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How to get rid of stress, defeat the alarm and remove the nervous tension. Chronic stress: how to overcome it and why not close the eyes on the symptoms of the status constant stress what to do

Permanent stress for many people has become a familiar phenomenon. Life on the verge of opportunities, tension, increased anxiety smoothly flow into depression, from which it is difficult to get rid of. It is important to understand what this state is expressed.

Long-term stress is difficult to control, the person gets used to a constant voltage, which accumulates, not allowing the body to return to normal state. As a result, disorders occur in the work of vital organism.

The symptoms of constant stress is expressed on the physical plane, the influence is on the emotional level, there are cognitive manifestations. More detailed symptoms can be viewed in the table.

Physical expressionEmotional manifestationCognitive signs
Increased muscle tension, stiffness in the neck and shoulder beltAnger and irritabilityDisorders of the concentration of attention
Frequent headachesDepressive conditionForgetfulness
Disorder work gastrointestinal tract, increased appetiteUncontrollable anxietyReducing the rate of the thought process
Sleep disorders, insomnia, the inability to sleep despite the increase in the number of hours of restFrequent mood swings, tear, fussinessObsessive negative thoughts, distrust, desire to keep everything under control
HeartbeatTotal fatigue, apathyConfusion of thoughts


Permanent experiences and stress have negative consequences. The person intensifies the thrust for harmful habits, the desire to eat is non-fat food, smoking and drink alcohol. Against this background, immunity is reduced, diseases are exacerbated.

Many mistakenly believe that stress is just a slight overvoltage, which will soon pass by itself. This is a delusion, it provokes further deterioration of well-being.


Constant stress and depression are two inseparable concepts, long-term stress consistently leads to the development of depression. It is characterized by attacks of fatigue and decrease in working capacity. All cases and hobbies, previously bringing joy and satisfaction, depart into the background.

A person is constantly in sadness, feels despair, self-esteem is reduced. He tries to avoid communicating with friends and acquaintances, closes. Suicidal thoughts appear, feeling impotence and their own worthlessness. Do not treat this condition is dangerous, because changes can lead to irreversible consequences.


In many cases, anxiety is a natural phenomenon, sometimes it benefits, helps to prepare before a complex event or protect yourself. Anxiety accompanied by stress often becomes constant. She prevents to live a full-fledged life, disorienting a person.

Permanent stress and anxiety lead to the development of anxiety disorder, a person is constantly experiencing tension and anxiety, phobias appear, accompanied by an inexplicable fear of future. It is possible to develop an obsessive-compulsive disorder, it is expressed in obsessive thoughts and actions, unsounded person.

Other diseases

The constant state of stress leads to a development or aggravation of health problems, impaired work of all organs, suppressing the immune system, acceleration of the aging process. Impact on physical health is expressed in the fact that a person begins to hurt more often, it is reflected in appearance.

An autoimmune diseases develop, skin covers are affected, the frequent stress satellite is eczema. Disorders in digestion lead to obesity, which entails diseases of the cardiovascular system. It turns out a vicious circle, physical ailments provoke even greater psychological problems.

Methods for removing constant stress and methods of controlling them

It is impossible to leave without attention to the problem of continuous stress, consequences can be sad. Therefore, the question is what to do if a person is experiencing constant stress must be allowed on time.


The best means of fighting tension -. For quick relaxation, you can use the impact on special points. Such a point massage allows you to remove the voltage, return the internal balance.

  1. 10 seconds hold the thumbs on the bones under the eyes, it allows you to remove fatigue.
  2. Keeping fear will help the impact on the point under the nose, it is necessary to sit down and press it on the index finger. Relief will come in 20 seconds.
  3. Massage of the mother's left hand will help to cope with excitement from the tip to the base with two fingers.
  4. An unpleasant sensation can be eliminated if the thumb of the right hand is superior to the top.
  5. It will be easier if producing lung tapping movements on the chests, moving from the bridges to the temporal area.
  6. It is useful to conduct massage of the upper points of the oars. These are famous anti-stress points of Shen Meng or "Heavenly Gate."

