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Vetiver oil has magical properties. Wonderful vetiver oil

Vetiver, vetiver, ushira, couscous, khas-khas, bladderwort, chrysopogon zizanioides, vetiveria zizanionides (lat), vetivert, cuscus (eng), ushira, khas-khas, khas, khus, vettivera (ind)

Indian "air conditioner", has a powerful cooling effect, relieves fever, burning, inflammation, treats fevers, malaria, rheumatism and arthritis, aphrodisiac, increases estrogen levels, natural tonic and antiseptic, relieves stress and gives a feeling of well-being, maintains and restores skin elasticity , moisturizes, stimulates hair growth, effective against lice, insect repellant

Vetiver - It is a plant of the grass family. Its homeland is India, mainly northern India, but it is also cultivated in China, Japan, Brazil, Java, Haiti, Reunion, Northern California, South America, in the warm countries of the Mediterranean - Italy and Spain.

Vetiver is a tall, perennial, dense herb with narrow leaves, reaching up to 1.5 meters in height. While other herbs have roots that grow parallel to the surface at shallow depths, vetiver has long, 2-4 meter long roots that go deeper. It grows on almost any soil up to a height of 1200 m. It especially loves wetlands, plains, river banks.

It is currently cultivated in North India in the states of Rajasthan, Uthar Pradesh, Punjab and in South India in the states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

A thick essential oil with a strong aroma is obtained from the plant. Oil is extracted from thin and long roots, reaching 1.2-1.3 m and surrounding the main root. The oil is amber, olive, dark brown in color. It consists of alcohols, ketones, esters and carbohydrates. The action of vetiver oil is very mild and safe, without side effects.

The aroma of vetiver oil is woody, with a hint of smoke, earthy, sweetish, herbal, spicy. The smell is persistent. In India, vetiver is called "ushira", What means "fragrant root".

Since ancient times, vetiver in India has been cultivated by various tribes that inhabited various parts of the country. The plant occupied one of the first places in its importance in the life of the tribes. According to one version, the word "ushira" comes from the word "ears" - one of the tribes of Northern India, where vetiver originally grew.

titled "one of the most versatile plants of the third millennium", Vetiver is widely used in various areas of human life. - medicine, perfumery, aromatherapy, cosmetology, bioengineering and everyday life.

The main effect of vetiver is cooling.

In India, thin braids are made from it, which are hung on windows and sprinkled with water. They refresh the home and repel insects with their smell and work as a kind of air conditioner. This helps to cool the room in hot weather. Vetiver grass is stuffed into mattresses; in South America, light fragrant fans are made from it.

Vetiver is added to cooling drinks and Indian sherbets - sharbat.

In Ayurveda, it is used primarily to remove excess heat from the body - from the inside and outside. And this is not surprising, because Vetiver is planted in Northern India in Rajasthan and other states to cool the desert!

Roots (tinctures, paste, juice, powder, ash) are used, as well as essential oil (from the roots), leaves (paste, juice) and seeds of the plant.

Vetiver contains benzoic acid, vetiverol, furfural, a and b-vetivone, vetiven, vetivenyl, vetivenate. The oil contains benzoic acid, furfural, vetiven, vetivenyl, vetivenate, terpinene, 5-epiprezizan, khuimen, a-muurolen, khushimon, kalacorene, a-amorphene, longipinene, selinene, valensen, epizzizanal, epizizanol, khusimol, valerenol, vetivon, vetivazulen .

Vetiver has cooling, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, tonic, rejuvenating, moisturizing properties.

Medicinal properties of vetiver are used in the following cases

    as a remedy with a strong cooling and anti-inflammatory effect, relieves fever, inflammation, burning, irritation, helps with all diseases accompanied by external and internal burning and heat - fevers, ulcers, gastritis, dysentery, vomiting, etc.

