of the monarch) was announced by Mannerheim at that moment in London.

Mannerheim assumed that the White Victory in Finland could be part of the All-Russian Anti-Bolshevik campaign and considered the possibility of the onset of the Finnish army on Red Petrograd. Mannerheim's opinion did not coincide with the position of the nationalist Finnish elements that did not want to restore the strong Russian state and therefore considered the preservation of the Bolshevik power favorable for Finland in Russia.

In May-April 1919 during negotiations with the British on the possible intervention, as the conditions for the beginning of the Finnish offensive against Bolsheviks, Mannerheim, requested the official approval of the Intervention by the United Kingdom, providing a loan of 15 million pounds, recognizing the independence of Finland by the future small governments of Russia, a plebiscite On joining Finland in Eastern Karelia, the autonomy of the Arkhangelsk and Olonets of the provinces and demilitarization of the Baltic Sea.

Lieutenant-General, the former commander of the Guards Cavalry Corps E. K. Arsenyev, so reported on his negotiations with Mannerheim on May 8, 1919:

... He [Mannerheim] thinks the campaign [to Petrograd] only "as a joint friendly action of the forces of Finland and Russians," but for the campaign "it is necessary that any authoritative Russian government recognize the independence of Finland." Mannerheim is already the Finnish National Hero. But it does not satisfy it. He would like to play a large historical role in Russia, in which he served 30 years and with which thousands of threads are associated with

On the eve of the elections, using the fetus of the Kolchak and Sazonov regarding the recognition of the independence of Finland, the Finnish social democratic stamp in every way to emphasize the friendship of Mannerheim with representatives of the "White Russia", making conclusions about the danger, which Mannerheim presents for Finnish independence, in case of victory of his "White Friends " Mannerheim was forced to abandon direct and public statements about the support of armed struggle with the Bolsheviks in Russia and made such statements only in private conversations. But the elections were still lost to them.

On June 18, 1919, Mannerheim concluded a secret agreement with General Yudenich, who were in Finland, from which did not follow any practical results.

Having lighted the presidential election on July 25, 1919, Mannerheim left Finland. He lived in London, Paris and Scandinavian cities. Mannerheim acted as unofficial, and later the official representative of Finland in France and the United Kingdom, since in London and Paris, he was considered as the only person who had enough political capital to negotiation.

During the occurrence of Yudenich to Petrograd in October 1919, Mannerheim wrote:

The liberation of Petrograd is not a purely Finnish-Russian question, this is the World Question of the Final World ... If the White Troops, fighting now under Petrograd, will be broken, then we will be guilty. Already, there are already voices that Finland avoided the invasion of the Bolsheviks only due to the fact that the Russian white armies are fighting far in the south and east.

Interval years

In 1920-1930, Mannerheim is engaged in the most diverse activities: visits France, Poland and other European countries with semi-official visits, participates in the leadership of the shyvkar, in the management of commercial banks, public activities, is the position of chairman of the Red Cross of Finland. In 1931, he accepts a proposal to become president of the State Finnish Defense Committee, in 1933, Mannerheim was awarded the honorary military title of Field Marshal Finland.

Until the 1930s, the foreign policy of the Soviet Union achieved great success: European countries recognized the USSR and established diplomatic relations with him. The Soviet Union entered the League of Nations. This circumstance led to the widespread dissemination of pacifist sentiment in all layers of the European Society, which began to believe in the occurrence of the era of the world.

In Finland, the government and most parliament deputies systematically disappeared the funding programs for defense activities. So, in the 1934 budget, an article on the construction of fortifications on the Karelian Isthmus was generally crossed out. "What is the benefit of providing such large amounts to the military department, if the war is not foreseen" - then the then manager of the Finnish bank answered, and later President Ryto Ryuti on the requirement of Mannerheim on financing the Finnish military program. And the head of the Social Democratic Fraction Parliament Tanner said that his faction believes:

... the prerequisite for the preservation of the independence of the country is such progress of the well-being of the people and the general conditions of his life, in which every citizen understands that it costs all the costs of defense.

Due to the cost savings, since 1927, combat exercises were not conducted. The funds of the funds were enough only for the content of the army, but it was almost not paid to the weapons. Modern weapons, tanks and airplanes were not at all.

On July 10, 1931, Mannerheim became just created by the Defense Council, but only in 1938 he achieved the creation of his own headquarters as part of intelligence and operational departments.

