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Infant vitamins in drops. Vitamins for newborns in drops: what to give, how to take it right

A person practically does not "store" vitamins for future use: only a small supply of some fat-soluble vitamins remains in the body, but it is only enough for a short period of time - from 4 days to 6 weeks. That is why their shortage in newborns is so dangerous. Providing the child with a balanced diet is the primary task of parents.

Vitamins for babies

It is much easier to solve the problem of deficiency of certain nutrients with older children, their nutrition is more varied, and the doctor can prescribe a course of vitamin therapy in tablets for an older child. With babies under 1 year old, the situation is a little more complicated, so many young mothers have a question: should we give vitamins to newborns? Immediately, we note that if a child is breastfed, then all the necessary substances, including vitamins, he already receives with his mother's milk. Therefore, vitamin complexes, if necessary, are prescribed to mother. If there is a real need to prescribe vitamins for infants, then only a doctor can determine which drug and in what doses the child can be given.

Vitamins for artificially fed babies

If the newborn is artificially fed, then there is nothing to worry about. Of course, the best food for a baby is mother's milk, but some women are forced to refuse natural feeding of their baby for various reasons. Modern milk formulas such as Valio Baby contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the growth and development of a baby. Therefore, a bottle-fed child also does not need additional vitamin therapy, unless, of course, it is prescribed by a doctor.

Vitamin D for newborns

Preparations containing vitamin D are prescribed to all artificial babies without fail. A deficiency of this substance can lead to the development of rickets - this is a dangerous disease that often occurs as early as one and a half months of age. Often, rickets is noticed already at the later stages of the development of the disease, when changes in the skeletal system begin, and the child begins to lag behind in development. To prevent this, infants are given vitamin D in the form of drops, which are stirred with water. If the child spends enough time in the sun, then in the summer, the dose of the drug is reduced.

It should be noted that vitamin therapy is a lengthy process, and often drugs need to be taken for several months in a row, and often during the year. Remember that only a pediatrician can prescribe a vitamin and correctly determine its dosage.

When a baby is born, he needs to replenish his body with the necessary amount of vitamins. This is necessary to ensure its full growth and formation. But here it is important not to overdo it. A huge mistake today for most mothers is the use of special vitamin complexes. The child's body requires natural ingredients, not synthetic ones. By taking breast milk or formula, they have a balanced diet. Therefore, additional fortification is not needed here. Are beneficial for the body vitamins D for newborns, AND WEIGHT.

Vitamin A

The presence of vitamin A in infants indicates that all organs will function normally. It is this component that takes part in the work of all bodies. It has a beneficial effect on vision and immunity. At birth, a child contains this element with a reserve. The newborn's body is also replenished with it through mother's milk.

But not everything is so simple here. According to many experts, as well as Komarovsky, vitamin A tends to accumulate in the body as quickly as it leaves it.

It will be interesting to know that in the liver of rodent children, this element is contained in a minimum amount. It accumulates in other organs of individuals. If you pass tests, then most of all the presented component is absent in the liver.

Komarovsky and many other experts advise the use of periodically a variety of vitamin A supplements for babies living in developing countries. Thanks to these activities, it is possible to reduce the mortality rate of children from 6 months to 5 years.

Vitamin B

The baby's body does not receive vitamin B as a separate component. It represents a whole group, which is the largest available. Each component has its own effect on the child's body. As a rule, this is an effect on the growth, creation and correct functioning of the nervous system, creating conditions for hematopoietic work.

The presented items contain all a certain product. It is extremely rare that a component is missing.

Certain vitamins for children from a year obtained by artificial means. With a shortage of this element in the body of an infant, it has a negative effect on the growth, development and health of the baby. Although the body lacks a whole group of vitamins, deficiency symptoms begin to appear when one of them is lacking.

Most of all, the nervous system, skin, mucous membranes, heart, stomach are fed to the negative influence. Komarovsky claims that a child may have the following symptoms:

  • Insomnia.
  • Excitation.
  • Constipation.
  • Swelling of the face.
  • Redness around the eyelids.
  • Changes in the skin.
  • Delayed growth and development.

Naturally, parents are strictly prohibited from establishing a diagnosis on their own. But if you find any unusual manifestations, you need to see a doctor. You can prevent undesirable phenomena with a varied diet.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C plays a unique role in a child's development. He takes part in most of the growth and formation of organs, cells and systems. Its role is irreplaceable in the development of bones, blood vessels, erythrocytes, it enhances the protective functions of the body and takes part in the neutralization of certain toxins.

