Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

A correctly chosen billiard table is the key to a comfortable game. Size of billiard table and room for playing billiards

Measurement of the pool room (American)

Measuring the snooker room

If your billiard room is smaller the right size by 5-10 cm, you can use a shortened cue to hit from the edge of the board and a standard cue if the ball is at some distance from it in the playing field. This does not create any difficulties, since according to statistics, such “inconvenient” positions of the ball occur no more than 5% per game.

You can also take measurements of the room yourself using our tips.

Main parameter pool table The size of the playing field is considered. The size of the playing field is usually considered to be the distance between two opposite sides of the table, and this distance is measured from the rubber side edges.

Currently there are basic billiard games: American pool, Russian pyramid and snooker. For a Russian pyramid, the size of the playing field should be from 6 to 12 English feet, and the cue length should be 160 cm. American pool is played on a field from 7 to 9 feet with a cue 145 cm long. The same cue size should be for playing snooker. When choosing a billiard table model, you need to consider that dimensions billiard tables are slightly larger than the playing field. Therefore, when arranging a room for billiards, the dimensions of the game room must be calculated using the formula.

Billiard room size must be at least the sum of two cue lengths, the size of the playing field and a few centimeters for the swing.

1. Room length = two cue lengths + pool table length.

2. The width of the room = two lengths of the cue + the width of the pool table.

10 cm is added to the obtained values ​​to provide some margin.

In addition, there are also minimum size game room and comfortable size of the game room. When calculating the minimum size, only the sum of the size of the playing field and the length of the cue is taken into account, and when calculating comfortable size take the sum of the size of the billiard table and the length of the cue, and add 25 -40 cm to it. Additional centimeters are required so that a free swing is possible when playing.

If we're talking about about billiard clubs or cafes where There should be several billiard tables in one room, then it is recommended to arrange the tables so that there is a distance between them no less than the length of the cue. Very often, in billiard rooms, in addition to the billiard tables themselves, some other furniture is placed. The above formulas do not take this into account, so additional area should be provided for these purposes. Zones that cannot accommodate a regular-sized cue are called “dead zones.” A way out of the situation may be to use cues in these zones, the sizes of which are smaller than the standard ones.

It's no secret that the parameters of the playing field often differ between tables of the same size different manufacturers. Such differences constantly raise questions and even disputes: which manufacturer’s tables are “approved” more, and which ones are “approved” by the less domestic Federation of Billiard Sports (hereinafter - FBSR). Which ones meet accepted standards and which ones don’t. Which ones can host competitions and which ones can’t. In general, the issue requires clarification.
The setter of standards for billiard equipment in Russia is the Russian Billiard Sports Federation. At the same time, de facto, a clear standard does not exist even for sports tables of official competitions held by the Federation. If we turn to the official website of the Federation, we will see that tables with the following geometric characteristics are allowed for Pyramid competitions (hereinafter referred to as quotes from the website Federation of Billiard Sports of Russia)

Playing table surface 3.55 x 1.77m

The height of the playing surface of the table above the floor level is 820 mm

Pocket size (width):

Angular 72 - 73 mm

Average 82 - 83 mm

Limit inclination of the playing surface table relative to the horizontal plane:

Longitudinal 0.5 mm

Transverse 0.25 mm"

and cues:

" Length 150 - 160 cm

Weight 650 - 700 g

The diameter of the horizontal bar base is 28 - 30 mm

Sticker diameter 12 - 14 mm"

But these already vague numbers are followed by a very lengthy note, which leaves manufacturers room for their already limitless fantasies to fly:

"....At competitions in regional billiard sports federations, tables, balls, cues and billiard room equipment that differs from the declared standards. This is due to the search for new solutions in the sport of billiards and the lack of opportunities to purchase equipment from leading manufacturing companies, which the FBI focuses on.

Anyway, installed and used billiard room equipment and fixtures must not cause damage to the halls, tables, participants and guests of the competition and, if possible, meet the standards."

