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Vitamins contained in the corn. Canned corn - benefit and harm

Corn is called "queen fields." This is a delicious and useful product that belongs to cereal cultures. Due to its taste and the large content of vitamins, this plant is used not only for the preparation of dishes, but also for the prevention of certain diseases. There are many opinions about the benefits and harm of boiled and raw corn.

History of origin

There are several theories of origin of corn in its cultural form. They are as follows:

  1. The culture was derived due to the selection of one of the types of Mexican wild corn.
  2. The plant in modern form arose as a result of hybridization of small wild varieties.

Most researchers adhere to the first version. She was offered the Nobel laureate by J. Bidle, his theory was based on experimental data.

It should be noted that corn was introduced into the dietary turnover of 7-12 thousand years ago On the territory of modern Mexico. Cathericles of plants in those times were 10 times less than in modern varieties.

Vitamin Mineral Composition

There are many different varieties of maize since the traditional and ending with black cobs. The benefits of corn is due to the content of vitamins and minerals. This product contains the following useful elements in its composition:

  1. Fat and essential oils;
  2. Minerals: calcium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and iron;
  3. Vitamins A, SS, E, PP and almost the whole group in;
  4. Fiber;
  5. Starch.

Calorie Plants.

100 g of the product contains in yourself:

  1. 10.3 g of proteins;
  2. 67.5 g of carbohydrates;
  3. 4.9 g of fats.

Calorie can vary from 88 to 325 kcal per 100 g of product. The amount of calories depends on the variety and preparation option. Despite such indicators, this culture is considered to be dietary.

The benefits of such a product is that it:

  1. Improves immunity;
  2. Displays slags and toxins;
  3. Reduces cholesterol levels;
  4. Normalizes the work of the stomach;
  5. Improves metabolism.

Corn also helps in preventing the development of heart vessels. Due to the fact that the product has a choleretic and diuretic effect, it is recommended to use it in dishearsal or hypertension. Corn can eat people on diet, allergy and patients with diabetes mellitus.

Such a cereal product is not accepted In the raw form - often it is cooked straight in the cob. However, few people know that raw corn marine can be added to soups and salads. In addition to the fact that their taste improves, a large amount of vitamins and minerals fall into the body.

This product is enterocolitis, since the substances that are contained by it help to slow down the fermentation and processes of rotting in the stomach. As a consequence of corn helps to improve digestion, and also levels the effects of alcohol on the body.

Canned product

During the conservation, the product loses part of its useful properties, vitamins becomes 5-6 times less. Even popcorn contains more useful substances than canned grains.

During the purchase of a canned product, it is necessary to pay attention to the bank not to be dents, since the damaged metal can enter into a chemical reaction with liquid. In the process of such contact, toxins are distinguished, which may cause disease development.

Contraindications of grains

Mais can be harmful at:

  1. Ulcerative disease;
  2. Addiction to the formation of thrombov;
  3. High blood flow.

Application of corn in nutrition

Mais will be useful both for people who suffer from excess weight and for those who have insufficient body weight. This grain culture is recommended for epilepsy, as well as it helps with stress and depressions. The decoction of the grain helps when overwork - Well restores forces.

Due to the fact that the product contains a large amount of selenium, it helps to prevent the development of oncology, and also slows the processes of aging. If you regularly use corn porridge with butter, then you can minimize the risk of malignant neoplasm.

This cereal culture has long been used for diarrhea and dysentery. For this purpose, one should eat 1 tsp. Roasted grains with honey. Squeeze such a mixture should be warm water. For the prevention of problems with the liver, kidneys and gouts, it is necessary to use the grain of maize, watered by oil. When gastritis, it is recommended to use puree soup from this product.

Mais in cosmetology

Masks based on such a product help reduce the amount of pigment stains, as well as they level the complexion. We use such masks for people with oily skin, as they remove the shine and narrow the pores. To prepare such a mask, you will need 2 tbsp. l. Corn flour and squirrel of one egg. All ingredients should be mixed, apply on the face. Hold such a mask for 20 minutes. Wash should be warm water.

Use during pregnancy

This product can bring great benefits for a female body, as the useful substances have a positive effect on its reproductive system.

