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Self-made boat from plywood - instructions for making from video at home. Boat from plywood do it yourself

In fishing and hunting stores you can find anything, and boats are no exception.

But many people want to make a swimming agent on their own, because it is interesting and inexpensive.

The boats that are made with their own hands have a number of advantages over factory options:

  • Ease of construction. Such a fixture of plywood will be much easier than wooden or metal structures;
  • Water resistance. For such a boat, one-piece plywood sheets are used, and its shapes are perfect for water descent;
  • Low cost. You will need to spend money only on plywood pieces, glue, varnish and boards;

To ensure the safety of the design, only high-quality materials are needed. Plywood must be solid, without damage. The price of the first varieties is slightly higher, but reliability is also important.

For people who have a skill in a joinery, work will be simple. She will take a week and a half, if you make a boat in your free time, then a couple of full days.

But only a professional can be designing with their own hands, because you need to accurately calculate the load capacity, the room, the shape of the nose and other nuances.

Build construction

When there are materials and drawings, then you need to start work. The first stage will be cut out parts from plywood. To do this, it is best to use the electrolovka. It is important to cut exactly in size, otherwise the design will not come down.

Then the spangles glue with the back side, these items will be very heavy. If the motor need a motor, then the back board is strengthened.

The next step will be the fastening of the transom with sides and bottom. Clamping parts are installed with glue.

After assembling the design, you need to prepare an aerosil and epoxy resin. These substances are mixed 1 to 1. The resulting substance is used to seal the seams. Also for this purpose, inside the boat, the seams are baptized by strips of fiberglass.

Important: With this work, very toxic substances are used, so it is necessary to work on the street, or in a ventilated room, and using special means of protection.

When the glue dries, you need to put the splits. Then you need to install seats, luggage compartments and other elements. After the ship dries, it is necessary to start the final stage, it is grinding and sealing of fiberglass and epoxy solution.

After that, the design of the painting structure is followed, it will help to additionally protect the ship from the effect of water and give a good appearance.

Painting consists of:

  • Degreasing all the details of the vessel;
  • Processing wooden impregnation elements;
  • Putty surfaces. This will disguise all defects;
  • Primers. To do this, you can use boiled olive;
  • Apply paintwork materials. To do this, you can buy any paint, but special waterproof materials for plywood will help to increase the service life of the boat;


The construction of such a floating work is your own hands - this is an interesting and creative lesson for people who love to do things on their own. The main thing is to stick the sizes to indicate the drawings.

Perhaps during this process, there will be errors that will need to redo. But, as a result, it turns out a great and inexpensive boat. Store such a tool is best on land. This ship is perfect for use on calm lakes and rivers.

It is prohibited to go out into the sea or melted on mountain rivers. It is also necessary to closely monitor the seams and integrity of the structure, if there are problem areas, then they need to be sealed.

With a leaning relationship and properly stored, such a floating service will last long and will help excellent time on fishing, or just while walking through the water.

All photos from the article

The boat is an indispensable element of fishing or summer holidays on the river. Of course, a good swimming remedy, even if it is a small boat, is quite expensive pleasure. However, it can be done independently from plywood, and this task is not so complicated as many people might think.

In this article we will look at how to build a boat from plywood yourself, which can diversify your vacation.


To build a plywood boat, you will need only a simple set of tools that have every home master, as well as suitable material, patience and desire to get a qualitative result.

It should be noted that in addition to the ease of manufacture, the plywood swimming age has many other advantages, such as:

  • a small weight, which is very important, because before you pull the boat into water, you have to go through a distance. In a lightweight version, this product weighs 10-15 kg, due to which two adults can easily bear it. True, if the boat is made on frame technology, weight increases, however, it is still not critical for transferring short distances;
  • depending on the type of project, the capacity of the swimming agent is up to 5 peoplewhich is quite enough for a small family;
  • in compliance with the manufacturing technology, the design is solid and durable;
  • for the manufacture of flooding, you will not need large financial costs.Since the price of all materials is quite affordable.

Therefore, if you have free time and the desire to build a boat, there are no reasons to give up this idea.

Tools and materials

The main characteristics of the future boat, such as strength and durability, depend on the plywood from which it is made. Therefore, it is necessary to approach her choice very responsibly.

