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Timur and his team mutual assistance. Quest game with a presentation on the story of Gaidar "Timur and his team" for primary classes


The book of Arcadia Petrovich Gaidar "Timur and his team", I read with pleasure. This year 2015, Arkady Petrovich - 111 years old. Date is not round, but agree, unique. 2015 was marked by the anniversary of the Gaidar book "Timur and his team" 75 years. My parents, grandparents, while at school age, read it too. I liked the story, and I wanted to learn more about the writer itself and about the main hero of the work. I decided to find out what a pseudonym writer means, compare the two main characters of Timur Garayev and Mikhail Kwakina and who I want to be similar. The relevance of the chosen topic for children is very important, the need to be kind, wise, honest, generous, merciful, noble. During the Great Patriotic War, the Timurov movement grew literally every day. The title "Timurovets" awakened the guys to noble actions. Today the question arose about the revival of the Timurov movement. It will help to bring up the feelings of mercy, compassion and mutual assistance in us. I chose a book by A.P. Hydar "Timur and his team." The object of the study is the text of the story.

The purpose of this study is:

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were delivered: 1. Analyze the story of A.P. Hydara "Timur and his team" 2. Create actions of the main characters of the work: Timur and Mikhail Rwakina. 3. Breaking the features. Explore which hero can be an example for imitation.

Main part

The biography of the writer and the significance of the pseudonym A.P. Hydar.

If each of us gets acquainted with the life of the creativity of A.P.Gaidar, then we will know and understand that it is necessary to honestly live and love our homeland. Gaidar's biography is extraordinary. It is a pity that he lived little. He tried to be first to be the first to be first. The first was the commander of the regiment, the first hit the fire of fascists, saving his comrades. Heroes of his works are also trying to be the first in everything and everywhere. They make good deeds and fond of others. Gaidar was born in 1904 on January 9 in the city of Lviv Kursk province, in the family of Peter Isidovich Golikov and teachers of Natalia Arkadevna Salkova. When Arkady was eight years old, Golikov moved to Arzamas. Here was the childhood and youth of the writer. He studied in a regular school, but when the Father was taken to the front, he fled from the house in a month to go to his father. In the family he was the eldest son and brother. In addition to him, there were three more girls in the family. At the age of 14, he joined the ranks of the Red Army, in 15, he commanded the platoon, and at 16 he became the regiment commander. It was the youngest colonel in the world. At 20, he was very wounded, because of this he was fired to the reserve. Since then, Arkady Petrovich began to write. A.P. Gaidar died on October 26, 1941. When he was only 37 years old. Having become acquainted with the biography of the writer, I found out that Gaidar is a pseudonym, and the real name of the writer - Golikov. I became interested, where did the writer come from such a pseudonym? It turns out that there are several versions of the appearance of this pseudonym. According to one of these versions: in the school years, Arkady Golikov was a big fiction, romantic, loved military games. So encrypted my name as follows. "G" is the first letter of the name of Golikov. "Ai" is the first and last letters named after Arkady. "D" - in French "out." "AR" - the first two letters of the name of the hometown. Mr. D-AR: Arkady Golikov from Arzamas. According to another version of the writer Boris Emelyanova, Gaidar means in Mongolian "Horseman, Growing ahead." Gaidar wanted in children: honesty, kindness, mercy, the ability to respond for their actions. I saw such qualities in Timur in the story "Timur and his team" a lot of generations were brought up on this book and many good, kind, disinterested people, she raised.

The history of the creation and names of the story "Timur and his team"

The thought of "Timur and his team" suggested him the children. He just noticed her and enjoyed artistic form. The story appeared a little later than the scenario of the same name. I still laughed, and the writer began working on the story. The story was completed on August 27, 1940 and was first printed in the "Pioneer Pravda" in the early editorial office the story came out called "Duncan and his team" - in the center of the main character Vovka Duncan. Obviously, the influence of the Julian novel was manifested, in which Duncan's yacht on the first alarming signal went to the aid of Captain Grant. The leaders of the film studio demanded to rename the hero, and then Gaidar gave the hero of his own son, which in his life called the "small commander."

The image of Timur Garataeva

In the form of the main character of the story - Timur is embodied the best features of Pioneer "Simple and Cute Boy", "Proud and Hot Commissioner" has a friendly team. Zhenya, Gay, Nyurka, Kolya Bells, Sima Simakov - they all seek to surround the care of the Krasnoarmeys family. The game that Timur and his team leads are imbued with a high sense of love for their homeland. The relationship of Timur and the guys with adults, who do not always understand them and believe themselves. Uncle Timur and the sister of Zhenya confuse the mystery, which this game is surrounded. "Our games were simple and understood everything," says Georgy Timur. But the dreamer and thought of Timur is confident in his right: after all, he wants everyone to be good to be all calm. I asked myself a question, would I like to look like Timur? It seems to me that many people who read this story will be an example of courage and courage. Timur tends to noble actions, unites around himself in the country village, the group of peers and disinterestedly helps the old men, kids. First of all, Timurovtsy feces the family of military defenders of the Motherland. I think it is free to help people, it is always the desire of good people. Human kindness, ability to rejoice and worry about other people, all this is in Timur. The main thing is to make people good, let it be small, but every hour. "A person who makes others who knows how to empathize, feels happy. On the contrary, myself, Egoist, unfortunately. "- wrote I. S. Turgenev. So, if a person loves only himself, he has no friends, and when he needs help, it remains without support, is experiencing and suffering. It is necessary to help children, old people, the most defenseless and needing help, everything teaches Timur. Of course, we do not always have the opportunity to help, but it is necessary to strive for this. Thanks to A. P. Gaidar, the concept of "Timurovets" firmly entered everyday use. Until the end of the 80s, Timurovs called children who have disinterested help in need. Yes, indeed, you need to try to make good things, as Timur does. Completely infinite because it remains in memory of many generations.

The image of Mikhail Kwakina

In the story, Timur is opposed to hooligan quicken. The author emphasizes in it the features of the bits and cruelty. He is ready to beat a person, offend the weak, climb into someone else's garden behind apples. His omitism is confirmed: "You look like, dogs, swear!", "That's a fool - he ordered!", "Bay, do not retreat!", "Timka would catch, to radiate", "He ... proud, and you ... You are a bastard!" All this suggests that Mikhail Quick man is indifferent to someone else's grief, he has no goal in life. Around Mikhail Rwakina rods the gang of the same hooligans as he himself, who robbed gardens and gardens of summer houses. And it seems to me that A.P. Hidar wants other such hooligans to think about their behavior.

Comparison of Timur Garayev and Mikhail Quick.

I decided to compare Timur and Mikhail Quick, drew attention to how they say. Mikhail Quicks most of all uses a parangular vocabulary. (for example, "Fool"), which characterizes it as a rough person. I believe that Timur enjoys authority from his comrades. Quick, hooligan, he does not have such an influence on his comrades (after all, argue with them and, even sticks with his assistant figure). Arkady Gaidar somehow said about the heroes of "Timura and his team": "The Timur has one idea - the Red Army, and with this idea he leads others, and therefore he wins, and not quica, since stealing apples is not The idea and this will not be taken. " Timur says: "Simple and cute boy", "proud and hot commissioner" have been swallowed by a friendly team: Zhenya, Gay, Nyurka, Kolya Bells, Simakov and other guys. Even Quick to some extent writer gives the ability to joke, and at the end - the ability to imbued with respect for Timur. As you can not respect the boy who disinterestedly does good, knows how to silence, where else would shout, and because he is "proud. Wants to cry, but silent. " I think today everyone wants to be courageous to be honest even in trifles, to always, like Timur, to defend justice. Timur is presented to us in the story of strict and decisive- condemned the Geika and Kolya Kolokolchikov for the inability to perform as a task; sensitive - care for a crying girl, a good friend - understands the desire of the kid to run to the Red Army; Demanding and dignity - a conversation with a quican. I feel for Timur only admiration and pride for his actions! I would love to be like him! I spent a job with an intelligent dictionary and wrote down the definition of the words incomprehensible to me (Appendix 1) If you ask the question of the happiness of Timur? You can bring words from the story: - Be calm! - said Timur Olga. "You always thought about people and they will repay you the same." Oh, and here, and here I could not answer otherwise, this simple and cute boy! - I stand ... I look. All good! All calm. So I am calm too! Timur and his team made good deeds and in this happiness: the silence of firewood, wore water, rolled the logs, made swing and others. And all this they did secretly. They did not need fame and words of praise. We have something to learn from Timur in this story. I think that each of us wants to be decisive and honest, to help your close and unauthorized people, despite everything. And each of you can become exactly like Timur: decisive, bold, brave, useful. We just want to want. Timur serves as a real example for imitation. Of course, Gaidar did not write in his work that apples should not be stealing, it is impossible to fight, it is impossible to be such as a figure or quicken. Or that Timur is a good boy, you need to be like him. Not. The author endowed Timur with such a positive character that every schoolchildo wants to be like him. It's one of us wants to be useful as Timur, with good performance in the classroom. Even his sorny quican came to him. I analyzed the episode of Timur meetings with a quican and figure. Why did Kwakin changed so dramatically, what did the shape even hit his friend? First, he probably threw the words of Olga. Although these words were addressed to Timuru, Kwakin understood that it was related to him, because not Timur climbed in the gardens, he did not have the gardens of the "old women and the orphaned girl". The second, Rwakin went to him for the fact that he was so many . And, thirdly, for the fact that he is proud. Wants to cry, but silent "my opinion, even a hooligan can become a good person, but there should be a brave, honest person who would be an example for imitation, as a literary hero Timur from the story of Gaidar and for you Timur is an example for imitation? In each of us, there is still a small particle of the chief hero image. Therefore, many of us can be proud of what we look like Timur. Favorite children's books Creator and loyal friend guys, he lived, as the fighter should live, and died like a soldier. You are the story of the school open - Gaidar wrote her; Truthful to the lead of the hero and dare, at least the growth is small. They will find them in actions, and this is not a trouble that Gaidarovsky names are not always the name of the heroes.

Conclusion. Conclusions.

Thus, during the study, I found out the significance of the pseudonym writer, studied the characters of the characters of Timur Garayev's story and Mikhail Rwakina. Analyzed the actions of the main characters of the work: Timur Garayev and Mikhail Quick. My study showed that modern students define the same moral values \u200b\u200bas their parents: honesty, devotion, responsiveness, justice, responsibility, and MN. Dr. about Timur, without a doubt, you read with enthusiasm, the word leading to yourself then imitate him in everything. All the boys and girls of that time wanted to be similar to this kind, bold, honest boy, Timur. Do we want to be like Timur? I think everyone should strive to make bright and good deeds in life. Timur became for several generations of the guys of our country an example of justice and courage. This invented image as if he had gone from the pages of his favorite children's book in real life, putting the beginning and giving the name to children's movement. The movement in which several generations of young citizens of the country of Soviets participated. Timurovtsy were able to not only do good, but also to resist evil; We studied not only to help younger, old, weak, but also to protect them. For example, for our parents, it is important to be kind, obedient, help them in household matters, to learn well to be proud of us. For our friends you need: good and attentive communication, not to be indifferent to their sadness, help in studies. Yes, really, you have to try to make good things, as Timur does. Completely infinite because it remains in memory of many generations. And of course, I want to show more such films on TV, and books, like "Timur and his team" A. P. Gaidar, was more. In the year of the anniversary of Victory, we must support the veterans of the Great Patriotic War. And what Timurov can we carry out the guys of the XXI century? I had a question: is it still a Timurov movement, because Pioneer organizations have no left? My next goal will learn as much as possible about Timurovsky movement and whether it is now continued.


1. Gaidar A.P. Timur and his team. - M.: Samovar, 2011. 2. Lopatin V.V. Small explanatory dictionary. - M.1993. 3. Literary encyclopedia. Dictionary. M. 2007. 4. School encyclopedia. History of Russia XX century. - M. 2003. 5. Encyclopedia of our childhood. - M. 2000

Appendix 1 Ataman - Here: the commander of the gangs. District - kick around the neck. Gnush-killed - famous for very bad things. Become - go against anyone. Ray - beat. Commissioner - Head with special (important) powers. Krasnoarmeys - Soldiers of the Red Army (in Soviet Russia). Put the best - beat. Fleet (firewood) - neatly folded firewood. Shaka is an organized group of bad people, thieves, robbers.

Recently, I read the book Arkady Gaidar "Timur and his team" with great interest. The writer lived a very hard life, he participated in the Civil War, was a man brave, with a sense of self-esteem, a man of honor and words. Therefore, the main characters of his works are bold, fair, always ready to come to the rescue. The story "Timur and his team", in my opinion, is the most beautiful work of Arkady Gaidar, it tells about the examples of true friendship, mutual assistance and selflessness.

The main character of the story is Timur - "a simple boy", "proud and hot", brave, responsive, decisive in achieving its goals, noble in his motivations. I admire this hero and how he managed to organize boys in good deeds. Their team is a kindness workshop, where everyone seeks to surround the care of loved ones, trying to help and investigate the family in which fathers and brothers went to the army. But most of all I like the fact that the guys are modest, they do good deeds secretly, do not seek to fame, do not want them to praise. And this behavior deserves great respect. But uncle Timur and the sister of Zhenya do not like the mystery, which is surrounded by their game. Timur does not agree with them, he is sure that they do everything right, the main thing is that everyone is good. And I believe that modesty is a true satellite of kindness. Some of the famous people said: "Strength virtue in her modesty." A modest person always burns a big fire in the shower. How would I like to be "Timurov"! Help your loved ones, give happiness to others, to be near a difficult moment.

But there are negative heroes in the work - this is a gang of Quick, who stole fruit, offended the weak, stared stars, who painted the Timur team at home, where the families of the Red Army people lived. But I don't like the more than one of the gang of a hooligan on the nickname. He is cruel, stupid, heartless. The figure is ready to offend the weak, beat the younger. His close friend Kwikin does not like him for it. Timur does not respect such people, he tries to destroy evil. So at the end of the story, "Timurovtsy show the village of all the inhabitants who diffex, hooligans fell into the trap and were punished.

And even today, in the 21st century, we can meet "quickens" who always seek to offend, offend, hit, make a nasty act and rejoice in this, but even such cruel people prefer not to contact active good.

The book I liked the fact that the real friendship is described in it, the love of others, the guys help everyone unselfishly, regardless of the relatives, friends or foreign people. And this book is beautiful because the main characters are simple girls and boys, the same as me and my classmates. I so want us to have our own kind team!

"Timur and his team" - the work of A. P. Gaidar 1940 release, which was familiar to every Soviet child. It tells about how Timur and his comrades help old men, lonely mothers, protect gardens from boys raids. The effect of the book was phenomenal: In the post-war years, the detachments of the guys "Timurovtsev" began to occur, which also helped people. Today, the story about Timur and his team is worth reading to remind the child about eternal values: real friendship, attenuate, sympathy, justice, mutual execution.

For three months, the Colonel Alexandrov was not at home as the commander of the Division armor. Probably he was on the front.

In the middle of summer, he sent a telegram in which he offered his daughters to Olga and his wife the rest of the holidays to spend in Moscow at the cottage.

Shifting a color golk on the head and leaning on a stick of the brush, the walking Zhenya stood before Olga, and she said to her:

I went with things, and you will pick an apartment. You can not pull the eyebrows and do not lick your lips. Then stop the door. Books take the library. Do not come to girlfriends, but go straight to the station. From there we went to Pope here is this telegram. Then get into the train and come to the cottage ... Eugene, you must obey me. I'm your sister ...