Mais has the following positive effect on the body of a pregnant woman:

  1. Removes edema, especially this is important on the third trimester of pregnancy;
  2. Improves immunity;
  3. Normalizes the work of the digestive tract;
  4. Reduces the symptoms of toxicosis;
  5. Improves blood circulation.

As the result, it should be noted that corn is a product that in its composition contains a large number of useful vitamins and minerals. When choosing fresh cobs, pay attention to the fact that the maize should not be stern.

Corn is completely reasonable to be one of the most popular delicacies that adults and children are equally loved. It is used not only in boiled, but also in canned form. Also, they produce starch and flour, which subsequently become ingredients of many dishes. In addition, we all well know how good the corn is useful. What vitamins contain this product, you will learn from today's article.

A bit of history

As a cultural plant, corn began to grow about twelve millennium back. Her first cultivation was taken by peoples who lived in the territory of Mexico. At that time, her cobs were much less modern. The average fetus size was only four centimeters.

Those who want to understand what vitamins in the corn will be wondering that it was the basis of the diet of the Indian tribes who inhabited America long before the formation of the United States. Images of this plant decorated the walls of the ancient Indian temples. It is reliably known that some tribes in the hope of a good harvest brought the sun to the sacrifice in the form of bread baked from corn flour.

European peoples learned about this culture thanks to Christopher Columbus. It was brought to the territory of Russia in the XVII century. She was cultivated in the regions with a warm climate (in the south of Ukraine, the Caucasus and in the Crimea). It was originally cultivated as a decorative plant, but later Europeans rated its taste.

Chemical composition

Those who are interested in which vitamins are in the corn, will be surprised to find out that it is considered one of the best sources of many valuable substances. In this low-calorie product there are mineral salts, fats, ascorbic acid, protein, sugar and starch. The vitamin E contained in it has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair. In addition, it contributes to the slowdown of aging. It also presents a sufficient amount of magnesium, potassium and iron. Vitamins of group B help to fight depression, insomnia and other disorders of the nervous system.

Interestingly, in one hundred grams of corn contains only 97 calories. Therefore, it can be considered a dietary product. In addition, it is rich in vitamins K and D, which is also beneficial on the human body.

Beneficial features

Having understood which vitamins are contained in the corn, it is necessary to pay attention to its influence on our health. Thanks to the presence of a large amount of dietary fiber, it improves the state of the gastrointestinal tract. The soluble fiber is involved in blocking cholesterol, and an insoluble is considered to be better prevention of constipation.

Those who have already understood which vitamins are contained in boiled corn, it will be interesting that the regular use of this dish allows you to keep eye health. The antioxidants present in it have a positive effect on the state of the organs of view, preventing the development of cataracts.

Contraindications to use

Having understood which vitamins in the corn, you need to understand, this product should not be in whose diet. Immediately disclaim that the abuse of these delicious cobs can lead to serious problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Surplus this product often becomes the cause of various disorders and failures in the operation of the digestive system.

Some people may arise allergic reactions to corn. Fortunately, this happens extremely rarely. However, in the event of the slightest symptoms, it is necessary to completely exclude it from its diet. The most common signs of allergies are rashes, redness and itching of skin.


Unlike most vegetables and fruits, this cereal does not lose its valuable properties in the process of heat treatment. Corn grain shell retains its integrity even after cooking. Therefore, it is equally useful in the fresh, and in the processed form.

Those who have already understood what vitamins in the corn boiled will be interested to know that it is more valuable than canned. Of course, it also contains useful substances, just in slightly smaller concentrations. The fact is that in the process of preparing corn to conservation from it, many vitamins are destroyed. In addition, some unscrupulous manufacturers are added to their GMO products.

Understanding which vitamins in the corn, you need to learn to distinguish a quality product. Incorrectly chosen grade can harm your health, so you need to approach this issue with maximum responsibility.

It is not recommended to acquire cobs from hand. Because no one can guarantee that they were properly kept. Dry, separated from the fetus, the leaves indicate that corn is too long under the straight sunshine. It is possible that pathogenic microorganisms have already begun to reproduce in it. Inhomogeneous shade of grains suggests that they are no longer the first freshness.

When choosing a canned product, you must first pay attention to the packaging. It should have all the necessary information about the expiration rates and the contacts of the manufacturer. It is very important to look at the date of manufacture. Corn, made in spring or winter, can not be considered fresh. In this case, before conservation, it was stored in a frozen form. The composition of the product should not be anything except the grains, water, a small amount of sugar and salt.