Aromatic baths

The simplest tool to get rid of the tension - to soak in fragrant foam. During the day, the nervous system and the body as a whole experiencing a permanent load, so it is important to restore sincere equilibrium in the evening. With this, like nothing better, the bath is coping, especially since it is one of the most affordable and inexpensive means.

Essential oils are used for aromatic bath. The following oils are best coped with stress:

  • Lavender and orange;
  • Orange, Sage and Ylang-Ilanga;
  • Jasmine soothes and settles sleep;
  • in neurosis and depression, neurol oil is applied;
  • rose oil normalizes the work of the nervous system.

Along with aromatic baths, you can use aroma lamps with essential oils. At the same time, it is necessary to observe dosages - no more than 6 drops of oil on the area in 20 square meters.

Proper nutrition

A modern man is often fascinated by fast food, fast food, fond of diets and starving, this in itself is a stress for the body that displaces nutrients. Specific food and drinks simply ride a person in stress, because stimulate the production of stress hormones - cortisol and adrenaline. These include:

  • fatty, very fried dishes;
  • too salty, smoked food;
  • products, "rich" by various chemical ingredients;
  • energy drinks;
  • strong coffee and tea;
  • cola.

The anti-stress food is to deceive the feeling of hunger, which exacerbates in. It is important that the person eats. In the fight against constant stress, you should not throw in extremes and go to vegetarianism. The protein during this period is required by the body as ever, therefore, meat and fish dishes should be present within reasonable limits.

Preference should be given to the following products:

  • milk derivatives;
  • seafood;
  • liver;
  • vegetables, mostly fresh;
  • citrus;
  • oils;
  • wheat bran, they can be added when preparing dishes.

No need to starve. Many refuse food during the day, and in the evening they eat. It is more expedient to take dinners with you to eat at work. This is a useful step in the fight against stress. As an anti-stress menu, you can use Japanese dishes rich in minerals and nutrients.

From snacks in the form of coffee and buns it is better to abandon, replacing them with more useful yogurt, vegetable salads, freshly squeezed juices or fruits. On weekends you can carry out unloading vegetable and fruit days, while it is better to devote at least one day to rest in nature. This will help restore the strength by the next week.

It is impossible to exit the constant state of stress without revising the lifestyle, which led to the emergence of a problem. To resist troubles easier if you take the situation under control. It is at least half an hour a day to allocate for yourself.

Regardless of the causes of stress, psychologists allocate certain principles that allow us to overcome the crisis:

  1. The principle of satisfaction suggests that in any, even the most unpleasant situation, it is possible to achieve emotional satisfaction, let it be short. But in principle it is possible.
  2. The principle of reality means that a person must refer to the world around the world, really evaluating his capabilities. In most cases, workarounds should be used to obtain the desired, and use indirect means.
  3. Principle of value. To achieve the goal, you can use alternative opportunities, in the process of overcoming stress, it is necessary to consider all the ways to solve the issue, perhaps some of them will be less complex psychologically.
  4. Creativity. Any crisis situation can be perceived differently. People who see in overcoming obstacles the possibility for personal growth is easier to carry the effect of stressors.

Realizing these principles in life, a person receives a global method of getting rid of constant stress. This is a heavy work on yourself, but its results will not help in later life. The ability to be flexible, change in habits and the rethinking of life positions will significantly reduce the degree of stress in life.

Medicines and drugs

In some cases, when a person for a long time is under the influence of stress, without medication can not do. For treatment, the doctor can recommend funds from various groups, the choice depends on the severity of the situation.

Means with a slight soothing effect, tonic drugs that have a sedative effect as a concomitant effect can be applied. In exceptional cases, the doctor may write potent tranquilizers, antidepressants or neuroleptics, but they can only be used under the supervision of a specialist.

Vegetable preparations, herbs extracts, fees, extracts of medicinal plants can be used. Popular means such as Persen and New Passitis, which are released in a pharmacy without a recipe. But it is worth remembering that even these harmless drugs cause side effects.

To maintain the organism's performance during periods of high mental activity, vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed.

A comprehensive approach will get rid of the harmful effects of constant stress, the chain of events should be carried out in a timely manner. This will preserve the physical and psycho-emotional human health.

