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About the rewarder of the Russian Empire Peter Great laid in the foundation of the state not one, but at once several bombs, which exploded in February 1917, almost a burder under the collapse of the royal autocracy of Russia-Mother.

Let's see, in what calculations the great reformer was mistaken, where in its terms were flaws, which ultimately played their fateful role? Much after all, he did absolutely true, as we note, but asked such a high bar, to pull, which is not all his followers, especially Nicholas II, were able.

So, Peter:

Printed the role of the church, which is very important for the feudal device

In modern historiography, it is customary to depict the Bolsheviks with the most major persecutors of the church, but they were in the mass of their simply convinced atheists and to repression against some part of the clergy resorted as a result during the civil war. It is much more difficult to understand why Peter was performed against the church.

He was born with the quite pious parents - the father of Alexei Mikhailovich and the mother of Naryshkina Natalia Kirillovna. They probably could not even mind that the son of Petrushe would take and eliminate the Patriarchhood in Russia, having passed the entire church power to the Holy Synod. And to eliminate the patriarchairs, the sovereign did not need hard solutions - after the death of Patriarch Adrian, the priesthood did not risk choosing a new charter, in fact, submitting to the secular leadership.

The problem was that the staff of the then monastic order were few knowledge of religious affairs. Yes, and the case of economic, they did not behave in the best way, so that the once rich church farm began to marry noticeably.

Naturally, it led to dissatisfaction in wide church circles. Many priests are different as the Antichrist Peter and were not called, for which they were persecuted. In a barrel environment, there were practically no supporters of reducing the role of the Church in the affairs of state, with the exception of progressive, as the Faofan Prokopovich is believed. Many clergymen hoped that after Peter, this mistake would be corrected, but none of the subsequent monarchs, including the deprived of the throne Nicholas II, did not guessed to correct this gross mistake.

As a result, by the time of the fall, the autocracy of the Orthodox Church did not have real strength, and most importantly, who could turn to the people with the pastoral word. Peter I deprived his not too wise descendant of Nicholas II very important in feudal, in fact, the society supports, fastenings, as they would say, and thus helped the victory of the February Revolution.

Turning the capital to the sea, which increased the role of the fleet and strengthened the effect of outside

Of course, Peter did not know that he involuntarily helps the deprivation of the Moscow status of Moscow to the revolutionaries of the future. Probably, he guess somewhere in the depths of the soul that a slid could be on the throne, but even in nightmarish dreams, of course, could not imagine that they would be such as Nicholas II. Suppose Peter at least one minute that everything will be so terrible in two centuries, he never in life so that he does not transfer the capital, but even the city itself on the Neva, most likely, would not have established. From sin away.

However, even V.I. Lenin did not risk at the time of the Civil War to leave the government in the city, open not only for internal counter-revolution, but also directly foreign intervention. Hermansky, and the British squadron, the path to Petrograd was practically open. And his own fleet, just in many respects contributed to the growth of revolutionary sentiment, and then the victory of the Bolsheviks, could rush to the other side. So Ilyich quickly not only returned to Russia the patriarchhood, but also the white-named metropolitan functions. He corrected the mistake of Peter.

Lenin had no adventurism of Peter - he knew how to calculate the moves not for the years, but for whole centuries ahead. The founder of the Russian Empire sincerely believed that, burning the window to Europe, he would introduce Russia to a friendly family of European peoples. Then this mistake was repeated by many - Alexander I, who believed in the Holy Union, and modern liberals, who joined our country to PACE, where her delegation at the first one seemed to be a convenient case deprived of the right to vote.

In 1916, transformed into the passing courtyard, in the arena fighters of residents almost all of the world, Petrograd was actually a pregnant revolution. And, as it turned out, not one. But by no means October, namely the February Revolution became the result of the actions of imperialist exploration, when the interests of the Entente and Germany with Austria-Hungary were surprisingly agreed. And if so, then the overthrow of the helpless Nicholas II was the question of only time and a convenient case, which is not able to wait long in the point of view of the climate and did not have to. Interruptions with bread became the very spark, from which foreign intelligence and their intraolesk bourgeois servers have grunted the flame.

Began the process of industrialization, which led to the formation of a working class, hegemon revolutions of 1917

For the sake of justice, it should be noted that the process of Industrialization of Russia began to Peter - with his grandfather, first in the dynasty of the Romanov Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, continued with his father Alexei Mikhailovic, but it was at the king reformer who accelerated and accepted almost a global scale.

Of course, the development of the economy was not stopped and after Peter, but the foundations laid it. Subsequent reforms - Alexander II and Stolypin - from the point of view of preserving the feudal atavism in the form of autocracy only aggravated the situation. The proletariat appeared not only in the cities, but also on the village - in the face of the huge mass of the poor and Batrakov.

Nevertheless, it was Petra Great to rightly be called not only the founder of St. Petersburg and the Russian Fleet, but also ... the working class of our country. Of course, he wanted to create not him, but as the class of effective owners would say now. And, indeed, created in many industries, but simultaneously in accordance with the inexorable laws of political economy and the proletariat arose.

In February and October 1917, Petrovsky classes of effective managers and the proletarians wrapped on them played a decisive role. First, the first, speculating on falling as a result of the First World War of the standard of living, was sent to the dump of history Other Peter's creatures - the royal autocracy, and then the second in the atmosphere of the chaos emerged under the leadership of the Bolsheviks progressive for their time the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Of course, it would be possible to say that all this is indirectly the work of Peter's hands, but this mine was laid under the foundation of the royal throne, so to speak, unsighted. Well, in fact, do not leave him the country in the dark Middle Ages from fears that, after the technological change, will they ever happen and social? Peter did what he had to do, taking on all the risks associated with industrialization.

Was the founder of a bureaucratic car that could not respond promptly in a complex setting

Of course, Peter I wanted to debug the state mechanism so that it worked like a clock. And with it, everything was the same - the gears of the nervy bureaucratic car, though with the creak, but scrolled. But it was worth the great sovereign to finish my earthly path, as she immediately got up. Something similar happened after the death of another leader of our country - Stalin. He, too, could not debug the state apparatus for uninterrupted work without his personal participation.

But if under Stalin, the bureaucratization of the control systems began to occur after it is death, then under Petra I, she walked through the sovereign. He replaced the system with orders by the Boards. In the title, by the way, reflected the essence of the reform - instead of uniquely in the departments, collective creativity appeared.

The king dislarously believed that two heads are better than one, but forgot that in the seven nanny child, as is known, without an organ of vision can remain. So the state apparatus moved only and exclusively under the influence of the authority, and sometimes the fist of Peter.

In the case of his descendant, Nikolai II was neither that neither the other - neither respect in society and in the elite, nor the ability to ride if necessary. It was Nikolai Alexandrovich brought the system of collegiate leadership to a full absurd by Peter.

Now, in a 100-year anniversary, everyone remembers the bitter phrase of Nicholas II in the diary that the circle of treason and deception. And who was to blame for this? Only he himself who set him next to him, as they would say in the "Gentlemen of Good luck", bad people who escaped from him at the first danger. Well, Prashas Peter, who was a bothered state apparatus, where solutions have freezed, as well as refused by the system responsible for anyone or another.

Conducted a hard external policy that with a weak state owner turned out to be fatal

Nothing new under the moon, differences only in the nuances. In the middle of the XVIII century. The conversations about the aggressiveness of Muscovites in Western Europe were no less than in the Soviet years and the last time about the "Threat from the East". Only then did they all relied on the fake testament of Peter, and now - on the fairy tales about Russian hackers.

The fact that allegedly Petrovsky text is an obvious fake, hardly someone doubted at that time, but he went to the fertile soil of Russophobia, which the European elites suffered from the time of the king of pea. And they were afraid of the enemies of our country. Using the example of Sweden Charles Xii Peter I showed all the enemies of Russia, which will be with those who will rise from her towards Europe, to the world community, as they would say.

It was then that the elite of European countries has formed ongoing and to this day, the policy of consolidation of Russia, as well as its strategy - the departure of Ukraine (then Malorussey) asks about the European choice and actually encountering our country's foreheads with Turkey, then the Ottoman Empire.

Nicholas II, such an impression that Peter believed in the mythical testament more than those for whom it was concreted - Western European inhabitants. That is why he made it possible to draw the country into the destructive first world. The main prize, which the king and his surroundings were seen on its outcomes, is just the Tsargrad with the Cathedral of Hagia Sophia. As a result, over the entire First World War, plans to capture the Turkish capital were kept, but something hurt them all the time. And the temporary government was not to Constantinople, and Lenin presented reconciliation with Turkey Ataturk, returning to the real, and not mythical Petrovsky foreign policy.

And really the Bolshevik

Maximilian Voloshin, as it is known, called the figurative Tsar Peter "First Bolshevik." The poet meant, of course, the scale of the transformation implemented by him, to compare with which only changes after the Great October Socialist Revolution could be compared with which in their scope. But now, 100 years after the preceding her February Revolution, the assessment of a volitional, and not only them, Peter as the Bolshevik seemed that his reforms became a preported and in many ways - the cause of the collapse of the royal autocracy.