The usual Plywood of the FC brand, which is used for the manufacture of furniture, is not suitable for these purposes. Therefore, it is best to use the sheets of the next brands:

Mark. Features
BS The layers of veneer of this plywood are impregnated with bakelite glue. As a result, the material is stable not only to water, but also by various aggressive media, temperature drops and other negative impacts. There are high cost to disadvantages, besides, it is very difficult to find this brand on sale.
BK As an impregnation for veneer, bakelite varnish is used. Due to this, this material is also resistant to moisture and other negative impacts, while its cost is somewhat lower than the BC brand.
FSF Performed on the basis of inttenolformaldehyde resins. This brand is the most cheap and affordable. Therefore, it is great for the construction of a boat, if it is not possible to purchase BS or BC sheets.

In addition to the type of brand of plywood, when choosing should also pay attention to its quality:

  • at the ends of the plates should not be present;
  • on the surface there should be no bitch and other defects.

You should not use too thick faeer, as the sheets must be flexible.
Therefore, the optimal thickness is 5-6 mm.

In addition to plywood, others will also be needed:

  • boards and bars - must be dry and high quality;
  • fiberglass - more convenient to purchase in a roll and then cut into pieces of the desired size;
  • yacht varnish or waterproof paint.

As for the tools, the set is simple enough:

  • electrolovik;
  • schlifmashinka;
  • plane;
  • a hammer;
  • clamps;
  • roulette and pencil;
  • putty knife.

Boat manufacturing


Before starting work, you need to prepare drawings how to build a boat with your own plywood hands. It must be said that there are a large number of all kinds of projects on the Internet. Some of them are on our portal.

However, before selecting the optimal project, it is necessary to determine the basic requirements for the swimming facilities, such as:

  • sizes and capacity of the boat;
  • exterior of the product;
  • the complexity of the design is selected depending on the level of your skill. If you do this work for the first time, it is better to take a project simpler.

Deciding with these requirements, you can consider existing boat projects for self-building from plywood, and choose the most suitable one. If necessary, they can be slightly corrected according to individual wishes.

Drinking details

So, with the choice of project, we figured out, now we build a boat from plywood with our own hands. As an example, consider how the most simple flatterene is made from one.

Beginning should be started with markup and cutting parts.

This process is as follows:

  1. first of all, it is necessary to place the line of cheekbones and the transom (in the scheme A, B, B);
  2. further on the planned line is cut off part of the pubsy leaf;
  3. then the resulting workpiece should be attached to the opposite side and bring the pencil. Thus, it will serve as a template and ensures the symmetry of the boat. For convenience, the workpiece can be attached to the main sheet of clamps;
  4. next, the second part of the sheet is cut down on the intended line;

It is no secret that most of the male population loves to go fishing. Special pleasure brings fishing on a boat and therefore many dreams of acquiring this object, and some make it with their own hands.

Boat manufacturing materials

The Internet is eating a variety of creativity ideas that can be easily implemented. Entering any request in the search engine, a person quickly gets his answer.

And deciding to build a means for swimming on water, you will easily find a lot of ideas that can be implemented if desired. So what can make a boat? It can be made of:

  1. Tree.
  2. Plywood.
  3. Bottles.
  4. Aluminum.
  5. Rubber.

Each listed material is characterized by complexity in use, because the density is different, and respectively quality too. But it is worth remembering that each material has its pros and cons. Therefore, the choice of material directly depends on the period of further operation of the funds:

  • For example, the most durable material is a tree. It is more adapted for a long swimming on water and can serve seven years. It is worth remembering, you need to take a durable tree. It is best to use oak. So there is a high probability of quality manufacture.
  • Plywood is no longer so reliable than a tree. This will be determined in its subtleties. But if you are not very often chosen for fishing, you want to save on the manufacture, the plywood is an excellent choice.
  • As for bottles, many are asked a completely logical question: how to make a boat from bottles? Many will think that this is not real at all. But despite all doubts, the result will be awesome. It will be easy. But in the case of the manufacture, it is necessary to maximize the result of your work that your work is not collapsed while climbing water.
  • Aluminum is also great as a matter. He is reliable, can serve a long time. But production from such a material will take a long time, forces. Therefore, many prefer a wooden foundation.

The last material is very common. After all, all purchased swimming facilities are made precisely from rubber. It holds well on the water and is able to withstand a lot of weight.

But in production you need to be neat, because one puncture will spoil it. Time, effort, money will be spent in vain. The process requires complete concentration, maximum attention.

