Gemini woman: who is she and what kind of man does she need. Sexy, love horoscope of the zodiac sign Gemini free online

Have you ever secretly envied the Turkish Sultan with his large harem? If you were jealous, I can offer you the only reasonable way out. Marry a Gemini woman and you will be guaranteed at least two, and sometimes three or even four wives. I hasten to make a reservation, there is a very significant difference between the twin wife and the harem. The Gemini wife is almost not characterized by passion. Her thoughts are always in the clouds somewhere, she is busy with a lot of her own affairs. But if you manage to arouse interest in her, if a certain fusion of spiritual-intellectual-physical intimacy arises between you, then consider that you have conquered Gemini and can enjoy the company of several outstanding and lovely women at once.

AT early youth the Gemini woman is absolutely unpredictable and love for her is just a game. But the older she gets, the more interesting it is to communicate with her. With the greatest force she manifests herself in love, since it is love that is the area where the female essence is best manifested, all the richness and complexity of her nature is revealed.
It is very easy and simple to communicate with a Gemini woman. She is a lively, interesting conversationalist, able to make you laugh and cheer you up with a witty joke. She is sentimental and romantic, charming and smart. No one can compete with her in ingenuity in love. She can be an excellent, hospitable hostess and highly intelligent interlocutor, able to support any conversation: from the latest teachings in the field of poetry to political events of international importance. And suddenly everything changes dramatically - she falls into hysterics and there is no power to calm her down. So you will never get bored with her. If you think I'm exaggerating, remember at least Marilyn Monroe. Everyone who interacted with her knew her completely different. In one photo, she is reclining in an armchair in the pose of a seductress, in the other, with a bun, in horn-rimmed glasses, without any makeup, she is attentively listening to a lecture on Russian art. In the third photo, in a checkered apron, he conjures a cheese soufflé destined for her husband, athlete Joe DiMaggio, and in the fourth, she looks with admiration at her last husband, the famous writer and playwright Arthur Miller. Almost all of the shots were amateur when she wasn't posing for the camera; they convincingly reflect the diverse images of the same woman.
The Gemini woman is a wonderful friend. She will go with you anywhere - to a football match and to diving competitions, and in all cases she will look unusually feminine and even seductive. Gemini is interested in everything that is new, that excites the imagination. Her quick mind is able to understand all the intricacies of your work and even tell you one or two extraordinary solutions to problems. Therefore, listen to her advice more often.
As for attachments, the situation is more complicated. To make sure that Gemini is not carried away by someone else, you need to constantly be near her, remind her of your presence all the time. Until she learns to master her emotions, you will find more than one stormy scene. Fortunately, most Geminis come to their senses in time - before it's too late.
It should be said that as soon as she agrees to become your wife, men who are forced to spend quite monotonous life with one woman, they will envy you wildly. For, by marrying a Gemini, you get several wives at once and they will all be completely different.
The number one wife will meet your ideal, even if your only desire is her unconditional loyalty and devotion (if you manage to win her for real). She will never reproach you if you want to change jobs and move to another city. In a new place, with her sense of beauty and impeccable taste, she will arrange your home no worse than before. In addition to her love of adventure and travel, she loves when new, unexplored perspectives open up before her. She will gladly support any of your most original plans and crazy ideas. You can safely count on it even in cases where your financial situation is not very stable. She will calmly get a job and will be good at managing even modest incomes.
Wife number two will puzzle you with frequent mood swings. She will constantly tease you, make caustic remarks in the hope that you will answer her in kind. Out of the blue, she may come up with the idea of ​​joining some manifestation or participating in a protest rally. She may disappear somewhere until late, but do not try to ask where she was. She doesn't ask you questions like that. Remember her independent nature and respect her interests.
Wife number three might get sick of homework. And then the whole day the beds can stand unmade, the dishes - unwashed, and she will soar in the clouds or read a book. Instead of dinner, it doesn't cost her anything to put a can of canned food on the table in front of you, without even bothering to open it. But you are given the opportunity to talk heart to heart with her for hours. It will satisfy your most sophisticated emotional and intellectual needs. Just do not try to reproach her for burnt cutlets or unwashed floors; in fact, all this is meaningless trifles. At the same time, she will gladly agree to spend a vacation at sea and will not tediously ask where you will get the money for this. Such things simply do not interest her.
Wife number four will be a cheerful and affectionate mother. She loves children, of course, if they do not bother her too much and do not interfere. The children of the twin mother will grow up independent and independent. Perhaps they will not be very disciplined, repeating their mother in this, but they will love to talk to her and confide their secrets to her. The Twin Mother is interested in children having well-developed imagination and intellect, and various little things, like scattered books and things, in her opinion, do not have such an important meaning in life.
And, finally, wife number five will be an excellent hostess, who knows perfectly well how to decorate the house and set the table for the arrival of guests. You can invite anyone to visit - from your boss to the mayor of the city - and everyone will be charmed by her kindness, cordiality and appearance. The Gemini dress up with excellent taste, not devoid of some extravagance; they like to visit theaters, vernissages and balls, and in any society they will feel free. Believe me, all men will envy you from the bottom of their hearts. The Gemini wife is romantic and extremely feminine, has high intelligence and sophistication.
And in conclusion, a few more strokes to her character. She prefers the plane to the train and will never keep silent, if you can say at least a few words.
Her head is so full of ideas, and her heart is full of hopes, that, perhaps, without the help of a computer, she will not understand it. However, perhaps she does not need a computer at all, but simply someone who could run just as fast next to her, throwing her thoughts around like ping-pong balls. If you belong to this type of man, hold her tightly by the hand and do not let go. She needs you as much as you need her.

