Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

Small midge in the house. How to permanently get rid of small midges in an apartment kitchen

Sometimes, having noticed several midges in our home, we do not pay attention to them, believing that they will soon leave it themselves. This often happens, but it can also happen that these uninvited “guests” not only do not leave, but there are more and more of them. This leads to the need to fight them.

Today you can find many products on sale that will help remove midges from your home, with instructions on how to do this. People have been familiar with insects for a long time, so there are also a lot of folk remedies that allow you to effectively fight them.

Why are “winged guests” dangerous?

Despite their apparent harmlessness, these small insects can cause harm:

All the inconveniences that midges can cause in the house are especially dangerous and unpleasant when there is a child in it. The baby can play with them, put them in his mouth, and become infected.

The presence of such neighbors in the apartment is also unaesthetic and unhygienic. They leave their waste products in the form of small black dots that can be seen on furniture, windows, mirrors, i.e. absolutely everywhere.

The opinion that these unpleasant “guests” can only visit a home that is not kept clean is erroneous. The reasons for their appearance and how to remove midges depend on where exactly they found refuge.

Getting rid of midges in the kitchen

Many people are surprised at how these insects can appear practically out of thin air - windows and doors are closed, and the kitchen area can be flooded with them in a few hours. As a rule, fruit flies (fruit flies) appear in the kitchen.

When you bring fruits and berries into your home, you usually bring with you their larvae, which the adult lays on them while the fruit is ripening. When the remaining fruit begins to deteriorate and rot, the larvae develop into adult insects. This explains their sudden appearance, and even in large quantities.

Drosophila can also take root in the bathroom - they love moisture, and there is plenty of it in this room. In addition, they may appear from sewer pipes, especially if the latter are in a condition requiring repair or replacement.

Is it possible and how to get rid of midges in the kitchen if they are infested? Can. Previously, aggressive agents such as dichlorvos were used for this, but today this is not necessary.

If you decide to use industrial products, you can find ones that do not emit a strong unpleasant odor or have negative impact on children and animals. Nevertheless, many housewives prefer to cope with the problem with folk remedies.

Fill a 0.5 liter jar with any rotten fruits, covering the inlet with regular film. Make several small holes in it through which fruit flies will fall into this trap. Having flocked to their favorite smell, they will end up in the container, but will not be able to get back out.

When the “trap” has fulfilled its role, pour boiling water into the jar, and then pour all its contents into the toilet. Instead of a jar, you can use a plastic bottle using the same principle.

If there are not very many insects in the apartment, you can use a vacuum cleaner and treat all surfaces with it. You need to clean the dust collection bag as far as possible from your home so that the “guests” do not return again.

Camphor will also help get rid of midges. Finely chop the substance, heat the frying pan and place it on it. When steam starts to release, take the frying pan in your hands and walk around the house with it. These insects cannot tolerate the odor emitted. At the same time, it is absolutely harmless to humans.

Pour into a glass a liquid that midges like - compote, apple cider vinegar, jelly, wine. Place the vessel in the place where the insects have chosen, not forgetting to add liquid soap or any liquid detergent. It will reduce the tension of the surface of the environment, so the annoying “neighbors” will not be able to take off after tasting the delicacy. Place the contents of the glass into the toilet and rinse it.

You can “invite” insects to taste sweet syrup or compote in the sink, but in this case it is important to have time to wash them off with water.

After taking these measures, thoroughly wipe all kitchen surfaces, making sure that there are no fruits and their remains, liquids and other substances that attract insects anywhere in the public domain.

The fight against uninvited “guests” will be ineffective if you do not treat all places where they accumulate with a rag and detergent.

Clearing the bathroom of uninvited guests

Here, too, you can often find winged “guests”. They are attracted by the smell of moisture and rot, and often end up here, initially living in the flowers that grow in the apartment.

A common reason for their appearance is blockages in the sewer system. Various edible and inedible substances can accumulate and rot there, which become provocateurs of the problem.

