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Features of the structure, growth and fruiting. How the vegetable raw materials are harvested

Cerasus vulgaris.

Used parts - seeds, fruits, fruits, branches, leaves, cherry glue.

Botanical description

Ordinary cherry is a tree that achieves 3-7m heights. Bark trunks - gray-brown. The shoots are long, naked, first green, then red-brown. The leaves are simple, puffy, elliptical, pointed, on the edge of the sawn, naked with two linear horses. White and pink flowers, fragrant, are collected in small inflorescences. Flowers in April - May. Fruits - spherical dark red busty, sour - sweet, with a juicy flesh.

The common cherry is considered a hybrid of sweet cherry with the cherry steppe. In a wild form, this hybrid is unknown. Cultivating the cherry began long before our era. Currently, it is widely cultivated in all countries with temperate climates.

Collection and harvesting

Seeds, fruits, branches, leaves, cherry glue, cherry juice are used with therapeutic purposes. Fruits, seeds, frozen collected in July - August, branches and leaves - in May.

Active substances

In the fruits of cherries there are sugar (glucose, fructose), pectin, vitamin A, thiamine, nicotine acid, vitamin C, vitamin RR, as well as organic acids (lemon, apple), nitrogenous, tanning, coloring substances and kerugian, minerals (honey Potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium).

Healing Action and Application

The cherry improves appetite and is a valuable dietary product. It has antiseptic, diuretic, hemostatic, anti-core, expectorant. Used in constipation, anemia, arthrites, jaundice (decoction of leaves), hypertension,with urolithiasis and urinary tract diseases, lung diseases, cholecystitis, febrile conditions, arthritis. As well as with low acidity gastritis, metabolic disorders, gout, constipation, hypertension and low hemoglobin.

Cherry fruits are eaten both in cheese and dried and canned species. Compote, jam, syrups, extracts, tinctures, filling and wine, fruit water are prepared from it. Cherry leaves are used in marinating, cucumbers and some other vegetables.


  1. Decoction. 10G Cherry fruits pour 1 glass of boiling water and laughed within 1 hour. Strap and drink in several techniques during the day.
  2. 1st spoonful of dry cherries pour 250-300ml boiling water and let it stand for 1 hour. Strap and use instead of drinking. With anxiety.
  3. 1st spoonful of cherry fruits pour 1 cup of cold water, to bite up to a boil and let it stand for 1 hour. Strain and take 1st spoon before eating 3-4 times a day.

Biological features of Cherry

Cherry can distinguish three age periods: growth, fruiting and drying. The growth period in Cherry proceeds quickly and is characterized by the active growth of vegetative parts, which is noted in May-June. Then the growth stops, and after 2-3 weeks after falling out of precipitation or irrigation from the early kidney, formed in the current year, new shoots of the second growth wave appear, with a protracted growth there is a danger of their damage to early autumn frosts. Agrotechnical techniques (introduction of phosphorus-potash fertilizers) can provide better plant preparation for winter.

In terms of the maturation of the fruits, the cherry varieties are divided into three groups: early ripening in mid-June, medium, ripening in the first two decades of July, late ripening in late July - early August.

Cherry blooms 5-7 days before apple tree. Most cherry varieties are affordable, so they need to be placed close with varieties of pollinators.

Cherry fruit is a berry, consisting of leather, pulp and bone.

In the form of a berry spherical. The bone (seed) of the cherries is usually small, rounded.

According to the yield, the cherry varieties are distinguished: pouring, quickly entering fruiting and rapid yields and late pride, late fruction, and yield increases slowly. Grafted plants usually begin to be froning 2-3 years earlier than the cornesological.

Phenologic phases of development.In the vital activity of cherry plantings, certain, annually repetitive phenomena are observed. Approximately at the same time, the cherries occur the dissolution of the kidneys, flowering, ripening of fruits, beginning and end of the leaf fall. Such annually repetitive phenomena is called phenological phases of vegetation.

Based on perennial observations of the vital activity of individual varieties, depending on the natural and climatic conditions of growth, the main phases of plant development are established. Based on such data, you can correctly choose varieties for breeding and planning a dates of various works in the garden, pick up varieties of pollinators and perform agrotechnical techniques when care for plantings.

