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Painting the ceiling with water-based paint: technology. How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint - it's simple! The main painting of the ceiling takes place in three stages

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One of the most important stages of interior finishing work in any room is a high-quality ceiling finish. One solution: call a specialized team from a construction company that provides this kind of service. Modern technologies allow dozens of different finishing options to be applied to the ceiling, but not every owner of an apartment or a private house can afford to pay for such work. Therefore, the independent process of repairing the ceiling remains popular at the present time, especially among people with a small family income.

More recently, the main materials that were used in the repair of the ceiling surface were chalk and lime mortar. But the development of modern technologies does not stand still, so the construction market of today can offer consumers dozens of simple and high-quality solutions. Solving problems with the old-fashioned method is fading into the background and is being used less and less, given the complexity of the preparatory work and the impossibility of maintaining an ideal state for a long period of time.

One of the most popular ways to give a ceiling a fresh and beautiful look is the water-based paint process. One of the main advantages of this technology is the possibility of easy surface maintenance or quick restoration work.

Thanks to its unique formula, which includes polymers and pigments, water-based paint releases and evaporates excess moisture during drying, forming a durable and beautiful coating that is resistant to washing off and destruction. The environmental friendliness of the product has been tested in various ways and scientifically proven experimentally.

The choice of water-based paint for the ceiling

For people who decide to carry out repairs thanks to water-based paint, there is a difficult process of choosing the right product. Innovative technologies have made it possible to create many different materials that differ in price, quality and final appearance.

In any professional hardware store you can buy paint and varnish products with various additives:

  1. Acrylic paints
  2. Acrylic paints with the addition of a latex element
  3. Paints based on polyvinyl acetate
  4. Paints based on silicone or silicate
  5. Paints with a high percentage of minerals

The easiest and most budget option - paints with polyvinyl acetate. The main disadvantage of the material is the impossibility of carrying out wet cleaning of the surface after applying the product. Paint can not be used in rooms with high humidity.

latex paints have a number of advantages and are among the most expensive representatives of water-based products. First of all, it is the possibility of hiding some surface imperfections and the positive effect of wet cleaning.

Acrylic paints are a universal remedy - the products can be used in any premises, when using water and cleaning agents - the damage to the coating is minimal or completely absent.

silicate paints used in places with a rough coating - concrete, plaster and stone surfaces.

Water-based paints based on silicone feel great in rooms with high humidity - in bathrooms and kitchens. A special formula reliably protects the surface of a wall or ceiling from the harmful effects of fungus, mold and other organisms.
You should not always trust the seller in the hardware store: very often his advice can give the exact opposite effect, instead of the result expected by the buyer. Sometimes the store advises you to purchase a more expensive paint or one that has an expiration date. In any case, listening to the advice of sellers, the final choice should be made independently.

When choosing the right paint, it is advisable to be guided by official information and recommendations that are written on the product packaging. After reading the description of the paint, a person can find out:

  1. For what types of painting work is the paint intended,
  2. Product consumption per square meter of surface to be painted,
  3. The degree of coverage - the ability of the paint to effectively paint over problematic, dark spots and areas on the surface of the ceiling or wall,
  4. The ability of the paint to resist the process of wet cleaning and the use of cleaning products.

The small print of some sections of the text on the product packaging is a must-read, since it is there, very often, that the main part of the useful information is located:

  1. High resistance to dry abrasion - the surface painted with such paint cannot be washed at all, only dry cleaning is possible,
  2. Use in dry rooms with reduced operational load - the paint cannot be used in rooms with high humidity and a large amount of various impurities in the air, for example, in bathrooms or kitchens,
  3. Indelible, high abrasion resistance - the surface of the painted ceiling can be subjected to a wet cleaning process without the use of cleaning agents,
  4. It has dirt-repellent properties, high resistance to intensive washing - the paint can be used in any room and subjected to a thorough cleaning process using various detergents.

In addition to the recommendations presented above, a person who decides to purchase water-based paint should take into account that the paint differs in some other parameters. Paint and varnish products can be glossy, semi-gloss, matte and semi-gloss. Matte surfaces are difficult to periodically clean, but help hide some of the imperfections of the ceiling surface. Glossy paint has the opposite features. As experience shows, a combination of semi-gloss and semi-gloss paint gives the most optimal result.
Experts strongly recommend purchasing paint and varnish products in stores with a heated room, as low temperatures adversely affect the properties of the paint.

