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Crocuses. Crocuses - varieties of ornamental plants

2 (V). Vulnerable species. In the RSFSR - the northwestern part of the range


In the RSFSR, it grows in the Stavropol Territory in the highlands of the Karachay-Cherkess Auth. region and in the south of the Krasnodar Territory; the isolated easternmost location is known in the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic [-]. In the USSR, it is also common in western Georgia. Outside the USSR, it is found in Turkey (Northeastern Anatolia).


Ephemeroid geophyte. Occurs from the lower subalpine to the lower alpine belt, in high-mountain wet meadows at an altitude of 2400 m above sea level. seas. Blooms in autumn. Propagated by seeds and vegetatively. In mass, seeds germinate in the fall (70%) in the year of their ripening, and single seeds germinate in the second year in summer or autumn. Blooms in the fourth year after seed germination.

Limiting factors

Disturbance of species habitats; intensive use of mountain pastures and increased recreational loads.


By the decision of the Stavropol Regional Executive Committee (1975), it was included in the list of protected plants. Occurs in the Teberda Nature Reserve, where the protection of the species should be strengthened, as well as in the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve. It is also necessary to organize a botanical reserve in the upper reaches of the river. Maruhi. It is cultivated in the botanical gardens of Bakuriani, Kiev (TsRBS), Leningrad (VIN), Moscow (GBS, TSKHA), Nalchik, Stavropol, Tallinn.

• Crocus (saffron), features, placement at planting

Crocus (saffron), features, placement at planting

Crocus (saffron)- one of the most decorative early flowering plants. Despite the high decorativeness, a variety of colors, very early; flowering and unpretentiousness in culture, it has not yet become widespread.
This is explained, first of all, by the lack of a sufficient amount planting material and poor knowledge of agrotechnical techniques.

The genus Crocus (Crocus L.) belongs to the Iridaceae family. Europe and Asia are considered its homeland. And nature grows over 90 species of crocuses, including about 20 species on the territory of the country, mainly in high-mountain meadows, in forests and steppes, in the subtropical and warm-temperate zones of the Black Sea region, the Caucasus, Crimea and Central Asia.

By flowering time crocuses are divided into two groups - autumn flowering and spring flowering.

TO autumn blooming the group includes sowing crocus, Sharoyan, valley, beautiful, Pallas, etc.

TO spring blooming- spring crocus, golden-flowered, Crimean, Tomazini, Korolkova, etc.

For landscaping and forcing mainly used varieties bred from spring crocus and golden-flowered.

Biological features of crocus

Crocus- small perennial tuber, 12-15 cm high bulbous plant... Propagated vegetatively (by baby) and seeds. When propagated by seeds, they are sown shortly after harvest, since with late sowing, seeds can germinate after a year. Sowing depth 0.5-1 cm. Plants grown from seeds bloom in three years.

Corm medium-sized, flattened, surrounded by a reticular membrane. The maternal corm dies annually, and 1-2 substitute ones are formed to replace it, and in some species (golden-flowered crocus) there are much more - from 3 to 8 or more summerlings.

Leaves narrow-linear, 0.5-1.5 cm wide, dark green, with a silvery-white longitudinal stripe in the middle. Leaves grow back during flowering, forming a kind of crown around the flower, or after flowering.

Fetus- three-nested box, long time is in the ground. Seeds are round, brown in color. The flower is bell-funnel-shaped with a long tube. Consists of three outer and three inner perianth lobes, three stamens and a three-lobed, and in some species a branched pistil.

Flower bisexual, erect, stemless, comes out directly from the corms, ranging in size from 3-6.5 to 6 cm.Depending on the size of the corms and the species, from 1-3 to 5 or more flowers are obtained from each corm, in some species - up to 15.

Flower color varied: white, cream, golden yellow, cyan, blue, purple, lilac, violet, as well as two-color striped.