For the development of the above-ground part of the cherry plantations, the following fenofases are characteristic: the beginning of the blooming of the kidneys, the strengthened development of leaves and the growth of shoots, attenuation and stop of the growth of shoots, preparation of plants by winter, mass leaf fall.

The occurrence time and duration of the phenological phase depends on the characteristics of plants, climatic conditions and the applied agricultural engineering. The most responsible in providing trees with nutrients are phenological phases, which fall on the spring and the first half of summer, when plants due to the enhanced leaves and shoots and shoots a lot of water and nutritional elements should be created at this time, the best conditions for the water supply and nutrition of cherries should be created.

Trees growth slows down in the middle of summer and is completely suspended by the end of summer, then weakens the need for water and nutrients and should provide timely ending the growth of shoots and good wood aging by winter.

The formation of the harvest of cherries occurs a year preceding fruiting. Bookmark of fruit kidneys is the initial phase of the formation of the next year. Fruit kidneys are formed from the end of June - early July, simultaneously with the growth and ripening of fruits. At this time, the trees require particularly much moisture and nutrients, and their lack of them will not allow the tree to lay the kidneys, it means that for the next year the tree will not give a harvest.

The second phase of harvest formation is flowering. During this period, it is necessary to create conditions for normal pollination and fertilization of flowers, protecting buds and flowers from pests and preventing spring frosts.

The phase of growth and the formation of cherry fruit begins with fertilization and continues until the ripening of fruits. During this period, it is necessary to pay attention to the care of plantings, apply agrotechnical activities: fertilizer, irrigation, soil looser, the fight against pests and diseases.

During the transition of plants by the period of rest, it is necessary to create conditions for the aging of wood, the accumulation of nutrients. If the shoots on the trees do not have time to grow, they can suffer from the first autumn frosts. During the preparation of plants to peace should not be allowed to be secondary growth of shoots. When using differentiated agricultural equipment, taking into account the timing of the passage of phenology phases of development, it is possible to achieve a good development of cherry plantations and get a high crop of fruits.

Attitude towards natural conditions.From the climatic factors for cherry, the heat and moisture supply of the growing season, the conditions of overreight, sharp fluctuations in the temperature in winter and summer, spring frosts, droughts and Sukhovy. As the most reliable indicator of the heat supply region for fruit crops, the sum of active temperatures is taken above 1 ° C. With a sufficient amount of active temperatures during the growing season, the unfavorable combination of meteorological factors in winter can limit the possibility of successful cultivation of individual varieties in a particular area.

The duration of the intensive vegetation period is an indicator of cherry heat supply, not only during the growing season, but also to determine their winter hardiness in the harsh winters.

Depending on the biological features of cherry varieties, it is necessary to 2200-2400 above 10 ° C and the number of days with the average temperature is above 15 ° C from 80 to 90 days. These indicators largely determine the areas of industrial culture in the central chernozem.

An important element of the climate for cherries is the minimum air temperature and frequency of their repeatability. At the same time, not only the biological features of individual varieties of cherries, but also a complex of such environmental factors, such as heat and moisture supply, the level of agrotechnology in the garden during the growing season is played. With a favorable combination of air temperature in the central chernozem, many cherry varieties are kept up to minus 35 ° C without damaging or with a little damage to the above-ground part of the tree, while individual varieties of cherries suffer from sharp fluctuations in air temperature, especially in the second half of winter, when prolonged thaws are often observed With a temperature of + 5 ... 7 ° C and above, and then a sharp decrease in temperature to minus 18 ... 2 ° C.

Winter hardiness of cherry varieties largely depends on the duration of the organic rest period, when the relative winter hardiness is the highest. Organic peace is completed at the end of December - early January and may vary depending on the variety and the time of ripening of fruits and the correspondence of its development rhythm with the rhythm of the climate of growth. The cherry varieties that occurred from the steppe cherry have a greater winter hardiness than from the acidic cherry that has fallen to the north of more southern areas, since in connection with the late end of the growth of wood affects and is damaged by the low temperature of the early winter and late autumn. Also badly damage and flowering kidneys in the autumn and early periods. By frost-resistant, cherry varieties are divided into groups: the most winter-hard-resistant - grades of steppe cherries and her hybrids; Middle-resistant - middle-Russian varieties of acidic cherry; Less winter hardy - acidic cherry varieties. The varieties of this group often freeze flowers kidneys, so the harvest happens in favorable years, and in the harsh winters on trees there are damage not only to skeletal branches, but also the death of the whole tree.