    Traditionally used in Ayurveda to reduce fever in the treatment of malaria.

    as an effective remedy for scorpion and snake bites

    as a deeply relaxing agent, relieves stress, helps in the treatment of depression and exhaustion, tension, anxiety, insomnia, increased drowsiness, increases emotional mood and tone

    for muscle pain and arthritis, sprains and rheumatism

    to improve digestion, restore appetite, stimulate metabolism and prevent the accumulation of excess weight

    as a means of normalizing the temperature regime of the body, optimizes perspiration

    as a highly effective means to maintain skin tone and elasticity

In ancient times, noble women with the help of vetiver baths restored the elasticity and firmness of the skin, the elegance of the figure after childbirth.

    as an aphrodisiac, an erotic stimulant that increases potency and eliminates frigidity, treats sexual dysfunctions that have arisen on the mental and emotional levels

    as a means that stimulates blood cells that deliver oxygen to all organs, increases the level of oxygen in the blood, has the ability to produce estrogen, therefore it is relevant for menopause

    for headaches and migraines

    as a tonic for the nervous system, calms the nervous system, eliminates anxiety, restlessness, nervousness, anger, emotional outbursts, hysteria

    to remove toxins from the body

Vetiver and vetiver oil are very widely used in cosmetology and perfumery. They are part of creams, oils, gels, shampoos, bath foams, masks, soaps, perfumes, hair care products.

Vetiver used in cosmetology thanks to:

- cooling, soothing and anti-inflammatory properties

Vetiver has a cooling effect and has a pleasant effect on the skin, soothing it. Removes redness, irritation. Helps relieve inflammation, rashes, heal cuts. Soothes skin inflamed from the sun and wind, relieves swelling. It has a calming effect on the skin, smoothes mimic wrinkles.

Regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, drains and reduces pores, removes excess fat and eliminates blackheads.

Great fit for sensitive, irritated and oily skin.

    moisturizing properties

Saturates the skin with moisture, eliminates dryness, peeling, heals cracks.

    tonic and rejuvenating properties

An effective remedy for improving and restoring skin firmness and elasticity. Improves blood microcirculation, rejuvenates, cleanses of dead cells. Has a lifting effect.

Restores tugor, fits for the care of dry, thinned, flabby skin.

Vetiver oil is applied like massage oil alone with base vegetable oil or with other herbs. Relieves fatigue, relaxes, tones, tightens the skin, making it supple. Take with vetiver oil invigorating baths.

Used in production expensive high quality soaps.

Vetiver is also used for hair care. Promotes hair growth and gives them strength, delivering additional oxygen to the bulbs and toning the scalp, relieves inflammation and cleanses the skin. Gives the head a pleasant feeling of coolness. An effective remedy for lice.

Vetiver oil is widely used in perfumery. Its aroma is valued both on its own and as a fixative for a bouquet of aromas.

Vetiver goes well with a number of scents - citrus (mandarin, citron, bergamot), spicy (cardamom, cinnamon), it goes well with patchouli, jasmine, ylang-ylang, lavender, mimosa, rose, sandalwood.

In these combinations, the smell is very elegant, vetiver emphasizes the notes of other plants, then becoming hard and dry, then hiding, then highlighting them. The mixture usually contains no more than 5% of this oil.

Vetiver is needed to create a persistent, strong, pleasant oriental fragrance. Its roots have been used as an incense in Asia since ancient times.

In aromatherapy There are three types of aroma effects - psycho-emotional, healing and magical.

In relation to vetiver, they are as follows:

    emotional - removes fear, strengthens the spirit from temptations

    It is good to use it during difficult periods of life, after a divorce or loss, and also before events such as an exam or going to the dentist. It is useful for people "torn off from reality", for those who engage in intellectual activity to the detriment of physical activity, for those who feel insecure. It helps to solve the mental problems of too sensitive and open people.

    medical- relieves anxiety and anxiety, helps with obsessions, soothes

    Vetiver oil is called "oil of calmness", "oil of appeasement". A bath with this oil is a great stress reliever. The oil is obtained from the roots, its "earthly properties" help to cool and support the spirit, bring it into balance, as well as the mind and body. It restores a sense of well-being, relaxes and soothes.

    The oil is also used as an aid during the cessation of tranquilizers.

    magical- protects from enemies and black magic

    In addition to medicine, cosmetology and perfumery, vetiver is used for soil stabilization, erosion control, reclamation of salt marshes, wetlands and sulfate soils. With its help, terraces, slopes, river banks, ravines, mines, canals, aqueducts, dams, rice fields, dunes are strengthened. It is planted on slopes as an obstacle to the flow of water during the rainy season. This is very true for agriculture in mountainous and hilly areas, such as the Himalayas. In India and other countries, plantings of vetiver support terraces where citrus fruits and tea are planted, for example.

