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Personnel strategy of a modern organization. The concept and types of personnel strategies

As a result of mastering the material of the chapter, the student must:


  • the basics of developing and implementing the concept of personnel management, personnel policy of the organization and be able to apply them in practice;
  • the basics of strategic personnel management and knows how to apply them in practice;
  • the basics of personnel planning and be able to apply them in practice;
  • the basis for the development and use of innovations in the field of personnel management and use them in practice;

be able to

  • contribute to the planning, creation and implementation of projects in the field of personnel management;
  • to participate in the implementation of the program of organizational changes (including in crisis situations) in terms of solving personnel management problems, to overcome local resistance to changes;


  • the skills of collecting information for the analysis of internal and external factors affecting the effectiveness of personnel;
  • the skills of analyzing the competitiveness of the organization's strategy in the field of recruiting and attracting personnel.

The concept of HR strategy

Strategy is an interconnected set of long-term measures or approaches for the purpose of strengthening the vitality and strength of a given organization vis-à-vis its competitors.

The goal of the strategy is to achieve long-term competitive advantages that will provide the company with high profitability and sustainable profitability. Thus, strategy is a generalized model of the actions necessary to achieve the set goals by coordinating and allocating the resources of the organization. Comparison of the goal and strategy is shown in Fig. 5.1.

Rice. 5.1. Compliance of the strategy with the set goal

The organization's strategy provides a direct relationship between the general purpose of the organization (mission), policy and specific activities that must be subordinated to the achievement of general strategic goals. The relationship between these concepts is presented in table. 5.1.

In essence, a strategy is a set of decision-making rules by which an organization is guided in its activities (Table 5.2).

Table 5.1

Correlation of concepts: "mission", "strategy", "policy" and "directions of activity"


The reason for the organization's existence, its core values ​​and ideals

Providing high quality products and services, complying with world standards


Long-term goals of the organization and conceptual approaches to achieving

HR strategy. Production diversification strategy. Pricing strategy. Quality management strategy


More detailed approaches to the main components of the strategist and the most important principles and rules of doing business

Personnel policy. Funding policy for new projects. Marketing policy


Specific steps and actions to implement the organization's strategy and policy

Recruitment and training programs, organization of advertising services

The organization's strategy can be described by two main parameters: the duration of planning and the type of strategy.

Under duration of planning the level of the viewed perspectives is understood: strategic, managerial, practical. Strategy type sets the main goals of the organization: entrepreneurial, dynamic growth of profitability, liquidation, circulation (stability).

Taking into account the depth of planning and the type of goals, the head of the enterprise must develop specific scenarios for working with personnel, choose the type of leadership that is most effective, taking into account the situation in the organization, the level of planning and the specifics of the organization's strategy.

Table 5.2

HR strategies related to the main strategic directions of the organization

Organization strategy

Human resource strategy

Reducing costs

Downsizing, lower wages, increased productivity, job rescheduling, negotiating changes in collective bargaining agreements


Aggressive hiring and recruiting policies, wage increases, job creation, expanding staff training and development


Personnel turnover management, selective layoffs, organizational development, staff relocation and replacement. Involvement of personnel in work

Radical changes in focus and responsibility

Special creation of posts, reduction of posts. Specialized training and development

Acquisition or acquisition of services (functions)

Selective layoffs, relocation of employees, job combinations, orientation and training in managing cultural differences

Organizational strategies can be grouped based on one of the specific strategies (according to M. Porter).

Cost control strategy is based on lowering its own costs in comparison with the costs of competitors through mandatory cost control or by regulating the size of the enterprise and the volume of production, thereby achieving higher production efficiency. It is the low prices that can serve as a kind of barrier to the emergence of new competitors.

Differentiation strategy is aimed at putting on the market goods (services) by their qualities that are more attractive in the eyes of the consumer than competing products. These additional special qualities may contain the following elements: image, service, an extensive network of branches for the provision of services. This strategy is a reliable and long-term path to above-average profit levels in the industry, as customers who prefer the same brand are less price sensitive.

Focusing is a strategy in which an enterprise purposefully targets a certain group of consumers, or a limited part of a product range, or a specific geographic market.

Determining the type of market strategy - breakthrough, evolutionary development or survival - relies on the results of forecasting and selection of priorities. Depending on the phase of the cycle and the state of the economy, the market strategy can focus on the development of an emerging market, fundamentally new products that implement basic innovations. This promises the possibility of rapid market expansion, but is associated with great risk and significant investments. A breakthrough strategy usually requires direct or indirect government support (subsidies, tax, credit, customs benefits, etc.); development and strengthening of positions in the already mastered market based on the modernization of products, differentiation and flexible change of the assortment of goods, improvement of customer service.

An evolutionary strategy relies on enhancing innovation and is generally not state-sponsored; it should only provide a level playing field for competition by implementing antitrust measures.

In crisis situations, it is often used survival strategy , the purpose of which is to adapt to the deteriorating market conditions, while maintaining the main potential of the enterprise, the industry of the region. At the same time, obsolete, not in demand products are being removed from production, the scale of innovation and investment activities is decreasing, there is a reorientation to new markets, personnel retraining and its partial reduction. The state should provide support to promising technologies, redundant workers, but should not preserve outdated production. Survival strategy should be combined with a breakthrough strategy as the basis for recovery and future recovery.

Having studied the external environment and internal reserves of the organization, the company's management is faced with the problem of choosing a strategic alternative. The following types of strategic alternatives are known: limited growth, growth, reduction, and a combination of these three strategies.

Limited growth strategy is used in mature organizations that are firmly on their feet. They are usually satisfied with the status quo. The management of such enterprises adheres to an old, once successful strategy: with minimal risk to themselves, they set goals for what has been achieved.

Growth strategy assumes a constant increase in the level of indicators of the previous period. It is used in fast growing enterprises with rapidly changing technologies. Growth can be internal or external: internal growth occurs by expanding the range of goods or services; external growth consists of company mergers. Growth can lead to conglomerates (holdings).

