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Communication tactics with a leader who will make you an ideal employee. How should the head with subordinates

Accountants belong to those "lucky", which for work accounted for more often to contact with the leader. And his, as you know, do not choose: who got, to that and you need to adapt. And well, if you are lucky with the boss: a reasonable, balanced, understanding. And if he is a man, to put it mildly, with a complex character?

By the way, in female and male groups, the term "complex chief" is understood in different ways. For women, it is primarily the one who allows themselves an inappropriate style of communication: screaming, insults, intimidating, it can throw documents into the face or, on the contrary, fastening the weaknesses of nature, dying sophisticated terrorizing employees. And men are complex chiefs call authoritarian types that do not allow developing and growing in a professional plan.

I want to understand: from a complex chief you can only escape by flight by writing a statement about the care, despite the fact that all other aspects of work are satisfied, or is not all lost?

It is necessary to separate the concept of "complex chief" from the concept of "inadequate assignments of the head", which can be attributed, for example, requests:

  • determine the profit on one specific product, when the company's commercial nomenclature has more than 5,000 items;
  • "Draw" Profitable "reporting, and in a week ask why profits, and the organization does not have money;
  • to conduct some personal waste by accounting, which will not bring anything to any expenses (for example, a sleeping set).

From this kind of requests can be chopping, explaining the director, to which negative consequences it can lead.

The same type ...

First, let's see what types of bosses exist and how to try to find a common language with each of them (based on typology proposed by the German psychologist Michael Eikherberg).

Type on-chal-ni Description What you need to understand the employee What annoys the boss How to earn the favor of the boss How to defend your ideas and interests
Despot Practicing authoritarian management style. Exaggeratedly strict, excessively demanding, shut down the manifestation of any initiative to the root, does not bend to humiliate its subordinates before others. Never recognizes your personal mistakes As a rule, there is a large complex of own inferiority or chronic solitude When an employee "Nessenia" or otherwise demonstrates its superiority in a professional or personal sphere Almost impossible. It can only impress the excellent results of your work. However, the criteria of superiority can be so overestimated that they are simply unrealistic Calence and business argumentation. If you scribbled or insulted, in no case show your feelings. Give the will to emotions and the more throat tears - guaranteed to lose
Patriarch Firmly sure: only he knows that it is good for the company. And all subordinates should be unquestioned to follow the course chosen by him. Despite signs of authoritarianism, in contact with their subordinates, the Council or the case takes part in their decision, for which he enjoys recognition and even the love of the team They drive the fatherly instinct that needs reinforcement Not agreed with him actions, simply speaking, when "climb across Batki" Ask him advice on any little less a significant work issue. Bring yourself as an approximate "daughter" (or "son"). Stress in every possible way, how many have you learned under his leadership "Patriarch" believes only in his ideas. Your ideas will see the light, only if you play the role of his intelligent student. So try to file your own ideas as a logical development of his thoughts
Lone fighter Prefers to exorcate the subordinates in every way, creating "anti-tank pivops" around him in the form of a strict secretary and ever-closed cabinet doors. Reluctantly and extremely dosed issues any, even the information necessary for work Such people strains the need to create inside the company and obey them. Therefore, suggestions or explanations passed through the secretary in writing will be more effective than the hour conversation with such a chief When he was jerking on trifles (and such he considers most working issues). Also frequent and too long conversations or negotiations Good results of work without unnecessary to his eyes. It also appreciates restraint in the manifestation of emotions and composure All your ideas and suggestions should be thought out in detail, clearly formulated, well argued and are outlined on paper. Actually, such a style of communication prefers many bosses
The Iron Lady Cold, authoritarian, self-confident. Perfection owns the rules of intrigues and the goat. Perfectly knows the weaknesses of its subordinates and, if necessary, can press them. Discipline and loyalty awaits Such Shephini, as a rule, deny all emotional, believing that it is necessary to manage the team hard and even in minor issues can not be done about him Explicit or hidden ignoring its orders, as well as candid hack Iron Lady impressed her own features: ambition, professionalism, ambitiousness Be maximally self-confident. Without going into a controversy, let it feel that on your side professional knowledge and experience
Older brother Practicing discussions and collective work. Being a strong person, loves the same strong colleagues next to him. Considers to be granted byever to provide patronage with his subordinate, which ultimately only favorably affects the work of the whole company Not only business, but also the social component is important for such a boss. In addition to the absolute return in work, he also appreciates team thinking in employees Gossip, intrigue in the team, leaning from work At meetings or meetings, put advantage of interesting ideas and suggestions. Since the "older brother" considers discussion of the driving force of the team, express your best arguments at the collective meeting
Amateur Such people get on leadership posts most often either by chance, or on the protection from above. As a rule, incompetent in the areas entrusted to them, but carefully try to hide it. When solving production issues, they move from side to side, doubting the correctness of the selected path The subordinate "dilettank" opens large expanses for independent decision-making. But remember: Being a professional in working issues, the "diletant" will not miss the opportunity to rise due to even a small mistake of his subordinate Open rivalry. This is perceived as an announcement of war with all the resulting negative consequences for an employee. Support his confidence in yourself and constantly convince the fact that the decision made by him is true (if it really is so) Keep loyalty. While the "dilettant" sees in you its ally, you will have a sense in a certain sense.

