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A message on the topic of the profession of psychologist. Hot topic: Pros and cons of the profession of "psychologist"

Obesity and hunger are two of society's biggest problems.
This explains human nature.

A psychologist is a specialist who studies mental life and the laws of correcting human behavior, using this knowledge to help people and to optimize their activities.

The profession of psychologist appeared relatively recently. Hence there is a lot of erroneous and incorrect information regarding the methods and content of the science of psychology. Some people even confuse such similar-sounding but different-in-meaning professions as psychiatrist, psychotherapist and psychologist.

It should be said right away that a psychiatrist and psychotherapist are doctors who have received a diploma in medical educational institutions. A psychologist received his education in the discipline “Psychology” and is not a doctor. The subject of his work is not the human psyche, but his state of mind, inner world. A psychologist does not heal, in the literal sense of the word, but helps a person find harmony, both with himself and with the people around him.

The formation of the science of psychology cannot be called unambiguous. It was formed from the depths of such sciences as astronomy, philosophy, and various occult sciences.

The first representatives of “healers of souls” can be called healers, sorcerers, and shamans. At least, positive effect from their “treatment” came, in to a greater extent, from the power of suggestion than from the use of medicinal agents.

And only in the 18th century were the first attempts made to debunk prejudices and scientifically substantiate their influence on humans.

The official date of the emergence of psychology as a science is 1879 - the opening of the first psychological laboratory in Leipzig by W. Wundt. Later, similar laboratories and schools were opened in other countries and in Russia, various directions were developed, for example: behaviorism, psychoanalysis, humanistic psychology, etc. Currently, the knowledge and experience of psychology is used in many areas of life and career: in the family, in communication, in education, in medicine, in art, in politics, economics, and production.

The main activities of a psychologist:

Psychological diagnostics is the study using tests individual characteristics human psyche.

Consulting is confidential communication between a psychologist and a client, aimed at more fully realizing his abilities and finding ways to solve troubling problems.

Psychological training is active learning communication, as well as ways of emotional self-regulation, problem solving and personal growth. These group sessions include various psychological games and exercises, interspersed with discussions about the experience they provide for the participants.

Some psychologists combine all these types of work, but more often they still specialize in one thing. Many find themselves in other types of activities related to psychology: for example, they teach it or scientific research. Finally, many people implement psychological knowledge in other types of work with people: for example, HR managers in various organizations often have psychological education. On average, about 2/3 of a psychologist’s working time is spent on contacts with people, the rest is on paperwork, preparing reports on examinations, etc.

Personal qualities

The image of a psychologist in the minds of many people has developed thanks to Western films - inspiring unlimited trust, a benevolent specialist who sympathetically questions the client lying on the couch. Many people believe in the omnipotence of a psychologist and think that he will help solve all their problems. For the same reason, it happens that people choose their future profession, hoping to establish, first of all, own life, forgetting that psychology is not a mystical science.

A psychologist cannot give one hundred percent universal recipe to get rid of all troubles. Together with the person who needs help, he looks for ways to solve the problem and helps to find the internal resources of the body. After all, most failures, both in a person’s personal and professional life, do not occur because everyone around them is so bad. The problem lies in the person himself, in his views on many things, in his worldview, maybe in his childhood.

A psychologist gives a person the opportunity to look at life in general and at the problem itself, in particular, from a slightly different angle, pushing him to the idea that everything that happens to us is the work of ourselves, that in order to change the world, we must change ourselves.

Of course, such a complex and delicate task—psychological assistance—requires certain mental and professional qualities of such a specialist, a psychologist.

First of all, he must be kind and caring towards other people. The ability to listen carefully and hear your interlocutor is important. A psychologist will need such qualities as logic, intelligence, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions. However, he must be able to isolate himself from other people’s problems, not let them pass through himself, not take them to heart and not confuse professional sympathy with human sympathy. That is, he must be stress-resistant.

Education (What do you need to know?)

The profession requires higher education (specialties: Psychology, Conflictology, Clinical Psychology, Clinical Psychology). You can get it at many state and non-state universities. To work at high professional level and to be in demand on the labor market, most often this education is not enough; it is necessary to regularly take additional training courses.

