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Cancer treatment: fly agaric, kerosene, tobacco, todikampom. Healing cancer and other diseases with kerosene Treatment of cancer with kerosene

Despondency, depression, panic, despair are the inevitable companions of a terrible, incurable disease by official medicine. In search of a means to fight cancer, people used seemingly fantastic methods. Kerosene treatment for cancer is an extreme technique, first proposed and tested by Austrian nurse Paula Kerner, which led to a positive result. The diagnosis of official medicine in her case is the brand "hopeless". The man did not give up, looked for ways out and defeated the disease.

In search of solutions, one should not be skeptical. Paula's story teaches two things - never give up and never be afraid of anything. Indeed, you can not be afraid of anything when there is simply nothing more to lose.

Since ancient times, kerosene has been used to treat a myriad of diseases, the difference in the nature of which allows "white oil" to be classified as a panacea for all ills.

Traditional medicine has effectively used it in the fight against the following diseases:
  • throat diseases (tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis);
  • inflammation of the respiratory tract (bronchial diseases, pneumonia, tracheitis, tuberculosis);
  • rhinitis;
  • cardiovascular diseases (myocardial infarction, myocarditis);
  • diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, colitis);
  • helminthiases of all kinds;
  • dysbiosis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • various diseases of the joints;
  • diseases of the nervous system (sciatica, vegetovascular dystonia, migraine);
  • genitourinary diseases (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis);
  • trichomoniasis;
  • prostate adenoma, prostatitis;
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, erysipelas);
  • pediculosis;
  • all types of herpes;
  • wound healing, elimination of warts.

Treatment of oncology with kerosene received official confirmation in the mid-60s of the last century after the use of Paula Kerner. The exact date of the start of use cannot be established due to the lack of cancer diagnosis. Biopsy, blood test for tumor markers, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging appeared in the 20th century.

A cancerous tumor does not occur on a healthy organ. Oncology is the result of a malfunction or dysfunction in the body. The above qualities allow you to help the body prevent the disease or defeat it at the initial stage.

Kerosene in oncology was first proposed for use by Paula Kerner, whose touching story of miraculous healing is admirable. After the operation, during which about a meter of intestines were removed by oncologists, the girl developed intestinal paralysis. The tumor continued to advance, blocking the approach to the anus for the feces. Paula lost a lot of weight, constantly experienced unbearable pain, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The further diagnosis was inoperable bowel cancer of the 4th stage.

The girl decided to try the effect of kerosene on herself. She began to drink purified technical liquid on an empty stomach, one teaspoonful.

The results, listed in chronological order, were phenomenal:
  • pain disappeared after 3 days;
  • a month and a half later, gag reflexes disappeared, appetite returned, then the previous weight was restored;
  • after 11 months gave birth to a child;
  • a year later, she donated blood for the first time, which was the blood of an absolutely healthy person.

Paula began to actively help cancer patients and suggested using kerosene to treat cancer with a simple recipe. Dosage and method of application: 15 drops on a piece of sugar on an empty stomach is taken daily. A prerequisite is preliminary distillation (purification).

Cleaning methods according to Kerner:

  1. The container is filled in proportions 1:1 with kerosene and hot water, a third is not filled, after which it is shaken for several minutes and closed with a lid. Then the liquids are allowed to infuse to a clear watershed boundary. After that, kerosene is carefully poured into an appropriate container.
  2. Highly toxic substances contained in kerosene are removed with table salt, which is poured into a container in the ratio: 1 tablespoon per liter of liquid. Kerosene is poured through a special watering can, equipped with an artificial filter in the form of compressed gauze fabric. Then this container is placed in a larger container, filled with water and brought to a boil, thereby creating a water bath. The process of boiling over low heat lasts about an hour and a half, after which the kerosene is carefully poured into another container. It is important to observe safety precautions, remembering the toxicity of kerosene. In order to avoid poisoning by inhalation of kerosene vapors, cleaning should be carried out outdoors or in a well-ventilated room.

Kerosene tinctures in combination with walnuts have received wide distribution and numerous positive reviews. Due to its high penetrating power, kerosene opens up additional healing properties of the nut, which the nut itself cannot open.