When you meet this coquette, you will probably be mesmerized, because she radiates spells better than any magician. However, her romances are superficial, and even when she's deeply infatuated or gets married, the relationship will be both friendly and saturated with passion.
Many men, who are ready to agree that Gemini women are charming, also find that they are difficult to figure out. If you keep firmly in mind the dual nature of such a woman, your confusion will decrease. Some part of her soul needs love and protection: she wants to be pampered, cherished, cared for, made her feel that she is the most main woman in the world. But a strong part of her nature requires stimulation and novelty. This brave, pleasure-loving woman is incorrigibly frivolous.
The secret dream of a Gemini woman is to be a passionate and languid femme fatale. But in real life she lacks patience and even more so time. In addition, half the men she meets seem not worth her effort: they are too boring.
She is able, like a true connoisseur, to appreciate a really interesting man, but when love flies out the window, the Gemini woman does not waste time figuring out where the feelings have gone. She quickly puts the bad experience out of her mind. She knows that in order to fall in love again, you need to forget the old passion.
The Gemini woman is restless and changeable, usually one admirer is not enough for her. Her dual and fickle nature demands more than what one person can give. To satisfy all the needs of a Gemini woman, he would have to simultaneously please her in several areas - mental, emotional and sexual. Her passion is variety.
All this creates a problem if you intend to become number one in her life. You will have to be a multifaceted person, able to interest her spiritually and physically. If you succeed, she will become your devoted companion, faithful lover and eternal enchantress. You can almost be sure of it.
Grasping everything on the fly, the Gemini woman has endless sexual curiosity and a willingness to experiment. Sometimes she pays too much attention to physical reactions and neglects the emotional side. This is mainly due to the fact that it does not bind too much and does not open completely.
She likes to believe that her feeling is stronger than that of her lover - this subtle form of submission contains a reproach and provokes the desire to prove the opposite. Do not take at face value the words of the Gemini woman. Even if she herself believes in what she says, there is another behind the seeming motive.
However, behind the embarrassing variety of masks lies a reliable, steadfast person who shows his true face in love. Then she becomes a jealous owner. The beloved will not be able to deceive her with impunity.
But why would he do it? Passionate, brilliant, lively and witty, she has everything a man needs.

The dual nature of the Gemini woman (21.05-21.06) sometimes makes people who deal with her for the first time fall into a stupor. These mysterious ladies are sometimes not able to understand what exactly they want, their emotions and feelings are constantly changing. Therefore, the only way out is to coexist with Gemini, accept them as they are, learn to stabilize a woman's mood and focus on positive qualities.