Mannerheim understood that in the context of confrontation between the Anglo-French Block and Germany, Finland could find himself in a possible conflict from the USSR with an eye on the eye, without the help from the Western states. At the same time, as his great-grandfather, he believed that the existing border had existed between Finland and Russia is too close to St. Petersburg. In his opinion, it would be necessary to push this border further, receiving relevant and acceptable compensation for it.

Having headed the Finnish Defense Committee, Mannerheim reforms ground troops and shyutskor than significantly increases their combat capability.

On June 27, 1939, the State Council, finally, approves allocations for the modernization of the system of fortifications built in the 1920s ("Eninel lines") on the Karelian Isthmus, which, according to the test results, turned out to be unsuitable for use.

At the same time in the summer of the same year, the national situation in the country was originated on the voluntary foundations of defensive structures. Within 4 year old, due to the leaves, the Finns on the most threatened in the case of aggression, the sites were built mainly anti-tank obstacles in the form of foreframes and escarp. It was also possible to create about two dozen long-term machine guns, that everything together later received the unofficial name "Mannerheim Line".

As a result of the activity shown in the pre-war years of Soviet diplomacy, a key point was identified in the requirement of the right to enter the territory of neighboring states (Baltic and Finland) of the Soviet troops, regardless of the request of the governments of these states, which could be under strong pressure by this time. Germany.

Mannerheim leads active negotiations with a number of European countries, looking for assistance in a possible confrontation with the Soviet Union. At the same time, he is trying to find, together with Paasikivi, a compromise between the requirements of the USSR and the patriotic community of Finland. At these negotiations, Paasiki said Stalin that "Finland wants to live in the world and stay outside conflicts", to which the latter answered: "I understand, but I assure that this is impossible - the great powers will not allow."

From the spring of 1938 to the fall of 1939 between the USSR and Finland, there were negotiations on the delimitation of the border by the exchange of territories. The Soviet Union wanted to secure Leningrad, moving on the border, passing only 20 km from the city, and offered in exchange three times large territories in Karelia. Negotiations went into a dead end, and on November 26, 1939, the Maynile incident was happening, which served as a reason for the beginning of the war. Each of the sides of vinyl in the other incident. Regarding these events, Mannerheim wrote:

... And here is a provocation that I expected from mid-October, accomplished. When I personally visited October 26, 1939 at the Karelian Isthmus, General Nenonen assured me that artillery was fully assigned to the line of fortifications, from where no battery make a shot beyond the boundary ... November 26, the Soviet Union organized a provocation known for now called " Shots in Mainan "... During the war, 1941-1944, the Russians described in detail in detail how clumsy provocation was organized ...

On November 30, 1939, Marshal Mannerheim was appointed by the Supreme Commander of the Army of Finland. On the fourth day, he drove into Mikkeli, where he organized a bid of the Supreme Commander.

Under the leadership of Gustav Mannerheim, Finnish troops managed to withstand the first blow of the parts of the Red Army and successfully conduct combat actions against the enemy having a numerical superiority. At the same time, Mannerheim actively corresponded to the heads of European states, tried to achieve military or at least material support from them. This activity did not reach the goal - for various reasons and the United Kingdom, and France, and even Sweden refused to provide any assistance to Finns.

In 70% of cases, Soviet troops were on the Karelian Isthmus stopped at the "Enkel lines". Great interference for the advancing turned out to be competently located reinforced concrete dots, built in 1936-1939, the number of which, due to the high cost, did not exceed a dozen.

In February 1940, Soviet troops broke through the first lane of the "line of defensive fortifications", and part of the Finnish army were forced to retreat.

... The Russians even during the war were put into the course of the Myth of Mannerheim Lines. They argued that our defense on the Karelian Isthmus relied on an unusually durable and built on the launch of a defensive shaft, which can be compared with the Lines of Mazhino and Siegfried and which no army has never breakthrough. The breakthrough of the Russians was "the feat that did not have in the history of all wars" ... all this is nonsense; In fact, the position of things looks completely different ... The defensive line, of course, was, but it was formed only by rare long-term machine-gun nests and two dozen arranged on my proposal of new dollars, between which the trenches were laid. Yes, the defensive line existed, but she had no depth. This position is the people and called the "Mannerheim Liniya". Her strength was the result of the resistance and courage of our soldiers, and not the result of the fortress of structures.

- Karl Gustav Mannerheim. Memoirs.

On March 13, a peaceful agreement was signed in Moscow at the USSR nominated. Finland passed 12% of its territory to the Soviet Union.