The technology for preparing walnut tincture independently boils down to the following: walnuts are crushed to form a powder mixture, after which they are mixed with kerosene in a ratio of 2: 1. Then the mixture must be infused for three weeks. The temperature should be at room temperature, the lid should be tightly closed to prevent air. The finished tincture is passed through a filter and stored in the refrigerator. You can treat cancer for up to a year using a piece of sugar or its analogues.

Based on kerosene with nuts, the following preparations have been created:
  • todikamp;
  • todiklark;
  • phytodin.

In order to neutralize the negative effect of kerosene on the body, it is recommended to consume a large amount of freshly squeezed juices, vitamins, food rich in proteins and minerals.

Official medicine treats the use of kerosene treatment in any form extremely negatively. The main argument is the lack of official confirmation of the effect on cancer cells.

The danger of use is presented in the form of side effects for the following organs and body systems:

  1. Cirrhosis of the liver. The liver meets a powerful blow due to the carcinogenic effect of kerosene.
  2. Nervous system. There is a death and death of brain cells, leading to the development of encephalopathy (progressive dementia).
  3. Inflammation of the kidneys, which eventually turns into kidney failure.
  4. In the case of topical application, a burn of the mucous membrane may occur, which leads to inflammation of the skin of a chronic nature.
  5. Inflammation of the pancreas. As a result of a burn of the gastrointestinal tract, the outlet channel of the pancreas is clogged and the enzymes that it secretes corrode it itself. Reactive pancreatitis occurs, leading to pancreatic necrosis (death of organ tissues).

Surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are cancer treatment methods from the point of view of official medicine. Science is constantly improving, creating new drugs to combat oncology.

Debate of the parties

Supporters and opponents of the use of kerosene for medicinal purposes were diametrically opposed. Clinically, the effect of kerosene on the human body does more harm than good - the point of view of official medicine. Being a product of oil refining and the main fuel for aircraft, it is difficult to admit the thought of its use for medical purposes.

The view of traditional medicine, evidence of the harm of kerosene on the human body at the medical level, prompts to put an end to this issue. Analysis of alternative methods proposed officially requires a comma.

Medicine for the treatment of cancer uses:

  1. Surgical intervention. The disadvantage of the operation is the impossibility and futility of carrying out in the presence of metastases. Since cancer in the early stages does not cause discomfort, the patient often does not have the opportunity to diagnose and eliminate the process in its very inception.
  2. Chemotherapy. The use of powerful drugs can kill healthy cells rather than cancer cells.
  3. Radiation therapy. The harm of radiation was proved by the atomic bombs that fell on the cities of Japan, later confirmed by the Chernobyl disaster. Mortality in nearby regions has increased several times, including from cancer.
  4. Application of experimental methods. It consists in studying the effect of newly invented drugs on the human body. The bottom line is that doctors from developed countries find cancer patients in the post-Soviet countries with the conclusion of a contract for testing the drug. The obverse of the coin is the hope for healing with the help of leading oncologists with payment of the cost. The reverse leads to real disasters - often a person cannot drink a glass of water without a gag reflex.

“If this German doctor had injected himself with his drug instead of me, then he would forever refuse to use it,” a quote from a participant in the experiment.

According to the unofficial opinion of oncologists and radiologists, there is a happy 1% cure for oncological diseases. The reasons have not been scientifically investigated, but the main factor is considered to be a strong desire and faith in recovery. Therefore, each patient needs to believe in healing, bet on a happy percentage and win. And is it so important - will this happen with or without kerosene ?!

Kerosene cleaning

Before starting treatment with kerosene, it must be cleaned. This can be done in several ways. The most common ways are:

1. Pour the required amount of crude kerosene into a capacious jar and add the same amount of boiling water there. For example, 1 liter of crude kerosene should be mixed with 1 liter of boiling water in a 3-liter jar and tightly closed with a lid. The mixture should be vigorously shaken for 2-3 minutes, from time to time opening the lid to relieve the pressure arising in the jar. Then let it settle and drain the kerosene very carefully, without capturing the resulting sediment at the border with water. The result is purified kerosene.

