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Who ruled by the Russian state. All Russian rulers from Rurik to Putin in chronological order

Rules rules during the Svyatoslav minority. In the chronicles, the independent government is not called, but it appears in Byzantine and Western European sources. Rules at least until 959, when its embassy is mentioned to the German king of Otton I (Chronicle of the Founder of Region). The date of the beginning of the independent rule of Svyatoslav is exactly unknown. In the chronicle, the first campaign is labeled 6472 (964) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 64), but it is likely that it still began before.
  • * Usachev A. S. Evolution of the story about the origin of the princess Olga in the Russian Book of the middle of the XVI century. // Pskov in Russian and European History: International Scientific Conference: in 2 tons. T. 2. M., 2003. P. 329-335.
  • The beginning of his reign in the chronicle marked 6454 (946) year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 57), and the first independent event - 6472 (964). See previous note. Killed in spring 6480 (972) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 74).
  • Prozorov L. R. Svyatoslav Great: "I go to you!" - 7th ed. - M.: Yauza Press, 2011. - 512 p., 3,000 copies, ISBN 978-5-9955-0316-3
  • It was planted in Kiev by the Father, who went on a campaign for Byzantium, in 6478 (970) year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 69). Excanion from Kiev and killed. All chronicles date this 6488 (980) year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 78, t. IX, p. 39). According to the "Memory and Praise of the Prince Russian Vladimir" Vladimir entered Kiev June 11th 6486 (978 ) of the year.
  • Yaropolk I Svyatoslavich // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  • According to the preamble to the chronicle, the printed 37 years (PSRL, T. I, STB. 18). According to all chronicles, he entered Kiev in 6488 (980) year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 77), according to the "Memory and Praise of the Prince Russian Vladimir" - June 11th 6486 (978 ) year (library of literature of ancient Russia. T.1. p.326). Dating 978 year Especially actively defended A. A. Chematov, but there is still no one in science. He died on July 15, 6523 (1015) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 130).
  • Karpov A. Yu. Vladimir Saint. - M.: Young Guard - SERIA: Life of wonderful people; Issue 738. Russian Word, 1997. 448 p., ISBN 5-235-02274-2. 10,000 copies.
  • Karpov A. Yu. Vladimir Saint. - M. "Young Guard", 2006. - 464 p. - (ZhZL). - 5000 copies. - ISBN 5-235-02742-6
  • He began to prince after Vladimir's death (PSRL, T. I, STB. 132). Late in the late autumn of 6524 (1016) of the year by Yaroslav (PSRL, T. I, STB. 141-142).
  • Filist G. M. History of Crimes Svyatopolka Okyannoe. - Minsk, Belarus, 1990.
  • He began to pronounce late autumn 6524 (1016) of the year. Broken into the battle on the bug July 22. (Titmar Merzeburgsky. Chronicle VIII 31) and fled to Novgorod in 6526 (1018) year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 143).
  • Azbel S. N. Yaroslav Wise in the chronicles // Novgorod land in the era of Yaroslav Wise. Veliky Novgorod, 2010. P. 5-81.
  • Sat on the throne in Kiev August 14 1018 (6526) of the year ( Titmar Merzeburgian. Chronicle VIII 32). By the chronicles, Yaroslav was expelled in the same year (apparently in the winter of 1018/19), but usually his expulsion date 1019 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 144).
  • Sell \u200b\u200bin Kiev in 6527 (1019) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 146). According to a number of chronicles, he died on February 20, 6562 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 150), in the first Saturday of St. Feodor's post, that is, in February 1055 (PSRL, T. I, STB. 162). The same 6562 year is listed in graffiti from the Saint Sophia Cathedral. However, on the day of the week, the most likely date is determined - February 19. 1054 on Saturday (in 1055 the post began later).
  • He began to pronomize after the death of the Father (PSRL, T. I, STB. 162). Excancing from Kiev September 15th 6576 (1068) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 171).
  • Kivlitsky E. A. Izyaslav Yaroslavich, Grand Duke Kiev // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Sat on the throne September 15th 6576 (1068) of the year, reinforced 7 months, that is, until April 1069 (PSRL, T. I, STB. 173)
  • Ryzhov K. All world monarchs. Russia. - M.: Evening, 1998. - 640 p. - 16,000 copies. - ISBN 5-7838-0268-9.
  • She sat on the throne on May 2, 6577 (1069) of the year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 174). Excanion in March 1073 (PSRL, T. I, STB. 182)
  • I sat on the throne on March 22, 6581 (1073) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB.182). He died on December 27, 6484 (1076) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 199).
  • Kivlitsky E. A. Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, Prince Chernigovsky // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • She sat on the throne on January 1, March 6584 (January 1077) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 190). In July of the same year he lost power to Brother Izyaslav.
  • Sat on the throne July 15 6585 (1077) of the year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 199). Killed October 3 6586 (1078) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 202).
  • I sat on the throne in October 1078. Died April 13. 6601 (1093) of the year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 216).
  • Sat on the throne April 24th 6601 (1093) of the year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 218). Died April 16. 1113 years. The ratio of March and ultrapish years is indicated in accordance with the studies of N. G. Berezhkova, in the Lavrentiev and Troitskaya annals 6622 UltraMartovsky year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 290; Troitskaya Chronicle. St. Petersburg, 2002. С.206), on the Ipatiev Chronicle 6621 March year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 275).
  • Sat on the throne 20 April 1113 (PSRL, t. I, STB. 290, t. VII, p. 23). Died May 19 1125 (March 6633 in the Lavrentievskaya and Trinity Chronicles, UltraMartovsky 6634 in the Ipatiev Chronicles) of the Year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 295, vol. II, STB. 289; Troitskaya Chronicle. С.208)
  • Orlov A. S. Vladimir Monomakh. - M.-L.: Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1946.
  • Sat on the throne May 20 1125 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 289). Died April 15. 1132 on Friday (in the Lavrentievskaya, Trinity and Novgorod first annals on April 14, 6640, in the Ipatiev Chronicle April 15, 6641 Ultra Martovsky Year) (PSRL, t. I, STB. 301, vol. II, STB. 294, vol. III, page . 22; Troitskaya chronicle. P.212). The exact date is determined by the day of the week.
  • Sat on the throne April 17. 1132 (Ultrapartovsky 6641 in the Ipatiev Chronicle) of the Year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 294). Died 18th of Febuary 1139, in the Lavrentiev Chronicles of March 6646, in the Ipatiev Chronicle UltraMartovsky 6647 (PSRL, T. I, STB. 306, vol. II, STB. 302) In the Nikonova Chronicle, explicitly mistaken on November 8, 6646 (PSRL, T. IX, STB. 163).
  • Khmyrov M.D. Yaropolk II Vladimirovich // Alphabetically-reference list of sovereigns of Russian and the wonderful points of their blood. - St. Petersburg. : A type. A. Benke, 1870. - P. 81-82.
  • Yaropolk II Vladimirovich // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Sat on the throne February 22 1139 on Wednesday (March 6646, in the Ipatiev Chronicles on February 24 of the UltraMartovsky 6647) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 306, vol. II, STB. 302). The exact date is determined by the day of the week. March 4. Removed in tours at the request of Vsevolod Olgovich (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 302).
  • Sat on the throne the 5th of March 1139 (March 6647, Ultrapartovsky 6648) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 307, vol. II, STB. 303). Died July 30. (so on the Lavrentiev and Novgorod fourth chronicles, on the Ipatiev and Voskrevskaya annals on August 1) 6654 (1146) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 313, vol. II, STB. 321, t. IV, p. 151, t . VII, p. 35).
  • I sat on the throne after the death of my brother. Printed 2 weeks (PSRL, vol. III, p. 27, vol. Vi, Vol. 1, Stb. 227). August 13 1146 defeated and fled (PSRL, t. I, STB. 313, vol. II, STB. 327).
  • Berezhkov M. N. Blessed Igor Olgovich, Prince Novgorodsevorsky and Grand Duke Kiev. / M. N. Berezhekov - M.: The book on demand, 2012. - 46 s. ISBN 978-5-458-14984-6
  • Sat on the throne August 13 1146. Smashed in battle on August 23, 1149 and left the city (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 383).
  • Izyaslav Mstislavich // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 add.). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Sat on the throne August 28 1149 (PSRL, t. I, STB. 322, vol. II, STB. 384), Date 28 in the chronicle is not specified, but almost flawlessly calculated: the day after the battle, Yuri entered Pereyaslav, spent three days and headed To Kiev, namely, the 28th was Sunday, more appropriate for the throne. Excanion in 1150, in summer (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 396).
  • Karpov A. Yu. Yury Dolgoruky. - M.: Young Guard, 2006. - (ZhZL).
  • I sat on the throne in 1150 (PSRL, t. I, STB. 326, vol. II, STB. 398). In a few weeks, the expense (PSRL, T. I, STB. 327, vol. II, STB. 402).
  • Having sat on the throne in 1150, in about August (PSRL, t. I, STB. 328, vol. II, STB. 403), after that in the chronicles (vol. II, STB. 404), the Holiday Exaltation of the Cross will be mentioned (14 September). In the winter of 6658 (1150/1) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 330, vol. II, STB. 416).
  • I sat on the throne in 6658 (PSRL, t. I, STB. 330, vol. II, STB. 416). Died the 13th of November 1154 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 381-342, vol. IX, p. 198) (according to the Ipatiev Chronicle on the night of November 14, at the Novgorod First Chronicles - November 14 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 469 ; t. III, p. 29).
  • Having sat down on the throne together with the nephew in the spring of 6659 (1151) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 336, vol. II, STB. 418) (or in the winter of 6658 (PSRL, t. IX, p. 186). Died At the end of 6662, shortly after the start of the Rostislav renovation (PSRL, T. I, STB. 342, vol. II, STB. 472).
  • I sat on the throne in 6662 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 342, vol. II, STB. 470-471). According to the Novgorod first chronicle, arrived in Kiev from Novgorod and sat for a week (PSRL, vol. III, p. 29). Taking into account the time of the path, his arrival in Kiev dates back to January 1155. In the same year, he was divided into battle and left Kiev (PSRL, t. I, STB. 343, vol. II, STB. 475).
  • Sat on the throne 12th of February 1161 (Ultrapartovsky 6669) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 516) in the Sofia First Chronicle - in the winter of March 6668 (PSRL, T. VI, Vol. 1, Stb. 232). Killed in battle March, 6 1161 (Ultrapartovsky 6670) of the year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 518).
  • Slight for the throne in the spring of 6663 in the Ipatiev chronicles (on the outcome of winter 6662 in the Lavrentiev chronicles) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 345, vol. II, STB. 477) in Palm Sunday (i.e. 20th of March) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 29, see Karamzin N. M. History of the state of the Russian. T. II-III. M., 1991. p.164). Died May 15 1157 (March 6665 in the Lavrentievsky Chronicles, Ultra Martary 6666 in the Ipatiev Chronicle) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 348, vol. II, STB. 489).
  • Sat on the throne May 19 1157 (Ultrapartovsky 6666, so in the Khlebnikovsky list of the Ipatiev Chronicle, in its Ipatiev list mistaken on May 15) of the year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 490). In the Nikonov Chronicles on May 18 (PSRL, t. IX, p. 208). Excanion from Kiev in the winter of March 6666 (1158/9) of the year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 348). In the Ipatiev Chronicles, Iznannaya at the end of Ultrapartovsky 6667 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 502).
  • Sell \u200b\u200bin Kiev December 22 6667 (1158) of the year in the Ipatiev and Voskrevskaya chronicles (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 502, vol. VII, p. 70), in the winter of 6666 in the Lavrentiev Chronicles, in the Nikonova Chronicles on August 22, 6666 (PSRL, t. IX , p. 213), driving out from there Iaslav, but then gave him to Rostislav Mstislavich (PSRL, t. I, STB. 348)
  • Sell \u200b\u200bin Kiev April 12th 1159 (Ultrapartovsky 6668 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 504, date in the Ipatiev Chronicle), in the spring of March 6667 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 348). He left the departed Kiev on February 8 of the Ultrapartovsky 6669 (that is, in February 1161) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 515).
  • He again climbed the throne after the death of Izyaslav. Died March 14th 1167 (in the Ipatievsky and Voskrevskaya Chronicles, died on March 14, 6676 UltraMartovsky year, was buried on March 21, in the Lavrentievsky and Nikonovsky Chronicles, died on March 21, 6675) (PSRL, t. I, STB. 353, vol. II, STB. 532 , T. VII, p. 80, t. IX, p. 233).
  • He was a legitimate heir after the death of his brother Rostislav. According to the Lavrentievsky chronicles, Mstislav Iaslavich in 6676 expelled Vladimir Mstislavich from Kiev and sat on the throne (PSRL, T. I, STB. 353-354). In the Sofia First Chronicle, the same message is placed twice: under 6674 and 6676 (PSRL, T. VI, Issue 1, STB. 234, 236). Also, this plot sets out Jan Dlugosh (SHAVELEVA N. I. Ancient Russia in the "Polish history" Yana Dlugosha. M., 2004. p.326). The Ipatiev Chronicle does not mention Vladimir's replacement at all, apparently, he then did not reign.
  • On the Ipatiev chronicle, sat down on the throne May 19 6677 (that is, in this case, 1167) of the year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 535). The jointed army moved to Kiev, according to the Lavrentiev chronicles, in the winter of 6676 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 354), in the Ipatiev and Nikonovsky, winter 6678 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 543, t. IX, p. 237 ), in the Sofia first, in the winter of 6674 (PSRL, vol. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 234), which corresponds to winter 1168/69. Kiev was taken March 12, 1169On Wednesday (on the Ipatiev Chronicles of 6679, on the Resourcement 6678 year, but the day of the week and the indication on the second week of the post corresponds to exactly 1169) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 545, vol. VII, p. 84).
  • I sat on the throne on March 12, 1169 (in the Ipatiev Chronicles, 6679 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 545), according to the Lavrentiev Chronicles, in 6677 (PSRL, T. I, STB. 355).
  • Having sat on the throne in 1170 (in the Ipatiev Chronicles in 6680) year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 548). Leaving Kiev in the same year on Monday, in the second week for Easter (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 549).
  • Again sat in Kiev after the expulsion of Mstislav. Died, in the Lavrentievsky chronicle, in UltraMartovsky 6680 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 363). Died January 20th 1171 (according to the Ipatiev chronicles it is 6681, and this year's designation in Ipatievsky exceeds the March account for three units) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 564).
  • Sat on the throne February, 15 1171 (in the Ipatiev Chronicle it is 6681) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 566). Died on Monday of the Rod May 10 1171 (according to the Ipatiev chronicle it is 6682, but the correct date is established on the day of the week) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 567).
  • Froyanov I. Ya. Ancient Rus of the IX-XIII centuries. People's movements. Prince and evening power. M.: Russian Publishing Center, 2012. P. 583-586.
  • Andrei Bogolyubsky ordered him to take it on the throne in Kiev in the winter of Ultrapartovsky 6680 (in the Ipatiev Chronicle - in the winter of 6681) (PSRL, t. I, STB. 364, vol. II, STB. 566). He sat down at the throne in the "month of July, Master" 1171 (in the Ipatiev Chronicle it is 6682, in the Novgorod first chronicle - 6679 year) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 568, vol. III, p. 34) Later Andrei ordered Roman leave Kiev, and he went to Smolensk (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 570).
  • In the Sofia First Chronicle, sat on the throne after the novel in 6680 (PSRL, T. VI, Issue 1, STB. 237; t. IX, p. 247), but immediately gave him to his brother Vsevolod.
  • Sit on the throne 5 weeks after the novel (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 570). Printed in Ultrapartovsky 6682 (in the Ipatievsky, and in the Lavrentievsky chronicles), together with the nephew Yaropolki taken captive by Davydom Rostislavich on the praise of Saint Virgin - March 24 (PSRL, T. I, STB. 365, vol. II, STB. 570 ).
  • Was in Kiev together with Vsevolod
  • I sat on the throne after the prisoner of Vsevolod in 1173 (6682 Ultra Martartov) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 571). When Andrei sent the army in the same year to South, Rurik left Kiev (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 575).
  • Andreev A. Rurik Vasily Rostislavich // Russian Biographical Dictionary
  • In November 1173 (Ultrapartovsky 6682), he sat down on the throne under the agreement with Rostislavichi (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 578). Princes in Ultrapartovsky 6683 (according to the Lavrentiev Chronicles), Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich defeated (PSRL, t. I, STB. 366). In the Ipatiev Chronicle, in the winter of 6682 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 578). In the Resurrection Chronicles, his prince once again was mentioned under 6689 (PSRL, t. VII, p. 96, 234).
  • Yaropolk Izyaslavovich, son of Izyaslav II Mstislavich // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Singing 12 days in Kiev and returned to Chernigov (PSRL, t. I, STB. 366, vol. Vi, Vol. 1, STB. 240) (in the Resurrection Chronicle under the 6680 year (PSRL, T. VII, p. 234)
  • Again villages in Kiev, concluding an agreement with Svyatoslav, in the winter of Ultrapartovsky 6682 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 579). Lifted Kiev to Roman in 1174 (Ultrarty 6683) year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 600).
  • Sell \u200b\u200bin Kiev in 1174 (Ultrapartovsky 6683) year, in spring (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 600, vol. III, p. 34). In 1176 (Ultrapartovsky 6685) left Kiev (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 604).
  • He entered Kiev in 1176 (Ultrarty 6685) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 604). In 6688 (1181), Kiev left Kiev (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 616)
  • I sat on the throne in 6688 (1181) year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 616). But soon left the city (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 621).
  • I sat on the throne in 6688 (1181) year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 621). He died in 1194 (in the Ipatiev Chronicle in March 6702, according to the Lavrentievsky chronicle in Ultrapartovsky 6703) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 412), in July, on Monday to the day of McCaveev (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 680) .
  • I sat on the throne in 1194 (March 6702, Ultrapartovsky 6703) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 412, vol. II, STB. 681). It is expelled from Kiev Roman in Ultrapartovsky 6710 in the Lavrentiev Chronicles (PSRL, T. I, STB. 417).
  • Having sat on the throne in 1201 (in the Lavrentievsky and Voskresenskiy chronicles in Ultrapartovsky 6710, according to Troitskaya and Nikonovsky chronicles in March 6709) by the will of Roman Mstislavich and Vsevolod Yuryevich (PSRL, t. I, STB. 418; t. VII, p. 107 ; t. X, p. 34; Trinity chronicle. p.284).
  • Took Kiev on January 2, 1203 (6711 Ultraphartovsky) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 418). In the Novgorod first chronicle on January 1, 6711 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 45), in the Novgorod Fourth Chronicles on January 2, 6711 (PSRL, vol. Iv, p. 180), in Troitskaya and Voskresensky annals 2 January 6710 ( Troitskaya chronicle. C.285; PSRL, T. VII, p. 107). Vsevolod confirmed the Rüric Board in Kiev. Roman Tesriga Rurik in the monks in 6713 in the Lavrentiev Chronicles (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 420) (in the Novgorod first younger facing and the Trinity Chronicles of the winter of 6711 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 240; Troitskaya Chronicle. S. 286), in the Sofia First Chronicle 6712 (PSRL, vol. Vi, Vol. 1, STB. 260).
  • It was planted for the throne by agreement of the novel and Vsevolod after Rurik's Taking the Winter (that is, at the beginning of 1204) (PSRL, t. I, STB. 421, vol. X, p. 36).
  • Rent again on the throne in July, the month is established on the basis of the fact that Rurik is absorbed after the death of Roman Mstislavich, which followed June 19, 1205 (Ultrapartovsky 6714) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 426) in the Sofia First Chronicle 6712 (PSRL , T. VI, Vol. 1, STB. 260), in Trinity and Nikonovsky chronicles under 6713 (Trinity chronicle. C.292; PSRL, vol. X, p. 50). After an unsuccessful hike to Galich in March 6714, he retired in hand (PSRL, T. I, STB. 427). According to the Lavrentiev Chronicles, sat in Kiev (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 428). In 1207 (March 6715) fled again in hand (PSRL, T. I, STB. 429). It is believed that messages under 1206 and 1207 duplicate each other (see also PSRL, T. VII, p. 235: Interpretation in the Resurrection Chronicles as two princes)
  • Sell \u200b\u200bin Kiev in March 6714 (PSRL, t. I, STB. 427), in about august. Date 1206 is specified by synchronism with a hike to Galich. According to the Lavrentievsky chronicle, in the same year I was expelled by Rurik (PSRL, t. I, STB. 428), then sat in Kiev in 1207, driving Rüric. In the autumn of the same year, Rurik (PSRL, T. I, STB. 433). Messages in the chronicles under 1206 and 1207 duplicate each other.
  • Sell \u200b\u200bin Kiev in the fall of 1207, in about October (Troitskaya chronicle. C.293, 297; PSRL, vol. X, p. 52, 59). In the Troitskaya and most parts of the list of Nikonov chronicles, duplicate messages are placed under 6714 and 6716. The exact date is established by synchronism with the Ryazan campaign of Vsevolod Yuryevich. By agreement 1210 (on the Lavrentiev Chronicles of 6718), they went to the Chernigov (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 435). In the Nikonovsky Chronicles - in 6719 (PSRL, vol. X, p. 62), on the Resurrection Chronicle - in 6717 (PSRL, T. VII, p. 235).
  • The last 10 years and is expelled from Kiev Mstislav Mstislavich in the fall of 1214 (in Novgorod first and fighter annals, as well as the Nikonovskaya this event is described under 6722 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 53; t. IV, p. 185, t. X, pp. 67), in the Sofia first chronicle, is clearly mistakenly mistaken under the 6703 year and secondary under 6723 (PSRL, T. VI, Issue 1, STB. 250, 263), in the Tver Chronicles twice - under 6720 and 6722, in Resurrection Chronicles under the 6720 Year (PSRL, vol. VII, p. 118, 235, vol. XV, STB. 312, 314). Data from the heart-painted reconstruction speak for 1214, for example, February 1, March 6722 (1215) was Sunday, As indicated in the Novgorod first chronicle, and in the Ipatiev Chronicle, Vsevolod is specified as Kiev Prince under 6719 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 729), which in its chronology corresponds to 1214 (Mayorov A. V. Galico-Volynskaya Rus. SPb, 2001. p.411). However, by N. G. Berezhkovoy, based on the comparison of the data of the Novgorod Chronicles with Livonian Chronicles, is 1212.
  • His brief reign after the expulsion of Vsevolod is mentioned in the Resurrection Chronicle (PSRL, T. VII, p. 118, 235).
