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Trichomoniasis symptoms in men, causes and treatment. Treatment of trichomoniasis in men, symptoms and photos

Most sexually transmitted infections enter the body as a result of unprotected sex. Trichomoniasis is among the most common. The correct choice of medication for trichomoniasis not only determines the success of treatment, but also reduces the risk of complications.

In the article we will tell you which drugs for the treatment of Trichomonas infection are most effective and which treatment regimen should be followed in order to cure the disease completely.

Ways to eliminate infection

Trichomoniasis is an infectious disease that occurs when the mucous membrane of the genital organs is affected by the simplest microorganism Trichomonas and is sexually transmitted. In the vast majority of cases, infection occurs due to direct contact with the pathogen during unprotected intercourse.

The development of the disease occurs against the background of a decrease in the body's immunity and other infectious diseases of the genitourinary sphere.

As a result of infection, destruction of epithelial tissues occurs, multiple erosions, ulcers and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary organs occur.

Therefore, the treatment of trichomoniasis in both men and women involves taking drugs according to an individual scheme, taking into account the specifics of complications. The main objectives of treatment measures are unchanged:

  • The use of anti-trichomonas drugs for the complete elimination of infectious agents.
  • Restoration of natural vaginal microflora.
  • Normalization of the functions of the genitourinary organs.
  • Prescription of funds to strengthen the immune system.
  • Elimination of signs of the disease.
  • Treatment of complications.

Do not self-medicate. Trichomonas are able to adapt to certain medications and provoke the development of a latent form of the disease in which symptoms do not appear. It is better to let an experienced doctor determine how to treat trichomoniasis in each case.

The success of treatment depends not only on complex therapy, measures aimed at preventing reinfection are considered an important component of therapeutic measures. The best way to prevent re-infection or spread of infection is to ensure that all sexual partners of the infected person are treated.

This condition must be met even if the symptoms of the disease do not appear. Trichomonas is often observed in men and does not exclude the possibility of infecting other people.

Features of therapy

To determine how to treat a person infected with trichomoniasis, the doctor must take into account all the factors in the development of the disease - symptoms, the duration of the pathology, the presence of additional infections in the body, complications that have arisen.

The choice of medicines to eliminate Trichomonas in women involves preliminary pregnancy testing, since the infection can be transmitted to the child or lead to a miscarriage. In addition, it matters whether a woman has been previously treated for infectious inflammation of the genitourinary system.

Do not self-medicate! At the first symptoms of the disease, immediately consult a doctor for medical help!

The consequences of Trichomonas infection are eliminated not only with drugs, the optimal course of treatment provides for various methods of influencing the infection:

  • Droppers, injections, pills.
  • The use of local therapy means - ointments, gels, suppositories.
  • Washing the urinary organs with special solutions to cleanse them.
  • Irrigation of the urethra.
  • The use of membrane stabilizers for the regeneration of cells of the affected epithelium.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Taking drugs that increase vascular permeability.
  • Appointment of vitamins and other means for greater effectiveness of therapy.

The development of a complex treatment scheme for trichomoniasis is provided by the attending physician. During the entire period of treatment and prophylactic measures, sexual intercourse and the use of alcohol are prohibited.

Pills and shots to fight infection in women and men

The first and main stage in the treatment of infection is considered to be etiotropic therapy - the process of eliminating the cause of the development of pathology. Prescribed drugs for the causative agents of trichomoniasis.

When choosing a medicine for oral administration, doctors prefer imidazole-based tablets. Metronidazole is considered an effective agent in this group.

The pharmacological action of Metronidazole is the effect on the causative agents of protozoal infections. The active substance of the drug enters the pathogenic cell and stops the division process.

Eliminating trichomoniasis in both men and women, including pregnant women, the drug has the ability to accumulate in the blood in a volume that is fatal for Trichomonas.

The use of the drug for trichomoniasis is especially effective in treating the fresh form of infection, but it can be prescribed to eliminate acute and chronic forms.

Due to the physiological characteristics of the body, the treatment regimen for trichomoniasis in women involves the use of other types of drugs than in men.

For the treatment of trichomoniasis in women, vaginal suppositories Metronidazole are additionally used. Combined treatment regimens involve the simultaneous use of Metronidazole with other types of antibiotics.

Metronidazole is drunk according to the following schemes:

  • 1st day - 2 tablets of 250 mg every 12 hours. 2nd day - one tablet every 8 hours. In the next 4 days, the daily dose is 500 mg, which corresponds to taking one tablet every 12 hours.
  • A single dose of 8 tablets (2 g) of the drug.
  • 4 tablets every 12 hours for a week.

Which of the schemes is preferable is determined by the attending physician - in each case, the methods and means of treatment may differ depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and the course of the disease.

Drugs for the treatment of trichomoniasis in men and women are different from each other!

Tiberal is characterized by increased absorption and is able to reduce the symptoms of the disease within three hours after ingestion.

Tiberal is indicated for the treatment of trichomoniasis and for its prevention. During etiotropic therapy, Tiberal is taken twice a day, one tablet. To effectively treat trichomoniasis in women, Tiberal is combined with local treatment - vaginal suppositories.

Tinidazole - antibacterial tablets for trichomoniasis in women and men. Provide antiprotozoal action by destroying the structure of Trichomonas DNA and inhibiting its synthesis.

Tinidazole tablets are taken only as directed by a doctor in accordance with one of the schemes:

  • A single dose of 4 tablets of 0.5 g.
  • Drink one 0.5 g tablet every 15 minutes for an hour.
  • 0.15 g every 12 hours for a week.

