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Who is a choleric person? Characteristics of a choleric person. Psychological characteristics of choleric temperament (choleric)

There are four types: phlegmatic, sanguine, melancholic and choleric. It is the last of them that is the most explosive, emotional, unstable, quick-tempered, with a quick reaction. These are unbridled, sometimes even rude people who, in one way or another, always show their impatience and intolerance. Let's consider the characteristics of choleric in more detail.

Characteristics of temperament "choleric"

These are mobile, unbalanced people who are ready to fight for their job to the end. They have an unbalanced nervous system and are ready to flare up at any moment. Such people do not know how to act tactfully and carefully: in any situation they will go ahead, even if it will harm them. They are aggressive and will never remain silent if they don't like something. Be sure if you see a scandalous person on the street or in public transport - most likely this is a choleric person.

It is very difficult for him to restrain the manifestation of his emotions, and in order to achieve this, it will take a lot of effort. Moreover, such a person is often worried and worried, he always has a reason for worry. It is extremely difficult for him to switch attention from one subject to another, because if he gets down to business, he will plunge into it all over his head.

Such a person takes up any new business with enthusiasm, but if it did not work out right away, then most likely he will also quickly abandon it. This makes him not the most reliable partner, which is clearly not in his favor.

As a rule, in the characteristics of a choleric it is noted that he is an extrovert. Such people are really active in communication and easily make new acquaintances. They are able to maintain the acquired connections, if the person turned out to be interesting and worthy of attention.

Psychological characteristics of choleric

Such an explosive type of temperament as a "choleric" is characterized as a person who is difficult to give in to general discipline. This person is generally reluctant to follow someone's instructions, but he loves to give out his own. This is a domineering person who will impose his will on everyone who can, even if it is not subordinates, but close people or friends. With this, choleric people create a lot of problems for themselves - both interpersonal and psychological. The habit of insisting on their own rarely brings them to a positive ending.

It is believed that a phlegmatic person who simply will not take offense and respond to all attacks will be able to get along with such a person. He will simply accept this personality as it is and observe it calmly and without reaction. This is the only correct reaction, because if at such a moment you start to contradict him, he begins to show negativity even more. Even reasonable arguments are in no way able to influence this person during his emotional outburst, therefore only the person who can keep silent will get along with him. Communicate with such a person you always need to be somewhat careful, circumspect.

A brief description of a choleric person boils down to the fact that he is a mobile, active person, very excitable, quick-tempered, but easy-going. All mental processes in such people proceed incredibly quickly, which determines the peculiarities of their character. These people are capable of being strong, which is their attractive trait. In every gesture of such a person, his temperament is obvious: he moves sharply, quickly, does not tolerate delay, hates waiting, is not capable of calm experiences. However, after a long overexertion, he will certainly experience a decline in activity, and for some time he may be in a depressed state. In its pure form, this type of temperament is extremely rare.


Temperament is a kind of psychophysiological personality trait, which is based on the type of the nervous system. It is always dynamic, innate, and the character of a person is built on its basis.

The first to define temperament and describe each of its types was Hippocrates. Currently, people still use this classification, summing up under it scientific base and modernizing it.

A person who is mobile, energetic, loves to be in the center of attention and show any of his emotions, belongs to choleric people.

Key Features

The most striking qualities that he possesses are:

  • frequent mood swings;
  • decisiveness, assertiveness;
  • active participation in disputes;
  • passion for leadership;
  • fast reaction;
  • sharpness in movements, lively facial expressions;
  • restlessness, sometimes inconsistency;
  • activity, striving for new things;
  • passion for risk;
  • in some cases, aggressiveness, rudeness.

Choleric is very sociable and seeks the attention of others... We can say that he is a typical extrovert (although rarely, he is an introvert).

For the first time, he divided people into two groups according to this principle, K.G. Jung. By introversion, they meant a type of behavior that is aimed at inner activity (inward), and extraversion - a behavioral type aimed at the outside world. G.Yu. Eysenck determined that these manifestations are based on innate features of the nervous system. An extrovert is characterized by the predominance of the process of arousal over inhibition, and an introvert is characterized by inhibition over arousal.

In childhood

A choleric child is prone to mood swings from early childhood: while still in infancy, he can laugh and cry at the same minute. Cannot stand loneliness, prefers to be among people. A nursing baby is very tame, he loves not only to stay awake in the arms of adults, but also to sleep, which exhausts the parents.

