Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

Is it stuffy or cold in the office? Whose side are you on? Temperature standards in the workplace. What to do if the temperature in the workplace is above normal

Rostrud reminded about the rights of workers and the responsibilities of employers in the heat. You can demand normal working conditions from companies, and this is not a pleasant bonus at all, but compliance with standard standards according to sanitary regulations. If the office is hot, stuffy, or you have to work outside in the heat, you can leave work earlier or take breaks.

Workplace temperature - up to 25 °C

According to Sanpin, a comfortable microclimate is 23-25 ​​°C. If the temperature in the office rises above 28.5 °C, this is a reason to leave an hour earlier. If it is up to 29 degrees, they should be released two hours earlier. And this is provided that you are just working on a computer or with documents. That is, you don't have to walk a lot, move anything heavy, or expend a lot of energy.

Ekaterina Miroshkina


When there is physical exercise, reduce work time should be at 26.5 °C.

Concrete workers, masons, diggers and athletes should not work at all at temperatures above 31 °C.

If you work outside, then, for example, at 35 °C, no one should work a full shift. There must be breaks: 20 minutes of work - 10 minutes of break in a room with a comfortable temperature or air conditioning. And so no more than two hours per shift.

When the temperature is above 37 °C and you need to work outside, you cannot require workers to go out during the day, into the thick of it. It is necessary to move working hours, for example to the morning.

If an employer requires a builder, salesman, courier or driver to work continuously for eight hours in the heat, this is a violation of labor rights. And you can demand compliance with them in different ways.

Installing an air conditioner or at least a fan in a stuffy accounting office, warehouse, or store is also the responsibility of the employer. At the same time, the air conditioner should not blow at your back: there are standards for air speed and temperature differences.

Drinks during working hours

When it's hot, you need to drink more. At least that's what Rostrud advises. If you work outside in the heat, you should drink a cup of water every 20 minutes. Drink temperature is 10-15 °C.

The employer must ensure that water is nearby and accessible. There are no problems with this in the office, but those who work outside need to be provided with water in the heat. The same goes for the first aid kit: it should be available to employees. Rospotrebnadzor also advises drinking whey in hot weather, mineral water

and oxygen cocktails, eat more fruits and vegetables. True, he does not specify at whose expense.

Free workwear Default office workers

Of course, no one is obligated to issue special clothing. But if the employment contract requires special clothing, in hot weather it should be made of thick fabrics and several layers. This determines how long you can work in the heat without a break.

How to find out how long you can work and when to take a break

For office workers and those who do not work on the roads, near a stove or under the scorching sun, a sanpin with general requirements is sufficient. It makes it clear what the temperature in the workplace should be and how this affects the length of the working day.

For calculations for some types of work there is a manual with tables and formulas. But dealing with them is difficult. To understand whether your rights have been violated regarding the duration of work in the heat, you need to take into account energy consumption, moisture loss and body temperature. This determines how many hours you can work per shift and how often you take breaks.

To calculate, you need to solve a multiple regression equation with six variables. If you have special working conditions, do not try to calculate it yourself - look for an expert.

What to do if it’s hot at work and the employer doesn’t respond?

  1. If you have to work in the heat and have questions about compliance with your rights, it is better to do this: Explore employment contract . What is your position, work hours, employer responsibilities. The contract should not contain terms that contradict labor code
  2. . If it says that you have an 8-hour shift without a break and you take care of the working conditions yourself, this is illegal. What if it turns out that there is no agreement or you different conditions by temperature, shift length and breaks.
  3. Check job description and labor regulations. They are rarely read, but there is a lot of interesting stuff there. It may suddenly turn out that your employer owes you much more than he gives you. And it may not even be related to the heat.
  4. Contact management: shift supervisor, foreman, director, or at least the HR department. Explain what causes discomfort and how the problem could be solved.
  5. Consult labor inspection. They will help you sort out your rights. Suddenly it just seems to you that you can demand air conditioning, but according to the law this is not the case. If you feel like you can’t breathe in the office, this is not yet a violation. For consultations

Modern people spend more time indoors. Therefore, in summer the problem of microclimate in the office becomes especially relevant. Equally dangerous to health as tightly closed windows, and drafts. What to do?

