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Non-traditional forms of lessons in the pedagogical process. Non-standard forms of teaching lessons using active teaching methods

Municipal government educational institution secondary school No. 10 in Liski

Non-standard forms of lessons

literary reading


primary school teacher,

Gotskina M.V.


Introduction ………………………………………………………………. 3

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of usenon-standardusing active teaching methodsin primary school

      Lesson - the main organizational form of training ………… 4

      Non-standard forms of literary reading lessons ………. 6

Chapter 2. Methodical aspects of usenon-standard forms of conducting literary reading lessonsusing active teaching methodsin primary school

2.1. Non-standard forms of literary reading lessons ……… ..…. 7
(games organized for the purpose of intellectual development of younger students).

2.2 Fragments of the use of non-standard forms of conducting literary reading lessons using active teaching methods in primary school ………………………………………………………………. fourteen

Conclusion …………………………………………………………. 16

Bibliography ……………………………………………….. 17


Recently, there has been a dangerous tendency to reduce the interest of schoolchildren in classes. Teachers try to stop the alienation of students from cognitive work in various ways, including using non-standard forms of classes. Non-standard forms of organization of training have the main goal of increasing interest in learning, developing cognitive activity, and ensuring the subject position of students in the educational process.

At present, primary school students in the general mass have no interest in learning, cannot evaluate themselves and their classmates, communicate with each other, work at school and at home on their own, try to do everything "just like a blueprint" to get a good grade, and not for their further development. Children are not interested in school in the classroom and they tend to go outside.

All this suggests that the problem of the formation and development of cognitive interest has been and remains relevant.

goal work - to find out whether the lessons of literary reading in a non-standard form using active teaching methods will develop the cognitive interest of younger students. (slide 2-3)


Consider the lesson as the main organizational form of learning ;;

Give a description of non-standard forms of literary reading lessons;

To develop lessons in literary reading in a non-standard form using active teaching methods.

Lesson is the main organizational form of learning

The lesson as a form of teaching refers to the classroom teaching system. It is a collective form of organization of training, which is characterized by a constant composition of students, a certain time frame of classes (40-45 minutes), a firmly established schedule and the organization of educational work on the same material. The structure and methodology of conducting a lesson depends on those didactic goals and tasks that are solved in the process of studying a particular topic.

The main types of lessons that are held in a modern school are as follows: (slide 4)

a) lessons are mixed, or combined;

b) lessons of communicating new knowledge by the teacher;

c) lessons to consolidate the studied material;

d) lessons of repetition, systematization and generalization of the studied material;

e) lessons in testing and assessing knowledge.

Of all these types of lessons, the main lesson remains, which is a unit of the class-lesson system.

A lesson is a complete, time-limited part of the educational process, during which teaching and educational problems are solved.

In the lesson, in a complex interaction, the goal, content and methods of teaching are presented, the personality and skill of the teacher, the individual and age characteristics of students are manifested, the goals and objectives of teaching, upbringing, and development are being realized.

The lesson uses frontal, group and individual work with students.

In the frontal form of work, the teacher directly controls the entire composition of the class, organizing the cooperation of all students and determining a uniform pace of work for them. The frontal shape allows you to lead students at the same pace of work and towards a common goal. However, it is not designed to accommodate their individual differences. With her, not all students successfully assimilate knowledge, form skills and abilities. Some students are lagging behind or not satisfied with the pace of work. The pace of the lesson may seem fast to the weak, but slow to the strong student. For this reason, weak students will leave the lesson without having mastered the teaching material, while the strong will not expand and deepen their knowledge insufficiently.

In the group form of organizing educational work, the teacher controls the activities of groups of students in the class. Group forms can be divided into cooperative-group, differentiated-group.

The choice of this or that form of work in the lesson depends on the tasks that the teacher sets in a particular lesson.

Working with children of primary school age, a large volume of material can be given in a playful, exciting and accessible form for children. The lesson should not only increase the stock of systematic knowledge of students, but also instill in them the desire and ability to learn. The emotional background of the lesson should help children to better and deeper assimilate the content of the material. There is a close relationship between knowledge and cognitive interests. Only educational activity, built with the dominance of elements, forms and rules of play activity, with its liveliness, spontaneity and emotionality, contributes to the desire to learn with joy and pleasure.

Taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of younger students, the teacher should try to diversify the lesson with games, riddles, puzzles, crosswords, bright catchy clarity.

Non-standard forms of literary reading lessons (slide 5)

Not all students enjoy reading lessons. After all, the favorite for many is difficult mathematics, the Russian language with its exercises, for others - physical education, drawing. Only a few students in the class will prioritize reading lessons. Reason: children love real work, work. They are not yet fully aware of the need for fruitful work, but the work done brings the student satisfaction, strengthens self-esteem and self-respect. Always and everyone is busy working on their favorite lesson. The same cannot be said for reading lessons. Let's take a closer look: one reads aloud - the rest, without a sense of responsibility, listen to the already familiar text. There is no such feeling when reading to oneself: the task is easy or, if more difficult, without specific instructions for the correct organization of mental work for its implementation. At best, 2-3 pupils will speak with a retelling. In conversation, the teacher, we admit, often relies on the most developed students. And other aspects of the lesson do not sufficiently organize the student's work. Reading lessons are often boring.

To introduce children to the world of fiction, to awaken their interest in books and reading, to lay the foundations of a reading culture, a variety of forms of conducting literary reading lessons helps: games, KVN, quizzes, travel, generalization of knowledge, theatrical compositions. Their content is aimed at improving the expressiveness of speech, enriching the vocabulary of students, developing the reader's interest and enhancing the mental activity of younger students.

Chapter 2. Methodical aspects of usenon-standard forms of conducting literary reading lessonsusing active teaching methodsin primary school

Literary reading lessons will be uninteresting and boring if you do not include various audio tools in their content. For example, in the lesson “Literary living room”, children can listen to the recordings of exemplary reading of small-volume works. This teaches expressive reading, the ability to feel the mood, to determine the character of the characters. Reading poetry to a well-chosen phonogram evokes a storm of emotions in the souls of young listeners, a desire to try to evoke the same feelings in others. They increase the creative and intellectual potential of students, expand and consolidate the knowledge gained such lessons as quiz lessons, games encrypted with the help of riddles, crosswords, fraught with great opportunities for the development of the child's creative abilities, memory training (in the classroom, crosswords are not advisable to test erudition students, but for better assimilation of factual material).

The tasks that children receive in the lessons of non-standard forms help them to live in an atmosphere of creative search that inspires them, and constantly develops their speech. The tasks are varied: fill out a questionnaire (test), answer letters from the hero of the work, prepare a signature for illustrations from the work, etc.

But active learning lessons are useful when they find the right place among the usual types of lessons.

Games organized for the purpose of intellectual development of younger students in literary reading lessons (slide 6-15)

Analyzing skill games:

find a pair: for example, for a hero, positive or negative;

find unnecessary: \u200b\u200bafter reading the text, you can invite the children to choose from the list of events that which was not in the work;

riddles: it will be very good to start work on a work with a riddle about the hero. This will interest the students and set them up for further work in the lesson.

One of the types of active play methods is a crossword puzzle, which conceals great opportunities for the development of the child's creative abilities, memory training. This is a task game consisting of filling in intersecting rows of cells with words. The greatest interest among junior schoolchildren is caused by crosswords, encrypted not usually, but with the help of riddles that require ingenuity from the child, poetic invention. In such a crossword puzzle, the names of the heroes of the work, the names of cities, streets, structures that are mentioned in the work can be encrypted. In addition, while working with a crossword puzzle, students can repeat the spelling of words, i.e. the teacher can carry out interdisciplinary communication with the Russian language.

Working with crosswords is possible at all stages of the lesson, but it is especially effective when consolidating the material. With the help of crosswords, you can also solve some issues of an individual and differentiated approach to students. Typically, well-performing students finish their work early in class. And so that they do not get bored and do not interfere with others, they can be offered small crosswords on the topic under study.

Composing crosswords by the students themselves gives no less important didactic effect than solving crosswords. In the process of compiling a crossword puzzle, the logic of thinking, perseverance, the desire to complete the work begun, perseverance, dedication develops.

To train your memory, you can use various games aimed at developing a certain type of memory.

Game "Who's Bigger?" trains motor-auditory memory or speech motor.

The teacher pronounces a sentence - one of the events from the read work, and points to one of the children. He must repeat this sentence and add his event, pointing to the next student. He repeats the sentences that have already been pronounced, and adds his own, etc.

Games like "Proofreading" are aimed at developing attention and visual memory.

The teacher writes several sentences on a piece of paper with the omission of some words in the sentence from the studied work. The student is allowed to read this text only once, immediately correcting mistakes with a colored pencil. Then he gives the sheet to the second student, who corrects the left mistakes with a pencil of a different color. Several competing pairs are playing.

Game "Who is faster!" carried out to determine the speed of thought processes.

It is necessary to quickly fill in the missing names of objects, things, etc. in the description of any painting from a work of art.

The inclusion of didactic, role-playing games in the lesson significantly activates the cognitive activity of the younger student. Games are used both as a teaching method and as a means of organizing students at all stages of the lesson. Favorite animals, toys, heroes of fairy tales come to the class with a variety of tasks (in an envelope, in a pocket, in a bag). During the lesson, children help Pinocchio to get the golden key, help Kolobok out when he meets different characters from the fairy tale. By teaching literary characters, children learn for themselves.

The game awakens an interest in winning, so children try to accurately complete tasks, observing the rules of the game. At the same time, they have a desire to be quick, collected, resourceful. Discipline, will, character are brought up.

Methods such as "Gallery of portraits", "Let's smile at each other", "Say hello to your elbows" dynamically help to start a literary reading lesson. Children, completing the task, should touch, smile, give the names of as many classmates as possible. Such funny games allow you to start a literary reading lesson in a fun way, warm up before more serious exercises, and helps to establish contact between students within a few minutes.

It is very important for a teacher to include active methods of clarifying goals, expectations, fears in a literary reading lesson. Methods such as "Tree of Expectations", "Glade of Snowflakes", "Multicolored Sheets", "Orchard" allow the teacher to better understand the class and each student, and then use the materials received to implement a student-centered approach to students. The methods are as follows. Students are handed out snowflakes, apples, lemons, pre-cut paper cut out of paper (it is possible to link objects with the topic of the literary reading lesson) and are invited to try to more clearly define what they expect (would like to receive) from today's literary reading lesson, learning in general and what fear, having written and attached to a certain clearing, tree, etc. After implementation, the formulated goals, wishes, concerns are systematized and the results are summed up. In the process of a literary reading lesson, the teacher regularly has to communicate new material to the students. Such methods of presentation of educational material as "Inf-guessing", "Cluster", "Brainstorming" allow you to orient students in the topic, to present them with the main directions of movement for further independent work with new material. The topic of the lesson is written on the board. The rest of the board space is divided into sectors, numbered but not yet filled. Pupils are encouraged to consider which aspects of the topic will be discussed further. For example, this method works very effectively when studying the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. As they work with the topic, children highlight key points and write them into sectors. A clear division of the general flow of information received contributes to a better perception of the material. After the presentation, it is possible to conduct a short discussion on the topic and, if the children have questions, the teacher gives answers to them.

In literary reading lessons in elementary school, independent work, as a rule, means reading a work or an excerpt from a work with a specific goal that the teacher sets for the students. When organizing independent work, it is important that students are interested in working through new material. How can this be done? Of course, using active methods! To work on the topic of the lesson, the methods "Beehives", "Business cards" are used for groups of replacement or permanent composition. For discussion and decision-making - methods "traffic light", "on the line of fire". For the presentation of the material of independent work of children, such methods as "Info-carousel", "Bus stop", "Creative workshop" are very interesting.

Methodology "Carpet of Ideas". “Carpet of ideas” is one of the methods for solving the problem. It takes place in three stages. Students are divided into 3-4 groups.

