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What did people do in ancient India. Ancient indium

Always connected with each other. This effect was reflected in culture, art and religion. India is a country of irrelevant wealth and amazing secrets who have yet to be discovered.


Industan is a huge peninsula located in the south of Asia, which, as it were, is separated from the surrounding world by Himalayas - the majestic mountain range on the one hand and the Indian Ocean - on the other. Only a few passes in the gorges and valleys associate this country with other peoples and neighboring states. The decan's plateore occupies almost all its central part. Scientists are confident that the civilization of ancient India was originated here.

The Great Rivers Ind and Gang take their beginning somewhere in the mountain ranges of Himalayas. The waters of the last residents of the country are considered sacred. As for the climate, it is very wet and hot, so much of India is covered with jungle. In these impassable forests, tigers, panthers, monkeys, elephants, many species of poisonous snakes and other animals live.

Local population classes

It is no secret that scientists have always been interested in the nature of the ancient India and people who inhabited this territory from time immemorial. The main occupation of the local people was considered saddled agriculture. Most often, the settlements arose along the banks of the rivers, since here were the most fertile soils suitable for the cultivation of wheat, rice, barley and vegetables. In addition, from sugar cane, which is abundant in this swampy terrain, residents made sweet powder. This product was the most ancient sugar in the world.

Indians and cotton on their fields were grown. It was made of the finest yarn, which then turned into comfortable and light fabrics. They should not be better fit for this roast climate. In the north of the country, where the sediments did not fall as often, the ancients built complex irrigation systems with akin to Egyptian.

Indians were also engaged in collecting. They knew both useful and harmful properties of most familiar flowers and plants. Therefore, we were dealt with which of them can be simply eaten, and from which spices or incense. India's richest nature is so diverse that she gave residents such plants that were no longer anywhere, and they, in turn, learned to cultivate them and use with the maximum benefit for themselves. A little later, a large variety of spices and incense attracted many merchants from different countries here.


Ancient India with its extraordinary culture existed already in the III millennium BC. Approximately this time includes civilization of the largest cities such as Harapp and Mohenjo Daro, where people knew how to build two and even three-story houses using an burned brick. At the beginning of the 20th century, British archaeologists managed to find the ruins of these ancient settlements.

Mohenjo-Daro was especially surprising. As scientists suggested, this city was built not one century. Its territory occupied an area of \u200b\u200b250 hectares. Researchers discovered direct streets with high buildings. Some of them rose more than seven meters. Presumably, these were buildings in several floors, where there were no windows or any decorations. However, in residential premises there were rooms for ablutions, in which water from special wells.

The streets in this city were located in such a way that they stretched from north to south, as well as from the east to the west. Their width reached ten meters, and this allowed scientists to assume that his inhabitants then used wagons on wheels. In the center of the ancient Mohenjo Daro, a building was built, where there was a huge pool. Scientists have not yet managed to accurately determine his appointment, but they were put forward by the version that this is a city temple erected in honor of the god of water. Not far from it, there was a market, spacious craft workshops and granaries. The city center was acquainted with a powerful fortress wall, where the locals were most likely hiding when they were threatened with danger.


In addition to the amazing planning of cities and extraordinary buildings during large-scale excavations, begun in 1921, a large number of different cult and household items were found, which were used by their inhabitants. According to them, you can judge the high development of applied and jewelry art of ancient India. The prints found in Mohenjo-Daro were decorated with a beautiful thread, which indicates some similarity of two crops: Indus Valley and Mesopotamia Times of Akkada and Sumer. Most likely, these two civilizations were related to commercial relations.

Ceramic products found in an ancient city are distinguished by a great variety. The brought and shiny vessels were covered with an ornament, where the images of plants and animals were harmoniously combined. Most often it was covered with red paint containers with black drawings applied to them. Multicolor ceramics occurred very rarely. As for the visual art of the ancient India of the period from the end II and to the middle of the I millennium to our era, it was not preserved at all.