2. This method is considered the most economical, since about 20 percent of technical kerosene is lost during the cleaning process. So, three tablespoons of kitchen rock salt should be poured into a clean jar. It is also necessary to pour kerosene here, passing it through a homemade filter. Such a filter is easiest to make using an ordinary funnel, into which put several layers of folded gauze or a dense piece of cotton wool. For further work on the preparation of purified kerosene, you will need a water bath. A jar of kerosene and salt is placed in a sufficiently deep pan, on the bottom of which a stand is installed, after which water is poured into the pan. Its level must be higher than the level of kerosene in the bank. The pan is put on a slow fire and after boiling the water is held for an hour and a half. The jar lid must never be closed. When the contents of the jar are heated, a sharp unpleasant odor appears, so the kerosene cleaning procedure must be carried out in a ventilated room or in the open air. You should be very careful when handling the jar so as not to stir up and mix the salt with the liquid. Salt in this process absorbs all the harmful substances that kerosene contains, and is necessary for its high-quality purification. Upon completion, the bank is carefully removed from the water. Its contents are very carefully poured into another container of dark glass, or an ordinary glass container, protected from sunlight, and tightly closed. In such a container, purified kerosene can be stored for up to a year.

With any method of cleaning technical kerosene, all precautions for safe work with flammable and toxic substances must be strictly observed, namely: avoid direct contact of liquid with an open flame, work with thick rubber gloves and in a well-ventilated area. The resulting solution must be stored out of the reach of children.

Pros and cons of kerosene treatment

Treatment with kerosene has deep historical roots. At one time, the Austrian nurse Paula Goepper, who suffered from bowel cancer at the last stage, decided to engage in kerosene treatment. During her illness, she lost 14 kilograms and had part of her intestines removed. However, the disease did not recede. Subsequent operations did not make sense, because the tumor spread to the rectum and the anus closed. According to the doctors, her illness was incurable, Paula was discharged from the hospital home and the doctors expected the patient's death from day to day. Pauli's condition was aggravated by the fact that she was paralyzed. One day, Paulya remembered the story of the First World War that in Yugoslavia, in case of illness, kerosene is used: both externally and internally.

Paula decided to be treated with kerosene at her own peril and risk. She drank a teaspoon of purified kerosene before meals and suddenly felt better. After three days of treatment with kerosene, the pains stopped and paralyzed organs began to recover, after five days she was able to get up and eat for the first time in many years without vomiting, and after a month and a half she had an appetite, regained weight, and Paula felt healthy. Surprisingly, after Paul's recovery, she even gave birth to a son, and became an honorary donor. Using kerosene for medicinal purposes, she cured herself, and then hundreds of patients were healed by this method.

In many European countries this method of treatment has been patented. Kerosene therapy was prescribed for each patient individually. During kerosene treatment, the patient at a strictly defined time had to take 15 drops of purified kerosene applied to a piece of sugar. According to the author of the method, Mrs. Gepper, properly purified kerosene, with strict adherence to the dosage, stimulated the lymphatic vessels and contributed to the improvement of the blood.

It would not be superfluous to give other examples. In 1962, thirty-year-old G.N. discovered that she had a painful breast tumor. During surgical treatment, the patient's breast was removed, but the tumor metastasized to the ovaries and uterus. A year later, the state of G.N. worsened, and she prepared for the inevitable. Having tried all available methods of treatment, the patient began to drink kerosene. She was amazed at how quickly the pain subsided and her blood pressure returned to normal. Soon the cancer nodes disappeared and she was completely cured of cancer. Another patient, P.V., had stomach cancer. P. V. drank kerosene for two weeks, one teaspoon 3 times a day. After 15 days, P.V. felt better and stopped taking kerosene.

History knows a lot of other examples of the miraculous cure of cancer patients with the help of kerosene treatment. There are also a number of diseases that kerosene cures, among them paralysis, diabetes and others. It should be noted the complete absence of negative side effects of kerosene on the human body. However, there are many examples where the use of this method of treatment does not give positive results. There are cases when the patient not only did not recover from cancer, but as a result of a long daily intake of 3-4 teaspoons of purified kerosene, he acquired serious pathologies of the pancreas and kidneys and died of cirrhosis of the liver. Sometimes, as a result of kerosene therapy, the improvement in the patient's condition is short-lived and after a few weeks or even days it deteriorates sharply.