University specialties

Place of work and career

A psychologist can work both in specialized centers that provide relevant services, and in the staff of enterprises and organizations of other profiles ( school psychologist, clinical psychologist, specialist in occupational psychology, etc.). Some psychologists do not have a permanent place of work, but are engaged in private practice or carry out some one-time orders.

Career growth opportunities, speaking narrowly about the profession of a psychologist, mainly come down to professional improvement, which allows you to become a sought-after and highly paid specialist. You can create your own business aimed at providing psychological services.

Related professions:

Where to study?

Universities by specialty Speciality Forms
Cost per year
point (2018)

Full-time (4 years)
Part-time (5 years)

free (20 seats)
114 000
50 000


Part-time (5 years)

Psychological and pedagogical education

Part-time (5 years)


Full-time (4 years)
Part-time (4.5 years)

125 000
54 000

Psychological and pedagogical education

Full-time (4 years)
Part-time (4.5 years)

free (20 seats)
112 900
54 000

University Russian Academy Education, Ekaterinburg branch


Part-time (4 years)

Ural Humanitarian Institute

Faculty practical psychology


Full-time (4 years)
Part-time (5 years)
Part-time (5 years)

free (3 places)
68 500
40 000
37 000

Faculty social psychology


Full-time (4 years)
Part-time (5 years)
Part-time (5 years)

99 840
63 600
57 900

Higher Medical and Biological School

Clinical psychology

Full-time (5 years)

free (7 places)
134 430

Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities


Full-time (4 years)

Faculty of Clinical Psychology, social work, higher nursing education and management

Clinical psychology

Full-time (5 years)

Psychology faculty

Psychological and pedagogical education

Full-time (4 years)
Part-time (5 years)

free (20 seats)
109 825
33 100

Magnitogorsk State University

Faculty preschool education

Psychological and pedagogical education

Love is the desire to repeat childhood experiences, multiplied by libido. Childhood largely determines a person’s destiny. The cause of most of your mental unhappiness is emotional undernourishment in the same childhood, an unsatisfied desire to fall asleep in your mother’s arms or find protection in your parents. If you want to forever eradicate romance in yourself and lose faith in any “higher” feelings, you should become a psychologist.

But seriously speaking, this profession is unfairly underestimated in many countries of the world, in particular in the post-Soviet space. Due to mentality, some historical and cultural factors. But the more qualified psychologists there are, the more fewer children jumps out of windows, the fewer people tolerate domestic violence and lead a downright miserable existence, unable to understand themselves. A qualified specialist can help a person become happy and get rid of the ghosts of the past. Who are psychologists, how in demand is this profession and how to get it? Let's talk about this further.

Description and features of the profession

A psychologist is a specialist who studies the manifestations, methods and forms of organization of mental phenomena of the individual in different areas of human activity.

Contrary to popular belief, this is not a doctor; do not confuse specialists in the field we are considering with psychiatrists.

A psychologist cannot make diagnoses or prescribe medications, and cannot prescribe treatment for psychiatric disorders (for example, depression). Psychology is not a medical science. Its object is mental processes and states in various areas of activity (work, education, business, relationships, and so on).

Specialists are divided into theorists (researchers) and practitioners. Theoretical psychologists are scientists who study certain patterns psychological mechanisms people, conduct research, put forward hypotheses and identify patterns. Practitioners are engaged in applied science - they apply knowledge in a certain field of activity, often for the purpose of organizing psychological assistance. Among the practitioners there are clinical, children's, sports, pedagogical, general psychologists and specialists in other fields.

Key features of the work of a psychologist

  • The specialist works with mentally healthy people and is not a psychiatrist.
  • The position is mandatory in some educational, social and government institutions (for example, schools and orphanages).
  • There are significant, sometimes contradictory differences in the theoretical educational base and in the programs of universities.
  • The activities of psychologists in Russia are not licensed or regulated - in regulatory framework there is only a “Code of Ethics”.
  • Many scientists still refuse to recognize psychology as a science, pinning their hopes only on clinical psychiatry.