In the morning before 10.00 and in the evening after 16.00, the room should be ventilated by filling it with fresh air. If an air conditioner is installed in the office, the windows should be kept closed during main working hours, otherwise the air conditioner will be ineffective. It is important to remember:

The air conditioner must be regularly cleaned of dust and possible mold,

The jet of cold air should not be directed at any employee (cold air is best directed to the sides along the wall or ceiling),

The temperature on the air conditioner should be set within 22-24º C, sharp drop There should be no difference between the street and office air temperatures - otherwise colds are possible.

Room temperature, according to hygienic microclimate requirements production premises", should not exceed 28º C. But even at this temperature it is quite difficult to maintain concentration. What to do?

First of all, it is necessary to ventilate the office in the morning and evening. If you can open a draft so that the air stream does not blow directly onto any of the workers, this will also help to freshen the room.

It is extremely important in hot weather to prevent overheating and dehydration. Proper clothing and washing will help here cold water, thermal remedies and drinking.

Clothing in hot weather should be spacious and made from natural fabrics. Women should give preference to dresses, sundresses, blouses and skirts that do not fit their figure. Men will be comfortable in light linen trousers and a short-sleeve shirt. Shoes should be comfortable and open, well breathable, preferably with leather soles. Women should avoid high heels and wedges, which cause swelling of the legs. In addition, women should give up makeup or keep it as light as possible, for example, limit themselves to eyeliner.

On hot days, you should exclude fatty and fried foods from your diet - such dishes are difficult to digest and increase body temperature. You should drink more liquid, and mineral or boiled water at room temperature is best.

Washing your face will also help cool you down. Don’t be embarrassed to go to the restroom and wash your face and wet your elbows with cool water.

Thermal products are a gift from modern industry. As a rule, these are sprays for the face, hands, neck and knee bends. They have a fresh aroma, and when they evaporate, they reduce the temperature on the skin, helping a person to cool down. Their effect is similar to that of a cold wash, but lasts a little longer. Essential oils with fresh aromas, creams and gels with menthol can also make you feel better. Essential oils should be applied drop by drop onto a scarf in your breast pocket or wrist and temples. You should be careful with odorous products, since in hot weather all odors are perceived more acutely, and a strong odor can make you feel worse. In addition, it is important to remember that aroma does not lower body temperature, so it cannot replace proper clothing and drink.

Sometimes in hot weather it is recommended to drink hot tea. The effect of hot tea is that it tones (in stuffy microclimates, a decrease in blood pressure is often observed) and increases sweating, which naturally cools the skin. The disadvantage of this method is that along with sweat, the body loses not only moisture, but also salts necessary for ionic balance and, accordingly, energy.

If nothing helps

If the room temperature exceeds 28º C, the working day must be shortened - this is the requirement of SanPiN 2.2.4. At 28.5ºC the working day is 7 hours, at 30ºC - 5 hours, and at 32.5ºC - 2 hours.

If the temperature does not exceed the norm, but the person feels unwell, he should go to the medical center (it is necessary to measure blood pressure, ideally also blood sugar) and honestly explain his condition to his boss. In most cases, if an employee is really unwell for objective reasons, management will agree to a meeting.

Hot weather can provoke an exacerbation of a number of chronic diseases. High temperature is especially dangerous for people with cardiovascular pathology (mobility blood pressure, especially - a tendency to hypertension, pre-infarction, pre-stroke condition, etc.), and pregnant women.

Based on materials from the Regional Center for Medical Prevention

The heat in Moscow will last throughout July, but office employees will not be released from work because of this. Source: http://yadrin.com

Temperatures in Moscow will remain around 30 degrees throughout July. According to existing sanitary standards, employees of capital offices can achieve a reduction in working hours if a certain temperature indoors is exceeded. But Rospotrebnadzor says that this is almost impossible to do.

The heat that set in Moscow in mid-June will continue throughout July. The temperature in the capital in the coming days will remain at around 30 degrees. At the same time, the city air will be extremely dry, which can further complicate people’s well-being.

“July started with hot weather, and in the foreseeable future there is no hope for the heat to subside,” said Elena Volosyuk, leading specialist at the Phobos weather center. “In the coming days, the process of anticyclogenesis will continue in the central regions of the country. This means that the dominant influence of the anticyclone will be established over the central regions of the country. A small anticyclone cloud arrives, grows in size, and the air filling it begins to warm up well. In the capital region, temperatures rise to 30 degrees.”