Placing crocuses when planting

Crocuses are used for planting on ridges, flower beds, rocky hills, curbs. Crocuses are very beautiful in the early spring against the background of evergreen shrubs and when planted on lawns in separate groups.

Before planting on lawns, the top layer of soil up to 8 cm thick is carefully removed and corms are planted in the formed hole. After planting, the sod is laid in its original place without disturbing the surface of the lawn, and the crocuses develop normally and bloom profusely.

Due to the variety of colors and high decorativeness of crocuses, you can create colorful compositions Crocuses are perfectly combined with other early flowering small-bulbous cultures, such as muscari. woodland, snowdrop, etc.

As soon as the snow melts, the first spring flowers sprout, they break through the layer of last year's withered grass and leaves, and when blooming, they look especially attractive against this background. Crocus one of the most beautiful spring primroses These upward-looking, large, goblet flowers with six delicate petals will become a real decoration of lawns in spring.

Crocus is often called "saffron" - an expensive oriental spice composed of dried yellow-orange stigmas of this flower. The word "crocus" from Greek means "thread", and "saffron" with Arabic translated "yellow".

Crocuses in nature grow in mountain valleys, in meadows and forest edges throughout the territory Middle lane Asia and Europe.

Crocuses are undersized corms. Total genus Crocus (Crocus) has more than 80 species of natural species and belongs to the family of irises (irises). Most crocus species are spring-flowering, they bloom a little later than snowdrops, but before tulips, around March or April. There are also autumn-blooming crocuses, which are often confused with crocuses (colchicums).

Blooming crocuses in spring it lasts up to 20 days. Large goblet-shaped flowers appear from under the ground on low thin legs. The height of crocus flowers does not exceed 12-15 cm. Peduncles appear directly from the bulb at the same time as the leaves. Crocus leaves are narrow, dark green with a silvery streak in the center. Depending on the type, the color of crocus flowers is white, yellow, blue, lilac, violet, lilac, as well as with bright contrasting stripes on the petals.

In autumn-flowering crocuses, only leaves appear in spring, they disappear in summer, and they bloom in autumn in September-October.

Crocus corms are not large, spherical or slightly flattened, with a diameter of about 2 cm.

Of the many natural species, only a few are used in culture, although in recent times the range of crocuses is being replenished with new varieties and large-flowered hybrids up to 20 cm high.

Gold-flowered crocus (S.chrysanthus)- This is a short plant up to 10 cm, with golden yellow flowers. Hybrid varieties this crocus is distinguished by large flowers and various colors, "Blue Pearl" with blue flowers and a yellow throat, "Cream Beauty" with yellow-orange flowers, "Snowbunting" with white-yellow flowers.

Crocus yellow (C.flavus) differs in larger sizes, plant height up to 15-20 cm, and flower diameter up to 5-7 cm, the corm gives from 1 to 3 flowers.

Spring crocus (S.vernus) grows naturally in the Pyrenees and the Alps. Its large flowers of surprisingly delicate color are white, lilac, with stripes. Corms of spring crocus are slightly larger, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, most large-flowered crocus varieties originate from this species.

The autumn-flowering crocuses bloom in September or October. Crocus beautiful (S.speciosus) up to 20 cm high with large goblet flowers are white, blue, lilac in color with a net of bright veins on the petals.

Crocuses look spectacular, planted in a group of islands on the lawn, under trees and shrubs, on alpine hills or in flower beds with other low spring-flowering plants. Crocuses are quite unpretentious flowers and require minimal maintenance, they multiply quickly and one bulb planted in 2-3 years in this place will turn into a nest of blooming crocuses.

Crocuses grow well in sunny, well-heated areas, but they can bloom well in partial shade. Crocus soil needed light drained and at the same time rich in humus. Crocuses do not tolerate acidic soils, wetlands, or the introduction of fresh manure, which causes fungal diseases and the death of corms. Soil fertility is very important in the development of plants, therefore, when digging, add a sufficient amount of mineral and organic fertilizers, but the soil should not be oversaturated with nitrogen fertilizers.