Those who already know what useful vitamins in the corn, it will not hurt to learn how to cook this grade correctly. You can do this not only in a saucepan, but also in a slow cooker, oven and steamer. So that the product does not become too tough, it is recommended to saline it in the finished form.

As for the time of cooking, here a lot depends on the grade of the cereal. As a rule, it takes about thirty minutes. But in some cases the cooking duration increases to three or four hours. When cooking corn to a pair, the maximum amount of beneficial substances is preserved in it, since this process takes no more than fifteen minutes.

Gentle young cobs are often prepared in the oven. As a result, it turns out very fragrant and soft delicacy. To do this, it is enough to fill with corn with water and send it to the oven for forty minutes.

Application of cereal

Having understood what vitamins in the corn, you need to explore which areas this useful product is used. Its long and successfully used in folk medicine. So, the stroke of this plant is considered an excellent diuretic product, and its oil contributes to a decrease in blood cholesterol. Dishes cooked on the basis of corn flour have long been recommended to use women suffering from infertility.

This useful grade is used and in cosmetology. On it, it is based on all sorts of means intended for hair care, as well as creams that contribute to the speedy restoration of the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. In nutrition, the corn decoction is successfully used. It is believed that it helps to quickly burn extra fats.

Nor paradoxical, but this plant is used even in the construction industry, as well as for the manufacture of glue, paper and cardboard. In agriculture, this cereal serves as a feed for cattle.

Corn is a plant that belongs to the family of cereals, in all of the world there are about 6 different types of this plant, but the most common is one species that we are all accustomed to eating. The birthplace of this culture is considered to be Mexico, where this plant was even ancient times on a very large scale. Why is the corn? First, it was and remains the perfect plant for the local climate, and secondly, the plant has a very high energy value, which made it possible to feed the entire population.

Corn is also attributable, oddly enough, to bread crops, and it is considered the most ancient bread in the world, first of all due to the fact that the plant does not require any special processing, after a simple cooking it can be safely eaten.

Corn is a rather unique plant, in some countries of the world he is considered national pride. It is widely known that even 100 years ago, this culture produced mainly in South America and in some regions of North America, but after some time it became so popular that the culture began to grow in almost all regions of the world. This also applies to the USSR, where the plant fell out of the USA, it has become very quickly popular, now no agricultural land does without this plant.

Corn is attributed to high-car products, there are very few fat and proteins in it, but a large amount of carbohydrates help to put the body for a long time and give it a lot of energy. This is a popular plant, because with its help even poor residents of Latin America in their time they flew out of hunger.

Due to the high content of carbohydrates, the product is quite calorie, so we need to be very careful with this culture to obese people or people with excess weight.

100 g of corn contains:

As can be seen from this list, corn is not so much rich in vitamins, how much is rich in a large number of various trace elements. And it is worth noting that in it in very large quantities there are such quite rare trace elements as phosphorus, chlorine and sulfur, in such concentrations they do not occur more almost anywhere.

As for canned corn, it is slightly less useful than fresh cobs. It retains many useful substances and vitamins, but also as any canned product, it does not carry so much benefit, it is associated with brine and methods of processing, which is subject to a plant during conservation.

Of course, if you really want to eat corn or add it to some kind of dish, you can safely buy a canned product, it can become an excellent alternative to fresh corn cob. Only before buying banks need to carefully examine its composition, choose better products with minimal salt, sugar and other auxiliary substances.

How to cook corn?

Corn, as a very ancient plant, has a rich history, in which there are many interesting and useful facts.

Everyone knows that the cobs of this plant can be frozen for long storage, but not everyone knows that you can even freeze the already welded corn. It needs to be frozen just like simple custom, and then simply cook for 30-40 minutes so that she flashed, after which it can be boldly.

For the first time, the rebel and seeds of the plant were brought to Europe and the famous Christopher Columbus.

Some bushes of plants reach a height of 7 meters, although most often they grow only up to 3 meters in height.

This culture can grow only with the help of a person, because for its landing, high-quality seeds are needed. Even if we put fresh pillage to the ground, then with it will not begin to be fruit, the pillage is simply deterrent, and not putting the roots.