The first step is understanding the problem. Participants are invited to answer the question why there is such a problem: the question can be taken from the textbook after the text, or suggested by the teacher. Each group receives colored sheets of paper and small colored sticky notes. Pupils answer the question of the problem, for example, why did the hero of the work do this? Did he do it right? The group writes down the answers on sheets of colored paper the size of an album sheet, then hangs out on the "Carpet of Ideas" poster.

The second stage is finding solutions. What can be changed in this situation? Each group proposes their answers and writes them down on sheets of colored paper.

The third stage is the individualization of activity. What will I personally do to change the existing situation.

The fourth step is evaluating ideas. Individual decision making: what can I do to solve the problem and what I will try to do.

The "Creative workshop" method is used with great success in generalizing literary reading lessons. For the lesson, children prepare drawings, illustrations on a given topic, write essays, poems, stories, select proverbs, in labor lessons they make notebooks, books of unusual shapes. The task is to divide into groups, create and present a group project on a given topic. You must first draw up a plan for the placement of the material brought to the lesson, the design of the title page. Work takes 20-25 minutes. After this time, each group or its representative must present their project. In the course of the practical activities of the students, the study room turns into a real creative workshop. At the end of the lesson, wonderful creations appear. Each solution is unique and expressive. The main goal of this lesson is to learn how to work together in groups, listen to the opinions of your comrades, and collectively create wonderful works (pictures, newspapers, books) from materials collected together.

Don't forget about the restorative power of relaxation in class. After all, sometimes a few minutes is enough to shake yourself up, to have fun and actively relax, to restore energy. Active methods - physical minutes: "Earth, air, fire and water", "Bunnies" and many others will allow you to do this without leaving the class. If the teacher himself takes part in this exercise, in addition to benefit for himself, he will also help insecure and shy students to participate more actively in the exercise.

Method 6 x 6 ("Six by six"). The work takes place in two stages.

At the first stage, each group receives a separate task. For example, it can be a creative task (to draw the main character), or students can be asked to come up with the end of the story, or continue the story, etc. As a result of the work, the participants in the groups receive new knowledge and skills, while each of them prepares to present the results of the work of his group to the participants in other groups.

At the second stage, there is a change of groups so that in each of the new groups there are representatives of all groups from the first stage. First, each participant in a new group presents the results of the work of his group from the first stage, and then the whole group together performs tasks using the knowledge or skills acquired at the first stage, that is, they consider one issue from three positions and develop a general conclusion of trilateral cooperation.

You can complete the literary reading lesson by applying methods such as "Chamomile", "Amanita", "Wise advice", "Final circle". Children tear off chamomile petals, pass colored leaves in a circle, etc. and answer the main questions related to the topic of the lesson written on the back. These methods help to effectively, competently and interestingly summarize the lesson. For the teacher, this stage is very important, because it allows you to find out what the children have learned well and what you need to pay attention to in the next lesson. In addition, student feedback allows the teacher to adjust the lesson for the future.

Literary reading lessons, like any other lesson, using active teaching methods are interesting not only for students, but also for teachers. But haphazard, ill-considered use of them does not give good results. Therefore, it is very important to actively develop and introduce into the lesson your author's game methods in accordance with the individual characteristics of your class. The use of active methods strengthens the motivation to learn and develops the best aspects of the student.

It is not necessary to apply these techniques all in one lesson.

In the classroom, a perfectly acceptable working noise is created when discussing problems: sometimes, due to their psychological age characteristics, elementary school children cannot cope with their emotions. Therefore, these methods are best introduced gradually, fostering a culture of discussion and cooperation in students.

Usage snippetsnon-standard forms of conducting literary reading lessonsusing active teaching methodsin primary school

The task

You receive fabulous scrolls with upside-down titles printed on them. Your task is to guess Andersen's tale.

1. Fiery courtier ("The Snow Queen")

2. Tame ducklings ("Wild Swans")

3. The old trousers of the maid ("The new dress of the king")

4. Gulliver ("Thumbelina")

5. Alyonushka ("The Little Mermaid")

The task

Imagine this situation: passionate book lovers who have read a large number of H.C. Andersen's tales are gathered together. It will not be difficult for them to answer interesting questions about these works. You may ask: "What do we have to do with it?"

And despite the fact that our next competition is a competition for book lovers! And now the opposing teams will try to show off their knowledge

1. Which hero of the tale went blind without losing his sight? (Kai from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen")

2. How was Thumbelina born? (From a grain of barley)

3. Who has the Ugly Duckling become? (Into a beautiful swan)

4. What price did the mermaids pay to the Witch for the opportunity to save the Little Mermaid? (They gave their hair to the Witch)

5. In what fairy tale did the heroine sew shirts from nettles? ("Wild Swans")

The taskLet's play associations.

What human qualities come to mind when you hear the names of these heroes?

1. Thumbelina - small, fragile, beautiful, kind.

2. The ugly duckling is patient, kind, offended, ugly.

3. The naked king is dandy, fashionable, lazy, arrogant.

4. Eliza is kind, hardworking, selfless, innocent.

The taskOn the fabulous scrolls, the heroes of the tale are encrypted. Name them.

    Fairy tale "Thumbelina"

Answer: mole, mouse, beetle, toad, swallow, elf

    Tale "The Ugly Duckling"

Answer: duck, duckling, cat, chicken, old woman, mistress, rooster.

I will name various fairy tales, if the author is Andersen, you clap your hands, if not, then you squat. (The Swineherd, The Steadfast Tin Soldier, Little Red Riding Hood, The Little Mermaid, Ognivo, Cinderella, Teremok, The Princess and the Pea, The Turnip, The Snow Queen).

The Literary Living Room

Welcome to the literary living room. Now we will get acquainted with another fairy tale by H.K. Andersen's "Darning needle". Team members will compete in expressive reading.


Our time is a time of change. Now Russia needs people who are able to make non-standard decisions, who are able to think creatively. Unfortunately, the modern mass school still retains a non-creative approach to the assimilation of knowledge. Monotonous, stereotyped repetition of the same actions kills interest in learning. Children are deprived of the joy of discovery and may gradually lose the ability to be creative.

In the last decade, interest in the literary education of primary schoolchildren has greatly increased. A new view of the initial link has taken root in the pedagogical community; it is now rightly considered not only as a preparatory stage prior to obtaining secondary education, but also as an age characterized by meaningful cognitive activity.

By virtue of the psychological nature, a person is not characterized by passive (reproductive), but active (creative) perception of the text. Therefore, the activation of mental activity, stimulation of the process of children's creativity, inclusion in conscious creativity is the main task facing the primary school teacher. For this purpose, active teaching methods are used in modern practice.

The introduction of active forms and methods in teaching has shown that the reasonable and appropriate use of these methods significantly increases the interest of students in the subject, increases the developmental effect of learning. Active methods play a guiding, enriching, systematizing role in the mental development of children, contribute to the active comprehension of knowledge, while the speech of students develops, the experience of interaction in a team is formed.

REFERENCES (slide 16)

    Baryshnikova G.B. Theory and methods of teaching younger students: a textbook. - Yaroslavl: YAGPU Publishing House, 2010 .-- 313 p.

    Kulakova EL. Development of creative abilities of students in the process of design and educational research activities // Research activities of students in the modern educational space: Sat. Art. / Under total. ed. A.S. Obukhov. M., 2006.

    Lazarev V.S. Management of innovations at school / V.S. Lazarev. - M., 2008.

    Omorokova M.I. Reading in primary school: Method. pos. - Tula: Publishing house "Rodnichok"; M .: Publishing house "Astrel", "AST", 2003.

    Petrova I.A. Handbook of primary school teachers / I.A. Petrova and others - M .: Astrel, 2009.

    Podlasy I.P. Primary school pedagogy / I.P. Sour. - M., 2008.

    Savinova S.V. Non-standard lessons in elementary school. Volgograd. Publishing house "Teacher", 2002

    Federal State Educational Standard for Primary Education. - M .: Education, 2010.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketova Faculty of Education . Department of TIMDiPPP

lesson non-standard school teacher

Coursework in Pedagogy

Non-standard forms of lesson organization

Completed: Art. gr. PiP-12

Shutova T

Karaganda 2009

  • Introduction
    • 1.3 Types of non-standard lessons
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • application


Each teacher has the main task - to give solid and deep knowledge of the subject to each student, to show children their inner resources, to instill in them the desire to learn, the desire to learn new things, to teach children to think critically, to test their knowledge, to prove. In addition to traditional types of lessons, we also have non-traditional or non-standard lessons, that is, lessons with a non-standard structure. A non-standard lesson is an improvisation of educational material.

The topic of non-standard learning is not completely new. Ya.A. Komensky, Sh.A. Amonashvilli, K.D. Ushinsky, V.F. Shatolov and many, many others studied non-traditional teaching and actively introduced it into their practice. Today this topic is very relevant. In recent years, interest in non-traditional learning has increased significantly. This is due to the social transformations taking place in our country, which created certain conditions for the restructuring processes in the field of education - the creation of new types of schools, the active implementation of various pedagogical innovations, copyright programs and textbooks into practice.

The organization of non-traditional developmental education presupposes the creation of conditions for mastering the methods of mental activity by schoolchildren. Mastering them not only provides a new level of assimilation, but also gives significant shifts in mental development. The orientation of the modern school towards the humanization of the educational process and the diversified development of the child's personality presupposes, in particular, the need for a harmonious combination of the actual educational activity, within the framework of which basic knowledge, skills and abilities are formed, with creative activities related to the development of individual inclinations of students, their cognitive activity. the ability to independently solve non-standard tasks and the like.

Relevance. The active introduction into the traditional educational process of a variety of developmental activities, specifically aimed at the development of the child's personal-motivational and analytical-synthetic spheres, memory, attention, spatial imagination and a number of other important mental functions, is in this regard one of the most important tasks of the teaching staff.

Today, everyone who wants to change the state of affairs, who wants to create something completely new, progressive, must achieve success, must understand that the renewal of the school requires serious intellectual activity, an innovative type of thinking. Innovation is the kind of activity that is necessary to solve intellectual issues with effective ways and means of achieving success.

The purpose of the course work is to explore the essence of a modern lesson and its modifications. In accordance with the formulated goal, the tasks of the course work were determined:

Explore the essence of the modern lesson as the basis of the educational process;

Reveal the distinctive features of non-standard forms of education in a modern school;

Consider the types of non-standard lessons;

Study the pedagogical experience of educators-innovators in organizing and conducting non-standard and modified lessons;

The object of the research is the educational activity of a teacher and a student.

The subject of the research is a modified modern lesson.

Chapter 1. Modern lesson and forms of its organization in the educational process

1.1 Concept, basic theoretical aspects and conditions for improving a modern lesson

Modern pedagogy considers the main purpose of upbringing as the creation of optimal conditions for the versatile and harmonious development of the personality, for its self-actualization.

A.S. Makarenko wrote: "... the uncertainty of the educational process at school, the incandescence of the pedagogical forces, the fear of a bold initiative reduces the effectiveness of the work of even talented teachers."

This problem is characteristic of our time as well. One of its main reasons is uncertainty, confusion, vagueness and inaccuracy in understanding education as the main pedagogical category. And the origins of this paradoxical phenomenon were noted by K.D. Ushinsky: "The art of upbringing has the peculiarity that it seems to almost everyone to be familiar and understandable, and even easy to do, - and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it, theoretically or practically ...".

Ya.A. Comenius infinitely believed in the power of education. He took the words of Cicero as the epigraph of his work "Mother's School": "The foundation of the entire state is in the correct education of youth." According to Ya.A. Comenius, education should be aimed at achieving three goals: knowledge of oneself and the world around us (mental education) self-management (moral education).

I. Pestalozzi, a Swiss educator - democrat, says that the goal of education is to develop the abilities and talents of a person inherent in him by nature, to constantly improve them and thus ensure "the harmonious development of human forces and abilities."

Today, the main goal of the secondary school is to contribute to the mental, moral, emotional and physical development of the individual. The attitude towards the development of the personality of a growing person gives "a human dimension" to such goals of the school as the development in young people of a conscious civic position, readiness for life, work and social creativity.