When the pursued goals are set below the achieved, it means that the company management resorts to a reduction strategy. The following options for the reduction strategy are known: liquidation of the enterprise (complete sale of inventories and assets of the organization); cutting off excess (termination of some types of activity); reduction and reorientation (reduction of part of their activities).

Building a strategy for a small company relies on available resources, staff competence, their ideas, ambitions, initiative, and entrepreneurial spirit. The same is true for larger firms, but the main condition for solving these problems is the medium-term forecast of strategic development. For a longer period, another dependence is observed, the opposite of the above. Strategic ambitions and long-term goals of the company's management determine the prospects for working with personnel, i.e. lay the possibility of strategic management of the development of basic personnel competencies to those required for implementation.

The strategy of combining all alternatives is most often followed by large enterprises that are active in several industries.

The strategic choice must be definite and unambiguous. When choosing a strategy, two ways are possible:

  • elimination of bottlenecks based on the identification of the main bottleneck, after the elimination of which all processes proceed more fully; an example is the spiral B. Mebeca (fig.5.2);
  • unpermitted chances, allowing you to choose and use the most favorable of the available opportunities.

According to experts, the most characteristic features of the activities of all rapidly developing enterprises, regardless of their size and specialization, include: focus on the complete satisfaction of customer needs and flexibility of strategies, allowing them to adapt to any conditions.

Rice. 5.2. SpiralB. Meheca

The choice of a specific strategy is determined by the long-term goals of the organization, its internal resources, traditions.

Strategic management is understood as management that relies on human potential as the basis of the organization, orients production activities to customer requests, implements flexible regulation and timely changes in the organization that meet the challenge of the environment and allow achieving competitive advantages, which together allows the company to survive and achieve its strategic goals (fig. 5.3). Thus, the strategy includes: identifying promising goals for the development of the organization, methods and timing of their achievement, as well as a system for assessing the degree of implementation of these goals, the general course of action of the organization for a specific period.

The traditional approach to the organization's strategy is based on the idea of ​​it as one of the organization's management processes.

Since the late 1980s. a new approach to the concept of strategy appeared, which, without canceling the previous provisions, clarified certain accents:

Rice. 5.3.

  • all components (both development and implementation) are equally important in the strategy, since at the implementation stage unpredictable factors may arise that will significantly affect the final result;
  • the strategy is related not only to the external side of the organization's activities, but also to internal factors (organization culture, personnel expectations, structure, etc.);
  • human resources strongly influence the implementation of the developed strategy and have their own strategic status.

In modern conditions of global competition and acceleration of scientific and technological progress, organizations are under constant pressure from competitors, forcing them to improve their products or services, expand their range, optimize production and management processes. Therefore, modern companies are in a state of constant change, the speed of implementation of which largely depends on the success of the company. The key to mastering innovative management lies in the effective use of available human resources, and this can only be done if personnel management is part of the overall development strategy of the organization.

Table 5.3

Relationship between organizational strategy and personnel management strategy

Types of organizational strategy

HR strategy

Components of HR strategy

Entrepreneurial strategy

They accept projects with a high degree of financial risk, with a minimum number of actions. Resource satisfaction of all customer requirements. The focus is on the quick implementation of immediate measures, even without appropriate elaboration

Search and attraction of work and co-innovators, proactive, contact, with a long-term orientation, not afraid of responsibility. It is important that key employees do not change.

Selection and placement of personnel: finding people who can take risks and see things through. Remuneration: on a competitive basis, impartial, as far as possible satisfying the tastes of the employee.

Assessment: based on results, not too harsh.

Personal development: informal, mentor-oriented.

Planning of movements: in the center - the interest of workers. Selection of a workplace that meets the interests of the employee

Dynamic growth strategy

Less risk. Constantly comparing current goals and building a foundation for the future. The organization's policy and procedures are recorded in writing, since they are necessary here both for stricter control and as the basis for the further development of the organization.

Employees must be organizationally entrenched, flexible in a changing environment, problem-oriented and work closely with others.

Selection and placement of personnel: finding flexible and loyal people who can take risks.

Reward: fair and impartial. Assessment: Based on clearly defined criteria.

Personal development: emphasis on the qualitative growth of the level and area of ​​activity.

Relocation planning: taking into account today's real possibilities and various forms of career advancement

Profitability strategy

The focus is on maintaining the current level of profits. The financial effort is modest, possibly even termination of employment. The management system is well developed, there is an extensive system of various kinds of procedural rules

Focuses on the criteria of quantity and efficiency in the area of ​​personnel; terms - short-term; results - with a relatively low level of risk and a minimum level of employee retention

Selection and placement of personnel: extremely tough Reward: based on merit, seniority and intra-organizational perceptions of fairness.

Assessment: narrow, result-oriented, well thought out.

Personal development: emphasis on competence in the field of assigned tasks, experts - in a narrow field

Liquidation strategy

Sale of assets, elimination of opportunities for losses, in the future - reduction of employees (as far as possible). Little or no attention is paid to rescue efforts as profits are expected to fall further

Focuses on the need for employees for a short time, narrow focus, without much commitment to the organization

Recruitment is unlikely due to staff cuts. Pay: merit-based, slowly growing, no incentive.

Assessment: rigorous, formal, based on management criteria.

Development, learning: limited, need-based.

Promotion: those with the necessary skills have the opportunity to advance.

Cycle strategy (cyclical)

The main thing is to save the enterprise. Measures to reduce costs and personnel are carried out with the aim of surviving in the near future and gaining stability for the long term. Morale depressed

Employees must be flexible in the face of change, focused on big goals and long-term prospects

Diversified workers are required. Payment: incentive system and merit checks. Assessment: by result.

Training: great opportunities, but with careful selection of applicants.

Various forms

nization. The relationship between business strategy and personnel management strategy is presented in table. 5.3.

In practice, different companies rarely settle for one option. More often, the overall strategy is a combination of different strategy options, based on the significance and expected result of each.

