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Gluing wallpaper onto paint: general technique. Wallpaper over oil paint. Is it possible to put wallpaper over paint?

Wallpapering is not a difficult task. It takes much more time and effort to remove the previous finishing material and prepare the surface for gluing. Gluing a canvas from a new roll onto an old coating will not be difficult if the wall is decorated with paper wallpaper that has lost its attractiveness.

But what to do when the surfaces of a room with an impressive area have been painted? Is it possible to glue wallpaper without removing the old paintwork, and how to glue wallpaper, for example, on oil paint?

How to identify paint on a wall

You can determine what kind of finishing material was applied to the walls by appearance coverings.

Water-based paint is matte and moisture-resistant; in addition, it is reliably absorbed into the preparatory layer, so it peels off in small segments.

The old coat of oil paint shines and is not afraid of water. Despite the fact that this finishing material does not lose its strength characteristics for many years, over time the coating may peel off from the wall in whole pieces.

Whitewashed walls are the easiest to recognize. It is enough to wipe the surface with a damp cloth; if white marks remain on it, this is whitewash.

The situation with whitewash is quite simple - just wash it off with water, clean it with sandpaper and prime the walls. As for gluing wallpaper on painted walls, more preparation will be required.

Is it possible to glue without preparatory work?

It is impossible to paste wallpaper on any base, be it paper, non-woven or vinyl, without preparing the wall with oil paint.

This type of coating is durable and strong, and it also has a smooth surface. The drying oil-based paint itself has strong adhesion to the wall, so this finish can last for years, but simply gluing wallpaper directly over it will not work, as sooner or later they will begin to fall off.

However, it is not at all necessary to completely remove the oil paint from the wall because of this. This is a very labor-intensive process that will take a lot of time. All you need to do is remove the top glossy layer and achieve roughness.

With proper preparation, the wallpaper strips will not fall off or slide off either during gluing or after the glue has dried, but will roll onto the wall so that no one will guess that they are glued to oil paint.

Preparing the walls

First of all, you should evaluate the condition of the old finishing layer: how damaged the coating is, whether it has chips, cracks or lumpy places that will directly affect the smoothness of the pasted wallpaper.

All defects must be eliminated by puttying. The cracks are filled, and the places where the paint has fallen off are sealed with a putty mixture. In areas where the old finishing material has fallen far behind the wall or has swelled, the paint is lifted with a spatula and removed, and the resulting holes are filled with putty.

After the surface is leveled, it is necessary to sand it. Moreover, you need to go over the sandpaper not only over the putty areas, but also over the entire painted surface. This is a mandatory condition, because for good adhesion of wallpaper to the old coating, it is necessary to achieve surface roughness.

To apply a new coating to a wall, in most cases it is necessary to remove the old one.

After application, the mixture should be thoroughly absorbed, so gluing can only begin the next day.

The next day you can start gluing the wallpaper. It is also better to add a little PVA (up to 10%) to the wallpaper glue - this will ensure the strength of the gluing and increase the adhesion of the canvases to the prepared wall.

Listed above are the main and most correct steps preparation. Additionally, in order to increase adhesion and not remove all the paint, you can partially remove it. To do this, using a spatula or drill with a special attachment, strips 5 cm wide are removed from the wall in increments of 20-30 cm.

After this, the wall should be sanded with sandpaper and coated with a primer. This selective removal will help to stick the wallpaper to the wall firmly, without bubbles, bumps or dents.

To get a good result, it doesn’t hurt to listen to the following recommendations from experts:

  • to ensure high-quality fixation of oil-based paint on the wall and increase the adhesion of wallpaper to it, it is better to use special ready-made primers to increase adhesion;
  • if the worn-out coating has only faded and has no large cracks, chips and obvious defects, then you can skip the puttying stage: just sand the surface well and apply a mixture of primer and PVA to it so that the glued wallpaper does not come off later;
  • when after 24 hours preparatory work pieces of paint have peeled off in some places, it is better to remove it completely, since in this case it is unlikely to ensure good adhesion to the wallpaper;
  • Another trick that will make preparation easier and ensure a good result is to buy non-woven or vinyl wallpaper With relief surface: the density of the material and the convexity of the pattern will hide unevenness and minor defects.

Experienced workers recommend removing the paint before wallpapering the wall completely, however, what to do if this is not possible? How to glue wallpaper with oil paint when time is running out and you don’t want to waste effort on removing the old coating?

Is it possible to glue wallpaper to painted walls? Conditions for gluing. How to glue canvases to a painted wall? Choice of glue.

How to properly hang wallpaper on a painted wall?