Getting rid of the unpleasant “tenants” of the bathtub should begin with cleaning the sewer. To do this, you can use special chemicals. It is advisable to pour boiling water into the drain hole after treatment with them - it will disinfect perfectly.

If the blockages are serious, and no matter what you try to remove the midges, there is no result, you can and even need to contact a specialist who can disassemble the system and clean it. You can get rid of a small number of winged ones using ordinary adhesive tape - over time, they will all flock to it and remain with us forever.

You can also use the method of pouring syrup into the bath and quickly washing off the insects with a shower. Their habitat is often places where moisture accumulates. After treating the bathroom, be sure to wipe the floor under the bathtub and sink dry and in the future make sure that it always remains dry.

You need to fight midges not only by reducing humidity, but also by removing all contaminants. The bathroom must be perfectly clean. Please pay attention Special attention when cleaning the toilet, sink, trash can, and pet trays, if they are located in this room.

If neither you nor your household are allergic to chlorine, treat all bathroom surfaces with a product containing this substance - insects cannot tolerate it, so they will disappear very quickly.

How to clean indoor plants from them?

If you notice even one midge flying out of the pot, take immediate action. Before purchasing chemicals that can also harm the plant, try traditional methods.

Treat the soil with a very weak solution of potassium permanganate. Remember that you will have to treat all the flowers in the house, not just the one near which the midges swarm.

A good way to get rid of unpleasant “neighbors” are matches. They need to be inserted into the soil with the sulfur facing down, changing every two days. Experienced flower growers It is recommended to use steamed garlic. The vegetable must be treated with boiling water and inserted into the soil.

When the winter cold goes away and it comes summer season, it not only brings a feeling of joy and revitalization, but also new problems. During this period, many housewives practically forget about their wardrobe and begin to think about how to get rid of annoying insects, such as midges. At the first opportunity, these insects appear in a person’s home and, especially in the kitchen, where housewives spend quite a lot of time. Their presence does not inspire housewives to cook delicious dishes, but makes you nervous, which worsens the person’s general condition.

And this is not all negative, since these insects are carriers of various dangerous ailments. Their bites are much more painful than mosquito bites, and the consequences are much more obvious, since significant swelling appears. If a person is prone to allergies, then as a result of a midge bite a severe skin reaction may develop - simulidotoxicosis. Midges reproduce at a high speed, so the presence of several midges in an apartment can lead, after some time, to the appearance of a whole swarm of these dangerous and annoying creatures.

Two types of midges appear in human homes: Drosophila and Sciriadae. The first type is a fruit midge, and the second is a soil midge. When starting the fight against such insects, first of all you need to find a place where they reproduce, otherwise you may not see positive results in the fight against them. Only after this can we begin to destroy them.

There are several ways insects can appear in an apartment. For example:

  1. You can buy them at the market or in a store, in egg state, and bring them home. You can simply bring them in from the garden, with freshly picked fruits, berries or vegetables and other greens. Under certain conditions, insects begin to actively reproduce. After a short period of time, from a few single insects you can see a whole swarm of tiny creatures scurrying around the living area.
  2. Even single midges that enter a person’s home immediately look for appropriate place for laying eggs. Such a place could be a trash can with rotten fruits, berries or vegetables, a clogged sewer, etc. These tiny creatures simply adore places like these.
  3. If there are pets in the apartment, then midges can multiply in places where they are kept, where food remains remain, as well as in their bedding or water that has already stagnated.
  4. If there are indoor plants in the apartment, then they can also cause insects to appear in the house. When excessive watering or fertilizing with tea leaves is carried out, after which the tea leaves begin to rot in the pot, these are favorable conditions for the reproduction of such insects.
  5. Midges also easily penetrate through ventilation ducts from neighbors.