  • I sat on the throne after the expulsion of Vsevolod (in the Novgorod first chronicle under 6722). Killed in 1223, for the tenth year of his reign (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 503), after the battle on Kalka, which occurred on May 30, 6731 (1223) of the year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 447). In the Ipatiev Chronicles of 6732, in the Novgorod first on May 31, 6732 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 63), in Nikonovskaya on June 16, 6733) (PSRL, vol., P. 92), in the introductory part of the Resurrection Chronicles 6733 Year (PSRL, T. VII, p. 235), but in the main part of the Voskresenskaya on June 16, 6731 (PSRL, T. VII, p. 132). He killed on June 2, 1223 (PSRL, t. I, STB. 508) Numbers in the chronicles are not, but it is stated that after the battle at Kalka, Prince Mstislav was defended for three more days. The accuracy of the date 1223 for the battle on the kallet is installed by comparing with a number of foreign sources.
  • According to the Novgorod first chronicle, sat in Kiev in 1218 (Ultrarty 6727) year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 59, t. IV, p. 199; t. Vi, Vol. 1, STB. 275), which may indicate on his co-burning. I sat on the throne after the death of Mstislav (PSRL, T. I, STB. 509) on June 16, 1223 (Ultrapartovsky 6732) of the year (PSRL, T. VI, Issue 1, STB. 282, vol. XV, STB. 343). He was captured to the Polovtsy, when they took Kiev in 6743 (1235) year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 74). In the Sofia First and Moscow-Academic Chronicles, the last 10 years, but the date in them is the same - 6743 years (PSRL, T. I, STB. 513; T. VI, Vol. 1, Stb. 287).
  • In the early chronicles (Ipatiev and Novgorod I) without patronymic (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 772, vol. III, p. 74), not mentioned in Lavrentiev. Izyaslav Mstislavich in the Novgorod fourth, Sofia first (PSRL, t. IV, p. 214; t. Vi, Vol. 1, STB. 287) And the Moscow-academic chronicles, in the Tver Chronicles he is named the son of Mstislav Romanovich Brave, and in Nikonovsky and Voskresensk - Grandson Roman Rostislavich (PSRL, T. VII, p. 138, 236; t. X, p. 104; XV, STB. 364), but there was no such prince (in Voskresensk, called the son of Mstislav Romanovich Kiev). According to modern scientists, it is either Izyaslav Vladimirovich, son of Vladimir Igorevich (such an opinion is common since N. M. Karamzin), or the son of Mstislava is good (analysis of this issue: Majorov A. V. Galitsko-Volynskaya Rus. SPb, 2001. S.542-544). Having sat on the throne in 6743 (1235) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 513, vol. Iii, p. 74) (in Nikonovskaya in 6744th). In the Ipatiev Chronicles mentioned under 6741.
  • I sat on the throne in 6744 (1236) year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 513, vol. Iii, p. 74, vol. Iv, p. 214). In Ipatievsky under 6743 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 777). In 1238 went to Vladimir. The exact month in the chronicles is not specified, but it is obvious that this happened shortly or shortly after the battle on the r. City (March 10), in which the elder brother Yaroslav - Grand Duke Vladimir Yuri. (PSRL, vol. X, p. 113).
  • A brief list of princes at the beginning of the Ipatiev Chronicles places it after Yaroslav (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 2), but it may be an error. Takes this Prince M. B. Sverdlov (Sverdlov M. B. Domongolskaya Rus. SPb, 2002. P. 653).
  • She took Kiev in 1238 after Yaroslav (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 777, t. VII, p. 236; t. X, p. 114). When Tatars came to Kiev, went to Hungary (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 782). In the Ipatiev Chronicle under the 6746 year, in Nikonovskaya under 6748 (PSRL, vol. X, p. 116).
  • Having taken Kiev after leaving Mikhail, Iznan Daniel (in the Ipatiev Chronicle under 6746, in the Novgorod fourth and Sofia first under 6748) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 782, t. IV, p. 226; vi, Vol. 1, STB. 301).
  • Daniel, taking Kiev in 6748, left in it a thousand Dmitra (PSRL, t. IV, p. 226, vol. X, p. 116). Dmitr led the city at the time of taking by Tatars (PSRL, T. II, STB. 786) on Nikolin Day (i.e. December 6 1240) (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 470).
  • According to his life, returned to Kiev after the Tatars departure (PSRL, T. VI, Issue.1, STB. 319).
  • C According to Russian princes, they received power with the sanctions of Khanov (in the Russian terminology "Kings") of the Golden Horde, who were recognized as the supreme rulers of Russian lands.
  • In 6751 (1243), Yaroslav arrived in the Horde and was recognized by the ruler of all Russian lands "The oldest prince in Russian Language" (PSRL, T. I, STB. 470). Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir. The moment when he took possession of Kiev, not specified in the chronicles. It is known that in 1246 (in the city I was sitting by Boyar Dmitr Eykovich (PSRL, t. II, STB. 806, in the Ipatiev chronicles, it was indicated under 6758 (1250) year in connection with the trip to the Orda Daniel Romanovich, the correct date is set to synchronize with Polish sources. Died September 30th 1246 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 471).
  • After the death of his father, together with Brother Andrei went to the Horde, and from there to the capital of the Mongolian Empire - Karakorum, where in 6757 (1249) Andrei received Vladimir, and Alexander - Kiev and Novgorod. Modern historians disagree in the assessment, who belonged to the formal seniority from the brothers. In Kiev, Alexander did not live. Before the expulsion of Andrei in 6760 (1252), the rules in Novgorod, then received Vladimir in Horde. Died November 14
  • Mansicka V. Y. Life of Alexander Nevsky: analysis of the editors and text. - St. Petersburg., 1913. - "Monuments of ancient writing." - Vol. 180.
  • Sell \u200b\u200bin Rostov and Suzdal in 1157 (March 6665 in the Lavrentiev Chronicles, Ultra Martary 6666 in the Ipatiev Chronicle) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 348, vol. II, STB. 490). Transferred his residence to Vladimir in 1162. Killed in the evening June 29, on the feast of Peter and Paul (in the Lavrentiev Chronicles of Ultrapartovsky 6683) (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 369) on the Ipatiev Chronicle on June 28, on the eve of Peter and Paul's holiday (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 580), Sofia First Chronicle June 29, 6683 (PSRL, vol. Vi, Vol. 1, Stb. 238).
  • Voronin N. N. Andrey Bogolyubsky. - m .: Aquarius Rublishers, 2007. - 320 s. - (Heritage of Russian historians). - 2,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-902312-81-9. (in per.)
  • Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir in Ultrapartovsky 6683, but after 7 weeks the siege retired (that is, in about September) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 373, vol. II, STB. 596).
  • Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir (PSRL, t. I, STB. 374, vol. II, STB. 597) in 1174 (Ultrapartovsky 6683) year. June 15. 1175 (Ultrapartovsky 6684) of the year defeated and fled (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 601).
  • Yaropolk III Rostislavich // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir June 15. 1175 (Ultrapartovsky 6684) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 377). (In the Nikonov Chronicles on June 16, but the error is established on the day of the week (PSRL, t. IX, p. 255). Died June 20. 1176 (Ultrapartovsky 6685) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 379, t. IV, p. 167).
  • Having sat on the throne in Vladimir after the death of Brother in June 1176 (Ultrartovsky 6685) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 380). Died, on the Lavrentievsky chronicle, April 13, 6720 (1212), for the memory of St. Martin (PSRL, t. I, STB. 436) in Tver and Voskresenskaya chronicles April 15. For the memory of the Apostle Aristarha, on Sunday (PSRL, T. VII, p. 117; t. XV, STB. 311), in the Nikonov Chronicles on April 14 for memory of St. Martin, on Sunday (PSRL, vol. X, p. 64), in the Trinity Chronicles on April 18, 6721, in memory of St. Martin (Troitskaya chronicle. P.299). In 1212 April 15 - Sunday.
  • He sat on the throne after the death of his father in accordance with his will (PSRL, vol. X, p. 63). April 27. 1216, on Wednesday, left the city, leaving him a brother (PSRL, t. I, STB. 500, the number in the chronicles is not directly indicated, but this is the following environment after April 21, which was Thursday).
  • I sat on the throne in 1216 (Ultrapartovsky 6725) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 440). Died February 2 1218 (Ultrapartovsky 6726, so in the Lavrentiev and Nikonovsky Chronicles) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 442, vol. X, p. 80) in the Tver and Trinity Chronicles 6727 (PSRL, vol. XV, STB. 329 ; Troitskaya chronicle. P.304).
  • I sat on the throne after the death of my brother. Killed in a battle with Tatars March 4. 1238 (in the Lavrentiev Chronicle, still under 6745, in the Moscow-academic chronicles under 6746) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 465, 520).
  • I sat down on the throne after the death of Brother in 1238 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 467). Died September 30th 1246 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 471)
  • I sat on the throne in 1247, when I came to the news of the death of Yaroslav (PSRL, t. I, STB. 471, vol. X, p. 134). According to the Moscow-Academic Chronicles, sat on the throne in 1246 after a trip to the Orda (PSRL, T. I, STB. 523) (at the Novgorod Fourth Chronicles, sat in 6755 (PSRL, t. IV, p. 229).
  • Svyatoslav expelled in 6756 (PSRL, t. IV, p. 229). Killed in winter 6756 (1248/1249) of the year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 471). In the Novgorod fourth chronicle - in 6757 (PSRL, vol. IV, STB. 230). Monthly unknown.
  • I sat down again for the throne, but I was driven by Andrei Yaroslavich (PSRL, t. XV, Issue 1, STB. 31).
  • Sat on the throne in winter 6757 (1249/50) of the year (in december), Having received a reign from Khan (PSRL, t. I, STB. 472), the ratio of news in the chronicle shows that he returned in any case earlier than December 27th. Fight from Russia during the Tatar invasion in 6760 ( 1252 ) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 473), the victim defeat in the battle for St. Boris's Day ( July 24.) (PSRL, T. VII, p. 159). According to the Novgorod first younger favor and the Sofia first annals, it was in 6759 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 304, vol. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 327), according to the Easter tables of the middle of the XIV century (PSRL, t. Iii, pp. 578), Troitskaya, Novgorod Fourth, Tver, Nikonovsky Chronicles - in 6760 (PSRL, T. IV, p. 230; t. X, p. 138; t. XV, STB. 396, Trinity chronicle. P.324).
  • In 6760 (1252), he received a great reign in Horde and villages in Vladimir (PSRL, t. I, STB. 473) (at the Novgorod Fourth Chronicles - in 6761 (PSRL, T. IV, p. 230). Died November 14 6771 (1263) of the year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 524, vol. III, p. 83).
  • I sat on the throne in 6772 (1264) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 524; t. IV, p. 234). Died in winter 1271/72 (Ultrapartovsky 6780 in Easter tables (PSRL, vol. III, p. 579), in the Novgorod First and Sophia First Chronicles, March 6779 in the Tver and Trinity Chronicles) Year (PSRL, vol. III, p.89 , T. VI, Vol. 1, STB. 353, t. XV, STB. 404; Troitskaya chronicle. p.331). Comparison with the mention of the death of Princess Maria Rostovskaya on December 9 shows that Yaroslav died at the beginning of 1272.
  • I sat down on the throne after the death of Brother in 6780. Died in winter 6784 (1276/77) of the year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 323), in january (Trinity chronicle. P.333).
  • I sat on the throne in 6784 (1276/77) after the death of uncle (PSRL, vol. X, p. 153; t. XV, STB. 405). Mention of a trip to the Horde this year is missing.
  • I received a great reign in the Horde in 1281 (Ultrarty 6790 (PSRL, vol. III, p.324, vol. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 357), in the winter of 6789, coming to Russia in December (Trinity chronicle. P.338 ; PSRL, vol. X, p. 159) year. He reconciled with his brother in 1283 (Ultrartovsky 6792 or March 6791 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 326, t. IV, p. 245; t. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 359; Troitskaya chronicle. P.340). Such dating of events was adopted by N. M. Karamzin, N. G. Berezhkovoy and A. A. Gorsky, V. L. Yanin offers dating: Winter 1283-1285 ( See Analysis: Gorsky A. A. Moscow and the Horde. M., 2003. P. 15-16).
  • Came from the Horde in 1283, having received a great reign from the foot. Listened to him in 1293.
  • I received a great reign in Horde in 6801 (1293) year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 327, vol. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 362), returned to Russia in winter (Trinity chronicle. P.345). Died July 27. 6812 (1304) of the year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 92; t. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 367, vol. VII, p. 184) (in the Novgorod fourth and Nikonovsky chronicles on June 22 (PSRL, t. IV, p. 252, vol. X, p. 175), in the Trinity Chronicle Ultrapartovsky 6813 (Trinity Chronicle. P.351).
  • He received a great reign in 1305 (March 6813, in the Trinity Chronicle of UltraMartovsky 6814) year (PSRL, T. VI, Vol. 1, Stb. 368, vol. VII, p. 184). (In the Nikonov Chronicles - in 6812 (PSRL, vol. X, p. 176), returned to Russia in the fall (Trinity Chronicle. P.352). Executed in Horde November 22 1318 (in the Sofia First and Nikonovsky Chronicles of the Ultrapartovsky 6827, in the Novgorod fourth and tversky chronicles of March 6826) on Wednesday (PSRL, t. IV, p. 257; t. Vi, Vol. 1, Stb. 391, vol. X, p. 185). The year is installed on the day of the week.
  • Kuchkin V. A. Tale of Mikhail Tversky: Historical and Texture study. - M.: Science, 1974. - 291 p. - 7,200 copies. (in per.)
  • It was out of the horde with Tatars in the summer of 1317 (Ultrarty 6826, in the Novgorod Chollytime Chronicle and Rogozhsky Chronicler March 6825) of the year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 95; t. IV, STB. 257), having received a great reign (PSRL, t. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 374, t. XV, Vol. 1, STB. 37). Killed Dmitry Tver in Horde.
  • Received a great reign in 6830 (1322) year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 96, vol. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 396). Arrived in Vladimir in the winter of 6830 (PSRL, t. IV, p. 259; Troitskaya chronicle. P.357) or in the fall (PSRL, vol. XV, STB. 414). For Easter tables, sat in 6831 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 579). Kaznen. September 15th 6834 (1326) of the year (PSRL, vol. XV, vol. 1, STB. 42, vol. XV, STB. 415).
  • Konavskaya E. L. Dmitry Mikhailovich Tverskaya in the assessment of contemporaries and descendants // Ancient Rus. Questions mediovers. 2005. No. 1 (19). P. 16-22.
  • He received a great reign in the fall of 6834 (1326) of the year (PSRL, vol. X, p. 190; t. XV, no. 1, STB. 42). When the Tatar army moved to Tver in the winter of 1327/8, fled to Pskov, and then to Lithuania.
  • In 1328, Khan Uzbek divided the great reign, giving Alexander Vladimir and Volga region (PSRL, vol. Iii, p.469) (in Moscow annals, this fact is not mentioned). In the Sofia First, Novgorod Fourth and the Resurrection Chronicles, died in 6840 (PSRL, T. IV, p. 265; t. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 406, vol. VII, p. 203), in the Tver Chronicles - In 6839 (PSRL, vol. XV, STB. 417), in the Rogozhsky chronicler his death was noted twice - under 6839 and 6841 (PSRL, vol. XV, Issue 1, STB. 46), according to Troitskaya and Nikonovsky Chronicles - In 6841 (Trinity chronicle. p.361; PSRL, vol. X, p. 206). According to the introduction to the Novgorod first chronicle of the youngerie, the printed 3 or 2 and a half years (PSRL, vol. III, p. 467, 469). A. A. Gorsky takes the dating of his death 1331 (Gorsky A. A. Moscow and the Horde. M., 2003. p.62).
  • I sat on a great reign in 6836 (1328) year (PSRL, t. IV, p. 262; t. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 401, vol. X, p. 195). Formally, he was a co-programmer Alexander Suzdal (not occupying the Vladimir table), but acted independently. After the death of Alexander, he went to the Horde in 6839 (1331) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 344) and received an all the Grand Diction (PSRL, vol. III, p. 469). Died March 31 1340 (Ultrapartovsky 6849 (PSRL, t. IV, p. 270; t. Vi, Vol. 1, Stb. 412, vol. VII, p. 206), according to Easter tables, Trinity chronicle and Rogozhsky Chronicler in 6848 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 579; t. XV, vol. 1, STB. 52; Trinity chronicle. P.364).
  • He received a great reign in the fall of Ultrapartovsky 6849 (PSRL, T. VI, Issue 1, STB.). Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir October 1, 1340 (Trinity chronicle. P.364). Died 26 April Ultrapartovsky 6862 (in Nikonovskaya March 6861) (PSRL, vol. X, p. 226; t. XV, Issue 1, STB. 62; Troitskaya chronicle. p.373). (In the Novgorod fourth about his death, twice - under 6860 and 6861 (PSRL, T. IV, pp. 280, 286), on the Resurrection - April 27, 6861 (PSRL, T. VII, p. 217)
  • Got a great reign in the winter of 6861, after baptism. Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir March 25 6862 (1354) of the year (Troitskaya chronicle. P.374; PSRL, vol. X, p. 227). Died the 13th of November 6867 (1359) of the year (PSRL, T. VIII, p. 10; t. XV, vol. 1, STB. 68).
  • Han Navruz in the winter of 6867 (that is, at the beginning of the 1360 year), I gave the great reign by Andrei Konstantinovich, and he lost him to Brother Dmitry (PSRL, t. XV, Issue 1, STB. 68). Arrived in Vladimir 22nd of June (PSRL, vol. XV, Vol. 1, STB. 69; Troitskaya Chronicle. P.377) 6868 (1360) of the year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 366, vol. Vi, Vol. 1, Stb. 433) .
  • He received a great reign in 6870 (PSRL, t. IV, p. 290; t. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 434). Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir in 6870 before baptism (that is, in early January 1363) (PSRL, t. XV, Issue 1, STB. 73; Troitskaya chronicle. P.378).
  • Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir in 6871 (1363), reign 1 week and wasted (PSRL, vol. X, p. 12; t. XV, Issue 1, STB. 74; Troitskaya chronicle. P.379). In Nikonovskaya - 12 days (PSRL, t. XI, p. 2).
  • Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir in 6871 (1363). After that, Dmitry Konstantinovich Suzdalsky, Dmitry 1364/1365, received a label to the Grand Dimension (refused to Dmitry) and Mikhail Alexandrovich Tver in 1370, re-in 1371 (in the same year, the label was returned to Dmitry) and 1375, but it had no real consequences. . Dmitry died May 19 6897 (1389) of the year on Wednesday for the second hour of the night (PSRL, vol. Iv, p. 358; t. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 501; Troitskaya chronicle. P.434) (in the Novgorod first youngerie May 9 ( PSRL, vol. III, p. 383), in the Tver Chronicles on May 25 (PSRL, vol. XV, STB. 444).
  • Got a great reign on the will of the Father. Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir August 15 6897 (1389) of the year (PSRL, vol. XV, vol. 1, STB. 157; Troitskaya chronicle. P.434) in the Novgorod fourth and Sofia first in 6898 (PSRL, t. IV, p. 367; t. Vi , Vol. 1, STB. 508). Died February 27 1425 (6933 September) of the year on Tuesday at the third hour of the night (PSRL, vol. Vi, vol. 2, STB. 51, t. XII, p. 1) in March 6932 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 415) , in a number of manuscripts of the Nikonov chronicle mistaken on February 7).
  • Presumably Daniel received the principality after the death of his father - Alexander Nevsky (1263), at the age of 2 years. The first seven years from 1264 to 1271 was at the upbringing of the uncle - the Grand Prince Vladimir and Tver Yaroslav Yaroslavich, whose governors at that time were ruled by Moscow. The first mention of Daniel as Moscow Prince refers to 1283, but probably his workout still happened earlier. (See Kuchkin V. A. First Moscow Prince Daniel Aleksandrovich // Patriotic history. No. 1, 1995). Died the 5th of March 1303 on Tuesday (Ultrapartovsky 6712) of the year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 486; Troitskaya chronicle. P.351) (in the Nikonovsky chronicles on March 4, 6811 (PSRL, vol. X, p. 174), the day of the week indicates the 5th of March).
  • Killed November 21 (Trinity chronicle. P.357; PSRL, vol. X, p. 189) 6833 (1325) (PSRL, vol. Iv, p. 260; vi, vol. 1, STB. 398).
  • Borisov N. S. Ivan Kalita. - M.: Publishing house "Young Guard". - Series "Life of wonderful people." - Any publication.
  • Kuchkin V. A. Edition of the wills of the Moscow princes of the XIV century. (April 1353, April 24-25) The spiritual grades of the Grand Duke Seeds Ivanovich. // Ancient Russia. Questions mediovers. 2008. № 3 (33). Pp. 123-125.
  • John Ioannovich II // Russian Biographical Dictionary: in 25 volumes. - St. Petersburg. -M., 1896-1918.
  • Kuchkin B. A. Dmitry Donskaya / State Historical Museum. - m.: Gim, 2005. - 16 p. - (outstanding personality in the history of Russia). (region)
  • Tolstoy I. I. Money of the Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich
  • I sat down at the throne immediately after the death of my father, but Brother Yuri Dmitrievich challenged his rights to power (PSRL, t. VIII, p. 92; t. XII, p. 1). He received a label to the Grand Diction, sat on the throne in Vladimir in summer 6942 (1432) of the year (according to N. M. Karamzin and A. A. Gorsky (Gorsky A. A. Moscow and the Horde. P.142). According to the Sofia second annals, I sat on the throne on October 5, 6939, 10 Indict, that is, in the fall of 1431 (PSRL, vol. Vi, vol. 2, STB. 64) (in Novgorod first in 6940 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 416), According to the Novgorod fourth in 6941 (PSRL, vol. Iv, p. 433), in the Nikonovsky chronicle in 6940 on Petrov Day (PSRL, T. VIII, p. 96; t. Xii, p. 16).
  • Belov E. A. Vasily Vasilyevich Dark // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 add.). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Vasily won on April 25, 6941 (1433) of the year and took Moscow, but soon left it (PSRL, T. VIII, p. 97-98, vol. Xii, p. 18).
  • Returned to Moscow after the departure of Yuri, but he was again divided into Lazarev Saturday 6942 (that is, on March 20, 1434) (PSRL, T. XII, p. 19).
  • Took Moscow on Wednesday at the bright week of 6942 (that is March 31 1434) of the year (PSRL, vol. XII, p. 20) (according to the Sofia Second - in the Former week of 6942 (PSRL, T. VI, Issue 2, STB. 66), but soon died (in the Tver Chronicles on July 4 ( PSRL, vol. XV, STB.490), according to another - June 6 (note 276 to the V "Story of the Russian State", in the Arkhangelsk Chronicles).
  • I sat on the throne after the death of my father, but after a month of the reign left the city (PSRL, T. VI, Issue 2, Stb. 67, t. VIII, p. 99; t. XII, p. 20).
  • Rent again at the throne in 1442. Was defeated in the battle with Tatars and captured
  • He arrived in Moscow shortly after the captivity of Vasily. Having learned about the return of Vasily, fled to Uglich. In the original sources there are no direct directions for his great reign, but the conclusion about it is made by a number of authors. Cm. Zimin A. A. Vityaz at the crossroads: feudal war in Russia XV century. - M.: Thought, 1991. - 286 p. - ISBN 5-244-00518-9.).
  • Drove to Moscow on October 26th. Captured, blinded on February 16, 1446 (September 6954) of the year (PSRL, T. VI, Issue 2, STB. 113, t. XII, p. 69).
  • Took Moscow on February 12 at the ninth hour of the night (that is, according to the modern account February 13 After midnight) 1446 (PSRL, T. VIII, p. 115; t. Xii, p. 67). Moscow was taken in the absence of a shemyak by supporters of Vasily Vasilyevich Early in the morning for the Christmas of September 6955 ( December 25. 1446) (PSRL, vol. Vi, vol. 2, STB. 120).