There may be short-term rains in the city, but they will not improve the situation much.

“Short rains will occur in the south and southeast, but the precipitation zone does not extend beyond this,” Volosyuk said. “The activity of these fronts is very small, they are weak. Although we do not rule out the possibility of thunderstorms in the coming days.”

Elena Volosyuk noted that in this moment temperature regime in Moscow significantly exceeds the norm.

“The day before yesterday (July 5) average daily temperature in Moscow was 4.7 degrees higher than long-term values,” she explained. “Yesterday (July 6) this excess was 6.3 degrees. Today it will also be 6-7 degrees above normal. If you look at next week, the situation has not changed. "There's a good chance we could get temperatures above 30. Temperatures could reach 28 and 33 degrees next week."

Forecasters expect a slight drop in temperature only in last days July.

“Almost all of July will be very hot and very dry,” she said. “There is hope that the heat may subside in the last days of July. I'm talking specifically about a decrease in heat, and not about a cold snap. The temperature will drop to 25 degrees and it will seem that it has become a little easier to breathe.”

The right to work less, which is not fulfilled

Meanwhile, if the temperature of 28–30 degrees is recorded in the workroom, then employees have the right to demand that the employer shorten the working day. This is stated in the Sanitary Norms and Rules (SanPiN) in the country.

Requirements for air temperature in the workplace are specified in the section “Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises”. It states what the employer should do if the standards are exceeded. As one of the measures, it is proposed to reduce the working hours of employees.

So, for office workers, if the air temperature in the workplace is 30 degrees, the working day can be reduced to five hours (with the standard eight). At a temperature of 31 degrees - up to three hours, at 32 degrees - up to two hours, at 32.5 degrees - up to one hour.

A table showing how many hours representatives of various work categories can spend at the workplace when the temperature exceeds the standards

Categories of all working specialties.

Category Ia includes work with an energy consumption intensity of up to 139 W, performed while sitting and accompanied by minor physical stress (a number of professions in precision instrumentation and mechanical engineering enterprises, in watchmaking, clothing production, and in management).

Category Ib includes work with an energy intensity of 140–174 W, performed while sitting, standing, or associated with walking and accompanied by some physical stress (for example, a number of professions in the printing industry, at communications enterprises, controllers, craftsmen in various types production).

Category IIa includes work with an energy intensity of 175–232 W, associated with constant walking, moving small (up to 1 kg) products or objects in a standing or sitting position and requiring a certain physical stress (in particular, a number of professions in mechanical assembly shops machine-building enterprises, in spinning and weaving production).

Category IIb includes work with an energy intensity of 233–290 W, associated with walking, moving and carrying weights up to 10 kilograms, accompanied by moderate physical stress (a number of professions in mechanized foundries, rolling, forging, thermal, welding shops of machine-building and metallurgical enterprises).

Category III includes work with an energy intensity of more than 290 W, associated with constant movement, movement and carrying of significant (over 10 kg) weights and requiring great physical effort (a number of professions in forge shops with manual forging, foundries with manual filling and pouring of flasks machine-building and metallurgical enterprises).

According to SanPiN, in order to demand a reduction in working hours, the employer must create a commission that will measure the temperature in the workplace. The temperature must be measured in a certain way (in what way, read more in section 7 of SanPiN). Based on the results of the examinations, a protocol is drawn up, which will indicate the measurements obtained and their assessment for compliance with regulatory requirements.

However, doing this in reality, as GZT.RU found out, will be extremely difficult. The capital's department of Rosapotrebnadzor believes that it will be impossible to achieve a reduction in working hours.

“This is written, but it is practically impossible,” said Rospotrebnadzor. “It is easier for the employer to provide workers with water and other attributes. All offices should also have climate control installations - fans and other devices that soften the impact of microclimate"

However, for those who still intend to achieve a reduction in working hours, Rospotrebnadzor recommends contacting the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow. (Federal State Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow" is located in Grafsky Lane, 4/9)

“There are specialists there who have equipment,” the department explained. “They will come and measure the temperature with special thermometers. But research is carried out for a fee. The tariff is set by the Russian Federation."