Wood base

Many centuries in a row, people used a tree like a means of movement along the water surface. At first, these were simple facilities in the form of small platforms, the boat of which occupied for a long time appeared later.

After all, it should be high quality for safe transportation of cargo. Now in our time, if desired, any person can reproduce the remedy at home.

A simple step-by-step plan will teach how to make a wooden boat. In advance, it is necessary to prepare long, wide boards that will serve on the boards of the Chelny. They must be dry, even, not to have cracks.

After the preparation of the main material, it must be processed for convenient bonding. The edges of the boards must be cut into exactly so that when collecting, the boards tightly touched each other. Next, begin to make a means of movement. Start you need from the bow. Cut out an extra board, which in the middle will keep the side.

After the end of work on the sides, you need to build seats. The process is very simple, so it does not take much time. Wooden boards, you need to nail to sides. After that, the bottom should be installed. It can be iron.

Cut from the iron sheet the desired shape, thanks to the thick clogged nails, fastened to a wooden basis. The boat is practically ready. It remains to attach the iron chain, which will serve as the basis for anchor.

Manufacture of plywood boats

Construction plan How to make a boat from plywood will be slightly different from the previous one. How to make a boat with your own hands the drawings and the description will become a reliable assistant during the process, full information of the drawings can be found on the Internet.

Take a large sheet of plywood, draw the contours of the product on it, relying only on the drawings. After that cut out. Magnet is ready, it remains only to fix everything correctly. The job exactly needs to be started with sides.

If you want to attach a motor, the back board must be strengthened. After high-quality bolt bolt, attach the bottom. Use glue, resin. It is not necessary to sorry to inflict the listed funds, but also should not be removing. Applying them, you need to wait until complete drying. Here the Chelny is almost ready, you only need to paint at your discretion.

Rubber boat

Answer to the question: how to make a boat with your own hands the drawings will be the first answer. Thanks to them, the product will be the right form. Therefore, the first thing should draw drawings, calculating the slightest details.

After that, cut out from the sheet of plywood boat of the specified sizes. Additionally, we will need boards for reliable fittings, tarpaulin for coating. These materials must be combined with each other with all the same glue, resins. Be sure to give time to stick glue, otherwise the design is harvested. And your efforts will be spent in vain.

After that, cover the product with a tarpaulin, attaching it tightly to the boards. Remember, the design should be wide. So it turns out a homemade boat. It will not greatly look like a rubber, which is sold, but soft, convenience, she will provide you.

For a greater understanding of the manufacturing process, you can see how to make PVC boat with your own hands. There, on a visual example, the principle of work will be explained. After all, read and see an example, repeating actions, these are completely different things.

Air boat

Seeing photos on the Internet about how they make a boat from bottles, many are surprised by setting a natural question: how to make a self-made boat from plastic bottles or how long can it be used?

The principle of manufacture is so simple that even a ten-year-old child can construct it. For the production you need a lot of plastic bottles. They should be in perfect condition, without cracks, holes, in order not to pass water.

The amount depends on the desired sizes of the vessel. Also, on bottles, there must be a lid that the water does not enter into the inside, did not make them harder. The carrier material must be put in the form of a vessel, carefully attacked glue among themselves.

Here is a means for swimming ready. It is very cheap in production, but not very high quality. It is highly likely that a bottle can be broken over the branch, thus damaging the design.

Aluminum ship

Having learned the principle of production of previous boats is not difficult to guess how to make an aluminum boat. The difference is only in the material from which the ship will be done. By strength, it can be safely put in second place after the tree.

And subject to quality work, it can serve a lifetime.
Doing, remember that it is necessary to attach materials with high quality, tight. Because life depends on the quality of work.

Anchor do it yourself

Anchor is the main element of the floating agent. After all, it helps for a long time to hold in one place, not allowing the flow to carry the ship. In order to attach anchor, it is necessary to drill a hole in the back of the boat, stretching the iron chain that will become the basis for anchor.

Next you need to attach the cargo itself. It should be a big piece of iron that can stop the boat. It will be necessary to attach to the chain, using welding. Ten minutes - anchor is ready. This is the easiest way to make an anchor for a boat with your own hands.


A few simple ways will help you learn how to make a boat with your own hands from various materials. Even if the attempt is not successful, the experience of making the vessel on their own it is accurately remembered.

But if you still get a good boat, it will certainly come in handy for fun for walking on the river and fishing. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to try to make a boat with your own hands.

