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Building a wooden house with your own hands. How to build a wooden house and the choice of material

Owners of suburban areas often plan to build a residential building on their own land. For construction, many choose wooden materials - it is both environmentally friendly and beautiful, and the work will not be particularly difficult.

A wooden house is environmentally friendly, beautiful, and most importantly, easy to build.

The technology for building wooden houses is quite simple, and it does not require a huge investment of time and effort. Even those of the builders who do not have much experience are able to build a wooden house with their own hands in a short time. Of course, for this you will need to study some information, it is advisable to consult with more experienced craftsmen who can point out the nuances of this work and give advice on particularly difficult moments.

Future home project

An important stage will be the drafting of a residential building made of wood. To build a house with your own hands, the calculations should be performed as accurately and accurately as possible, since in the future this will seriously affect the amount that you will need to pay for materials.

You can draw the project yourself or contact the design company for this, where they will help in drawing up a preliminary plan in strict accordance with the wishes of the customer. In construction companies, the drawing up of a plan is carried out in compliance with all geometric rules. In this case, seismic resistance and other equally important factors will be taken into account.

Foundation of a wooden house

After the project is prepared, you can start building the foundation. In the technology of building a house from wooden building materials, a foundation is provided, which is carried out in accordance with all standards of reliability and strength. The stronger the foundation, the more durable the house will be.

The type of base must be selected depending on the following parameters:

  • characteristics of the soil base;
  • expected load value;
  • features of a particular building.

The base can be made of wood or concrete. Some developers choose a concrete foundation. A brick plinth is laid out on it, and then walls are made of timber. Others want the structure to be entirely made of wood.

There are the following types of foundation that can be installed under a wooden house:

  • tape;
  • buried;
  • shallow;
  • columnar.

A shallow or strip foundation is usually laid at the base of a house made of timber. Prepare a platform for it. Remove everything that can interfere with work: grass and shrubs, stumps, bumps. When the site is cleared, it's time to move on to preparing the foundation pit. It must be dug in accordance with the dimensions specified in the project.

Soil that is removed during the preparation of the pit, clean away. Determine the depth of the foundation, depending on the type of soil and the depth of its freezing. Fill the bottom of the prepared trench with a mixture of sand and gravel, after which everything is watered and properly rammed. To strengthen the strength of the foundation, it is better to perform it with reinforcement. Concrete for pouring into prepared formwork can be made independently or purchased ready-made.

After the concrete is poured into the formwork, its surface must be periodically sprinkled with water so that it does not crack during the hardening process. It is possible to continue work only when the concrete gains the necessary strength. It is determined depending on specific conditions: ambient temperature, materials used, and so on.

How to make walls and floor?

It is necessary to build the frame of a wooden house exclusively from dry boards without any defects.

After the foundation for the house is ready, start building a log house. Assembly technology must be chosen as carefully as possible.

Before performing the lower piping of the future structure, lay out the roofing material in two layers on the base along the entire perimeter. The bars should be chosen carefully, they should be even, without rot and cracks. At the corners, it is better to carry out the pairing of the bars using the tongue-and-groove connection.

The bars are joined together using rectangular or round dowels and 200 mm nails. If there are curved ones among the bars, it is better to cut them and put them in openings, window or door. The selected material is laid on the base and fastened with staples.

Let's move on to laying out the genital lags. For them, the bars are laid in increments of 1 m. The ends of the log can be installed directly on the base, if its width allows this. If not, tie-ins must be made into the harness, into which lags can be inserted. For large spans, you will need to arrange columns. On the logs, a temporary flooring is created from unedged boards.

Now you can start building walls. Put the tow on the lower crown in an even layer 1 cm thick. Lay the second crown on the tow, and continue, covering each row of bars with tow. Each crown on nails is attached to the beams of the overlying and underlying crowns. Window blocks must be fixed to the wall every 3 crowns.

