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Snowdrops species. Snow white snowdrops: inhale of young spring

Everyone knows this low beautiful plant, the first coming forward after winter in the gardens. At first, the snowdrock produces a couple of leaves, and soon blooming his colors soon bloom. They are not terrible neither snow nor spring frosts. And now many white bells decorate the garden ... If there are no snowmobiles on your flower beds yet, be sure to plant. They will be the first to erect you that spring came. And the landing and care for snowdrops is not completely complex. In this publication, we share the details of the cultivation of snowdrops.

Snowdrops. © MothFather.

Botanical description of the plant

Snowdrop, Galantus (Lat. Galanthus) - The birth of perennial herbs of the Amarylline family (AMARYLLIDACEAE).

The genus unites about 18 species common in the nature of Central and Southern Europe, Crimea, the Caucasus and Asia Minor. Most of all snowdrops, about 16 species, occurs in the Caucasus. The exact number of plant species, usually does not exist. The fact is that Botany often cannot agree whether the plant found to the new form or it is too little different from the representatives of the already known .

Snowdrop has two linear sheets of 10-20 cm long, which appear simultaneously with blooms. Flowers - single, bell-dying, drooping. White perianth of six leaflets: three outdoor - elliptical or inversely, internal - wedges, on top - with green spot, with or without removal.

As a rule, snowdrop flowers have a very pleasant, but weak odor. Fruits - rounded fleshy boxes with three compartments where few black seeds are stored. Seeds have a juicy appendage to attract ants that disappear seeds and spread plants.

Ophid or conical snowyard bulbs. The bulb is a compact group of thick scales (modified leaves), planted for a total thick base - dont (modified stem). In the sinuses of scales, small kidneys are laid, which give the beginning to the daughter bulbs. The top scales are thin, dried, usually, dark and protect the bulb against damage.

The Snowdrop Bully itself serves to accumulate nutrients so that the plant can survive the unfavorable conditions of the environment at rest. Peace can continue until nine months a year, and the plant is able to flourish at the very first right. Snowdard bulb is covered with light brown or brown skurt.

All without exception, representatives of the Snowdrops are protected by plants, and some rare species stand on the verge of extinction, and they can be saved, growing in culture.

The snowdrock got its name for the ability of the plant to break through the ground and blooming with the first warm spring rays of the sun, when the snow snaps. The Latin name of the Snowdrop of Galantus (Galanthus) is presumably, has Greek roots, meaning "milk flower". Probably in this title reflected a delicate snow-white snowmobile color.

A lot of legends are folded about snowdrops. One of them says that when God expelled Adam and Eve from Paradise, there was winter on Earth and snowed. Eva frozen and worked. She recalled with sadness of warm paradise gardens. To console her God turned a few snowflakes in a snowdrop flowers. So the first colors on Earth may have exactly snowdrops.

Snowdrop. © Tom Mitchell.

Planting snowdrops

The best time for buying and planting bulbs is July-September, when plants are alone. With prolonged and warm autumn, the time allowed to land, stretches until the beginning of November. On the amateur market, snowdrops are often sold in bloom, it is not very good for them: immediately after planting the leaves are withering, yellow, then die completely. But the bulb, although weakened, remains alive. True, the next year such plants bloom weakly or may not bloom at all, but still do not die.

Choose healthy bulbs

When buying a nearby snowdrop bulbs, you must check their condition. They must be dense and heavy, with preserved shells, without disgraced roots and stems. However, the reversing roots and stems are still allowed, only such a bulb should urgently plant. Permissible and cuts on a bulb, but only on scales. The Donets should not be damaged, and must be traced that the wounds are dried and not affected by mold.

Even the bulbs with a cut-off top (the upper parts of the scales), but the intact Don and the kidneys retain viability. It is not necessary to acquire only broken and mint bulbs. Soft plots on the dona or on the sides, especially when the entered shell, speak of rewarding. Having receded the snowdrop bulbs is almost impossible to cure.

Snowdard bulbs do not endure long drying. It is better not to keep them in the air of a share of the month, and if it is not possible to plant, then switch with sawdust, chips, etc. and remove into the plastic bag with perforation. In this form, they usually go on sale and stored 2-3 months.

Features landing

Soot bulbs as a general rule: in loose soil to a depth equal to two bulbs, in heavy - to the depth of one. But in any case, not smaller than 5 cm. Snowdrops themselves regulate the landing depth. If they are planted too deep, they form a new bulb on a bluer, already in the depth of them. In general, strict adherence to the depth of landing for melluccical optional. Just with a small position in the ground, the bulbs are minced, but they actively form children, and with deep - become larger.

Location: In the shaded, but warmed by the sun, on the soils with a good drainage; when transplanting wild species, you choose a more illuminated place.

Temperature: Culture winter hardy.

The soil: It is best to develop on a sufficiently wet, loose, well-drained nutritious soil after making humus or compost. High, dry and low, with water stagnation Snowdrops are not transferred. Heavy clay soils require the addition of sand.

