Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

Installation of ceiling plinths: tools and materials, trimming, joining corners and installation. How to attach a ceiling plinth: correctly cut and glue a plastic ceiling plinth Installing a ceiling plinth

One of the final stages repair work indoors is the installation of ceiling plinths. Choosing a plinth is a serious task. On the one hand, it is designed to hide the joining seams between the surfaces of the ceiling and walls, and on the other hand, it plays an extremely important role from a design point of view in the decoration of the room.

Skirting boards must fit into the interior and not disturb the harmony color scheme walls and ceiling, etc. Laying fillets, especially with your own hands, is quite exciting activity. But in order for the room to delight you with its finished appearance for a long time, you need to have a little knowledge: how to properly lay the plinth and how to glue the ceiling plinth.

Ceiling plinth in the kitchen: simple but tasteful

We hope that all the material presented below, which describes the installation of skirting boards, video and photo illustrations, will be of good help to you in this.

If you are going to attach the ceiling plinth yourself, then the rules given below will help you avoid annoying mistakes. Finishing work start with the purchase of materials.

In rooms with a high ceiling, a wide baguette will look very impressive

Calculation required quantity The material is quite simple. Calculate the perimeter of the room and divide by two - this is standard length ceiling molding. Round the resulting quotient to big side, since when making the joint of the corners, part of the baguette will definitely go to waste.

Methods for installing skirting boards

There are two ways to install baguettes on the ceiling.

  • Installation over wallpaper or painted walls. In this case, the surface under the baseboards is already leveled, since the molding is attached to the trim.
  • The second option is more complex, but at the same time more practical. With this method, the molding is placed and glued directly to the wall. It is, of course, puttyed and primed before attaching the finish. As a result, after painting, usually in a uniform color, the ceiling and plinth merge into a single whole.

The wallpaper around the glued baguette is cut using a spatula and knife.

Advice: According to professionals, the second gluing option is preferable. Firstly, gluing molding on top of wallpaper reduces the quality of fastening. Secondly, after installing them, there may still be cracks and joints that will have to be sealed with putty or sealant. How far these defects can be eliminated without damaging the wall decoration is a question. And finally, thirdly, nothing will stop you from re-painting the wallpaper or repainting the walls. Everything can be done without re-gluing the cornices.

Installation of skirting boards for stretch ceiling has its own nuances.

  • When installing, preference should be given to lightweight panels.
  • Mounting method: painting or gluing.
  • The panels cannot be attached to a suspended ceiling.
  • Before installation work begins, the canvas must be protected with polyethylene.

Cutting skirting boards for the ceiling

The most the hard part installation of skirting boards is the connection of baguettes in the corners without gaps and cracks. To do this, you need to cut them down right angle. This process is greatly simplified if you use a miter box.

How to properly cut the molding for the inner and outer corner when installing molding

Suitable for ceiling molding simplest option a tool with a cutting shape of two degrees - 45 and 90.

The molding must be placed in the miter box in the same way as it will be attached when gluing it to the wall - pressing the lower edge intended for fastening against the wall of the miter box.

Installing molding: how to properly cut a molding for non-standard corners

On a note: V multi-storey buildings Walls are rarely completely perpendicular, so you often have to adjust the angle of the molding by hand.

Adjusting corners when installing skirting boards

When installing, baguettes can be cut without a miter box, especially if the corners in the room are not entirely straight. In this case, they make do with improvised means. How to make a stencil is not at all difficult - it must exactly repeat the outer or inner corners of the wall. The template is usually cut out of cardboard.

Important: This method is not suitable for hollow inside skirting boards. In this case, from any available material build a corner where you can put the panel. It is used according to the wort principle.

What is the best way to glue skirting boards for the ceiling?

All glue intended for cornices is divided according to its composition into acrylic and polymer. How to glue skirting boards to the ceiling depends on functional purpose rooms. For a nursery, for example, installation of molding is carried out only with acrylic glue. If we're talking about about how to attach a baseboard in a bathroom, it is better to glue it to a polymer one.

What can you use to glue the plinth for the ceiling?

