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Personal material incentive is a way to achieve the goal of the company. Duvanova E., Dicareva I.A.

Labor stimulation is primarily an external motivation, an element of a work situation affecting human behavior in the field of labor, the material shell of the motivation staff Shapiro S.A. Motivation and stimulation of personnel / S.A. Shapiro. M.: Grossmedia, 2005 - p.134 .. At the same time, it carries and intangible load, allowing the employee to realize itself as a person and an employee at the same time. Stimulation performs economic, social and moral functions.

The economic function is expressed in the fact that labor stimulation facilitates the efficiency of production, which is expressed in increasing productivity and product quality.

The moral function is determined by the fact that the work incentives form an active life position, the highly moral community climate in society. It is important to ensure the correct and informed system of incentives, taking into account the tradition and historical experience.

Social function is ensured by the formation of the social structure of society through a different level of income, which largely depends on the effects of incentives on various people. In addition, the formation of needs, and in the end, the development of the person is predetermined by the formation and stimulation of labor in society.

In the incentive, a certain dualism was laid in the fact that, on the one hand, from the position of the administration of the enterprise, it is a tool for achieving a goal, on the other hand, from the standpoint of an employee incentive is the possibility of obtaining additional benefits or the possibility of their loss. In connection with these, it is possible to distinguish positive stimulation (the possibility of possessing something, achieving something) and negative stimulation (the ability of the loss of a subject that satisfies the need)

Incentives can be material and intangible (Fig. 1.3)

Fig.1.3. Types of stimulating Shapiro S.A. Motivation and stimulation of personnel / S.A. Shapiro. M.: Grossmedia, 2005 - p.135.

There are certain requirements for the organization of labor stimulation. This is the complexity, differentiation, flexibility and efficiency.

The complexity implies the unity of moral and material, collective and individual incentives, whose value depends on the system of approaches to personnel management, experience and traditions of the enterprise.

Differentiation means an individual approach to stimulating different layers and groups of workers. Approaches to secured and low-income workers should differ significantly. The approaches to qualified and young employees should be different.

Flexibility and efficiency are manifested in constant revision of incentives, depending on the changes occurring in society and the team.

In turn, D.A. Ashirov to the types of material incentives relates wages, premiums, bonuses, complicity in profit and complicity in property, considering wages as the main, but not the most perfect, the method of material incentives.

After analyzing the works of Kibanovaa., Vesnina, V.R. Shapiro S. A., Travin V.V., Magury M.I., Kurbatova M.B. It can be concluded that researchers adhere to a single point of view on the definition of stimulus species, but the classification of stimulation forms varies slightly (Table 1.1.)

Table 1.1.

Types and forms of stimulating Kibibanov A.Ya. Personnel Management Fundamentals: Tutorial. - M.: Infra-M, 2006. - with. 241.

View of stimulation

Stimulation form



Payments for the wage employee, including the main (piece, timeless, bustling) wages and additional: premiums, promotion of professional mind; surcharges for severe working conditions, partition, for work at night, teenagers, nursing mothers, for work on holidays and Sundays, for overtime work; For the leadership of the brigade, payment or compensation for vacation, etc.

One-time payments from the organization's profits (remuneration, award, additional remuneration). The following types of bonuses distinguish: Annual, for the lack of skills, export, for merit, for long service, target.

Participation in share capital

Purchase of shares organization and receipt of dividends; Buying shares at preferential prices, free of charge.

Participation in profits

The share of profits is established from which the incentive fund is formed. Payments through participation in profits are not a one-time bonus. Approaches the categories of personnel capable of actually affecting profit most often these are managerial personnel, and the share of such a part of profits correlates with the rank of the head in the service hierarchy and is determined as a percentage of its income (basic salary)

Additional payments plans

Plans are most often with employees of sales organizations (structural units of organizations) and stimulate the search for new sales markets, maximizing sales paths. These include gifts from the organization, subsidizing business expenses, covering personal expenses that are indirectly related to work. These are indirect costs are not taxable, and therefore more attractive.


Stimulating free time

Employment time regulation:

by providing an employee for active and creative work of additional weekends, leave, the possibility of selection of vacation time, etc.;

by organizing a flexible work schedule;

by reducing the duration of the working day at the expense of high labor productivity.

Labor or organizational stimulation

Regulates the behavior of the employee on the basis of a change in the sense of its satisfaction with the work and assumes the presence of creative elements in the organization process and in the very character of his labor; opportunity to participate in management; Promotion in service within the same position; Creative business trips.


Stimulation, regulating employee behavior based on the expression of public recognition

Presentation of diploma, badges, pennants, placement of photos on the hill board.


Payment spending or self-maintenance

Allocation of funds:

to pay for transportation costs;

to acquire your own transport.


with full service (with driver);

with partial service

persons associated with frequent roads, leadership staff.

Savings funds

The organization of savings funds for employees of the organization with a percentage payment is not lower than the Russian Federation established in Sberbank.

Preferential regimens of accumulation of funds.



Allocation of funds:

on the organization of nutrition in the organization;

on the payment of subsidies for food.

Sale of goods manufactured by the organization or the barter

Allocation of funds for discounts from the sale of these goods.

Scripnd programs

Allocation of funds for education (coverage of expenses for education) on the side.

Studying programs

Covering expenses for training, retraining, advanced training.

Medical service programs

Organization of medical care or the conclusion of a contract with a medical institution. Allocation of funds for these purposes.

Advisory services

Organization of advisory services or conclusion of contracts with those.

Housing construction programs

Allocation of funds for own construction of housing or on mutual conditions

Programs related to the education and training of children

Allocation of funds for the organization of preschool and school education of children, grandchildren of employees of the organization.

Flexible social payments

Organizations establish a certain amount for the acquisition of the necessary benefits and services. The employee, within the limits of established amounts, has the right to independently choose benefits and services.

Life insurance

At the expense of the organization: insurance of the employee's life and for the symbolic contribution - members of his family. Payments at the expense of funds held from employee income.

Temporary disability payments

In case of accident - an annual income of the employee; With a fatal accident - double annual income.

Health insurance

Both the employees themselves and their family members.

Deductions to the Pension Fund

Such an alternative state fund of additional pension provision can be created both at the enterprise itself and under the contract with any fund on the side.

Associations receiving loans

Installation of preferential loans for housing construction, the purchase of long-term goods, services, etc.

Currently, along with the main forms of stimulation, new forms of staff stimulation appear.

Cafeteria. Currently, many non-traditional methods of encouragements have appeared in the practice of Western firms, which can be successfully used by Russian entrepreneurs, including such a method as additional payments in the style of "cafeteria".

The essence of this innovation is that when the self-service style payments system ("cafeteria"), the administration establishes the upper limit of the funds that it agrees to pay as additional payments, and the employees themselves choose the procedure for their receipt and develop additional payments for themselves. At the same time, they can choose whether to obtain them the entire amount or gradually, as well as in what form - monetary, medical insurance, recreation, etc. The attractiveness of this form in its democraticity, which strengthens the confidence in the administration and increases the motivation to achieve the results of the Summer M. Rake Motivation / m. Yarova // Human Resources Directory. - 2006, № 9. - p. 76 ..

Among the types of cash remuneration, commission payments, awards, participation in the enterprise's profits are also allocated.

Commission remuneration is payments to an employee in a certain proportion of income, which he brings an enterprise. The payment system can be fully built according to the principle of commission interest or combine a fixed monthly wage with additional fees. In any case, this method of money remuneration establishes a direct link between the income of the company and the income of each individual employee. This stimulation system is most suitable for sales companies (any goods and services), and for the category of employees whose responsibility is the search for customers and the implementation of goods and services.

The paid cash premiums may have a fixed rate, and can be determined by a progressive scale in which the employee "accumulates points", depending on its own achievements, and after certain accumulation levels begin to obtain more significant amounts.

Participation in the profit of the enterprise is provided with the help of different mechanisms. One of them is the purchase of shares with workers and employees, so that employees who are actual co-owners of the enterprise do not separate themselves from the company, and their own income is closely linked with the income and profitability of their enterprise. The involvement of employees to the shareholder is stimulated by special programs that are quite widespread. Studies show that firms on which employees are co-owners are developing 2-4 times faster than firms that do not use this mechanism.

In general, there is a trend of the transition from the systems of individual, directly financial, stimulating to the system of collective distribution of profits from productivity growth, except in cases where individual encouragement is clearly suitable. Profit distribution systems are considered to be the most developed and to them should be moved after more simple methods of encouragement, and ideally use them comprehensively.

The popularity of group stimulation systems is growing because they best allow to realize the goals of the enterprise itself and its leadership. They provide productivity growth not in a separate workplace, but in the work area. The effect of their application is applied not only on productivity indicators and material security of employees, but also on the creation of a more favorable psychological climate, the formation of a cohesive team. In the framework of individual encouragement systems, employees most often encourage only higher earnings.

Options. The option is a contract concluded between the two investors, one of which sells (disclaims) an option, and the other bows it and becomes the right to or buy it within the terms of the Optional Option, or to sell a certain amount or value of a specific basis asset at a fixed price .

Options are of two types: options that give the right to buy - options for Call Options, and options that give the right to sell are sales options (PUT OPTIONS).

The characteristic option parameters are:

PRT - premium or option cost;

K - the price of execution;

T - term before the expiration of the contract;

M - contract size or a unit of trade;

Volatility of the price of the basic asset;

Margint is the size of the margin of the option subscriber.

The class is the combination of all options of one type with the same basis asset. The series is the options from the same class with the same cost of execution and deadlines before the expiration of contracts. Performance prices for each option series are determined by the Exchange Administration and change at certain intervals relative to the price of the basic asset. Typically, a year is appointed 4 months of expiration of contracts, following each other with an interval of three months. The day of the expiration of contracts is usually Saturday, following the third Friday of the month of the expiration of contracts.

Various options with options can be initiated both in the interests of basic assets and in the interests of the options themselves as independent objects of trading activities, and customers carrying out transactions with options are divided into hedgers and speculators.

The duties of the buyer of the option include the timely payment of the award, and the obligations of the option subscriber - the provision of strictly certain guarantees of fulfilling its obligations (margin) in the form of a guarantee of money or securities, usually about 20% of the gross market value of basic assets . The margin for the option subscriber package is equal to 20% of the market value of the base asset minus the difference between the cost of execution and the current market price of the basic asset. Margin for the Sale Option Subscriber is 20 percent of the market value of the base asset plus the difference between the cost of execution and the current market price of the basic asset. The magnitude of the margin should not be less than 3% of the market value of the basic asset. The sizes of commission clients by brokerage firms for the purchase or sale of option contracts are not recorded in the specifications of option contracts, but are determined on the basis of agreement Yakovenko L. not whip, but gingerbread / L.N. Yakovenko // Human Resources Directory. - 2006, № 10. - p. 87..

Money, as you know, are too expensive. And sometimes no argument in favor of increasing the salary employee seems uncompromisingly weighty. But for years to charge the employee, the same salary, without noticing his victories on the proposed "battlefield", nor professional growth, no other merit to the company - the policy is as short-sighted. And any self-respecting and your team employer knows that, "forgetting" to encourage the achievements of its employees, he risks.

The "offended" employee can cool down to work for the benefit of the native company and lose the working ardent, thirst for new feats, effort and patience. And then start searching for a more profitable place in another company. In the hope that it, the worker, finally, will be appreciated. Thus, a stingy employer can, together with water, "throw out both the child": to cut out and very good workers, creating a noncomfortable microclimate in the team. Both are hardly in the interests of the company, especially if she intends to develop a business.

The policy of "gingerbread" - promoting employees - allows employers not only to avoid new spending, but also, no matter how loudly it sounds, increase the efficiency of the company in general. As a result, highlighting some of the amounts for employees' remuneration, the employer thus brings them to the company and gives them an incentive to shock work, that is, increases motivation.