Children are given tinidazole, calculating the dose - 50 mg per kg of the child's weight.

Along with this, trichomoniasis is treated with injections - their use significantly increases the effectiveness of therapy.

Ceftriaxone is the most commonly used broad-spectrum antibiotic for intramuscular administration.

Ceftriaxone belongs to the drugs of the cephalosporin series and has an antimicrobial effect against anaerobic, aerobic, gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. With trichomoniasis, Ceftriaxone can be administered both intramuscularly and intravenously - jet or drip.

Ceftriaxone is an effective remedy for trichomoniasis for men, as it quickly eliminates inflammation in the prostate gland, providing tangible relief almost instantly. The dose for one injection is calculated by the attending physician, depending on the specifics of the pathology.

With a particularly difficult course of the disease, Solkotrichovak is prescribed. The daily dose of intramuscular injection of the drug is 0.5 ml.

Specificity of local therapy

The use of local therapy agents provides an additional treatment effect, relieving the symptoms of pathology and preventing tissue destruction.

The list of effective medications for trichomoniasis infection in women includes:

  • Ornidazole vaginal suppositories. The scheme of application is a single daily administration for a week.
  • Clindamycin vaginal cream. It is used to relieve the manifestation of inflammatory processes in the vagina for 4 days.
  • Ginalgin intravaginal tablets.
  • Vaginal tablets Klion-D.

Additional remedies for trichomoniasis for women - sitz baths with herbs, douching, laying tampons soaked in a combination of urogyronin and chloramphenicol.

Given that male physiology is different from female physiology, some topical therapies that are relevant to women are not available to men. Therefore, the appropriate manifestations of pathology in men are eliminated by introducing therapeutic agents with antibacterial action into the urethra.

You can also use the methods of traditional medicine, but only as an additional treatment, coupled with the main one!

In addition, in the treatment of inflammation of the male genitourinary system, the use of creams, ointments and gels - Clotrimazole, Hexicon, Metrogyl-gel is indicated.

Traditional medicine and homeopathy are not able to provide a lasting effect in eliminating the infection, but they can achieve a temporary improvement in the condition during the period of acute development of the disease.

Treatment of trichomoniasis in men: drugs and their regimen are prescribed after a complete examination, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism. Therapy is more effective if the patient consults a doctor immediately after the onset of symptoms of an infectious disease. Self-administration of drugs and the use of alternative methods without consulting a specialist can lead to the development of serious complications, manifested by problems with potency, loss of reproductive functions, and disruption of the urinary organs.

Review of effective drugs for the treatment of the disease in men

An infectious disease caused by the urogenital type of Trichomonas requires the use of complex therapy, which includes:

  • antibacterial drugs;
  • antiprotozoal medicines;
  • funds intended for topical use;
  • complexes with vitamins and minerals;
  • immunomodulators;
  • physiotherapy procedures.

Taking medicines is carried out strictly according to the scheme developed by the attending physician.

The course should be continued until the symptoms of trichomoniasis completely disappear and negative laboratory results are obtained.

The antibacterial drug is prescribed for 7-10 days. With the development of a relapse of the infection after a month, it is prescribed again.


The following drugs have a pronounced antibacterial effect:

  1. Metronidazole. The basis of the drug is the substance 5-nitroimidazole, which is capable of destroying pathogens of the infectious process. The active ingredient inhibits the production of nucleic acids and inhibits the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. The drug has a fast action and is absorbed into the bloodstream from the intestines without residue, evenly distributed in the tissues. The appointment of metronidazole is justified for mixed infections caused by protozoa, anaerobic bacteria. The medication is not used for individual intolerance, organic pathologies of the nervous system, insufficient liver function, lactation and pregnancy (in the first 12 weeks).

  2. Trichopolus. The medicine contains 0.5 g of metronidazole and is prescribed for the treatment of anaerobic infections, including trichomoniasis. In severe cases of the disease, an intravenous injection is given, and then therapy is carried out using the tablet form of the drug. Solutions for infusion with Trichopolum are not recommended to be combined with other drugs. Contraindications are leukopenia, renal failure, impaired liver function, central nervous system.

  3. Osarsol. In the presence of allergic reactions and intolerance to medications based on metronidazole, patients are prescribed an antibiotic, the active component of which is 3-acetamino-4-hydroxyphenyl arsenic acid. Indications for use are trichomoniasis, advanced syphilis, amoebic dysentery. Osarsol can lead to the development of toxic effects, liver damage. The drug is not used for diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart, acute gastroenteritis, stomach ulcers, pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  4. Ornidazole. The main component of the drug is a 5-nitroimidazole derivative, the action of which is based on suppressing the production of nucleic acids by pathogenic microorganisms. This modern drug is rapidly absorbed in the digestive tract and has high absorption. It is prescribed for urogenital trichomoniasis, amebiasis, dysentery, giardiasis. In patients with epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, liver disease, the drug is used with extreme caution.
  5. Tinidazole. Has antimicrobial and antiprotozoal effects. Active substances penetrate into pathogenic microorganisms and disrupt the structure of DNA. The drug is prescribed for anaerobic infections affecting the genitourinary, digestive, and respiratory systems. It is not used for violations of hematopoiesis, brain pathologies, pregnancy, lactation. It is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age.
  6. Ointments and creams, gels for trichomoniasis in men

    Medicines produced in the form of ointments, gels or creams help to quickly get rid of urogenital chlamydia. Such preparations for topical use are prescribed in combination with oral medications.

