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How to make a homemade burner? Factory and homemade apparatus for wood burning. Design of a device for wood burning.

Today, many people, both adults and children, want to burn wood. This type of hobby even has a name - pyrography. Since ancient times there has been this type art, its essence lies in depicting drawings on wood on a hard surface so as to capture the picture on long time. To do this, use a very hot object that will melt the surface, thereby leaving marks.

What materials should be used? Wood is chosen as the basis for the future image, since it is one of the most pliable, cheapest and most available materials for burning.

Undoubtedly, every person has seen the fruits of pyrography live at least once. Translated, this word means image using fire. It looks really fascinating.

Surely every person has been surprised more than once by the beauty of drawings and patterns on wood. Wood burning, like drawing, is painstaking and great work. Those who create with the “help of fire,” like sculptors and artists, are very receptive to the world around them, because this is the main condition for creating masterpieces. A masterpiece, in this case, is not just to depict someone’s face or an element of nature, but to convey every feature, even the smallest detail, to display the mood, the expression of the eyes (if it is a person). And all this on one small board.

There are several types of burning

Using a store-bought device (meaning purchased in a store developed by a company).
- Using homemade wood burners (that is, the element that you make from your own materials).
- Using the sun and a lens. This method is used by many children who have nothing to do in the sun, but it was used by ancient people to get a fire or transmit any information to other tribes using a drawing on the bark.

Today, the most relevant is homemade burner on wood, since the sun is not always there, and we are not ancient people in a hopeless situation. And when buying a new device you will have to spend a considerable amount of money.

To make it yourself, you need to have an understanding of the structure of any store-bought analogue. With the right approach, you can develop more functional and high-quality wood burners.

What does the store element consist of?

We can only consider it externally. And the inside can be seen in the drawing. The wood burner diagram is shown in the photo below.

By the way, stores most often sell power tools. Therefore, it is worth looking at the main parts, including the transformer for the wood burner. Also, for an expanded understanding of these elements, you should pay attention to the operating instructions. The main parts and the material from which they are made will definitely be specified there.

How to make a wood burner with your own hands?

To implement this idea, you need to use a lot of ingenuity and perseverance, since this is not the easiest task, and the scheme is very confusing. During manufacturing, you will have to use a variety of equipment that is not commercially available.

What will you need for this?

It all depends on what kind of wood burners you decide to make. The only thing that will be useful in any case is nichrome wire. The next required spare parts are a battery and a wire. The battery is preferably a rechargeable type, since constant use of the device will use up a lot of regular batteries, which can significantly hit your pocket.

There are also requirements for the wire. Good wire is a guarantee of your safety, so you should approach this issue very responsibly.

Where can I find a diagram for development?

You can develop the scheme yourself. In our article you can find many different types of schemes - from the most basic to quite complex. All these inventions were designed to suit the nature of the developer, naturally. You can easily choose any of the schemes and work according to it.

It is worth recalling that each person is an individual, which means that each has his own character and his own requirements for life. In this case, it’s worth remembering this, looking through the large number of proposed scheme options and creating your own, even if it is a little more complicated and more demanding than the others.

Naturally, it will be easier for people who are closely familiar with physical laws, and especially with electrical circuits, to implement their idea. If you don’t understand this, no problem, you can find information about graphical representations of circuits, understand the images and find out what is what in reality.

Where should I start?

You need to start by modeling the burner first in your head and then on paper. When you have clearly defined ideas, you can start looking for parts for the device. This will not take much time, since everyone has the basic spare parts in the house. Of course, it will be more difficult if you choose a pyrograph with the ability to change attachments and change the temperature.

How to make the simplest burner?

Surely many don't large quantity time to do difficult option burner. Therefore, let's consider hiking option.
To make the device we will need:

Needle from a medical syringe;
- one sewing needle;
- 9 Volt rechargeable battery;
- double wire.

The needle should be given more attention, since the quality of your masterpieces in the future will depend on its quality. It is desirable that it be sharp and thin. During operation, it is the needle from under the syringe that will heat up red-hot. The second one will barely touch it. This will cause resistance and will cause the needle to warm up.

A cap from a syringe needle, as well as a sewing needle (with threaded thread), will also be useful in production. It is necessary to pierce the cap with a needle and stretch the thread to the end - so that the needle fits tightly to the cap. To secure it, wrap it with the rest of the thread. In this case, the needle should extend beyond the cap and be positioned strictly parallel to it.