Scientific achievements

Scientists of Ancient India were able to achieve great success in various branches of knowledge and, in particular, in mathematics. Here, for the first time, a decimal number system appeared, which provided for the use of zero. It still uses all humanity. Approximately in the III-II millennia BC, at the time of civilization, Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, according to modern scientists, the Indians were already able to count to dozens. Those numbers we use to this day are customary to call Arabic. In fact, they were originally called Indian.

The most famous mathematician of ancient India, who lived in the Guptian era, and this is the IV-VI century, - Arjabhata. He was able to systematize the decimal system and formulate the rules for solving linear and indefinite equations, extraction of cubic and square roots and much more. Indian considered that the number π is equal to 3,1416.

Another proof that people and nature of ancient India are inextricably linked to each other - this is Ayurveda or the science of life. It is impossible to determine exactly, to which particular period of history it applies. The depth of knowledge with which the ancient Indian wise men possessed, just amazing! Many modern scientists rightfully consider Ayurveda the ancestor of almost all medical directions. And it is not surprising. It was based on the Arab, Tibetan and Chinese medicine. Ayurveda has absorbed basic knowledge of biology, physics, chemistry, natural science and cosmology.

Riddles of Ancient India: Kutub-Minar

20 km from the old Delhi in the city-fortress Lal-cat stands a mysterious metal pillar. This is Kutub-Minar, made from an unknown alloy. Researchers are still lost in guess, and some of them are inclined to think that it has an alien origin. The column is about 1600 years, but in the 15th centuries it did not bear it. It seems that the ancient masters were able to create a chemically clean iron, which is difficult to get even in our time, having the most modern technologies. All the ancient world and India, in particular, are full of unusual secrets that scientists have not yet been able to solve.

Causes of decline

It is believed that the disappearance of the Harapp of civilization is associated with the arrival of these lands in 1800 BC of the era of the North-Western tribes of Ariyev. These were militant nomad conquerors who bred cattle and fed mainly by dairy products. Arias first began to destroy large cities. Over time, the surviving buildings began to decline, and new houses were built from the old brick.

Another version of the scientists concerning the nature and people of Ancient India is that not only the enemy invasion of Arievas contributed to the disappearance of the Harapp of civilization, but also a significant deterioration in the ecology. They do not exclude such a reason as a sharp change in the level of sea water, which could lead to numerous floods, and then to the emergence of various epidemics caused by terrible diseases.

Public device

One of the many features of ancient India is the division of people to the caste. Such a bundle of society occurred in about the first I millennium to our era. Its occurrence was due to both religious views and political buildings. With the arrival of Ariii to the lower caste began to attribute almost the local population.

On the highest level were brahmanas - priests, ruled religious cults and not engaged in severe physical labor. They lived exclusively at the expense of believing sacrifices. At the stage below was Caste Kestriys - Warriors, with whom the brahmans were not always laid, since they could not share power among themselves. Next, they followed the Vaisya - shepherds and peasants. At the bottom there were shudras that performed only the most dirty work.

Consequences of stratification

The society of ancient India was arranged so that the custom affiliation of people was inherited. For example, the children of Brahmins, growing, became priests, and Kshatriyev - exclusively warriors. Such division only slowed down the further development of society and the country as a whole, since many talented people could not realize themselves and were doomed to live in eternal poverty.

You can talk to this topic for a very long time, because civilization originated in the Indus valley has a rich history. But in this article we will look at the history of the ancient India briefly.
The birth of an organized society in the Indus valley should be dated with the emergence of the Harapp of Civilization, which originates on III thousand BC. e., and for this period it comes from her dawn.

Harapp city civilization

Dates from about 3000 - 1300 gg BC e. It is characterized by monumental construction of stone, irrigation agriculture has already existed. There are information that it was in this period that the first toilets appeared, as well as sewage.
At this stage of development, the Indians were mainly paid products from bronze, but used copper. Trade was very developed, civilization led trade with the states of Central Asia, Mesopotamia.
The writing of this civilization to this time did not decryll. But they wrote to the right left, which is very interesting.
When the weather conditions began to deteriorate, the main occupation, which brought the Civilization of Dawn - agriculture, began to decline. Approximately in the middle II. thousand population began to migrate to the West and has lost its level of development.