The cherry refers to relatively shadowed rocks, but the high yields of individual varieties of cherry are obtained under the condition of sufficient lighting.

Cherry varieties are distinguished and in demand for moisture, which is associated with the origin of the variety and stock which they are vaccinated. The most drought-resistant varieties that occurred from the steppe cherries than the varieties of Western European origin. Excessive moisture in the soil usually affects the growth and fruiting of the cherries and the durability of cherry plantations.

The best location for cherry plantings are the slopes of the southern, south-west and western and elevated plains with a network of ravines that contribute to the removal of surplus groundwater, as well as the flow of cold air during spring frosts. Negatively acts on the trees of the cherry, the accumulation of groundwater in the subsoil at a depth of 1.5-2 m from the soil surface.

The cherry soil is less demanding, due to the ability of its root system to adapt to soil conditions. The cherry manages well on sandy soils and speaks well to the large content of lime in the soil. In the black earth zone, soils with excessive content of carbonates are often found, usually such "chalk black soils" are located on gentle slopes of the plateau. The root system of the cherry and its fuses develops in a fertile soil layer.

The cherry is successfully growing and fruits in shallow chernozem with a limestone, fertile deep chernozem, light sandy and squeezed-podzolic soils.

When choosing the soil and landing seedlings, the setting should be taken into account to which they are vaccinated.

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Biological features Potatoes refers to the family of Parenic. This is a perennial grassy plant that breeds seeds and tubers. In practice, potatoes usually determine tubers that contain a lot of water and are easily damaged by frost. Therefore landing

- One of the most famous and healthy plants for humans. It has a wide range of medicinal properties and in the number of useful substances is inferior only to strawberries. Vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, B9 (folic acid) are very successfully combined in a cherry with such microelements as magnesium, cobalt, iron, which in the aggregate helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevents development and increases.

The presence of a biologically active substance Kumarin reduces the risk of thrombosis and reduces blood coagulation. According to the results of recent studies, it became known that the cherry contains allagic acid that blocks the growth of cancer cells. And it is very important to prevent and treat oncological diseases. In addition to these substances, organic acids, tanning substances, anthocyans, enzymes, pectins, sugar (fructose and glucose) were found in the plant.

Other useful properties of Cherry:

    Cherry fruits contain many useful macro and trace elements, various vitamins are very important for a healthy body. Due to the presence of Anthocian, which is contained in the pulp of berries, they are easily absorbed by the body. A slightly reduced blood coagulation, avoiding the formation of thrombas or blockage of vessels will help the substance - Kumarin. Due to the combination of cobalt, iron, magnesium, calcium, folic acid and other useful elements of berries are used to treat many diseases.

    The fruits of cherries have a favorably affect the metabolism of the body, remove toxins, salts, radiation and excess cholesterol. Juice, squeezed from these fruits, contributes to an increase in appetite, thirst quenched and will be an excellent medicine with mental disorders, arthritis, colds, as an expectorant and.

    Most recently, scientists found out that due to the content of emlagen acid, the daily use of cherry berries in certain doses prevents the growth of cancer cells.

    Another name of cherry fruit is a heartbeat. P-vitaminoactive substances, pigments and ascorbic acid help increase the tone of capillaries, strengthen vessels, reduce increased, increases immunity and makes the body less susceptible to negative environmental factors. People having problems with the heart or vessels, doctors recommend including a small amount of cherry berries in their daily diet.

    After the black rowan rowan, the red currant and pomegranate cherry takes the fourth place in the number of kumarin, which is contained not only in the fruits, but also in the leaves of the tree.

Do not forget about the poisonous substances contained in the berries - Amigdalin. With a combination of this substance with gastric juice, a chemical reaction will begin, as a result of which poisonous acid begins to be distinguished in the stomach, adversely affecting its operation. In very small doses, amygdalin is used as a medicine at and.

