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Products to increase pressure when it is reduced. Folic acid can reduce the risk of folic acid stroke lowers pressure

Many suffer from increased pressure in our time. Hypertension becomes a satellite of the life of many millions of people around the world and increases the risk of developing heart failure, heart attacks, strokes, kidney problems.
This disease is forced daily to take drugs from high pressure and significantly worsens the quality of life.

Food downstream products

And whether you know that only with the help of food you can significantly reduce high blood pressure. Scientists by research found out that there are substances that are needed by hypertensive. It:

Vitamin C

Vitamin E.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Folic acid

If the diet of food, in which many of these substances, then definitely high blood pressure will begin to decline and may return to normal. Of course, it is impossible to stop the reception of drugs without permission. It can be dangerous. And it is clear that in one week it is difficult to reduce the pressure, for it you need time. Let's see what products there are essential substances.

Vitamin C In large quantities, it is contained in citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits), sweet Bulgarian pepper, cauliflower, kiwi, melon, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels cabbage, strawberry.

Vitamin E. There are in blueberries, almond, hazelnut, sunflower, olives, parsley, spinach, papaya, sunflower oil.

Omega-3 fatty acids - in olive oil, walnuts, herring, mackerel, halves, salmon, tuna.

Skimmed milk And other low-fat dairy products contain calcium and vitamin D (it improves calcium absorption).

Calcium Rich green vegetables, almonds, sardines.

Source of potassium They are bananas, dried, oranges, tuna, tomatoes, bananas, baked potatoes with peel, watermelon, zucchini.

At high pressure garlic We are needed every day.

It is very well expanding the vessels, which helps to reduce blood pressure.

There is a 1-2 teeth, but daily. Coriander, Mayran, bay leaf, celery, dill, parsley are recognized as useful spices in hypertensive.

At high pressure, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine.

In the glass of mineral water to dissolve 1 tablespoon of honey, add the juice of half of the lemon and drink everything for one reception.

  • A glass of fresh cranberries, grind with 2 tablespoons of sugar powder and eat every day 1 tablespoon of a mixture 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.
  • Scroll through the meat grinder raisins, pour with water and bring to a boil, cool. It is necessary to prepare the mixture at the rate of 100 raisins per 1 cup of water. Drink a mixture during the day.
  • Take the black-rowed rowan juice of 1/3 cup per day or fresh black currant juice for ¼ cup daily. This will help reduce high blood pressure.
  • Skip several oranges and lemon through the meat grinder, add a bit of sugar, take 1 tablespoon of the mixture several times a day for 2 weeks.
  • Very well reduces the pressure boiled or baked beet, eaten an empty stomach. You can prepare a salad with sunflower oil.

10 products that are useful at high pressure

  • Degreased cottage cheese strengthens the heart, contributes to the extension of blood vessels, is a source of calcium, magnesium, potassium. Every day you need to eat at least 100 grams of cottage cheese.
  • Red Bulgarian pepper contains a record amount of vitamin C. Therefore, hypertensive needs it with every opportunity. If you eat 2 fresh peppers every day, it will cover the need of the body in Vitamin C.
  • Salmon is the source of omega-3 fatty acids and greatly helps reduce high pressure. Well, if there is an opportunity to eat it 3 times a week at 100-150 grams.
  • Oatmeal must be in the hypertensive menu every morning. Studies have shown that Oats - the source of the body's replenishment selenium, there is a lot of fiber in it.
  • Pumpkin seeds make a zinc deficiency and get rid of infarction. It is enough to eat 20 grams per day instead of snack.
  • Cocoa improves vessel condition. But this is a calorie drink. It is enough 1-2 cups per week, no more.
  • Degreased milk contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamins and improves the state of hypertension. You can drink up to 3 glasses per day.
  • Bitter chocolate strengthens the heart muscle, contains antioxidants and is able to reduce the pressure of 5-10 mm. But this is a very calorie product, in large quantities there is no need.
  • Almond contains monasure and reduces cholesterol levels. In this nut, there are potassium, magnesium, vitamin E is all that is necessary to reduce pressure.
  • Green tea with regular consumption dissolves cholesterol corks, contains many antioxidants, prevents the organism aging process. In Japan, almost no hypertension and most of all in the world drink green tea.

Lifeline lifestyle, frequent stress, bad habits, improper nutrition, non-normalized working day, - Now the life of many people looks like this. Such loads cannot but affect the health of the cardiovascular system, and the number of patients with cardiologists is growing steadily. It is also noted that the fact that young people, teenagers and children are increasingly found among them.

Certray to this problem and minimize the negative impact on the heart and vessels can be not only possible by complying with the rules of a healthy lifestyle and regular observation by the doctor, but also with the help of periodic reception of vitamins and microelements that are able to use the cardiovascular system. To choose such a vitamin and mineral complex to help you the therapist or a cardiologist who will take into account your individual features: age, weight and health condition. In our article we will introduce you to those vitamins, minerals and drugs based on them, which are able to restore and maintain the heart and vessels.

What vitamins are useful for the heart and vessels?

The more diverse food of a person, the more natural vitamins and trace elements he gets.

The list of vitamins that strengthen the heart and vessels includes:

  1. Vitamin C (or ascorbic acid) is capable of speeding up all metabolic processes, strengthens myocardium and vascular walls, prevents the excessive formation of cholesterol.
  2. Vitamin A (or Retinol) - prevents the development of atherosclerotic processes on the walls of the vessels and improves metabolic processes.
  3. Vitamin E (tocopherol) is an antioxidant and prevents fat oxidation. Such an impact protects the tissues of blood vessels and hearts from damage.
  4. Vitamin P (Rutin) - strengthens the walls of the arteries and prevents excessive bleeding.
  5. Vitamin F (group of polyunsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, arachidon and linolenic acid) - strengthen the tissues of the heart, prevent the appearance of cholesterol plaques and thrombus on the inner layer of arteries.
  6. Coenzyme Q10 is a vitamin-like substance is synthesized in the liver, it is necessary to obtain energy, warns myocardial infarction, arrhythmias and premature aging.
  7. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - after admission to the body turns into a caocarboxylase, which is necessary to stimulate heart abbreviations.
  8. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - normalizes lipid exchange and contributes to the decay and removal of excess cholesterol.

What trace elements are useful for the heart and vessels?

The list of microelements that strengthen the heart and vessels includes:

  1. Magnesium - provides potassium and sodium balance, stabilizes blood pressure, improves metabolism in myocardium and prevents the formation of thromboms.
  2. Calcium - strengthens the walls of the vessels and normalizes the reduction of the heart muscle. For better assimilation is accepted with vitamin D.
  3. Potassium - provides high-quality nervous impulse necessary to reduce myocardium by nervous fiber.
  4. Phosphorus is a building material for cell membranes and provides the transfer of nerve pulses and a reduction in myocardium.
  5. Selenium - destroys free radicals that damage the walls of vessels and heart fabrics, and contributes to the best absorption of other vitamins and minerals.

