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How to put a mansard window into the finished roof. Installation of mansard windows - Learning Installation

In the attic, as in any residential room, natural lighting should be organized. For this purpose, mansard windows are embedded in the roof slide. By virtue of special operating conditions, they exceed the complexity of conventional facade analogues and make higher demands on the quality of installation.

Features of mansard windows

The distinction of the attic window from the usual is as follows:

A mansard window under one or another angle is drawn up, which means that:

  • it is necessary that the presence of a fountain, by means of which flowing from the roof, water will be sent to the window bypass;
  • it requires the use of special types of glass, resistant to shock influences or at least not represent threats during cracking. Armored glass - very expensive view. The glass-triplex consists of several layers with a polymer film located between them, which while cracking holds shards in place. The tempered glass with a strong impact does not split into large fragments, and crumbles on small without sharp edges;
  • it requires very reliable sealing of both the window structure (the gap between the frame and the opening sash) and the place of adjacent it to the roof. In view of this, it is recommended to purchase aprons and other elements for sealing bundled with the window, making sure that they are intended for this model. Details from another model can be externally similar, but due to insignificant deviations in size will not be able to ensure proper tightness, which will lead to leaks.

When choosing a mansard window, you need to consider the type of roofing. If it is profiled, the profile height has the value: the greater it will be, the more high there should be an outdoor window salary. Typically, manufacturers are designated by a separate index in marking, on which roofing material this model is calculated - on Ondulin, tiled, professional flooring or soft roof.

Choose a place for a mansard window

Before mounting the window, it is necessary to determine the optimal height of its location. It depends on the following factors:

It is advisable to place the window of the well from all sorts of roofing units, especially funds (there is always a lot of water here, and the snow is held longer), chimneys and ventilation outputs (moisture can be condensed on the window), places of roofing places to the walls (shading).

Also, when choosing a place you need to remember the need to install under the attic window of the heating device, otherwise the glass will foggle.

Installation technology

Installation of the attic window is performed in the following order:

  1. From the inside on the waterproofing film indicate the marker of the border of the battle, then two cross-cutting cuts from the angle to the corner are made. The resulting triangular valves should be bent into the room and temporarily fix it, for example, scotch, so that they do not interfere with the further work.
  2. Next, the sizes are cut out the fence. From the side surface of the rafter foot, the cut line should be in 2 cm.
  3. If the installation is performed in the finished roof, the roofing is cut out the disc. In the width, it should be 3-6 cm to superb the frame of the window on each side, the upper edge of the day must defend from the frame by 6-15 cm (depends on the window design).
  4. The rafters are associated with two horizontally positioned mounting bars, which are limited to the bottom and from above. They are needed to support the attic window. As a bars, you should use the same board from which rafters are made. They must defend 8-10 cm dozers. Horizontal need to check the level. With a large steepness of the skate, only the lower mounting bar is installed, the window is mounted on top of the window.
  5. The lower and the upper valves of waterproofing are nailed with a stabber to the mounting bars (in the absence of the top film, it is nailed to the doom). Excess film is cut off. Side valves are outward.

    Side valves of waterproofing are produced outward

  6. Fragments of a mineral wool mat (thermal insulation) are targeting the mounting bars. If the top mounting bar is missing, the corresponding fragment of the insulation will need to shoot the window to the frame before it is installed.
  7. Start the installation of the frame with which you need to remove the sash and salary. The order of dismantling the sash depends on the window design - you need to act according to the instructions. It should be removed very carefully and in full compliance with the manufacturer's instruction, otherwise you can most likely damage the loops.
  8. The brackets are screwed to the frame (mounting corners).
  9. The frame is installed in place, screwing the brackets with self-draws to the mounting bars. Fully spinning screws are not immediately necessary - at first they are just naked. Fastening holes have an oval shape, which allows you to move a little design, achieving an ideally even position. Having placed the frame so that it turns out to be exactly in the middle between the rafters (the distance to the right and the left should be the same and constant along the entire length), and checking the horizontality with the level of the level, set the sash. Check whether the sash fit tightly, if there are distortions, they correct the frame (for the position correction, plastic corners can be used), after which it is finally screwed.

    By installing the frame, the brackets are screwed up with self-assembly to the mounting bars not completely to be able to move the design

  10. The extended valves of the waterproofing film are shot to the frame on the sides, the excess is cut off.
  11. On the left and left of the frame, the mineral wool strips are filling, shooting them to the frame or rafters.
  12. Outside the window is cut out the cut, so that it turns out to be discharged to install drainage horod. If this part in the kit did not turn out, it can be made from the strip of waterproofing material, simply folding it along in half.
  13. It is installed in the place of the gulhadow, the crying of it under the waterproofing film and screwing to the trim. With the right execution, the water flowing down from the side of the skate will take the window to context.

    If the attic window is placed under the skate, the drainage gutters can not be installed

  14. Fixed a flap for condensate drainage. It is important that he is located with some bias that secure condensate in the ventilated subpowering gap.
  15. Further fitting the frame of the frame of the waterproofing apron, the planting of its top edge under the drainage god. One side of the apron is shot by a bobbivator to the frame, the other is loaded under the window and shoots to the mounting bars, rafters and a doom (if there is no upper bar).
  16. Restore roof coverage below the attic window.