Watering: watering young plants after germination; Then watered only if there is little rain.

Snowdrops. © Pauline and John Grimshaw

Care for snowdrops

Snowdrops leaves should not be cut off to their complete dying. During active growth, liquid inorganic fertilizers contribute. Unwanted fertilizers with high nitrogen content. It is better if they are more potassium and phosphates. A large amount of nitrogen causes excessive formation of leaves, which in crude weather can be the basis for fungal diseases. Potassium also contributes to the formation of healthy, well-winter bulbs, and phosphorus is especially useful for flowering.

During active growth, melluccic consumes a lot of water. Nature usually provides sufficient watering at the right time, but if the winter is a minor or spring, it turned out to be dry, you will have to water the plants in the same color. Watering snowdrops is not a very burdensome occupation, they are quite resistant to drought and will not die anyway. Just grow low.

After collecting seeds, you can forget about them. In the future, snowdrops do not need to care until the end of the season. However, they can sow seeds. So the naturalization begins.

Reproduction of snowdrops

Plants breed vegetatively, forming one or two bulbs over the summer. Snowdrops are particularly actively multiplied by a folder: it produces 3-4 bulbs. Snowdrops are transplanted after the elimination of leaves in late August-early September. Plants transplanted in spring during flowering, almost always dying. The transplant should be carried out in five to six years, but the snowdrops grow perfectly in one place without transplanting and for a longer time.

It is possible to reproduce a snowdrop and seeds. Sowing is carried out directly into the ground immediately after the collection, the plants on the 4-5th year are blooming. Planned on lawns under the canopy of trees and shrubs, they multiply by self-sowing.

Snowdrops in the garden landscape

Very decorative snowdrops in large groups not only in mountaineering, but also in the form of "carpets" under trees and shrubs in a light half, as well as in the form of white lungs among the lawn. Miniature bouquets of snowdrops can stand in water for a long time, and with a simple arrangement in crystal voutes, it looks attractive and expressive.

Snowdrops are preferably planted together with small bands, 10-30 pieces. The disadvantage of these colors is an early dying of the above-ground part. But it is easily overcome in the flower bed, where it is preferable to keep plants that are tolerant to shading and do not tolerate drying during rest.

Snowdrops are planted between bushes of slowly growing perennials with spray leaves, such as host, peonies. They also successfully complement the late perennials late. The main thing is that snowdrops will be illuminated during the growing season at least part of the day.

To simulate natural corners of nature in gardens and parks, snowdrops are often planted under shrubs and leaf fall trees, placing them from the illuminated side. At rest they can make any shading. Favoring leaves from trees is better not to rake: plants easily pierce them in the spring, and they do not interfere at all. In addition, the reworked leaves of the snowdrop - good natural feeding, and, in addition, they retain the increased humidity in the upper layer of the soil. If the leaves are prevented for some reason, it is necessary to remove them in the fall so that in the spring it is not damaging the abstract plants.

Snowdrops are recommended to plant for creating in the shade early blooming groups in combination with proleski, hokhlytki, medulla, primura. You can also use snowdrops as well in mixed landings with medium-free and tall late growing perennials: ferns, host, peonies.

Snowdrops in the park. © Alistair Hood.

Types of snowdrops

Galantus Snowy (Snow Whole Snowdrop) - Galanthus Nivalis. In a wild form, it grows in the south of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in Europe and the Mediterranean. Lukovichny, early a plant with flat dark green or nasy leaves up to 10 cm long. The bulb is rounded, up to 2 cm in diameter. Coloros up to 12 cm high. Single flowers, up to 3 cm in diameter, with a pleasant aroma, twisting, white with a green spot at the ends of the perianth leaves. The outer leaflets of the perianth are oblong, internal - wedge-shaped, less exterior. It blooms before all snowdrops, at the end of March-early April about 30 days.

Galantus (Snowdrop) Caucasian - Galanthus Caucasicus. In a wild form grows in the Caucasus and in Northern Iran. Plant with flat, linear, sizy leaves, up to 30 cm long. Coloros up to 10 cm high. White flowers, 2-2.5 cm long and 1.5 cm in diameter, with a pleasant aroma. Internal shares of the perianth with a green spot at the end of the petals. Flowers from early April for two weeks. Fruit irregularly. In the middle strip winter under light shelter. In culture since 1887.

Galantus (snowdrop) folded - Galanthus Plicatus.Wildly grows usually in the mountain Crimea. Endemic of Crimea and Moldova. One of the largest representatives of the genus. Leaves at the beginning of blossoms with a sizh bloom, later - shiny, dark green. Coloros up to 16 cm high. Flowers 2.5-3 cm long and up to 4 cm in diameter. Flowers in March 20-25 days. Bulbs ovoids up to 3 cm in diameter. The leaves are inhibited by solar energy until the end of June, then die away.