The child's need for this component is not the same. As a rule, it enters the body with food. Komarovsky argues that the excessive content of vitamin C does not pose any danger. This excess leaves the body without any particular problems.

In breast milk, the content of this component depends on the mother's nutrition. Cow's milk will have a lesser amount. The percentage of its content in milk is determined not only by the nutrition of the cow, but also by the way the products are stored and processed. When milk is stored in air or boiled, vitamin C does not go away. Most of all, this component is contained in:

  • lemons;
  • oranges;
  • strawberries;
  • raspberries;
  • blackberries;
  • cabbage;
  • parsley;
  • savoy cabbage;
  • peppers, tomatoes.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a fundamental role in the development of a child. It participates in the formation of teeth and bones, supports the necessary exchange of calcium and phosphorus, protects bones from rickets.

Vitamins for children from a year groups D contain many components, two of which are of the most important importance. One can be found in fish oil, and the other is obtained artificially. The usual nutrition of a newborn does not include a large amount of this element. But it can be produced in the body from its provitamin, if the child is given to be under the influence of the sun's rays. The natural sources of this component include:

  • fish fat;
  • yolks;
  • liver;
  • milk.

An unborn child does not get enough vitamin D from the food he or she eats. For this reason, Komarovsky believes that it is necessary to add this vitamin to food. But this should be done only under the supervision of an experienced pediatrician, since here we can talk about an overdose.

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 is often consumed by babies. It is released in the form of an oil or aqueous solution. Preference is given to water, as there is a better absorption of the vitamin. An excess of an element in a child's body is very undesirable. This is fraught with complications such as impaired phosphorus-calcium metabolism, allergies, sleep disturbances and nervous irritability.

Very often, doctors prescribe vitamin D3 to almost all non-congenital patients. This is not true, as an individual approach is important. You can understand the importance of replenishing the body with vitamin D3 if you focus on the following factors:

  • The color of the baby's skin. If the skin has a light shade, then there is little melamine in it. In this case, vitamin D3 is required in smaller quantities.
  • Season. It is advisable to receive this element in the period October-March. At this time, the amount of sun rays decreases.
  • Birth time. When the baby was born in the cold season, then vitamin D3 should be given as a preventive measure.
  • Place of residence. The lack of this component in the body is especially acute in children living in the Arctic Circle. There, the sun rarely pleases.


You can replenish the baby's body with iron with the help of food. But at the same time, observe the principle of a balanced diet, in which all the necessary and useful substances would be concentrated.

When a child has iron deficiency anemia, and he feeds on breast milk, the first thing to do is review the nutrition of his mother. As Komarovsky advises, for such children, the first complementary foods are prescribed a little earlier. Products with iron here are discussed with a specialist individually.

Older children should replenish the body with heme iron. You can find it in large quantities in meat dishes. Taking vegetables and fruits, the content of this component, is absorbed much worse. Saturation of the body with iron should be combined with a normal amount of protein. With a lack of this element, you need to increase the daily protein intake. Carbohydrates should stay the same.

Vitamins play one of the most important roles for a child's body. They contribute to its correct development and growth. With a lack of any element, the child may develop various pathologies. Therefore, parents need to carefully monitor the health of their child and the amount of incoming vitamins.

Vitamins for babies are intended to strengthen the immune system and prevent the lack of useful components. Despite the fact that when breastfeeding, the baby receives components with breast milk, sometimes it may be necessary to take special means. When feeding with artificial mixtures, the likelihood of the need for taking pharmacy vitamins increases.

What vitamins do babies need?

A child up to one year old intensively grows and develops. With a lack of vitamins, processes can be disrupted.

Vitamins are prescribed to infants depending on the following circumstances:

  • anamnesis of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • living conditions;
  • location of the settlement;
  • the child's taste preferences;
  • susceptibility to disease.

Vitamins for the development of infants must regularly enter the growing body.

1 Retinol... The main function is to ensure normal vision. The role of the compound is great for the formation of the skeleton, maintaining a healthy state of the skin and restoring them in case of damage. ensures normal growth, participates in the improvement of the digestive tract and lungs.

2 ... Compounds are responsible for metabolism, work. Thanks to vitamin B1, the child develops correctly, stores energy for games. The condition of hair and nails is maintained. Pyridoxine has a positive effect on the immune system. Folic acid prevents anemia, increases appetite. activates work.

3 ... Vitamin C is the main protector of the child from adverse factors. It prevents the development of allergic reactions and increases resistance to infections.