Alignment implies a tight relationship between HR and business strategy, but the latter has to be flexible while maintaining the closest possible alignment. Strategic flexibility - the organization's ability to respond to changes in the competitive environment and adapt to these changes. It is believed that the concepts of flexibility and conformity are incompatible. The concepts of conformity and flexibility complement each other: conformity exists at a certain point in time, while flexibility must exist over a period of time. The model of compliance / flexibility of strategic personnel management is shown in Fig. 5.4. The upper part of this model illustrates the matching component, i.e. the methods by which the firm seeks to achieve the correspondence of the practical actions of human resources management, the skills and abilities of employees and their types of behavior, to the immediate competitive needs of the company, dictated by the business strategy.

Ensuring the correspondence (linking) of the organizational and personnel strategy is carried out at the level of judgment by building a matrix in which for each element of the business strategy the key element of the personnel management strategy is determined.

The relationship of the entrepreneurial strategy with various aspects of the personnel management strategy is shown in table. 5.4.

Differences in the organization's environment will influence the flexibility / compliance strategy. In a stable, predictable environment, the best strategy is to develop a limited range of skills in staff (or maintain a constant number of skills in people) and to cultivate a narrow range of behaviors through job requirements. In a dynamic, unpredictable environment, companies can develop organic human resource systems that create a pool of human capital from people with a wide range of skills (Figure 5.5).

Rice. 5.4. Model flexibility/ correspondence

Table 5.4

"Linking" HR and Entrepreneurial Strategies

Entrepreneurial strategy

HR strategy (HR strategy)

Resource provision

Human resource development


Achieving a competitive advantage through innovation

Attracting and retaining highly qualified people with a penchant for innovative action and a good track record in innovation

Development of strategic ability and provision of incentives and conditions for increasing innovative qualities

Providing financial incentives and rewards for successful innovation

Achieving a competitive advantage through quality

Using a sophisticated selection process to admit people who are able to provide quality and a high level of customer service

Stimulating the development of the learning organization and supporting initiatives in the field of achieving overall quality and customer care with a specialized training course

Relation of remuneration to quality of results and achievement of high standards of customer service

Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Cost Leadership

Development of core and peripheral employment structures; attracting people who are able to create additional value; in case of downsizing, planning and managing this process from a humane perspective

Conducting training aimed at increasing labor productivity; providing just-in-time training that is closely related to the immediate needs of the business and can initiate a process of significant efficiency gains

Review of all pay systems to ensure the best value for money and avoid unnecessary costs

Achieving a competitive advantage by using people who are qualitatively better than competitors' employees

Using a complex recruitment and selection process based on a careful analysis of the specific abilities required for the organization

Development of the organizational learning process; encouraging self-directed learning through the use of personal development plans as part of the performance management process

Designing a performance management process to allow for both tangible and intangible rewards related to competence and skills; achieving competitive wage levels

Rice. 5.5.

  • Wright R . M ., Snell S. A. Towards a unifying framework for exploring fit and flexibility in strategic human resource management. Academy of Management Review. 1998. No. 23 (4). P. 756-772.

The theoretical study of the personnel management strategy of an enterprise in the conditions of a transitional economy is an urgent scientific problem that plays an important role in the economy of a Russian enterprise.

In modern management science, there are many different models of personnel management of a company. The choice of one or another of them is an independent and very important task for the successful operation of the enterprise. However, not all decisions regarding the system and methods of personnel management in the enterprise are strategic. For example, the specific personal appointments of middle managers, the establishment of official salaries, the number of management personnel are, of course, important and sometimes have long-term consequences, but they can be adjusted or canceled without much expenditure of resources and, therefore, are not strategic.

HR strategy concept

The state of the company's personnel, the level of their qualifications and professionalism, the ability of employees to optimally solve the production tasks facing them and make a profit for the company directly depend on those theoretical approaches and practical methods of working with people that company managers use in their daily work. In other words, they are associated with the personnel strategy implemented by the enterprise.

The concept of "personnel strategy" is a particular one, derived from the general concept of "strategy", therefore it is logical to start considering the issue of personnel strategies with the definition of the generic concept of "strategy", then referring to its particular case - "personnel strategy".

The term "strategy" (from the Greek stratos - army, ago - lead) has a military origin. Initially, strategy was understood as the art of waging war. Since wars were the most important events in the life of people, peoples, countries, the concept of "strategic" in the meaning of "most important", "defining" has become part of the terminology of management as a whole.

A.T. considers the strategy as a process of determining the relationship of the organization with its environment, consisting in the implementation of the selected goals through the allocation of resources, which allows the organization itself and its divisions to act effectively and efficiently.

Interesting is the opinion of I. Ansoff, who believes that strategy is a set of rules by which an organization is guided when making management decisions. This author identifies four groups of such rules:

  • 1) the rules by which the relationship of the firm with the external environment is formed - business strategy;
  • 2) the rules by which the firm builds relationships within the organization - the organizational concept;
  • 3) the rules by which the firm conducts its daily activities - the main operational techniques;
  • 4) the rules used in assessing the performance of the firm in the present and future. At the same time, the task is determined - a quantitative assessment of the results of activities, and the benchmark is a qualitative assessment of the results of activities.

Trenev N.N. considers strategy not as an isolated management process, but as a step in a logical sequence of steps that determines the path of the organization from the top - the mission - to specific strategic tasks assigned to the performers. Mission is the main goal of the enterprise. Enterprise strategy is a way to achieve the goals of the enterprise. Planning is the process of developing the actions necessary to realize the mission of the enterprise through the chosen strategy.

Among the various definitions of strategy, one can single out common features in the concept of strategy in the field of management theory:

  • · The strategy in its development goes through two stages - development and implementation;
  • The strategy consists of many solutions, including the analysis of resources and the formation of common goals and options for their possible implementation, but without taking into account the limitations that appear at the stage of implementation;
  • · The strategy is related to both the external activities of the firm (government policy, sales markets, competition, etc.) and to the internal factors of the firm's activities: human resources strongly influence the implementation of the developed strategy and have their own strategic status;
  • · Strategy is a process that reflects the management philosophy of the firm's leadership.