In the logs that are used for the construction of buildings, special grooves are made, thanks to which the individual elements are interconnected quite firmly. Raw pine timber is used when they want to get a simplified version of the construction of a log house. It does not even require the use of special equipment, since the beam is very light. In order to carry out work in the upper part of the structure, it will be necessary to make scaffolding.

Wood is a rather capricious material, and it is advisable to treat the walls of the building with special compositions to ensure fire resistance and strength.

Laying out the walls can be completed when the distance from floor to ceiling exceeds 2.4 m. Check the last of the crowns diagonally and elevation marks, fasten with brackets in the corners.

Roof and floor installation

You can choose different materials for the roof, depending on the chosen truss and roofing systems. For different areas, the use of boards of different sizes is recommended. So, for racks, braces and rafters, materials of different lengths and thicknesses will be required.

Roof covering should be as reliable as possible. It is made up of ceiling beams, laying them on the upper trim of the log house with a step of no more than 1 m. Irregularities are hewn with an ax. The beams are laid on tow and nailed, inserts are placed between them, which will protect the space under the roof from the cold. Overlap close unedged boards.

The roof is to be assembled from rafters. Depending on the form that the owners have determined for it, the roofing material is also selected. It can be ondulin, metal tile, corrugated board. The roof construction technology will also depend on the form, which includes the installation of rafters, waterproofing, thermal insulation, and laying of roofing material.

Lastly, they install interior partitions in the house, put window frames, door frames. At this stage, it is possible to carry out rough flooring for the ceiling and floor, lay insulation, and finish with a top coat. At the same time, communications are being established.

At the stage of interior decoration, work is carried out to expose and fix window and door blocks. They are fixed using wedges in the openings and attached to the walls of the house with nails. The cracks are plugged with tow, covered with platbands. At the door block, the threshold should not be higher than 7 cm from the floor.

The exterior decoration of a wooden building depends entirely on the desire and capabilities of the owners.

Some developers like to imitate rustic style, that is, raw walls. You can leave them like that, if the quality of the wood allows. You can paint the house or finish it in any other way.

The wooden house does not lose popularity even today, because until now it remains the most environmentally friendly and safe housing. At the same time, wood is characterized by high strength and long service life. It retains heat in the room for a long time, forms a comfortable microclimate and a cozy atmosphere in the house.

In turn, the light weight of the tree does not require a heavy deep foundation. And the processed log and timber look very attractive, aesthetically pleasing and finished. Therefore, wooden walls do not need finishing. All this reduces physical and financial costs, reduces construction time.

Many refuse wooden houses, as the tree is subject to negative influence. However, modern construction technologies and lumber processing prevent rotting and drying out of wood, the appearance of cracks and mold. Protective compositions retain the color, original appearance and properties of lumber for a long time. Such a house will easily stand for about a hundred years!

Stages of building a wooden house

Before construction, first of all, you need to decide on the type of materials. Wooden materials are also different. The main products are timber and logs. They are similar in physical properties and qualities, but different in appearance. If this is a house for permanent residence, the cross section of the timber should be at least 150x150 mm, and the diameter of the log should be at least 220 mm.

Then comes the design. You can choose a ready-made project and make changes or develop an individual one. The construction company "MariSrub" builds wooden houses both according to a standard and according to a personal project. In the catalog of the company you will find a wide selection of ready-made cottages, cottages and baths. There are houses with an attic, a terrace and a balcony, a built-in pool and a garage, one-story and two-story houses.

There are the following stages of building a house:

  • Design, selection and production of lumber;
  • Foundation installation;
  • Assembly of a log house;
  • Roof installation;
  • Insulation and waterproofing of the log house, work with the walls of the house (grinding, caulking, processing, etc.);
  • Installation of windows and doors;
  • Conducting and connecting engineering networks;
  • Decorative finish.

We must not forget about the protective treatment with antiseptics and flame retardants, which is carried out several times. For the first time immediately after the manufacture of lumber, then after the installation of the log house and at the final stages of finishing the building. The masters of the company "MariSrub" must perform antiseptic at every stage! Let's take a closer look at each type of building material. And learn how to build a wooden house with your own hands.