    Roofing around the window restore after the complete completion of the installation work

  17. The roofing material is placed around the window.
  18. Getting started by setting the salary. The procedure depends on the design of the window, so that the universal instruction does not exist. You need to carefully explore the one that is supplied by the manufacturer. Usually, the installation of the salary starts from the bottom lining, while all its components must be started under the elastic seal. Installing the attachment of the salary to the frame of the window and the doom is completed.
  19. All the gaps between the window and the borders of the loop are filled with sealant for outdoor work.
  20. Next, go to the internal work that start with the installation of slopes. The slopes are performed not only the decorative function, but also direct the flow of warm air, so it is very important to install them correctly: the bottom is attached vertically, the upper one is horizontally. In case of inconsistency, this rule will not be a complete blowing glass with warm air, which will lead to the appearance on it condensate.

    In case of disorders of the installation of structural elements, the mansard window will be impossible to operate

In completing the slopes, insulate the mineral wool strips, on top of which a vapor insulation apron is fixed.

Video: Montage of the attic window on the example of the design of Fakro

Features of the attic installation window on the roofs with different roofing coating

Mounting technology of mansard windows depends on the type of roofing.

Soft roof

The magnitude of the technological gap, which is left between the lower edge of the windows and the roofing coating of soft materials, should not exceed 4 cm.

After mounting the window, the soft roofing material around it is placed as follows:

Video: Installing a window into a soft roof

Circuit coated roof

The technological gap between the lower edge of the windows and metal tile, as well as other profiled materials is:

  • at a low profile height - 10 cm;
  • at high height - 12 cm.

To mount the window to the roof with a profiled coating manufacturers supply a corrugated waterproofing apron, which will firmly facilitate wavy sheets.

  1. An apron is styled after installing the frame, but before mounting the salary.
  2. For fastening the apron under the window at 10 cm from the frame, the rails are naked, the ends of which should be over the boundaries of the day of 30 cm on each side.
  3. First, the lower part of the apron is laid, then the upper and only then the side.
  4. Then the roofing material is placed around the window, which needs to be cut so that the whole wave is on the frame.

Corrugated waterproofing apron will firmly facilitate the wavy sheets of metal tile

Do not forget that various salaries are produced for profiled and flat roofs. A profile with a height of more than 4.5 cm under the window you need to cut or climb, otherwise it will damage the lead apron. Similarly, a window is installed in the roof coated from ordinary tile, professional flooring, etc.

Video: Mounting an attic window on a roof of metal tile

Slate roof

The installation of the attic window to the slate is performed in the same way as on any other profiled coating. But there is a nuance: the instruction from the manufacturer prescribes before mounting to dismantle the slate sheets in the area of \u200b\u200bthe goof, and this makes the whole process very time consuming. There is a way to do with smaller hassle.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to choose the salary that best matches the slate profile. For example, in the FAKRO lineup (one of the most well-known manufacturers of attic windows) is such a salary of type S.
  2. The discovery needs to be cut so that the top sheet of slate remains as integer, that is, the edge of this sheet will be the border of the Owl. From the inside, the slate is not visible for the waterproofing film, so you need to act like this: knowing the height of the slate sheet, we approximately determine the position of the outline and then cut the hole, but with smaller than you need, dimensions. Looking out, it will be easy to understand how sheists lie, in which direction and how much to expand the disc. Having made in the slapted sheet, the first propyl, the cut fragment must be attached to the wire so that it does not accidentally fall from the roof (it can damage anything or injured people). Final dimensions should be about 2 cm more than the sizes of the window on each side.

    Two segments of wire will not allow you to fall cut out sofher in the room

  3. Located under the opening, the cropped slate sheet should be removed and secured instead of it curved like a seift insert from galvanized steel. The liner is started under slate and fixed with self-draws. Usually under the slate there is enough space in order to make the windows salary.

    The distance between rafters and slate allows you to set the salary without removing the roofing material

  4. To get such an opportunity to hold the slate nails to weaken slightly. It is necessary to do it very carefully, since slate is a fragile material and can be used easily. It is best to use a nail-pressure with a hinge mechanism that allows you to adjust the angle of "legs".

    Adjustable nail - perfect ounceout to work with fragile slate

  5. Moving from the bottom up, we mount the salary (its elements are stacked with a falsestone). It turns out that the window is installed in the reverse sequence: first - the salary, then the frame with the sash. The frame is installed in the traditional way - on the mounting bars.

Do not think that the attic window will look at a simple slate coating ridiculous. It can be painted, so the roof will almost not differ from the "branded" metal tile.

Slate Covered Slate acquires a presentable view

Painting the roof should be a special enamel for slate. Pre-coating is cleaned by moss and lichen, then treated with an antiseptic, hydrophobizer and primer.

Typical errors when installing mansard windows

Sometimes it happens that when installing the attic windows, unscrupulous installers want to save their time or material. This can lead to deposits.

Non-quality insulation

One of the miscalculations that inexperienced installers are allowed in insufficient insulation of slopes. Instead of a thick layer of mineral wool, some use the material like "foamphol", which because of the low thickness has a much less heat insulating effect. The consequence of this approach becomes condensation of moisture at the slopes.