All the most important in the educational process for the student is done in the lesson. Let us turn to the well-known quote by V.A. Sukhomlinsky: "A lesson is a mirror of the general and pedagogical culture of a teacher, a measure of his intellectual wealth, an indicator of his outlook and erudition."

A modern lesson is, first of all, a lesson in which the teacher uses all the capabilities of the student, his active mental growth, deep and meaningful assimilation of knowledge, to form his moral foundations.

The original scientific idea of \u200b\u200bthe modern lesson is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of teaching, upbringing and education.

The general function of a modern lesson is the holistic formation and development of the student's personality on the basis of developing and educational training.

A modern lesson means:

Arming students with deep and conscious knowledge, using this process for the comprehensive development of the personality.

Teaching students their own knowledge acquisition activities.

Formation of strong motives for learning, constant self-improvement, self-study, self-education.

The effective impact of the lesson on the mental development of students.

Education of volitional qualities, motives and experience of behavior.

Formation of the moral foundations of the individual, focused on universal human values.

Education of a culture of feelings.

The purpose of a modern lesson is triune and consists of three interrelated, interacting aspects: cognitive, developmental and upbringing.

The target connections of a modern lesson are systemic in nature, and the higher the feasibility of its design and its implementation, the higher the level of integrity of the lesson. The goal is a pre-programmed result that a person should receive in the future in the process of carrying out a particular activity. Goal-setting is the process of forming a goal, the process of its deployment. Purposefulness is a process during which a goal from an internal goal of a person passes into its consequence - into the actual behavior of a person, during which one or another final result of his activity is formed.

The threefold goal of a modern lesson is a teacher-pre-programmed result to be achieved by the teacher and students at the end of the lesson. The triune goal of the lesson includes 3 aspects: cognitive, educational and developmental.

Cognitive aspect of a modern lesson:

To teach and teach each student to independently acquire knowledge.

To fulfill the main requirements for mastering knowledge: completeness, depth, awareness, consistency, consistency, flexibility, efficiency, strength.

To form skills - precise, error-free actions, brought to the point of automatism.

To form skills is a combination of knowledge and skills that ensure the successful implementation of an activity.

To form what the student should learn, be able to as a result of work in the lesson.

When planning the educational goal of the lesson, it is advisable to indicate what level of quality of knowledge, abilities and skills students are invited to achieve in this lesson: reproductive, constructive or creative.

One and the same developmental aspect of the lesson goal can be formulated for the triune goals of several lessons, and sometimes for lessons of the whole topic.

The developing aspect of a modern lesson consists of several blocks:

Development of speech.

Development of thinking.

Development of the sensory sphere (eye).

Development of the motor sphere.

The upbringing aspect of the goal should provide for the use of the content of the educational material, teaching methods, forms of organizing cognitive activity in their interaction for the implementation of the formation and development of moral, labor, aesthetic, patriotic, environmental and other qualities of the student's personality. It should be aimed at fostering a correct attitude towards universal human values, a high sense of civic duty.

Upbringing teaching is such teaching, in the process of which the purposeful formation of the students' attitudes planned by the teacher to the various phenomena of the surrounding life that the student encounters in the lesson is organized.

The task of the teacher in the lesson is the formation of humane relations in the lesson. The result of the teacher's work is assessed through the following qualitative characteristics:

1 - purposefulness of his activities in the lesson;

2 - the nature of relationships with students;

3 - individual and personal approach to students;

4 - a differentiated approach to teaching;

5 - the teacher's ability to match the content of educational material, teaching methods and forms of organizing the cognitive activity of students;

6 - the work of the teacher in the formation and development of general educational skills and abilities;

7 - work on the development of cognitive interest;

8 - the work of the teacher in the formation of knowledge, abilities and skills and arming students with methods of cognitive activity;

9 - focusing efforts on the formation of concepts;

10 - development of the general abilities of students;

11 - objectivity in the assessment of students' knowledge, the combination of the use of assessment and grade;

12 - the effectiveness of efforts that develop personality;

13 - the effectiveness of educational influences.

As you can see, the assessment of the result of the teacher's work in the classroom is a rather multifaceted and complex process. It does not end with the characterization of these criteria, because the results of the students' work in the lesson are also the criteria for the teacher's work.

Pedagogical science and school practice direct their efforts towards finding ways to improve the lesson. The main directions are as follows.

Strengthening the purposefulness of the activities of the teacher and students in the lesson. One of the important tasks of a teacher is to mobilize students to fulfill the assigned tasks, to achieve goals directly in the classroom. To do this, it is necessary to plan each lesson so that it provides the shortest paths to the goal, and first of all, the structure, methodology and teaching tools are outlined in strict accordance with the goal.

Implement organizational clarity of each lesson from the first to the last minute. Before recess, the necessary visual aids for the lesson, technical aids, school supplies, reference and additional literature are prepared, everything you need is laid out for each workplace. Also for this it is possible to put an interesting task in front of the students, including them in the work from the first minute of the lesson. Instead of homework, various methods of frontal accelerated testing are used - test written work, programming, punch cards, etc.

Increasing the cognitive independence and creative activity of students. The most interesting direction is associated with the use of methods and techniques of problem learning in the classroom and the creation of problem situations as a means of increasing the cognitive activity of students, this contributes to improving the quality of knowledge and developing the necessary skills and abilities. It also provides for independent work of students with educational and scientific literature, dictionaries, reference books and encyclopedias, tables, diagrams, graphs, maps.

Optimization of the educational process. Purposeful choice of the best option for constructing a process that provides for a certain time the maximum efficiency of solving educational problems in the given specific conditions of a school, a certain class. It is necessary to choose the best options for combining various methods, techniques, teaching aids, leading the shortest path to achieving the objectives of the lesson.

Intensification of the educational process in the classroom. The more educational and cognitive actions and operations performed by students per lesson, the higher the intensity of educational work. The degree of intensity of educational work depends on the productivity of using every minute of the lesson, the skill of the teacher, the preparation of students, the organization of the classroom, the availability of the necessary equipment and its rational placement, the correct alternation of work and rest, etc. In the context of intensified learning, students master knowledge mainly in the classroom, and there is no need to memorize the material at home. Instead of memorizing, students get the opportunity to better comprehend and consolidate it, complete creative tasks that arouse their interest, a sense of intellectual satisfaction from a job well done.

Implementation of intersubject and intrasubject communications. During the transition to new material, tasks and questions are posed for reproduction and subsequent correction, which are basic for the assimilation of new material knowledge and practical skills and abilities. This knowledge is acquired by students in the learning process or on the basis of personal observations, while studying a given subject or related disciplines. These can be ideas, concepts, laws, formulas, numerical data that create a support, a foundation for full perception and understanding of new knowledge. But the reproduction of basic knowledge should be accompanied by its improvement: the addition of incomplete knowledge, deepening of superficial knowledge, expansion of narrow knowledge, correction of erroneous knowledge. Intrasubject in interdisciplinary communications are also carried out in order to achieve generalization and systematization of a wide range of knowledge. Interdisciplinary communications contribute to the assimilation of a system of knowledge about objects, which are studied by individual elements in various academic disciplines.

Improving the typology and structure of the lesson.

Thus, the main components of a modern lesson were identified and the conditions for its improvement were considered. Next, we will explore the possibility of conducting non-standard lessons at school.

1.2 Distinctive features of non-standard forms of education in a modern school

One of the ways to form interest in the subject is the rational organization of the learning process, that is, the use of forms and techniques that stimulate the independence and activity of students at all stages of learning, the use of intellectual games (puzzles, crosswords, riddles, etc.). Amusement in the lesson is not an end in itself, but serves the tasks of developing learning. Stimulates cognitive passion. In these lessons, students fully realize their abilities and creative independence. Non-standard lessons develop memory, thinking, imagination, independence, initiative and will of children, bring animation and elements of entertainment into the lesson, and increase interest in knowledge. The teacher is obliged to make serious work entertaining and productive. Game tasks should completely coincide with educational ones, form the need to actively relate to the educational process. Non-standard lessons should be adapted according to the age of the children.

The importance of the above classes in the general educational process is due, first of all, to the fact that the educational activity itself, in its traditional understanding, is aimed at the assimilation by the collective of students as a whole of the requirements of the basic school curriculum, which is not duly associated with creative activity. paradoxically, it can lead to inhibition of the intellectual development of children. Getting used to performing standard tasks aimed at consolidating basic skills, which have a single solution and, as a rule, the only predetermined way to achieve it based on some algorithm, children practically do not have the opportunity to act independently, effectively use and develop their own intellectual potential. On the other hand, the solution of only typical tasks impoverishes the personality of the child, since in this case the high self-esteem of students and their assessment of their abilities by teachers depends mainly on diligence and diligence and does not take into account the manifestation of a number of individual intellectual qualities, such as invention, ingenuity , ability for creative search, logical analysis and synthesis. Thus, one of the main motives for using developing exercises is to increase the creative-search activity of children, which is equally important for students whose development corresponds to the age norm or is ahead of it (for the latter, the framework of the standard program is simply cramped), and for schoolchildren, requiring special correct work, since their lag in development and, as a consequence, reduced academic performance in most cases are associated precisely with insufficient development of basic mental functions.

Another important reason prompting more active implementation of specific developmental exercises in the educational process is the ability to conduct an effective diagnosis of the intellectual and personal development of children, which is the basis for targeted planning of individual work with them. The possibility of such continuous monitoring is due to the fact that waving games and exercises are based, for the most part, on various psychodiagnostic methods, and, thus, the indicators of students' performance of certain tasks provide school psychologists with direct information about the current level of development of children. The possibility of presenting tasks and exercises mainly in a playful way, which is most accessible for children at this stage, characteristic of the first months of a child's stay at school, of a change in leading activity (transition from play to learning) helps to smooth and reduce the adaptation period. It should also be noted that the playful, exciting nature of the tasks, which are at the same time psychological tests, reduces the stress factor of checking the level of development, allows children with increased anxiety to more fully demonstrate their true capabilities.

Along with the traditional forms of education, nontraditional ones have been widely used recently.

Non-standard lessons can be conducted in the form of:

Competitions and games (competition, quiz, tournament, business game);

Public communication (auction, rally, discussion, dispute, teleconference, dialogue);

In the form of a lesson based on fantasy (surprise, fairy tale);

Combined lesson with another organization (lesson-workshop, lesson-consultation);

A lesson, the main one on imitation activities (correspondence excursion, excursion into the past, literary walk, literary living room, interview, reportage);

Transferred from extracurricular activities to a lesson (KVN, "gatherings", "Field of Miracles", "Happy Accident", "Finest Hour", etc.);

An integrated lesson (when one subject penetrates into another).

1.3 Types of non-standard lessons

Collective types of work in the classroom.Collective types of work make the lesson more interesting, lively, educate students to a conscious attitude to educational work, make it possible to repeat material many times, help the teacher explain, consolidate and constantly monitor the knowledge, skills and abilities of students with a minimum amount of time.

One of the collective types of work is a quiz. It is carried out in any team and requires a lot of preparation. Such lessons are held like holidays, because every student wants to pick up a question so that it is not immediately possible to answer it. But if no one can answer the question, then the child must answer himself. The number of questions must be determined in advance. Questions should not be repeated. If they are weak, then the mark is not given, but you need to thank the child for participating. This does not deter children, especially the weak ones, so all students are actively involved. Depending on the level of preparedness of the class, the questions can be either easy or difficult. Difficult questions keep the mind working. Each class receives at least ten questions that would carry information, arouse students' desire to think, compare facts. But the interest of the students, their enthusiasm in the work on quizzes pays for all the time and effort spent.

Quizzes can also be conducted when questioning homework, when fixing the topic for 3-5 minutes, forms like "What? Where? When?", "Happy accident" (Appendix No. 1,2), "Field of miracles", as well as dramatization, illustrations, applications.

You can use envelopes or cards with questions, attract a jury, make beautiful decorations and gifts for the winners. After studying a whole section, the time of the quiz can be increased.