  • At the end of December 1446, Muscovites again kissed the cross for him, he sat down on the throne in Moscow on February 17, 1447 (September 6955) year (PSRL, T. VI, Issue 2, Stb. 121, t. XII, p. 73). Died March 27. 6970 (1462) of the year on Saturday to the third hour of the night (PSRL, T. VI, vol. 2, STB. 158, t. VIII, p. 150; t. XII, p. 115) (according to the Zerevian list of Novgorod fourth on April 4 (PSRL, t. IV, p. 445), on the list of Dubrovsky and in the Tver Chronicles - March 28 (PSRL, T. IV, p. 493, vol. XV, STB. 496), one of the lists of the Resurrection Chronicles - 26 March, one of the lists of the Nikonovsky Chronicles on March 7 (according to N. M. Karamzin - March 17 on Saturday - Note 371 to the V "Story of the Russian State", but the calculation of the day of the week is erroneous, right on March 27).
  • the first sovereign ruler of Russia after the overthrow of the Ordan Iga. Died 27th October 1505 (September 7014) of the year at the first hour of the night from Monday to Tuesday (PSRL, T. VIII, p. 245; t. XII, p. 259) (according to Sofia second October 26 (PSRL, T. VI, Issue 2, STB. 374). According to the Academic List of the Novgorod Fourth Chronicles - October 27 (PSRL, T. IV, p. 468), on the list of Dubrovsky - October 28 (PSRL, T. IV, p. 535).
  • Ivan Ivanovich young // BSE
  • Fell on the throne in 1505. He died on December 3, 7042 of the September year at the twelfth hour of the night, from Wednesday to Thursday (that is December 4th 1533 in front of the dawn) (PSRL, T. IV, p. 563, t. VIII, p. 285; t. XIII, p. 76).
  • Up to 1538, Elena Glinsky was revenue with a regent at a small Ivan. Died April 3 7046 (1538 ) year (PSRL, t. VIII, p. 295; t. XIII, p. 98, 134).
  • January 16, 1547 Vieden on the kingdom. He died on March 18, 1584 around seven in the evening
  • Simeon was planted by Ivan Grozny to the kingdom, with the title of "sovereign of the Grand Prince Simeon, All Russia," and the Grozny himself became referred to as the "Prince of Moscow". The time of government is determined by the preserved diplomas. After 1576 he became the ruling grand prince Tver
  • He died on January 7, 1598 at night.
  • Spouse King Fedor Ivanovich, Great Sentainer, Government
  • After the death of Fedor, his wife Irina jumped after Fedor's death and published decrees from her behalf. But after eight days she went to the monastery.
  • Elected from the Zemsky Cathedral on February 17. Vieden on the kingdom September 1. He died on April 13 about three hours in the afternoon.
  • I entered Moscow on June 20, 1605. Went on the kingdom on July 30. Killed in the morning of May 17, 1606. I gave myself for Tsarevich Dmitry Ivanovich. According to the conclusions of the Government Commission of the Tsar Boris Godunov, supported by most researchers, the real name of the Samozvyvant Gregory (Yuri) Bogdanovich Spirovyev.
  • Elected boyars, conspiracy participants against Falgestrimitria. Went on the kingdom on June 1. Overthrown by boyars (formally lowered by the Zemsky Cathedral) July 17, 1610.
  • In the period of 1610-1612, after the overthrow of the king, Vasily Shui power in Moscow was in the hands of the Boyar Duma, which created a temporary government from seven boyars (Semiboyarschina). On August 17, 1611, this temporary government recognized the king of the Polish-Lithuanian Koroleich Vladislav Sigismundovich. On the territory liberated from the territory, the land authority was the Government. Indicated on June 30, 1611, the Council of the entire Earth was functioning until spring 1613. Originally was headed by three leaders (leaders of the first militia): D. T. Trubetsky, I. M. Zarutsky and P. P. Lyapunov. Then Lyapunov was killed, and Zarutsky in August 1612 opposed the folk militia. In October 1612, the second Zemsky government was elected under the leadership of D. T. Trubetsky, D. M. Pozharskoye and K. Minin. It organized the expulsion of the interventory from Moscow and the convening of the Zemstvo Cathedral, who chose to the kingdom of Mikhail Romanov.
  • Elected Zemsky Cathedral February 21. 1613, July 11. Vieden on the kingdom in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin. Died in the second hour of the night July 13, 1645..
  • Koznyakov V. N. Mikhail Fedorovich / Vyacheslav Koznakov. - ed. 2nd, copy. - M.: Young Guard, 2010. - 352, p. - (Life of wonderful people. A series of biographies. Vol. 1474 (1274)). - 5,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-235-03386-3. (in per.)
  • Disabled from Polish captivity on June 1. Until the end of the life officially wore the title of "Great Soviet".
    1. The dates of the IX-X centuries in accordance with the tradition are given according to PVL, except for those cases when there is a generally accepted refinement for independent sources. For Kiev princes, accurate dates within the year (time of year or month and the number) are indicated if they are named in sources or when there is reason to believe that the departure of the previous prince and the arrival of the new one were performed at the same time. As a rule, the dates were recorded in the chronicles when the prince sat on the throne, left him posthumously or tolerated defeat in an open battle with rivals (after which he was no longer returned to Kiev). In other cases, the date information from the table was usually not called and therefore cannot be accurately defined. Sometimes there is a reverse situation at which it is known, on what day the table will leave the former prince, but it is not said when the prince of successor was taken. Similarly, dates are specified for Vladimir Princes. For the Ordan era, when the right to the Vladimir Grand Principality was passed on the Khan label, the beginning of the board indicates the date when the prince sat on the table in Vladimir itself, and the end - when actually lost control over the city. For Moscow princes, the beginning of the Board is indicated from the date of death of the previous prince, and for the period of Moscow assist in the actual ownership of Moscow. For the Russian kings and emperors, the beginning of the Board is usually indicated from the date of death of the previous monarch. For the presidents of the Russian Federation - from the date of entry into office.
    2. Gorsky A. A. Russian lands in the XIII-XIV centuries: paths of political development. M., 1996. P.46.74; GLIB Іvakіn Estoric ignition of Kiєva XIII - middle of the XVI Art. K., 1996; Bra. Tom Russia. M., 2004. C.275, 277. The view often found in the literature on the transfer of the nominal capital of Russia from Kiev to Vladimir in 1169 is a common inaccuracy. Cm. Molokko A. P. History Russian Vasily Tatishchev. Sources and news. M., - Kiev, 2005. p.411-419. Gorsky A. A. Russia from Slavic resettlement to the Moscow kingdom. M., 2004. - p.6. The elevation of Vladimir as an alternative Kiev of the communional center began from the middle of the XII century (from the board of Andrei Yurevich Bogolyubsky), but it became final only after the Mongolian invasion, when the great princes Vladimir Yaroslav Vsevolodovich () and Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky () were recognized in the Horde among all Russian princes. They received Kiev, but chose Vladimir to leave their residence. With nach XIV century Great Princes Vladimir wore title "All Russia". A Vladimir table with the sanction of the Horde received one of the specific princes of Northeast Russia, since 1363 it was occupied only by Moscow Princes, since 1389 he became their hereditary possession. The territory of the Joint Vladimir and Moscow Principality became the core of the modern Russian state.
    3. He began to prince in 6370 (862) year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 19-20). Died in 6387 (879) year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 22). According to the Lavrent'evsky list of PVL and the Novgorod I chronicles in Novgorod, in the Ipatiev list - in Ladoga, in 864 I founded Novgorod and moved there (PSRL, t. I, STB. 20, vol. III<НIЛ. М.;Л., 1950.> - P. 106, PSRL, vol. II, STB. fourteen). As archaeological studies show, Novgorod in the 9th century has not yet existed; Mention of him in the chronicles belong to the settlement.
    4. He began to pronounce in 6387 (879) year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 22). In PVL and the Russian-Byzantine Treaty of 911 - Prince, Triberenager or Rüric's relative, ruled during Igor's childhood (PSRL, T. I, STB. 18, 22, 33, PSRL, T. II, STB. 1). In the Novgorod I chronicles appear as a governor at the Igor (PSRL, vol. III, p. 107).
    5. He began to prince in 6390 (882) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 23), most likely in the summer, as it was supposed to go hiking from Novgorod in the spring. He died in autumn 6420 (912) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 38-39). In the Novgorod I chronicles died in 6430 (922) year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 109).
    6. The start of the printed is marked in the annals 6421 (913) year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 42). Either this is just a feature of the chronicles, or it took him the time to sit in Kiev. When describing the death and funeral, Oleg Igor is not mentioned. According to the chronicles, killed in the autumn of 6453 (945) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 54-55). The story of Igor's death is placed immediately for the Russian-Byzantine Treaty, which was concluded in 944, so some researchers prefer this year. The month of death may have been novemberBecause according to Constantine Bagryanorogennoe, it was in November that began a FIU. ( Litavrin G. G. Ancient Rus, Bulgaria and Byzantium in the IX-X centuries. // IX International Congress of Slavists. History, culture, ethnography and folklore of Slavic peoples. M., 1983. - P. 68.).
    7. Rules rules during the Svyatoslav minority. In the chronicles (in the list of Kiev princes in Article 6360 PVL and in the list of Kiev princes at the beginning of the Ipatiev Chronicle), the government is not called (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 1, 13, 46), but it appears in synchronous Byzantine and Western European sources. Rules at least until 959, when its embassy is mentioned to the German king of Otton I (Chronicle of the Founder of Region). At the request of Olga, the German Bishop Adalbert was sent to Rus, but when he arrived in 961, he could not start his duties and was expelled. Obviously, this indicates the transition of power to Svyatoslav, who was a zealous pagan. (Ancient Rus in the light of medieval sources. T.4. M., 2010. - C.46-47).
    8. The beginning of his reign in the chronicle marked 6454 (946) year, and the first independent event - 6472 (964) year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 57, 64). Probably, the independent rule still began before - between 959 and 961 years. See previous note. Killed at the beginning of spring 6480 (972) of the year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 74).
    9. It was planted in Kiev by the Father, who went hiking for Byzantium in 6478 (970) year (by the annals, PSRL, vol. I, STB. 69) or in the fall of 969 (according to Byzantine sources). After the death of his father continued to pronigify in Kiev. It is expelled from Kiev and killed, the chronicle dates this 6488 (980) year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 78). According to the "Memory and Praise of the Prince Russian Vladimir" Jacob Mnich, Vladimir entered Kiev June 11th 6486 (978 ) of the year.
    10. According to the list of connections in Article 6360 (852) of the PVL, the printed 37 years, which indicates 978 year. (PSRL, T. I, STB. 18). According to all the annals, entered Kiev in 6488 (980) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 77, vol. III, p. 125), according to the "Memory and Praise of the Knuckle Russian Vladimir" Jacob Mnich - June 11th 6486 (978 ) Year (library of literature of ancient Russia. T.1. - p.326. Milytenko N. I. Holy Equal-Apostor Prince Vladimir and the Baptism of Russia. M., 2008. - S.57-58). Dating 978 year was especially actively defended by A. A. Chematov. Died July 15 6523 (1015) of the year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 130).
    11. At the time of the death of his father was in Kiev (PSRL, t. I, STB. 130, 132). Late in the late autumn of 6524 (1016) of the year by Yaroslav (PSRL, T. I, STB. 141-142).
    12. He began to pronounce late autumn 6524 (1016) of the year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 142). Broken into the battle on the bug July 22. (Titmar Merzeburgsky. Chronicle VIII 31) and fled to Novgorod in 6526 (1018) year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 143).
    13. Sat on the throne in Kiev August 14 6526 (1018) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 143-144, Titmar Merzeburgian. Chronicle VIII 32). By the chronicles, Yaroslav was expelled in the same year (apparently in the winter of 1018/19), but usually his expulsion date 1019 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 144).
    14. Sell \u200b\u200bin Kiev in 6527 (1019) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 146). Died in 6562, according to the Lavrentiev chronicles in the first Saturday post on the day of St. Theodore (PSRL, t. I, STB. 162), i.e. February 19.In the Ipatiev Chronicle, the exact date is added to the Saturday instruction - February 20. (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 150). The chronicles used Martov style and 6562 corresponds to 1055, but from the date of the post it follows that the right year is 1054 (in 1055 the post began later, the author of PVL used the Martov style of the summer, an erroneously increasing the term of Yaroslav's reign for one year. See Milytenko N. I. Holy Equal-Apostor Prince Vladimir and the Baptism of Russia. M., 2008. - S.57-58). 6562 year and date Sunday February 20 are indicated in graffiti from the Cathedral of Saint Sophia. At the ratio of the number and day of the week, the most likely date is determined - sunday February 20, 1054.
    15. He arrived in Kiev after the death of his father and sat on the throne according to the father's will (PSRL, T. I, STB. 162). It was probably happening pretty quickly, especially if he was sitting in a round, and not Novgorod (the body of Yaroslav was carried from Vyshgorod to Kiev, a Vsevolod who was at the time of death at the time of death, on the moment of death, was engaged in the Chronicles of the Organization, on the moment of death, on "reading about Boris and Gleb - In Kiev, Koronil Izyaslav). The beginning of his jurisdiction is marked in the chronicle 6563, but this is probably a chronicler's mistake, who took the death of Yaroslav to the end of March 6562. Excancing from Kiev September 15th 6576 (1068) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 171).
    16. Sat on the throne September 15th 6576 (1068) of the year, printed Seven months, that is, until April 1069 (PSRL, t. I, STB. 172-173).
    17. Sat on the throne May 2 6577 (1069) of the year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 174). Ranked in March 1073 (PSRL, t. I, STB. 182).
    18. Sat on the throne March 22. 6581 (1073) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB.182). Died December 27th 6484 (1076) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 199).
    19. Sat on the throne 1st of January March 6584 (1077) of the year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 190). In the summer of the same year, he lost power to Brother Izyaslav (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 190).
    20. Sat on the throne July 15 6585 (1077) of the year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 199). Killed October 3 6586 (1078) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 202).
    21. I sat on the throne in October 1078 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 204). Died April 13. 6601 (1093) of the year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 216).
    22. Sat on the throne April 24th 6601 (1093) of the year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 218). Died April 16. 1113 years. The ratio of March and ultraphantovsky years is indicated in accordance with the studies of N. G. Berezhkova, in the Lavrentiev and Trinity Chronicles 6622 Ultra Martary Year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 290; Troitskaya Chronicle. St. Petersburg, 2002. - C.206), by Ipatiev Chronicles 6621 March year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 275).
    23. Sat on the throne 20 April 1113 (PSRL, t. I, STB. 290, t. VII, p. 23). Died May 19 1125 (March 6633 in the Lavrentievskaya and Trinity Chronicles, UltraMartovsky 6634 in the Ipatiev Chronicle) of the Year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 295, vol. II, STB. 289; Troitskaya Chronicle. P.208).
    24. Sat on the throne May 20 1125 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 289). Died April 15. 1132 on Friday (in the Lavrentievskaya, Trinity and Novgorod first annals on April 14, 6640, in the Ipatiev Chronicle April 15, 6641 Ultra Martovsky Year) (PSRL, t. I, STB. 301, vol. II, STB. 294, vol. III, page . 22; Troitskaya chronicle. P.212). The exact date is determined by the day of the week.
    25. Sat on the throne April 17. 1132 (Ultrapartovsky 6641 in the Ipatiev Chronicle) of the Year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 294). Died 18th of Febuary 1139, in the Lavrentiev Chronicles of March 6646, in the Ipatiev Chronicle UltraMartovsky 6647 (PSRL, T. I, STB. 306, vol. II, STB. 302) In the Nikonova Chronicle, explicitly mistaken on November 8, 6646 (PSRL, T. IX, STB. 163).
    26. Sat on the throne February 22 1139 on Wednesday (March 6646, in the Ipatiev Chronicles on February 24 of the UltraMartovsky 6647) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 306, vol. II, STB. 302). The exact date is determined by the day of the week. March 4. Removed in tours at the request of Vsevolod Olgovich (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 302).
    27. Sat on the throne the 5th of March 1139 (March 6647, Ultrapartovsky 6648) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 307, vol. II, STB. 303). In the Ipatievsky and Resurrection Chronicles died August 1 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 321, vol. VII, p. 35), according to the Lavrentiev and Novgorod fourth chronicles - July 30. 6654 (1146) of the year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 313, t. IV, p. 151).
    28. I sat down on the throne the day after the death of the brother. (HIL, 1950. - P. 27, PSRL, T. VI, Vol. 1, Stb. 227) (perhaps August 1 Due to the divergence of the death date of Vosvolod for 1 day, see the previous note). August 13 1146 was broken in battle and ran (PSRL, t. I, STB. 313, vol. II, STB. 327).
    29. Sat on the throne August 13 1146. Declared in battle on August 23, 1149 and retreated to Kiev, and then left the city (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 383).
    30. Sat on the throne August 28 1149 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 322, vol. II, STB. 384), Date 28 in the chronicle is not specified, but almost flawlessly calculated: the day after the battle, Yuri entered Pereyaslavl, spent three days and headed To Kiev, namely, the 28th was Sunday, more appropriate for the throne. Excanion in 1150, in summer (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 396).
    31. He entered Kiev in August 1150 and sat on the Yaroslavl yard, but after the protests from Kievans and negotiations with Izyaslav Mstislavich left the city. (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 396, 402, t. I, STB. 326).
    32. I sat on the throne in 1150 (PSRL, t. I, STB. 326, vol. II, STB. 398). A few days later, the PSRL, T. I, STB. 327, vol. II, STB. 402).
    33. Having sat on the throne in 1150, in about August (PSRL, t. I, STB. 328, vol. II, STB. 403), after that in the chronicles (vol. II, STB. 404), the Holiday Exaltation of the Cross will be mentioned (14 September). In the winter of 6658 (1150/1) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 330, vol. II, STB. 416).
    34. I sat on the throne in March or early April 6658 (1151) of the year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 330, vol. II, STB. 416). Died the 13th of November 1154 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 381-342, vol. IX, p. 198) (according to the Ipatiev Chronicle on the night of November 14, at the Novgorod First Chronicles - November 14 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 469 ; t. III, p. 29).
    35. As a senior from the sons of Vladimir Monomakh, he possessed the greatest rights to the Kiev table. Sell \u200b\u200bin Kiev, together with the nephew in the spring of 6659 (1151), probably in April (PSRL, T. I, STB. 336, vol. II, STB. 418) (or in the winter of 6658 (PSRL, T. IX, page 186). Died at the end of 6662, shortly after the start of the Rostislava's reign (PSRL, T. I, STB. 342, vol. II, STB. 472).
    36. I sat on the throne in 6662 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 342, vol. II, STB. 470-471). Like his predecessor, he recognized Vladimirovich Vyacheslav Vladimirovich. According to the Novgorod first chronicle, arrived in Kiev from Novgorod and sat for a week (PSRL, vol. III, p. 29). Smashed in battle and left Kiev (PSRL, t. I, STB. 343, vol. II, STB. 475).
    37. I sat on the throne in winter 6662 (1154/5) of the year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 344, vol. II, STB. 476). Lit power Yury (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 477).
    38. Slight for the throne in the spring of 6663 in the Ipatiev chronicles (on the outcome of winter 6662 in the Lavrentiev chronicles) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 345, vol. II, STB. 477) in Palm Sunday (i.e. 20th of March) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 29, see Karamzin N. M. History of the Russian state. T. II-III. M., 1991. - p.164). Died May 15 1157 (March 6665 in the Lavrentievsky Chronicles, Ultra Martary 6666 in the Ipatiev Chronicle) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 348, vol. II, STB. 489).
    39. Sat on the throne May 19 1157 (Ultrapartovsky 6666, so in the Khlebnikovsky list of the Ipatiev Chronicle, in its Ipatiev list mistaken on May 15) of the year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 490). In the Nikonov Chronicles on May 18 (PSRL, t. IX, p. 208). Excanion from Kiev in the winter of March 6666 (1158/9) of the year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 348). In the Ipatiev Chronicles, Iznannaya at the end of Ultrapartovsky 6667 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 502).
    40. Sell \u200b\u200bin Kiev December 22 6667 (1158) of the year in the Ipatiev and Voskrevskaya chronicles (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 502, vol. VII, p. 70), in the winter of 6666 in the Lavrentiev Chronicles, in the Nikonova Chronicles on August 22, 6666 (PSRL, t. IX , p. 213), driving out from there Iaslav, but then in the spring of next year I lost it to Rostislav Mstislavich (PSRL, t. I, STB. 348).
    41. Sell \u200b\u200bin Kiev April 12th 1159 (Ultrapartovsky 6668 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 504, date in the Ipatiev Chronicle), in the spring of March 6667 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 348). He left the departed Kiev on February 8 Ultrapartovsky 6669 (1161) (PSRL, t. II, STB. 515).
    42. Sat on the throne 12th of February 1161 (Ultrapartovsky 6669) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 516) in the Sofia First Chronicle - in the winter of March 6668 (PSRL, T. VI, Vol. 1, Stb. 232). Killed in battle March, 6 1161 (Ultrapartovsky 6670) of the year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 518).
    43. Again climbed the throne after the death of Izyaslav. Died March 14th 1167 (in the Ipatievsky and Voskrevskaya Chronicles, died on March 14, 6676 UltraMartovsky year, was buried on March 21, in the Lavrentievsky and Nikonovsky Chronicles, died on March 21, 6675) (PSRL, t. I, STB. 353, vol. II, STB. 532 , T. VII, p. 80, t. IX, p. 233).
    44. According to the seniority, he was the main contender for the throne after the death of his brother Rostislav. According to the Lavrentievsky chronicles, I was expelled from Kiev Mstislav Iaslavivich in 6676 (PSRL, t. I, STB. 353-354). In the Sofia First Chronicle, the same message is placed twice: under 6674 and 6676 (PSRL, T. VI, Issue 1, STB. 234, 236). Also, this plot sets out Jan Dlugosh ( SHAVELEVA N. I. Ancient Rus in the Polish History Jan Dulgosha. M., 2004. - p.326). The Ipatiev Chronicle does not mention his reign at all, instead it says that Mstislav Iaslavich before His arrival ordered to sit in Kiev Vasilka Yaropolchiku (according to the literal sense of the message, Vasilko was already in Kiev, but the chronicle does not speak about his entrance to the city) And the day before the arrival of Mstislav to Kiev, Yaropolk Izyaslavich was entered (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 532-533). Based on this message, some sources include Vasilko and Yaropolk in the number of Kiev princes.