Who should first take vitamin and mineral drugs for the heart and blood vessels?

Most people begin to think about the health of the heart and blood vessels and their support only when they find some kind of disease. It is known that the prevention of cardiovascular pathologies not only can escape from the progression of the ailment, but also warns its appearance.

Cardiologists allocate such groups of persons who are shown to take vitamin and mineral complexes for the heart and vessels:

  • patients with pathologies of head vessels or lower extremities;
  • patients who have suffered severe cardiovascular diseases;
  • people over 35 years old;
  • athletes;
  • people working in harmful production or engaged in severe physical labor;
  • children and adolescents (by testimony).

If you belong to one of the above groups, then you should contact the therapist or a cardiologist who will select the drug you need. Given your individual features, the doctor will be able to appoint a dose, will advise, at what time of year it is better to undergo a course of vitamin therapy, will determine the duration and frequency of reception.

Most effective and popular vitamin mineral complexes for the heart and vessels

Today, on the shelves of pharmacies, you can find many vitamin preparations for the cardiovascular system. Some of them include minerals and various natural components (rosehip, ginger, hawthorn, ginko biloba, mint, L-cysteine, etc.). Consider the most efficient and popular of them.


This preparation includes vitamin C and rutin. Its reception helps to reduce the fragility and permeability of capillaries, strengthens the vascular walls, eliminates their inflammation and swelling. Askorutin has an antioxidant and radioprotective effect, contributes to the normalization of carbohydrate metabolism, accelerates the regeneration of tissues and increases the resistance to external adverse factors.


This drug includes potassium aspartate and magnesium aspartate, which support the work of the heart, restore the electrolyte balance and have an antiarrhythmic effect. It can be used not only as a vitamin additive, but also as a full-fledged drug during arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, digitalisane intoxication and heart failure. In addition to the beneficial effect on the heart of asparks improve digestion and enhances the contractile abilities of skeletal muscles.

Bad hawthorn Forte

The composition of this dietary supplement includes a hawthorn (fruits and extract of flowers), magnesium asparaginate and potassium asparaginat, which contribute to the normalization of heart rhythm, reduce blood pressure and have a liner and soft sedative effect. The roitine, hyperoside and quercetin contained in the hawthorn are healing capillaries, eliminate the inflammation of the vascular walls, struggle with viruses and protect the blood vessels from the effects of adverse factors. The preparation of Vitexin eliminates spasms and normalizes the work of myocardium by activating its enzymes.

Vitrum Cardio

This vitamin and mineral complex contains a complex of vitamins A, E, D3, C, B1, B12, B6, B2, pantothenic acid, nicotinamide, selenium, chrome, soy lecithin, beta sieve, zinc, plantain seeds, oat bran and fish fat. The drug is applied to prevent the development of IBS and atherosclerosis, prescribed during rehabilitation after stroke and myocardial infarction. Vitrum Cardio normalizes lipid exchange and promotes the normalization of the level of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood.


This drug includes vitamins B1, B2 and B6, potassium and magnesium aspargincture, rosehip fruits, hawthorn flowers and ginky biloba extract. These components strengthen the vascular walls, normalize blood circulation, restore myocardium and improve its contractile ability. The drug is able to slow down atherosclerotic processes in coronary vessels and prevents the development of heart attacks.

Cardio Forte

The composition of this vitamin and mineral complex includes vitamins C, B6, B12, E, folic acid and beta-carotene, magnesium, liquid, hawthorn and valerian extracts, polyunsaturated fatty acids, L-arginine, L-Taurine, potassium and cinnamon. Cardio Forte is used for the treatment and prevention of neurocirculatory dystonia cardiac or hypertonic type, arterial hypertension and other pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. Also, the drug may be assigned to people who enter the risk group for the development of heart disease and vessels.

Doppelzz Cardiovital

This drug includes extract of leaves and hawthorn flowers, which has spasmolytic, cardiotonic and sedative effect. The reception of Doppeoplez Cardovital provides the selective expansion of blood vessels of the head and heart, contributes to the normalization of blood pressure and normalizes venous pressure. The drug is used as part of the complex therapy of heart failure I-II degree.

CoQ10 (coenzyme Q10)

This unique preparation includes coenzyme Q10, which contributes to the production and accumulation of energy in cells. Receiving COQ10 provides improved immunity and normalization of the heart and blood vessels. The drug is used for the treatment and prevention of hypertension, heart failure, myocarditis and myocardiodistracy. Coenzyme Q10 helps to reduce blood pressure, normalizes blood circulation, positively affects the work of the brain and provides the necessary energy to the entire body.


This drug includes vitamins A, C (in four forms), E, \u200b\u200bB12, folic acid, potassium, selenium, zinc, magnesium, niacin, coenzyme Q10, L-carnitine, garlic, ginko biloba, Iva white and hawthorn. Reception of Cardiology contributes to the stabilization of metabolism, reduce the level of prothrombin and cholesterol, strengthening the vascular walls, restoring their elasticity, preventing the formation of atherosclerotic changes, improving the work of the nervous system and normalization of blood circulation. The drug has an anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, hypotensive and choleretic effect.


This drug includes seven natural forms of vitamin C, grapefruit pectin, bioflavonids and dietary indoles. Synchron-7 is successfully used by cardiologists for the treatment of pronounced atherosclerosis, some defects of the heart and myocarditis. Also, the drug may be assigned to normalize cholesterol in the blood, maintaining immunity, eliminating hormonal imbalance, accelerating tissue regeneration and to maintain mental and physical activity during intensive loads.

There are still many polyvitamin preparations for the heart and blood vessels. In this article we have acquainted you only with some of them and described their main properties. Which one will be the best for you? The answer to this question can be obtained, consulting with the doctor, since each drug has its own number of indications and contraindications. Remember this and be healthy!

Vitamins for strengthening vessels: What are you needed and where to look for them?

Healthy heart and vessels are the key to the health of the entire body as a whole. Not too many of us think about it at a young age, most recalls their health only when completely healing and cleaning the body is no longer possible. But even then you can help your heart cope with the loads that it is experiencing daily. Modern life with its hurry and stress, as well as improper nutrition, reduces the performance of the cardiovascular system, clogging and relaxing it. Vitamins for vessels and hearts are simply necessary for any person, starting from middle age. The earlier person will think about the state of the circulatory system, the more opportunities to extend her healthy life.

Healthy vessels - what are they?