  • 6 The flourishing of Kievan Rus. Yaroslav Wise. "Russian truth". Vladimir Monomakh and his role in Russian history
  • 7 feudal fragmentation. Features of the development of Russian principalities
  • 8 Mongol-Tatar Igo: history of establishment and its consequences
  • 9. The Baby of the North-Western land against the knightly orders. And.
  • 11. Creation of a single Russian state. The feudal war of the XV century. Ivan III and the overthrow of the Horde Iga. Vasily III.
  • 12.Ivan IV Grozny. The estate-representative monarchy in Russia.
  • 13. Troubled time in Russia. Causes, Essence, Results.
  • 14. Russia at the first Romanov. Refrigerating peasants. Church split.
  • 15. Peter I: man and politician. North War. Education of the Russian Empire.
  • 16. Peter I reforms - the revolution "top" in Russia.
  • 17.Dvorts coups in Russia of the XVIII century. Elizabeth Petrovna.
  • 186 days Peter III
  • 18. Catherine II. "Enlightened absolutism" in Russia. Claimed Commission.
  • 19.) Ekaterina II. Basic reforms. "Figured diplomas ..."
  • Praised gram of nobility and cities of 1785
  • 20.) Social and political thought in Russia of the XVIII century. Science and education in Russia of the XVIII century.
  • 22.) Decembrists: organizations and programs. Decembrist uprising and its meaning
  • 1.) State. Device:
  • 2.) Serf right:
  • 3.) The rights of citizens:
  • 23.) Nikolai I. Theory of "official nationality".
  • Theory of official nationality
  • 24.) Westerners and Slavophiles. The origin of Russian liberalism.
  • 25.) Three flow of Russian population. "Earth and Will".
  • 1. Conservers
  • 2. Revolutionaries
  • 3.Liberals
  • 26.) Cancel of serfdom in Russia. Alexander II.
  • 27.) The reforms of the 60s and 1970s of the XIX century and their results. "Heart dictatorship" Loris-Melikova
  • 28.) Alexander III and Council
  • 29.Sonya at the beginning of the 20th century. Features of socio-economic development. Attempts to upgrade: Witte S.Yu., Stolypin P.A.
  • 30. The first bourgeois-democratic revolution and self-adjustable policies. Nicholas II. "Manifesto 17 October."
  • 32.The Industrial Revolution: Stages, Consequences, Results.
  • 33. First World War (1914-1918): Causes, Results.
  • 35. Surgery of the nationwide crisis. The Great Russian Revolution. Carrying a self-adjusting.
  • 36. Development of the revolution in the conditions of dvoevsty. February-July 1917.
  • 37. The Socialist Stage of the Great Russian Revolution (July- October 1917)
  • 38. The first decrees of Soviet power. Decree about the world. The exit of Russia from the imperialist war.
  • II Congress Soviets
  • 39.Ruzhdan war and the policy of "military communism".
  • 40.NEP: Causes, move, Results.
  • 42.The basic principles of the Soviet foreign policy and the fighting of the USSR for their implementation. International relations in the interwar period.
  • 43. Baby of the USSR for the world on the eve of war. Soviet-German nonsense pact.
  • 44.The World War II: Causes, Periodization, Results. The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people.
  • 45. Corn fracture in the Second World War and World War II. Stalingrad battle and its meaning.
  • 46.And the USSR in the defeat of fascism and militarism. The programs of the Second World War.
  • 47. Development of the USSR in the post-war period. Stages, successes and problems.
  • 48. The present policy of the USSR in the post-war period. From the "Cold War" to discharge (1945-1985).
  • 49. Perestroika: Causes, goals and results. New political thinking.
  • 50. Russia in the 90s: Change of the Public Development Model.
  • 16. Peter I reforms - the revolution "top" in Russia.

    Petra State Reform I

    Instead of the Boyarskaya Duma, the Council of Ministers was created in 1700, meeting in the near office, and in 1711 - the Senate, which by 1719 turned into a senior state body. With the creation of the provincial, numerous orders ceased their activities, their colleges were replaced, which were subordinate to Senate. The Secretary Police also operated in the management system - the Preobrazhensky order (conducted state crimes) and the secret office. Both institutions were under the jurisdiction of the emperor.

    Administrative reforms of Peter I

    Regional (provincial) reform of Peter I

    The largest administrative reform of the local government was the creation in 1708. 8 provinces led by the governors, in 1719 their number increased to 11. The second administrative reform divided the provinces on the provinces led by the governors, and the provinces on Districts (counties) at the head with earth commissars.

    Urban reform (1699-1720)

    To control the city, the Burmister Chamber was created in Moscow, renamed in November 1699 to the Town Hall, and magistrates submitted to the Chief Magistrate in St. Petersburg (1720). Members of the Town Hall and Magistrates were elected by elections.

    Cast reforms

    The main goal of the class of the reform of Peter I was the design of the rights and obligations of each class - the nobility, the peasantry and the urban population.


      Decree on Verchasa (1704), according to which the boyars and the nobles received progresses and estates.

      Decree on education (1706) - all boyars are required to get primary education.

      Decree on the union of alliance (1714), through which the nobleman could leave the inheritance only to one of the sons.

      Tabel about ranks (1722): The service of the sovereign was divided into three departments - the army, the state and the yard - each of which was divided into 14 ranks. This document allowed a low-cost man to hear the nobility.


    Most peasants were serfs. The chores could sign up to the soldiers, which freed them from serfdom.

    Among the free peasants were:

      state, possessing personal freedom, but limited in the right of movement (i.e., by the will of the monarch, they could be transferred to serfs);

      palace, who belonged to the king personally;

      possensions attributed to manufactory. The owner had no right to sell them.

    Urban class

    Urban people were divided into "regular" and "irregular". Regularly shared on the guild: 1st Guild - the richest, 2nd guild - small traders and prosperous artisans. Irregular, or "sneaky people", made up most urban population.

    In 1722, shops appeared, which united the masters of one craft.

    Peter's judicial reform I

    The functions of the Supreme Court were carried out by the Senate and the Justice College. In the provinces, there were supervised appellate courts and provincial courts headed by the warlords. The provincial courts conducted the affairs of the peasants (except for monastic) and citizens not included in Posad. Since 1721, the court cases of citizens included in Posad, a magistrate led. In other cases, the case solved the rural or city judge solely.

    Church reform of Peter I

    Peter I abolished the patriarchy, deprived the church of the government, and its funds transferred to the state treasury. Instead of the post of Patriarch, the king introduced a collegial highest management church organ - Holy Synod.

    Financial reforms of Peter I

    The first stage of the financial reform of Peter I was reduced to the collection of money for the content of the army and the conduct of wars. Benefits from the monopoly sale of some types of goods (vodka, salt, etc.) were added, indirect taxes were introduced (bath, horse, on IT beard).

    In 1704 was held monetary reformAccording to which the main monetary unit has become a penny. The neramenny ruble was canceled.

    Submitted reform of Peter Iconsisted in the transition from the residential attachment to the pillow. In this regard, the Government included all categories of the peasant and Posad population, which were previously exempted from the tax.

    Thus, during petra's tax reform Ia single monetary tax was introduced (submitted) and the number of taxpayers was increased.

    Social reforms of Peter I

    Peter I formation reform

    In the period from 1700 to 1721. In Russia, many civil and military schools were opened. Among them are the School of Mathematical and Navigation Sciences; Artillery, engineering, medical, mountain, garrison, spiritual schools; Typhyry schools of free training of children of all ranks; Sea Academy in St. Petersburg.

    Peter I created the Academy of Sciences, at which the first Russian University was established, and with it the first gymnasium. But this system began to act after Peter's death.

    Peter I reforms in culture

    Peter I introduced a new alphabet, which facilitated literacy learning and promoted a typography. The first Russian newspaper "Vedomosti" began to be published, in 1703 there was a first book in Russian with Arabic figures.

    The king developed a plan for the stone construction of St. Petersburg, paying special attention to the beauty of architecture. He invited foreign artists, as well as reflected talented young people abroad to study "Arts". Peter I put the beginning of the Hermitage.

    Medical reforms of Peter I

    The main transformations were the opening of hospitals (1707 - the first Moscow military hospital) and schools in which they were preparing for drugs and pharmacists.

    In 1700, at all military hospitals, pharmacies were established. In 1701 Peter I issued a decree on the opening of eight private pharmacies in Moscow. Since 1704, government pharmacies have been opened in many cities of Russia.

    For cultivation, study, the creation of medicinal plants were created by pharmacaric gardens, where seeds and foreign flora were called.

    Socio-economic reforms Peter I

    To raise the industrial production and development of trade connections with foreign trade, Peter I invited foreign specialists, but at the same time encouraged the domestic industrialist and merchant. Peter I watched more product exported from Russia than imported. During his reign on the territory of Russia, 200 factories and factories operated.