Signal indexation is an increase in it in accordance with the growth of the general price index for consumer goods - a good matter. The team in this case feels socially protected, and therefore finds more resonance for the company's dedication.

Benefiti. The system of indirect material motivation is the so-called compensatory package (social package) provided to the employee. The compensation package (social package) is benefits provided by the Company's employee depending on the level of its position, professionalism, authority, etc. In domestic practice, the indirect material incentive system is additional non-monetary compensation to employees who can be divided into 2 blocks:

Mandatory benefits (regulated by labor legislation):

Payment of hospital sheets;

Payment of annual vacations;

Mandatory medical insurance;

Dependent payments for pension insurance.

Voluntary benefits (not regulated by the state and

used by employers on a voluntary basis):

Voluntary medical insurance (employee of the company

the Voluntary Medical Insurance Policy is provided

a certain amount that he can use on various

medical services);

Medical care of employees who retired as their full-time employees (providing them with a voluntary health insurance policy, providing their own health care services, etc.);

Pension storage mechanisms (the company pays additional pensions to the employee who has worked as a certain number of years in this organization);

Payment time (some companies provide employees with the opportunity to be absent until the week per year due to illness, without providing them with a hospital leaf to the employer);

Insurance of the life of workers and / or members of their families (the company carries out the life insurance of workers and their families for a certain amount, free for employee);

Payment of additional weekends (personal, children's) days (companies provide one paid day per month - the so-called personal or children's day);

Payment of additional days of vacation by employees of the company;

Payment of training, additional education of employees (both full payment of training by the employer and partial, within a certain amount, or interest-free employee lending to educational purposes);

For joint-stock companies - the possibility of acquiring shares by the company's shareholders;

Compensation for cellular services;

Delivery of employees to the place of work and back by the service vehicle or compensation for the cost of travel;

Payment for employee health expenditures (payment of vouchers - in whole or in part);

Payment of dinners;

Payment of kindergartens for children of employees of the company;

Payment of visits to fitness clubs;

Issuance of loans and loans for the purchase of housing, car, etc.

The benefit system is not limited to the above list of compensation, and adapts both for each particular company and for a particular employee.

Grading (from English. Grading - classification, sorting, ordering) is a system of discharges, which combines all positions of a particular organization to the general system, builds a unified coordinate system. Positions are grouped in categories (grades) based on the sameness of the functions performed, the degree of importance of this position for the organization, as well as on the basis of the quality of the work of a separate employee Strakhov S.A. Personnel motivation // Human Resources Manual. - 2006, № 9. - p. 57..

Each employee of the company has its own rank (or grad), in accordance with which its wage level is calculated. To one grade may include the posts of one level from different divisions of the company. The larger the company, the obvious the feasibility of the introduction of the graudigic system. "

The purpose of the introduction of grading is to change the material motivation system.

Groidence makes it possible to determine the relative value of each post from the point of view of the general development strategy of the company, to create an effective remuneration system, optimize the management of the wage fund, clarifies career development opportunities for each employee.

All grading systems are being built on the analysis of official duties. At the heart of the position assessment system lies a set of parameters (factors) of labor, for which this estimate is produced. "It is preferable that representatives of the company (for example, chiefs of departments) in cooperation with the expert from the expert.

Each company determines the factors important for it, however, it is possible to distinguish 3 main groups of labor factors:

knowledge and experience necessary for work;

accompanying efforts (mental, physical);

liability level.

Other factors and sub-factor are distinguished. Depending on its specific needs, the company determines the importance of each group of factors, assesses the importance of each of them, assigns a certain weight to each factor. Experts exhibit each post of scores for each of the factors of labor. It is very important to evaluate the value of the post for the company, and not specific people. It is also important to make a description of posts, determine the minimum requirements for each position, describe the standards of working behavior of feasures S.A. Personnel motivation // Human Resources Manual. - 2006, № 9. - p. 57.

The grading system is used primarily to the salary of the salary. And taking into account all sorts of bonuses and premiums depending on different factors (for example, from the qualification of an employee, his experiment), even the employees who have fallen into the same grader can receive a different salary. With an increase in experience and professionalism, an employee can earn more and more within his Greed, but to achieve a maximum fork, the salary will no longer grow. We will have to seek translation to a higher grade.

For each grade, its own social package or its own list of additional benefits (for example, payment of personal transport, mobile communications, tourist vouchers, all kinds of loans, etc.). The grading system based on the measurement of labor factors allows to avoid subjectivity in the salary accrual: each employee may at any time get a clear explanation of the origin of his wage.

The gradation system is convenient primarily for large enterprises. Unlike the traditional vertical, hierarchical career, the grading system allows you to build a career "horizontally": improve your qualifications and, accordingly, earn more. At the same time, the formal naming of posts (important for a vertical hierarchical career) goes to the background. Of course, once developed and implemented, the grades system should not remain something unshakable: the system should periodically revise and change to meet the company's relevant strategies.

Participation in profits.

Salary not possessing the property of self-exploration, with strengthening inflation and tightening market competition less and less workers (due to impairment of labor) and employers (due to increasing the deficit of financial resources). That is, in the first place, it is explained by the restructuring of employees' income over the past decades and, accordingly, costs for payment of their labor that carry employers. It manifested itself in the form of displacement of traditional monetary elements of such a new payment. These are payments to employees with shares of the company. Formally, it is not about calculating the shares for work, but about their free sale. However, essentially, intra-profit programs for the sale of shares to their employees funded by retained earnings and bank loans are included in the wage system Ilinskaya I. Metal powerlessness / I. Ilinskaya //. Human Resources Manual. - 2006, No. 7.- with. 49 ..

A series of programs for the transformation of employees in shareholders is being implemented. The largest among them are ESOP plans financed by loans for a period of 5 to 10 years, as well as contributions for employees themselves. Their property is created by the acquisition of shares on credit with repayment of debt from the company's profits from current activities. As the loan returns, they are distributed on personal investment accounts of workers, usually in proportion to the ratio of their wage rates. The amount of repayment by the credit company is deducted from its income taxable, and the distribution of shares between employees is considered as a deferred payment of wages, i.e. As an expense of the enterprise. The upper limit of the release of the profit of the enterprise from the tax for ESOP is equal to 25% of the wage fund of employees participating in the program, and the specific amount of such release depends on the availability of other programs of this kind. Released from tax and dividends, or paid to employees on cash shares, or used to repay a loan, which is taken by the enterprise under the program.

Real wages in its traditional form in the last 20 years almost did not increase, but since the rate of profit on share capital was 8.8% per year, rapid replacement of monetary wages with shares and dividends on them ensured a significant increase in real income of hired workers.




In a rapidly changing world, it is important to keep up with world achievements in stimulating labor. The lack of a developed system of stimulating high-quality and efficient labor creates the prerequisites for reducing the competitiveness of the company, which will negatively affect the wage and the social atmosphere in the team.

A detailed system of stimulating efficiency and quality of labor will mobilize employment potentials, creating the necessary interest of workers in the growth of individual results, manifestation of creative potential, increase their level of competence, will be expressed in reducing the specific weight of living labor per unit of products and improving the quality of work performed.

The stimulation system embedded in the common economic mechanism gives an additional opportunity to influence the competitiveness of the enterprise. Improving the qualification level of employees complicates the content and conditions of their labor, performance is estimated at an increasing number of parameters. The interval is reduced in order to and tasks between the employee and the firm. Improving the quality of labor increases the quality of labor, and it, in turn, is expressed in the high quality of manufactured products. The importance of the created goods created is increasingly aware that it is from their work as its and the firm future. Labor stimulation There is a way to manage the behavior of social systems of various hierarchical levels, is one of the methods of motivating the employment behavior of management facilities.

The object of the study is to stimulate the labor of personnel in the organization, and the subject is the type of personnel's labor behavior in the organization.

The purpose of this work is to establish what is the essence of the labor stimulation of the organization's staff.

For the implementation of the specified purpose, the following tasks are set:

· to give the concept of incentives for labor activities and their species;

· determine the concept of stimulating the labor of the organization's staff;

· to assess the state of the labor stimulation system in organizations;

· identify problems and according to these problem points to give recommendations and put forward proposals.

The structure of the work is as follows:

· the first chapter describes the essence and functions of stimulating staff in order to be able to analyze the phenomena;

· in the second chapter, the methods of labor incentives are analyzed;

· in the third chapter discusses the stimulation systems and their types;

· in the fourth chapter, social and labor relations are analyzed;

· the fifth chapter analyzes the role of stimulating labor in the system of socio-labor relations.

When writing the work, the following methods were used:

· Description method;

· comparison method;

· material analysis method;

· method of information synthesis.

Chapter 1. Essence and Personnel Stimulation Functions

Stimulation - Impact on the behavior of an employee using incentives. "Stimulus is an external urge to action, the cause of which is interest (material, moral, personal or group), most often the material remuneration of a certain form."

Incentives perform the role of the impact levers or carriers of "irritation", which cause the effect of certain motives. Separate objects, actions of other people, promises, provided opportunities and much more, can be as incentives, which can be offered to a person in compensation for his actions or that he would wish to get as a result of certain actions.

Labor stimulation involves the creation of conditions under which the employee will work as a result of active labor activities more efficiently and more productively, i.e. will perform a greater amount of work than it was agreed in advance.

The purpose of stimulation is not only to encourage a person to work at all, but to encourage it better (more) what is due to labor relations.

Labor stimulation is primarily an external motivation, an element of a labor situation affecting human behavior in the field of labor, the material shell of staff motivation. At the same time, it carries and intangible load, allowing the employee to realize itself as a personality and an employee at the same time.

"Stimulation performs a number of functions:

1.The economic function is primarily expressed in principle that labor stimulation facilitates the efficiency of production, which is expressed in increasing productivity and product quality.

2.The moral function is determined by the fact that the work incentives form an active life position, the highly moral community climate in society. It is important to ensure the correct and informed system of incentives, taking into account the tradition and historical experience.

.Social function is ensured by the formation of the social structure of society through a different level of income, which largely depends on the impact of incentives on various people. In addition, the formation of needs, and in the end, the development of the person is also predetermined by the organization and stimulation of labor in society. "

Individual objects, the actions of other people, promises, carriers of obligations and opportunities, suggestions of the person in compensation for his actions, may be as incentives, and that he would wish to get as a result of certain actions. A person reacts to many incentives is not necessarily consciously. Its reaction may not even succumb to conscious controls on individual incentives. The reaction to specific incentives is not the same in various people. Therefore, in itself, the incentives do not have absolute value or meaning if people do not react to them. For example, in the conditions of collapse of the monetary system, when practically nothing can be checked for money, wages and monetary signs are generally losing their role of incentives and can be very limitedly used in managing people. The process of using different incentives for motivating people is called the stimulation process.

"There are certain requirements for the organization of labor stimulation. This is the complexity, differentiation, flexibility and efficiency.

Comprehensivenessit implies the unity of moral and material, collective and individual incentives, whose value depends on the system of approaches to personnel management, experience and traditions of the enterprise.

Differentiation Individual approach to stimulating different layers and groups of workers. It is known that approaches to secured and low-income workers should differ significantly. The approaches to qualified and young workers should be different.

Flexibility And the efficiency is manifested in constant revision of incentives, depending on the changes occurring in society and the team.

Stimulation is based on certain principles. These include:

1.Availability. Each incentive should be available for all workers. Stimulting conditions must be understandable and democratic.

2.Feeling. There is a certain imitation of the incentive, which differs significantly in different teams. This must be taken into account when determining the bottom threshold of the incentive.

.Graduality. Material incentives are subject to constant correction in the direction of increasing, which must be taken into account, however, a sharply overestimated remuneration, which is not subsequently confirmed, will adversely affect the motivation of the employee in connection with the formation of expectations of increased remuneration and the emergence of the new incentive threshold, which would suit the employee.

.Minimizing the gap between the result of labor and its payment. For example, the transition to a weekly labor payment. Compliance with this principle reduces the level of remuneration, as the principle is "better smaller, but faster." Rewarding, its clear connection with the result of labor is a strong motivational factor.