In unusual lessons, children are actively involved in the lesson, think creatively, do not wait for the end of the lesson, do not keep track of the time, the lesson brings them great joy.

Lecture - "paradox"... An unusual lesson is in the form of a "paradox" lecture. Its purpose is to repeat the material, develop thinking and attention.

Lecture - hypertext. Lecture - hypertext is also used as a modern teaching method. Most of the texts in the textbooks are complex, obscure and far from the personal interests of the students.

Lecture - hypertext allows you to activate memory, attention and volitional qualities of a person, necessary for the appropriation of ready-made information. It is needed in the lessons of learning new and primary consolidation in order to perceive and understand the material.


1) Carries a large amount of information.

2) Contains enough new information.

3) Includes scientific concepts.

4) Difficult for independent study.

Work algorithm:

1. Organization of activities (the teacher sets and forms, together with the students, the topic and the purpose of studying the topic, presents texts, for example, a paragraph of the textbook).

2. Speaking of hypertext (the teacher explains the hypertext close to the text, in the same sequence, making sketches or notes on the board) - at this moment, based on visual and auditory perception, conditions are created for the primary memorization of information.

3. Structuring the hypertext (the teacher gives the task to divide the text into parts, find the boundaries between them, highlight the main thoughts and give titles to the sections) - at this stage, students create a plan for presenting the material right in the text.

4. Group work on questions to the text:

A) preparation of questions (in 3-5 minutes 5-7 questions that have specific direct answers in the text);

B) exchange of questions (groups exchange questions, continuing to search and name aloud verbatim answers);

C) correction (the teacher forms, if necessary, additional questions, corrects and advises students).

5. Group work on questions on the text:

A) preparation of questions (groups are asked to prepare 3-5 questions in the text, to which there is no direct answer in the text, but can be answered by understanding the material);

B) exchange of questions (groups exchange questions, finding the answer in thoughts);

C) correction (the teacher participates in the discussion and helps in understanding the material).

6. Individual control task (questions, text, exercises, etc.).

Lecture - hypertext is used in grades 5-11 and is effective in all academic subjects. It has its pros and cons.


1) allows you to organize a large volume;

2) material difficult in content;

3) students learn new information more thoroughly and in more detail through repeated work with the text and different ways of working with the material.

Minus: lecture - hypertext is that you need to work in this technology regularly.

Granitskaya's method.In high school, you can use the Granitskaya method. This is when a student can be the teacher of everyone in his own question. A student who responds well takes credit from the rest of the class. At this time, the teacher accepts students who previously answered "excellent" and gives credit for another 1-2 questions. Those who answer "5" are allowed to take the exam not one by one, but 2-3 questions. A special table is drawn where topics are indicated and grades are given. A student who does not agree with the grade that a friend gave him can retake it to another, the whole class or teacher.

The success of this offset is great. Knowledge, a sense of responsibility and pride are manifested here. A list is posted on the stand: vertically - name and surname, horizontally - questions on which this or that student examines his comrades. Everyone can see which of the children can take a mini-exam from a single question. At this time, the teacher allows you to answer another 2-3 questions and take an exam from others for several questions. Each examiner puts the mark on the general sheet, in which the cells are filled in. The cell with "5" is considered to be finally completed.

Lesson - conference.Lesson - conference is also unusual for children. For its success, a genuine interest in presentations is necessary, the topics of which the students choose themselves. Students' information and messages should be made in such a form that would ensure the availability of the presented material for all present. This requires individual preparatory work with the presenters. The duration of each report should not exceed 10-12 minutes. This time is quite enough to state the formulation of the problem, and the main results of the experiments, and conclusions. The teacher's task is to help the student prepare a message in accordance with the topic, to make sure that he presents in good language, within the time frame. Listeners cannot perceive more than 4-5 messages in a row. You can have a lively discussion on the reports. If there are a lot of prepared reports, they are divided into two categories: oral and poster presentations. The class can be decorated with appropriate posters. The result of the conference is summed up by the teacher. Scientific and practical conference is one of the most difficult and laborious forms of work. Its preparation requires considerable effort and time from the teacher. But all this pays off with the deep impression that a successful conference leaves among schoolchildren.

Thematic accounting of knowledge.Consciousness and stability cannot be achieved without knowledge control. After completing the study of the topic, students will have to take a thematic test, which can be performed orally or in writing. It is necessary to familiarize the children with the tasks of the test 2-3 lessons before the end of the topic. The thematic credit score serves as the basis for the fourth grade. The educational functions of credit are manifested in its stimulating effect on students, in the formation of their sense of responsibility, duty, discipline. There are various forms of credit:

1. Classical test of the type of university. It provides for the identification of the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students during an individual conversation between a student and a teacher, which gives a fairly complete picture of the degree of assimilation of the studied material. Its disadvantage is its long duration.

2. The test according to Guzin's lecture-seminar system is carried out in writing according to the options.

3. The test by the type of exam is accepted by a committee consisting of 2-3 strong students.

4. Group classification. The class is divided into several groups, consisting of students with different abilities and skill levels. Groups receive task cards, the number of which corresponds to the number of students in the group. Questions should be interrelated so that after passing the test, students have a more complete understanding of the topic studied. Each member of the group takes turns answering their own questions, the rest listen carefully, correct, supplement and collectively evaluate their comrade.

5. Test - carousel ("circular"). Each member of the commission accepts credit for only one question. Students complete an individual grade sheet with question numbers and grades. As a result, the teacher, based on the total score for answering all the questions, gives each student an overall grade for the test.

6. Offset along the route. The first commission checks the degree of assimilation of theoretical material. The second is the solution of computational problems, the third is the ability to plan and conduct experiments. The class is divided into three groups, each receives "route sheets of movement", passing at a specified time from one commission to another. In the same place, the members of the commission make notes on the delivery of each part of the offset, then display the overall score.

7. "Public Review of Knowledge" is held in two stages:

1) preparatory (design of stands, preparation of reports, diagrams, tables, etc .; creation of a commission from among students who know the subject well);

2) conducting a review (selection of the jury, selection of the best, distinguished students, summing up the results; the success of the review depends on its carefully thought out content and methodology)

The public review of knowledge develops and increases interest in the subject.

8. Test - competition of the type of KVN.

9. Set-off - auction. A certain amount of points for the answer is received by the student who last completed the answer to the question.

Lesson - excursion.They also love travel lessons, lessons - excursions. They develop collectivism, friendship, mutual assistance, thinking, memory and outlook of children. But you need to prepare for such lessons in advance: choose a place of travel, a goal, a guide, pick up poems, songs, questions in advance. Children help the guide compose a story, provide it with additional material, and prepare equipment. Lessons-excursions can be based on simulation activities, for example, an extramural excursion, excursion to the past (Appendix # 3).

Chapter 2. Analysis of the system of non-standard lessons in the conditions of modern education

2.1 Studying the experience of educators-innovators in organizing and conducting modified modern lessons

" Beautiful, smart faces of high school students, mischievous, funny eyes of fifth graders - they are waiting for what the lesson will be, as much as 45 minutes of our life today " .

The most important and most difficult thing is overcoming stereotypes of thinking, changing pedagogical consciousness, freeing from erroneous ideas, searching for new approaches to teaching and educating the younger generations that meet the requirements of the present. Learning is a creative process. Teaching is a creative search. Each teacher has his own ways of this search.

The introduction of the school curriculum of non-traditional teaching methods is intended to expand the educational process and, without interrupting the problems of teaching and upbringing, to develop the personal qualities of students. The problem of developing education is so urgent today that there is, perhaps, not a single teacher who would not think about it.

Traditionally, the learning process is considered as a process of interaction between a teacher and students, during which the tasks of education, upbringing and development are solved. The main structural components that reveal its essence include the goals of learning, content, teaching and learning activities, the nature of their interaction, principles, methods, forms of education. Through these general essential characteristics, it is possible to identify the features of developmental learning.

It cannot be said that the idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping education is new, that earlier the problems of child development in the learning process were not posed and solved. You can list a number of names (L.S. Vygotsky, E.N. Kabanova-Miller, N.A. Menchinskaya, I.S. Yakimanskaya and others), which are associated with problems of personality development in the learning process. At one time or another in the development of society, this idea is brought to the fore or temporarily " forgotten " , but never removed, never stopped studying it, and most importantly, practical implementation at school.

If we analyze the currently formulated goals of education, it is easy to see that the main priority is given to the development of the child's personality: " ... Provide the initial stage of personality development; identify and ensure the development of abilities; to form the ability and desire to learn, acquire the necessary skills and abilities of educational activities; learn to read, write, count; master the elements of theoretical thinking, culture of speech and behavior, the basics of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle " (Temporary state educational standard).

Developmental education does not deny the importance and necessity of general educational tasks, but it also does not recognize three parallel existing tasks, but presupposes their merging into a triune task that provides an organic fusion of learning and development, in which learning is not an end in itself, but a condition for the development of the student.

The essence of the relationship between educational and developmental tasks, training and development as a whole was revealed by L.S. Vygotsky; his research makes it possible to solve the cardinal question of the typology of teaching. That training, which is limited for its own purposes only by mastering the external means of cultural development (these include mastering writing, reading, counting), can be considered traditional, solving purely educational tasks. Education, which considers the provision (organization) of the development of the higher mental functions of the individual as a whole through the mastery of external means of cultural development as the leading goals, is developmental and at the same time acquires a purposeful character. The result of such training is the level of personality development achieved by the child, his individuality.

It is obvious that development in the learning process cannot be limited only to the mental development of the child. Developmental education presupposes the emergence of new formations both in the content side of the psyche (ideas, concepts, judgments) and in the methods of mental activity: mental, emotional-volitional, practical, which, according to L.V. Zankov can arise in the process of direct learning, as well as as a result of independent processing of external influences, as a result of gradual internal movement.

A new look and new content requires different teaching principles. Thus, academician L.V. Zankova: teaching at a high level of difficulty, the leading role of theoretical knowledge in primary education, a fast pace in the study of program material, schoolchildren's awareness of the learning process, the development of all students, including the weakest. Such principles as continuity, visibility and scientific character are filled with new content in the developmental system of D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov.

All these features of developmental learning are manifested in the lesson, as the main form of organizing education in primary school. The structure, content, methods of organization will change significantly from the type of training and its technology. So, for example, the structure of the lesson in the developmental system of L.V. Zankova will, apparently, repeat the structure " puff cake " , implemented in the content of training, that is, the lesson is characterized by the solution of several problems of different subjects. For developing education, D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov's lesson structure will coincide with the structure of educational activities, the main components of which are the introduction to the situation and the selection of the educational task, the organization of educational activities to solve the educational problem, consisting of certain educational actions.

Developing education according to the system Istomina N.B.Developmental education is a special type of non-traditional education, characterized by a specific approach to the definition and implementation of goals, its content, technology and interaction of participants in the educational process.

If the non-traditional teaching system of D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydova suggests a radical " breaking " the teacher himself, a complete rejection of the usual, traditional way of teaching (which is very problematic for middle-aged teachers), then the system of N.B. Istomina is much more flexible: this technique forms and develops all mental operations - classification, analogy, generalization; creativity of students; provides independent thinking of children in an emotionally favorable and trusting atmosphere. And most importantly, it guarantees continuity with secondary school.

Since the 1993/94 academic year, the non-traditional methodology of teaching mathematics in primary grades N.B. Istomina adopted the Kalu teacher w high school №5. Like everything new, the work according to the N. B. Istomina, caused a number of difficulties among teachers: the need to produce a large amount of visual material, an unusual approach to students' answers - to listen and discuss the opinion of everyone - to lead the class to the right decision.

It should be emphasized that there was no special selection of children for the experimental and control classes. During the first academic year, the deputy director and the school psychologist repeatedly attended the lessons of teachers working according to the new method, and compared them with the traditional ones. And they found out that in the experimental class the individual peculiarities of the students' thinking, the development of skills of self-control and mutual control were most clearly manifested.