The fact is that the roots of vetiver, unlike other herbal plants, do not grow horizontally, but vertically. They grow very quickly, already in the first year reaching 2-4 meters in length.

There is a whole technology of soil strengthening, which is called "technologies vetiver". This is about contour hedging (hedge - natural hedge) plantings.

It was first used in South India. The plants that are planted there do not have the same properties as those that grow in the north, but they are planted mainly for technological purposes.

In some countries, vetiver barriers are planted as a barrier to wind and fire spread.

Vetiver hedges allow not only to collect a full-fledged harvest, but also to increase it several times, by increasing the fertility of the soil.

There is an international organization International Vetiver Network International), with 100 member countries that use technologies related to planting this wonderful plant (see the official block of Vetiver Network International - interesting photos with vetiver).

In everyday life, houses and other buildings are covered with vetiver grass, and excellent brooms are obtained from its stems. Vetiver leaves and stems are an excellent material for all kinds of products - mats and rugs, lampshades for lamps, napkins and tablecloths, hats and sandals, baskets and various containers and much more. Moreover, these items also have healing properties and have a positive effect on the body.

Vetiver is also used along with bamboo to make paper.

In poor third world countries, entire programs are organized to train women in the art of vetiver weaving, which makes it possible for at least a small income. Training is most often conducted by specialists from India.

Included in: Vedic Moisturizing Cream, Vedic Herbal Face and Body Wash Powder, Vedic Stretch Mark Oil, Vedic Patchouli Shower Gel and Vedic Vetiver, Vedic Hand Cream, Vedic Amla Hair Oil, Vedic Hair Loss Oil, Vedic Herbal Hair Wash Powder, Soap with Medimix lakshadi oil, Medimix 18 herbal soap, Medimix Eladi oil soap, Vedika body milk, Vedika light hair oil, Vedika saffron oil (kumkumadi tailam), Vedika massage oil, Vedika light massage oil

in shower gel patchouli and vetiver- emphasizes the smell of patchouli, gives elasticity to the skin, relieves fatigue and tones

in moisturizer- cools, relieves inflammation, irritation, rashes, tones the skin and gives it strength, relieves fatigue, improves complexion by delivering oxygen to the blood, makes the skin supple

in hand cream- tones the skin, makes the hands young, infuses them with life, restores dry and sluggish skin that has been subjected to negative influences from the outside

in oil for stretch marks- gives skin elasticity

in hair products- promotes hair growth and gives them strength, delivering additional oxygen to the bulbs and toning the scalp, relieves inflammation and cleanses the skin

Sometimes a person feels a strong tension that is difficult to deal with. Or the mind is in turmoil, leaving peace of mind. If you're having these issues, then it's time to learn about vetiver oil. In this article, you will learn about the beneficial and healing properties of vetiver essential oil, as well as recipes for its use.

Vetiver oil is used for various medicinal purposes. It is a good antiseptic and sedative, able to gently calm the nerves that have played out. Knowing that this oil has a range of benefits, you will want to purchase it and experience the benefits for yourself.

  1. Vetiver will help get rid of lice

  2. Cheer up

    Vetiver oil is also a big enemy of stress. According to Ayurveda, it helps to find harmony, significantly reduces stress levels, eases the intestines and improves sleep.

  3. Vetiver essential oil is good for the skin

    This amazing oil relieves external inflammation of the skin. It eliminates rashes and redness, as well as the effects of prolonged exposure to the sun. It is also useful for severe dryness and flaking caused by eczema.

  4. Helps get rid of acne

    Vetiver oil fights acne and blackheads. It has strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Under the influence of antibacterial components of vetiver oil, an unfavorable environment for the development of bacteria is created. This helps prevent the development of a new rash, as well as eliminate the existing one. Anti-inflammatory components relieve redness and promote regeneration. This makes the skin smooth, spots disappear. In addition, the components of the oil control new acne foci, preventing their development.

  5. Fights aging

    Vetiver oil also promotes cell regeneration, which slows down aging. The components contained in the composition of vetiver oil contribute to the production of collagen in a more active mode. Using this oil, you will forget about spots, dryness, wrinkles, as well as blackheads. Long-term use of oil strengthens the connective tissue of the epidermis. The cells of the epidermis restore lost elasticity. As a result, the skin becomes younger, it simply radiates health. That is why vetiver oil is very widely used in the preparation of anti-aging cosmetics.