Due to the predominant processes of excitation of the nervous system long time does not sleep well at night, even when he is grown up. Demanding to satisfy his needs: crying, screaming and being capricious until he gets what he wants.

However, this baby is very responsive to affection, is able to love with all his soul, to express his feelings vividly. His behavior is characterized not only by whims and scandals, but also by being involved in a joint game with adults, gratitude for communication, and loud joy.

These children are meteorites, they are everywhere at the same time - parents have to redouble their efforts to ensure complete safety. Choleric people early, in comparison with their peers, refuse to sleep during the day, staying awake until the evening.

In 2015, the journal "Psychology and Law" published an article describing the results of the study, which examined the subject's temperament and the type of criminal activity. Thus, it was found that the majority of people convicted of murder, theft, fraud and hooliganism are choleric.

Parents are faced with a difficult task of upbringing - under unfavorable conditions and the absence of self-regulation skills, some of the traits that characterize this type of temperament can gain a foothold and become a personality trait. This means that impulsiveness, lack of restraint of emotions run the risk of turning into aggression, rudeness, rudeness. The craving for everything new and the speed of reaction of the nervous system can turn into an inability to bring the matter to the end.

Recommendations for parents raising choleric patients include encouragement positive sides(this child, for example, can be very kind - to people, animals, knows how to sympathize and express it) and redirecting negative manifestations in a constructive direction (playing sports to splash out aggression). Since this is often a typical extrovert, it is worthwhile from early childhood to carefully choose friends for communication with the child: he can begin to maintain contacts indiscriminately.

At work

The type of temperament is only the basis for the development of character: a choleric person can manifest himself in different ways in labor activity... Under favorable circumstances, he becomes a leader, able to lead people and take responsibility. He is not afraid to make decisions in difficult controversial situations... At developed self-regulation can be a great leader. With unfavorable previous upbringing, lack of restraint, inadequately high self-esteem, his behavior can become despotic, with the presentation of exorbitant demands.

A choleric person feels good in any activity that is associated with people... However, he may experience burnout - due to the need for constant internal control over the expression of his emotions. In this case, the recommendations relate to the support of moral and mental health: timely rest (including alone), mastering relaxation techniques, redirecting negative energy into physical activity.

Choleric people have been and still are in politics and leadership: Alexander Suvorov, Peter the Great, Napoleon, V. Zhirinovsky. They call the name of V. Chapaev, but it is difficult to say whether this type of temperament was present in a real person, and not in a literary hero.

Relationship with the opposite sex

These people, despite their love of communication, are conflicted: their intemperance prevents them from maintaining an even relationship. A choleric woman attracts men with her activity, vivid expression of emotions, but at the same time, a person with a weak type of nervous system (melancholic) may get tired of constant conflict situations, mood swings of the partner. A man with a choleric temperament in relationships can become a manipulator or even an abuser. Such a characteristic arises in the absence of the proper moral qualities. If they are present, then communication with the choleric person can become productive.

Usually a person with choleric manifestations is an extrovert, which becomes a problem for his partner if he is an introvert. A balance of interests must be respected, but it is possible only if both go towards each other. And if an introvert can still do this, then an extroverted choleric person experiences great difficulties in this - because of stubbornness.

The recommendations given by psychologists to extroverts who have an introverted partner boil down to taking into account their possible slow reaction: not to interrupt during a conversation, listen calmly. Communicate more often non-verbally, in writing. An introvert who wants to communicate with an extrovert must learn to express emotions openly. If this is difficult, they can be described and given to be read.

Joint manifestation of individual traits of temperaments

A person who has one kind of pure temperament is rare. More often there is a dominant type or a combination of the two. So, there is not choleric, but choleric-sanguine or melancholic-choleric psychotypes (highlighted by G.V. Sukhodolsky). The first is a pronounced extrovert, active and sociable. Differs in the mobility of the nervous system, but, unlike the choleric, in greater balance. The second is often an introvert, characterized by moodiness, resentment, restlessness, but is distinguished by great conscientiousness and the ability to bring things to an end. However, there is a difficulty in determining where these psychotypes, which are innate, end, and where character manifestations begin.

Who is a choleric person? This is a person who, at birth, has a set of such qualities, thanks to which he becomes a best friend, partner, parent, employee or boss. But these same properties can affect the fact that this type will become a headache for others. Any variant of development is possible, depending on what kind of start the child got in childhood, and how he learned to cope with the processes of excitation of the nervous system.