Shishkov S.M. "Project in the classroom"

CM. Shishkov suggests using the project in the lesson. It is based on a problem that is developed by students and then publicly defended. As a result of the work, students should document the results of their work: write an article, make an audio recording, arrange an album, a wall newspaper, organize an evening, an exhibition, etc.

Working with a project has the following stages:

1) Preparatory:

a) planning by the teacher of the project within the program topics;

b) the advancement of an idea by the teacher in the lesson;

c) the advancement of ideas by students and their discussion.

2) Organization of work:

a) the formation of microgroups;

b) assignment distribution;

c) practical activities within the project.

3) Final stage:

a) discussion of the method of project design;

b) documenting the project;

c) presentation of the project results to the whole class;

d) summing up the results of the project.

Vachkov I. "Psychological training"

Business games aimed at developing communication skills.

Game number 1." My values"

The facilitator offers students instructions:

"Imagine that you are in the treasury. But the chests here do not store gold or precious stones. Everyone can put here what is especially dear to him in life. It can be a new player, friendship with any guy or girl, a car, love, help to all those in need, the joy of seeing people grateful to you, and so on. Write down on the cards everything that is dear to you and distribute them among the chests of your treasury. The largest chest is for the dearest. " The poster has pockets in the form of chests of different sizes, where participants place their cards. This is followed by a general discussion. The assignment aims to remember the orientation values \u200b\u200bof the children. After completing the assignment, be sure to discuss what is especially important and expensive for the children, you do not need to shame the child if the choice he has made does not suit you (for example, his favorite toy seems more dear to him than his grandmother's health. Let this become a reason for your thoughts in the future - for tactfully talking with children about the most important values \u200b\u200bin life.)

Game number 2 "If our class was a garden"

"Imagine that our class is a garden. All the guys in it are grass, flowers, trees, vegetables, fruits, or even a bench near a house or under a tree. Let's imagine who each of you will be in this magical garden."

The teacher comes up to the children in turn, the rest name their associations. The teacher must be able to skillfully transform emerging offensive situations or associations into hidden rewards. For example: "Kolya is a wooden bench ..." - "Yes, he could become a bench in this garden, solid, capable of being a support in a moment of rest, because he is always ready to help others ..."

Game number 3 "School rules"
The teacher invites the children to come up with such classroom rules that they are ready to follow. All children's suggestions are written on the board. These can be simple rules (but formulated by children!):
do not fight, do not mock, help each other in difficult times and the like. The teacher can himself propose to the list the rules that he considers necessary, they are also discussed.
You can draw a picture for each rule (or only for the most important ones) - the "pictogram" technique. The next day, a mutual check of the rules remembered by the guys is arranged.
Volgina Z.Ya. "My non-standard lesson".

The work of Gogol "The Inspector General" was read, a figurative description of the characters was given. What is left in the souls of the guys? What is understood and what is simply learned and answered (maybe to "5"), but will be forgotten in a week? Getting ready for a theatrical improvisation lesson. The lesson will be called "The Trial of Khlestakov". We use the technique of the great Chekhov: calling for perfection, mercilessly reveal everything unworthy of the great title of Man. The guys make a script, choose roles, make costumes. Monologues should be constructed in such a way that the witness judges himself, so that in the process of testimony the life of the city of N. is highlighted, from where you can jump for at least three years, you can't go to any state. " The lesson is a lesson, and it begins with the teacher declaring the theme, the goal. The characters are painted by the author of the work, their monologues include words belonging to them in the text. Students create an image by generalizing or honing it. Next, the teacher builds the lesson at his own discretion.

Chain method V.F. Shatalov.

V.F. Shatalov systematically used the so-called "chain method" in his lessons.

Option A.

The first student to solve the problem submits it to the teacher for checking. The check took a few seconds. The notebook is returned to the student, who will check the correctness of the second solution. The second, in turn, is the decision of the third, and so on. The first, after checking the second, goes home.

Option B.

The first student who makes up his mind checks over and over again the incoming notebooks of his comrades. After each checked, a new assistant adjoins him. Since at the end of the lesson there is not a single student left in the class who has not finished writing down the solution to the problem.

The dissimilarity of the psychological states of students using the chain method is obvious: a good half of the class applies to those who finished their work earlier than others and to those who finished their work earlier than others with envy - they leave - then every time the same is better. But then one day one of those who never showed their abilities, suddenly was among the first to write down the solution to the exercise in a notebook, and he was given the notebook of one of the excellent students to check! Imagine the state of the class! And now others are thinking: "If he could, then why am I worse?"

And he really is no worse. It is simply the flame of an unlit fire blown out by a random gust of wind.

Non-standard forms of extracurricular reading lessons by G.I. Modylevskaya.

Another technique is non-traditional lessons of extracurricular reading of a teacher of secondary school №41. Bratsk G.I. Modylevskaya. She reasonably believes that lessons should not only provide knowledge, but also interest children, so that they would like to receive this knowledge. Book discussion lessons, conferences, oral journals, concerts, competitions are unconventional lessons that must be taught. They are interesting, carry a great emotional charge, although these lessons are preceded by a lot of hard work. How to conduct a lesson more effectively? What should be the scripts, lesson design?

The lesson necessarily includes something new, unfamiliar, interesting for the children, otherwise they will feel " window dressing " in the lessons, and this will further contribute to their disappointment, develop a negative attitude towards school.

The selection of material is one of the most important preparation tasks. Books (or material from periodicals) should be in sufficient quantity (one copy for 1-2 person). You can make an exhibition - a review of books, provide reference literature.

Elements of theater, fine arts, music, expressive reading of children and teachers in the lesson are required, says G.I. Modylevskaya.

And all this, undoubtedly, contributes to the achievement of the main objectives of the lesson: increasing the interest of children in the book, knowledge; aesthetic and moral education.

Ilyenko L.P. "Integrated program in music and foreign language".

The integrated program in music and foreign language was used in the work of the educational and methodological center " School city " (alternative school, g. Kolomna), which brought good results. The activities of foreign language teachers and music teachers took place in the following stages:

1. Acquaintance with the material, obligatory detailed line-by-line translation;

2. Do not forget that teaching in elementary school has its own specifics - play is always an accompanying activity. At the second stage, the situation with the translation is played back. Here, the important action taking place in the songs is to be divided into verses. Acquaintance with the verse form, with the refrain occurs in practice;

3. Learning the vocabulary of the song, writing new words and fixed expressions; highlighting the "vocabulary blocks" characteristic of a given language;

4. Study of the text for the purpose of memorization. At this stage, one should pay attention to one very important methodologically point: the study of the text should take place in the rhythm set by the musical material. Otherwise, if the text is memorized as a poem, it will have to be retrained due to the already existing incorrect rhythmic organization. Claps help to form the correct rhythmic organization. At this stage, the correct formation of the articulatory complex takes place;

5. The study of the text with music continues to work on the formation of the articulation complex, at this stage there is also an acquaintance with typical national intonations. One more point should be noted: in order to preserve the sound - high-altitude structure of the language, one should avoid transposition to another (lower key). If it is absolutely impossible to avoid this, then one should gradually, from lesson to lesson, "pull up" the structure of the students;

6. The study of text, music and movement creates additional materialization;

7. It is absolutely necessary that the study of a foreign language becomes personally significant for the student. And this is possible when realizing the social significance of what is happening. The performance of this song is the transfer of information to other people - younger students, students of the parallel class, parents. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve interaction not only in the classical pair - teacher - student, but also student - student interaction, student - unprepared listener. Simultaneous translation, as well as the movements accompanying the text, help the student to understand the importance of the communicative purpose of the language.

2.2 Recommendations for delivering modified modern lessons

For the organization and conduct of modified modern lessons in the process of experimental work, the basis is revealed: the study of the theoretical foundations of a non-standard lesson. It is difficult to create non-standard lessons, but very interesting. We must create, strive to make teaching feasible and interesting, constantly improve the level of professional skill.

All lessons, using non-standard methods of teaching and upbringing, were held in secondary school №35 named. Yu.N. Pavlova, Oktyabrsky district of the city of Karaganda from September 1, 2002 to March 21, 2003.

In accordance with the theoretical provisions and methodology, non-standard lessons were conducted in different sections and topics in different age classes.

A non-standard Kazakh lesson was held in a yurt. The lesson turned out like a real holiday. It was pleasant for the children to sit in a real Kazakh yurt, listen to live Kazakh speech, see with their own eyes how Kazakhs live, what they eat, how they generalize. The children were very interested, they wanted to learn the Kazakh words "good afternoon", "thank you very much", "come to visit", they wanted to memorize everything that the hospitable hostess asked.

More attention was paid to musical accompaniment at physical culture lessons in classes of different ages. As a result, the interest of children has increased, since correctly selected music helps to avoid emotional fatigue and stress, unites into a single whole different, dissimilar individuals, differing in temperament and mood, and helps to improve the quality of the lesson. During the lesson, the teacher acquaints children with the means and methods of self-control, talks about diet, personal hygiene and its special role in the period of growing up. In combination with physical exercises, it helps to acquire vigor and self-confidence, helps to overcome isolation. Conducting lessons "Beauty and Grace", "Posture and beautiful gait", "Musical and rhythmic education" increase creative activity, help to solve educational and health problems, improve the moral and physical training of students. The introduction and conduct of such lessons in high school helps to get rid of clumsy, imperfect movements, develop rhythm, dexterity, grace, improve health and increase physical activity.

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municipal budgetary educational institution
"Secondary school number 153"

Nomination: "Panorama of the pedagogical experience"

Topic: “Non-standard forms and methods of conducting lessons,
as one of the ways to improve the cognitive activity of students "

novosibirsk - 2013

Non-standard forms and methods of teaching lessons, as one of the ways to increase the cognitive activity of students.

The main form of teaching and educational work in primary school, as you know, is the lesson. It is in the classroom that students assimilate knowledge and acquire the skills to use them in practical educational work. The lesson lays the foundations for the formation of each student as a person, a citizen, an active participant in the life of the state. (Slide 1)
In modern conditions of rapid development of primary school, the work of a teacher is complex and diverse. How much does he need to know and be able to teach children without coercion, develop in them a stable interest in knowledge and the need for their independent search, to build lessons so that each child is busy with business, works with enthusiasm, so that an atmosphere of cooperation reigns supreme, and at the same time deep assimilation of educational material would be ensured.
An important role in the acquisition of deep and lasting knowledge by students is played by the organization of the educational activities of schoolchildren in the classroom, the teacher's correct choice of methods, methods and means of teaching.
(Slide 2) Traditional forms: The lesson is the main organizational form of teaching at school. It is not only an important organizational, but also, above all, a pedagogical unit of the process of teaching and upbringing. In the lesson, the principles, methods and means of teaching receive real concretization and find their correct solution and are implemented.
(Slide 3) Non-standard forms: Speaking about the organization of the learning process, one should not forget about non-standard forms of organization of educational and cognitive activities of children at the lesson. How to interest children in studying subjects, make lessons loved and exciting?
(Slide 4) Actuality of the problem: This problem becomes especially urgent in grades 1-4. Study is work, and work is not easy. A child from an early age should understand that everything is achieved by work and that work is not easy. At the same time, the teacher must make sure that not easy educational work brings the student satisfaction, joy, and arouses the desire to learn new things again and again.
(Slide 5) Problem: As a rule, all children go to school with great desire, they are interested in everything. But a certain period of time passes and this interest in learning gradually fades away, some students do not want to learn at all.
(Slide 6) Cause of the problem: Children are curious. Attention falls when learners are presented with knowledge they know. If the educational material contains little or almost no new information, then the state of "saturation" is quickly reached: students are distracted from what is happening in the classroom, show so-called motor restlessness. Therefore, educators should be constantly aware of the "curiosity effect". "
(Slide 7) The way to solve the problem: Non-standard forms of lessons increase the effectiveness of the lesson and contribute to maintaining a stable interest in educational work and better assimilation of the program material.
(Slide 8) A form of increasing cognitive interest: A non-standard lesson is an impromptu educational lesson that has an unconventional structure.
(Slide 9) Building knowledge, skills and abilities: Non-traditional lessons in elementary school continue to take a significant place. This is due to the age characteristics of younger students, the game basis of these lessons, the originality of their conduct.
(Slide 10) Winning form: It presents not only game moments, the original presentation of the material, the employment of students not only in preparing lessons, but also in conducting the lessons themselves through various forms of collective and group work. The tasks that children receive in non-traditional lessons help them to live in an atmosphere of creative search.
(Slide 11) Kinds of use: Organizational moment, and the course of the lesson, and physical minute can be unconventional. It depends on the professionalism and creative talent of the teacher. (Slide 12)

Signs of an unconventional lesson:
* Carries elements of the new, changes in the outer frames, venues.
* Extra-curricular material is used, collective activities are organized in combination with individual ones.
* People of different professions are involved in organizing the lesson (Slide 13)

Lesson elements:
* Emotional lift of students through the design of the office, blackboard, music, use of video.
* Organization and implementation of creative assignments.
* An initiative group of students to prepare the lesson.
* Mandatory lesson planning in advance.
* Students' creativity should be aimed at their development.

