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What can you use to make a stand for a floor lamp? Floor lamp

Local lighting in the apartment is created, among other things, by a floor lamp. Its convenience lies in the fact that it is a stand-alone floor lamp. You can put it on the floor in any free place, and, sitting next to you in a chair, read, knit or sew. The stand, leg and lampshade are the three main structural parts, the basis for the floor lamp. Depending on what type they will have, you will get one or another lamp design. If you have imagination and a desire to make a floor lamp with your own hands, we recommend this article to familiarize yourself with some crafts. Perhaps they will be useful and add new ideas and solutions.

Steam punk style

First master class.

A very convenient blank for making a floor lamp with your own hands at home can be an unnecessary washing machine drum type. The laundry drum is an almost finished lampshade. If you do not paint it, then it is a ready-made lampshade, which, thanks to stainless steel, will never change its appearance. Make a stand for it and mount the light bulb socket with your own hands House master can do without special effort. The simplest option is a wooden structure. A rectangular frame with a cross at the base, coated with paint or varnish - this is something many craftsmen can do.

The lampshade drum does not have to be fixed. It simply slides on top and self-centers. This makes it more convenient to change the lamp if necessary. To secure the cartridge at the top of the horizontal crossbar, two furniture nails are driven in (shown in the image below). They are quite enough to hold the wire with the cartridge threaded between them. Similarly, between pairs of nails hammered with necessary step along the side of the stand, wiring is laid along the frame. To control the light, you can use either a wired switch or a wired dimmer.

Fastening the wire to the frame. Tools used for work are visible on the makeshift table

The light from the lampshade penetrates to the sides through small holes and is pleasant to perceive. The polished inner metal surface reflects light downwards well. The cross base is convenient for a stack of books, which with its weight improves the stability of the lamp. If desired, the frame and lampshade can be painted in any color. It is recommended to use paints that are best for metal and wood. Painting works should not be performed in a residential area.

  • The proposed floor lamp, made by hand using a drum washing machine on wooden frame, is one of the easiest structures to manufacture. Any home master can master it.

Reeds as the basis of the design

Second master class.

The next proposed idea on how to make a floor lamp with your own hands is based on the use of dried reed stems. If you place their segments on two coaxial metal rings, you will get a lampshade that looks quite decent. Using the same technology you can make a frame for a chandelier. In the same way, a home craftsman can do it with his own hands. table lamp make it from reeds and pieces from them. But with this technology you will have to do a lot of work, although not complicated:

  • make holes for the wire in two places on each reed;
  • You will need to cut a large number of pieces and make a hole in each of them to place the parts on the wire.

This will accommodate the parts and pieces inserted between them.

To cut a large number of pieces of reed grass quickly and easily, it is recommended to use a template and a flat cutter in hand drill. To do this, a mark is made on a flat board from the edge that specifies the length of the piece. This size can be quickly cut with a milling cutter. required amount details. Then a longitudinal hole is made in each of them for the wire.

There is no need to perform separate operations for making holes in the parts. The wire quite easily pierces the reeds across and pieces along as they are assembled.

The floor lamp, assembled with your own hands from dry reeds, contains three shades different shapes, but made in the same way. Each one fits directly onto a miniature 40-watt light bulb. The lamp is inserted into a socket-socket attached to the end of the reed-leg. A hollow reed allows a wire to be passed inside it, running from the cartridge to a base made of flat stone. Holes of suitable diameter are drilled in the stone. The reed-leg should fit into the hole with a slight interference fit. To more accurately match the size of the hole and the diameter of the leg, adhesive tape is wrapped around it.

Floor lamp turns out original look, gives a lot of light, which can be adjusted with a dimmer. Its main advantage is that there is no paint or chemical substances in its details. Parts are made entirely from natural materials. Manufacturing technology makes it possible to make a lampshade with different light dispersion. If the pieces between the reeds in the lampshade are made shorter, less light will spread to the sides. Therefore, the craftsman has the opportunity to make any design of lampshades of his choice, using the same technology.

We use a telescopic spinning rod

Third master class.

The last do-it-yourself floor lamp option in this article is based on a broken telescopic spinning rod. If the last, thinnest section of fishing tackle breaks, you can find a use for it in local lighting. For skeptical readers we will show ready product. And then we will explain the stages of its manufacture.