And I'm yours too.

Yes ... But I am older ... And in the end, so told dad.

When the car drove the car in the courtyard, Zhenya sighed and looked around. The circle was a ruin and mess. It approached the dusty mirror, which reflected the portrait of the father hanging on the wall.

Okay! Let Olga older and until it needs to be obeying. But she, in her, the zhenium, the same as the father, nose, mouth, eyebrows. And, probably, the same as he will have a character.

She touched her hair tightly. Dropped sandals. Took a rag. I drove the tablecloth from the table, put a bucket under the crane and, grabbing the brush, walked to the threshold pile of garbage.

Soon the cutter kerosene and riddled Primus.

The floor was filled with water. In the underwear zinc penetrate hiped and soap foam was burst. And passersby from the street was surprised at the Barefoot Girl in the Red Sarafan, which, standing on the sides of the third floor, boldly rubbed the glass of open windows.

Truck rushed along a wide sunny road. Putting their legs on the suitcase and leaning on a soft knot, Olga sat in a wicker chair. On her knees I had a red kitten and chopped the bouquet of cornflowers.

A thirtieth kilometer has caught their hiking redarmeysky motocolon. Sitting on the wooden benches rows, the Red Army held the rifle targeted to the sky and sang together.

With the sounds of this song, windows and doors in the springs were swapped. Due to fences, delighted children flew out of the wickets. They were waving their hands, they threw the Red Army laughing apples, shouted "Hurray", and immediately stood their fights, battles, waving in wormwood and nettle rapid cavalry attacks.

The truck turned into a country village and stopped in front of a small, covered by ivy cottage.

The chauffeur with the assistant was thrown back and took up stuffing, and Olga opened a glazed terrace.

From here, a large launched garden was visible. In the depths of the garden, there was a clumsy two-story barn, and a small red flag was waving over the roof of this shed.

Olga returned to the car. Here a brisk old woman jumped to her - it was a neighbor, thrush. She volunteered to take the cottage, wash the windows, floors and walls.

While the neighbor disassembled the basins and rags, Olga took the kitten and went to the garden.

On the trunks of the observed sparrows cherries glistened hot resin. Firmly smelled of currants, chamomile and wormwood. The suede roof of the barn was in holes, and from these holes stretched on top and disappeared into the foliage of the trees some thin rope wires.

Olga passed through a hazel and scolded a web with her face.

What? The red flag above the roof was no longer there, and only the stick was sticking.

Here Olga heard a quick, anxious whisper. And suddenly, breaking the dry branches, the heavy staircase is the one that was asked to the window of the attic of the shed, - with a crackle flew along the wall and, submersible lops, Gulko blurted out of the ground.

Rope wires above the roof. Scratching hands, the kitten knocked into nettle. Before, Olga stopped, examined, listened. But neither among the greenery, nor for a false fence, nor in the black square of the window of the barn no one could not be seen or heard.

She returned to the porch.

These are the guys on someone else's gardens, they explained Olga Merchic.

Yesterday, the neighbors have two apple trees, they broke a pear. Such people went ... hooligans. I, dear, my son in the Red Army served. And how I went, the wines did not drink. "Farewell," says, Mom. " And went and witness, cute. Well, in the evening, as it should be, waved, stumbled. And at night I wake up, and it messes me that someone sinks in the court. Well, I think, a person I am now lonely, touching no one ... And how much do you, old, you need? Brick on the head of the knock - here I am ready. However, God has fallen - they did not stole anything. Seeded, sent and left. I stood in my courtyard in my courtyard - Oak, you don't kill them together, - so her steps twenty to goal rods. That's all. And what was the people, what kind of people - the thing is dark.

In the twilight, when cleaning was finished, Olga reached the porch. Here, from the leather case, she took care of white, glittering the chorder of the father, which he sent her his birthday.

She put an accordion on her knees, shouted the belt over his shoulder and began to pick up the music to the words recently heard the songs:

Ah, if only once

I still see you

Ah, if only once

And two and three

And you will not understand

On a quick plane

I expected you to the morning dawn

Pilot pilots! Bombs-machine guns!

So flew to the far path.

When will you come back?

I do not know whether

Just come back ... at least someday.

While Olga handed over this song, she challenged shortly offended glances toward the dark bush, which grew in the yard at the fence. Having finished playing, she quickly rose and, turning to the bush, asked loudly:

Listen! Why are you hiding and what do you need here?

From behind the bush came out in an ordinary white suit. He tilted his head and replied it politely:

I am not hiding. I myself a little artist. I did not want to interfere. And so I stood and listened.

Yes, but you could stand and listen from the street. You for something climbed through the fence.

Me? .. Through the fence? .. - offended by man. - Sorry, I'm not a cat. There, in the corner of the fence, clashed boards, and I penetrate from the street through this hole.

Clear! - Olga grinned. - But here is the wicket. And be kind to penetrate her back to the street.

The man was obedient. Not to say a word, he passed through the gate, locked behind him, and it was Olga liked.

Wait! - Going away from the step, stopped him. - Who are you? Artist?

No, "man replied." I am a mechanical engineer, but in my free time I play and sing in our factory opera. "

Listen, - unexpectedly just offered him Olga. - Conduct me to the station. I'm waiting for younger sister. Already dark, late, and it is not all and no. Remember, I'm not afraid of anyone, but I still do not know the local streets. However, wait, why do you open the gate? You can wait for me and at the fence.

She delivered the accordion, threw a handkerchief on the shoulders and came out on the dark, smelling the dew and flowers of the street.

Olga was angry with Zhenya and so there was little with his companion on the way. He also told her that his name was George, the surname of his Garayev and he works as an engineer mechanic at the automotive factory.

Walking to Zhenya, they already missed two trains, finally passed the third, last.

With this unsuitable girl bull hot! - Olga exclaimed sorry. - Well, if I still had a forty years or at least thirty. And then she thirteen, I am eighteen, and therefore she does not obey me at all.

Forty no need! - Georgy resolutely refused. - Eighteen where as best! Yes, you do not worry in vain. Your sister will come early in the morning.

Perron empty. Georgy took out a cigarette party. Immediately, two youthful teenagers came to him and, waiting for the fire, took off their cigarettes.

A young man, - Lighting the match and illuminating the face of the senior, said Georgiy. - Before you reach me with a cigarette, you must say hello, for I have already had an honor to meet you in the park, where you are hardworking the board from a new fence. Your name is Michael Quick. Is not it?

The boy snapped, backed up, and George put out the match, took Olga for the elbow and led her to the house.

When they moved away, then the second boy put in a sustained cigarette for her ear and carelessly asked:

This is what kind of propagandist asked? LOVE?

The local, - reluctantly answered Kwakin. - These are Timka Garata Uncle. Timka would catch, it is necessary to radiate. He picked up a company, and they seem to be bent against us.

Here both buddies have noticed under the lantern at the end of the Sedoye Mattle Gentleman platform, which, leaning on a stick, descended on the ladder.

It was a local resident, Dr. F. G. Kolokolchikov. They rushed after him, a loud asking whether he had matches. But their appearance and voices did not like this gentleman, because, turning around, he shook him with a sung key and stepped out his dear.

From the Moscow railway station, Zhenya did not have time to send a telegram to his father, and therefore, having taken from the country train, she decided to find the village mail.

Passing through the old park and collecting bells, she imperceptibly went to the intersection of two fenced streets of the streets, the deserted-view of which clearly showed that she got at all where she had to.

Nevdralex, she saw a small agile girl, who with the rugs of the fiber for the horns stubborn goat.

Tell me, dear, please, shouted to her Zhenya, - How can I go from here to the mail?

But then the goat rushed, turned the horns and gallop rushed across the park, and the girl with a scream rushed after her next. Zhenya looked around: it was already felt, and there were no people around the people around. She opened the gate of someone's gray two-storey cottage and along the path went to the porch.

Please tell me - without opening the door, loudly, but I asked the Zhenya very politely: - How would I go to the mail from here?

She was not answered. She stood, thought, opened the door and through the corridor passed into the room. The owners of the house was not. Then, embarrassed, she turned to go out, but here from the table silently crawled a large light red dog. She carefully looked at the tranquil girl and, quietly buried, lay down his way at the door.

You, stupid! - frightening fingers, screamed Zhenya. - I'm not a thief! I did not take anything. This is the key from our apartment. This is a telegram dad. My dad is commander. Do you understand?

The dog was silent and did not move. And Zhenya, slowly moving towards the opened window, continued:

Here you go! You lie? And lying ... a very good dog ... Such a clever, cute.

But hardly Zhenya touched her hand to the windowsill, as a pretty dog \u200b\u200bwith a formidable growl jumped up, and, in fear, jumping on the sofa, Zhenya Passed his legs.

Very strange, - I almost cry, she spoke. - You catch the robbers and spies, and I ... a person. Yes! - She showed the dog tongue. - The fool!

Zhenya put the key and telegram on the edge of the table. It was necessary to wait for the owners.

But the hour passed, the other ... already hemnelted: the distant beeps of locomotives, bark of dogs and blows of a volleyball ball came across the open window. Somewhere played on the guitar. And only here, around the gray dacha, everything was deaf and quiet.

Put the head on the hard roller of the sofa, Zhenya quietly cried.

Finally she fell asleep firmly.

She woke up only in the morning.

Behind the window noishes lush, washing the rain of foliage. Nightly cried the well wheel. Somewhere sawing firewood, but here, in the country, it was still quiet.

Under the head, the magnia was now a soft leather pillow, and her legs were covered with a light sheet. There were no dogs on the floor.

So, at night someone came!

Zhenya jumped up, threw off his hair, wound a rumpled saravecker, took the key, unsent teligram from the table and wanted to run.

And then on the table she saw a sheet of paper on which the large blue pencil was written:

"Girl, when you leave, shut a hard door." Below was the signature: "Timur".

"Timur? Who is Timur? It would be necessary to see and thank this person. "

She looked into the next room. There was a written table, there is a ink device, an ashtray, a small mirror. On the right, near the leather car crag, lay the old, encouraged revolver. Immediately at the table in irradiated and scratched sheaths stood a Turkish saber curve. Zhenya put the key and telegram, touched a saber, took her out of her scabbard, raised his blade over his head and looked in the mirror.

The view turned out to be severe, Grozny. It would be nice to stay so and then drag a card to school! It would be possible to lie that once the father took her with him to the front. In the left hand you can take a revolver. Like this. It will be even better. She pulled his eyebrows before the refusal, squeezed her lips and, knew in the mirror, pressed the trigger.

The roar hit the room. Smoke challenches windows. Fell on the ashtray desk mirror. And, leaving on the table and the key and telegram, stunned Zhenya flew out of the room and rushed away from this strange and dangerous home.

Some way she found himself on the banks of the river. Now she had no key from the Moscow apartment, nor receipt for a telegram, nor the very telegram. And now Olga had to tell everything: about the dog, and about the night in an empty dacha, and about Turkish saber, and finally about the shot. Basically! There would be a dad, he would understand. Olga will not understand. Olga will get angry or, which is good, pay. And it's even worse. Crying Zhenya and sama himself. But at the sight of Olgin tears, she always wanted to climb on a telegraph pole, on a high tree or on the roof pipe.

For the courage, Zhenya got up and quietly went to find her dacha.

When she climbed the porch, Olga stood in the kitchen and bred Primus. After healing the steps, Olga turned around and silently stared at Zhenya hostile.

Olya, hello! - stopping at the top step and trying to smile, said Zhenya. - Olya, you will not swear to swear?

I will! - Do not bring eyes from my sister, answered Olga.

Well, scold, - Poorly agreed to Zhenya. - Such, you know, a strange case, such an extraordinary adventure! Olya, I ask you, you do not twitch with eyebrows, nothing terrible, I just lost the key from the apartment, I did not send the telegram ...

Zhenya snatched her eyes and translated the spirit, going to pour out all over. But here the wicket in front of the house with a crash opened. The yard rusked, all in the bias, the shaggy goat and, lowered the horns, rushed into the depths of the garden. And for her, the familiar wife of a barefoot girl flashed with a scream.

Using this case, Zhenya interrupted a dangerous conversation and rushed into the garden to drive out a goat. She caught up the girl when she, heavily breathe, kept the goat for the horns.

Girl, didn't you lose anything? - Quickly through the teeth asked the girl's girlfriend, without ceasing to be koshimat the goat kicks.

No, - I did not understand Zhenya.

And this is someone? Not yours? - And the girl showed her the key from the Moscow apartment.

My, - Zhenya answered in a whisper, timidly looking towards the terrace.

Take the key, note and receipt, and the telegram has already been sent, - everything is also quick and through the teeth murmured the girl.

And, having thrown into the wife of a paper buckthorn, she hit the goat with a fist.

The goat rocked to the gate, and the Barefoot Girl right through the spines, through nettle, as the shadow, rushed after. And after once, they disappeared for Kalito.

Squeezing shoulders, as if it would have been squeaked, not a goat, Zhenya revealed a bundle:

"This is the key. This is a telegraph receipt. So someone has sent a telegram to Father. But who? Yeah, here's a note! What is it?"

In this note, a large blue pen has been written:

"Girl, do not be afraid of anyone at home. Everything is in order, and no one will know anything from me. " And below stood signature: "Timur".

Like a crowded, quietly sung Zhenya a note in his pocket. Then she straightened his shoulders and went calmly to Olga.

Olga stood everything in the same place, near the unlocking primus, and tears were already made in front of her.

Olya! - Zhenya's sorely exclaimed then. - I joked. Well, why are you angry with me? I climbed the entire apartment, I rubbed the windows, I tried, I was all rags, all the floors washed. Here's the key, here is a receipt from the father's telegram. And give better I am a kiss. You know how I love you! Do you want me to sprong about nettle from the roof?

And, without waiting, while Olga responds something, Zhenya rushed to her neck.

Yes ... But I was worried, "Olga spoke with despair, and ever ridiculous you have a joke ... And I ordered me dad ... Zhenya, leave! Zhenka, I have hands in kerosene! Zhenka, puff better milk and put the pan on the primus!

I ... without jokes I can not, - I mumbled Zhenya at a time when Olga stood near the washbasin.

She bucked a saucepan with milk for a primus, she touched a note in his pocket and asked:

Olya, God is?

No, "answered Olga and substituted his head under the washbasin.

And who is?

Leaves! - Olga answered with annoyance. - No one!

Zhenya was silent and asked again:

Olya, and who is Timur?

This is not God, this is one king of such, "the face and his hands launder, Olga reluctantly answered, - evil, chrome, from mid-history.

And if not the king, not evil and not medium, then who?

Then I do not know. Loose! And what did Timur bet you?

And what, I think I really love this person.

Who? - And Olga looked at the face covered with soap foam. - that you mumble everything there, invent, you do not give quietly! Here, wait, dad will come, and he will figure it out in your love.

Well, dad! - Sorrowfully, exclaimed Zhenya with Paphos .- If he arrives, then so briefly. And he, of course, will not offend a lonely and defenseless person.

Is it a lonely and defenseless? "Olga asked incredulously." Oh, Zhenka, I don't know what you are for a person and who only you got into anyone! "

Then Zhenya lowered his head and, looking at his face, reflected in the cylinder of a nickel-plated kettle, proudly and not thinking:

In dad. Only. In it. One. And no longer in anyone in the world.

Elderly gentleman, Dr. F. G. Kolokolchikov, sat in her garden and revenge the wall clock.

In front of him, his grandson of Kolya stood with a sad expression of the face.