Characteristics of a Gemini woman

A woman born in the sign is unlikely to be limited to the role of wife, mistress of the house and mother. Thanks to the ability to win over those around her, benevolence and female wisdom, she is able to realize herself in the profession, the boring life of a home hen does not appeal to Gemini.

However, there are often unpleasant situations and conflicts associated with the duality of the nature of this zodiac sign, because in ordinary, everyday moments a woman can turn into a tragedy and react in a completely inadequate way, from which people close to her are sometimes perplexed. Two-faced Geminis show both sides of their character - they can be strange, fickle and harsh, but at the same time they have good intelligence, business skills, wisdom and cunning.

That's who can be called the soul of the company, so it's Gemini. On the noisy parties they feel comfortable and at ease, adventures, travel, visiting cultural events - all this is required by the indefatigable temperament of a woman, otherwise the Gemini will feel unhappy and useless. These people easily converge with others, make numerous friends and acquaintances who never get bored in their company, the ladies of this sign are well erudite and can keep up the conversation on any topic.

Gemini are excellent and loyal friends, they will not leave their loved ones in trouble, they will support and help, even if it is against their interests. At the same time, ladies do not like it when they begin to cry into their vest and complain about their bitter fate, and they themselves will never allow themselves such weakness, preferring to hide everything in themselves.

In work, such women are active and proactive, it is difficult to imagine them behind the monotonous sorting out of papers in the office. The case in the hands of the female Gemini is on fire, and in their pretty head they are able to solve dozens of difficult tasks, while they manage to joke and always try to communicate with others kindly.

To a life partner, the Gemini put up a very high requirements, they dream of an ideal, perfect love story, but their dreams may never come true, having considered a couple of small flaws, a woman is no longer able to close her eyes to the flaws of her boyfriend, despite all the advantages. Needless to say, such girls rarely find the man of their dreams, constantly tormented by this.

A woman is a caring wife and mother, however, she will not allow her children to restrain her violent activities in any way. Such mothers are happy to participate in the development of children's holidays and all kinds of fun and games for kids. But you should not perceive them as overly complaisant and spineless, if necessary, a woman will punish a raging child to the fullest extent.

Gemini, regardless of gender, tend to confuse reality with fiction, so horoscopes do not advise them to connect their lives with cinema or theater, although many of them strive to the stage with all their heart. To make up for the lack of publicity, perhaps they should pay attention to teaching and jurisprudence. Diplomacy, the gift of persuasion, charm and intuition will help the Gemini woman achieve success in these professions.

Gemini Women Compatibility

Astrologers usually pay a lot of attention to the compatibility of individual zodiac signs, because their future relationship directly depends on whether people can coexist together.

One of the strongest love unions in a woman, it happens with Leo. Although the couple lives in parallel worlds, they can get along well together and the relationship turns out to be bright and rich, the mind and feelings merge together here.

A serious and positive Sagittarius charms the Gemini lady and gives hope for a strong and long-lasting marriage, this couple does not get tired of each other either in life or in bed.

A successful marriage is obtained by Gemini with Aquarius, as a rule, when they meet, they go hand in hand for many years, because in their union there is passion, spiritual unity, and trust. Nevertheless, there is a possibility of mutual betrayals, with which people in love put up and find a compromise in the future.

The union of Gemini and Libra is also favorable, these air signs create a favorable environment in the family, respect each other's freedom and remain good friends and lovers for many years.

Gemini women, as a rule, become interested in Cancers and Pisces from the very first minutes of their acquaintance. The development of relationships is possible, since a girl may well subjugate a supple, loving water sign.

Geminis of different sexes most often do not get along under the same roof, to endure the same fickle and emotionally unstable nature with them is beyond their strength.

Typical Taurus and Aries are big owners, they will not be able to calmly look at how their beloved woman is casually talking to other "males". In the end, they will torment their spouse with jealousy and provoke a divorce.

Astrologers do not recommend tying their lives to Gemini and Virgo, because later they often regret entering into a legal marriage, all because a man who appreciates the ability to create comfort in a woman will try to limit the will of his wife and meet a worthy rebuff.

Relationships with Capricorn and Scorpio will collapse very quickly, such men are always eager to become leaders and strive to take a leading role in the family, freedom-loving Gemini will not like this.