For which healthy vessels need is to know everything to understand the importance of their good work for the general condition of the body:

Healthy, which means clean and elastic vessels are the main conditions for the good work of the entire cardiovascular system. Maintain them in good condition will help vitamins for the heart and blood vessels.

What should include a vitamin complex for the heart and the whole organism?

Strengthening vessels with vitamins contributes to the purification of them from cholesterol sediments, and, as a result, it activates the free circulation of blood along the blood system of the body. Vitamins for vessels retain the elasticity and smoothness of the inner walls:

Important vitamins for strengthening the vessels of the brain

Violation of cerebral circulation often leads to strokes, problems with vision, worsening memory, speech and other undesirable consequences. In order for this not happened, you need to start taking vitamins for the brain vessels in time.

Vitamin Group B - the main assistant of the central nervous system:

  • Vitamin B1 - Thiamine, is responsible for the memory functions and susceptibility to learning. The disadvantage of it is manifested by rapid fatigue, coordination violation, insomnia, depressive state, numbness of limbs. High concentration it is marked in fish, meat, nuts, eggs, oatmeal, peas.
  • Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin. Provides a brain energy that is actively spent on mental load, as well as physical classes. With its lack, appetite disappears, drowsiness, weakness, inhibition, sometimes headache is manifested. Contained in dairy, meat products.
  • Vitamin B3 - Nicotinic acid. It improves the work of the head vessels, increasing energy production. B3 deficit is a sense of constant fatigue, ambulance, memory problems are noted. It is necessary to eat liver, nuts, meat, eggs, buckwheat, fish, legumes.
  • Vitamin B5 -pantogenic acid, a stimulator of mental activity and free transmission of neural impulses. A shortage of it in the body causes depression and insomnia, reducing memory and incredible fatigue. It is contained in cabbage, peas, buckwheat, liver, milk.

  • Vitamin B6 - Pyridoxin provides the normal functioning of the entire nervous system, is used as an addition to the drug complexes in its treatment. With its deficit, irritability, anxiety, sleep disorder, depression is observed. Rich in its content of walnuts, legumes, liver, bananas, grains, rice, etc.
  • Vitamin B9 - folic acid, is honored for the adequate excitability of the nervous system and braking processes affects the efficiency of thinking. Insufficient maintenance in the body is problems with memory, apathy, fatigue, is present in the following products: mushrooms, nuts, raw fruits and vegetables, beef, cereals.
  • Vitamin B 12 - Cyanocobalamin is responsible for cognitive functions of the brain, sleep and wakefulness mode. Additionally, B12 must be taken when changing lifestyle or time zones. The disadvantage causes a sense of depression, senile dementia, irritability, ringing in ears, vision and memory disorders. It contains B12 in sea calating and other seafood, milk, poultry meat.

Other and other vitamins, which contribute to the cleaning of vessels and activate blood flow (C, D, E, P) and amino acids - lysine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, threonine, and others, which also affect mental activity, memory, metabolic processes , emotional and physical condition of a person.

Strengthening foot vessels

Foot vessels are also subject to internal injury, and they are manifested by varicose veins. If this disease is run, it will begin to progress. It will manifest themselves with edema of the legs and stop, darkening of the skin of the legs, there are extensive inflammations.

Causes of varicose

In varicose veins, blood is found due to the fact that the venous valves are weakened, deformed and cannot perform the function entrusted to them - this prevents normal blood circulation. Such a disease often suffer from unnecessary weight, genetic predisposition, hormonal failures, etc.

Strengthening walls of vessels

In order to strengthen the veins, comprehensive measures are needed using physiotherapy, therapeutic physical education, water treatment procedures, grass treatment, drug treatment, but only to appoint a doctor. The following measures will also help:

  1. Diet and control over their weight.
  2. Reduced load on veins and leg vessels.
  3. It is not recommended to be in the same position for a long time, i.e. Long sit in one pose, be all day on your feet.
  4. Reducing the use of salt - it is the cause of edema.
  5. Do not allow constipation, normalize digestion.
  6. Therapeutic gymnastics to enhance blood circulation consisting of simple exercises, which should be carried out regularly.
  7. Get a footbath with a hydromassage, she will serve you a good service. Water procedures are better spent daily.
  8. Medicinal plants will also help in the treatment of varicose varicose, for example, a decoction of hops. One art. A spoonful of hop cones is poured with boiling water (one glass) and withstand in a water bath for 20-25 minutes. Take inside three times a day, for five to six months.
  9. Limit yourself in alcoholic beverages and in the use of coffee and strong tea.
  10. Use a vitamin complex with calcium, iron, zinc and other microelements.

Read more about general methods of strengthening vessels can be read by reference.

Vitamin Help Eyes

If the situation occurs increasingly when there is a thumping, tingling and detecting bruises - this indicates the weakness of vessels. Therefore, vitamins for eye vessels are needed to strengthen them. Causes of weakening can be different.

Causes of weak eye vessels:

  • Allergic reaction.
  • Long work at the computer.
  • Long stay in the sun, impact wind.
  • Chronic lack of sleep.
  • Growing blood pressure.
  • Large physical exertion.

Eye Health Food

In order to get rid of brewing vasces in the eyes, vitamins, strengthening vessel walls, are needed. These funds include the above-described group vitamins B, in addition, it will be good to pee ascorbic acid. In the diet, it is necessary to include rutin - more vegetables and fruits (all citrus, pepper, etc.), decoction of rose hips with honey, green tea.

Comprehensive solution

The best option is to prevent the complex of vitamins for vessels, as it is impossible to strengthen them only in one department. A general balanced impact is necessary to purify them and restore elasticity and smoothness.

A good universal vessel complex consists of the most significant vitamins, such as RR, C, B2, B6, B12, B9, E; Microelements - copper, zinc, selenium, manganese, chrome, magnesium.

It must always be remembered that before starting to take some medication or vitamin complexes, you need to be consulted by a specialist doctor. Only he may truly accurately figure out the patient's health, and on the basis of the research conducted, appoint treatment.

In 2013, the theme of the World Health Day, which is held annually, was chosen hypertension: "The fight against hypertension is not death, but for life!", Since this disease is one of the most common today. It develops in every third adult person in the world. Appearing once, hypertension remains throughout life, although it may not appear for a long time. Nevertheless, it is the cause of headaches, poor well-being and anxiety. In addition, elevated arterial pressure background provokes the disorders of the cardiovascular system and negatively affects many system of human organs. Hypertension, known as high blood pressure, increases the risk of developing heart attack, stroke and renal failure. I am expressed by simple words, blood presses on the vessels, and they, in turn, have the usual to wear out of excessive pressure.