Preparing the ceiling for painting

Before the main stage of painting work, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the ceiling: whitewash or chalk is removed in a wet state with a spatula, old paint is removed with the same tool in layers up to putty or plaster.
To facilitate the process of removing old paint, experts recommend moistening the ceiling surface abundantly several times after a 20-minute time interval, using open doors and windows to create a draft inside the room. Old paint will begin to swell, form cracks, blisters - all this will greatly facilitate the process of cleaning the ceiling from unnecessary elements.

After cleaning the ceiling from old paint or whitewash, unpleasant spots may appear before the eyes of the owner of the room, which, if they are not pre-treated, may later appear through new layers of paint. To eliminate these troubles, it is recommended to use special tools: small areas of rust and water smudges should be treated with a 5% solution of copper sulfate. More serious pollution is treated with other solutions. You can use a solution of hydrochloric acid at a three percent concentration, a product made from one part drying oil and twenty parts crushed lime, or a solution based on water, denatured alcohol and lime.

Each owner of an apartment or a private house wants to live in ideal conditions, so leveling out some of the flaws in the ceiling is a necessary and mandatory stage of preparatory work. For this process, it is recommended to use a thin-layer putty - any putty material marked "finish" is suitable for this job. After eliminating the imperfections of the ceiling surface, it is necessary to allow the putty to dry, after which, to carry out the process of sanding the entire quadrature of the ceiling being processed. The ceiling is cleaned using a special grinding machine or sandpaper. It is guaranteed that this process will be accompanied by a large amount of dust, so it is recommended to use a construction respirator and other personal protective equipment. It is advisable to open doors and windows for the duration of these works, to create a draft that contributes to the rapid purification of the atmosphere inside the room.

Before applying the main layers of water-based paint, it is necessary to carefully prime the ceiling: for this, you can use the same paint, applying it to the surface in thin layers, trying not to damage the putty layer. You can use a special primer that does not leave yellow streaks on the ceiling surface after its application. The applied protective film must dry properly, so do not rush to paint the ceiling.

The main stage of painting

To carry out any construction or repair work, it is necessary to use a certain tool. Painting work is recommended to be carried out using:

  1. Paint brush - all hard-to-reach places or the transition line of the wall and ceiling are painted. Avoids unauthorized contamination of other surfaces,
  2. Brush with a small working surface and increased density hairiness - allows you to perform precise corrective work,
  3. A long-haired, fur roller is the main tool for painting the entire ceiling area,
  4. Tray for paint - allows you to save consumables and contributes to a more accurate staining process,

There are a number of additional materials and tools that can make the painter's job easier, but they are not mandatory and irreplaceable. When working with paint, even a very careful person cannot be completely insured against getting paint products on the painter's skin and clothes. Therefore, it is recommended to use old clothes that completely cover the body, it is advisable to wear construction, light gloves on your hands, and protect your eyes with special glasses. To clean the tool, clothing and skin after completion of work, you will need to use various special tools. It is recommended to purchase them in advance at the store and keep them on hand, since a roller or brush that has not been washed in a timely manner will be problematic to dry quickly and restore their working condition.

The very process of painting the ceiling, as many people think, is simple: you take a roller, dip it in paint, roll it on the ceiling. But this is not entirely true: there are a number of nuances that affect the final appearance of the painted ceiling. When using the same materials, but working completely differently, you can get two completely different ceilings.

In the profession of a painter, there are various special concepts, for example, such as the direction of the light flux. Choosing the wrong direction to paint the ceiling can lead to excellent visibility of roller or brush marks, which will have a very negative effect on the overall appearance of the finished surface.

First of all, you should walk along the perimeter of the ceiling with a paint brush - a strip of 5 cm will be more than enough. This will allow not to spoil the junction of the wall with the ceiling during further work with the roller.

The main painting of the ceiling occurs in three stages:

  1. The first layer is applied in the same direction as the rays of light falling from the window of the room,
  2. The second time the paint is applied perpendicular to the first layer,
  3. Final layer. direction towards the window.

Do not apply subsequent coats of paint on a wet surface - each coat must be allowed to dry completely: depending on the temperature and the material of the ceiling, drying takes place within 8 - 12 hours.

The coloring technology is as follows:
- the paint bath is filled with consumables,
- the roller rolls until its working surface is completely covered,
- the paint must be applied in even layers, if necessary - roll out the excess to a uniform layer,
- the quality of the coloring can be checked using any source of bright light, for example, an electric incandescent lamp,
- if possible, use a new roller for each layer of paint - this will make the ceiling uniform,
– drying of paint layers should occur naturally, without the use of various equipment,
- creation of drafts during the drying process of the ceiling surface is not allowed.