  6. Vetiver improves emotional state

    Vetiver oil is also an effective remedy for nerve problems. By applying oil, you can be sure that the nervous system receives the necessary support. The nervous system becomes stronger, resistance to emotional shocks, fears and emotional trauma increases. In addition, the use of this oil will be an excellent prevention against nerve problems such as seizures, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis.

  7. Vetiver oil helps in intimate life

    Vetiver oil is also a strong aphrodisiac. The amazing aroma of this oil causes sexual desire in men. It can also be used for problems such as impotence, frigidity, premature ejaculation and lack of libido.

  8. Reduces stress

    This oil is able to fight depression and anxiety. In some cultures, vetiver oil is believed to have a therapeutic effect on a spiritual level by controlling the seven chakras of the human body. This eliminates all existing negativity, not only from the mind and body, but also from the soul. Nerves, mind and body relax, positivity and peace of mind come. Using oil, you will forget about stress and anxiety, which is very important for our modern life.

  9. Used in perfumery

    Due to its amazing aroma, vetiver oil is widely used in the perfume industry. It has a fresh lemon scent. Many of the best fragrances have been obtained by combining vetiver oil with other ingredients.

  10. Good for the digestive system

    It can also be consumed internally as a food product. It improves blood circulation and immunity. The body becomes resistant to viral and fungal infections. It is also used as a flavoring in various dishes.

All these positive properties make vetiver oil a super remedy that improves health and beauty. This tool simultaneously performs the functions of a therapeutic, massage oil, food product, perfume component, and also a spiritual healer. Knowing all these benefits, everyone will want to buy vetiver oil as soon as possible.

7 recipes for using vetiver oil

  1. remedy for varicose veins

    Compress - add 4 ml of vetiver oil to 200 ml of water. Such a compress is kept for no longer than an hour. The tool will remove puffiness, and also alleviate the condition of inflammation. If you have varicose veins, then a compress with this oil will be a real find. It will relieve pain and heaviness.

  2. For headache

    Inhalations from this ether will also be useful. They will eliminate the headache with a cold. To prepare the remedy, add a few drops to hot water. You need to breathe for about a quarter of an hour. Also, such inhalations are struggling with nasal congestion.

  3. Vetiver for colds

    Mouth rinses. This will help with sore throat, inflammation and toothache. The solution for rinsing with vetiver oil is done as follows: add 2 drops of oil to the emulsifier. It can be half a teaspoon of honey or salt.

  4. Remedy for the common cold

    Cold drops. Add 2 drops to 4 tsp. St. John's wort oil. This remedy is effective for congestion.

  5. To improve immunity

    Ingestion. In this case, it is important to remember that vetiver oil should not be drunk on an empty stomach. The rules of admission are as follows: dilute 10 drops of oil in 200 ml of honey. Jam can be used instead of honey. Drink the vetiver oil mixture three times a day. You can eat no more than a teaspoon at a time. It is desirable to drink the remedy with juice. Immunity will become stronger, and the intestines will work better.

  6. Vetiver oil for skin

    It is often used to improve the condition of the skin and hair. An important property of this oil is the stimulation of collagen production.

    Vetiver ester can be found in various cosmetics. It helps to restore the skin, helps to narrow the pores. As a result, black dots become smaller. Vetiver can be enriched with face cream. This will help with fine wrinkles. If you apply it regularly, the skin will smooth out. It will simply radiate radiance. If you add oil to the cream that you apply around the eyes, it will help to remove crow's feet.

    Vetiver is suitable for sensitive skin. This ether can be added to body scrubs. It will help tighten the skin and fight cellulite. This remedy increases the production of melanin. If you enrich the after-sun product with it, it will be more resistant, and the skin will be sufficiently moisturized. How to add vetiver oil to cosmetics? Add 2 drops per 10 ml.

  7. hair recipe

    Vetiver oil can also be added to hair products. It will improve the condition of brittle hair by restoring the keratin layers. In addition, the oil will help with hair loss, cure dandruff. Combing will also be helpful. A mixture of 5 drops of oil with 10 ml of base oil is applied to the comb.