Spring-flowering bulbs are dug up and planted or bought and planted in autumn - in September or October, autumn-flowering bulbs - in summer in July or August.

Planting depth of corms depending on their size, 6-12 cm, bulbs are planted no deeper than 8 cm in heavy clay soil. On the curbs, bulbs are planted in rows every 5-8 cm in a row, 20-25 cm distance between rows. Crocuses are planted in groups of 10-20 crocuses of the same variety to form flowering islands on lawns, lawns or in a flower garden.

Digging out the bulbs better after yellowing of the leaves and ripening of the seed pods, a little later it will be difficult to find the location of the bulbs. After digging, the bulbs are cleaned, dried in a dark, ventilated room.

Crocus corms reproduce annually, they are recommended to be dug out, the old bulb dies off after flowering, but in its place new corms from 1 to 4 pieces are formed, which will bloom next year. The formed large corms also have small children, which are also used for reproduction, big kids can bloom already on next year, and small ones after a year. Children are planted to a depth of 2-3 cm. Corms can be planted in 3-4 years, with further growth of the nest of bulbs, the flowers become smaller.

Most often crocus is propagated by corms and their babies, but you can grow them from seeds. Seeds are sown in summer, seedlings will develop and bloom in the 3rd or 4th year.

Crocuses are quite frost-hardy, their flowers can withstand frosts down to -5 ... -7 0 C. During flowering, they can be fed with full mineral fertilizer.

Crocuses are very fond of moles and mice so that they do not get to the bulbs, they are planted in special baskets. Any viral disease immediately affects appearance plants, when whitish spots appear on the flowers or deformation of flowers or their leaves, it is better to dig up and destroy diseased plants to prevent the spread of infection. Crocus corms are often affected by fungal diseases, they become soft, spots are visible under the shell, after digging, carefully inspect and select diseased bulbs for destruction, and treat the rest with any disinfectant.

Crocus is one of the most famous spring small-bulbous flowers of the iris family. The plant is up to 10 cm high, with a bunch of hard leaves. Leaves appear during flowering. There are about 80 species in the genus. Crocus is also called spring saffron. This stunted stemless corm plant blooms after a snowdrop, among half-melted snow, but earlier than tulips, although very shortly, only 7-10 days, but very impressive. Crocus blooms from early to mid-April.

Crocuses belong to the iris family; they have a small corm of a flat, flat-round and spherical shape, covered with a membranous membrane. The crocus stem is greatly shortened, so the plants are completely unsuitable for cutting. Crocus flowers appear almost from under the snow. The leaves are narrow-linear, dark green with a silvery-white stripe in the middle. Appear above the ground at approximately one time with flowers or later, but their main growth is observed after the plants have faded. Crocus flowers are goblet, directed up, with 6 petals. Blooming flowers can be star-shaped or cupped flower-shaped tulip in miniature. Color of crocus flowers rubs be the most diverse: spectacular bronze, deep yellow, white, pale blue, lilac, lilac. In addition, there are varieties with a two-tone color, spotted, striped. Crocus leaves are narrow, green. Dutch breeders have developed varieties with very large flowers, up to 13 cm high. Blooming crocuses look great in spring on the lawn, under the crowns of deciduous trees and shrubs that have not yet blossomed at this time, in flower beds, where they are planted in the foreground in single-color small clumps. Without them, it is difficult to imagine rock gardens, mixborders, flower beds and flower beds with other early flowering miniature plants.

Crocus forms flower buds at the end of the growing season, when the bulbs are removed from the soil and stored.

Consequently, by the early winter forcing, the bulbs are fully formed and are in forced dormancy. For early distillation, the bulbs are consistently kept at certain temperatures: bulbs dug up in the second half of June, during the week - at a temperature of 34 ° C; the next two weeks - at a temperature of 20 ° C, and then at a temperature of 10 ° C until planting in pots.