Thus, the strategy is the general line of development of the enterprise, which is formed in response to changes in the external environment, taking into account the characteristics of the internal environment of the organization and is, in fact, the idea of ​​organizing its future.

Certain resources must be used to achieve the goals. One of these resources is the personnel required by the enterprise. The implementation of the goals and objectives of personnel management is carried out through the personnel strategy. Bazarov T.Yu. defines this concept as a specific set of basic principles, rules and goals of work with personnel, concretized taking into account the types of organizational strategy, organizational and personnel potential.

Bizyukova I.V. notes the essence of personnel strategy as a general direction of personnel work, a set of principles, methods, forms, an organizational mechanism for the development of goals and objectives aimed at maintaining, strengthening and developing human resources and creating a highly productive, cohesive team capable of responding in a timely manner to changing market requirements ... The personnel strategy is the embodiment of the main direction in working with personnel, a set of fundamental principles that are implemented by the personnel department of the enterprise. The main object of the personnel strategy of the enterprise is personnel (personnel). The personnel of the enterprise is the main (full-time) composition of its employees. Cadres are the main and decisive factor of production, the first productive force of society. They create and set in motion the means of production, they constantly improve them. The efficiency of production largely depends on the qualifications of workers, their professional training, and business qualities.

Personnel strategy, according to Drofa V.V., is a set "in accordance with the model for a certain (long enough) period, a set of guidelines, directions, spheres, methods and rules of activity in the field of management, this is a kind of" bridge "between theory and its practical implementation ".

Izhbulatova O.V. notes HR strategy as functional, derived from corporate strategy. First of all, this is the concept of working with personnel, the concept of the formation, use and development of a human resource, derived from the business strategy of the organization. Personnel strategy, according to Izhbulatova O.V., is a general line in work with personnel, which involves the development of the composition and sequence of decisions made to achieve the goals set by the personnel management system, this is the idea of ​​organizing your future in the field of personnel management. This means that the personnel strategy creates conditions for making decisions that satisfy both the enterprise and the organization's personnel. With its help, it is determined how realizable the general strategy of the organization is and what needs to be changed in working with personnel.

Maslov V. under the personnel strategy means a programmatic way of thinking and management, which ensures the coordination of the goals, capabilities of the enterprise and the interests of employees. It involves not only determining the general course of organizing the activities of personnel, but also increasing motivation, the interest of all employees in its implementation. This is not only the development of a development program, but also the adoption and implementation of decisions designed for the future. HR strategy is also a complex of processes, phenomena and characteristics that reflect the priority of goals and growth dynamics, timeliness of actions, foresight, analysis of the consequences of management actions and innovations.

The essence of HR strategy lies in answering three critical questions:

  • * where the organization and its personnel are now located;
  • * in which direction, according to senior management, personnel should be involved in accordance with the firm's strategy;
  • * how the personnel should develop in order to fulfill the tasks of the company in the future.

V. Maslov argues that the strategy should not be known only to a narrow circle of top leaders and should not be made public, today openly formulated policy is preferred. We agree with this author that in order to become a real and effective strategy, it should be a matter not only of the company's management, but also of all its ordinary employees.

The most complete definition of the personnel strategy, in our opinion, is given by A.Ya. Kibanov. He presents it as a priority, qualitatively defined direction of actions developed by the organization's management, necessary to achieve long-term goals for creating a highly professional, responsible and cohesive team and taking into account the strategic objectives of the organization and its resource capabilities. The main features of the personnel strategy Kibanov A.Ya. considers:

  • · Its long-term nature, which is explained by the focus on the development and change of psychological attitudes, motivation, personnel structure, the entire personnel management system or its individual elements, and such changes, as a rule, take a long time;
  • · Connection with the strategy of the organization as a whole, taking into account numerous factors of the external and internal environment, since their change entails a change and adjustment of the organization's strategy and requires timely changes in the structure and number of personnel, their skills and qualifications, style and management methods.

Thus, the personnel strategy is a purposeful activity to create a workforce that would best contribute to the alignment of the goals and priorities of the enterprise and its employees.

The components of the personnel management strategy can be:

ь working conditions and labor protection, personnel safety;

b forms and methods of regulation of labor relations;

l methods of resolving industrial and social conflicts;

ь establishment of norms and principles of ethical relationships in a team, development of a code of business ethics;

ь employment policy in the organization, including the analysis of the labor market, the system of recruiting and using personnel, establishing the mode of work and rest;

ь career guidance and adaptation of personnel;

ь measures to build up human resources and make better use of it;

improvement of methods for forecasting and planning the need for personnel based on the study of new requirements for workers and workplaces;

ь development of new professional and qualification requirements for personnel on the basis of a systematic analysis and design of work performed in various positions and workplaces;

l new methods and forms of selection, business assessment and certification of personnel;

ь development of the concept of personnel development, including new forms and methods of training, planning a business career and professional and service promotion, forming a personnel reserve in order to advance these events in relation to the timing of the emergence of the need for them;

ь improving the mechanism for managing labor motivation of personnel;

ь development of new systems and forms of remuneration, material and non-material incentives for employees;

ь measures to improve the solution of legal issues of labor relations and economic activity;

ь development of new and use of existing measures of social development of the organization;

ь improvement of information support for all personnel work within the framework of the chosen strategy;

l measures to improve the entire personnel management system or its individual subsystems and elements (organizational structure, functions, management process, etc.), etc.

In each specific case, the personnel strategy may not cover all, but only its individual components, and the set of these components will be different depending on the goals and strategy of the organization, goals and strategy of personnel management.