Vetiver essential oil has a deep and persistent aroma. The basis for its production is an Indian cereal plant - vetiver. At home, it was called - couscous. It is a perennial herb with long leaves. Vetiver oil is obtained from its peripheral roots. When inhaling its smell, magical associations arise with the tales of the East. In ancient times, it was used to impregnate fans and wickerwork.

How to get

To obtain an essential product, the following technology is used:

  • rhizomes are extracted from the ground;
  • they are washed and cleaned.
  • the roots are dried, crushed and placed in water;
  • The product is obtained by steam distillation.

In El Salvador, the production of essential products uses the hydrodiffusion method. It is distinguished by the directed movement of steam. The steam flow from above enters the container containing the raw mass. The finished product exits from the bottom side. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the product are different.

When obtaining an extract of vetiver, supercritical carbon dioxide is used. It has a resinous texture.

General characteristics

Vetiver essential oil is one of the most famous and prestigious perfumes. It began to be actively used for the production of perfumes in the early 19th century. The product is used in the culinary, medical and cosmetic fields. It is quite expensive. Because of this, on the shelves of stores you can often find its fakes.

The consistency of the oil is not light and fluid, but viscous, heavy and dense. It has a thick rich taste and is slightly bitter. Color - amber with a dark tint. Vetiver oil has a forest aroma with a hint of strawberry. The product is durable. It is used as a base element in perfume blends.

In astrology, it is believed that the magical properties of vetiver affect representatives of all signs belonging to the zodiac circle. It enhances the brightest qualities of each person. The magical features of the essential product attract cash flows.


Given the properties of vetiver, its fragrance is classified as a masculine scent. Translated from the Hindi language, the name of the oil means calmness. It fully corresponds to the nature of its influence on the emotional state of a person. The product allows you to get rid of depressive manifestations:

  • anxiety
  • sorrow,
  • depression,
  • uncertainty
  • tantrums,
  • panic.

With it, you can remove asthenic syndrome, focus on doing important things. The beneficial properties of the oil will help improve communication skills and expressiveness. It can be taken before important meetings or important events. It will improve your mood and relieve general stress. The essential product will help strengthen and stabilize the nervous system.

Medicinal qualities

The medicinal properties of the oil make it possible to use it for medical purposes. It has a stabilizing, rejuvenating, cleansing and antiseptic effect on the body. It is used as a laxative, diaphoretic and analgesic. It is used in the treatment of hoarseness and inflammation of the vocal cords. The drug softens cough, accelerates the healing process in tracheitis and bronchitis.

The beneficial properties of the essential product allow it to be used to treat the following diseases:

  • varicose veins;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • various types of sexual disorders;
  • deviations associated with the work of the musculoskeletal system;
  • relieving muscle pain.

Application in the cosmetology field

The beneficial properties of vetiver oil include the ability to stimulate the production of melanin and collagen. As a result, connective tissues increase their elasticity. This quality is actively used in cosmetology. The essential product has a positive effect on the skin:

  • the skin becomes smooth and elastic;
  • pore sizes are reduced;
  • drainage of the epithelium;
  • tan is fixed;
  • the negative impact of ultraviolet rays is excluded;
  • puffiness and hormonal rash are eliminated.

Aromatic oil improves the structure of the hair, restoring them after damage associated with exposure to negative factors. It counteracts hair loss.

The magical and healing properties of vetiver oil are used in various health procedures. When applied to the skin, there are alternating sensations of cold and heat. This reaction usually does not last more than a few minutes. Essential products are used for the preparation of aromatic baths, inhalations and massage activities:

  • during massage, 5 drops of an aromatic product are added to 15 ml of basic components;
  • when preparing aromatic baths, use water with a temperature not exceeding 38 degrees.
  • First, 4 drops of the essential product are mixed with milk or honey. Then the resulting solution is added to the basic aqueous composition. The duration of the procedures should not exceed 20 minutes;
  • no more than 5 drops of an essential product should be added to medical and cosmetic creams. Before this, the compositions used must be cooled;
  • when aromatizing the air using a special lamp, 6 drops of oil are required for every 15 m2 of the room;
  • aromatic products are applied to the hair with a comb. Previously, its teeth are moistened in a pre-prepared solution. 10 g of the base composition is mixed with 5 drops of the essential product.