It is easy to note that at the heart of good relations with the head of any type, there is always competent and professional execution by an employee of their official duties.

The chef is afraid - not to go to the office

And maybe "the complexity" of your boss by and large far-fetched? And the key to solving the problem is to look in yourself?

Many employees, especially women, admit that they experience a challenging panic fear of the boss. They fall into a stupor at one appearance one appearance, and if the director addresses them, they have one desire - immediately evaporate somewhere. Such fear is still justified if you work under the beginning of the ever-energous semi-dryer splashing saliva and kicking down.

But if your chef doesn't look like a monster at all - does not hurry, does not demonstrate his power at any convenient case, adequately reacts to working problems, if necessary, will not refuse to go into the ration and does not threaten a configuration for late?

Then trembling from fear there are no objective reasons. The greatest probability is that you are afraid of not the chief itself, and its entity status, as well as possible criticism at your address. Perhaps it is the echoes of children's fear of adults. But you should know: if you constantly broadcast your feeling of "victim", then the "monster" will definitely appear. And this will only be your fault.

We all play certain roles in interpersonal communication. And any relationship, even the boss - subordinate, will inevitably undermine the changes if one of the participants will change its role. It is necessary to work on its self-esteem and the method of filing information to move from the "Wolf-lamb" scheme to the WP-Person scheme - its ally.

There are really very complex chiefs. And for sure every person has its own history. However, this story is not only about oppression and humiliation, but also about how a person became stronger and harder. The experience of compromises and experiments acquired in the course of working with a complex chief is necessarily useful in the future in life.

And further. A man living in harmony with himself knows how to communicate on an equal footing with the surrounding (including subordinate), without trying to humiliate someone. If your boss is trying to assert themselves at the expense of others, then it is most likely that he is a comparton and by and large an unfortunate man. Therefore, he can only sympathize. Perceive it condescendingly as a person who is required to be careful. Just let this knowledge be your secret.

Talk to the head of your boss. If the problem really came out of control, then it will be best to discuss everything with those who stand over your boss in the company's hierarchy. If you have already tried everything, but it did not help it, then the wiser decision will report the problem to the supervisors to the supervisors. Talk to the head of your boss about the problem. Let us clearly understand that you are ready to work for the company's benefit, but, alas, you cannot work with such a boss. Be as calm as calm, hold on with the dignity of the professional, even if you have autumn on your soul.

  • Focus on productivity, and not on issues of an emotional nature. Do not complain that your boss is Grubian, focus on what applies to work - for example, because due to problems with communication that your boss has, work plans are broken.
  • Of course, you should not talk about your boss badly in the presence of a higher level manager. Talking about the established problems, you should be as tactful as possible. Do not say that you boss "tightly fuck" - tell me that your boss constantly changes the goals or does not show due flexibility. Remember, you must hold so that no one has a doubt about your ability to work with other people.
  • Find another mentor. Your leader is hardly the only person, under whose wing you can work. If you want to keep the job, but you know that you will not work with the boss, then try to find in your company that a person who you could work with. Finding such a person, work with him, learn from him, take an example from him.