.The combination of moral and material incentives. Both those and other factors are equally strong in their impact. It all depends on the place, time and subject of the impact of these factors. Therefore, it is necessary to reasonably combine these types of incentives, taking into account their targeted action for each employee.

.The combination of positive and negative incentives. In economically developed countries, the transition from negative incentives (fear of loss of work, hunger, fines) to positive stimuli (bonus, payments) is prevalent. It depends on the traditions of established in society or the team, views, morals, as well as the style and methods of management. "

Stimulation, from the point of view of manual, is the tacty of solving a problem that satisfies certain motives of the employee (in most cases material) and allowing it to work more effectively.

Chapter 2. Labor Stimulation Methods

In total, there are huge many methods for stimulating employees to productive work. Which one to choose? There is no one clear answer to this question. The thing is that each company works on individual graphics, respectively, for different teams may have an impact of different forms and methods of motivating employees to work. It should also be noted that the same form of motivation in a different period of time may have the opposite result. So, let's say, if two years ago, the annual premium paid to the best employees could affect the increase in the productivity of the work of the whole team, now she absolutely did not justify the functions assigned to it. This is explained simple enough. Over time, the needs of people are changing. If they were initially interested in financial incentives, then with the increase in wages, promotion through the career ladder, for them the most relevant is the possibility of learning abroad, the presentation of its organization in various forums and seminars, etc. So, you can allocate three huge areas of methods for stimulating employees of the organization to work. This is an economic, organizational and administrative and socio-psychological method. Consider each of them in more detail.

To economic method Stimulation can include all types of financial motivation of employees to work. These are premiums, interest rates for successfully completed work, cash compensation, etc. Until recently, it was believed that this method of motivation is the most efficient. This is explained simple enough. Each specialist is satisfied with the workplace with the main purpose: Financially to secure yourself and your family. Therefore, additional finances are the defining stimulus in the work of employees. However, in the economic method of stimulation to work there are nuances. First, it should be clearly synchronized with the work plans of the organization. Monetary motivation is necessary for the rapid, timely achievement of the goal. Therefore, to implement this form of stimulating the work of employees is necessary to achieve some particular purpose. In addition, at a common meeting, it is recommended to announce to all employees, which principle will be paid to the cash supply, which criteria will be determined in the credit of finance. In order to maintain interest in this motivation, you can publish from time to time in a corporate edition, to post the preliminary results of the work of specialists, departments, departments, etc. on the general stand. Seeing who is in leaders, and who is a little behind, experts will mobilize their strength to obtain the desired remuneration. Thirdly, the financial system of motivation should be clearly justified, it should not be paid to specialists systematically. In other words, if you quarterly accrue to employees of some amount, then soon they will perceive it not as encouraging for good work, but as expected, due to the wage. Fourthly, all employees should clearly understand what activity they accrue additional money. If you order to pay specialists who have successfully completed the contract, some sums of money, and do not warn them for what and in what amount this amount will be paid, then the staff simply will not understand why these money was translated. It can give birth in the eyes of the rest of the team distrust with respect to the competence of the actions of managers. Fifth, the monetary remuneration should be directly related to the result of labor. Only then it carries the maximum motivating value. If you decide to pay the amount of money, but made it a few months after the completion of the contract, then emotions from a successful deal are already played, and your remuneration will be perceived as a long-time expected supplement to wages.

Organizational and administrative methodstimulating staff to work is based not only on the observance of the legislation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but also on the recognition of the orders of the management of the organization the only faithful not subject to discussion or doubt. Porody, in many organizations, the Directorate seeks to establish informal communication with subordinates. However, it plays the evil joke first of all, with the directors. After some time, employees cease to see the authority in the eyes of the leadership, the words of which are not subject to discussion. Thus, the overall system of interaction between employees among themselves, management, the achievements of the company's common goals will gradually strive for zero. In each organization there should be a certain hierarchy, which defines what step is every official to whom the staff is subject to how the work of the entire enterprise as a whole is formed. Only in this case, the work of employees will be coordinated, and instructions will be performed quickly and immediately.

Socio-psychological methodmotivation determines the behavior of employees. Sometimes, the psychological climate in the team is much more important than financial motivation. If employees comfortably feel comfortable in the workplace, they can freely communicate with colleagues, then they more quickly and efficiently perform their work. In addition, the positive psychological climate in the team avoids the flow of personnel. No rare cases when experts, getting low wages, held for their workplace, performed job duties only because in this team they felt comfortable, confidently and protected. In practice, it is possible to establish a positive psychological climate in the team using various trainings aimed at cohesion the team, holding various festive corporate events dedicated to the celebration of large calendar dates, birthdays, trips to nature, etc.

Separately, it is possible to allocate the so-called "unusual" methods of stimulating labor. They can be divided into two groups: causing a positive response of personnel and contributing to the growth of satisfaction with labor, and those that cause conflicting staff response (which can simultaneously affect the efficiency of one employees and reduce the performance of others).

The first group of unusual methods of stimulation include the following methods:

· The expression of appreciation and rewarding staff with the help of a song written in honor of the employee in the words of which include the name and achievement of the employee / the results of labor;

· Films about employees telling the history of work, results;

· books of honor of the company in which the main achievements of employees are briefly described;

· Dinner with the director for the best ordinary employees, during which the manager can better know the interests and needs of ordinary employees, learn their opinion about the work of the Company, recommendations;

· Thanksgiving letters to the relatives of employees;

· Awards "for a healthy lifestyle", bonuses "for the loyalty of the company", additional payments for the continuation of education, allowance for a good relationship with subordinates;

· compensation of vacation costs, extra weekends, creative vacations, etc.

Listed and similar methods of intangible incentive are particularly effective when used for the first time. Such awards are remembered for a long time. Unusual methods of material incentives will be effective in systematic use. As a result of the application of such methods, the company's satisfaction increases with labor, the socio-psychological climate is improved, the staff turnover is reduced.

The second group includes methods that can, how to improve labor efficiency and lower it. This will depend on what situation the method is applied, from employees working in the company, from the goals that the organization wants to achieve, developing the system of stimulating staff. The methods of this group include the following: Movement on the office on the rollers, the creation of a rest room, the ability to drive to the work of pets, hit the bell at the end of the transaction / task, the ability to work at work with a favorite thing, the availability of a bar in the workplace, bonuses for the best Hairstyle and others.

The methods of the second group, on the one hand, can increase the motivation of employees, reveal their creative abilities, make it possible to relax in the workplace and feel comfortable. On the other hand, these methods can lead to the opposite result and turn work into a continuous holiday, cause the flow of valuable employees / scare up new employees, for which such an unusual situation will be an obstacle to efficient work. As a result, this will negatively affect labor productivity, since movement on the rollers, pets, etc. can create noise and uncomfortable environment for others. Thus, companies need to appreciate the possible effect of using unusual methods of labor incentives.

In the Fortune Rating "100 best employers' companies" the first places are occupied by companies (Google, SAS, BCG, etc.), using unusual methods of stimulating staff. The research methodology and rating takes into account policies regarding personnel, remuneration and compensation, etc. Most of the non-standard work incentives was first developed and applied in foreign companies. In Russian companies, unusual methods of stimulation began to apply later, many foreign methods began to be used in organizations without adaptation. The experience of Russian companies shows that the use of some foreign methods gives opposite results. This can be explained by the fact that most Russian employees perceives the presence of additional working conditions. Thus, unusual methods of stimulating in Russian companies are better to implement partially and gradually, tracking the response of employees and labor performance.

Working out a labor incentive system in an organization, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the company, the scope of activity, the needs and motives of personnel, in order to achieve the goals with the help of conventional and unusual stimulation methods.

Due to the fact that not all of the huge number of forms and types of motivation of labor specialists have a positive result, in some companies the practice of independent choice by a specialist of those forms of motivation that is most interesting to him are common. Once a year, each company's employee is provided with a complete list of motivation forms implemented in a particular organization. This may include: additional cash payments, travel benefits in the sanatorium, the pretractor, the ability to submit an organization at all-Russian and international forums, passing training courses, improving the technical equipment of the workplace and much more. Each employee chooses 5-10 forms of motivation that is most interesting for him. In this case, it is necessary to put the numbering from the most popular form of motivation to the least interesting. Thus, the head will be able to see what is interested in every specialist in his company, as well as to analyze the needs of its employees.

Chapter 3. Stimulating systems and their types

stimulating work personnel

The stimulation system is a set of interconnected and complementary incentives, the impact of which activates the human activity to achieve the goals.

Types of labor stimulation can be portrayed schematically in Fig. 1:

The value of material incentives increases with a low level of employees of the enterprise and, on the contrary, decreases with a substantial increase in its average values \u200b\u200b(in the country, industry, etc.). Most often, material (cash) incentives are used, if it is possible to distinguish the result of a separate employee, group, divisions. This type of stimulation is a certain difficulty when it comes to management work.

Non-monetary (social and functional) incentives contribute to the intensification of security needs, confidence in tomorrow. These incentives become relevant in the economic instability of society, when performing work of increased danger, for people with an elevated level of anxiety, etc.

All types of intangible stimulation can be divided into three types: corporate system; social and psychological; Socio-household. The basis of such a division is that from which source it comes to or otherwise, as a "package" of encouragements is being formed, who is responsible for the proper use of certain incentives, which needs satisfies this or that promotion.

Corporate and systemic types of intangible promotion are ideally laid when creating an enterprise or organization. Their formation is based on the concept of a business, which holds its owners. The main responsibility for the functioning of this group of types of intangible incentives is the highest management of the organization, which decides on its implementation. The HR service is assigned the role of the developer and consultant.

Socio-psychological types of intangible incentive as can be seen from the name, primarily on the formation of psychological comfort of employees in the workplace. Responsibility for the functioning of this group of types of intangible incentives lies, first of all, on linear managers directly working with the staff of the organization. The role of the HR service is to help linear managers to realize the need for social and psychological incentives, to help with the definition of specific methods of stimulation. In addition, the HR service should provide comprehensive technical support in organizing the necessary events.

A group of socio-domestic stimulation is necessary to help workers in organizing household life, in order to give them the opportunity to fully give their strength to solve production issues. But the main importance of this group is a demonstration of the concern of an enterprise about employees. The HR-Service Socio-House System is developing in conjunction with financiers (which link the costs of social and domestic services with the budget of the organization; assist in the calculations). However, the role of the HR service is key, because it is to choose which specific types of stimulation will be used, so that they have the maximum impact on employee satisfaction.

Let us dwell on some of the types of intangible incentives.

Corporate and systemic incentives include organizational stimulation -stimulation of labor, regulating the behavior of an employee based on changing his sense of satisfaction with work in the organization. Organizational stimulation involves attracting workers to participate in the affairs of the organization, employees are given the right to vote in solving a number of problems, as a rule, of a social character.

"As the personnel survey showed a number of small enterprises<#"justify">· The diversity of skills involves the performance of professional tasks, taking into account different abilities of the employee. Monotonous, monotonous work that does not require the use of a variety of skills, reduces the motivation of employees.

· The completion of tasks is the ability to perform certain operations, jobs from start to the end.

· The significance of the work is the effect that work performed has on other people (inside the organization or in a wider environment). "

The independence provided by the Contractor is the degree of freedom and the right to plan, determine the work schedule to perform work at its discretion. Opportunities for making independent decisions increase the sense of personal responsibility for the work performed. A person who shares the goals and values \u200b\u200bof his company is capable of establishing tasks for itself, finding ways to solve them and control themselves. Therefore, it is necessary to influence not on the employee itself as such, but for its real goals and life values, in order to affect the behavior of the employee. Thus, before the managers, it is a difficult task - to explore the needs, needs, expectations of those people with whom it works. Then it will be possible to put in front of each individual goals and tasks in accordance with the individual interests of employees.