    The most effective today is rosamet gel, which is based on the substance 5-nitroimidazole. The auxiliary components of the product are paraffin, wax, glycerin. Gel with metronidazole has antibacterial and antifungal effects, exhibits antioxidant activity, which is necessary in the presence of an inflammatory process. Rosamet is prescribed for urogenital trichomoniasis, vulvovaginitis, balanoposthitis and other types of infection, accompanied by papular rash. The gel is applied with a cotton swab with light rubbing movements into the foreskin and glans twice a day for 2 months.

    When using the product, an important condition must be observed - ensuring the purity of the mucous membranes and skin.

    Metrogyl gel, made on the basis of metronidazole, is prescribed for inflammation of the genitals caused by trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis and other infectious diseases. The drug reduces the production of oxygen by neutrophils, eliminating the negative effects of pathogenic bacteria. Metrogyl is not prescribed for epilepsy, liver failure, leukopenia.

    Trichomoniasis treatment regimens

    Treatment of trichomoniasis in men, drugs, the scheme is based on antibacterial effects. On average, the duration of therapy with metronidazole and its analogues is 7 days.

    The total dose of active ingredients should not exceed 3.7 grams.

    On the first day, the drug must be drunk three times, 500 mg each, on the next day and then - one tablet less. In some cases, a venereologist prescribes metronidazole for 10 days. Then a tablet or capsule is drunk twice a day, 250 mg.

    In case of intolerance to drugs based on the substance 5-nitroimidazole, patients are treated with tinidazole and its analogs. The drug is taken once in 4 tablets.

    Chronic trichomoniasis in an advanced form is treated with several medicines at once, one of which is a drug based on 5-nitroimidazole. With an advanced disease, an injection of solkotrichovak is given - a drug that has an immunostimulating effect. As an additional method of treating an infection, a man may be prescribed the introduction of a solution of silver nitrate into the urethra.

    Complications and consequences of self-medication

    Sometimes men, having discovered symptoms of inflammation, begin to use a home treatment method. Instead of antibiotics correctly selected by the doctor, the patient uses a folk recipe based on herbs. Treatment with such methods is allowed after consulting a doctor and simultaneously with medications.

    In the absence of antibiotic therapy, the inflammatory process caused by urogenital Trichomonas eventually covers all organs of the genitourinary system, which leads to the development in men:

    • chronic pyelonephritis;
    • urethritis;
    • prostatitis;
    • infertility;
    • erectile dysfunction.

    Complications can also develop if the patient does not follow the recommendations of the venereologist.

    Sometimes men, noticing the disappearance of the symptoms of trichomoniasis, stop drinking the prescribed drugs, which leads to an increase in the resistance of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, repeated treatment is ineffective and relapses of the disease develop.

    Vitamins for trichomoniasis

    In case of diseases of the genitourinary organs caused by Trichomonas, it is useful to use vitamin-mineral complexes. This is necessary to strengthen the immune system, improve the general well-being of a man. It is important that the preparations contain:

    1. Retinol. Vitamin A is a strong antioxidant, a stimulant of the formation of leukocytes, support of epithelial tissues and mucous membranes.
    2. Ascorbic acid. Increases immunity, prevents the development of anemia, improves the quality of organ tissues, strengthens the capillary network.
    3. Tocopherol. Vitamin E also has a pronounced antioxidant effect, prevents the development of malignant processes in the body, increases the elasticity of blood vessels.
    4. Zinc. This trace mineral is important for men's health. It supports the immune system, improves the reproductive function of the reproductive system, and prevents the development of inflammatory processes.

    Before purchasing a multivitamin preparation, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

    The course of treatment for chronic trichomoniasis

    Chronic infection is treated using an integrated approach. As an antibacterial agent, a drug based on 5-nitroimidazole in tablet form is prescribed. At the same time, the introduction of silver nitrate or protargol into the urethral canal is shown, the use of antiviral drugs, immunomodulators.

    If a chronic infection has caused the development of a bacterial complication, the man is treated with antibiotics belonging to the tetracycline group. With severe swelling of the tissues of the genitourinary system, allergic reactions, the patient is prescribed an antihistamine.

    At the end of the course of antibiotic therapy, the doctor prescribes probiotic medications that help normalize the intestinal microflora. As an aid, you can use herbal balm, decoctions, infusions prepared according to folk recipes. Calendula, chamomile, celandine, sage, garlic, honey have pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Treatment with non-traditional methods usually takes a long time and requires repeated courses.

    With the development of a fungal infection against the background of antibiotic therapy, a man is prescribed an antiprotozoal drug and antimicrobial ointments. An important point in the treatment of chronic trichomoniasis is full compliance with the doctor's recommendations.

    Lack of therapy for a sexual partner leads to constant relapses of an infectious disease.

    At the time of the medication course, you must refrain from intimate contacts. After treatment, venereologists recommend using barrier contraceptives and avoiding casual sexual intercourse.

    Drug prices

    All medicines are purchased by the patient only as directed by the attending physician. Some drugs require a prescription. The cost of medications prescribed for trichomoniasis is presented in the table:

    In the treatment of trichomoniasis in men, a complex of drugs is used, the main of which are antibiotics. Drug therapy is carried out only after diagnosis and identification of the type of pathogenic pathogen. The independent choice of medicines and the use of alternative methods in most cases leads to the development of complications, the most dangerous of which are prostatitis, vesiculitis and infertility.

Trichomoniasis is an STD. Sexual transmission is the most popular.