Painting the plastered surface occurs with completely different tools. This is due to the high absorbency of the plaster and the presence of large spores. To carry out this process, you must use an airbrush or a household vacuum cleaner. This method allows you to get a uniform, thin layer of paint without gaps and smudges. As with the usual painting process, painting work on a plastered surface is recommended to be carried out after applying a primer.

Video: do-it-yourself ceiling painting

For a more complete understanding of the independent process of painting the ceiling with water-based paint, we suggest watching the video below, which discusses in detail all the stages of painting work related to the ceiling:

Any construction and repair process should be carried out with a full understanding of all its stages, otherwise unprofessional actions of a person can lead to a waste of time, effort and financial resources. We hope that this guide will help our readers make the right choice of consumables and, in the future, make high-quality ceiling repairs on their own and at a high professional level.

Under the heading |

One of the most popular finishing options today is water-based paint. But sometimes such a finish is hampered by the presence of old paint. This article will tell you what needs to be done in order to paint the ceiling with an old layer of finish.

Today, painting the ceiling with water-based paint is considered the most preferred and popular option. Gone are the days when a variety of chalk and lime mortars were used for finishing. Therefore, at the moment, coloring compositions are characterized by considerable diversity. The range of water emulsion, as one of the most popular types, is also quite large today. As a result, the process of painting the ceiling surface in the presence of an old layer should begin with the selection of a suitable finishing material.

Today, water-based paint is represented by the following compositions:

  • Acrylic. These are the most commonly used formulations today. They are characterized by high performance, as well as gradation for various types of premises. Therefore, among them, each person will find the best option. The cost of acrylic compositions will be slightly higher than the average among the offers of the market segment of paints and varnishes.
  • Latex. These compositions fit perfectly on a variety of surfaces. At the same time, the resulting finish washes perfectly. The only drawback of such compositions is the cost, which will be many times more than that of other products.
  • silicate. The basis of such products is liquid glass. An excellent basis for silicate compositions is a stone or concrete surface. At the same time, they are most often used for finishing in industrial premises, but for the home, silicone compounds are used extremely rarely. A feature of such paints is that they have elasticity, moisture resistance, and can also mask cracks up to 2 mm. But their cost is higher than the average market price.
  • Polyvinyl acetate. This finish cannot be washed, as the material has low moisture resistance. Therefore, it can only be applied to the ceiling in dry rooms.

As you can see, the range of paint and varnish products is quite extensive and is able to satisfy any requirements. Therefore, before buying a finishing material, it is necessary not only to know the parameters of the room where the repair will be carried out, but also to study in detail the possibilities of the available coloring compositions. But many experts recommend giving preference to a coating that, after being applied to the ceiling, can be washed. Such compositions will allow you to keep the surface clean, and not to make repairs every time for the purpose of updating.


If you decide to freshen up your ceiling with a new coloring composition, then for the success of painting work, you should conduct high-quality preparation. Even if the surface finish will be water-based paint, the old finish, whatever it may be, must be scraped off. This is due to the following reasons:

  • the paint layer has already lost its former attractiveness;
  • cracks appeared on the ceiling, due to which, after applying a new layer of finish to the surface, a collapse is possible;
  • mold may well develop under the old finish layer, which will lead to the fragility of the repair.

Removing the old layer of water-based paint from the ceiling surface is carried out as follows:

  • Wet the old coating with plenty of water. To do this, you can use a hand sprayer or roller.
  • Next, the surface is left for a while for better soaking.
  • After 20 minutes, repeat the wetting procedure. In this case, windows and doors must be open.
  • After about 30 minutes, bubbles will appear on the ceiling. We take an iron spatula and scrape off the old coating.

After removing the remaining finish, rinse the surface well with clean water. To do this, use a foam sponge. If there are defects in the starting surface (cracks, potholes, etc.), they should be covered with putty. When it dries, use sandpaper or sandpaper to level the surface.

For putty, many experts advise choosing universal polymer compositions. They are, of course, more expensive than cement or plaster, but it will be much easier for beginners to work with them.

Please note that in the presence of strong surface drops, it is not recommended to deal with the elimination of this kind of defect with your own hands. To do this, it is better to call an experienced plasterer or install suspended ceiling structures.

If the differences are no more than 3 mm, then there are two alignment options:

  • Application of plaster in the right places. For these purposes, it is necessary to constantly use the level.
  • Use of ceiling tiles. It can be painted very easily and quickly with water-based paint. At the same time, you can choose various decorative patterns with the help of such plates.

After all the above manipulations, in order for the painting to be successful, the prepared surface must be primed. The priming process itself is not difficult. But if it is not carried out, in the future the final finish may become stained, which will spoil its aesthetic appearance.