Types of non-standard forms of the lesson. (Slide 14)
Holiday lesson: (Slide 15,16,17)
- A very interesting and fruitful form of lessons is a holiday lesson. This form of lesson expands students 'knowledge of traditions and customs that exist in countries and develops students' ability to communicate, allowing them to participate in various situations of intercultural communication.
Video tutorial: (Slide 18.19)
- It activates the thinking and speech activity of students, develops their interest, serves to better assimilate the studied material, and also deepens the knowledge of the material, since this is the process of memorization.
Integrated lesson: (Slide 20,21,22)
- The main objectives of integration are: improving communicative and cognitive skills aimed at systematizing and deepening knowledge, expanding the general educational horizons of students and striving to master knowledge wider than compulsory programs. Interdisciplinary integration systematizes and summarizes students in related academic subjects.
Lesson - excursion: (Slide 23,24,25,26)
- They have a huge educational impact on children. The perception of the beauty of nature, with which they constantly come in contact, the feeling of its harmony, affect the development of aesthetic feelings, positive emotions, kindness, and a responsive attitude to all living things. While completing joint assignments, students learn to cooperate with each other.
Lesson - essay (Slide 27,28,29)
- The modern approach to the study of a subject involves not only obtaining a certain amount of knowledge on the topic, but also developing one's own position, one's own attitude to what is read. The form of the lesson develops the mental functions of students, logical and analytical thinking and, which is important, the ability to think.
Lesson - performance: (Slide 30,31,32)
- An effective and productive form of teaching is a performance lesson. The use of works of art in the classroom improves the pronunciation skills of students, provides the creation of communicative, cognitive and aesthetic motivation. Creative work in preparation for the lesson - contributes to the development of language communication skills of children and the disclosure of their individual creative abilities.
Lesson - fairy tale: (Slide 33,34,35)
- These lessons are usually used to generalize and systematize the knowledge of students. In such a lesson, there are good and bad characters. A fairy tale should have an opening, a climax and a denouement. A problematic question, an unusual situation is used as a starting point. development of the plot, where there is a struggle between good and evil, they introduce unusual new information about the heroes of a fairy tale, disputes, jokes, and overcoming difficulties. During this stage of the lesson, children imperceptibly answer the teacher's questions about the past material, learn new additional material on the topic of the lesson. The lesson ends - a fairy tale with a denouement, a victory of good over evil, knowledge over ignorance. The lesson ends with general joy, satisfaction.
Lesson - concert: (Slide 36,37,38,39)
- Promotes the aesthetic and moral education of schoolchildren, more fully reveals the creative abilities of each student. Thanks to singing in the lesson, a favorable psychological climate is created, fatigue is reduced, and language activity is activated. In many cases, such a lesson also serves as a release, reducing stress and restoring the students' working capacity.

Lesson - research: (Slide 40.41)
Topic "Adjectives"
Lessons with group forms of work: grade 2 and grade 4 (Slide 42)
Lesson - competition: (Slide 43)
Lessons from creativity and fantasy: (Slide 44,45,46,4)
Lesson class technology in 2 "B" class
Technology lesson in grade 4 "Postcard for March 8"
Technology lesson in grade 3
Lesson - tournament: (Slide 47)
Knightly tournament 4th class
Lesson - press conferences: (Slide 48)
The world around us in grade 2 "The connection between animate and inanimate nature"
Lesson - quiz in grade 4 (Slide 49)
"Love and know your native land."
Lesson on the world around in grade 1 "Healthy eating" (Slide 50)
Mutual control lesson among 6 year olds (Slide 51)
Lesson - competition: (Slide 52)
Battle of the Choirs Grade 2 and Grade 3 Competitive lesson on February 23
Lesson taught by children: (Slide 53)
Class 3 env. world "Summer work in agriculture",
4th grade art lesson,
1class "Houseplants",
2nd class "Main members of proposals"
Lesson - comparisons in grade 2 on the topic "Stress" (Slide 54)
Entertaining physical moments: (Slide 55)
A lesson in chemical sciences dedicated to the end of the academic 2011-2-12 academic year (Slide 56)

FGOS NOO 2nd generation: (Slide 57)
- In recent years, interest in non-standard lessons in primary school has significantly increased. This is due to various transformations taking place in our country, which have created certain conditions for perestroika processes in the field of education and require the creation of new types of lessons, the active introduction of various pedagogical methods and ways of developing interest in primary school children, copyright programs and textbooks.
Conclusions: (Slide 58,59,60)
- The organization of an unconventional lesson involves the creation of conditions for the mastery of the methods of mental activity by schoolchildren. Mastering them not only provides a new level of assimilation, but also gives significant shifts in mental development.
- Non-traditional forms of conducting lessons make it possible not only to raise students' interest in the subject being studied, but also to develop their creative independence, to teach them to work with various sources of knowledge.
- Such forms of conducting classes "remove" the traditionality of the lesson, revive the thought. However, too frequent recourse to such forms of organization of the educational process is inappropriate, since non-traditional lessons can quickly become traditional, which ultimately will lead to a drop in students' interest in the subject.

Of course, no one demands the abolition of the traditional lesson as the main form of teaching and upbringing of children. We are talking about the use of non-standard, original techniques in various types of educational activities that activate all students, increase interest in classes and at the same time ensure the speed of memorization, understanding and assimilation of educational material, taking into account, of course, the age and abilities of students.

- N.V. Babkina, The use of educational games and exercises in the educational process. // Primary school. - 1998. - No. 4.//
- NI Vyunov, Psychological readiness of a child to study at school. - M .:
Academic project., 2003., 256s.
- E.E. Guguchkina, Non-standard lessons in elementary school. - Publishing house "Teacher" in 2000
- S.V. Kulnevich, Non-traditional lessons in primary school. - Publishing house "Uchitel" 2005.

The main difference between a non-standard lesson and an ordinary one is not stereotyped, non-stereotyped, to some extent informal. In a non-standard lesson, there are no strict requirements for how exactly the lesson should be conducted, an unusual lesson is more creative, liberated, requiring direct involvement from all participants and leading to the emergence of an emotional attitude to the subject of study, to the participants in the lesson, its actors.

Often, an unusual lesson is distinguished by the fact that the teacher does not clearly declare the educational goals of the lesson, they are, as it were, hidden, and become clear to children only after the lesson. In such a lesson, grades in their usual sense may not be given.

Benefits of non-standard lessons

  • Hnon-standard lessons help to get rid of: each student finds himself in a non-standard situation and can prove himself from an unknown side.
  • Hnon-standard lessons help to increase student interest in the subject.
  • Hnon-standard lessons develop thinking, logic, teach children to reason, make decisions and be responsible for their own actions.
  • Hnon-standard lessons help children to find contact with each other, teach to work in a team, are good prevention (although conflicts can occur in the lesson), non-standard lessons teach to communicate.

Eight Unusual Lesson Ideas

  • Dispute lesson. A dispute initiated by a teacher on a socially significant and controversial topic. Children express different points of view on the declared topic, it is not necessary to speak with their own point of view, children may be deliberately given a point of view with which they do not agree, but within the framework of the lesson they must defend it.
  • Business game... In the lesson, a life situation or problem is reproduced, and within the framework of the lesson it is “played around” and solved.
  • Lesson conference... This type of lesson is most in demand in high school. Children are informed in advance about the topic of the conference, the class is divided into groups, each of which receives a topic for preparing a report.
  • Meeting lesson... A third person is invited to the lesson (writer, scientist, veteran, traveler, military man, foreigner, etc.).
  • Concert lesson, performance... Such lessons are most suitable for literature lessons, literary reading, foreign language.
  • Integrated lesson... Lessons taught in two or more subjects at once, often by two teachers (literature and physics, English and biology - the more unexpected the combination, the more interesting). The purpose of the integrated lesson is to show the connection between different subjects, between the subject and real life.
  • Lesson game... A lesson in which children play, for example, analogs of television games "Own Game", "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" (excellent student), "What? Where? When?" and others. Such lessons are great for consolidating and generalizing knowledge of a subject, like the initial or final lessons at the beginning or end of a term.
  • Lesson research... The difference between this lesson is that a hypothesis is put forward in the classroom as the solution to the problem posed, and further actions are reduced to an algorithm. As a result of the work, children must formulate conclusions, interpret the result of their activities.

A non-standard lesson has as its purpose not entertainment, but learning with interest

What non-standard lessons do you use and do you use at all? We are waiting for your responses in the comments and articles.

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"Non-standard math lessons"

Mathematic teacher

Chegrinets E.I.

year 2014

Non-standard forms of lessonsallow to domathematics more accessible and exciting, to interest all students, to involve them in activities in the process of which the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities are acquired.

For students, a non-standard lesson is a transition to a different psychological state, this is a different style of communication, positive emotions, a feeling of oneself in a new quality; it is an opportunity for everyone to express themselves, to develop their creativity and personal qualities. Children, as a rule, are put in a “situation of success”, which helps to awaken their activity both in the work in the lesson and in the preparation of creative homework assignments. A non-standard lesson not only teaches, but also brings up a child.

Applying non-standard lessons in my practice for a number of years, I came to the conclusion that such lessons increase the effectiveness of teaching, suggest a creative approach on the part of both the teacher and the student. This is a form of active learning.

In my work, I use a variety of non-standard lessons:
lesson - conference, lesson - competition, lesson - game, lesson in creativity,
lesson - test, lesson - travel, lesson - simulator, lesson - lecture, lesson - auction,lesson - creative report.

Creativity lessons are lessons in how to compose and solve problems. The value of assigning tasks to students is that:

  • there is an element of solution research;
  • a connection is established between all types of tasks;
  • the system of tasks on the topic is easily visible;
  • there is an element of creativity.

I use drawing up tasks from ready-made drawings mainly in geometry lessons, where almost every statement and every answer to a question posed is my own vision of the problem and its justification.

Creativity lessons allow you to activate the mental activity of students, develop the skills and abilities of a more conscious, practical application of the studied material by schoolchildren, make it possible to increase the volume of problems to be solved, and increase interest in the study of mathematics.

For thematic repetition, I select, as a rule, the most essential questions of the section. And so that the final control was as productive as possible, I conduct labyrinth lessons in a competitive form in three stages. In the first and second stages, three different teams compete. The rest at this time perform the role of controllers when a foreign team passes the maze points, assessing the productivity of the participation of each team member, the creative atmosphere at work, the level of mutual assistance, work as "experts" in the "information bureau", where they give instructions, advice, consultations, auxiliary tasks. Providing creative assistance to a teammate is highly appreciated. The team that is the first of three to complete the stage is declared the winner of the stage. At the end of the lesson, questions, answers, the most tricky tasks are analyzed, an assessment of the work of teams, the personal contribution of each, “controllers” and “experts” is given. Control directly at the points of the maze of the guys themselves, checking the availability of the necessary rough notes, commenting on them and the dependence of the success of the entire team on the work of each, democratic communication make it practically insignificant the possibility of chance or guessing the answer, or idleness at the expense of strong students.

