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Fashionable paintings for the interior. What's trending now? Custom paintings for the interior - catalog Unusual paintings for the interior

Were and remain a popular element decor any room. Original works famous artists or their less expensive glossy copies posters or family photos, digital images printed on paper or canvas can decorate the faceless walls, make a boring interior original, and turn an inconspicuous room into a stylish apartment. However, purchasing a painting you like and hanging it on a free space is not entirely good decision. First you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for selecting and placing paintings depending on the style premises, its size, purpose, design features.

Geometry of space

With the help of correctly placed pictures you can change visual perception premises. Low ceilings will appear higher if you hang a vertically oriented picture or several images one below the other. You can expand the room by placing paintings horizontally in a row. If the room layout resembles corridor, it is better to hang a bright large picture on the end side - the room will become more comfortable and proportional.

Advice: if you hang pictures in a row different sizes, you need to align them to the bottom edge.

Location height

The image will be best perceived by the human eye if its center is at a height of 150-152 cm from gender. This is the principle used to hang exhibits at exhibitions and museums. But in kitchens it is better to place paintings at the eye level of a sitting person - after all, it is in this position that you will most likely contemplate a work of art. If the picture is small and there are small parts, it is allowed to hang it lower (but not lower than 60 cm from the floor). Larger images, on the contrary, are recommended to be hung higher - up to 160 cm from the floor.

Fashionable paintings are those that correspond to the spirit and trends of design development modern interior.

Paintings have always given the house nobility and a certain aristocracy. And this also has a positive effect on the image of the owner of the house. After all, an educated person who is not indifferent to works of art always commands respect.

But if earlier this was available mainly to wealthy people or was the lot of true connoisseurs of painting, now interior paintings do not greatly burden the wallets of everyone who appreciates art and understands something about it. Or at least pretends to understand, which is also not bad. After all, it’s better this way than nothing.

Times change, painting styles change, and the preferences of those who purchase paintings change. We’ll talk about these preferences, and also try to find out what they are fashion paintings currently.

It must be admitted that painting in the genre of landscape or still life in the style of classical realism is currently more interesting to those who have always been adherents of this type of art. That is, such paintings are purchased more often because of their artistic value, and not for the purpose of interior decoration.

Unfortunately, classical painting does not currently attract mass interest in the design of modern interiors.

More precisely, this type of interior paintings is still in demand, but is best suited for interiors decorated in the style of Baroque, classicism or neoclassicism. But such interiors are inherent in to a greater extent wealthy people who have luxury homes. And, as you know, we don’t have as many of them as we would like.

This does not mean that paintings in the style of classical realism do not deserve interest and respect. Quite the contrary, but fashion, alas, extends to fine art...

Therefore, from a fashion perspective, we will consider the currently most popular types and styles of interior paintings.

What are fashionable paintings for the interior?

By interior paintings we will understand, in addition to the original works of artists, also copies famous paintings, traditional posters and Modular pictures.

Dear visitors!

On the website you can choose a high-quality painting on natural canvas, a spectacular modular painting or a stylish poster in the section . You will be asked great amount options in different genres and styles from the most famous manufacturer of interior paintings - the Moscow company Artwall. Delivery throughout Russia without prepayment. Discounts up to 30%. Good luck with your purchases!

It must be said that the demand for the design of modern interiors is determined not so much by the type of interior painting as by its style. That is, the style of the chosen painting must necessarily correspond to the style of interior design. Only in this case will it organically fit into the overall concept and give the interior a finished look.

If it is a painting, then the painting is chosen in the style of expressionism or abstractionism.

For posters in their classic design, that is, the usual rectangular shape, the preferences remain the same.

For modular paintings, which are currently quite fashionable, very unusual, spectacular images of various subjects are chosen.

In general, to put it briefly, currently fashionable paintings for decorating modern interiors are those that use images that make you think and fantasize, that is, bold, original, creative.

All of the above is true, of course, primarily for the brave design solutions in the interior, not classic ones.

And so, let's take an example separately Various types interior paintings.

Copies of paintings by famous artists

As already mentioned, painting in the impressionist style is more suitable for a modern interior. Such paintings are more expressive, dynamic, and therefore more consistent with the rhythm of our time. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that these are works of modern authors. Landscapes and still lifes, say, by Vincent Van Gogh or Monet, will also look quite modern and fashionable in the interior. Which will to some extent emphasize not only your taste, but also your education.

Painting in the impressionist style of a modern author.
A copy of a painting in the same style, but performed by a world-famous artist.
The painting goes well with the interior design style of the room.
A painting in the impressionist style depicting a passionate Spanish dance matches the color scheme well with some interior elements and generally fits well into the proposed interior design concept.