It would seem that some kind of discount is declared here specifically for regional federations that do not have the budgets to purchase equipment that meets federal standards. But further, the site says that

"....Billiard tables and room dimensions may differ within 5-10 cm from the basic dimensions."

Plus or minus five, or even all ten centimeters! Draw your own conclusions...

And here are at least some of them:

All tables from more or less well-known manufacturers today can be considered standard. For example, despite the fact that “tens” on 38 mm slate and twelve-foot tables on 45 mm slate from the market leaders - RUPTUR and START - differ in the size of the playing field (295x147 and 284x142; 355x177 and 350x175, respectively), All these tables are officially considered "standard" and "everywhere accepted". We know nothing about tables with an even greater deviation from the “federal” tolerances.
Of these, all 12-foot ones (even on “thin” slate) can a priori be considered eligible for any official competition.
When trying to fit a particular table size into a room, it is vital to consider the different slab sizes used by manufacturers. You cannot approach the issue of the required dimensions of a billiard room head-on, because in the end everything will depend on the length of the cue that is comfortable for the player.

Here we come to the most important thing.

Almost always, billiards sellers declare the required room sizes, without even bothering to mention that “official” standard size The cue at least has tolerances - from 150 to 160 cm, but in fact, a cue with a length of 170-175 cm may be comfortable for a tall person. At the same time, for players of short stature, say, ladies, it is much more convenient to play with a cue with a length 150 cm, rather than the “stock” 160 cm that is always present in Kievnitsa stores.

Therefore, selection correct size table into an existing room ceases to be a trivial task, clearly requiring the use individual approach to calculations.

The swing parameter must be included in these calculations. When hitting a ball standing at the side, perpendicular to the board, the player (as a rule) pulls the cue by 5-10 cm. Even if we take into account the angle of elevation of the cue's turnik, this parameter decreases only slightly. Thus, in order to play comfortably with such a disposition, it is necessary to add these 5-10 cm to the formula.

Also, when boundary conditions are considered and the desired table fits into the room only at a stretch, some compromise must be considered between the size of the table and the cue. Here you have to take into account such a parameter as the player’s level. If the player is a beginner, playing with an “additional” cue, slightly shorter than the rest of the set, is unlikely to cause displeasure. In such cases, it is the length of one of the cues that can be sacrificed, and not the size of the table. Another thing is when a player is accustomed to his cue, which he has been playing with for many years, and on which the entire performance of his game depends - then the situation becomes extremely complicated, and perhaps then it is worth thinking about a smaller table size.

So the tables of the minimum sizes of billiard rooms must be approached extremely carefully and carefully, paying attention to all the above factors and parameters, and based on the parameters of the playing field of a particular model. You should always remember that the price of such an annoying mistake as the wrong choice of billiard size is that playing it is far beyond comfort.

Below, we offer you two tables of minimum sizes recommended by two major table manufacturers - START and RUPTUR Factories.


Table size

Playing field size, m

Min. room size, m

5 feet

1.64 x 0.82

4.65 x 3.85

6 feet

1.80 x 0.90

4.80 x 3.90

7 feet

1.99 x 0.99

5.00 x 4.00

8 feet

2.24 x 1.12

5.25 x 4.15

9 feet (pool)

2.54 x 1.27

5.55 x 4.30

9 feet

2.54 x 1.27

5.95 x 4.70

10 feet (economy class)

2.86 x 1.43

6.25 x 4.80

10 foot

2.94 x 1.47

6.35 x 4.90

12 feet

3.55 x 1.77

6.95 x 5.20


Table size

Playing field size, m

Min. room size, m

6 feet

1.80 x 0.90

4.80 x 3.90

7 feet

1.90 x 0.95

5,90x 3.95

8 feet

2.24 x 1.12

5.25 x 4.15

9 feet (pool)

2.54 x 1.27

5.55 x 4.30

9 feet

2.54 x 1.27

5.95 x 4.70

10 foot

2.84 x 1.42

6.23 x 4.79

12 feet

3.50 x 1.75

6.90 x 5.17

The room size calculations include the swing, a 160 cm cue for the Pyramid (9-12 ft), a 145 cm cue for the Pool (8 ft Pyramid/Pool and 9 ft for the Pool)

Billiards is a game that was glorified by the classics and has captivated politicians and owners large companies. A game in which generals were always proud of their victories no less than their successes in military operations. Its popularity has been steadily growing since the time of Peter 1.