However, kerosene has healing properties. The use of this remedy gives a positive result in hemorrhoids, lumbago, treatment of diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys, sciatica, atherosclerosis, abscesses, etc. However, pure kerosene is not used to treat these diseases, but a walnut-kerosene extract is used.

Medicinal preparations made on the basis of kerosene

The use of walnuts in the treatment of various diseases has been known since ancient Rome. Later it was found that kerosene enhances these healing properties. For the treatment of diseases, the use of various mixtures of kerosene for some time was carried out externally, and later became widespread for internal use. It was recommended to take kerosene extracts in 15 drops, which were dripped onto a sugar cube. Be sure the patient was recommended to drink half a glass of freshly squeezed juice from vegetables or fruits three times a day, which should have strengthened the patient's body.

To make a nut extract, you need to take green walnuts at the stage of milky ripeness, grind them as finely as possible in any way and place them in a glass jar, filling it with nuts for two-thirds of the container. Top up the jar with purified kerosene, close it tightly and leave it in a dark place for three weeks. After the expiration of this period, filter the resulting liquid. As a filter, you can use a simple gauze folded in several layers, or a paper filter. The resulting extract is poured into a special container, tightly sealed and stored in a dark, cool place. Such a tincture can retain its medicinal properties for a year.

The drug has similar medicinal properties. todikamp, recognized in official medicine, and got its name from the name of its creator MP Todik. After 45 years, M.P. Todik suffered from sciatica, which caused unbearable pain. The use of various drugs did not bring him relief, and the young man, a former front-line soldier, completely lost heart. However, having come to the conclusion that it is never too late to settle accounts with life, he decided to be treated with folk remedies. M. Todik was well informed about the phytoncidal properties of the walnut, but he also knew that the juice of this plant is not able to penetrate deeply into the tissues. Todik decided to enhance the action of the walnut with the help of kerosene, creating an extract. Kerosene folk medicine, vomiting and blood, treatment of breast cancer of the intestine with kerosene,

After the first compress, which Todik put on his back, the pain decreased, and subsequently stopped altogether. In addition, Todik noted a number of positive changes in his health. He had a cold, and long-term infiltrates from intramuscular injections resolved. The method of treatment invented by Todik was successfully used to treat arthritis, pyelonephritis, hypertension, including cancer, but for a long time it was not recognized by official medicine. Todik received documentary evidence of the high effectiveness of the drug in treating patients from the USSR Ministry of Health only a month before his death. In this way, a new drug was created that effectively fights intractable diseases. In the treatment of oncological diseases, this drug, along with the effect on the tumor, effectively fights the causes that caused it, and enhances the protective ability of the body.

Todikamp- it is a slightly oily light liquid with the smell of kerosene and a loose nutty sediment, it is well absorbed into the skin. The drug is intended for both external and internal use. Todikamp differs from homemade nut tincture on kerosene. For the manufacture of the drug in industrial conditions, the liquid is thoroughly distilled and purified. So, only five percent of the amount of kerosene taken for purification is suitable for the manufacture of the drug, and walnuts are also specially prepared for these purposes. Such care in the manufacture of the drug has a positive effect on its activity.

Due to the improvement of the drug, there are already two varieties of this extract: todiklark and phytodin. Phytodin, in addition to a mixture of walnut and kerosene, includes wormwood, garlic, laurel cherry, eucalyptus, poplar and birch buds, and myrtle. These herbs reduce the load on the patient's body and increase its protective properties. Phytodin is applied externally, in the form of ointment applications. To obtain an ointment, water and baby powder, talc or starch are added to phytodin. Todiklark is a drug for the manufacture of which, instead of a walnut, an American walnut is used, which has a black color. Experts believe that this nut has more effective properties than walnut. It is recommended to take Todiklark in combination with wormwood, clove, and tansy herb powder. The daily dose for a month should be half or a third of a teaspoon. At the end of the monthly course of treatment, a monthly break is recommended. During the year, conduct three courses of treatment.