An example of strategic goals in the formation of a personnel strategy can be:

  • · Meeting the organization's staffing needs for the next 5 years (both in quantitative terms and in relation to certain categories of personnel).
  • · Regulation of the level of remuneration sufficient for the selection, retention and motivation of personnel at all organizational levels.
  • · Provision of effective training and development programs to improve the qualifications of all personnel and the formation of high dynamics of internal staff rotation.
  • · Development of effective communication systems between management and other employees, between departments and divisions.
  • · Creation of mechanisms for dealing with the consequences of the psychological perception of changes.

Such strategic objectives can only be measured qualitatively. The choice of a strategy is carried out on the basis of an analysis of all factors and the determination of the most promising option. To make a decision on the choice of a particular personnel strategy, it is necessary to understand their differences.

Create a good climate

provide adequate feeding

and let people grow on their own.

Then they will surprise you.

Mac Gregory

The HR and business strategy of the company are closely related to each other.

There are three main types of economic strategies of enterprises, depending on which HR strategies are implemented.

1. A strategy aimed at stable recording of the business situation, holding markets or their key segments.

Enterprises that existed in Soviet times, privatized in such a way that the main shareholding is concentrated in the administration and third-party investors affiliated with it, are usually focused on such a personnel strategy. Also, those organizations that have already conquered a fairly large part of the market are guided by such a strategy, for successful development a certain period of capital accumulation is required for the next breakthrough, and the main task is not aggressive development, but retention of positions.

2. A strategy aimed at maximizing profits in the short term ("market sprinter strategy").

At the same time, the personnel strategy is not holistic. We can talk about a situational response to the current situation, with such a general development strategy, the main goal of the enterprise is a quick and aggressive leap forward, profit maximization, high-margin sales / production.

3. The strategy aimed at the development of production - the introduction of new technologies, the conquest of markets, the improvement of the business as a whole ("the strategy of the market old man").

The personnel component of such a strategy has the character of searching for an adequate improvement in the personnel potential of the enterprise, which creates conditions for optimizing the number and quality of employees, appropriate investment in advanced training and retraining of the workforce, and ensuring conditions for its fullest use. With such a strategy, the personnel policy is of a well-thought-out nature and is fully interconnected with the general development strategy. The personnel is considered as a key resource on which the development of the enterprise depends on the whole.

Table 3

HR practice and enterprise development strategy

Strategy type Requirements for the characteristics of workers Operational management decisions
Entrepreneurial strategy Goal: establishment of an enterprise Conditions: high degree of financial risk, lack of resources Key personnel: "creators" Required professional and personal qualities: - creative thinking (ability to generate ideas); - initiative; - teamwork skills; - ability to take risks; - fast learner; - a responsibility. 1. Selection and placement of personnel: search for people with high professional and personal potential 2. Rewards: if possible - satisfying the tastes of the employee 3. Evaluation: based on results, but not too harsh 4. Development, training: informal, mentor-oriented 5 Personnel movement management: in the center - the interest of employees; selection of a workplace that meets the interests of the employee
Dynamic strategy growth Goal: increase sales volume Conditions: company policies and procedures are recorded in writing (for stricter control and as a basis for further development) Key personnel: "salesmen" Required professional and personal qualities: - the ability to actively sell; - the ability to work in a competitive environment; - flexibility and adaptability; - stress tolerance; - sociability 1. Selection and placement of personnel: search for people who can sell 2. Remuneration: based on the result 3. Evaluation: based on clearly defined criteria 4. Development, training: emphasis on the quality of professional activity 5. Personnel management: real opportunities and different forms are taken into account service promotion
Profitability strategy Purpose: to increase (maintain the existing level) profits. Conditions: the management system is well developed: there is an extensive set of various kinds of procedural rules Key personnel: "technologists" Required professional and personal qualities: - high level of professionalism; - ability for routine work; - discipline 1. Selection and placement of personnel: strict requirements for the professional and personal qualities of candidates 2. Remuneration: based on merit, seniority and internal ideas about fairness 3. Evaluation: result-oriented, carefully thought out 4. Development, training: developed system of professional development of personnel , emphasis on competence in the field of assigned tasks, the use of experts in a narrow field 5. Personnel management: career planning, formation of a personnel reserve
Liquidation strategy Purpose: liquidation of the enterprise with minimal losses Conditions: fall (absence) of profits, sale of assets, reduction of personnel. Key personnel: "liquidators" Required professional and personal qualities: - high qualifications in narrow areas (crisis management, finance, law, psychology); - reliability 1. Selection and placement of staff: release of staff 2. Reward: based on merit, no additional incentives 3. Assessment: formal, based on management criteria 4. Development, training: limited, based on a need for work 5. Personnel management: those who have the required skills have the opportunity to advance
Cycle strategy (cyclic) Goal: overcoming the crisis Conditions: development of innovative processes Key personnel: “innovators” Required professional and personal qualities: - innovative thinking; - the ability to change; - initiative; - specialization of "general profile" 1. Selection and placement of personnel: diversified workers are required, professionals of a "general profile" 2. Remuneration: incentive system 3. Evaluation: based on the result 4. Development, training: great opportunities, but careful selection of applicants 5. Personnel management: various forms

The implementation of a personnel strategy in a certain period involves ensuring the availability of employees with competence that exactly matches the requirements of the workplace. Therefore, according to the modern concept of enterprise personnel management, there are the following types of strategies.

1. Active strategy personnel management - the formation of the personnel potential of the enterprise at the expense of the enterprise.

2. Active-passive personnel management strategy - the formation of the personnel potential of the enterprise to a lesser extent at the expense of the enterprise and to a greater extent - at the expense of other sources.

Rice. 13 - Typical organizational life cycle model

3. Passive strategy personnel management - the formation of the personnel potential of the enterprise only at the expense of other sources.

As a result of the implementation of a particular strategy of personnel management, acquired knowledge is added to the innate abilities of workers, and human capital turns into labor capital.

In any case, the main strategic goal of the enterprise is to build up its own human resources in order to implement its business strategy.

To do this, it is necessary to solve two strategic tasks:

1) create competitive advantages of the enterprise by forming a corporate culture. A strong corporate culture allows attracting and retaining talents, and the fruits of their labor create a high reputation for the company, attract new customers and highly qualified employees;

2) to ensure the competitive advantages of the enterprise by increasing its human potential, in every possible way contributing to the growth of the professional competence of employees.