4 ... Each baby is prescribed vitamin drops in winter. It is needed for the proper development of the skeleton. The dosage depends on the method of feeding. It is strictly controlled by a pediatrician, as a deficiency or excess entails serious consequences. For maximum effectiveness, the child should be outdoors daily.

5 ... With a deficiency of a component, the normal functioning of the nervous, muscular and circulatory systems is impossible.

The vitamins necessary for babies are part of breast milk. Artificial mixtures also contain compound. However, from 4 months it is recommended to include fruit juices and purees in the child's diet. This is due to the fact that breast milk does not sufficiently saturate the body with useful compounds. Baby food contains vitamins for the growth of babies.

Preparations containing vitamins for newborns are produced in the form of drops, powders, gels. With a clear severity of insufficiency, intramuscular administration of the missing components is indicated.

Vitamin drops for newborns must not contain food additives that can cause allergic reactions in babies. But this is worth paying attention to when choosing a product.

Even healthy children develop allergies. If any side effects appear, the drug should be discontinued. If you are allergic to a series of drugs of one brand, the agent can be replaced with a complex from another manufacturer.

What vitamin preparations are for babies?

Pharmaceutical companies produce products for children, taking into account the daily requirement for proper development and full growth. Before use, you should familiarize yourself with contraindications and possible side effects.

Multi-Tabs Baby... The drug contains useful components, thanks to which the newborn fully develops. The droplet bottle has a pipette with a dispenser for ease of use.

Vitamins should be given to a child during a meal or after it. Drops do not contain fragrances, preservatives, thereby reducing the risk of allergic reactions in newborns.

... The tool is intended for the prevention and elimination of connection failure.

To maintain a normal concentration of the component, it is sufficient to regularly be exposed to sunlight. In winter, the drug is prescribed for children under one year old to prevent rickets.

Vibovit Baby ... The vitamin preparation is intended for the elimination of vitamin deficiencies in children from 2 months to 3 years. The dosage is in accordance with WHO requirements. The composition does not include dyes, preservatives, stabilizers and other food additives.

Of the auxiliary components, the natural metabolites are glucose and vanillin. The effectiveness is explained by the presence of vitamins of group B, A, C, E, D.

If the child is often sick, you should think about taking vitamin preparations. Their dose increases during the period of mass incidence of infectious diseases in the cold season. The right amount of vitamins in infancy is the key to good sleep and good appetite!

In the first 12 months, the child's body develops especially quickly and actively, requiring a lot of nutrients. Vitamins are among the most important. Does the baby need them in the first year of life, where can the baby get them from and is it worth buying a pharmacy vitamin complex for the baby?

Any person needs vitamins, and especially a child under one year old. It is in the first year that the most intensive processes occur in his body, ensuring growth and health. A deficiency of even one vitamin can greatly affect the state of the toddler and its development.

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Babies up to a year need such vitamins:


What affects the child's body

What dose should be administered in the first year of life

Child's height.

Mucous membranes.

The immune system.

Calcium / phosphorus exchange.

Bone condition.

Teeth growth.

Connective tissue.


Vascular elasticity.

Exchange processes.

The work of the nervous system.

Bowel work.

Energy processes.

Metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Mucous membranes and skin.

Eye health.

Fat metabolism.

Synthesis of hormones and antibodies.



Cell formation.


The work of the nervous system.

Skin condition.

The work of the digestive tract.

Condition of hair and nails, as well as skin.

Exchange processes.

Liver function.

Myocardial function.

The state of the vessels.

Assimilation of other vitamins.

Blood clotting.

Is breast milk alone enough?

Until the age of 6 months, the baby receives all the vitamins in the amount he needs from his mother's milk, and from six months he begins to try complementary foods, which also enriches his diet with vitamin compounds, therefore, in most cases, a child under one year old does not need to take pharmacy vitamin supplements. The only exception is made for vitamin D, especially when it comes to the winter period.

As for the artificially fed crumbs, the situation is similar, since modern milk formulas contain all vitamins important for the development of the toddler, and complementary foods are introduced to such babies earlier.

For information on why a child needs vitamin D, see Dr. Komarovsky's program.


The use of vitamin preparations under the age of one year is justified in such cases:

  • If the baby's nutrition is insufficient or unbalanced, for example, if you have lactose intolerance.
  • If the baby refuses to feed and eats very poorly.
  • If the toddler has chronic diseases (especially of the digestive tract) and you have to constantly take medications.
  • If the baby has been diagnosed with vitamin deficiency.
  • When the baby is often sick.
  • For the prevention of rickets.