Galantus (Snowdrop) Slavicizer - Galanthus Plathyphyllus. In nature is growing in the eastern and Western Transcaucasia. One of the most promising snowdrops for the northern zone. Leaves without a nalea. Flowers are about 3 cm long and up to 4 cm in diameter, with a weak aroma. Flowers from early April for a month. Bulbs conical or ovate-conical, 5x3 cm.

Galantus (Snowdrop) Elvesi - Galanthus Eiwesii. Right from Asia Minor. This is a tall view, whose blossoms can reach a height of 15-25 cm. Leaves have a wide, sometimes up to 2 cm, bluish green. White flowers, large, spherical. Flowers before Snowdrop Snowy, in February.

Galantus (Snowdrop) Voronov - Galanthus Woronowii. Lukovitsa with a diameter of 3 cm, with yellowish exterior scales. The stalk height is 20-25 cm, the slabberish, the leaves are linear, gradually sharpening, with thickening on the top, light green, first flat, 20-25 cm long, after flowering, developing stalks and folded (folds are wrapped on the outer side of the sheet). Blooms at the end of February-March, and under favorable conditions - and in January. Leaves appear simultaneously with flowers. It grows in the forests of the lower and medium mountain belts in the Western Transcaucasia - from Tuapse to Batumi and further along the Black Sea coast of Turkey, as well as on about. Ikaria in the Aegean Sea.

Snowdrops. © Pamela-Ann

Diseases and pests of snowdrops

Mice and mouse. They can damage the snowdrop bulbs, swelling their holes underground. Mouse, besides, can simply dampen the bulbs entirely into their holes. The bulbs damaged by rodents sometimes reappear, as weak growth and the oppressed type of plant in spring. Then the bulbs of the snowdrop fuse and cut off the rotten parts, sprinkle the damaged place ashes and leave open for several hours to dry the wound.

It is possible to protect yourself from mice if at a distance of 3 m from the beds not to leave the dens with the grass or the Kurturt perennials, where these mice can settle. Next, than 3 m mice from the nest do not depart. If this location is impossible, it will have to put the traps. For moles - according to the instructions, for vegetarians mice - with a plant bait.

Butterflies-scoops and their caterpillars. Thick gray caterpillars of butterflies-scoop also spoil the bulbs. They can be found and assembled in the fall, during the weeding when they are preparing for pokulation.

Slug. Underground slugs can settle on rich or heavy clay soils. To get rid of them, it is necessary when landing surround a snowyard bulb with a layer of large sand or use a special means of slugs.

Bulk nematodes. This is a very subtle small worm that lives in the soil and dead parts of plants. It can affect and alive bulbous. On the leaves of the snowdrop along the edges there are irregular shapes, yellowish tumors appear, on the cut of the bulbs you can see a dark ring separating a healthy part of the affected. In this case, patients are destroyed, the rest are digging and soaked 3-4 hours in rather hot water: 40-45 ° C. And on the empty sector, the next 4-5 years do not plant a bully.

Viruses. Pale yellow, light green labels on a snowdrop leaves in the neighborhood with an uneven, tuberculous surface or unnaturally spinning them indicate infection with viruses. The affected plant is better to destroy quickly until it has become a source of infection of others. But in the seeds, as a rule, the viruses do not fall, so it is possible to improve the affected species simply.

Fungal diseases. Brown or black labels on a snowdrop leaves, fluffy gray spots of plaque, which usually appear in warm and crude weather at the soil level, and then rise higher and grow, indicate the appearance of fungal disease: rust and gray mold. The affected parts need to break and burn, and the patients of the plants can be treated with fungicides as early as the instructions.

Chlorosis. The yellowing of the snow farm leaves is usually caused by damage to the bulbs, disease, poor drainage or cultivation conditions, and not the lack of any batteries in the soil.

Do so snowfoots grow in the garden? We are waiting for your feedback and councils to grow these wonderful plants!

It is difficult to find a person who does not know how snowdrops look like, because this is the first flower of the spring season. This is a bulbous plant, comes from the genus Amarillic. Snowdrop - a frost-resistant flower that blooms every year before the snow crust disappears from the ground. Galantus (as the snowdrock is called differently) is distinguished by its miniature, tenderness. Today there are 20 varieties of this plant. It is often used to create unique landscape designs. Most snowdrock varieties are characterized by white color of flowers. The best place for their germination will be: deciduous forest, glades, shrubs, botanical garden. A detailed description of the plant contains a red book.

On the history of the plant

The existence of a snowdrop was known to humanity from the first millennium. This, in particular, is evidenced by the tradition of calling the Snowdrop of the "dairy flower". In the Middle Ages, it began to associate with impossible and purity. The widespread and transplantation of plants around the world began from the 19th century. Officially, the first "address of registration" plant got in England, because it was there it was listed in the appropriate register of local plants. It happened in 1984.

For what is grown

Fully converted the landscape when snowdrops bloom. This plant will be banned with a green rug that constantly want to admire. An incredible decorative type of plant is the main reason that makes people grow and care for a flower, protect it and put it in the Red Book.