3-5 bulbs are planted in pots (depending on their size and the size of the pots). The planting depth is 4 cm. The bulbs are planted 10 weeks before the intended placement in warm rooms and kept in the cellar. The soil in the pots should be light so that it does not accumulate too much water. Bulbs root best at a temperature of 8-10 ° C.

Crocuses are driven out at a temperature of 7-8 ° C, and from the moment the buds begin to stain, the temperature is maintained within the range of 10-12 ° C. With more high temperature, especially at the beginning of forcing, the plants do not bloom at all. Forcing crocuses lasts 10 (in March) - 20 (in December) days.

The following varieties are best distilled: Remembrance (purple-violet), Jeanne dArc (white), King of Striped (white with purple dashes). All varieties of crocus are suitable for late forcing.


The whole variety of species and varieties of crocuses can be roughly divided into two main groups: spring blooming and autumn flowering crocuses, including species crocuses and hybrids derived from them.

Spring blooming crocuses- flowering time: early April - May inclusive. They have dark green leaves with a silvery-white longitudinal stripe, narrow-linear, which appear during flowering, and die off in May-June at a height of 10-13 cm. Flowers are purple or white, sometimes striped, with a pubescent pharynx, including 1-2 come out directly from the stem bulb. The height of the flower is about 3 cm, the diameter is 3.5-5 cm. Anthers are lemon-yellow. Transplanted after 5-6 years. Planting depth of bulbs - 6-8 cm. Requires an open, sunny location and permeable soil. There are many hybrid large-flowered varieties in various colors.

Gold-flowered crocus: compact bulbous plant 8-10 cm high, flowers are medium-sized, the predominant colors are yellow and blue, goblet-shaped, with outside petals are darker, anthers are orange. Several flowers grow from one tuber. Blooms in April. Requires an open, sunny location and well-drained, humus-rich soil. Propagated by daughter bulbs and seeds. The bulbs are planted to a depth of 5-7 cm. The gold-flowered crocus hybrids differ more large flower and a wide variety of colors Blue Pearl(blue with yellow), Cream Beauty(light yellow with orange), Snowboarding(white with yellow).

Narrow-leaved crocus: plant height 8 cm, flowers are medium-sized, the predominant color is brownish-yellow (bronze).

Crocus Michelson: plant height 6-8 cm, medium-sized flowers, the predominant color is blue.

Crocus Alatavsky: plant height 8 cm, flowers are medium-sized, the predominant color is white.

Large-flowered crocuses, or Dutch hybrids: plant height 10-15 cm, flowers are very large, color spectrum - from white, golden and dark yellow to blue, lilac and deep purple; Queen of Blue(light purple), Rimembrens(dark purple), Melut Wellow(yellow), Joan of Arc(White), Sky Blue(blue), Stripe Beauty(striped, purple with white).

Autumn blooming crocuses

Flowering time: early September - October inclusive.

Beautiful crocus: it is a magnificent bulbous plant, similar to all other crocuses, except for the timing of flowering. Leaves grow back 20-30 cm in spring with a width of 0.6-1.3 cm, die off in June. The flowers are pale violet-blue, large up to 7 cm in diameter with dark veins and a white center, purple at the base outside. Anthers are yellow, stigma is orange. Garden forms with white flowers are known. Requires a well-drained soil rich in humus and an open, sunny location. Propagated by daughter corms and seeds. The tubers are planted to a depth of 5-7 cm.

Valley crocus: plant height 10-15 cm, flowers are medium, the predominant color is white. These types of autumn-flowering crocuses are very unpretentious.

Cultivation and care. Crocuses are grown in dry, well-lit and sun-warmed areas, but they bloom well in partial shade.

Well-drained, light, nutritious soil, seasoned with the required amount organic fertilizers. Crocuses cannot tolerate fresh manure, wetlands and acidic soils. For digging up soil for crocuses, it is recommended to add sand, mature compost and old, well-rotted manure. Drainage must be done on blocked soils. Crocuses are propagated by corms and children, which are planted in August-September, and dug up in June-July, when the leaves turn yellow, dried, sorted and stored indoors until planting. For accelerated reproduction, the bulbs are dug up annually, since the corms are replaced annually: the old one dies off, and in its place 2-5 new corms and a baby are formed.