The employer will not revise the working hours

The recruiting company SuperJob.ru GZT.RU also stated that the Moscow heat is a temporary force majeure, due to which the employer will not revise the working hours.

“A shortened working day is established in enterprises with constant extreme conditions,” said Alexey Zakharov, president of SuperJob.ru, to GZT.RU. “Despite the fact that productivity decreases in the heat, it cannot be said that natural conditions destabilized the work of offices.”

Alexey Zakharov said that each company deals with the heat in its own way. Additional air conditioners and fans are installed in offices, and some companies allow relaxations in the dress code.

“On an individual basis, employees can go to a meeting and be allowed to work remotely,” he added.

The fan normalizes the temperature

The fact that it is easier for an employee to get an employer to change the indoor climate than to shorten the working day was also recognized by the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia.

“All these standards are advisory,” said Vitaly Trumel, chief technical labor inspector of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia, to GZT.RU. “Even if the temperature exceeds established standards, there is a fan to normalize the temperature, lowering it by 2-3 degrees. That is, bring it to the maximum level - 28 degrees.”

The working day can be shortened only if this is stipulated in the collective agreement, or in the agreement between the team and the employer, said Vitaly Trumel: “The collective agreement is needed to stipulate all possible points that may affect the well-being of workers during the labor process.” .

“Everything can be accomplished,” he continued. “If a person sets himself the goal of reducing the working day and is not interested in anything else, then this is a profound delusion. Everything can be organized at the workplace. There is an organizational process to improve working conditions. If the employer cannot, the relevant authorities must issue orders.”

Setting the temperature in the office will be difficult

It will be extremely difficult to compete with the employer because of the heat in the office, says Oleg Zaitsev, a lawyer at the firm (Krikunov and Partners).

“SanPiN data regulate exactly the duration of workers’ stay at work places (at a temperature of 30 degrees), that is, if the employer has a rest room that is equipped with air conditioning, then the employee can simply go from his workplace there to rest,” explained Oleg Zaitsev.

Commit high temperature It will also be difficult in the office.

“On a certain day, the temperature in the workplace may exceed 30 degrees, and when a Rospotrebnadzor employee comes to measure it, at that moment the temperature may drop,” explained Zaitsev. “On the other hand, the employer can install air conditioning and it will be quite difficult to prove that the temperature is here.” did not meet the standard."

Polina Smekhova |

06/16/2016 | 623

Polina Smekhova 06/16/2016 623

Even though summer has not yet arrived, the sun is shining brighter every day, the air temperature is inexorably rising, and the room is becoming stuffy. It's time to learn how to cope with the heat in the office.

When your brain refuses to think, clients and colleagues become annoying, and the oppressive heat seems to make your blood boil in your body... imagine the snow-capped Alps. They say visualization helps to cope with many problems. In the meantime, we will tell you what to do when the office is unbearably hot.

In order to get rid of the exhausting heat, we will act in the following directions.

and develop intuition, so that you will not be afraid of the intrigues of your colleagues.

We drink more

  • Quench thirst and help cool the body: hot green tea
  • , especially with cardamom, ginger or verbena;
  • fruit drinks and compotes, juices without pulp;
  • mineral water;
  • water with lemon juice - it will also relieve lethargy and fatigue;
  • natural bread kvass;

teas with pieces of fruit and berries (rose hips, grapefruit, orange, etc.).

However, forget about coffee, as it greatly dehydrates the body. You should also not drink chilled drinks; they will only provide a short-term cooling effect and can cause a cold or sore throat.

When it's hot, you don't always feel like eating. But it’s worth eating those foods that not only won’t overload the body, but will also make it easier to cope with the heat.

What to eat in hot weather:

  • cold soups (okroshka, green borscht, beetroot soup);
  • vegetables, berries and fruits (especially watermelon, grapefruits, cucumbers and tomatoes) - they will gradually replenish the body with fluid;
  • fermented milk products and boiled fish.

Eat proteins in the morning and carbohydrates in the evening. IN summer time You should limit your consumption of honey, meat and fatty foods as much as possible, as they cause a surge of heat in the body. Also, do not add too much salt to your food. You should eat less confectionery products, especially since they spoil quickly in the heat. But by adding red pepper to your food, it will be easier for you to cope with the heat.