Genital, oral, anal, or even finger contact with the reproductive system of an infected person may be sufficient for infection. Oral and anal intercourse, according to most venereologists, is less contagious than traditional sex.

The causative agent of Trichomonas disease can survive for several hours in the presence of moisture. This makes the possibility of infection from dirty dishes, syringes, in pools and bathtubs, and from toilet seats very real. But due to the peculiarities of the anatomy, this method is more inherent in women.

Men are most often infected through genital sex. Many doctors believe that Trichomonas is the only STI that has been proven to be capable of domestic infection.

True, with a small degree of probability. This refers to someone else's linen, shared towel or washcloth.

The incubation period is usually from 3 days to 4 weeks. Male and female trichomoniasis has different manifestations.

Symptoms of varying degrees: slight irritation, sometimes up to inflammation. According to statistics, for about 70% of sick men, trichomoniasis is asymptomatic.

What is the causative agent of trichomoniasis

Vaginal Trichomonas is called the pathogen. Trichomonas often lives in the female body in the vagina. Therefore, it is called vaginal. It is a unicellular microbe belonging to the genus Trichomonas, the flagellate class. Their length is about twenty microns, sometimes up to forty.

The presence of flagella and undulating movements of the pathogen's membrane contribute to the formation of pseudopodia, which help penetrate the space between cells.

The presence of Trichomonas in addition to the organs of the MPS is absent. They are very unstable in the environment and open space.

Features in men

Again, 70-80% of male trichomoniasis is asymptomatic. Therefore, there is an opinion that the male half of humanity does not get sick at all. The reality is completely different.

Trichomoniasis is also common in men. They become infected during sexual intercourse with an infected woman, that is, the infection has a high contagiousness.

The main feature and danger of the disease is its low-symptom course, sometimes an imperceptible transition from an acute form to a chronic one. A malosymptomatic course leads to a late visit to the doctor, which is fraught with the development of dangerous complications. Therefore, often the appearance of urinary problems is the reason for seeking medical attention. And this is already chronic trichomoniasis, with damage to the prostate and the entire genitourinary tract.

Vaginal Trichomonas is tenacious, in the presence of sufficient humidity in the environment, for about an hour. Bathrooms, public restrooms, baths and swimming pools are unlikely, but still possible routes of infection. You need to remember this and not be surprised if trichomoniasis is detected in the absence of sexual intercourse.

Damp laundry or a towel can become infected with a carrier of trichomoniasis.

There are two options for male genital lesions:

  • asymptomatic;
  • Trichomonas inflammation of the urethra.

The asymptomatic variant is Trichomonas carriage. Most often, it is harmless to an infected man. But sometimes, unnoticed, Trichomonas carriage leads to complications. In addition, for a very long time, the carrier does not even know about his status and infects others.

The phenomena of urethritis are most often very subtle.

Untreated acute urethritis turns into almost asymptomatic chronic urethritis within a maximum of two weeks. No one has yet figured out the reasons for the further development of the disease.

Either everything ends with urethritis (spontaneous healing), or the overlying parts of the male genitourinary system are affected. Experts have not yet figured out the reasons for the asymptomatic course of trichomoniasis. It is believed that the male urethra is less comfortable for Trichomonas than the female vagina. In addition, the pathogen is washed out from the male urethra, which does not happen in women from the vagina.

The behavior of the pathogen depends on the degree of aggressiveness of a particular subspecies of Trichomonas and the immune response of the infected man. In addition to urethritis, Trichomonas can also cause balanoposthitis. This is especially the case with a long course.

Balanoposthitis is characterized by itching, hyperemia of the glans penis and superficial ulceration on it.

Deep ulcers on the glans penis form only when balanoposthitis is started. Therefore, it is better to diagnose and treat the infection early.

What tests to take for men if you suspect the presence of trichomoniasis

Examine the scrapings from the urethra.

Urination is unacceptable for three hours before taking the scrapings. Scrapings are taken for microscopic, cultural and molecular genetic research. For microscopic examination, a biomaterial is taken to identify the pathogen. A microscopic examination of the scraping is carried out on a glass slide.

During the first hour after receiving the biomaterial, a "wet" smear, that is, an unstained biomaterial, is examined.

It serves to determine the motile cells of the living Trichomonas. Such a study is effective in the acute period of trichomoniasis. In the acute period, this method is characterized by a sensitivity of 70% and a specificity of 100%. Mobility decreases with the passage of time and in the asymptomatic form (from 70 to 30%). Sometimes it is not the native material that is examined, but the already colored one. There is a search under a microscope for specific Trichomonas cells.

The size, shape and color of the cells under study are taken into account. But it must be remembered that sometimes the pathogen becomes similar in shape to an amoeba. Therefore, for microscopic examination, an experienced laboratory assistant is very desirable, who has seen Trichomonas many times through a microscope.

Cultural research is considered the gold standard, that is, inoculation in a nutrient medium. This study is very informative if trichomoniasis is practically asymptomatic. If microscopic examination has not yielded results, this method is also used.

Cultural research is sensitive - about 95%.

The duration of the study (a week or even more) characterizes the negative aspects of this method. The molecular genetic method of research includes PCR and other reactions that allow you to identify pieces of DNA (RNA) in scrapings. The method has a lower sensitivity than a culture study - about 90%. But to increase the likelihood of detecting infection, both PCR and culture studies are done.

Antibodies to the pathogen are determined by serological blood tests. It is necessary for a comprehensive assessment together with the results of the first three methods. Its disadvantage is its low efficiency.