The mild thick foam has a high thermal conductivity. Its use will result in condensate on slopes

Equally effective should be the insulation of the gaps between the window frame and rafters. If you do not pay due attention, again you will have to face an excess of condensate.

Another common error - the aprons and other waterproof elements from another window model are applied. At first glance, it seems that the item is ideal for this window structure, but in fact, due to a minor inconsistency of the sizes during the first rain, leaks may appear. So that nothing like this happens, it is desirable to purchase a window and all related details.


We must not forget that the attic window is allowed to install when the slope is biased from 15 0. In a more common roof, the window design even with absolutely right mounting will very soon give to flow. On flat roofs should apply anti-aircraft lights.

It is very important to properly adjust the gap between the sash and the frame. Sometimes there are no sufficient practitioners of the installer with this neglected, as a result of which the closed window becomes leakage.

Special attention requires a device adjoining the window to the roof. Many problems arise due to the fact that installers instead of the observance by the manufacturer of the manufacturer, the technology chose to go through a simpler path and perform the adjoining on their discretion. Here, for example, how an attic window was installed on the roof.

The roof must be inserted close to the window, but leave the gap to flow water

Not the best is the solution to use building nails and curvators.

For fastening the frame you can not use construction nails and curvators

Here, the frame and coating joined the curvators. It is not enough that they are located outside (curmmers need to be protected by apron or roofing material), so also for the attachment applied ordinary nails, and not self-tapping screws with elastic washers. Obviously, Klimmers quickly rust, and water will flow under nails.

Mounting Errors Roof

Not only the window, but the whole roof must be mounted correctly. Sometimes you can observe the following picture: Due to errors when installing vaporizolation (it sometimes is simply forgotten to put), waterproofing (a conventional polyethylene film is applied) and the coatings in the roofing cake accumulates water that flows into the attachment of the attic in the area of \u200b\u200bwindow slopes.

The roof without vapor and waterproofing leads to the leaks of the attic windows

Seeing the leakage in this place, the user connects them with the wrong installation of the window, while in fact the reorganization is required or at least the overhaul of the roof.

Use of mounting foam

Another newbie trap is associated with the use of mounting foam. Everyone knows that in the process of polymerization, this sealant adds strongly in the amount, but not everyone realize that at the same time it creates a fairly significant effort. If the gaps blow foam too generously, it will cause stack of design with subsequent leaks or even the destruction of the frame.

Excess assembly foam is able to destroy the frame structure

In order to prevent this, the mounting foam should be applied in layers in small portions, every time waiting for the complete drying of the previous layer.

There are varieties of mounting foam, which during polymerization do not create high pressure. Example: Macroflex 65 foam.

Uneven window installation

When installing, you need to ensure that the window is located smoothly. Here are some examples of what happens when installing a window with a breakdown:

Installation of the attic window can not be called a simple task. For lack of experience, it is better to turn to professional installers. But it is necessary to understand the technology - this will help to control the actions of the master, which may well be unfair.

Recently, the construction of houses with an attic floor is becoming increasingly popular, which allows you to make the most economically use the useful area. In the area of \u200b\u200battic, bedrooms, cabinets, children's rooms, and kitchens, bathrooms and dressing rooms. With large areas of the attitude of the window, the front houses are not able to provide sufficient lighting of space. Solving this problem will be able to install attic windows in the roof slide. Experts argue that the correctly selected and installed attic window skips 40% more light. In addition, the air ventilation improves. Yes, and the mansard itself looks aesthetically, more attractive. Many homeowners are interested in how to install a mansard window. Let's notify immediately, it is not easy and very responsible. The tightness of the roof will depend on the installation of the installation. Therefore, if you do not want surprises in the form of a leakage of the window or penetration of cold air, please contact certified specialists with extensive experience. If for some reason you can't or do not want to attract professionals, try to clearly follow the instructions of the manufacturer of windows. As part of this article, we will tell you how to choose the windows, and the general technology of their installation.

Types of mansard windows

On the attic floor you can install windows of various types. Simplest - vertical windowswhich differ little from the usual windows of the front glazing. They are installed either in the front of the house, or in the roof slope in a special remote design, it is also called a house or a birdhouse. Such windows look aesthetically, revived the appearance of the roof, but little light passes.

Inclined mansard windows - Modern challenge to the elements of nature. They are mounted in a row with a row of roof, are passed by 30 - 40% more of sunlight and differ in design, material and opening method.

For the production of mansard windows, high-quality wood is used, PVC - profile or aluminum. Wooden windows are recommended to be installed in bedrooms, cabinets and other rooms with a normal level of humidity. But in the bathrooms and kitchens it is better to install plastic windows, as they are more resistant to humidity, mold and aggressive environments.

The design of the attic window may have some features according to which their classification is performed:

  • Standard windows rectangular or square form. Used most often, consist of a frame and sash or a deaf glass. By the way, the attic windows with a deaf double glazing are produced only under the order, but the windows with turning flaps in different modifications are saturated.

  • Balcony windows They are a design from the inclined window in the roof scap and the vertical window under it and sometimes even on the side. Both windows open: inclined - up, and the lower vertical to the side (as ordinary) or down. This allows you to go to the balcony.