Crocuses can grow in one place without transplanting for more than 5 years, but it is better to dig them up and plant them after 3-4 years, since the thickening of the planting leads to shrinking of the flowers. The planting depth of crocus corms depends on their size: for large - 8-10 cm, medium - 4-6, small and children - 2-3 cm. The distance between the bulbs varies from 5 to 10 cm.

Corms of spring-flowering crocuses are planted in September-October, autumn-flowering ones - in July-August.

Crocuses are very responsive to mineral fertilizers. The first feeding is carried out in early spring in the snow, the second - during the flowering period. In either case, the complete mineral fertilizer at the rate of 30-40 g / m 2.

Crocus (Crocus) is the Latin name for an ornamental perennial, which has taken root along with saffron. The plant with a vibrant color palette is popular in horticulture and is grown in greenhouses and at home by forcing. In nature, crocuses have settled in the center and south of Europe, the Caucasus. Crimea, most Asia. Some species are endangered, therefore they are listed in the Red Data Books European countries... Stunted and medium-sized crops with narrow leaves and goblet flowers adorn the landscape of city parks and private areas in early spring and autumn.

Botanical description and distribution

The scientific name of the herbaceous, bulbous plant is saffron, from the photo it is familiar to many as a crocus. The culture belongs to the Iris or Iris family. The genus saffron has more than 80 species. The flower will sprout from a bulb up to 3 cm in diameter. It can be spherical and flattened in shape. On the outside, the bulb is covered with brown or reddish scales. A lobular root is formed in its lower part. Aboveground stem is absent, leaves are narrow, linear, rigid. From below, they are covered with vaginal scales. Green foliage may appear before or after flowering. In many species, the basal leaves have a light longitudinal stripe.

Saffron is often called crocus

Information. Saffron is one of the oldest cultivated plants. He was famous in Ancient egypt several thousand years BC NS. Appeared in Europe in the 10th century. thanks to the Arabs. The Latin word "crocus" means thread, it is associated with elongated pistils. The Arabic name "saffron" is translated as yellow, it is associated with the coloring ability of the flower.

Flowers one or two emerge from the corm itself. They are located on a leafless peduncle 7-25 cm long. different types range from 3 to 8 cm.The bud has 6 petals, blooming only in a clear sunny weather... On a cloudy day, the buds are closed, but this does not diminish their beauty. The blossoming crocus flower looks like a bowl or a star. The stamens of the plant are attached to the pharynx of the perianth, the column (part of the pistil) has three stigmas that serve to trap pollen. Stigma is the most valuable part of the plant; when dried, it is a food coloring, medical raw material and the famous spice - saffron.

The flower has three stigmas used as a spice

Information. To collect stigmas, saffron is cultivated. The plant is sterile because it is obtained by crossing several species.

By color of flowers natural species are divided into two groups: yellow-flowered (color from light yellow to orange) and blue-flowered (purple, lilac, blue). Cultivars are more varied in color, bicolor specimens have been bred. In terms of their popularity in gardening, crocuses are second only to tulips and daffodils.

Saffron - plant application

Dried stigmas of saffron have long been used as a spice with a specific aroma and bitter taste. Today 90% of the crop is grown in Iran. The spice is used in cooking for cooking rice, peas, soups. It indicates a preservative effect, keeping the food fresh for several days.

Information. In ancient times, saffron was valued more than gold and 15 more than black pepper. And not surprisingly, to harvest 1 kg of stigmas it was required to manually process 200 thousand flowers.

Dried saffron stigma great value

The stigma of saffron is used in medicine. Compositions based on them have an antispasmodic and stimulating effect. V folk recipes dried stigmas are used as an analgesic and diuretic. They increase appetite. Medicinal properties are manifested due to chemical composition plants. In the stigmas it was found:

  • essential oil;
  • gum;
  • vitamins;
  • dye crocin;
  • fatty oil;
  • flavonoids.