In addition to its elegant appearance, the product is also multifunctional. The spinning rod, which acts as a leg, is sliding. The wire going to the lamps is wound onto a reel and follows the path of the fishing line along the sections. This allows you to change the height by two times. When folded, you can get a table lamp, and when unfolded, you can get a floor lamp. optimal height. Refinement of the spinning rod comes down to manufacturing:

  • grounds;
  • mounts for light sources;
  • lampshade.

If the product is intended to be used as a table lamp, the base must be made small and massive enough for reliable stability. It is best to order it from a turner and provide the possibility of filling the base with shot for massiveness. Mounts for light sources are made in the form of a cross-shaped part formed by a plate and a tube. The tube is sawn lengthwise and opens slightly in order to drill a hole for the screw in the crosshairs of the parts.

At one end of the tube, a part of the connector is installed, which will be used to connect the lamps. Based on this, the diameter of the tube is selected. One hole is drilled in the plate closer to the ends. They are used for mounting lamp sockets. The lampshade is made of wire suitable for soldering with regular solder. It is best to use stainless steel. And not only for the lampshade, but for all manufactured parts.

The lampshade is attached to the spinning rod by a cross member installed along its diameter. It takes on a finished look after being covered with decorative fabric.

Floor lamp option table lamp(spinning leg folded)

This lamp also has the most simple option The light will be controlled by a wired switch or dimmer. But it is possible to make a board built into the base with similar functions of a dimmer.

We hope that the homemade products shown will be useful to our readers. The information provided on how to make a floor lamp from items that have fallen into disrepair is the basis for your own crafts.

Today you can make your home cozy and comfortable for relaxation with the help of a wide variety of design solutions. One of them is a floor lamp.

A floor lamp is a fairly well-known lighting device that was often used in homes in the last century. But today it has literally received a second life thanks to different approaches to its design. Our article offers a master class on how to make one with your own hands. lighting fixture.

Floor lamp and its meaning

Just with the help of one lamp you can completely change the worldview of a room. And we are not talking about a chandelier here, but about such an already slightly forgotten model as a floor lamp. Using this floor lamp indoors will help you achieve the following:

  • local lighting of a certain area in the room. Using a floor lamp, you can illuminate an armchair, couch or any other piece of furniture on which it will be convenient to read;
  • add romance to the atmosphere;
  • combine several styles. For example, combine Eastern Japanese and Western European;
  • complement the interior with an original detail.

Floor lamp in the interior

In addition, you will always have the opportunity to move the floor lamp to another place. This opens up new opportunities in terms of changing the decor in the house.

What to make from

Wood floor lamp

Any master class on creating a floor lamp begins with what may be needed during the assembly process. Today, a floor lamp can be made from a wide variety of materials:

  • elements made of wood. Making your own hands of a floor lamp made of wood will help you bring natural motifs, warmth and comfort into your home. So, a lampshade made of branches will look very beautiful. When using wood as a leg, consider protecting it from possible fire;

Note! Wood products in modern renovation very appreciated and popular. This is due to the growing popularity of the “eco” trend in modern design thought.

  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • textiles and paper. You will need these materials if you decide to make a Japanese-style lamp.

In addition, you cannot do without the following materials:

  • leg. Its role can be a wooden base, a hollow metal or plastic pin, etc.;
  • electrical cable. For metal legs It is better to take a three-core cable;
  • sockets for light bulbs. They can be taken from an old lighting fixture;


  • bulb. If there are paper or textile parts, it is recommended to use energy-saving, cool-down light bulbs.

Note! Great solution there will be an LED light. With her the floor lamp will give good light without creating even a hint of a fire hazard.

Fastening elements are also needed: screws, glue, wire, twine or ropes.
Tools you may need:

  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • pencil;
  • ruler.

Depending on what type of floor lamp the master class is designed for (plastic, wood, metal, etc.), the above lists may undergo some correction.

Let's start assembling

Drawing option

Any type of floor lamp consists of three main components:

  • stand;
  • leg;
  • shade.

Let's look at each of these elements separately. If you strictly follow the instructions, you will cope with the upcoming amount of work without any problems. The only thing you will need is knowledge of electronics.
To simplify the work, you can make a preliminary drawing with all dimensions.

You can make a stand with your own hands as follows:

  • You can use wood for the stand. The shape of the floor lamp base can be very diverse. The main thing is that the stand can hold the lamp steadily;
  • then, when the base is ready, we proceed to connecting the cable with the socket and the electrical plug;

Ready stand

Note! All joints on the wires must be well insulated.