Choleric- this is one of the temperaments that Hippocrates described in his theory. According to Hippocrates, the name of the temperament "choleric" means "bile", which comes from the Greek "chole". Choleric characterization of a person includes the following main qualities: impetuosity, decisiveness, quick reaction, passion for his work, the ability to overcome many life difficulties on his own. Emotionally, this is a rather stormy person, strong, unbalanced, very unstable in manifestations of mood.

A pure type of choleric is actually very rare. Each person combines the qualities of several temperaments, but one of them can be dominant. is determined by the state in which a person is a significant part of the time. Therefore, each person should know what kind of temperament and characteristics he owns in order to be able to correct some qualities if they interfere with the full life and activity of the individual.

Choleric is dominant, he is harsh, stubborn and a little arrogant, which repels people from himself.

Choleric temperament is characterized by a desire to achieve a certain ideal. Choleric people never sit idly by, they are in constant motion, if they have no business, they can still find something to do. So, due to the peculiarities of their character, choleric men occupy leadership positions, become multi-level managers, because their character traits and the ability to drag people along help them in any way to achieve their goals.

With their mobility, choleric people infect everyone around them. But often they are surrounded by people who cannot withstand such a rapid rhythm as theirs.

Choleric people can be very different. Some may try to be empathetic and direct their energy in the necessary direction, without hurting the feelings of other people. Others can be tyrants, using their aggressiveness, domination and against others.

Choleric has congenital leadership skills... The choleric person is not always an extrovert, but he loves to be in the spotlight. He, thanks to his qualities, can win over people, win their attention.

A person of a choleric type of temperament always has his own opinion on everything, he does not care what other people think of him, how they perceive him, because he knows his own worth. Choleric is an active initiator and participant in disputes that can go to. He tends to build up tension in the discussion, which in fact often leads to a deterioration in relationships with others.

Choleric people are very sociable, but not with every person they can create a strong union.

The compatibility of a choleric with a choleric is almost impossible, since both can sooner or later happen from an excess of information, quarrels, disputes and finding out who is in charge in the relationship.

The compatibility of a choleric person with a sanguine person is not satisfying enough. They may have some fun and unrestrained time together, but in long-term relationship they have to go through certain setbacks and learn to accept the opposite point of view.

The compatibility of the choleric with the melancholic leaves much to be desired. Too vulnerable and too hot-tempered temperaments can complement each other, but only if they make mutual compromises.

The most ideal is the compatibility of a choleric person with a phlegmatic person. A measured and calm phlegmatic will be able to cool the ardor of the choleric, and the latter, in turn, will teach the phlegmatic to be more decisive.

Who is a choleric

Choleric characteristic and its main features: independent, decisive, self-sufficient, hot, impulsive, restless, very active in any activity, always sets a task or goal for which he strives.

The temperament of a choleric person is characterized by abrupt changes in mood, which occurs due to the instability of the nervous system. Possessing a quick reaction, he is capable of grasping information on the fly. The character of the choleric person is manifested in his sharp and expressive gestures, in multifaceted facial expressions. Although everyone knows how emotional and unrestrained the character of a choleric person is, in matters concerning serious things, he is guided by his mind, not his heart. Therefore, he can, when you need to even hide his emotions.

Choleric description of appearance: thin asthenic physique, well-developed limbs, oval-shaped face, flat forehead with narrowing upward, sharp chin, long legs. Of course, there are representatives of the choleric type of temperament with other types of physique, but, according to observation data, it is precisely such external signs of choleric people that predominate.

The character of the choleric is leadership, he knows how to lead - this is innate in him, and people really often listen to his opinion and follow him. Choleric in creating a successful career is helped by a clear vision of his goal, the desire to dominate, an amazing organization and ability to manage. Therefore, choleric people often become politicians, lawyers or financiers. They are born strategists, but only in the very creation of tactics. In most cases, they cannot implement this strategy because they are hampered by a lack of tact and a lack of patience. People with an inherent choleric temperament are prone to analytics, they can quickly and efficiently analyze any situation and instantly make a difficult decision.

A choleric person in most cases is an optimistic and active person, only because of difficult life circumstances he can be dull and indifferent. V family relationships choleric people like to take the initiative, to be the head of the family, regardless of whether it is a woman or a man. Although the choleric is a freedom-loving and proactive person, he needs the support of loved ones. Most often, it is more convenient for him when calm and balanced people are around him, ready to get along with him, with his difficult and domineering character and to take their place in the background.