Gemini woman in love

Dreamers and idealists, Gemini women dream of the one and only man with whom she will go hand in hand throughout her life. If they are lucky and they meet such a companion, it is difficult to imagine a more faithful and selfless spouse.

Gemini is a reliable and kind friend for their husband, they are the main assistants and support for the second half, they are interested in his affairs and actively participate in them. But do not think that the spouse will only enjoy and relax, his task throughout his life is to tirelessly prove his devotion. Another difficult test is the excessive sociability of Gemini, who flirt right and left to make sure they are attractive.

As for the intimate sphere, the Gemini woman is of little interest in the romantic atmosphere, time or, they attach much more importance to foreplay, so the partner will have to try very hard to properly inflame the lady's desire.

These women are ready for any experiments, they crave new sensations. In bed, the Gemini behave quite relaxed, there is nothing forbidden for them. But it is not the sexual intercourse itself that is very important, but spiritual intimacy. If he is available, the partner will give the man absolutely everything he wants.

Mysterious, charming, seductive - she alone is worth ten other women. As soon as she joins in the conversation, the rest of the participants in the conversation immediately fall under her charm. She, like no one else, knows how to listen and demonstrate a genuine interest in the problems of other people. And if the rest of the interlocutors are happy to let past their ears what worries you so much, then the Gemini woman will behave differently - not only will she give an opportunity to speak out, but she will also analyze the situation in order to give some advice.

Gemini women very easily get close to other people, tying up friendly, or rather friendly relations. It is they who will definitely call on their birthday and will not forget to send a funny postcard. But it is unlikely that there will be at least one Gemini woman who will allow outsiders to look into her soul.

She really wants to be loved by everyone, despite the fact that she herself loves far from everyone. Gemini makes decisions very quickly, relying on his instincts and reflexes. It is very difficult for her to concentrate, because her attention constantly jumps from fifth to tenth. Everything new attracts Gemini like a magnet.

Organization is clearly not theirs forte. The need to do some work entirely - from beginning to end - drives this young lady into a state close to panic. Maybe the Gemini woman will sincerely try to do this, but her attempt is unlikely to succeed. About halfway through the journey, she begins to get bored, which is why new, creative, extremely exciting ideas come to her head, and the old ones are discarded (although at the beginning of the assignment they seemed brilliant). You understand that this style of work is rarely welcomed anywhere.

Women born under this zodiac sign are very emotional and are able to go through the whole scale from “Quiet and clear” to “Storm and tsunami” in a short period of time. It is never enough for them - one lover, one job or one single plan is not enough. The Gemini woman, like living mercury, today is here, tomorrow is there, her life is in full swing, but despite this, she is prone to mood swings and depression. In order to avoid this, she needs a strong male shoulder to lean on.

Despite the gentleness and kindness, the Gemini woman is often considered cold and prudent, and all because when making decisions, she is guided, first of all, by the arguments of the mind, and not by emotions.

The twin woman is somewhat reminiscent of kite, proudly soaring in the ascending currents - any attempt to tie her to oneself firmly, firmly is doomed to failure.

They are never satisfied with what they have, and do not leave attempts to somehow model reality in their own way - they rearrange furniture, look for new apartment, experiments in the kitchen and re-educates her man ... The only thing the Gemini woman has no control over is her thirst for change.

twin in bed

For sex, she does not need any special romantic-erotic scenery; a car seat or “kissing places” in a cinema are quite suitable. She requires only one thing from her lover - that he should not rush anywhere, start with a detailed prelude and act "with feeling, with sense, with arrangement."

The Gemini woman is "arranged" in such a way that she can instantly flare up with desire, like a match, or lose all her libido, especially if the hasty partner is striving for the finish line too quickly. As a rule, she herself seeks to set the pace in bed and woe to those who cannot stand it!

Sometimes a Gemini woman radiates sexual aggression and gladly takes the initiative in her own hands. In this case, she needs a man whom she will conquer, seduce and conquer.

It cannot be said that the “Twin” is driven exclusively by sexual needs, rather, it is still curiosity. She loves any experiments - including sexual ones. She easily manages to combine two or more actions - for example, kissing a man and simultaneously stimulating his erogenous zones. If she is engaged in oral sex, then her hands "wander" somewhere in the partner's body, delivering additional pleasure.