Modern style posters

Posters provide more opportunities for flight of fancy, unlike classical paintings if only because there are a great variety of images that are used to make posters for different tastes and styles. This includes abstraction, oriental, African style, urban landscape, thematic posters such as auto-moto and others. Therefore, there is always something to choose from. It is only desirable that the subject of the poster corresponds to the purpose of the room, or rather does not contradict it.

By the way, since we are talking about posters, I would like to ask you a question: what exactly is the difference between a poster and a painting?

I ask because these two concepts are very often confused, both are called paintings. Well, if we combine them with such a general term as interior paintings, then everything will be correct. In general, painting is only what is created by a human hand. All other images obtained using various technologies, just suitable for posters.

Here are just a few examples.

The original poster with an intricate image looks light and modern in the presented interior.
An abstract poster associated with the sun, rainbows and generally just radiating warmth and good mood.
A black and white poster depicting a stylized cityscape goes well with the sofa and dark floor elements.
Black generally goes very well with red. Therefore, such an interior looks very bright, elegant and fashionable.
Good example room interior design Japanese style. All interior elements harmonize very well with each other. The design is not flashy, but well thought out.
A wonderful combination of an abstract poster with the colors of the room’s interior.
Example good combination original poster with unusual decoration walls of the room.

Modular pictures

Modular paintings are essentially also posters, but their image is divided into several elements or modules. This has made them very popular nowadays, since such paintings look very unusual and modern. In short, these are fashionable paintings, along with, of course, other types of interior paintings that are mentioned in this article. Choose a modular painting of any style, genre and direction from the product catalog of one of the most famous manufacturers in Russia you can do this.

Modular paintings can be placed in the interior both horizontally and vertically. In the first case, they visually expand the wall, and in the second, they make the ceilings higher.

Another important property modular paintings is that, even with very substantial sizes, they do not look bulky, unlike classical paintings, since they do not have frames and the image is divided into separate segments. You can see an example of what was said below in the first image.

A wonderful modular painting that unusually enlivens the warm, elegant interior of the room.
This kind of modular painting also looks good in a modern interior.
A very dynamic modular painting depicting a galloping herd of horses corresponds to the pace of our time.
Very precise combination color range abstract modular painting with other interior elements.
Another very interesting example competent interior design using an unusual modular picture. The interior colors are not flashy, but not devoid of taste.

So what interior paintings are currently fashionable?

Fashionable paintings are those that look fresh, stylish and unusual. You saw examples of such interior paintings in this article. But of course, they must match both the design style of your room and its purpose. Then it will be beautiful, harmonious and modern.

What did I mean by the purpose of the room?

More specifically, what you can choose as interior paintings for your home is described in the article.

Good luck with your choice and creative ideas in interior design!

Sincerely, .

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Today, the use of paintings for interiors as decorative element quite traditional.

Previously, this was considered a sign of wealth and security, because they often used paintings in the interior of the living room and other rooms - original ones, painted by famous artists.

Over time, when technologies are rapidly developing, despite the fact that they are already quite developed, even a not very rich person can afford to decorate his home with wall paintings.

Design principles

Thanks to the widest range of the proposed images, you can create very harmonious interior, while emphasizing all the advantages of the living space, as well as skillfully masking some flaws.

As you have already noticed in the photos of paintings in the interior presented by us, they are real works of photographic art, displayed, including on canvas and glass.

As for the classical works that were painted in oil, they are also relevant.

At the same time, the main task for many remains the same - how to decorate a painting in the interior so that it complies with all the rules of your home?!

If you are having difficulty choosing a classic room, we also recommend looking at the artwork presented in galleries, exhibitions, etc.

Impressed by the new original ideas You can interestingly fit modern paintings for the interior even into a strict classic design.

When choosing posters and paintings for the interior, we recommend adhering to the following principles:

Style direction, which is incredibly important to ensure that the atmosphere is harmonious.

Select the color scheme in accordance with the richness of the interior in various shades. Only in this case will you understand which paintings to hang above the sofa, which ones in other places, in which colors, etc.

If the shades between the walls and the paintings match, you can emphasize the feature of the image using a contrasting frame.

Also remember the basic rule of interior design. For visual increase use light colors. If you choose a dark color scheme, the room will visually appear smaller.

The dimensions of the images are also important. Large portraits of vertical shapes are suitable for those interiors in which the ceilings are quite high.

If you have a standard apartment layout, we recommend choosing a horizontal method of arranging paintings.

If we talk about large images, then the space must be considerable, otherwise you simply will not be able to enjoy the painting.

Place modular paintings in the interior, but their center must be at “eye level”. In the case of several paintings hung next to each other, they should be aligned along the bottom edge. At the same time, depending on your interior, the placement may be chaotic across the entire wall.

l Because paintings can serve specific functions, choose ones that support a theme. For example, do not choose works that will make you feel completely negative.

It is better if the paintings are located on the surface of the wall that does not receive direct rays of the sun.