How to choose the right essentials

The production of vetiver oil requires a lot of money. In the process of its manufacture, a huge amount of raw materials is processed. A natural product cannot have a low price. The cost of 10 ml of aromatic products is less than 250 rubles should cause caution. There are a large number of synthetic fakes on the market.

When buying magical vetiver oils, you need to pay attention to the following details:

  • the volume of the container in which the products are stored cannot be more than 15 ml;
  • the bottle must have a dosing device;
  • the cork must have opening control;
  • The label must contain information about the manufacturer.

Many people believe that the natural properties of an essential product can be tested by placing a few drops on a clean sheet of paper. It is assumed that in a few minutes there should be no trace left at this place. This is a wrong opinion. Evaporation of most counterfeits occurs much faster.

Many natural products will leave traces characteristic of the plants from which they were produced. The characteristic properties of the product are associated with its heavy oily base.

To distinguish a fake, you need to feel the composition of shades of natural essential products. The oil has a pungent pungent odor. Some people may not like it the first time. But after a certain time, the realization of the uniqueness of the aroma comes. The magical properties of vetiver become clear.

Video: Vetiver essential oil Vetivert Oil

Vetiver oil is an invariable component of the most expensive and prestigious perfumes: the beginning of its active use in the production of perfumes dates back to the 19th century. It is actively used in medicine, cooking, cosmetology, perfume industry. This is one of the most expensive and counterfeit oils, which can only be purchased from reliable manufacturers.


It is obtained from a cereal plant - Indian vetiver, which is called couscous in its homeland. This tall, narrow-leaved perennial herb has nothing to do with the groats of the same name, which are made from durum wheat. It is related to such fragrant tropical herbs as, and.

The essential oil is not contained in the leaves, but in the finest peripheral roots of this amazing plant. Since ancient times, fans and wicker things have been made from vetiver roots, which emit a delicate aroma, and in the heat, if they get wet, they refresh the room.

The oil is obtained by steam distillation.

Outwardly, it is not light and fluid, as usual, but heavy, viscous and dense, thick and rich, with a clear mustard or amber-tea tint.

It has one of the deepest and most complex aromas with unique persistent notes. The aroma is quite dry, warm and bitter, with skin notes in the base, has pronounced forest and smoky-earthy inclusions.

Vetiver oil is considered one of the most persistent oils: it is always used as the bottom, base note in perfume compositions.

It goes well with characteristic and bright oils -,, and.

This oil belongs to the groups of aphrodisiacs and is associated with luxury and chic.

Impact on the psycho-emotional sphere

Vetiver is considered a masculine fragrance. From Hindi, the name of this unique oil is translated as "oil of calm", which fully reflects the nature of its impact on the psycho-emotional level.

It helps to focus on important tasks, promotes concentration, helps to cope with asthenic syndrome and depressive manifestations, such as anxiety, grief, depression, insecurity, and also effectively helps to overcome states of hysteria, panic, stress and shock.

One of the most effective essential oils for and excessive sleepiness.

Promotes communication, expressiveness, improves oratory skills, ideal for preparing for important meetings and events.

By improving mood and promoting optimistic attitudes, it helps to cope with stress and quickly forget negative emotions.

The overall effect on the nervous system is strengthening, stabilizing and soothing.

Medicinal properties

Vetiver oil has a wide range of effects on the body due to its regulatory, antiseptic, rejuvenating, angiotonic, cleansing, diuretic, laxative, diaphoretic, analgesic properties.

It is one of the most effective oils for hoarseness, inflammation of the vocal cords and laryngitis, softening coughs, relieving tracheitis and bronchitis.

It improves the condition of varicose veins, eliminates congestion, activates metabolism, prevents obesity, regulates sexual functions as a prophylactic.

It also has a very good effect on the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, relieving myasthenia gravis, contracture, myositis, and also improving conditions with arthritis and arthrosis.

No other ether can boast of such effectiveness in relieving muscle pain.

Use in cosmetology

Due to the unique "ability" to stimulate the synthesis of natural collagen and melanin, to increase the elasticity of connective tissues, vetiver oil is actively used in the cosmetic field. The skin under its influence will become smoother and more elastic, while it also reduces pores, actively draining the epithelium.

Vetiver does not protect the skin from tanning, but fixes it, completely eliminating all photodermic reactions and preventing the negative effect of ultraviolet radiation on the characteristics and appearance of the skin.