    • If you and your mentor truly worked out, then maybe he will be able to give you the Council-another on how to establish more or less decent working relationships with the bosses. You, of course, should not watered the bosses of the mud to get the Council on how to establish everything. It is likely that your mentor works in the company longer than you, and therefore knows better than your boss - so take advantage of this knowledge!
  • Ask to translate you to another department. Another way to solve the problem of the boss with which you will not work can be translated into another department or department. If you want to stay in the company, then discuss everything with the executives of the company and ask whether it is impossible to find a more suitable place for you. Perhaps you will have a chance to start work in a new team under the guidance of a more understanding boss.

    • If earlier you have no complaints on this topic, and only the current your boss turned out to be a person with whom you will not work in any way, then do not worry - it does not affect you. Moreover, if you decide to take your hands the initiative and correct the situation for the better, then you will only be in plus.
  • If you are discriminated, take more decisive measures. If you have become a victim of discrimination, contact any workers' protection service, which acts in your country. You see, some conflicts at the workplace sometimes break the face of the law. Those who report violations of a particular nature, relies legal protection, they also have the opportunity to seek justice bypass, which is called "vertical power".

    • If the conflict is based on financial frauds, then there can be special legal norms that require special actions from reporting on violations and so on. Read the laws of your country on this topic.
  • Think, you should not quit. If everything went so far that the only way out for you is dismissal, then look at yourself and think about it, and if you do, if you get fired. If the situation at work beats on your health, self-esteem and dignity, if there is no way to improve the situation or translate into another department, then definitely dismissal - a common step. However, do not forget that finding a new job can be quite and quite difficult, especially these days. Be sure to think whether to leave.

    • Of course, nothing prevents you from start looking for a job while you have not quit. So, in fact, many come. This, by the way, you only benefit - if you work, then you clearly imagine the current market situation, which increases your chances to find a job.
    • Nevertheless, if the situation is completely complicated, then even a difficult economic situation should not be a reason for you to stay at work and tolerate it all. Watch out for your patience, and when the last drop will fall ... you know what to do.
  • Examine the situation before changing the work. Some people are so much crazy to free themselves from the oppression of the head of the despot, that they are ready to take on any work that they will be offered. Nevertheless, so you can get out of the fire and in the hollow! Having arranged to work, talk with your future colleagues, with the future leader and try to understand - and do you not change the shine on the soap? Even if you strive to quit as soon as possible, you will not help yourself, if, quitting, come across exactly the same problems.

    • After organizing a new job, drop all the bad premonitions regarding the new boss - so you will take the first step towards building a healthy and productive work environment.
  • Build a good relationship with management is a whole science. And in order to master it will be needed for any month. In general, the boss is the same person as you (only more successfully in the social environment).

    He has two hands, two legs (in most cases), the head and a certain amount of bad habits. Therefore, no matter how highly it was his chair, he always remains in everything to everyone, and not with celever.

    On the other hand, he is those who can make a considerable contribution to your destiny. And which it will be negative or light - to solve you already. Only the right understanding, how to behave with the bosswill allow you to achieve those or other results in your career.

    The bosses shares:

    • very bad,
    • bad
    • good.

    In the first case, you will feel the negative energy energized from the despota manager still at the interview. These should be avoided. There is no speech on work on such a person. The remaining two cases require more detailed study.

    The bad boss does not mean the absence of perspective at all. It is quite capable of affecting your career ladder. Often the bad boss is just an image of a person who he only covers, in order to achieve its goals.

    Do not try to set the "property" relationship first. Wait for the initiative from your head. You should not contact him on "You", do not slap it on your back, and do not call in the evening to skip the mug of beer in the bar.

    Improve your skills responsibly feel about work (good bosses also know how to dismiss). Do not condemn your boss behind your back. Remember the subordination.

    No matter what a person is before you is always and everywhere stay yourself. Never under anyone will not be bombing, and do not put yourself above the leadership. For, as Peter 1, Peter 1 said, "the subordinate must be a persecution of confident and fearful, in order not to confuse the bosses." Good luck to you!

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    If the head quit, brings you with his questions and reproaches, you, of course, it is difficult to envy. But, it is necessary to somehow learn to behave if the chef is quenched, increases the voice, constantly manifests discontent. Some believe that it is necessary to behave quietly if the chief quit and takes you. But, in fact, do not do it. Moreover, psychologists believe that it will never be worried about the service conflicts in themselves. But, yet, how to behave if the head quit?