Acrylic products are based on water, so they do not have a pungent odor, but gluing cornices on them is wet areas it is forbidden. Polymer ones, on the contrary, are suitable for gluing in rooms with high humidity, but they dry out for a long time and leave a specific and not very pleasant smell in the room. Despite the existing disadvantages, polymer adhesives are very popular for gluing cornices.

The modern market is distinguished by a wide variety of adhesive compositions for different purposes and “setting” times. However, when you are interested in how to glue a ceiling plinth, among professionals you most often hear such names as “Titan”, “Moment” and “Eco-naset”.

Universal glue “Titan” for gluing cornices

Glue "Titan" is universal. It is suitable for gluing linoleum, floor plinth, ceramics, glass, carpet, etc. “Titanium” is colorless and absolutely transparent, so it can be used to glue expensive ceiling materials. The composition is suitable for gluing foam and polystyrene.

For polyurethane baseboard And ceiling tiles great option installations - with Eco-naset glue. You can glue it to almost any base, be it brick, plaster, concrete, wood or gypsum board.

Moment glue sets quickly when gluing cornices

This composition lives up to its name - “Moment”. Installation for ceiling skirting boards happens extremely quickly. Glue the parts using a sealant gun. The glue not only “seizes” instantly, but also holds the glued element perfectly. And this is very convenient, because supporting the baseboard while standing while it is being glued is, you see, quite inconvenient. But this glue is quite expensive, and it also consumes more.

Installation external corners wooden skirting boards

On a note: wooden fillets can be attached not only with glue, but also glued to liquid nails or installed on screws and nails.

Baguettes can also be glued using homemade glue from scrap materials. For example, products made of foam plastic and gypsum are usually glued to a putty composition. By the way, with the same solution, which retains its working condition for about two hours, you can seal the gaps that form when fastening the panels to each other and to the ceiling and walls.

It is better to take adhesive for gluing skirting boards to wallpaper, colorless or to match the wallpaper.

The composition is prepared from fine putty, water and PVA, taken in a ratio of one to one and one to one fourth. The components of the mixture are well kneaded until creamy and allowed to stand for several minutes.

How to attach a ceiling plinth

Before gluing begins, the surface of the walls and ceiling in the places where the plinth is installed is degreased. Now let's look at how to glue the plinth to the ceiling. The entire installation and gluing process is divided into several stages.

The glue is applied to the side of the baseboard that is applied to the surface of the wall and ceiling.

Advice: it can be applied pointwise in increments of 10–15 cm. This will allow, without compromising the quality of gluing, to save on the adhesive composition.

After applying the adhesive, the fillet is pressed tightly against the ceiling and the time required for gluing is maintained. Installation times are usually indicated on the packaging.

Joining skirting boards at the corner

When gluing, the fillet should not be pressed into all uneven areas of the ceiling, as it may crack. The cracks that form during the process of attaching them can be “closed” using excess gluing compound, or even better, masked with putty.

It will be useful to additionally watch how to glue a ceiling plinth video tutorial.

Master class: DIY plinth installation

Let's look in detail at how to properly glue ceiling plinths - plastic and foam.

How to attach a foam ceiling plinth

Prime the area on the ceiling to which the fillet will be attached with a strip slightly larger than its width. To do this, it is recommended to make markings using a measure corresponding to the size of the fillet. Marking lines are drawn in increments of 30 cm.

How to get a mark on the ceiling surface

Next, adjust the internal corners. Place the plinth in a corner and draw a 6–7 cm line along it on the ceiling. The same is repeated on the other side of the corner. Applying two plinths at the same time, mark the intersection point on them.

Adjusting corners: marks on the baseboard

Lay the plank with the side adjacent to the ceiling on flat surface and cut along the conditional line.

Trimming the baseboard

Acrylic sealant works well for gluing. It is applied to the fillet using a gun and pressed for gluing to the main surface, following the marks made earlier.

The plinth is installed when gluing according to the marks made

After installation, excess squeezed out adhesive can be easily removed with a damp cloth or just your finger.