The elements of the enterprise personnel management strategy are:

Analysis of the external and internal environment of the enterprise;

Formulation of the goals of the enterprise;

Determination of specific goals of personnel management activities;

Development of strategic options for the development of personnel management;

Creation of an appropriate organizational structure of personnel management services;

Development of criteria for the effectiveness of the personnel management system;

Determination of restrictions on the functioning of the system (financial, time, material, age, etc.).

The formation of these elements is achieved on the basis of the personnel policy of the enterprise.

The personnel strategy of the enterprise allows you to determine the priority areas of action for the successful achievement of long-term goals. Where to start development - about this in the materials of the article.

From the article you will learn:

What is it - HR strategy

The individual policy is aimed at modernizing the personnel management function. Modern companies are actively developing in a changing environment. Most organizations focus on quality, not the quantity of products or services provided, and this primarily depends on the human factor.

This is why successful firms prefer to invest in capital workforce development and consider it not as an additional cost, but as a payback asset. Over time, the invested capital increases, as do the funds involved in the modernization of technical production. Human resources make it possible to ensure the competitiveness and economic stability of the enterprise.

HR strategy is a developed priority and high-quality definition of the direction of actions necessary to achieve long-term projects to create a team with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility. All work is carried out taking into account the resource capabilities and strategic objectives of the organization.

Today, the professional policy of the organization helps to ensure clear interconnections with all systems of effective management. The new period in the work with personnel is characterized by the provision of increased attention to the personality of the employee, the search for new incentives and the provision of social guarantees. Planned work with personnel helps to achieve the set goals with minimal resource costs. The practice of strategic planning in Russia is in its infancy, managers have more questions than answers. The experience of foreign colleagues is taken as a basis.

What factors determine the personnel strategy of the enterprise

The policy framework is determined by the following factors:

the environment of the enterprise;

the main type of strategy;

level of planning development;

open or closed form of personnel policy.

The main features of the company's professional policy are:

Long-term perspective

  • Psychological attitudes are formed;
  • a motivation system is being developed;
  • special attention is paid to all control systems, their elaboration and adaptation to new conditions.

Relationship with the overall strategy of the organization

  • When the organization's strategy changes, the personnel strategy is revised;
  • changes in the structure and number of personnel;
  • the styles and methods of management are being revised;
  • methods of qualification, retraining are being optimized;
  • selection requirements change.

What is the HR development strategy based on?

The policy of professional development of the enterprise is based on taking into account the relationship with short-term and long-term objectives and plans of the organization. Documents on strategic plans, which contain a list of plans, main tasks and ways to solve them with the help of specific measures, allow to clarify the issues of personnel strategy. If necessary, attract additional resources, including human resources. In the long-term strategic plan, indicate the amount of core resources required to quickly implement the assigned tasks.

Professional policy development contributes to the development of the following factors:

  1. increasing competitiveness by the effective use of core potential;
  2. strengthening the advantages over competitors due to the dynamic development of personnel, changes in the conditions of use and the formation of a highly qualified team;
  3. identification of the main capabilities of personnel for development, self-expression, achievement of goals.

The formation of professional policy is carried out taking into account such significant factors as:





environmental factors.

What is included in the development of an organization's personnel policy using an example

The stages of development and implementation of the HR strategy invariably include a revision learning systems, motivation, optimization of selection methods. Andrey Chernukha, director of the personnel and organizational development group at AgroTerra, recommends:

Develop a program of interaction with the university "Step Forward". Use the WIN-WIN principle

Universities receive from us a practical program for training students, they know that some of them will be employed. And we will be able to select the best graduates who are prepared to work in our organization - who share our values, possess the necessary competencies. We work with three groups of target audience: undergraduate students, young specialists with more than a year of experience in their specialty, with graduate students and researchers. We conduct career interviews with young professionals. We show the possibilities of a vertical and horizontal career, we suggest choosing a trajectory of movement for three years ahead.

Make the interview area welcoming and unspeakable. Put on your table awnings

This is necessary to achieve two goals. The first goal is psychological. A university or college graduate who comes for an interview will feel comfortable and relaxed, will be positively disposed towards the company. To make the interview room not look too office-like, place houseplants, potted palm trees. Hang pictures on the walls, and paint the walls themselves in a pleasant pastel color. Arrange comfortable, ergonomic chairs to make the candidate feel at home. Show concern. Ask him how he got to the office, if he was greeted politely at the reception.

The second goal is to unobtrusively provide the candidate with information about the company, to induce it to study. He can do this while he is waiting for the HR manager and / or potential head of the department, who will conduct the interview. But how to do it unobtrusively? We applied the method that marketers of companies working in the b2c or HoReCA field love - in restaurants and cafes. There, sometimes small advertising structures are placed on tables in front of clients' eyes, on which advertisements or simply useful information are placed. Such structures are called table tents (from the English table - table, tent - tent, awning). They are one-sided or two-sided (to accommodate more information), made in the form of a house (hut). While the visitor is waiting to be served, he studies the information.


On the table tents that we set up on the tables in the interview room, we posted information about the company. For example, that 46% of our employees have been working for more than three years. They indicated that the organization has a reputation as a socially responsible employer. We also described that we give the opportunity to work in any city, we provide housing. We also put up brightly colored posters with infographics (see Figure 2 on the right). They show what benefits are received by those who come to work in our company. Thanks to this, candidates ask questions at the interview, clarify what conditions, when and to whom are provided. Most importantly, applicants are motivated to work in our pharmacy network even before the interview.

Important findings

  • Find out what fears graduates have when applying for a job for the first time. Show that these fears are in vain, and young people will come to you.
  • Present the information about the company so that young people perceive the facts at a glance. For example, portray fears in a comic book style, show why you shouldn't be afraid.
  • It is important for young specialists what kind of atmosphere in the team is. Make a plan of events with the help of which you will keep the positive: every month - a corporate party and a new benefit.