The stigma contains a dye used in Food Industry... The natural compound crocin allows you to give a yellow hue to cheeses, liqueurs, dough, soft drinks.

Crocus varieties

Numerous photos of crocuses prove their importance decorative use in the design of gardens and home interiors. This is one of the first crops to bloom in spring in open ground... All types of crocuses were divided into 15 large groups, 14 of them include plants that bloom in spring, autumn varieties are collected in one group.

Spring blooming (April-May)

In early spring, without waiting for the snow to completely melt, crocuses bloom in the garden. In the open field, they are grown in flower beds, lawns, alpine slides. Already in April, the primrose opens cupped buds on a short peduncle. Leaves may appear after flowering. They are narrow, green in color, and may have a light stripe in the middle. A month after the flower, a seed capsule appears on the surface.

Spring crocus (Crocus Vernus) is a herbaceous plant 15-17 cm high. Funnel-shaped flower, white or purple, yellow anther. The mother bulb is renewed annually. 1-2 flowers grow from it. Most often, Dutch hybrids are planted in gardens. In total, about 50 varieties of the crop have been registered. According to their color, they are divided into three groups: white, mesh and monochromatic (lilac, purple and others). Flowering lasts a little over two weeks.

Spring crocus

Common varieties include:

  • "Remeberance" - large flowers with a diameter of more than 5 cm of a violet shade with a silvery sheen;
  • "Pickwick" - rounded petals, light lilac with gray veins;
  • "Snowstore" - rounded flowers with a diameter of 5 cm, snow-white with purple stripes at the base;
  • "Nigro Boy" is a dark purple flower with a purple base, distinguished by late blooming - in May.

Golden-flowered crocus (Crocus chrysanthus) - height up to 20 cm.The leaves are narrow, appear in early April, along with yellow flowers. The bulb is spherical, slightly flattened. The perianth lobes are bent outward.

Crocus golden-flowered

There are varieties:

  • Snowbunting - with white petals and golden center;
  • Blue pearl - blue with yellow bases
  • Lady killer - purple on the outside and white on the inside
  • Blue Bonnet 0 blue petals with yellow spot in the throat.

Crocus heuffelianus is named after the Hungarian botanist J. Heuffel. This species is common in the Carpathians. Plant height 10-19 cm, round corm. Leaves are linear with curled edges. There is a silvery stripe in the center. The petals are purple, less often white. WITH outside darker. The flowering period is 25 days.

Crocus Geyfel

Net saffron (Crocus reticulatus) is a rare species listed in the Red Book. Found in Central and Eastern Europe, Crimea, Transcaucasia. Height 15 cm, spherical bulb. Leaves after flowering elongate significantly. The color is white or purple, with purple stripes on the outside of the petals.

Net saffron

Saffron Tomasini (Crocus tomasinianus) - belongs to the earliest spring varieties. The plant is unpretentious, feels great in shaded areas. Crocus height 7-8 cm, flower diameter 2-4 cm, this is one of the smallest species. The color of the petals is lilac, purple, white. Grows easily in all conditions, often found in parks.

Saffron tomasini
  • "Lilac Beauty" - purple petals;
  • "Ruby giant" - large, star-shaped flowers have a purple-violet color;
  • Roseus - pale pink and white petals.

Autumn blooming (September-October)

A large group of ornamental saffron blooms in the fall, like the last chord of a withering garden. Autumn crocuses low and compact, they are used in border plantings along the paths. Bright flowers look great at the foot of trees and bushes. Saffron, which blooms in September, adorns the stony alpine slides... The culture is often grown in pots and flowerpots. Picturesque groups of flowers decorate the entrance area, window sills, terrace. Among the autumn species:

Beautiful crocus (Crocus speciosus) is one of the largest autumn saffron. Its leaves reach 30 cm, the diameter of the flowers is 7-8 cm. The color is lilac, purple with dark veins. The petals are symmetrical with pointed tips. Flowering continues for a month. The number of leaves is 2-4, the length is up to 40 cm. The stigmas contain a coloring matter.