The manager requires creating conditions for manifestation of individuality and independence in work. The head will in no way be able to allow the petty guardianship over employees. This oppresses and causes a feeling of distrust in subordinates. The head must ask the employee for the final result of his work, and not interfere with the process of its execution.

Feedback is information about the effectiveness of your work received by the employee. If the work is organized so that people are provided with information on the results of their work, then they have a greater understanding of how efficiently they work. If the work is not successfully implemented, it motivates workers to additional efforts, to make any changes to their work. The successful performance of work in itself is an additional incentive that increases the level of motivation of the Contractor. Observations show that the lack of information on their own work often becomes a cause of passivity. A person working on something perceives as a stimulus if it is informed about how his work is. This increases the results of labor by 12-15%.

It is recommended in a prominent place where employees of the enterprise are going to place stands with information and a description of the technological processes of production, where the importance and dependence of the results of each stage of the technological process should be noted again.

Organizational stimulation also includes personnel permutations and rotation. Interestingly, practically any personnel permutation associated with an increase in the "rearranged" (in his own eyes, not objectively!) His professional or official status gives a positive effect. Apparently, this is due to the actualization of motivation of achievement, the need for recognition (positive assessment on the part of significant people), risk need, perhaps even resonates with the need for self-realization. Rotation should be treated more carefully. On the one hand, it can allocate people, meet affiliate needs (i.e., the need for a person in communicating with the surrounding people), the need for a positive assessment and motivation of achievements, the need for risk and self-realization, forcing a person to try in a new place to be no worse than another , on the other hand, have a completely opposite effect, generating a system of collective irresponsibility.

Restructuring, the introduction of a flexible functional structure can be one of the methods of organizational stimulation . Receiving in the process of restructuring a new circle of responsibilities is working to meet the need for risk, self-realization, increases responsibility.

When evaluating and monitoring, it is important that a person, whose work is assessed, was aware of the requirements for the results of his labor. Therefore, the assessment and control stimulate not just the desire to work with a high return, laid out at work, but also to attach to achieving the required working results, to fulfill their work in accordance with the established requirements or even better.

But it is necessary to remember that errors in assessing and controlling the work of personnel can reduce the motivation of employees. Both the lack of control and excessive, fine control or unfair assessment is able to have a negative impact on the desire of the employee "put out".

The assessment of his yesterday's work from the mouth of the head in the morning five minutes will help the employee to adjust its actions and work.

Creative stimulation and development of innovation - stimulation based on ensuring the needs of workers in self-realization, self-improvement, self-expression (advanced training, business trips). The possibilities of self-realization depend on the level of education, training of workers, from their creative potential. The incentive here is the labor process, in the content of which there are creative elements. Creative incentives suggest the conditions of free choice by the employee of the methods of solving problems, choosing from the set of solutions of the optimal, giving the greatest result. At the same time, a person manifests his potential opportunities, self-realizes in the process of labor, receives satisfaction from this process. Improving the complexity of labor operations and the tasks solved by the employee is the basis for expanding the scope of creative incentives.

Stimulating free time. This element of intangible incentive is intended to compensate for the increased physical or nervous emotional costs of the employee, makes the operation mode more convenient for a person, makes it possible to engage in other affairs.

In addition, as a result of a lack of free time, many workers work with the feeling of chronic fatigue, are experiencing constant neuro-emotional overload. The system of stimulating labor activity implies the optimal ratio of working and free time, since people besides the work itself there may be other equally important cases, such as sports, hobbies or just a vacation. If the employee needs a free time, and its entirely absorbs work, then it will avoid it, thus reduced labor productivity.

Research conducted in the United States Recruitment company Robert Half International (Menlo-Park, California) showed that 76% of respondents would refuse the career prospects in exchange for a convenient flexible schedule, and almost 66% said that they would agree on Smaller salary for the sake of free regime.

Its specific forms of expression are: Flexible work schedule or increased, extra leave.

Corporate culture -the set of the most important provisions of the organization of the organization defined by its mission and development strategy and the expression in the aggregate of social norms and values \u200b\u200bdivided by most workers. The presence of the entire complex of corporate culture elements creates a sense of belonging to the company, a sense of pride for it. From the scattered people, employees turn into a single team, with their laws, rights and obligations.

A very serious stimulating (or deestimulant) factor is the corporate style of relations between chiefs and subordinates, the style of holding meetings and meetings.

Informing is an essential element of staff stimulation. If members of the organization are poorly aware of cases that have paramount importance for them, it sharply reduces them to work with high impact. The need to be informed, overcome the state of uncertainty, ambiguity regarding the most significant issues is one of the basic needs of a person.

Stands with information about the enterprise, its missions, strategic purposes, plans for the next month, quarter; information about the transit of production; Happy Birthday; The placement of the urban newspaper on the stands at the passage will raise the mood at all employees, reduce tensions in the team, will increase the confidence in the organization and the accepted solutions.

The nature of the information movement in the company is of great importance. The more current information on the company's activities, an employee receives about the accompanies of the adoption of certain managerial decisions, the more suggesting the need for control, the more meaningful becomes its activities. "Bad news" may even spur if the information exchange system is set on a regular basis and does not carry a tendentious, propaganda.

Cohesion of the managerial team as a whole plays a huge role in stimulating workers . The nature of the relationship in the management link is always a tremendous motivating or demotizing effect on personnel. This factor is directly related to basic safety and stability needs. "Personnel Checkhard" (as opposed to reasonable and planned permutations) almost always demotivates. Demotivities also showing the unity of managers.

Corporate symbolism, corporate style, corporate accessories. It is known that the presence of such an arsenal is often very effectively motivating employees, satisfying the needs for identity, belonging to a specific social group. It should be noted that the symbolism itself should not contradict the ideas of a person about prestige and social estimates adopted in this culture of standards should work on increasing its importance in their own eyes. It is unlikely in Russia a person with pride will be a huge icon named even a very prestigious company. New employees often seriously motivate the issuance of corporate accessories: a diary, a case for papers and a computer, branded stationery, wallet for documents for the car and other representative attribute.

Traditions, rituals, events also have a stimulating role. Corporate culture should not create problems, but serve as a resource of the company. It is necessary to maintain and develop those elements that work on demands in stability, satisfy affiliate needs, the need for belonging to a significant social group. Excessive passion for corporate events can give a fully opposite effect, turning work in a fun party.

For many strong incentives, the team belongs to the team. Often, this factor not only keeps employees from finding a new work, but also forms his desire to increase efficiency. To create a cohesive team, you can, for example, organize extreme games, competitions in nature. As practice shows, people start to share the victory to share leaders and performers, regardless of position, begin to invent ways to solve the tasks. Employees, except for unforgettable sensations, new strong contacts appear.

It must be remembered that relations inside the team is an important indicator of the efficiency of the employment process and, moreover, they indirectly (and sometimes directly) affect customer satisfaction. In the labor team, where relations are built on collaboration, employees are more able-bodied, creative and resistant to loads. Such a work environment stimulates employees.

F. Whiteley so wrote about the importance of corporate culture in the personnel stimulus system: "The creation of an atmosphere of trust and the participation of a team in goal-making seems more promising to increase efficiency than a scrupulous analysis of the working conditions and the degree of individual satisfaction with the work."

Promotion is one of the most effective incentives, since, first of all, the material remuneration increases; secondly, the terms of reference expands and, accordingly, the employee becomes involved in the adoption of important decisions; Thirdly, the degree of responsibility increases, which causes a person to work more efficiently and prevent mistakes and mistakes; Fourth, increases access to information. In a word, an increase in office allows an employee to assert themselves, feel significant that, of course, makes him interested in his work.

The motivating effect of the presence of constantly corrected career plans in combination with individual conversations with employees is known to most managers.

Stimulation learning - The development of personnel through an increase in its qualifications.

Personnel training covers training events inside and outside the organization and self-preparation. Planned personnel training allows you to use your own production resources without searching for new highly qualified personnel on the foreign labor market.

In practice, two forms of training personnel have developed: in the workplace and outside it.

Education in the workplace is cheap and operational is characterized by a close relationship with everyday work and facilitates the entry into the educational process of workers who are not accustomed to learning in the audience. An important method of learning in the workplace is: the method of complicating knowledge, a change of workplace, rotation. Many foreign companies use this form of training to train personnel directly under their organization. An example is such world-famous companies as: Procter & Gamble, Mars, Kelly Services. Every year, these companies produce a set of young employees, with the aim of their further training and then directly involved in activities. The main motivation of young employees is the possibility of promoting the service staircase: acquiring experience, professional knowledge and skills, many as a result receive a position in the company.

Training outside the workplace is more efficient, but is associated with additional financial costs and distraction of the employee from his duties. At the same time, the environment is consciously changing, and the employee breaks away from everyday work. The most important methods of training outside the workplace is: reading lectures, holding business games, developing a specific production situation, conducting seminars.

Regularity and planning in conducting study and group training works as a motivating factor, as it correlates with the needs in professional and personal growth, and also instills a sense of stability and security. Well in this regard, trainings were established, built on the principle of achieving success participants in solving group tasks of increasing complexity.

Socio-psychological stimulation -stimulating labor, regulating the behavior of an employee based on the use of objects and phenomena specifically designed to express the employee's social recognition and contributing to the increase in its prestige. Moral stimulation can be expressed in awarding an employee with a valuable gift, but this action will refer to intangible incentive, since the moral significance of the gift, as an expression of the employer, much higher than its value.

Moral stimulation includes the following main elements:

Creating conditions under which people would have experienced professional pride for the best implementation of the assigned work, involvement in it, personal responsibility for its results; Feel the value of the results. In order for work to bring satisfaction, the task should contain a well-known risk share and the ability to succeed.

The presence of a call, to ensure opportunities to show your abilities in its place, express yourself in labor, in its results, have evidence that it can do something, and this "something" should receive the name of its creator. For example, distinguished employees receive the right to sign documents in the development of which they participated, which gives them the opportunity to feel their significance.

Confession. The essence of the recognition is that especially distinguished employees are mentioned in general meetings, in special reports to the highest management of the organization. Recognition is one of the strongest incentives. People need to know not only how well they have achieved their goals or fulfilled their work, but also that their achievements are appreciated properly. At the same time, it is necessary to praise in a timely manner, and praise must be associated with specific achievements.

Personal recognition implies that especially distinguished employees will be marked in special reports to the highest management of the organization. They can be represented personally to the head. Such employees on the occasion of holidays and anniversary dates personally congratulated by the administration.

Following any worthy actions of the performers and even minor results should follow Praise. To her, however, some requirements are presented. Praise should be dosed, consistent, regular, contrasting (need breaks, for, if it is too often to use this method, its effectiveness is weakened). You need to praise for the work done as an important intermediate result on the way to a significant final goal. An employee must understand why he is praised and how significant his success is. In addition, the praise should have objective criteria, since there is no insincere praise or her absence demotivis.

In the event that the employee has recently criticized and as a result, its productivity has become normal, then it is necessary to praise. In any other case, the normal productivity is not praised.

In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the exemplary fulfillment of labor duties, improving productivity, improved product quality, continuous and impeccable work, innovation in labor and other achievements can be rewarded by the announcement of gratitude, a valuable gift, certificate of honor, to the book of honor and to the honorable book . Internal regulations may also provide other promotions, such as honorary titles of their organization. The Labor Code provides for the case when promotion measures to the employee cannot be applied during the term of disciplinary recovery. In this case, a peculiar form of recovery may be a kind of promotion.

Another factor that certainly has a strong impact on the efficiency of workers' labor efficiency is working conditionsin which the employee has to work. Therefore, the elimination of physical and moral discomfort should be a priority for manual.

Such conditions include: the optimal organization of the workplace, the lack of distracting noise (especially monotonous), sufficient illumination, pace, labor mode and other factors. Although attempts have always been made to standardize working conditions, as a result of a number of research work it turned out that there is no ideal workplace. It is necessary to create the possibility of caring from monotonous to a more interesting, creative, meaningful labor process.