Create a light summer look

Nothing brightens a woman up in the summer...at least cosmetics. Believe me, floating foundation and smeared eye shadow will not add beauty to you, but will make you feel worse. Also give your hair a break from styling products.

In the summer, it is worth switching to clothes made of cotton or linen. It is better if it is spacious. A summer suit for a man should be light shades of brown, gray or blue; it is better to choose a suit jacket with or without a short lining.

Women whose dress code does not allow them to show up to work without tights should consider buying stockings soaked in a special cooling agent.

Choose open-toed shoes: for men, it is better to choose moccasin-type shoes for a suit.

What else should office workers do in the heat?

  • You can improve your condition by wiping the skin behind your ears with a damp cloth or blotting with cold water.
  • Spray from a spray bottle open areas bodies.
  • Rest during breaks.
  • Plan important work for the first half of the day.
  • Wash your face and hands with cool water more often, or at least wipe your face with tissues.
  • If you feel very weak, try vigorously rubbing your ears or pressing firmly on the pit under your nose. By influencing these points on the body, you activate all processes in the body.
  • Drops essential oils Apply lavender, mint, grapefruit or immortelle to your temples and wrists. They will refresh your body and your mind.

Have a cool working week!

Working in hot weather is difficult. True, not all employers know about this. Meanwhile, there is even a special SanPiN that regulates sanitary standards when working in hot weather. This is what Rostrud traditionally reminded employers of, and also that if you refuse to shorten your working day in the heat, you can earn a fine.

What's happened?

Rostrud published its traditional summer information message for employers, in which they reminded that they are obliged to create normal working conditions for workers in the heat. Officials, in particular, obliged the management of companies and individual entrepreneurs to remember the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.4 “Physical factors of the production environment. Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises. Sanitary rules and norms”, approved by Resolution of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation dated October 1, 1996 N 21. These standards not only determine the maximum possible length of the working day in hot weather, but also the conditions that the employer is obliged to create in the workplace.

How long can you work in the heat?

According to SanPiN, as Rostrud recalled, if the temperature in the workroom approaches 28.5 degrees, it is recommended to reduce the working day by one hour. When the temperature rises to 29 degrees - for two hours, at a temperature of 30.5 degrees - for four hours. The dependence of working hours on temperature conditions can be seen in more detail in the table.

How does temperature affect operating time?

Employee workload level (upper limit during the warm season)

Permissible temperature, °С

Working day in hours

Moreover, if the employer does not comply with the requirements sanitary standards, the employee has every right to remind management about them and demand to be released from work early. If your boss objects, you shouldn’t leave without permission, as they may be considered absenteeism, but it wouldn’t hurt to write a memo or statement. But reducing the length of the working day in hot weather does not exhaust all the responsibilities of employers.

Air conditioning in every office!

Rostrud recalled that the responsibilities of company management also include:

  • provision of air conditioning in workplaces;
  • freely available software drinking water and first aid kits;
  • providing employees with the opportunity to take breaks from work;
  • organizing seating areas in a cool place;
  • provision, if necessary, of short-term paid leave in particularly hot weather.

The service's message, in particular, says:

It is advisable to ensure a comfortable temperature regime and air conditioning of the premises. Working in a stuffy office or factory can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases. The employer is obliged to provide safe conditions labor of workers, otherwise he may be held accountable.

Payment for forced leaves due to heat can be made in accordance with Part 2 Article 157 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation as downtime for reasons beyond the control of the employer and employee, in the amount of at least two-thirds of the average salary. All measures taken to protect employees must be reflected in additional agreements to employment contracts.

Responsibility for violation of labor rights

If an employer ignores the call of Rostrud and the requests of his employees and does not ensure compliance with sanitary standards when working in the heat, he may be held administratively liable for Article 6.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Fine for violation of legislation in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, expressed in ignoring the existing sanitary rules and hygienic standards, failure to comply with sanitary, hygienic and anti-epidemic measures is:

  • For officials and individual entrepreneur - from 500 rubles to 1000 rubles;
  • for organizations - from 10,000 rubles to 20,000 rubles.

In addition, the organization’s activities may be suspended for up to 90 days.