As a result of rapid reproduction, numerous flocks of these small “aggressors” begin to fly around the apartment, penetrating food bags and instantly occupying the berries, fruits or vegetables that appear on the table. This greatly irritates almost all residents. In such conditions, the fight against insects begins. You shouldn’t be particularly upset, since there are a sufficient number of ways to get rid of it, and they are quite simple and accessible.

As a rule, midges and other insects appear in the house if indoor cleaning is relegated to the background. In other words, unsanitary conditions lead to such consequences. Therefore, first of all:

  • Realize proper care for plants. If tea leaves are used to feed plants, then it must be removed in time and not allowed to become so bad that the tea leaves begin to rot. In addition, you should not flood the plants, which leads to excess moisture. This not only provides comfortable conditions for the development of insects, but can also destroy plants.

Constantly monitor the condition living space pets, promptly removing their waste, removing leftover food, bedding and regularly changing the water to fresh water. If there is an aquarium in the house, then the algae in the aquarium should not be allowed to rot.

  • Make sure that there are no food residues left in the sink, which will begin to rot over time. It's not only perfect place for the reproduction of small insects, but also fills the home with an unpleasant aroma. Special disinfectants should be used for cleaning. They not only eliminate bad smell, but also destroy the eggs of these insects. Sometimes it is enough to pour boiling water into the sink.
  • Removing and cleaning siphons can reduce the risk of all types of insects, including midges, appearing in a person’s home. This procedure is performed at least once a week.
  • You can take personal initiative and do a number of other things to reduce the likelihood of insects.

The presence of midges in the kitchen is quite unpleasant phenomenon, especially considering that you can seriously suffer from them. They not only land on food, but can fly into your nose or mouth. This leads to dissatisfaction in both adults and children.

In the kitchen, like nowhere else, there are all conditions for the life of insects:

  • On dining table crumbs, spilled tea, compote or juices remain. In addition, fruits or berries can be stored open.
  • There is a sink where dishes are washed, as well as a trash can where leftover food is dumped.
  • The presence of wet rags and napkins also attracts all kinds of insects.

If you eliminate the conditions that attract midges, then the midges themselves will begin to look for more comfortable conditions for its existence. Sometimes you have to resort to more radical options.

Methods for getting rid of midges in the kitchen

There are several simple ways how to get rid of midges in the kitchen. The use of special but simple traps allows you to quickly deal with these pests. Such traps can be made from improvised, sometimes unnecessary materials on the farm.

Designs of simple traps:

  • From a plastic glass. In a glass, as bait, you need to place a slice of some fruit or pour in juice or compote that has begun to ferment. The top of the glass is covered with cling film, after which the dishes are made in it. large holes. The diameter of the holes should be enough for the midge to crawl through them. You can leave such a trap in the kitchen, even overnight, and check it in the morning. In any case, there will be in the glass a large number of midges. After this, you can place the glass in plastic bag, tie it tightly and throw it out into the street with the trash. If necessary, you can prepare another trap in this way. If there are a lot of midges, you won’t be able to catch them with just one trap.
  • From glass jar . The bait used is the same, but the principle of operation of the trap is somewhat different. For normal operation paper traps need to be made into a funnel and inserted into the jar, but so that it does not rest against the bottom. Once the midges enter the jar through this funnel, they will no longer be able to get out.
  • From adhesive tape. This method is used when catching flies, but it also works successfully when catching midges. The operating principle is as follows: the substance with which the tape is coated is not only sticky, but also fragrant for insects.
  • From a solution with dishwashing detergent. To do this, take any container, after which compote, juice, wine, apple cider vinegar, etc. are poured into it. After this, a few drops of detergent are added to the solution. Insects will land on the liquid, but due to the fact that the product reduces the surface tension of the liquid, they will simply drown in the bait.
  • From sheets of paper soaked in a special solution. This homemade trap is also effective, but not very practical, since it takes up a lot of space in the apartment. The solution is made as follows: take 250 ml of milk and add 3 tablespoons of black pepper and 1.5 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Sheets of paper are soaked in this solution, which are then hung around the apartment. The midges that land on these sheets die.
  • From a mixture of water, milk and formaldehyde. First, a solution is prepared. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of formalin, 3 tbsp. l. milk and 5 tbsp. l. sweet water. The composition is mixed well and poured into a container. The mixture attracts midges, after which they die.