Hall interior

The living room is usually given special importance in every home. After all, this particular room is intended to meet friends, family and loved ones.

Hanging stylish paintings for the interior here, the room will become more original, elegant and cozy. The task of the paintings here is to create harmony in the environment, evoking an exclusively positive mood and positive emotions.

In this you can safely rely on shades of blue or cyan, which are characterized by activation of the flows of life potential. In addition to the color scheme in the interior of the hall, how the paintings are arranged is also important.

The main thing is that its dimensions are correctly selected, and they are often hung above the sofa. Optimal ratio there will be one to two widths of the picture frame with a furniture back.

If there are two or even three paintings, the remaining free space should be a third of the dimensions of the sofa.

Ideas for decorating a room with paintings may not appear immediately. Therefore, we recommend being impressed, inspired by ideas and organizing the interior of your home according to your individual preferences.

Photo paintings for interior

Every owner of his own home, even the smallest one studio apartment, dreams of making it unique, unlike others. Questions about what decision to make and where to buy large framed paintings for the wall become especially relevant for him at different times.

The best way out of the situation will be fashionable, creative, stylish and panoramic paintings to order big size. Not requiring significant financial investments, they are ideal for any interior, from luxurious classics and pompous rococo style to minimalist Japanese style.

Inexpensive decorative paintings of any size for sale in Moscow

By ordering modern fashionable paintings made by professional artist-designers from us, you will receive the following opportunities:

  • make a soft, elegant accent in the interior of an apartment or house;
  • fill your home with positive energy, freshness and novelty;
  • create a pleasant, lively atmosphere for communication and relaxation with family;
  • surprise friends and acquaintances with subtle taste and respectability of the house;
  • learn how to create a stylish environment without damaging the family budget.

The production of custom paintings in large format is our specialization. Taking into account the requests and wishes of customers, we offer a wide variety of sizes, themes, methods of producing canvases, and flexible prices.

IN as soon as possible We will produce reproductions of paintings for the interior of the office, living room and other rooms for various purposes. In the arrangement of an office office or hotel room decorative paintings will add some shade home comfort and exotics. From us you can buy a painting for the interior of the bedroom above the bed, and a painting for the wall in the living room will attract the attention of relatives and friends.

To decorate a youth club, a high school student’s room, or housing for a young family, catchy, bright art paintings in the fantasy style are suitable. Buying a custom painting will complete the interior of your living room, bedroom or nursery. Everyone can order a painting for the wall according to their taste and financial capabilities.

Custom photo paintings for the interior give a dream and excite the imagination

Apparently, this is where it lies main secret the unfading popularity of paintings. When you look at an unusual painting by Salvador Dali, your imagination takes you on a long journey, filling your soul with the anticipation of romantic adventures under the hot southern sun. Buy paintings on canvas inexpensively - this is a real dream come true.

From us you can order images for the soul, which you will never get tired of admiring:

  • copies of works of great artists;
  • retro paintings in a modern vision;
  • paintings to order from photographs;
  • city ​​and landscape landscapes, still lifes;
  • themes of animal and underwater world;
  • memorable collages with the faces of friends and loved ones.

Characteristics table:

The painting is a worthy gift for the hero of the day and business partner

When they get close new year holidays, family celebration, corporate event, finding gifts turns into a real problem. Although it is very easy to resolve, you can buy the necessary paintings for the interior in an online store, choosing an exquisite still life or landscape as a gift. Why? Yes, because a custom painting is unique artistic composition, which will be appreciated by extraordinary creative individuals.

A picture chosen with soul:

  • Suitable as a gift for both women and men;
  • is the most convenient and the easy way Take into account as much as possible the hobbies and preferences of the person for whom the gift is being prepared;
  • made on canvas or leather, will decorate the office of the head of a company, a respectable business partner;
  • with a stylish image of the direction of the company's activities, it will certainly appeal to mid-level employees.

At all times, the painting was a decoration for the state rooms of rich houses. Today, buying paintings to order in Moscow, not necessarily in an expensive frame or baguette, is an affordable luxury for everyone.

Contact our online store of interior paintings online, place an order wholesale or retail in Moscow and be surprised little miracle, give joy to your loved ones. With us, it’s so easy to fill your life with colors, all you have to do is buy a large painting in the online store inexpensively!

Today, everyone can use paintings as decorative elements for their own home. Once upon a time, such jewelry was considered a sign of luxury, and only wealthy people could afford them. Over time, it became possible not only to purchase original copies belonging to great masters, but also their less expensive copies, works by little-known artists and all kinds of glossy posters.

In order for the canvas to fit organically into the decor of the room, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of design art before purchasing. There are a huge number of photos of various paintings for the interior on the Internet, and this article will help you make a choice, taking into account all the nuances.