For a primer, you should use professional solutions that have deep penetration. In this case, for greater effect, a primer should be applied in several layers. It will be enough to prime twice.

Some people, in order not to spend money on buying a primer, prepare it with their own hands. For these purposes, purchased water-based paint, which is simply diluted with water, is suitable. By the way, any composition fits perfectly on itself, even when diluted.

Separately, it is worth noting that after removing the unusable finish, mold may be exposed. To combat it, you should use special antiseptics. They not only destroy the existing mold, but also prevent its occurrence in the future.

Instead of expensive antiseptics, you can also use self-prepared solutions (for example, a five percent solution of copper sulfate). Processing should be done after removing the old finish and before puttying or applying a primer.

Having correctly and consistently done the above manipulations, you will properly prepare for painting.

Staining technique

The staining technique includes two important steps:

  • choice of tool for painting work;
  • painting a previously prepared surface.

Let's consider each stage in more detail.

Painting ceilings always starts with the choice of a tool. Painting can be carried out with the following tools:

  • Tassels. In order to effectively paint any surface, you need to use brushes of different sizes. It should be noted that brushes are not very effective for large areas of work. At the same time, they do not allow applying the coloring composition in an even and thin layer. They can qualitatively paint over various decorative convex trim elements, as well as the junction of walls with the ceiling.
  • roller. It is considered the most effective tool, but only with the right selection. The dimensions of the selected roller directly depend on the staining area. The larger the area, the thicker and longer the roller should be. In this case, you need to pay attention to the material from which the skin of the roller is made. Different skins are suitable for different colors. For work with water-based compositions, you should choose velor skins and those that have a long pile. Also, for work with the ceiling, it is necessary to choose products with a long handle. It will allow, being on the floor, to effectively carry out painting work without using a ladder.
  • Professional spray gun. This tool is much more expensive than a roller and brush. Plus, not everyone can handle it.

Experts recommend using a roller for painting, since it can be used to quickly and efficiently apply an even coating over fairly large areas. But brushes in this situation will still be needed to paint over the corners. Please note that the paint tray should be selected depending on the size of the purchased roller.

Do not forget that you need to apply a water-based emulsion only when the base is completely dry after priming.

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • We open a can of paint and mix it well, affecting the lower layers. This must be done in order to obtain a uniform color of the composition.
  • Next, pour the paint into the tray.
  • First, paint over the corners and all places that are inaccessible to the roller. For this we use a brush.
  • After that, we dip the roller into the poured composition.
  • On the relief platform of the tray, we squeeze the roller so that paint does not drip from it. As a result of this, the composition is evenly distributed over the surface of the roller.
  • The first layer should be applied parallel to the direction of natural light in the room. One place should be carried out with a roller several times to avoid dark spots and sagging. Staining is done with an overlap on the previous strip. Moreover, the entry should be half the size of the roller. It is best to make W-shaped movements.

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint is a necessary measure when the surface needs to be given a new color or refresh the old coating. The water-based product does not have a strong odor, therefore it is recommended to repair the ceiling, in particular painting with such paint, even in the nursery.

How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint? This does not require much experience or complex devices, you just need to choose the application method and the right emulsion.

In addition to the absence of an unpleasant odor and faster drying, this type of coating has other advantages:

  • environmental Safety;
  • easily tinted;
  • simple application;
  • easy to clean tools after work is completed.

It is better that painting and updating the ceiling with water-based paint is carried out with material from one batch.

How to make the right choice of coloring composition? Water-based emulsion ceiling paint has the following characteristics that you need to pay attention to when choosing the right one:

  • For which premises this or that emulsion is suitable. There are options for sale for dry rooms with high humidity (kitchen, bathroom, etc.), for rooms that require frequent wet cleaning (corridor, hallway, etc.).

  • The presence of antiseptic, antifungal components. It is advisable to whitewash or paint the ceilings in the bathroom or kitchen with a water-based emulsion with such additives. It is especially recommended to use ceiling silicone water-based compositions. They create a vapor-permeable layer, they can be applied without prior priming.

  • Washable emulsion or not. There are three types of water-based compositions: completely unsuitable for wet cleaning (they can only be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or a dry cloth); indelible (suitable for frequent wet cleaning without special tools); suitable for cleaning with detergents.

  • The degree of gloss of the painted surface. Water emulsion on any ceiling can be matte, semi-matte, deep-matte, glossy and semi-gloss. The matte ceiling seems higher, small defects are invisible on it, but it is difficult to wash it. Glossy looks better, does not wear out longer, is easy to clean, but even a small flaw will be visible on it. It is optimal to choose a semi-gloss or semi-gloss water emulsion.