Sinyl Acid in the bone of cherry. In the bone of Cherry, there are about 40% of oily oil with a high iodine number and amygdalin, which is very dangerous in the presence of amygdalase enzyme (and it is in cherry), as it can lead to poisoning. When thermal treatment of cherries with bones (with cooking jam or compotes) amygdalase loses its activity and amygdalin does not split into components, one of which is a blue acid - a strong poison.

In small quantities, of course, seeds from cherry bones are not dangerous and well helped when goug. They need to be confused and apply to the patient places.

How to grow cherry from the bone.For further landfill, they are selected from large and well matured berries. They should be rinsed immediately or hold a few days in the water, changing it daily. The bones are then dried and in the end of the summer are stirred with wet sand, leaving in boxes for storage until October (in the cool room). In the fall, the bones are sulking in advance prepared grooves in a depth of 2-3 cm.

In the spring, after it priges the sun, friendly shoots appear. Saplings grow quickly and in the first year reach a height of 40-50 cm. In the fall or next spring, the seedlings are planted for a permanent place.

Removal of cherry bones

Cherry is used as a medicine and as a treat. Often compote, jam, pies are made from it, fruit fruits for the winter. Much more pleasant in winter, sprawling berries, there are them, without choosing bones. After all, removing them from berries is very important to keep the cherry whole, do not crush it.

There are several ways to help extract bones from berries:

    screw agents (studs, pins, paper clips);

    separator bone;

    bone removal machine.

First method

The first way implies the use of what is at hand or simply the hands themselves. The berry is compressed with the fingers of one hand, and the second hand with a pin, through the place of attachment, and pushed out of the berries. This method requires a certain skill, because without it work will move very slowly.

Also, instead of the primary means, it is possible to use the nail, which the bone is still approaching and removed from the cherry. The minus such a way is that all the hands will be pinched by juice.

Second way

A partial transition to the use of a special device, which in one movement removes the bone from each berry alternately. You can only fall asleep the berries into a special branch and push the seed separator on the handle. A significant minus of such a method - berries pierced through, a lot of pulp and juice is lost.

The third way is most often applied in production or when processing a very large amount of cherries. The bone separation occurs very quickly, the cherry falls asleep in large parties and after processing the berries through a special gutter go down to the prepared container.

With this method, the loss of juice and pulp will be minimal, the hands will remain clean. However, about 10% of the berries with this processing option will remain with the bones, besides, it will have to constantly monitor the silicone nozzles of the machine.

Application of cherry in folk medicine

Cherry fruits, like leaves, bark, branches and even roots have been widely used in folk medicine. Our grandmothers often saved from many ailments, making a variety of decoctions and infusions from cherry and bodies.

    Infusion of cherry: 10 g of fresh or dry finely discovered leaves and fruits are sealed in a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes and filter. Infusion drink little by little during the day. Using such a means for bleeding and hypertension.

    Healing properties of cherry juice

    The use of cherry juice in the treatment of many diseases is due to the presence of salicylic acid, iron, copper, cobalt and other biologically active substances in it. It has an antibacterial effect and is an effective antiseptic, the cozy pathogens of global infections and. Juice is also good because it can be harvested in the future. This is an excellent dietary agent that increases appetite.

    Cherry juice is recommended for respiratory diseases, it is effective when cold and high temperatures. It is used to improve brain activity, in treating and for prevention. Both whole and diluted juice eliminates the body from the intestinal stick.

    In addition, cherry juice:

    • Cherry juice helps to strengthen the body, eliminates the anemia, metabolic processes occur faster. Due to the content of folic acid, combined with vitamins from the group in the cherry juice is very useful for pregnant women.

      Fresh juice increases hemoglobin, improves blood flow and strengthens the walls of capillaries and vessels. It is good to drink well as the prevention of blockage of blood vessels and the formation of thromboms.

      Cherry juice has a strong anti-inflammatory effect on the body, kills bacteria, dysentery and streptococcus, contributes to a more rapid healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences, eliminates the inflammation of the joints. In arthritis or gout, the cherry juice with milk is the first tool from traditional medicine, which contributes to the treatment of these ailments.