Next, let's return to the syringe part. The cone-shaped cap is of no use, so it must be eliminated. We wind this needle to the opposite side of the cap with another thread, parallel to the sewing needle. Now you need to slightly bend the tip of the needle so that its tip touches the sewing needle. As was said above - than smaller area contact between games - the better it is for the speed of warming up.

Next step

Next you need to take a high-quality double wire. It must be cleaned on both sides and two holes made in the cap to bring the wire out. Having done this, you need to connect each wire to the corresponding needle. It is advisable to screw the wires very tightly, since the quality of the current flow depends on this.

For safety and quality, it is necessary to finally secure the wire (including threads) with insulating tape.

At the end of the work, you need to use an unnecessary button (preferably from an old tape recorder) and a rechargeable battery. The main thing is not to confuse the polarity, otherwise homemade apparatus will not heat up (or rather, its tip).

All is ready! All that remains is to try out the made device in operation.


It is worth noting that now burning is not only a way of spending time, but also a way of earning money. The demand for burning portraits and landscapes is increasing every day. Now this lesson rivals wood carving. Wood carving was originally created to diversify the interior of ancient houses of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. After all, when there was no beautiful furniture in stores, they created it themselves. Recently we started trying to use burning on furniture instead of wood carving. This solution will make the interior not only beautiful, but also unique.

The price depends on the number of strokes required and the quality requirements of the work.

In fact, you can make any wood burners in a short time. A drawn sketch or drawing will greatly simplify the assembly or even the creation of your own model of the device.

It doesn’t matter how complex the model is; the most important thing in this device is the correctness of the tip. This is what can affect the quality of your future paintings. The wood burner performs patterns very accurately, so the image can be of any degree of complexity. By the way, as shown in the previous photographs, the shape of the tip for this electrical appliance can be changed depending on the complexity of the work.

So, we found out how to make an electric wood burner with your own hands.

Pyrography is one of the techniques for applying images to hard surfaces made of organic materials using heated to high temperatures subject. Wood is mainly used as the basis for the painting. The burning tool is a loop of wood fixed in a special holder. You can make a wood burner with your own hands different ways and even provide software control of the device.

However, such a scheme is quite complex, and its implementation will require equipment inaccessible to the general public. However, you can make a fairly simple burner with your own hands, literally from scrap materials and a power supply. It also has a simple circuit diagram for controlling currents in the primary circuit.

Operating principle of the pyrograph

Two questions arise at once: how to make a wood burner and how does it all work? To understand this, you need to understand the physical principles used in the device. In general, the device works as follows: from nichrome wire warming up alternating current up to high temperatures. Upon contact with smooth wooden surface its charring occurs.

The degree of impact on the material can be adjusted by varying the contact time, its force and current parameters. The first two indicators are determined by eye by the change in color of the plate. Current adjustment is carried out mounted on the device body. Experienced craftsmen pyrographers select the current once at the beginning of work on the image, and then only control the holder.

Materials and components for a homemade burner

Classic wood burner design industrial production difficult to implement in artisanal conditions. It has been modernized folk craftsmen, as a result, current control was transferred from the output of the secondary to the input of the primary winding. This is how an adjustable soldering iron works. For a fairly crude heating element, which is essentially a piece of nichrome wire, the shape of the output voltage is not particularly important.

Much more important is the ability to more or less accurately adjust and stabilize the voltage. It is easier to achieve the required indicators by varying the indicators of the primary circuit. It is of particular importance in the secondary winding - it must be sufficient to withstand the current load on the heating element. Values ​​are calculated using the formula where resistance is equal to the ratio of voltage to current (Ohm's law).

Making a holder for a pyrograph

It is based on a handle made of durable dielectric material. This could be a ready-made soldering iron handle made of wood or heat-resistant polymer. Voltage is supplied to the tool via a two-core electrical wire with double insulation of the PVA type. The cross-section of the conductor must be at least 1 sq. mm, which is quite enough to ensure safe work masters of pyrography.

A do-it-yourself burner is made in such a way as to exclude the possibility of harming a person electric shock. Important detail- a holder for a nichrome heater, which is nothing more than a piece of an incandescent coil for an electric stove open type. It is fixed on a board made of PCB or other material resistant to high temperatures.