How is the development of a personnel strategy carried out

The sequence of the process of developing and implementing a personnel strategy is to conduct a preliminary informative assessment of management functions, a number of other indicators through the use of a competitive profile. When assessing the success of management rationally apply expert methods. All other indicators are checked using comparative analysis.

The most important accounting factors when developing a HR policy is taking into account the level of fundamental problems:

  1. differential control structures;
  2. quantitative optimization of employees;
  3. current dynamics of development;
  4. cost effectiveness;
  5. long-term development dynamics;
  6. adaptation;
  7. promotion processes;
  8. motivation;
  9. social security;
  10. corporate culture.

HR systems are part of the overall economic strategy of the organization. With the help of carefully designed systems, the overall performance of personnel and management efficiency are ensured. Professional policy and strategy have a common integration. The main methodology of the management function is a sequential process of transition from emergency and ineffective management methods to integrity and efficiency. All this is aimed at solving long-term tasks of the organization.

Read also materials on the topic:

What is the purpose of HR strategy

The goals and objectives of the HR strategy implementation are to create the integrity and harmony of all elements of the management system:

professional policy;



Personnel policy is designed to determine what kind of team is required to create in the organization, how to organize the work of all personnel in order to quickly implement all the tasks and goals.

The HR strategy for the development of the organization is aimed at developing effective methods that will help to collect, retain the necessary specialists, and avoid staff cuts.

When forming an individual strategy of an organization, strategic - long-term, tactical - medium-term and operational - short-term planning are simultaneously carried out. Personnel policy, strategy, planning serve as an extrapolation of the general policy of the company, affect all planes of the human factor. The professional development policy of the enterprise is the main component of the interrelated elements of the effective personnel management system.

Fundamentals of HR strategy formation

The professional strategy includes elements that help to communicate with the short-term and strategic prospects of the organization. The strategic development plan of the company is taken as the basis for concretizing the issues of personnel strategy. Development of measures to activate personnel policyis aimed at preparing and working out methods that allow you to carry out:

selection of personnel;

assistance in adaptation;

retention of valuable personnel through effective motivation;

optimization of the number of personnel.

The number of personnel required for the successful functioning of the organization is specified in the strategic plan. The decision to carry out the next update of the personal strategyaccepted if necessary:

to increase the advantages of the organization over competitors by the effective use of the existing staff potential;

enhance the benefits by changing the conditions of use, dynamic capacity development;

to form a competent and responsible team with a high level of qualifications.

The main criteria for assessing the professional policy of an enterprise reflect all factors and their influence on the overall strategy as a whole. The concept of enterprise development is based on a deep analysis of both external and internal criteria that affect the solution of the assigned tasks. Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of human resources management is considered the foundation for success.

What is public professional policy

Public professional policy takes into account general business development trends. Depending on this, changes in the methods of working with personnel are being worked out, the basic requirements for employees and the management of their development are taken into account. An entrepreneurial business strategy is aimed at increasing competitiveness, the ability to occupy an appropriate niche in the domestic and global markets.

It should be borne in mind that any policy is most effective at the initial stage of the formation and development of an enterprise. In the future, it should be revised and modernized taking into account general market trends. A clear distribution of functions contributes to a well-coordinated and efficient work. And the creation of an optimal staff and a base of candidates allows you to count on stability and economic growth.

The public personal policy is aimed at the dynamic growth of the company. When working out such a strategy, the specifics of attracting and retaining highly qualified specialists must be taken into account. Some organizations prefer to focus their efforts on developing their own human resources. This helps to optimize costs, reduce the total headcount, and manage with a minimum number of employees who perform work duties with a greater degree of efficiency.

How to plan a personnel strategy in an enterprise

The concept and content of an individual policy in an organization is taken into account when planning. The main principles are:

  1. external and internal incentives;
  2. evaluation of efficiency in the short and long term;
  3. making decisions on the rationality of using external sources of labor;
  4. ensuring career growth;
  5. job security;
  6. investment in personnel;
  7. development of principles of motivation.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the personal policy of a modern organization is carried out with a certain cyclical development. It is impossible to schedule such work in advance. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the enterprise, the stability of the use of all the developed methods.

Seven components of success or what is an effective HR strategy

Please tell me where to go from here?
- It largely depends on where you want to go, - answered the Cat.
- Yes, I almost do not care, - began Alice.
- Then it doesn't matter where to go, - said the Cat.
L. Carroll "Alice in Wonderland"

The function of personnel management today is gradually beginning to move to a fundamentally new qualitative level - from solving operational problems to building a holistic, independent, ordered system that contributes to the achievement of the long-term goals of the organization. Comprehension and development of personnel strategy is the most important component of this system.

What is HR strategy? This is nothing more than a set of basic goals, principles and rules for working with personnel. At the same time, a full-fledged strategy clearly and unambiguously defines not only long-term HR goals, but also the main ways and directions of their implementation. Otherwise, she runs the risk of repeating the story of the famous anecdote about an owl strategist, who advised mice to turn into hedgehogs in order to get rid of the annoying fox.

Here are seven simple guidelines for fellow readers to consider to help you shape an effective strategy for your business.

Often, during its formation, serious mistakes are made at the very beginning. And the first and most common is that they often begin to form a personnel strategy in isolation from the main corporate one. It is important to remember that the first is a functional strategy, which should be aimed primarily at supporting the implementation of the long-term goals and objectives of the company as a whole.

For example, if a company plans to actively develop and increase its market share, then within the framework of the personnel strategy, the main emphasis should be placed on creating a fast and effective technology for attracting and recruiting personnel, its early adaptation, standardization of procedures for working with people, as well as on the development of corporate communications. ...

If the company has chosen a cost strategy for itself, you should think about optimizing the cost of business processes, finding an inexpensive workforce, creating an effective and economical personnel management system, etc.