      The daily use of the cherry juice improves digestion, reduces the risk of cancer, improves memory and avoids development. With timely treatment, juice may be a wonderful medicine in mental illness at the initial stage. And due to the large content of copper in it, it can be used as a sedative.

      With severe constipation, a cooking glass of fresh cherry juice on an empty stomach will help. And for the complete cleansing of the body from harmful substances and toxins, the juice should be drinking at least 0.5 liters per day by half a cup, for 10 days before meals.

      Most recently, scientists came to the conclusion that cherry juice is very useful to drink athletes. It significantly reduces muscle pain when eating it before training, and after - contributes to a faster recovery, relieves fatigue.

    In folk medicine, in addition to the fruits, the leaves of cherries containing organic acids (apple and lemon), tannins, coumarin, sucrose, dextrose are also used. For treatment, only those leaves are collected, which after flowering op-their own. It is advisable to use fresh raw materials, but for the winter leaves can be dried.

    Useful properties of a sheet of cherryit has long been used in cooking and traditional medicine. From spring leaves, vitamin tea is brewed with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and hemostatic effect.

    With abundant menstruation and nasal bleeding, an effective means will be infusion of leaves and fruits. In addition, well-marked leaves can be laid in the nostrils for a while - and stops.

    Characteristic and description of the sheet of cherry.Depending on the cherry variety, the plant leaves are small, large and medium, smooth or felt-shed. In length, they reach 2-8 cm, in width - 3-5 cm. Out of the form of the leaves are divided into oval, elliptic, ovoid and conversely-shaped with a pointed, round or stupid vertex sheet. The sheet plate usually corresponds typical of the outlines characteristic of the variety, the edges can be sawmed, gear or gallant, quite often combinations of these signs.

    The structure of the sheet of cherry.Cherry leaves are simple, regular, cherry, dark green top and brighter below. At the base of the sheet or on a pet, many varieties have special formations - glands. The presence or absence of glands, as well as their form, quantity and painting are distinctive varietal signs of cherries.

    Cherry flower

    Cherry flowering is invariably associated with revival, cleanliness, beauty and love. Its white or gentle-pink flowers collected in inflorescences and densely sweating tree during flowering period, really look very gently and touching. Cherry trees planted in almost every garden and near each house. The healing properties of flowers are little studied, it is known only that when distilcing the flowers of cherries with water steam, cherry water is obtained, used in the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases.

    Cherry flower structure.The flower is located on a short stem - a spawn. It expands up and forms a color to which a cup consisting of 5 green cups is attached, as well as a whisk of 5 petals of gentle pink. Inside the flower there are stamens and pestle. The bottom, expanding part of the pestle is called marking. On the top of the zeroze, there is a rounded thickening - a snap. In the margin of the flower, one of the sicks develops, so the cherries ripen only single-headed fruits.

    Despite the many therapeutic properties of cherry berries, they have a number of contraindications:

      It is impossible to abuse cherry berries with, with chronic diseases of the lungs, violation of the intestinal work, diabetes.

      before preparing brazers or tinctures from berries, it is necessary to remove the bones, which are very harmful and contain poisonous substances;

      people suffering from gastritis, diabetes mellitus or ulcerative disease should avoid the use of cherry fruits, they have a negative impact on the course of the disease;

      in the disease of the gastrointestinal tract, the amount of berry used needs to be limited to not provoke exacerbations;

      with liver disease, it is possible to eat a cherry in food only after consulting a specialist;

      for more weight, it is necessary to monitor the amount of bodies used, not more than 1/3 cup per day, since the berry increases the level of glucose, which can cause an increase in weight or development of diabetes.

    Education: Diploma RGMU them. N. I. Pirogov in the specialty "Therapeutic case" (2004). Ordinature at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, a diploma in the specialty "Endocrinology" (2006).

Morphological features

Cherry, like all trees and shrubs, is a perennial plant. According to scientists, she is obliged to natural self-pollution of wild cherries and cherries. She begins to be fruit already in 2-3 years after landing in open ground.

All cherry varieties are divided into tree and bush.

As a rule, the lifetime of shrub cherry is from 15 to 20 years, and a tree - from 20 to 25 years (according to other information from 30 to 35 years).