Since all the traps are homemade, having shown ingenuity, imagination and resourcefulness, as well as armed unnecessary items everyday life, you can make a lot of various devices that will help you quickly deal with insects, and with any kind.

Mechanical methods of getting rid of midges

If you use a number of methods, you can get rid of midges quite quickly, without much effort:

  • Arrange an artificial draft. If you try, most of these harmful creatures will leave the room with the flow of air.
  • Clean with a vacuum cleaner. A vacuum cleaner is a powerful insect repellent. If you walk with a vacuum cleaner over all surfaces where midges sit, their rows will quickly thin out, and most of the midges will end up in the garbage container. After this, you need to immediately go outside and empty the container.
  • The use of fragrances that are harmful to insects. For this, essential oils or the plants themselves are used: verbena, patchouli, ylang-ylang, cloves, etc. These aromas simply destroy the midges.
  • Applications of camphor. This substance has long been used to kill midges. The medicine is crushed and placed on a heated frying pan. After its aroma appears, you can walk around the entire apartment with the frying pan. The result will not take long to arrive. In addition, camphor is harmless for both adults and children.
  • If installed on all windows mosquito nets , then the likelihood of insects entering the apartment is noticeably reduced.

The reason for the appearance of midges is the same everywhere, therefore the methods of control are the same, regardless of whether it is an apartment or an individual a private house. If the house has a basement, then these are exactly the conditions that are suitable for the breeding of midges. As a rule, stocks of vegetables and fruits are stored in the basement, which from time to time begin to rot. Midges appear immediately in such conditions. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to regularly audit stocks, removing spoiled vegetables and fruits.

Midges especially love onions, which are stored in the basement, in a dark place and in plastic bags. In such storage conditions, onions begin to quickly deteriorate, and this is a real paradise for insects. Before doing this, it is advisable to sort everything out and store vegetables not in plastic bags, but under air circulation conditions. You can use special nets to store onions. All food in the house should be stored in the refrigerator. This will protect everyone from the appearance of midges, and the food will be more intact.

If midges do appear, then first of all you need to create something for them. favorable conditions: close access to food and deprive them high humidity. In this case, they will leave the apartment themselves, and in addition, you can place bouquets of some plants or cotton wool soaked in water everywhere. essential oils the same plants mentioned earlier. Noticeable effect It always works out with an integrated approach, the main thing is to start the fight in time, and better yet, to prevent midges or other insects from appearing in the house.

Midges in the bathroom: how to get rid of them

The bathroom in the house is a place where insects like to congregate. This is due to a number of factors such as high humidity, the possibility of penetration through the sewer, the presence of wet, unwashed rags.

In addition, if general cleaning is not done on time, the bathroom can turn into a kind of incubator for midges. Therefore, you need to regularly clean the sewer using special means, like a “mole”. This product is sold at any hardware store. How to use it is written in the instructions. It should be remembered that this remedy, under certain conditions, can harm a person. Usually the product is poured into the sink or poured, after which the glass is poured hot water. After some time specified in the instructions, the product is completely washed off with warm water.

If there is high humidity in the bathroom, then you should pay attention to the work ventilation system. Quite often, such systems simply do not exist. This applies to the private sector, but in apartments they can simply be packed, even from the time of construction.

Do not leave wet, unwashed rags in the bathroom. In addition to the fact that they emit an unpleasant odor, they attract midges in clouds. This is especially true in summer, when moisture and elevated temperatures create favorable conditions for the reproduction of midges.