  • Emulsion consumption per 1 sq. m of surface. This indicator is associated not only with the cost of painting work, the required number of cans, but also with the density of the layer (coverage). When choosing a composition according to this characteristic, it must be taken into account that the amount of material used depends on the quality of the surface. Painting a ceiling with an uneven absorbent surface with water-based paint will require more material.

Removing the old coating

How to update a ceiling painted with water-based paint? Be sure to wash off the old coating. Painting the ceiling with old paint will not achieve a good result, the new layer will peel off. Washing is done using a special solution. Procedure:

  1. Wear a respirator and protective gloves.
  2. Before applying the product, open windows or provide ventilation in another way.
  3. Apply the composition in an even layer on the surface of the ceiling. The paint will start to bubble and crack.
  4. After the reaction is complete, carefully remove the coating layer with a spatula.
  5. Reapply wash if necessary.
  6. Sand the surface with sandpaper.

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint over old lime paint or whitewash is also impossible. They need to be removed. The whitewashed surface does not adhere well to the new coating. You can remove the whitewash with a roller dipped in plenty of water. It is better to change the water several times during the washing process. Clean off the water-soaked whitewash with a spatula.

On the video: removing old water-based paint.

Surface preparation

Before you paint the ceiling, you need to prepare it. What is needed for this? Cleaned from the old coating or a new ceiling is washed to remove grease and other types of contaminants. To do this, it is washed with a detergent solution, and then rinsed with clean water. If there are small defects on the surface, then they can be puttied with a finishing putty. After it dries, the treated areas must be sanded with sandpaper and the resulting dust removed with a wet rag. Then it is recommended to apply a primer to the ceiling.

This is necessary in order to:

  • level the surface;
  • prevent the appearance of mold, fungus and other dangerous bacteria;
  • reduce the consumption of the coloring composition;
  • to ensure high-quality adhesion of the coating to the painted surface.

The type of soil is chosen taking into account the nature of the material from which the ceiling is made. It is better to apply a primer with a short-nap roller, stains remain from the foam rubber. First coat the ceiling in one direction. After the first layer has dried, the second layer is applied across it.

Advice! For a primer, you can use a water-based emulsion, highly diluted with water.

Painting with a roller or brush

How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint? To do this, use brushes, a paint roller or a sprayer. On an industrial scale, airless spray technology is used. The selected tool determines the method. For home conditions, it is better to choose a roller. Not every home has a sprayer, and a surface painted with a brush always has a serious drawback - visible strokes.

What kind of roller do you need? Not only the material is important, but also the nature of the surface. The roller for water-based paint should optimally have an average pile length. A short pile absorbs little, so it will often have to be dipped into the emulsion. A long pile gains a lot, which leads to a significant weighting of the tool. A foam rubber roller for painting the ceiling with water-based paint is not suitable at all. Velor rollers have one drawback - they gain little emulsion, which creates inconvenience during operation.

When choosing a roller, you need to make sure that it does not deform when compressed, the pile holds firmly, there are no visible seams on the surface. Otherwise, streaks will remain during the work, the fallen fibers will stick to the paint.

For convenience, when performing staining, you will need a special painting plastic container. Dipping a roller in a regular bucket is inconvenient.

Painting procedure:

  1. Dilute the water emulsion with water according to the attached instructions. For the first layer of water add more.
  2. Start applying water-based paint with a narrow brush in the corners and along the walls. This will prevent paint from getting on the walls when doing the main work.
  3. It is better to pour the emulsion into the paint bath in small portions.
  4. The roller, dipping into the composition, roll several times for even distribution.
  5. Continue painting the ceiling with a roller from the window, moving across the direction of the light.
  6. When the coating has been applied over the entire surface, the excess can be removed with a dry roller.
  7. After the first layer has dried, apply the second, along the direction of the sun's rays. Re-painting the ceiling with water-based paint should be done with a new roller. Only in this case is an ideal result possible.

If, after drying, irregularities are found, they can be removed by grinding the surface of the ceiling with fine-grained sandpaper. How many coats of paint can be applied with a roller or brush? Most often, two is enough, but three can be done. It is important not to use electrical appliances and heaters to speed up drying.

Spray painting

The technology of painting the ceiling with water-based paint using an airbrush:

  1. Dilute the emulsion, making sure that there are no lumps. Otherwise, they will clog the atomizer.
  2. First, direct the jet to the side, as in the first few seconds the sprayer throws out too much.
  3. When the jet becomes uniform, start applying the water-based emulsion to the ceiling from a distance of 30-50 cm. The speed of movement should be approximately 5 s per 1 m. The jet should be directed strictly at an angle of 90 degrees.
  4. Uniform application can be achieved by mentally dividing the ceiling into squares. Paint each one in turn, first along, then across.