It was believed that he helps the grandfather in his work. In fact, now for a whole hour, as he kept a screwdriver in his hand, waiting for the grandfather this tool will need.

But the steel spiral spring, which was necessary to drive into his place, was stubborn, and the grandfather was patient. And it seemed that the end-edge would not be waiting for this waiting. It was a shame, especially since because of the neighboring fence, the vortex head of Simikov, a man of a very frustrated and knowledgeable and well-known. And this Simakov tongue, head and hands served Kola signs, so strange and mysterious, that even a five-year-old Colin sister Tatyanka, who, sitting under the lipou, tried to shook the ray in the mouth of a lazily broken dog, unexpectedly screamed and jerked his grandfather for his wife, after What Simakov's head instantly disappeared.

Finally, the spring lay down in his place.

The man must work, - raising the wet forehead and turning toward Kole, said the gray gentleman F. G. Kolokolchikov. "You have such a person as if I treat you to Castorok." Feed a screwdriver and take ticks. Labor engraves man. You are just missing spiritual nobility. For example, yesterday you ate four portions of ice cream, and I did not share with younger sister.

She is lying, shameless! - throwing an angry look at Tatyanka, exclaimed the insulted Kolya. - Three times I gave her to bite off twice. She went to complain about me and even four kopecks from my mother's table.

And you at night along the rope from the window Lasil, - without turning the heads, chokingly blocked Tatyanka. - You have a lantern under the pillow. And in the bedroom for us yesterday some hooligan threw a stone. I'll throw it back, I'll throw it even whistles.

The spirit captured by Kolya Kolokolchikov with these arrogance words of unscrupulous Tathyanka. The shiver penetrated the body from the head to the heels. But, fortunately, the work of the grandfather on such a dangerous slander did not pay attention or just did not hear her. Very, by the way, the thrush here entered the garden and, measuring the mulk mug, began to complain:

And I, I, Batyushka Fedor Grigorievich, Roguliki at night a little oak food from the courtyard did not bother. And today, people say that a little light on my roof two people saw: sit on the pipe, damned, and chatting.

That is how on a pipe? What is it, let the goal? - began to ask the surprised gentleman.

But here, from the side of the chicken, there was clawing and ringing. A screwdriver in the hand of the gray gentleman trembled, and the stubborn spring, flying out of his nest, was blurted with a screeching about the iron roof. All, even Tatyanka, even a lazy dog, turned around, without understanding where the ringing and what is the matter. And Kolya Bells, without saying a word, darted like a hare, through carrot beds and disappeared behind the fence.

He stopped near the cow's barn, from the inside of which, as well as the chicken coop, there were sharp sounds, as if someone beat the Gary by cutting steel rails. Here, he collided with the Simak Symakov, who was excitedly asked:

Listen ... I do not understand. What is it? .. Anxiety?

Well no! It seems to form the number one call sign shared.

They jumped over the fence, dived in the hole fence park. Here with them collided with broad-case, strong Malchigan Geeke. Following Vasily Ladygin jumped. Also someone else. And silently, more promptly, among them only familiar moves, they rushed to some purpose, on run short talking:

Is it anxiety?

Well no! This is the number one shared number.

Which call sign? It is not "Three - Stop", "Three - Stop". This is some kind of damn with a wheel ten shocks.

But let's see!

Yeah, check!

Forward! Lightness!

And at this time in the room of that very dacha, where Zhenya spent the night, there was a high dark-haired boy for years of thirteen. It had light black pants and a dark blue sleeveless with an embroidered with a red star.

A gray shaggy old man came up to him. His canvas shrush was poor. Drainy pants - in plexuses. A rude tree was fastened to the knee of his left leg belt. In one hand he held a note, the other squeezed the old, encouraged revolver.

- "Girl, when you leave, shut down the door tightly," said the old man mockingly. "So, maybe you still say you who spent the night on our sofa?"

One familiar girl, - Malchong replied reluctantly. - She was detained a dog without me.

So you lie! - an old man was angry. "If she had been familiar to you, here, in a note, you would call it by name.

When I wrote, I did not know. And now I know her.

Did not know. And you left her in the morning one ... in the apartment? You, my friend, sick, and you need to send to the crazy. This rubbish broke the mirror, chose an ashtray. Well, it's good that the revolver was charged by idle. And if there were battles in it?

But, uncle ... You do not have combat cartridges, because your enemies of your gun and sabers ... just wooden.

It seemed that the old man smiled. However, raging a shaggy head, he strictly said:

You look! I all notice. You are doing, as I see, dark, and how if I did not send you back to my mother.

Bringing the rustling, the old man went up the stairs. When he disappeared, the boy jumped, grabbed the dog in his paws in the room and kissed her in the face.

Yeah, Rita! We fell away with you. Nothing, he is kind today. He will sing now.

And for sure. From the top of the room heard a cleanement. Then a sort of tra la la-la! .. And finally a low baritone soldered:

I'm not sleeping the third night, it's all the same

Movement secret in sullen silence ...

Stop, crazy dog! - shouted Timur. - What do you tear me a pants and where do you pull me?

Suddenly, he slammed the door with the noise, which led to the top, to the uncle, and through the corridor, after the dog jumped into the veranda.

In the corner of the veranda, near a small phone, twitched, jumped and piled about the wall tied to the bronze bell bronze.

The boy snapped him in his hand, kept the twine on a nail. Now the shuddering of the twenty weakened - it must have burst somewhere. Then, surprised and angry, he grabbed the phone phone.

An hour before, than all this happened, Olga sat at the table. Before her lay a textbook of physics. He entered Zhenya and took out a bubble with iodine.

Zhenya, - Olga asked displeased, - where did you get on your shoulder scratch?

And I walked, "Zhenya answered carelessly," and there was something spiny or sharp on the way. That's what happened.

Why is this on my way it's not worth nothing barrel or acute? -The redeference of her Olga.

Not true! You have a mathematics exam on the way. He and spiny and sharp. Here, look, you will steal! .. Olekka, do not go to the engineer, go to the doctor, "said Zhenya, putting a table mirror with Olga. - Well, look: what kind of engineer? The engineer should be - here ... here ... And now ... (she made three energetic grimaces.) And you - here ... So ... And now ... - here Zhenya led his eyes, raised her eyebrows and smiled very clearly.

Stupid! - hugging her, kissing and lightly repulsive, Olga said.

Leave, Zhenya, and do not bother. You would have running away to the waters.

Zhenya took an apple from the plate, moved to the corner, stood at the window, then the Accordion's case was unzipped and spoke:

You know, Olya! Suitable for me today is some uncle. So seems to be a blond, in a white suit, and asks: "Girl, what is your name?" I say: "Zhenya ..."

Zhenya, do not bother and the tool do not touch, - without turning around and not taking off from the book, Olga said.

"" And your sister, "getting an accordion, continued to be Zhenya," seems to be called Olga? "

Zhenka, do not bother and the tool do not touch! - unwittingly listening, repeated Olga.

"Very," he says, "Your sister plays well." She does not want to study at the conservatory? " (Zhenya got the accordion and shouted the belt over his shoulder.) "No," I say to him, "she is already learning about reinforced concrete specialty." And he then says:

"Ah!" (Here Zhenya pressed one keys.) And I say to him: "BE-E!" (Here Zhenya pressed another keys.)

Naughty girl! Put the tool into place! - Jumping, shouted Olga. - Who permits you to join conversations with some uncle?

Well, I will put, - offended by Zhenya. - I did not enter. It entered. I wanted to tell you further, and now I will not. Here, wait, dad will come, he will show you!

To me? It will show you. You interfere with me to do.

No, you! - grabbing an empty bucket, Zhenya responded from the porch.

I will tell him how you are a hundred times a day for Kerosin, then behind soap, then you chase the water! I'm not a truck, not a horse and not a tractor.

She brought water, put a bucket on the bench, but, since Olga, without paying attention to it, sat, bending over the book, offended Zhenya went to the garden.

Selling to the lawn in front of the old two-story shed, Zhenya took out a slingshot from his pocket and, stretching the gum, launched a small cardboard paratrooper into the sky.

Top upside down, the parachutist turned over. A blue paper dome was revealed over him, but then the wind rushed tightly, the parachutist turned to the side, and he disappeared behind the dark attic window of the barn.

Accident! A cardboard man had to be out. Zhenya went around the barn, through a holey roof of which the thin rope wires ran into all directions. She traded a drowned staircase to the window and, having risen on it, jumped into the sex of the attic.

Very strange! This attic was inhabit. On the wall hung over the ropes, the lantern, two crossed signal flags and the village map, all stated by incomprehensible signs. In the corner lay covered with a burlap ohaper straw. Immediately stood an inverted plywood box. Neighboring the roof of the roof of the roof is a large, similar to the screw, wheel. A home model hung over the wheel.

Zhenya looked through the gap. Before her, like the waves of the sea, the foliage of thick gardens. Pigeons played in the sky. And then Zhenya decided: let the pigeons be seagulls, this old barn with its ropes, lanterns and flags - a big ship. She will be the captain herself.

She became fun. She turned the screw wheel. Tight rope wires trembled, touched. The wind loose and drove green waves. It seemed to her that it was her ship-shed slowly and calmly turns around the waves.

Levo Steering on board! - Completely commanded Zhenya and tighter rooted on a heavy wheel.

Blowing through the roof slots, the narrow straight rays of the sun fell to her face and dress. But Zhenya realized that these enemy vessels fasten her with their searchlights, and she decided to give them a fight.

With force, she managed with a creamy wheel, maneuvering to the right and left, and the rulely shouted the words of the team.

But here is the sharp straight rays of the searchlights faded, went out. And this, of course, did not go for the cloud. This crushed enemy of the squadron went to the bottom.

The battle was over. Foren Lob was dusty with dusty palm, and suddenly the phone call asked on the wall. This Zhenya did not expect; She thought this phone is just a toy. She was not in itself. She took off the handset.

Hello! Hello! Reply. What donkey cuts the wires and gives signals, stupid and incomprehensible?

It was not donkey, - murmured by Zhenya. - This is me - Zhenya!

Crazy girl! - sharply and almost frightened the same voice. - Leave the screw wheel and run away. Now they will simply ... people, and they are furious.

Zhenya threw the phone, but it was too late. Here, someone's head seemed to be a head: it was a gage, behind him Simakov, Kolya Kolokolchikov, and the boys climbed even.

Who are you? - retreating from the window, asked Zhenya in fear. - Get out! .. This is our garden. I didn't call you here.

But shoulder to shoulder, the guys silently went to Zhenya with a dense wall. And, clogging pressed to the corner, Zhenya screamed.

At the same moment, another shadow flashed in the lumen. Everyone turned and broke out. And in front of Zhenya got a high dark-haired boy in blue sleeveless, on whose chest was embroidered a red star.

Hush, Zhenya! He said loudly. - You do not need to shout. No one throws you. Are we familiar. I am Timur.

Are you Timur? "- Widely revealing full tears of the eye, incredulously exclaimed Zhenya. - Did you cover me at night? Did you leave me a note on the table? Did you send a dad to the front of the telegram, and I sent a key and receipt? But why? For what? Where do you know me from?

Then he came to her, took her hand and answered:

But stay with us! Sit down and listen, and then you will be understandable.

On a straw-covered straw around Timur, who settled the village of the village before him, the guys are located.

Holes above the auditory window wishes on the rope swing observer. Through his neck, a lace was thrown with a marked theater binoculars.

Not far from Timur sat Zhenya and looked cautiously and looked at everything that was going on at a meeting of this not a famous headquarters. Timur said:

Tomorrow, at dawn, while people are sleeping, I and the bells will correct the breakdown by her (he showed it to Zhenya) Wires.

He scoops, - Merro put a large-haired, dressed in the sailor vest Gaika. "He wakes up only for breakfast and dinner."

Slander! - jumping and staring, cried Kolya Bells. - I get up with the first ray of the sun.

I do not know which the sun is the first, what's the second, but he will definitely recipe, - the geek continued stubbornly.

Here the observer hanging on the ropes whistled. Guys dug.

On the road in the dust clubs, the equestrian artillery division was raced. Mighty, dressed in belts and iron horses quickly fibers for their green charging boxes and covered with gray cannon covers.

Weathered, tanned riding, without having swinging in the saddle, famously wrapped around the corner, and one after another battery was hidden in the grove. The division was twisted.

They are at the station, drove to the loading, - IMPORTANT explained Kolya Bellolchikov. - I see by their outfit: when they jump to the teaching when they are on the parade, but when and where else.

See - and silent! - Heika stopped him. - We ourselves with eyes. You know guys, this chatter wants to escape into the Red Army!

It is impossible, "Timur passed." This is a very empty idea.

How can't you? - blushing, asked Kolya. - And why did the boys always run to the front before?

Earlier! And now firmly finish all supervisors and commanders were ordered to drive from there our brother around the neck.

How along the neck? - Flash and even more blushing, cried Kolya Bells. - This is ... your own?

Yes, here !- And Timur sighed. - This is your one! And now, guys, let's go. All reprovers in places.

In the garden at home, the number of thirty-four on the curve Alley, unknown boys climbed the apple tree, "the Kolya Bellolchikov said offended." They broke two branches and remembered the flower bed.

Whose house? "And Timur looked into the killennoye notebook." The Krasnoarmeysian Kryukov house. " Who is here here is a former specialist in strange gardens and apple trees?

Who could do it?

This worked Mishka Quick and his assistant, called the "Figure". Apple tree - Michurinka, the grade "Golden Puff", and, of course, taken to choose from.

Again and again Quick! - Timur thought. - Geek! Have you had a conversation with him?

So what?

Gave him twice on the neck.

Well, he put me two times too.

All you have everything - "gave" yes "put" ... And there is no sense. Okay! Quican we will do particularly. Let's follow.

In the house number of twenty-five at the old women of the thrush, they took the son of the Son in the cavalry, "someone said from the corner.

He was enough! - And Timur stained her head in a diverse. - Yes, there is an even third day our sign is put on the gate. And who set? Bells, are you?

So why do you have an upper left ray of a star curve like a leech? He took to do - do well. People will come - will laugh. Let's follow.

Jumped Simaaki Simakov and often confidently, without a stick:

In the house number fifty-four in Pushkareva street goat disappeared. I'm going, I see - the old woman is kolotit. "I scream:" Auntka, beat not by law! "She says:" The goat disappeared. Ah, whether you are cursed! "-" But where did she lose? "-" And there, in the ravine, in a rapidly, having risked the urine and failed, as if her wolves were ate! "

Wait a minute! Whose house?

House of Krasnoarmeyman Pavel Gurieva. Girl is his daughter, name is Nurek. Buckle her grandmother. What is your name, I do not know. Goat gray, with black back. Name Manka.

Goat to find! - ordered Timur.- A team will go to four people. You ... You and you. Well, all guys?

In the house number twenty-two girls crying, - as if reluctant, he said Geek.

What does she cry?

Asked - does not say.

And you would ask better. Maybe someone has her foil ... offended?

Asked - does not say.

Is the Great Little Girl?

Four years.

Here is still trouble! Kaby man ... And then - four years! Wait, and whose house is it?

House of Lieutenant Pavlova. What was recently killed on the border.

"I asked -" does not say, "said Timur's Geuki sadly. He frowned, thought. - Okay ... it myself. You do not touch this case.

On the horizon, the Bear Quicks appeared! - loudly reported an observer.

It goes along the side of the street. Eating an apple. Timur! Send the team: let him give him a tick or back!

Do not. Stay all right. I will be back soon.