Remedies for midges

When using chemicals When dealing with midges, you need to pay attention to how safe they are for humans and toxic to insects. Modern market Such funds are simply overflowing with products of this type. You should pay attention to the following:

  1. Aerosols, such as “Raid”, “Dichlorvos”, “Combat” and others. Before use, it is advisable to carefully read and study the instructions. As a rule, the use of such products involves clearing the room of children's toys, clothes, and food so that these substances do not get on them. The room must be closed during the spraying process. It must remain closed for some time, which must be indicated in the instructions. In conclusion, this is ventilation of the room. Only after this you can enter it.
  2. Fumigators- these are special components that decompose when exposed to high temperature, releasing toxic substances that have a detrimental effect on insects. Similar means widely used against mosquitoes, midges, flies, etc. The disadvantage of this method is that the maximum effect is achieved only after 3 hours. Today there are known products that act on insects literally instantly.
  3. Light traps- This electronic devices, which attract insects with a light source, after which they destroy them with high voltage. These devices are universal and suitable for killing insects of any kind. The disadvantages of such devices include noisy operation, since insects die from electrical discharges, and the impossibility of using them during the day, since insects are attracted by light.
  4. Repellents- these are devices in the body of which special strips are placed, impregnated with a chemical substance of a repellent or destructive nature. Such devices are widely popular because they are easy to use: hang them on the wall in the room and the device starts working. Such means of control can be used both in residential and non-residential premises. In any case, you need to study the instructions, since in any case toxic substances are released, and they are always dangerous for humans, especially if there are children, pregnant women and seriously ill people in the house. In addition to people, pets can also be harmed. In any case, health should come first.

How is the fruit midge different from other types of midges?

For some people it doesn't happen various types midges, since they understand midges as some generalized concept associated with insects of rather small size. The fruit midge mainly chooses fruits and berries for its life activity. By appearance they can be distinguished from other midges by a number of characteristics:

  • The Drosophila midge is not large in size, only from 1 to 3 mm.
  • She has an oval, slightly oblong body.
  • It does not fly fast and is distinguished by its “drunk” flight.
  • It has 2 wings placed symmetrically and 6-8 legs.
  • The color of the insect ranges from brown, yellow to orange or black.

These small insects lay eggs exclusively on the surface of fruits, berries and vegetables. As a result of the appearance of rot, the eggs turn into adult midges, since this is a breeding ground for them. There is no direct threat to humans from midges, but they unbalance a person by flying into the nose, mouth, ears, etc.

Small insects in an apartment cause a lot of trouble and inconvenience, especially in the warm season. And although they are very tiny, we don’t want to live next door to them, so we try to fight them. However, not everyone knows how to get rid of midges in an apartment. This is what this article will be devoted to.

First of all, you need to figure out where they come from. Most often, insects end up where spoiled food is located: in the trash can, on a carelessly left apple core, or on a piece of some product lying under the bedside table. It’s better to prevent their appearance.

Before you get rid of midges in your apartment, you need to carefully check every corner and find the source of their reproduction, and then proceed to destroy them. The entire apartment must be thoroughly checked. If midges have settled in the sink, then it requires disinfection. To do this, simply pour a special solution into it.

Next we will look at how to get rid of midges in an apartment using specific methods. To do this, you can use various traps. For example, you can use chemical substances which are sold in stores. They are usually sprayed around the room, all windows and doors are tightly closed, and they leave the house for several hours. However, this method is unacceptable in living rooms, since the smell of the product can permeate furniture, food and other items.

Before getting rid of midges in your apartment, for example, in the kitchen, prepare thoroughly. Take a glass and place bait on the bottom. The same spoiled product can act as bait. Next, the top of the jar needs to be wrapped in oilcloth, which it is advisable to secure tightly with tape. Small holes should be made in the film. Through them, the midge will be able to smell the rot and get inside the jar. When a significant number of insects have accumulated in the vessel, it will have to be thrown away. They usually fall there and drown.

You can also place an open container of water, which attracts insects.