Since hanalents are rich in active alkaloids poisonous plants, they are also often used in medicine. Completed components are often used to treat such diseases as:

  • oncological diseases;
  • polyneuritis;
  • injuries of nerve endings;
  • myopathy;
  • furuncle;
  • fungal diseases;
  • athion intestines.

Plant Characteristics

The snowdrock refers to perennial plants with a rather short vegetation period (it depends on the height of the plant growing above sea level). The role of the sowing material is performed by a bulb. It is small in diameter (only 2-3 cm) and consists of scales, which are added every year. Separate leaf leaves from each bulb.


They appear almost simultaneously with buds, however, in the flowering period, it is much shorter than the bloomon. After completion of the flowering process, the leaflets continue to grow and can reach lengths up to 15-20 cm and widths - up to 3 cm. Depending on the variety of flower, the appearance of the leaflets may differ slightly: to be yellowish, salad or dark green. Some types of hanalen can boast shiny leaves, others - matte or wreckers.

The flower table has a proper cylindrical shape. As for the perianth, it contains 6 leaves. Three of them are internal and three - external.

On a note. The first is growing up to 15-30 mm long, have a pure white color and the form of an ellipse. The lower is significantly less, they are kept together, and at the end have green spots.

The fetus of the snowdrop is considered a fleece box containing a spherical seed.

You can confuse the flower of hanalen with some other spring colors, in particular, with a white hair (it is characterized by an increase of up to 20-30 cm and white flowers with flowers-bells), anemone (it has a color, like a galantus, but the flowers of another form are more open and Without inner petals), bird chairs (blooms simultaneously with hanalers, however, the shape of the flowers is star).

Types of snowdrops

In nature, there are 20 types of hanales. In addition, each of them has its own forms. Further the most popular varieties of the plant will be indicated.

Snowball Snowdrop

The most popular among all varieties of Galantus. It is often found in the mountains of Southern Europe, the Alpine and middle belts of the Pre-Bukaziscus. Snow white snowdrop is distinguished by dark green and flat leaves. The height of the floweros is traditionally 12 cm, and the flowers themselves are 30 mm. Flowers single, white. The coloring of the flower shows that the tips of its inner petals are painted in green. This species has approximately 60 garden forms. Most popular varieties: Scharlockii, Lyutszen, Arnott.

Snowball Snowdrop

Snowdrop of Voronov

The plant is recognized by the endemic of the Caucasus. You can meet it on the east coast of the Black Sea, including in Turkey. Flower leaves are distinguished by light green color with a yellowish tint. They are noticeable for varieties of bold shine. A snowdrop of Voronova is blooming very early - in late January-early February. Flowers have a gentle pleasant smell. Petals of tender cream color with greenish edges.

Foldful snowdrop

You can meet such in nature in the mountains of Romania, Moldova and Crimea. A feature of the species is its particularly big height. Only the flowers itself can reach 25 cm. In addition, the slaughterhouse is folded inside the edge of the deciduous plates. The flowers of this type are in length reach 30 mm and differ in a rather sharp aroma.

Foldful snowdrop

Snowdrop Siberian

Other others are distinguished by fairly wide roar leaves of bright green. Flowers shape - bell. It smells gently and achieved in diameter 2 cm. Siberian snowdrop can boast an unusual blue-purple color. Against the background of snowy snowdrifts such a plant, no doubt, is very profitable. Blooming starts back in February, about 10-15 days before the arrival of spring.

Blue snowdrop

Another plant name is a minbetes snowdrop. In nature, the flower can be found in the Caucasus, in the Mediterranean, the European part of Russia. Blue snowdrop is blooming even earlier than Siberian - at the beginning or in mid-February. As it is clear from the name of the plant, the flowers have a rich blue color. Although the variety is relatively low, but resentment. On rich loose soils, the plant significantly increases all parts and the number of inflorescences - up to 20 pieces.

Blue snowdrop

Snowdrops purple

Most often occur along the shores of Baikal. The distinctive feature of the plant is the purple color of flower petals. The edges of the inner leaves have bright yellow. The plant itself is relatively small to 15-18 cm. Often this kind of snowdrops are confused with forest bells.

Blue snowdrop

The plant received its popular name because of the external color. In the scientific literature it can be easily found under the name "Szill". Unpretentious to the conditions and soil, he is perfect and the Far East, and Siberia. The height of the entire plant is approximately 10-12 cm. With its blue fragile flowers, it begins to delight from the middle of March.

Blue snowdrop

Calling the most popular types of snowdrops, it is also impossible not to mention such types: Snowdrops Garden, Snowdrop of Elvis, Ikariy, Kiliykiy, Caucasian, Snowdrophry Bortkevich.

How to plant and care

The necessary conditions

Galantus will grow best if placing the sowing material into moistened, loose soil with neutral acidity. Does not tolerate the flower of dry soil and water stagnation. It is useful to add compost and humus to the soil. If there are too heavy soils on the bed, it is worth adding sand to them. If you can choose a specific place to grow a hanalen, then it is better that it is solar and open area or half.