The fruits of the cherries of different varieties are distinguished not only by the size of the fruit, but also in color. The fruit of the cherry is a berry.

Cherry, like any bone tree and shrub, is made to distinguish underground and overhead elements. The underground elements include the root system, and to the above ground - stack and crown.

The root system in Cherry can grow both vertically and horizontally. The depth of the root placing can range from 40 to 60 cm, and in width they reach from 3 to 6 m. Horizontal roots take the necessary nutrient elements from the soil surface, and vertical, leaving deep deep, maintain a plant and absorb moisture, nutrients on Soil depth.

Stack and Krone are formed using numerous branches. Many of them live many years, and some die in 1-2 years.

In the branches grow kidneys, leaves or flowers appear. As a rule, the flowering kidneys, on which the fruits are formed, are located on bouquet or annual branches.

Inside the sheet can be located both single and group kidneys. Group kidneys are divided into fruit and growth. If a group of kidneys was formed on the branch, then 1-2 of them are growth, and the rest are fruit. The formation of so-called biscuit branches is of great importance. Most often, they appear on tree cherries and most of the fruits grow on them.

Budget branches are formed on perennial shoots. When they bloom, 4-5 small white flowers are formed on shoots. Budget branches are perennial growths.

If they are correctly taken care of them, they can live and be fruit for 6-7 years.

In addition to the kidneys formed on branches, the cherries have and apparent kidneys. They are located underground, on the root shoots, as well as on the roots of trees and shrubs.

Cherry is a very useful food product. It contains about 12% sugar, up to 20% vitamin C, more than 2% of organic acids and numerous mineral salts. It is eaten as fresh, so in canned. From the cherry fruits, tasty compotes, jams, jams, marmalalad, etc.

The vegetation of the Vishni plants (the beginning of the blooming of the kidneys) occurs in the spring with the average daily air temperature - 6-8 ° C (in the northwestern zone at the end of April - early May), flowering - in mid-May - early June. In the central and southern regions of the Non-Black Strip, these deadlines occur a little earlier.

According to the timing of flowering, the varieties are divided into rally flowering, mednutrifying and late-solving. Cherry blossom period lasts 7-10 days depending on the meteorological conditions of the year.

According to the degree of self-absorption (the ability to be pollinated by their pollen), the cherry varieties differ in self-aluminous, partly samopidal and self-visual. Almost the prevailing majority of cherry varieties for good harvest require cross-pollination.

The growth of shoots begins after flowering after the dissolution of the leaves. The duration of the growth period is depending on the variety, climatic features, soil conditions used by agrotechnology.

The ripening of cherry fruits in the Non-Black Zone begins usually in the first decade of July and continues until the middle or until the end of August, depending on weather conditions.

According to the time of ripening, the cherry varieties are divided into early, medium and late.

The yield of plants of cherry depends on the variety, soil-climatic conditions and the agricultural engineering used.

The magnitude and taste of fruits are determined, as a rule, varietal features.

Biological features.

Attitude towards heat. It has been established that for the ripening of cherry fruits, the sum of positive temperatures above 0 ° C at least 1200-1300 ° C are required. A serious reason that prevents the widespread spread of cherries in the northern regions is the harsh winters. Cherry plants are very badly damaged by low winter temperatures if they are below -35 ° C. Critical temperatures for wood branches are -35 ... -45 ° C, vegetative kidneys - below -40 ° C, generating kidney -35 ° C, roots -10 ... -12 ° C. The prolonged exposure of frosts within -35 ... -40 ° C often leads to the complete death of the crown. Sometimes it is frozen individual parts of the crown, strong frosts are obtained on the branches. Especially strongly suffer as landings placed in low places characterized by long-term stagnation of cold air masses.

Thaw destabilize the condition of the cherry plants, which are at rest. However, they may not be so harmful in the first half of winter, when plants are in deep organic rest. But in the second half of winter, the alternation of positive temperatures during thaws with negative during frosts lead to extrusion of generative kidney and the plant for a year remains without a crop.

In the spring, when the plants are prepared for flowering or flowers are already disclosed, during freezes, the extended generative kidney cherries are damaged and then crumbled. Depending on the characteristics of the year, spring return rarery can occur at various times, there are different intensities by temperature, time and cause different damage to flowering plants.