After you have managed to get rid of midges in the house, you need to carry out a general cleaning of all the rooms. Moreover, try to disinfect all surfaces so that not a single laid egg remains.

If some kind of fruit pies are often baked in the apartment, or the owners are engaged in winemaking, then insects are permanent “residents”. How to get rid of midges at home if there are a lot of them and they appear constantly? This is a rather complicated question. However, they can be dealt with here too. For example, insects can be smoked. To do this, you need to heat camphor in a frying pan and carry it through all the rooms. It won’t harm people, but it will kill the midge. You can also use a regular vacuum cleaner, which can easily catch a large number of insects.

However best method struggle is still prevention. Try not to leave trash in the bin on long time, especially in summer. Clean the room more often and make sure that not a single piece of fruit or vegetable gets into hard to reach places. Disinfect your kitchen drains periodically. Then you won’t have to “rack your brains” over how to get rid of midges in your apartment?

At first glance, harmless midges in an apartment are uninvited guests in winter and summer, since they are carriers of many diseases; in this article you will learn what housewives need to take note.

There are over 1,000 varieties of these cute pests, up to 6 mm long with short antennae. They live no more than 1 month and the best delicacy is garbage cans and garbage containers with decomposed food waste that are not taken out on time. All this is a source of infection of people with serious infectious diseases. Moreover, midges bite strongly and are no less powerful than a mosquito bite. If it gets into saliva, it can lead to the development of simulidotoxicosis as an irreversible reaction, difficult to eliminate even with strong medications.

The main source of the appearance of small inhabitants in the apartment are indoor plants, namely the soil due to excessive and frequent watering, which favors the proliferation of small black pests.

Lead to the appearance of:

  • leftovers and crumbs of food left on the table, floor, behind cabinets;
  • dirty aquariums with stagnant water that were not cleaned on time;
  • accumulation of food waste in the sewage system;
  • small cracks, cracks, ventilation hatches through which midges move from neighbors;
  • lack of proper care for animals;
  • untimely cleaning of cells;
  • planting cucumbers on windowsills as a favorite treat (leaves) for insects.

Midges happily eat spoiled fruits, vegetables and fruits left unattended in the kitchen. The decomposition of food leads to increased secretion of juice, and the lack of sanitation and cleanliness in the room, untimely removal of trash cans with food waste are excellent conditions for the proliferation of colonies of small flies.

What are the little midges called?

There are many types of small midges, and the most common types include:

  1. Drosophila, a rather tiny midge, similar to flies, that loves to eat stale fruits and vegetables.
  2. Scelorids, black microscopic midges that attack flower pots when plants are frequently watered. It is quite difficult to withdraw until you produce complete replacement to a new one.
  3. Whiteflies are lovers of eating plant leaves, taking wing at the last stage of their development and creating entire colonies due to rapid reproduction.

Midges in an apartment in winter - reasons for their appearance

According to many biologists, the reasons for the appearance of midges in an apartment in winter are:

What to do, you need to start fighting small pests, fortunately, many methods are known among the people today.

How to get rid of it?

To get rid of hordes of midges in a room or kitchen, you first need to identify the source from which the females began to fly out or breed. Perhaps it's a basket of rotten fruit, or a trash can that wasn't taken out on time.

The main thing is to prevent the breeding ground, check all possible areas in the apartment where the midge can settle. Maybe she started to fly out of sewer hatch or from the kitchen sink, which indicates stagnant moldy water in the riser. What can you do?

Typically, the action time of insecticides is 6-8 hours, some give effect after 3-4 hours.

  • Fumigators- an excellent tool not only in the fight against midges, but also mosquitoes and flies.
  • Light traps as an innovative invention for electrocuting uninvited guests.
  • Repellents for quick destruction of fruit midges. A strip impregnated with chemical composition, as soon as the repelling and mass removal of midges from the living space begins. Repellents are safe for human health and easy to use. It is enough to hang it in the room in places where midges accumulate, and the product will begin to work. Can be used in attics, garages, basements near the source of midge breeding. If used in an apartment, one must not forget about timely ventilation so that the toxic fumes released do not have a negative effect on children and pets.