The advantages are that antibodies to Trichomonas are present in the blood even a year after infection. After such a large amount of time, it is possible to determine whether a person had Trichomonas in the body or not.

How to diagnose

In men, if symptoms are present, then they are as follows:

  • there is the appearance of minor discharge from the urethra, pale yellow or gray-green;
  • this discharge smells like fish or mold;
  • the penis itches a little and burns;
  • sexual contact is very painful;
  • urination becomes more frequent and painful;
  • the tip of the penis becomes hyperemic;
  • discomfort in the lower third of the abdomen.

To make a diagnosis, a man, first of all, is subjected to a thorough examination of the penis and the necessary tests are prescribed, which were mentioned above.

When found in a scraping from the urethra of Trichomonas, it is necessary to study for other popular STIs.

That is, the causative agents of gonorrhea, chlamydia, HIV infection and the like. After all, Trichomonas can "swallow" STIs with its legs and "hide" it from the macrophages of the immune system.

There are lesions of the urethra, testicles and their appendages, the prostate gland and the phenomenon of vesiculitis. Quite a common phenomenon is asymptomatic, in fact - Trichomonas with high contagiousness.

In men, the symptoms are always less pronounced, so they more often infect their sexual partners than women in men. They don't even know that they are carriers of Trichomonas. And during sexual intercourse they infect their partners. The incubation period is characterized by a long time frame - from two to two hundred days.

Trichomoniasis in an erased form gives an unexpressed clinical picture. This is a consequence of a poor immune response or the action of several infections at once. Long-term presence of Trichomonas in a man's body can often lead to urethritis of non-gonococcal etiology, chronic inflammation of the prostate gland, lesions in the epididymis, or infertility.

Male trichomoniasis is acute, subacute and chronic.

Men are often only characterized by the carrier of the infection. In the acute phase, Trichomonas urethritis with symptoms of urethral lesions is observed. Very rarely, if immunity is greatly reduced, ulceration of the urethral mucosa is found. After two months, acute trichomoniasis becomes chronic, or the man passes into the stage of the carrier of the pathogen. In the chronic form, trichomoniasis is either malosymptomatic or generally asymptomatic. Dysuria with mild painful sensations and sexual dysfunction often develop.

Trichomoniasis is characterized by the absence of any symptoms. With pronounced symptoms, a man always turns to a specialist doctor for help.

The situation is worse when the symptoms of the disease are mild or absent altogether. Against the background of chronic prostatitis, which arose before Trichomonas entered the man's body, the picture of the disease is blurred. And the man, in case of exacerbation, considers the situation to be exacerbated by prostatitis. Often, it is exacerbations that are the reason for a visit to a specialist.


Complications often arise if the visit to the doctor was untimely. If trichomoniasis is diagnosed in the chronic stage and there was uncontrolled self-medication.

This threatens:

  • inflammation of the seminal vesicles;
  • inflammation of the ducts in the prostate;
  • cystitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • and even infertility.

According to many researchers, if the male reproductive organs are affected by oncological diseases, then this is also the effect of trichomoniasis.

To analyze the intensity of the spread of trichomoniasis, the ELISA method is used, which shows whether or not there are antibodies to the pathogen in the bloodstream.

Treatment methods

A good doctor always has a specific treatment. Each sick man, based on the characteristics of the course of the disease and his body, draws up his own treatment regimen. It is better to treat two people at once: both a man and a woman. A maximum of two weeks of treatment. The terms of treatment increase if complications have appeared or there have been mistakes in the choice of drugs for treatment.

Areas of treatment for trichomoniasis in men:

  • taking drugs in the form of pills;
  • intravenous medication;
  • the urethra is instilled with medicinal solutions;
  • the urethra is treated with anti-trichomonas drugs;
  • the introduction of medicinal products using intramuscular injections;
  • physiotherapeutic effect.

Than they are treated

Important conditions for the successful treatment of trichomoniasis:

  • any, even asymptomatic form, needs compulsory treatment;
  • persistent immunity is absent (re-infection is always possible;
  • if there is infection with other STIs, then they are also necessarily treated;
  • strictly follow the rules for taking medications prescribed by your doctor;
  • be treated only as prescribed by a doctor, remember that improper therapy on the advice of non-specialists can only worsen the condition;
  • refuse to take any alcoholic beverages;
  • taking drugs of general and local action should be combined, since the former destroy Trichomonas throughout the body, and the latter help fight local manifestations of the disease;
  • passing the entire course prescribed by the doctor.

Self-cancellation of treatment when there are no more symptoms of the disease is unacceptable. Just one live Trichomonas and the return of trichomoniasis is quite likely.

Trichomonas is not a bacterium; antibacterial drugs do not act on it. The patient takes special drugs, adhering to the scheme. The use of only local treatment, without a general one, does not give a positive result. Ointments or proctological suppositories alone are ineffective.

After the course of treatment, you can not have sex for a week.

The body is still too weak and susceptible to any infection. Tablets include metronidazole, tinidazole, nimorazole, ornidazole, iernidazole and other drugs from the 5-nitroimidazole group.

Trichomoniasis is treated topically with Rosamet and Rosex creams.

Preparations, dosage and duration of use are selected only by the attending venereologist. Kagocel or hepatoprotector Legalon, in chronic and complicated form, increase the immune status and improve liver function. Clarithromycin macrolide continued for five days. This gives us an antibacterial effect against another, often concomitant infection. If the symptoms are pronounced, then the use of painkillers and antispasmodics is characteristic. One week after treatment, do a control analysis (culture and PCR analysis).