It should be borne in mind that the degree of damage to critical negative temperatures may vary depending on the state of plants, their preparedness to wintering, varieties preceding weather conditions, etc.

In addition to the temperature conditions, other factors are influenced by the state and productivity of Cherry, the most important of which are soil, moisture and light.

Attitude to the soil.

The main requirements for the soil for the Cherry culture are the following: it should be sufficiently fertile, well-awaited, moisture and well-moisture. On the mechanical composition, the best are considered light, medium loams or sampling soils from the depth of the groundwater horizon below 1.5 m. Heavy clay, peat soils, as well as deep sandstones are not suitable.

The acidic reaction of the soil solution does not allow plants in sufficient quantities and effectively absorb batteries, and their disadvantage is negatively affected by growth, winter hardiness and productivity. Along with other macroelements for cherries and other bone crops, calcium is extremely necessary as an element neutralizing the acidity of the soil solution. With a lack of calcium, the cell walls of the tissues of leaves and wood become fragile, which stimulates the disease with gaming.

All nutrients in sufficient quantities are contained in the manure, compost, a bird, and especially wood ash, therefore, with the right and regular contribution, the need of plants is fully satisfied.

Attitude to moisture.

For the cherry moisture contained in the soil is very important. Plants need a moderate and constant moisture of the soil horizon, where the main suction roots are located. The cherry does not put up at all with excess soil moisture, especially during growth. With an excess of moisture, poor breathability is created, the breathing of the roots is disturbed, the absorption from the soil of nutrition elements is worse. If the overvailing lasts a few days, the roots die and the plant dies, short-term flooding with spring flood waters is permissible, but also undesirable.

The lack of cherry water can feel after flowering when a long period happens in June without rains. As a result, the crushing falls out, the increase is reduced, and the leaves are not developed sufficiently. At this time, plants need watering. For cherishemical plants, cherries are considered relatively wet soils. Structural soils are more moisture. They absorb the rainwater well and preserve it better. Frequent loosening of the surface layer of the Earth also contributes to the best preservation of soil moisture.

Attitude towards the light.

Cherry - the plant is light-sounded, but tolerates some shading. It grows well and fruits both in a short (southern regions of Russia) and a long day (North-West District). With a lack of light - in the deep shadow of the plant, the cherries strongly reduce productivity. When shading fruit education - biscuit branches - quickly die, the branches inside the crown are taken, and the fruiting is transferred to the periphery. The light mode determines the optimal distances between plants when landing, which for amateur gardens make up: 3x3m gradual grades, 3x2m. The optimal light mode for cherries in the garden provide individual placement of plants and regular thinning thickening branches to ensure good illumination inside the crown.

Cherry ordinary people are grown everywhere with deep antiquity, and it is impossible to learn reliably, where the first wild tree grew, which was then eviluted. Nowadays, more than twenty countries of the world produce cherries in a large outbuilding scale. This is a unique tree in which not only the fruits are used, but also leaves, bark and wood.

  • Appearance: a deciduous tree or shrub from 1.5 to 5 meters high, resets the foliage in the autumn-winter period.
  • The fruit: the sour-sweet juicy berry of the kitchen red, dark red or black, containing one bone.
  • Origin: Podle Plum Plants, Pink Family.
  • Life expectancy: twenty five - thirty years.
  • Frost resistance: high.
  • Watering: a moderate, drought-resistant plant.
  • Soil: neutral, good fertilous.
  • Attitude towards the light: a light-affilome plant.

Cherry blossom
Cherry blossom in spring is a beautiful sight. No wonder this tree is found in the literary works of different writers. Shevchenko has a Ukrainian hut in the village necessarily decorated with a cherry garden. Everyone knows the work of A. P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden". Cherry flowers are small white or pink collected in the inflorescences of umbrellas, bloom at the beginning or end of May, early June, depending on the variety and climate. Fragrant flowers are good honey. Bees collect pollen and nectar from them.

In Japan, the bloom of Cherry Sakura is a national holiday that is celebrated at home and at work. Celebrate right on nature near the fragrant pink flowers of trees, a warm blanket on the ground. Sakura blooms in March, early April. This is a decorative tree, but some varieties bring small acidic fruits, similar to the cherries, which the Japanese are considered very useful and expensive.