In friendly relations, choleric people are highly appreciated. They are appreciated for their stable optimistic orientation of character, for their willingness to help to a loved one v difficult situations... Choleric people are forgiven for their pathological desire for idealism, and love for their reliability.

Choleric people are loyal and fairly reliable friends, ready to offer their strong shoulder at any time, for which they deserve to be trusted.

Choleric people have such a wonderful quality as nobility. Therefore, they are so brave, fair, ready to sacrifice themselves, save someone, find the truth. They very quickly solve the problems that have arisen, so it turns out that they put other people on the bar below themselves, because they do not see in them the necessary enthusiasm, the energy that they want to see. They sincerely do not understand how you can be slow and dull, or how you can allow others to behave unfairly towards them, to obey the unfair rules of others.

The choleric person has a tendency to loneliness, because he cannot find the right person, who would walk with him "toe-to-toe." The choleric person is quite sociable, but most do not keep up with his rhythm. The choleric also needs people in his environment, not only for the sake of communication, but also in order to have someone to dominate and lead, which is impossible to do in a state of loneliness. Choleric needs a close-knit team.

Choleric people perceive everything through the prism of goal achievement. They can seriously analyze even the most commonplace situations, such as the process of shopping for groceries in a grocery store. They clearly set a goal for themselves, what is most important to them, then secondary things, then think over the strategy of moves in the supermarket, in various departments, so as to quickly cope with the task.

The choleric wants to keep his true emotions under control, tries not to flaunt them. But he does not always succeed, because on his face you can tell about all the exciting emotions. If, during communication, the choleric hears something unpleasant for himself, he will not immediately find out the reasons for this behavior, but will flare up and in this ardor can cause physical damage or, in response, offend the interlocutor and effectively leave. But time passes, he calms down, returns and calmly begins to find out what is the actual reason.

If a choleric person is not characterized by self-control in relationships with other individuals, then in situations of trouble he can master himself, gather all his strength together. Choleric people manage to maintain a calm and cold mind, they do not panic, they try to find options for a way out of the problem. Despite his high purposefulness, a choleric person may sometimes not correctly assess his capabilities and from this ineffectively distribute his obligations. From this, he often postpones some things to last, may forget about them for a while, but return to them later.

The nature of the choleric person and the peculiarities of his temperament at work: due to his innate leadership abilities, he can become an excellent manager or organizer, since for such work it is necessary to be able to make several decisions at once. For a choleric person, work with frequent business trips, new projects, new colleagues, live and active communication with by different people- all this charges him with positive energy and energy, the desire to work hard and efficiently. For people of the choleric type of temperament, the feeling of a sense of significance for his loved ones is also very important.

Choleric description of the pros and cons. Pros or strengths choleric temperaments include an inexhaustible flow of energy, the desire to defend their ideals, enthusiasm for work, a keen sense of justice, quick decision-making, dedication, sociability.

Cons or negative qualities choleric: excessive or inappropriate irritability, conflict, rudeness, inability to wait, too acute reactivity, desire to dominate. Often their first reaction is not always adequate, because of which they can offend others and not always apologize for it.

Choleric people tend to defend those whose rights are infringed upon, even when these people do not require such fierce protection. Due to the expressed desire to command everyone, choleric people are not perceived, they are repelled from themselves.

Parents with a choleric type of temperament are too demanding of their children, they may want almost unconditional obedience. Such parents can be emotionally explosive from the fact that the child does something wrong, or does not understand what is wanted from him. They may even be assaulting a child or their partner.

Choleric characteristics of men

A choleric man who is a parent brings up his children in a dominant style of behavior. He can be a despot and demand unquestioning obedience from children, but only in extreme cases, and so, he is quite capable of showing love, sensitivity and caring for children. He tries to educate his child in the best possible way, to teach purposefulness, mainly by demonstrating examples from his own experience.

A choleric man who has created a strong family also considers himself a leader, therefore he is an ideal husband, since he can take all the responsibility for the welfare of the family upon himself.

A choleric man will never allow a woman to command him, dominate in a relationship, he knows that he is a representative of the stronger sex, and therefore acts in relation to this. He knows that in the event that a conflict has occurred in the family, he must still take care of the material well-being of the family and ensure the safety of loved ones.

A choleric man is much more than a choleric woman trying to control everything that surrounds him. If he does not quite succeed at work, then he comes home with annoyance, where he throws out all the negative emotions.