    45. On the Ipatiev chronicle sat down on the throne May 19 6677 (that is, in this case, 1167) of the year. In the chronicles, the day is named Monday, but on the calendar it is Friday, in connection with which the date is sometimes corrected on May 15 ( Berezhkov N. G. Chronology of Russian chronicles. M., 1963. - P. 179). However, confusion can be explained by the fact that, as the chronicle notes, Mstislav left Kiev for several days (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 534-535, about the date and day of the week, see A. P. stained Kiev and Kiev land in 1167-1169 // Ancient Rus. MEDIES QUESTIONS / №1 (11). March, 2003. - C. 17-18.). The jointed army moved to Kiev, according to the Lavrentiev chronicles, in the winter of 6676 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 354), in the Ipatiev and Nikonovsky, winter 6678 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 543, t. IX, p. 237 ), in the Sofia first, in the winter of 6674 (PSRL, vol. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 234), which corresponds to winter 1168/69. Kiev was taken March 12, 1169, on Wednesday (on the Ipatiev Chronicle March 8, 6679, on the Resurrection 6678 year, but the day of the week and the indication on the second week of the post corresponds to the 12 March 1169 (see Berezhkov N. G. Chronology of Russian chronicles. M., 1963. - p.336.) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 545, t. VII, p. 84).
    46. I sat on the throne on March 12, 1169 (in the Ipatiev Chronicles, 6679 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 545), according to the Lavrentiev Chronicles, in 6677 (PSRL, T. I, STB. 355).
    47. I sat on the throne in the 1170 (on the Ipatiev Chronicles in 6680), in February (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 548). Leaving Kiev in the same year on Monday, in the second week for Easter (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 549).
    48. Again sat in Kiev after the expulsion of Mstislav. Died, in the Lavrentievsky chronicle, in UltraMartovsky 6680 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 363). Died January 20th 1171 (according to the Ipatiev chronicles it is 6681, and this year's designation in Ipatievsky exceeds the March account for three units) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 564).
    49. Sat on the throne February, 15 1171 (in the Ipatiev Chronicle it is 6681) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 566). Died on Monday of the Rod May 10 1171 (according to the Ipatiev chronicle it is 6682, but the correct date is established on the day of the week) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 567).
    50. About his reign in Kiev is reported in the Novgorod first chronicle under the 6680 year (PSRL, T.III, p.34). After a short time, without having support from Andrei Bogolyubsky, gave way to Roman Rostislavich's table ( Plots A. V. Mikhalko Yuryevich // BRE. T.20. - M., 2012. - S.500).
    51. Andrei Bogolyubsky ordered him to take it on the throne in Kiev in the winter of Ultrapartovsky 6680 (in the Ipatiev Chronicle - in the winter of 6681) (PSRL, t. I, STB. 364, vol. II, STB. 566). He sat down at the throne in the "month of July, Master" 1171 (in the Ipatiev Chronicle it is 6682, in the Novgorod first chronicle - 6679 year) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 568, vol. III, p. 34) Later Andrei ordered Roman leave Kiev, and he went to Smolensk (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 570).
    52. Mikhalko Yuryevich, who Andrei Bogolyubsky ordered to take the Kiev table after the novel, sent his brother in Kiev instead of himself. Sat on the throne 5 weeks (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 570). In Ultrapartovsky 6682 (and in Ipatiev, and in Lavrentievsky chronicles). Together with the nephew Yuropolk, captured by Davyd and Rürik Rostislavichi on the praise of the Holy Virgin - March 24 (PSRL, T. I, STB. 365, vol. II, STB. 570).
    53. Was in Kiev along with Vsevolod (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 570)
    54. I sat on the throne after the prisoner of Vsevolod in 1173 (6682 Ultra Martartov) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 571). When Andrei sent the army in the same year to South, Rurik left Kiev (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 575).
    55. In November 1173 (Ultrapartovsky 6682), he sat down on the throne under the agreement with Rostislavichi (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 578). Princes in Ultrapartovsky 6683 (according to the Lavrentiev Chronicles), Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich defeated (PSRL, t. I, STB. 366). In the Ipatiev Chronicle, in the winter of 6682 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 578). In the Resurrection Chronicles, his prince once again was mentioned under 6689 (PSRL, t. VII, p. 96, 234).
    56. Singing in Kiev 12 days In January 1174 or at the end of December 1173 and returned to Chernigov (PSRL, T. I, STB. 366, vol. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 240) (in the Resurrection Chronicle 6680 (PSRL, T. VII, page . 234)
    57. Again villages in Kiev, concluding an agreement with Svyatoslav, in the winter of Ultrapartovsky 6682 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 579). Lifted Kiev to Roman in 1174 (Ultrarty 6683) year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 600).
    58. Sell \u200b\u200bin Kiev in 1174 (Ultrapartovsky 6683) year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 600, vol. III, p. 34). In 1176 (Ultrapartovsky 6685) left Kiev (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 604).
    59. Entered Kiev in 1176 (Ultrapartovsky 6685), in Ilyin Day ( July 20) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 604). In July, he left Kiev because of the approach of the troops of Roman Rostislavich with brothers, however, as a result of negotiations, Rostislavichi agreed to give him Kiev. Returned to Kiev in September (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 604-605). In 6688 (1180), Kiev left Kiev (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 616).
    60. I sat on the throne in 6688 (1180) year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 616). But in a year he left the city (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 621). In the same year, he concluded peace with Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich, according to which his seniority admitted his seniority and gave him Kiev, and in return received the rest of the Kiev principality (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 626).
    61. I sat on the throne in 6688 (1181) year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 621). He died in 1194 (in the Ipatiev Chronicle in March 6702, according to the Lavrentievsky chronicle in Ultrapartovsky 6703) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 412), in July, on Monday to the day of McCaveev (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 680) . His co-program was Rurik Rostislavich, who posted by the Kiev principality (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 626). In historiography, their joint jurisdiction received the designation of "Duumvirata", but Rüricov does not include in the lists of Kiev princes, since he did not sit down on the Kiev table (unlike Vyacheslav Vyachalovich Vyacheslav in the 1150s.).
    62. Having sat on the throne after the death of Svyatoslav in 1194 (March 6702, Ultra Martovsky 6703) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 412, vol. II, STB. 681). It is expelled from Kiev Roman Mstislavich in Ultrapartovsky 6710. The novel during the negotiations was in Kiev at the same time with Rurik (he took the hem, and Rurik remained on the mountain). (PSRL, T. I, STB. 417)
    63. Having sat on the throne in 1201 (in the Lavrentievsky and Voskresenskiy chronicles in Ultrapartovsky 6710, according to Troitskaya and Nikonovsky chronicles in March 6709) by the will of Roman Mstislavich and Vsevolod Yuryevich (PSRL, t. I, STB. 418; t. VII, p. 107 ; t. X, p. 34; Trinity chronicle. p.284).
    64. Took Kiev January 2, 1203. (6711 Ultrapartovsky) Year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 418). In the Novgorod first chronicle on January 1, 6711 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 45), in the Novgorod Fourth Chronicles on January 2, 6711 (PSRL, vol. Iv, p. 180), in Troitskaya and Voskresensky annals 2 January 6710 ( Troitskaya chronicle. C.285; PSRL, T. VII, p. 107). In February 1203 (6711) the novel spoke against Rurik and besieged him in Ovruch. In connection with this circumstance, some historians expresses the opinion that Rurik after the looting of Kiev left the city, without becoming printed in it ( Grushevsky M. S. Essay of the history of the Kiev land from the death of Yaroslav to the end of the XIV century. K., 1891. - p.265). As a result, the novel signed the world with Ruriki, and then Vsevolod confirmed Rüric's Board in Kiev (PSRL, T. I, STB. 419). After a quarrel that occurred in Trepol at the end of the joint campaign to the Polovtsy, Roman was captivated by Rüric and sent him to Kiev, accompanied by his boyar Vyacheslav. Upon arrival in the capital, Rurik was forcibly tonsured to the monks. This happened in the "Lituya Winter" in 6713 in the Lavrentiev Chronicles (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 420, in the Novgorod first younger favor and the Trinity Chronicles of the winter of 6711 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 240; Trinity chronicle. With .286), in the Sofia First Chronicle 6712 (PSRL, vol. Vi, Vol. 1, STB. 260). The fact that Rurikave was conveyed by Vyacheslav, reported in the Novgorod first chronicle of ml. Of the Izov (PSRL, vol. III, page . 240; Gorovenko A. V. Roman Galitsky's sword. Prince Roman Mstislavich in history, epic and legends. M., 2014. - P. 148). In the list of Kiev princes, compiled by L. Makhnovets, the Roman is indicated by the prince within two weeks of 1204 ( Makhnovets L. E. Great Princess KIIVSKI // Chronicle Russian / under an Ipat's list. - K., 1989. - p.522), in the list compiled by A. Poppé - in 1204-1205 ( Skalski G. Christianity and theological literature in Kievan Rus (988 - 1237). St. Petersburg., 1996. - P. 474), but in the chronicles it does not say that he was in Kiev. The message about this is only in the so-called Tatishchev news. However, from 1201 to 1205, the novel actually saved his depths for the Kiev table (as opposed to Andrei Bogolyubsky in a similar situation of 30 years ago, he personally came to this Kiev principality). The actual status of the novel is reflected in the Ipatiev Chronicles, where it is included in the list of Kiev princes (between Rurik and Mstislav Romanovich) (PSRL. T.II, STB. 2) and named the prince "All Russia" - Such a definition was attached only to Kiev princes (PSRL. T.II, STB.715).
    65. It was planted for the throne by agreement of the novel and Vsevolod after Rurik's Taking the Winter (that is, at the beginning of 1204) (PSRL, t. I, STB. 421, vol. X, p. 36). Shortly after the death of Roman Mstislavich ( June 19 1205) lost Kiev father.
    66. Strike after the death of Roman Mstislavich, followed on June 19, 1205 (Ultrarty 6714) of the year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 426) in the Sofia First Chronicle 6712 (PSRL, T. VI, Vol. 1, Stb. 260), in Troitskaya and Nikonovsky chronicles under 6713 (Trinity chronicle. C.292; PSRL, vol. X, p. 50) and again sat on the throne. After an unsuccessful campaign, Galich in March 6714 was removed in Ovruch (PSRL, T. I, STB. 427). According to the Lavrentiev Chronicles, sat in Kiev (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 428). In 1207 (March 6715), once again fled to Ovruch (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 429). It is believed that messages under 1206 and 1207 duplicate each other (see also PSRL, T. VII, p. 235: Interpretation in the Resurrection Chronicles as two princes)
    67. Sell \u200b\u200bin Kiev in March 6714 (PSRL, t. I, STB. 427), in about august. Date 1206 is specified by synchronism with a hike to Galich. According to the Lavrentievsky chronicle, in the same year Iznan Rurik (PSRL, T. I, STB. 428).
    68. Sell \u200b\u200bin Kiev, trample from there Vsevolod (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 428). He left Kiev next year with the approach of Vsevolod's troops (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 429). Messages in chronicles under 1206 and 1207 may duplicate each other.
    69. Sell \u200b\u200bin Kiev in the spring of 6715 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 429), in the fall of the same year Rurik (PSRL, T. I, STB. 433).
    70. Sell \u200b\u200bin Kiev in the fall of 1207, in about October (Troitskaya chronicle. C.293, 297; PSRL, vol. X, p. 52, 59). In the Troitskaya and most parts of the list of Nikonov chronicles, duplicate messages are placed under 6714 and 6716. The exact date is established by synchronism with the Ryazan campaign of Vsevolod Yuryevich. By agreement with Vsevolod in 1210 (on the Lavrentiev Chronicles of 6718), they went to pronomize in Chernigov (PSRL, T. I, STB. 435) (in the Nikonovsky Chronicles - in 6719, PSRL, vol. X, p. 62, on the Resurrection Chronicle - In 6717, PSRL, T. VII, p. 235). However, in historiography there are doubts about this message, possibly Rurik was confused with the Chernihiv prince, which wearing the same name. According to other data (typographic chronicle, PSRL, t. XXIV, p. 28 and Piskarevsky chronicler, PSRL, T.XXXIV, p. 81), he died in Kiev. ( A. P. stained The struggle for the Kiev table in the 1210th. Controversial issues of chronology // Ancient Rus. Questions mediovers. - 1/2002 (7)).
    71. Sell \u200b\u200bin Kiev or as a result of exchange with Rurik in Chernihiv (?), Or after the death of Rüric (see the previous note). Excancing from Kiev Mstislav Mstislavich in the summer 1214 years (in Novgorod first and fourth chronicles, as well as Nikonovskaya this event is described under 6722 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 53; t. IV, p. 185, vol. x, p. 67), in the Sofia First Chudliament clearly mistakenly under 6703 and secondary under 6723 (PSRL, T. VI, vol. 1, STB. 250, 263), in the Tver Chronicles twice - under 6720 and 6722, in the Resurrection Chronicle 6720 (PSRL, T. VII , p. 118, 235, vol. XV, STB. 312, 314). Data from the heart-painted reconstruction speak for 1214, for example, February 1, March 6722 (1215) was Sunday, as indicated in the Novgorod first chronicle, and in Ipatiev Chronicles Vsevolod is specified as Kiev Prince under 6719 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 729) that in its chronology corresponds to 1214 ( Major A. V. Galico-Volyn Rus. St. Petersburg, 2001. p.411). However, on N. G. Berezhkovoy, based on comparing the data of Novgorod Chronicles with Livonsky Chronicles, this 1212 year.
    72. His brief reign after the expulsion of Vsevolod is mentioned in the Resurrection Chronicle (PSRL, T. VII, p. 118, 235).
    73. His allies made from Novgorod June 8 (Novgorod first chronicle, PSRL, vol. III, p. 32) sat on the throne after the expulsion of Vsevolod (in the Novgorod first chronicle under 6722). Killed in 1223, for the tenth year of his reign (PSRL, t. I, STB. 503), after the battle on Kalka, which occurred May 30 6731 (1223) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 447). In the Ipatiev Chronicles of 6732, in the Novgorod first May 31 6732 years (PSRL, vol. III, p. 63), in Nikonovskaya June 16. 6733) (PSRL, vol. X, p. 92), in the introductory part of the Resurrection Chronicles of 6733 (PSRL, T. VII, p. 235), but in the main part of the Voskresenskaya on June 16, 6731 (PSRL, T. VII, p. 132). Killed 2 June 1223 (PSRL, T. I, STB. 508) Numbers in the chronicles are not, but it is indicated that after the battle at Kalka, Prince Mstislav was defended for three more days. Date accuracy 1223 For a battle on Kallet is established by comparing a number of foreign sources.
    74. According to the Novgorod first chronicle, sat in Kiev in 1218 (Ultrapartovsky 6727) year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 59, t. IV, p. 199; t. Vi, Issue 1, STB. 275), which may indicate its coating. Sat on the throne after the death of Mstislav (PSRL, T. I, STB. 509) June 16. 1223 (Ultrapartovsky 6732) of the year (PSRL, T. VI, Vol. 1, Stb. 282, vol. XV, STB. 343). The victims defeat in the battle under the Holiday Ascension ( May 17.), captured to Polovtsam, when they took Kiev (at the end of May or in early June) 6743 (1235) of the year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 74). In the Sofia First and Moscow-Academic Chronicles, the last 10 years, but the date in them is the same - 6743 years (PSRL, T. I, STB. 513; T. VI, Vol. 1, Stb. 287).
    75. In the early chronicles (Ipatiev and Novgorod I) without patronymic (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 772, vol. III, p. 74), not mentioned in Lavrentiev. Izyaslav Mstislavich in the Novgorod fourth, Sofia first (PSRL, t. IV, p. 214; t. Vi, Vol. 1, STB. 287) And the Moscow-academic chronicles, in the Tver Chronicles he is named the son of Mstislav Romanovich Brave, and in Nikonovsky and Voskresensk - Grandson Roman Rostislavich (PSRL, T. VII, p. 138, 236; t. X, p. 104; XV, STB. 364), but there was no such prince (in Voskresensk, called the son of Mstislav Romanovich Kiev). In historiography is sometimes referred to as "Izyaslav IV". According to modern scientists, it is either Izyaslav Vladimirovich, son of Vladimir Igorevich (such an opinion is common since N. M. Karamzin, the prince with the same name will be mentioned in the Ipatiev Chronicle), or the son of Mstislav is good (analysis of this issue: Gorsky A. A. Russian lands in the XIII-XIV century: paths of political development. M., 1996. - p.14-17. Major A. V. Galico-Volyn Rus. St. Petersburg, 2001. - S.542-544). Having sat on the throne in 6743 (1235) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 513, vol. Iii, p. 74) (in Nikonovskaya in 6744th). In the Ipatiev Chronicles mentioned under 6741. At the end of the same year, Vladimir Rurikovich was released from Polovtsy captivity and immediately returned Kiev.
    76. Freeding from Polovtsy captivity, sent assistance to Daniel Romanovich against Galicians and Bolowners in the spring of 1236. According to the Ipatiev Chronicles in (6744) in the year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 777), Kiev Yaroslav Vsevolodovich was given. In the Novgorod first chronicle, his reinforcement is not mentioned.
    77. I sat on the throne in 6744 (1236) year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 513, vol. Iii, p. 74, vol. Iv, p. 214). In Ipatievsky under 6743 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 777). In 1238 went to Vladimir. The exact month in the chronicles is not specified, but it is obvious that this happened shortly or shortly after the battle on the r. City ( 10th of March) In which the elder brother Yaroslav - Grand Duke Vladimir Yuri. (PSRL, vol. X, p. 113). (On the chronology of the Board of Yaroslav in Kiev, see Gorsky A. A. Problems of studying "The Word of the Dissolius of the Earth": By the 750th anniversary since writing // Proceedings of the department of the Old Russian literature »1990. T. 43).
    78. A brief list of princes at the beginning of the Ipatiev Chronicles places it after Yaroslav (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 2), but it may be an error. There is also a mention in the late Gussany Chronicle, but it is most likely, here just repelled from the list (PSRL, vol. 40, p. 118). This is taking this princess M. B. Sverdlov ( Sverdlov M. B. Domongolsky Rus. St. Petersburg, 2002. - P. 653) and L. E. Makhnovets ( Makhnovets L. E. Great Princess KIIVSKI // Chronicle Russian / under an Ipat's list. - K., 1989. - p.522).
    79. She took Kiev in 1238 after Yaroslav (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 777, t. VII, p. 236; t. X, p. 114). On March 3, 1239, he took Tatar ambassadors in Kiev, and continued to stay in the capital at least to Chernigov's siege (approx. October 18). When Tatars came to Kiev, went to Hungary (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 782). In the Ipatiev Chronicle under the 6746 year, in Nikonovskaya under 6748 (PSRL, vol. X, p. 116).
    80. Having taken Kiev after leaving Mikhail, Iznan Daniel (in the Ipatiev Chronicle under 6746, in the Novgorod fourth and Sofia first under 6748) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 782, t. IV, p. 226; vi, Vol. 1, STB. 301).
    81. Daniel, taking Kiev in 6748, left in it a thousand Dmitra (PSRL, t. IV, p. 226, vol. X, p. 116). Dmitr led the city at the time of his tattars (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 786). On the Lavrentiev and most later chronicles, Kiev was taken to Nikolin day (that is December 6) 6748 (1240 ) year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 470). According to the annals of Pskov origin (the chronicle of Abrahamki, Suparatskaya), in monday November 19th. (PSRL, t. XVI, STB. 51). Cm. Stavsky V. I. About two dates of the Storm of Kiev in 1240 in Russian chronicles // Proceedings of the department of Old Russian literature. 1990. T. 43.
    82. Returned to Kiev after the departure of the Tatars. Run from Silesia after April 9. 1241 (after the defeat of Heinrich by Tatars in the battle of Legnic, PSRL, vol. II, STB. 784). He lived next to the city, "near Kiev in the island" (on the island of Dnipro) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 789, PSRL, T. VI, ISP.1, STB. 319). Then returned to Chernigov, but when it happened, the chronicles did not say.
    83. C For years, the Russian princes received power with the sanctions of Khanov (in the Russian terminology "Kings") of the Golden Horde, who were recognized as the supreme rulers of Russian lands.
    84. In 6751 (1243), Yaroslav arrived in the Horde and was recognized by the ruler of all Russian lands "The oldest prince in Russian Language" (PSRL, T. I, STB. 470). Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir. The moment when he took possession of Kiev, not specified in the chronicles. It is known that in 1246, in 1246, his boyar Dmitr Eykovich was sitting in the city (PSRL, t. II, STB. 806, in the Ipatiev Chronicle, it was indicated under 6758 (1250) in connection with the trip to the Orda Daniel Romanovich, the correct date is set to synchronize with Polish Sources. Starting with N. M. Karamzin, most historians proceed from the obvious assumption that Yaroslav received Kiev in the Khan label. Died September 30th 1246 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 471).
    85. After the death of his father, together with Brother Andrei went to the Horde, and from there to the capital of the Mongolian Empire - Karakorum, where in 6757 (1249) Andrei received Vladimir, and Alexander - Kiev and Novgorod. Modern historians disagree in the assessment, who belonged to the formal seniority from the brothers. In Kiev, Alexander did not live. Before the expulsion of Andrei in 6760 (1252), the rules in Novgorod, then received Vladimir in Horde and sat down in him. Died November 14
    86. Got Vladimir as an parish in 1140-H. years. Sell \u200b\u200bin Rostov and Suzdal in 1157 (March 6665 in the Lavrentiev Chronicles, Ultra Martary 6666 in the Ipatiev Chronicle) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 348, vol. II, STB. 490). The exact date in the early chronicles is not specified. In the Moscow-academic chronicle and the chronicler Pereyaslavlvalvalvalvalvalval June 4th (PSRL, vol. 41, p. 88), in the Radziwill Chronicles - 4th of July (PSRL, vol. 38, p. 129). He left Vladimir to his residence, making it the capital of the principality. Killed in the evening June 29, in the feast of Peter and Paul (in the Lavrentiev Chronicles of Ultrapartovsky 6683) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 369) on the Ipatiev Chronicles June 28., on the eve of the holiday of Peter and Paul (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 580), in the Sofia First Chronicles on June 29, 6683 (PSRL, T. VI, Vol. 1, Stb. 238).
    87. Sat in Vladimir in Ultrapartovsky 6683, but after 7 weeks Siege retired (that is, in about September) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 373, vol. II, STB. 596).
    88. Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir (PSRL, t. I, STB. 374, vol. II, STB. 597) in 1174 (Ultrapartovsky 6683) year. June 15. 1175 (Ultrapartovsky 6684) of the year defeated and fled (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 601).