In general, billiards is not just a game. But its true worth can only be appreciated if the table has been chosen correctly. It is this component that determines whether you will feel the excitement or experience discomfort from the game. The table should be a purchase that will delight its owner for a long period of time. So how do you choose the right pool table?

Advantages and disadvantages

Billiard table in own home allows you to play whenever you want

Owning a personal pool table has many benefits. These include points such as:

  • The ability to play any time you want;
  • You don't have to pay to play.

The disadvantages of these tables include the following:

  • A billiard table takes up too much space, so it cannot be placed in a small apartment or a crowded house;
  • To buy a table you will have to shell out a round sum;
  • An incorrectly selected table cannot guarantee high gaming quality.

Table components

When choosing a table, be sure to pay attention to compliance with the technical specifications

  • Bed, i.e. frame. The main requirement for the frame is the rigidity of the structure, which allows it to withstand heavy loads of the playing field slabs. The table should not wobble during operation.
  • Side rubber. The sides of the table must be edged with special rubber, which has a certain configuration and uniform composition. There is only one requirement for rubber - the presence of elasticity. A high-quality element will give an equally strong rebound in any part of it.
  • Additional elements perform decorative function. However, for many it is appearance is the determining criterion for choosing a table. The best, of course, are tables made from valuable wood. If we talk about saving, it is better to choose tables whose design combines various materials. Sometimes manufacturers make the legs and frame from MDF, and the sides and other elements from mahogany. All components are painted the same color, so it is impossible to see any difference.
  • The base of the playing field. At the base of the table there are slabs made of hard material with a smooth surface. The main requirements for slabs: high strength, ease of processing (the smoothness of the surface depends on this parameter). Budget option a field made of laminated chipboard is considered. The advantages of such a coating include minimal cost, as well as low weight. However, it is important to take into account that such plates cannot provide you with high gaming parameters. In addition, they begin to deform even with minor changes in temperature or humidity.
  • Cloth is a covering that is applied to slabs. It must have a whole set of properties, for example, elasticity and strength. In addition, when choosing, it is also important to inspect the cloth for the presence of puffs or knots.
  • Pockets. The main criterion for assessing quality is the geometry of the pocket.

Influence of room size

If the room does not allow you to allocate free space measuring 4x5 m, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​​​installing a table at home. If you have free space of more than 5x7 m, then the table can be placed in any corner of this space.

Features of choosing a table for playing Russian billiards and pool

The standard size of a table for Russian billiards is 370x190 cm

When choosing a table for playing Russian billiards, it is important to consider its size. Manufacturers adhere to the following line: 7.8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 feet.

They have the following dimensions:

  • 12 feet is the table size 370x190 cm;
  • 11 feet - 340×170 cm;
  • 10 feet - 310×160;
  • 9 feet - 280 x145 cm;
  • 8 feet - 250 x130 cm;
  • 7 feet - 220×115 cm.

A 12-foot table is the standard for playing Russian billiards. Such tables are often called tournament tables, since all championships are held on them. Other types are produced for those whose premises do not allow placing too large tables.

A pool table will take up much less space in the room

To play pool, tables of 6, 7, 8, 9 feet are used.

Is there a difference between accommodation in an apartment, house and country house?

The area of ​​many dachas allows you to place a billiard table, but everything can come down to the issue of heating

Of course there is a difference. The apartment does not always allow us to place the table we want. That is why you have to buy a small table so that it does not interfere with the room. There are usually no problems with this item in homes.