He jumped out the window on the stairs and disappeared into the bushes. And the observer said again:

At the wicket, in the field of my vision, an unknown maiden, a beautiful view, stands with a jug and buys milk. This is probably the owner of the cottage.

Is this your sister? - Holing Zhenya for the sleeve, asked Kolya Bells. And without receiving a response, it is important and offended warned: - You will not see her shout from here.

Syidi! - pulling the sleeve, mockingly answered him Zhenya. - Also you are the boss ...

Do not climb her, "said the Geek Kolya, - and then she squeaks you.

Me? - Kohl is offended. - She has it? Claws? And I have a musculature. Here ... Manual, foot!

She foils you with manual and scab. Guys, carefully! Timur is coming to a quica.

Easy to having flown up with a torn branch, Timur walked Quicken in speed. Noticing this, Quick stopped. His flat face did not show any surprise, no fright.

Great, Commissioner! - By bowing the head of the side, he said quietly. "- Where are you in a hurry?

Great, Ataman! - Timur answered him to him. - To meet you.

Rad guest, yes treat nothing. Is it? - He put his hand over her sinus and handed the Timur apple.

Thoughtful? - asked Timur, biting apple.

They are the most, "Kwakin explained. - The grade" Golden Puff ". Yes, I will trouble: there is no real ripeness.

Kislytina! - Throwing an apple, said Timur. - Listen: You have a number of thirty-four on the fence of the house? - And Timur showed a star, embroidered on his blue sleeveless.

Well, I saw, "Kwakin was alerted." I, brother, and in the afternoon and night I see.

So: if you're in the afternoon or at night, once again such a sign somewhere, you run away from this place, as if you walked boiling water.

Oh, Commissioner! What are you hot! - stretching words, said Quick. - There, talked!

Oh, Ataman, what you are stubborn, - without raising the voices, answered Timur. -And now remember himself and pass the whole gang that this conversation is with you the last.

Nobody would have thought that it was talking to the enemies, and not two warm friends. And therefore Olga, who kept a jug in his hands, asked the thrush, who is this boy, who complies with something with a hooligan Quick.

I do not know, "the thrush answered with his heart. - Probably, the same hooligan and the ugly. He is something all near your home is silent. You look, dear, no matter how your little sister is disappointed.

Anxiety covered Olga. She looked at both boys with hatred, went on the terrace, put a jug, locked the door and went out to look for Zhenya to the street, which for two hours she had not yet shown her eyes home.

Returning to the attic, Timur spoke about his meeting to the guys. It was decided tomorrow to send a written ultimatum with a pike.

Skinny score guys from the attic and through holes in the fences, and even right through the fences ran around at home in different directions. Timur went to his wife.

Well, he asked - now everything is clear to you?

Everything, "said Zhenya, - just not very much. You explain it easier for me.

And then descend down and go after me. Your sister is still not at home.

When they were taken from the attic, Timur pushed the staircase.

It was already dark, but Zhenya trustfully went behind him.

They stopped at the house where the old woman lived. Timur looked back. There were no people near. He took out a lead tube with oil paint out of his pocket and went to the gate, where the star was drawn, the upper left beam of which was really bent, like a leech.

Confident rays he burned, sharpened and straightened.

Tell me why? - asked him Zhenya. - You explain it easier for me: what does all this mean?

Timur put a tube in his pocket. Talling the leaf of the burdock, wiped the painted finger and looking at his wife in the face, said:

And this means that from this house a person went to the Red Army. And from that time this house is under our protection and protection. Do you have a father in the army?

Yes! - with excitement and pride answered Zhenya. - He is the commander.

So you are under our protection and protection too.

They stopped before the gate of another cottage. And here the star was drawn on the fence. But the straight bright rays were circled with a wide black border.

Here! - Timur said. And from this house, a person went to the Red Army. But it is no longer. This is the date of Lieutenant Pavlov, who was recently killed at the border. His wife and that little girl, who did not achieve a good geek, who did not achieve, why she often cries. And if you happen, do it, Zhenya, something good.

He said all this very simply, but goosebumps ran their chest and in the hands of the groom, and the evening was warm and even silent.

She was silent, tilting his head. And only in order to say anything to say, she asked:

Is the Gaika good?

Yes, - answered Timur. - He is the son of the sailor, sailor. He often scolds the baby and Bushumba Kolokolchikova, but himself everywhere and always stands for him.

The shrike sharp and even angry forced them to turn around. Not far was Olga. Zhenya touched Timur's hand: she wanted to bring it and introduce Olga with him. But the new shock, strict and cold, forced her to refuse it.

To blames the Timur's head and walked in the shoulders inappropriately, she went to Olga.

But, Olya, - muttered Zhenya, - What's with you?

I forbid you to approach this boy, "Olga repeated firmly." You are thirteen, I eighteen. I'm your sister ... I'm older. And when dad went, he ordered me ...

But, Olya, you don't understand anything! - Zhenya exclaimed with despair. She shuddered. She wanted to explain to justify. But she could not. She was not entitled. And, having handed her hand, she did not say the sister's sister.

Immediately she lay down in bed. But he could not sleep for a long time. And when I fell asleep, I did not hear how at night they knocked out the window and filed a telegram from Father.

Raw. Dished wooden horn shepherd. Old woman thrush opened the gate and drove the cow to the herd. She did not have time to wrap around the corner, as because of the bush of acacia, trying not to rattle empty buckets, pumped five workers, and they rushed to the well.

Pouring with cold water barefoot legs, the boys rushed into the courtyard, overthrow the buckets in the oak tub and, without lingering, rushed back to the well.

To the silence of Sime Simakov, who spoke without a breather with a lever of the well pump, tamped Timur and asked:

You did not see the bell tip here? Not? So he slept. Mostly, rushing! The old woman will go back now.

Updated in the garden in front of the cottage of the bells, Timur began under the tree and whistled. Without waiting for an answer, he climbed onto a tree and looked into the room. From the tree he was visible only half the bed pulled to the windowsill and feet wrapped in blanket.

Timur thumpped a piece of bark on the bed and called quietly:

Kohl, get up! Ring!

Sleeping did not stick. Then Timur took the knife, cut off a long rod, sharpened at the end of the knot, he threw the rod through the window sill and, hooking a blanket, dragged him to himself.

Light blanket crawled through the windowsill. In the room there was a hoarse amazed cry. Having staring off his sleeping eyes, a gray-haired gentleman jumped out of bed and, grabbing a crawling blanket, ran up to the window.

Facefully face to face with a venerable old man, Timur flew away from the tree.

And the gray-haired gentleman, throwing a dyed blanket, drove off the wall with a double break, hastily put on the glasses and, putting a gun from the window to him to him, grumbled his eyes and shot.

... only the well frightened Timur stopped. Error came out. He took the sleeping gentleman for Kohl, and the gray gentleman, of course, took him for the rogue.

Here Timur saw that the old woman thrush with a rim and buckets comes out of water wicket. He jurcated for Acacia and began to observe.

Returning from the well, the old woman raised the bucket, overthrew him into the barrel and immediately bounced, because the water with noise and splashes splashed out of the barrels already filled to her legs.

Out, bewildered and looking around, the old woman went around the barrel. She lowered her hand into the water and brought her to the nose. Then he ran to the porch to check whether the door castle had. And finally, not knowing what to think, she began to knock on the neighbor window.

Timur laughed and out of his ambush. It was necessary to hurry. Already the sun was raised. Kohl Bells did not appear, and the wires were still not corrected.

... makingably shed to the shed, Timur looked into the open window overlooking the garden.

The table near the bed in the shorts and T-shirt was sitting in Zhenya and, impatiently folding his hair climbing on his forehead, writing something.

Seeing Timur, she was not afraid and did not even be surprised. She just shook his finger so that he would not wake up Olga, put a unpainted letter in the box and came out of the room on the tiptoe.

Here, having learned from Timur, what the trouble happened to him today, she forgotten all the hands of the instructions and willingly volunteered to help him establish her the most dangling wires.

When the work was finished and Timur was already standing on the side of the hedge, Zhenya said to him:

I do not know what, but my sister hates you very much.

Well, - Timur answered sadly, - and my uncle you too!

He wanted to leave, but she stopped him:

Wait, tested. Today you are very shaggy.

She took out the ridge, stretched her Timur, and immediately behind, out of the window, Olga's indigulating shock rang out:

Zhenya! What are you doing?.

Sisters stood on the terrace.

I do not choose friends, "Zhenya was defended with despair." What? Very simple. In white suits. "Oh, how your sister is playing perfectly!" Perfectly! You would have listened better how she swear perfectly. Look! I am already writing my dad about everything.

Evgeny! This boy is a hooligan, and you are stupid, - I tried coldly, trying to seem calm, Olga. - You want, write dad, please, but if I first see you with this boy nearby, then on the same day I will bother the cottage, and We will leave here in Moscow. Do you know that my word is solid?

Yes ... tormented! - Women answered with tears. - I know.

And now, take and read .- Olga put the telegram on the table at night and came out.

The telegram has written:

"Recently, passing a few hours will be Moscow, the number of hours will telegrapher additionally PAP PAP."

Zhenya wiped tears, put a telegram to her lips and quietly muttered:

Dad, come soon! Dad! I, your Zhenya, is very difficult.

To the courtyard of that house, where the goat was missing and where the grandmother lived, who hacated the Bolshoy Girl Nurek, brought two warlings.

The scolding of the careless worships, who dumped the firewood as fell, grinding and oha, grandmother began to lay a flight. But this work was not for her. Focusing, she sat down on the step, moved enough, took the canoe and went to the garden. In the courtyard, only a three-year-old brother Nureki was left now - a person, as can be seen, energetic and hardworking, because barely grandmother disappeared, as he raised his stick and began to beat her on a bench and along the inverted upside down.

Then Sim. Simakov, who had just faded for a runaway goat, which was jumping around the bushes and ravines, no worse than the Indian tiger, one of his team left on the edge, and with four other swirl burst into the courtyard.

He put the baby in his mouth handful of strawberries, led him a brilliant feather from the wing of the Galka, and the whole four rushed to lay firewood in a field.

Simika himself rushed around along the fence to delay the grandmother in the garden at this time. Having stopped at the fence, near the place where the cherries and apple trees were closely adjacent to him, Simima looked into the click.

Grandma scored in the hem of cucumbers and was going to go to the courtyard.

Sima Simakov knocked softly on the fence boards.

The grandmother was alerted. Then Simim raised a stick and began to move the branches of the apple tree.

The grandmother immediately thought that someone quietly climbs through the fence behind apples. She poured the cucumbers on between, pulled the big bunch of nettle, drunken and drank at the fence.

Sime Simakov again looked at the gap, but the grandmother now he did not see. Concerned, he jumped, grabbed the edge of the fence and carefully began to pull up. But at the same time, the grandmother with a triumphant cry jumped out of his ambush and deftly stretched Sim. Simakov in the hands of nettle. Waving the burned hands, Simima rushed to the gate, from where the Four who had already escaped her work.

In the yard, only one kid left again. He raised a chips from the ground, put it on the edge of the lunite, then the tops of the same piece of Beresta.

Behind this occupation and found him returned from the garden of grandmother. Stripping his eyes, she stopped in front of a neatly folded full-time and asked:

Who is this here without me?

Baby, laying Beresto in a field, importantly answered:

And you, grandmother, you do not see - I work.

Thruminary entered the courtyard, and both olders lively began to discuss these strange incidents with water and with firewood. They tried to achieve a response from the baby, but they achieved a little. He explained to them that people spook out from the gate, put him in his mouth with sweet strawberries, gave the pen and also promised to catch a hare with two ears and with four legs. And then the firewood left and accelerated again. Nyurka entered the gate.

Nyurka, "her grandmother asked," you didn't see who I went to the courtyard to us now?

I was looking for a goat, "Nyurka replied sadly." I am all the morning in the forest yes on ravines herself grew.

Stolen! - Grandma Milknica welcomedly complained. - And what a goat was! Well, dove, not a goat. Dove!

Pigeon, - Move from the grandmother, snapped Nyurka. - How will you soak the horns, you don't know where and go. Pigeon horns do not happen.

Silent, Nyurka! Silent, stupid solence! - Book shouted. - It is, of course, the goat was with character. And I, I, Kozushki, wanted to sell. And now here is my goal bump and no.

The wicket with creak opened. Low lowered the horns, the goat ran into the courtyard and rushed right on the thrush.

Picking up a heavy beedon, thrush with a screech jumped on the porch, and the goat, hitting the horns of the wall, stopped.

And then everyone saw that a plywood poster was fastened to the horns of the goat, on which the largest was derived:

I am a goat-goat,

All people Thunderstorms

Who will beat Nyurku,

So bad will live.

And at the corner behind the fence laid satisfied kids.

Having sticking a stick in the ground, having tricking around her, having proudly, Sima Simakov Proudly lost:

We are not a gang and not a gang,

Not Vataga Udaltsov,

We are a cheerful team


And like a steak of the haircut, the guys rapidly and silently smelled away.

... Today there were still a lot of work, but most importantly, now it was necessary to make up and send by Mishke Quickly Ultimatum.

As the ultimatum is drawn up, no one else knew, and Timur asked for uncle about it.

He explained to him that each country writes an ultimatum to his manner, but at the end for politeness it is supposed to assign:

"Take, Mr. Minister, assurance in the most advanced respect for you."

Then the ultimatum through the accredited ambassador is given to the ruler of the hostile power.

But this thing is neither Timur, nor his team liked. First, they did not want to transfer any respect to Hooligan Quick; Secondly, neither the permanent ambassador, nor even the messenger with this whip they did not have. And, having consulted, they decided to send an ultimatum simpler, on the manner of that Meaning of Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan, which everyone saw in the picture when he read about how bold Cossacks fought with the Turks, Tatars and Lyasha.

Behind the gray gate with a black and red star, in the shady garden of the house, which stood opposite the giving, where Olga and Zhenya lived, a little blond girl was walking along the sandy alleik. Her mother, a young woman, beautiful, but with the face sad and tired, sat in a rocking chair near the window, on which there was a lush bouquet of wildflowers. In front of her lay soil printed by telegrams and letters - about the relatives and friends, acquaintances and strangers. Letters and telegrams these were warm and affectionate. They sounded from afar, as a forest echo, which cathed anywhere in anywhere, does not promise anything and still encourages and tells him that people are close and in the dark forest he is not alone.

Holding a doll upside down, so that wooden hands and hemp braids made it in the sand, blonde girl stopped before the fence. At the fear, the painted, carved from plywood hare descended. He was pulling the paw, the trick on the strings of the drawn balalaika, and his face was sad-ridiculous.

Delighted with such an inexplicable miracle equal to whom, of course, and not in the world, the girl dropped a doll, walked over to the fence, and good hare sank him right in his hands. And after the hare was looking for a shuffle and satisfied face of the fiance.

The girl looked at Zhenya and asked:

Do you play me with me?

Yes with you. Do you want to spry to you?

Here is the nettle, "thought, warned a girl." And here I have burned my hand yesterday.

Nothing, - Jumping from the fence, said Zhenya, - I'm not afraid. Show what the nettle burned yesterday? This one? Well, look: I pulled it out, threw it, pulled down my legs and spit on her. Let's play with you: You hold the hare, and I'll take a doll.

Olga saw from the roof of the terrace, how Zhenya was driving around someone else's fence, but she did not want to interfere with her sister, because she cried a lot in the morning. But when Zhenya climbed on the fence and jumped into someone else's garden, a worried Olga came out of the house, went to the gate and opened the wicket. Zhenya and the girl were already standing by the window, near the woman, and she smiled when the daughter showed her as a sad funny hare playing on a balalaica.