Transverse joints must be puttied. Seams can be sealed with acrylic putty. It is applied using a rubber spatula in three layers, after which it is sanded.

Preparing for painting after installing the cornice

The work is completed by decorating the foam baguettes, for example, by painting them in the appropriate color.

How to attach PVC ceiling plinth

Today plastic ones are very popular hanging panels, and, as a rule, the joints of walls and ceilings are decorated with plastic skirting boards.

Joint location after installation of PVC panels

The edges of the sheathing on which the panels were attached are secured to prevent them from sagging under the weight of the fillet and their own weight after installation. The plinth is attached to the last of them.

Fastening the sheathing

Baguettes must be trimmed at 45 degrees in advance. Plastic cuts easily, so trimming can be done with a hacksaw, knife or scissors.

Methods for cutting PVC skirting boards

The edge of the panel is inserted into the groove of the baguette and adjusted using tapping movements.

Installation of skirting boards

In the corners, the fillets fit tightly to each other.

Panel fitting

The joints in the corners can be decorated with special plastic corners or simply treated with silicone.

Beautiful frame of a plastic suspended ceiling

It is difficult to imagine a room without a ceiling plinth or fillet - this decorative element has become universal in any type of interior...

You can’t save on cornices, it’s not worth it look at cheap options, they will cause a lot of trouble - they crumble, break and are easily deformed. The material of the cornice should be dense and light. There are high-density polyurethane cornices. Cornices made of polystyrene should be chosen more dense and massive. Design selected depending on the style of the interior.

Surface must be perfectly flat - it is not should be convex or curved. Of course there are special places with characteristic roundness- in this case, it is no longer a corner cornice, but a wall cornice that bends easily. As noted above for The corner of the cornice needs an even right angle - preferably 90 °.

Stage 1. Preparation and start of work on installing fillets

Installation of ceiling fillets requires a careful and responsible approach. First Markings are made where the lines of adjacent walls meet. Trimming can be done using special knife- as in the case of trimming skirting boards. If there is no 90° angle between adjacent walls, you need to attach a cornice on the side of one wall and make a mark on the ceiling - and you also need to make it on the other wall. Tags must form cross

Then a downward cut is made from the intersection point in the vertical direction. First you need to attach one of the parts to be joined. Then, moving the knife blade vertically downwards, from the point of intersection of the marks, the part is cut. Then the same thing is done with another part, only it is applied to another wall - the result should be neat and even joint No detail should be higher or lower than another - the match must be exact.

Stage 2. Solution for gluing fillets

For durable and high-quality gluing, you should use ready-made glue for expanded polystyrene products. It is sold in containers from 1 to 3 liters. Using a 10 cm or 8 cm spatula, apply glue to the edges of the cornice and apply it to the corner. In order for the cornice to lie flat, you can level it using the rule. If the wall is too long, and the first part may dry out before gluing the last one, you need to mark the line using a dye cord in advance. It is not necessary to make a line on both the wall and the ceiling - just choose a more important line.

In some cases it is necessary to beat on the ceiling, and in others - only on the wall, depending on the more uneven side. Ideally, all walls and sides of the cornice should be smooth. Walls are not always perfectly smooth - in this case, you need to use visual effects to create the illusion of evenness. For example, in those places where the cornice does not fit tightly, the gap can be filled with putty - the main thing is that it is not too large. It would be better if there was a cornice glued on a minimal layer closely.

After all the joints have been puttied, it is necessary to inspect all the connections again; perhaps some irregularities need to be coated again. After final drying, you can paint the cornice with a brush. After this, the installation of the ceiling fillets is almost complete - all that remains is painting.

Stage 3. Painting fillets

The cornice is painted together with the ceiling, usually in the same tone, but if necessary colors can be separated. First the ceiling is painted, and then after drying it is separated with masking tape - the cornice is painted separately. The same technology is used in the case of the wall - first the wall is being painted, and then it is separated with masking tape.