Do not give vitamins to a baby under a year if you have:

  • Individual intolerance to any of the components of the complex.
  • Hypervitaminosis.
  • Hypercalcemia (if we are talking about vitamin D).

Should I use to strengthen the immune system?

Doctors often advise sick children to undergo a course of vitamin therapy in order to strengthen the immune system and make the child more resistant to infection by viruses and bacteria. Vitamins C, E, A and D are especially important for strong immunity. Their use will increase the child's defenses, as a result of which the baby will be less sick.

Release forms

Almost all vitamin preparations for babies in the first year of life are presented in liquid form. This eliminates the risk of choking and is safer for the crumbs than lozenges or tablets. Syrups, powders, chewable tablets or gels are offered to babies over 12 months old.

What vitamins are better for giving: a review of popular



Release form

Daily dosage for children under one year old

Application features

Vitamin D

With prematurity and with the development of rickets, the dosage of the drug is increased to 2-10 drops, depending on the condition of the child. In the summer, the prophylactic dose is 1 drop. It is important not to overdose the drug.

Multi-tabs Baby

Vitamin A

Vitamin C

Vitamin D

The drug is indicated for deficiency of vitamin C or vitamin A, as well as for the prevention of rickets. In addition, this complex is prescribed to strengthen the immunity of the child.

Watering Baby

Vitamin A

Vitamin C

Vitamin PP

Vitamin D

Vitamin E

B vitamins

The drug is used to prevent hypovitaminosis, as well as to eliminate it. The complex can be mixed with drink or food.

  • Choose a vitamin preparation for a child under one year old exclusively on the recommendations of your pediatrician. The doctor, assessing the health of the crumbs, will be able to suggest which vitamins are preferable, as well as clarify their dosage.
  • When purchasing a vitamin supplement for toddlers, make sure that the drug is approved for use in children under 12 months of age. Dosages of complexes for an older age can have a toxic effect on babies.
  • Prefer vitamins for crumbs under a year from a trusted and reputable manufacturer. In addition, you should not buy the drug in an unfamiliar and questionable place.
  • Remember that a significant amount of the daily intake of vitamin D is produced in the child's body under the influence of the sun's rays. Therefore, in winter and spring, do not miss the opportunity to walk with your little one in the sun.
  • When buying a vitamin complex for a crumb, you can take a closer look at combined supplements that also contain minerals. Iodine, calcium and iron are especially important for babies under one year old.
  • Morning is considered the most optimal time to take a vitamin preparation. Usually the remedy is drunk before meals or during meals.

Komarovsky's opinion

The popular pediatrician does not doubt the importance of vitamins for the life and health of the child, however, he does not recommend taking complexes from the pharmacy without hypovitaminosis. At the same time, he confirms the importance of prophylactic intake of vitamin D, especially during a period when sunlight is not enough.

For more details, see the program of Dr. Komarovsky.

In this article:

When asked whether it is necessary to give vitamins to infants, one can answer that it all depends on the circumstances. Indeed, properly selected vitamins will help to strengthen the immunity of infants, to compensate for the lack of nutrients.

Does the baby lack these substances, being breastfed or bottle-fed? Babies who are deprived of mother's milk early need vitamins more often than those babies who continue to receive protection from their mother for at least the first half of the year after birth. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor in order to understand whether the intake of vitamins is necessary for infants in this or that case.

What do babies especially need?

It is important to understand that until a year the baby will actively grow and develop, and these processes cannot be imagined without a proper set of vitamins and microelements. Vitamin deficiency in infants is most often associated with:

  • a history of pregnancy or childbirth;
  • unfavorable living conditions;
  • the location of the settlement;
  • mother's diet;
  • imbalance in nutrition.

The body of an infant should receive vitamins regularly. Which ones? More on this below.

Essential elements for the growth and development of babies

Let's list the main
vital elements for infants:

  1. Retinol (vitamin A);
  2. B vitamins;
  3. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  4. Vitamin D;
  5. Tocopherol (vitamin E).

So, about each of them in order.

Retinol is essential for normalizing the child's vision. In addition, the element will contribute to the correct formation of the skeleton, maintenance of the normal condition of the skin, which will be better for recovery in case of damage. Vitamin A is responsible for growth, takes part in improving the functioning of the digestive tract and lungs.