Traditional methods of treatment

You need to be treated only by a doctor, with effective proven drugs. Traditional methods of treatment are only auxiliary therapy. Use the juice of garlic and aloe, a tincture of chamomile or calendula flowers.

An effective collection containing eucalyptus, yarrow, sophora, tansy. Local baths for the penis are prepared on the basis of celandine and other herbs, and baths based on 9% vinegar are also effective. Honey is also very popular. They dissolve it or make baths.


What will happen if trichomoniasis is not treated within a year or it is not treated effectively enough? This threatens with all kinds of complications - prostatitis, edema of the penis and testicles, impotence and even infertility.

Long-term presence of Trichomonas in the male body weakens his immune response. This is a good background for infections with other dangerous infections, for example, gonococcus. In addition, the risk of HIV infection increases. Severely advanced cases threaten with depletion of the body, anemia and oxygen starvation of tissues, exacerbations of cystitis and pyelonephritis.

Preventive actions

To avoid problems in the future tense, you need to take care of preventive measures.

There is public prevention:

  • educational and outreach work among people about safe sex,
  • constant monitoring and observation of people at risk;
  • educational measures for the formation of correct behavior with sexual partners;
  • identifying the distributors of STIs.

People with homosexual relationships, all kinds of homeless people, medical workers who work with blood products are at risk. Prostitutes, drug addicts and people with non-traditional sexual orientation are subject to mandatory examination. In order to identify STIs in the early stages, including Trichomonas.

Preventive measures for the male population are as follows:

  • urinate within the first two hours after sexual intercourse;
  • with a solution of Miramistin, the urethra is disinfected for five minutes (instillation is carried out).

The main thing to remember is that trichomoniasis and any STI is easier to prevent than to cure.

Trichomoniasis- a sexually transmitted disease that is sexually transmitted and, like female trichomoniasis, men do not show symptoms of trichomoniasis. A person is a source of disease, insensitive to antibacterial agents.
The causative agent of this pathology is trichomonas or Trichomonas, it belongs to the genus of the simplest microorganisms.
Trichomoniasis in men is very similar to prostatitis, for this reason, the patient may not be aware of the infection. Bottom line: infertility, chronic inflammation, and even cancer.

Physician-therapist: Azalia Solntseva ✓ Article reviewed by a doctor

Trichomoniasis - what is and symptoms in men

It is estimated that about 3.7 million people in the United States alone suffer from the disease. However, it is not only a disease of women, it is also a common condition in men that needs to be diagnosed and treated.

Infection causes genital infections and affects the urethra.

Most males suffering from this disease do not present any complaints and do not reveal objective symptoms. According to the medical community, only about a third of patients have some signs of the disorder.

With the development of symptoms of infection, the following unpleasant manifestations appear:

  • visible discharge from the penis after urinating;
  • itching or sensations of irritation and discomfort in the penis;
  • unpleasant feelings during sex;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • burning sensation during ejaculation.

The symptoms are not dangerous, but they can be very annoying. Inflamed genitals can increase your risk of contracting HIV if you are exposed to it through sexual activity. There is also a higher chance of transmitting HIV to a partner.

There is no data as to why some people who have pathology show objective symptoms, while others do not. This can depend on the person's age and their health or immune system.

How trichomoniasis manifests itself - the first signs

Men with trichomoniasis can be divided into the following 3 groups based on their symptoms:

  • the asymptomatic state of the carrier (includes most patients);
  • mild symptomatic disease;
  • acute trichomoniasis.

The first signs with symptoms of trichomoniasis in men range from mild discomfort to urethritis complicated by prostatitis. Non-gonococcal non-chlamydial urethritis is the most common symptom reported in men with this type of pathology.

Signs of urethritis include:

  1. Discharge from the urethra. They can range from serous to purulent with a pungent and unpleasant musty odor.
  2. Dysuria (difficulty passing urine).
  3. Urethral itching that does not stop for a long time.
  4. Some patients report pain in the urethra, testicles, or lower abdomen.

Most symptomatic infections are intermittent and self-limiting.

Many men with trichomoniasis do not have objective signs of the disorder, that is, with an external examination, palpation or percussion, one cannot suspect the presence of an ailment. Often, infected individuals do not pay attention to abnormal discharge from the penis, considering it a variant of the norm.

Effective treatment for trichomoniasis

Therapy should be started immediately and, if possible, in combination with pharmacotherapy for all sexual partners. Joint therapeutic action is a safe and effective means of restoring the health of sexual partners, patients diagnosed with trichomoniasis.

Both the patient and the girlfriend should abstain from sex until pharmacological treatment is completed and until symptoms of pathology are detected.

Since trichomoniasis is a multi-organ infection, systemic treatment is required. Due to the high rate of coinfection with other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), the physician must take care of the empirical cure of gonorrhea and chlamydia.

Patients are also better off being counseled and tested for HIV.

Inpatient therapy is usually not required, but can be used if tablet drug resistance is present, and intravenous injections are indicated. It may be helpful to consult an infectious disease specialist, andrologist or urologist.

Changing sexual behavior can help reduce the incidence of infection. Patients should avoid sex until drug therapy is complete. Treating a partner is critical to minimizing reinfection. Thereafter, consistent use of condoms and other barrier contraceptives reduces the likelihood of reinfection.

If the doctor diagnoses an ailment, then an antibiotic will be prescribed that destroys a harmful microorganism, such as tinidazole or metronidazole. You should inform your doctor about any other medications you have taken before prescribing the antimicrobial medication. A full course of therapy is required to avoid re-infection.