Military situation in Finland was not canceled. Mannerheim during this period was engaged in updating the army; The construction of a new fortifications line was started - now at the new border. Hitler turned to Mannerheim as an ally with a request to allow German troops to settle down in Finnish territory, such permission was given, while Mannerheim opposed the creation of a joint Finnish-German command. The combination of command over the troops of both countries was practiced only in the north of Finland.

I accepted the responsibilities of the Commander-in-Chief with the condition that we do not take an offensive on Leningrad.

Mannerheim so estimated the situation for the summer of 1941:

.. The conclusted contract on end-to-end transportation of goods prevented the attack on the part of Russia. Its denounced on the one hand - to rebel against the Germans, from the relationship with which the existence of Finland as an independent state depended. On the other hand - to convey fate in the hands of Russians. The termination of the importation of goods from any direction would lead to a cruel crisis, which would immediately take advantage of both the Germans and the Russians. We were pressed against the wall.

In his order on the occurrence, Mannerheim clearly marked the goal not only to "return" all the territories seized by the USSR during the Soviet-Finnish war 1939-1940, but also to expand their borders to the White Sea, to attach the Kola Peninsula. However, this did not prevent him in the future criticize the Germans and not to focus the management of Finnish troops in their hands.

In 1941, Finnish parts reached the old border and switched to her in East Karelia and on the Karelian Isthmus. By the morning of September 7, the front part of the Finnish army came to the River Svir.

The border of the maximum promotion of the Finnish army during the war 1941-1944. The map also shows the borders before and after the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940.

October 1, the Soviet parts left Petrozavodsk. In early December, Finns cut the White Sea-Baltic Channel. Further, after unsuccessful attempts to break through the Karelian Strongs, Mannerheim orders to stop the offensive, the front is stabilized for a long time. Mannerheim outlined the version that since Leningrad's safety was the main motive of the USSR for the beginning of the Winter War, then cross the old border meant indirectly to recognize the validity of these concerns (the border was universally crossed). Mannerheim refused to give in German pressure and gave the order to the troops to move on to the defense along the line of the historic Russian-Finnish border on the Karelian Isthmus. At the same time, it was the Finnish troops that provided the blockade of Leningrad from the north. For merits in front of Germany, he was awarded the Knight's Cross (1942) and oak branches to the Knight's Cross (1944).

During this time, about 24 thousand people of the local population from among the ethnic Russians were placed in the Finnish concentration camp, from which, according to Finnish data, about 4 thousand died of hunger. According to various data from 4,000 to 14,000 civilians.

On June 9, 1944, the Vyborg-Petrozavodskaya operation began. Soviet troops at the expense of the mass use of artillery, aviation and tanks, as well as with the active support of the Baltic fleet, hacked one after another line of defense of the Finns on the Karelian Isthmus and took the Vyborg storm on June 20.

Finnish troops have moved to the third defensive line of Vyborg-Kuparsaari-Tapale (also known as the "CCT line") and at the expense of the transfer of all available reserves from East Karelia, there was a solid defense there. It loosel out the Finnish grouping in East Karelia, where June 21, Soviet troops were also transferred to the offensive and Petrozavodsk took on June 28 on June 28.

On June 19, Marshal Mannerheim addressed the troops with a call by all means to keep the third defense band. "A breakthrough of this position," he emphasized, "can decide to weaken our opportunities for defense."

On the Karelian Isthmus and in Karelia, Finnish troops were forced to retreat. At first, Germany transferred part of the troops from Estonia to Karelia, but was subsequently forced to pick them up. Finland began to look for ways to leave the war. In negotiations with the Soviet Union, certain successes were already achieved.

Having learned about the protest expressed by the German Messenger against the intentions of Mannerheim to get out of the war, the last tough answered:

... He at her time convinced us that with German help we will defeat Russia. That did not happen. Now Russia is strong, and Finland is very weak. So let himself now break up a brewed porridge ...

Lapland War

Among other things, the Soviet-Finnish agreement provided that Finland would seek the conclusion from their territory of German troops. If the troops are not bred, the Finns were obliged to expel them either to disarm and interne. Mannerheim agreed with the commander of the German contingent General-Colonel Randulich about his retreat from Finland, who stated that the term proposed to him was unreal and he would not have time to bring his troops in a timely manner. At the same time, he added that it would have a strong resistance to power attempts to speed up his care. The Germans began active: exploded the bridges and tried to capture one of the Finnish islands. On September 22, 1944, Mannerheim gave an order to Finnish troops to prepare for the internization of the Germans.