Group vitamins
B is necessary for the body to normalize metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system. So, for example, it is B1 that will become the source of energy for the baby, will establish the process of his development. Elements of this group are responsible for the growth and condition of nails and hair, and have a positive effect on immunity. Folic acid (B9) prevents the development of anemia, improves appetite, while B12 will contribute to the development of the nervous system of the baby.

Ascorbic acid protects infants from a range of allergies and infections, helping the body to survive against them.

Vitamin D is given to infants in the autumn-winter period, when they lack interaction with the sun, which, in turn, in some cases can cause rickets.

And finally, tocopherol is needed for the normal functioning of the circulatory, nervous and muscular systems.

All listed
components are part of breast milk, and some of them artificially enrich infant formula. In addition, it should be borne in mind that from four months, additional foods are introduced into the diet of babies, which will also become a source of vitamins. This is necessary primarily because breast milk cannot be the only source of vitamins for the baby for a long time.

To enrich the child's body with the required amount of vitamins, complementary foods and, if necessary, additional special vitamin complexes for infants are introduced into the diet.

What indicates a deficiency of vitamins in a child's body?

Acute vitamin deficiency in an infant's body can lead to a number of problems, many of which pose serious health risks. The lack of vitamins can be of varying severity.

So, for example, this there may be mild vitamin deficiency, which is of a preclinical nature. This state of the body is characterized by a violation of certain physiological and metabolic reactions, where certain types of vitamins play a role. When it comes to babies, the problem in their case can easily be solved by special additionally taken vitamins, both synthetic and natural.

A more serious stage is considered hypovitaminosis. During vitamin deficiency at this stage, some clinical symptoms can be recorded. Usually this is increased irritability, fatigue, low appetite, which is easy enough to diagnose in infants.

The most dangerous degree of vitamin deficiency in the body is vitamin deficiency. It should be noted that babies only in exceptional cases suffer from this degree of lack of nutrients, and especially rarely if they are breastfed.

Vitamin deficiency is accompanied by complete depletion of vitamin resources in the body of the crumbs, which leads to the development of dangerous and requiring long-term treatment of diseases, such as pellagra or scurvy. That is why the entire responsibility for preventing such an acute vitamin deficiency in the baby lies with the parents and the pediatrician watching the baby.

When choosing vitamins for babies, you need to understand that they should receive them in a complex.

What you should pay attention to?

Complexes of vitamins for infants should be chosen with a suitable form of release, which will simplify their intake. These are most often drops, suspensions, gels or powders that can be diluted with milk, juice, water. In serious cases, acute vitamin deficiency in infants may be the reason for the introduction of vitamins intramuscularly.

Any vitamins
for babies under one year old should not include food additives that can cause allergies and malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract. Even insignificant, at first glance, side effects should be a signal to immediately stop taking vitamins and replace them with safer analogues.

Top vitamin supplements for babies

Today, almost every pharmaceutical company produces vitamins suitable for babies. Here is a list of the main manufacturers and their products.

The benefits of vitamin complexes for babies

Every person needs vitamins, and especially young children, because their processes growth and development are more active than anyone else's. Vitamins are used by the child's body for the development of a number of systems, organs, tissues. Moreover, being exogenous regulators of physiological and biochemical processes, they form the basis of vital functions.

Vitamins play an important role in the formation of immunity - the resistance of the infant's body to infections.

D3 - value in the life of an infant

Babies need to get a whole range of vitamins, but one of the most important for them is vitamin D3, which, as noted above, can
prevent the development of rickets and will establish the process of development and strengthening of the child's skeleton.

Rickets has been known since ancient times, but only in the 17th century was its scientific description made. At the beginning of the 20th century, it became clear that the disease can be treated by changing the diet of children, adding certain foods to it - fish oil was considered the most effective remedy. Over time, the turn came to understanding the effectiveness of exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin for the treatment and prevention of rickets or prechitis in young children.

It makes sense to introduce vitamin D3 into the diet of infants for prevention in case of lack of sunlight, for example, in the autumn-winter period, or during protracted illnesses when the child is at home.

Vitamin D3 -
an important element necessary for the normal development of the skeleton of a child. It helps to prevent the development of not only rickets, but also such a serious disease as osteoporosis. Moreover, a sufficient amount of vitamin D3 in the body allows you to establish mineral metabolism with the deposition of the required amount of calcium in the bone tissue.

In the first months and years of a child's life, it is D3 in the required amount that will establish the process of forming organs and tissues, strengthen the immune system, and contribute to the improvement of the social, intellectual and emotional capabilities of the little person.