Any strong impact on a person leads to the inclusion of the protective abilities of its organism, or stress. At the same time, the strength of the stimulus is such that existing barriers cannot provide the necessary level of protection, which leads to the launch of other mechanisms.

Strong stress plays an important role in human life, as it neutralizes the consequences caused by an irritant. The stressful reaction is characteristic of all living things, but due to the social factor of the greatest perfection reached the people.

Symptoms of strong stress

For all types of such a reaction, the body is characterized by some common signs of burnout, which affect not only the physical, but also the psychological sphere of man. The number of symptoms of strong stress is directly proportional to its severity.

Cognitive features include memory and concentration problems, constant anxiety and disturbing thoughts, fixation only on bad events.

In the emotional sphere, stress is manifested by capriciousness, quick-tempered, irritability, feeling of overload, isolation and loneliness, the inability to relax, generally disgrace and even depression.

Behavioral symptoms of strong stress are overeating or malnutrition, drowsiness or insomnia, neglect of duties, isolation from other people, nerve habits (click the fingers, nailing), as well as drug use, cigarettes and alcohol to relax.

Among the physical signs you can select headaches, nausea and dizziness, rapid heartbeat, diarrhea or constipation, loss of sexual attraction, frequent colds.

It is worth noting that the symptoms and signs of strong stress can be caused by some other medical and psychological problems. If the listed symptoms are found, it is necessary to refer to a psychologist who will give a competent assessment of the situation and will determine whether these features are connected with this phenomenon.

The consequences of strong stress

With moderate stress, the body and the human mind work most effectively, which is preparing the body to the optimal mode of operation. In this case, the goals are achieved without depleting the vitality.

Unlike moderate, strong stress remains a positive factor for a very short time, after which leads to violations of normal human life.

The consequences of severe stress are serious health problems and malfunctions in the work of almost all organism systems: blood pressure increases, the risk of stroke and heart attack increases, the immune system is suppressed, the aging process is accelerated. Another consequence of such overstrapure may be infertility. After severe stress, anxiety disorders, depression and neurosis arise.

Many problems arise or aggravated after a stressful situation, for example:

  • Heart diseases;
  • Obesity;
  • Digestive problems;
  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Problems with sleep;
  • Skin diseases (eczema).

It is possible to avoid the negative effect of stress factors, an increase in the level of stress resistance, using existing techniques, or with the help of medicines.

Methods of increasing stress resistance

Increase stress resistance help:

  • Social ties. With the support of family members and friends, it is much easier to avoid strong stress, and if he still happened, then in the society of loved ones with him it is easier to cope with it;
  • Sense of control. Confident person is able to influence the events and overcome difficulties, it is calmer and easier takes any stressful situation;
  • Optimism. With such a world view, the consequences of strong stress are practically leveled, a person perceives changes as a natural part of his life, believes in the goal and higher forces;
  • Ability to cope with emotions. If a person does not know how to calm himself, he is very vulnerable. The ability to bring emotions to the equilibrium state helps to resist unhappiness;
  • Knowledge and preparation. Understanding that a person is waiting for a strong stress, contributes to the adoption of a stressful situation. For example, recovery after the operation will be less injured if you know in advance about its consequences, and not wait for wonderful healing.

Methods of rapid removal of voltage and stress

Some techniques help in a short time to get rid of strong stress. These include the following ways:

  • Exercise - jogging, cycling, swimming pool, dancing, game of tennis distract from the problem;
  • Deep breathing - a concentration on their own breathing helps to forget for a time about the stress factor and look at the situation from the part;
  • Relaxation - contributes to strong sleep and effectively removes stress;
  • Out of everyday life - a vacation trip, a trip to the theater or movie, reading books, artificial creation of images in my head, for example, forests, rivers, beach, allow you to distract;
  • Meditation - gives a feeling of peace and well-being;
  • Massage is one of the most effective ways to relax and reduce the effects of severe stress;
  • Reducing the pace of life - helps to look at the situation in a more relaxed atmosphere;
  • Revision of life positions - attempts to achieve unrealistic purposes lead to nervous breakdowns and stress, and inevitable failures at the same time only aggravate the state.