If, nevertheless, the choleric man in the family becomes a tyrant, then the child has to suffer from constant screams, while the wife does not dare say a word across. This character is very difficult to change, because it has been formed for many years. But you can correct some features if a person is already overstepping the boundaries of what is available, the main thing is to persuade him to change.

The choleric man is self-sufficient and rather eccentric, he has pronounced leadership qualities, since school he shows them in that he gathers around him a company that is ready to follow him everywhere. He needs others to command them.

Often men of choleric temperament become successful businessmen, lawyers, in this they are facilitated by their quick reaction to difficulties, the ability to analyze the situation and organize the work process. Thanks to continuous activities, leading to impressive results, the choleric man is rapidly moving up the career ladder. Such a man is very sociable, he avoids loneliness. He has many friends and acquaintances who appreciate his generosity, fairness and reliability.

Choleric characteristics of women

Choleric woman is a strong, strong-willed and ambitious person. She is quite capable of setting complex, but feasible goals for herself, always trying to do everything in order to get what she wants. A choleric woman is entirely capable of supporting herself or the whole family. She easily learns new things, loves to try something new (food, sport, book, work).

Choleric woman likes to dominate, lead subordinates or family members. Therefore, the husband of such a woman should be softer and more pliable than she. It is rare to find a woman of choleric temperament sitting at home and doing what housewives usually do, while life passes by. Therefore, such women are accepted for any interesting activities, for every opportunity to act in a new way, to conquer new heights, to develop spiritually and physically.

A choleric woman prefers to wear pants or a business trouser suit than a dress or various colorful skirts. Such women like to do "boyish" haircuts, do not respect fashion trends, do not wear jewelry, rarely get their ears pierced. For them, the priority is convenience and action, not romantic femininity and slowness.

The best compatibility of a choleric woman with a calm, caring, patient man, best of all a phlegmatic type of temperament, only he can accept such a high activity of such a woman.

Choleric characteristics of the child

A choleric child resembles a "tornado" or "hurricane", or both at once. Such a child very violently expresses any of his reactions to events around. If he watches a performance in a circus, then there is no limit to his admiration and surprise, he tells for a long time afterwards how delighted he is. If something bad happened to him, for example, he was forbidden to eat sweets, then he will cry, scream through tears, get angry, which, by the way, very skillfully manipulates, because parents who do not have the strength to endure his cry, break down and still give him what was previously forbidden.

A choleric child can be irritated over any trifles, tirelessly demonstrate his displeasure, after which it is very difficult to calm him down. In games, he prefers to be the leader, loves noisy and active games.

The choleric child is "a perpetual motion machine." He can get so carried away by the game that he will not even notice the course of an hour and will not be able to stop. This is due to emotional-affective imbalance and rapid nervous response. Such a child needs a frequent change of impressions, because he gets used to it very quickly and becomes uninteresting to him. But too long and strong new impressions tire him very much.

In such a child, the ability to be irritated and quick-tempered over trifles is simply incredible, besides, he has practically no patience. If he has done something, for example, a tower from the designer and asks her mother to look, then she should, at the very second, as soon as she heard the call, drop everything and come running to see what her child has built. Otherwise, she faces a dose of anger.

The activity of the choleric child is uneven, pulsating. If he is just starting to do something, then he will do it very enthusiastically, energetically and with great enthusiasm, but as soon as the first wave of exciting emotions passes, the child no longer knows what to do with the new one. Neither he himself, nor anyone else can occupy his attention for a long time with one thing, from this he is very tired. Such a nervous decline and the killing of forces result in irritability, which grows with intensity, and turns into, or into a nervous breakdown.

If the child does not succeed in putting the toys in the required order or does not come out to lay them one on top of the other the way he imagined it, he will soon scatter these toys indignantly all over the room. If someone with the best intentions enters that room, then he will fall under hot hand... After all the words are spoken, the choleric child will cry from anger, his own powerlessness and not understanding others. Therefore, for children of choleric people, the period of early childhood, when all skills are just being formed and opportunities do not allow them to do more than they want, is very difficult. It is important that the parents of a child of choleric temperament correctly dose all activities so that the child can learn something new, while not overworking.

The choleric child is always in the spotlight - at home, in the garden, on a walk, at school, in the game. He is able to make everything turn out as he wants and get everything he wants. Fortunately, a child cannot be in such an excited state all the time, so if everything is fine, if he is happy with everything, then he is affectionate, sweet, flexible and sympathetic.