Video about how to make a boat with your own hands

Homemade boats for fishing can build almost every master. You just need to select the material correctly and connect it according to the scheme. It is possible to apply such a device not only for fishing, but also for walking along the water. You can buy a product in the store too, but it is not sold everywhere, and the cost does not make it at all. During the manufacture of the product, it is necessary to fix all the details securely, firmly. No junction should pass water. You should also calculate the maximum weight of the people who will transport the boat for fishing.

Most often, users are interested in how to make a boat from classic wood materials. To do this, first need to choose the corresponding drawing. We will also need plywood sheets with a thickness of 0.5 cm.

You can make a boat according to the following technology:
  1. First, paper templates should be drawn on the selected drawing, apply contours to the Phaneur.
  2. Cut fragments can be used with an electric jigsaw or saws with small teeth. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the corners, which parts will be shrinking at the ends.
  3. Fastening the splits and trances. To do this, you can use glue or galvanized screws.
  4. Fixation of sides, bottom. There will also be needed special strong waterproof glue. Additionally, the bottom from the inside of the boat is strengthened with a decidant from the rails. Absolutely all items must be suitable for each other. The chamfer of those parts that will come into contact must be removed so that there is no gap between the surfaces.
  5. Singing seams, enhancing angles. In order for the connections to not let moisture, they need to be well sealing. There will be an aerosil, epoxy resin.
  6. Fastening of sturdy and seats.
  7. Grinding the outer surface. This is done as soon as the product will dry.
  8. Impregnation homemade for fishing with a protective composition, her painting. It is better to use a special paint that is intended for a wooden vessel.

To increase the strength of the product, it is necessary to make the back board and the splintings of several layers of material. If the boat is equipped with a motor, then the board, to which it will be installed, should be strengthened by wooden solid water plates, as well as additionally combined fiberglass.

To build a home "boat", it is not necessary to use a tree or plywood. Build a device can be even made of plastic bottles. At the same time, the machine will not be worse on the water and is quite suitable for fishing (in addition, the master will spend less strength and time on it, as well as means).

The following materials and tools will be needed for work:
  • bottles (small container here will not suit, it is better to take products for 2 liters);
  • glue and tape (they must have resistance to moisture influence);
  • wire;
  • stationery knife or scissors;
  • plywood;
  • wooden or metal crossbars.

Pre-packaging is cleared of labels. Next, it needs to be done more rigid. For this bottle, they are put in the freezer, tightly twist, and then put in heat. Covers must additionally fix glue resistant to water influence.

From the container you need to form "logs". Connect the elements can be improvised coupling that is cut from the center of an empty bottle. Fixed elements with a bottom. At the same time, the protrusions of the other should be found in the removal of one pack. Next, the billet is fixed with glue and scotch. Now you need to cut off the tops from two bottles and put them on the necks of the finished design. In this way, the other logs are made.

From these products assembled by 8 pieces, floats are made. Connect fragments can be solid wire. Between the floats are fixed with wooden bars. After the transverse parts are ready, you can fix the plywood bottom to them.

This ensures the reliability and waterproof of the joints.

To give a beautiful appearance, it is possible to strip it with plywood or metal sheets.

Among all fishing devices, the boat is the most cherished fisherman's dream. Moreover, the vessel can be completely small. For example, folding models can be taken with you to catch with the smallest chance not to accommodate them into the car. Most often, such designs are made of duralumin.

Additionally need rubberized fabric, lining and rivets, wood, primer, wood, paint.

Installation of such products provides several stages:
  1. Selection of material. 4 fragments are required for sides and 2 for the bottom. We also need 3 crossings: 2 struts that ensure the reliability of the design, and 1 seat.
  2. Cutting fragments, their fit and bending.
  3. Production of holes for rivets. The distance between them should not exceed 2 cm. All places where rivets were installed, it is necessary to dust paint to seal them.
  4. Galvanized fasteners are used for fastening the seat.
  5. Primer and painting of fixture.

From the boat of this type it is best to catch fish. For a romantic walk, he is unlikely to suit. In order not to spoil duralumin, it is better to first make fragments from cardboard and fit them.

When equipping the device with boat engines, you can build a real boat. But it is not always needed.

Most often, fishermen prefer melds, because they are much quieter.