The best time for landing in an open soil specialists call the period from July to September. If the temperature regime in the region is characterized by special heat, then planting plants until the end of October is allowed. It is better to place bulbs in the soil with whole groups. The optimal distance between the bushes is 3 cm.

Planting Snowdrop

Plants do not require transplant and in the same place can be reproduced for several years in a row. If there is a need for a premature transplant, you need to put a snowdrop on a new place along with the land of land.

Important! To prevent the early dying of the aboveground part, it is recommended to disembark galantas between perennial colors and bushes.

Also hanalers can be grown in roommates. For this, the firm bulbs are taken in the fall and put them in pots: 7-8 pieces in one. A sufficient immersion depth is 3-4 cm. Pots with a plant should be stored in basements. During the entire period of storage, you need to maintain a temperature of + 3-4 ° C. In the period when the plant should bloom, it is entered into the room. The optimal temperature for long flowering - + 15 ° C.

How the plant is formed

In the wild, the plant breeds independently - seeds. A few years later, Galantus appears a strong maternal bulb. Every year new bulbs will be germinate with her scales. Luxury and arrows germinate from the main bulb. White flowers appear in early spring. Galantus blooms for the 4-5th year. After wondering, the foliage sires themselves and disappears, and the root system of the plant is gradually restored.

Features of breeding

Modifying snowdrops in two main ways:

  1. Seeds. Ssed up without any preliminary training. True, it is possible to notice the result only after 4-5 years. The flower can breed and self-resistant.
  2. Subsidiaries. As a rule, every year the bulb receives one or two kids. Landing should occur immediately after separation. In the well prepared for the bulb, you can add a little humoring. It will be possible to look at the result of your work in 2 years.

Care for snowdrops

Proper plant care provides for feeding. In the period of growing plants, liquid mineral compositions contribute to the soil. It is necessary that potassium is enough in them (contribute to the formation of bulbs) and phosphorus (helps flowering). From organic substances for feeding the compost and humus are best suitable.

Important! It is forbidden to feed galantus with nitrogen substances, in combination with crude weather, such can provoke the development of fungal diseases of the plant.

As a rule, all types of snowdrops require a lot of moisture, but they can provide themselves alone. Additionally, it is necessary to abundantly to water the plant only if the winter was lowered by a minor, and the Earth itself is very dry.

Watering snowdrops practically do not need

An erroneous is the assertion that the plant needs to be covered for the winter period. Galantus perfectly withstands frost, and the film, on the contrary, can slow down the melting of the snow. The same owners who are very worried about the possible movement of the plant can use a peat layer, but it should not be too thick.

Snowdrop and Edelweiss

Snowdrops and Edelweissy perfectly get along with each other. Both varieties belong to spring colors. Similarly, they are like a planting method, and on growing. Both plants are covered with the ground and create green mats. However, they do not bloom at the same time: the first - at the beginning of the spring, the second - at the end. They can successfully add each other.

When the day of the snowdrop

Since the snowdrock is the first spring flower, it is quite clear that a separate date is given in the calendar of important dates - on April 19. Although in most countries of the world, this plant blooms at the end of January or early April, during the day the snowdrops were postponed to the middle of the spring, because it was then that flower can be noticed on his historic homeland - in England.

Snowdrophry Honey: Myth or Truth

The innovation of the market of grocery goods, which is very interested in experienced beekeepers and honey lovers, became the so-called honey from snowdrops. Such, on the conviction of sellers, has a delicate creamy taste and especially attractive aroma.

Snowdrops Med.

If you delve into this topic in more detail, it becomes clear that such a product cannot be collected from hanalentes. Flowers snowdrops are beginning to bloom usually in March or in early April. Bees still do not work in such a period, therefore they cannot collect from the first colors either to pollen or nectar. On the packaging of the product, it is indicated that honey is made of the mountain flower Kandyka. However, he belongs to herbal plants and has nothing to do with snowdrops. Thus, it can be assumed that the "Snowdrop Honey" is rather a commercial name than the real product collected from hanales.

Snowdrop or Galantus (Lat. GALANTHUS) - the genus of perennial grassy plants of the Amarillic family (AMARYLIDACEAE). The botanical name comes from the Greek words "GALA" and "Anthos", which together means "milk flower".


Representatives of the genus refer to ephemeroids, i.e. Characterized by an extremely short period of vegetation, and the rest of the annual cycle is carried out in the form of a resting underground part.


The bulb of a value of 2 - 3 cm consists of thick scales that are generated annually: two from the lower sheet, one from the base of assimilant leaves. Scheees are planted on the bottom, small filamentous roots grow out of it. The daughter of the bulbs are formed in the sinuses of the maternal. Two (rare three) linear or lanceal, smooth or folded, with a sizerna, or green leaf, the surface beam is formed, which grows out of the cervix at the same time with buds. During the flowering period, the leaves are slightly shorter or equal to the height of the blooming, after a bunching expands.