Hypertension has always been considered a disease of the elderly people, but, to great regret, recently, this disease has grown significantly. Nowadays, you can meet a 25-year-old person suffering from this insidious disease. "Why cunning?" - you ask. The thing is that hypertension has a property to develop without bright symptoms, a person can simply feel a headache. Arterial hypertension, as a disease, has grown significantly, as our lifestyle with you has changed significantly. If you recall our grandparents, who were spent on the fresh air almost all day, in motion, they fed correctly, in their diet were mostly cereal, fermented milk products and fresh or sauer fruits and vegetables, it becomes clear where young people have an increased arterial pressure. Look, as we live and what we eat. Young people sits whole days behind computers, eats hamburgers and drinks cola. Most factors provoking hypertension depends on human habits and tenders.

A significant place in the system of prevention and treatment of a problem is occupied by food product-proof pressure, which have a direct impact on chemical reactions and processes in the body and help contain vessels in order. With high pressure, only take medicine. It is important to know what you need and do not need. You probably know that a special diet is extremely necessary at elevated pressure. So, to achieve the maximum positive effect in it, it is necessary to include products lowering pressure, or rather, vitamins and trace elements, in them are contained: vitamins C, E, potassium, magnesium, omega-3 acids, folic acid.

For example:

Vitamin C It is contained in lemons, oranges, black currant, red pepper, strawberry, kiwi.

Vitamin E.- In the hazelnut, olives, spinach, sunflower seeds, almond, parsley.

Potassium- In celery, mushrooms, green salad, raisons, Kurage.

Magnesium- In sesame seed, beans, spinach, sunflower seeds.

Omega-3 acids - in olive oil, salmon, mackerel, walnuts, halves, herring.

Folic acid - In Pereshka, Rosehip, Malina, Mint, Green Salad, Eggs, Curd, Fish.

All these vitamins and trace elements will help to control hypertension, so include in the diet products containing them and blood pressure will gradually decrease. In fact, everything is quite simple, you only need to remember some simple rules and try to follow them.

Eat more vegetables and fruits. Fruits are allowed to eat apples, apricots, bananas, dates, grapes, oranges, grapefruit, mango, lemons, peaches, pineapples, prunes, raisins, strawberries, tangerines, various berries, for example, black currant and black rowan, which contribute to strengthening the walls of blood Vessels, as well as improve their elasticity and elasticity.

Carrots, avocado, pumpkin, sowing salad, Cress Salad, Sweet, Eggplant, Patchsons are your helpers with high pressure. It should also be eaten by a white cabbage in fresh and sauerpets, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, potatoes, peas, broccoli cabbage, spinach, artichokes. It has long been known, for example, that the coarse and carrots are very useful for the work of the heart. They have a lot of magnesium and potassium, as well as dietary fiber (fiber). Vegetables can be found in raw form, as well as in the form of salads and vinegrees. Potato cooked in uniform also has a beneficial effect on pressure. There is it necessary directly with the skin. Good stew vegetables, they are allowed to add some olive or sunflower oil. Still, the best high pressure wrestler is garlic, which includes substances that expand blood vessels. With hypertension, it is useful to eat 1-2 cloves of garlic daily. It is also useful to drink freshly prepared juices from fruits and vegetables.

Reduce the use of salt (up to 3-5 g), as well as limit in the diet of smoked, canned food, salting and other food-containing products, as the salts tend to delay water in the body and thereby increase blood pressure. As a salt compensation, some seasonings and spices can be used: fresh greens of dill, parsley, cilantro and basil, lemon juice and high-quality (this is important!) Soy sauce. Coriander, Laurel, Majora, Celery, as well as ginger will also help reduce high pressure. Helps reduce pressure and, for example, dandelion. Fresh dandelion leaves Do not forget to add to salads in spring and summer, and for the winter it can be knocked and adding it to the soups and stew vegetables as a dry seasoning.

Exclude fried food from your diet, do not use high fat products: fat, pork meat, butter, margarine, chest, mayonnaise and other heavy products. Doctors are confident that it is fatty meat that is extremely frequent. A low-fat turkey, chicken and veal - here are the products allowed for you.

Fish can be considered a real rescue circle for hypertension. Especially useful in hypertension low-fat sea fish, for example, cod and sea bass. In some kinds of sea fish, for example, in Cambal and Tuna, a lot of selenium responsible for the elasticity of the heart muscle. However, in fatty fish there are other substances, also very useful for the health of the heart - fatty acids (mainly omega-3). They help the liver faster cope with oily food. The correct balance of phosphorus and calcium in the body is extremely important in hypertension. Fish and other seafood, including sea cabbage, traditionally contain a lot of iodine, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium.

Naturally, in a number of products useful for hypertension, grain products were grain. Bread (from non-refined wheat flour or with the addition of bran, pitaash) and porridge (oatmeal, pshenny, buckwheat, barley) are saturated with energy. In whole-grain products, the so-called "slow" carbohydrates, which are long digested and do not turn into fat deposits. Crupes, like brightly colored root roots, contain a useful tissue, as well as a number of trace elements necessary for the health of blood vessels.

Some of the most useful products that can reduce pressure are food with a large calcium content. In this regard, there is nothing more useful than skimmed dairy products: low-fat or low-fat milk, patch, kefira or yogurt, solid cheeses.

The abundance of the necessary elements provide the body also nuts, seeds and legumes: almonds, peanuts, walnuts, seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkins, cedar nuts, mixtures of various types of nuts, beans and lentils. From seeds and nuts, you can prepare delicious and useful pastes, Muesli, the Granola, adding dried fruits, honey and other useful goodies to them. On our site in the "Healthy Food" section you will find a lot of such useful recipes.

Dried fruits (raisins, kuraga, prunes) in large quantities contain magnesium and potassium. For hypertension, this is a great opportunity to overcome craving for sweet and flour and replace sweets, cakes and cookies with useful dried fruits and cessies.

Limit tea, coffee and other caffeine drinks. Replace their herbal teas, soothing on the nervous system: tea from infusion of rosehip, green tea and tea carcade, which removes vessels and improves metabolic processes. It is better to drink it in a cold form, as hot tea carcade increases pressure. No less useful tea, which is brewed with slices of apples, black currant berries or lime color, as well as jesle and compotes from berries. Scientists relatively recently discovered that the previously prohibited cocoa also helps to reduce pressure. In addition, it contains potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus. But the cocoa will benefit you, drink it without sugar.

This is not only food. Oddly enough, one of the most important elements to reduce the pressure is water. Hypertensive usually know that the water delay in the body causes an increase in pressure, and therefore try to drink less often. This is a dangerous misconception! Water is vital to a person whose body is 88% consists of it. People usually drink little water, believing that they successfully replace it with other liquids - tea, coffee, sweet drinks, etc. In fact, drunk a cup of coffee or tea will output more water from the body than he came with it, due to the action of caffeine. The body begins to keep the life of vital water, from which the edema is formed and the pressure is rising. Daily use of sufficient water can help reduce pressure.