What material to choose

  • The rounded log is a material of the correct cylindrical shape with a perfectly smooth and even surface. Aesthetically attractive product will harmoniously fit into the environment and will look spectacular on a suburban area. Due to the even and smooth surface, rounded logs are easy to stack and fasten;
  • Chopped logs are suitable for those who prefer houses in the traditional Russian style. Lumber is processed manually, which preserves the top layer of wood as much as possible and increases the protective properties. An interesting unusual relief of lumber will make the house original and refined. However, it is more difficult to lay a chopped log than a round log. And it costs more due to manual work;
  • Profiled timber - lumber with a square or rectangular section, a perfectly smooth and even surface. The beam is easy to lay, and the installation of the log house will take no more than a week. The material is distinguished by minimal shrinkage, high thermal insulation and a neat appearance. The log house looks stylish and aesthetically pleasing;
  • Double timber is an excellent option for building a bathhouse and a house for permanent residence. It represents two minibars, between which ecowool is laid as a heater. This increases the heat and sound insulation materials, which saves on building insulation. In such a room it will be comfortable both in summer and in winter.

The foundation of a wooden house

To choose the right type of foundation, take into account the weight and design features of the house, the type of soil and the level of groundwater on the land. For buildings with a basement, basement or underground floor, a strip foundation is suitable. It represents a tape that runs along the perimeter of the house and takes the entire load of the building. This is a very strong, stable and durable foundation that can be built on moving ground.

A columnar foundation is chosen for a compact cottage or bath, as well as for land with heavily freezing soil. This is an affordable and inexpensive option. It is not suitable for large houses and buildings with a basement! The most common foundation in wooden construction is the pile foundation. If the pillars are dug into the ground, then the piles are screwed in. The pile foundation is suitable for any log or log house, for any soil and groundwater level.

A slab foundation is chosen with a very high level of groundwater and unstable soil with poor bearing capacity. It is suitable for large and heavy buildings, it is characterized by high cost and complexity of work.

When installing any foundation, further communications are taken into account. Special attention should be paid to the insulation and waterproofing of the structure, the installation of a drainage system. For more information on which base to choose and how to make a foundation for a wooden house, see.

Log house installation

Making and installing a log house from a log or timber is not as difficult as it seems. Perhaps this is even the easiest stage in the construction of a wooden house. First, a waterproofing layer of roofing felt is laid on the poured frozen surface of the foundation. Boards over 5 cm thick are placed on top of the roofing sheets, and then a layer of jute is laid. This technique increases the thermal insulation properties of the house, because up to 40% of heat leaves the room through the floor.

A log house is installed on the insulation layer. Production logs or timber must be treated with protective compounds and marked. Such a wall kit is easy to assemble according to the technological map. The crowns are laid row by row, checked by level and fastened in a checkerboard pattern with the help of a dowel. At the same time, a layer of insulation is laid on each crown and fixed with a construction stapler.

The log house is tied up at the corners, and the logs or beams are connected every meter using spikes. Additional fastening is important for the design to be strong and stable. After installing the log house and the rough roof, you need to wait 6-12 months. At this time, the main shrinkage of a wooden house occurs.

Other jobs

Installation of the roof includes the calculation and construction of the truss system, the selection and installation of roofing, the installation of drainpipes and other additional elements, as well as hemming the roof. For a wooden house, it is not necessary to use rigid fastening of rafters, fronts and girders so that the structure does not break during subsequent shrinkage.

For houses made of timber or logs, classic metal tiles and soft roofs, natural wood flooring (shingles), ondulin will be a suitable option. For small houses and outbuildings, slate and corrugated board are used.

Installation of windows and doors requires preliminary installation of a pigtail or casing. If the structures are fastened directly to the ends of the opening, during the subsequent shrinkage they will be deformed and displaced. Windows and interior doors are better to choose from wood.