Vedy civilization

The most interesting period of the ancient history of India is undoubtedly Vediy, since after it there was a mass of archaeological and documentary sources, which gave the opportunity to explore this period as detail as possible.
Vedic civilization date from II. thousand BC. e. up to approximate VI I-V in. BC e.
The most famous monument of this period is a holy book called Vedas. It was recorded all about the social structure of society, about laws, customs, etc.
Analyzing it, we come to the conclusion that the whole society was divided into Varna - big castes. All of them existed four:
- Speuds - the lowest caste, to which the hired workers were included;
- Vaisya - here include merchants, artisans and farmers;
- Kshatriya is an honorary class of warriors;
- Brahmins - here should include the ruling top: priests, scientists, etc.;
However, the entire caster existed several hundred. Casta could not leave, but also it could be expelled for misconduct, for example, for communication with members of another caste.
In this era, writing was developed - Sanskrit, which was completely decrypted, and therefore the data on this period is abused. The basis of world-class religion and influence - Hinduism was also laid, the pantheon of the gods was installed.
The people who created the Vedic Civilization call the arias that conquered the territory of Asia and Europe.

Time of small principalities

Approximately at VI century BC e. On the territory of India several hundred minor cities - states that have existed for three centuries. In the fourth century, Tsar Alexander Macedonian came to India, submitting to himself a significant territory of India, but after his death, the Indians soon freed themselves.
After that, the Maurev Empire was created in their place, but this is already a completely different topic.

India is the state of South Asia, located on the Industan Peninsula. India as a state in its real borders was established in 1947, when it was divided into two independent states by India and Pakistan. However, it is impossible to forget that the historical and modern borders of India are different, many historical areas that have once belonged to India are now part of neighboring states.

The external borders had a great influence on the fate of India. On the one hand, India due to its borders is isolated from the outside world. On the northern, northwestern and northeastern borders of the country there are mountain ranges (Himalayas, Karakorum, Purvalok), and from other sides it is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean (Arabian Sea, Bengal Bay). This isolation naturally affected the history and culture of India. India's historical path is unique, and Indian culture is distinguished by identity.

Nevertheless, the territory of India since ancient times, the mining passes, which served as the gate to India for both trading caravans and the armies of conquerors. This is mainly about the northwestern border where such mountain passes are located as: Hibiber, Gomal, Bolan, through which almost all conquerors (arias, Persians, Alexander Macedonsky, Makhmud Gaznevid, Mohammed Guri, came from the territory of modern Afghanistan ). In addition, India, you can get from the north and northeast from China and Myanmar.

If we talk about the marine border of India, despite its greater length, India has never been considered a strong naval power. This is due to the fact that the coastline is weakly dissected, so natural harbors on the coast, where sailing vessels could hide from the winds, little. Basically, Indian ports are located either in the mouths of the rivers or artificially arranged. Difficulties for navigators also created shallow water and reefs off the coast of India. Nevertheless, an attempt to try themselves in the role of navigators Indians were still undertaken.

In history and ethnography, India is traditionally divided into three physico-geographical areas: 1) Indo-Gangskaya Plain, 2) Deansky plateore (dean), 3) Far South.

Indo-Gangskaya Plain is historically the most important part of India, since it was there that the great empires were always there. This northern plain is divided into two parts of the desert Tar and the mountains of Aravalli. The western part is irrigated by Indus's waters, and East - Gangom and his tributaries. Thanks to the soil rivers here fertile, which led to the prosperity of the local population. It was here that the great civilizations of antiquity and medieval states arose. It was the Indo-Ganga Valley that was most of all conquered, five decisive battles in Indian history occurred on its land.

India can be called a contrast country. There is a well-known phrase "India - the world in miniature." If we talk about climate, then in India it differs from dry frosts of Himalayas to the tropical heat of the Concan and the Koromandel coast. In India, you can find all three types of climate: arctic, moderate and tropical. The same applies to precipitation. In India, there are very arid places, such as the desert Tar, and on the other hand the wet point of the planet is Cherrypundy.