What kind of man does she need

The Gemini woman needs such a man to wait for her with a cup of hot coffee at five in the morning when she returns from a long party, and not to make scenes of jealousy. Next to Gemini, only those who have a grandiose supply of patience and composure can survive.

Who suits Gemini

The Gemini woman and the Aquarius man are made for each other, they communicate on the same wavelength and understand each other from half a glance and half a breath. Despite the fact that both signs are prone to "walking to the left", they rarely cheat on each other. Their romance has everything you could wish for - true, deep feelings, passion and mutual freedom.

Another suitable for Gemini option is a Libra man. He will be happy to bring her various ideas to life, and in bed they complement each other so that for many years after the wedding, an “erotic spark” will run between them.

A good combination of a Leo man and a Gemini woman can last for many years, unless at the beginning of the relationship his thirst for recognition and fame drives her crazy.

The chances of success for Gemini and Aries are very high. By by and large, Aries, just like Libra, are ready to embody any, even the most extravagant ideas of Gemini, and do it with love. The only "pitfall" on which the love boat of this couple can crash is the contradiction between Gemini's passion for freedom and Aries' desire for security and tenderness.

Who is not suitable for Gemini

The Twin + Twin couple may have been able to somehow get along together, but both have so many things to do here and there that it is better to look for other partners, otherwise they will rarely meet in the marital bed.

Despite an encouraging start to a relationship, the grounded and somewhat down-to-earth Taurus quickly bores a Gemini, she needs a lot more than just stability.

With Sagittarius, a Gemini woman can spend one of the best nights of her life, but most likely it will be just one night, they are too different. Cold-blooded Cancers and Capricorns do not just annoy the "Gemini" - rather, they drive her crazy. Driven by the desire to achieve maximum intimacy, Scorpio tries to corner the Gemini woman and achieves the opposite results (she would rather leave than live under pressure). Worse than Scorpio can only be the eternal pedant and bore - Virgo. There is no need to even talk about any more or less significant relationship with Pisces - here there can be no talk of love or friendship.

Representatives of this sign are extremely controversial natures in everything related to romance. As he says love horoscope, Gemini needs personal freedom, or at least the illusion that they have it. But inside they are very afraid to be alone, they dream of being loved, they want to become the object of someone's affection, tenderness and care. Being with Gemini is very difficult, because they rarely admit even sympathy, not to mention deeper feelings.

Trying to talk to the Gemini about love will lead to the fact that they will beautifully leave this delicate topic, or they will accuse the partner of incredulity.

  • It is not easy for Gemini to give themselves to someone completely and completely. But they fall in love very quickly. Despite their practicality and intelligence, they may well fall in love with someone with whom, in the opinion of the environment, it is better not to mess with. A real and deep feeling can greatly change them.
  • Unlike many other people, Gemini cannot be called owners. But their partners have quite a few reasons for jealousy, because living together with someone does not force Gemini to narrow their social circle, they need constant self-affirmation, and among people of the opposite sex too.
  • Gemini is quite ready for love adventures in the presence of a permanent partner, but usually a secret second life brings an extra headache, not pleasure;
  • At the beginning of a romantic relationship, Geminis show themselves with better side, but their emotions can often be called superficial, and the initial fire is quickly extinguished. It may happen that they want to see the source of inspiration in another person.
  • Geminis rarely marry once, the later they get married, the more likely it will exist long time, and maybe all my life;
  • It will be great if the beginning of a relationship with a Gemini is based on intellectual communication. The interests of the representative of this sign can rather be called diverse than deep - they know a little about everything. Gemini will be impressed if you are good at something.
  • They consider boring people with conservative views on life. They value honesty and sincerity, the exchange of even dissenting opinions can become a solid foundation for further relationships.
  • You should not try to compete with Gemini in wit, they wield the word like a weapon. They love those who can make them laugh.
  • Do not forget that Geminis in love are very sensitive people, they need to be close to such partners whom they can trust. There is no need to suspect the Gemini of something, distrust hurts them very much.
  • They will venture into a serious relationship only when they are sure that love will not mean monotony, boredom and gray everyday life. main feature Gemini is impermanent, they can instantly change their decisions, desires and feelings.