The best fastenings for the filament element are electrical terminals with fixing screws. They are removed from the plastic case and attached to the insulator. On one side, a power wire is inserted into them, passed through the handle, and on the other side - a nichrome a heating element. After assembly, the plate is carefully inserted into the cavity of the handle and secured there.

Assembling and setting up the pyrograph

A homemade wood burner consists of a power supply and a holder with a heating element. It is connected to the secondary winding of the step-down transformer. For this purpose, standard screw wiring terminals installed on the board are used. The primary circuit of the transformer is controlled by a simple electrical circuit of three resistances, as many capacitors and two triodes.

A do-it-yourself wood burner is mounted in a plastic or metal case. To assemble the control circuit, the so-called wall-mounted installation can be used or performed. After assembly, the device is connected and configured. It comes down to checking the voltage regulation limits at the output of the secondary winding; they should fall within the range from 3 to 8 V.

Intended use of the device

A DIY wood burner is used to create paintings and other images. The procedure for working with it is as follows: the photograph is transferred from paper to the prepared surface using ordinary carbon paper. Then, using a well-heated device, lines, strokes and dots are applied, which will create a complete image.


A wood burner, assembled with your own hands from available materials, will be an excellent tool for creative development personality. This activity is equally exciting for both adults and children. The growth of the artist’s skill occurs during the development and consolidation of the skill of working with the device.

Many people today, both adults and children, love wood burning. This hobby option even has its own name - pyrography. This type of art appeared quite a long time ago, and its essence lies in depicting drawings on hard surfaces wood so as to capture the picture for a long time. To do this, you need a heated object that can melt the surface and leave marks.

What materials are needed? Wood is suitable as a base for the future image, since this material is one of the most inexpensive and amenable to burning.

Undoubtedly, every person has seen the result of pyrography at least once in his life. This word is translated as “image using fire.” The drawings look really very original.

Like drawing, wood burning is quite a voluminous and painstaking work. To create a masterpiece of pyrography, it is not enough to depict an element or someone's face. It is necessary to convey every touch, even the most insignificant, reflecting the expression of the eyes and mood.

How to make a burner yourself?

To create a burner with your own hands, you will need quick wits and perseverance, since this is not the easiest thing to do, and the diagram is quite confusing. During production, you will have to use different equipment that is not commercially available.

What do we need?

The list of required items depends on what kind of wood burner you want to make. The only thing you will need in any case is nichrome thread. The next required spare parts are a wire and a battery. It's good if the battery is rechargeable, because Full time job The device will use a lot of regular batteries - this will hit your pocket.

There are also some requirements for the wire. A good wire will guarantee your safety, so approach the issue with all responsibility.

Where can I get the diagram?

You can develop the scheme yourself. We also present in the article several different schemes– from elementary to complex. All inventions were calculated according to the developer’s requirements, and you can choose the appropriate option.

It should be noted that each person is individual and has his own character and requirements. There are a lot of options for schemes, so you can try to make your own, even if it is more complex and demanding than those presented.

Of course, implement own scheme It will be easier for those people who are familiar with the laws of physics and who have encountered electrical circuits. If you don’t understand this, find information and images of circuits, understand them and find out what works and how.

Where to begin?

You should always start by modeling the burner in your head, and then you need to transfer the drawing to paper. Once you have clear ideas, you can start looking for components. This will take a little time, since the basic parts are available in almost any home. If you need a pyrograph with interchangeable nozzles and temperature changes, things get more complicated.

How to make a simple burner?

Few people have enough time to create a complex burner, so let's consider a simple option.


To assemble this device you will need the following:

  • sewing needle;
  • needle from a medical syringe;
  • double wire.

The needle is very important as its quality will affect the quality of your masterpieces. It is better to choose a thin and sharp needle. The needle from the syringe will heat up to red during operation, and the sewing needle will lightly touch it - this will cause resistance and help warm up the needle.

Build process

To make a burner you will need a syringe needle cap and a sewing needle with thread. You need to pierce the cap with a needle and pull the thread to the end so that the needle rests on the cap. To secure it, wrap it with the rest of the thread, and the needle should go beyond the cap and be placed parallel to it.