  • Lower element under the inclined window. This is a deaf window under the opening flap. A similar design is used if the height of the skate is not enough to set two windows: one above the other, and one window does not sufficiently lights the space.
  • Estabs - upper element. As a rule, it is a decorative element over an inclined window having a rounded or triangular shape. Used for a more harmonious combination.

  • Farmery windows Install in the event that in the attic a high trimenting that does not allow normally to look into the inclined window. Then the vertical window is installed under the window, which also opens. This design allows you to overlook the landscape in the attic window, as in the usual one.

  • Light tunnel We have yet been used rarely, but it also takes place. It is installed in a scanner, which does not have direct contact with the room, for example, the attic. From the window there is a reflective tunnel, most often a pipe leading to the place to be lit. A plane is installed here, evenly scattering light.

All types of mansard windows are manufactured on specially equipped plants and are tested for durability in special installations. High-quality materials, high manufacturability, accessories, providing a turn and opening, but not allowing leakage, all this guarantees functionality and safety. Yes, the cost of such windows is rather big, but also do not do the attic windows with their own hands. They will not be able to ensure proper comfort and tightness.

By the method of opening, mansard windows are divided into:

  • With the central axis of turning sash. They can scroll 180 °, which makes it easy to wash the outer glass.

  • With a raised axis of rotation. The axis is located approximately 2/3 of the bottom of the window.

  • With a combined axis of rotation. Includes both the central and raised axis. The upper axis allows you to open a window outside to an angle of 45 °, and the central scroll completely.

  • With side axis turn. Opened as ordinary windows, they are also called mansard hatch, because they are used to exit the roof.
  • With the bottom axis of rotation Only flaps are available for balcony windows. They open forward.

  • With remote control. In high attic, where there is no possibility to open the window manually use the remote control that is operating from the mains. In this case, before making a mansard window, you must bring a separate line to the installation site.

When choosing a mansard window, you should be guided by the roof design, ease of use of the window and the attitudes of the attic room. For example, the height of the attic and the angle of inclination of the roof of the roof affects what the window must be installed, and which review it will provide.

Device of mansard windows

A mansard window is a difficult design, because it will have to be operated in difficult conditions: rain, wind, hail, snow, and also arrangement at an angle. To ensure the strength of the window, manufacturers use special heavy-duty glass capable of withstanding a large pressure.

A mansard window consists of rama and sash, as well as accessoriesallowing to rotate the sash in different positions and fix it. In the sash is a double-glazed glass filled with inert gas.

But besides this, the kit includes waterproofing and parosolation apron, drainy gutterto avoid leaks, heat insulationso necessary in our harsh climate, and protective salary, protecting the elements of the window from damage and guiding water down, on the roofing material, and also internal slopes.

The installation cost of the attic window largely depends on the amount of work that will have to be performed, and on the presence of certain elements in the kit.

Before ordering a mansard window, you should consult with a professional, correctly pick up the salary to it depending on the type of roofing and accessories to protect from the sun in summer, filling, rolling and other.

Installation of mansard windows with their own hands

Once again, it will be repeated that it is better to order the installation of attic windows from certified specialists, so that it does not painfully hurt. If you want to instruct this task to roofers or a construction team, you have a house, ask them, whether they did it before. It happens often that builders, without having experience, are taken for the attic windows, and then you have to redo everything.

Certified specialists whose coordinates you can learn from the representatives of the windows manufacturer will make everything well by observing technology. On the installation of attic windows, the price depends on whether the roof is covered with roofing material, whether all roofing works are finished or only under construction. If the roofing material is not yet laid, the internal works are not fulfilled, the installation will be cheaper.

Well, if you have decided to do everything yourself, the technology of installation of attic windows is described below.

Choosing a mansard window and place for installation

The size of the attic window is selected taking into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic and the distance between the rafters. It is better if the window is installed between the rafters, without changing the design.

According to the general rules, the window must be at least 10% of the attic area. The width of the window should be 4 - 6 cm less than the distance between the rafters. If you have a too small distance, for example, 60 cm, and the window is needed large, install two windows nearby, in adjacent sections between the rafters.

Important! Two windows always give more light than one large.

The layout of the window depends on the angle of inclination of the roof of the roof and from the place of the arrangement of the handle on the window. So on the steep roofs of the window it is better to place at the bottom, and on the gentle - on the contrary - at the top. The optimal height of the attic window is 80 - 130 cm from the floor. If the handle on the window is located at the top, the window is set at an altitude of 100-10 cm, and if at the bottom - 120-130 cm. More specifically, the type of roofing material is affected more specifically to the height of the window. For example, if it is a ceramic tile, it cannot be trimmed, the window needs to have strictly over the tile. And if the material is leaf, it can be cut in it anywhere.

Important! Do not forget to envisage that in order to protect the attic window from icing, fogging and the appearance of condensate, it is necessary to install the heating device under it.

Type of opening of the attic window, choose based on the convenience of operation.

After it was determined with the number of windows, their size and location, designate these places from the inside of the attic.