The most popular and simple folk methods

Of course, you can buy a chemical solution, an aerosol, or use popular traditional methods, For example:

These methods allow you to fight midges. Of course, they will not be enough if entire hordes settle in an apartment. But in pest control, all means are good and working together will ultimately help achieve good results.

If you still cannot get rid of the midges on your own, then you should call the sanitary service, who will certainly carry out a complete disinfestation in the apartment, leaving no chance for survival.

How to protect yourself from pests in your apartment?

The easiest way is to prevent dirt in the apartment and carry out a thorough general cleaning of the closets in a timely manner, kitchen tables, i.e., places where midges settle most often.

Not less important:

Simple preventative measures will help protect your home from uninvited guests. It is advisable to plant geranium, the smell of which midges absolutely cannot stand. If there are insects, at least there will be significantly fewer of them.

Most often, midges can be seen in the kitchen, because there is always something to eat there. Sometimes insects end up in the refrigerator in a bag of fruit. Low temperature does not kill them, but only “puts them to sleep.” After returning to freedom, the midge awakens and continues the hunt for a new delicacy. Midges often hide in flower pots. Due to the lack of fruit, midges begin to feed on the juice flowing in the stems and leaves of indoor flowers.

How to distinguish a fruit fly from a regular midge

Drosophila or fruit flies

Drosophila are the most harmless insects for humans. This group includes more than 10 species of midges. The size of the body does not exceed 2.5-3 mm, which allows them to get through all the cracks and even through the mosquito net. The color of the insect ranges from light green to dark brown. “Plodovki” are distinguished by their slow “drunk” flight. They often hover in circles in one place.

Fruit flies lay larvae on the surface of food. Citrus fruits are most preferred for these purposes. This is explained by the fact that the smell of citrus fruits repels wasps, which are the main enemies of fruit trees. They eat the deposited larvae, preventing the flies from reproducing. The larvae remain in the product for 10 days, and then young individuals are born. Most often, people themselves bring food into the house with deposited larvae, which quickly mature and encroach on vegetable and fruit supplies.

The damage caused by fruit flies is to accelerate the process of fruit rotting. Flying from spoiled fruits to fresh ones, midges carry fungal spores. As a result fresh fruit becomes covered with dark spots after 5-6 hours. This is dangerous for owners of canteens, cafes and vegetable stores. Damage caused by small insects can result in large financial costs.

Food spoilage is not the only harm from house flies. After eating a product with deposited larvae, a person may experience health problems. Abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea are the most harmless signs of poisoning. To avoid further troubles, you need to remove the midges from the apartment.


Ordinary street midges are much more dangerous than “fruit lovers”. They are relatives of mosquitoes and are blood-sucking insects. The color of the insect ranges from light brown to dark brown. They fly much faster than fruit flies. Oral apparatus midges have a special structure. The mosquito inserts a hair-thin proboscis under the skin, slightly damaging the upper layer of the epidermis. Midge bites are much more painful. The insect chews off the top layer of skin and feeds on the blood that comes out of the wound. Saliva that gets into the wound can cause a severe allergic reaction in the form of swelling, redness and bruising.

IN wildlife midges live near bodies of water, in plantings, forests, hiding in tall grass. Once in houses and apartments, small bloodsuckers hide in indoor plants. Sometimes they can be found in the bathroom, as there is a source of moisture there. Midges are most active after sunset. A fumigator or special plates that destroy blood-sucking insects will help get rid of them.

Cleanliness is the main protection against “fruits”

main reason the appearance of midges in the house - the introduction of infected fruits and vegetables collected from your own garden or purchased in a store. The fruit midge lives no more than a day, but short term life does not prevent it from multiplying at tremendous speed. One bowl of rotting fruit can produce tens or hundreds of individuals in one night. If midges appear in the kitchen, immediately throw away all spoiled food, wash fresh fruits and hide them in the refrigerator.