What you need to remember when kerosene treatment

Any use of preparations made on the basis of kerosene must begin with testing the body's reaction to this substance. To do this, the skin behind the ear is rubbed with a small amount of kerosene. If after a while the skin does not turn red and does not become covered with a rash, then you are not allergic to kerosene. Direct contact of pure kerosene with the mucous can cause burns. Therefore, even with angina, in no case should you gargle with kerosene. You can only very carefully lightly lubricate the throat.

After external use of drugs containing kerosene, it is necessary to lubricate the skin at the site of contact with the drug with baby cream or petroleum jelly to avoid skin irritation. During a compress or lotion, the patient may experience itching or burning sensations. In this case, the compress must be removed immediately. Kerosene preparations can be rubbed into the skin every other day no more than two or three times a day.

Caution: Under no circumstances should kerosene be used to treat children.

Kerosene treatment is also contraindicated for patients who have liver diseases. Since after ingestion of preparations made on the basis of kerosene, patients experience a burning sensation in the stomach, belching and nausea, healers recommend taking them one to two hours before meals. Clinical practice of using Todikamp indicates that patients may experience drowsiness and even depression while taking this drug. The use of Todikamp is incompatible with the use of psychotropic, antihypertensive drugs. When treating with this drug, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, avoid direct sunlight, overwork and nervous experiences. Even after one and a half, or even two years after the completion of treatment, patients are contraindicated for prolonged exposure to the sun.

Treatment with kerosene and its preparations is beneficial when carried out with extreme caution. Strict observance of precautionary measures during treatment is a guarantee that it will bring healing from serious ailments. For the preparation of any preparations, it must be remembered that only kerosene is used for this purpose and in no case should it be replaced with gasoline, because gasoline is very toxic.

How to use kerosene

Kerosene gives positive results in any blood poisoning, malignant tumors, ulcers, diabetes, even when surgical treatment and other methods have been ineffective. In the process of treatment, it does not lead to poisoning and other negative consequences. Sometimes taking kerosene can cause diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, but you do not need to stop treatment. After taking kerosene, it is advisable to drink a teaspoon of sunflower or any other vegetable oil to lubricate the throat.

For preventive purposes, purified kerosene is taken 1 teaspoon throughout the year, preventing the recurrence of the disease. For example, Paula Goepper drinks kerosene every year, 1 teaspoon, on an empty stomach, for 12 days in a row. Since not all patients can tolerate kerosene on an empty stomach, the course begins with 5-6 drops diluted in boiled water 2-3 times after meals. Treatment usually lasts a month. To do this, 15 drops of kerosene are added to a piece of refined sugar. The result of treatment is monitored by blood and urine tests.

With diabetes, kerosene should be drunk 5 drops for about 4-5 weeks. For gastrointestinal ulcers and various blood diseases, take a teaspoon of kerosene for 1 week. Further, after a two-month break, they drink 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach for 2 weeks, and then again 1 teaspoon for a month and a half. After such a course, the intestines will be cleansed and it will be more intensive to remove toxins and toxins.

Cancer is known to be one of the most intractable diseases. Traditional medicine has a huge number of different recipes that help to effectively deal with this disease. Among all the methods of treatment, special attention deserves oncology treatment with kerosene. In this article, we will consider not only the useful properties of this tool, but also how to drink kerosene with oncology.

Therapeutic properties of kerosene in oncology

  • Painkiller
  • Reduces severe inflammation
  • Improves the functioning of the endocrine glands,
  • Improves nutrition of human body cells, etc.

Remember that purified kerosene is used as a medicine.

How to clean kerosene

As mentioned above kerosene against cancer must be used in pure form. This can be done in the following ways:

  • Take a three-liter jar,
  • Pour one liter of water and one liter of kerosene into the jar,
  • Cover the jar with a tight lid
  • Shake the mixture for several minutes
  • Leave the jar for a while so that the mixture settles.

As a result, you will see how the kerosene has separated from the water. Without affecting the water level, carefully drain the kerosene into a separate container.