How to treat a disease - drugs and medicines

How to treat trichomoniasis in men? Treatment relieves symptoms and signs of infection and may reduce transmission. The likelihood of poor outcomes in people with HIV is also reduced with therapy for trichomoniasis.

  • metronidazole (flagil, trichopolum) 2 g orally in a single dose;
  • tinidazole 2 g according to a similar scheme;
  • metronidazole 500 mg orally twice a day for 7 days (alternate regimen).

Alcohol consumption should be avoided to reduce the likelihood of a disulfiram-like reaction. Abstinence from alcohol should continue for 24 hours after the end of metronidazole or 72 hours after the completion of the tinidazole course.

In randomized clinical trials, the recommended treatment regimens led to a positive result in 84-98% of cases for the first drug and 92-100% for the second.

Metronidazole gel does not reach therapeutic levels in the urethra and glands because it is less effective than tablet formulation (not recommended).

Persistent or recurrent trichomoniasis due to antimicrobial resistance should be treated with flagil 500 mg orally twice a day for 7 days. If this regimen is not successful, clinicians should repeat therapy at a dosage of 2 g per day orally for a week.

The following topically applied medicines have shown minimal success (<50%) и не рекомендуются к самостоятельному применению:

  • betadine (povidone iodine);
  • gentian violet;
  • clotrimazole;
  • nonoxynol-9;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • acetic acid;
  • furazolidone.

Chronic disease

Also, the transition to a protracted course occurs with a negligent attitude towards one's own health and when the signs and symptoms of the disease are ignored.

Usually, the body's immune forces independently cope with an insidious ailment, however, with immunosuppressive disorders and conditions (age, concomitant infections), the body is unable to fight the infection. Medicines are selected by an experienced physician after a complete examination.

In most cases, chronic carriage manifests itself with minimal or no objective symptoms. Moreover, only minor discomfort in the intimate area may indicate a chronic course of the disease.

Incubation period of development

Symptoms of pathology usually occur after an incubation period of 4 to 28 days. The infection can persist for a long time in women, but in men it is usually less than 10 days. Evidence suggests that asymptomatic infection can persist for months or even years.

In males, a foreign organism can be found in the urethra, external genitals, prostate, epididymis and testes. It can be localized both in the lumen and on the mucous surfaces of the genitourinary tract. Flagella allow the trophozoite to move along the surface of the tissues.

Despite the interaction of the human immune system with Trichomonas, there is little evidence that healthy immunity prevents infection. The incubation period is not long, but at this time it is necessary to undergo a full therapeutic course.

The study showed that HIV seropositivity (suppression of the body's defenses) did not change the rate of infection in men.

How is infection tested

After a physical examination at a hospital, your doctor or nurse may need to take a urine sample or urethral swab for laboratory diagnosis. The results may have been known for several days.

Cultivation of a culture of protozoa is the most effective way to detect trichomoniasis. This method is more sensitive and specific than microscopy, which is only effective for confirming disease in women.

The smear is placed in a special nutrient broth and incubated without oxygen at 37 ° C. Growth usually occurs within 48 hours, and samples without growth within a week are considered negative to acknowledge the existence of the disease. It is better to clarify how the pathology manifests itself with a specialist.

Diagnostics is the most important stage

The diagnosis of trichomoniasis can be confirmed by looking at a urine sample under a microscope. The first signs are identical for all. Cultivation has long been the common way to diagnose trichomoniasis, but newer and faster tests such as rapid antigen tests and nucleic acid amplification are now more common.

Given the low certainty of history and physical findings, a successful diagnosis of trichomoniasis depends on laboratory tests. Chronic trichomoniasis should be monitored periodically.

The analysis for the presence of pathology is carried out quickly and can be performed in a medical facility. Rapid self-diagnostic tests have already been proposed, but they are not yet approved for widespread use.

Trichomoniasis, a common genital infection, is very often diagnosed in the male half of humanity. This is explained by simple reasons - the infectiousness of the pathogen is high, and the symptoms of the disease are scarce, so men can get sick with trichomoniasis for a long time and turn to health workers when complications develop.

Despite the seriousness of the infection in terms of complications, especially long-term complications, timely treatment quickly frees the body from the causative agent of the disease. Trichomoniasis is characterized by inflammation of organs and tissues of the genitourinary system, can be acute and chronic.

A feature of this infection in men is scanty primary symptoms. With a significant progression of the infection and its overflow into the chronic stage, lesions of the genitourinary tract, most often the prostate, come first, which forces a man to seek medical help.

The main and most active route of transmission of trichomoniasis is sexual, the susceptibility to Trichomonas is quite high, and the symptoms are scarce.

The causative agent of trichomoniasis

The peculiarity of this microorganism is the ability to absorb the causative agents of other genital infections, such as ureaplasma, chlamydia, gonococcus, candida fungi, cytomegalovirus, herpes viruses, and provide the latter with protection from the effects of drugs and cells of the immune system. Moreover, mobile Trichomonas are capable of carrying pathogenic pathogens throughout the body, causing systemic lesions and a serious decrease in immunity.

Diagnosis of trichomoniasis in the stronger sex is based on objective and instrumental diagnostic methods to detect the causative agent of the infection.
Complaints and visual examination of the patient only suggest this diagnosis. Confirmation of the diagnosis of trichomoniasis occurs only on the basis of laboratory data:

  • microscopic examination of smears from the urethra;
  • microbiological method, including growing the pathogen on a nutrient medium
  • artificial origin;
  • immunological method;
  • high-precision polymerase chain reaction.