Such designs do not violate the harmony of environmental friendliness and safety of a wooden house. Wooden windows and doors are characterized by environmental friendliness, naturalness, durability and reliability. Wood does not heat up, does not emit an unpleasant toxic odor and does not attract dust like plastic.

Working with walls involves careful processing of a log or timber with an antiseptic, grinding and caulking. Sanding will improve the appearance of the wood and will repair the cracks that have appeared during shrinkage. After such a procedure, the paint and varnish will lie evenly and beautifully. Insulation of interventional seams is done with jute, moss, tow or acrylic sealant. Caulking will close cracks and cracks, enhance the thermal insulation of the house.

Caulking is important to carry out with strict adherence to technology, otherwise the walls may warp. Uniformity and sequence of actions play an important role in this process. Work begins with the lower crown and is laid along the perimeter of the house, first from the outside and then inside. Only then does it move on to the next row.

Final stage

At the end, the built house is once again treated with protective compounds, if necessary, decorative exterior and interior decoration is performed. In this case, it is important to choose environmentally friendly, safe and reliable materials. Acrylic varnishes and paints, natural oils and wax are well suited. Experts advise using wooden finishing materials, including lining and block house (log imitation), parquet and laminate, cork or oak panels.

For decoration, natural materials such as stone or glass are used. For the bathroom and bathroom choose tiles, mosaics and processed wood. Many people prefer to keep the natural look of a log or beam and choose a “zero” finish. In this case, it is important to carefully treat the wood with antiseptics and cover it with decorative varnish. To preserve texture and color, choose transparent products.

The company "MariSrub" performs a full range of works on the construction of a wooden house from a bar or log. We independently produce lumber, which guarantees the quality of products and allows you to save on delivery, contractor services. That's why we offer low prices!

In "MariSrub" you can order the construction of a turnkey house according to a standard or individual project. The architect of the firm will finalize and transform the selected option, taking into account the characteristics of the land plot and the wishes of the client, or develop a new project from scratch. The masters of the company will install a log house, build a roof and foundation, install and connect engineering networks. We carry out insulation and all work with the walls of the house. We guarantee the quality and compliance with the terms of construction!

Which of us in childhood did not build huts from furniture and blankets at home or similar buildings from improvised materials on the street? How fun, it was interesting to build such a structure, and then hide in your home and feel like a real owner. You can remember a little childhood and give these happy moments to your own child. Building a children's house with your own hands is not such a difficult task. And if you manage to attach a child to the construction, then joint work will unite, strengthen mutual understanding.

Little house for a child

On sale now it is easy to find a huge variety of children's toys. This number includes all kinds of structures from tents to houses. The finished version remains only to be purchased and installed.

Independent construction will require some skills, an indefinite amount of time, imagination. But such an option will save a lot of money, as well as give multiple satisfaction with the result.

Little children's house

Build a playhouse with your own hands - invest your warmth. The construction is erected "for themselves", which means that all the nuances, requirements, wishes will be taken into account.

Collecting a “shelter” with your own hands together with a child will be doubly useful. So the baby will join the work, acquire the necessary skills, invaluable knowledge, experience. Joint actions will help the educational process, give unforgettable moments of communication with each other.

Children's house frame

What can you build with your own hands

With your own hands, it is easiest to build a children's house from fabric, cardboard, plastic. This design will be less reliable, but suitable for the smallest. It is acceptable to install a similar option outdoors, indoors. A children's house of this kind is usually easily disassembled. The possibility of rapid transformation ensures safety from weather conditions. This design does not take up much space, so it can be easily used even in a city apartment.

Assembling a children's house

From wood, you can make a more solid game dwelling. The following building types are possible:

  • shield;
  • frame;
  • log.

Such a do-it-yourself children's house will take much more time to build, and it will cost more. If the structure is made of sufficient size, glazed, equipped with a real door, then the children's house can be used not only for games, but also as a guest summer option.

An example of a children's house

Construction of a fabric hut

The main advantages of the design:

  • elementary construction;
  • low cost;
  • ease of transportation.