Providing household services.This type of stimulation originated in the USA as a reaction of compensation on the culture of a long working day. The use of this type of stimulation is very important, because the result of at least a partial decision of the employee's household problems is that they can fully focus on performing their job duties, while not losing the qualities of everyday life.

Household services can be carried out at the expense of the internal resources of the enterprise or with the involvement of external suppliers.

This type of stimulation is especially important for top management, working women, employees with a complex work schedule.

Presentscan be attributed to the socio-psychological and social and domestic form of stimulation. It depends on that, in connection with which he was made. If the Gifts "Danish", then, as a rule, in the organization there are certain ideas about their minimum and maximum cost. These ideas can be reflected in traditions, and may also be regulatory documents. The cost of gifts in these cases depends primarily on the financial position of the organization.

If gifts are awarded for any achievements, then the report should be given exactly which gifts and for which achievements are handed. There must be differentiation of the gift value depending on the level of achievement so that the value of the gift in the eyes of the employee has not been leveled. An example of such differentiation is given in overseas literature.<#"justify">The cost of presenting the example of the achievement of 25 pounds sterling · Voluntary assistance to others with great loading; · Providing additional assistance to the client; · Work is late or on weekends without overtime payment to perform an important task on time; · Temporary adoption of an additional task that is not included in ordinary duties; · Demonstration of relevant values \u200b\u200bof the company's behavior. Total 25 to 150 pounds · Improvement of working methods; · Providing customers with a steadily high service level; · Reduction of expenses or recommendations for their reduction, if it is not part of the functional; · Demonstration of the company's values \u200b\u200bof behavior that has a significant short-term impact on its work. About 500 to 1000 pounds sterling · Creating significant additional income if it is not part of the functional; · A significant reduction in costs, if it is not part of the functional; · Successful completion of a large project; If this is not part of the functional; · Demonstration of the company's values \u200b\u200bof behavior that has a significant long-term impact on its work.

Of course, in the Russian conditions the amount will be somewhat different, but the principle itself is quite clear and acceptable for use.

Chapter 4. Socio-labor relations in the organization

Social, economic, political changes that occurred in Russia over the past decade have fundamentally changed the social structure of society, caused qualitative and new social processes to life, created the basis for the formation of new social, including socio-labor relations.

"Social relations are the relationship between members of social communities and these communities about their public situation, the image and lifestyle, ultimately, about the conditions for the formation and development of the individual, social community." In the context of research, it is especially important to emphasize that social relations are initially inextricably linked with labor relations and are due to them.

In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Art. 15 Labor relations are defined as "Relations based on the Agreement between the employee and the employer on the personal fulfillment by the employee for the labor function fee (work on a certain specialty, qualifications or position), subordinate to the employee to the rules of the internal labor regulation when providing the employer of labor conditions provided for by labor legislation , collective.

This definition reflects the essence of labor relations between the employee and the employer for labor pay, and does not reflect other direct relations directly related to them. The concept of "socio-labor relations" includes a wider range of processes arising in labor activities.

It is socially labor relations that make it possible to establish and determine the social role, the social situation of both the individual and the group as a whole.

Speaking about the development of the organization, usually mean the growth in sales and profits, the conquest of greater market share, consolidation, modernization, and optimization of personnel composition, etc., all right, but the organization is people. From the work of relations in the labor team, how rational the interaction of the participants of the employment process, the distribution of responsibilities and functions, what is the level of human use, personal labor results of employees and the effectiveness of economic activity as a whole are dependent. "Harmonious, balanced socio-labor relations in the firm is the condition of its prosperity. Where there is a conflict, infringement of the rights of employees, Mobbing ((from the English Mob - Crowd) - the form of psychological violence in the form of a personnel of an employee in the team, as a rule, with the aim of its subsequent dismissal), other manifestations of "asymmetry", progressive development If possible, then very short-term, with significant transaction costs. "

In modern conditions, the formation of the knowledge economy has changed approaches to management in the organization. The "technocratic" approach with its tough organization of labor and discipline, the strict regulation of labor processes, is replaced by "humanistic", taking into account the psychological features of employees, their personal aspirations and interests. At its basis, an even more progressive is cultivated - "innovative-intellectual" approach. It is focused on the most complete use of intellectual, creative human potential. The key to the development of the organization is its intellectual resources, whose supports are including employees.

Modern technologies and in production, and in management, everything is to a lesser extent is a factor limiting the functions of a person and the field of decision-making. On the contrary, freedom of action in the division of labor and construction of work is laid in technical solutions and with the development of computer technologies increases even more. For example, a programmer worker itself selects the programming language, control method, type of dialogue mode. There is a diversification of forms and modes of employment, labor contracts, labor management. The criterion for success in the commodity market is the novelty of technological solutions, individuality, uniqueness. The labor market is responsible for this higher demands on the quality of human resources relating to qualifications, the ability to creative, develop new ideas, training readiness. The nature of socio-labor relations (service station) and connections changes. The "team" form of labor organization, integrating human resources becomes more popular. The condition of its high efficiency is a partnership and mutual understanding between the participants, the formation of a favorable psychological climate - a kind of "noosphere" of creativity in workplaces.

In response to the challenges of the knowledge economy in the management system, the following goals are put on the macro level:

· Further humanization and democratization:

control systems

institutions and contract forms;


strengthening the social responsibility of the employer and employee,

development of social partnership;

· legal field correction:

tightening of state control and mechanism for the protection of human rights of labor at the present stage followed by the formation of informal institutional mechanisms, its weakening;

improving legislation in the direction of legal registration of urgent and non-standard socio-labor relations.

Development management tools 4 depend on a number of factors:

situations in the external environment (in the economy as a whole and in this market);

management concept and development strategy (organization);

labor organization systems, in particular jobs;

personnel policy;

the norms of labor behavior, etc.

Specific development management tasks are subject to budget constraints and depend on the stage of the organization's life cycle. At each stage they are different.

It is believed that the stages of the life cycle of the organization are similar to the stages of living organisms, in which there are periods of youth, flourishing and old age. The nature of the development of organizations, as well as other living organisms, is manifested in the ratio of flexibility and manageability factors. It changes, affecting the nature of the problems in the system of socio-labor relations. A significant impairment of the balance leads to the critical mass of "asymmetry", stopping the natural development of an organization renewable with the help of external consultants or through internal restructuring. "Controllability" in this context is identical "controlling", "bureaucraticity" (especially in the macro and aspect). If, in the early stages of the organization's development, the emphasis is placed on strengthening control, centralization and formalization of the Rules in the management of a hundred, then on later to decentralization, democratization, flexism relations of the participants of the employment process. The development of a hundred in the organization should be aimed at maintaining the balance of flexibility - controllability (monitoring). The strengthening of the first or second aspect is determined by the Stage of the Organization's life cycle under the condition of a priori desire for development. The ratio of "flexibility - controllers" service station at various stages of the organization's life cycle.

Chapter 5. Analysis of the role of stimulating labor in a system of socio-labor relations

The development of effective solutions in the field of stimulating labor activity is impossible without carrying out detailed analysis. Determining the goals and objectives that take into account the specifics of a particular organization (the field of activity, the staff of the personnel, its professional specialization), as well as the choice of research methods, the application of which will ensure the required information, allows you to form the necessary base for analyzing the motivation system. The next step in the study will be an assessment of the compliance of the existing system of motivation to the principles of effective personnel management.

The stimulation system study is carried out in order to determine the extent to which motivational activities contribute to the efficiency of the enterprise.

Tasks for studying the existing system of motivation:

analysis of the results and efficiency of the staff;

analysis of satisfaction with the work of personnel;

analysis of the motivational activity of the enterprise.

To solve these tasks, the following main methods of research of the motivation system are applied:

analysis of organization problems;

analysis of documents;

analysis of external factors;

sociological survey;


Analysis of organization problems Firstly, in the collection of information about the plans of the enterprise and the current productivity, the movement of personnel, and secondly, in assessing the impact of these indicators for civilization results. The presence of organizational problems in the field of motivation always indicate:

level flow, if its indicators for a sufficient long period (at least six months) exceed 7 - 10%;

The dynamics of labor productivity dynamics during the specified period, if this trend is not related to the seasonal nature of the organization's activities.

In addition, if the plans of the enterprise are associated with changes within the organization itself, this is really indicating the need to improve the motivation system.

Analysis of documents. Industry documents provide official information about all elements of the motivation system. Thus, the Labor Payment Regulations reveals the structure of the forms and material remuneration systems, as well as the conditions for its receipt for employees; The state of certification determines the methods and procedure for determining the results and efficiency of labor; The internal regulations contain a set of requirements (rules) to the behavior of employees, as well as a list of disciplinary penalties, etc.

Analysis of external factors It is carried out in order to identify the conditions of the outside environment (the labor market, enterprises-competitors, labor legislation), creating both favorable conditions for the implementation of this or that motivation policy and complicating its implementation.

The goal of a sociological survey is a study of the attitude of employees to the applied forms and methods of stimulation, existing management styles that have developed relations, which is carried out either in writing (survey), or orally (interviews) for certain in advance topics and on these topics on these topics.

Observation consists in studying the reaction of employees on the events taking place, including the use or introduction of certain incentives. Collect the problems with which employees face in their work allows us to specify the research directions. For example, discontent workers in dismissions of the head to their proposals may indicate the availability of active motives of achievements, the implementation of which is contained by the existing guide style.

Analysis of the results of labor and staff efficiency It is the main task, the solution of which will allow to clearly define the boundaries and the focus of the upcoming study. Actually, during such an analysis, it turns out the need to improve the motivation system, and its tasks are concretized.

To analyze the results of the labor of personnel, it is required to collect the following information:

indicators characterizing the dynamics of labor productivity (quantity, quality, timing of work);

indicators reflecting trends in staff turnover;

enterprises plans that determine the requirements for the main results of labor.

Analysis of plans of the company It is the necessary link in the structure of the motivation system. Operation planning ensures the stability of the organization. Plans express the requirements for the results of (productivity) of staff at a certain period of time. They are performed if they are based on labor standards that take into account the possibilities of workers, including physical. The over-fulfillment of the plan may only be due to the application of supernormative efforts of employees. Therefore, if plans are permanently implemented with exceeding the normative (planned) indicators, this is not evidenced by the incredible enthusiasm for employees, but on the standards of the regulatory framework on the conditions of particular production (for example, the use of high-performance equipment reduces labor costs) or the inconsistency of the methods of material incentives achieved. Actually, the reasons for the non-fulfillment of plans may be the same, except in cases where, for example, the materials were not supplied on time, equipment faced the system, etc. In each case, any steadily observed deviation of labor results from the planned indicators indicates the inefficient use of personnel, as well as the imperfection of the cost structure of its content.

The assessment of all this information should be started with the analysis of labor productivity, while the following generalizations are taken into account.

If the productivity of labor is consistently held at the level of planned indicators, the flow rate for six months does not exceed 7 - 10%, and any changes are not traced in the enterprise's activities, then further research does not make sense. Since the motivation system is balanced regarding the objectives of the organization, i.e. Applied forms and methods of stimulation are linked to both the tasks of the enterprise and with the expectations of employees.

If on any of the above parameters or several of them, deviations are observed, the comprehensive study of the motivation system should be developed and planning.

Analysis of satisfaction with labor.

Will dissatisfaction with labor is manifested in low labor flow, high staff fluidity, its instability, high incidence, violation of behavior norms, including safety regulations, reduced labor activity. Assessment of these indicators should be carried out in the complex. For example, high productivity of labor may well be accompanied by high fluidity, and, on the contrary, low labor productivity - low fluidity. In fact, and in another case, it can be argued that the behavior of personnel is influenced by the factors of the organizational environment that are responsible for creating a normal working atmosphere.

"To factors affecting the formation of high satisfaction with labor include: material remuneration; working conditions; relationship with leadership and colleagues; The content of the work; employee status; prospects and opportunities; Guarantees and stability.

wages, if it ensures the acquisition of the necessary worker of goods.

material remuneration, if you meet the employment efforts attached by the employee and those accepted as fair.

merit assessment manifested in the individual abilities and properties of the employee if it allocates its achievements.

professional development, if it allows to expand individual labor opportunities.