V adolescence The most difficult thing is to manage a choleric person, since he has enough freedom and the ability to move independently, he is characterized by hyperactivity, affective manifestation of emotions and aggressive behavior.

Holler temperament - strong, but unbalanced type the higher nervous system.

The most striking feature of the colorist is the explosive nature and problems with the control of emotions. It is impulsive, active, active man... However, the processes of excitation during inhibition prevail.

A choleric person should “hide” a lot or not express aggression if he experiences it for nothing, not for anyone.

He is hot and impatient, he usually leaves quickly.

This happens faster before the annoying factor disappears.

It is not advisable to join people in the hospital with heated divisions in which he expands widely and tries to prove his fairness. The sooner he succumbed to it, the sooner he will recover and return to the correct behavior.

Despite their irritability, these people are very tough and easily overcome all obstacles.

They are recognizable by their determined walking and sharp, exciting movements. Sometimes people remind you of a stretched line that can break it at any time.

People in the world

Friends find chickens easily, but not as much for socializing as for the crowd. They need a team in which they take on the role of leader and master of the parade.

Choleric is very jealous of his leadership, does not tolerate many rivals and those who do not agree with his opinion.

He loves to be in control of his environment and to establish his own attitudes and values. It is difficult to be his friend, but those who have received his sincere affection can count on a true and strong friendship.

Such people are confident, ambitious and sometimes in love with themselves. Choleric people are not difficult and do not detract from their merits. On the contrary, they are often convinced of their exclusiveness and have an overrated self-image.

Relationships with the opposite sex

In relations with the opposite sex, cholera shows all those unpleasant properties that are in communication with others.

In the midst of anger, many may split up in a relationship, according to which they usually try to connect with them. It's impossible to have a life partner like that, but if you try to bring one (or pretend to be given it), a good family man will come out of the necklace.

Representatives of this temperament are very sensitive to blood connections. They provide strong support for spouses and good educators for their children.

Work rhythm in patients with cholera

As workers kolerični people play an important role in their ability to quickly recuperate and hardworking. The ability to work is unstable and depends on many factors.

Characteristics and characteristics of cholera: women, men and children

But if it is truly mesmerizing, it can change mountains. In excitement, this person can survive the night without feeling uncomfortable. By the way, cholera people usually need less sleep as representatives of other types of temperament.

When the flame is wasted and the interest in work goes out, the person quickly cools down to his activity and continues to function officially, without a "spark".


Children of children begin to worry about their parents from the moment they are born.

These children, even in infancy, do not sleep very well. If you want to bathe such a child, you must wear it for hours.

These children are like little pandas. They literally grow by fixing their parents' necks like the trunk of a tree.

The child of holy temperament cascades, scandal around and without.

It has many requirements that must be met.

If his cripples are in no hurry, the child will still be hysterical and hysterical. But Choleric's husband cannot just be hysterical. He is able to show deepest feelings for his family members and is very sensitive to gentle healing.

Parents should take care of their child's upbringing.

Lack of attention in the future can lead to uncontrolled aggression and cruelty. Failure to hold on to anything for a long time will result in the chicken not finishing one thing.

If you focus your child's aggression in the right direction in time, you can get a great athlete from him. And work of care and attention will help in adult life achieve your goals.

Advantages and disadvantages

Choleric, characteristic of temperament, which briefly corresponds to two words: strong and impulsive, has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The indisputable benefits of cholera can be attributed to: a boil of energy and the ability to give your head a favorite company.

The ability to lead people with them, impress them with your ideas is another fat plus of this temperament. Choleric is born a leader and initiator of new ideas.

People of this nature are characterized by increased resistance to stress and the ability to quickly make quick decisions.

It is necessary to take into account the obvious disadvantages: aggression, speed and irritability.

It is difficult to communicate and maintain friendships with collegiate people.

The Reds end their efforts and are unable to calculate their strengths rather than quickly drain their energy.

If you are chosen as a friend or as a companion in life of the characteristic temperament of temperament, be tolerant and ignore sudden changes in mood.

Accept as reality that you will have to constantly make concessions, prepare your cruelty and agree with the world around you.

This is an extrovert

Temperament type: Choleric

Choleric people are bright, energetic, extremely emotional (up to an explosion) people. They are always in the spotlight, actively gesturing, talking loudly.

Choleric is one of four types temperament. You can read more about temperament and its types in a special article - "What is temperament", and in this material we will take a closer look at choleric.