    Peter I reforms in the army

    Peter I introduced annual recruit sets from young Russians (from 15 to 20 years old) and ordered to start learning the soldiers. In 1716, the military charter was issued, the service, the rights and obligations of the military.

    As a result military reform Peter Ia powerful regular army and navy was created.

    Peter's reform activity had the support of a wide range of nobility, but caused discontent and resistance among the boyars, the Archers and the clergy, because The conversion attracted the loss of the leading role in the state administration. Among the opponents of Peter I was, his son Alexey was.

    Results of Peter I reforms

      In Russia, there is a mode of absolutism. During the years of his reign, Peter created a state with a more advanced control system, a strong army and fleet, a stable economy. There was centralization of power.

      Fast development of external and domestic trade.

      The abolition of the patriarchate, the church lost its independence and authority in society.

      Huge progress has been made in the field of science and culture. The task of state importance is to create Russian medical education, as well as the beginning of Russian surgery.

    Features of Peter I reforms

      Reforms were carried out on a European pattern and covered all areas of activity and society.

      Lack of reform system.

      The reforms were carried out mainly due to hard operation and coercion.

      Peter, impatient in nature, introduced innovations in a rapid pace.

    "Peter Transformations" is an explanatory note. Participated in the Azov campaigns. Since 1701, consisted of a twin during Peter. Thanks to the zeal in this post, many enemies have acquired. Technology teacher student. He lived in Russia from the middle of the XVII century. He had unlimited confidence of Peter, acquired a huge impact on state affairs.

    "The main reforms of Peter I" are two guns. Individual principle. Work on new material. Preparation of troops to combat actions. Peter I. reforms. Peasantry. Military reform. Peter introduces the Board. Administrative transformations. State reforms. Tabel about ranks. Russian industry. Hat yard. Swedish.

    "Peter's transformation 1" - I. G. Tannaauer. Reform of public administration (essence): reasons: an oral union was concluded against Sweden, and not against Turkey. Authorities and management in the Russian Empire in the 20 -70s. And such a statesman became the king Peter I. Russia to the Black Sea. Presentation on the topic: Portrait of Peter I.

    "Peter 1 reforms are the features of the reforms: all men of the submitted classes have suffered regardless of age. Main dates and events: history lesson. 10th grade of reform Peter I. Coat of arms of the Russian Empire. 1721 Pipped by Peter I in 1722, he replaced the residential conclusion in 1724. Central Control System under Peter I (Scheme).

    "The economy of Peter I" - mercantilism. Charters. The main directions of economic policy. Results of economic transformations. The task is to make a cluster, based on the main semantic blocks. Craft production. Division into classes. Agriculture. Trade. Service for nobles. Manufactory production. New types of weapons.

    "The reforms and transformations of Peter I" - state. Budget under Peter I. (Revision-Board). The main directions of financial transformations under Peter I. Prerequisites of Petrovsky Transformations. Public authorities in the 20s of the XVIII century. Peter's reforms I 1682 - 1725. Currency: Silver Thaler and Golden Chervonets. Peter I. Transformation. The release of gold coins 1701g.: Cesar rubles and Chervonians.

    He was your God, Russia! ", - exclaimed enthusiastic Lomonosov. "Antichrist!", Old Believers shouted, autumning themselves with a bispanite sign. "First Bolshevik," said the poet Maximilian Voloshin. And all this about him, Pereter I is one of the greatest and conflicting rulers in Russian history. On the wreckage of the old, Patriarchal Russia, the vented revolutionary created a new Russia.


    On May 30, 1872, the cannonal salts and bell chimes were announced to the people of the birth of Tsarevich Peter. To the joy of parents - the king Alexey Mikhailovich and Natalia Naryshkina - Peter turned out to be a healthy and very active child, unlike his weak, painful brothers. Susmanship he stretched to the arms: the boy's room filled toy sabers, bows, guns and drums. Later, in the village of Preobrazhensky there will be the famous "sweaty army" of Peter - a prototype of a new Russian army equipped with a European pattern. And the English Bot found in the village of Izmailovo will become the "grandfather of the Russian Fleet".

    With the formation of Peter was not lucky: He taught Tsarevich's deck Nikita Zotov, a teacher of Nikudny, judging by the abundance of grammatical mistakes in Peter's letters.

    But the sovereign studied all his life, his toastful, curious mind absorbed knowledge, like a sponge. In the role of teachers, Dutch ships, Russian carpenters and even ... Swedish generals. Celebrating Poltava Victoria, the king raised the toast for the prisoners of Karl XII prisoners: after all, it was thanks to them Peter and his army mastered the science to win. "Well, you deliberate our teachers," one of the unlucky Swedish generals answered with a sigh

    Formally, Peter along with sick and incapable of brother, Ivan, proclaimed the kings on April 271682. But in fact, the power in the country seized the elder sister Sophia. Adherents of Tsarevna provoked the Streletsky Riot, the rebels broke into the royal chambers and in front of Peter were confused by approximate boyars.

    Horror, experienced in childhood, pursued Peter all his life: I was tormented by nervous seizures, and the face often distorted convulsion.

    Hate for the archers found an exit after the suppression of their regular insurrection in 1698, when Peter personally chucks the head to the rippers. Brutally? But without cruelty in those harsh times it was impossible. The king himself also spoke about this: "If I didn't use rigor, I would not have anywhere in the Russian state for a long time and would never have done it as it was now."

    As you know, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe reorganization of Russia to the European manner originated in young Peter after visits to the German settlement, where foreigners lived in the service among the Russian kings lived. Everything here was unusual for the impressionable young man - life, morals, clothes, customs. The Swiss officer Franz Leforth became a mentor of the young Peter in the assimilation of a peculiar culture of "Moscow Europe". The next step was the foreign tour of the king as part of the Great Embassy. Hiding under the name of Peter Mikhailov, the sovereign worked on the Dutch shipbuilding shipyards, he listened to the debate in the English parliament with interest, visited museums, anatomical theaters, observatory, and monetary courtyards. He was wondering everything, he wanted to try hardly if every craft.

    According to the historian Vasily Klyuchevsky, abroad Peter mastered 14 different specialties. Truly, "On the throne eternal worker"!

    Peter did not hurt communication with the most different people: from the worker to shipyard to crowned persons. The god of the news that I thought about the Russian king is a simple person (they were not to the memoirs), but here's the opinion of the princess of Sofia Hannover: "He has excellent features and noble posture. He has a big liveliness of the mind, the answers of his quick and true. But with all the advantages of his nature, it is desirable to see less rudeness in it. This sovereign is very good and at the same time very bad ... If he got a good upbringing, then a perfect person would have come out of it "

    Oh, this upbringing! Peter's haters recrek him "all-in -out and all-in-room cathedrals" put on the form of a cooking drunkenness at the royal feasts and the "Assemblies", where even the ladies died "in smoke." And this phrase from the decree of August 291698 is about the wearing German dresses and shave beards: "I wish to transform secular goats, that is, citizens ... so that they are without a beard in good by Europeans." For citizens, of course, hurt. But we will try to understand and Peter: he instinctively felt that reforms should be started with the breakdown of old customs. Therefore, they broke them, as he knew how to cruelly, "through the knee", often instructing subjects to the path of a true fist or his famous baton. "Beggars", of course, was quite a lot, but Russia, as is known, the country of extremes. Petr in this sense is not the first and, alas, not the last.

    In everyday life, the king avoided luxury and lush ceremonies, such a favorite predecessor. Preferred simple clothes, it was not beaten to ride in an ordinary border without a suite. In war, the bullets did not bow: during the Poltava battle, the soldiers behaved in a counterattack and overturned the coming Swedes. About the courage of the king During the pruth campaign (1711), the French Brigadier Moro de Braza wrote: "I can witness that the king is no more Birch, as well as the brave of his warriors."

    Peter did not regret either himself or others. Everyone knows the fate of Tsarevich Alexey, born by Eudocya Lopukhina, the first wife of Peter. Hateing his father and his reform, Alexey fled to Austria, asked the Austrian emperor to help master the Russian throne. The betrayal of his native son shook Peter, he personally took part in interrogations and even torture Alexey: "I am at my fatherland and people, and my belly does not regret, then what kind of you, indecently regret." Tsarevich died in the Petropavlovsk fortress in the summer of 19718, and a few years later, another heir died - 4-year-old Peter Petrovich, born by the second wife of the sovereign Catherine Alekseevna. Peter was awesome. Shortly before the death of the king, another personal drama suffered: he caught Catherine in infidelity. Who inherits the throne, who will continue the matter of his life? Before death, the king could not answer this question, and without appointing a successor to himself

    In October 1724, Petr sailed on the ship to St. Petersburg. Not far from Lachta noticed the arms of Military Bot. The sovereign personally participated in the salvation of soldiers and sailors, standing on the belt in ice water. After that, the "bathing" aggravated the kidney disease, of which the king has suffered for a long time. Forceing pain, Peter continued to engage in public affairs, but in January 1725, it was finally sled. January 28, the crowned revolutionary died.