General principles for choosing paintings for the interior

In the world of design, there are certain rules that help create harmonious combination paintings with the general furnishings of the room. The most basic ones are listed below.

Rule No. 1. Style. When choosing a painting, you must adhere to the general style of the room.

Rule No. 2. Color. A room where rich, saturated colors predominate needs calm painting, and bright accents will look good on walls in neutral tones. If it turns out that the shade of the canvas matches the shade of the wall on which it hangs, then this can be corrected with the help of a contrasting frame. It is also important to know that dark shades help to visually reduce space, while light shades help to increase space.

Rule No. 3. Size. In a room with high ceilings, large portraits arranged vertically look harmonious. Pictures placed horizontally are used more widely and are even suitable for standard apartments. It must be taken into account that small rooms Do not overload with decorative elements, as this will reduce the space.

Rule No. 4. Placement. It is best to place the painting on the wall so that its center point is at eye level.

Rule No. 5. Plot. Choosing an image is the same as choosing future emotions. After all, every time you look at a purchased work of art, certain feelings will be experienced.

Modern paintings for interior

Particular attention should be paid modern options paintings that can organically fit into any fashionable interior. Vivid examples modular paintings, abstract canvases and democratic posters can serve here.

A modular picture is an image divided into several segments. Such canvases can be used to decorate not only residential premises, but also office buildings. They help create very stylish interior, adding notes of novelty and originality to it.

For each painting, the number of fragments, their position in space and size are absolutely individual. The subject can be any, but mainly abstract motifs, nature, animals, as well as urban landscapes.

Abstraction is considered a unique direction in painting. Its main goal is to develop a person’s imagination, evoking various associations. Such canvases depict not familiar objects, but various color combinations in combination with fantasy or geometric shapes.

Abstract images will be an excellent solution for modern interiors, decorated in a minimalist style, as well as in high-tech and modernism styles. They are able to create a unique creative atmosphere in a room and become fashionable design features.

When placing abstraction, it is necessary to take into account that wallpaper with patterns will put it at a disadvantage, creating the impression of bad taste, but plain wall will fit perfectly.

Also wonderful decoration All kinds of posters can serve as rooms. They differ from traditional paintings in that they are created by the printing industry rather than by individual artists.

Posters are suitable for any modern interior. Their peculiarity is that they are able to reflect the personality of the owner of the room, his worldview, tastes and hobbies. The poster may look like an art poster depicting graphic drawing either text, or it can be in the form of a photograph.

It is important to remember that no matter what version of the image is chosen, the main thing is that the picture as a whole is harmoniously combined with the decor of the room.

Living room interior: how to choose the right picture

It is known that the living room is intended for receiving guests, celebrating important events and communication between family members. Therefore she needs special design approach. In such rooms, paintings that depict urban and rural landscapes, portraits of people, flower arrangements, as well as all kinds of birds and animals are appropriate.

For interior in classic style Traditional painting will do. High-tech and modernism welcome abstraction. The interior is in pop art style and goes well with a variety of posters.

In order for the canvas above the sofa to look organic, you should not make a mistake with the choice of size. One to two is the ideal ratio of the width of the picture to the back of the sofa, and one to three is best option free space for two or three works of art.

If you want to create a feeling of dynamism in the room, then the canvases should be hung asymmetrically to each other. Conversely, paintings arranged symmetrically create an impression of stability and adherence to tradition.

Also, some rigor can be given to the interior by stylish monochrome paintings same size. And frames that are similar in color and material help create a harmonious interior.

Kitchen interior: how to combine decorative elements correctly

For the kitchen, you can safely buy inexpensive paintings, because decorative elements in such rooms are more often than in other rooms exposed to adverse influences and therefore quickly become unusable. It is best to place art pieces under glass - this will help protect them from negative consequences.

A competent combination will help to give the interior a complete image. color palette rooms with shades of decorative elements. For example, monochrome paintings look natural in a room where cool shades predominate. The Provence style is characterized by paintings that contain shades of yellow. Minimalism is in dire need of bright accents.

You can also hang handmade paintings in the kitchen. After all, this trend is very relevant now, because Hand Made became very popular.

Bedroom design: interesting design ideas

The main purpose of the bedroom is to give a person the opportunity to relax. Therefore, when choosing a painting, it is best to give preference to the image that, in your opinion, will allow you to better feel the atmosphere of home comfort, tranquility and well-being.

Choosing canvases depicting wildlife is usually always a win-win option, because calm rivers and streams, brooding forests and majestic mountains help create a peaceful atmosphere in the room.

However, if the mood calls for romance, then exotic birds flying through blue sky, are quite suitable for this case. It is also worth noting that in the bedroom interior, muted shades help to better relax and recuperate.

Thus, knowing all the nuances, buying a painting for the interior will be much easier.

Photos of paintings for the interior