How many coats of paint can be spray applied? Spray gun perform three layers, allowing each to dry.

On the video: painting the ceiling with a spray gun.

General rules

How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint? When choosing a method and during operation, the following painting rules must be considered:

  • For painting a plastered ceiling, it is recommended to use an airbrush. It will provide a more even distribution than a roller. Priming is a must.
  • For a plasterboard ceiling, the emulsion must not be heavily diluted with water. Excess moisture can soak the top paper layer. In this case, it will be impossible to achieve a good result.
  • When applying the coloring composition, be sure to observe uniformity and direction. Otherwise, the result may be areas that have a shade that differs from the main one. This is due to the fact that the intensity of light reflection depends on the thickness of the layer and the direction of the overlay.
  • If, after applying a layer of water-based emulsion, multiple defects are found, then before trying to repaint, it is necessary to wait for complete drying. Otherwise, attempts to correct will lead to the opposite result. If applying a new layer did not solve the problem, then you need to remove the paint with sandpaper.

Water-based emulsions, due to their environmental friendliness, are suitable for decorating even a child's room. Sometimes it is necessary to quickly tidy up a room where a persistent pungent odor is unacceptable. It is in these cases that coloring compositions that do not require the use of conventional solvents are indispensable.

Painting the ceiling with a water-based emulsion does not require the use of expensive tools. This work is easy to do on your own with paint, roller and brush. Even without special skills, it can be done well and beautifully. How to repaint a ceiling painted with water-based paint? To refresh it, you must first remove the old layer and carefully prepare the surface for applying a new one, and then paint in the usual way.

Step by step instructions for painting the ceiling (1 video)

Home renovations almost always involve freshening up the ceilings by painting them. Only the owners of suspended and suspended ceilings are spared this problem (but these structures also need regular cleaning from dust and soot, which usually accumulate in the corners, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwindows and heating radiators).

Currently, water-based paint is most often used to paint the ceiling.

Water-based paint can be:

  • Polyvinyl acetate - has a low resistance to moisture, so it can only be used in dry rooms. Please note that the painted surface cannot be washed.
  • Latex - fits well on various bases, washes well, but has a rather high cost.
  • Silicate - its basis is liquid glass. The paint fits perfectly on concrete and stone surfaces, so it is often used for finishing industrial premises. The paint has good water resistance and elasticity. It is rarely used in residential buildings, since its properties are not in demand here, and the cost is much higher than the average level.
  • Acrylic - the most common option, widely used for residential premises. The paint has a fairly high performance. There is also a gradation according to the types of premises, the degree of whiteness, resistance to moisture, and even the type of surface to be painted (“for walls”, “for ceilings”). The cost of compositions of this type is quite affordable for the general population.

The presence of such an extensive range allows you to choose a colorful composition for any task.

But only the purchase of the most suitable paint does not guarantee that after the repair the ceiling will have exactly the quality you expected.

For this, other conditions must also be met:

  • An objective assessment of the quality of the surface of the ceiling to be repaired.
  • Proper preparation of its surface for painting.
  • Coloring in compliance with technology requirements.

Possible options for preparing the ceiling for painting

Preparatory work has a great influence on the result of the work. To conduct them correctly, you need to carefully examine the ceiling and find out what paint was used for its previous painting.

It should be noted that the best option for preparing the ceiling is:

  • complete removal of all layers of previously applied paint;
  • surface treatment with a primer;
  • puttying the most noticeable defects or even the entire surface;
  • grinding of puttied places;
  • re-priming.

But such a training procedure requires considerable time and labor costs. In addition, it is associated with the formation of a large amount of dust and dirt, which is almost impossible to avoid.

Therefore, many people wonder: “Is there any way to avoid all these difficulties. Is it possible to paint the ceiling with water-based paint over a previously applied coating?

There is no single answer, you need to consider the options:

  • If the ceiling is replete with defects, including large ones, then it is easier to remove the old paint, put it in order and then repaint it.
  • If the ceiling was not previously painted, but lime whitewashing - there are no options - it will have to be completely removed, and then the progress of work depends on the quality of the cleaned surface.
  • If the ceiling was previously painted with a water-based composition that is not resistant to water, then the old layer will have to be completely washed off or removed with a spatula, since applying a new paint will most likely cause the old layers to peel off, which will inevitably spoil the appearance of the ceiling.
  • If the ceiling was painted with a waterproof water-based emulsion, then you can take a chance and not remove it, but you still need to prepare the ceiling for fresh painting.