    The words of the bishop of Feofan Prokopovich became the best epitaph of Petr I: "What did he make Russia - that will be. Made a good beloved - Favorite and will. Made the enemies a terrible - terrible and will be. Made it on the whole world nice - glorious and never stopped! "

      Introduction ..................................................................... ... 3

      The struggle for entering the Baltic and Black Seas .................. ... 6

      Restoration of the army ...................................................... nine

      Poltava Battle ...................................................... .......... 11

      Prut hike ........................................................................ 12

      Gangut battle 1714 ................................................................. .. 13

      Caspian hike ............................................................. fourteen

      Peter I - Reformer ....................................................................... .. 15

      The reform of the army and the navy .................. ... 15

      Economic reforms ....................................... ... 20

      Reform of the state apparatus ........................ .... 24

      Church reform ................................................ 28.

      Conclusion ........................................................................ 31.

      List of used literature ....................................... 3 33


    The second novels - Alexey Mikhailovich - was married twice. The first time on M.I. Miloslavskaya. They had 13 children. After the death of the first wife, Alexey Mikhailovich married the second time - on the young N.K.Naryshkin. In 1762, Naryshkin gave birth to Son Peter. And after 4 years, Alexey Mikhailovich died. After his death, his son from Miloslavskaya - Fyodor (1676-1682). After his death, Miloslavsky and Naryshkina begin the open struggle for the throne. As a result of the intrigue in 1682, two - Ivan V (16 years) from Miloslavskaya and Peter I (10 years) from Naryshkina are on the throne. Prior to their majority of the country of their sister Sophia (1682-1689).

    Tsarevna Sophia - the phenomenon of Russian history. Up to her, with the exception of the distant princess Olga, there were no women-government in Russian history. Widely educated, power, ambitious. Sophia confidently invaded the purely male sphere of Russian life - politics. And it should be said that the rules of Sophia State successfully. With it, in 1686, the "Eternal Peace with Poland" was concluded - the left-bank Ukraine with Kiev was forever entered into Russia. In 1687, the first higher education institution in Russia was founded - Slavyano - Greek - Latin Academy. In 1689, a nonsense agreement was concluded with China on the demarcation of the borders between Russia and China. Sophia tried to reach the Black Sea - in 1687 and 1689, and under the guidance of her favorite Prince V.V. Golitsyn were committed two Crimean campaigns. They were unsuccessful, but testified to the seriousness of the intentions of the Moscow government.

    Sophia and Ivan V occupied the royal residence - the Kremlin. Queen Natalia Kirillovna Naryshkin was in the opal, along with the son of Peter and lived in the village of Transfigured near Moscow.

    Children of the king from Miloslavskaya received a wonderful education. They studied Latin, ancient Greek, grammar, rhetoric, storm. The mother of Peter, according to the reviews of contemporaries, was a woman's "mind of the lung." She was little concerned about the education and education of the son. 1 In the teacher, Peter was determined by the spiritual deck of Nikita Zotov - a big lover of Crown. Tsarevich learned to read and write, received fragmentary minimity of history, geography, reading some texts of liturgical books. In general, the formation of Peter got scarce. The educated person Peter became thanks to the irrepressible thirst for knowledge and stubborn self-education throughout the whole life. But Nikita Zotov instilled in Tsarevich's love for physical work. Peter Stolyarnichal, carpented, worked in the cousin. For children, Peter discovered two passions: to military games and large water. For the military "fun" Tsarevich first were pressed 10 barns. Then, two battalions were compiled from the Tsarist Poroza - one of the villages of Semenovsky, the other from Preobrazhensky. Then they were converted to "funny" shelves. Soon "funny" army will become a real military force. Later Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky regiments will become the kernel of the Petrovsky Guard.

    Over time, the love of Peter to the army and the big water - the sea - will turn into serious state affairs.

    Next to Preobrazhensky was German Sloboda. Young Peter became a frequent guest here. A visit to the German Slobody had a great influence on the worldview and the style of the behavior of the future of the Great Transducer of Russia.

    "The Germans" in those time in Russia called all foreigners. Craftsmen, merchants, military, lekari, translators lived in German Sloboda. Russia has become the second homeland for them. Young sovereign found many friends in German Sloboda. Dutch engineer Franz Gimmerman began to deal with him arithmetic, algebra, geometry, artillery science, taught the basics of building fortresses and fortifications. Whole all Peter attached to Frank Lefut. He was a leaving from Switzerland and was in the Russian service in the rank of Colonel. He became a mentor of the king in his acquaintance with a peculiar culture of the Moscow Europe. But the fact is that foreign noble carriers of a sophisticated Western culture - in Russia rarely sedated. People came to Russia in search of happiness with a dark past, adventurers. It is significant that the main occupation of the inhabitants of the German settlement in their free time was an unlimited drunkenness. Muscovites avoided the place. Peter was young, was inexplicated, did not receive a solid moral education, and the lifestyle of the inhabitants he began to borrow, and then transfer to his company, later, on Wednesday of the Russian nobility. 2.

    After the death of Ivan V in 1696, Peter began to rule alone (1696 - 1725). He will enter Russian world history by one of the greatest rulers Peter I, Peter Great.

    From the very beginning of the independent rule, Peter I began to transform the country in Western European samples.

    Main directions:

      struggle for entering the Baltic and Black Seas;

      carrying out military reform;

      reform of public administration and industry development;

      social politics

    The struggle for entering the Baltic and Black Seas. 3

    Initially, Peter put the task - to achieve way out to the warm seas.

    For the development of foreign economic relations with Western Europe, Russia needed marine - the cheapest - ways of movement. But in the Baltic Sea, the master was Sweden, on the black - the Ottoman Empire. Nevertheless, at first Peter decides to achieve the exit to the warm Black Sea. To do this, it was necessary to take the Turkish fortress of Azov at the mouth of the Don, which "locked" the exit to the Azov and the Black Seas.

    In 1695, the first Azov campaign of Peter I. The Peter went to Azov's darkened by the overtaken "fun" regiments. Russian troops were besieged the fortress, but they could not take it, because The fortress received reinforcement from the sea, and Peter did not have ships. The first Azov hike ended with defeat. The reasons for the defeat were Peter clear - the absence of a well-trained army and fleet.

    Peter decided to create his own navy. In 1696, the construction of the fleet began in the city of Voronezh. For a very short time, 30 warships were built.

    So, Peter I laid the greatest case - the creation of the navy in Russia. 1696 is considered the date of the founding of the Russian Fleet.

    In the same 1696, Peter begins the second Azov campaign. When Russian ships appeared at the walls of Azov, the Turks did not believe their eyes - even recently, the Russians had no fleet. This time Azov was taken. To strengthen Russia's position in the south, Peter needed a harbor for the future fleet. Not far from Azov Peter I laid the city of Taganrog. But to keep the access to the sea, there was a long and stubborn fight against the Master of the Black Sea - the Ottoman Empire. Alone, Russia could not lead it: they needed allies, loans, weapons. four

    In 1697, a delegation from Russia is sent to Europe, the so-called "great embassy" consisting of 250 people.

    In the "Great Embassy" was the king himself under the name of Peter Mikhailov. He was 25 years old. The purpose of the "Great Embassy" was:

      find allies in the fight against the Ottoman Empire;

      get acquainted with Western customs, laws, culture;

      notify Western countries about the prosperous beginning of Peter's Board;

      invite to the service to Russia foreign specialists of various professions, primarily the connoisseurs of military and maritime business.

    The delegation visited Holland, England, Austria, Saxony, Vatican. In some countries, Peter provided the appropriate royal honors, in others they watched as a boys.

    This led Peter into rabies. He even wanted to prove to everyone in Europe that he was not inferior to the Western European rulers. Peter acquainted with customs, laws, science, technology and political structure of Western European countries. This acquaintance persuaded Peter in the need to transform all spheres of Russian life in Western European samples. But the main task is to decide - to conclude an antitaryo union Peter failed.

    In June 1698, in Vienna Peter received a message about the uprising in Moscow. They often did not pay salary, and because of the inattention to their needs, they constantly raised the uprisings. Peter reported that they plunged his murder. The king immediately returned to Moscow and immediately led the legal execution of Sagittarov. Only in October 1698, 799 Streltsov was executed. Moreover, Peter himself chopped the head of the Archers and ordered it to do his approximate. Moscow was shocked by the cruelty of the young king. Peter was convinced of his right. Later he said: "If I were not cruel, I would not have been a Russian king for a long time."