As for the dacha, do not forget that it is unheated room. Temperature changes can cause your table to move. Manufacturers advise placing the table in a room where the temperature ranges from 5 to 15 degrees, and the humidity should not exceed 80%.

Now you know what criteria you should pay attention to when choosing a table for playing billiards. But in order for it to please you for more than one year, it is also important to observe basic rules operation - for example, do not forget to put on a cover, change the cloth every six months, and also observe temperature regime and monitor humidity.

This article highlights general issues regarding the choice of a billiard table. For more detailed information you need to contact our billiard shops directly in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

300 years have passed since Peter the Great brought a billiard table to Russia. Over the years, the billiard table was modified many times until it acquired modern look. Making, let alone organizing the production of billiard tables is not an easy task. Doesn't exist not only educational institutions, but even books and manuals on our difficult business. To make a billiard table of acceptable quality, every manufacturer goes through a difficult journey.

IN Soviet times playing billiards was not only prohibited, but it was not welcomed or encouraged. Therefore, the range and quality of billiard equipment produced in the USSR left much to be desired.

With the advent of new times, an avalanche of demand for billiard tables and everything connected with it arose. There were so few specialists for the above reasons that one could say there were none at all. Therefore, the market began to be filled with products of dubious quality. Many shops appeared under the signs “World of Billiards”, “Everything for Billiards” and many pseudo-factories under the banners big names such as Taburetochkin's Billiard Manufactory. Products of dubious quality were imported en masse under bright brands. South-East Asia. Professional masters appeared out of nowhere, who looking smart They told ignorant clients about things they themselves did not understand. Unfortunately (or fortunately), the billiard boom did not last long. Demand fell, shops and factories began to close en masse. In Moscow and St. Petersburg alone, over the past 5 years, more than 20 stores and the same number of manufacturing workshops have closed. But, nevertheless, some offices continue to exist in one form or another. Either as online stores, which we will focus on a little later, or in the form of individualists who advertise themselves on the same Internet as “super-masters with extensive experience.” In addition, the Internet is full of sites, behind which there is often nothing except a stool in the kitchen or a nook of 6 sq.m. in the far corner of a deteriorating shopping complex, where a bored manager, let’s say, sits, surrounded by a bunch of multi-colored pictures, depicting products that vaguely resemble a billiard table. These sites and “masters” are carriers and distributors of incorrect and harmful knowledge for the buyer.

A billiard table is usually purchased once and therefore it is very important not to make a mistake in choosing. To do this, you need to correctly answer three questions:

  1. Do you really need a billiard table?
  2. Which table should you choose?
  3. Where to buy a billiard table?

But first, please familiarize yourself with the structure of a billiard table.

Structure of a billiard table

Billiard table components:

  • legs;
  • frame;
  • field;
  • cloth;
  • sides;
  • pockets.


They are made from various types of wood (pine, birch, ash, oak, etc.). The strength of legs is influenced not so much by the material from which they are made, but by how they are made. The right way: plywood of evenly planed bars of small cross-section into a parallelepiped, from which the leg itself is then turned. There are holes in the upper part of the leg through which the legs are attached to the table frame using bolts. A faceplate is embedded in the lower end of the leg, into which a bolt with a rounded end is screwed, which rests on the thrust bearing. By tightening this bolt, the table is level.


Consists of two long longitudinal and two short transverse sides, and internal ligaments. The strength of the drawer is influenced by the thickness and type of material. Thickness can vary from 30 to 45 mm. Execution options:

  • solid wood (board);
  • re-glued array;
  • re-glued solid wood covered with plywood + veneer with front side;
  • thick plywood (30-40 mm) + veneer on the front side;

The most durable and stable frame is obtained in the latter version.

