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Ovulation counting calculator. Conception calendar

The calculation of ovulation must be made for several categories of women: those suffering from infertility, menstrual irregularities, as well as those women who, for whatever reason, cannot use the most reliable types of contraception, such as spirals, oral contraceptives and condoms. Modern technologies allow you to calculate ovulation online.

You have such an opportunity right now. This page contains a simple calendar program. You are required to accurately indicate the first day of the last menstrual period, as well as the duration of the menstrual cycle (average) and how many cycles to calculate. The program will show you in different colors which days in the cycle are considered the safest in terms of possible pregnancy, and when conception is most likely to take place (day of ovulation). Of course, the calendar for every woman cannot do an accurate calculation of ovulation. After all, as you know, the duration of the cycle, and, accordingly, the duration of its phases is influenced by a huge number of factors, including stress, various diseases, trips to an area with a different climate and many, many others. Such interruptions can happen even in women with regular menstruation, and therefore, for those who really need to make an accurate calculation of ovulation, the online calendar is not enough ... For reliability, we recommend using the methods below (at least one of them).

1. Measurement of basal temperature. If you go to the sites and forums of the so-called "hotshushki" (women who passionately want to become mothers), you can find out a lot of useful information on how to take measurements correctly, how to draw up graphs and how to use them to identify possible hormonal disorders in the body that just the same can interfere with becoming a mother. For reference: the most accurate calculation of ovulation is obtained by measuring the temperature in the rectum every day at the same time, in the morning, before getting out of bed. When there is a jump of more than 0.4 degrees, it means that ovulation has occurred and there is a maximum of a day in stock if pregnancy is planned.

2. You can confirm or deny the received calculation of ovulation online using a special home diagnostic test... It is similar to a pregnancy test, only it reacts to the content of another hormone in a woman's urine, not chorionic gonadotropin, but luteinizing hormone. If the test shows 2 stripes, then ovulation has occurred. The test will be positive for a maximum of 2 days after this event, then the “sterile” period of the cycle begins, when it is no longer possible to get pregnant.

3. Ultrasound examination. If a dominant follicle, 17-18 mm in size, is observed in one of the woman's ovaries, then this is almost guaranteed to mean that it will rupture soon, and a ready egg will be released. Immediately after this, a small amount of fluid appears in the posterior space (the consequences of rupture of the follicle membrane), and the follicle itself disappears, respectively.

4. Personal feelings. Some women feel an increase in sexual desire during a favorable period for conception, others - pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Also, absolutely all women in this period increase the amount of vaginal discharge. Their consistency also changes, they become, as it were, stretching. The same feature can be noticed by a gynecologist when examining a woman on a chair.

In these ways, you can determine the day the egg leaves the ovary and calculate ovulation.

Ovulation - calculating the day of ovulation online, calendar.

Ovulation is a complex aspect of the female body, especially when compared to the simplicity of male hormones and the reproductive cycle. Not all women have a "standard" 28-day cycle. Often the length of the cycle is individual, or it generally changes from cycle to cycle. For example, illness or stress can cause changes. For these reasons, it is helpful to use an ovulation calculator to calculate the phases of your cycle.

How to calculate ovulation

For calculations, 2 parameters are used: the start date of the last and the cycle and the average length of the cycle. As mentioned above, a "normal" cycle is 28 days long (although deviations and small fluctuations are normal). The first day of your menstrual cycle is the first day of bleeding, or the start of your period. Ovulation usually occurs between the 11th and 21st days of the cycle. The calculator will calculate this date more accurately based on the average length of your cycle. At the same time, the accuracy of calculating ovulation depends on the regularity of your cycle.

How accurate is the ovulation calculator?

If you have any doubts or suspicions about a normal or regular cycle, the ovulation calculator may not give accurate results. To use the calculator, you first need to track your cycles, preferably over a long period of 8 to 12 months. In addition, the results will not be reliable in the case of the use of hormonal contraceptives, illness, stress. If you want to calculate ovulation more accurately, we recommend using the calculator in combination with other methods for determining ovulation.

How long does ovulation last?

Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube as a result of the rupture of a mature follicle. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, i.e. with a 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs on day 14. After leaving the follicle, the egg cell remains viable for an average of 24 hours. Remember that these are just averages, deviations are quite common.