A psychologist works not with patients, but with clients. Most often, people turn to him in traumatic and stressful situations. This could be death loved one, difficult divorce, depression due to illness, violence, childbirth. The help of a specialist is also relevant for obvious difficulties in socialization and communication with people, for anxiety and the inability to build a happy, fulfilling life.

Where to study and what to take

Choosing a profession as a psychologist confronts the applicant with difficult choice- fight for a place in prestigious university or settle for more realistic odds. Unfortunately, this specialty rarely leaves a choice. The greatest success is achieved either by graduates of prestigious universities, or by specialists who have worked hard on their education on their own. Graduates of unclaimed universities, institutes and faculties can rarely count on career growth due to frankly poor professional training.

It is important for an applicant to fight for a place in one of the best universities in the country. Otherwise, the likelihood of making a dizzying career will tend to zero.

After receiving your diploma, you will not be able to get a job in a prestigious consultation and will gain experience in ordinary, low-paid positions. According to statistics, only 20% of graduates work in their specialty. Too much will depend on you. But how to develop professionally when you receive a salary of 15-20 thousand rubles, and work for two people? Therefore, it is important to strive for the best educational institutions.

TOP 5 best universities in Russia training psychologists:

  1. Moscow State University named after Lomonosov.
  2. RSUH (humanitarian university).
  3. St. Petersburg State University.
  4. Medical University named after. Sechenov.
  5. High School of Economics.

If we give examples from domestic experience, then among the well-known practicing psychologists it is difficult to find specialists who graduated from modest provincial universities. In particular, one of the most sought-after and highly paid psychologists in Russia, Mikhail Labkovsky, graduated from Moscow State University. Lomonosov. This does not mean that graduates from less prestigious universities have no chance. This means that they will have to work hard and educate themselves, while students at top universities will receive strong training during their classes. The differences here are too significant.

Rating of the TOP 10 best online schools

International school foreign languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR are also available.

Individual lessons with a tutor in preparation for the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam, Olympiads, and school subjects. Classes with the best teachers in Russia, more than 23,000 interactive tasks.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online school in English, which gives you the opportunity to learn English individually with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

English language school via Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum conversation practice.

Online school English language of the new generation. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Distance online school. Lessons school curriculum from 1st to 11th grade: videos, notes, tests, simulators. For those who often miss school or live outside of Russia.

Online University modern professions(web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

Largest site online education. Allows you to obtain a sought-after Internet profession. All exercises are posted online, access to them is unlimited.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way game form. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

What qualities do you need to have?

An analytical mind and the ability to remain calm even in the most emotionally charged situations are key qualities that a psychologist should have. Imagine: hundreds of clients contact a practicing consultant every month. Each of them has their own problem, each of them is stupid in their own way, 99% expect instructions for action from a specialist, which do not exist and cannot exist.

The skills of not losing composure, looking at things soberly and analyzing situations with a cool head come to the fore.

The psychologist should not empathize with the client - he is constantly faced with other people’s traumatic and stressful situations, taking all this “on yourself” is simply unacceptable. Otherwise, objectivity is lost, and the specialist himself may soon find himself seeing a psychiatrist.

Another important quality is independence from assessments and opinions. 9 out of 10 of your clients are likely to be unhappy with the consultation because they were hoping to receive instructions or learn a secret. And the task of a psychologist is only to direct a person’s thoughts in the right direction - he must himself become aware of the problem and ways to solve it.

Pros and cons of the profession

When high school students write an essay on the topic “My future profession psychologist,” they rarely understand the essence of this specialty. Many people think that they will simply talk to people and express the correct (actually subjective) point of view. But ideas about the correctness of one’s own judgments are broken already during the first classes at the university. Often students “swallow” information from textbooks, but refuse to accept it as truth. She is too different from their ideas. Therefore, weigh all the pros and cons in advance so as not to waste time and experience a bitter feeling of disappointment.

Key advantages of the profession:

  • Interesting work from a scientific and practical point of view.
  • The opportunity to help people and make them happy.
  • A chance to become successful, recognizable and popular.
  • High wages for well-known consultants.
  • An opportunity to understand yourself while studying.