According to the legends of the ancient Maya, corn was an alien plant, as they argued that before such a plant was not in nature. But scientists were able to dispel this myth: just before the culture had a completely different appearance and could multiply independently. Then she mutated a few, after which the present appearance acquired.

In most countries of the world, culture is called "Mais".

Each cigarette contains a strictly even number of flowers and seeds.

Oddly enough, but the corn pillage may not only be yellow, as we used to see it. At the moment, more than a thousand artificially derived varieties of this plant differ, there are cobs of purple, green, red and even multi-colored colors (grade Glass GEM, or "rainbow" corn).

Parts of this plant are never thrown away, hundreds of various products make hundreds of them. From the stems, roots and leaves make a hubby, industrial filters, alcohol, plastic, animal feed, plaster, etc.

Each pillage contains a lot of sugar, its concentration is almost the same as in sugar cane. But why do we not feel sugar when eating corn? The thing is that the sugar is preserved only when the corn bypass is still hanging on the shrub, and when it is broken, then after a few hours, the sugar concentration is reduced at times.

Unlike ordinary corn, its derivatives are not as useful. Popcorn, corn sticks and all the likes are not able to saturate the body and give it the same amount of useful components that a person gets from a normal score. It is better to avoid such products, and popcorn is better to do at home without adding sweeteners.

As for Popcorn: Maya Indians came up with him! They mixed corn grains with sand and put them near the campfire. After some time, the grains began to burst, and the Indians picked up the burst bins.

Corn is a very valuable product product, which must be included as often as possible in its diet.

Corn is a cereal plant represented by six species growing in different parts of the world. It is believed that for the first time they were talking about it in Mexico, since here is a suitable climate for its cultivation. It is also believed that the plant relates to bread cereals, since after cleaning and cooking it can be safely eaten. Vitamins in the corn cause interest in the farmers containing large agricultural land, as the sale of this vegetable is flourishing.

Nutrition nutritional value

One hundred grams of vegetable has 365 kcal, which includes:

  • carbohydrates - 74 g;
  • proteins - 9 g;
  • fats - 4 g;
  • food fibers - 7 g

As for boiled corn, one hundred grams of the product consists of 96 kcal, where the amount of proteins is 3.41 g, carbohydrates - 20.98 g, fat - 1.5 g. Well, speaking of a vegetable that has passed the conservation process, it is worth noting that Its caloric content does not exceed 58 kcal per 100 g of the product, the amount of proteins is 2.2 g, carbohydrates - 11.2 g, fats - 0.4 g.

In order for the vegetable to remain useful and after heat treatment, it is worth complying with certain rules, not to digest it too much. However, the abnormal product may cause some problems, for example, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive organs.

Not worthwhile asking what vitamin or mineral is contained in corn in large quantities. There are enough useful and nutrient elements that are beneficial affecting the human body. It is enough to choose and store vegetable to get the necessary amount of necessary substances with food.

Vitamin and Mineral Composition

The main vitamin substances that are part of fresh vegetable are:

Vitamins and minerals persist in corn boiled, and therefore it is often used as one of the main dishes of the dietary diet. Vitamins preserved in the corn canned, also allow it to be used to improve the state of the human body. Canding the question of which vitamin or mineral is contained in a vegetable in large quantities, it is worth paying attention to the mineral composition. It presents such elements that are quite rare in other food products.

Beneficial features

The main benefit from the use of vegetable is that:

  • the body weight increases (especially relevant for people who seek to recover in short terms);
  • the risk of hemorrhoids, colon cancer is reduced;
  • the condition of the nervous, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal system is stabilized;
  • the impact of harmful environmental factors on the body is reduced;
  • growth and human development are regulated;
  • muscle system strengthened;
  • new cellular compounds in the blood system are formed;
  • the amount of cholesterol sediments in organs and tissues is reduced;
  • reduced risk of atherosclerotic pathologies;
  • reduced the rate of digestion of complex carbohydrates;
  • reduced bile viscosity, accelerating its removal;
  • the development of hypertension is warned;
  • improves the state of vision organs;
  • improves the condition of the skin on face, hair, nails;
  • stabilizes the functioning of the reproductive female system.

Despite the fact that the vegetable is very useful, it is necessary to gently enter it into the diet, as there are certain groups of persons who are forbidden to use it. In such cases, it is necessary to consult a nutritionist before introducing such a product into its diet.