Soothing with strong stress

The safest sedatives with strong stress are preparations on herbs (mother-in-law, Valerian, Mint). They are suitable for people who are able to control their own emotions and, by and large, can calm down themselves. But if stress is prolonged, such drugs are not suitable. Tablets on herbs are optimal for children, as they are deprived of side effects, do not cause addiction and do not delay in the body.

No less popular bromine preparations that are relatively safe, although they are able to accumulate in the body, causing bromisism, manifested by apathy, lethargy, adamisses, and men also have a decrease in sexual attraction.

However, the main sedatives with strong stress are tranquilizers, or anxiolitics. Tranquilizers remove the feeling of fear and anxiety, reduce muscle tone, reduce the speed of thinking and completely soothe. Such medicines have dangerous side effects, the main of which is fast addictive, as well as a reduction in mental and motor activity. Anxiolitics are appointed only by a specialist.

Another type of tablets used after severe stress - antidepressants. Although they do not belong to the sedatives, but allow you to reset the tension and bring the emotional state in the form. Antidepressants have a strong impact on the central nervous system, helping to forget about the troubles, but the doctor cannot be taken without appointing them, since these pills also cause addictive.

All methods are important in the fight against stress, but it is not necessary to engage in self-medication. An experienced specialist will advise the optimal method of treatment in each specific situation.

Video from YouTube on the subject of Articles:

How to protect yourself and your psyche from constantly annoying factors of the surrounding city!? So you sometimes want to shout on a cute calling on the phone during the working time the saleswoman, who has the queue already ends on the street; A citizen on the bus in an hour-peak closing for you (he also brazenly brakes on your feet!); Or, at the coming with his mad work - on the favorite Choo, who managed to scatter his beloved, very expensive powder around the Palace ... The site found out how to overcome his indignation and extract the benefit from the current situation for myself.

To know how to properly cope with the "enemy" (stress), you need to know him in the face. According to the VTII survey, the main reason for the stress of Russians is :

    rising prices and high cost of goods - 35%

    24% Most of all fear unemployment. The same number of respondents are concerned about crime.

    18% Very worried a housing problem

    a 1. 6% Survive because of health.

According to the same survey, women are stressed twice as many men. But how to remove the stress our compatriots: the most common way to remove the stress for men (34%) is to drink, for women (24%) - knitting.

The same number of men and women (by 13%) get rid of stress using the game with children. Women also read books, take a bath, chatting on the phone, prepare and eat, are engaged in flowers or drink pills. For men in second place after drinking - TV. And here sex remove stress a very small percentage of Russians: 13% of men and 6% of women.

Generally stress is the reaction of the body for irritation. During stress, an excess of energy appears. In the event of any danger of the body's muscles, heartbeat and pulse are studied. The body needs to throw out the accumulated "charge". So that energy does not destructive, you need to take yourself in time hands and send its potential to the positive channel.

Tips on how to relax, discharge and not harm yourself, you can find in this article.

1. So, let's start with the simplest. Treat yourself a cup of tea. Tea varieties are so many that everyone can choose a drink to your liking. Tea can both cheer up and soothe nerves. Green tea relieves tension, Mate tea - tones, and ginger tea is called "Elixir of Love".

2. Eat bananas. The substances contained in the bananas contribute to the production of serotonin - the hormone of joy, they increase the mood and cause a feeling of well-being and tranquility.

Some ladies begin to eat poor mood and stress. Do not do it! Imagine what will happen to your figure in a month!?

3. Try better workout. We go to the gym or sign up into the section of some game sport - volleyball, for example. After some time, you will not only become more balanced, but also see the positive transfiguration of your figure. Well, if the sports lifestyle You are not on the shoulder, do in the moments of high voltage at least with domestic affairs: washing, cleaning, go to the country and detect the favorite site.

4. For someone, it can quite by the way to turn out to be a statement of one sage: "It is impossible to think nor good, neither to love to sleep well, nor sleep well, if it was bad." After work, sit with your second half in the restaurant or arrange romantic dinner At home. A nice conversation for a beautifully covered table, a delicious food and a glass of wine will help raise the mood and forget about small troubles.