  • We connect the stand with electrical elements.

After this, we proceed to making the legs:

  • the best solution would be to use metal hollow cylinder. Its weight will help balance the entire structure and also avoid a fire hazard. For this reason, it is better not to make a leg out of wood, but, of course, it’s up to your wishes;
  • We run an electrical cable inside the legs. This can be done before attaching the leg to the base.

As you can see, nothing complicated, but most of the device is already ready. Now all that remains is to make the lampshade with your own hands and the work can be considered finished.
Creating a lampshade is a process in which you can express your creative nature. If the leg and stand are made according to similar drawings for almost all similar lamps, then the lampshade can be unique. It can easily be made from any materials that you like. These can be branches from the forest, fabric, special paper and even plastic bottles.

Note! It is the lampshade that is the element that gives the floor lamp its similarity to a particular style. It can be Japanese, classic, modern, hi-tech or other styles of your choice.

You can make a lampshade according to the following scheme:

  • Use the wire to form a lampshade shape. For these purposes, it is better to use a rigid type of wire that can hold its shape well;
  • Attach the side elements to the wire form. It can be fabric, paper or twigs connected to each other.

Getting the lampshade ready

When making a lampshade, try to do everything carefully so that the places where its elements are fixed are less noticeable. But if you didn’t do it very carefully, don’t worry, all the imperfections can be hidden with decorative design.


Floor lamp decor

When using branches to create a lampshade, the floor lamp does not need to be decorated, since the branches themselves act as decoration here. In other cases, you can use the most intricate and original materials for decoration (however, if desired and if it is appropriate, you can also use them for branches):

  • beads or rhinestones;
  • buttons;
  • various weaves;
  • applications. Here you can use like autumn leaves, as well as crafts made from cardboard and colored paper. As a result, the lighting will take on a fairy-tale hue;
  • shells;
  • small size toys. You can simply hang them from the lampshade from below. This option will look great in a nursery.

You used fabric or paper for the manger, it can be decorated with hand painting. This is suitable for those who can draw.
Now you know where to start creating a floor lamp, and how to finish decorating it, and you can show real class to all your friends and household members.
As you can see, you can easily make a floor lamp with your own hands if you follow the instructions. At the same time, here you can easily show your imagination by creating a unique and beautiful floor lamp that will fit perfectly into the interior of the room. And since it is made by yourself, you will be doubly pleased to admire and use such a floor lighting fixture.

Correct soldering LED strips
How to properly organize lighting for work areas

How to make a modern floor lamp that harmoniously matches the overall style of the interior of a living space with your own hands? One of the interior items that makes any home cozy is a floor lamp, which is a lamp mounted on a long leg. This lighting device can turn your home into a small fairy-tale world in which you will feel safe.

Make your own floor lamp with your own hands not difficult at all. Unless to make a floor lamp stand you will need to know electronics (and even then not thoroughly, but only to a minimum) and be able to handle special tools. To do this, you should take an extension cord, a socket, an electrical cord, as well as a switch, a plug and, of course, a light bulb. Almost any long stick, except a wooden one, can serve as a leg.

So when you have all these ready devices and tools for making a floor lamp with your own hands, you can get down to business. First, you should secure the stick on the stand, after drilling a hole in it for the cord, if required. And when all these complex manipulations with wires and electricity are completed, you can begin the most enjoyable part of your DIY activity - decorating the floor lamp. Here everything depends solely on your imagination. You can decorate the leg with shells, beads, buttons, beads, and also rhinestones (for lovers of glamor).

If you like a strict style, then paint the leg of the floor lamp match the lampshade or wrap it in a fancy way with colored wire. In a word, fantasize and invent original design for your floor lamp. Just don't forget that it must fit into the stop in your home. At the end of the article you will find some interesting master classes, with with which you can make beautiful and stylish floor lamps with your own hands at home.

If you already have a floor lamp at home, making a new one will be even easier. After all, you can remake an old lamp by changing the design of the lampshade or legs.
Moreover, the lampshade can be made in two ways:
1. Using white fabric, which is painted with special acrylic paints or decorate floor lamp self made the same shells, buttons and rhinestones.
2. Using wallpaper. For this purpose you will need a simple white (or cream) floor lamp, wallpaper and wallpaper glue. Next we do the following: first we select the wallpaper by illuminating it with a lamp.