The cherry ordinary, which is the attorney of most varieties, is also useful and possesses not only good taste, but also with healing properties.

Chemical composition of cherry fruits
There are early, medium and late cherry varieties. Early varieties of fruit in June, medium - in July, Late - at the end of July, August. Fruits contain:

  • 7-17% Sakharov
  • 0.8-2.5% acids
  • 0.15-0.88% of tanning substances
  • Vitamin complex consisting of carotene, folic acid, vitamins of group B, vitamin C
  • Ionisit
  • Anthocian
  • Pectin
  • Minerals

Who did not try delicious cherry jam? This is a traditional billet from the cherry, which is prepared in many countries. In addition to the jam, they make compotes, juice and wine, dried, add like filling in dumplings and pies. Cherry fruits eat and fresh. Many varieties have good taste, useful for health due to the high content of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances.

There are contraindications. It is impossible to eat the cherry people suffering from a stomach ulcer and gastritis with increased acidity. If there is a tendency to allergies, the cherry also need to be used with caution, like all the fruits having a red color.

Cherry foliage and wood
Cherry leaves, assembled in spring and dried, used for brewing vitamin tea. They contain tubyl substances (leaf cutters), dextrose, sucrose, organic acids and coumarins. Use leaves with salting and marination of various vegetables.

Kishni wood kitchen set
Wood cherry is used to make furniture and various wooden items of everyday use. It has a pleasant dark brown color of different shades and is convenient for processing. It is highly appreciated by both consumers and masters.

The cherry does not like to overwhelm the root system due to groundwater, close to the surface. Poor grows in the shade. Plant in April or September on neutral, fertilous, not very moistened soils, in a well-lit place protected from wind.

Cherry seed landing scheme and winter preparation
If the seedling is bought in late autumn, it is docking into the ground at an angle of forty-five degrees and top covered with spruce branches, the needles outside so that in winter the seedling is not frozen, and it did not damage it. Most varieties of Cherry begins to be fruit on the third, fourth year after landing. Behind the young tree need a good care, which lies in the loosening of the Earth in a rustic circle, making mineral fertilizers, regular watering, trimming of branches and prophylactic treatments against diseases of burgundy fluid and copper chlorine.

Vishni varieties

There are a large number of (about 150) varieties of cherries, distinguished by weight and taste of fruits, the yield of wood, resistant to diseases, frost resistance and flowering and fruiting timing. Consider three varieties common in Russia.

Self-free, high-yielding variety, derived in Russia in 1996. The height of the tree to two and a half meters. Annual increase is seventy centimeters in height. The fruits are dark burgundy almost black, weigh three and a half grams. The taste of berries is sour-sweet. Flowers in early May. Fruits ripen in mid-July. In cooking, widely used for cooking jam, jam, dried berries and compotes. This variety is frost-resistant and drought-resistant.

It is considered a symbol of the city of Vladimir, where he was grown from the sixteenth century. It is a tree consisting of several trunks, from three to five meters in height. The amount of harvest depends on the cultivation region.

From each tree you can collect up to twenty kilograms of berries. Sort of self-visual. In order to start the fruits, the variety of pollinator's cherries is growing next to the neighborhood, blooming simultaneously with self-proper grade. The size of the fetus is small or larger, the color is dark red. The taste of sour-sweet, very pleasant. Berries are used to prepare jam and jams, dried and frozen. Planting and care conditions are the same as most varieties.

The method of folk selection, a hybrid of cherries and sweet cherries, derived in Ukraine. High tree with a rounded crown, self-free. Fruiting is plentiful, with an adult tree, which begins to be froning on the sixth, the seventh year of life, regularly collect up to 45 kg cherries. Red fruits have a colorless, yellowish pulp of sour and sweet taste. The mass of the fetus is about 5 grams. In addition to traditional billets from the cherries of this variety, wine is obtained.

Caring for the tree and its landing is not different from other varieties. The variety is well tolerates strong frosts, it is better fruits with regular watering and making mineral fertilizers, as well as conducting preventive measures against various diseases.