    89. Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir June 15. 1175 (Ultrapartovsky 6684) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 377). (In the Nikonov Chronicles on June 16, but the error is established on the day of the week (PSRL, t. IX, p. 255). Died June 20. 1176 (Ultrapartovsky 6685) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 379, t. IV, p. 167).
    90. Having sat on the throne in Vladimir after the death of Brother in June 1176 (Ultrartovsky 6685) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 380). Died in the Lavrentiev chronicle, April 13. 6720 (1212) of the year, in memory of St. Martin (PSRL, t. I, STB. 436) in Tver and Voskresenskaya chronicles April 15. For the memory of the Apostle Aristarha, on Sunday (PSRL, T. VII, p. 117; t. XV, STB. 311), in the Nikonovsky Chronicles 14th of April in memory of sv. Martin, on Sunday (PSRL, vol. X, p. 64), in the Trinity Chronicle April 18th 6721, in memory of St. Martin (Troitskaya chronicle. P.299). In 1212 April 15 - Sunday.
    91. He sat on the throne after the death of his father in accordance with his will (PSRL, vol. X, p. 63). April 27. 1216, on Wednesday, left the city, leaving him to his brother (PSRL, t. I, STB. 440, the number in the chronicles is not directly indicated, but this is the next Wednesday after April 21, which was Thursday).
    92. I sat on the throne in 1216 (Ultrapartovsky 6725) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 440). Died February 2 1218 (Ultrapartovsky 6726, so in the Lavrentiev and Nikonovsky Chronicles) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 442, vol. X, p. 80) in the Tver and Trinity Chronicles 6727 (PSRL, vol. XV, STB. 329 ; Troitskaya chronicle. P.304).
    93. I sat on the throne after the death of my brother. Killed in a battle with Tatars March 4. 1238 (in the Lavrentiev chronicles, still under 6745, in the Moscow-academic chronicles under 6746) (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 465).
    94. I sat down on the throne after the death of Brother in 1238 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 467). Died September 30th 1246 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 471)
    95. Having sat on the throne in 6755 (1247), when the news came about the death of Yaroslav (PSRL, t. I, STB. 471, vol. X, p. 134). According to the Moscow-Academic Chronicles, sat on the throne in 1246 after a trip to the Orda (PSRL, t. I, STB. 523), at the Novgorod fourth chronicle, sat in 6755 (PSRL, t. IV, p. 229). Excanion at the beginning of 1248 by Mikhail. According to the Rogozhsky chronicler, he was secondary for the throne after Mikhail's death (1249), but he was driven by Andrei Yaroslavich (PSRL, t. XV, Vol. 1, Stb. 31). In other chronicles there are no report.
    96. Svyatoslav expelled in 6756 (PSRL, t. IV, p. 229). He died in a battle with Lithuanians in winter 6756 (1248/1249) of the year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 471). In the Novgorod fourth chronicle - in 6757 (PSRL, vol. IV, STB. 230). Monthly unknown.
    97. Sat on the throne in winter 6757 (1249/50) of the year (in december), Having received a reign from Khan (PSRL, t. I, STB. 472), the ratio of news in the chronicle shows that he returned in any case earlier than December 27th. Fight from Russia during the Tatar invasion in 6760 ( 1252 ) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 473), the victim defeat in the battle for St. Boris's Day ( July 24.) (PSRL, T. VII, p. 159). According to the Novgorod first younger favor and the Sofia first annals, it was in 6759 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 304, vol. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 327), according to the Easter tables of the middle of the XIV century (PSRL, t. Iii, pp. 578), Troitskaya, Novgorod Fourth, Tver, Nikonovsky Chronicles - in 6760 (PSRL, T. IV, p. 230; t. X, p. 138; t. XV, STB. 396, Trinity chronicle. P.324).
    98. In 6760 (1252), he received a great reign in Horde and villages in Vladimir (PSRL, t. I, STB. 473) (at the Novgorod Fourth Chronicles - in 6761 (PSRL, T. IV, p. 230). Died November 14 6771 (1263) of the year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 524, vol. III, p. 83).
    99. I sat on the throne in 6772 (1264) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 524; t. IV, p. 234). In the Ukrainian Gussany Chronicle, it is also called Kiev Prince, however, the accuracy of this news in the question due to the late origin of the source (PSRL, vol. 40, pp. 123, 124). Died in winter 1271/72 (Ultrapartovsky 6780 in Easter tables (PSRL, vol. III, p. 579), in the Novgorod First and Sophia First Chronicles, March 6779 in the Tver and Trinity Chronicles) Year (PSRL, vol. III, p.89 , T. VI, Vol. 1, STB. 353, t. XV, STB. 404; Troitskaya chronicle. p.331). Comparison with the mention of the death of Knyagini Mary Rostovskaya on December 9 shows that Yaroslav died at the beginning of 1272 (PSRL, t. I, STB. 525).
    100. I sat down on the throne after the death of Brother in 6780. Died in winter 6784 (1276/77) of the year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 323), in january (Trinity chronicle. P.333).
    101. I sat on the throne in 6784 (1276/77) after the death of uncle (PSRL, vol. X, p. 153; t. XV, STB. 405). Mention of a trip to the Horde this year is missing.
    102. I received a great reign in the Horde in 1281 (Ultrarty 6790 (PSRL, vol. III, p.324, vol. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 357), in the winter of 6789, coming to Russia in December (Trinity chronicle. P.338 ; PSRL, vol. X, p. 159) year. He reconciled with his brother in 1283 (Ultrartovsky 6792 or March 6791 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 326, t. IV, p. 245; t. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 359; Troitskaya chronicle. P.340). Such dating of events was adopted by N. M. Karamzin, N. G. Berezhkovoy and A. A. Gorsky, V. L. Yanin offers dating: Winter 1283-1285 ( See Analysis: Gorsky A. A. Moscow and the Horde. M., 2003. - P. 15-16).
    103. Came from the Horde in 1283, having received a great reign from the foot. Listened to him in 1293.
    104. I received a great reign in Horde in 6801 (1293) year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 327, vol. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 362), returned to Russia in winter (Trinity chronicle. P.345). Died July 27. 6812 (1304) of the year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 92; t. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 367, vol. VII, p. 184) (in the Novgorod fourth and Nikonovsky chronicles on June 22 (PSRL, t. IV, p. 252, vol. X, p. 175), in the Trinity Chronicle Ultrapartovsky 6813 (Trinity Chronicle. P.351).
    105. He received a great reign in 1305 (March 6813, in the Trinity Chronicle of UltraMartovsky 6814) year (PSRL, T. VI, Vol. 1, Stb. 368, vol. VII, p. 184). (In the Nikonov Chronicles - in 6812 (PSRL, vol. X, p. 176), returned to Russia in the fall (Trinity Chronicle. P.352). Executed in Horde November 22 1318 (in the Sofia First and Nikonovsky Chronicles of the Ultrapartovsky 6827, in the Novgorod fourth and tversky chronicles of March 6826) on Wednesday (PSRL, t. IV, p. 257; t. Vi, Vol. 1, Stb. 391, vol. X, p. 185). The year is installed on the day of the week.
    106. It was out of the horde with Tatars in the summer of 1317 (Ultrarty 6826, in the Novgorod Chollytime Chronicle and Rogozhsky Chronicler March 6825) of the year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 95; t. IV, STB. 257), having received a great reign (PSRL, t. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 374, t. XV, Vol. 1, STB. 37). Killed Dmitry Tver in Horde. (Trinity chronicle. P.357; PSRL, vol. X, p. 189) 6833 (1325) (PSRL, vol. Iv, p. 260; vi, vol. 1, STB. 398).
    107. Received a great reign in 6830 (1322) year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 96, vol. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 396). Arrived in Vladimir in the winter of 6830 (PSRL, t. IV, p. 259; Troitskaya chronicle. P.357) or in the fall (PSRL, vol. XV, STB. 414). For Easter tables, sat in 6831 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 579). Kaznen. September 15th 6834 (1326) of the year (PSRL, vol. XV, vol. 1, STB. 42, vol. XV, STB. 415).
    108. He received a great reign in the fall of 6834 (1326) of the year (PSRL, vol. X, p. 190; t. XV, no. 1, STB. 42). When the Tatar army moved to Tver in the winter of 1327/8, fled to Pskov, and then to Lithuania.
    109. In 1328, Khan Uzbek divided the Grand Diction, giving Alexander Vladimir and Volga region (PSRL, vol. III, p.469, in Moscow annals, this fact is not mentioned). In the Sofia First, Novgorod Fourth and the Resurrection Chronicles, died in 6840 (PSRL, T. IV, p. 265; t. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 406, vol. VII, p. 203), in the Tver Chronicles - In 6839 (PSRL, vol. XV, STB. 417), in the Rogozhsky chronicler his death was noted twice - under 6839 and 6841 (PSRL, vol. XV, Issue 1, STB. 46), according to Troitskaya and Nikonovsky Chronicles - In 6841 (Trinity chronicle. p.361; PSRL, vol. X, p. 206). According to the introduction to the Novgorod first chronicle of the youngerie, the printed 3 or 2 and a half years (PSRL, vol. III, p. 467, 469). A. A. Gorsky takes dating of his death 1331 ( Gorsky A. A.Moscow and the Horde. M., 2003. - p.62).
    110. I sat on a great reign in 6836 (1328) year (PSRL, t. IV, p. 262; t. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 401, vol. X, p. 195). Formally, he was a co-programmer Alexander Suzdal (not occupying the Vladimir table), but acted independently. After the death of Alexander, he went to the Horde in 6839 (1331) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 344) and received an all the Grand Diction (PSRL, vol. III, p. 469). Died March 31 1340 (Ultrapartovsky 6849 (PSRL, t. IV, p. 270; t. Vi, Vol. 1, Stb. 412, vol. VII, p. 206), according to Easter tables, Trinity chronicle and Rogozhsky Chronicler in 6848 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 579; t. XV, vol. 1, STB. 52; Trinity chronicle. P.364).
    111. He received a great reign in the fall of Ultrapartovsky 6849 (PSRL, T. VI, Issue 1, STB.). Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir October 1, 1340 (Trinity chronicle. P.364). Died 26 April Ultrapartovsky 6862 (in Nikonovskaya March 6861) (PSRL, vol. X, p. 226; t. XV, Issue 1, STB. 62; Troitskaya chronicle. p.373). (In the Novgorod fourth about his death, twice - under 6860 and 6861 (PSRL, T. IV, pp. 280, 286), on the Resurrection - April 27, 6861 (PSRL, T. VII, p. 217)
    112. Got a great reign in the winter of 6861, after baptism. Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir March 25 6862 (1354) of the year (Troitskaya chronicle. P.374; PSRL, vol. X, p. 227). Died the 13th of November 6867 (1359) of the year (PSRL, T. VIII, p. 10; t. XV, vol. 1, STB. 68).
    113. Han Navruz in the winter of 6867 (that is, at the beginning of the 1360 year), I gave the great reign by Andrei Konstantinovich, and he lost him to Brother Dmitry (PSRL, t. XV, Issue 1, STB. 68). Arrived in Vladimir 22nd of June (PSRL, vol. XV, Vol. 1, STB. 69; Troitskaya Chronicle. P.377) 6868 (1360) of the year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 366, vol. Vi, Vol. 1, Stb. 433) . When the Moscow troops approaches, Vladimir left.
    114. Received a great reign in 6870 (1362) year (PSRL, t. IV, p. 290; t. Vi, Issue 1, STB. 434). Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir in 6870 before baptism (i.e. in early January 1363 year) (PSRL, vol. XV, vol. 1, STB. 73; Troitskaya chronicle. p.378).
    115. Having received a new label from Khan, sat in Vladimir in 6871 (1363), printed 1 week And Dmitry (PSRL, vol. X, pp. 12; t. XV, vol. 1, STB. 74; Troitskaya chronicle. p.379). In Nikonovskaya - 12 days (PSRL, t. XI, p. 2).
    116. Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir in 6871 (1363). After that, Dmitry Konstantinovich Suzdal, Dmitry 1364/1365, received a label to the Grand Dimension (refused Dmitry) and Mikhail Alexandrovich Tver in 1370, re-in 1371 (in the same year the label was returned to Dmitry) and in 1375, but no real consequences are not had. Dmitry died May 19 6897 (1389) of the year on Wednesday for the second hour of the night (PSRL, vol. Iv, p. 358; t. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 501; Troitskaya chronicle. P.434) (in the Novgorod first youngerie May 9 ( PSRL, vol. III, p. 383), in the Tver Chronicles on May 25 (PSRL, vol. XV, STB. 444).
    117. Got a great reign on the will of the Father. Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir August 15 6897 (1389) of the year (PSRL, vol. XV, vol. 1, STB. 157; Troitskaya chronicle. P.434) in the Novgorod fourth and Sofia first in 6898 (PSRL, t. IV, p. 367; t. Vi , Vol. 1, STB. 508). Died February 27 1425 (6933 September) of the year on Tuesday at the third hour of the night (PSRL, vol. Vi, vol. 2, STB. 51, t. XII, p. 1) in March 6932 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 415) , in a number of manuscripts of the Nikonov chronicle mistaken on February 7).
    118. Presumably, Daniel received the principality after the death of his father - Alexander Nevsky (1263), at the age of 2 years. The first seven years from 1264 to 1271 was at the upbringing of the Uncle of the Grand Prince Vladimir and Tver Yaroslav Yaroslavich, whose governors at that time were ruled by Moscow (PSRL, T.15, STB. 474). The first mention of Daniel as Moscow Prince refers to 1282, but probably his workout still happened earlier. (cm. Kuchkin V. A. First Moscow Prince Daniel Aleksandrovich // Patriotic history. № 1, 1995). Died the 5th of March 1303 on Tuesday (Ultrapartovsky 6712) of the year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 486; Troitskaya chronicle. P.351). In the Nikonov Chronicles on March 4, 6811 (PSRL, vol. X, p. 174), the day of the week indicates on March 5.
    119. Killed November 21 (Trinity chronicle. P.357; PSRL, vol. X, p. 189) 6833 (1325) (PSRL, vol. Iv, p. 260; vi, vol. 1, STB. 398).
    120. See above.
    121. I sat down at the throne immediately after the death of my father, but Brother Yuri Dmitrievich challenged his rights to power (PSRL, t. VIII, p. 92; t. XII, p. 1). Having received a label to the Grand Diction, sat on the throne in 69420 ( 1432 ) year. In the Sofia second chronicle, October 5. 6939, 10 Indict, that is, in the autumn of 1431 (PSRL, vol. Vi, vol. 2, STB. 64) (at the Novgorod first in 6940 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 416), in Novgorod fourth in 6941 year (PSRL, vol. Iv, p. 433), in the Nikonovsky chronicle in 6940 on Petrov Day (PSRL, vol. VIII, p. 96; t. XII, p. 16). The place of intronization is a discussion issue. Most The chronicles simply report that Vasily returned from the Horde to Moscow, but the Sofia first and Nikonovsky chronicle adds that he sat down "at the most precisible from golden doors" (PSRL, T. V., page 264, PSRL, T. XII, p. 16 ) What may indicate the Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir. (The version of the intronization of Vasily in Vladimir defends V. D. Nazarov. See Vasily II Vasilyevich // BRA. T.4. - p.629).
    122. Vasily won on April 25, 6941 (1433) of the year and took Moscow, but soon left it (PSRL, T. VIII, p. 97-98, vol. Xii, p. 18).
    123. Returned to Moscow after the departure of Yuri, but he was again divided into Lazarev Saturday 6942 (that is, on March 20, 1434) (PSRL, T. XII, p. 19).
    124. Took Moscow on Wednesday at the bright week of 6942 (that is March 31 1434) of the year (PSRL, vol. XII, p. 20) (according to the Sofia Second - in the Former week of 6942 (PSRL, T. VI, Issue 2, STB. 66), but soon died (in the Tver Chronicles on July 4 ( PSRL, vol. XV, STB.490), according to another - June 6 (note 276 to the V "Story of the Russian State", in the Arkhangelsk Chronicles).
    125. I sat on the throne after the death of my father, but after a month of the reign left the city (PSRL, T. VI, Issue 2, Stb. 67, t. VIII, p. 99; t. XII, p. 20).
    126. Rent again at the throne in 1442. Was broken in the battle with Tatars and captured.
    127. He arrived in Moscow shortly after the captivity of Vasily. Having learned about the return of Vasily, fled to Uglich. In the original sources there are no direct directions for his great reign, but the conclusion about it is made by a number of authors. Cm. Zimin A. A. Vityaz at the crossroads: feudal war in Russia XV century. - M.: Thought, 1991. - 286 p. - ISBN 5-244-00518-9.).
    128. Drove to Moscow on October 26th. Captured, blinded on February 16, 1446 (September 6954) of the year (PSRL, T. VI, Issue 2, STB. 113, t. XII, p. 69).
    129. Took Moscow on February 12 at the ninth hour of the night (that is, according to the modern account February 13 After midnight) 1446 (PSRL, T. VIII, p. 115; t. Xii, p. 67). The first of Moscow princes used the title of the Sovereign of All Russia. Moscow was taken in the absence of a shemyak by supporters of Vasily Vasilyevich Early in the morning for the Christmas of September 6955 ( December 25. 1446) (PSRL, vol. Vi, vol. 2, STB. 120).
    130. At the end of December 1446, Muscovites again kissed the cross for him, he sat down on the throne in Moscow on February 17, 1447 (September 6955) year (PSRL, T. VI, Issue 2, Stb. 121, t. XII, p. 73). Died March 27. 6970 (1462) of the year on Saturday to the third hour of the night (PSRL, T. VI, vol. 2, STB. 158, t. VIII, p. 150; t. XII, p. 115) (according to the Zerevian list of Novgorod fourth on April 4 (PSRL, t. IV, p. 445), on the list of Dubrovsky and in the Tver Chronicles - March 28 (PSRL, T. IV, p. 493, vol. XV, STB. 496), one of the lists of the Resurrection Chronicles - 26 March, one of the lists of the Nikonovsky Chronicles on March 7 (according to N. M. Karamzin - March 17 on Saturday - Note 371 to the V "Story of the Russian State", but the calculation of the day of the week is erroneous, right on March 27).
    131. For the first time, called the Grand Duke in the contract of Vasily II with the prince of Suzdal Ivan Vasilyevich, compiled between December 15, 1448 and June 22, 1449. There is also the opinion that Knyazhich Ivan was declared the Grand Duke during the election of the Metropolitan Ions on December 15, 1448 ( Zimin A. A. Vityaz on the crossroads). After the death of his father inherited the throne.
    132. The first sovereign ruler of Russia after the overthrow of the Ordan Iga. Died 27th October 1505 (September 7014) of the year at the first hour of the night from Monday to Tuesday (PSRL, T. VIII, p. 245; t. XII, p. 259) (according to Sofia second October 26 (PSRL, T. VI, Issue 2, STB. 374). According to the Academic List of the Novgorod Fourth Chronicles - October 27 (PSRL, T. IV, p. 468), on the list of Dubrovsky - October 28 (PSRL, T. IV, p. 535).
    133. From June 1471, in acts and chronicles, he begins to be called the Grand Prince, becoming the heir and the companion of the Father. He died on March 7, 1490 at the eighth hour of the night (PSRL, T. VI, p. 239).
    134. Ivan III was planted "On the Grand Due to Vladimir, Moscow, Novgorod and All Russia" (PSRL, T. VI, p. 242). For the first time, the wedding ceremony was held for the kingdom and for the first time for coronation was used by the "Momomakh hat". In 1502, Ivan III changed his decision, declaring his son Basil's son.
    135. Wednessed Ivan III on the Grand Diction (PSRL, T. VIII, p. 242). After the death of his father inherited the throne.
    136. Fell on the throne in 1505. He died on December 3, 7042 of the September year at the twelfth hour of the night, from Wednesday to Thursday (that is December 4th 1533 in front of the dawn) (PSRL, T. IV, p. 563, t. VIII, p. 285; t. XIII, p. 76).
    137. Up to 1538, Elena Glinsky was revenue with a regent at a small Ivan. Died April 3 7046 (1538 ) year (PSRL, t. VIII, p. 295; t. XIII, p. 98, 134).
    138. January 16, 1547 Vieden on the kingdom. He died on March 18, 1584 about seven o'clock in the evening.
    139. Casimovsky Khan, name before the baptism of Sain Bulat. Ivan Grozny was planted for the kingdom, with the title of "sovereign of the Grand Prince Simeon of All Russia", and the Grozny himself became referred to as "Prince of Moscow". The time of government is determined by the preserved diplomas. For the first time mentioned in the petition Ivan on October 30, 7084 September (i.e., in this case, 1575) of the year, the last time - in a literacy issued by the Novgorod landowner T. I. Baranov on July 18, 7084 (1576) of the year (Piskarevsky chronicle, p. 81 -82 and 148. Koretsky V.I. Zemsky Cathedral of 1575 and the supply of Simeon Bekbulatovich "Grand Prince of All Russia" // Historical Archive, No. 2. 1959). After 1576, it became the title of great prince Tver. Later in the oaths, brought by Boris Godunov and his son Fyodor, there was a separate item, which provided for "not desire" to "Simeon and his children to the kingdom.
    140. Vieden on the kingdom May 31, 1584. Died on January 7, 1598 per hour.
    141. After the death of Fedor, his wife Irina jumped after Fedor's death and published decrees from her behalf. Through eight days She went to the monastery, but in official documents, he continued to be referred to as the "sovereigns of the queen and the Grand Princess".
    142. Elected from the Zemsky Cathedral on February 17. Went on the kingdom on September 1. He died on April 13 about three hours in the afternoon.
    143. Inherited the throne after the death of his father. As a result of the uprising of Muscovites, who recognized the King of Falsitria, was arrested on June 1 and was killed in 10 days.
    144. I entered Moscow on June 20, 1605. Went on the kingdom on July 30. Killed in the morning of May 17, 1606. I gave myself for Tsarevich Dmitry Ivanovich. According to the conclusions of the Government Commission of the Tsar Boris Godunov, supported by most researchers, the real name of the Samozvyvant Gregory (Yuri) Bogdanovich Spirovyev.
    145. Elected boyars, conspiracy participants against Falgestrimitria. Went on the kingdom on June 1. Overthrown by boyars (formally lowered by the Zemsky Cathedral) and forcibly tonsured to the monks on July 17, 1610.
    146. In the period - after the overthrow of the king, Vasily Shui power in Moscow was in the hands of the Boyarskaya Duma, which created a temporary government from seven boyars ("sad-blooded boyars", in the historiography of Semiboyarschina). On August 17, 1611, this temporary government recognized the King of the Polish-Lithuanian Koroleich Vladislav Sigismundovich (see N. Mozhotsky. History of the Moscow War. M., 2000.)
    147. He headed the Boyar Duma. Led negotiations with Poles. After the liberation of Moscow, Mikhail Romanova arrived from the interventionation, formally accepted the government documents as the oldest member of the Duma.
    148. The highest executive body on the territory liberated from the interventionists. Indicated on June 30, 1611 by the Council of the entire Earth, operated until spring 1613. Initially, three leaders were headed (leaders of the first militia): D. T. Trubetsky, I. M. Zarutsky and P. P. Lyapunov. Then Lyapunov was killed, and Zarutsky in August 1612 opposed the folk militia. In the spring of 1611 in Nizhny Novgorod, a second militia arose under the leadership of K. Minina (elected Zemsky older on September 1, 1611) and D. M. Pozharsky (arrived in Nizhny Novgorod on October 28, 1611). In the spring of 1612, they were formed a new composition of the Zemsky government. The second militia organized the expulsion of the interventory from Moscow and the convening of the Zemstvo Cathedral, who chose to the kingdom of Mikhail Romanov. After combining the first and second militia at the end of September 1612 by the head of the Zemsky government formally became D. T. Trubetskaya.
    149. March 14, 1613 gave consent to occupy Russian throne. Elected Zemsky Cathedral February 21. , July 11. Vieden on the kingdom in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin. Died in the second hour of the night July 13, 1645..
    150. Released from Polish captivity on June 1, 1619. Until the end of the life, the title of "Veliky Soviet" officially wore.
    151. Wedding to the kingdom September 28, 1645. Died on January 29, 1676 at 9 pm.
    152. Wedding to the kingdom of June 18, 1676. Died on April 27, 1682.
    153. After the death of Fedor, the Boyarskaya Duma proclaimed the king of Peter bypassing Ivan. However, as a result of the struggle of the court groups, it was decided to declare the companions and on June 5, Ivan was proclaimed "senior king." Joint wedding for the kingdom