5. If you are on the nerves of the queue in the supermarket or in a bank, or a kilometer traffic jam - try to distract. After all, irritation still will not speed up the job of the cashier, and you will have time, for example, come up with what to cook for dinner. If you feel squeezed from nervous voltage, try kneading with fingers soft rubber ball - It will relax muscles.

10 correct ways to get rid of stress

6. Calm and confidence are guaranteed to those who often kiss. Sweet, passionate kiss causes a sense of joy and satisfaction. One more, no less pleasant way to remove tension - sex. In addition to saying a granted "hormone of joy", sex Provide you and physical discharge. After the rapid love, you will not have the strength for irritation and resentment. Yes, and the beloved person simply will not be able to refuse to you in such a pleasant "treatment"!

Stress removal exercises

7. Make something pleasant for yourself, for example, buy a bouquet of your favorite colors, and the mood will definitely increase. Trouble-free method of getting rid of stress - aromatherapy. Create an aromatic paradise around yourself: a few drops of lavender, chamomile or Valerians act soothing. Anis, Orange and Basil stabilize the mood, eliminate depression, sadness and anxiety.

Light aroma of Verbena will save from headache and feeling nausea. Aromas of floral, warm woody and bright citrus oils can be enjoyed in the bath. Add a few drops of fragrant oil into water and enjoy the miraculous forces of nature!

8. Stress can be a consequence of mental and physical overwork. Try a bit relax and relax: Close your eyes and imagine yourself in the forest or by the sea. Remember something particularly pleasant.

9. Headache as a result of stress? Make head massage: Mass the head of the head, like when washing the hair. Strand for strand skip between your fingers and slowly pull hair up. You can do it both independently and with the help of a partner.

10. Yoga Also able to relax, discharge and harmonize body and mind. The statement that people who fond of yoga are always calm and balanced, not sound. When practicing yoga, stress resistance increases, stamina increases and concentration is improved. Here

4 Exercises to do with nervous irritation and depression:

1. Lie on your back and raise legs Up, throw them behind the head. Feet should be straight, keep your heels together, stretched to the floor. Pull both hands To the fingers of the legs. Strengthen in this position for 5 minutes. Then slowly go down to the floor, put your feet on the floor, and hands Along the torso.

2. Sit on my heels and grab your hands for them. Raise the pelvis up and forward, tighten your head, pull the pelvis forward. Fix the pose and stay in this position 3 minutes. It is necessary to breathe slowly and deeply. Then gently go down to the heels.

3. Lie on the stomach and grab your ankle hands. Examine up so that your spine is like onions. Head and beris lift as high as possible. Keep pose with deep slow breathing.

4. From the position of the lying on the back, lift your feet at 90 °, then lift the body and pick up the bottom of the back with your hands. Despember at the same time on the elbow. Keep the torso perpendicular to the floor. The chin fence in the chest, breathe slowly and deep.

Stress manifests itself when a person is experiencing an excessive level of emotional or mental stress. Stress is a dangerous psychological state that can harm both the mind and the body. He can kill you, and it is not an exaggeration. This fact and almost universal presence of stress in everyday life does not promise anything good for individual and public health.

Some statistics

Consider some disturbing statistics associated with the effect of stress on human health:

  • 77% of people regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress;
  • 73% of people regularly experience psychological symptoms caused by stress;
  • 33% of people feel that they live with extreme stress;
  • 48% of people wake up at night because of stress;
  • 48% of people believe that stress has a negative impact on their personal and professional life.

The human body consists of 78 bodies, which are divided into 13 "large" systems. Five of all organs are considered vital: brain, heart, kidneys, liver and lungs. Why do we mention it? Because stress negatively affects all organs, in particular, in vital.

In this article, we will consider the effect of stress on eight basic organs and systems. We will also introduce you to some effective ways to get rid of stress.

1. Cardiovascular system

It consists of heart and blood vessels and is one of the main targets for chronic stress. Cardiovascular diseases lead to 610,000 deaths every year only in the United States. According to the Center for Control and Prevention of Diseases (CDC), this is the leading cause of death among men and women.