Symptoms of trichomoniasis in men

The target organs of infection in men are the urethra, testes and their appendages, prostate, seminal vesicles. Very often, men, without obvious symptoms of the disease, are carriers of Trichomonas and actively transmit them to their sexual partners. The consequence of a long-term persisting pathogen in the body is such unpleasant complications as non-gonococcal urethritis, chronic prostatitis, chronic inflammation of the epididymis and infertility.

The incubation or latent period ranges from 2-200 days. The erased form of trichomoniasis causes a late onset of clinical manifestations that arise as a result of a decrease in immunity or the layering of infections one on top of the other.

Trichomoniasis takes the following forms:

  • acute, sub-rapid, chronic
  • and Trichomoniasis (the most likely form of infection in men).

Most often, with trichomoniasis in men, the symptoms are manifested by unpleasant sensations accompanying the process of urination:

  • Burning and stinging, slight
  • Frequent urge to urinate is also noted, especially in the morning, which are false
  • Possible slight discharge from the urethra of a mucous nature

In extremely rare cases, this symptomatology is pronounced, depriving a man of the possibility of normal life and forcing him to urgently seek medical attention. But the low severity of symptoms explains the reason for the delay in seeking treatment. If a man suffers from chronic prostatitis, then he does not notice any changes in his condition at all, taking the symptoms of trichomoniasis for an exacerbation of prostatitis.

Symptoms of trichomoniasis in men with the course of infection in the form of Trichomonas urethritis with damage to the urethra are mild itching and burning after urination or immediately after intercourse. When examining the urethra, its changes are observed - stricture, solid infiltrates. The urethra gradually narrows, and urination proceeds with increasing discomfort.
In the ascending type of infection, the bladder and kidneys are affected.

When the prostate gland is affected, symptoms of prostatitis appear - pulling pain in the gland, frequent and painful urination with a residual feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, false urge to urinate.

In extremely rare cases, against the background of reduced immunity, ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the urethra and the median suture can be found.

Fresh trichomoniasis becomes chronic or Trichomoniasis within about two months.

The chronic course of trichomoniasis in men is characterized by very few or no symptoms. Probably the development of dysuria with minor pain and sexual dysfunction.

Complications of trichomoniasis indicate a prolonged course of the infection. These include: inflammation of the seminal tubercle and seminal vesicles, prostatitis with inflammation of the excretory ducts of the prostate, cystitis, pyelonephritis, infertility.

There is a suggestion that Trichomonas may contribute to the development of prostate cancer

Scientists researchers of the Oncological Center named after Alvin J. Saitman in the United States suggests that persistent Trichomonas infection is one of the factors in the development of prostate cancer. Experts have identified a direct relationship between the severity and duration of genitourinary trichomoniasis in men and prostate cancer, establishing that chronic trichomoniasis increases the risk of prostate cancer by 40%. The duration and severity of the persistence of infection is assessed using ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), which determines the concentration of antibodies to Trichomonas. It was also found that Trichomonas are able to influence the protooncogene PIM 1 and it can transform into an oncogene and provoke the development of prostate cancer.

Treatment of trichomoniasis in men

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis. In no case should you engage in dangerous self-medication, since this is fraught with the transition of Trichomonas into a more aggressive and pathogenic form and the course of the disease in atypical and latent forms.

  • With trichomoniasis in men, treatment is carried out for any clinical form of infection, regardless of whether there is overt symptomatology or not.
  • Treatment of both sexual partners is mandatory, including with negative tests, since immunity to trichomoniasis is extremely unstable and re-infection is possible.
  • The duration of treatment is on average 8-12 days, but in the presence of complications and a long-lasting infection, it can be more protracted.

For the drug therapy of trichomoniasis, drugs from the 5-nitroimidazole group are used - metronidazole, tinidazole, nimorazole, ornidazole, ternidazole and others, which are prescribed for oral administration. As well as local treatment with Rosamet and Rozex creams.

In Ukraine, the Department of Sexopathology of the Institute of Urology of the Academy of Medical Sciences studied the efficacy and safety of several anti-trichomonas drugs in men with chronic urogenital trichomoniasis - 370 people, aged 21-48 years and the duration of the disease from 3 months to 8 years. All patients were divided into 6 groups:

Stimulating therapy is prescribed for the treatment of chronic and complicated forms of trichomoniasis. These can be immunostimulants and immunocorrectors, which are selected individually.

To correct the immune status, Kagocel was prescribed (see), as well as a hepatoprotector - Legalon (see). To enhance the antibacterial effect due to the TANK function in Trichomonas, patients were prescribed Clarithromycin (macrolide) for 10 days.

With a significantly pronounced clinical picture, symptomatic therapy (pain relievers, antispasmodics) is prescribed to neutralize discomfort and physical therapy.

When a mixed infection is diagnosed, therapy is carried out against the identified pathogen (, etc.).

Criteria for the cure of trichomoniasis - 5-7 days after the end of etiotropic therapy, the cure is monitored - inoculation on an artificial medium and a PCR study of the smear material.

Prevention of trichomoniasis in men

Prevention of trichomoniasis includes the general measures necessary to prevent any genital infection:

  • the use of barrier contraception for any type of intercourse;
  • timely preventive examination;
  • the use of local antiseptics to treat the genitals in case of accidental damage to the integrity of the condom during sexual intercourse (for example,);
  • non-admission of self-treatment without a doctor's prescription in the presence of certain symptoms of a genital infection.