How to prepare a previously painted ceiling

So, if it turned out that the previous staining was carried out with a waterproof composition, then surface preparation should take place in a certain way.


  • The surface of the ceiling must be cleaned of dirt as best as possible by washing with water.
  • If areas of mold are found, it must be destroyed with a special agent, and the surface should be treated with an antiseptic.
  • Next, the surface is inspected to detect such defects as: delamination of a layer of old paint, deep cracks, depressions and bumps. Some of them will appear even at the stage of wet cleaning of the ceiling.
  • Areas where the paint is flaking should be cleaned with a spatula. The bumps must be removed by scraping or grinding.
  • Then all these places need to be treated with a primer and puttied, achieving maximum alignment with the rest of the surface. Large differences may require the use of not putty, but plaster mortar.
  • Then all puttied places (or better - the entire ceiling) must be primed. If the surface actively absorbs the primer, then it is possible for 2 times.

At the end of these works, you need to wait for the complete drying of the puttied places and the primer, and only after that you can paint.

Painting the prepared ceiling surface

The correct coloring technology plays an important role in how high-quality the result will be.

For painting you will need:

  • dye;
  • brush;
  • roller

The paint should be chosen according to the type of room - living room, kitchen, bathroom. There are special compounds for bathrooms that also work well for kitchen ceilings. They often contain biocidal additives and components that prevent yellowing of paint due to temperature effects.

Coloring can be done with a brush or roller. However, even if you decide to use a roller, you will also need a brush. It is convenient to paint over the ceiling in the corners and around the perimeter.

To paint the ceiling with water-based paint, a roller with a fur coat (ideally, from sheepskin) will be the best tool. It is this tool that guarantees the application of the paint composition as evenly and efficiently as possible.

The painting technology itself is as follows:

  • Opening a can of paint and thoroughly mixing it, including the lowest layers (sometimes the composition may delaminate during storage).
  • If the paint is thick, then you can dilute it with water, according to the instructions on the label. Usually water is added in an amount of 5-10% of the paint volume. In this case, the composition should obtain the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  • The prepared paint is poured into a special tray, which allows the entire surface of the roller to be evenly impregnated with paint.
  • Then the roller is rolled out on the ribbed surface of the tray - this allows you to remove excess paint and prevent it from splashing during operation.
  • Those places where the use of the roller is difficult, pre-paint over with a brush.

Further actions depend on how many layers of paint you plan to apply. Usually it is 2 or 3 layers. Assume that the last layer of paint is applied in the direction of the light flux coming from the window - this makes the joints between the strips of the roller or brush passage invisible.

At the same time, successively applied layers of paint should be perpendicular to each other - this is how you can paint over all the small irregularities of the ceiling with high quality.


  • If it is planned to paint in 2 layers, then the first layer is applied across the direction of light, and the second - along.
  • If it is necessary to apply 3 layers of paint, then the first and last layers are applied along the light, and the second - across.

The application of each layer of paint requires complete drying of the previous one. The drying time is indicated on the can of paint, but in any case it should be 6-12 hours. You can not apply a second coat of paint on a still wet base, this can lead to the fact that the wet layer will begin to “reach” for a roller or brush, which will spoil the appearance of the ceiling.

Thus, it is possible to paint the ceiling with a water-based composition using old paint. But this option requires no less careful approach than the options with the removal of the old coating, and is not suitable in all situations.

Not a single cosmetic repair is complete without painting the ceiling. For this, water-based compositions based on polymers are used. The quality of the appearance of the ceiling depends on the correct use of paint. Often novice painters are faced with the problem of divorce. They appear due to incorrect painting technique.

This article will be useful to those who wish to learn how to avoid such problems. It describes in detail the rules and techniques of painting, following which you will be able to prevent the occurrence of stains. But before you start painting the ceiling, you need to choose the right coloring composition.

The choice of water-based paint

The consumer market has a rich assortment of water-based paints of different composition and purpose. In order not to be mistaken, carefully read the label on the bank. It indicates the type of composition and method of application. There are four types of water-based paints:

  • silicate;
  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • latex.

In ordinary rooms, paints are used in the composition, which contain latex and acrylic. They dry quickly, do not exude pungent odors, and are resistant to wet cleaning using chemicals.

In rooms where the level of humidity is high, paints based on silicone and silicate are used. For example, in the kitchen and bathroom. Due to its composition, they create a vapor-permeable layer on the surface that absorbs moisture, and then slowly evaporates it.