A riddle lesson is fraught with great opportunities for the development of the child's creative abilities, memory training.

The guessing process, according to modern teachers, is a kind of gymnastics that mobilizes and trains the child's mental strength. Guessing riddles can be viewed as a creative process, and the riddle itself as a creative task. In such lessons, I use crosswords as a means of checking students' erudition, as well as for better assimilation of the factual material. I select logical crossword tasks taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of the students. I use thematic crosswords for both frontal and individual work with students. The relative difficulty when using crosswords is their drawing. butapplication in ICT lessonsmakes this process less time consuming.

The accumulated experience of conducting non-standard lessons convinces us that their goal is extremely simple: to revive the boring, to captivate creativity, to interest students, since interest is a catalyst for all educational activities. Non-standard lessons are always holidays when all students are active and the class becomes a creative laboratory. These lessons include a wide variety of forms and methods, especially such as problem learning, search and research activities, interdisciplinary and intrasubject connections, reference signals, notes, etc. The tension inherent in ordinary lessons is removed, thinking is revitalized, the whole.

Games in math lessons

Without play, there is no, and there cannot be, full-fledged mental development.
Play is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around is poured into the child's spiritual world.

The game is a spark that ignites the spark of curiosity and curiosity. V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

An important role in the development of students' creative abilities is assigned to games in mathematics lessons - a modern and recognized method of teaching and upbringing, which has educational, developmental and upbringing functions that act in organic unity.

In the process of playing, children develop the habit of concentrating, thinking independently, developing attention, a desire for knowledge.

I develop the rules of the game taking into account the purpose of the lesson and the individual capabilities of students. This creates the conditions for the manifestation of independence, perseverance, mental activity of children, for the possibility of each student's feeling of satisfaction and success. In addition, the rules of the game educate the ability to manage their behavior, obey the requirements of the team.

In my work I use various games: the business games "Builder" (the topic "Areas of polygons"), "Constructor" (the topic "Symmetry in nature and technology"); competition of artists (theme "Coordinate plane"), numerical fireworks (theme "Arithmetic operations with ordinary fractions") and others.

Mathematical tale as a means of developing mathematical creativity of students in grades 5-9 of secondary school
I cannot imagine learning at school, not only without listening, but also without creating fairy tales.V. A. Sukhomlinsky

When using fairy tales in the process of teaching mathematics, the main emphasis is not on memorizing educational information, but on its deep understanding, conscious and active assimilation. An independently invented fairy tale with the use of mathematical concepts and their properties in the storyline allows you to more firmly and more fully assimilate these concepts.

Including fairy tales in the educational process, I observe the necessary didactic conditions:

  • correspondence of the theme of fairy tales to the age of schoolchildren;
  • using the experience of students, which they received in other lessons;
  • the composition of fairy tales by the teacher together with the children, since this is not only an example of how to compose, but also the stimulation of the work of students.

The criteria by which I evaluate fairy tales:

  • lack of meaningful mathematical errors;
  • completeness of the plot;
  • consistency and consistency of presentation;
  • originality of the plot.

Fairy tales in mathematics perform various functions in the educational process:

  • organizational - drawing attention to the objects under study, increasing interest in educational material, improving the microclimate in the lesson;
  • meaningful - deepening the understanding of individual properties of the object under study, reporting additional information about it;
  • controlling - correct identification of existing gaps in the assimilation of the material, the degree and depth of its assimilation;
  • motivational - increasing the level of motivation in the study of a subject.

I use fairy tales in mathematics at various stages of the educational process.

Goal setting. Fairy tales of mathematical content or excerpts from them, read at the beginning of the lesson, help to increase the attention of students, their motivation, which leads to further independent in-depth study of the topic.

Learning new material.Fairy tales increase the level of positive emotions, which contributes to the unconscious assimilation of the material. A non-standard form of presentation of scientific concepts allows you to see the objects under consideration from an "unusual" side, which contributes to a deeper and stronger memorization of the material.
Securing the material. Tasks such as "continue the fairy tale", "analyze the fairy tale", "find mistakes in the fairy tale" reinforce and deepen the program knowledge, open for students what they have learned from a new, unusual side, which contributes to the development of their creative abilities.

Control over the assimilation of the material.Composing your own fairy tales on the topic studied with unusual goal-setting: for students of other classes in parallel, for publication in the school press, etc.

Final repetition.Composing your own fairy tales of various shapes and sizes on topics studied during the academic year allows you to play several different mathematical ideas in a fairy tale at once, to find new connections and relationships between mathematical characters (objects).

Creating fairy tales in teaching mathematics is one of the most original and effective means of all-round creative development of schoolchildren.

Since ancient times, Japanese wisdom says:

"The great square has no limits."

Try to fold a simple figure

And in an instant he will be carried away by an interesting matter.

A.E. Gaidaenko.

The world of school geometry requires constant reference to images. But imaginative activity is complex, it is difficult to lend itself to traditional teaching due to such qualities of images as subjectivity, polysemy, and the integrity of perception.

Origami contains rich opportunities for the development of not only the geometric ideas of students, but also the creative development of children in general. In this regard, the use of origami in the lessons in grades 5-6 is very important, since the geometric information that is subject to further study in the courses of planimetry and stereometry is generated, comprehended and, to some extent, systematized when constructing origami figures. Such a construction of knowledge makes it possible to envisage the inclusion of intuition, imagination, logical thinking and other processes in the cognitive experience of children.

The importance of origami for child development
Stimulates the development of memory, since a child, in order to make a craft, must remember the sequence of its manufacture, techniques and methods of folding.

Develops spatial imagination, helps the development of drawing skills, since the schemes of the products you like need to be sketched in a notebook.

Develops artistic taste and creativity of children, activates their imagination and fantasy.

Promotes the creation of play situations, expands the communication skills of children.

Improves labor skills, forms a culture of work, teaches accuracy, the ability to use material carefully and economically, and keep the workplace in order.

In the educational process, I use origami both as a game technique and as a visual aid.

The use of ICT in mathematics lessons and after school hours

The problem facing school education is to prepare students for life and professional activity in a highly developed information environment, for the possibility of obtaining further education using modern information technologies of teaching.

The use of computer technology in the classroom allows you to make the lesson non-traditional, bright, rich, helps to form the student's information competence, the ability to transform information objects in practice using information technology, activates the mental activity of students, stimulates them to acquire knowledge on their own. Students develop curiosity, cognitive interest.

Lessons using ICT are built on an active basis using a problem-research approach. Pupils try to solve standard math problems in a non-standard way - using modern computer technology. This achieves the motivational goal of awakening interest in learning.
I strive to use the computer at all stages of the learning process: when explaining new material, consolidating, repeating, monitoring, while for the student it performs various functions: a teacher, a working tool, a learning object, a collaborating team. The computer allows you to enhance the motivation of learning through an active dialogue between the student and the computer, the variety and color of information (text + sound + video + color), by orienting the teaching towards success (it allows you to complete the solution of any problem, relying on the necessary help), using the game background of communication machine and, which is important - endurance, calmness and friendliness of the machine in relation to the student.

Using a computer program for processing test results allows me to provide feedback on the learning process, analyze the activities of the class as a whole, the results of each student individually and choose ways to adjust the educational process to provide the necessary assistance to students, to achieve the intended results.

When organizing research activities, students use the Internet to find the necessary information, prepare presentations to defend their work.

Pedagogical observations have shown that purposefully used information communication technologies contribute to the development of independence and creative abilities of students, make it possible to increase the level of systematic knowledge of students in mathematics, and significantly increase the level of individualization of education.

Research activities of students as a means of developing their creative abilities.

There are no reliable tests of aptitude, other than those that appear as a result of the active participation of even the smallest search work. A.N. Kolmogorov.

An important place in the formation of the creative abilities of schoolchildren is occupied by research activity, in which students are put in a situation where they independently master the concepts and approaches to solving problems in the process of cognition, to a greater or lesser extent guided by the teacher, solve creative problems with an unknown result in advance. It is the research approach to teaching that allows children to become participants in the creative process, and not passive consumers of ready-made information, increases the cognitive activity and intellectual potential of the student's personality, develops imagination, intuition, the need for self-actualization, reveals and expands students' own creative capabilities.

In my work I use the following types of research activities:

  • problem-abstract: analytical comparison of data from various literary sources in order to highlight the problem and design options for its solution;
  • experimental research: checking the assumption of confirming or refuting the result;
  • design and search: the search, development and protection of a project is a special form of the new, where the target setting is the methods of activity, and not the accumulation and analysis of factual knowledge.

As a result of participation in research activities, the student develops the following skills:

  • independently acquire new knowledge, effectively apply it in practice.
  • think critically and creatively, find rational ways to overcome difficulties, generate new ideas;
  • to work competently with information: to be able to collect the necessary facts, analyze them, put forward hypotheses for solving problems, make the necessary generalizations, establish patterns; formulate reasoned conclusions, find solutions;
  • to be sociable, contact in various social groups;
  • work independently on the development of one's own morality, intellect, culture.

Development of creative abilities of students after school hours
The subject of mathematics is so serious that no opportunity should be missed to make it entertaining.Blaise Pascal.

Extracurricular work on the subject is also subordinated to the development of the creative abilities of students, the ability to independently acquire knowledge, apply them in unfamiliar or non-standard situations. Math circles, electives, special courses arouse students' interest in the subject, contribute to the development of the mathematical outlook of students, instilling skills in independent work. They are complemented by events held within the subject week. These are math evenings, quizzes, various didactic games: "What? Where? When?", "Happy accident", KVN and others. Staged fairy tales are very popular among schoolchildren. Both "strong" and low-performing students take part in the preparation of these events. Here their artistic, artistic, musical abilities are fully manifested, ingenuity and logical thinking develop.

Conditions for the occurrence of experience.

The development of a person's internal forces is not only a social order of society, but also the need of the person himself, who realizes his mediation from the objective world by practice and wants to realize his internal potential. Representatives of many scientific directions and schools that consider the development of a person, his personal, psychological, didactic and other qualities, confirm the productivity of this process in the course of activity and communication, emphasizing that not every activity has a developmental function, but one that affects potential the student's capabilities, causes his creative activity, which is considered as the highest level of cognitive activity, characterized by such qualities as originality, unconventionality, independence.

The question of whether a person can be taught to show cognitive activity and develop his abilities for creative activity has not been finally resolved. When familiar with many studies, it turns out that the range of pedagogical innovations is too wide and not streamlined. A contradiction arises between a large number of pedagogical innovations and the absence of their system, which allows one to move from the spontaneous introduction of these pedagogical ideas to a purposeful, more effective one. The revealed contradictions determine the choice of my topic:"Enhancing the cognitive activity of students in mathematics lessons and after school hours."

Relevance and novelty of experience.

In the educational process, the cognitive activity of students plays a leading role, since it is through it that the learning content is assimilated. Research by L.P.Bueva, V.V. Davydov, A.V. Margulis, A.M. Matyushkin, I.F. Kharlamov, T.I.Shamova and others show that improving the effectiveness and quality of the educational process as a whole promotes an increase in the level of independence of the cognitive activity of schoolchildren through its activation. The most acute problem of enhancing the cognitive activity of students arises when teaching adolescent children. This is due to the fact that at the age of 13-14 an intensive moral and social formation of the personality begins, the child's striving for "adulthood" is observed, the main problem is communication with peers, the teenager's desire to find himself, to self-determine. Interest in learning weakens, working capacity decreases, therefore, the quality of knowledge deteriorates. Meanwhile, adolescence is important in the formation of a child's personality, it is during this period that the foundation of values \u200b\u200band knowledge that are useful and necessary for life is laid.