Let's return to the syringe part. We don't need the cone-shaped cap - we remove it. We wind the needle to the opposite part of the cap with another thread and a sewing needle. Now slightly bend the tip of the needle so that its tip barely touches the sewing needle. As we said, the smaller the contact area, the faster the burner will heat up.


We take a good double wire - it should be stripped on both sides and two holes should be made in the cap to bring the wire out. After this, connect each wire to the needles - screw them as tightly as possible, since the quality of current flow will depend on this.

For quality and safety, finally secure the wire with electrical tape.

Finally, use an unnecessary button, for example, from an old tape recorder, and a battery. The main thing is not to reverse the polarity, otherwise the device will not warm up.

Let's sum it up

It should be noted that burning today is not just a hobby, but can become a way to earn money. Every day the demand for burning landscapes and portraits is increasing - this activity competes with wood carving. Initially, it was created to diversify the interiors of ancient houses of the 19-20 centuries. When you couldn't buy it in stores beautiful furniture, it had to be created with your own hands.

In fact, you can make any type of wood burner in as soon as possible. A drawn drawing or sketch will simplify the assembly process and creation of the device.

It doesn't matter how complex your device is - the main thing is to get the tip right. The quality of all created paintings depends on it. If the burner draws patterns on wood as accurately as possible, you will be able to draw images of any complexity.

Among the tools home handyman necessary for apartment renovation and creative activities, it is required to have kits for combined purposes.

They allow you to perform various operations and create unique items for interior decoration.

The article selected practical advice how to make a universal car charger with your own hands with smooth current control and safely perform original wood burning with it, using ordinary nichrome wire.

They are reinforced detailed diagrams, photographs and video.

How does the battery charge?

The car's battery, powering the on-board instruments and lighting, is discharged. When the engine is running, it is recharged due to the fact that electricity is supplied to the banks with a total voltage of 12 volts from the generator through a relay regulator direct current with a potential difference of 13.8÷14.5 volts.

The power of a running generator significantly compensates for the energy lost by the battery. But not completely. Some part of its capacity is not replenished by the incoming charge current. It depends on many conditions that are affected different modes work created when the vehicle is moving.

Therefore, the battery periodically requires a control and training cycle to restore its initial capacity. It is performed on a charger.

Most passenger cars It is enough to maintain a battery charge current of 5 amperes and be able to raise the voltage to 15 volts. It’s not at all difficult to buy a charger, but we suggest making it yourself.

To have a small power reserve, we use the design of a device capable of producing a voltage of 24 volts and a current of 10 amperes. It can also be used for other purposes. We talk about them in the last part of the article.

Universal charger

The operating principle is based on the conversion of sinusoidal energy from a 220-volt household network into rectified current, the value of which is regulated by an electronic unit.

Structurally, the scheme consists of three parts:

  1. a 220 volt input device that supplies voltage to the primary winding of the transformer;
  2. power block made on thyristors and powerful diodes;
  3. electronic circuit for controlling the output current.

Let's take a closer look at them. As an example, I will show photographs of my own homemade device completed wall-mounted. For clarity purposes, some of the protective covers have been removed.

It was made about 10 years ago. It has proven itself well. And his electrical diagram lost and I had to restore it from life in order to publish it on the website.

To accommodate all the parts, a piece of board with rubber soles was chosen to eliminate the slipperiness of the structure on problem surfaces.

220 volt circuit diagram

In the charger drawing, the supply voltage supply unit is highlighted in light red.

Installation method

The terminals are placed and the wires are connected on a 5 mm thick getinax plate. It is located on the back of the device, which limits accidental touching of live terminals. However, they are additionally covered with a plastic cover.

Power supply

A cord with a plug is used that can be inserted into any outlet. A voltage of 220 volts is supplied to the two outer terminals. There are four in total:

  • the left pair is used to connect the fuse;
  • middle - transformer windings;
  • right - power buttons for 220 volts.


I installed a design taken from a decommissioned tube high-frequency transceiver. You can use parts from an old TV or radio.


Serves to protect the charger from accidental short circuits and overloads.

The need to install it was suggested to me by the actions of one driver, who again a month later brought me a factory charger for repair: I had to change the thyristors and diodes of the power unit. It turned out that he was checking their operation using the old-fashioned “spark” method, briefly closing the output contacts...