The rounded or flattened arrow is crowned with a gentle leaf and a single blowing flower of a bell-shaped. The perianth has six leaflets: three outer - they are larger (15-30 mm), as a rule, elliptical; Three inner - short, inversely, with a characteristic green spot at the top. This stain consists of separate strips, the number of which in different species changes the total dimensions and shape of the spot. Fruits - three-risk boxes in which there are a few black seeds of the snowdrop.

Structure of snowdrop

In the genus, 18 species and 2 hybrid of natural origin are described. The most decorative and popular in culture are:

P. Alpine (G. alpinus) \u003d P. Caucasian (G. Caucasicus) is a view in nature growing in the Caucasus. SIZY leaves during flowering period have a length of up to 7 cm, and after up to 30 cm. Flowerons high up to 10 cm crowned white with a green blot flower up to 2.5 cm. Blossom lasts 2 weeks in April.

P. Elveza (G. ilwesii) - tall (up to 25 cm), a very decorative view with wide siezed leaves and large spherical flowers. In horticulture is cultivated by about 15 forms.

P. Belo-Shop (G. nivalis) - the most common in culture in the zone of moderate climate, having about 50 garden forms. The earliest honey, at the end of March, is already starting blossom. This is a low (up to 12 cm) view with the SIZY lanceal leaves up to 10 cm long and very elegant flowers. Single, droopful flowers are white, with green spots along the edge of the perianth sheets, the diameter of them is 3 cm.

Snowdrop flower Voronov

P. Nickname (G. Angustifolius) - a view similar to a snow-white snowdrome, but much smaller - even with long cultivation.

P. Plotovnye (G. Platyphylus) \u003d Snowdroped Snowdate (G. Latifolius) - a view of the order from the Transcaucasus, which perfectly arrived in the northern zone. On the leaves there is no gray raid, large flowers (up to 4 cm). Blooming it lasts a month since April.

P. folded (G. Plicatus) - one of the major representatives of the family. A squint of the leaves falls after flowering, a 16 cm tall blooms crowned white flowers.

P. Voronov (G. Woronowii) - Plant leaves of this species after flowering grow and form folds, stem and ribbed, large flower, decorative. Rannetic look, in late February, leaves are already appearing with flowers.

Other species are not as popular in culture and represent values \u200b\u200bonly for collectors - P. Ikaria (G. Ikariae), P. Phoster (Galanthus Fosteri), P. Kiliykiysky (G. cilicicus), P. Kynen (G. Koenenianus), . Lagodekhsky (G. Lagodechianus), P. Queen Olga (G. Reginae-Olgae), P. Transcaucasian (G. Trojanus), Galanthus Trojanus, Galanthus Rizehensis, Galanthus Peshmenii, Galanthus Gracilis, and hybrids - Galanthus × allenii, galanthus × valentinei and others.

Photo gallery species

Growing and care

For the cultivation of snowdrops and care, they can approach both solar and several prieved areas. Too shady spaces will not allow for the formation of protanes, and during the growing season you need to access solar rays.

Like all the bulbs, Galantus does not tolerate water stagnation. The soil should be thoroughly drained, loose and quite nutritious - with a crossover or compost.

Snowdard bulbs without problems winter in the ground. It is not necessary to plant snowdrops to cover, especially since the spring is preventing the formation of Protalin.

Sign Sign - Flowering Snowdrops


Snowdard reproduction can occur by seeds or subsidiaries.

For the cultivation of snowdrops from seeds, they are sown to the ground to a depth of 1 cm immediately after the collection, the seedlings will bloom from the third year. Samum also gives excellent results and good germination of sprouts.

Over the summer, 1-2 is formed on each bulb, some species - 3-4 subsidiaries. It follows them in August or early September - this is a favorable time when the plant is at rest. The bulbs are immediately planted into the ground, they are not recommended to keep them longer than the month, as they are poorly tolerated.

When landing, the "golden rule" is valid for all bulbous - the depth of the landing well should correspond to the three diameters of the bulbs.

Snowdrops can grow in one place from 5-6 years and longer.

Snowdock bulbs

Diseases and pests

Of the diseases for snowdrop are dangerous as follows:

Fungal nature: Rust or gray mold, striking leaves and stems. When detecting gray spots, it is necessary to immediately remove the damaged parts or plants entirely, and the rest of the landing is treated with fungicides.

Viral diseases are manifested in the form of light, bugister spots and deformities of the leaves. Viruses do not penetrate the seeds, so it is enough to simply remove the affected plants.

Snowdrop may be damaged by pests:

Bulbous nematoda - Small worm, affecting the bulbs. The presence of its presence is evidenced along the edges of the leaves. Sick plants should be destroyed, and the rest of the bulbs dig up and withstand in hot (40-45 ° C) water. In the future, land them to another place.