All of these factors should be considered only in the complex, since the exception of at least one of the structure of the study leads to distortion of the results of the analysis. For example, without taking into account the factors of professional self-realization (content, status, development), it is possible to obtain data indicating highly satisfaction with the work of personnel. However, in reality, these data will show only that some categories of workers, and, as a rule, the most numerous staff in the structure of personnel are fully satisfied with the level of remuneration, which explains their loyalty to the organization. Therefore, when studying satisfaction with the labor of employees of the enterprise, the company's key, summarizing aspects, taking into account the impact on the motivational sphere of an employee of all these factors of the organizational environment, are material satisfaction, psychological comfort and satisfaction with working conditions. "

Satisfaction of labor payment.

Material satisfaction characterizes the degree of conformity of employee expectations regarding wages. This component of job satisfaction is formed in the system of an individual assessment by an employee of earnings, depending on the level of its claims by comparing its magnitude with the salary of other employees, including other organizations, as well as by comparing the required labor efforts and remuneration. In other words, the employee is satisfied with the salary, if it provides the purchase of the goods you need and if material rewards are perceived as fair. Assess: the level of satisfaction with the amount of remuneration (general satisfaction), the ratio of its parts (basic wages and flexible payments), satisfaction with the procedure for the purpose and the size of premium payments.

Psychological Comfort It depends on how an employee assesses the quality of interpersonal relationships, its position in the company, the content of the work performed, the possibilities of professional development and growth, as well as attitudes towards the organization as a whole. If the employee does not experience constantly negative emotions against colleagues, the head, satisfied with his position and evaluation of the results of his work, enjoys its activities, is positively tuned to the organization and really presents its future in it, it can be argued that it is in a state Psychological comfort. Of course, in real life, there are situations from time to time, the conflicts, disagreements, contradictions, the difficulties of performing certain working tasks, the lack of learning or an obstacle to its implementation. If such situations constantly create tensions in the work environment, this leads to sustainable psychological discomfort. Therefore, such criteria are used to assess the personal component of satisfaction with the work of the team, the possibilities of increasing the status of employees (training, job promotion), the loyalty of employees in relation to the organization.

Satisfaction with working conditions.

Working conditions - an important factor of satisfaction with work. Status of the working environment (workplace, equipment, technology, tools, materials, communications, external communications), the availability of resources (material, information), labor regulations (labor and recreation regimes) is estimated by a worker in terms of convenience, physical comfort, workflow provision Everyone necessary. Dissatisfaction with working conditions arises if they make harm to the health of the employee or carry a threat to life (defective equipment), impede the normal performance of the work (the downtime, the absence of the necessary materials and equipment), do not give opportunities for the restoration of physical form (too short interruptions or absence, arbitrary Work schedule, extensive duration of the working day). Evaluate: the provision of workflow, safety, comfort, regulation.

Thus, all of the above analyzes contributes to the possibility of representing the picture on the role of stimulating labor in the system of socio-labor relations.


For an inexperienced eye the process of losing the interest of the employee to work, his passivity brings such tangible results as the turnover of personnel, the head suddenly discovers that he has to delve into all the details of any case performed by subordinates who, in turn, do not show the slightest initiative . The effectiveness of the organization falls.

To prevent the loss of potential profits, the manager must achieve maximum return from his subordinates. To effectively manage such expensive resources as people manager, it is necessary to highlight certain parameters of the work entrusted to the subordinate, changing which it can affect the psychological states of the performers, thereby motivating, or demotivating them.

In general, stimulation is the concept used to explain the sequence of behavioral actions aimed at a specific goal, which may vary depending on the various circumstances, situations. The concept of "stimulus" includes the moments of the intensification, management and implementation of targeted human behavior. With the help of stimulation, you can answer the question: why so, and not otherwise this person comes.

During the writing of the course work, all tasks were completed.

In particular, the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of personnel incentives were considered, the methods, systems and their types of labor stimulation were studied, social and labor relations were considered and an analysis of the role of stimulating labor in the system of socio-labor relations was carried out.

Thus, the goal of the course slave and sociological research was achieved.

Prospects for further work on the topic lie in the search for the most advanced models of labor incentive staff, as well as identifying ways to create the most comfortable working conditions, both for employees of the organization and for its managers based on mutual trust and respect.

"Thus, in conclusion, it can be noted that any leader, if he wants to achieve the effective activity of his subordinates, should not forget about the presence of incentives for them. Traditionally it is believed that since the employee receives payment for his work, it means that it must be satisfied. In the case of a bad attitude towards official duties, it can be fired. So, he has incentives. It is impossible to make such an erroneous thought. "

Almost everyone has its own point of view on how to improve their work. Relying on the interested support for the leadership, without fear of sanctions, it is necessary to organize work so that the employee does not miss the desire to realize their plans.

Everyone is striving for success. Success is a realized goal, to achieve which the employee has attached maximum effort. Success without recognition leads to disappointment, kills the initiative. This will not happen if the manager owns the necessary knowledge in the field of labor stimulating staff and successfully applies them in practice.


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Mahmutova A. Continuous education and quality of labor life of young people / Mahmutov A. // Man and work. - 2009. - N 1.

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Protasov V.F. Imbalance "Stimulus" and "Carrot" // Personnel Management. - 2006. - №21 (151).

14. Rezberg B. A. Fundamentals of the economy: studies. Manual / B.A. Rizberg. - M.: Infra-M, 2000. - 407 p.

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16. Javricheva E. Charged for good work. Intangible incentive staff of small business enterprises // "Personnel. Personnel management" - 2007 - №5.

17. Gypsykov. Quality of labor life. What model chooses Russia? / Vladimir Tsygankov // Man and Labor. - 2010. - N 9.

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Used sites:

1. Dictionary

2. Economic Dictionary

Http:// - Business portal "Russian business"

4. - CNN service, Fortune & Money


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The stimulation separation from motivation is explicitly characteristic of domestic economists and sociologists, and among Western European and American scientists - for representatives of management disciplines, including personnel management.

Recall that in this chapter, the stimulus is understood as the factor of influence, the tool used by the management to adjust the labor behavior of the staff, and under stimulation - the method of managing the labor behavior of the employee / Group: "... A method of managing the employment of the employee, consisting of a focused impact on behavior Personnel through influence on the conditions of its livelihoods, using motifs moving its activities. In the broad sense of the word stimulation - a set of requirements and the corresponding system of rewards and punishments "[personnel management, 1998, p. 362].

At the same time, motivation is considered within the framework of the procedural approach: "The motives are the prompted causes of human behavior and action, ... the image of the desired ... good, which [can be obtained - V.G.] ... Provided if certain Labor actions. Labor motifs are formed from the three main components: the man's reflection of their needs, whose satisfaction is possible through labor (activity); reflections of those benefits that a person can get as a remuneration for his work; Reflection of the process by which the relationship between the needs and those finite benefits that satisfy them are carried out. The choice ... The behavior option depends not only from the expected remuneration, but also on the price, the results fee "[Personnel Management, 1998, p. 188].

The most developed, in our opinion, the concept of stimulating the labor behavior of employees of domestic enterprises is presented in RA Botakh I.P. Catch and B.G. Pescina. They work within the framework of the management, procedural approach and after G.Kh. Popov offer the following separation of the types of exposure from management to the employee. -

Direct - direct impact of the management subject to employee methods of persuasion, suggestion, psychological infection, agitation, hobbies with their own example, etc.

Advantages ", improving relationships between the head and subordinates; development in the team of cooperation relations, trust, openness, independence, etc.; Simplicity in understanding and naturalness in use.

Difficulties ", the need for an individual approach to subordinate and deep knowledge of their subjective world; availability of specific abilities at the head; impeccable own behavior; high cost of time to work in operational management mode. -

The authorities are a conscious use by the subject of the management of formal relations in the hierarchical system "Guide - Submission", when the employee is given to a direct order (order, prescription), if the non-fulfillment of which should be punished.

Advantages: Easy to use, efficiency and low cost ("economy"), since the impact consists not in the promise of the award, but threatening the loss of some good.

Disadvantages: the hierarchy and the degree of formalization of relations between managers and subordinates are growing; Arbitration in management is developing, the responsibility of managers for the quality of development of solutions is reduced; The collective begins to prevail the status division, caste, the alienation and confrontation develops; Hold the initiative and development of subordinates. -

Stimulation - as an indirect method of encouraging an employee by supplying it to the set and conditions of obtaining some of the goods in exchange for the increased effectiveness of his Labor [Prischin, Program, 1988, p. 16-18].

I.P. Society and B.G. Pokhin was introduced into a scientific circulation very fruitful distinction of species and forms of stimulation. At the same time, the types of stimulation are differentiated by the subject specificity of incentives, with the help of which the management entity - management affects the labor behavior of the management facility - an employee, and the forms of stimulation organization - according to the relationship of incentives and work outcomes22. Accordingly, knowing the features of the labor motivation of a group of personnel, the personnel manager may find effective incentives for this group, and then we work out adequate to this species and specific conditions of the company's forms of stimulation.

We briefly describe the main types of incentives, to a greater or lesser extent currently used in Russian and Western companies. -

Negative incentives. Strictly speaking (according to the progress and use), negative stimuli is not the form, but the form of the organization of stimulation. But we will consider them here as a species, because negative stimulation, no matter exactly which negative incentives are used, performs one function - punishment (more precisely, the threat of punishment) of the employee for the errors committed, perfect misconduct, etc. In practice, used:

comments, warnings, reprimands;

penalties, penalties, damages;

decrease in the salary, discharge, translation to the lower-paid job, a decrease in position;

reduction of award, annual remuneration;

transfer of the queue for receipt of goods from the organization;

refusal to loan, loan;

transfer of vacation for inconvenient time;

public censure; Satyrian wall newspapers, sheets; Shaon board, antipocol; pennants lagging; the title "On the contrary"; Running antiprises; Special type of passing on the enterprise or number of cars, etc.;

the threat of dismissal.

Negative incentives are most often symmetric positive, but more economical, are acutely perceived by people, require limited use time, do not require compulsory publicity, should be applied solely in the supporting form of the organization. -

Material cash incentives. Their nomenclature is limited. This refers here:

the variable part of the salary, depending on the implementation of the specific indicators of the result of labor activities;

surcharges and surcharges;

target premiums;


tive and individual; 3) positive and negative; 4) immediate, current and promising - on a lag between the results of the activity and the receipt of the incentive; 5) General, reference and competitive - according to the nature of the conditions for obtaining an incentive [Stimulus, Prikun, 1990, p. 57-58]. -

Material non-monetary (natural) stimuli. They are material because they have undoubted monetary components; Non-lane, because the employee is issued only in kind. The nomenclature of these incentives is very wide and is constantly growing. Currently used:

car, garage, parking;

land plot, cottage;

places in children's institutions;

trips to the field of treatment and recreation, tourist;

diet nutrition;

scarce products;


loans, credit;

excursions and travel exchange business trips;

training at the expense of the company (in whole or in part), including family members;

valuable gifts;

the right to acquire goods and services in the organization;

providing an employee (and members of his family) the right to use the benefits owned by the Organization;

translation into another organization;

the right to change the profession within the organization;

commonwealth work.

Main features [Toving, Prikun, 1990, p. 162-164]:

Yu smaller versatility than cash incentives;

Yu series of incentives are the nature of one-time action - for example, receiving housing, garage, land, or transfer to another organization; And others may need a maximum of once a year - for example, vouchers or child training are completely or partially at the expense of the company;

Yu weak divisibility and large differences - great differences in the value of certain types of nominal incentives;

The high adaptation to the reinforcing form of stimulation: nominal incentives "It is impossible to traditionally tie with certain types of activities, as each of them has ambiguous value for different people, and this variation is too large, especially since the value of many products is not amenable to accurate measurement and unequivocal assessment. "[Toving, Prikun, 1990, p. 163].