Modern shops offer a large selection of ships for fishing and tourism, but many lovers closer homemade boat made by their own. It will allow not only to save significantly, but will also be the subject of pride of its master, not to mention that in its design everything is necessary and excluded is all unnecessary. To build such a float, you can use Fane or natural wood.

Terminology: What boat consists of

Kiel is the main element of the case, which is the basis for the consolidation of all parts. The nose of the boat is called the stentevere, on the opposite side of the design there is ahterstevin. Together they provide the required rigidity. The transverse parts that provide the bending of the housing and rigidity are called the swarthhums.

The boards are formed by boards located above the terrestrial and ahtersteve, which, when installing the design, connect with the splits. The prepared housing is frown on top of the plywood, and at the bottom of the boat there are a special flooring, which is called Slav.

Materials and tools

Boat from plywood with their own hands will be happy to delight the owner, if you carefully choose the raw material for its manufacture:

  • Plywood is the main material used.
  • Wooden boards with a thickness of 25 mm are used for seats and spacers. Suitable for use soft, porous varieties of wood.
  • Copper wire (2 mm) is suitable for intermediate lists.
  • Polymeric glue or fiberglass with water resistance helps to perform seams.

From the tools you will need:

  • pliers;
  • screwdriver;
  • scissors;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • electric logs for wood;
  • sander;
  • clamps (minimum 3-4);
  • brushes.

Stages of manufacture

There are several ways to make a boat from plywood. But regardless of the selected model, the construction consists of the same steps. Sequential execution will allow you to create a beautiful and functional boat.

Choosing a drawing

The drawings for the manufacture are fairly easy to find, however, it is worth it to decide in advance with the desired size and number of passengers. Beginners are better to choose unsolved models, as they are easier to manufacture.

You should not independently develop a drawing, not being a specialist, since in this case the percentage of failure is very large. The selected drawing is performed on paper, check all sizes, and then transferred to the phaneer and cut the case. The next step is the assembly with the obligatory crossing of the case.

Main size boats and types / shapes of boats

Boots are used for many centuries, therefore there are models that are quite possible to make without large-scale production on their own.

Canoeing, Fofan boat, Russian Tuzik and a sea sailing boat have double curvature rims, complex in manufacturing. For independent manufacture, boats with rims of single curvature are much more suitable.

A boat-flat window of the Scyth type is good for calm inland waters. Easy to manufacture, reliable, differ in particular ease - a boat with a long 4 m will raise one person.

Ding's boat will go to swimming at less calm water (2-3 points). It is distinguished by a nasal transhpigel and a cylinder bottom. Such a boat will easily fit on the trunk of the car, weighs up to 50 kg.

Dori is the best choice for the lake or the sea, as it is very resistant to the waves.

Plywood characteristics

It is necessary to give preference to plywood, resistant to moisture and exposure to aggressive factors (FB or FSF).

In order to avoid stratification, it is impregnated several times with a water-polymer emulsion, be sure to dry out between procedures.

How to connect two plywood for elongation

Finding very large plywood sheets is quite difficult, so the craftsmen independently make bands of the required length. To do this, fuse the plane of the mustache, which are thoroughly grinding with a special typewriter or sandpaper, and then glue the connection with epoxy glue. To test the strength, a small strip is folded into the ring, while plywood must burst anywhere, except for the joint.

Basic ways to connect plywood and wood

Apply two options for connecting parts: sewing and assembly.

Scythians - a boat with their own hands from plywood, whose drawings are often given equally. They are stitched on special guys, having the most durable seams near the nose, since it is more than any other susceptible to loads.

The assembly of parts occurs on a flat surface. For its implementation, the splints are drinking, making the grooves in advance. Frames with swarthhums are installed vertically on the frame, attach rims, keel, ethereal. From the keel, the attachment is starting, performing further construction after removing the framework from the frame.

Drawings boats under the paddle

You can not buy ready, if there are drawing skills, you can build your own. For the greatest accuracy, it is recommended to use millimeter paper. During design, the following actions perform:

  • conduct axial line;
  • draw top view and vertical projection;
  • through an equal distance, the splits are drawn;
  • check the dimensions and symmetry of parts;
  • smooth bends spend on board to the keel using a ruler.

Drawings boats under the motor

It should be noted that homemade plywood boats under the motor drawings have similar to the most fun and sailing. The kind of feed is different because the engine is installed on it. Modern models make with niches filled with foam, to avoid flooding when tipping over.