    Nikolai Second (1894 - 1917) due to the crown, which happened during his coronation, many people died. So the name "Bloody" attached to the kinderitical person. In 1898, Nikolai Second, taking care of the world around the world, published Manifesto, where he called on all countries to completely disarm the world. After that, a special commission was gathered in Hague, to develop a number of measures capable of preventing the bloody clashes of countries and peoples. But the peace-loving emperor had to fight. At first in the First World War, the Bolshevik coup was then killed, as a result of which the monarch was overthrown, and then together with his family shot in Yekaterinburg. The Orthodox Church ranked Nikolai Romanova and his entire family to the face of saints.

    Rurik (862-879)

    Novgorod Prince, called Varangi, as was called upon to pronounce Novgorod because of the Varangian Sea. It is the founder of the Rurikovsky dynasty. He was married to a woman named Efenda, in marriage with whom he had a son named Igor. Also brought up daughter and stepsing Askold. After his two brothers died, became the sole ruler of the country. All the surrounding villages and Posada he gave to managing his approximate, where they had the right to independently do the court. At about this time, Askold and Dir, two brothers, which were not connected with Rural Related Relations, took the city of Kiev and began to rule the Polyans.

    Oleg (879 - 912)

    Kiev prince, nicknamed. Being a relative of Prince Rurik, he was a guardian of his son Igor. According to the legend, died, headed by the snake. Prince Oleg became famous for his mind and military valiation. With a huge at that time, the prince went along the Dnieper. On the way, he conquered Smolensk, then Lyubek, and then took Kiev, making it the capital. Askold and Dira were killed, and Oleg Polyamam showed the little son of Rurik - Igor as their prince. Walked in a military campaign to Greece and the brilliant victory provided Russian preferential rights to free trade in Constantinople.

    Igor (912 - 945)

    Following the example of Prince Oleg, Igor Rurikovich conquered all the neighboring tribes and forced them to pay tribute, successfully reflected the recruitment of Pechenegs and also took a trip to Greece, which, however, was not so successful as the campaign of Prince Oleg. As a result, Igor was killed by the neighboring conquered tribes of Drevlyan for his irrepressible greed in charges.

    Olga (945 - 957)

    Olga was the wife of Prince Igor. According to the customs of that time, she was very cruelly dismissed to the killing of her husband, and also conquered the main city of Drevlyan - Korosten. Olga was distinguished by very good abilities to the Board, as well as brilliant, sharp mind. Already at the order of his life, Christianity accepted in Constantinople, for which it was subsequently ranked in the face of saints and was named equal to the Apostles.

    Svyatoslav Igorevich (after 964 - Spring 972)

    The son of Prince Igor and Princess Olga, who after the death of her husband took the brazers of the board to their hands while her son was adjusted by learning the wisdom of military art. He managed to smash the Army of the Bulgarian king in 967, which very alarmed Emperor Byzantia John, who, being in collusion with Pechenegs, persuaded them to attack Kiev. In the year 970, together with Bulgarians and the Hungarians, after the death of Knyagini Olga, Svyatoslav went hiking for Byzantium. Forces were not equal, and Svyatoslav was forced to sign a peace treaty with the Empire. After his return to Kiev, Pechenegs were killed in Kiev, and then Svyatoslav skull was decorated with gold and made a cup of pies from it.

    Yaropolk Svyatoslavovich (972 - 978 or 980)

    After the death of his father, Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich, made an attempt to unite Russia under his authority, defeating his brothers: Oleg Trevlyansky and Vladimir Novgorodsky, forcing them to leave the country, and then joined their land to the Kiev principality. He managed to conclude a new agreement with the Byzantine Empire, as well as to attract the St. Hana Herda to himself. Tried to establish diplomatic relations with Rome. With him, as evidenced by the Joacimovian manuscript, Christians were given a lot of freedom in Russia, which caused the displeasure of the pagans. Vladimir Novgorodsky immediately took advantage of this displeasure and, having agreed with Varyagi, re-seized his Novgorod, then - Polotsk, and then hesieved Kiev. Yaropolk was forced to flee into relatives. He tried to conclude peace with his brother, for which he went to Kiev, where he was Varyagi. The chronicles characterize this prince as a peace-loving and meek ruler.

    Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (978 or 980 - 1015)

    Vladimir was the younger son of Prince Svyatoslav. He was a Novgorod Prince from 968 years. Became the prince of Kiev in 980. It was distinguished by a very militant temper, which allowed him to conquer the radar, Vyatichi and Yatvägov. Vladimir also led war with Pechenegs, with Volga Bulgaria, with the Byzantine Empire and Poland. It was during the reign of Prince Vladimir in Russia that defensive structures were built on Rivers: Desna, Truzh, Slah, Sula and others. Vladimir also did not forget about his craft hail. It was when it was re-built up with stone buildings. But Vladimir Svyatoslavovich became famous and remained in history due to the fact that in 988 - 989. Made Christianity by the state religion of Kievan Rus, which immediately strengthened the authority of the country in the international arena. Under it, the state of Kievan Rus joined during his greatest heyday. Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich became the epic character in which he is not referred to as "Vladimir Red Sunshine." Canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church, is called an equivalent prince.

    Svyatopolk Vladimirovich (1015 - 1019)

    Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, during his lifetime, divided his lands between the sons: Svyatopolk, Izyaslav, Yaroslav, Mstislav, Svyatoslav, Boris and Gleb. After Prince Vladimir died, Svyatopolk Vladimirovich took Kiev and decided to get rid of the competitors' brothers. He ordered to kill Gleb, Boris and Svyatoslav. However, it did not help him establish himself on the throne. Soon, his most expensive to the prince of Novgorod Yaroslav from Kiev. Then Svyatopolk applied for help to his test - the king of Poland Boleslav. With the support of the Polish king, Svyatopolk once again mastered Kiev, but the circumstances were shortly formed so that he was again forced to flee from the capital. On the way, Prince Svyatopolk committed suicide. This prince in the people was nusted by Okayanny for having deprived the lives of his brothers.

    Yaroslav Vladimirovich Wise (1019 - 1054)

    Yaroslav Vladimirovich after the death of Mstislav Tamutarakansky and after the expulsion of Holy Regiment became the soleline of the Russian land. Yaroslav was distinguished by a sharp mind, for which, in fact, and received his nickname - wise. He tried to take care of the needs of his people, built the city of Yaroslavl and Yuriev. He also built churches (holy Sophia in Kiev and Novgorod), understanding the importance of disseminating and approving the new faith. It was published first in Russia a set of laws called "Russian Pravda". He put on the Russian Earth, he divided between his sons: Izyaslav, Svyatoslav, Vsevolod, Igor and Vyacheslav, whoave them to live among themselves in the world.

    Izyaslav Yaroslavich First (1054 - 1078)

    Izyaslav was the eldest son of Yaroslav wise. After the death of his father, the throne of Kievan Rus switched. But after his campaign on Polovtsy, who ended in failure, he was driven by Kievans themselves. Then the Grand Prince became his brother Svyatoslav. Only after the death of Svyatoslav, Izyaslav returned to the capital of Kiev again. Vsevolod First (1078 - 1093) Perhaps the prince of Vsevolod could well be a useful ruler, thanks to his peace-loving moral, piety and truthfulness. Being an educated person, knowing five languages, he actively contributed to the enlightenment in his principality. But, alas. Permanent, incessant raids of Polovtsy, Mor, hunger did not favor the rule of this prince. In the throne, he kept thanks to the efforts of his son Vladimir, who would be called Monomakh subsequently.

    Svyatopolk second (1093 - 1113)

    Svyatopolk was the son of Iaslav the first. It was he who inherited the Kiev throne after Vsevolod first. This prince was distinguished by rare violence, why he could not calm the internecine friction between princes for power in cities. In 1097 in the city of Delich, the congress of the princes, in which each ruler, kissing the cross, was obliged to own only father's land. But this brief committee was not given to life. Prince Davyd Igorevich was blinded by Prince Vasilka. Then the princes, at the new congress (1100) were deprived of Prince Davyd, the rights of ownership of Volyn. Then in 1103 the princes unanimously accepted the offer of Vladimir Monomakh about the joint campaign to the Polovtsy, which was done. The campaign ended with Russian victory in 1111.

    Vladimir Monomakh (1113 - 1125)

    Without looking at the right of seniority of Svyatoslavich, when the prince of Svyatopolk second died, Vladimir Monomakh, who wishes to unite Russian Earth, was elected prince Kiev. The Grand Duke Vladimir Monomakh was a brave, tireless and favorably distinguished from the rest of his wonderful mental abilities. He managed to humble with princes meekness, and he fought herself with Polovtsy successfully. Vladimir Monoma is a vivid example of the ministry of Prince not to his personal ambitions, but to his people that he bequeathed to his children.

    Mstislav First (1125 - 1132)

    The son of Vladimir Monomaha Mstislav first was very much like his legendary father, demonstrating the same wonderful qualities of the ruler. All the recalcitable princes provided him with respect, fearing to nape the Grand Duke and share the fate of Polovtsy princes, whom Mstislav expelled to Greece for disobedience, and in their place sent to pronomize his son.

    Yaropolk (1132 - 1139)

    Yaropolk was the son of Vladimir Monomakh and, accordingly, Brother Mstislav first. During his reign, he occurred to him to convey the throne not to his brother Vyacheslav, and the nephew, which caused troubles in the country. It is because of these contention of Monomakhovich and lost the throne of Kiev, who occupied the descendants of Oleg Svyatoslavovich, that is, Olegovichi.

    Vsevolod second (1139 - 1146)

    Becoming the Grand Duke, Vsevolod, the second was driving to consolidate the throne of Kiev for his borne. For this reason, he handed over the throne Igor Olegovich, his brother. But Igor did not accept the people as a prince. He was forced to take a haircut in the monks, but even the monastic robe did not protect him from the anger of the people. Igor was killed.

    Izyaslav the second (1146 - 1154)

    Izyaslav the second fell in love with the Kievans, more so because by his mind, the temper, a friendly and courage, was very much reminded by Vladimir Monomakh, grandfather's grandfather's grandfather. After Izyaslav joined the Kiev throne, the concept of the seniority adopted by the centuries was broken into Russia, that is, for example, uncle was alone, his nephew could not be a great prince. Stubborn struggle began between Izyaslav Second and Rostov Prince Yury Vladimirovich. Izyaslav for life twice was driven from Kiev, but this prince still managed to keep the throne before his death.

    Yuri Dolgoruky (1154 - 1157)

    It was the concent of Iaslav the second who paved the road to the throne of the Kiev Yuri, who was subsequently nicknamed by Dolgoruky. Yuri became the Grand Duke, but he had a short time, just three years later, which he died.

    Mstislav the second (1157 - 1169)

    After the death of Yuriy Dolgoruky between princes, as usual, the internecine distribution began for the Kiev throne, as a result of which the Grand Duke became Mstislav Second Izyaslavovich. Hello Mstislav from Kiev throne Prince Andrei Yuryevich, nicknamed Bogolyubsky. Before the expulsion of Prince Mstislav, Bogolyubsky literally ruined Kiev.

    Andrey Bogolyubsky (1169 - 1174)

    The first thing that Andrei Bogolyubsky did, becoming the Grand Prince, it suffered the capital from Kiev to Vladimir. Ruviu rules autocratically, without a team and pursuit, pursued all the boring boring, but, in the end, was also killed as a result of a conspiracy.

    Vsevolod Third (1176 - 1212)

    The death of Andrei Bogolyubsky caused the gravestics between the cities of ancient (Suzdal, Rostov) and the new (Pereslavl, Vladimir). The result of these confrontations in Vladimir was to pronounce the brother Andrei Bogolyubsky Vsevolod, the third, nicknamed large nest. Despite the fact that this prince did not rules and did not live in Kiev, nevertheless, he was named the Grand Duke and the first forced to swear to loyalty not only, but also to his children.

    Konstantin First (1212 - 1219)

    The title of the Grand Duke Vsevolod is the third, contrary to expectations, he passed not to his older son Konstantin, and Yuri, as a result of the assisters. The decision of the Father on the approval of the Grand Duke of Yury was supported by the third Son of Vsevolod, a large nest - Yaroslav. And Constantine in his claims on the throne supported Mstislav removed. Together they won in the Lipetsk battle (1216) and Konstantin did become a great prince. Only after his death, the throne moved to Yuri.

    Yuriy Second (1219 - 1238)

    Yuri successfully fought with Volzhsky Bulgarians and Morden. On the Volga, at the very border of Russian possessions, Prince Yuri built Nizhny Novgorod. It was during his reign in Russia that Mongol-Tatars appeared in Russia, which in 1224 in the battle of Kulku broke at the beginning of the Polovtsy, and then the troops of the Russian princes, who came to support Polovtsy. After this battle, the Mongols went away, but thirteen years later returned under the leadership of Khan Batya. Hordes of Mongols ruined the Suzdal and Ryazan principality, and also, in the battle at the city, the army of the army and the Grand Prince Yuri Second. In this battle, Yuri and died. Two years after his death, the Horde of the Mongols robbed the south of Russia and Kiev, after which all Russian princes were forced to admit that from now on, they are all their lands under the rule of the Tatar yoke. Mongols on the Volga made the capital of the horde the city of Saray.

    Yaroslav the second (1238 - 1252)

    Khan Golden Horde prescribed the Grand Prince of Novgorod Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. This prince during his reign was engaged in the fact that he restored the ruined by the Mongolian army of Russia.

    Alexander Nevsky (1252 - 1263)

    Being at the beginning of the Novgorod Prince, Alexander Yaroslavovich, in 1240, broke the Swedes on the Neva River, for which, in fact, was called Nevsky. Then, two years later, he broke the Germans in the famous ice side. Among other things, Alexander was very successfully fought with miracles and Lithuania. From Horde, he received a label to a great reign and became for the whole Russian people the great intercession, as he traveled four times to the Golden Horde with rich gifts and bonquers. He was subsequently ranked saints.

    Yaroslav Third (1264 - 1272)

    After Alexander Nevsky died, two of his brothers began to fight for the title of the Grand Prince: Vasily and Yaroslav, but Khan Golden Horde decided to give a label to the reign Yaroslav. Nevertheless, Yaroslav failed to blame with Novgorod, he was treacherously called on his own people even Tatars. Prince of Prince Yaroslav the third with the people of Metropolitan, after which the prince again swore on the cross to rule honestly and fairly.

    Vasily First (1272 - 1276)

    Vasily First was the Kostroma Prince, but claimed to the throne of Novgorod, where the son of Alexander Nevsky was contacted - Dmitry. And soon Vasily first reached his goal than strengthened his principality, before it was weakened by division into the lots.

    Dmitry First (1276 - 1294)

    The entire board of Dmitry first proceeded in a solid struggle for the rights of greatness with his brother Andrei Alexandrovich. Andrei Alexandrovich was supported by Tatar shelves, from which Dmitry managed to save three times. After the third escape, Dmitry still decided to ask Andrei about the world and, thus, received the right to the Pereslavsky prince.

    Andrei Second (1294 - 1304)

    Andrei, the second led the policy of expanding his principality through the armed seizure of other principalities. In particular, he claimed the Principality in Pereslavl, which therefore arose civil enginemen with Tver and Moscow, who even after the death of Andrei the second were not discontinued.

    Mikhail Saint (1304 - 1319)

    Tver Prince Mikhail Yaroslavovich, paying a large tribute to Khan, received a label with a label for greatness, while bytensing the Moscow prince Yuri Danilovich. But then, while Mikhail led the war with Novgorod, Yuri, who consisted with the Ambassador of the Horde of the Horde Kavgady, was slandered by Mikhail before Khan. As a result, Khan called Mikhail in the Horde, where he was cruelly killed.

    Yuri Third (1320 - 1326)

    Yuri Third, married the daughter of Khan Konchak, who took the name of Agafya in Orthodoxy. It was in her premature death that Yuri Mikhail Yaroslavich Tverovsky was convicted, for which he had suffered an unfair and cruel death from the hands of the Ordane Khan. So Yuri received a label to the reign, but the son of the murdered Michael was also claimed to the throne - Dmitry. As a result, Dmitry, at the first meeting, killed Yuri, a avenue for the death of his father.

    Dmitry Second (1326)

    For the murder of Yuri Third, he was sentenced to the death of Ordane Khan for self-government.

    Alexander Tver (1326 - 1338)

    Dmitry second brother, Alexander, received a label from Hana to the Great Through. Prince Alexander Tver was distinguished by justice and kindness, but he literally destroy himself, allowing Tver to kill Shchelch, hated by all the Khansky ambassador. Han sent a 50-thousand army against Alexander. The prince was forced to flee first in Pskov, and then to Lithuania. Only after 10 years, Alexander received the forgiveness of Han and was able to return, but, at the same time, he did not reveal with the prince of Moscow - Ivan Kalita - after which Kalita slandered Alexander Tver before Khan. Khan urgently called A. Tver to himself in the Horde, where he was executed.

    John First Kalita (1320 - 1341)

    John Danilovich, nicknamed "Kalito" (Kalita - Wallet) was very careful and heter. With the support of Tatars, he devastated the Tver Principality. It was he who took responsibility to take tribute for Tatars from all over Russia, which contributed to his personal enrichment. On this money, John missed whole cities in specific princes. Tariffs of Kalita also Metropolitan was transferred from Vladimir to Moscow in 1326. Located in Moscow Assumption Cathedral. Since the time of John Kalita, Moscow becomes the place of permanent stay of Metropolitan All Russia and becomes the Russian Center.

    Simeon Proud (1341 - 1353)

    Han gave Simeon Johnovich not only a label for greatness, but also commanded all the rest of the princes to obey only him, so Simeon began to be keen by Prince of All Russia. Died prince, not leaving the heir from the seaside ulcers.

    John the second (1353 - 1359)

    Brother Simeon Proud. He possessed a meek and peace-loving temper, he in all cases he had listened to the advice of Metropolitan Alexey, and Metropolitan Alexey, in turn, enjoyed great respect in Horde. During the reign of this prince, the relationship between Tatars and Moscow has improved significantly.

    Dmitry Third Donskoy (1363 - 1389)

    After the death of John the second, his son Dmitry was still small, because Khan gave the Suzdal Prince Dmitry Konstantinovich to the Han (1359 - 1363). However, the Moscow Prince's strengthening policy was beneficial to Moscow Boyars, and they managed to achieve greatness for Dmitry Ioannovich. The Suzdal Prince was forced to conquer and together with the rest of the princes of Northeastern Russia, Dmitry Johnovich swore. The attitude of Russia with Tatars has also changed. Because of the internecake in the Horde, Dmitry and the rest of the princes took advantage of the opportunity not to pay the usual lifts. Then Khan Mamai entered into an alliance with the Lithuanian prince Yagell and moved a big Reli on Russia. Dmitry with other princes met the army of Mamia on the Kulikov field, (next to the r. Don) and the cost of huge losses of the eighth of September 1380 Rus won over the army of Mamia and Yaghel. For this victory and called Dmitry Ioannovich Donskoy. He took care of the strengthening of Moscow until the end of his life.