Signs of ovulation

  • An increase in basal body temperature, usually 0.5 to 1 degree
  • Increased levels of luteinizing hormone (LH)
  • Cervical mucus or vaginal discharge may appear clearer, thinner, and more elastic, such as raw egg whites
  • Breast tenderness
  • Bloating

Pregnancy tips

Count your ovulation days

The day of ovulation can be calculated using the special Ovulation Calendar. However, even women with a regular cycle may experience deviations. To better understand when you ovulate, monitor your basal temperature and the consistency and color of your cervical mucus.

Have sex on fertile days

If you are planning a pregnancy, you need to take into account that the egg "lives" within 24 hours after ovulation. Since sperm cells can remain mobile in a woman's body for 2-3 days, the chance of getting pregnant increases if you have sex 1-2 days before ovulation or 24 hours after it.

After intercourse, you need to lie down for 15 minutes. Myth or Reality?

It has long been thought that you should stay in bed for at least 15 minutes after sex to give the sperm a chance to reach the egg. However, recent research refutes this theory.

Maintain a healthy weight

Research shows that being overweight or underweight can disrupt ovulation and affect the production of key hormones. Body mass index should normally be between 18.5 and 24.9. Avoid strenuous exercise as it can interfere with hormone production and lead to problems with conception.

BMI = body weight / height squared

Those. if your height = 1.70 m, and body weight = 63 kg, then BMI = 63 / (1.7 * 1.7) = 21.8

Down with stress!

Studies show that stress can make it harder to get pregnant. Yoga, meditation, and outdoor walks can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

Take care of men's health

There is an opinion that the cause of infertility is only women's health. But, as studies show, more than 33% of problems with conceiving a child are associated only with a man, and another 33% are associated with both partners. Like women, men can improve their reproductive health by quitting smoking, limiting alcohol consumption, and eating a healthy diet.

Do you want to conceive a boy or a girl?

Several theories state that you can influence your baby's gender by having sex at certain times of the month or in certain positions. However, there is no exact method for influencing the sex of your child at conception.

Menstrual cycle

There is a widespread misconception that a woman's menstrual cycle should last exactly 28 days, and ovulation should occur exactly "on the 14th day of the cycle" or "in the middle of the menstrual cycle." This is not true.

In fact, the menstrual cycle is divided into two phases - follicular (before ovulation) and luteal (after ovulation).

Follicular phase

The follicular phase (preceding ovulation) begins from the first day of the last menstrual period and lasts until one dominant follicle (or several) matures in the ovaries. Ends with ovulation.

Luteal phase

The luteal phase (the phase of the corpus luteum) begins from the moment of ovulation and lasts about 12-16 days.

In place of the ovulated follicle, a corpus luteum forms within a few days after ovulation. Its main function is to synthesize progesterone and estrogen to support future pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, then after 10-12 days the corpus luteum undergoes reverse development, which leads to a drop in the level of hormones, after which the next menstruation begins. If pregnancy has occurred, the corpus luteum continues to function and support pregnancy.

In the absence of pregnancy, the level of progesterone reaches its maximum value about a week after ovulation - at this time it is recommended to take a blood test for progesterone to assess the function of the corpus luteum.

Length of the menstrual cycle

The follicular phase can vary in duration (both for different women and for one woman throughout her life). Usually, the length of this particular phase of the cycle determines the length of the entire menstrual cycle and affects the delay in menstruation - for example, if the maturation of the follicle occurs faster or slower than usual, or does not occur at all. The luteal phase is usually of constant duration (12 to 16 days).

Ovulation is the phase of the menstrual cycle during which a mature egg is released from the follicle and released into the fallopian tube cavity for sperm fertilization.

Nature takes only a day to conceive, but it is quite difficult to guess exactly on which day of the cycle ovulation will occur, because there are many factors influencing this process: hormonal imbalance, diets, diseases, medications taken, etc.

Today, there are many methods to determine and calculate correctly "day X", i.e. ovulation. With their help, you can not only find out a favorable day for conception, but also prevent the onset of an unwanted pregnancy.

Methods for calculating the day of ovulation

  1. Calendar method

    Everyone has long known that a woman's menstrual cycle has clear cyclicality and regularity. Of course, we are talking about a healthy and normal periodicity without obvious deviations. If this is your case, then ovulation can be calculated literally in your head, knowing the exact number of days of your cycle. Due to individual characteristics, the cycle duration for each woman is different - one has 28 days, the other - 32. And in both cases, the values ​​fit into the norm, since they are within 21–35 days. Experts have found that ovulation occurs exactly 14 days before the onset of menstruation.