Installation of ceiling fillets

The installation of so-called ceiling fillets most often occurs at the very end of the renovation - it is the fillets that will give the ceiling a finished image and make the ceiling one with the entire space of the room. Can you guess what the main purpose of their installation is? Do you know how to install ceiling fillets? If not, we will answer all these and other related questions during the course of our article...

Let's start with the purpose of this element - as you probably already guessed, the main purpose of installing fillets is to decorate the interior, as well as hide its defects, to be more precise - cracks and cracks in the ceiling. Almost all modern skirting boards are made from so-called polystyrene - a large assortment of fillets allows you to choose the most unusual textures, colors and shapes.

Installation of ceiling fillets begins with the selection of suitable skirting boards. To do this, you need to select the required width and length of the plinth, as well as its shape and texture. How to calculate how many skirting boards are needed in each specific case? It’s very simple – just measure the perimeter of the room. What are the most common sizes of skirting boards? Most often, the ceiling plinth has standard size- that's two meters. However, it is more advisable to purchase plinths with a small margin - this is done for the reasons that installing ceiling fillets involves surprises and it is better to be ready for them right away. To glue the ceiling plinth you need straight hands - installation can be done even without relevant experience.

Technique for gluing ceiling plinths

Today, only two methods of fixing fillets are used. The first of them involves gluing directly onto wallpaper or glue, and often also onto putty. The second is gluing the fillets before wallpapering the walls. Most of Builders and craftsmen are of the opinion that it is much more convenient to glue fillets directly onto the wallpaper.

What glue should I use for gluing fillets? There are many options, but one of the most effective is Moment-INSTALLATION - this glue allows you to quickly and effectively fix any ceiling fillet. Very often, after gluing the fillet, there are still gaps between the wall and the baseboard - in this case, they can be covered with the same glue, which also has a characteristic white tint. That is why such glue will be invisible on the surface of the ceiling. Installation of ceiling fillets should be carried out only with reliable adhesives. These, in addition to Moment INSTALLATION, also include Acrylic Sealant - sometimes it is called completely Acrylic Sealant. What are its advantages? Mainly that this sealant almost never cracks after application, it has the highest level plasticity - this is why it cannot escape from the cracks, besides this it paints well. It should be noted that many builders glue the baseboards with sil sealant - the latter option cannot be painted. Craftsmen also often glue skirting boards using so-called liquid nails, which are also not possible to paint. That is why it is better to choose a proven Acrylic Sealant.

Installation of ceiling fillets is almost always required. The latter are always easier to install than to carry out conscientious leveling of the walls, which requires serious preparation and relevant experience from the master when directly performing the work. That is why, if there is no way to level the walls, then it is better to simply glue the fillets even before the wallpaper is pasted - directly onto the putty. Using the latter, it is quite easy to eliminate all kinds of wall defects - including cracks and holes. After this work, you need to start directly adjusting the wallpaper to the baseboards. Nevertheless, this method is far from the only one, but perhaps the most convenient and practical of all that you can choose.

It should be noted that if the wall has pronounced defects and unevenness, then installing ceiling fillets will only make them even more visible. If ceiling fillet installed beautifully and correctly, its presence will add completeness and high spirit to the interior of the apartment. How to start installing fillets? Simple - usually installation starts right from the corner of the room, because they are the first to catch your eye when entering the room. When fixing skirting boards, you need to take into account that total number joints should be minimal, in addition, if possible, you need to use the longest elements - skirting boards. Trimmings are best used in areas where attention is not focused, for example, in a corner space - directly above the door or in an area that is directly behind the eaves.

Installation of ceiling fillets involves the use of the following tools:

  • Roulette
  • Cleaning cloth
  • Miter box
  • Scotch
  • Sharp but small saw
  • Sandpaper
  • Rubber spatula
  • Construction square
  • Pencil (a marker will also work, but it will be more difficult to erase)
  • Soil composition
  • Ceiling skirting boards
  • Adhesive composition
  • Sealant
  • Putty composition

Technique for installing ceiling skirting boards

Installation of ceiling fillets, as mentioned above, starts right from the corner. It should be noted that making the right corner without the appropriate experience is quite difficult. That is why it is better to make your life easier and buy ready-made corners for fillets - you need to select corners that will match the color, size and texture of your fillets.