At the alarmed face of Zhenya, a woman guess that Olga entered the garden is unhappy.

You are not angry with her, "Olga said quietly." She just plays with my girl. " We have a mountain ... - The woman was silent. - I cry, and she, - a woman showed on her tiny daughter and quietly added: "She doesn't know that her father recently killed at the border."

Now Olga was embarrassed, and Zhenya looked at her bitterly and scarcely.

And I am alone, "the woman continued." My mother in my mountains, in a taiga, very far, brothers in the army, no sisters.

She touched his wife's shoulder and pointing out the window asked:

Girl, this bouquet night didn't you put me on the porch?

No, - quickly answered Zhenya. - This is not me. But this is probably someone from ours.

Who? - And Olga looked blankly on Zhenya.

I do not know, - frightened, spoke to Zhenya, - this is not me. I do not know anything. See, people go here.

Over the gate heard the noise of the car, and two pilot-commander came from the wicket.

This is to me, "the woman said." They, of course, will again offer me to go to the Crimea, in the Caucasus, to the resort, in the sanatorium ...

Both commander came up, put their hands to the pilots, and, obviously, hearing her last words, Senior - Captain - said:

Neither in the Crimea, nor in the Caucasus, nor to the resort, nor in the sanatorium. Did you want to see your mom? Your mother today travels to you from Irkutsk. It was delivered to Irkutsk on a special plane.

Who? - Woman exclaimed happily and confused. - you?

No, "the pilot-captain replied, - our and your comrades.

The little girl ran, boldly looked at those who came, and it can be seen that this shape she was well acquainted.

Mom, she asked, "make me a swing, and I will fly back and forth, here. Far and far as dad.

Oh, do not! - picking up and squeezing her daughter, exclaimed her mother.

No, do not fly so far ... as your dad.

On a small ruffle, behind the chapel with a latalized painting, depicting harsh hairy elders and purely chosen angels, the right of the "terrible court" with boilers, resin and yurt hells, on Romashakaya Polyana, the guys from the company Mishk Kwakina played cards.

There were no money from the players, and they cut the "on the chip", "on a click" and to "revive the deceased". The loser tied her eyes, put him back on the grass and gave him a candle, that is, a long stick. And he had to fuck off this stick from the good meetings of his who, who regretted the deceased, tried to return him to life, diligently shooting nettle on his naked knees, icers and heels.

The game was in full swing when a sharp sound of the signal tube was heard behind the fence.

This outside the walls stood envies from the Timur team.

The headquarters of Kolya Bells squeezed in his hand a copper shiny mountain, and the bosnogo-legged gabster kept the glued paper package.

What is it here for a circus or a comedy? - Going through the fence, asked the boy, whom the figure was called. - Bear! - Wrapping, he shouted. - Throw the cards, some ceremony came to you!

I'm here, - climbing on the fence, responded Quick. - Age, Gabb, Great! And this is what's wrong with you for the lipik?

Take the package, - stretching the ultimatum, said Geeke. - Dadno to think about twenty-four hours. During the answer, I will come tomorrow at the same time.

Offended by the fact that he was called the clicks, the headquarters of Kolya Kolokolchikov rushed into a mountain and, inflating his cheeks, fiercely knocked out. And, without saying no longer the word, under the curious glances of the boys who scattered on the fence, both parliamentar with dignity retired.

What is it what? - turning the bag and looking back by the mouths of the guys, asked Kwakin. - Lived, lived, did not live anything ... Suddenly ... pipe, thunderstorm! I, brothers, right, I do not understand anything! ..

He broke the package, and, without getting off the fence, began to read:

- "Ataman Shaiki for cleaning other people in Mikhail Kwakina ..." This is me, -gromko explained Kwakin. "With a complete title, in all form," ... And he, "he continued to read, - the anticipated assistant to Peter Pytakov, otherwise, if you just be a figured ... "It's you," Quick Figure explained with satisfaction. "The EC was wrapped up:" Gnus-killed "! This is something very noble, could fool and easier, "... as well as to all members of this shameful company Ultimatum." This is what I don't know, "Quickly declared Kwakin. - Probably, curses or something in this sense.

This is an international word. Beat will be, "the Britogol Maluguan Aleshka belonged next to the figure.

And so I wrote! - Kwakin said. - I read on. Item is the first: "In view of the fact that you are making raids on the gardens of civilians, not sparing and those houses on which our sign stands - a red star, and even those on which there is a star with mourning black bang, you, cowardly villains, We order ... "

You look like, dogs, swear! - embarrassed, but trying to smile, continued Rwakin. - And what a further syllable, what commas! Yes! "... I order: no later than tomorrow morning Mikhail Quick and the nude-like personality figure appear to appear in the place that the deaths will be indicated by having a list of all members of your shameful hay. And in case of refusal, we reserve complete freedom of action. "

That is, in what sense freedom? - Again asked Quick. - We seem to have not been locked them yet.

This is an international word. Beat will be, - again explained the brithead aleka.

And then I would say so! - Kwakin said with annoyance. - It's a pity that Gage left; It can be seen, he did not cry for a long time.

He will not pay, "said Britogol," he has a brother - a sailor.

He and his father was a sailor. He will not pay.

And what about you?

And the fact that I have an uncle sailor too.

Here is a fool - he ordered! Kvakin became angry. - The Father, then Brother, then Uncle. And what about what is unknown. Play, Alyosha, hair, otherwise the sun hung the back of the back. And what are you going there, figure?

The messengers should be caught tomorrow, and Timka and his company to gentle, - briefly and sullenly suggested an ultimatum figure.

On that and shaped.

Overlooking the shadow of the chapel and stopping together near the picture, where the agile muscular devils deftly fiber in the battle of the spelling and resting sinners, Quick asked the figure:

Listen, are you at that garden Lazil, where does a girl live, who has a father killed?

So ... - with the annoyance mumbled Quicks, a finger back into the wall. -Mone, of course, to give a damn on Tymkins, and I always beat Timka ...

Well, "Figure agreed." And what are you like a finger to the devil?

And then, - having twisted the lips, answered him Quick - - that you, though friend, figure, but you don't look like a person, but soonerly on this thick and fathy trait.

In the morning, the thrush did not find at home three permanent buyers. It was already late to the bazaar, and, having sacked the ball on the shoulders, she went on apartments.

She walked in a long time and finally stopped near the giving, where Timur lived.

Having passed through the gate, the old woman has screamed:

Milk does not need milk?

I, father, I say, the milk is not necessary? - Orobiev and fighting, offered thrush. - Eki you, my father, seemingly serious! What are you, sabery grass mow?

Two mugs. Tableware on the table, - briefly replied the old man and stuck with a saber with a clincol in the ground.

You would, Batyushka, bought a braid, - hurriedly pouring milk into the jug and in dangerous looking at the old man, said thrush. "And the saber is better to throw. However, a saber of a simple person and to scare from death.

How much to pay? - putting his hand in the pocket of the loud pants, asked the old man.

Like people, the thrush answered him. - According to the ruble forty - only two eighty. I do not need too much.

The old man shaved and pulled a large rolled revolver from his pocket.

I, father, then .. - picking up the bidon and hastily removing, said the thrush. "You, my dear, do not work!" - adding the go and not ceasing to turn around, she continued. "- I, Golden, not to the hop, she jumped out for the wicket. , she slammed her and brought angrily from the street:

In the hospital you, old trait, keep it, and not to let the will. Yes Yes! On the castle, in the hospital.

The old man shrugged his shoulders, put back in his pocket from there Trenitsa and immediately hid the revolver behind his back, because an elderly gentleman entered the garden, Dr. F. G. Kolokolchikov.

With a face concentrated and serious, leaning on a stick, straight, somewhat wooden gait he walked along the sandy alley.

Seeing the wonderful old man, the gentleman coughed, corrected the glasses and asked:

Will you not say, kind, where should I find the owner of this cottage?

I live on this dacha, "the old man replied.

In this case, - applying a hand to the straw hat, continued gentleman, - you tell me: Do you have a certain boy, Timur Garayev, relative?

Yes, you have to, - answered the old man. "This little boy is my nephew."

I am very regrettable, - Focusing and inappreciating the saber who protruding in the ground, began a gentleman, - but your nephew made an attempt to rob our home in the morning.

What ?! - old man was amazed. - My Timur wanted to rob your home?

Yes, imagine! - Looking down the old man behind the back and starting to worry, continued gentleman. "He made an attempt during my sleep, kidnapped me the bike blanket.

Who! Timur robbed you? Kidnapped the bike blanket? - the old man was confused. And his hand hidden behind him with the revolver was involuntarily sank.

The excitement took possession of a memorable gentleman, and, with the dignity of the height for the exit, he spoke:

Of course, I would not claim, but the facts ... Facts! Your Majesty! I ask you, you do not close to me. Of course, I do not know what to assign .. But your kind, your strange behavior ..

Listen, "Stepping to the gentleman, said an old man - but all this is obviously a misunderstanding.

The gracious sovereign! "- not showering eyes from a revolver and without ceasing to shower, cried gentleman." Our conversation takes an undesirable and, I would say, unworthy of our age direction.

He jumped over the gate and quickly went away, repeating:

No, no, unwanted and unworthy direction ...

The old man walked over to the gate just at that moment when the smoking woven Olga stood up with an excited gentleman.

Here, suddenly the old man waved his hands and shouted Olga to stop her. But the gentleman is promptly like a goat, he jumped over the ditch, grabbed Olga by his hand, and both of them instantly disappeared around the corner.

Then the old man looked around. Excited and delighted, boyko hanging out with his own village, he lost:

And you will not understand

On a quick plane

I expected you to the morning dawn.

He dismissed the knee belt, threw a wooden leg on the grass and, on the go, throwing a wig and beard, rushed to the house.

Ten minutes later, a young and cheerful engineer Georgy Garayev escaped from the porch, brought a motorcycle from the barn, shouted the dog Rita so that she would guard the house, pressed the starter and, jumped into the saddle, rushed to the River to search for Olga frightened.

At eleven o'clock, Geeke and Kolya Kolokolchikov went over the answer to ultimatum.

You go smoothly, - grumbled the gage on the stir. - You are easily walking, firmly. And you go like a chicken behind a worm jumps. And everything you, brother, good - and pants, and a shirt, and the whole form, but you still do not have. You, brother, do not be offended, I'm talking to you. Well, here say: why do you go and the lips of the lips of Musolish? You put a tongue in my mouth, and let him lie there in his place ... And why did you appear? - asked Geek, seeing the unfinished Namer Simakov.

I sent me Timur to communicate, "Simakov rolled up." So you need, and you do not understand anything. " Your own, and I have my own business. Kohl, give me a dudan in the pipe. EKY you are important today! Gabble, fool! Going in the case - would put boots, shoes. Did the ambassador of barefoot go? Well, you go there, and I am here. Gop gop, goodbye!

Singular babaron! - shook the head of Gaika. - It will say a hundred words, and you can four. Tuba, Nikolay, that's a fence.

Serve upstairs Mikhail Rwakina! - ordered the Gaika who dried on top of the boy.

And come to the right! - shouted due to the fencing Quick. - There for you purposely gates open.

Do not go, - by the hand of Geika, whispered Kolya. - They will catch us and foam.

Is it all for two? - asked Geek. - Tuba, Nikolai, louder. Our team is expensive everywhere.

They passed through a rusty iron wicket and found themselves before the group of guys, the ahead of which was the figure and quickens.

Let's answer the letter, "said Geek firmly. Quick smiled, the figure frowned.

Let's talk, - suggested Quick. - Well, sit down, sit, where are you in a hurry?

Let the answer on the letter, - I repeated the GAKE. - And we will talk to you after.

And it was strange, it is incomprehensible: does he play whether he is kidding, this straight, chunky boy in a sailor venashka, near which is small, already pale pipes? Or, squinting strict gray eyes their own, barefoot, broadly, he really demands a response, feeling for himself and right and power?

On, take, - stretching paper, Kwakin said.

Gage turned the sheet. There was rudely painted Kukish, under which there was a curse.

Quietly, without changing the face, Gabble ripped the paper. At the same moment, he and Kohl were tightly captured by the shoulders and hands.

They did not resist.

For such ultimatums, you would need to fill the neck, "coming to the Game, Kwakin said. - But ... We are good people. Until the night, we send you here here, - he showed a chapel - and at night we will clean the garden at number twenty-four naked.

That will not be, - Rovno answered Geek.

No, it will be! - shouted the figure and hit the gage along the cheek.

Bey, at least a hundred times, - Looking around and revealed her eyes, said Gaika. - Kohl, - he burned down, - you are not Roby. I feel that today we have a call sign in the form of the number one common.

The prisoners were pushed inside the small chapel with tightly closed iron shutters both doors were closed for them, deputies deposit and scored it with a wooden wedge.

Well, what? - Sitting to the door and applying the palm to the mouth, shouted the figure. - How is it now: in our opinion or will you come out?

And because of the door is deaf, barely heard came:

No, vagabonds, now yours will never come out.

Figure spat.

He has a brother - sailor, - Muro explained Britogol Aleshka. - They serve with my uncle on one ship.

Well, the figure asked threateningly, "and who are you Captain, or what?"

His hands are captured, and you beat him. Is it good?

On and you too! - the figure called and hit Aleshka nova.

Here both boys rolled on the grass. They were drawn by arms, behind their feet, they were cut ...

And no one looked upstairs, where in the dense foliage of the linden, which grew near the fence, the face of Sim. Simakov flashed.

He slipped the screw to the ground. And straight, through other people's gardens, rushed to Timur, to his river.

Having covered with a towel, Olga lay on the hot sand of the beach and read.

Zhenya bathed. Suddenly someone hugged her shoulders.

She turned around.

Hello, - she told her high dark-eyed girl. - I sailed from Timur. My name is Tanya, and I, too, from his team. He regrets that you have gotten from my sister. Do you have a sister, probably very angry?

Let him not regret, - blushing, muttered Zhenya. - Olga is not angry at all, she has such a character. "And, splashing with his hands, I added Zhenya with despair: - Well, sister, sister and sister! Here, wait, the dad will come ...

They came out of the water and climbed onto the steep shore, the left of the sandy beach. Here they stumbled upon Nyurku.

Girl, did you recognize me? - As always quickly and through the teeth, she asked the brush. - Yes! I learned you right away. And Timur! - Having dropped the dress, she showed the opposite shore to the guys. - I know who I caught the goat, who laid the firewood and who gave my brother strawberries. And I also know you, "she turned to Tanya." You sat on a garden once and cried. " And you do not cry. What is the sense? .. gay! Sit, damn, or I will drop you into the river! - she screamed on the goat tied to the bushes. - Girls, let's jump into the water!

Zhenya and Tanya were overwhelmed. It was very funny, this little, tanned, like Gypsy Nyurka.

Holding hands, they approached the very edge of the cliff, under which clear blue water splashed.

Well, jumped?


And they rushed into the water.

But the girls did not have time to emerge, as someone fourth was blunting after them.

This, as he was - in sandals, shorts and t-shirt, - Sima Simaki rushed to the river. And, shaking the sticky hair, smoothing and sprinkling, with long seedlings he swam on the other side.

Bed, Zhenya! The trouble! - shouted he turned around. - Geek and Kolya fell into the ambush!

Reading the book, Olga rose to the mountain. And where the steep trail crossed the road, she was met by Georgy's motorcycle. They greeted.

I was driving, "George explained to her," I look, you go. " Give, I think I will wait and slim, if on the road.