Correctly pick up the salary for the attic window. Despite the fact that all attic windows seem to be approximately the same, yet each manufacturer has its own characteristics, different equipment. Pick all accessories of one manufacturer of one line (it will be indicated on the marking), pre-discuss with the manager by phone, check, whether you order whether the kit will turn out, or something does not work for something.

Preparation of the site for the installation of an attic window

Consider the option when the roof is ready, but there is no interior decoration. In this case, on the waterproofing film from the inside of the room we plan the location of the window. The distance on the sides should be 2 - 3 cm from the rafted on the right and left. Mounted the window will be on the rafted and on the bottom mounting bar. We plan the lower layout of the window, departing 9 cm for profiled roofing materials or 4 - 6 cm for flat. We celebrate the top point of the window and postpone another 9 - 15 cm up.

Cut the waterproofing material, leaving the stock of 20 cm from all sides. The remaining canvas so far wrap inside the attic. Remove roofing or cutting out.

Cut off the crate by retreating from rafted 2 cm.

The lower edge of the waterproofing is secured by the stapler to the mounting bruster. Upper edge - to the top crate. Side stretch out.

Installing frame (box): adjustment, alignment

In the package, you will find the mans of attic installation of the attitudes of your manufacturer. Follow it. The fact is that the windows are different. In some fastening brackets, rectangular and attached only to the rafters, in others they are coal and attached to the rafters, and to the crate. And most importantly, they are attached to the windows frame in different positions. Therefore, this question is so important to discuss with the company's manager.

Installation of mansard windows Velux, Fakro, Roto and others, although it is similar in general terms, but is very different in particulars.

For example, on the windows FAKRO, there are grooves with marks V and N, denoting the depth of the landing of the window. It depends on the type of roofing material and the salary.

For the convenience of mounting, the sash will have to remove. How to do it, will be indicated in the instructions for your window. Also, if the window is set salary, it is also removed. Leave a bare frame.

On the frame we install the mounting brackets in the place intended for this. Then, on the upper part of the frame, we put on thermal insulation (mineral wool) and fix the stapler.

At the bottom of the windows, the thermal insulation is placed on the mounting bar and then set the frame in the opening, add the insulation to the bruus.

The lower brackets fix firmly, and the upper not to the end, we still have to be slightly fired. We set the sash to the place, close and look if there is a skew. Adjust it with the upper mount. It is important for us that the window stood perfectly exactly, the sash flew from all sides equally, and the gap was the same. In the future, it will not be possible to fix it.

After adjustment, we drag all the mounts tightly, also the side to the rafters. At different manufacturers, they are made in different ways. Breeping lateral waterproofing to the window frame, cutting unnecessary. Next, we laugh in the side openings insulation.

Installation of waterproofing around the attic window

Included with an attic window always comes insulating apron. Optionally, you can use homemade, from my own purchased material.

At the top over the future window, cut out a piece of crate on both sides, equal to the width of the drainage gutter. Cut in this place, in the middle, waterproofing film. We bring up a drainage chute under it and install in the interval between the crate. Thus, the water from above will be drained from waterproofing in a chute, and not on the window.

Deploy the apron and put it around the window so as to protect the design and a roof from leaks. We fix the stapler to the frame, the mounting bruster, rafters and the top crate, we bring the edge under the crate. Upper edge of the apron we bring under the drainage chute.

Installing the Oklade of the Atorass Window

Installation of the salary begins bottom up. First of all, we install the lower corrugated apron, then the side parts, the top, and the latter the lining on the window.

The salary of different manufacturers have their own installation features, so follow the instructions. For example, the windows of Roto have a special rubber seal on the frame, which will start and fixed salary. This ensures exceptional tightness. But the Fakro windows have such a seal, the salary is attached directly to the frame, and from above is covered with additional elements of the salary, which hide the place of the frame and salary.

Thoroughly connect all parts of the salary and fix them to the frame and the crate.

Lower apron is fastened from above to roofing material.

Last but for mounting the roofing material on the salary, the special element to which the roofing material will close the roofing material.

All, you can hang the sash and remove the protective coating. Mansard window is ready. In conclusion, I would like to note that in order to seal the joints between the frame and the opening, it is impossible to use a mounting foam, only special sealants. And inside the attic it is necessary to install slopes, the lower must be vertically, and the upper one is horizontally. This will ensure the best circulation of hot air, which comes from the heating radiator. I smelled with warm air, the window will not foggle. And do not forget about the insulation of slopes.

Dersighted window installation: video instruction

Attic was greatly popular. It makes it possible to get additional residential "squares" for the minimum cost. This is especially true for small houses. But to live in such a room it was comfortable, you need to perform such work as the installation of attic windows. Without natural lighting, the room is difficult to call residential and comfortable. And how is the installation of an attic window with their own hands? What are the difficulties on this path? This will be discussed in the article.

What designs need to choose for attic?

If you decide to install the window on the attic floor, it is worth first to get acquainted with the requirements that the product should fit. The roof is a special element of the house. Her main task is to protect the structure from rain and other atmospheric precipitation. In addition, the roof is made in the form of a multi-layer "cake". This design is necessary for thermal insulation. This is especially important if the house has an attic floor.