How to choose a fuse link

Protection is based on determining the current value that provides long work at rated load and short-term overloads up to 10%.

It can be calculated knowing the maximum power consumption and voltage. It was necessary to select the calibration wire for the fuse link using an experimental method: pass the test current from the load device through different samples and observe their behavior.

The selected wire was soldered inside the glass fuse body, and the stock made was put aside for storage.


For continuous operation of the charger, a stationary jumper is simply installed on its terminals. It reliably bridges the contacts.

The self-return button is designed specifically for wood burning mode. It is mounted on the handle of the nichrome string holder and requires constant holding during operation. If you remove your finger, the tension is immediately removed from the entire device.

I believe that this technique increases If a person slips or accidentally falls into unpleasant situation, then the reflexive movement of the hand throws away the objects that are in it. The 220 volt voltage is automatically removed from operating electrical equipment.

I did the same with mine, removing the long-term operation button from it.

Power LEDs

They are designed to indicate the applied voltage to the charger, located on the front and back sides of the unit, connected in parallel through a common resistor.


I should immediately note that the design was created with a large reserve of power. Therefore, its dimensions have been increased. You can create a smaller charger.

The cross-section of the magnetic circuit is 3.3x6.3 cm.

How the calculation was performed

The iron has a rectangular profile. Its cross-section is 20.8 cm square. It allows you to transmit power of 430 watts.

I have planned a current of 10 amperes and a voltage of 24 volts in the output circuits, that is, a power of 240 watts. The margin is obvious.

I won’t take efficiency into account: it’s not critical. A current of 240/220 = 1.1 amperes will flow through the primary coil. This allows you to calculate the diameter of the wire.

d1=0.8∙√1.1=0.84 mm.

The micrometer shows almost a millimeter.

For the secondary winding, the wire diameter is d2=0.8∙√10=2.5 ​​mm.

In the photo the diameter is 1.8 mm. Area 2.5 mm square. I wound it in two threads, creating a total cross-section of 5 squares. Which is quite enough.

I define required amount turns.

ω’=45/20.8=2.16 turns per volt.

In the primary winding there will be 2.16x220=475, and in the secondary: 2.16x24=52.

Description of design

The winding coils are made of electrical cardboard. There is enough space in them. The wires are insulated with varnished cloth.

After assembly, the secondary winding turned out to have 28 volts instead of 24 when the power supply was 220. The approximate calculation method and the quality of the assembly had an effect.

Power block

The installation is carried out on a getinax plate 8 mm thick. Its design includes:

  1. two thyristors KU202N;
  2. pair of diodes D242;
  3. output terminals;
  4. ammeter for monitoring load current.

This brand of semiconductor device just happened to be at hand. For my purposes, you can get by with any other one with a lower voltage of 100 volts. Pay main attention to the current: 10 amperes.

The thyristor is tested with current during operation.

Ten-amp semiconductors work as part of a diode bridge, acting as a buffer arm for thyristors.

Heatsinks for semiconductors

Since the loads on the bridge during its operation are large, it is necessary to take measures to effectively remove heat from it. Therefore, I place diodes and thyristors on radiators with a free air supply to them.

Factory-made radiators were suitable for the diodes, but for the thyristors I had to make my own cooling from a thick aluminum busbar.

The first photo shows that they use factory clamps from the power supply, which allow you to insert plugs with wires into nichrome holders or connect flat contact plates with cutouts.


To monitor the current value, an M494 microammeter taken from decommissioned equipment was installed. Its 100 microamp scale has been moved to a new reading: 10 amperes.

To do this, simply install a homemade shunt made of a thick brass plate on the output terminals.

To calibrate the device, it was necessary to assemble an electrical loading circuit and adjust the shunt parameters.

For this purpose, I ensured that the current from a load device of 10 amperes, controlled on the scale of a reference ammeter, coincided with the readings of a homemade device (a microammeter with a connected shunt) at the scale mark of 100 divisions.

In principle, the scale can be rewritten, but for me a sticker with the designation 10 A is enough. It is easy to calculate, for example, that 50 divisions are five amperes. That is, we simply divide the readings by 10.

When setting up the device, it is worth checking it at all control points. However, too high accuracy not required for our measurements.

When adjusting experimentally, the shunt itself has to be changed in length or width: it can simply be filed with a needle file.