Before applying water-based paint, carefully prepare the ceiling. To do this, remove the old layer of whitewash. If the ceiling has damaged areas, fill the defects with putty. Level the entire surface, and prime at the end.

  1. Ceiling cleaning. To remove limescale, wet the surface well. This is done with a water sprayer or a regular roller. For maximum effect, do this procedure twice with an interval of twenty minutes. Lime will absorb water well, this will help to easily remove it from the surface. To scrape off whitewash, use a metal spatula. After cleaning, wash the ceiling with a sponge.
  2. Elimination of defects. Expand cracks or chips that appear and fill with finishing putty. Do this in small portions, trying to rub deeper. After giving time to dry, rub the putty with sandpaper.
  3. Surface leveling. When fixing cracks and chips, you may have noticed that the ceiling has uneven areas. To fix this, use a thin-layer putty. It has plasticity and adheres well to the surface. To apply putty, use a wide spatula. In areas with a large depression, make several layers. Achieve a perfectly flat surface over the entire ceiling area.
  4. Ceiling primer. After leveling the ceiling, it must be primed. The primer fills micropores, makes the putty surface smooth, improves the adhesion of water-based paint. Apply the primer in two coats 15-20 minutes apart.

Required Tools

To apply water-based paint without streaks to the surface, choose the right tool. Pay special attention to this step. For coloring you will need the following tools:

  1. The roller is the main tool in the painting business. It has a foam and fur surface. To paint the ceiling with a water-based emulsion, it is better to use rollers with a fur coat, which has an average pile length. When rolling, foam rubber creates small bubbles with air - this should not be allowed! And the fur coat leaves behind a relief mark, which well masks minor scratches.
  2. Brush - used to paint areas that the roller cannot reach. Ideal for spot work in areas close to the wall. To make this process convenient, it is better to use brushes with a medium head size.
  3. The bath is a plastic tray with a small recess filled with paint. It is convenient to use for dipping the roller.
  4. Construction mixer - used for diluting paint.
  5. Polyethylene and masking tape - will help protect walls and furniture from getting a coloring solution on them.
  6. Protective equipment: work clothes, goggles, headgear and gloves.

If you plan to paint the ceiling in two or three shades, then for each color you need to use a new brush, roller and tray. By using the same tool for the entire job, you will blend the shades. The result is not the look that was intended.

Ceiling painting rules

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint, many make mistakes. There are nuances that are important to be aware of. For example, it is necessary to take into account the rays of light or the order in which areas are painted. By following the rules, you will be able to make the surface of the ceiling without streaks.

  • Always start painting from the corners, and then the rest of the area.
  • Apply several coats of water-based paint at intervals.
  • Allow twelve hours for each layer to dry.
  • When you're done, cover the windows with a cloth to keep light out of the surface. The sun's rays can leave dark spots on the ceiling.
  • Avoid drafts in the room until the water-based coating dries.
  • Do not dry the ceiling with electrical appliances.

There are several technologies for applying water-based paint. The choice of method depends on the conditions in which it will be operated and the type of coating. In our case, it is necessary to make the surface without streaks. In order for the paint to please with its appearance for a long time, use the following tips regarding staining technology:

  1. Start painting at the corners and borders where the wall and ceiling meet. Determine the corner farthest from the front door. Dip the brush into the paint and go around the perimeter of the ceiling. The width of the line can be 5-10 cm. This is done so that, when working with a roller, do not touch the walls.
  2. After finishing work with the perimeter, proceed to painting the main area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling. Fill the patch with water-based emulsion and dip the roller in it. Then roll it well on white paper so that the paint evenly saturates the pile and start painting the ceiling.
  3. Hold the roller at a 45 degree angle, making sure it is not overhead.
  4. Apply the first layer parallel to the rays of light falling on the ceiling. Make the second pass perpendicular. The third layer should be applied in the same way as the first.
  5. Make parallel movements with an overlap of 5 cm. Keep track of the uniformity of the application of the layer. Do not roll many times in one place - an influx is formed.
  6. To remove excess water emulsion from the ceiling, walk around the area with a dry roller without paint - its fur coat will absorb the excess.
  7. Use a bright, directional beam of light, such as a flashlight, to determine the quality of the surface.
  8. Apply the final layer with a new roller, this will help to achieve an even distribution of the coloring composition and prevent streaks.

Water-based paint is an affordable way to create a beautiful ceiling. In order for the quality of work to be at its best, practice and adherence to simple techniques are needed. The result will be a surface that will please with its uniformity.

Video: how to paint the ceiling with high quality