Installation of mansard windows should not reduce the efficiency of the roof itself. It is necessary to do everything so that your changes do not deteriorate hydro and thermal insulation properties. In this regard, the window must comply with the following requirements:

  • the design should be equipped with a sealed seal, and even better and additional linings;
  • the window is selected with tempered glass or (best option) with triplex;
  • the frame frame should be easily withstanding and moisturizing, and dried by the wind and the effects of ultraviolet sun rays;
  • mansard windows are additionally equipped with protection against dust suspension and insects.

This designs can be found a lot on the market. If their value does not suit you, then you can make a mansard window with your own hands. But the resulting product must fully respond to the requirements. Otherwise, moisture will be penetrated through the window into the attic room, and cold.

Choose a suitable place

The installation of mansard windows begins with their own hands from the fact that the selection of their location is carried out. Much will depend on this operation. First, the installation of the window directly affects the tightness of the roof. Secondly, the appearance of both the roof and the inner decoration of the room on the attic depends on the installation.

Before you decide where to install a mansard window with your own hands, it is worth introducing it to those places where specialists do this categorically recommend. This includes the following:

  • skates that form Undova. Here in the winter it can accumulate snow. If you install on these rods, the moisture will penetrate into the room. In addition, it will be impossible to use this window in the winter period;
  • for the same reason, the installation is better not to carry out in places of adjustment to horizontal walls. There can also accumulate precipitation. Plus, the window will always be in shading;
  • another place is plots next to chimneys and ventilation exits. If the attic window is installed here, then condensate will constantly form on it.

According to the experts, the installation of the window on the attic should be carried out away from any roofing nodes. Ideally, the installation of such a design is carried out on a skate, where many free spaces. In this case, the window will not interfere with the roof operation. Yes, and mount in such a place will be much more convenient.

Installation of the attic window to the finished roof is made taking into account the following nuances:

1. The choice of space depends largely on the material used to coat the roof. For example, the installation of mansard windows into a soft roof can be made almost anywhere. The fact is that such a material is easy to cut, not disturbing both the appearance and tightness of the roof. It is quite another thing if the attacking window is mounted in metal tile or other "solid" material. In this case, you need to try to install so as not to disturb the wave or row.

2. Special attention to the installation of mansard windows needs to be given the step of the rafter feet. Experts strongly recommend not to disturb the integrity of the system. It is best that the window is less than 8-10 centimeters than. This additional space is necessary for laying thermal insulation material. If the step is small, and the window want to install a large one, changes are made to the rafter system. You must add an extra beam. Such work is complex and does not guarantee a long service life.

3. It is also worth considering the design features of the window itself. For example, before choosing a place, you need to pay attention to where the handle is located. If it is above, the installation is carried out so that the lower edge of the window is located at a height of no more than one meter of ten centimeters.

In addition, a heating system must be located under the window. If this is an electrical device, then you need to be a socket nearby. If the battery is used, the pipe supply should be provided. These factors also need to take into account before installing the attic window.

Installation steps

Installation of the attic window into the finished roof is carried out in several stages. All installation work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare a place where the window mounting will be carried out. To do this, in the roof and roofing "pie" is done by the opening of the desired size.
  2. Next you need to install a frame. At the same time, the glass pack (or just glass) is better to dismantle. So it will be easier to carry out installation.
  3. The next step is the installation of the heat-insulating barrier. At the same time, it is impossible to forget about waterproofing.
  4. Next, the fastening of all external elements of the attic window is carried out.
  5. After that, the glass unit is installed in its place.
  6. In conclusion, you need to install the slope.

Each step needs to be performed carefully and carefully. This is especially true of thermal insulation and protection against moisture penetration. Also special attention should be paid to the exterior. All joints are closed with waterproofing and are covered with the same materials as the whole roof. If a soft coating option was used for the roof, then there will be no big difficulty with it. It is quite another thing - it is working with metal tile or other "solid" material. Here you have to suffer a little.

Now it is worth talking about how to install a mansard window in more detail. Here, first of all, it is worth using some advice from specialists. First of all, it is necessary to prepare a place, or rather the opening for the installation of an attic window. Since such work is carried out before the interior decoration of the dwelling, the work begins with the removal of the insulating material of the roof. Next, the following steps:

  • further, on the waterproofing film, the location of the future attic window is noted. At the same time, the rafter needs to retreat at least three or four centimeters on each side;
  • the window box will be installed on the mounting bar, which will be fixed on the rafters. For him, you also need to leave a place;
  • on the markup cut off the waterproofing material. It is recommended to leave twenty centimeters from all sides;
  • the next step will be the deletion of the segment of the crate. Do not forget to leave areas of 3-4 centimeters on each side of the rafter foot;
  • next, go to roofing. If the material is used soft and without reliefs, there will be no problems. It is enough to cut the desired piece in the size of the window. If metal tile or other profile roofing material was used for the coating, then it is necessary to calculate so as not to cut it in the middle of the waves;
  • the next step will be the fixing bar. Its making will not require great knowledge. It is enough to take a wooden bar with a cross section of at least five centimeters and the desired length.

After that, we fix the leftmost areas of waterproofing. From above it is mounted using a construction stapler to the crate. On the bottom, the waterproofing is fixed to the mounting bar. Side "trimming" are outward.