Many studies continue to bind cardiovascular diseases and stress. The presence of stress, especially in combination with other types of risky behavior (for example, smoking, alcohol abuse), is believed to sharply increase the risk of developing these diseases.

2. Nervous System

The brain and the spinal cord are central units of the nervous system. The vegetative nervous system (VNS) plays a direct role in the physical reaction to stress. It is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic.

Stress begins and ends in this system, within the brain. He initiates the answer of "struggle or flight" and releases stress hormones that extend throughout the body, causing rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing, expanding blood vessels in addition to other side effects. This means that chronic stress does not affect the brain.

3. Respiratory system

Bronchi, larynx, lungs, nasopharynk, trachea is a part of the respiratory system. The brain response to the stress is the struggle or flight - it causes difficulty breathing in humans, sometimes to such an extent that he is experiencing hyperventilation.

Panic attacks are a sudden feeling of acute anxiety. This is a general state of health in patients with chronic stress.

4. Musculoskeletal system

Our bones, joints and muscles make up the musculoskeletal system. Stress makes our body strain. Chronic stress leads to the fact that all the muscles in the body are in a more or less permanent state of alertness. In this state, chronic diseases and musculoskeletal disorders can show themselves.

5. Reproductive system

Our reproductive system includes gonads, auxiliary bodies, genitals, dairy glands and sex ducts.

Both men and women, the reproductive system is influenced by the nervous system. In men, an unequal system produces testosterone and activates the sympathetic nervous system to cause excitation. In the case of women, stress negatively affects a number of functions: menstruation, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menopause and sexual desire.

During stress, the brain produces cortisol, which for a certain period may violate the normal function of anatomical reproductive components.

6. Endocrine system

Adrenal glands, hypothalamus, pancreas, parachitoid gland, sishkovoid iron, pituitary gland, ovaries, testicles and thymus make up an endocrine system.

The brain initiates the release of stress hormones - cortisol and adrenaline - through the hypothalamus. Adrenal glands located near the kidneys produce cortisol and adrenaline. It raises the level of awareness of the body of stress.

The liver produces glucose during the above process, which, as a rule, provides assistance to the body. Nevertheless, this excess blood sugar can lead to type 2 diabetes, as well as to obesity. Stress management is important to maintain the normal level of blood sugar and, possibly, to reduce the risk of diabetes development in certain situations.


This system includes hair, nails and skin. The covering system plays an important role in maintaining equilibrium in the body, including protection, temperature control, sensory reception, biochemical synthesis and absorption of nutrients.

If the covering system operates properly, it means that other internal systems are safe. However, stress destroys its systematic work, which can lead to a reduced inflow of blood to the skin, its inelasticity, destabilization of ferrous functions, as well as disruption of tissue recovery.

8. Digestive system

The digestive system includes basic organs - esophagus, stomach, thin and large intestines, as well as auxiliary - direct intestine, appendix, gallbladder and pancreas.

Consumption of a large amount of food, alcohol and nicotine can lead to acid reflux or heartburn, this is the overall problem of people with chronic stress. Stress also increases the sensitivity of the stomach, which can aggravate the symptoms mentioned above.

Chronic stress can lead to severe abdominal pain, ulcers and other diseases, such as an irritable colon syndrome.

Methods of dealing with stress

Teaching people how to properly control stress is important for the prevention and treatment of any real or potential diseases. Below are some effective methods for reducing stress.

1. Changing lifestyle: decrease in stress levels and positive changes in the life of inseparable. Improving the overall health and ability to cope with stress is often carried out through regular exercise, a well-balanced diet and rejection of excessive consumption of alcohol, caffeine and tobacco.

2. Relaxation methods: acupuncture, deep breathing, meditation, relaxation of muscles, massage.

3. Medicinal products of plant origin: these are aromatherapy, consumption of valerian - herbs with sedative properties, as well as the use of Kava - the root, which showed its effectiveness in the process of reducing the level of anxiety and stress.

Note: Herbal treatment is transferred by all not the same, depending on the history of the disease, so the received nutritional supplements, herbs and other homeopathic preparations can cause serious side effects. Before starting such treatment, it is desirable to consult a doctor or plan a medical examination.