Children's house for a child

A hut made of matter necessarily has a frame. The basis can be wooden bars, aluminum or plastic supports. Often, elements of old furniture are used for this. A children's house made of textiles can be fixed on a rope base. One of the parties to "attach" to a tree or building.

Having decided on the frame, proceed to the choice of the main coating. The fabric is used depending on the purpose of the structure. If this is a home playhouse, it is better to use light breathable fabrics. Linen or cotton will be a great solution. For an outdoor model, it is better to choose denser ones, possibly resistant to moisture. If an awning or tarpaulin is used, provision must be made for ventilation.

Large children's house

The fabric can be picked up right away with a fun pattern or you can give the baby the opportunity to participate in creating their own decor. The children's house can contain a thematic coloring or be designed according to the taste of the young owner.

For the street version, in addition to the frame, it is necessary to provide for the presence of a base. Wooden flooring will be the best solution. You can make a platform made of plastic, but it is less environmentally friendly, it will not allow the structure to “breathe”.

Scheme of the children's house

For kids, you can make a children's house with your own hands from foam rubber, sheathed in fabric. In this case, large window and door openings should be left so that the baby is not hot, and the air can circulate freely. Structural elements can be connected using Velcro or zip fasteners. This option involves not only using a piece of fabric, but cutting, sewing. First you need to make a drawing, calculate the proportions. This is not difficult at all, since the assembly principle is simple and does not require special skill.

Children's house with a slide

The Indian wigwam is the simplest and most interesting thematic version of the building. Such a children's house will not leave indifferent any child. It is elementary to build it, even just by studying the photo in detail. The lightness, mobility of such a hut allows you to easily transfer the structure as needed. When the playhouse loses its relevance, it is extremely easy to dismantle it and use the materials for other purposes.

Scheme for assembling a children's house

Making a cardboard house

A cardboard children's house, along with a cloth one, is the simplest in execution. You can assemble the structure from separate sheets, but in this case you will need to perform a drawing, calculations, transfer the parts according to the dimensions to cardboard, cut, connect.

Preparation, assembly of parts is carried out with the utmost care. It is necessary to exclude the formation of unnecessary creases, incorrect slots. You can connect the elements using grooves, glue, adhesive tape, furniture stapler.

Children's house in the country
Do-it-yourself children's house frame

The easiest way to make a children's house out of cardboard is to make it from a finished box. As a base, take any dense packaging from large household appliances. Carry out the necessary slots - windows, doors. Next, they perform the necessary decor and the playhouse is ready.

The cardboard children's house is afraid of moisture, so it will have to be used exclusively indoors or on a fine summer day outside. To prevent the material from absorbing moisture from the ground, it must be installed outdoors on a base. The lightness of the cardboard will allow you to easily rearrange the box.

Scheme for a children's house

Games in such a dwelling should be calm, otherwise the structure will simply be damaged and the playhouse will become unusable very quickly. The "apartment" out of the box will be an excellent temporary shelter for a small child, since the design is non-capital, has small dimensions.

The design of a cardboard children's house is very easy to select as needed. It is easy to create a wigwam, a spaceship or a princess castle from such material. It is only necessary to clearly design the future model, correctly connect the elements. And for this, it is better to make drawings in advance, and cut according to them.

Children's house for a summer residence

Construction of a wooden house

The construction of a children's house made of wood must be approached with all seriousness. This is not just a toy, but a real miniature of the building. Depending on the option chosen, the level of complexity of execution, tools, materials, and costs will vary somewhat.

Children's house frame
Wooden children's house

What you need to work

Before starting construction work, stock up on the necessary materials and tools. To build a children's playhouse out of wood you will need:

  • board, beam to get the base;
  • lumber for sheathing (plywood, hardboard, lining);
  • roofing (ondulin, tiles);
  • brick;
  • concrete;
  • window, door block.