Moreover, its derivatives such as corn sticks, popcorn and similar, do not have a useful influence on the body. Avoiding the use of such products is the best way out of the situation, and the preparation of popcorn is better to exercise at home, so it will be more benefit.


The corn is undesirable to apply in food by people suffering:

  • pellagra disease - the so-called avitaminosis, manifested in skin rashes, violation of the functioning of the digestive system, neurological disorders;
  • violation of the functioning of the busty bodies - it usually occurs when the vegetable is used in the raw form, which is strictly prohibited;
  • caries - the content of a large amount of sugar in a vegetable can aggravate the position of things, and therefore after each use of corn cobs it is necessary to take care of the oral hygiene;
  • excess weight - a sweet vegetable can cause it to increase, and therefore, when compliance with the diet, it is worth treating it with caution.

Despite the fact that vitamin in corn is sufficient, its benefits are very doubtful with incorrect, unbalanced nutrition. Caring for their own health primarily is to control what is used daily by a person in food.

Interest in corn appeared in ancient times. Already then people were looking for various ways to prepare, use in cooking, cosmetology, medicine. So, few people know that brewed corn cobs can be frozen and used in food for six months. By the way, the first person who introduced Europe with a plant was not anyone else like Christopher Columbus.

Other interesting facts about vegetable include information indicating:

  • his growing on all continents, except Antarctica;
  • great performance of Mexicans - they collect daily and eat about 90 kg of cobs per year per person;
  • the use of the product as a "exchange coin" during the time, when there was no money for which the bread, meat and other products were changed;
  • the use of waste products obtained after processing vegetable in the spheres of non-food production;
  • a wide range of color options on the cobs. They can be white, blue, red and black;
  • the manufacture of the first popcorn Indians Maya, who mixed corn grains with sands, laid out around the bonfire and waited when they start to burst to pick them up.

How to choose a vegetable right?

When purchasing cobs, it is necessary to note such moments as:

  • their size - preference should be given to small screws;
  • the presence of leaves - indicates that the vitamin-mineral composition of the vegetable was preserved at maximum, since it did not pass by the treatment of Yado-chemicals;
  • light yellow shade of grains, their elasticity (tested by pressing the grains).

The choice of canned corn should be approached carefully. It is best to choose a product in a glass jar filled with a frantic solution. Compulsory components of such a preservative are salt, sugar, water and corn grains actually. It is also worth paying attention to the expiration date, storage after opening the bank. Frozen cobs are stored in a refrigerator chamber about six months, whereas in the fresh form they must be used during the first day after the acquisition.

The benefits of corn

Before the corn was brought to Europe, she played an important role in the diet of the ancient Aztecs - residents of the Mexican Peninsula Yucatan. Wise aborigines perfectly realized all the value and benefits of this vegetable, and shortly after the opening of America, the Europeans were also surprised at the form, taste and useful properties of the "Zaocan Vegetable". Many still learned about the school that with her help Khrushchev raised the Soviet agro-industrial complex. No wonder Cukuruz is proudly called "queen fields", because it is not only very nutritious, but also tasty.

In the modern world, the corn is preserved, and the benefits and harm of this product are widely known to the public.

First of all, corn is recommended to eat people with diabetes in food, as it should be stabilized to stabilize blood sugar levels. Studies show that a large amount of unsaturated acids reduces cholesterol levels, causing the occurrence of heart disease and blood vessels, such as myocardial damage, hypertension, and the like.

The unpleasant symptoms of the abdomen of the abdomen takes off after the use of canned corn. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will noticeably improve if you add some canned corn into your daily diet. Vegetable corn fibers are a good remedy against the ailments of the affecting organs of the digestive and excretory system.

To talk about the dangers, such a product will not suit people with a small muscle mass, as often increases the risk of muscle dystrophy. Doctors thoroughly recommend using it with people with ulcers, as well as corn contraindicated to people with increased blood coagulation.

Canned corn for weight loss

Often used canned corn for weight loss. Despite the fact that this product is extremely nutritious, it will help to lose weight if it is used as a substitute in many dishes, first of all, if you use it as a side dish.

Canned corn with a diet plays an important role as a source of proteins and. Many athletes add it during a diet because of the predominance of the most vegetable proteins.