On the contrary, when focusing on product quality, it is likely that additional investments will be required to hire highly qualified specialists, create a multi-stage system of continuous training, assess and monitor the quality of personnel work, and create an innovative environment.

Another common mistake is that many companies, when forming their long-term strategy, do not take into account the need to restructure the company's HR strategy, or take it into account only in a truncated version. For example, having set ourselves the task of restructuring the sales system from passive to active, they often start with changes in the organizational structure, while losing sight of the need to restructure the system of recruiting, training and incentives.

Therefore, when developing a personnel strategy, it is necessary to take into account the obligatory interaction of all its "dimensions" and aspects. For example, if a company, when building its basic strategy, focuses on the quality of services and maximum satisfaction of all customer needs, then it is necessary to revise not only the organizational structure and quality management system, but also the system of training, assessment, material and non-material motivation, and the system of corporate communications. Otherwise, a contradiction will inevitably arise between what the management says about the quality of service and what people are actually taught and what they are encouraged to do.

Involving senior executives in the HR strategy development process is necessary not only for the formation of a common understanding by the company's management of long-term goals and how to achieve them. This collaboration also allows for the optimal balance between the “practitioners” and the “strategists” of the company, which is necessary to obtain effective results. And the involvement of key highly specialized performers who know all the subtleties of a particular technology and the situation on the labor market will make the strategy more "lively" and accurate, foresee all possible risks in it in advance.

Now, based on the corporate strategy of the company, it is necessary to start forming a strategic "portrait" of the company's personnel. To do this, it is necessary to think about what will be the role of personnel in solving new problems, what competencies and skills will be needed in order to effectively implement the plans.

Particular attention should be paid to the company's forward-looking organizational structure and business processes. Here you should formulate for yourself the answers to the questions about which organizational structure is the most effective for achieving strategic objectives, which new business processes will need to be created, and which efficiency will need to be improved.

Before you begin to formulate the goals and objectives of the HR strategy, you should conduct a thorough audit of the existing talent pool. It is appropriate to quote here from the famous work of Jerome K. Jerome: "The plan may not be bad ... but you just need to know where we are now." First, analyze all the available information about the company's personnel, their qualifications. Review existing procedures and policies. Ask yourself if they meet not only today's operational challenges, but also the new strategic goals.

When forming a personnel strategy, it is necessary to take into account not only the situation with personnel within the company, but also trends in the external environment. This is the socio-economic, demographic situation in the country, tax legislation, technical and economic trends that allow changing the requirements for personnel. Competition in the labor market, the availability of qualified personnel and their cost, etc. are also important.

A simple but effective method - SWOT analysis (strengths - strengths, weaknesses - weaknesses, oppor-tunities - opportunities, Threats - hazards) will help to conduct a comprehensive and visual assessment of your organization. Concentrate on the strengths and weaknesses of the company staff. Consider the existing skills and potential problems of employees.

You should also be candid when answering questions about whether your current organizational structure is meeting strategic objectives? Does the organization of business processes ensure the achievement of the set goals? Is the company's business process map comprehensive or will it be necessary to create new business processes?

Based on the analysis carried out, the potential of the HR department of the company should be assessed by carefully analyzing the current directions of its activities, the quality of work and the competence of employees. We need to think about in which areas of HR activities the department has succeeded, and which areas of work need to be improved. To do this, you can also conduct a COPS analysis (culture - culture, organization-organization, people-people, systems - personnel management systems). Formulate the state of current and desired affairs. Analyze what needs to be changed in the HR system to ensure the achievement of strategic goals.

Once the analysis of the current and desired position has been completed, special attention should be paid to the analysis of the inconsistencies between them. After comparing the results of the SWOT and COPS analyzes with the business strategy, identify the most important personnel problems, that is, those that have a major impact on the implementation of the business strategy. In other words, try to understand how realistic it is to achieve the assigned tasks with the staff at your disposal. List these bottlenecks in detail. Then, rank the top priority staff concerns in order of importance.

After the work on the analysis of the current one has been carried out and the desired state of the personnel resource has been determined, as well as the most priority bottlenecks have been identified, it is possible to start formulating the goals and objectives of the personnel strategy.

Strategic goals and objectives are general directions, which are a kind of bridge connecting the present state of affairs with the future, the real and the desired. In other words, the goals and objectives formulate what exactly should be done in order to bring the current state of the human resource to the desired state necessary for the implementation of the chosen strategy. We repeat: the formulation of HR strategy goals takes place in an open dialogue with top managers and key executives of the company.

As an example, I will cite the long-term goals of the personnel strategy of the Econika retail chain, which ensure the achievement of the company's overall strategy.

2. Build a personnel management model based on increasing labor productivity at each workplace through the effective organization of business processes.

3. Ensure effective selection and adaptation of personnel to the retail network "Econika" (taking into account the program of active regional development).

4. Ensure the development of the corporate culture of the company in accordance with corporate values.

After the goals are formulated, they can be decomposed into the level of tasks and specific activities. In other words, we need to formulate how you plan to implement your strategy. Moreover, the decomposition should be carried out in an enlarged manner. More detailed development of programs should be carried out already outside the framework of the strategic document. All activities must be broken down by year, and also have a preliminary cost estimate.

When the main part of the strategy is formulated, it is necessary to highlight the external and internal risks that may arise during the implementation process. At the same time, it is important not only to identify potential risks, but also to select methods and tools for managing identified risks to reduce the likelihood of occurrence and minimize possible negative consequences.

The implementation of the HR strategy includes two main stages: implementation of the strategy and control over its implementation, followed by coordination of all actions based on the results of control. The implementation stage consists of developing a plan for the implementation of an HR strategy, plans for detailed programs and activities within the framework of the set goals.

It should be remembered that the external environment around us is constantly changing. Consequently, the strategy cannot be stationary and unchanged. Therefore, it must be constantly monitored and adjusted, and your HR management must be built precisely through the prism of a changing strategy.

A. Bednenko, HR director of the retail chain "Econika", candidate of psychological sciences. Source