Choleric people are active, impetuous people, passionately devoted to their work, but they can also easily and emotionally leave it. They can overcome difficulties, but they are unbalanced and can change their mood very quickly.


A person does not have only one pure temperament, but if a choleric person is the dominant type, then a person has the following qualities:

  • A born leader.
  • An active participant in disputes, always has a personal opinion.
  • Independent, self-sufficient. It can easily be a loner.
  • Passionate, impulsive. The case is easily given, explodes with indignation.
  • Swift. He is always active and wants to achieve positive results in everything he does.
  • Nervous.

    Phlegmatic, melancholic, sanguine, choleric - types of temperament

    Can abruptly change the mood to the completely opposite.

  • Fast response and excellent assimilation of information.
  • Frequent gestures and open facial expressions. In a choleric person, everything is "read by the face", it is difficult for him to cope with facial expressions and gestures.
  • With experience, they can hide and suppress their emotions in order to make informed decisions.


Surprisingly, most people with the same dominant temperament are similar. If we talk about choleric people, then these are thin people with well-developed, but long and thin arms and legs, a pointed chin, a “bird” nose, an even forehead and an oval face shape.

Choleric child

If your child reacts very violently to everything around, actively participate in various noisy and active games. These are fidget children. They also quite often express their dissatisfaction.

The sleep of choleric children is restless, and they do not always fall asleep because of overexcitation.

Choleric at work

Choleric people hate routine and monotonous work. Such people should work in positions where there is freedom of action, but work accompanied by tension, and where perseverance is needed, it is better not to give choleric people.

Choleric people are often bosses. This is good for the company, but not for the employees. These are effective managers who can make a firm or department work with a bang, but they are tyrants and despots, with whom it is useless to argue.

If the choleric person is interested in work, and the result will be a bonus, expect the maximum effect.

Choleric people often choose the military path or go into politics.

Of the famous choleric people, one can single out: A.S. Pushkin, D.I. Mendeleev, Peter I and A.V. Suvorov. A pronounced choleric of our time - V.F. Zhirinovsky.

Methods for defining and characterizing temperaments.

Each person is an individual, and is not like anyone else. But still there are people who differ in similar character traits. This is due to temperament and psychotype. It is the psychotype that allows us to communicate well with friends and not find a common language with people who are not attractive to us.

Temperament - sustainable combination individual psychophysiological characteristics of a person associated with dynamic, rather than meaningful aspects of activity. Temperament has nothing to do with social development and the characteristics of the upbringing of the individual, but it largely influences the formation of the individual.

Simply put, this is the speed of mental processes that take place in nervous system... It is impossible to influence temperament, but you can achieve its correction in order to eliminate negative qualities.

There are four main types of temperament. In life, it is difficult to single out a pure psychotype, since most often mixed options prevail.

Types of temperament:

  • Phlegmatic person. Among your acquaintances, there are definitely personalities who are difficult to outrage with something. They are very calm and patient. Slowness sometimes appears. But meticulousness and scrupulousness allows you to carefully treat your work. Usually they are assigned difficult tasks that require patience. Sometimes such people are spoken of as "Armor Man".
  • Choleric. This psychotype is completely different from the phlegmatic. It is characterized by increased nervous excitability. Choleric people are usually nervous about trifles, quickly waste their energy and cannot finish what they started. The mood changes very quickly. They tend to invent and twist reality a lot.
  • Sanguine. This psychotype is similar to a choleric person, but his mental reactions are more stable. Such people are very lively and active in communication. It is difficult not to notice such a person, since the facial expressions are very expressive. They react quickly to everything that comes. Unlike choleric people, they are more persistent and can bring the work started to the end.
  • Melancholic. Nervous excitability is high, very emotional temperament. Such people often live in their own experiences, oblivious to reality. Quite whiny and pessimistic.

This is a rather bright psychotype, which has both negative and positive aspects.

Negative sides of choleric:

  • Do not tolerate defeat by others
  • Impatient, always in a hurry, because of what they get into unpleasant situations
  • Emotional and truthful. People often take offense at them for this.
  • Hysterical. The slightest unpleasant word can cause a storm of emotions and resentment.
  • Superficial. They rarely delve into the essence of the problem, they are not interested in delving into something and delving into
  • They quickly get down to work, but just as soon they quit what they started without completing it.