In order to make fillet corners you need to take a knife and a small miter box. The work proceeds as follows: the fillet is placed in the miter box, the plinth is inserted at an angle of 45°. Then you need to press the entire sandwich and cut off the excess from the required side according to the required angle. It should be noted that before cutting directly, it is best to practice on pieces of plinth. Also, before cutting, do not confuse the outer and internal corner, respectively.

Step-by-step guide to installing skirting boards

Installation of ceiling fillets begins only if the ceiling and, accordingly, the walls are already properly primed and plastered. Before gluing the skirting boards, the working surface must be clean and level, and naturally dry. Installation of fillets should be carried out in a room with a minimum level of humidity - it is good if the air temperature is between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius.

The first step is preparation of the hermetic composition. To do this, you need to carefully remove the safety plug at the end of the tube using a knife. The freed tube is “screwed” into a pre-prepared gun. To ensure that the plinth does not move during installation, you need to make a pencil sketch - it is done according to the height of the plinth and along the perimeter of the walls directly from the ceiling. The fillet is fixed in the miter box and carefully cut until an angle of 45° is obtained.

The resulting area must be cleaned with sandpaper. After this, all excess must be removed with a knife. Important point– you need to carefully ensure that the pattern on the baseboard matches. There is not much left - the installation of the ceiling fillets is almost complete. Next, we make small zigzag notches on the inner side of the plinth - these cuts are made so that the plinth has enhanced adhesion to the ceiling and, accordingly, the wall.

Then the entire sandwich is treated with adhesive on top. Next, you need to, so to speak, lift the fillet to the ceiling - slowly move the fillet into the corner, to make this work easier, you need to navigate along the bottom edge and guide it according to the pencil marks. You need to place the plinth in the corner quite deftly - without damaging the fillet and without bending its front part. If the sealant comes out slightly from the edges of the fillet, it must be removed very quickly damp cloth, in this case you need to pay attention to the adjacent seam - it must be completely sealed.

The next element of the fillet is fixed in this way - a small amount of sealant is applied to the end part and all manipulations are repeated again until the last insertion of the plinth. It should be noted that installing ceiling fillets at this step involves changing the markings. It is necessary to cut off the corner of the plinth and measure the distance from the end to the outermost corner plinth. Using the method described above, you need to walk along each wall that is in the room, and you should change the angle (naturally, from internal to external). Installing ceiling fillets involves puttingty on absolutely all joints - this work is done using a rubber spatula. As a result, it is necessary to achieve maximum docking. If this does not work, then it is allowed to putty several times until all pronounced joints are hidden. Priming is done at least after 24 hours - otherwise the sealant will not have time to dry completely. Then painting occurs and thus the installation of fillets can be considered complete.

At the end we offer a video on how to install a ceiling fillet with your own hands:

Today every consumer pays Special attention arrangement of your life. And in this matter, even a small thing can play a dominant role.

It would seem, at first glance, that there is a ceiling plinth, what could be so special about it, that there would be a separate article about it. But it allows you not only to make the interior of the room unusual, but also makes it possible to hide existing defects, creating and visually leveling an uneven angle between the ceiling and the wall.

Design possibilities of skirting boards

Depending on the parameters of the ceiling plinth, you can create the visual illusion of reducing or increasing the space.

By choosing colors and textures, you can, for example, accentuate the ceiling of a room or vice versa.

Foam plastic skirting boards can be painted in the same shade as the ceiling to create a visual absence of a border, or, conversely, with bright shades you can draw the eye specifically to the skirting board when there is such a need.

You should start installing the plinth only after completing preparatory work for leveling, puttying and priming the walls and the ceiling itself.

When there is wallpaper on the surfaces of the walls, they should be pasted before installing the baseboards, otherwise you will then have to apply the wallpaper under the product, and this is a painstaking procedure. To work you should stock up assembly adhesive, a special pistol, a knife, a miter box (they use it to make precise angles), a hacksaw equipped fine teeth, as well as acrylic sealant.