Every person dreams of living in a comfortable and beautiful apartment. Plays a big role in this interior decoration premises. Typically, various wallpapers are used for this. If repairs are not carried out in new apartment, then it is important to properly prepare the painted walls before starting the pasting process.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper to painted walls?

Depending on the paint that covers the walls, the further sequence of actions will be chosen. Wallpaper can be safely glued to some types. These include:

  • water-based;
  • water-dispersed;
  • adhesive.

If there are areas of paint on the wall that are peeling or flaking, then before you begin the pasting process, they must be properly filled with primer.

Canvases cannot be glued to walls that have previously been treated with paints that create a smooth surface or a moisture-proof film. Among them are such types of paints as:

  • latex;
  • moisture resistant;
  • oil;
  • alkyd and pentaphthalic enamels.

To ensure reliable adhesion between the material and the wall, these types of paints must be completely removed. If this process is too labor-intensive and time-consuming, you can try sanding the surface and then applying a primer to it.

Conditions for gluing

Before you start wallpapering your walls, there are several factors to consider. The reliability and durability of the new coating depends on them.

  1. When the walls were painted. If this happened a very long time ago, then there is a high probability that the canvases will come off the wall along with the paint.
  2. Is the plaster holding up well? If it is old, then there is also a risk of collapse.
  3. Clean walls. Before you start gluing the walls, you need to wash them well to remove dirt and dust.

To achieve maximum adhesion between the wallpaper and the paint, you need to sand it with sandpaper. After which it is washed and dried thoroughly. Only after this can you start wallpapering. You don't need to use a lot adhesive composition. This may cause yellow spots on the wallpaper.

How to glue wallpaper to a painted wall?

When the wall is not prepared enough or there are imperfections on it, then all this will then appear on the canvases. In some cases, they may even move away from the wall.

The main stages of preparation include:

  1. Washing the wall. To do this, it is better to use a soap solution or simply add dishwashing detergent to the water. Once all dirt has been removed, the wall can be washed off with clean water.
  2. Padding. Thanks to this procedure, reliable adhesion of paint and wallpaper is guaranteed.

For interior work It is better to buy a primer for concrete. The color should be light tones. It can be found in any hardware store.

What kind of wallpaper can you glue?

Available in stores today great amount various wallpapers. But not all types are suitable for painted walls. It is recommended to immediately exclude simple paper and vinyl sheets. It is better to pay attention to wallpapers such as:

  1. Non-woven. They absorb glue well, so the risk of paint getting wet is almost completely eliminated, as a result of which it can simply come off the wall.
  2. Fabric or vinyl. It is desirable that they be on a non-woven basis. They will not only look luxurious in any interior, but also have all the positive properties of ordinary non-woven fabrics.
  3. Liquid. Distinctive feature the coating dries quickly. Therefore, the composition does not have time to penetrate deep into the paint and dissolve it. Such fabrics can be applied even to uneven surfaces.

All types of finishes are presented in wide range. Every person can choose perfect option for your apartment.

Which glue to choose?

The quality and strength of the adhesion will depend on the quality of the glue. If the wallpaper will be glued to a painted wall, then it is better to choose a polyvinyl acetate emulsion for this.

How is pasting done?

The method by which the walls are covered depends on what kind of paint covers them. Each of them has its own characteristics, but is not anything complicated or time-consuming.

  1. Acrylic or water-based paint. The top layer of the surface is removed with a solution of solvent and primer in a 1:1 ratio. After which you need to give it time to dry. Next, a primer is applied to create a rough appearance on the wall. This will ensure reliable adhesion between the wall and wallpaper. The gluing of the canvases begins only after construction material will dry well.
  2. Oil paint. Before you start wallpapering, you need to remove old layer paints. This is done using a spatula. When the paint is removed, the wall must be carefully primed. After all the composition has dried, the surface of the wall is treated with sandpaper. Then another layer of primer.

If the paint applied to the walls has bright and catchy colors, then even the thickest wallpaper will not be able to cover it up. Therefore, in this case the only the right decision will be - completely remove the old coating.

If you have any doubts that the paint on the wall will withstand the new finish, it is recommended to conduct a small experiment. To do this, take adhesive tape, apply the adhesive side to the wall, and then sharply tear it off. If the paint does not begin to peel or crack, then new wallpaper is glued on top of it.

How long does it take to dry?

Depending on the type of wallpaper and the quality of the glue, the drying time of the surface varies.

  • vinyl sheets with a non-woven backing dry from 24 to 48 hours;
  • the rest dry within 18-24 hours.

During the first 1-2 days, only moisture is released. Only after this time does further polymerization of the adhesive composition begin.