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    Photo Gallery: How to behave if the head quit?

    In this article, you will find the answers to the main questions and learn how to behave if the chief quit.

    So, in order? To determine exactly how to deal with the boss, you need to know what type it refers. In fact, the picky boss may be different. For example, there is a category of candid tyrants. Such a person quit as if he is a naughty kid who likes to experience your patience. Such a boss will never stop himself. The fact is that he, in his own way, sadist who really loves to torment subordinates. Therefore, it is never worth hoping that he will stop himself. Such a person finds pleasure and rejoices when you are angry or upset.

    There are also two-faced leaders who first constantly tell you about what a good worker you are encouraging and smiling. And then, when you are not waiting at all, you begin to blame you in errors that you did not allow or load you with your work.

    Remember that if the head does not know how to behave adequately, then the reason for this is its own problems and complexes. Such people love to constantly control everything, follow everything, shout without reason. Remember that, even giving a decent story with such people, you can not always be able to immediately bring the chief in feeling. In fact, it is very bad when a person becomes the chief who does not have the necessary professional qualities. In this case, the whole team suffers. It often happens that subordinates of such managers are abused by alcohol. Just human nerves do not withstand such a relationship and behavior of the chief.

    But, no matter how it was, with such people you can fight and teach them to behave correctly. So, after you decide to what exactly the type of chief belongs to your, morally prepare yourself to change the relationship with him. Remember that whatever your chief is what is happening, not he is to blame. Each long conflict provoke both sides. And at the moment, it is you are one of these parties. Therefore, try to understand why the head is so biased to you, talk to other colleagues. Perhaps one of them knows the right approach to your governing madman. Of course, we are not talking about flattery. Such options are better and not considered. But perhaps someone knows the features of the chef that can be used to change its attitude.

    It is also necessary to correctly adjust your behavior so that the chef understands - you are ready and want to cooperate with it. The conflict situation does not suit you and you make efforts to fix it somehow. Try to talk to the boss on how to make your joint work most effective. Speak with him only by a friendly tone. Especially if before that you were constantly angry and swear. The boss will be surprised by such a sharp change of your mood and relationship. And, as you know, surprised people are rarely angry.

    Also, so that it does not happen, always try to be calm and cold-blooded. If you argue with the chief, never say: "I suffer from your behavior." It is better to say: "You gave the task not at that moment and you are to blame." Thus, the chef will understand that you are defending and not going to take your position. Therefore, he himself will have to begin to think about how to change the situation and fix everything. Thus, the conflict will be solved on both sides. Namely, you need it.

    If you cannot solve some working question without the help of the boss, please contact him. But, you have to do it so that he understands: you came to an absolutely unfamiliar person and you don't care what he thinks about you. Simply, in this situation, he is indeed the most professional adviser.

    You should never behave like in kindergarten, try to shout the boss or to defeat it in a verbal vehicle. By this you prove only your non-professionalism and inability to leave conflicts as it is like an adult person. Instead of screaming, it is best to calm down and start talking fine. If the boss sees your composure, he himself will silenced, because it is stupid to scream one simply.

    Never worry silently boss. Each of us has friends or, at least, good acquaintances. You can safely talk to them that you are not satisfied with the boss, tell you that he once again spent and what will oppress you. But at home the working questions are better not to discuss. The fact is that households will never understand you as employees, because they do not see everything with their own eyes and do not understand the question completely. Therefore, better working questions and problems at work.

    Sometimes, in extreme cases, you can ask for a higher guide help. But in such cases you need to be sure that you do not exacerbate your position and do not consider you a gossip. Therefore, in such cases you need to be very careful and see one time before making a decision.

    But if you can't exhaust the conflict and you feel how your performance falls and strength, then you can think about moving to another department or change the place of work. Of course, this is the last option, but sometimes it is better to agree to him, to finally do not break her psyche and not spoil the nerves.

    No employee loves when the manager calls on the carpet. On the way to the office in my head one question, why did I need the chief? The conversation with the boss occurs when issuing new tasks or analyzing the work performed. The challenge to the chief makes worrying and nervous even an impeccable employee. As a result, the conversation is obtained by a combatant and unprofessional. In a similar way, most people behave with the boss. Why do we robe before the boss and how to talk to the boss to impress.