On October 1, 1944, Finnish troops landed a landing in a busy territory - a war against Germany began. Until the spring of 1945, the Army of Finland gradually moved to the north, ousting the German troops from Finnish Lapland to Norway. In these battles, 950 German and about 1000 were killed (counting the misfortunes) of Finnish soldiers.

Last years

In 1945, Mannerheim's health deteriorated significantly. On March 3, 1946, he resigned from the post of President Finland. Unlike many Political figures of Finland, recognized by military criminals, Mannerheim avoided criminal prosecution.

Guided by the advice of doctors, Mannerheim traveled in southern Europe, held a long time in Switzerland, Italy, France. While in Finland, he lived in rural areas, since 1948 began working on memoirs. In early 1951, the two-volume memoirs were completely completed.

On January 19, 1951, due to the ulcer of the stomach, Marshal was forced to go on the operation once again. The operation was successful, for some time Mannerheim felt better. But after a few days, his state of health was rapidly deteriorated. Karl Gustav Mannerheim died on January 27, 1951.

Mannerheim is buried at the Military Cemetery of Chutanias in Helsinki, the funeral took place on February 4, 1951.


  • In the fall of 1918, the Kingdom of Finland was created for a while. Finland managed two regent and electoral monarch. On May 18, 1918, the Parliament of Finland gave his consent to the appointment by the regent of the Chairman of the Senate (Government) of the pen of Evinda Swinguwood. On December 12 of the same year, the Parliament took his resignation and approved the new regent of Karl Mannerheim. On October 9, 1918, the parliament elected the German Prince Friedrich Carl Hesse-Kassels on the throne of Finland of the German Prince (Fredrik Karle in Finnish Transcription), who was moving from the throne on December 14 of the same year, after the defeat of Germany in the First World War.
  • Until the end of the life on the desktop, Mannerheim always stood a portrait with a photo and a personal signature of Emperor Nicholas II.
  • In 2009, the creation of a biographical film "Mannerheim" began.
  • September 28, 2012 in Helsinki as part of the Film Festival "Love and Anarchy" (Rakkautta & Anarkiaa), the premiere of the film "Marshal Finland", which tells about the personal life and love relations of Mannerheim. The public discussion caused the fact of execution by the leading role of Kenyan black actor Toleli Savalos Otipen.
  • Mannerheim owned Swedish, Russian, Finnish, English, French, German and Polish.



In Finland, there is a Heritage Foundation Marshal Mannerheim ( Suomen Marsalkka Mannerheimin Perinnesäätiö), the main goal of which is to preserve the memory of Mannerheim, as well as financial support for research in the field of military history of Finland.

  • Mannerheim Avenue in Helsinki


  • equestrian monument in Helsinki (sculptor Aimo Tukyainen), opened in 1960,
  • monument to Turku,
  • monument in Tampere
  • equestrian monument in Lahti,
  • marshal Marshal Museum Museum and Monument in Mikkeli,
  • museum in the genital castle of Looksisaari.

Russia, St.Peterburg

  • June 14, 2007 By the 140th anniversary of the birth of K. G. Mannerheim in St. Petersburg, Kavalegard Mannerheim Bust (Sculptor Aydin Aliyev) was installed in St. Petersburg (Sculptor Aydin Aliyev) and exposure was opened, dedicated to his life and activities (Hard Street, House 41, Hotel " Marshal ").
  • In 2015, it was assumed that on the facade of the house 31 along the gallery street, where the military intelligence of the Russian Empire was located before the October Revolution, the Memorial Plank of K. G. Mannerheim will be opened. Plans caused public resonance, on the eve of the planned solemn opening ceremony, the board disappeared.
  • On June 16, 2016, on the facade of House No. 22 in Zaharovskaya Street, where the building of the Military Engineering and Technical University is located (until 1948, there was a church of Saints and Righteous Zechariah and Elizabeth of the Life Guards of the Cavalgardian Regiment in which Mannerheim served) He was installed a memorial board. After the public protests, lawsuits and acts of vandalism regarding the board, on October 13 of the same year, she was dismantled and transferred to the Museum-Reserve "Tsarskoye Selo".


  • Mannerheim K. G. Memoirs. - M.: Vagribus, 1999. - 508 p.
  • Mannerheim K. G. Memories. - MN: LLC "Popurri", 2004. - 512 p.
  • Mannerheim K. G. Life line. How I separated from Russia. - M.: Algorithm, 2013. - 204 p.