Your choice should depend on how the wallpaper looks under the light of a light bulb. Then measure the length and height of the circumference old floor lamp. After this, you need to cut a piece of wallpaper to the size of this very circle, leaving about two centimeters. Dissolve the glue. Moreover, the glue should be applied in the area of ​​the ends of the floor lamp connection so that the glue is 20 cm from these very ends.

Then place the wallpaper on the area coated with glue and press, but not too hard, otherwise there will be bumps on the wallpaper that will not look very neat. Thus, applying glue to small areas lampshade, you should stick the wallpaper until you reach the seam again. Then just make a bend and apply glue to it. Glue to the seam. Your work should now dry. After this you can install the updated lampshade on the base of a floor lamp.

We make a modern and elegant floor lamp with our own hands. Master class with photos of all stages of work.

How to make an original floor lamp out of paper with your own hands. Master class for beginners.

To make the apartment as comfortable as possible for living, it can be furnished in an attractive and original way, bringing to life all kinds of design ideas. One of these is to make a floor lamp with your own hands, also known as a floor lamp.

Such a device was a common lighting device in the last century; now it is in demand both as a design and as a functional interior object. If you approach its creation creatively, the room will immediately be transformed.

Functions of a floor lamp in the interior

By installing a floor lamp, you can completely change the visual appearance of your room. The functions of this device are:

  • accentuation of a particular zone in the room. For example, you can highlight an armchair, sofa, or other piece of furniture;
  • giving a special atmosphere to the room;
  • combining several styles.

Another good thing about a floor lamp is that, if necessary, you can always move it to another place. This will allow you, if necessary, to change the decor in your home without rearranging or repairing.

Necessary for work

To make a floor lamp with your own hands, you need to decide in advance on the material of manufacture. It could be:

Having decided on the key material, you should prepare everything necessary materials. The design elements are:

Tools you will need:

The complete list of tools depends on what material is used to produce the floor lamp. It can be supplemented at your own discretion.

Elements and their assembly

Regardless of what materials are used to assemble a floor lamp, it includes three key elements: a leg, a stand and a lampshade. To make your work easier, it is recommended to prepare a drawing in advance indicating the exact dimensions of each part.

The lamp stand can be made from wood or plastic. The base can be of any shape, the main thing is that the stand holds the entire structure well. After assembling the base, connect the cable to electrical plug and cartridge. It is worth considering that all joints on the wires must be insulated. The stand is then connected to the electrical components.

For the leg, it is best to use hollow metal. It is lightweight, fire resistant and capable of supporting the entire structure. In order for the floor lamp to be safe, It’s better not to make the leg out of wood. It is carried out inside electrical cable, this can be done before the leg is attached to the base.

Most of the lamp is ready. All that remains is to make the lampshade and decorate it.

Lampshade and its decor

The most creative part of the work is making the lampshade. The stand and leg are made strictly according to the drawings in almost all cases, but the lampshade is always unique. It is he who gives the product a particular style. For example, classic, hi-tech, Japanese and some other.

You can make a lampshade with your own hands from many available materials, for example:

  • paper;
  • fabrics;
  • tree branches;
  • plastic bottles and more.

The lampshade manufacturing scheme is the same in most cases. The shape is set using wire. It is better to take a hard one that will hold it well. Side elements in the form of paper, fabric or branches connected to each other are attached to this form.

During work, you need to do everything as carefully as possible; the places where structural elements are fixed should not be very noticeable. But if you weren’t able to achieve accuracy the first time, then imperfections can be hidden with the help of decorative elements.

Everyone chooses whether to decorate the lampshade or not. It all depends on the material of its production. For example, if it is made from branches, then they are the decor and there is no need to supplement it.

In other cases, you can decorate the structure with elements based on the following materials:

If you have drawing skills, then a paper or fabric lampshade can be supplemented with painting. There are ideas for creating a unique lampshade for a lamp. great amount. Among them:

  • based on the old globe;
  • inverted wicker basket;
  • from petals;
  • artificial butterflies or hearts;
  • imitation of scales based on small elements;
  • an inflatable ball covered with threads and more.

But, when choosing a certain material for finishing a lampshade or wanting to implement one or another non-standard idea, you need to remember that the light should not be hidden. Any finish to create an attractive floor lamp must be designed to ensure that the room is sufficiently illuminated.

Original ideas

In addition to the basic materials, others can be used to assemble a homemade floor lamp, thanks to which the product will have a more original and attractive appearance.