    So, in Europe, Peter conclude an Ontitaretsky Union failed. But he found allies against Sweden, which gave the opportunity to start the struggle for entering the sea in the north. In 1699-1700 g. Peter concluded against Sweden the Northern Union as part of Russia, Denmark, Commonwealth, Saxony. five

    In 1700, Russia declared War of Sweden. The Northern War began (1700-1721). The King of Sweden at that time was Karl XII.

    He was only 18 years old (Peter was 28), but he turned out to be a talented commander. The first serious clash of Russian and Swedish troops occurred in 1700 at the Fortress of Narva. The Russian army was commanded by the French Duke de Saint Crook, recently adopted in Russian service. Poorly trained Russian troops immediately fled from the battlefield. Alive only Semenovsky, Preobrazhensky and Soldier Leftov Regiment. In respect of their military resilience, only the Swedes were allowed to leave the battlefield with their own weapons. The commander of the Russian army Duke de Saint Krosa himself presented his sword of the Swedam, almost all military commander followed his example. The Russian army lost six thousand people, the entire officer composition consisting of mercenaries - foreigners, all artillery.

    The Russian army was crushed. She suffered the most crushing defeat in his entire history.

    After the Narva battle, Karl XII decided that Russia was finally dropped out of the war, and all his effort sent against Poland - Russia's allied in the Northern War. There, for three years, he fought against the Polish king of August II, pushing it from the Baltic provinces.

    Under Narva, Peter I and the Russian army suffered a military disaster. But Peter I had a valuable quality: he could remove lessons even from his defeats. He came to the conclusion that, without the strong army and the Navy, Sweden did not overcome and not to win the exit to the Baltic Sea. 6.

    Army restoration.

    Peter began to create a regular army, artillery, troops and the training of officers. The construction of warships began in Arkhangelsk. Their wolf across Karelia began to overpay in the Lake Ladoga. And already in 1702, the Swedish fortress Noteburg (nut, later Shlisselburg) was taken. But to strengthen the Baltic Sea, Russia in Baltic needed to have a city that would be a fortress, trading harbor, shipyards for the construction of the future fleet.

    And in the spring of 1703, the mouth of the Neva on the rented island, on the original Russian lands, the construction of a military fortress began. On June 29, the day of honor of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in the fortress was laid church in the name of the Holy Apostles. After that, the fortress began to be called Petropavlovskaya. Soon in the fortress under the leadership of the Italian architect Domenico, the construction of the Petropavlovsky Cathedral began. Petropavlovsky Cathedral became a symbol of the city and the tomb of the royal dynasty. In 1725, Petri was drunk here, and then all the Romanovs. The city was called St. Petersburg. In 1713, Peter postponed the capital of Russia here. 7.

    In 1704, the Russian army took Narva and Derpt. Karl XII all this time was in Poland. In 1704, at the insistence of Charles XII, the Polish Sejm lowered August and proclaimed the Karl Xii King of Stanislav Leschinsky. After that, Karl Xii decided to move to Moscow. In the Russian border, the Swedes met stubborn resistance, which did not expect. Karl XII turned to Ukraine to give recreation troops. The Swedish army lacked food, ammunition. From Riga, a 16-thousand building of one of the best Swedish generals A.L. Levwengount with a total of 8 thousand cart. On September 28, 1708, the village of Forest (Blitz Mogileva), the Russian 12-thousand squad led by Peter was broken. It was a major victory of Russian troops over the surpassing forces of the Swedes, she had a big, first of all, moral meaning.

    At this time, the hetman of Ukraine was Ivan Mazepa, who dreamed of the Office of Ukraine from Russia and the creation of an independent Ukrainian state

    Mazepa promised the Swedish king that 40,000 Cossacks will be in Ukraine for the fight against Russian under his banners (in fact, no more than 7 thousand Cossacks passed on the side of the Swedes). Malorosiysk Cossacks in the overwhelming majority remained true to Russia. The next Swedes decided to settle Poltava, where food reserves were so necessary for his troops.

    Poltava battle.

    On June 27, 1709, a decisive battle took place early in the morning between Russian and Swedish shelves - Poltava Battle.

    Before that, Karl XII did not lose a single battle. After Narva, the Swedish king believed that it was worth it to start the battle, as the Russians immediately escape. But Peter I thoroughly prepared for a new battle. The army became unrecognizable, her artillery appeared. In addition, Peter I tactically managed to replay Karl XII. Karl XII without preparation in "Lob" threw all his strength on Russian positions. In military science, this is a crazy reception, but often he brings victory.

    Peter I divided my forces into two battalions. The first line of defense of the Russian Swedes wrapped a mad attack. She was broken. It's time to enter into battle the main forces of the Russians - the second battalion. Before this, Peter turned to the troops with simple and clear words, the essence of which can be reduced to the following: "You are fighting for me, and for the state, Peter was presented. As for me, I know, Peter life is not the road, only Russia would live. " The second battalion in the attack Peter I led himself. Two hours on the Swedes in the focus of the Russian artillery. The Swedes could not stand the terrible slaughter and ran from the battlefield. By 11 o'clock in the morning, the Swedish army is the strongest in Europe - ceased to exist. Of the 30 thousand Swedish soldiers, 9 thousand were killed, 3 thousand were captured. Another 13 thousand were captured during the prosecution. Karl XII, a traitor Ivan Mazepa and the entire headquarters of the Swedish army fled to Turkey.

    The value of the Poltava battle in Russian history is very large:

      Russia was delivered from Swedish conquest;

      The arrangement of forces in the northern war radically changed;

      Poltava battle put Russia into a number of great European powers: From now on, all the most important issues of European politics will be solved with the participation of Russia. eight

    Prut hike.

    In 1710, the Ottoman Empire, not measured with the loss of Azov, declared Russia to Russia. Russia began the war on two fronts.

    In early 1711, Peter I with the army moved to the borders of Moldova. At the same time, Peter I enlisted by the support of the Lord Moldova - D. Kantemir, Valahia-Brankuna, in addition, he was promised to promote Poland. Turkish Sultan, fearing the universal revolt of Christians in the Balkans, suggested Peter the world with the transfer of Russia to all lands to the Danube: Novorossia, Bessarabia, Moldova, Valachia. Peter answered with refusal. But on the river Prut, the situation for the Russian army became desperate: the Russian 40-thousand camp turned out to be pressed against the river 130 thousand Turkish army. The Turks set their artillery at altitudes and could defeat the Russian army at any time. The situation was unheard of: the king himself could be captured. It was another military catastrophe. Preparing for the worst, Peter I, nevertheless, prepared Decree by Senate: In the event of a captivity, its sovereign does not consider it from the captivity of the captivity. The fate of Peter and the Russian army was in the hands of the commander of the Turkish army - a Vizier of Balseppet.

    Peter I decided to enter into negotiations with the Turks. To lead them was instructed by a talented diplomat P.P. Shafirova. Only due to his diplomatic art, the king was delivered from the unprecedented shame. Russia gave Azov, broke taganrog, strengthening on Don and Dniester. Peter I pledged to also not interfere in Polish affairs and give a pass Karl XII to Sweden. nine

    Gangut battle 1714 year.

    After the defeat in the south, Peter even more decisively began to act a promotion of Sweden. Sweden lost his entire army under Poltava, but it retained her powerful fleet on the Baltic. Peter thoroughly prepared for maritime battles: the Baltic fleet was actively built, enhanced training of personnel.

    In 1714, Cape Gangut Swedish fleet was defeated from the Russian Fleet.

    It was the first victory of the young Russian fleet.

    At Ganguta, a new naval power was born - Russia.

    Karl XII in 1718 died at the siege of the fortress in Norway. The Swedish Queen Ulric - Eleonora - Sister Charles - decided to continue the war. In 1720, Russian troops landed on the territory of Sweden itself. In the same year, the island of Greengam was obsessed with a second large victory sea over the Swedes. The Swedes were forced to sit at the negotiating table. 10

    Caspian campaign.

    Starting from the XVI century, the Russians sought to east: they were attracted by India - a country of irrelevant wealth. During the reign of Peter, there was a search for a landfill to India. Two squads were equipped, but they did not even have cards, so they were completed with failure. Having finished the Northern War, Peter I again turned his eyes to the east. Back in 1718, Russia concluded a trade agreement with the Persion. But the anarchy reigned in Persia, the Persian treaty was not respected, which brought great losses of Russian trade. Taking advantage of the internal political crisis in Persia, it was decided to take against Persia. In the spring of 1722, Russian troops went from Astrakhan on the banks of the Caspian Sea to Persia. Significant collisions did not happen. By the fall of 1722, Northern Persia was attached. Three Persian provinces - with Baku, Derbent, Astrabad - became the Russian region.

    PeterI. - Reformer.

    The reform of the army and the navy.