Thyristor operation control circuit

The electronic unit of my charger is powered by electrical energy from the secondary winding of transformer TP1. She:

  • straightens up;
  • stabilizes;
  • converted by a generator;
  • transforms into two streams;
  • is supplied by individual lines to the circuits of the control electrodes of the thyristors.

The operating principle of such a scheme is described in detail in the article. Check it out. It's the same here, but the differences lie in the element base and its settings.


The circuit uses a diode bridge made by the KTs402Zh assembly. There is no point in specifically looking for it: I used what was nearby. It rectifies a current of 0.6 amperes. This is more than enough for the control circuit to operate.

Voltage stabilization

To ensure a stable power level of 22 volts, it was necessary to connect three zener diodes in series. Marky saw two of them and marked them on the diagram. I don’t remember the third one, the inscription on the body has been erased. In principle, this is not important, because when setting up the charger, you will still have to select them yourself or use the KREN assembly.

Phase pulse generator

All parts and their values ​​are shown in the diagram. I would like to focus on transistors.


The pinout and designations are shown in the picture. p-n-p structure.


Transistor n-p-n structures. Its body can be confused with the KT361 (p-n-p) transistor.

Pulse transformer

The magnetic guide is a permalloy ring with an outer diameter of about three centimeters. Three windings are wound on it. I have not experimented with other materials, including ferrite.

Each winding contains 50 turns of insulated copper wire with a diameter of 0.2 mm. To save installation time, I wound all the windings at once with one bundle of three threads. I put multi-colored cambrics on the beginning of each wire and secured them with one knot. In this way, I marked the beginning of each wire, which makes the subsequent connection of the transformer terminals to the electrical circuit a little easier:.

The finished windings were insulated with varnished cloth and covered with a metal casing for protection. The transformer was secured to a fiberglass board with a through screw and nut.

Setting up a pulse transformer

When installed in a circuit, the primary winding is selected arbitrarily and connected to the output of the phase-pulse generator.

The remaining two windings are mounted taking into account the polarity of its ends. This is where the beginnings of the veins, marked by nodes, come in handy. Their outputs serve to supply high-frequency pulse current to the thyristor through the control electrode circuit.

Installation of this section should be done carefully. For the circuit to work properly, mistakes cannot be made. If you have an oscilloscope, then they should compare the correspondence of the signals issued by the primary winding and the polarity of the pulses arriving at the control electrode of each thyristor. This will facilitate normal regulation of the amount of current through the terminals of the power unit.

Red-hot nichrome is quite unique cutting tool. It burns, rather than saws, cuts wood, and passes through it in any direction.

When setting operating modes, it is important to determine:

  • safety precautions;
  • the method of installing the wire to the terminals of the load device;
  • methods of heating it to a red-hot state.

About security

Possibility of fire

Working with hot wire is comparable to using an open fire. It produces a lot of smoke.

If there are flammable substances nearby, a fire may occur. Therefore it is necessary to follow the rules fire safety, have a fire extinguisher and other means of extinguishing fire on hand.

When work is carried out in a workshop, it is necessary efficient system ventilation and smoke removal. Easier to equip workplace outdoors, away from objects that could ignite. It will not be superfluous to have a reserve container with water and a bucket, and sand for extinguishing the fire.

Wire handling

It is always necessary to take into account the fact that hot nichrome can accidentally touch the human body. To avoid this you need to:

  • work only in a stable position;
  • Your feet should wear shoes with soles made of anti-slip material;
  • protect open areas body clothes;
  • constantly monitor the created trajectory of the hot wire.

Nichrome connection

The convenience of working with a burner depends on the method of attaching the nichrome wire to the electrode holders. The easiest way for a DIYer to make this assembly is to use a screw clamp with a wing nut.

Filament current

The length of the nichrome wire depends on the technology used; it can vary within different limits. A short thread is used for small, precise work, and a long thread allows you to quickly cut out large workpieces.

The thickness of the nichrome also affects the current value. Usually you have to work with the wire that you managed to purchase.

In all these cases, it is necessary to set the current of the charger, which heats the nichrome to a state that can easily burn through wood. Its value is influenced electrical resistance connected area. Since it changes, you have to adjust the load on the charger according to the color of the hot metal and control the current value using an ammeter.