Caring for pasted surfaces will directly depend on the type of wallpaper.

  1. Vinyl sheets. They differ in quality, which determines density, wear resistance, and moisture resistance. You can maintain cleanliness using wet cleaning. The wallpaper does not need to be rubbed hard or additional equipment used to avoid damaging the wall. It is recommended to carry out cleaning from time to time.
  2. Paper wallpaper. Do not use water or soap solutions. Cleaning is done using a vacuum cleaner and dry rags.

If the wallpaper was applied in rooms with high humidity, then mold or mildew should not be allowed to form on them. In this case, you will have to remove the finish and treat the contaminated surface.

Useful video

Wallpaper remains one of the most popular finishing materials. To ensure good adhesive properties of the surface, it must be prepared before gluing the rolls. However, often the walls are covered with a layer of old paint, which is not always easy to remove. We will tell you how to glue wallpaper onto paint in this article.

Coverage type

In order to stick wallpaper well, it is important to decide on the type at the very beginning. paint coating.

There are two most common types of paint:

  1. Oily. It has a strong odor and has a good water-repellent effect. After setting, a protective layer, protecting the surface from negative impacts external environment.
  2. Acrylic (water-based). Acrylic paints and varnishes are odorless, water-repellent and have good adhesion. After application, acrylic penetrates deeply into the surface structure.

To answer the question of whether it is possible to glue wallpaper over paint, you need to have an idea of ​​the hardness of the coating. All paint that can be easily removed must be removed, otherwise there is a risk that the painted layer will later fall off along with the wallpaper.

To check the strength of the paint, just poke around with a spatula in the old paintwork. Oil paint peels off in whole layers, but acrylic paint sticks much stronger and is removed in small pieces.

Instructions for performing work

Sometimes there are difficulties in determining the type paint and varnish material, but at the same time there is a need to glue wallpaper onto paint without priming the surface.

To complete the work you will need following materials and tools:

  • wallpaper rolls;
  • adhesive composition;
  • foam roller;
  • capacity;
  • hot water;
  • primer;
  • scotch;
  • putty knife;
  • putty;
  • sandpaper.

Preparatory work

The highest quality results can only be achieved by applying primer to the paintwork. After treating the surface with a primer, apply a layer of putty to level out all unevenness.

Over many years, the old coating absorbs all kinds of unpleasant odors. This especially applies to the kitchen and to rooms where there is a lot of smoking. Walls in damp rooms are often affected by fungus or mold. It is not recommended to glue rolls onto such surfaces without preparation.

First of all we treat the surface special means(for example, an antiseptic composition). Before you apply wallpaper to paint, you can do the following:

  1. We cover the wall with a roll of thermal insulation.
  2. Glue a plastic mesh on top.
  3. Apply a layer of plaster.
  4. We install and fix the sheet of drywall.


Regardless of the type of coating, when wallpapering, it is recommended to adhere to a number of general principles:

  1. If there is a pattern on the sheets, then when gluing different rolls, the fragments of the images should fit together smoothly.
  2. We purchase wallpaper with a small supply (usually 1 roll is enough).
  3. Not every adhesive is suitable for some types of wallpaper. Before applying glue, carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer and follow its recommendations when performing the work.
  4. The work will go easier and faster if you have an assistant.
  5. We cut a strip from the roll and place it on the floor with the pattern down. Next, apply a layer of adhesive evenly over the wallpaper.

  1. We lift the glue-treated strip by the corners and stick it on the wall. We glue wallpaper from the window and above. Carefully press the sheet to the surface. At the same time, we distribute the gluing efforts from the middle of the sheet to the edges and down. Using a cloth or roller, remove excess glue from the surface.
  2. We initially seal the switches and sockets found on the wall, and then release them using neat slits.

Features of acrylic surfaces

Before gluing the wallpaper onto the paint, prepare the surface. To do this, apply a mixture of primer and solvent to the wall with the old paint layer. This composition will allow you to change the structure of the painted surface, forming small defects on it. Such depressions will improve the adhesive properties of the coating, so that the wallpaper will stick better to the wall.

When the wall is dry, we treat the surface again, but this time only with a primer. A layer of highly diluted adhesive can be applied. We start gluing the rolls only after the surface has completely dried.

Pasting on oil paint

Despite the fact that, as mentioned above, oil paint can chip off in layers, it is a very tenacious material. In addition, oil coatings are very smooth, which seriously impairs their adhesive properties and complicates the gluing of rolls.