There is another method for cleaning this tool. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Take three tablespoons of rock salt,
  • Pour the salt into a clean jar
  • Passing through gauze, pour kerosene into the container,
  • Put the jar in a deep saucepan and pour water into it (the water should be above the kerosene level),
  • Put the pan on the fire and boil it over low heat for an hour and a half.

Salt absorbs all harmful substances. After the time has elapsed, the finished product is carefully poured into a dark glass bottle.

Cancer treatment with kerosene, recipes

The use of kerosene in oncology possible in the preparation of the recipes described below.

Option 1

This recipe is used for malignant tumors of various types. It is prepared on the basis of kerosene and green walnuts. It is recommended to take such a drug during the cycle from new moon to new moon. And so for cooking, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Chop young unripe walnuts
  • Pour them into a jar (the jar must be at least 70% full),
  • Fill the nuts with kerosene.
  • Put the jar in a dark warm place for 40 days.

The finished product is taken one teaspoon three times a day before meals. At the same time, it is diluted in a sufficiently large amount of water. It is recommended to undergo at least two courses of treatment.

Option 2

This version of the tool is prepared in the same way as in the previous one. Only the reception scheme differs. This option is recommended for patients who suffer from stomach cancer. Treatment of cancer with kerosene, dosage according to this recipe is one tablespoon per day in the morning on an empty stomach. After taking it is forbidden to eat for 2 hours. The course is 15 days. 5 days to take - 5 days off. And so three times.

Option 3

This option suggests preparing a medicine from purified kerosene and chaga. For this:

  • Take purified kerosene and chaga (mushroom).
  • Mix all ingredients thoroughly

The finished product should be taken one teaspoon three times a day half an hour before meals. The course of such treatment is 4 weeks. After that, you should take a break and take only the infusion of chaga, eating it with refined sugar. It is recommended to take at least three such courses.


So, like any method, kerosene treatment has a number of contraindications and side effects. The first thing you need to pay attention to is that in case of an overdose, not only poisoning, but also death can occur. Therefore, before starting the treatment with this method, be sure to consult a doctor. During this treatment, dizziness, nausea, vomiting may occur. If side effects occur, treatment should be discontinued. It is forbidden to use kerosene for pregnant and lactating women. Pay attention also to the fact that after treatment with this remedy, you should avoid being in the sun for two years.

Kerosene against oncology.

As the practice of traditional medicine shows, kerosene is widely and successfully used for cancer treatment different nature. And this despite the fact that modern medicine has indicated these diseases as contraindications to its use.

So here are two examples.

The woman was 30 years old. A year ago, she discovered a knot on her chest that was growing and hurting. Has addressed to doctors. Treatment consisted of amputation of the diseased breast. However, after some time metastases were found in the ovaries and uterus. The situation became critical, the doctors could not help. Then she began to drink kerosene. The pain subsided, the pressure returned to normal, cancer cells are gone!

Another woman was sick with stomach cancer. The case turned out to be neglected and the official treatment was powerless. The patient, on the advice, began to drink kerosene. She used it for 2 weeks, 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon. After 15 days, she felt well, and subsequently recovered completely.

How can this be explained effect of kerosene against oncology? Let's turn again to the healing properties of "white" oil.

    Kerosene strongly dries, dehydrates cells. Any malignant tumor is a community of living, rapidly dividing cells. If they are deprived of liquid, they die. This is one of the main properties of kerosene, acting directly on malignant cells.

    Kerosene has a high penetrating power. As a rule, any tumor surrounds itself with a kind of protective barrier. The body tries to act in the same way - fencing off the tumor with protection. It is not easy for drugs to overcome this barrier. However, the properties of kerosene are such that it relatively easily overcomes this barrier and has a direct effect on cancer cells. This property of kerosene was noticed in ancient times - oil, especially white oil, dissolves, melts, and opens blockages.

    Malignant tumors cause inflammation and pain in tissues and organs. And kerosene has the ability to relieve inflammation and have an analgesic effect. This is exactly what is required in the first place for a patient affected by a malignant tumor.