Playing field

IN different time the playing field was made from various materials. First from wood, then from various types of stone. Currently optimal material The playing field of a billiard table is a type of natural slate. To begin with, from a large piece rock layers are cut required thickness. After polishing them to required thickness pockets are cut into the blanks and holes are drilled for attaching the plates to the frame. The billiards field is not solid, but consists of five or three slabs, depending on the size of the table. The slabs also vary in thickness for pool tables different sizes and can be from 25 mm to 45 mm. During the installation of a billiard table, the seams between the plates are puttied and then sanded. The slabs make up a significant part of the mass of the billiards. For example, a 12-foot billiard weighs approximately 1.2 tons, with a set of slabs weighing almost 900 kg. Such a large mass is necessary for the stability of the billiard table. The thickness of the slab (naturally in combination with the strength of the frame) ensures the stability of the table. For a 7-9 foot table, a slab thickness of 25 mm is sufficient. For 10 and 12 ft tables, the optimal thickness is 38-40 and 45 mm, respectively. Provided that a frame of sufficient strength is used, slabs of 25 and 35 mm, respectively, are quite acceptable.


The standard billiard cloth for the Russian pyramid is “Iwan Simonis 760” with content: 70% wool, 30% nylon. For pool, cloth "Iwan Simonis 860", 90% wool, 10% nylon, is considered optimal. For snooker, the “Iwan Simonis 4000” made of 100% wool is considered the best. Billiard cloth differs from other types of cloth in that:

  • Ultra-dense weaving is used, which prevents dust from penetrating under the cloth;
  • After weaving, the cloth is cut and specially processed to prevent the formation of lint and pellets.


The billiard table has 6 sides. The board is a single structure, consisting of a wooden load-bearing and decorative part and attached to it:

  • a bumper on which the rubber is attached;
  • special rubber;
  • wooden bead for fixing the cloth;
  • cloth


Pockets - consist of:

  • staples (brass or duralumin);
  • leather cape;
  • grids;
  • rollouts for balls.

Types of billiard tables

Billiard tables are divided by type of game:

  • Russian pyramid;
  • American pool;
  • snooker.

Table sizes

The size of a billiard is indicated in feet (English foot, a unit of length, the meaning of which may vary). The number of feet indicates the length of the field from the lip (the top edge of the rubber) to the lip. The width of the field is equal to half the length.

Russian Pyramid billiards come in sizes of 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 feet.
Pool tables: 7, 8 and 9 feet.
Snooker tables: 10 and 12 feet.

The length of the table is slightly longer than the length of the field. When choosing the table size, only the field size is taken into account. The size of the room is calculated in this way. Two cue lengths are added to the length and width of the playing field.

It must be taken into account that on different tables different types use cues of different lengths.
For a Russian pyramid, as a rule, 150-165 cm. But on tables of 7 and 8 feet, balls with a diameter of 60 mm are used. With a ball diameter of 60 mm, the length of the cue is 135-145 cm.
The length of the cue for pool and snooker is approximately 145 cm.
For example, to play on a 12-foot pyramid table, the minimum room size is: length 350+160+160=670 cm, width 175+160+160=495 cm.

The tables below show the room sizes for different tables. The dimensions are indicated “butt-to-end” for playing with cues of “medium-standard” length.

Tables for the Russian pyramid

Table D ball Playing field (cm) Room (cm)
6 feet 60 mm 180 x 90 470 x 380
7 feet 60 mm 198 x 99 490 x 390
8 feet 60 mm 224 x 112 515 x 405
8 feet 68 mm 224 x 112 540 x 430
9 feet 68 mm 254 x 127 575 x 447
10 foot 68 mm 284 x 142 600 x 460
11 feet 68 mm 320 x 160 640 x 480
12 feet 68 mm 350 x 175 670 x 495

Pool tables

Snooker tables

Pool table weight

When choosing billiards important parameter is weight. Floor coverings must withstand the required load. The tables below provide approximate weights based on pool table size and playing field type.