About cutting technique

In practice, two technologies are common:

  1. creating a cut perpendicular to the main plane of the workpiece;
  2. cutting parts at an inclined angle to the surface of the wood being processed.

Perpendicular cut

The workpiece with the prepared pattern is secured on a workbench or rack. Pay attention to the fact that the area of ​​wood being processed completely extends beyond the edges of the work table.

The nichrome thread is suspended from the main holder and placed in a vertical direction. To do this, a weight weighing about 300 grams is mounted at the bottom of the wire on the contact fastening. Its role is to stretch the string to a straight line.

The wire is brought to the marking line, voltage is applied to the nichrome, and the workpiece is processed by moving the string up and down.

Figure cutting

The wooden workpiece is fixed in a vice or clamp. A drawing of the future pattern is applied to it using stencils prepared in advance.

The nichrome wire is brought to the wood through holders grasped with both hands. Voltage is applied to the thread and cuts are made in a reciprocating motion.

The wood surface treated with hot nichrome has a uniform black color. It can be left as is or removed until the natural shade of the annual rings creates a pattern on the tree. Coating with stain or varnish gives the workpiece a finished look.

Aslan Ozdoev demonstrates unique wood burning techniques at the Ax festival in Tomsk with his video. I recommend watching it carefully.

There is nothing super complicated about this kind of work. You too can make similar things with your own hands.

Why a homemade burner? There are many domestic and imported models of electric wood burners on sale: Orbit, Pattern, Elm (ours), Stayer, Qiddycome (Chinese) and others. But lovers artistic painting hardened wood needles are not always happy with this available choice.

Domestic devices usually have only one needle, imported ones have from 4 to 21 nozzles with different needles, but suffer from fragility. And you can’t always buy the right device in the right place at the right time. Here we will talk about the experience of one Siberian enthusiast, an amateur, making a high-quality homemade electric wood burner with 39 (!) needles (see photo). Let's conduct, so to speak, a master class on his behalf.
First of all, we set three basic requirements for the design:
1. Sufficiently high power of the power supply unit, allowing the use of needles of large cross-sections.
2. The possibility of stepwise voltage adjustment for working with needles of different sections and smooth adjustment to change the temperature of the needles in a wide range.
3. Convenient change of working needles.
A simple electrical diagram of the device is shown in the figure.

Now let's move on to the process of its manufacture.

We take any transformer with a power of at least 200 W (other characteristics are unimportant), for example, OSM 380/36V (250 kW). With less power, the transformer will overheat when operating with needles of large cross-sections. Completely remove the secondary (upper) winding. The primary (network) remains in place.

We rewind the secondary winding: one or two layers of flexible insulated wire with a cross section of 6 mm 2 (for example, PV-3). You should first calculate the number of turns per 1 V of output voltage (by selection: wind several turns, connect the transformer to the network and measure the output voltage).

Let, for example, there be 4 turns per 1 V. Having determined the value of 2 V for the lower limit of the output voltage, we first wind 8 turns, and then make taps after every two turns. This will give a discreteness of 0.5 V for stepwise adjustment. To ensure a discreteness of 0.25 V, we will add another turn (in the diagram - the upper tap of 0.25 V).

In addition to stepwise, we also use continuous adjustment of the output voltage by inserting a variable wirewound resistor PPB-25 100 Ω into the primary winding circuit (R1 in the diagram).

Due to the high power of the device, we will abandon the male-female connector, and securely connect the working handle with the needle to the body with galvanized M6 bolts. We will equip the taps and ends of the secondary winding with 6/6 tinned copper tips.

Working with needles of large cross-sections requires a current of at least 30 A. Therefore, the cross-section of the wires of the working handle must be at least 4 mm². You can take two rubber-insulated cores from a KG 4x4 cable (vinyl insulation of a wire of the same cross-section does not provide the required flexibility).

We grind the handle to lathe made of ebonite. We tightly insert a fluoroplastic plug with two brass rods into the front end of the handle for attaching the working needle (see photo). These rods fit tightly into the holes drilled in the plug. At the ends of the rods, 8-10 mm recesses are drilled. Tinned contacts are pressed into the recesses located inside the handle. A needle is attached to the outer recesses. M4 screws are suitable for clamping the needle.

You can use anything as a housing, you just need to remember safety. For example, the case from a megaohmmeter of the last century is very good: it is fantastically strong and durable.