    Vasily First (1389 - 1425)

    Vasily joined the princely throne, already having the experience of the board, since during the lifetime of the father, the reign with him. Expanded the Moscow Principality. Refused to pay tribute to Tatars. In 1395, Han Timur threatened Russia by the invasion, but not he attacked Moscow, but the unit, Tatar Murza (1408). But he removed the siege from Moscow, receiving a deposit of 3,000 rubles. With Vasily, the first border with the Lithuanian principality was appointed River Ugra.

    Vasily Second (Dark) (1425 - 1462)

    Yuri Dmitrievich Galitsky decided to use the Minor of Prince Vasily and stated his rights to the grand-road throne, but Han decided the dispute in favor of the young Basil of the second, which is pretty promoted Moscow boyar Vasily Vsevolozhsky, hoping in the future to issue his daughter for Vasily, but this expectations were not destined to come true . Then he left Moscow and assisted Yuri Dmitrievich, and soon he seized the throne, on which he died in 1434. His son Vasily Koshoy began to claim the throne, but all the princes of Russia rushed against it. Vasiliy second captured Vasily oblique and blinded. Then the brother of Vasily Kosoy Dmitry Shemyak was captivated by Vasily second and also blinded him, after which he took the throne of Moscow. But soon he was forced to give the throne Vasily second. With Vasily, all the Metropolitans in Russia began to gain from the Russians, and not from the Greeks, as before. The reason for this was the adoption of Florentine Union in 1439 by Metropolitan Isidore, which was from the Greeks. For this, Vasily Vasily gave an order to take Metropolitan Isidore in custody and appointed Ryazan Bishop John to Ryazan Bishop.

    John Third (1462 -1505)

    Under it began its formation of the core of the state apparatus and, as a result, the state of Russia. He joined the Moscow Principality Yaroslavl, Perm, Vyatka, Tver, Novgorod. In the 1480th year, he is convicted by Tatar-Mongolian IGO (standing in the Ugra). In 1497, a "judiciary" was compiled. John the third deployed a large construction in Moscow, strengthened the international situation of Russia. It was with him that the title "Prince of All Russia" was originated.

    Vasily Three (1505 - 1533)

    "The last collector of the Russian lands" Vasily Third was the son of John the Third and Sofia Paleolog. I was distinguished very impregnable and proud temper. Attaching Pskov, destroyed the specific system. Lithuania fought twice on the advice of Mikhail Glinsky, Lithuanian Velmazby, who kept in his service. In the 1514th selected, finally, Smolensk at Lithuanians. He fought with Crimea and Kazan. As a result, he managed to punish Kazan. He recalled the whole trade from the city, commanding from now on to trade in the Makarev Fair, which was then postponed to Nizhny Novgorod. Vasily Third, wishing to marry Elena Glinskaya, divorced with his wife Solomonia, the more configured the boyars against himself. From Marriage with Elena, the son of John was born from Vasily.

    Elena Glinsky (1533 - 1538)

    It was appointed to the reign by Vasily himself the third to the adulthood of their son John. Elena Glinsky, barely entered the throne, very severely dealt with all rebellious and disgruntled boyars, after which he concluded peace with Lithuania. Then she decided to repel the Crimean Tatars that they sat down to the Russian lands, however, it was not given to her plans, because Elena died suddenly.

    John Fourth (Terrible) (1538 - 1584)

    John the fourth, Prince of All Russia became in the 1547th first Russian king. Since the end of the forties, the rules of the country with the participation of the elected glad. During his reign, the convening of all Zemsky cathedrals began. In the 1550th, a new judiciary was compiled, as well as reforms of the court and management (Zemskaya and lifting reform). Conquered the Kazan Khanate in 1552, and in the 1556th Astrakhan. In 1565, an oprichnina was introduced to strengthen the autocracy. With John the Fourth, trade relations were established with England in 1553, and the first typography in Moscow was opened. From 1558 to 1583, the Livonian War continued for entering the Baltic Sea. In 1581, the joining of Siberia began. The entire internal policy of the country under Tsar John was accompanied by opals and executions, for which he was in the people and called Grozny. Significantly strengthened the reinforcement of peasants.

    Fedor Ioannovich (1584 - 1598)

    He was the second son of John the fourth. It was very painful and weak, did not distinguish the sharpness of the mind. That is why very quickly the actual management of the state passed into the hands of the boyar Boris Godunova, the Shurin of the king. Boris Godunov, surrounding themselves exclusively by devotional people, became a full-awake ruler. He built the city, strengthened relations with Western European countries, built an Archangel harbor on the White Sea. On the orders and forget, the All-Russian independent patriarchy was approved, and the peasants were finally attached to the Earth. It was he who in 1591 ordered to kill Tsarevich Dmitry, who accounted for the childless king Fedor Brother, and was his direct heir. After 6 years after this murder, Tsar Fedor also died.

    Boris Godunov (1598 - 1605)

    Boris Godunova's sister and the spouse of the late king Fyodor renounced the throne. Patriarch Job recommended to the supporters of Godunov to collect the Zemstvo Cathedral on which the king and elected Boris. Godunov, becoming the king, feared the conspiracy from the boyar and, in general, was distinguished by an excessive suspicion, which was naturally caused by opals and references. At the same time, Boyarin Fyodor Nikitich Romanova forced to take a victim, and he became inok Philaret, and his young son Mikhail was sent to Beloozero's reference. But not only a boyar got out of Boris Godunov. Three-year crop and followed by Mor, who collapsed to the Moscow kingdom, forced the people to see the guilt of the king B. Godunov. The king tried, as he could, alleviate the fate of the starving. He increased earnings to people engaged in state buildings (for example, during the construction of Ivan the Great Bell Tower), generously distributed alms, but people still roptali and willingly believed hearing that the lawful king Dmitry was not killed at all and would soon take the throne. In the midst of preparations for the fight against Lhadmitria, Boris Godunov suddenly died, while having time to make the throne to his son Fyodor.

    Lhadmitry (1605 - 1606)

    A ruthless monk Grigory Freakov, who was supported by Poles, declared himself king Dmitry, who miraculously managed to escape from the ruins in Uglich. He joined Russia with several thousand people. There was an army to meet him, but it passed on the side of Falgestrimitria, recognizing the legitimate king in him, after which Fyodor Godunov was killed. Falsmitry was a very good-natured man, but with a sharp mind, he was worn out with all state affairs, but caused the displeasure of the clergy and the boyars, from the fact that, in their opinion, there was not enough old Russian customs in their opinion, and many times neglected. Together with Vasiliya, Shui boyars came into a plot against Falgestrimitria, they dismissed the rumor that he was an impostor, and after, there were no anything, they killed a unreal king.

    Vasily Shui (1606 - 1610)

    The boyars and the townspeople elected the old and insecual shuisky in the kings, while limiting his power. In Russia, rumors about the salvation of Falsitria again arose in Russia, and therefore began in the state new troubles, reinforced by the Mount of Holop, named Ivan Bolotnikov and the advent of Falgestrimtriya second in Tushina ("Tushinsky Thief"). Poland went war to Moscow and broke the Russian troops. After that, Tsar Vasily was raped into monks to the monks, and the vague time of the transaction came to Russia, which was found three years.

    Mikhail Fedorovich (1613 - 1645)

    Letters of Troitsky Lavra, sent throughout Russia and called for the defense of the Orthodox faith and the Fatherland, did their job: Prince Dmitry Pozharsky with the participation of the Zemsky Old Town of the Nizhny Novgorod goat Minin (Sukhorokoy) collected a great militia and moved to Moscow in order to clear the capital from the rebels and Poles, What was done after painful efforts. On February 21, 1613, the Great Zemskoy Duma was gathered, on which King Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov was elected, who, after a long attitude, all had joined the throne, where the first thing was to pacify and external and internal enemies.

    He concluded the so-called post agreement with the Swedish kingdom, in the 1618th signed a deulin agreement with Poland, according to which Philaret had been returned to Russia after a long captivity. Upon return, he immediately erected in San Patriarch. Patriarch Filaret was an adviser to his son and a reliable co-coster. Thanks to them, by the end of the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich, Russia began to join friendly relations with various Western states, practically recovered from the horror of the troubled time.

    Alexey Mikhailovich (Quiet) (1645 - 1676)

    King Alexey is considered one of the best people of the Ancient Russia. He possessed the meek, humble temper, was very godly. At all, I could not take the quarrel, and if they happened, I was very sidewrd and tried in every way to reconcile with a taught. In the first years of the reign of his closest advisor was his uncle, boyar frosts. In the fifties, his adviser became the Patriarch Nikon, who decided to unite Russia with all the rest of the Orthodox world and who commanded him from all over himself to be baptized to the Greek manner - three-work, which was split among Orthodox in Russia. (The most famous splitters - Old Believers who do not want to move away from the true faith and be baptized by Cookish, as the Patriarch - Fewing Morozova and Avvakum Protopop).

    During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, the Bunta broke out in different cities, which managed to suppress, as well as the decision of Malorussia to voluntarily join the Moscow State provoked two wars with Poland. But the state surrendered, thanks to the unity and concentration of power. After the death of the first wife, Maria Miloslavskaya, in marriage with which the king had two sons (Fedor and John) and many daughters, he married a secondary girl Natalia Naryshkina, who gave him the son of Peter.

    Fedor Alekseevich (1676 - 1682)

    During the reign of this king, the ultimate question of Malorusia was decided: the Western part of Turkey went down, and the East and Zaporizhia - Moscow. From the link returned Patriarch Nikon. And also abolished locality - the ancient boyars custom to take into account the ancestors service in the occupation of state and military posts. Tsar Fedor died, not leaving the heir.

    Ivan Alekseevich (1682 - 1689)

    Ivan Alekseevich, together with Brother Peter Alekseevich, was elected king thanks to Streetsky Bunta. But no participation in state affairs, who suffers with the dementia of Tsarevich Alexey, did not accept. He died in the 1689th year during the reign of the princes of Sophia.

    Sophia (1682 - 1689)

    Sofya remained in history, as a state of emergency mind and possessed all the necessary qualities of the real queen. She managed to calm the excitement of splitters, curb Sagittarov, to conclude the "eternal world" with Poland, very profitable for Russia, as well as the nonsense agreement with distant China. Tsarevna took hiking against the Crimean Tatars, but fell victim to their own power. Tsarevich Peter, however, solving her plans, sharpened a consolidated sister in the Novodevichy Monastery, where Sofya and died in 1704th.

    Peter First (Great) (1682 - 1725)

    The greatest king, and from the 1721th, the first Russian emperor, state, cultural and military leader. Revolutionary reforms produced in the country: colleges were created, the Senate, political and state control authorities. Made division in Russia on the province, and also subjugated the church by the state. Built a new capital - St. Petersburg. The main dream of Peter was the elimination of the backwardness of Russia in development compared with European countries. Taking advantage of Western experience, tirelessly created manufactory, factories, shipyards.

    To facilitate trade and for the exit to the Baltic Sea, Sweden won the Nordic War, lasting 21 years old, "Driving" thereby "Window to Europe". Built a huge fleet for Russia. Thanks to his efforts, the Academy of Sciences was opened in Russia and a civilian alphabet was adopted. All reforms were carried out by the most severe methods and caused multiple uprisings in the country (Streetskoy in 1698, Astrakhanskoe from 1705 to 1706, Bulavinskoye from 1707 to 1709), which, however, is just as merciless and suppressed.

    Catherine First (1725 - 1727)

    Peter the first died, not leaving the will. So, the throne moved to His wife Catherine. Catherine became famous for the fact that Bering's projectile in a world journey, and also established the Supreme Secret Council to bring together a friend and comrades to her late spouse Peter the Great - Prince Menshikov. Thus, Menshikov focused in his hands actually all state power. He persuaded Ekaterina the heir to the throne to appoint the son of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich, who was still his father, Peter first, made a death sentence for the disgust for reforms - Peter Alekseevich, and consent to his marriage with Menshikov's daughter Maryia. Prince of Menshikov was appointed to the majority of Peter Alekseevich.

    Peter the second (1727 - 1730)

    Peter the second rules for not long. Barely getting rid of the authorities Menshikov immediately landed under the influence of long-term, which, in every possible way distracting emperors with fun from public affairs, actually ruled the country. They wished to marry the emperor at the princess E. A. Dolgoruk, but Peter Alekseevich suddenly died of smallpox and the wedding did not take place.

    Anna Ioannovna (1730 - 1740)

    The Supreme Secretary Council decided to somewhat restrict the autocracy, because they chose Anna John, a widowing Duchess Kurland, daughter John Alekseevich, as an empress. But she crushed at the Russian throne by autocratic empress and, first of all, entered into the rights, destroyed the Supreme Secret Council. She replaced him with his office and instead of Russian nobles distributed the posts of the Germans to the Germans and mini, as well as Kurlyndu Biron. The cruel and unfair board was subsequently called "Bironchina".

    The intervention of Russia in the internal affairs of Poland in 1733 cost the country expensive: Peter conquered by Peter the first land had to return Persia. Before his death, the Empress appointed the son of his niece Anna Leopoldovna with his heir, and the regent with a baby determined the biron. However, Biron overthrew in a short time, and Empress became Anna Leopoldovna, whose board could not be called long and glorious. Guardsmen arranged a coup and proclaimed Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, the daughter of Peter the Great.

    Elizabeth Petrovna (1741 - 1761)

    Elizabeth destroyed the office established by Anna John, and returned the Senate. Issued a decree on the abolition of the death penalty in 1744. In 1954, the first borrowed banks in Russia were found in Russia, which was a great blessing for merchants and nobles. At the request of Lomonosov, the first university opened in Moscow and in 1756 - opened the first theater. During its reign, Russia led two wars: with Sweden and, the so-called "seven-year-old", in which Prussia, Austria and France took part. Thanks to the world prisoner with Sweden, Russia has deployed part of Finland. "Seven-year-old war put an end to the end of the Empress Elizabeth.

    Peter Three (1761 - 1762)

    It was absolutely unacceptable for the management of the state, but the wrong thing was complacent. But this young Emperor managed to configure absolutely all the layers of Russian society against himself, as he, to the detriment of Russian interests, showed craving to everything German. Peter is the third, not only that the Prussian Emperor Friedrich made a lot of concessions, so also reformed the army on the same, dear heart, Prussian sample. Missed decrees to destroy the secret office and free nobility, which, however, did not differ in certainty. As a result of the coup because of his attitude to the Empress, he quickly signed a renunciation from the throne and soon died.

    Catherine Second (1762 - 1796)

    Her reign was one of the greatest after the reign of Peter the First. Empress Ekaterina Rules rigidly, suppressed Pugachev's peasant uprising, won two Turkish wars, the result of which was the recognition of the independence of Crimea by Turkey, and Russia was departed by the shore of the Azov Sea. Russia has a Black Sea Fleet, and the active construction of cities began in Novorossia. Catherine The second established the Collegium of Enlightenment and Medicine. Cadet corps opened, and for the training of devices - Smolny Institute. Catherine Second, herself possessing literary abilities, patronized literature.

    Paul First (1796 - 1801)

    Did not support the transformations that his mother started, Empress Catherine, in the state system. From the achievements of his rule, it should be noted a very significant relief of the life of the fortress peasants (only a three-day born was introduced), the opening of the university in Derpete, as well as the emergence of new women's institutions.

    Alexander First (blessed) (1801 - 1825)

    The grandson of Catherine Second, joining the throne, swore to manage the country "By the law and the heart" of his venance grandmother, which, in fact, was engaged in his upbringing. At the very beginning, he took a number of various liberation measures aimed at different sectors of society, which caused undoubted respect and love of people. But external political problems distracted Alexander from internal reforms. Russia and Union with Austria was forced to fight against Napoleon, Russian troops were broken with Austerlice.

    Napoleon forced Russia to abandon trade with England. As a result, in 1812, Napoleon nevertheless, violating the contract with Russia, went to the country. And in the same, in 1812, the Russian troops defeated the Army of Napoleon. Alexander First established the State Council in 1800, ministries and the Cabinet of Ministers. In St. Petersburg, Kazan and Kharkov opened universities, as well as many institutions and gymnasiums, the Tsarskoyel Lyceum. Significantly facilitated the life of the peasants.

    Nikolai First (1825 - 1855)

    Continued the policy of improving peasant life. Found in Kiev Institute of St. Vladimir. Missed a 45-languid full collection of laws of the Russian Empire. Under Nicolae, in the first in 1839, the union was reunited with Orthodoxy. This reunification was a consequence of the suppression of the uprising in Poland and the complete destruction of the Polish Constitution. War was held with the Turks, who oppressed Greece, as a result of the victory of Russia, Greece received independence. After the breaking of relations with Turkey, on the side of which England, Sardinia and France rose, Russia had to be engaged in a new struggle.

    The emperor suddenly died during the defense of Sevastopol. During the reign of Nikolai, Nikolaev and Tsarskoye railways were built, great Russian writers and poets lived and worked out: Lermontov, Pushkin, Wings, Griboedov, Belinsky, Zhukovsky, Gogol, Karamzin.

    Alexander Second (liberator) (1855 - 1881)

    Turkish war had to end up Alexander the second. The Paris world was concluded on very unfavorable conditions for Russia. In 1858, according to the Agreement with China, Russia acquired himself to the Amurssk region, and later - Usuri. In 1864, the Caucasus finally entered into Russia. The most important state transformation of Alexander Second was the decision to free the peasants. He died from the hands of the killer in 1881.

    Description of history in textbooks and multi-million editions of artistic works in recent decades is subject to, to put it mildly, doubt. The rulers of Russia in chronological order are of great importance in studying for a long time. People interested in their own history begin to understand that, in fact, its real, written on paper does not exist, there are versions from which everyone chooses its responding to its ideas. History from textbooks is suitable only for the role of the reference point.

    Rus rulers during the highest rise in the ancient state

    Much of the fact that is known about the history of Russia - Russia, asked from the "lists" of the chronicles, whose originals are not preserved. In addition, even copies often contradict themselves and the elementary logic of events. Often historians force to accept only their opinions and claim him the only true.

    The first legendary rulers of Russia, which refer to the time of 2.5 thousand years BC, were brothers Sloven and Rus.. They lead their own from the son of Noah Yafeta (hence the vandal, encourages etc.). The people of Rus - Rusichi, Rus, the people of Locony - Sloves, Slavs. On Oz. Ilmen Brothers built the cities of Slovensk and Rus (currently old Rus). At the site of the burnt Slovensk, the Great Novgorod was built later.

    Descendants are known - Burvy and Gostomysl"The son of a buzzing, or Pamener, whether the foreman of Novgorod, who losing all his sons in the battles, called on Russia from a relative tribe of Russia (specifically from the island of Rügen) of his grandson Rüric.

    Next are the versions prescribed by German "historians" (Bayer, Miller, Schletter) in the Russian service. In German historiography, Rusi is striking that people who have not known the Russian language, traditions and beliefs wrote it. Which made and rewritten the chronicle, not preserving, and often deliberately destroying, customizing facts under some ready version. Interestingly, Russian historians for several hundred years instead of refuting the German version of the story in every way new facts and research under it.

    Rusi rulers on historical tradition:

    1. Rurik (862 - 879) - It is called for a grandfather for the guidance of the order and termination of civil servants between Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes in the territory of modern Leningrad and Novgorod regions. I founded or restored the city of Ladoga (old Ladoga). Rules in Novgorod. After the Novgorod uprising of 864, under the leadership of Vojevin, Vadim Brave, united North-Western Russia under his beginning.

    According to the legend, sent (or they themselves left) Askold and Dira warriors to fight in Constantinople. They captured Kiev on the way.

    How the Rurikovsky Dynamic Dynasty Dynasty died is not known.

    2. Oleg Probe (879 - 912) - Relative or successor to Rurik, who remained at the head of the Novgorod state, whether as a guardian of the son of Rurik - Igor, or on the rights of the rules of the Right Prince.

    In 882 goes to Kiev. On the road, a multi-family Slavic lands along the Dnieper, including the Earth of Smolensk Curivic, joins the principality. In Kiev kills Askold and Dira, makes Kiev the capital.

    In 907 he holds a victorious war with Byzantium - a favorable trade agreement is signed for Russia. Bringing his shield to the goal of Tsargrad. Making many successful and not very military trips (including the defending interests of the Khazar Kaganat), becoming the creator of the State of Kievan Rus. By legend dies from the bite of the snake.

    3. Igor (912 - 945) - fights for the unity of the state, constantly pacifying and connecting the surrounding Kiev lands, Slavic tribes. Fight from 920 with Pechenegs. Makes two campaigns to Tsargrad: in 941 - unsuccessful, in 944 - with the conclusion on more favorable conditions for Russia, than Oleg. Dies from the hands of Drevlyan, going for repeated tribute.

    4. Olga (945 - after 959)- Regent with a three-year-old Svyatoslav. The date of birth and the origin is definitely not installed - not the doubtful fit, not the daughter of Oleg. Brutally and sophisticatedly dismissed the rallies for killing a husband. Clearly installed Dani sizes. Divided Russia to the parts controlled by tyuses. Introduced the stamps system - trade and exchange places. Built fortresses and cities. In 955 he took the baptism in Constantinople.

    The time of its board is characterized by the world with the surrounding countries and the development of the state in all respects. The first Russian saint. Died in 969.

    5. Svyatoslav Igorevich (959 - March 972) - The date of the beginning of the Board is relative - the country ruled to his death mother, Svyatoslav himself preferred to fight and was rarely in Kiev and not long. Even the first raid of Pechenegs and the siege of Kiev met Olga.

    Svyatoslav defeated the Khazar Kaganat as a result of two trips, which Russia paid tribute for a long time with his warriors. She conquered and postponed the tribute to Volga Bulgaria. Supporting ancient traditions and in harmony with a friend, despised Christians, Muslims and Jews. She conquered the Tamutarakan and made Vyatny Danniki. In the period from 967 to 969 years, successfully fought in Bulgaria under a contract with the Byzantine Empire. In 969, I distributed Russia between the sons to the lots: Yaropolku - Kiev, Oleg - the Treacious lands, Vladimir (a side son from the keysticant) - Novgorod. He himself went to the new capital of his state - Pereyaslavl on the Danube. In 970 - 971, fights with the Byzantine Empire with varying success. Killed by Pechenegs, bribed to the Tsargrad, on the way to Kiev, since he became too strong an enemy for Byzantium.