We glue wallpaper onto oil paint only after preparatory activities. There are two methods of gluing wallpaper onto surfaces treated with oil paint:

  1. First, we treat the surface with coarse sandpaper, and then apply primer and PVA glue to the sanded coating in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Using a spatula, we make grooves in the paint layer: a 5 cm channel every 20 cm of the surface. Place putty into the resulting grooves flush with the painted coating. Thus, we obtain areas with good adhesion, which will facilitate high-quality wallpaper gluing. It is believed that gluing wallpaper on oil-based paint in this way is less effective than on a sanded surface. However, this method is applicable if for some reason it is difficult to sand the entire surface.

Note! In the case of oil paints, it is recommended to use twice as much wallpaper glue as PVA glue.

So, it’s quite possible to glue wallpaper onto a layer of old paint. However, it is impossible to do without preparatory measures, since otherwise it will not be possible to properly glue the wallpaper to the wall.

Very often, when deciding to glue new wallpaper on the walls, a problem arises in preparing the walls for repairs. The main problem is the previous painting of the walls. In this case, a serious question arises about the possibility of wallpapering painted walls. No need to peel at all old paint. Although this option is associated with many fears and difficulties. You can expect unintended consequences. But a successful resolution of the issue is possible if you follow the instructions correctly.

It is possible to hang wallpaper on painted walls quite successfully, but this is only possible with the right and scrupulous approach to the matter. The first task will be to determine the type of paint used to paint the walls.

There are several types of paints:

  • Water-based or acrylic paint. It does not have the ability to repel water, does not have a pronounced odor, interacts well with the surface, is absorbed deeply into it, holds firmly, and is fixed in the structure of the material.
  • Oil paint. It has a characteristic odor, forms a special layer on the surface, and repels moisture well.

Preparing the wall before painting

Before you hang wallpaper on a painted wall, you need to carefully prepare it for this. The entire success of the operation depends on this. If there are any defects on the wall, this will affect the quality of the wallpaper, as well as the likelihood of it completely falling off the walls.

Stages of preparing a painted wall:

  1. Washing the wall. The wall should be washed with soapy water or a small amount detergent. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  2. Primer of a painted wall. It is this procedure that will thoroughly prepare the wall for wallpapering without any problems. Primer can be purchased at a hardware store. It is best to use a primer for concrete. It is the one that will fit best on the wall and bring the expected effect. It is better to choose a light color so that it does not show through the wallpaper.

How to glue wallpaper on painted walls

There are several different ways wallpapering painted walls. Each method is quite simple, and the choice depends on the characteristics of the wall itself.

Wallpapering with acrylic or water-based paint

For this type of gluing it is necessary to update the finish old wall. It is necessary to neutralize the previous layer of the substance that was used for finishing. It is necessary to prepare a solution of solvent and primer in a one to one ratio. The solvent will have a corrosive effect on the coating and will allow the primer to penetrate deeply into the walls. This ensures a strong connection new finishes with a wall.

It is important to let the wall dry completely. Then the final coat of primer should be applied. This method makes it possible to obtain a special surface with roughness, which will become an excellent basis for wallpapering. When this procedure is completed, the wall is dry, you can paste wallpaper on the painted surface.

To do this, you should prepare a special solution: mix PVA glue and wallpaper glue in equal parts. The resulting composition must be applied to the wall and to the surface of the wallpaper itself.

How to glue non-woven wallpaper for painting on the ceiling (video)

Wallpapering walls with oil paint

This method depends on what the expected end result will be. You can work with oil paints in various ways.

Two main methods for preparing walls:

  • Using a spatula, you need to separate the paint from the wall. Then the surface of the wall should be primed.
  • With help sandpaper treat the surface of the painted wall. This will create special irregularities for the adhesion strength of the wallpaper, after which the surface should be primed.

Glue should only be chosen if you are confident in the manufacturer. When preparing it, you must strictly follow the instructions so that the glue fully exhibits its bonding properties.

You need to take very seriously all stages of wallpapering: from carefully gluing the wallpaper joints using paper tape to cutting the corners. You should beware of drafts sharp drop temperature conditions.

Wallpapering without preliminary preparation

In order to make sure that the walls will withstand this method of gluing, it is necessary to carry out next check. Take tape, attach it to the wall and quickly tear it off. If the paint has not peeled off, the wall is ready for wallpapering. It is important to pay attention to the tape. If there is paint left on its surface, you should not glue wallpaper to such a wall. It will be a waste time and effort. In this case, the paint must be removed using special tools.

How to paint wallpaper

If special wallpaper for painting was pasted onto the painted walls, the procedure for painting new wallpaper will follow. Painting will not take much time and effort. It is enough to strictly follow the advice and instructions to achieve the desired result.