Eliminates keratoses, puffiness, allows you to get rid of congestive inflammation, such as premenstrual and hormonal rash.

This oil also has a very good effect on the condition of the hair, directly restoring the keratin structure and quickly renewing the hair to its normal state after chemical damage and adverse factors. In addition, vetiver also prevents hair loss.

Hi Hi! Lately I've been really into aromatherapy and now I "dabble" in aromas. I recently made a couple of orders in the IM, which specialize in the sale of essential oils, as well as handmade caring cosmetics.

One of my most long-awaited orders was a cherished package from IM Vitazone

This IM specializes in selling quality essential oils, as well as ingredients for home cosmetics, so if you are a cream or soap maker, or just interested in making handmade cosmetics, I recommend that you look at their site!

I made a small first order, but I think it definitely won't be the last!

About natural cream with AHA acids I already wrote here.

But the most long-awaited of all my parcels was precisely vetiver essential oil

I have already written about my love for unusual fragrances.

Price for a bottle of 5 ml is 490 rubles. But trust me, it's worth it!

The essential oil itself is contained in a dark glass bottle that protects the oil from sunlight.

Initially, there was a leakage and penetration protection tape on the lid (see general photo), but I took it off.

The bottle is small but well made. Expiration dates are great!

The plastic cap closes tightly on the thread. The dropper dispenser is working properly.

The essential oil itself has consistency medium thickness, it is neither runny nor thick. Such a slightly viscous consistency. A droplet in the dispenser is not collected in a second)

What does it say about the quality of an essential oil?

Production UK

Color the oil is amber with sunny overflows. The oil is quite oily, pardon the tautology.

And now the most interesting

Aroma! I'm just in love with its scent! EM vetiver has a spicy-warm, woody, soft-smoky, tart and rather heavy aroma. A spicy-sexy rather strong fragrance.

I remember the first time notes vetiver I caught in a men's perfume and fell in love with the "herringbone"

Honestly, I'm in love with its exoticism and unusualness!

I use vetiver oil in aromatherapy and also in hair care.

Aromatherapy and vetiver properties.

Did you know that vetiver is the strongest aphrodisiac? No wonder, because it is such a sensual and sexy scent! So all sorts of aroma massages to help you

So girls, take vetiver EO aromatherapy to your arsenal.

Also, aromatherapy using vetiver EO is very relaxing and I coped with insomnia after I made aroma lamps with this essential oil. Its aroma really gives peace of mind and relieves all worries and worries!

Translated from Hindi, the name of this mala is translated as "oil of tranquility."

Vetiver EO is also used in cosmetology. It has a whole range of benefits for the body. properties:

In aromatherapy, the following therapeutic qualities of ether oil are actively used:

anti-inflammatory; sedatives; antiseptic; bactericidal; deodorizing; painkillers; expectorants; blood-stimulating; activating metabolism; cleansing; anticonvulsants; antispasmodic; tonic; restorative.

The product has pronounced dermatological and cosmetic advantages, which allows it to be actively used in products for the care and treatment of the skin and its appendages.

I also add a few drops of this oil to my hair masks once a week and I have to say that it has really beneficial effect on the hair - it has become more elastic and shiny.

At acne and inflammation This oil works just as well on the skin.

In cosmetology, vetiver oil fits perfectly into the care of problem skin. Balancing the work of the sebaceous glands, the product cleanses and tightens pores, has an anti-inflammatory effect on irritated epidermis.

For me, an important property of this oil is precisely the stabilization of the psycho-emotional state.

Neurologists and psychiatrists recommend scenting rooms with vetiver or wearing an aroma pendant for insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome, neurosis, depression, panic attacks, prolonged migraines, self-doubt, and a tendency to negative thoughts.

After all, after a hard day at work, you really want to relax and forget about all the worries.

And now a little magical properties of this oil ...

According to esotericists, inhaling the aroma of vetiver restores a person's energy field, healing energy gaps and cracks in the aura, from which the life force leaves, which is expressed in melancholy and apathy.

Conclusions and results: vetiver essential oil from IM Vitazone deserves five stars and a thumbs up from me! Excellent quality essential oil.

I am in love with vetiver and if you haven't "heard" it yet, I highly recommend correcting this oversight....

Thank you for your attention!