Love horoscope for a Gemini man

There is no need to demand from Gemini men that they completely devote themselves to their beloved. They do not like it when their relationship becomes something dramatic and complicated. Also, Gemini can be frightened by women who make plans for a long time ahead and are very serious about relationships.

How do feelings show up?

In love, it is distinguished by ephemeralism, spirituality, remoteness from worldly passions. A lover won't leave his woman in difficult situations, will allow her to be calm and confident around him until she decides that he needs another woman. His love may end for reasons incomprehensible to the partner, he will not explain to her the motives for his decision.

This man is charming, generous and resourceful, interested in his companion, preparing for dates with imagination, thinking over the program and the place of the meeting. Communication with him is an endless holiday.

He may be confused a large number of emotions and a woman's too serious approach to feelings. Geminis are fascinated and intrigued by bright and emotional women who know how to express these emotions. Next to such companions, men try to discover new, previously unknown facets in themselves.

Gemini themselves explain their transitions from one woman to another by the fact that they are in search of ideal love, their “I” and an elusive perfect goal. A man born under this sign is looking for some kind of spiritual double, a brother who can understand his nature and put an end to his split.

How to win a Gemini man?

Next to Gemini, you need to accept its impermanence and

Therefore, a woman next to Gemini should not expect constancy, comfort and warmth from life, but should be ready for such drastic changes.

unpredictability. He is a pleasant and cheerful interlocutor, tells jokes well, has good manners, is the soul of the company. Representatives of this sign easily charm women.

The Gemini man, caring for his beloved, may one day appear on the doorstep with flowers, books and perfumes, or offer to go to the theater. He will endow his companion with smiles and attention, assurances of love and tender words. But the next day, he may cancel the date or not call at all.

A week later, Gemini will appear again, but already completely different: in his beloved, he will see only flaws, the next day he will become silent and gloomy. If the beloved can withstand all these changes in his mood, he will again become cheerful and charming.

As the love horoscope says, Gemini man is a very complex and controversial sign, you can know it forever. This is a man of mystery, it is difficult to understand whether he is joking or speaking seriously, lying or telling the truth, where and for how long he has gone. At the same time, Gemini is very charming, he has many friends and girlfriends, he is positive, sociable and cheerful. These men cannot be manipulated and controlled, they cannot be controlled. He values ​​​​personal space, will not tolerate even a minute of pressure on himself.

You should not try to drive the Gemini into some kind of framework, it is better to leave everything as it is, and succumb to the energy, which is more than enough for two. Gemini are quite freedom-loving men, they feel good only when their actions and views are not limited by anything. It is necessary to allow the Gemini to remain himself, not to disturb him with everyday trifles in which he does not understand anything. He loves everything original and unusual, he likes surprises, he is always looking for variety.

It is difficult to find support in the Gemini man. He, like a child, needs the feelings of loved ones, although he himself seeks to avoid these feelings, because he is afraid that they will limit his freedom.

Love horoscope for a Gemini woman

Ladies born under this sign are endowed with many talents. They are easy to communicate, they are able to entertain anyone with a conversation, in the role of a hospitable hostess they will make an indelible impression on the guests. They are well-read and erudite, while they remain romantic and sentimental.

How do feelings show up?

A Gemini woman in love wants to be conquered. At the same time, her nature reveals and flourishes, most of all she is lured by witty conversations, which not all men are capable of.

Women of this sign are very difficult people including in the field of love. In their younger years, they are unpredictable in romantic relationships, they consider them a kind of game. They are tirelessly looking for their ideal, but rarely these searches are successful. They may like a man with prudence and intelligence, but they will immediately find flaws in his appearance or manner of dressing, and they will not be able to ignore these minuses.

Gemini is characterized by a very strong desire to re-educate their partner, to change him in his own way. However, over the years they become very sensual, interesting, loving partners. It is love that helps to reveal all the richness and versatility of their inner world.

As the love horoscope says, the Gemini woman is dualistic, at the same time she wants care and love, a strong shoulder nearby, but at the same time she needs stimulation and novelty, for this reason her behavior often looks very frivolous.