    During the Northern War, a powerful army and a navy, equipped with an armament, artillery, were created in the country. The Dopeprovsk army possessed poor learning, weak weak weak armaments, the lack of discipline, it was generated by the fact that the warrior - the estate holder was not a reason to risk himself in the name of his sovereign and the state. "Peter saw the reason for the failures of the Russian army in the XVII century, as well as near Narva in the absence of" orders "- a clear organization," regularity "(the concept covering and expressesing the meaning and purpose of the army reform)." eleven

    "Since 1705, the government makes the next step - stops receiving in Voltaritsa and proceeds to the set in the so-called recruits directly from the peasant population, which was not before. This was caused by the acute shortage of people in the army of the need, which could no longer be met by volunteers and "dreak". The recruit system fully responded to the peculiarities of the social and economic structure of the country. If the recruit system was developed for 5 years, the device of the entire army was developed at about ten years, up to Poltava, when Peter was finally convinced of the correctness of the selected solutions.

    The basis of the army was infantry. Along with infantry shelves, the Grenadorians were created, the soldiers of which, in addition to ordinary weapons, were equipped with grenades. No smaller changes have undergone cavalry. It consisted of dragoon regiments, equipped with cavalryers who were trained in fighting in a walk. The pride of the Russian army was rapidly restored after Narva lesion artillery, divided into oblivious, field and siege. The artillery were attributed and created by Peter Engineering Parts. In addition, garrison troops placed in numerous fortresses appeared in Russia. In the 1720s, the so-called Landminia was created (territorial troops, diothed at the time) of those who lived in the south of Odnodvords. They struck the dangerous southern borders. In detail and deeply developed the system of organization and management of the army. During the first quarter of the XVIII century, central institutions were created, which made the needs of the army: Military, Admiraltei, Provider orders, for a shift in 1718 - 1719, the military and admiralty collegium came. The highest tactical unit, as before, remained the regiment. The shelves were united in brigades, brigades - in the division. The actions of the army were directed to her brains - field (General) headquarters led by General Field Marshal. According to European practice, the command was introduced, the command of the troops: the infantry was commanded by General from infanteria, cavalry - general from cavalry, artillery - Feldsister General. An indispensable attribute of the management of the army was the functioning of the Military Council - the meeting of all the highest generals on the most important issues of hostilities. Accordingly, the new strategic and tactical principle has changed the concept of training troops to combat actions. For the replacement of the previous characters once a year, a permanent preparation comes to rare training shooting, which does not end with the transformation of the recruit in the "right" soldier. This preparation is focused on active hostilities.

    At the heart of the tactical learning of the troops of Peter lay not only some purely technical techniques, but also upbringing responsibility, initiatives, conscious discipline, that is, all of whether the army cannot exist. Of particular importance in these conditions, military statutes were acquired, regulations - in one word, the Code of Military Law. Peter paid them to making a lot of attention, bringing them the basis of the life of the army, and the whole society. Alexei Mikhailovich Alexei Mikhailovich was replaced by Alexei Mikhailovich at the beginning of the 18th century: "Building position", "institution for battle", etc.

    In 1716, the famous "Charter of Military" was published, which were determined not only the organization and device of the army, the duties of military personnel, the basics of the construction and field service, but also military criminal, administrative laws. " 12

    Peter left after himself a military organization, which has proven its brilliant battle qualities and component one of the indisputable and glorious merit of the converter. I had important for the organization of the army, there was a chance of ranks, but it had a value for civilians. This legislative act determined the procedure for passing the service, both military and civilian officials. The Tabel provided a gradual promotion up the service staircase, but did not exclude the possibility of the return movement.

    Nigines Military



    Admiral General



    Artillery General; General from Cavalry; General from infanteria.

    Responsible secret adviser.

    vice Admiral. Counter-admiral


    major General.

    Secret advisor. Valid Stat adviser.

    Captain Commander


    State Councillor.

    Captain I rank.


    College adviser.

    Captain II rank.

    Lieutenant colonel.


    Fleet Captain Lieutenant. Artillery captain.

    III rank.

    College Assestor.

    Fleet Lieutenant. Artillery captain.

    Captain or Rothmist.

    Title Advisor.

    Artillery lieutenant.

    Headquarters-captain or headquarters-Rothmist.

    College secretary.

    Senate Secretary.

    Fleet Michman.

    Gubernsky secretary.

    Artillery constable.

    Senate registrar.

    Ensign or cornet.

    College recorder.

    Tabel was announced on January 24, 1722. The decree on the table did not allow any violations in the order of service. "The creation of a regular army was part of the task that Peter put in front of him, having received the Narva lesson. Peter did not think without the fleet of the power of his state, did not imagine without the ships of his life. The creation of the fleet was for him the first duty after the creation of an army, a natural continuation of the case, who had once begun his father, King Alexei Mikhailovich, in which the first Russian ship "Orel" was launched on the Ocean in Dedin. All these feelings are well reflected in the preamble of the maritime charter of 1720 "13.

    "Construction of the Petrovsky Fleet, as is known, began in Voronezh in 1695 - 1696. Peter himself was an extraordinary shipbuilder, who offered a lot of new technical solutions, starting with the design and ending with the use of ships. Simultaneously with the construction of ships in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt, high-power naval bases were created, supplemented by the base in Estlandia (Rogervik; now Paltsky). In Kronstadt, a unique system of channels and gateways was built, which allowed to repair unimpeded, arm and even stored in the offseason on the banks of huge ships "14.

    Petrovskaya time became the flourishing of the gallery fleet known from the ancient times. Peter correctly appreciated its importance to combat the enemy in shallow schoras of Finnish and the Bathrooms. "The fleet needed an officer who knows the naval business, and the shipyard in the shipbuilders. Neither those nor others in Russia were, and the king goes to an unusual step - sends the young nobles abroad to study the sea. In December 1696, Peter came the thought to gear abroad the embassy, \u200b\u200binstructing him about the organization of the coalition of European powers to continue to fight the Ottoman Empire. The embassy, \u200b\u200bin addition, should be hired abroad specialists in Russian service, buy weapons, as well as attach a new batch of nobles for training. The program of their training envisaged mastering the minimum of naval knowledge, and then the art of shipbuilding. " fifteen

    Economic reforms

    "It's completely indisputable that the success of the Army of Peter on the battlefields would be impossible without serious transformations in the economy of the then Russia: the victory weapon of the Noteburg, Poltava, Ganguta was discharged in the forge of the Urals, Tula, Petrovsky factories. Undoubtedly, in the years of the reign of Peter in the field of economy, a radical reform was carried out, which had far leading consequences. In the first quarter of the XVIII century, a sharp economic leap occurred in Russia. The industrial construction of the Petrovskaya era took place in unprecedented pace times: for 1695 - 1725, no less than two hundred manufactories of various profiles arose, that is, ten times more than them at the end of the XVII century, and it was with an even more impressive growth of the volume of products. The most characteristic feature of the economic boom in Russia began the beginning of the XVIII century in the determining role of an autocratic state in the economy, its active and deep penetration into all areas of economic life. Such a role was due to many factors "16.

    Peter I was a commitment to the economic concept of mercantilism that was dominated then in Europe. This concept proceeded from the fact that the basis of the wealth of the state and the necessary condition for its existence is the accumulation of money at the expense of the active balance of trade, the export of goods on other people's markets and the imperative import of goods to its own. Already one in itself intended the intervention of the state in the sphere of the economy.

    Both ways of developing public entrepreneurship are the intensification of old industrial areas and the creation of new ones - especially cleared on the example of metallurgy - the basics of military power. The treasury has invested huge funds in the expansion of iron, guns, weapons in the areas of traditional production - in Karelia, Voronezh-Tambov Territory, in the center. Here, new plants were built here in a short time, the old workers were expanded, often selected from those entrepreneurs who were not able to quickly cope with huge orders of the treasury.

    Actively use the experience of acting enterprises, while the best masters relocate the local administration to a new place - such methods of creating new manufactories under Peter the first. In addition, Petrovsky residents in Western Europe have been actively invited by foreign mining professionals and metallurgists who fired to Russia from Germany, England and other countries. A powerful metallurgical base allowed to expand and metalworking production, more precisely - the weapon industry. In Tula, famous for its gunsmiths, in 1712 a large weapon plant was founded, and in 1721 the same - Sestriantsky appeared.

    Peter I took energetically for the creation of manufactories in the light industry. In 1696-1697, a canvas manufacturing manufactory was founded, the requirements for which, with the beginning of the construction of the fleet, were huge. This manufactory was called a khamovny yard. At the beginning of the XVIII century, a cabled yard was built in Moscow - a manufactory for the manufacture of ship's tackles, as well as leather and spindlers providing an army and siders. At the beginning of the century, feverishly erected, mainly in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and other executive manufactories: paper, buttercaming, busty, cloudy, linen.

    The enterprises were based with the optimal approach to sources of raw materials, their construction was used on their construction, the cheap work of the local population was used, low-paid unqualified workers were gained from it. For the organization of production attracted experienced specialists - both Russians and foreigners.