Not true! - did not believe Olga. - You stood and expected me on purpose.

Well, it's right, "Georgy agreed." I wanted to lie, but it did not come out. " I have to apologize to you for scared you in the morning. But the chrome old man at the wicket - it was me. This I was preparing for a rehearsal. Sit down, I will pass you by car.

Olga has a negatively swung his head.

He put her bouquet on the book.

A bouquet was good. Olga blushed, confused and ... threw him on the road.

This Georgy did not expect.

Listen! - he said sadly. "You play well, sing your eyes straight, bright. I did not offend you anything. But it seems to me that the way you do not come ... even the reinforced concrete specialty.

Flowers are not necessary! - Olga answered her own itself, Olga answered guiltily ... And so, without flowers, I will go with you.

She sat on the leather pillow, and the motorcycle flew along the road.

The road was split, but by passing the one that turned to the village, the motorcycle escaped in the field.

You did not turn there, - Olga shouted, - we need to right!

Here the road is better, - answered George, - here the road is cheerful.

Again, turn, and they rushed through a slurry shady grove. Jumped out of herd and tightening, trying to catch up with them, dog. But no! Where there! Long away.

As a heavy shell, walking the counter cargo car. And when George and Olga escaped from the raised dust clubs, they saw smoke, pipes, towers, glass and iron of some unfamiliar city under the mountain.

This is our factory! - shouted Olga Georgy. - Three years ago I went here to collect mushrooms and strawberries.

Almost without reducing the stroke, the car turns cool.

Straight! - Olga shouted warningly .- Let's just right home.

Suddenly the motor stalls, and they stopped.

Wait, "says, said Georgy, - a small accident.

He put the car on the grass under the birch, took the key from the bag and began to apart something and pull.

Who do you play in your opera? - Sorry on the grass, asked Olga. - Why do you have such a harsh and terrible makeup?

I play an old man of disabled, - without ceasing to mess around at the motorcycle, he answered Georgy. "He is a former partisan, and he is a little ... not in himself." He lives near the border, and everything seems to him that the enemies will be reached and deceived. He old, but he is careful. The redarmeys are young - laughs, after guard playing in volleyball. Girls there are different ... Katyusha!

Georgy frowned and sang quietly:

The moon fell behind the clouds again.

I'm not sleeping the third night in a deaf dose.

Creep in the silence of enemies. Do not sleep, my country!

I am old. I am weak. Oh, grief me ... oh, grief!

What does "calmly" mean? - Singing the scarf dusty lips, asked Olga.

This means that - continuing to knock the key on the sleeve, explained Georgy, - it means that: sleep quietly, old fool! For a long time, all the fighters and commanders are in place ... Olya, your little sister about mine a meeting with her?

He said, I cut her out.

In vain. Very funny girl. I tell her "a", she "be" me!

With this funny girl bully grief, "Olga repeated again." A some kind of boy was attached to her, called Timur. He is from the company Guligan Quick. And I can not leave him from our house.

Timur! .. GM ... - Georgy embarrassed cough. "Is he from the company? He seems to be not ... not very ... Well, okay! You do not worry ... I will leave it from your home. Olya, why don't you study in the conservatory? Think - Engineer! I am an engineer myself, but what is the sense?

Are you a bad engineer?

Why bad? - Going to Olga and starting now to knock on the front wheel sleeve, answered Georgy.- Not bad, but you play very well and sing.

Listen, George, - Variously moving, said Olga. "I don't know what kind of engineer you are, but ... Remove the car somehow very strange.

And Olga pounded his hand, showing how he tapping the key then in the sleeve, then on the line.

Nothing is strange. Everything is done as it is necessary. "He jumped up and knocked the key on the frame." Well, that's ready! " Olya, your father commander?

It's good. I am the commander myself too.

Who will discern you! - shrugged Olga. - You are an engineer, then you actor, then the commander. Maybe you also also pilot?

No, "Georgy grinned. - Pilots are devoured by bombs on tops from above, and from the ground through the iron and concrete beam right in the heart.

And again in front of them were blocked, swarming, fields, groves, rivers. Finally, here and the cottage.

On the crash of the motorcycle from the terrace jumped out Zhenya. Seeing George, she was embarrassed, but when he was twisted, then looking after him, Zhenya came to Olga, hugged her and he said with envy:

Oh, what are you happy today!

Except to meet near the garden of House No. 24, the boys were fledged from behind the fence.

Delivered only one figure. His angry and surprised silence inside the chapel. The prisoners did not shout, did not knock on the questions and the figures of the figures did not respond.

Then the figure was started at the trick. Opening the outdoor door, he entered the stone common and froze, as if he was not here.

And so, putting the ear to the castle, he stood until the outer rail door slammed with such a roar, as if she was hit by a log.

Hey, who is there? - Rushing to the door, the figure was angry. "Hey, not a baluster, and then I will give a neck!

But he was not answered. Outside, they were hearding other people's voices. Cropped loops staven. Someone through the lattice windows told the prisoners.

Then there was laughter inside the chapel. And from this laughing figure was bad.

Finally, the outer door opened. Before the figure stood Timur, Simakov and Ladygin.

Open the second Cool! - Not moving, ordered Timur. - Open yourself, or it will be worse!

Non-good figure pushed the goal. Kohl and Gage came out of the chapel.

I climb into their place! - ordered Timur. - Climb, Gadda, quickly! - Squeezing his fists, he shouted. - I once shouted with you!

Slammed the figure both doors. Imposed a heavy crossbar on the loop and hung the castle. Then Timur took a sheet of paper and a blue pencil wrote coryato:

"Quick, guard do not need. I locked them, I have a key. I will come right in place, to the garden, in the evening. "

Then everyone disappeared. Five minutes later, Quicks went behind the fence. He read a note, touched the castle, grinned and went to the gate, while the locked figure was frantically kicked by fists and heels on the iron door.

From the gate, Quick turned around and muttered indifferently:

Knock, gage, knocks! No, brother, you still underwent.

Before the sunset, Timur and Simakov ran into the market square. Where stalls were lined up in disarray - kvass, water, vegetables, tobacco, grocery, ice cream, - in the very edge, a clumsy empty booth was braked, in which shoemakers worked in market days. In the booth of this Timur and Simakov stayed for a short time.

In the twilight in the attic of the shed earned a screw wheel. One alone tensioned the strong rope wires, passing where it is necessary, and those that need, signals.

Approached reinforcements. Boys gathered, there were many more - twenty - thirty. And through the holes of fences quietly and silently slipped all new and new people.

Tanya and Nures sent back. Zhenya sat at home. She was supposed to delay and not to let Olga in the garden in the attic of the wheel stood Timur.

Repeat the signal on the sixth wire, - concernedly asked for the Simakov windowed in the window. - There is something not responding.

Two workers drew some poster on the plywood. Ladygin's link approached.

Finally came scouts. Rwakina's gang gathered on a wasteland near the garden at home number 24.

It's time, "Timur said." All get ready! "

He released the wheel from hand, took over the rope.

And above the old shed under the uneven light of the running between the clouds of the Moon slowly rose and the command flag was swollen - a signal to battle.

... Along the fence at home No. 24, a chain of a dozen boys moved. Staying in the shadows, Quick said:

Everything is in place, but there are no figures.

He is cunning, "answered someone." He probably already in the garden. " He always climbs forward.

Rwakin pushed two in advance the boards with the nails and broke through the hole. The rest were climbed behind him. On the street, the hole was left alone - Aleshka.

Five heads looked out of the scorched nettle and bungyan ditch on the other side of the street. Four of them immediately hid. Fifth - Kolya Kolokolchikova - she was delayed, but someone's palm slammed her on top of her paint, and the head disappeared.

Wailing Aleshka looked around. Everything was quiet, and he glanced his head into the hole - listen to what was being done inside the garden.

From the ditch separated three. And in the next instant the clock felt how strong power rushed him behind his feet, hands. And, without having time to shout, he flew away from the fence.

Gaika, "he murmured, raising his face, - where are you from?

From there, - Heika was checked. - Look silence! And then I do not see what you burned for me.

Well, "Aleshka agreed," I am silent. "And unexpectedly, he whistled.

But immediately his mouth was gripped with a wide palm of the game. Someone's hands picked him by the shoulders, behind the legs and foles away.

Sweet in the garden heard. Quick turned around. Whistle no longer repeated. Quicks carefully looked around. Now it seemed to him that the bushes in the corner of the garden moved.

Figure! - Quickly called Quick. - is it there, fool, hide?

Bear! Fire! Suddenly someone shouted. - This is the owners!

But it was not the owners.

Behind, in the thicker foliage, no less than a dozen electrical lanterns broke out. And, blind eyes, they rapidly come to confused raids.

Bay, do not retreat! - snatching an apple from his pocket and throwing along the lights, shouted quicken. - RVI lanterns with hands! It goes ... Timka!

There Timka, and here SIM card! - Garked, pulling out because of the bush, Simakov.

And ten more boys rushed with the rear and from the flank.

Age! - Kwakin shouted. - Yes, they have power! For the fence pull, guys!

I got into the ambush Shaka in a panic darted to the fence. Rushing, hurrying foreheads, the boys popped out on the street and fell right in the hands of Ladygin and Gabi.

The moon was completely hidden for clouds. Only voices were heard:

Don't go! Not touch!

Here is the game!

Below everyone in place.

And if anyone does not go?

Grab by your hands, behind your feet and drag with honor as the icon of the Virgin.

Let the devils! - someone's crying voice rang out.

Who screams? - Angrily asked Timur.- Hooligan Masters, and you are afraid to answer! Gage, let's go to the team!

The captives led to an empty booth on the edge of the market area. Here, of them one after the other pushed out the door.

Mikhail Quick to me, - asked Timur. Move quica.

Finish? - asked Timur.

All is ready.

The last prisoner was pushed into the booth, deployed the goals and looked at a heavy lock in a test.

Stay, "Timur Quickly said." You are funny. You are not afraid of anyone and do not need.

Waiting for him to beat, not understanding anything, Quicks stood, dropping his head.

Go, - repeated Timur. - Take this key and on-site, where your friend sits.

Quick did not leave.

At the bottom of the guys, - Chmuro asked him. - Or put me together with them.

No, "Timur refused," now everything is over. Neither with you with you, nothing to do with them.

Under whistle, noise and hook, hiding your head in the shoulders, Quick slowly went away. Going down a dozen steps, he stopped and straightened.

I will beat! - he shouted viciously, turning around to Timur. - I will beat you alone. One for one, to death! - And jumping away, he disappeared into the dark.

Ladygin and your top five, you are free, "Timur said." What about you? "

House number twenty two, ride the logs, in Bolshaya Vasilkovskaya.

Okay. Work!

Rowed a beep near the station. Country train arrived. Passengers came up with him, and Timur hurried.

Simakov and your five, what do you have?

Good, work! Well, now ... people go here. The rest are all at home ... since!

Thunder and knock ran out in the area. Stranded and stopped walking from the train passersby. The knock and howl repeated. Lights tanned in the windows of neighboring cottages. Someone turned on the light above the stall, and the crowded people saw such a poster over the tent:

Passersby, do not regret!

There are people sitting here who are cowardly at nights the gardens of civilians.

The key from the castle is hanging behind this poster, and the one who is heated by these arrests, let it first look, whether his loved ones or acquaintances are.

Late night. And the black and red star at the gate is not visible. But she is here.

The garden of the house where the little girl lives. Ropes descended from a branched tree. Following them, a boy slipped on the rough barrel. He puts the board, sits down and tries, whether they are durable, these new swings. Fat bitch sorrows slightly, foliage rustle and shudders. Speed \u200b\u200band squeaked a disturbed bird. Too late. He sleeps for a long time Olga, sleeping Zhenya. His comrades sleep and his comrades: Cheerful Simakov, silent Ladygin, funny Kolya. True, of course, mumbles in a dream a brave game.

The clock on the calane beat a quarter: "There was a day - it was a case! Dean-Don ... Once, two! .. "Yes, it's too late.

The boy gets up, shakes her grass with his hands and raises a heavy bouquet of wildflowers. These flowers rushed Zhenya.

Carefully, in order not to wake up and not to frighten the sleeping, he closes the lion's illuminated porch and gently puts a bouquet on the top step. This is Timur.

There was a day of a weekend. In honor of the anniversary of the victory of the Reds under Hassan, the Komsomol residents of the village arranged in the park a large carnival - a concert and walking.

Girls ran into the grove to still splash. Olga hurriedly stroke the blouse. Riding the dresses, she shook the groom Sarafan, a piece of paper fell out of his pocket.

Olga raised and read:

"Girl, do not be afraid of anyone at home. Everything is in order, and no one will know anything from me. Timur. "

"What does not know? Why not be afraid? What kind of mystery at this secretive and lucavo girl? Not! It is necessary to put an end. Dad was leaving, and he ordered ... It is necessary to act strongly and quickly. "

Georgy knocked in the window.

Olya, "he said, - Check out! A delegation came to me. They ask for something to sing with pop. Today is such a day - it was impossible to refuse. Let's accompaniate me on the accordion.

Olya, I do not want a pianist. I want with you! We will succeed good. Can I jump to you through the window? Leave the iron and remove the tool. Well, I took it myself. You just stay with your fingers to the frets, and I will sing.

Listen, George, - Olga said offended, - in the end you could not climb the window when there are doors ...

The park was noisy. Renuits drove cars with vacationers. Fuck trucks with sandwiches, with buns, bottles, sausage, candy, gingerbread. Glorically fit blue troops of hand and wheeled ice creams. The Patefones were crushed in the glades of the multi-barrier, around which visiting and local daches with drink and snack were spread. Playing music.

The gate of the plane of the pop theater was standing by an old man and scolded the Monter, who wanted to go through the gate along with his keys, belts and iron "cats."

With tools, dear, do not miss here. It is a holiday today. You first go home, clever and dressed.

So after all, dad, here without a ticket, free!

Anyway it is impossible. Here singing. You would also with you a telegraph pillar of the eye. And you, a citizen, go around, too, he stopped another person. "Here people sing ... music. And you have a bottle sticking out of your pocket.

But, dear dad, - Sticking, tried to arouse a person, - I need ... I am the tenor itself.

Come on, go, tenor, - showing the monter, the old man answered. "The bass does not mind. And you, tenor, do not mind too.

Zhenya, whom the boys said that Olga with the accordion was held on the stage, it was impatiently on the bench.

Finally, George and Olga came out. The wife became scary: it seemed to her that she would start laughing over Olga. But no one laughed.

George and Olga stood on the stage, such simple, young and cheerful, that his wife wanted to hug them both. But Olga threw the belt on the shoulder. A deep wrinkle cut his forehead, he sniffed, tilted his head. Now it was an old man, and he sank low voice:

I'm not sleeping my third night. All the same

Movement secret in sullen silence

Rifle hand burns. Anxiety hearts

As twenty years ago at night at war.

But if now I will meet with you,

Hired armies enemy soldiers,

Then I, a gray old old man, ready to get up to battle,

Crazy and harsh, as twenty years ago.

Oh, how good! And how this chrome bold old man is a pity! Well done, well done ... - muttered Zhenya. - So. Play, Olya! It is a pity that our dad does not hear you.

After the concert, holding a friendly hand, George and Olga walked along the alley.

Everything is like that - Olga said. "But I don't know where Zhenya disappeared."

She stood on the bench, - answered Georgy, - and screamed: "Bravo, Bravo!" Then she approached her ... - here Georgy stuck, - some kind of boy, and they disappeared.