Installation process

Glue the foam plastic ceiling plinth, starting from any corner.

So, using a miter box and a hacksaw, you need to make forty-five degree angles on the material. Then apply glue to the surfaces that will come into contact with the wall and ceiling.

It should be taken into account that when uneven surface When gluing, you will have to use something to secure the plinth in places where it may sag.

After fixing the ceiling plinth, you should putty all existing joints using fine-grained putty.

If the work is not completed in one go, then you should once again cover the joints with putty until they become perfectly smooth.

All seams between the ceiling, baseboard and wall should be filled with acrylic sealant to obtain a perfectly smooth joint without gaps.

And the final touch to installing the baseboard is painting it acrylic paint in the required color scheme.

Ceiling plinth is one of the types of cornice and is intended for decorating the junction of walls and ceiling in the house. He may have different widths, finishing, be convex or concave.

Installing a ceiling plinth with your own hands will please the eye and help you save money by refusing the help of specialists. How this is done and what materials are needed for this process are described below.

Tools for gluing ceiling plinths

  • Ruler
  • Roulette
  • Pencil
  • Construction knife
  • Glue (liquid nails)
  • Glue gun
  • Spatula (rubber)

Consumables: ceiling plinth, acrylic sealant, special glue, polyethylene lining (for suspended ceilings).

For each corner take material with a margin of up to 10 cm on both sides.

Getting ready to install the ceiling plinth

  • We place the plinth on the floor for now, figuring out the best placement of the pieces.
  • We cut corner joints.
  • We check the correctness of the measurements and see if our “puzzle” of the ceiling plinth fits together.

When designing baseboards, try to maintain factory edges. They connect perfectly without any errors.

First, take two corner pieces, which are coated with glue, and glued simultaneously to both the ceiling and the wall. Then lightly press the baseboards and wait about a minute. The joints between them do not need to be lubricated with glue.

After completing the work, it is necessary to seal all joints of the baseboard with the walls and ceiling using a rubber spatula.

How to glue plinth to a suspended ceiling?

To glue the plinth to the suspended ceiling, choose very light elements so as not to weigh down the stretched fabric and damage it. Glue the baseboard with the wide side facing the wall. A polyethylene gasket is placed between the ceiling and the baseboard, which is removed after installation.

As you can see, you can glue the skirting boards yourself without special effort. It is enough to know only some of the tricks that we have shared with you.

Installation of ceiling plinth (video):

All photos from the article

In this article we will talk about how to install a ceiling plinth on a suspended ceiling yourself. The topic of the article is of considerable interest, since many compatriots prefer to install vinyl ceilings, instead of spending time and money on carrying out frequent cosmetic repairs plastered surfaces.

But there is one significant problem - traditional ways gluing baguettes, used when decorating conventional hard ceilings, are not always suitable for decorating stretch ceilings vinyl analogues. Let's find out how to attach a plinth to a suspended ceiling and what materials can be used for these purposes.

Choosing a baguette for finishing suspended ceilings

Currently, from the impressive range of baguettes on the market, the following varieties can be used for finishing a stretch ceiling:

  • products made from extruded polystyrene foam— they are lightweight, which greatly simplifies installation work;
  • polyurethane cornices— characterized by increased flexibility;
  • plastic (PVC) skirting board- available for sale in a number of varieties of vinyl ceilings specially made for finishing;
  • wooden baseboard.

Let's consider the listed categories finishing materials more details.

Products made from expanded polystyrene - dense foam - are distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • affordable price;
  • light weight and, as a result, the ability to apply glue only to the wall, which is very important when finishing vinyl ceilings;
  • ease of cutting at the desired angle, both with the help of special devices and with a sharp knife.

Among the shortcomings of the material, we note its fragility, and therefore installation will require special care from you.

Important: Expanded polystyrene baguette cannot be used for installation adhesive compositions containing organic solvents.
To ensure that the planks are not damaged during installation, the glue can be tested on a small piece of polystyrene foam and monitor its reaction.