Disadvantages of being a psychologist:

  • Significant preferences for graduates of prestigious universities.
  • Low respectability of the profession in Russia and the CIS countries.
  • Low salaries for ordinary specialists.
  • Emotional complexity of work, increased responsibility.
  • Minimum budget places in universities.

Low respectability is mainly related to mentality. In most countries in the post-Soviet space, the very fact of an adult turning to a psychologist is often assessed negatively. Allegedly, this is a banal weakness, an unwillingness to show will and the ability to solve one’s problems on one’s own.

The absence of a licensing system for specialists leading private practice– many narrow-minded people call themselves psychologists, conduct dubious trainings and write frankly crazy books, casting a shadow on qualified colleagues and the specialty as a whole.

How in demand are psychologists?

Despite the low respectability of the profession, specialists remain in demand. A separate group here consists of child psychologists who work in educational and social institutions.

Another really popular, but rare specialty is a specialist in the field of sports.

Practice shows that it is incredibly difficult to find qualified sports psychologists in Russia, while athletes are in dire need of them.

What areas can you work in?

  • Education. Child psychologists are in demand in schools and kindergartens. Specialists work in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, in health centers and in temporary detention centers for children and adolescents who find themselves in difficult situations. life situation, in special, correctional schools and boarding schools.
  • Private consultation. Many specialists open their own consultation or work under more sought-after, popular and eminent colleagues. It is a common practice for a novice psychologist to gain experience as an ordinary specialist for some time and then open a private consultation.
  • Law enforcement agencies and the army. Psychologists are in demand in security forces– they interact with military personnel and police. They work with security officers, conscripts, suspects and convicted people. Special role assigned to specialists who interact with children who have broken the law.

Psychologists are also in demand in social institutions - in orphanages, rehabilitation centers, in organizations and institutions dealing with the problems of dysfunctional families. Specialists work with athletes, with officials, and also provide consultations on hotlines. There are military psychologists and employees who provide assistance to relatives of disaster victims.

What is the salary of psychologists

On average in Russia it is 25.7 thousand rubles. At the same time, about 40% of government employees budgetary institutions are content wages at 17-20 thousand rubles. In Moscow, the average salary is 35 thousand rubles. Maximum salaries, according to experts, exceed the mark of 1 million rubles. Abroad, qualified specialists earn even more.

Mostly popular psychologists who run private consultations or give lectures or conduct seminars earn a lot. Presentation is especially important for them, and their personal brand is important. The cost of one appointment with a sought-after specialist usually exceeds 70 thousand rubles, while ordinary employees are content with their salary. Considering the fact that the activities of psychologists are not licensed, there is no need to talk about any regulation of wages by the state.
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Psychology(V Greek“soul and word”) is an academic and applied science about behavior and psychological processes in the psyche of people and animals. Psychologist is a specialist in the field of psychology engaged in the scientific study of the human psyche. The task of a psychologist is to help explore the situation on an emotional level, to better understand your current needs, to realize ineffective “patterns” of your behavior, to get out of vicious circle repeat mistakes and then take steps to change your life.

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession Psychologist are quite in demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities graduate a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Psychologists.

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Description of activity


average for Russia:Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Uniqueness of the profession

Quite common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession Psychologist cannot be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years now, there has been a demand in the labor market for representatives of the profession Psychologist, despite the fact that many specialists graduate every year.

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What education is needed

Higher professional education

Survey data show that to work in the profession Psychologist You must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work Psychologist(related or similar specialty). Average vocational education not enough to become Psychologist.

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Job responsibilities

The psychologist studies how psychological, economic and organizational factors of production influence labor activity employees of the organization. The purpose of this work is to plan measures to improve working conditions and increase work efficiency. Identifies psychological factors and develops programs social development. Compares theoretical results psychological research with practical activities, prepares recommendations and proposals for the work done. Analyzes the reasons for staff turnover, selection and placement. Participates in the formation of work collectives, designs a system for organizing labor and working time. Conducts consultations with enterprise managers on socio-psychological problems of production management and social development of the team.

Type of labor

Mainly mental work

Profession Psychologist- This is a profession predominantly of mental work, which is largely associated with the reception and processing of information. In progress Psychologist the results of his intellectual reflections are important. But, at the same time, physical labor is not excluded.