What boy? - Olga was alarmed. - Georgy, you are older, tell me what to do with it? Look! In the morning I found her piece of paper!

George read a note. Now he himself thought and frowned.

Do not be afraid - it means do not hear. Oh, and I get this boy at hand, I would talk to him!

Olga hid a note. Some time they were silent. But the music played very fun, laughed around, and again holding hands, they went along the alley.

Suddenly, at the crossroads, they encountered another pair, which, as much together holding his arms, went to meet them. These were Timur and Zhenya.

Fucking, both pairs were politely on the move.

Here he! - Drejaya George by his hand, Olga said with despair. - This is the same boy.

Yes, he was embarrassed by George, - and most importantly, this is Timur - my desperate nephew.

And you you knew! - Olga became angry. - And you did not say anything!

After throwing his hand, she ran along the alley. But neither Timur nor Zhenya was already visible. She turned to a narrow curve trail, and only here she came across Timura, who stood before the figure and quad.

Listen, "Olga says close to him, Olga said." There is little such that you climbed and broke all the gardens, even the old woman, even at the orphan girl; Little to you that even dogs run from you, - you spoil and set up a sister against me. You have a pioneer tie on your neck, but you just ... scoundrel.

Timur was pale.

It is not true, "he said." You don't know anything.

Olga waved his hand and ran to search for Zhenya.

Timur stood and silent. Puzzled Figure and Quicks were silent.

Well, the Commissioner? - Kwakin asked. - So I, I see, happens sadly?

Yes, Ataman, - slowly raising his eyes, answered Timur. - I'm hard for me now, I was sad. And it would be better if you caught me, I was confused, beat, than me because of you listen ... That's it.

What did you silent? - Quicks smiled. - You would say: it is, they say, not me. It's them. We stood here, near.

Yes! You would say, and we would like it for it, - inserted anent figure.

But at all, not waiting for such support, Quicks silently looked cold on his comrade. And Timur, touching trees trunks, slowly went away

Proud, Quick said quietly. - Wants to cry, and silent.

Let's blow to him at once, so pays, - said the figure and launched the Timur fir-tishka.

He ... Proud, "Quick repeated hoarsely," and you ... You're a bastard!

And, unfolding, he blurted out a fist in his forehead. The figure was hesitated, then heed out and rushed to run. Double-catch him, gave him a quicken tick in his back. Finally, Kvakin stopped, raised the frown cap; Dragging, hit her about his knee, walked over to the ice cream, took a portion, leaned against the tree and, breathing heavily, greedily swallowing ice cream to large slices.

In the glade near the shooting school Timur found Geika and Sim.

Timur! - warned him sim. - you are looking for (he seems to be very angry) Your uncle.

Yes, I go, I know.

Will you return here?

Tima! Suddenly geek said softly and took his comrade by hand. - What is it? After all, we did nothing wrong with anyone. And you know if the person is right ...

Yes, I know ... then he is not afraid of anything in the world. But he still hurts.

Timur left.

To Olga, who carried home the accordion, came to Zhenya.

Get away! - without looking at his sister, Olga responded. - I don't talk to you anymore. I am now leaving to Moscow, and you can walk with whom you want, even before dawn.

But, Olya ...

I'm not talking to you. The day after tomorrow we will move to Moscow. And there we will wait for dad.

Yes! Dad, and not you - he will know everything! - In the anger and tears, Zhenya shouted and rushed to look for Timur.

She sought Geika, Simakov and asked where Timur.

He was called home, "said Gaika." For something because of you, Uncle is very angry.

In rabies, Zhenya stunned by foot and, squeezing his fists, cried:

That's the way ... people disappear! She hugged the birch trunk, but Tanya and Nyurka jumped to her.

Zhenka! - shouted Tanya. - What's wrong with you? Zhenya, run! There came the bayanist, there were dancing there - the girls dance.

They grabbed her, slowed down and fell into a circle, inside which bright, like flowers, dresses, blouses and sundresses.

Zhenya, I don't need to cry! - Just as always, quickly and through the teeth said Nyurka. - Me when the grandmother is broken, and then I do not cry! Girls, let's better in the circle! .. jumped!

- "PR-Ryng"! - Onramed Nyurka Zhenya. And, breaking through the chain, they twisted, spinning in desperately merry dance.

When Timur returned home, his uncle was called.

I'm tired of your night adventures, - said Georgy. - Signals, calls, ropes; What was it for a strange story with a blanket?

It was a mistake.

Good mistake! You no longer lease to this girl: you do not like her sister.

I do not know. So, deserved. What are you for your notes? What are these strange meetings in the garden at dawn? Olga says you learn the girl hooliganism.

She lies, "Timur was indignant - and another Komsomolka! If it is not clear to her, she could call me, ask. And I would answer her all.

Okay. But, while you have not answered anything yet, I forbid you to approach their dacha, and in general, if you are plentiful, then I will immediately send you home to the mother.

He wanted to leave.

Uncle, "Timur stopped him," and when you were a boy, what did you do? " How to play?

Are we? .. We ran, jumping, climbed along the roofs. It happened that they fought. But our games were simple and understood everything.

To teach Zhenya, in the evening, never says a word, Olga went to Moscow.

In Moscow, she did not have anything. And therefore, without going to himself, she went to her friend, she promoted her Dothemna and only the o'clock came to her apartment. She opened the door, lit the light and immediately shuddered: the telegram was added to the door to the apartment. Olga threw the telegram and read it. The telegram was from dad.

By the evening, when the trucks were already detained from the park, Zhenya and Tanya slainly rid. The game of volleyball was covered, and Zhenya should have changed shoes on the sneakers.

She tied the lace when a woman entered the room - the mother of blond girl. The girl was lying on her hands and Dremal.

Having learned that Olga is not at home, the woman was sealed.

I wanted to leave your daughter, "she said." I didn't know that there was no sister ... The train comes tonight, and I need to meet my mother in Moscow.

Leave it, "said Zhenya. - What's Olga ... and I'm not a man, or what? Put it on my bed, and I on another block.

She sleeps calmly and now wakes only in the morning, "mother was delighted." Only occasionally needs to be approaching and straightening under her head pillow. "

Girl split, laid out. Mother gone. Zhenya pulled out the curtain to be visible through the bed window slammed the door of the terrace, and they were killed with Tanya to play volleyball, having agreed after each game to resort in turn and look like a girl sleeping.

Just they ran away, as the postman entered the porch. He pounded for a long time, and since he did not respond, he returned to the gate and asked her neighbor, did the owners left the city.

No, "the neighbor answered, - I saw the girl here now. Let me take a telegram.

A neighbor signed, put the telegram in his pocket, sat down on the bench and lit the tube. He expected Zhenya long.

An hour and a half passed. Again, the postman approached the neighbor.

Here, "he said." And what kind of fire, a hurry? " Accept, friend, and second telegram.

Neighbor signed. It was already completely dark. He walked through the gate, climbed the steps of the terrace and looked into the window. Little girl slept. Near her head on the pillow lay a red kitten. So, the owners were somewhere around the house. The neighbor opened the window and lowered both telegrams through it. They neatly lay down on the windowsill, and the returning Zhenya would have to notice them immediately.

But Zhenya did not notice them. Having come home, with the light of the moon, she straightened the girl with a cushion, the kitten turns, undressed and went to bed.

She lay for a long time, thinking about: Here it happens, life! And she is not to blame, and Olga seems to be too. But for the first time, they were seriously quarreled with Olga.

It was very disappointing. I could not sleep, and my wife wanted a bow with jam. She jumped, went to the closet, turned on the light and then saw the telegrams on the windowsill.

She became scary. She crawled down the tear and read.

In the first it was:

"I will take a pass from twelve at night to three in the morning PCC waiting for the dad's urban apartment."

In the second:

"Come immediately at night dad will be in Olga city."

With horror she looked at the clock. It was a quarter to twelve. Throwing the dress and grabbing a sleepy child, Zhenya, as a polulmy, rushed to the porch. Dressed. Put the baby on the bed. Jumped out on the street and rushed to the house of the old women of the thrush. She bunted into the door to a fist and foot until the neighbor head appeared in the window.

I am not whom, - beggingly spokening of Zhenya. "I need a thrush, aunt Masha. I wanted to leave her baby.

And what are you kidding? - slamming the window, the neighbor answered. - The mistress still went to the village in the morning in the morning.

From the side of the train station came the beep of the approaching train. Zhenya ran into the street and ran into a gray gentleman, doctor.

Sorry! - she murmured. - You do not know what a train is buzzing?

Gentleman pulled out a clock.

Twenty-three fifty five, "he answered. Today is the last one today.

How is the last? - Swallow tears, whispered Zhenya. - And when next?

The next will go in the morning, in three forty. Girl, what's wrong with you? - grabbing his headed wife, the old man asked sparkling. "Are you crying? Maybe I can help you with something?

Oh no! - Bringing sobs and running away, answered Zhenya. - Now, no one can help in the world.

The houses buried his head in the pillow, but immediately jumped up and angry looked at the sleeping girl. He came together, woven the blanket, collided from the pillow of a red kitten.

She lit the light on the terrace, in the kitchen, in the room, sat down on the sofa and shook her head. So she sat for a long time and, it seems, did not think about anything. Inadvertently, she burned the accorder right there. Machinely raised it and began to sort out the keys. Sounded melody, solemn and sad. Zhenya rudely cut the game and went to the window. The shoulders shuddered her.

Not! It is no longer to endure such a flour forces. She lit a candle and, stumbling, through the garden went to the shed.

Here is the attic. Rope, card, bags, flags. She lit a lantern, went to the helm of the wheel, found the wire they needed, hooked him for the hook and turned sharply the wheel.

Timur slept when Rita touched him behind the shoulder of the paw. He did not feel a push. And, grabbing his teeth, Rita pulled it to the floor.

Timur jumped.

What are you? - he asked, not understanding. - Did anything happen?

The dog looked into his eyes, moved his tail, Mota Mushed. Here Timur heard the ringing of the bronze bell.

Before he could need a deaf at night, he went to the terrace and took the phone phone.

Yes, I, Timur, in the apparatus. Who is this? That's you ... you, Zhenya?

At first Timur listened calmly. But his lips moved, the reddish spots went on the lip. He began to breathe often and passibly.

And only for three hours? - Worried, he asked. - Zhenya, are you crying? I hear ... you cry. Do not dare! Do not! I will come soon ...

He hung up and grabbed the train schedule from the shelves.

Yes, here it is, the last one, twenty-three fifty five. The next will only go in three forty. "It stands and bites lips." Late! " Do nothing can not be done? Not! Late!

But the Red Star in the afternoon and night burns above the gate of the groom at home. He lit her himself, his hand, and her rays, straight, sharp, shine and flicker before his eyes.

Daughter commander in trouble! The daughter of the commander inadvertently fell into an ambush.

He quickly dressed, jumped out into the street, and in a few minutes he was already standing in front of the dacha porch of the Gentleman. In the doctor's office, the light was still burning. Timur knocked. He was opened.

Who are you? - Ducho and surprised him asked his gentleman.

To you, "answered Timur.

To me? - The gentleman thought, then the door opened a wide gesture and said: "Then ... I ask you! ..

They spoke not long.

That's all that we do, clenching my eyes, finished your story Timur. - That's all that we do, how we play, and why do I need your Kolya now.

Silently, the old man got up. He took a sharp movement for Timur for his chin, raised his head, looked into his eyes and came out.

He walked into the room where Kohl slept, and pulled him over his shoulder.

Get up, "he said," Your name is.

But I don't know anything, - frightened the shutter of the eye, said Kolya. - I, grandfather, right, I do not know anything.

Get up, "Gentleman repeated dryly." You have come for your comrade. "

In the attic on a snack straw, embraced his knees with his hands, sat Zhenya. She was waiting for Timur. But instead of him in the opening of the window, an unfinished head of Kolya Kolokolchikov was asked.

Are you? - Surprised Zhenya. - What do you want?

I do not know, "Kolya answered quietly and frightened." I slept. He came. I wake up. He sent. He ordered me to go down to the gate.

I dont know. I have some knock at my head, buzz. I, Zhenya, and I do not understand anything.

Ask for permission was not anyone. Uncle spent the night in Moscow. Timur lit a lantern, took an ax, shouted the dog Rita and went out into the garden. He stopped in front of the closed door of the shed. He looked from the ax on the castle. Yes! He knew - it was impossible to do so, but there was no other way out. In a strong blow, he sneaked the castle and brought a motorcycle from the barn.

Rita! He said bitterly, kneeling and kissing a dog in the face. "You are not angry!" I could not do otherwise.

Zhenya and Kolya stood at the wicket. From afar, the rapidly approaching fire seemed. The fire flew straight on them, the crack of the engine heard. Dipped, they climbed, backed up to the fence, how suddenly the fire went out, the motor stood and there was Timur in front of them.

Kohl, "he said, not healthy and not asking anything," you will stay here and you will guard the sleeping girl. You are responsible for her in front of our team. Zhenya, sit down. Forward! To Moscow!

Zhenya screamed that she had hugged Timur and kissed.

Sit, Zhenya. Sit down! - trying to seem harsh, thymour shouted. - Hold on stronger! Well, go ahead! Forward, move!

The engine has shuffled, the beep snapped, and soon the red light disappeared from the eye of a confused one.

He stood, raised his stick and holding her upside down, as a gun went around the brightly lit cottage.

Yes, - IMPORTANT STEKAY, muttered on .- Eh, and you, you, the soldiers' service! There is no rest afternoon, no at night!

Time was suitable for three nights. Colonel Alexandrov sat at the table, on which the cooled kettle was standing and crapped sausages, cheese and breads.

In half an hour I will leave, "he said Olga." It's a pity that I didn't have to see Zhenka. " Olya, are you crying?

I do not know why she did not come. I feel sorry for her, she waited so much. Now she will completely come crazy. And she and so crazy.

Olya, - Getting up, Father said, "I don't know, I don't believe that Zhenya can get into a bad company to spoil her to command her. Not! Not such a character.

Well! - Olga was upset. - You just tell her about it. She also launched that her character was the same as you. And what is there? She climbed into the roof, pulled the rope through the pipe. I want to take the iron, and he jumps up. Dad, when you left, she had four dresses. Two - already rags. From the third she grew up, I don't give her one thing yet. And three new things I sewed myself. But everything is on it and burns. Always she in bruises, in scratches. And she, of course, is suitable, put the lips with a bow, the blue eyes will staring. Well, of course, everyone thinks - a flower, not a girl. And go. Wow! Flower! Touch and burn it. Dad, you do not invent that she has the same as yours, character. She just says about it! She will dance three days on the pipe.

Okay, - hugging Olga, Father agreed. - I will say her. I'll write her. Well, you, Olya, do not make it very much. You tell her that I love her and remember that we would come back soon and that she couldn't cry about me, because she was a daughter commander.

It will still be, - Cuddling to his father, said Olga. - And I am the daughter of the commander. And I will be too.

Father looked at the clock, walked over to the mirror, put on the belt and began to wrap the gymnaste. Suddenly the outer door slammed. Porther spread. And, somehow angularly shifting the shoulders, accurately prepared for the jump, Zhenya appeared.

But, instead of screaming, run up, jump, she silently, quickly approached and silently hid face on his father's chest. The forehead was splashed by mud, a dressed dress in stains. And Olga asked in fear:

Zhenya, where are you from? How did you get here?

Without turning the head, Zhenya dismissed his hands with a brush, and this meant: "Wait! .. Loose! .. Do not ask! .."

Father took Zhenya in his arms, sat down on the sofa, put her on his knees. He looked into her face and wipe her blank forehead with his palm.