Refuse to eat alcoholic beverages. After drinking alcohol, the pulse is also expensive in healthy people, and in patients with hypertension there is a strong overload of the cardiovascular system.

As a rule, food downstream products are available and inexpensive, and the recipes of dishes are quite simple in preparation. So that you do not break your head over what and how to cook, we decided to offer you several recipes for dishes from products recommended for hypertension.

Potato Vinaigrette with Green Luc

400 g of boiled potatoes,
200 g of green bows,
2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
Salt to taste.

Clean potatoes in the uniform, clean, cut the circles. Green onions are finely torn and mix with potatoes, season with salt and vegetable oil.

1 high-size cooler,
350 g of white cabbage,
300 g potatoes,
1 tbsp. flour
2 tbsp. butter
70 g of tomato paste,
100 g sour cream,
Greens of dill and parsley,

Swarge in salted boiling water with thin lumps sand. Connect with a swamp separately welded chopped straw cabbage and sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes. Severate the flour and mixed with sour cream and tomato paste with a finely chopped greenery of dill and parsley, bring to a boil.
In the absence of tomato, it can be replaced with fresh tomatoes that need to be cut, put out in oil and wipe through the sieve.

Boiled meat in sweet-sweet sauce

150 g of beef meat,
5 g of butter,
30 g sour cream
5 g of wheat flour,
10 g of raisin
15 g prunes,
25 g of apples,
5 g of dill,
100 ml of vegetable beam.

Boil meat and cut it into two pieces. Cook the sauce from flour and vegetable beam. Soak prunes and raisins in cold water. Take the saucepan, put the oil in it, pour some water, go there meat. Flip from the top with fruit, close the lid and extinguish 5 minutes. Pour the sauce and extinguish another 10-15 minutes. Before serving on the table, sprinkle with greens.

1 kg of chicken fillet,
200 g champignons,
1 bulb,
1 egg,
1 tbsp. flour
salt pepper,
vegetable oil,

Rinse chicken fillet, cut into portions and take each portion. Clean the bow and lie finely. Rinse mushrooms and cut. Pass onions with mushrooms with the addition of vegetable oil. Beat the egg, spray, pepper. Separating chicken fillets decompose on a cutting board. At the middle of each piece, lay out filling from mushrooms with onions. Roll up fillet with rolls, secure with toothpicks. Observe them in flour, dip in a whipped egg and cut in breadcrumbs. Lay out the rolls into a floating form and put the oven in a preheated to 180 degrees, where and bring to readiness. Finished cutlets lay out on the dish and decorate greens.

In fact, recipes are much more. By eliminating harmful foods from its diet, hypertensive can eat delicious, varied and, most importantly, useful. Let the products that lower the pressure become your secret weapon against hypertension, because with their help lower blood pressure to a normal level, indeed, possibly. Try, you will certainly succeed!

Pint diverse and right and be healthy!

Larisa Shufkaykin


A common opinion about the exclusive positive action of the rosehip is not entirely true due to the individuality of each person and various actions rendered by Rosehip in different recipes. If we consider the action of a rosehip on blood pressure, it is different. The tinnistant tincture on the basis of alcohol will provide a service to people suffering from low pressure, that is, it will increase it. Water infusion from rosehip fruits acts in the opposite direction, lowering pressure.

Green tea

The effect of green tea on an increase or lower pressure is a rather controversial question. On the one hand, the green hour contains a lot of caffeine, 4 times more than in coffee and as a result, it should increase the pressure.

But in response to theory, Japanese scientists have proven to experimentally, that green tea still lowers pressure! The experiment lasted several months and the result was reduced pressure in hypertensive by 5-10%.

Important! Green tea does not give an instant result, it is a long process, but a longer disease remission may become the result.


Lemon contains potassium, which helps to adjust the biological fluids present in the body, and the magnesium in lemon affects the relaxation of the arteries. The presence of flavonoids in lemons contributes to the health of the vessels by which blood flows. The composition of the lemon juice on the action on the body resembles some anti-hypertonic drugs. It has an overwhelming effect on the construction of angiotensin kidneys, Hormone capable of raising pressure by compressing vessels. Taking lemon. Remember the feeling of measure to not harm the stomach.

Blackfold Rowan.

Aria has substances that are able to actively expand capillaries and vessels. An experimental way was established by the beneficial effect of Arone for the treatment of hypertension. In other words, lower the pressure.

In medicinal purposes you can eat five pieces of berries per day. The juice of fruits must be taken at 1-2 spoons 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Berry decoction is prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon for 200g water. Boil no more than a minute, insist an hour. Drinking at a quarter or half a glass 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.


Cranberry is an edible healing berry, which is a long-standing man's assistant in the fight against elevated temperatures. Qing, headache. Its berries make the intestines and the stomach and the stomach, and can also help with reduced gastric acidity. Very high in the cranberries, the content of flavonoids, substances that contribute to the strength and elasticity of blood capillaries, the absorption of vitamin C. Cranberry juice increases in the body the quantitative composition of antioxidants and the necessary cholesterol. which are necessary for proper hard work.

American experts have proven that the eight-week daily use of cranberry juice, significantly reduces blood pressure!

People suffering from impaired heart and vessel systems, it is recommended to drink cranberry juice or juice daily three cups, to increase the content of antioxidants, thereby reduce the risk of heart disease and the formation of a malignant tumor. Rus has always been famous for using the useful properties of cranberry berries, so you eat them constantly and will be healthy.


Hibiscus tea (carcade) is very useful for strengthening the walls of the vessels, has antispasmodic, antibacterial and diuretic effect, reduces cholesterol content in the blood, cleans the body from toxins, contributes to the adjustment of the liver and the gastrointestinal tract, as well as much more. One of the beneficial properties of tea is the normalization of blood pressure.

The unique action of the carcade is its influence on pressure. Hot drink from the carcade contributes to the rise of blood pressure, and the cold has an opposite effect, that is, reduces it. It is this that is the main reason for the recommendation of the carcade as hypertensive and hypotonized as a means that maintains pressure is normal.

Brewing principle Tea differs from traditional - inflorescences are boiled 10 minutes (1 liter of water 8 teaspoons of petals), then cooled and stored in the refrigerator. Hypertensive is always ready cold tea, which will lead the pressure to the norm.


The spectrum of the healing action rowan is quite wide: relieves inflammation, stops blood, strengthens the capillaries, vitamins the body, has a coating, diuretic and light laxative effect.