Positive qualities of a choleric:

  • Fast and agile. Can instantly complete the assigned task
  • Decisive. They always know how to act in a specific situation, without hesitation.
  • They are not afraid of change. Always go on adventures
  • Do not hold a grudge. They move away quickly and don't get angry.
  • Designer
  • Geologist
  • Artist
  • Photographer
  • Entrepreneur
  • Advertising agent

Better to give preference to a free schedule than hourly work. Choleric people are better off working for the result, and not sitting out hours in the office.

Choleric - positive and negative qualities, suitable professions and activities

This is one of the most pleasant psychotypes. Unlike choleric people, they are emotionally stable.

Negative sides:

  • Superficiality
  • Haste
  • Unwillingness to delve into the depth of the situation
  • Frivolous
  • Love to show off
  • No sense of proportion

Positive sides:

  • Leaders. Often they take up the organization of a community and succeed in this business.
  • Stress-resistant and harmonious. They try not to react painfully even to the most unpleasant situations. It's hard to piss them off.
  • Rarely suffer from mental illness. Due to their stable psyche, there are no patients in psychiatric hospitals among them.
  • They are optimistic. Even in the most difficult situations, they try to find something positive.
  • Administrator
  • Teacher
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Economist
  • Journalist
  • Lawyer

Sanguine - positive and negative qualities, suitable professions and activities

Quite a complex psychotype with unstable reactions.

Positive sides:

  • The gullible
  • Creative personalities
  • Are prone to compassion
  • Friendly
  • Know how to listen
  • Loyal to the second half
  • Good friends

Negative sides:

  • Prone to depression
  • Pessimistic
  • Prone to criticism
  • They do not know how to communicate with people and do not want
  • Avoid noisy companies
  • System Administrator
  • Programmer
  • Librarian
  • Editor

Melancholic - positive and negative qualities, suitable professions and activities

People with this psychotype are the golden mean between the rest of the temperaments. They are level-headed, calm and positive.

Positive sides:

  • Workaholics. They are the worker bees of society, the best workers
  • Stress-resistant. It is very difficult to piss them off.
  • Patient. They endure for a long time, not because it is necessary, but because everything suits them
  • Purposeful. They methodically do their job and see it through to the end.

Negative sides:

  • They don't like change. For them, moving is a natural disaster.
  • Difficult to find mutual language with people. They are generally not very sociable by nature.
  • Retarded. They are often lazy and do not strive for anything. Complete absence initiatives
  • Engineer
  • Veterinarian
  • System Administrator
  • Dispatcher
  • Laboratory assistant
  • Jeweler

Phlegmatic - positive and negative qualities, suitable professions and activities

Pure psychotypes are very rare. Usually these are varied variations of two or more temperaments.

Mixed temperaments:

  • Phlegmatic / sanguine. They are active, but not in a hurry, many friends, they like to be in a company, but do not attract much attention. Stress-resistant, efficient. They can speak beautifully, but also be silent when necessary.
  • Melancholic / phlegmatic. Restrained, scrupulous and pessimistic. Often they are depressed, but they quickly get out of it. They love to do one thing and bring it to the end.
  • Sanguine / choleric / phlegmatic. Balanced and very active psychotype. They always attract attention and achieve success in business. They perfectly find a common language with people, but, if necessary, dominate.
  • Choleric / sanguine. Strong, caring, know how to communicate with people. They are always leaders and dominant personalities. Active and motivated.
  • Choleric / sanguine / melancholic. Active and motivated, but at the same time ready to make concessions. They perform well in front of an audience and can lead.
  • Phlegmatic / choleric... They bring the work started to the end. They love stability and always stand their ground. They try to dominate, although they do not always succeed.
  • Sanguine / melancholic. Persuasive, critical and persistent. They are trying to turn the situation in their favor. Loyal friends, picky, do not like to speak in public.
  • Melancholic / sanguine / phlegmatic. They do everything according to the rules, not aggressive, caring and secretive. Kind to people and sensual. Good friends and assistants.
  • Melancholic / phlegmatic / choleric. Stable, careful and persistent. Caring and positive. Too critical and demanding.

There is a certain method for determining the psychotype. At the same time, you should not expect that you will receive 100% belonging to some a certain type... Usually this is the percentage of different psychopes in one person.

To determine the types of temperament, the psychological methodology of the English psychologist G. Eysenck is used, who developed a two-factor model, the main characteristics of which are extroversion and neuroticism.

VIDEO: Determination of psychotype, test by G. Eysenck

Determining the type of temperament will allow you to identify strengths and weaknesses and correct your behavior.

VIDEO: 11 tests for each