Yes OK! You are a great man, Zhenya!

But you are all in the mud, the face is black! How did you get here? - Olga asked again.

Zhenya showed her at the Porter, and Olga saw Timur.

He shot leather car crags. His temple was smeared with yellow oil. He had a wet, tired face honestly fulfilled his work person. Hello with everyone, he tilted his head.

Dad! - jumping out of his father's knees and running towards Timur, said Zhenya. - You do not believe anyone! They do not know anything. This Timur is my very good comrade.

Father got up and, without hesitation, shook her Timur hand. A fast and triumphant smile slipped around the face of the frank - one instant she looked at Olga. And that, confused, still perplexed, went to Timur:

Well ... then hello ...

Soon the clock struck three.

Dad, - Zhenya frightened, - Do you already get up? Our clock is rushing.

No, Zhenya, that's for sure.

Dad, and your clocks are in a hurry too. "She ran to the phone, scored" time ", and from the tube came a smooth metal voice: -Try hour four minutes!

Zhenya looked at the wall and said with a sigh:

Our rush, but only one minute. Dad, take us with you to the station, we spend you to the train!

No, Zhenya, it is impossible. I have no time there.

Why? Dad, because you already have a ticket?

In soft?

In soft.

Oh, how and I would like to go far and far away in soft! ..

And now it's not a station, but some station, similar to the Moscow region, is perhaps the sorting. Ways, arrows, compositions, wagons. People are not visible. On line stands armored train. The iron window was opened, flashed and hid the face of the driver's face illuminated by flames. On the platform in the leather coat there is a father of the frank - Colonel Alexandrov. The lieutenant is suitable, trumps and asks:

Comrade Commander, allow you to go?

Yes! - Colonel looks at the watch: three hours fifty three minutes. - ordered to go to three hours fifty three minutes.

Colonel Alexandrov comes to the car and looks. Light, but in the clouds of the sky. He is taken for wet handrails. Heavy door opens in front of it. And, putting his leg on the step, smiling, he asks himself:

In soft?

Yes! In soft ...

A heavy steel door with a crash slaughters behind him. Exactly, without impetus, without clanging, all this armored romance begins and smoothly gains speed. The locomotive passes. Flower towers float. Moscow remains behind. Fog. Stars are groomed. Light.

... in the morning, not finding at home neither Timur nor a motorcycle returned from the work of Georgy immediately decided to send Timur home to the mother. He sat down to write a letter, but through the window I saw the Red Armyman walking along the path.

Red Army fell out the package and asked:

Comrade Garayev?

Georgy Alekseevich?

Take the package and lay down.

Red Armyman left. George looked at the package and whistlingly whistled. Yes! So it is, the very thing that he has long been waiting. He opened the package, read and crumpled the letter started. Now it was necessary not to refer to Timur, but to call him the mother of the telegram here, to the cottage.

Timur entered the room - and angry Georgy hit the fist on the table. But after Timur, Olga and Zhenya entered.

Hush! - Olga said. "There is no need to scream or knock." Timur is not to blame. You are guilty, and me too.

Yes, "picked up Zhenya," you don't shout at him. " Olya, you do not touch the table. Won This revolver shoots very loudly.

George looked at Zhenya, then to the revolver, on the crumpled handle of the clay ashtray. He starts to understand something, he guesses himself, and he asks:

So it was then you were here, Zhenya?

Yes, it was me. Olya, tell me to a person, but we will take Kerosene, a rag and go to clean the car.

The next day, when Olga sat on the terrace, the commander passed through the gate. He walked firmly, confidently, as if she had walked to his home, and surprised Olga rose to him to meet him. In front of her in the form of a captain of tank troops stood Georgy.

Is this what? - Olga asked quietly. - This is again ... the new role of the opera?

No, "Georgy answered." I went for a minute to say goodbye. " This is not a new role, but just a new form.

This, - Showing on the butt and a little blushing, asked Olga, is that the most? .. "We beat through iron and concrete right in the heart"?

Yes, then the most. Spread me and play, Olya, something on the long way road. He sat down. Olga took the Accordion:

... pilots pilots! Bombs-machine guns!

So flew to the far path.

When will you come back?

I do not know whether

Just come back .. at least someday.

Gay! Yes where would you be

On earth, in the sky,

Over other people's countries -

Two wings,

Red Wings,

Cute and terrible,

I am waiting for me,

As waited.

Here, "she said." But this is all about the pilots, and I don't know about the tankers of such a good song. "

Nothing, "Georgy asked." And you find me and without a song a good word. "

Olga wondered, and, looking for a good word, she fell, carefully glancing at his gray and no longer laughing eyes.

Zhenya, Timur and Tanya were in the garden.

Listen, - offered Zhenya. - Georgy is now leaving. Let's collect him all the team. Let's cut the number one call sign shaped. That will be a cross!

No need, - Timur refused.

Do not! We did not have any others.

Well, no need to do not, - I agreed to Zhenya. - You sit here, I will go to get drunk. She went away, and Tanya laughed.

What are you? - did not understand Timur. Tanya laughed even louder.

Well, well done, well, well, we have a fan! "I'll go drunk water"!

ATTENTION! - I ran away from the attic a ringing, triumphant voice of Zhenya.

I feed the number one call sign shared.

Crazy! - jumped Timur. - Yes, now a hundred people will be accepted here! What are you doing?

But already twisted, the heavy wheel creaked, shuddered, lingering the wires: "Three - Stop", "Three - Stop", stop! And raised under the roofs of Sarai, in Chulans, in the chickenurs, signal calls, ratchets, bottles, tin. One hundred not a hundred, and at least fifty guys quickly raced at the call of a familiar signal.

Olya, "Zhenya burst into a terrace," we will go to accomplish too! There are a lot of us. Looking in the window.

Ege, - pulling into the curtain, was surprised by Georgy. - Yes, you have a big team. It can be immersed in Echelon and send to the front.

It is impossible! - sighed, repeating the words of Timur, Zhenya. - Tightly finish all supervisors and commanders to drive from there our brother along the neck. It's a pity! I would be somewhere there ... in battle, in the attack. Machine guns on the line of fire! .. Per-R-Waraaya!

Per-R-Waa ... You are on the light of Bushumbach and Ataman! - Onrawned her Olga, and throwing an accrehension belt over the shoulder, she said. "Well, if you, if you wish, so to accomplish with music." They went outside. Olga played on the accordion. Then they hit the flasks, tin, bottles, sticks - it broke the homemade orchestra ahead, and sang a song.

They walked along the green streets, felt all new and new defendants. First, outsiders did not understand: why noise, thunder, scream? What is the song about? But, having understood, they smiled and who about themselves, and who and aloud wanted George a happy path. When they approached the platform, past the station, without stopping, passed military echelon.

In the first cars were redarmeys. They shook their hands, shouted. Then they went open platforms with wagons, over which the whole forest of green flare was shook. Then - wagons with horses. Horses were winding with faces, chewed hay. And they also shouted "Hurray." Finally, the platform flashed, on which there was something large, angular, thoroughly covered with gray tarpaulo. Immediately, swaying on the move of the train, stood the clock. Echelon disappeared, the train approached. And Timur said goodbye to Uncle.

Olga approached George.

Well, goodbye! - she said. - And maybe for a long time?

He shook his head and shook her hand:

I do not know ... how fate!

Beep, noise, thunder of a deafening orchestra. The train left. Olga was thoughtful. In the eyes of the Great and the most incomprehensible happiness. Timur is excited, but it is attached.

And I? - screamed Zhenya. - And they? - She showed on his comrades. "And that?" And she poked his finger on a red star. "

Whether be calm! - Dragging from thought, Timur Olga said. "You always thought about people, and they will repay you the same.

Timur raised his head. Oh, and here, and here he could not answer otherwise, this simple and cute boy!

He looked around his comrades, smiled and said:

I stand ... I look. All good! All calm, it means, and I am calm too!

A.Gaidar (1904-1941) has a wonderful story "Timur and his team." She was written in 1940. It was a disturbing time. The Second World War was already located in the territory of European countries. The threat of the upcoming war hung over our country.

Writer Gaidar wanted to create such a children's book that would suggest readers to do to be a useful homeland in a harsh wartime. No wonder during the Great Patriotic War, many thousands of Soviet guys organized "Timurovsky troops" not only in our country, but even in the occupied localities, helping the Red Army and the families of front-line.

The action is happening in the country village near Moscow. The main characters are teenage guys. They are divided into two warrant camps: one is headed by Timur, the other is the Bear Quick.

Timur united around her peers who really wanted to be useful, wanted to help the families of the military, the defenders of the Motherland. Desire it was not manifested in words, but in practice. The guys made good deeds: Coles of firewood, wore water, rolled the logs, made a swing ... Timur with friends helped not only physically, but also provided moral support. So they comforted a little girl, the father of which died. The team of pioneers helped exactly those who needed help. All this they did completely disinterestedly, secretly. They didn't need praise. At the gate of the houses of the Red Army teams, they painted five-pointed stars as the signs of their secret patronage.

Especially A.Gaidar allocates Timura - their leader. He shows him as much as everyone would like to see himself: decisive, bold, brave, honest, fair, excellent companion. Timur has high mental qualities, ready to disinterestedly sacrifice its interests for the sake of others.

Not only friends are respected for this, but also the enemies - a gang of hooligans under the leadership of Ataman Mishk Kwakina. This chaying time spends time on the game in the cards "on the chicks" and "Clicks", and at night makes "raids on the Gardens of civilians, not gentle and those houses on which the sign is standing - the Red Star", and even those where the star With black border. "

Timurovs do not like the ugly affairs of the Quicks. They put forward them ultimatum. Gaidar in his story shows the struggle of strong and fair guys against cowardly, greedy and unimustal.

I think that the book "Timur and his team" is written not only for the children of the military generation. Good human qualities were valued and will always be appreciated. The story teaches us to be friends and work in a team. However, this is not the only wonderful book of Gaidar about children, I read and wrote a review-writing on the book of Gaidar "The fate of the drummer", I also really liked it.

Lesson on the topic: Tale A. Gaidar "Timur and his team"

I don't have an extraordinary biography, and the time is extraordinary. Ordinary biography in unusual time.

A. P. GaidarObjectives lesson:

    formation of moral ideals;

    to form students of the ability to analyze the actions of heroes, comprehend the moral and aesthetic content of the story; education of reader's culture;

    formation and development of responsibility, humane relations with comrades, feelings of patriotism.

1. Today, we have a generalizing lesson on creativity by A. Gaidar, according to its work "Timur and his team". This was published in 1940, but today in 2015, when 75 years have passed, we were interested to read it .
Arkady Gaidar worked for the future and in his books always turned to children. The guys were not only readers and heroes of his stories and the leaders, but also loyal comrades, with whom he joked, laughed and talked seriously. The guys loved Gaidar for his tender voice, good-natured laughter, for being able to talk with them, as with equal. If his little friends fell into trouble, Arkady Gaidar always came to their aid.

2. Let's turn to the story.

    Who is the main characters of the story (Zhenya and Timur)

    Let's remember how they met?

    Who is opposed to Timur and his team? (Bear Quick and His Shaka)

    Why do we oppose these heroes? (they make different actions)

    What problems are worried, bother Timur and his team? (Apples steal, goat disappeared, girl crying)

    What do they do to solve these problems? (help)

    Who help Timur and his team help? (Everyone who needed)

    Let's remember in turn to whom they help? (Wear water, fold firewood)

    And how do they determine who needs help? (who had relatives were on the front)

    How did they noted those who need help? (On the gate, wicket painted a star)

    Let's define what qualities the main characters possessed

Zhenya - stubbornaya




Timur - Brave



We celebrated with you the qualities that our heroes possess, but there is another quality that can be attributed to his wife and Timur. But in order to call this quality, you need to solve the crossword.

    What word did you succeed (nobility)

    Let's check how you guess the crossword.

    And now let's turn to the sensible dictionary of Ozhegova, who explains this word as follows:

Nobility, -a, cf. 2. High morality, dedication and honesty.

Show nobility in something.
generosity, dignity, honesty; Greatness of the soul, morality, elevation, selflessness, morality, nobleness

    Now let's remember, and to whom of the heroes a little bit lacked a nobility? (Kola Kolokolchikov: He ate 4 ice cream, without sharing his younger sister)

. How old is A. P. Gaidar went to the front? (At 14.)

2. At what age A. P. Gaidar commanded the regiment? (In 17 years.)

3. What year is the story "Timur and his team"? (In 1940.)

4. Name the name Timura - the main character of the story "Timur and his team." (Garayev.)

5 What are the name of Zhenya and Olga. (Alexandrov.)

6. Name the military rank and military position of Olga and Zhenya's father.

(Colonel, armored lawsuit.)

7. Name the book of Timur's dog. (Rita.)

8. On what musical instrument playing the groom sister Olga?

(On Accordion.)

9. Who Timur was going to repair the Wires torn off Zhenya?

(With Kolya Bells.)

10. What did the team of Timur Kwakane's team sent? (Ultimatum.)

11. What kind of toy wore Zhenya little girl? (Hare.)

12. What is the name of the Kwakina Assistant Figure? (Peter Pyatakov.)

13. Where did the Kwakina's Shaka closed the guys who came for the answer to the ultimatum? (In the chapel.)

14. Where are the guys from the team of Timur closed caught guys from the Kvakina's gang?

(In the booth on the edge of the market area.)

15. What and with whom Zhenya comes to Moscow to meet with his father?

(On a motorcycle with thymour.)

16. What time did the father of Zhenya and Olga have to leave? (At three o'clock.)

17. Who organized the guys on the wires of George? (Zhenya.)

III. The conversation according to the story of A. P. Gaidar "Timur and his team." "New I write. Well here is a thing. It turns out about me there," said Gaidar unexpectedly during a conversation, which was done until the moment I was completely on the other topic. "I have it ... you understand, the colonel, father, leaving. And his daughter asks him: "You go in a soft car? » He says:"In soft ...". And he drives me, in truth, in the armor spent ... ". So told L. Cissile about the beginning of the creation of a story.1. The story begins with the fact that the daughter of Colonel Alexandrova

come on vacation in the country village near Moscow.

What happened to Zhenya before she got to his dacha?

2. Zhenya finds on the attic of the old shed headquarters.

What did Zhenya do in the attic and what happened then?

3. Zhenya meets Timur and his friends, learns about their good deeds. The team was not formed today and not yesterday, the boys are all debugged to the smallest detail. We can only guess how many kind things they made perfectly disinterestedly, nicely, together. Gaidar shows to us in Tale shows one day of the team, which begins early in the morning.

Tell us about the tasks that guys perform.

a) assistance to the old woman of the thrush;

b) folding firewood;

c) the capture of the goat;

d) a game with a little girl.

4. Humor in Tale.

Tell us about the episodes that you have called a smile (the return of goats with a plywood poster attached to the horns; the old woman, the thrush decided to fill the barrel, with a sleepy gentleman, the bell torn the blanket).

Timurovtsy do good deeds for themselves and not for their fame. Remember how they did their affairs? (So \u200b\u200bthat no one seen. secretly. They did not want to know about them, they did not seek their glory.)

Yes, the Timurov movement will remain, because there are always people who need help, and there are people who help. And in our school there were guys who helped the elders: they cleaned the snow, the firewood, folded them.

In Russia, A. Gaidar's memory was immortalized., There are Museums of Gaidar, his name is the streets of cities

VIII. Homework.

Write an essay on the topic: "Are Timurovtsy need now?".