Next, the installation of the frame or the box of the attic window is carried out. There are no problems here. This work is carried out with the use of brackets. It is better to use the mansard window mounting instructions that manufacturers of this product. This document is very important item where the adjustment is indicated. If you do it wrong, the operation of the attic window can deliver you a lot of trouble.

It is very important to make thermal insulation and waterproofing of the attic window. If you purchased a finished factory, then a special apron goes with it. In this case, the installation is carried out according to the instructions from the manufacturer.

But this apron can be done with your own hands from the material that you have. It is important that the waterproofing can be roofing, especially if the metal tile or other profile material is used as such.

Installation of the attic window ends with the installation of slopes. There also have its subtleties and nuances. Installation should be started from the bottom item. At the same time, it is necessary to use the elastic seal. Installation of the lower slope window must be implemented so that it is located strictly in the horizontal plane.

Only after all these works can be inserted in a glass (or simple glass) in its place. As can be seen on the installation of the attic window, do not pose a great difficulty. The main thing is to perform all actions carefully, trying to achieve complete hydro and thermal insulation. In this case, the mansard window will not cause you problems during operation.

At the moment, the construction of mansard floors was widely distributed. This allows you to effectively use attic rooms by adding the building a useful area. Houses, bedrooms, cabinets and even rooms for children are arranged on the attic, therefore, natural lighting is needed. Attic, which occupies a large area, often poorly illuminated by the frontal window. In this case, it is necessary to the finished roof of the building. According to experts, the mansard window due to its inclined design gives 30-40% more illumination than the usual, vertical . Installation is a very responsible question. After all, no one wants in his house leaks or cracks blowing with cold air. Observe tightness - the first task in the device of window openings in the roof. The best option to use the services of specialists. But if you take a wish to make everything on your own, then try to follow the recommendations and strictly observe the technology.

A constructive solution for the installation of translucent structures should be taken at the stage of creating a project and building a building. If you do not take into account that, rather, serve to ventilate, mansard windows can be divided into:

The material from which translucent designs are made can be different. It may be wood, aluminum, as well as plastic (PVC). Wooden are recommended for offices, living rooms, bedrooms. And plastic is better suitable for rooms with high humidity - bathrooms and bathrooms.

Classification also exists in the form and constructive features of the attic windows:

Tip! When choosing the design of the attic windows, it is necessary to repel from the structural features of the roof, ease of operation and sizes of the attic. So the height of the installation of the window system depends on the inclination of the roof and the height of the attic room.

Installation of mansard windows in metal tile has its own characteristics.

Window design

The standard design of the attic window is a set of elements consisting of a frame, one or two sash, including double-glazed windows and accessories. It is the fittings that provides opening-closing window, as well as its fixation in the desired position. In addition, the delivery kit should include:

  • aprukhydro- and vaporizolation;
  • gutter for water removal;
  • salary protecting the frame;
  • thermal insulation;
  • suns installed indoors.

Basic principles of installation

The installation of translucent structures in the attic should be carried out strictly according to the instructions in compliance with the quality at each stage. Otherwise, you can get leaks and cracks. As a rule, windows are installed in the roofs with a slope of at least 15 degrees and not more than 90. Withstanding the construction norms and taking into account the need to illuminate the attic, the lower edge is mounted at an altitude of at least 170 cm from the floor. At the height of the installation affects the slope of the roofing of the roof, as well as the size of the window opening.

  • The first important rule - can not be attached to the design of the attic window to the roof crate. The location of fixation should serve exceptionally rafters.
  • Loose beam should serve as a support of the lower part of the frame, in the case of no, it is possible to focus on cerebral rails or an additional beam installation.
  • It is necessary to withstand the gap of three centimeters from all sides between the window frame and the roof rafters. This will allow you to align the window box after installation.
  • The window box is installed above the tiles, and in cases with roofing coating having a high profile, the recommended distance between the roof and the lower end of the window structure is maintained.
  • In order not to form condensate, it did not appear icing and fogging the glasses, it is recommended to install a heating device under it.
  • If you want to achieve complete tightness, do not use the mounting foam, only the sealant specifically designed for this will help achieve the desired result.

Montage sequence

The package of attic windows must necessarily include the installation instructions for this product. It should be strictly followed by this manual, since translucent designs have differences. Differences can be in fastening brackets, their shape, and the place of attachment. For example, the installation of window structures of such firms such as Velux, Fakro, Roto has a common similarity, but it has fundamental differences in the details and elements. Thus, the company "Faro" produces window systems with marks deposited on the frame by which you can determine the recommended setting depth of the structure. Montage of the attic window of the company FAKRO\u003dBF2G30U8GU0 Montage of the attic window of the company Velux\u003d0ZKYLA7EJFC

Tip! Before starting the installation, you should remove the window sash. The technology is described in the installation instructions attached to the kit. In the case of supply of translucent design with the installed salary, it is also necessary to dismantle it.

Rama installation

The installation of mansard windows begins with the installation of the salary from the lower edge of the opening to the top. First of all, the installation of the finished corrugated apron is made at the bottom, after which the side elements of the salary and the upper part. The latter are placed overlays on the window design.