Table Basis of the playing field Thickness
Weight, kg)
6 feet laminated chipboard 16 mm 115 kg
7 feet laminated chipboard 16 mm 215 kg
7 feet Slate 25 mm 360 kg
8 feet laminated chipboard 16 mm 225 kg
8 feet Slate 25 mm 400 kg
9 feet laminated chipboard 16 mm 250 kg
9 feet Slate 25 mm 450 kg
9 feet Slate 40 mm 600 kg
10 foot laminated chipboard 16 mm 320 kg
10 foot Slate 25 mm 480 kg
10 foot Slate 40 mm 800 kg
11ft laminated chipboard 16 mm 350 kg
11 feet Slate 30 mm 830 kg
11 feet Slate 40 mm 1000 kg
12 feet laminated chipboard 16 mm 390 kg
12 feet Slate 35 mm 900 kg
12 feet Slate 45 mm 1250 kg

Assembling a pool table

The billiard table is delivered unassembled, with the exception of some models with a playing field made of laminated chipboard. Only a specialist with extensive experience can assemble billiards in a high-quality manner. Installation of billiards takes 4-6 hours and takes place in several stages:

  • installation of the carriage (legs and drawers);
  • laying slabs on a carriage;
  • puttying and sanding joints;
  • stretching cloth on the field;
  • installation of boards and pockets.

Now that you have an idea about a billiard table, let's try to answer the above questions.

1. Is a billiard table necessary at all?

If you have a suitable free space, then the answer is definitely affirmative, that is, “yes”, for several reasons.

  1. Playing billiards brings incomparable pleasure. You will agree with this if you have played it at least once. Or saw others play. Well, at least on TV.
  2. If you care about your physical fitness, billiards will replace you with many exercise machines, which, you will agree, are quite boring and tiring to practice. During the game you go through long distance. In this case, almost all muscle groups are involved. The eye is developing. Ability to think strategically. Playing billiards strengthens the nervous system.
  3. What is important is that a billiard table is also a matter of prestige. A large, hospitable house without billiards, you see, is incomplete. Inviting guests to go into the furnished billiard room after the feast is extremely pleasant. After working day leisurely rolling out a batch with a neighbor, just great. Spend time with business partners at the billiard table, useful.

2. Which table to choose?

1. First you need to decide on the type of game and table size

Snooker– the game is extremely beautiful, especially if you watch professionals play on TV, but at the same time it is very difficult for beginners. The fact is that snooker only comes in 10 and 12 foot sizes. That is, a large field and small balls. The second difficulty is that snooker uses cloth with pile, and the pile lies in one direction. Therefore, there is a big difference in which direction the blow is directed. All this and the still complex rules make snooker very difficult and practically unsuitable for entertainment.

American pool– perhaps the most dynamic and fun game. Since the tables are small (from seven to nine feet), the pockets are very large (134.8 - 150.4 mm) and the balls are relatively small (57.2 mm), this type of billiards is most suitable for entertainment. For home use, if the room allows, both 8 and 9 feet will do. In principle, if the room is small, you can limit yourself to a 7-foot table, but adults are not very interested in playing on such a table, so it makes sense to take an 8-foot table and play with cues shortened by 10-15 cm.

Russian pyramid– the most common and popular type of billiards in Russia. Russian billiard tables can be from 7 to 12 feet. Although 7-8 foot tables use balls with a diameter of 60.3 mm, for some models it is possible to custom-make billiards for a standard Russian ball of 68 mm. For tables 9-12 feet, a 68mm ball is used. It should be especially noted that all the beauty and charm of Russian billiards is revealed on a 12-foot table. In addition, for some buyers, having a full-size Russian billiards is a matter of principle and prestige. But considering that playing on a 12-foot table is not so easy, but playing Russian billiards is interesting on a table of any size, you can choose a table based on the tables above. If there are columns, corners, or other elements that interfere with the swing in the room, you need to purchase shortened cues.

2. Selecting a table model

As you've probably noticed, billiard tables of the same size vary greatly in price. The price of a billiard table depends on two factors: technical and decorative.