    If your menstrual cycle is clear, like a clock, then to correctly determine "day X" you need to solve a small arithmetic operation:

    M - 14 days = O

    Where M- the day of the onset of the next menstruation, and O- the day of ovulation.

    For example, if the date of the next period falls on June 20, then 14 days must be subtracted from this number. As a result, we get June 6th. This date is the day of the expected ovulation.

    Online calculators are built according to the same calculation scheme as the above formula. To calculate ovulation, you only need to enter certain data about the menstrual cycle, and he can calculate the rest himself.

  2. Basal temperature

    Basal temperature (BT) is the lowest body temperature that occurs after a long night's sleep. It must be measured immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed, by the rectal method. With the help of BT, you can track the process of changing the temperature of the female body, depending on the phases of the cycle. During the follicular phase (first), the temperature is kept low, ranging from 36.3–36.8 ° C. The day before ovulation, the temperature rises, and on "day X" it reaches 37.1–37.3 ° C and remains in this position throughout the entire luteal phase (second) until the onset of menstruation. With the onset of a new cycle, everything repeats itself in a circle.

    In order for the BT indicators to be reliable, it is necessary to follow all the measurement rules and take into account the state of the body when calculating. Any illness, fatigue, medication, alcohol consumption can affect the BT schedule.

  3. By ultrasound

    Ultrasound examination can calculate as accurately as possible the release of an egg from the dominant follicle. With a regular monthly cycle, ultrasound is performed 2-3 days before the expected date of ovulation. With an irregular cycle - for 4-5 days every 2 days.

  4. By the phenomenon of saliva crystallization

    The hormonal balance of a woman is characterized by a certain ratio of hormones at different periods of the menstrual cycle. In the first part, estrogen predominates, which decreases its indicators with the onset of ovulation. The second part is characterized by the predominance of another sex hormone - progesterone ... Saliva in its composition and nature of the processes is similar to uterine mucus. During ovulation, saliva levels increase in salt, which can be easily monitored under a microscope. It is these salts that will help you determine and calculate the exact date. To date, special devices, microscopes, are actively sold, similar in appearance to lipstick. Just a minute and you yourself can find out your readiness for conception by examining the patterns of the composition of saliva in the eyepiece of such a test microscope.

    Hormonal fluctuations in sex hormones are accompanied by characteristic changes in saliva crystallization. About a week before ovulation, saliva begins to form blurry clusters that show signs of a fern leaf or spruce twig. With the onset of ovulation, this picture acquires the intensity of crystalline clusters. After three days, the image begins to lose clarity again.

    This method gives a 99% guarantee, but only under certain conditions: no inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, no smoking, no food 2 hours before the test. For greater reliability of the result, testing is best done immediately after sleep, even before brushing your teeth.

    In addition, the general hormonal state of the body can be monitored using a microscope. Intense or blurred accumulations of crystals throughout the entire cycle, the monotony of the pattern without visible changes at the right time, the shift in the timing of ovulation and other suspicious processes - the need to consult a doctor.

  5. Using a test

    This is perhaps the most popular method of determining ovulation today. In addition, there are no obstacles to purchasing a test - there are plenty of them in every pharmacy. The principle of action is similar to a pregnancy test, only to determine ovulation you need not chorionic gonadotropin contained in the urine, but luteinizing hormone. All the same two strips, as a positive result, should also appear on the ovulation test, one strip is a negative result.

    The test cannot give a 100% guarantee, since many factors can influence the hormonal "environment". In addition, two immature follicles can give a positive result at the same time.

  6. By well-being and discharge

    Some women do not need to seek help from supportive methods to calculate the day of ovulation. Their nature and individuality will themselves show signs of the onset of "X-day". During ovulation, women may experience short-term pulling pains in the lower abdomen, swelling of the mammary glands, increased libido and the appearance of specific vaginal discharge. Discharge during the ovulatory period becomes abundant, transparent and viscous, resembling egg white in consistency. In the test "for a gap" between two fingers, a thread of cervical mucus will be drawn.
    Of course, unusual body behavior or pulling pain may indicate a health disorder, but women in whom such phenomena occur from month to month are able to correctly determine where the ovulatory signs are and where the general condition is disturbed.

As we can see, our body itself answers all questions, it is only important for us to learn how to correctly recognize its signals and signs. How to calculate ovulation? The main thing is to be able to calculate your menstrual cycle, and everything else will make progress.