Mice and moles damage the bulbs, special traps arranged from rodents to protect plants.

Caterpillars scoops, slugs also pose a danger to bulbs. They can be collected during the weeding, and the soil is treated with special means from these pests.

Snowdrop in group landing with crocus

Usage in landscape design

In the garden, Snowdrops feel perfectly under the trees or shrubs from the illuminated side. Late-flowering, especially leaf falling perennials in the spring will not interfere with the access of the sun during the actively vegetation of the plant. Subsequently smaller, they will hide at that time the emission leaves of snowdrops, and the shadow created by them will not damage the plant at rest.

Plants look good in separate groups of 30 pieces, imitating the corners of wildlife, but a uniform carpet fall is possible.

Other spring primroses: crocuses, daffodils, frosts, hyacinths will become beautiful and contrasting partners with snow-white snowdrop flowers.

In the cut of snowdrop bouquets gently and cute looks in small vouces. For a longer lifetime of flowers will provide the ice added to the water.

Many types of snowdrops are disappearing, they are listed in the Red Book. Despite the prevalence and unpretentiousness of these plants, often the scale of the collection of blooming snowdrops in decorative purposes exceeds the possibilities of their natural reproduction. Save these species, growing them in culture.

Snowdrop is the first spring flower, which is in a hurry to the sun after a long, cold winter. Snowdrop The Red Book took a long time for quite a long time. We all come to delight at the sight of a small flower, which is considered to be a seizure of spring. Despite the fact that the plant is under protection, many people do not stop, and they ruthlessly tear flowers. Who will just put in a vase, and who, without reaching the house, can even throw away. But it is unlikely that someone thinks that causes a big damage to the nature that surrounds us. The mass breakdown of colors leads to a decrease in their number in the wild. It is necessary to constantly inform the population (especially children) about the careful attitude towards nature.

Trade is allowed only by those flowers that are grown on garden and household sections.

There is a beautiful legend that when Eve expelled from Paradise, white snow fell. She walked, sraising tears, from which snow melted and at the place of Protalin grown snowdrops. They symbolized the hope of forgiveness. Galantus ("Milk Flower", Snowdrop) refers to the perennial herbs of the Amarillic family. There are 18 species of this plant. The spreadsheet is the Caucasus, the Crimean Peninsula, South and Central Europe. The greatest type of snowdrops grows in the Caucasus.

General description of snowdrops

Snowdrops are the earliest colors. They have a rounded bulb about 3 cm with the scales of the past years. Flowers have 2-3 oblong, linear, matte or shiny leaf. The growth of leaves and flower occurs simultaneously. On the outside of the petals have white color up to 30 mm long, the inner surfaces are separated by a greenish rim.

Galantus in different species has a different shape and color. A very unusual snowdrop has the name Elvis. It is a spherical shape. Flowers of terry varieties are distinguished by a tender unforgettable aroma.

Snowdard characteristics of snow-white and flat

An excellent representative of the Amarallis family is a snowball snowdrop. The description of the snowdrop makes you make sure.

The leaves of this flower differ from other species. Their color varies from bright to dark green tones of striped colors. The flower can be of different shape and shade, depending on the place of growth. A plant growing in Europe has a dark green color of the sheet, in the Caucasus - light-salad leaves in the amount of 3 pieces.


The flower was called the "snow-white" naturalist Karl Linnem in 1735. In each European country, he was assigned to him: in Germany - the "white bell", in Spain - "White Snowflake", in England - "Snow Seryoshka".

In the Red Book, the Snowdrop of the Factory has a status category 3, as it represents a rarely found view that threatens the disappearance.

This representative of the flora has a height of up to 20 cm. Lukovitsa 5 cm long and up to 3 cm in diameter. The plant has rich green, flat shape, smooth and shiny leaves. Their width is about 3 cm. When the snowdrock blooms, the leaves are growing up to 15 cm in length and 1.5 cm in width. At the end of flowering, 25 cm longs are reached, and the widths of up to 3.5 cm. Growth is the Caucasus.

Snow white snowdrop cultivation

For tenderness and beauty Spring flowers Snowdrops began to grow on dacha and country sections. The landing is recommended when the plant does not start their awakening after the winter, or after full blowing and dying of the leaves. A favorable period lasts from mid-summer before the beginning of autumn.

  1. Landing is necessary to produce bulbs that should not be cut. Before landing, there may be no more than one month.
  2. Pre-acquired seedlings are stored in a dark cool place to preserve moisture.
  3. The plant is planted at a depth of 6-7 cm.
  4. Flowers planted with seeds will be blossoming not before, as three years later.
  5. For good growth and flowering, the snowpad must be changed at the landing site every 5 years.
  6. The plant is recommended abundant watering.

Dangerous and useful properties of snowdrop

Despite its attractiveness and tenderness, the plant has poisonous properties. Lukovitsa Galantus poisonous, so animals bypass him, and not one rodent will not eat it.