With regard to blood pressure, rowan acts as a substance that reduces it, including due to the diuretic effect. One of the embodiments of the infusion can be prepared in the following way: 20g rowan fruits pour boiling water with a glass, insist 4 hours, strain, use half a glass before taking food three times a day.


No one will challenge the reputation of the healing properties of viburnum. Thanks to the antioxidants contained in it, flavonoids and vitamin C is quickly recovered by infectious diseases. Vitamin K stops bleeding, and the effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids is experiencing an extra cholesterol. Phenolcarboxylic acid favors disinfection of digestive organs and healing wounds.

Calina reduces blood pressure, reducing the diuretic effect, deriving an extra liquid from the body. In the treatment of high pressure, not only viburnum berries can be used, but also its bark. One of the treatment options is prepared according to the following recipe: to lose 6 tablespoons of vouchers before receiving the casher and pour the glass of honey, to insist 2 hours. The mixture is taken on 1 dining room four times a day.

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The presence of nutrients in the range of useful substances allows the mind to have numerous healing properties: a controversial action, a painful effect, reduces cholesterol, is an incentive for digestion and improving appetite, relieves mental and physical fatigue, helps to overcome stressful situations.

Gambier has a lot of positive properties, but how does it affect arterial pressure? Ginger rhizome, falling into the gastrointestinal tract, dilutes blood and relaxes the muscles that surround the blood vessels. Consequently, blood pressure will decline.

It is worth paying attention to that ginger can enhance the effect of therapeutic drugs, so it is not necessary to combine the use of ginger with the reception of drugs that reduce the pressure, and even better to consult with the doctor.

Alcohol increases or reduces pressure?

The action of the alcohol substance extends throughout the body, but the pressure is indirect. Immediately after taking alcohol, under the action of ethanol, the extension of the vessels and the pressure decreases.

As a result of consumption of drinks with alcohol, the frequency of heart abbreviations increases, as a result, the pressure not only decreases, but also poorly supplied with blood removed from the heart organs. Therefore, it is not worth talking about the safety of drinking alcohol during hypertension, it is possible to consider this option only in the most extreme case. Alcohol acts on the human body is unstable, and its regular use leads to an increase in blood pressure due to the constant stimulation of the nervous system.

Wine increases or lowers pressure?

Wine of red varieties benefits health if it drinks no more than two glasses per day. Red wine contains resveratrol, which favors the strengthening of blood vessels, reduces the risk of developing cardiac, vascular and cancer diseases. Wine, drunk within a reasonable norm, can reduce blood pressure. The largest number of natural antioxidants (flavonoids), which affect heart activities, contain wines made from Cabernet Sauvignon varieties and Pinot Nouro.

Is it possible to drink coffee hypertensive?

Products that reduce pressure. What products reduce pressure

Blood pressure problems are in our time not only in older people - young people also face it more and more often. Noticing the first signs of hypertension - increased pressure, should not be waiting for the disease to progress, and hope that doctors will always help. Of course, medicine is trying to help us, but this help is always temporary: treatment usually eliminates the symptoms of the disease, and the reason remains, and after a while everything starts first. And even if the doctors succeed, with the help of modern drugs and procedures, significantly improve the patient's condition, it does not last long: our people are not accustomed to protect themselves and fulfill the prescriptions of doctors - getting rid of the problem, they return to their former life, and then blame doctors who are accused They are "poorly cured."

Increased pressure is increasingly manifested in people who were not over and 40 years old, but those who smoke and use alcohol - today they make the vast majority of men and very many women, "waiting for" hypertension even earlier. Doctors believe that the hypertension itself cannot lead a person to death, but heightened pressure is very easy to cause strokes and heart attacks, but they already represent a serious danger to life, not to mention health - because of them may remain disabled young man.

Pressure reduction products

Meanwhile, besides drugs, there are many ordinary food in the world: if you enter them on time in your diet, the blood pressure can remain normal to deep old age - the doctors are also well known.

Degreased dairy products are considered very useful in this respect. They have a lot of protein, vitamins and calcium, and there are also potassium - especially good types of kefir. Yogurts and prokubovashi - to use these products needed regularly.

Maintaining pressure and sugar levels helps and ordinary oatmeal helps. It has a lot of selenium and dietary fiber - just enter into your daily diet to the plate of oatmeal with low-fat milk. Or just on the water, and high pressure will gradually decrease.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PPGC) Omega-3 normalize blood clotting and improve its composition, and, therefore, they protect us from hypertension, the formation of thromboms and the development of cardiovascular diseases - the most of these substances in fatty sea fish. Cooking the fish is necessary for a couple, bake it in the oven or grilled - so PNGC will retain their useful properties: the richest salmon, tuna, sardines, herring, mackerel, halibut, mackerel, trout, cod. 400 g of fish 2 times a week, however, will be better if we get used to replace fatty meat more often.

In addition to fish, Olive oil is useful in this regard. Oleic acid contained in it normalizes blood cholesterol and reduces blood pressure on the vessels.

Another product with useful fats - almonds. Also containing many unsaturated fatty acids: its regular use normalizes cholesterol balance and helps maintain body weight in norm. Almonds are rich in vitamin E. magnesium. potassium. proteins and useful fiber.

Spinach is a product rich in magnesium: it relaxes blood vessels, reduces high pressure and load on the heart. People with high pressure often hurt the caviar of the legs - the spinach helps to get rid of this problem.

Similarly, the broccoli acts. The substances contained in it calm the sympathetic nervous system, and the walls of the vessels are also relaxing. In Broccoli, a lot of vitamin C. Magnesium, calcium, potassium, fiber - on the day it is enough to eat about 200 g; It is necessary to cook or extinguish it for a short time - only 5-6 minutes.

The famous product regulating pressure is celery. It contains compounds that reduce the production of stress hormones in the body - these hormones narrow vessels. If you use a day 4-7 good twigs of fresh celery, blood pressure will always strive for the norm.

Widely applied in folk medicine garlic. It prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of the vessels, and the pressure remains normal.

Perfectly help to prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases from soybeans. Not only soybean oil. But also products from soybeans - for example, Tofu. It is useful and soybean milk rich in easily digestible proteins, vitamins and minerals, but few saturated fats in it are not enough; Women especially worth paying attention to him - soybeans contains the necessary female hormone in natural form - phytoestrogen.

On the benefits of oranges for the heart and vessels, Linaus Paulong said: they have a lot of vitamin C and potassium, and their use helps the body to derive the extra sodium - it is known that the excess of sodium causes an increase in blood pressure. Oranges need to choose fresh and juicy, and not those who have lacquered in a warehouse or in a supermarket for several months.

Sodium level is normalized and bananas - they can be combined with oranges.