    Kerosene increases the body's defenses. This is exactly what is needed for a successful the body's fight against cancer.

    Its reception dilates blood vessels and improves tissue nutrition. It is especially important to use it in the place of oncology. Indeed, together with the blood, regulatory substances enter the affected tissue and thereby affect the affected cells, forcing them to submit to the work of the whole organism.

    Reception of kerosene helps to enhance the work of the endocrine glands, improve metabolism. On the one hand, hormones have a better effect on cells, regulating their proper functioning, and on the other hand, increased metabolism contributes to their mobilization against the destructive effects of the tumor. Of course, there are other (molecular, due to the special spatial structure of kerosene molecules; energy and others) mechanisms of the influence of kerosene, both on the whole organism as a whole, and on cancer cells that help a person with cancer. Thus, the described mechanisms make it possible to successfully contribute to the treatment of a number of oncological diseases. And these are not just words, but an extensive practice of oncology treatment kerosene all over the world. Particularly impressive is the example of the woman Paula Geiner, who first cured herself of cancer, and then successfully helped many others.

Below, I will give the story of Paula Geiner, and the method of using kerosene that she recommends. Kerosene treatment method recommended by Paula Geiner.

Paula Geiner from Austria believes that kerosene cures diseases that come from the blood. With the help of the proposed method of taking kerosene, she cured over 20 thousand patients and received patents in many countries!

Paula herself seriously ill with bowel cancer with metastases. During her illness and treatment, she lost 14 kg. During the operation, 75 centimeters of her intestines were removed. But the disease progressed, the rectum was affected. It was too late for the second operation to remove the rectum: the anus was closed, paralysis of the anus set in, and the right kidney was also affected. After eight days in the hospital, she was discharged home as incurable. Doctors predicted only two days of life.

Paula lay paralyzed at home and remembered the soldier's story, which said that in Yugoslavia, local residents with various ailments drank kerosene and rubbed it. She decided to try treatment with distilled kerosene and began to drink it in a teaspoon on an empty stomach. It is said that the very first time she drank a tablespoon of kerosene. An hour later I felt better. Three days later, the pain subsided, some paralyzed parts of the body began to act. On the 13th day she began to get up, the vomiting stopped. After six weeks of taking kerosene, she felt very hungry. Appeared appetite for vegetables, fruits, meat and began to quickly gain weight. After a while, the lost weight was restored - 56 kg.

Since then, Paula was no longer afraid of a terrible disease for which there was no cure. She simply forgot about her - she got married (11 months after recovery), gave birth to a son, then another. She was even a donor.

She is now an honorary donor. She is 50 years old. Doctors stated excellent health.

Causes. Paula Geiner does not focus on the reasons oncology, believing that it arises from some changes in the blood.

Cancer treatment.

Paula Geiner advises drinking only distilled kerosene, which, in her opinion, stimulates the lymphatic vessels and heals the blood. He treats patients who are not helped by surgery, radiation. And, most importantly, it does not give side effects, except ... a little diarrhea.

For patients with hidden ailments, Paula recommends taking 15 drops of kerosene per sugar cube for 6 weeks. You need to start with 1-2 drops in boiled water 3 times a day after meals. For prevention and cancer prevention kerosene drink 1 teaspoon throughout the year, so that the disease does not recur.

Paula herself consumes kerosene 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach every year for 12 days in a row. Due to the fact that not everyone can drink kerosene on an empty stomach, you can start with 5-6 drops with boiled water 2-3 times a day after meals. Treatment is carried out within a month. You can take 15 drops per sugar cube. The result is monitored by a urine and blood test. Sometimes there is diarrhea - this is normal and indicates bowel cleansing.

During treatment, you may feel sick and even vomit, but continue to drink. After that, the intestines will be cleansed and remove unnecessary.

Women patients with uterine cancer, Paula advises taking three drops of kerosene daily until complete recovery.

In all cases of treatment, it was noted that taking kerosene did not lead to poisoning and other harmful consequences. One man reports his wife being treated with kerosene. She has there were bumps on the chest from which there was pus. Besides had "some kind of tumor in the intestines". Prior to that, she had suffered from constipation for a long time.