Scheme of the children's house

As a working tool, you need to stock up on the following devices:

  • hacksaw;
  • jigsaw;
  • plane;
  • chisel;
  • metal corners;
  • drill;
  • glue;
  • screwdriver, hammer, nails;
  • a set of keys, chisels, screwdrivers, utility tools;
  • sandpaper for sanding wood;
  • brushes, paint for finishing works.

Depending on the chosen model, the required set of materials and tools undergoes minor changes.

The scheme of the frame of the children's house
Green children's house

Shield house for games

Fast and easy to implement is a panel children's house. The technology is extremely simple.

  1. Perform a drawing-scheme of the future design, calculate the dimensions, options for fastenings, openings.
  2. Based on the calculations, each surface is collected separately: walls, floor, roof. The material of execution can be boards, finished panels. You can use elements of old furniture, remnants of materials from construction.
  3. All finished surfaces are connected with a screwdriver into a common structure.
  4. The frame of the house can be installed on piles, a kind of foundation (elevation on the bars), drainage embankment (crushed stone on the sand). It is not necessary to create a capital foundation for such a building.
  5. The house, if desired, is additionally sheathed with plywood or clapboard.
  6. The finished structure can be equipped for convenience with a ladder, porch, and other elements.

This construction option is simple, convenient. A good summer playhouse can be assembled in just a few hours. Such work does not require special skills, knowledge of construction. The result will please the little inhabitant for more than 1 year.

White children's house

Frame children's house

This option is more difficult to perform, more skills are required, a partner is desirable. The erection is similar to the manufacture of a standard frame structure, perhaps with some simplification. Construction consists of the following stages.

Children's house from solid wood
  1. Foundation laying. It is necessary to remove the soil, lay a brick around the perimeter of the future building, or make a fill in the corners, and a bunch of timber on top. There is no need to overdo it too much - the house is not capital, the laying of a real foundation is not required.
  2. Floor covering. This stage should be completed according to all the rules: lay the logs, and boards or plywood are nailed onto them. The floor in the playhouse for children is supposed to be used intensively, so you should worry about reliability and safety.
  3. Frame devices, walls. In the corner parts of the foundation and where openings are made, bars are placed in the ground as supports for future walls. In order for the structure to have good strength, they are fastened with metal corners. Finally, the resulting base is sheathed with lumber. Additionally, you can make insulation.
  4. Roof installation. Gables are knocked down in the corners - triangles from a bar. If necessary, several more are installed between them. It turns out a kind of frame, which must be covered with boards. Top - roofing material.
  5. Installation of windows, doors. If you have the necessary skills, the designs can be made independently. Glass is better to use safe, or paste over with a special film.
  6. The final stage is decoration.

The frame model is more durable, lasts much longer, will delight children and adults.

Children's house from a tree
Children's house frame

Decorating a playhouse

The most pleasant stage of work is decoration. When the structure is erected, and the house is in a hurry to accept the inhabitants, it is worth preparing it for settlement. External design is best done in accordance with the general style of the surrounding space. It is desirable to organically fit a children's house into landscape design. It can be a great addition to an existing arrangement. At the same time, do not forget that the building must be attractive to the child, beckon the little naughty to play in it.

Wooden children's house

Children love the original performance. Princess castle, hobbit dwelling, pirate ship - just a few ideas for implementation. It is good if the dwelling can be supplemented with a ladder, slide, sports equipment.

Interior decoration is carried out taking into account the wishes of the owner. The children's house should be safe, so all kinds of soft elements will come in handy. Juicy colors in the design will be the main task.

Children's house in the yard

Building a children's house with your own hands in a city apartment or in a country house is not such a difficult task, but you will get a lot of pleasure, joy, enthusiastic emotions. The child will be able to use such a building until he grows up, and the impressions of the games will remain with him until old age.

Video: DIY children's house

50 photos of children's house design ideas:

For most residents of cities, a country house is a dream. It's so nice, escaping from the stuffy embrace of the city streets, to find yourself in the countryside. Fresh air, a forest, a river... Therefore, I suggest that you watch one of the master classes on building a country house to make your dream come true.