If one day she realizes that there is no more love, she will not think for a long time where the feelings have disappeared, she will decisively end the relationship and will look for new love. It is very difficult to recharge the feelings of such a woman, because her partner always doubts that his chosen one will stay with him tomorrow.

Her secret desire is to be languid and passionate, like the heroine of a dime novel. But in real life, she does not have enough time and patience for these qualities. Besides good half the men she meets, she considers not worthy of her efforts, they are too boring for her.

How to conquer a Gemini woman?

The Lady of the Air is changeable and restless, usually one admirer is not enough for her. The duality of her nature demands a lot more than what one person can offer. The perfect man must satisfy a woman in all areas: emotional, mental, sexual. Diversity is her passion.

To become the first number for a Gemini woman, a man must be a very versatile person, if he succeeds, then she will be a faithful lover and devoted comrade for her companion.

Gemini likes to think that their feelings are stronger than those of their lover. It seems to subjugate the partner, provokes his desire to prove the opposite. Hidden behind the embarrassing array of Gemini masks is a stoic and dependable person who will only show his true face in love.

Such a woman is an excellent companion, she will go with a man anywhere, even to a football game. And in any situation it will look very feminine and even seductive. She will never reproach her lover if he wants to change jobs and move to another city. With her inherent sense of beauty and excellent taste, she will equip new house. She loves very much when unknown new opportunities appear in front of her, she will gladly support crazy ideas and original plans.

The Gemini woman is a charming and witty interlocutor, she is able to attract the attention of absolutely any man. In addition, she is an attentive listener who treats the problems of another with interest and understanding. Gemini likes to analyze situations, look for reasons, offer solutions to certain problems.

She easily makes new friends, but is usually not interested in long-term friendships. She is dissatisfied if someone takes too much of her time or shifts to her all the problems that she has already solved for herself.

It’s hard for Gemini to do a monotonous business for a long time, because she quickly becomes interested in something new. The novelty itself captivates her very much. It is not easy for her to subordinate herself to one feeling and limit herself to one lover.

She often plays heartless games in relationships with men. For many, she looks cold-blooded. This can be explained by her tendency to rely on the mind, and not on feelings and emotions.

The Gemini woman needs mental compatibility with her partner, she will never agree to inequality in this regard. Rather, she will choose for herself the path of a business woman than a housewife. But whichever path she chooses, in any case, she will perfectly cope with her duties.

Gemini has many men, especially at a young age. She needs to constantly change everything - the design of the apartment, the place of residence, try new types of leisure, she is never satisfied with what she has now. If such a woman is not busy with self-improvement and the improvement of her surroundings, she will direct all her energy to her partner. Gemini is not able to calm down, so men will have to put up with her changeability, because change is her way of life.

A Gemini woman is two or more women at once. It is too much for some people. However, she doesn't care at all. She's not going to apologize. A Gemini woman in a relationship is a challenge to weak, timid and fearful men. Although not every macho is able to cope with it.

A Gemini woman has many complex and intriguing personalities inside at once. She can't control everyone. The Gemini woman easily moves from a state of sarcasm to a state of shyness and vice versa. It can be campy or wild and unpredictable. These are facts that lie on the surface and that a person who is going to build a relationship with a Gemini woman must know.

A Gemini woman will enjoy your company, even if you don't like the restaurant she used to dine in or you don't fancy a classic date.

The Gemini woman will enjoy making love in new and unexpected places. Gemini loves spontaneity, but they also appreciate the state when the relationship is "healthy". In this relationship, you will never be bored if your partner is a Gemini woman.

Gemini is important flirting for self-affirmation

The Gemini woman will be your faithful and devoted friend, but at the same time manage recklessly with a mass of other men.

Flirting gives her attention, care and respect from other people. If a Gemini woman is in a relationship, then with any amount of flirting, she still prefers to spend the night in bed with you.

The Gemini woman is an amazingly creative person.

Women born under the sign of Gemini creative nature, whose energy overflows. Plan and organize a birthday, arrange a friendly party, decorate the house - in everything she will show her remarkable talents.

Gemini is able to organize everything in such a way that you will understand: dreams come true.