Strictly withstand the gaps between the window frame and the roof coating. This will give the opportunity to align the entire finished design after installation. Recommended gaps:

  1. At the bottom of the window frame:
  • non-core roofing 1-4 centimeter;
  • low profile - 10 cm;
  • high profile - 12 cm;
  1. Side clearances - 4-6 cm.
  2. Upper gap 7-15 cm.

Next, it should, aligning the lower edge of the frame horizontally using a level, fix the fastening corners. Self-tapping screws do not stop to be able to align the frame in size specified above. We produce waterproofing - the material should be laid so that it goes to the side of the frame. We begin from below and customize the waterproofer to the frame with the allen. All the joints of the insulator, superimposed flashes are fixed by screws.

Install salary

The installation of the salary should also be started from the bottom, it is fixed on the roof of the window overlay and self-drawing in the velocked holes. The side elements are fixed in the lower salary and are attached to the nail box. The upper salary is fixed with the side part of the screws and is fixed by curvatures on the roof crate. On a soft or necrophile roof, the side parts of the salary are stacked using bitumen materials. The profile roof cover should be started on the sidewalls of the salary, retreating 5-10 cm. The junction of the salary with the roof is necessarily closed with sealants or a special ribbon. Installation of salary\u003dhg0xvbls16y

Warming and insulation

If there is no opening function, then after fixing the box, the double-glazed windows should be installed. If we are dealing with the opening window, you inspire the sash. Further, attention should be paid to insulation and thorough hydro and vaporizolation. Insulating the window from the inside, podium insulating material over the entire length of the frame. From the outside, it follows to the foil or similar material in order to avoid condensate formation. Sucks also deposit insulation.

A moisture-proof steamproofer is placed on top of the insulating material, such a design with latches is attached directly to the window. If the insulating apron is easily adjacent, it should be additionally strengthened with its screws or glue. If the window design provides for the presence of a hydrocker, the installation of a drainage gutter is necessary for water to merge in the right place under the window.

The final stage

We once again check the tight dock of all the elements of the salary and, if necessary, additionally fasten with the frame and the crate. In conclusion, special elements are fastened on top of the salary, the roofing material is tightly stacked, the joints are checked. In general, the installation of the window system on the attic is complete, you can hang out the sash, check the opening closing mechanism (if the window is not deaf) and remove the protective film. At the end we remind you of the practical recommendation of specialists - the installation of internal slopes. The top horizontal and lower vertical slope will help the best circulation of warm air from the heating devices, which is protected from fogging.

Installing mansard windows.

When installing the roof, the option is occurring installation of mansard windows. It must be remembered that the work on their installation will require an equally professional approach than the roof itself, or even more.The first step will be needed to measure the angle of the roof of the roof.This parameter is very important, since the installation of mansard windows is recommended with an angle of inclination of the roof of at least 10-12 degrees.

The placement of the attic window in the roof, namely the height of it in relation to the corner of view, is selected depending on the functionality and purpose of the room, its necessary lighting is either simply as a way to carry out or entering the roof.In addition, the technology of the attic roof, for the installation of attic windows, requires placing the level of the lower edge of at least about 1500 mm from the floor.

Montage of mansard windows

Depending on the type of roof, the installation of mansard windows has its own characteristics and sequence:

1. Preparation of the opening unit under the attic window.

When mounting the attic windows, the width of the opening is performed slightly larger the width of the window itself: from 3 to 7 cm (depending on the manufacturer of mansard windows). Limit in height will depend on the form of slopes of the opening. For the sloped "form, the location of the transverse boards is determined using a level. For better illumination of the room and maximum ventilation (when opening), we recommend planning it is the "deployed" slope.

2. Installing a frame (window box), alignment.

The window frame (box) is mounted using brackets included in the kit, roofing crate or a solid base that the roof is stacked. For the proper installation of the indoor window, the window box must be aligned in the plane. The main thing is to prevent the bevel of the frame against the rectangular pole. To do this, it is necessary to install the turning part and align the window box on it.

3. Warming, waterproofing around the window box.

When installing the window in the opening, it is necessary to "remove the cold bridge" between the roof insulation and the window box. When installing the attic window, the insulation of this place is optimally executed by the material that is part of the mounting package. Waterproofing around the window box is performed according to the manufacturer's instructions.

4. Installing the salary.

It is performed according to the manufacturer's instructions, differs depending on the roofing coating.

5. Warming, vaporizolation of slopes

After mounting the attic window, it is important to lay the insulation on the slopes. In the absence of the insulation, condensate may occur on the windows (the "Clares" window is formed). When mounting the frame of the slopes, you can not damage vaporizolation. Mounting branded slopes, the frame is not required, because Sleeping keeps on the window frame in a special groove.

Montage of mansard windows

This technology assumes the setting, in accordance with the parameters below (defined distances between the window blocks and roofing):

So, indents from the window to the beam (rafter foot) - ranges from 6 to 15 cm;
Distances on both sides (on the sides of the frame) - from 3 to 6 cm.
At the bottom of the window should not exceed 4 cm in the case of a flat roof coating (flexible tile or folding roof), from 8 to 10 cm when installing windows on corrugated material with a normal profile (metal tile and 20th professional list), and from 10 to 12 cm for materials with a high profile (Professional sheet N-35, N-60).