    As a result of Petrovskaya policies in the economic field, a powerful industry was created in the economic field, capable of fully ensuring military and state needs and does not depend on imports. The creation of its own industry, the state combined with the organization of its own trade - mainly for profit from the running goods within the country and export abroad of such goods that would give the state to buy ships, weapons, raw materials for industry.

    The state captured the trade in the most primitive, but very effective way - the introduction of a monopoly on the workpiece and the sale of certain goods both within the country and outside it.

    The participation of the treasury in trade inevitably led to the limitation, the regulation of the trade activities of Russian merchants, was a consequence of the disorder, the disorganization of the trade turnover, the suffocation of a free, based on the market economies of entrepreneurship.

    "Government monopolies, taxes, durability - these were the power used by the Petrovsky state to obtain the largest amounts of money to solve their tasks." The autocratic state sought at the expense of merchants and his professional business - trade rapidly get money and goods to solve their grandiose problems.

    During the Northern War, there were also exorbitant members of the peasants. Only one list of them makes an impression on us. Means were several species:

      human (recruits);






    "Cash taxes shared on constant and extraordinary. The dimensions of constant taxes remained stable for many years. They were formed from several tax groups. "Customized" taxes are central to the needs of the central departments.

    In the early 10s of the XVIII century, constant taxes appeared on the construction of a new capital: "Money for the St. Petersburg city business for a brick case", "on a well-known zinch", "money for supplies and the case of ships." A significant group of permanent money taxes was class taxes, that is, those that paid individual estates.

    "Customs", St. Petersburg and estate constant taxes were complemented by local payments, distinguished in each province, province and even a county. If you combine them in value, these are fees to the local administration, garrisons, mail content, roads, bridges and so on. Permanent and even emergency cash taxes were only a minor part of the total mass of state duties. The most difficult was extraordinary duties, usually mixed: monetary, natural, monetary, underwater-monetary and effort and so on. " (Anisimov p. 134).

    Two censuses of the population were held - in 1710 and 1718. According to the census of 1718, the unit of the Cover became the "soul" of the male, regardless of the age, with which the pillow was charged to fall in the amount of 70 kopecks per year (from state peasants - 1 ruble 10 kopecks per year). It ordered the applying policies and sharply raised state revenues (about 4 times; by the end of the board of Peter, they constituted 12 million rubles per year).

    Reform of the state apparatus

    The most important was the reform of the state apparatus, management. In Russia, the state by that time begins to play an unusually large role in all spheres of life, and in ideology it is literally the cult of the absolutist state. At the same time, the former state apparatus containing many archaic traits in himself, did not cope with the tasks that standing in front of him, the state car gave failures ...

    By decree on March 2, 1711, the Senate was formed. He replaced the Boyar Duma. What did not suit Peter Boyarskaya Duma, what is the meaning and importance of the reform?

    The answer to these questions was given by V.I. Lenin: "The monarchy of the XVII century with the Boyarskaya Duma is not similar to the Chinooky-noble monarchy of the XVIII century." Consequently, the difference between the monarchy of the XVII century from the monarchy of the XVIII century consisted of the fact that the first accompanied the Boyarskaya Duma, while the characteristic feature of the second was the management of the country with the help of other than officials. Appointments in the Senate, as well as the exemption from the presence in it, were made by the king, guided by this not by the breed, but the abilities of the candidate for senators. As a result, the dependence of the senator from the king was immeasurably large. This manifested itself one of the features that approved in Russia absolutely, that is, an unlimited monarchy. The marked features of the Senate crystallized a lot later, and now this body of March 1711 was created in a hurry, without clear ideas about his rights and responsibilities. Already the first phrase of the declaration of historians caused and evokes disputes about which institution was presented to the king of the Senate: temporary or permanent. She picked up: "Defended to be for the opposites of our Government Senate for Management."

    From the text it is that the institution was created "for the opposites of ours", that is, at the time of stay of the king outside the capital, in this case, hike to the borders of the Ottoman Empire. In fact, the Senate continued to exist and after the return of Peter from the campaign. The duties of the Senate did not immediately. Three editions of the decree preserved with the transfer of assignments to Senate during the absence of the king.

    "The Senate had the right to publish decrees that everyone had to obey under the fear of punishment and even the death penalty. The Senate kept the courts, punished the wrong judges, was supposed to take care of trade, watching all expenses, but his main goal was to collect money. All senators had equal voices. Senate, jurisdictions were the governors, and for each province in the Senate itself, the so-called mistakes with the attainments were established. The Office of the Senate, except for the boots, had three tables: secret, conjuring and discharge. The Office of the Government of the Senate had to be non-extently commissars from the provinces to accept the royal decrees of the following in the province and to report the Senate of information on the need of the province; They led to a relationship with their gubes through a narrative or via mail.

    Together with the institution of the Senate followed the establishment of fiscals. The main fiscal for the whole state was called Ober-Fiscal. He had to be tested to secretly and test: there is no omissions and abuses in the treasury collection, whether the wrong court is not made, and for whom will notice the wrong, at least behind a noble person, must declare before the senator; If the denunciations will be fair, then one half of the fine, which is charged with the perpetrator, went to the treasury, and the other came in favor of Ober Fiscal for the opening of abuse. Under the Ober Fiscal Office, Provincial Fiscals were provincial, with the same duties and rights in the provinces as well as Ober-Fiscal in general. Under the authority of the latter, city fiscals were held. Fiscals should have been supervised above; Everyone had to promote them in every possible way - everything, for their own benefit, was invited to the consecration.

    With the institution of the Town Hall Senate, although it was not destroyed, but lost its former importance, and the authorities of the governors began to stretch on the trade estate.

    The governors were given to the Yamskoy case, and the Yam's order was abolished. On them, the finding of metal ores was entrusted, and the order of ore affairs existed so far was destroyed. In order to transform the coin system, a special place was established, the so-called Foreign Chamber "17.

    In 1718, old orders were eliminated and the colleges were introduced instead. Only 11 colleges were established:

      College "Stranger Affairs";

      College of military affairs;

      Admiralty College (by naval affairs);

      Camera College (by the collection of government revenues);

      College staff (by the state expense eating);

      Revision board;

      Berg-College (made by the mining industry):

      Manufactory-board (made by the rest industry);

      Commerce College (made by trafficking).

    A promoted collegium was established a few later, which was made by the affairs of the placed order, and the Justice College. To replace the former, very chaotic order management, new central institutions of the industry type have come. The president was standing at the head of each college, with the vice-president, several college advisers and the tracks. In each college was the office led by the College Assistor and the archivist. The personal office of Peter, which was called "Cabinet" was of great importance.

    The breakdown was subjected to all regional control. Decree on December 18, 1708, he informed the intention to create 8 provinces. Before the implementation of the provincial reform, the country was divided into 250 counties, directly submitted to central institutions in Moscow - orders. Now the interim authority was to appear between the county administration and orders - the provincial authorities.

    The head of the provincial administration was the governors who used on the managed territory with all the completeness of judicial, administrative and military authorities. The governors of Peter appointed people close to himself. At the head of the St. Petersburg province, Menshikov, Voronezh - Admiral Fedor Matveyevich Apraksin, Kazanskaya - his brother Peter Matveevich, Moscow - Boyarin Tikhon Nikitich Streshnev. The provincial institutions had to start working since 1710. The whole country was divided into 8 provinces: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Smolensk, Arkhangelsk, Kazan, Azov and Siberian. Later, three more new provinces were formed: Nizhny Novgorod, Astrakhan and Riga, and Smolenskaya was disbanded. The governor had his own staff. In 1713, an attempt was made to create under the Governor "Consilium" (Council) from local nobles.

    The provincial institutions had to strengthen the local administration. The huge rights of the governor allowed him to promptly suppress outbreaks of discontent in the very germ. The institution of the province gave the government another advantage - it became possible to more effectively charge taxes, recruit recruits and mobilize people for construction work.

    Efficiency was ensured by the presence of governors of military teams used and for dismissing arrears, and to bring to the service to the army and in the fleet of peasants and citizens.

    In 1719, the regional reform was further developed: the province was the main administrative unit on the ground. A total of 50 provinces were formed. At the head of each of the provinces stood a governor, depending on the governor. The governor led the Office of Recruit Collection, search, providers, customs and other institutions. Each province in turn was divided into districts. At the head of each district was the Commissioner from the local nobility. One of the measures to strengthen state power in the field was the system of quartering of troops.

    Shekkova District was of great importance as a military-police administrative unit. As a result of the reforms of the state apparatus and the authorities in the field in Russia, a state was created, which in historical literature was successfully called the "regular state". It was an absolutist bureaucratic state, permeated with surveillance and espionage. Naturally, in such a state, democratic traditions, never in Russia, were in very unfavorable circumstances. They continued to live in the everyday life of the peasant community, Cossack Volnice. But democracy was more and more sacrificed to the gross authoritarian rule, accompanied by the extraordinary growth of the role of the individual in Russian history. One of the external manifestations of this was the adoption by the Russian king of the title of Emperor and the transformation of Russia into the empire, which was reflected in the public consciousness and in culture.