Gemini woman is a person with an analytical mind

Most Gemini women have an analytical mind and are guided not so much by female as by male logic. When a Gemini woman is in a relationship with someone, it is useless to deceive her. Any of your fiction will be analyzed no worse than on a polygraph.

The Gemini woman has an analytical mind

At the same time, Gemini women often experience uncertainty, because they can’t fully decide where exactly they should be and what to do at any moment of their lives.

Gemini women are pathological spenders

There is one thing you need to know when you are trying to make acquaintance and build a relationship with a woman born under the sign of Gemini. People born under this sign can spend money very quickly. All the money that is within reach. Oddly enough, but Gemini also has a talent to multiply and save cash. Their impulsive nature makes them spenders, which makes Gemini women buy what they want. Impulsive shopping is part of the general spontaneity of Gemini.

A Gemini woman in a relationship needs personal space

A Gemini woman can be in the most wonderful relationship with you, respond with love to your love, but she needs to spend time away from you from time to time. She needs and appreciates her own space. From time to time you need to give her that opportunity. You will receive in return a surprise or a reward that you did not even suspect.

Relationship with a Gemini woman is like riding a rollercoaster

The Gemini woman in a relationship behaves as if she is rolling her partner on a roller coaster, her mood swings are so great.

Relationships with Gemini are a roller coaster

A man next to her may feel squeezed like a lemon, but that means she feels twice as bad. Do not think that the Gemini woman is trying to drive her man crazy. It's just that her mood is constantly changing and the best thing her partner can do is change her mood along with the mood of her woman or get used to such a swing.

The Gemini woman is no different from her inner child.

In every woman born under the sign of Gemini, there is an inner child that she does not even try to hide.

Hence the unpredictability and immediacy of Gemini. And it does not depend on the age of the woman. The man who is nearby needs to learn how to address the inner child of the Gemini woman. He controls most of her actions and motives.

Geminis are endlessly curious

The Gemini woman loves to collect information about a lot of things. She is a real intellectual and is able to maintain a conversation on almost any topic.

During communication, the Gemini woman is able to jump from topic to topic. And in each can act like an expert, as her mind can process various ideas, fragments of information, establish non-obvious connections, instantly analyze the statements of the interlocutor and respond to them. Gemini also have their own opinion on any issues. They will definitely express it, backed up with iron arguments.

Gemini is always on the lookout

A Gemini woman is always looking for a relationship.

If a Gemini woman is in a relationship, this does not mean at all that she is not looking for new ones. When she has the slightest doubt about her current relationship, she goes to more perfect ones.

It is hardly worth considering the Gemini woman too windy, because while she is in love with her man, she will do more for him than any other woman. The problem is that the Gemini woman strives to find the ideal, and her ideas about this are quite utopian.

The best way to keep your relationship with a Gemini woman up to par, not to forget about mental and physical stimulation, as well as intellectual conversations.

The Gemini woman quickly adapts to change.

The Gemini woman is able to solve problems and quickly adapt to the changes taking place around her.

Her inner peace gives her a natural charm that attracts men.
Most of the time, she is able to control her emotions and manage them on a conscious level. For example, she can quickly leave the role of a hot and sensual seductress, immediately turning into a cold and prudent lawyer.

Gemini love to talk

A man who decides to build a relationship with a Gemini woman will need good listening skills. A rare woman does not like to talk, but the Gemini woman is ready to talk about something all the time.

When a man tries to win over a woman of this sign, he needs to participate in all conversations, even when he does not understand the topic of the conversation. If you show that you are ready to understand everything she is trying to say and are ready to listen to your Gemini woman, she will appreciate it.

Gemini woman does not stop communicating with former partners

A Gemini woman in a relationship behaves differently than most other women. Even in a breakup, even when she feels the bitterness of loss or separation, she is able to maintain a good relationship with her former partner.

People born under the sign of Gemini are social creatures, they always have a large circle of friends, which includes those with whom they once had fleeting romances or true love.

If you are ready for such a reality, when meeting with a Gemini woman, try not to throw tantrums if you suddenly have to leave sometime. And then, having met at a friendly party, find the strength in yourself to behave with her like the best friend.

Irina Milovidova, Online magazine website

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