Every construction starts with a project. The author himself drew his project, as he put it "on his knee" and began to fulfill his dream. Every building needs a foundation, because this is the basis of the whole structure and the guarantee of strength. The author also started from the foundation. He has it - screw piles. After clearing the place for the construction of the structure, the author begins to make the foundation itself. He himself was not confident in his abilities, so he called a team of specialists.

During the day, a team of specialists coped with their task, and by the evening the foundation was ready.

Now we are starting to make corner piles from the purchased materials. Since the author of this structure does not trust the bars, motivating this by the fact that as it dries, it begins to twist. The thickness of the walls in the house will be 150 mm, respectively, and the corner bars will be the same thickness. The author has the size of the boards 150x50. Therefore, you need to fasten them together to get a beam measuring 150x150. We cut off the desired length of the boards, glue it with foam and fasten it with nails so that the end comes out and can be bent like a bracket.

Now the author begins to make strapping throughout the foundation. Here it is necessary to set all the angles and heights very clearly, because any mistake will interfere with us throughout the construction process.

After the strapping is completed, they begin to erect the frame of the walls and ceilings of the first and second floors.
The author additionally connected all connections with building corners and foams.

After erecting the walls of the first floor, the author proceeds to the second floor and the roof. The walls of the second floor were built in the same way as the first. The author decided to put a metal tile on the roof.

Further, after covering the roof, the author proceeds to sheathing the walls. This prevents the wind from blowing into the room, preventing further work and gives the building structural rigidity. OSB-3 9 mm thick was chosen for sheathing.

Next, the author conducts an electrician. He pulls the wires in the corrugation. Since the author's insulation is "not edible for rodents and they will not get to the wires." There are no connections in the walls. Everything is only in boxes, which simplifies further operation and reduces the fire hazard. Likewise with plumbing. Next comes the time of vapor barrier.

Now it's time for the heater. Used cellulose insulation, or as it is called - ecowool. This insulation does not cause allergies and, thanks to its fine texture, fills all small cracks and voids well.

Next is the vapor barrier on the floor and heating pipes. The author uses a fan-shaped scheme, that is, in the boiler room, two pipes come from the collector to each radiator - supply and return. And as in the case of electrics - there are no connections inside the ceilings.

Our clients can choose house designs from two types of materials:

rounded log. In its production, solid trunks are used. In the process of cylindering, perfectly even logs of the same diameter are obtained. The houses assembled from them do not require exterior decoration, which reduces the cost of construction;

timber. Many of our customers prefer this material because it gives more possibilities in the design of the facade and interior decoration. Our projects use ordinary, profiled and glued beams. The first option is the cheapest: it comes without additional processing. Profiled and glued beams are kiln-dried, which reduces box shrinkage.

Our customers are often interested in which of the materials is better: more economical, warmer, more durable. We are sure that any wooden house, during the installation of which the technologies were strictly observed, will serve the entire estimated period. The company "WoodHouse" guarantees high quality workmanship, regardless of the type of material.

Typical and individual projects

WoodHouse engineers created a number of standard projects that take into account the ideas of most consumers about comfortable private housing. You can order an inexpensive wooden house with an area of ​​38 m 2 from us. Small one-story buildings are most often used for seasonal living. We also offer projects of two-story houses of a large area for year-round use. They are equipped with all communications and engineering networks. The price of a wooden house is determined not only by its area and number of storeys. It is also affected by the design of the foundation and the complexity of the architecture. Among the typical proposals you will find projects with an attic, a garage or a terrace. We are also ready to develop an individual solution that takes into account all the wishes of the future owner. You can take as a basis any of the projects available in the catalog or order calculations from scratch. This is how the best wooden houses of our company were created.

The price of a turnkey wooden house includes wall and roofing kits, as well as all technical documentation. Our employees constantly keep in touch with the client and are ready to promptly resolve any issue that has arisen. Choose the house of your dreams in the WoodHouse catalog and order it from the company's website or by phone.