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Features of career growth

The profession of a psychologist is not a careerist one. However, at the beginning of his career, a specialist can work in psychological centers, private psychological consulting offices, educational and medical institutions, manager for organizing trainings and seminars. Then you can build a career in a specialized psychological service, engage in private consulting, or open your own company.

Correctly answer the question “what does a psychologist do?” Not everyone can. If you focus on films and television shows, it will seem as if the psychologist is engaged only in having intimate conversations with clients and drawing thoughtful and at the same time obvious conclusions.

Yes, the profession of a psychologist is associated with working with people and helping them in difficult or unusual situations. The essence of the work depends on the specifics of the specialist. Some help people adapt to a new team, others support people after accidents, injuries or misfortunes, others help them choose a profession, others help them achieve high results (in sports, business or other areas of life), others teach them new skills, others work with children, and so on. Further.

Psychologist is applied profession, there are no generalists in this matter. Each such specialist works in his own narrow field.

Places of work

If previously the position of a psychologist was available only in educational or health care institutions, then in last years There are significantly more such specialists. Psychologists work:

  • in training centers;
  • in social institutions;
  • at labor exchanges and career guidance centers;
  • in military institutions;
  • in the sports industry;
  • in some commercial companies.

In addition, many specialists work for themselves - they are engaged in private practice.

Responsibilities of a psychologist

Depending on the type of activity of the organization job responsibilities psychologist may be as follows:

  • conducting psychological trainings;
  • consulting and helping people in difficult or critical situations.
  • grade psychological qualities of people;
  • consulting management on team management issues;
  • child development and education;
  • adaptation of workers to new conditions or team.

A number of companies also provide for other functions of a psychologist: conducting business or educational games, recruiting personnel, writing articles and books, etc.

Requirements for a psychologist

Since the areas of work can be different, the psychologist must know different things. A psychologist in the human resources department must understand the procedure for conducting employee certification. A specialist working with athletes must know sports psychology and understand this sport.

Here are the general requirements for a psychologist:

How to become a psychologist

To become a psychologist, first of all, you need to graduate from a university in your specialty. Secondly, you need to choose a specialization that interests you. Now there are a lot of specializations: educational psychologist, clinical, social, sports, school, children's, military psychologist and many others. This choice will determine your development and learning path and help determine the mental health skills you need to have.

In general, psychologists most often become psychologists by vocation, and not because of education. Some people, having overcome serious difficulties in their lives or achieved great success, decide for themselves to help others in these same matters. Someone successfully quit smoking and decided to devote themselves to treating other smokers. A mother who raised three children can become a great child psychologist.

For this reason, education is secondary, but in our society it can be difficult to get a job without a diploma.

Pros and cons of the profession of psychologist

The advantages of being a psychologist include its usefulness for oneself. Even if you don’t manage to get a job in your specialty, the knowledge will be useful in ordinary life, and when working in other areas - for example, in management.

The second plus is the high demand for specialists.

At the same time, the main advantage that psychologists themselves note is simply the pleasure of work, the understanding of one’s need not only for the employer, but also for people in general.

The main disadvantage of the psychologist profession is constant stress caused by difficult situations and customer behavior. The most difficult thing is to regulate your own condition so that it does not affect either clients or the quality of work.

Psychologist resume sample

Psychologist salary

Depending on the organization wage psychologist ranges from 18 to 60 thousand rubles per month. According to experts, a psychologist is one of the most interesting and low-paid professions. The average salary of a psychologist is approximately 30 thousand rubles per month.

If we talk about specialists who discovered their private office, it is extremely difficult to estimate their income. There are psychologists who earn a lot of money, and there are those who work for food and ideas.

Today, the profession of psychologist is one of the most popular. The work of a psychologist is a relationship with many people, the ability to understand, listen, and help in various everyday situations.

Help from a psychologist modern society becomes more in demand, and the specialty itself becomes more prestigious and highly paid. Most of people consider it advisable to turn to a qualified specialist in a crisis situation.