In our opinion, the main thing is that it should be taken into account when using natural incentives, it is an ambiguous understanding of the equity distribution of natural benefits between employees. Some believe that it is more correct to distribute under labor results; others - what you need to take into account the overall merits of the employee before the organization; Third confident that natural benefits should be distributed in accordance with the rank (status, an official) of the employee. The positions are also common, completely alternatives listed - that it is necessary to distribute these goods: by law; according to needs; equalizing (including in turn or by lot). Such a difference causes doubts from a large share of workers and makes it difficult to use natural benefits as incentives for labor.

Attention to natural incentives in Soviet times was very high, since the wage foundation was fundamentally limited, and these incentives could be used through articles of the Foundation of Social Events and with more gentle taxation. At the time of restructuring, especially in 1992-96. The importance of natural incentives and social benefits received by the employee through the enterprise sharply increased and somehow blocked the salary due to enormous inflation (2600% in 1992; 1000% in 1993, etc.). In industry, the slogan was widely distributed: "Hold on for the pipe!" - The factory is proactious, causing you, fell and will ensure the most necessary your children. After 1995, with the relative stabilization of inflation, the significance of social benefits began to decline - most workers and employers preferred to receive cash.

But in the early 2000s. Attention to social benefits began to increase again, first of all, because in a direct salary, competing companies were almost equal and forced to now look for other means of "struggle" for the employee. -

Care of the employee (Patennalism):

support for informal relationships (organization - a single family, every employee is a favorite family member);

head - a revered head of the family, making responsibility for the fate of workers, for their problems and difficulties;

widespread use of natural incentives and social benefits;

continuity of traditions;

growing managers, orientation to the intra-profit career.

The most impressive example is the work of Valentina Sergeyevna Solovyva, director of the Tiraspol sewing manufacturing association. 40th anniversary of the VLKSM.

Advantages. "1) Very high efficiency in terms of costs and results; 2) the comfort of relationships.

Disadvantages. "1) Realizable in small groups (up to 200 people); 2) It is difficult to implement in a hard business - with a regular, continuous cycle, in industry or service sector; 3) as a rule, after the manager's care, actively and long used Patennist techniques, the company collapses: stepmother comes to change the mother, to replace the father -

stepfather, and it is bad not because the stepmother or stepmate is less like newly acquired children, and because the children have an increased demands that the new "parent" often does not correspond to them. And the company and the company and the management style can only be preserved when the "elder child" stands up on the change of the parent "parent, which is often not found to the desired moment in the company. -

Moral incentives

The main function is the transfer of information about the merit of man, the results of its activities in the social environment: Personification of promotion; identification of the fact of achieving and the right of ownership of the stimulus; informing the communication environment; accumulation of information in the labor biography, in the history of the collective, in marital memory; Changing the status of an employee in a social environment.

Moral incentives are the effective, the more precisely (from the point of view of the orientations and interests of the employee) and the one social audience is fully selected, which coves the information, and the longer the validity of this information.

The main advantage of moral incentives is their cheapness, and therefore high efficiency. And the main disadvantage is almost instant saturation: the first certificate was received, satisfied; the second - also satisfied; And the third - no longer satisfied: "It would be better to give something else!" But when the fourth diploma was not given (and did not give anything else) - rebelled: "Why not given? What did I work worse? " So I have to manage the staff of the personnel constantly invent and look for new types of moral incentives.

Moral incentives are divided into individual and collective, official and unofficial, positive and negative, as well as in stimulating subjects. Moral incentives of general action and targeted, and among the latter - reference and competitive [progressive, Proskun, 1990, p. 102-103].

Features of competitive incentives ", the fundamentally rank nature of the expression achieved by employees of the result; uncertainty, variability, the mobility of the comparison standard - since the participants of the competition are not known in advance what result should be achieved to win or enter the number of prizes.

In an effort to surpass rivals, people have higher results than competing with the task or with their own abilities: "In addition to purely mercantile considerations, there are usually spiritual prestigious motives, the desire for self-affirmation. The victory in the competition itself is in itself a promotion "[Peshkin, the prison, 1988, p. 71]. -

Organizational incentives - the creation of certain employees of special working conditions, including high freedom of behavior: Table 7. Stimulation of workers with different types of motivation of the form

stimulating Motivation Tools Tools

tax profession

natal patriot

chery Master Lampenzi

rated negative applicable:


component is prohibited applicable: Basic Basic Basic Basic Components Applications Applicable Netutral Natural Applications Applications:


the component is applicable to the target agreement apply:


the component is applicable with the target agreement the basic moral prohibited applicable basic neutral neutral paternalism is prohibited prohibited. Applications are prohibited. Basic organizational neutral basic neutral applicable is prohibited.

maximum autonomy in work;

self-control of the quality and results of work;

flexible work schedule, free days;

the right of additional resource disposal;

the contractual form of hiring (and often individual form of payment23). -

Participation in concombate and management: -

Participation in concomportation - a prerequisite:

participation in profits;

participation in capital. -

Participation in management - a sufficient condition:

full and timely informing;

participation in solutions;

participation in decision-making.

In Russia, this form of stimulation makes only the first steps and most of the top management. But it can be distributed to all categories of personnel, if, of course, there are no special problems with the size of the salaries of the mass employee.

Notes to Table 7:

Prohibition of using some kind of stimulation for workers with a certain type of labor motivation means that

Table 8. Features of employee remuneration with different types of motivation Motivation type The preferred form and features of the payment is a piecework tool / with a large variable part - for the results achieved, primarily the individual professional bite time / with a clear predominance of the permanent part - based on accurate accounting differences In the level of qualifications of workers and / or in the peculiarities of the work (positions), patriotic based on the employment of the employee in the overall results of the work of the unit and the organization as a whole are the leadership in terms of the results of the individual or led by the team (groups, brigades) of a permanent composition lungered salary from labor costs (taking into account processing time), plus award for the general results of the work of the unit and / or the entire enterprise

if all this type of stimulation is applied, from the employees of this type with a high probability can be expected negative (from the point of view of the company) reactions - employees "put" in III or IV quadrants (Fig. 2).

Applicable with the target agreement: meaning "expensive" natural benefits - apartment, car, country house, etc., the receipt of which the employee is strictly delivered to the dependence on the results or experience of the employee's work in the company (as a rule, even during hiring).

The Labor Code imposes certain restrictions on the use of only negative and monetary incentives and practically does not limit the use of all other forms of stimulation. Therefore, any company has the opportunity to act with the selectivity necessary for it in the use of natural, moral, organizational incentives, paternalism or participation in concompliance and management.

The table allows you to navigate not only to what types of motivation are applicable to certain types of stimulation (literal view), but also in which incentives can be used to influence the labor behavior of each of the selected motivational types (a view on the column).

If, among the members of any professional group or personnel, some division are significantly represented not one, but two or three types of labor motivation, you need to use combined stimulation systems, trying not to use prohibited.

Failure of workers with various types of labor motivation

Since - as it follows from the essential features of each of the motivational types - Earnings has different meaning for them, it is also possible to detect explicit differences in forms and wage systems that have a maximum stimulating effect on carriers of certain types of labor motivation (Table 8).

Literature 1.

Gerechikov V.I. The worker's lumenization is a brake on the transition to the market: the formulation of the problem // Sociology of Labor in new conditions. Samara, 1993. 2.

Gerechikov V.I. Motivation and stimulation of labor in modern conditions // Eco. 1996. No. 6. 3.

Gerechikov V.I. Functions and structure of personnel management service. Studies. benefit. M., 2001. 4.

A brief dictionary of sociology / under total. ed. D.M. Gwishiani, N.I. Lapin; Cost. EM. Korzehev, N.F. Naumova. M., 1988. 5.

Meson M., Albert M., Hedomry F. Fundamentals of Management. M., 1992. 6.

Programmer, IP, Pokhin B.G. Labor Stimulation: System Approach. Novosibirsk, 1990. 7.

Prokun B.G. The place of stimulation among the methods of forming motifs of labor behavior // ed. Sib. Departure Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1986. No. 7. Ser. Economy and applied sociology. Vol.2. eight.

Proshkin B.G., Programmer I.P. On the question of the material non-monetary stimulation of labor // Izv. Sib. Departure Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1985. No. 1. Ser. Economy and applied sociology. M..1. nine.

Proshkin B.G., Programmer I.P. Basics of the theory and practice of stimulating labor. Studies. benefit. Kemerovo, 1988. 10.

Popov GK Methods of management of socialist production. M., 1971. 11.

Personnel Management: Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ed. AND I. Kirana. M., 1998. 3.6.

Stimulus (Lat. Stimulus - shrewd, chalk) - external motivation to action, push, motivating reason.

Stimulating labor it involves the creation of conditions (economic mechanism), in which active labor activity, giving certain, pre-fixed results, becomes necessary and sufficiently satisfying the significant and socially determined needs of the employee, the formation of labor motives. Purpose of stimulation - Do not at all encourage a person to work, and encourage him to do better (more) what is due to labor relations.

Motive - This is what causes certain actions of a person, its internal and external driving forces.

IN motiv structure labor includes:

    the need to satisfy the worker;

    good, able to satisfy this need;

    labor action , necessary for the benefit;

    price - the costs of material and moral nature associated with the implementation of labor action.

Motivation of labor - this is the desire of an employee to meet the needs (get certain benefits) through labor activity. The effect of motivation on human behavior largely depends on a plurality of factors, it is very individual and can change under the influence of motives and feedback with human activity.

Good work on the motivation of employees leads:

To increasing turnover and profits;

To improving the quality of products;

To a more creative approach and activity in the introduction of NTP achievements;

To an increased influx of employees;

To improving their performance;

To greater cohesion and solidarity;

To reducing personnel turnover;

To improving the reputation of the company.

On a person who is described by some motivational profile, in order to change his behavior in an organization, it turns out to be an effect in the form of a certain incentive. Classification stimulation forms:

1. Negative - displeasure, punishment, threat of loss of work.

2. Cash - wages, including all types of premiums and premiums.

3. Natural - buying or renting housing, the provision of a car, etc.

4. Moral - diplomas, honorary signs, view to awards, board of honor, etc.

5. Patennalism (care of the employee) - additional social and medical insurance, creating conditions for recreation, etc.

6. Organizational - working conditions, its content and organization.

7. Attraction to concompliance and participation in management.

After receiving a stimulus, a person responds to it in accordance with his motivational profile. This reaction may be positive, and a person will change his behavior as it wondered; neutral; NegativeWhen unwanted behavior is only enhanced.

In the concept compensatory package includes:

    Salary is the permanent part of the remuneration, expressed in any monetary terms.

    The premium, or bonus system is part of the remuneration, which can vary very much from the company to the company, from the position to the position, from the employee to the employee. In practice, there are sizes of bonuses from 0 to 50-60% of the employee's annual salary. Paid for achieving certain results. Salary in pure form, as well as in combination with a bonus, are not sufficient means of motivation.

    The system is not a cash remuneration, which in turn is divided into two parts:

    Not a monetary material remuneration - all that the employee can touch, feel, keep it for yourself or take advantage of them,

    Not material remuneration.