For reference: Having constipation is a sure way to get cancer in 10-20 years. The body is slagged and conditions are created for the appearance of a wide variety of oncology - more often the breast and large intestine.

This is exactly what happened in this case. We turned to doctors. They suggested surgery and chemotherapy. The woman refused and decided to use the simplest folk remedy - kerosene.

After a week of drinking kerosene, as recommended by Paula Geiner, the man's wife felt clear signs of improvement in well-being: pain in her chest and abdomen decreased, and after three weeks the pus disappeared, and the swelling in the intestines disappeared altogether. After some time, the problem with constipation was also resolved positively.

It may not help everyone, but it helped me, thank God! Why don't others try it? I told all the patients with whom I was in the hospital how and with what, I was treated. They immediately perked up. God forbid, kerosene will help them too.” In addition to its pure use for the treatment of oncology, kerosene in traditional medicine is widely used in combination with other drugs. Achieving at the same time strengthening and targeted action on the tumor. Read more about the treatment with kerosene and todikamp in the book "Treatment with kerosene for cancer and other diseases"

Useful materials:

  1. Treatment and prevention of oncology with folk remedies
  2. Set for the treatment of oncological diseases

In the hope of curing cancer, patients resort to the most unusual methods. The use of kerosene is one of the most controversial alternative medicine methods.

Treating cancer with kerosene may not be safe.


Over the years, the popularity of this unusual technique has only continued to grow. On the Web, you can find many schemes for treating cancer with kerosene, as well as stories of the miraculous recovery of people with advanced tumors after using it. There is an opinion that kerosene not only eliminates the painful symptoms of cancer, but also destroys the tumor itself within a very short period of time. What explains such an effect of cancer treatment with kerosene? This oil refining product has the following range of properties:

Treatment of cancer with kerosene is deeply rooted in history. For the first time this method was used by a nurse from Austria, Paula Goepper. The woman herself suffered from end-stage bowel cancer. After starting cancer treatment with kerosene, her condition improved markedly, and some time after her recovery, she even managed to give birth to an absolutely healthy child.

Application methods

The easiest way is to use pure kerosene. However, there are many recipes for using this remedy in combination with herbal tinctures and green walnuts. However, before proceeding with the treatment of cancer with kerosene, it must be thoroughly cleaned. You can do this in two different ways:


  • Pour 1 liter of kerosene and 1 liter of hot water (60-70 degrees) into a 3-liter jar;
  • Close the vessel tightly with a lid and shake the liquid vigorously for 2-3 minutes;
  • To relieve pressure inside the jar, periodically open the lid;
  • Then let the mixture brew;
  • Strain the kerosene, being careful not to capture the sediment formed at the bottom;
  • Perform all actions with the hood running or in a well-ventilated area.

№ 2

  • Mix 500 ml of kerosene with the same amount of hot water, shake well and strain the kerosene;
  • Add half a glass of fine table salt to the finished raw material and shake again;
  • Infuse for 1 day, and then strain and filter the kerosene with activated or charcoal;
  • After the drained black liquid settles, strain it again and take it in accordance with the kerosene cancer treatment regimen.

Store purified kerosene in a tightly sealed jar away from sunlight. The shelf life of the finished product is up to 1 year. It should be taken 1-2 drops, diluted with a small amount of drinking water, 2-3 times a day with meals. The course of gentle treatment of cancer with kerosene should last 6 weeks. More intensive therapy, proposed by the founder of this technique, involves taking 1 teaspoon of kerosene in the morning and evening, washing down the remedy with weak tea.

Advantages and disadvantages

Modern medicine categorically denies the treatment of cancer with kerosene. According to doctors, this method will only aggravate the already serious condition of cancer patients. Kerosene, not intended for oral administration, destroys the mucous membrane of internal organs. Its regular intake can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, as well as serious pathologies of the pancreas and kidneys. However, cases when cancer treatment with kerosene ended successfully for cancer patients still exist. Perhaps it all depends on the individual characteristics of each particular organism. However, do not rush to self-medicate, but seek qualified help from a specialist. The treatment chosen by him, for sure, will be more effective and safe.

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