Watermelons We can not always eat, but only in the season, and we must try to do at least this: in their fresh pulp a lot of useful amino acids and vitamins that contribute to the elasticity of vessels and also improving the composition of the blood, so blood flow is facilitated, and the pressure is normalized.

The benefits of green tea are now spoiled everywhere, and it is really useful: Contains a lot of antioxidants. Slows aging and reduces the amount of harmful cholesterol in the body, but it is not necessary to abuse - in large quantities it causes the stomach disorder, disrupts the work of the liver and the absorption of iron by the body, and this can lead to anemia and other serious illnesses. Warm and hot tea lowers pressure, and cold, on the contrary, lowers.

Coconut water is useful from exotic products - it can be obtained from fresh coconuts - you can buy them. In this transparent water, many minerals contributing to the normalization of blood pressure.

Lowering pressure and bitter chocolate. But slightly - he is rich in antioxidants, also strengthening the heart and improving his work.

With a tendency to hypertension in a diet, it is necessary to include carrots. Beet. Zucchini. Eggplants. Pumpkin. Different types of green salad, tomatoes and cucumbers. Fresh and sauer white cabbage and other vegetables and greens. Soups are useful: vegetable and cereal - without meat; dairy and fruit; And porridge - pearl, bashing, buckwheat, millet, oatmeal. Many potassium contains potatoes. Cooked in the peel - it is also better to learn together with the skin.

Beans. peas. Lentils and other legumes themselves do not have much influence on pressure, but they can still contribute to normalization, as they are enough magnesium and potassium. Dishes of them should be included in the menu 2-3 times a week: they also have a lot of fiber preventing the accumulation of extra kilograms - it is known that high pressure is more likely to be a problem for people with overweight.

Of the fruits and berries, the pressure of apricots and peaches is better reduced. Kalina. Black-tree rowan. Lamberry. sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn. cranberry. Strawberry. plums, gooseberry. Currant and grapes. The juice from the black rowan is especially effective: it must be taken 1-2 tbsp. 3 times a day. You can also eat on a small portion of jam from this berry.

In the spring and summer to any vegetable salads, it is necessary to add the leaves of a fresh dandelion, and for the winter they can be dried, and used as a dry seasoning to different dishes - for example, to stew vegetables or a solickene. From the well-known seasonings and spices help reduce the increased pressure of parsley and dill. Mayran, bay leaf, coriander, etc.

According to the reviews of those who have tried to normalize the pressure by means of nutrition, as well as from the experience of many doctors, it is enough to eat for 3-6 months in such a way that the pressure comes to normal - especially with hypertension of the I-II stages. But with more severe forms, the pressure is significantly reduced, and the concomitant diseases will be easier or leaving at all. Of course, in such cases, therapeutic nutrition should be applied in parallel with the treatment appointed by the doctor, and not to replace it completely, but, as practice shows, drugs with such a diet takes much less.

Useful hypertension products

Hypertension is a disease that is accompanied by a steady increase in blood pressure. High pressure is one of the most dangerous and non-predictable circulatory disorders, which gives complication to all organs and tissues of the body. In order to prevent possible complications, you should proceed to the treatment of hypertension immediately after it is detected. Healthy blood pressure is 120/80. Indicators Over 140 are considered high. It does not matter whether high blood pressure is a single case or the disease, measures should be taken to reduce it. As pharmaceutical experience says: the secrets of the treatment of many diseases lies in folk remedies.

What products reduce pressure, tell me the substances included in their composition:

  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • vitamin D;
  • fatty acid;
  • amino acids;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamin A;
  • foliyev Acid;
  • sodium;
  • protein;
  • flavonoids (vitamin P);
  • vitamin C.

Magnesium with hypertension

Increased pressure occurs with a significant narrowing of the arteries. In this case, the heart spends much more energy and effort to circulate blood in the body. Together with potassium and calcium, magnesium regulates the heart rate and the operation of the circulatory system. The main function of this element is the expansion of the arteries, which in turn entails a decrease in blood pressure. Magnesium deficiency is the first cause of hypertension, therefore it is necessary to carefully ensure that the body gets a sufficient daily dose of magnesium daily. This will serve as a good prevention of further diseases. The lack of magnesium causes a weakening of the walls of the arteries and their spasms, which entails the steady increase in pressure indicators. Since this element by the body will allocate in very small quantities, it is necessary to ensure that it falls along with food. Products lowering the pressure of the component of which is magnesium: nuts, a family of legumes and cereals.

Potassium with hypertension

Potassium performs a lot of functions, without which the fabrics and organs could not function normally. The main task of potassium is the protection of the cells from the inside and establishing the balance. The lack of this mineral in the body contributes to the output of cells. Potassium acts in the sodium system, which protects the cells "outside". It is due to the well-coordinated work of these two elements, the cells of the body are under constant protection. The sufficient level of potassium in the body contributes to the stabilization of blood pressure and the prevention of hypertension. It is due to the balance of the two elements: potassium and sodium, the arteries cells are in good shape and do not narrow. It should be noted that an excess sodium entails a significant leap of blood pressure, so it is precisely the balance of these two elements is excellent prevention. Reduce pressure: dried apricots, nuts, beans and potatoes.

Calcium with hypertension

The positive effect of calcium on excessive blood pressure has been studied for a long time through analyzes and experiments on large groups of residents. The studies have shown that calcium is capable of preventing hypertension in 75% of cases, which indicates a certain positive action of calcium on the circulatory system. The main function of calcium is the strengthening. The walls of the arteries become more elastic and strong, which prevents their narrowing. Most of the calcium are rich: skimmed milk, all kinds of nuts, fresh fruits and oatmeal.

Protein with hypertension

Protein is a building material of fabrics and its disadvantage can lead to depletion and weakening of the body. The protein deficit in the body contributes to a decrease in the working capacity of the circulatory system, which is one of the signs of hypertension. Products lowering the pressure in which protein includes: fish, peanuts, cocoa, legumes.

Vitamins with hypertension

Even a child knows about the favorable influence of vitamins on the human body. But vitamins are not only a strong immunity, but also the key to normal operation of tissues and body organs, including the body's blood system. Lack of vitamin A can cause increased blood pressure, but it should not be used additionally. Only in case of detection of a lack of this vitamin in the body, the number of vegetables and fruits containing this element should be increased.

Vitamin C is the strengthening of cells, so its use helps to strengthen the walls of the arteries, increase their elasticity and resistance to external stimuli and the causes of hypertension. A sufficient amount of vitamin C in the body prevents vessel spasms and their narrowing.

Vitamin D affects the absorption of beneficial substances into the body, including calcium, which contributes to a decrease in pressure in blood vessels. This way, only with this vitamin calcium can effectively penetrate the cells and normalize pressure.

The most rich in vitamins are: fruits, vegetables, berries and cereals.