Forms of stimulation

Table 8.5- Stimulation Forms

Stimulation form

Material money

Salary (nominal)

The wage of the hired employee, which includes the main (piece, timeless, busting) and additional (premiums, premiums for professional mind, surcharges for working conditions, partitionation, work at night, teenagers, nursing mothers, for work on holidays and Sundays, for overtime work, for the leadership of the brigade, payment or compensation for vacation, etc.) wages

Salary (real)

Ensuring real wages by: 1) increasing tariff rates in accordance with the state established by the state; 2) the introduction of compensation payments; 3) wage indexing in accordance with inflation

One-time payments from the profit of the enterprise (remuneration, award, an additional remuneration). Abroad it is an annual, semi-annual, Christmas, New Year's bonuses, related, as a rule, with work experience and the size of the received salary. The following types of bonuses distinguish: for the lack of skills, export, for merit, for service, target

Participation in profits

Payments through participation in profits are not a one-time bonus. The share of profits is established from which the incentive fund is formed. It applies to the category of personnel capable of actually affect profits (most often these are managerial shots). The share of this part of the profits correlates with the rank of the head in the hierarchy and is determined as a percentage of its basic salary

Participation in share capital

Buying shares of the enterprise (AO) and receiving dividends: purchase of shares at preferential prices, free of charge

Additional payments plans

Plans are most often with employees of sales organizations and stimulate the search for new markets: gifts of the company, subsidizing business expenses, covering personal expenses, indirectly related to work (business trips not only worker, but also a spouse or friend on a trip). These are indirect costs, not taxable and therefore more attractive

Material non-monetary

Payment spending or self-maintenance

Allocation of funds for: 1) payment of transportation costs; 2) purchase of transport from: a) full service (transport with driver); b) partial service to persons associated with frequent roads, management personnel

Savings funds

The organization of savings funds for employees of the enterprise with the payment of interest is not lower than those established in the Sberbank of the Russian Federation. Preferential regimens of accumulation of funds


Allocation of funds for: 1) nutrition organization at the enterprise; 2) the payment of subsidies for food

Sale of goods manufactured by the company

Allocation of funds for a discount when selling these goods

Scripnd programs

Allocation of funds for education (coverage of expenses for education on the side)

Studying programs

Coverage of the cost of organizing training (retraining)

Medical service programs

Organization of medical care or conclusion of contracts with medical institutions. Allocation of funds for these purposes

Consulting Services

Organization of consulting services or conclusion of contracts with those. Allocation of funds for these purposes

Housing construction programs

Allocation of funds for the own construction of housing or construction on mutual conditions

Programs related to the education and training of children

Allocation of funds for the organization of pre-school and school education and education of children and grandchildren of employees of the company, preferred scholarships

Flexible social payments

Organizations establish a certain amount for "acquisition" of the necessary benefits and services. An employee within the established amount has the right to independent choice of benefits and services

Life insurance

Employee's life insurance (for symbolic deductions), members of his family at the expense of the company. At the expense of the employee held from the income, the amount equal to the annual income of the employee is paid at an accident, with an accident associated with a fatal exodus, the amount paid doubles

Temporary disability payments

At the expense of the company and at the expense of funds held from employee income

Health insurance

Both the workers themselves and their families themselves

Benefits and compensation not related to the results (standard character)

Payments that are formally not related to the achievement of certain results (compensation for the transfer to service from other costs of expenses related to the move, selling, buying apartments, real estate, wife's employment (husband), etc., premiums and other payments due to care retirement or dismissal). The indicated payments that received the name "Golden Parachutes" abroad are intended for the highest managers, usually include additional salary, premiums, long-term compensation, mandatory (provided for in the company) Pension payments, etc.

Pension insurance

Pension plans

Such an alternative state fund of additional pension provision can be created both at the enterprise itself and under the contract with any foundation on the side.


Stimulating free time

Regulation of employment time by: 1) providing an employee for active and creative work of additional weekends, leave, the possibility of selection of vacation time, etc.; 2) organization of flexible work schedule; 3) Reducing the duration of the working day due to high labor productivity

Labor or organizational stimulation

Regulates the behavior of an employee on the basis of measuring the sense of its satisfaction with work and assumes the presence of creative elements in its work, the possibility of participation in management, promotion within the same position, creative business trips

Stimulation, regulating employee behavior based on the expression of public recognition

Presentation of literacy, badges, pennants, placement of photos on the hill board. In foreign practice, honorary titles and rewards are used, public promotion (avoid, especially this is typical of Japan, public recovery). In the United States is used to moral incentive a model for merit evaluation. Mugs are created ("Golden Circle", etc.)

Stimulating methods

In the composition of motivation programs, two levels of incentive methods can be distinguished: basic and competitive.

Part basic level the motivation methods are traditionally included in the standard employee compensation package: salary, insurance, benefits provided by the company.

As part competitive level motivation methods are allocated that the main impact on employees to achieve the company's main goal is.

Figure 8.1- Methods for promotional levels

They are intended to solve certain objectives of the motivation system. The task of methods of stimulation - In the orientation of employees to improve the company's efficiency in the future, creating interest in achieving future high results - optional plans (with the cost of execution of options above the current market price of the action).

The task of remuneration methods - In encouraging employees for the results achieved, recognizing its current and past merit - bonus plans.

Forms of stimulation

Forms and methods of stimulation

In the concept compensatory package Includes:

1. Salary is a permanent part of the remuneration, expressed in any monetary terms.

2. The premium system, or bonus system, is part of the remuneration, which can vary very much from the company to the company, from the position to the position, from the employee to the employee. In practice, there are sizes of bonuses from 0 to 50-60% of the employee's annual salary. Paid for the achievement of defined results. Salary in pure form, as well as in combination with a bonus, are not sufficient means of motivation.

3. The system is not a cash remuneration, which in turn is divided into two parts:

Not a cash material remuneration - all the fact that the employee can touch, feel, save for yourself or take advantage of them,

Not material remuneration.

No. p / p Stimulation form Content
Material money
Salary (nominal) The wage of the hired employee, which includes the main (piece, timeless, busting) and additional (premiums, premiums for professional mind, surcharges for working conditions, partitionation, work at night, teenagers, nursing mothers, for work on holidays and Sundays, for overtime work, for the leadership of the brigade, payment or compensation for vacation, etc.) wages
Salary (real) Ensuring real wages by: 1) increasing tariff rates in accordance with the state established by the state; 2) the introduction of compensation payments; 3) wage indexing in accordance with inflation
Bonuses One-time payments from the profit of the enterprise (remuneration, award, an additional remuneration). Abroad it is an annual, semi-annual, Christmas, New Year's bonuses, related, as a rule, with work experience and the size of the received salary. Distinguish the following types of bonuses: for the lack of skills, export, for merit, for long service, hidden
Participation in profits Payments through participation in profits are not a one-time bonus. The share of profits is established from which the incentive fund is formed. It applies to the category of personnel capable of actually affect profits (more often this is managerial personnel). The share of this part of the profits correlates with the rank of the head in the hierarchy and is determined as a percentage of its basic salary
Participation in share capital Buying shares of the enterprise (AO) and receiving dividends: purchase of shares at preferential prices, free of charge
Additional payments plans Plans are associated more often with employees of sales organizations and stimulate the search for new markets: gifts of the company, subsidizing business expenses, covering personal expenses that are indirectly related to the work (business trips not only worker, but also a spouse or friend on the trip). These are indirect expenses that are not taxable and in connection with this more attractive
Material non-monetary
Payment spending or self-maintenance Separation of funds for: 1) payment of transportation costs; 2) purchase of transport from: a) full service (transport with driver); b) partial service to persons associated with frequent roads, management personnel
Savings funds The organization of savings funds for employees of the enterprise with the payment of interest is not lower than those established in the Sberbank of the Russian Federation. Preferential regimens of accumulation of funds
Nutrition Separation of funds for: 1) organization of nutrition in the enterprise; 2) the payment of subsidies for food
Sale of goods manufactured by the company Separation of funds for a discount when selling these goods

Table 8.5- Stimulation Forms

No. p / p Stimulation form Content
Scripnd programs Separation of funds for education (coverage of expenses for education on the side)
Studying programs Coverage of the cost of organizing training (retraining)
Medical service programs Organization of medical care or conclusion of contracts with medical institutions. Separation of funds for these purposes
Consulting Services Organization of consulting services or conclusion of contracts with those. Separation of funds for these purposes
Housing construction programs Separation of funds for own construction of housing or construction on mutual conditions
Programs related to the education and training of children Separation of funds for the organization of pre-school and school education and education of children and grandchildren of employees of the company, preferred scholarships
Flexible social payments Organizations establish a certain amount on the acquisition of the necessary benefits and service. Worker within the established amount has the right to independently choose benefits and services
Life insurance Employee's life insurance (for symbolic deductions), members of his family at the expense of the company. Due to the funds held from the employee's revenues, the amount equal to the annual income of the employee is paid with an accident, with an accident associated with a fatal exodus, the amount paid is doubled
Temporary disability payments Due to the company's funds and at the expense of the funds held from employee income
Health insurance Both the workers themselves and their families themselves
Benefits and compensation not related to the results (standard character) Payments formally not related to the achievement of certain results (compensation for the transfer to service from other expenses related to the move, selling, buying apartments, real estate, employment of wife (husband), etc., premiums and other payments in connection with retirement or dismissal). The indicated payments that have received the name of the name '-zoloty parachutes are intended for the highest managers, usually include additional salary, premiums, long-term compensation, mandatory (provided in the company) Pension payments, etc.
Pension insurance Pension plans Such an alternative state fund of additional pension provision must be created both at the enterprise itself and under the contract with any foundation on the side.
Stimulating free time Regulation of employment time by: 1) providing an employee for active and creative work of additional weekends, leave, the possibility of selection of vacation time, etc.; 2) organization of flexible work schedule; 3) reduce the duration of the working day due to high labor productivity
Labor or organizational stimulation Regulates the behavior of an employee based on measuring his sense of satisfaction with work and assumes the presence of creative elements in its work, the possibility of participation in management, promotion within the same position, creative business trips
Stimulation regulating the behavior of an employee based on the expression of public recognition Presentation of literacy, badges, pennants, placement of photos on the hill board. In foreign practice, honorary titles and rewards are used, public promotion (avoid, especially this is typical of Japan, public recovery). In the United States is used to moral incentive a model for merit evaluation. Created mugs ('''oloth circle'''', etc.)

The composition of the compensation package must be balanced and first satisfy the needs of employees. Before included in the compensation package, one or another type of remuneration is extremely important to carefully analyze the characteristics of the team, incl. The average age of employees, their interests, the proportion of working men and women. It is also necessary to appreciate how hardly the staff participate in general corporate events or they prefer to dispose of their time and means individually individually, many children have their age, etc. After the overall picture and averaged portrait of an employee are compiled, you can proceed to analyzing those proposals for a compensation package that the company can make his staff. If there is a possibility, it is recommended to pre-conduct a survey of employees, in order to make sure of your assumptions or reject them and not to invest the company's money into anyone's not necessary. Method'Kafeteria'''''''''''''''''''''''''''K

Method'Kafeteria''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''K- an option for the individualization of the components of the intra-profit system of stimulation. In the root of the method lies a kind menu '"In which the staff of the enterprise is offered to freely choose certain services as a fee for labor.

All this is provided for by the company's budget. Employees can choose a preferred type of service, making a kind of''Men''''''''''''''''''''''''' "and periodically updating it in accordance with their requests (just as a cafe posterifier).

The problem of management is to improve the efficiency of the labor incentive system without additional costs by focused on the orientation of the services provided to the real requests of employees. An increase in the individual returns as a result of such a policy should be expected from the growth of satisfaction with the work and readiness of the personnel in good faith to fulfill their duties.

The attractiveness of the company as an employer also increases. Additional benefits The company receives due to the reduction of personnel turnover, the influx of new employees, a decrease in absenteeism and T.L.

The principle of free choice in the Cafe''''''''' 'makes possible continuous adaptation of branded services to individual, volatile consumer needs and life plans of employees. For this reason, it is logical to assume that this system stimulates the loyalty to the firm, increases the interest to work in it for a long time.

Periodic selection of services by personnel allows you to better assess certain types of incentives over time, which increases, ultimately, their effectiveness.

When planning and implementing an individualization project, a company should take a number of important decisions, for example, regarding the degree of personnel participation in establishing a category and set of services and the frequency of their choice, the calculated price between the elements''Men'''', the type and adaptation of the structure of the electronic data processing system, information policy with respect to staff, etc.

Forms of stimulation - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Stimulation Forms" 2017, 2018.