The second reason is a “stale” trash can. Watermelon skins, apple cores, potato peelings and other organics. During the hot season, food spoils much faster. By evening, the trash can will become an attractive place for midges. What if the garbage stays in the house for 2 or 3 days? Take out organic trash daily and keep the bin clean.

The “Green Corner” is the second most attractive place for midges. Flower pots contain fallen leaves that rot due to high humidity. Many housewives fertilize flowers with tea leaves or other food products. This attracts small insects. Try to remove leaves, twigs and other plant waste from pots in a timely manner.

The “living corner” is also a “bait” for midges. They can fly into the cages of birds, rabbits and hamsters. Rodents are distinguished by their love of food. Their supplies attract insects. Keep the area around your dog or cat's bowl clean. Change the water in aquariums regularly. Midges flock to the smell of stagnant water and traces of organic matter on the walls of the aquarium.

Rinse regularly sewage. You can use a liquid or granular product to dissolve deposits in Krot pipes. Food and other organic waste stuck in pipes rot over time, attracting midges. Therefore, midges often fly not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom.

Ways to fight

The first step towards completely eliminating midges from your home is a general cleaning of the kitchen. Throw away all spoiled products, conduct a complete audit of all kitchen cabinets, storage rooms and balconies. Insects may be present in cereals. Wash all dirty dishes. Midges can smell one unwashed glass of juice or wine a mile away. A loosely sealed bottle of wine will lure midges into the bar. Organize your dishes and those of your pets. Remove all fallen leaves from the flowers, wash the floor and clean the pipes. If after spring cleaning There are still “fruit trees” flying around the room, you need to set up traps and barriers.

Cleanliness in the kitchen will prevent the appearance of cockroaches, ants, flycatchers and fruit flies

Homemade traps

There are 3 most popular trap recipes that you can make at home. If midges are infested in plants, you can install traps on windowsills.

To get rid of insects in the kitchen, you need to make several baits at once. This will increase the number of “fruits” caught.

  • Trap with banana peel. “Plodovki” simply adore bananas. To make a trap you will need an empty one plastic bottle and fresh banana peel. Place the peel inside the bottle (if it doesn't fit through the neck, cut it into pieces) and screw on the cap. Make 10 small punctures. To do this, it is better to use a thin hot awl. The smell of the peel is an attractant for midges. They are able to smell it even at long distance. Having flown inside, the insect cannot get back out.
  • Cone-shaped trap. Place a slice of orange or a piece of any spoiled fruit at the bottom of the glass. Make a cone out of paper, securing the edges with tape. Place the paper in the glass with the cone facing down. The hole should be large enough to let in small midges. Insects are unable to escape from the trap.
  • Trap with vinegar or alcohol. Midges love beer, wine, sweetened water, fruit juices and honey. Pour any of the listed liquids into a deep container, cover the top tightly with cling film. Make several small holes using a toothpick. The liquid attracts small insects. Once inside, they cannot get out.


If folk remedies turned out to be helpless in the fight against fruit flies, you can resort to more aggressive methods.

  • Special trap from "Raptor". One trap is enough to protect a room up to 12 square meters. Validity period – up to 30 days. The package contains a bottle of liquid, a special sheet of cardboard with an adhesive surface, and instructions on how to assemble the “house.” Midges flock to the attractive aroma and stick to the sticky “floor.”
  • Dichlorvos. Good old dichlorvos helps fight almost any insect. The main thing is that the aerosol does not get on food.
  • Mosquito fumigator. Plates or mosquito fumigator help cope with fruit flies. Turn on the fumigator in the kitchen for one night, and the insects will disappear without a trace.

All of these methods help to permanently remove annoying midges from sight. You will no longer see them in your tea, in a bag of fruit, or hovering over indoor plants. .