    Why does the barrier arise between the boss and subordinates?

    From the side, it is not safe to watch when a colleague meeting cannot and bind two words, presenting the report to the head. But where does your bravadade go when it comes to you? Cock, blush, forget to argue said by facts and research. Do not assume that you are a strange person. This is where most subordinates behave and the reason is not in the absence of knowledge or inability to communicate. The reason is that they think differently, from here and the barrier arises.

    The head receives dozens of decisions daily. Each of them affects company profits. Therefore, the nature of the boss and the attitude of the case has changed. He does not doubt and spends time on empty conversations. The task of the head of issuing a job subordinate, and then require an intelligible answer. Based on the data obtained, make decisions. The subordinates are not accustomed to such, so thinking is different. To shorten this barrier, try to put yourself in place of the head. This is not only a prestigious position and price salary, but also responsibility.

    The Chef for each question has a certain period of time, so do not take it out with empty conversations and reports. These argue and think about the possible issues of bosses. Then there will be a professional and effective conversation between you.

    The main thing will learn to talk briefly and in the case. Do not take your working hours, colleagues and leader. Do not forget that a business conversation is welcome at work. This does not mean that it is necessary to be a robot that speaks a metal voice. Jokes are appropriate, funny stories if they are told in their free time and do not offend those present.

    How to talk to the boss?

    1. Do not mumble and do not tarators. Imagine that before you colleague, and not a harsh boss. Say thoughts in succession, calm and smooth tone. Many employees trying to quickly get rid of the conversation with the boss, they quickly make a report. As a result, nothing is clear. Another extreme is when a person is constantly coming down, mamlit.

      Before passing the Cabinet of the Chief, read your report several times out loud.

    2. Prepare for a conversation. Come to the Cabinet of the head with a notebook and handle to record the instructions of the head. Prepare for conversation. If the conversation occurs on your initiative :, improvement of the workflow, the transfer of duties to another employee, then provide the chief of arguments and benefits why it is necessary to do so.
    3. Keep confident. The task of the subordinate not only to take tasks and perfect them perfectly. You have your thoughts on the organization of the process. Share ideas with the boss. If the chef did not understand and did not appreciate, then do not rush to finish the conversation. Think how to influence the opinion of the head. Do not consider yourself immediately loser, defend your opinion to the end.

    Always and the rules of communication in the office. If it is customary to speak the boss on "you" and call name and patronymic, do not change the rules. Chef is not your closest friend, but a person from which the level of salary and working conditions depends. Therefore, the pumping will be inappropriate.

    How to talk to the chief of Samodor?

    Not everyone is lucky with an understanding and fair boss. Many employees complain about the chief who does not appreciate the work of subordinates, always grumbling, something dissatisfied. Such a manager can leave overtime at work, read for the ideal report, increase with all the voice. Such a boss is called Samodor. As a rule, he recently took the leading post and a month ago perfectly laid with a team. It is impossible to fix this person, so you need to learn how to get along with it at work. How to talk to the chief of Samodor?

    1. . When you Hamyat, it's hard to restrain, I want to give a couple of hurt replicas in response. If the head of Samodor, then the transition to the cry spoil the situation. She will be angry to the limit, shouting to the truth you will never reach. Remove from the chef's office under any pretext, wait until the boss will cool, and go back to the conversation. This does not mean that you need to silently swallow a similar attitude. When passing the task, notice that with the task they coped and not necessarily talk with you, increasing the voice.
    2. Connect the imagination. The best way to remove the internal stress is to imagine the head in a funny role or situation. If you feel that you boil, and you do not want to lose work, then imagine that the boss is dressed in the suit of the jester. Either imagine that everyone is sitting on the chairs in the costumes, and your boss in funny pajamas and a sleeping cap. This method helps to relax and release steam.

      Do not let the head humiliate himself and do not sacrifice. There are employees who take the following tactics: in everything they plunge the self-mass, perform any requirements, rushing on the first call. As a result, they are moving through a career ladder and hold senior positions. But the working relationships with subordinates do not add up for such a person. After all, the team remembers how the chair of the head was earned.