In particular, some make floor lamps based on polymer clay. This material is good because it is easy to process, dries quickly and lends itself well to decoration. The base is made from a roll of paper or paper box. What the base will be depends on what the lampshade will be.

The clay should be slowly squeezed onto a piece of paper or cardboard and left until it dries completely. And when the base is removed, you can further decorate the lampshade at your discretion. Polymer clay can be replaced with putties, liquid nails, construction sealants and more.

Another original version making a lighting device - from an old vase. However, this is difficult to do, since the material is fragile, and making holes in it is very problematic.

You will need to attach it to the neck of the vase. metal cover, on which the hollow pin will be installed. It will serve as a tripod. To make the structure stable, The cover must be secured with stops, which in size correspond to the widest part of the vase.

A cord is passed through the hollow pin, it passes through the hole in the lid and comes out through the hole at the bottom of the side of the vase. You need to attach a plug and socket to the wire. To make the lamp stable, you can pour sand into the vase. The lampshade is made from wire covered with linen or fabric.

It is recommended to install homemade lamps only in living rooms, bedrooms, hallways and other places where there is no high humidity. Accordingly, they are not suitable for bathrooms and toilets. Provide such devices yourself reliable protection It’s unlikely to work from moisture, so it’s better not to risk it.

Making a floor lamp with your own hands is not that difficult. The main thing is to follow the instructions and follow the recommendations for its manufacture. If you show your imagination, you can make a unique design object from inexpensive scrap materials that will decorate any room.

Do you want to create a romantic atmosphere? Or cozy and warm? Or maybe fun and festive? This floor lamp will definitely help you.
Its advantages:
- Soft light that does not hurt the eyes.
- Low power consumption.
- You can turn the lamp on and off, control color and brightness from the remote control.
- Modern style, which will fit anywhere.
- In addition to control and brightness, there is a smooth color changing mode and a dynamic switching mode, fast and slow.

In general, not a lamp, but a find!
The heart of the lamp is a Chinese garland with a controller and remote control remote control. Plus the power supply that comes with the kit.
Quite inexpensive, bought it here -

If you have big problems with a budget, then you can take a simple white one LED strip and power it from the power supply.

Other materials:
The rest of the materials that I used to make the lamp are not in short supply and are available at any hardware store.
1. Wooden corners 4 pieces - anyone who has trimmed with clapboard will understand what we are talking about, if not, ask the seller.
2. Wood slats 4 pieces – there shouldn’t be any questions here.
3. Two types of fabric: 1) transparent with a pattern, for effect. The type of organza that curtains are made from. 2) Denser, for dispersion, fabric such as chintz. I admit right away - I am a complete zero in fabrics and sewing. I just went to a sewing store and chose what I wanted to look like... I don’t remember exactly what it was called.
Of course, you can limit yourself to one dense one, but I just decided to stand out.
4. Plastic corners 3 pieces - any construction material.
5. Small nails.

Making a lamp

We collect all the materials and move on. I ordered an LED strip from China and while it was on its way, I started making the frame of the lamp and cutting fabrics around the frame.

The first thing you need to do is decide on the size. I took it to a height of one and a half meters. Taking this into account, I’m sawing off 4 wooden corners. The main load-bearing parts of the lamp are ready.

Now we decide on the width - I took 30 cm. We begin to nail together with small nails. We do everything carefully so that nothing cracks. If it suddenly cracks, take PVA glue and glue it together.

One side is ready. We stuff corners onto it, sawn to the width minus the thickness of the sides.

Everything needs to be done proportionally. Everything must first be marked with a simple pencil. Don't forget about the legs of the lamp.
We assemble the frame - everything is ready. The biggest job is done. This is what ended up happening.

Now take the LED strip and glue it to the corners.

The height of the lamp is 1.5 meters. I took the tape 3 meters, that is, it goes along one corner and diagonally in another. If you want more brightness, take enough tape to cover all 4 corners.
LED strip adheres very well to wood.

Now we alternately wrap it in layers of fabric. First one, then the second. For fixation we use furniture stapler. We cut off all protruding parts. All this is done very simply and quickly.

Next we take plastic corners. Choose the color you like - there is a wide choice now. I thought a dark corner would harmonize well with the white color of the lamp and took it.

We cut the corners and glue the top and bottom first. Then we cut the corner lengthwise and glue the sides with strips.