    6. Yaropolk Svyatoslavich (972 - 11.06.978) - tried to establish relationships with the Sacred Roman Empire and Pope. Supported Christians in Kiev. Coined his own coin.

    In 978 he broke Pechenegs. From 977, to bring the boyars, began a cross-law war with brothers. Oleg died in flooded with horses during the siege of the fortress, Vladimir escaped "for the sea" and returned with a hired army. As a result of the war, Yaropolk, invited to negotiations, was killed, and Vladimir took a grand permanent place.

    7. Vladimir Svyatoslavich (11.06.978 - 07/15/1015) - attempted to reform the Slavic Vedic cult, applying human sacrifices. Dailed from the Poles Cranven Rus and Mix. Conquered Yatvägov than he opened the way for Russia to the Baltic Sea. He placed the tribute to Vyatichi and herds, uniting the Novgorod and Kiev land at the same time. He concluded a profitable world with Volzh Bulgaria.

    In 988, Korsun in the Crimea in 988 and threatened to go to Constantinople, if the wife did not receive the sister of Emperor Byzantium. Having received his wife, in the same place in Corsun, he was baptized and began to "fire and sword" to plan Christianity in Russia. During a violent Christianization, the country discompretized - out of 12 million it remains 3. Only Rostovo - Suzdal Land was able to avoid a violent Christianization.

    Much attention paid to the recognition of Kiev Rus in the West. Built several fortresses for the defense of the principality from the Polovtsy. Military campaigns reached the North Caucasus.

    8. Svyatopolk Vladimirovich (1015 - 1016, 1018 - 1019) - Using the support of the people and Boyar, took the Kiev throne. Soon three brothers die - Boris, Gleb, Svyatoslav. The open struggle for the grand permanent throne begins to lead his native brother, Novgorod Prince Yaroslav. After the defeat from Yaroslav, Svyatopolk runs to the test, the king of Poland Boleslav I Herbrome. In 1018, Yaroslav breaks with Polish troops. The Poles, who began robbing Kiev, cause folk outrage, and the Svyatopolk is forced to disperse them, remaining without troops.

    Jaroslav returned with new troops without difficulty takes Kiev. Svyatopolk with the help of Pechenegov is trying to regain power, but unsuccessfully. Dies, deciding to go to the Pechenegs.

    For the murders of the brothers ascribed to him, the brothers are nicknamed.

    9. Yaroslav Wise (1016 - 1018, 1019 - 20.02.1054) - for the first time settled in Kiev during the war with his brother Svyatopolk. I received support from Novgorod, and besides them had a hired army.

    The beginning of the second period of the Board was marked by princely grasses with Brother Mstislav, who broke the troops of Yaroslav and seized the left bank of the Dnieper with Chernigov. The world was concluded between the brothers, they went to jet campaigns on Jases and Poles, but the Grand Duke Yaroslav before the death of his brother was in Novgorod, and not in the capital Kiev.

    In 1030 defeated Chud and laid the city of Yuryev. Immediately after the death of Mstislav, fearing competition, imprisoned his last brother Sudislava and moves to Kiev.

    In 1036 he splits Pechenegov, freeing Russia from raids. In subsequent years, hiking on Yatvägov, Lithuania and Mazovia. In 1043 - 1046, fights with the Byzantine Empire due to the murder of a notable Russian in Constantinople. Takes the Union with Poland and gives the daughter of Anna for the French king.

    Bases the monasteries and builds temples, incl. Sofia Cathedral, builds stone walls Kiev. By order of Yaroslav translate and rewrite many books. Opens the first school for children of priests and rural elder in Novgorod. With it, the first metropolitan of Russian origin appears - Illarion.

    The first well-known set of the laws of Russia "Russian truth" is published.

    10. Izyaslav Yaroslavich (20.02.1054 - 14.09.1068, 2.05.1069 - March 1073, 15 .06.1077 - 3.10.1078) - The prince is not beloved by the Kievans, forced to periodically hide outside the principality. Together with the brothers, it creates a set of laws "True Yaroslavichi". The first board is characterized by joint decision-making by all Brothers Yaroslavichi - Triumvirate.

    In 1055, the brothers break the tops under Pereyaslavl and set the boundaries with the land of Polovtsy. Izyaslav provides the assistance of Byzantium in Armenia, seizes the lands of the Baltian people - ololy. In 1067, as a result of the war with the Polotsky Principality, the prince of Veslav Sorrey captures the deception of Prince.

    In 1068, Izyaslav refuses to arm Kievans against Polovtsy, for which he is expelled from Kiev. Returns with Polish troops.

    In 1073, as a result of a conspiracy, compiled by the younger brothers, leaves Kiev and long wanders in Europe in search of allies. The throne returns after Svyatoslav Yaroslavovich dies.

    He died in battle with nephews under Chernihiv.

    11. Vslav Bryachchalvich (14.09.1068 - April 1069)- Polotsk Prince, released from under the arrest of the Kiev residents who are rebelled against Izaslav and erected to the grand-pendant throne. He left Kiev when Izyaslav was approaching the Poles. Printed in Polotsk for more than 30 years, not stopping the struggle with Yaroslavichi.

    12.Svyatoslav Yaroslavich (03/22/1073 - 27.12.1076) - came to power in Kiev as a result of a conspiracy against the elder brother, with the support of Kiev. Much attention and funds paid for maintaining the clergy and church. Died as a result of a surgical operation.

    13.Vsevolod Yaroslavich (01.1077 - July 1077, October 1078 - 13.04.1093) - The first period ended with the voluntary transfer of power to Brother Izyaslav. The second time took a great room after the death of the latter in the internecine war.

    Virtually the entire period of the Management Board was noted a fierce internecine struggle, especially with Polotsky Principality. In this interlist, Vladimir Monomakh, the Son of Vsevolod, who, with the help of Polovtsy, held several devastating campaigns to the Polotsky lands.

    Vsevolod and Monomakh, campaigns were held at Vyatichi and Polovtsy.

    Vsevolod issued a daughter by Euptraction for the Emperor of the Roman Empire. The marriage consecrated by the Church ended with the scandal and the accusation of the emperor in conducting satanic rituals.

    14. Svyatopolk Izyaslavich (24.04.1093 - 16.04.1113) - First of all, enhancing the throne, he was arrested by Polovtsy ambassadors, unleashing the war. As a result, together with V. Monomakh, he was defeated by the Polovtsy on Sturdes and wish, the three main Kiev monasters were burned and looted and looted.

    Princely civilians did not stop the Congress of Princes in Lishech, which secured possession of the branches of the princely dynasties. Svyatopolk Izyaslavich remained the Grand Duke and the rule of Kiev and Turov. Immediately after the congress, V. Monomakh and other princes. They answered Siege of Kiev, who ended in a truce.

    In 1100, at the congress of the princes in the passionate, Svyatopolk received Volyn.

    In 1104, the Svyatopolk organized a campaign on Minsk Prince Gleb.

    In 1103-1111, the coalition of the princes led by Svyatopolk and Vladimir Monomakh, a war against Polovtsy was successful.

    The death of Svyatopolk was accompanied by a uprising in Kiev against the Boyar and Roshovistors closest to him.

    15. Vladimir Monomakh (04/20/1113 - 19.05.1125) - invited to the prince during an uprising in Kiev against the administration of Svyatopolk. Created in the "Russian truth" "charter of the cuts", which facilitated the position of debtors in full preservation of feudal relations.

    The beginning of the board without interdiscructures was not cost: Svyatopolchich, who claimed Kiev's throne, had to be expelled from Volyn. The period of the Board of Monomakh became the last period of strengthening the grand mining of power in Kiev. Together with the sons, the Grand Duke owned 75% of the territory of the chronicle Rus.

    To strengthen the monomakh state, dynastic marriages often used their authority of the military commanders - the winner of the Polovtsy. During his reign of sons, Chok won, defeated the Volga Bulgar.

    In 1116 - 1119, Vladimir Vsevolodovich successfully fought with Byzanthythia. As a result of the war, as a deposited, received from the emperor the title "King of All Russia", Scepter, Power, the royal crown (Monomakh hat). Following the negotiations, Monomakh issued his granddaughter for the emperor.

    16. Mstislav Great (05/20/125 - 15.04.1132)- Originally owned only Kiev land, but admitted to the eldest among the princes. Gradually began to control through the dynastic marriages and sons of the city of Novgorod, Chernihiv, Kursk, Murom, Ryazan, Smolensk and tours.

    In 1129, he ruled Polotsky lands. In 1131 he deprived the lotion and drove the Polotsk princes led by the son of Vyslav Clavius \u200b\u200b- Davyd.

    In the period from 1130 to 1132, several campaigns made a variable success on the Baltic tribes, including in Chud and Lithuania.

    The state of Mstislav is the last informal association of the principalities of Kiev Rus. He controlled all major cities, the whole path of "Varyag in the Greeks", the accumulated military force gave him the right to be called in the chronicles.

    The rulers of the ancient Russian state during the period of fragmentation and decline of Kiev

    The princes on the Kiev throne during this period are replaced frequently and rule for a long time, most of them not showing no wonderful:

    1. Yaropolk Vladimirovich (04/17/1132 - 02/18/1139) - Prince Pereyaslavsky is called on to the Board of the Kievans, but the first of his decision on the transfer of Peresaslavl Masyaslav Mstislavich, who ruled to it in Polotsk, caused outrage among Kievans and the expulsion of Yaropolk. In the same year, the Kiev residents called on Yaropolk, but Polotsk, who returned the dynasty of Vyslava Correction, deposited from Kievan Rus.

    In the beginning of the internecine struggle between the various branches of Rurikovich, the Grand Prince could not show hardness and at the time of his death lost control, except Polotsk, over Novgorod and Chernihiv. It was nominally obeyed only Rostovo - Suzdal Earth.

    2. Vyacheslav Vladimirovich (22.02 - 4.03.1139, April 1151 - 6.02.1154)"The first one, the henogen-separated period of the Board ended with overall from the throne in Vsevolod Olgovich, Chernigov Prince.

    In the second period was only an official sign, this power belonged to Izyaslav Mstislavich.

    3. Vsevolod Olgovich (5. 03.1139 - 1.08.1146)- Chernihiv Prince, shifted from the throne Vyacheslav Vladimirovich, interrupting the Board in Kiev Monomashic. Was not loved by the Kiev. The entire period of the Board was skillfully lavored between Mstislavovichi and Monomascy. Constantly fought with the latter, tried not to allow the power of his own rhodium to the grand mining.

    4. Igor Olgovich (1 - 13.08.1146)- received Kiev on the will of his brother, which outdressed the inhabitants of the city. The townspeople called for the throne from Pereslavl Iaslav Mstislavich. After the battle between the applicants, Igor was planted in a fender, where heavily fell ill. The released from there, hesitated into the monks, but in 1147, on suspicion of conspiracy against Izaslav, the vengeful Kievans are executed because Olgovich.

    5. Izyaslav Mstislavich (08/13/1146 - 08.23.1149, 1151 - 11.11.1154) - In the first period, directly besides Kiev, Rules Pereyaslavl, turon, Volyn. In the civilian struggle with Yuri Dolgoruky and his allies, he enjoyed support for Novgorod, Smolyan and Ryazantsev. Often attracted to their ranks of the Allied Polovtsy, Hungarians, Chekhov, Poles.

    For an attempt to elect a Russian Metropolitan without approving the Patriarch from Constantinople is overcome from the church.

    He had support for Kievan in the fight against Suzdal Princes.

    6. Yuri Dolgoruky (28.08.1149 - Summer 1150, Summer 1150 - Nach. 1151, 03/20/1155 - 15.05.1157)- Suzdal Prince, Son V. Monomakh. Three times sat on the grand accepted throne. The first twice is expelled from Kiev Izyaslav and Kievans. In his struggle for the right, Monomashic relied on support for Novgorod - Seversk Prince Svyatoslav (the brother executed in Kiev), Galichan and Polovtsy. The battle on the root in 1151 became decisive in the fight against Izyaslav. By losing, Yuri for a single loss lost all its allies in the south.

    The third time I was subordinate to Kiev after Izyaslav and his co-guarantee Vyacheslav died. In 1157 he made an unsuccessful campaign for Volyn, where the sons of Izaslav settled.

    Presumably, poisoned by the Kievans.

    In the south, only one son of Yuri Dolgoruky - Gleb was able to gain a consideration in the south of the Pereyaslavl Principality.

    7. Rostislav Mstislavich (1154 - 1155, 12.04.1159 - 8.02.1161, March 1161 - 14.03.1167) - For 40 years, Smolensky Prince. He founded the Grand Duch of Smolensk. The first time was taken by the Kiev throne at the invitation of Vyacheslav Vladimirovich, who encouraged him to coincidences, but soon the deceased. Rostislav Mstislavich was forced to meet Yuri Dolgorukha. Having met with Uncle, Smolensky Prince gave way to Kiev to the senior relative.

    The second and third dates of the Board in Kiev divided the attack of Iaslav Davydovich with Polovtsy, who forced Rostislav Mstislavovich to hide in Belgorod, expecting allies.

    The Board was distinguished by tranquility, insignificancy of civil engineers and a peaceful solution of conflicts. In every way prevented attempts to break the calm in Russia.

    With the help of a dynastic marriage attached Vitebsk to the Smolensky principality.

    8. Izyaslav Davydovich (winter 1155, 05/19/1157 - December 1158, 12.02 - 6.03.1161)"For the first time, the Grand Duke began, breaking the troops of Rostislav Mstislavich, but was forced to give the throne to the Yuri Dolgoruky.

    The second time took the throne after the death of long-term, but was broken down by Kiev by Volyn and Galich princes for refusing to issue a challenger to the Galician throne.

    Corresponding to Kiev for the third time, but was defeated by the Allies of Rostislav Mstislavich.

    9. Mstislav Iaslavich (12/22/1158 - Spring 1159, 05/19/1167 - 12.03.1169, February - 13.04.1170) - The first time became the Kiev prince, driving the Iaslav Davydovich, but gave way to Rostislav Mstislavich, as a senior in the family.

    The second time on the board is called by the Kievans after the death of Rostislav Mstislavich. Unable to keep the board against Andrei Bogolyubsky's army.

    For the third time, settled in Kiev without a battle, using the love of Kiev, and driving Gleb Yurevich, whom Andrey Bogolyubsky planted in Kiev. However, abandoned by the allies, was forced to return to Volyn.

    He became famous for the victory over Polovtsy at the head of the coalition troops in 1168.

    It is considered the last great Kiev prince, who had real power over Rus.

    With the elevation of the Vladimir - Suzdal Principality, Kiev is increasingly becoming a common specific one, although it retains the name "the Great". The problems most likely need to be sought in what and how the rulers of Russia did in the chronological order of inheritance by them. Decades of civil workers brought fruit - the principality loosen and lost its meaning for Russia. Prince in Kiev than the main thing. Often, the Kiev princes prescribed or changed the Grand Duke from Vladimir.

    The history of Russia has more than a thousand years, although the very different tribes lived to the emergence of the state in its territory. The last title period can be divided into several stages. All Russian rulers, from Rurik to Putin, are people who were true sons and daughters of their eras.

    The main historical stages of Russia's development

    Historians consider the most convenient classification:

    Board of Novgorod Princes (862-882 years);

    Yaroslav Wise (1016-1054);

    From 1054 to 1068, with the authorities, Izyaslav Yaroslavovich was;

    From 1068 to 1078 years ago, the list of Russian rulers was replenished at several names at once (Vslav Bryachvovich, Izyaslav Yaroslavovich, Svyatoslav and Vsevolod Yaroslavlovich, in 1078, Izyaslav Yaroslavovich Rules again

    1078 was marked by some stabilization on the political arena, until 1093 Vsevolod Yaroslavovich Rules;

    Svyatopolk Izyaslavovich was on the throne from 1093 to;

    Vladimir, nicknamed Monomakh (1113- 1125) - one of the best princes of Kievan Rus;

    From 1132 to 1139, the authorities had Yaropolk Vladimirovich.

    All Russian rulers from Rurik to Putin, who lived and regulated during this period, until now, have seen their main task in the prosperity of the country and strengthen the role of the country in the European arena. Another thing is that each of them went to the target with its own way, sometimes completely in another direction than predecessors.

    The period of fragmentation of Kievan Rus

    In the time of the feudal fragmentation of Russia, the change on the main princely throne was frequent. None of the princes left a serious track in the history of Russia. By the middle of the XIII century Kiev came to absolute decay. Mention is only a few princes, which ruled in the XII century. So, from 1139 to 1146, Kiev Prince was Vsevolod Olgovich. In 1146, the helm had two weeks to Igor Second, after which the rules of the rules of Izyaslav Mstislavovich. Until 1169, people like Vyacheslav Rurikovich, Rostislav Smolensky, Irayaslav Chernigov, Yuri Dolgoruki, had time to visit the princely throne.

    The capital moves to Vladimir

    The period of the formation of late feudalism in Russia was characterized by several manifestations:

    Weakening of the Kiev Prince of Power;

    The emergence of several centers of influence that competed with each other;

    Strengthening the effects of feudal.

    On the territory of Russia, there were 2 largest influence points: Vladimir and Galich. Galich is the most important political center at that time (located on the territory of modern Western Ukraine). It seems interesting to explore the list of rulers of Russia, which are reinforced in Vladimir. The importance of this period of history will still have to evaluate researchers. Of course, the Vladimir period in the development of Russia was not so long as Kiev, but it was after him that the formation of monarchical Russia begins. Consider the dates of the board of all rulers of Russia of this time. In the first years of this stage of development of Russia, the rulers have changed quite often, there was no stability that will appear later. More than 5 years in power in Vladimir were such princes:

    Andrey (1169- 1174);

    Vsevolod, son of Andrei (1176-1212);

    Georgy Vsevolodovich (1218-1238);

    Yaroslav, Son of Vsevolod (1238-1246);

    Alexander (Nevsky), Great Communion (1252- 1263);

    Yaroslav III (1263- 1272);

    Dmitry і (1276- 1283);

    Dmitry II (1284-1293);

    Andrei Gorodetsky (1293- 1304);

    Mikhail "Saint" Tverskaya (1305-1317).

    All Russian rulers after the transfer of the capital to Moscow before the appearance of the first kings

    The transfer of the capital from Vladimir to Moscow chronologically roughly coincides with the end of the period of feudal fragmentation of Russia and the strengthening of the main center of political influence. Most princes were on the throne longer than the rulers of the Vladimir period. So:

    Prince Ivan (1328-1340);

    Semen Ivanovich (1340-1353);

    Ivan red (1353-1359);

    Alexey Biakont (1359-1368);

    Dmitry (Donskaya), famous commander (1368-1389);

    Vasily Dmitrievich (1389- 1425);

    Sophia Lithuanian (1425- 1432);

    Vasily Dark (1432- 1462);

    Ivan III (1462-1505);

    Vasily Ivanovich (1505-1533);

    Elena Glinsky (1533-1538);

    The decade to 1548 in the history of Russia was a difficult period, when the situation has developed so that the princely dynasty actually broke off. There was a period of timeless when the Boyar family was in power.

    Rust of the kings in Russia: the beginning of the monarchy

    Historians allocate three chronological period of development of the Russian monarchy: until joined the throne of Peter the Great, the Board of Peter the first and after it. The dates of the board of all Russian rulers from 1548 to the end of the XVII century are:

    Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny (1548-1574);

    Semen Casimovsky (1574-1576);

    Ivan Grozny again (1576-1584);

    Fedor (1584-1598).

    Tsar Fedor did not have heirs, so it was interrupted. - One of the most difficult periods of the history of our Motherland. The rulers replaced almost annually. From 1613, the country of the Romanov dynasty is ruled:

    Mikhail, the first representative of the Romanov dynasty (1613-1645);

    Alexey Mikhailovich, Son of the First Emperor (1645-1676);

    Ascended a throne in 1676 and rules for 6 years;

    Sofya, his sister, rules from 1682 to 1689.

    In the XVII century in Russia, finally, the stability came. The central government has strengthened, the reforms are gradually beginning, which led to the fact that Russia has grown geographically and strengthened, leading world powers began to be considered. The main merit in changing the appearance of the state belongs to the Great Peter I (1689-1725), which became both the first emperor.

    Russian rulers after Peter

    The time of the reign of Peter the Great is a flourishing when the empire gained his own strong fleet and strengthened the army. All Russian rulers, from Rurik to Putin, understood the importance of armed forces, but a little was given to realize the enormous potential of the country. An important feature of that time was the aggressive foreign policy of Russia, which was manifested in the violent accession to new regions (Russian-Turkish wars, Azov campaign).

    The chronology of Russian rulers from 1725 to 1917 is as follows:

    Catherine Skavronskaya (1725-1727);

    Peter the second (killed in 1730);

    Queen Anna (1730-1740);

    Ivan Antonovich (1740-1741);

    Elizabeth Petrovna (1741-1761);

    Peter Fedorovich (1761-1762);

    Catherine Great (1762- 1796);

    Pavel Petrovich (1796- 1801);

    Alexander I (1801-1825);

    Nicholas I (1825-1855);

    Alexander II (1855 - 1881);

    Alexander III (1881-1894);

    Nicholas II is the last of Romanov, rules until 1917.

    This ended the huge period of state development, when the kings were in power. After the October Revolution, a new political entry - the republic appears.

    Russia during the time of the USSR and after its decay

    The first few years after the revolution were complex. Among the rulers of this period, Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky can be allocated. After the legal registration of the USSR as the state and until 1924 led the country Vladimir Lenin. Next, the chronology of the rulers of Russia looks like this:

    Jugashvili Joseph Vissarionovich (1924-1953);

    Nikita Khrushchev was the first secretary of the CPSU on the death of Stalin until 1964;

    Leonid Brezhnev (1964- 1982);

    Yury Andropov (1982-184);

    Secretary General of the CPSU (1984-1985);

    Mikhail Gorbachev, First President of the USSR (1985-1991);

    Boris Yeltsin, Head of Independent Russia (1991-1999);

    The acting head of state Putin - President of Russia since 2000 (with a break for 4 years, when the state was led by Dmitry Medvedev)

    Who are Russian rulers?

    All Russian rulers from Rurik to Putin, who were with the authorities for the entire more than a thousand-year history of the state are patriots who wanted the heyday of all lands of a huge country. Most of the lords were not random people on this difficult field and made each of their own contributions to the development and formation of Russia. Good and prosperity with their subjects, of course, wanted all Russian rulers: the main forces were always directed to the strengthening of the borders, the expansion of trade, the increase in defense capability.