The profession of a psychologist is very interesting and creative, requiring constant development and improvement. The variety of different professions is simply huge, but not all involve huge emotional costs and investments, as well as assistance in various family conflicts and various crisis situations. Psychologists are people whose profession is to help people.

History of the profession of psychologist

Having existed in the world for more than a thousand years, psychology is considered an old science. But some modern philosophers are confident that the true peak of the development of this science is yet to come.
The history of the psychologist profession dates back to ancient times. The authors of that time, not realizing their first attempts in the practice of psychology, described a person as a certain system and talked about his soul and mind.

Several centuries passed before psychology gained the status of a science. In 1590, Rudolf Gocklenius first designated it as the science of the soul. However, psychology received the teaching about this science in the context as we understand it today from the scientist Otto Kasman.

Psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist - what's the difference?

IN modern world Psychology is considered a relevant and in-demand profession. However, to become good psychologist, it is necessary to obtain higher education in this specialty. Moreover, you need to study by delving deeply into each topic.

In most cases, when entering the Faculty of Psychology, all a freshman knows about this specialty are pictures from the movies, where psychologists have their own office and secretary, a beautiful leather couch, a nice suit and patients with complex problems that the psychologist necessarily helps to solve.

Another mistake is made by applicants when, wanting to become a psychotherapist, they apply to psychology departments. You need to understand that there is a significant difference between the professions of psychologist, psychotherapist and psychiatrist. The last two concepts denote the specialties of doctors, therefore, students are trained in medical universities.

Features of the psychologist's profession

A feature of the profession of a psychologist is the goal of understanding a person’s inner world and exploring his state of mind. However, it is wrong to think that having mastered all the intricacies of the profession, a psychologist can see right through a person. This is the same myth as the assumption that a person is endowed with psychological abilities at birth, as if this is a kind of talent.

Introduction to the profession of psychologist

Psychology is one of those specialties, when entering which you need to first become familiar with the basics and basic concepts of this science. Today there are many articles and scientific manuals for this. Additionally, an introduction to the profession of psychology can be found in every library or bookstore.

Requirements for the profession of a psychologist

Not everyone can be a good specialist in this field, just as a psychologist is an expert on the human soul. Boundless love and respect for people, the ability to understand the character of each, even the most extraordinary person, are very important.

A highly qualified psychologist is not a teacher or an adviser, but an excellent assistant in situations that seem insoluble. His task is to teach the client to cope with any problems, to be resistant to various stresses that he is often exposed to in modern society. But the main task of a psychologist is to do everything possible so that a person believes in himself, perceives life in bright colors, achieved success in all his endeavors.

Pros and cons of being a psychologist

Few people know that, according to statistics, a quarter of psychologists and psychotherapists are people with a depressive character structure, who, by helping others, have the opportunity, first of all, to help themselves. Therefore, special training of psychologists allows you to better know yourself and adapt in life.

The professional experience of these people makes it possible to understand their inner world much more deeply and realize their own life. Despite the fact that life is constantly changing, a person is aware that it is changing thanks to himself. The first disadvantage follows from this: having chosen the profession of a psychologist, this person becomes one forever, and everywhere. Being at home, among friends, communicating with a loved one, a sense of duty does not leave him.

Using his knowledge and experience, he will always come to the aid of others. When interviewing psychologists, it turned out that everyone has their own opinion about the pros and cons of their work. Naturally, the advantages outweigh, since any psychologist is attached, and one can even say that he is in love with his profession.

For some, this is a constant search, a desire for spiritual development and growth. Having none of this, what then can be offered to a person in need of professional help.

Some people imagine psychologists as almost superhumans, capable of possessing special properties, maybe even superpowers, people who know the answers to all questions and are able to change people's destinies. This attitude can also arise from close people. For example, they may hear “You’re a psychologist, you should understand, help, listen”! Although, first of all, they are ordinary people, and then as psychologists. This will be the second disadvantage that exists in this profession.

The third disadvantage may manifest itself in the fact that the psychologist becomes so deeply imbued with the problems of his clients, experiences their crisis situations, thinks about them both at work and at home, that he simply stops living his full and complete life. interesting life, trying to provide them with any support.

This article will also help you prepare an essay, report or presentation about the profession.