One of the main tasks of the teacher is the organization of educational activities in such a way that students develop needs in the implementation of the creative potential of the educational material in order to master new knowledge. To work on enhancing cognitive activity means to form a positive attitude of schoolchildren to educational activities, to develop their desire for a deep knowledge of the subjects being studied. To instill a deep interest of students in mathematics, to develop their cognitive activity, it is necessary to search for additional means that stimulate the development of general activity, independence, personal initiative and creativity of students of different ages. The main task of the teacher is to increase the proportion of internal motivation for learning. The formation of cognitive activity is possible provided that the activity that the student is engaged in is interesting to him. An interesting academic subject is an academic subject that has become the "sphere of goals" of students in connection with one or another motive that motivates it (Fridman, Kulagina. Psychological reference book of a teacher. - M., Enlightenment, 1991). Consequently, high cognitive activity is possible only in an interesting lesson for the student, when he is interested in the subject of study. And vice versa, “to bring up in children a deep interest in knowledge and the need for self-education means to awaken cognitive activity and independence of thought, to strengthen faith in one’s own strengths” (Bondarevsky V. B. Fostering interest in knowledge and the need for self-education. - M., Enlightenment, 1985).

I try, by awakening interest in my subject, not only to transfer experience, but also to strengthen faith in myself in every child, regardless of his abilities. It is necessary to develop creative abilities in weak students, not to let more capable children stop in their development, to teach everyone to cultivate willpower, strong character and purposefulness when solving difficult tasks. All this is the education of a creative personality in the broadest and deepest understanding of the word. But in order to create a deep interest of students in the subject, for the development of their cognitive activity, it is necessary to search for additional means that stimulate the development of general activity, independence, personal initiative and creativity of students.

A feature of our time is the need for enterprising, business, competent specialists in a particular area of \u200b\u200bsocial, social, economic and productive activity. It is necessary to be literate in order to function normally in a complex and demanding society. And being literate in a fast-paced world simply means being better educated. The higher the level of education, the higher the professional and social mobility. In my lessons, I offer students various types of independent activities that require the mobilization of knowledge, skills, the ability to make decisions, take responsibility, educate the will to win and overcome difficulties. In the process of such work, students get used to the demand for their knowledge, are convinced of the importance of education.

Theoretical substantiation of the experiment.

A new look and new content requires different teaching principles. So, the training of the honored teacher of the RSFSR, laureate of the NK Krupskaya-Okunev Anatoly Arsenievich Prize, which I use in my practice, is based on different principles. Conceptual provisions of pedagogical technology based on effective lessons (A.A. Okunev) are based on the fact that:

driving force the educational process is a contradiction between the tasks that you set for the students, and their knowledge, skills;

principle of interest... Novelty, new material as a kind of stimulus that causes a mismatch, including the mechanisms of activity in orientation and cognitive activity. Each lesson should have intrigue, zest;

good lesson is a lesson in questions and doubts, insights and discoveries. Its conditions:

  • theoretical material should be given at a high level, and asked according to ability;
  • the principle of connection between theory and practice: to teach to apply knowledge in unusual situations;
  • the principle of accessibility: the student must act at the limit of his capabilities; the teacher's talent is to guess these possibilities, to correctly determine the degree of difficulty;
  • the principle of consciousness: the child must know what he is going through (at the beginning of the study of the topic, they flip through the textbook, establish why and what they will study);
  • setting not on memorization, but on meaning, the task is at the center of the content;
  • the principle of the strength of knowledge assimilation: the basics of memorization are given;
  • thinking should take precedence over memory.

Unconventional lessons.

As means of enhancing the teaching of schoolchildren are:

  • educational content
  • shape
  • methods
  • teaching techniques

In school practice and in methodological literature, it is customary to divide teaching methods intostandard and non-standard.

Standard view training is the most common and is training in knowledge, skills and abilities according to the scheme:learning new - consolidation - control-assessment... At present, traditional education is gradually being replaced by other types of education, since other requirements are determined for the personality and the process of its development in school.

Non-traditional forms of lessons make it possible to make mathematics more accessible and exciting, to attract the interest of all students, to involve them in activities in the process of which the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities are acquired. Applying non-standard lessons in my practice for a number of years, I came to the conclusion that such lessons increase the effectiveness of learning, suggest a creative approach on the part of the teacher and the student. This is a form of active learning. In my work, I use the following non-standard lessons:

  • competition lesson;
  • game lesson;
  • travel lesson;
  • workshop lesson;
  • lesson-lecture;
  • lesson-consultation;
  • integral lessons.


In preparation for lectures the teacher should have a clear plan for its implementation (it can be made visible to students). When conducting a lecture lesson, techniques and forms are needed to make students active participants. Therefore, where possible, it is necessary to apply the problematic presentation of the material. In the lesson, pose problems, solve them, students follow the logic of presentation, control it, participate in the solution process. The presentation should be accompanied by questions that I answer myself or involve students. Students should have notes in notebooks, so I think over the content and form of notes on the board and in notebooks in advance. When studying geometric material (stereometry), analogy, comparison, generalization become active methods of cognition. On the eve of the lesson, students are invited to divide the page into two parts as one of the types of homework. On the left side of it, write down the necessary definitions, theorems, axioms of planimetry, which will be actively used in the lesson. These are, first of all, planimetric analogs. The right side is completed in the lesson under my guidance. There is a process of comparing mathematical facts, finding out similar properties, their presence in new objects or their absence, transfer of known properties to new objects. The lecture presentation in mathematics is accompanied by examples, examples of solving exercises and problems, technical means, visual aids are used.

Lesson consultation.

Lesson - consultationis carried out when consolidating skills on a topic. It is a kind of independent work of students. It is convenient to conduct such lessons in twos. To do this, I prepare individual cards for each student or 4-8 different options. There are about 4 tasks in the card. The first assignment is designed to check the assimilation of the required learning outcomes. The second task is prepared for children who have mastered the topic at the level of compulsory learning outcomes. Some elements of difficulty are added to this task. The third task is similar to the second, only its difficulty is doubled. The fourth task is a task of increased complexity, that is, it includes exercises that require additional knowledge, ingenuity, and extraordinary thinking. The lesson begins with my explanation and an invitation to all students to complete the first task. As you progress, some students have doubts, any questions regarding both this topic and other topics encountered in the assignment. There are always guys in the class who, for some reason, have fragile knowledge. The student's question is a raised hand or a signal flag. In this case, I immediately give advice, answering any question regarding the assignment. At the end of the lesson, the work is collected for review. They are assessed based on the advice received. But if the student is not satisfied with the grade, he can refuse it, then this grade is not put in the journal. During the consolidation of the knowledge gained, the children have the opportunity to complete advanced tasks and get additional points, improving their grades. The positive results of such lessons-consultations are obvious: not only gaps in the knowledge of students on this topic disappear, but also they are consolidated, other topics of the subject are remembered. Children learn to correctly assess their capabilities, and sometimes take risks. The lesson-consultation allows the teacher to work individually with each student.


primary goal workshops consists in developing students' abilities and skills in solving problems of a certain type or type, in mastering new mathematical methods. The first stage of preparation for such lessons is a mathematical and didactic analysis of the theoretical and practical material of the topic. When analyzing practical material, I take the following actions:

  1. solve all the problems on the topic from the textbook, highlighting the main types of problems;
  2. to establish the correspondence of the practical material to the studied theory;
  3. identify the functions of each task (didactic, cognitive, developmental, practical);
  4. highlight new types of problems for students, examples and methods for their solution;
  5. select key tasks for the application of the studied topic;
  6. highlight tasks that can be solved in several ways;
  7. plan cycles of interrelated tasks;
  8. draw up a test that takes into account the level of development of each student.

You cannot learn mathematics by observing this process from the outside, therefore, in the lessons - workshops, I try to develop students' independence in solving problems.

Block learning.

Recently, the experience of studying theoretical material has been spreading more and moreenlarged blocks in order to free up at least two or three lessons for solving problems. The first in a series of lessons focuses on finding common techniques with the theory learned. This lesson, together with the previously studied theoretical material, becomes the basis for subsequent practical lessons, in which students show more independence, and the teacher has the opportunity to take into account their individual characteristics. The form of work on it is collective. In the second and third lessons, there is a collective and group solution of more complex problems. In the last lesson of this series, each student solves problems independently according to their abilities.

Tournament lesson.

Preparation for the lesson-tournament carried out in advance. The class is divided into teams, each chooses a name, motto, captain. A creative homework assignment is given: to compose a problem for the opposing team so that it reflects the main questions of the topic being studied, was originally composed and framed. For such lessons, I invite my parents, my colleagues, the class teacher.

Individual work.

Individual work with students is a necessary condition for the development of the student's personality. I believe that this kind of work with students should be present in every moment of the lesson. The organizational moment of each lesson is of great importance. How to quickly get children to work, but do it without prodding and severity? I use quick math dictations to increase interest in the subject. Three features distinguish them from ordinary dictations:

  1. The tasks are not the same in difficulty. At first, very easy ones are offered, then more and more difficult.
  2. The tempo of the dictation changes. Slow at first, then speeding up.
  3. Simultaneously with the class, 2 students work at the blackboard. This makes it possible to check your answers.

In my work, I use elements of problem learning in order to discover a new property of a mathematical object.

For example, the topic: "Divisibility signs". I am describing a life situation in which one piece is torn off from some financial document, and as a result, the first digit of the number X152 is unknown. The accountant knows that this number is four-digit, it must be divisible by three (the money must be divided equally into three teams), and also remembers that the first digit of this number is greater than 5. How to recover an unknown digit? The digit is reconstructed using the divisibility sign by 3.

Experience once again confirms that with problem learning at all its stages, there is an active cognitive activity of students. But you need to be a good strategist and in time to create feasible difficulties for the intelligence of children. This is our job: not to eliminate all obstacles on the way of children to the top of knowledge, but to systematically create them. This will allow children not only to consciously master the school curriculum, but also to advance towards the formation of their personality.

Information Technology.

To make mathematics interesting for children in a modern school, elements of information technology can be used in lessons and additional classes. Information technologies are capable of solving many pedagogical problems, provide completely new opportunities for creativity, the acquisition and consolidation of professional skills, and make it possible to implement fundamentally new forms and methods of teaching. The use of information technology in the classroom allows you to form and develop the cognitive motivation of schoolchildren to acquire new knowledge, helps to create conditions for the success of each student in the lesson, significantly improves the clarity in organizing the work of a class or group of students. Allows you to create an information environment that stimulates the child's interest and inquisitiveness.

Test tasks.

Among the innovative teaching methods for the school, brought from the practice of university education, it should be noted, first of all, tests that maximally contribute to the development of students' mathematical thinking, i.e. perform a developmental function. The use of tests in mathematics lessons provides not only an objective assessment of the knowledge and skills of students, but also effective feedback in the educational process, reveals the fact of mastering knowledge, which is necessary to get a real picture of what has already been done in the course of the educational process and what needs to be done. Before applying tests in the lesson, it is necessary to decide in order to study this topic and a specific lesson, that is, to decide how students should learn this educational material: just learn, distinguish what is what (1st level), or perform some assignments, to define something, to prove, that is, to act in a standard situation known to them (2nd level), or maybe you bring your students to the level of heuristic activity, teach the ability to act in a situation that is not standard for them (3rd level) ... Then you need to get to know and master the methodology of writing tests, their assessment, to draw up a grading scale in accordance with which to evaluate the work of students. In conclusion, the test results are analyzed, and a conclusion is made, and the further educational process is designed.

The effectiveness of the experience.

The problem of student development is one of the most difficult tasks in teaching practice. The solution to this problem depends on what kind of result the teacher is oriented towards in his work. The criterion of activity is the end result: either to give the student only a set in the subject, or to form a personality ready for creative activity.

Every year graduate students successfully pass mathematics for the final certification.

The creative activity of students is not limited to the acquisition of something new. The work will be creative, informative, when the intention of the students is manifested in it, new tasks are posed and independently solved using the acquired knowledge. Working in circles, solving interesting, entertaining problems fosters a steady interest in the study of mathematics. The indicator of this work is the results of municipal, regional and regional Olympiads.