How to transfer an image from templates on Fane

Making sure the correctness of the drawings, they are transferred to cardboard to facilitate the markup process on the plywood. You do not need to do any points to the details of the drawing, but it is allowed to draw larger footoxes, reducing them when installed.

Technological stages of manufacturing

The following steps can be noted:

  • tolerate templates on the fane;
  • draw parts with splint sets;
  • place keel;
  • fasten the belt;
  • achterstevin fasten (for a motor boat transit board);
  • fill on the bottom of Faner;
  • crush board;
  • skin the connectivity of parts;
  • split, paint.

It is worth paying the most attention to the correctness of the drawing, the strength of the compounds and the quality of their sizing.

We manufacture the inner contour of the futoxon

The stiffness of the entire design depends on the strength of the fastening of futoxists. Fluortimberrs and two futoxcans are composite parts of the spline, while the flortimberrs is located at Kiel and is the foundation to which the bottom is fixed, and the futoxins are fixed to the sides. To increase the strength, there is a broader connection between the latter, which is especially important when designing motor plascents.

Material for Forstevnya

Its complex structure ensures durability, since the main load accounts for the nasal part. Materials for manufacture can serve oak or elm. Ideal option having natural bending. With its absence, they collect an element from smaller parts. First of all, the detail is cut on the shape of the body, after the edges are sharpened, providing the density of the fit.

Kiel design

The easiest in the manufacture of the element. Most often use the board 3.5 m in length and 25-30 mm thickness.

On-board boards

It is necessary to give preference to smooth boards, a length of 5 meters and a width of 150 mm. It is necessary to choose smooth boards that do not have bitch and fallen places.

Boats from plywood under the Motor features

Do not install a powerful motor in order to increase speed. This modernization will lead to excess fuel consumption, will subjected to danger, but will not be able to speed up the boat. In typical boat drawings, the power of suitable motors always indicate.


Its purpose is the fixing of the motor, while it is recommended to use a whiteboard with a thickness of 25 mm. When applying plywood, it glued to achieve the necessary thickness, and if necessary, BRomen is allowed.

We are trimmed by plywood frame boat

The procedure is performed in the following sequence:

  • using drawings, cut the necessary parts from plywood;
  • the frame is placed by placing the keel from above;
  • all surfaces are subjected to careful sweep;
  • loss of connection places with glue;
  • will out the bottom, fixing the stapler, and after fitting - nails;
  • details of the board are checked on the density of the joints and nourish.

Use the glue

The use of glue is necessary to fill the seams. They are sicking all the points of contact with the details, necessarily making the places where nails scored.

Fiberglass, pasted over plywood, improves strength, speed and durability. Glue it from keel to sides, avoiding the formation of irregularities.

Apply Luck

If the fiberglass was not used, it is possible to apply varnish to cover the boat. Its with brushes are applied to a smooth layer on the entire surface. Recommended to perform this procedure in warm weather for the best impregnation of plywood varnish.

Prayer boat

Before placing and painting the surface, it is worth waiting to dry fiberglass. Place preferable to the finished synthetic mixture. On top of the dried putty, you can apply primer and a layer of paint or directly a pair of layers of paint.


The service life of the boat depends on the correct operation.

Do not store it in water, as it will contribute to rotting. After fishing or walking, you should immediately raise it on the database. It is believed that in salted water boats serve longer. The quality of materials and the care of compound processing are played.

When damaged, it is necessary to immediately cut the entire wet paneur and replace the patch of suitable size. In the dampness and moisture plywood collapses, so it is recommended to store the boat indoors. Winter storage in the open air is fraught - insufficiently solid wood splits under the influence of osmosis.

To prevent rotting, the annual seasonal processing, preparation and prevention of the case are carried out. With good care, a homemade boat from plywood will delight for many years.

when you need a boat registration?

To avoid problems, the finished boat is worth registering, providing such documents to the State Inspectorate:

  • passport;
  • act of technical inspection;
  • receipt of payment for registration tax;
  • registration card;
  • registration statement;
  • checks on payment of materials used.

If necessary, sample documents can be found on the Internet. Resisting in the outback often ignore this item.

Creating a boat from plywood is not too difficult. The right choice of materials and compliance with the instructions will help make a quality boat. A small trick will help increase the strength of the structure, it will be enough to have wood fibers along the housing in the manufacture of parts. With proper care, it will delight its owner for a long time.