The wallpaper painting technology is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to prepare materials for painting: paint roller, brushes.
  2. Prepare your work surface. Cover the floor, hide sockets and switches.
  3. Prepare paint for painting.
  4. It is necessary to apply a new strip of paint, mixing it with the old paint.
  5. The walls need to be painted one at a time, moving from one wall to the next.
  6. To prevent the paint from drying out quickly, you can use air humidification.

After applying one layer, wait until it dries and apply subsequent layers as necessary.

How to properly paint wallpaper for painting (video)

In case it is necessary to do quick repair and there is no time for a long and thorough preparation of the working surface, the option of gluing wallpaper on painted walls is possible. This will save time and effort. However, it should be remembered that this option for wallpapering will not be durable and there are high probability swelling and peeling of wallpaper. In order to avoid troubles, you can follow strict instructions for wallpapering painted walls: determine the type of paint on the wall, check the quality of its attachment to the wall, thoroughly wash and sand the wall, prime the surface.

As you know, before applying a new one. This rule also applies to wallpaper, but what if the walls are covered with paint that is not so easy to get rid of? In this case, you can glue the canvas directly onto the paint, however, in order to get a high-quality result, you must follow a certain technology, which we will consider below.

General information

Many home craftsmen doubt whether it is possible to glue wallpaper to painted walls. It must be said that these doubts are completely justified, since it is indeed not always possible to perform this procedure. It all depends on the type of paintwork.

If old finish made with an oil-based coloring composition, it is advisable to remove it, since this material tends to peel off on its own. In addition, it is difficult to ensure good adhesion of the glue.

Water-based paint also needs to be removed, as it is susceptible to moisture. As a result, after processing the base wallpaper glue, she will start to lag behind. The best option, which allows gluing over the paint and varnish coating, are walls coated with a water-dispersion composition.

Therefore, before gluing wallpaper on painted walls, you need to find out what type of paint material they are coated with.

To do this you need to do the following:

  • First of all, you need to wipe the painted surface with a wet cloth. If foam appears on it, and the rag itself is slightly stained, it means that a water-based composition was used for finishing, which can be washed off with warm water.
  • If the material is not susceptible to moisture, then you should try it. If the coating falls off in pieces, it means that a paint coating has been used. If, on the contrary, the material holds quite tightly and lags behind in small parts, it means that water-dispersion paint was used.

Note! Wallpapering over paint always involves some risk. Therefore, if the price of the material is high, it is still better to spend the extra time and effort to stick it on a well-prepared base.


Checking coating adhesion

We looked at how to determine the type of paint coating. However, in order to finally decide whether it is possible to glue wallpaper to painted walls, you should check how tightly it holds old material. To do this, you can use construction tape.

After gluing a small piece of tape onto the painted surface, tear it off with a sharp movement. If there are pieces of paint and varnish material left on the tape, the paint will have to be removed. If the coating was not damaged as a result of such a check, then you can begin preparing the base for further painting with your own hands.

Note! Do not finish damp or moldy walls. In this case, it is necessary to tear off the old materials and treat the base with a special compound. If necessary, the wall must be insulated.

Preparing Oil Paint

It must be said that if the oil paint adheres well to the base, you can glue the wallpaper on top of it. The only thing is that you will have to carefully prepare the surface.

The instructions look like this:

  • First of all, the surface must be sanded to make it matte.. This will improve the adhesion of materials.
  • Then the base needs to be cleaned of dust.. It is best to wash the surface with water and dry.
  • After this, the base is treated with a special adhesive primer. The composition is applied using a paint roller in an even layer over the entire surface of the walls. After the first layer has dried, the surface must be treated with primer again.
  • Further steps are the same as for regular gluing, except that wallpaper glue should be mixed with PVA glue in a 2:1 ratio. This composition will ensure high-quality gluing of the canvases to the base.

Note! This technology not suitable for gluing vinyl wallpaper, as the level of adhesion may not be enough to hold heavy canvases.

The photo shows the treatment of a painted surface.

Preparation of water-dispersion paint

When gluing, as a rule, there is no need to sand it down, since the surface itself is matte. The only thing is that before you hang wallpaper on painted walls, they need to be treated with an adhesive primer.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  • The walls are first washed from various contaminants and dried.
  • Then the surface is covered with two layers of primer. The second layer can be applied after the base has completely dried.
  • Then, before gluing, a layer of highly diluted glue is applied to the primed base.
  • After the base has dried, you can begin gluing the canvases. The further procedure is carried out in the same way as when working with a regular unpainted surface.