    Church reform

    A prominent place among Peter's transformations occupies a spiritual reform. Peter knew perfectly well the struggle for the power of his father with Patriarch Nikon, he also knew the attitude of the clergy to his transformations. At this time, the Patriarch in Russia was Adrian. Relations between Peter and Patriarch were clearly strained. Peter perfectly understood the desire of the Church to subjugate secular power - this led to the events that were conducted in this area. In 1700, Patriarch Andrian died, but the king was in no hurry with the election of a new patriarch. The leadership of the church was transferred to Ryazan Metropolitan Stefan Yavorsky, he was declared a victorian of the Patriarchal throne. Although in the face of Yavorsky Peter and did not see an active supporter, but at least Yavorsky is not very violently opposed to Peter's policies.

    On the road Peter became another problem - splitting. "Peter had to start a fight against splitting. Raskolniki, owning large wealth, refused to take part in common insights: to come to service, military or civil. Peter found a solution to this issue - he posted them with double tax. Raskolnikov refused to pay - struggle broke out. Raskolnikov executed, referred to reference or stroke "18. Peter sought to protect himself from the influence of the Church, in connection with this, he begins to limit the rights of the church and its chapters: the bishop council was created,

    collected periodically in Moscow, and then, in 1711, after the creation of Synod - the head of the church lost the last strokes of independence. Thus, the church was completely subordinated to the state. But the king perfectly understood that the submission of the Church was impossible to subordinate the church. And in 1721, the Holy Synod was created, which made the churches. "The Synod was put in one rank with the Senate, above all the other colleges and administrative bodies. The structure of the Synod did not differ from the structure of any college. 12 people included in the synod. He headed the Synod president, 2 vice president, 4 advisers, 5 of the Assistors 19. In 1722 Names have been changed. Stephen Yavorsky was appointed president of Synod. After the death of Yavorsky, his duties actually performed Feofan Prokopovich, a person, according to Peter, smart and educated. He was familiar with Peter for a long time, from 1716, when the king noticed this young and eloquent preacher and called him to St. Petersburg. Since that time, Feofan Prokopovich became an active assistant to the king in the compilation of a number of new reforms. From the church department, he defended the ideas and aspirations of the king - the converter.

    "By decree of January 25, 1721, the Synod was founded, and already on January 27, the convened convened members of the Synod brought the oath and on February 14, 1721, a solemn discovery occurred. The spiritual regulation, to lead the activities of the Synod, was written by Feofan Prokopovich and corrected and approved by the king. " The spiritual regulation is a legislative act that determined the functions, rights and obligations of the Synod, its members to manage the Russian Orthodox Church. He equated the members of the Synod to members of other government agencies. The church from now on completely obeyed the secular power. Even the secret of confession was disturbed. By decree of the Synod dated March 26, 1722, all priests were prescribed to convey to the authorities about the intention to commit treason or riot. In 1722, the church reform was completed by setting the position of the Ober-Prosecutor of the Synod. Thus, the church lost its independent political role and turned into an integral part of the bureaucratic apparatus.

    There is nothing surprising that such innovations caused the clergy discontent, it was for this reason that they were on the opposition side and participated in the reaction conspirs.

    Not only the appearance of the control of the church has changed, but also inside the church there were radical changes. Peter did not complain nor "white" nor "black" monks. Seeing in the face of the monasteries, an article by unjustified costs, the king decided to reduce the expense of finance for this sphere, stating that he would tell the monks to holiness to holiness not with sturgeon, honey and wines, and bread, water and work for the benefit of Russia. For this reason, the monasteries were charged with certain taxes, in addition to this, they were supposed to engage in carpentry, icon painting, spinning, sewing, etc. - All the fact that it was not contraindicated in monogram.

    The creation of such a type of management and the organization of the church himself was explained as follows: "From the Cathedral Board, it is possible not to be afraid of the Fatherland of the rebellion and embarrassment, which occurs from the one-owned government of the spiritual ..." 20.

    Thus, Peter eliminated the threat to the attempt of spiritual power to secular and put the church to the service of the state. From now on, the church was part of the support on which an absolute monarchy stood.

    The reforms of Peter the Great touched various spheres of society. In 1699, Peter issued a decree on calendar change. Earlier, the summer was conducted on the Calendar of the Byzantine Sample: the new year began on September 1. Since 1699, the new year was to start on January 1, according to the European sample. This reform caused great discontent, because Earlier, the summer was conducted from the creation of the world, and in terms of the new way 1700, it was supposed to come only after 8 years.

    In the new 1700, a decree was issued on the creation of the first pharmacies in Moscow; Another decree was forbidden to wear knives under the fear of whip or reference. In 1701, the liberal spirit of the new reign was expressed in a number of decrees: it was not allowed to fall on his knees when the sovereign appears; Strip the head in winter by passing by the palace. In 1702, a series of reforming family life came: attempts were made to ensure the marriage union by more strong moral guarantees.

    After visiting France, Peter issues a decree on hospitality. The position of a woman in society radically changes. Peter tried to introduce it to modern secular life, following the existence of the West, ensure the highest circles to new formats of passage.


    On the scale of interests and the ability to see the main thing in the problem of Peter the first difficult to find equal in Russian history. Woven from the contradictions, the emperor was under to become his huge Power, which he like a giant ship removed from a quiet harbor to the world ocean, sweeping tina and stumps and burns on board.

    Changes in all sectors and spheres of the socio-economic and political life of the country, which gradually accumulated and were brewing in the XVII century, turned out in the first quarter of the XVIII century to a high-quality jump. Moskovskaya Rus has turned into a Russian empire. In its economy, the level and form of the development of productive forces, the political structures, structure and functions of the authorities, management and court, in the organization of the army, class and thesis structure of the population, in the culture of the country and the life of the people there were huge changes. The place and role of Russia in the international relations of the time changed radically changed.

    The transformation of the first quarter of the XVIII century. Wore a progressive character. The country has gained access to the Baltic Sea. It was finished with political and economic isolation, the international prestige of Russia was strengthened - it became a great European power. The dominant class has strengthened in general. A centralized bureaucratic system of the country management was created.

    Increased the power of the monarch, and absolutism was finally established. A step forward made Russian industry, trade, agriculture. The new impetus was developed by Russian culture. These were the undoubted successes of Russia in the first quarter of the 18th century. However, the country continued to dominate serfdom, developed by stirre and deep into. Peter's reforms met the fierce resistance to the trodovit boyar aristocracy and the tops of the clergy. In the fight against them, Peter I did not stop before violent, even with his own son Alexei, who had in the reaction camp. Solving persecution was subjected to any performance of the masses against the existing system.

    Reforms of the first quarter of the semi-in. Inseparable from the personality of Peter I - an outstanding commander, political and statesman who has puts its talent and the ability to serve the nobility class. It is a "really great man," said Peter I F. Engels. Contradictive, in many respects explained by the peculiarities of his time the figure of Peter constantly attracted and attracts the attention of writers, artists, theater and cinema figures, composers.

    Tsar Peter I played a huge role in Russian history.

    List of used literature

      Anisimov E. Time Petrovsky Reforms - SPb.: Lenzdat, 1989.

      Bogdanov A.P. In the shadow of the Great Peter - M.: Armada, 1989.

      Buganov V.I., Zyryanov P. N. History of Russia End of the XVII - XIX century. - M.: Thought, 1995.

      Klyuchevsky V.O. Historical portraits - M.: True, 1991.

      Knyazkov S. from the past land of Russian. The time of Peter the Great - M.: Thought, 1991

      Kostomarov N.I. Russian history in the lives of her main figures. Book III. - M.: A / O "Book and Business", 1992.

      Pavlenko N.I. Peter first and his time - M.: Education, 1989.

      Pavlenko N.I. Around the throne - M.: Thought, 1998.

      Fishermen B.A. History of the USSR since ancient times until the end of the XVIII century - M.: Higher School, 1975.

      Solovyov S.M. Reading and stories on the history of Russia - M.: True, 1989.

      Cheese S.N. Pages of history - M.: Russian, 1983.

    1- Klyuchevsky V.O. "Historical portraits", Moscow, Publisher "Pravda", 1989 p. 14-18

    Bogdanov L.P. "In the shadow of the Great Peter", Moscow, Publishing House "Arman", 1998 p. 98-107

    2 Cheeses S.N. "Pages of History", Moscow, Russian Publishing House p. 72-74

    3 Fishermen B.A. "History of the USSR from ancient times until the end of the XVIII century," Moscow, Higher School Publishing House, 1975 pp. 107-118

    As European aristocratic reactionaries and "Colonizers ...

    Sipyagin on beliefs was conservative, monarchist and fought with ... Savinkov met with a former fellow students Petro Rutenberg, a member of the demonstration of 9 ... R. A. Combat organization of the Socialist Party revolutionaries In 1901-1911. - M.: Russian ...