The type of flower fully justifies its name.

Garden forms:

  • Albrus - white petals;
  • Artabir - grade with blue inflorescences and purple veins;
  • Oxinan - differs with pointed petals, slightly bent back, color - purple.

Sowing saffron (Crocus sativus) - the plant does not occur in the wild and reproduces with the help of humans. It is cultivated for the stigmas used as a popular spice. The height of the herbaceous plant is 12-30 cm. The bulb is spherical with fibrous roots. Fragrant large flowers are available in white, purple and yellow. They consist of 6 folding petals. The stigma is long, red, hanging down between the petals.

This view is not found in wildlife

Pallas' Saffron (Crocus pallasii) - The narrow green leaves emerge from the ground in April and bloom only in September. Spectacular buds up to 5 cm in diameter, light purple color with purple veins. The stigmas are yellow. In nature, it grows in the Transcaucasus.

Pallas' saffron

Hill or valley crocus (Crocuse vallicola) is a miniature plant 6-12 cm. It grows in Asia Minor and the Caucasus in mountain meadows. The corm is flat, covered with a fibrous sheath. Leaves appear in spring and dry up by summer. Petals are white, stigmas are short, orange.

Crocus mound

Banat crocus (Crocus banaticus) is a large species that grows in deciduous forests and meadows of Eastern Europe... Height 15-30 cm, thin leaves, flowers - lavender or purple. Each bulb produces up to two flowers. The three inner petals are significantly smaller than the three outer ones. The plant was first described in 1831 by the French scientist J. E. Ge. Crocus is listed in the Red Book in Serbia and Ukraine.

Crocus Banat

Growing crocuses

Regardless of the flowering time, decorative saffron is grown according to the same technology. It is chosen for him sunny place with loose drained soil. The soil should be fertile, neutral, structured with an admixture of sand. You can improve the composition of the soil by introducing compost and humus before planting. Per sq. m will require 15 kg of compost and 100 g of superphosphates, providing profuse flowering... Plants overwinter in the ground.

Attention. In one place, saffron is grown for 4-6 years.


Crocus or saffron, blooming in spring, are planted in the fall, and the fall varieties are planted in late summer. Before planting, the bulbs are examined, choosing only healthy material. Autumn flowers are planted in groups of 5, at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other. In light soil, they are buried to a depth of twice the growth of the bulb. After a few years, each bulb produces many babies, the flowers form a continuous carpet, but due to the tightness, the size of the buds decreases. Plants are recommended to be transplanted to other areas.

Saffron - corm plant


Saffron requires a minimum of maintenance: watering, loosening the soil and weeding. Often there is no need to moisturize the flowers; weather conditions must be taken into account. Excess moisture- a fertile environment for fungal infections. After flowering, wilted leaves and flowers are cut off, the bulbs are left in the ground or dug out for drying and sorting.


The best breeding method for crocuses is with daughter bulbs. They are dug up and dried for 2-3 months in a well-ventilated area at room temperature. Then it is cleaned of old roots and exfoliated scales. The spoiled copies are immediately thrown away. Saffron can be propagated by seed, but this method does not always preserve varietal characteristics and postpones flowering time by 2-3 years. Autumn crocus is a plant that does not always have time to give a ripe box with seeds before the onset of cold weather.

Over time, crocuses grow into large families.

The saffron flower is insect-pollinated or self-pollinated. Its fruit grows and ripens underground, and is thrown to the surface already formed, ready for disclosure. Seeds of spring-flowering varieties are planted in the fall in the ground or in the spring in containers for seedlings.

Crocus cultivation does not create difficulties and problems with care, and bright blooms will be a wonderful accent of the garden.