Acids with hypertension

Fatty acids are the elements necessary for the normal operation of the body. Their main function is the separation of energy and regeneration (update) of cells. It should be noted that fatty acids are not allocated by the body, therefore their use with food should be increased. There are two groups of fatty acids: omega with coefficients "3" and "6". Effectively reduce the pressure of representatives of the first group. They meet in fish, and the second - in the bird, oils and eggs.

Folic acid is not a replaceable element that reduces blood pressure. It acts by strengthening the walls of the vessels and increase their elasticity. Strong vessel walls are a serious barrier for hypertension. Folic acid in its composition is rich: citrus fruits, green vegetables and representatives of the family of legumes.

Flavonoids with hypertension

Not much known about this element. Flavonoids are not produced by the human body. They fall inside with food of plant origin. The main task of flavonoids is the connection of the intercellular elements. Also, they perform antispasmodic (preventing spasm) and hypotensive (tonic) action on the vessels, which prevents hypertension. The effect of flavonoids on the circulatory system is manifested in the vasodilatory action, which is why they are an effective way to reduce pressure. Products that reduce the pressure in which are included flavonoids: tea, red wine, cocoa, exotic and citrus fruits, cabbage.

Below is a list of products to reduce blood pressure.

Vitamin B1 plays a central role in the splitting of carbohydrates. The need for vitamin B1 increases in old age, during pregnancy, breastfeeding, exercise, with an increased thyroid function, if there is a lot of sugar, bread, pasta in the diet, and other recycled carbohydrate products, as well as with alcohol abuse.

In cardiovascular diseases, most likely there are increased needs in this cellular energy.

Vitamin B1 is present in sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, sow, peas, peanuts, Mintae, Pork, Cashew, Beans, Hercules, Buckwheat, Beef liver, Ket, egg yolk, bread grain, Navaha.

In our country, the most common form of vitamin is thiamine hydrochloride.

Large doses of vitamin B1 should be equalized by the reception of the entire complex of vitamins of the group B, otherwise physiological imbalance may occur in the well-coordinated work in vitamins.

With vitamin B1, it is necessary to apply with caution in chemotherapy of oncological diseases.

Vitamin B3 (niacin or nicotine acid).

Niacin participates in most reactions associated with the splitting of carbohydrates, fats and proteins and the extraction of energy from them.

For patients with cardiovascular diseases, vitamin B3 in the form of nicotine acid has the ability in large dosages (2-6 grams) to affect lipid blood indicators.

This is one of the few funds that can simultaneously:

  • Reduce the level of poor LNP cholesterol by 10-26%.
  • Raise the level of good cholesterol HDP to 33%.
  • Reduce triglycerides by 20-50%.
  • Reduce lipoprotein level up to 35%.
  • The recommended daily rate in vitamin B3 for adults is 20 mg.
  • Vitamin B3 is part of peanut, roast liver, wheat bran, tuna of natural and canned tuna, mackerel in oil, chicken, beef, turkey, stavride, buckwheat, wheat whole grain bread.

Vitamin B3, normal in the body and is not a medicine, in large gram dosages (2-6 g) refers to pharmaceuticals. Additional reception of nicotine acid is associated with serious side effects and should be carried out only under strict medical control.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine).

Vitamin B6 with cardiovascular diseases takes part in reducing the blood level of homocysteine \u200b\u200b- a powerful factor of damage to the vessels and the development of atherosclerosis. Vitamin B6 controls the operation of 2 reactions to the conversion of homocysteine \u200b\u200binto cysteine \u200b\u200b.. In its versatility, vitamin B6 can be compared only with vitamin C.

Studies with the participation of 20 people showed that the reception of vitamin B6 for 4 weeks in the dosage of 5 mg per kg of weight leads to a decrease in systolic blood pressure from 167 to 153 mm RT. Art. and diastolic blood pressure from 108 to 98 mm RT. Art. Practitioners are well known for the beneficial effect of vitamin B6 in hypertension conditions at almost 10 times smaller dosage. The beneficial effects of vitamin B6 with hypertension are due to the rejection of the sympathetic nervous system, as well as the derived from the body of excessive fluid.

Vitamin B6 is contained in many food products: beans, chicken liver, soot, walnuts, fatty atlantic, tuna mackerel, hazelnuts, beef liver and pork, chiches of 1 category, pork and beef muscle tissue, whole grain wheat bread.

Additional reception of vitamin B6 can be obtained from polyvitamin and minerals, groups of group vitamins B and in the form of a separate vitamin.

In pharmacies, vitamin B6 is available in the form of pyridoxine hydrochloride and pyridoxal phosphate.

Vitamin B6 alone is not capable of normalizing the homocysteine \u200b\u200blevel, for this it should act together with folic acid or vitamin B12.

Folic acid.

Folic acid belongs to the Folate family, which in metabolically active form is present in plants and in the animal body. But, in contrast to thermally unstable fouls, folic acid is synthesized specifically for vitamin supplements.

In recent years, folic acid has gained fame due to the problem of homocysteine. The active form of folate controls the key reaction to the conversion of homocysteine \u200b\u200binto methionine. A decrease in homocysteine \u200b\u200bin the blood leads to a decrease in the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Folic acid is well represented in food products, it contains: in the liver of chickens, beef and pork, soot, white, parsley greenery, cod liver, beans, spinage, walnuts, hazelnuts, almond, salad, abrahe, low-fat cottage cheese, rzhan bread , wheat, wholegrain bread

Synthetic folic acid in its biological activity is 2 times superior to natural folate. Folic acid is available in vitamin and mineral preparations, complexes of group vitamins B and in the form of a separate vitamin sold in pharmacies. In order to prevent cardiovascular diseases and the reduction of homocysteine \u200b\u200bin most cases, 400 μg of folic acid is sufficient.

There are calculations that the daily reception of folic acid can warn 16% of infarction and 24% strokes. In regular reception of folic acid, faces older than 55 years old are especially needed, with cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

Vitamins of groups in natural products are most often found together. The best joint source is beer yeast. But with hypertension, do not do without their additional reception. This may be either a good polyvitamin-mineral complex with an elevated content of vitamins B, or a special complex of vitamins of group V. Well, if the content of the main vitamins involved in bioenergy and many other exchange processes in the cell: B1, B2, B6 would be the value of 10 -50 mg, B3 - 30 - 50 mg, folic acid - at least 400 μg and vitamin at 12 - 25 μg.

The complex of vitamins of the group B, in contrast to conventional vitamin and mineral complexes, is taken by monthly courses against the background of exacerbation of hypertensive disease, with psycho-emotional stress and other situations requiring increased energy formation. As needed, the course of vitaminotherapy can be repeated.

Source of materials Book S. Aloshina "Hypertension Response"