Technical factors
Plate thickness and type
As stated above, the thickness of the slab should be optimal for the size of the table. A 12 foot table with a 45mm slab will cost more than the same table with a 35mm slab.
Material of legs, sides and frame
Wood varies in price. Provided that the parts are made with high quality, it is not so important what kind of wood is used. However, the sides can only be made from hard rocks: birch, beech, oak, ash, etc. But the type of wood is important from an aesthetic point of view. Externally, oak, ash or birch are different.
Type of cloth
As mentioned above, the cloth of Ivan Simonis is considered the standard. But if some features of the behavior of the ball during difficult shots are not important to you, you can choose a different cloth and save from 8,000 to 20,000 rubles.

Decorative and applied factors

  • complexity of artistic processing (carving, etc.);
  • type and method of coating;
  • modification of the table to suit your wishes.

When choosing a model, it is very important to consider that a billiard table is not only intended for playing, but is also a decoration and addition to the interior. Therefore, the materials and appearance of the table must correspond to the level of decoration of the room.

3. Where can I buy a billiard table?

It is best to purchase a billiard table from us for the following reasons:

  • We have been working in this field for almost 20 years;
  • We are dealers of the largest factories;
  • we have own production billiard tables and accessories;
  • We can make billiards according to your design;
  • We deliver and collect billiards throughout Russia.

You can familiarize yourself with the billiard tables and accessories of our production on the page

The length and width of the tables is determined by the distance between the opposite elastic sides.

Tables for Russian billiards 4.5 x 9 and 6 x 12 ft (1382 x 2764 and 1870 x 3650 mm)
Pool tables 4 x 8 and 4.5 x 9 feet (1229 x 2458 and 1382 x 2764 mm)
Snooker tables 6 x 12 ft (1870 x 3650 mm)
Pocketless tables (carom, chips) 4.5 x 9 and 5 x 10 feet (1382 x 2764 and 1536 x 3072 mm)

Billiard table height:

The playing surface of a table for Russian billiards should be at a height of 820 mm from the floor. The height of the snooker table is 850 mm, and the height of the pool and pocketless tables is 750 mm.

Pocket solutions:

For Russian billiard tables: Corner pocket 74 - 76 mm. Average pocket 80 - 82 mm
For pool tables: Corner pocket 134.8 - 150.4 mm. Average pocket 137.6 - 144 mm
For snooker tables: Corner pocket 88.4 - 92.8 mm. Average pocket 104 - 106 mm

Requirements for the playing surface of the table:

The playing surface of tables must be horizontal. The slope at the edges of the table should be within 0.5 mm in the longitudinal direction and 0.25 mm in the transverse direction. If several plates are used in the design of the table, then they must be joined together with an accuracy of 0.125 mm. When a concentrated load of 90 kg is applied at the center of the table, the deflection should not exceed 0.75 mm. The playing surface must be able to withstand a ball weighing 170 g falling from a height of 180 cm, and no dents or cracks should appear on the plate. The plates must be securely fastened to the table frame with screws or bolts. The slab(s) are covered with a special billiard cloth, which must be well stretched.

Billiard balls:

Balls for Russian billiards: Weight: 280 - 290 g. Diameter: 68 mm
Pool balls: Weight: 156 - 170 g. Diameter: 57.6 mm
Snooker balls: Weight: 142 - 156 mm. Diameter: 54.4 mm, 52.8 mm.
Carom balls: Weight: 198 - 213 g. Diameter: 62.0 mm, 60.8 mm, 62.4 mm

Billiard cues:

The cue should be straight and balanced.

Cue for Russian billiards: Length: 1500 - 1600 mm. Weight: 650 - 700 g
Pool cues: Length: 1500 - 1520 mm. Weight: 500 - 560 g
Snooker cue: Length: 1400 - 1450 mm. Weight: 450 - 480 g
Carom cue: Length: 1350 - 1500 mm. Weight: 480 - 520 g