The experiments on animals revealed that alkaloids can cause irritation, hemorrhage into the mucous membrane of the digestive organs. In case of poisoning, the amount of heart abbreviations is reduced, dizziness begins, increased saliva formation. For children, they can even be fatal danger!

However, in the medical industry, this plant has found its application. Snowdrophry Snowdown Bulb, collected during flowering, possess healing properties. Preparations are also poisonous and applied strictly by appointment and recipe for a doctor. With the help of these drugs, myopathy, myasthenia, intestinal atonium and bladder is successfully treated. But Galantus demands a careful and careful relationship.

If someone is asked to name the first spring flower, then there will be no answer - a snowdrop. These cute miniature flowers on snow protagalinks cause everyone delight and lunizing. Indeed, snowdrops are the first to reveal their inflorescences after a long cold winter on the lawns near the house or in the forest.

First, two green leaves are shown, and then the scorched heads of the white inflorescences appear. They are not afraid of snowy weather, frost and night freezes of spring. Therefore, soon snowdrops become a true decoration of any site. In addition, this is a faithful sign that the end and spring is already on the doorstep.

general description

Snowdrop with honor represents the amarylline family, the kind of perennial herbaceous plants, which has almost 18 species. The most colors spread in the European Region, the Crimean Peninsula, in the Caucasus and in Malaya Asia. The photo you can see different types of snowdrops. However, in the Caucasus you can find almost 16 varieties of the flower. Snowdrop or Galantus originate from Latin Galanthus.

Scientists still can not come to a common opinion, how many plant species. Sometimes they can not even unanimously determine the found flower to any kind of visible or appeared.

But in nature sometimes there are varieties of plants with a pair of elongated leaves about 10-20 cm and the simultaneous appearance of a flowerose. Flower shape bell, inflorescence, drooping down, flowers grow one. A peer of white color has six leaves. Three of them are outdoor, elliptical form, the remaining - internal, in the form of a wedge, on the peak of which there is a stain of green, possibly a small excavation.

The smell of the Snowdrop is pleasant, but not strong and rather very weak. Fruit shape resembles a rounded full box, which has three compartments for the storage of a small amount of black seeds.

A juicy appendage, located on the seeds, attracts ants, and they, in turn, disappear in all areas, expanding the agricultural halo.

Flowers have a root system in the form of an egg-shaped or conical bulb. Outwardly, it resembles a compact assembly of high thick scales or deformed leaves, fixed on a fat don. The daughter of the bulbs grow out of the kidneys located in the sinuses of the scales.

To protect against damage, top scales are served, they are thinner, dry and dark. Due to the bulb, which is a storage device of nutrients, the plant perfectly tolerate adverse climatic conditions, being in a state of rest for about 9 months.

Absolutely all types of snowdrops relate to protected objects, besides, the most rare their types are in the stage of disappearance, and return the lives of these species is possible only under the condition of their cultivation in culture.

The name of the flower has a Greek origin, therefore translated as a milk flower, which reflects, most likely, the color of inflorescences. The people say that such a name was given to him for his ability to grow among snow and blossom with the first breath of spring, despite the weather conditions.

There are many legends about these amazing gentle colors. For example, about Adam and Eve. When they were expelled from the Paradise Garden, the winter sizzle reigned around, and the snow enjoyed. Eva cried from the cold, remembering the lost warmth of the paradise corners. In her consolation, God created a few snowdrops from sobbing snowflakes. So they are not only the first spring flowers, but also the first colors on our planet.

Features of cultivation

Purchase bulwans and disembark better in the period from July to September, at this time they are at rest. If the autumn is warm, then landing can be moved to November.

It is not necessary to acquire plants with blossomed inflorescences, otherwise they will not survive after landing. At the same time, the bulb will not die. It will bloom in the near future it will be sluggish or not bloom at all, but it will be alive.

Buying bulbs at rest, pay attention to their condition. Choose the bulbs of a dense structure, sweaty, with a whole shell, without stalks and rhizomes, with intact Donets, without mold, baths and deformations. If the bulbs are soft, then they are already bumping.

It is not worth the bulbs of the plant for a long time to store, they can dry, as they will not be summoned in the air for more than a month. In the absence of a timely landing, you need to put them in a perforated package with sawdust or chips. The term of their storage in this form will be 2-3 months.

When planting snowdrops, the soil is fling and lowered the bulbs in the ground approximately 5 cm (no less). Flowers themselves cope with the adjustment of the depth, since with a deep location of the bulbs they will release another on the flower stem, thereby adjusting the size of the permanent.

But it is not necessary to comply with the definite value of the depth. The only nuance of the small blowout of the bulb is that at the same time the bulbs themselves will be smaller, but "kids" will appear.

Snowdrops love shady, but warm places lit by the sun and with excellent soil drainage. Blowing to reduced temperature conditions. The soil must be moistened, exploshed, nutritious and drained. Special irrigation regime is not required, exception will be the periods of drought.

Photo of snowdrop