The English historian Smith calls India "Ethnographic Museum", and not without reason. India Museum of cults, customs, faith, cultures, religions, languages, racial types and differences. From time immemorial to India, peoples belonged to different races (Arias, Persians, Greeks, Turks, etc.) came to India. Many nationalities live in India, everyone has their own traditions, customs and languages. In India, there is a huge variety of religious directions. This includes world religions - Buddhism, Islam, Christianity; Local religions - Sikhism, Jainism and many others. Hinduism is the most common religion in India, most of the Indian population professes it.

Harapp city civilization and Mahenjo Daro (2500 - 1500 g. BC)

Indian culture and history is one of the oldest on earth. According to certain historians, Indian history is not inferior in antiquity by the stories of Egypt and Sumer. Harappa civilization in the Indus valley arose at about 2500 BC. and existed for approximately millennium, t e up to 1500 BC. Most of the main cities of this civilization were located along the shores of Inde. The first large-scale studies began in 1921. The name of this civilization received the name of the first found major city by the name. The second most famous and large city of India civilization was Mahenjo Daro (the Hill of the Dead).

The ethnic composition of the population of the Valley of Indus and its roots still remain a mystery. Harappa culture was urban, all cities were built according to a single plan. Indians of that era led an active trade with other countries, they were engaged in craft, agriculture and cattle breeding. They had a writing, which, unfortunately, was not decrypted, so this culture is studied in archaeological finds. The reasons for the decline of this civilization are still clearly defined, but most likely it is associated with natural cataclysms. The last centers of the Harapp culture could have fallen from the hands of Arii, who came in India approximately 1500 BC.

Vedian period (1500 - 500 BC)

Aria is nomadic tribes that invaded India from the North-West, through the Hibiber's passage. Almost the only source of our knowledge about this period are literary monuments (Vedas), the archaeological data is very scarce. Ancient Ariyev had no written writing, and the Vedic texts were transferred from mouth to mouth, later they were recorded on Sanskrit. The period of the first Aryan settlements, which is studied by the Vedas, is called the Vedian period. The characteristic feature of the Vedic Epo is the dominance in the life of society of religion and ritual cults. Many elements from the Vedic religion entered Hinduism. It was during this period that the separation of society on Brahmanov, Kshatriyev, Vaishiyev and Sudr. The Vedic Religion itself also has undergone changes, converting into Vedic Brahmanism. The main difference of brahmanism was the recognition of Brahma by the Supreme God, while in the old Vedic religion the Supreme God recognized Indra.

The Vedic era lasted to the VI century. BC, before the formation of the first states in the Ganges Valley.

The appearance of the first states in the valley of Ganges

Vi in. - Epoch of change. During this period, in addition to the emergence of the first states, new religions appeared, the main of which are Jainism and Buddhism. Buddhist and jine texts have not only sacred value, but also historical, since information about the states of that era we are mostly scored from them. In Buddhist sources, at that time there were 16 states that constantly fought among themselves. To iv c. BC. There was a tendency to unite, the number of states decreased, but the political fragmentation to overcome was not yet possible.

The existing political instability in the country has made India easy prey for Alexander Macedonsky, who invaded its territory in 326 BC. Far into the depths of the country, the Great Conqueror did not go, he was forced to leave the country, without reaching the Ganges Valley. He left in India some garrisons, which later assimilated with the local population.

With the advent of new religions (the main of them, Jainism and Buddhism) Vedic brahmanism gave way to its position, but by 1 century BC. Brahmanism is reborn in the form of Hinduism, absorbing and assimilating many folk beliefs and cults.

Magada-Mauri Epoch (IV century BC - I century)

After the departure of Alexander Macedonsky, the governments came to awareness of the need to unite, and the leader of the association was the ruler of the state of Magadha Chandraguput Maurya (317 BC) - founder of the Maury Dynasty. The capital of Magadhi was the city of Pataliputra. The most famous ruler of this dynasty was Ashoka (268 - 231 BC). He became famous as a distributor of Buddhism, the policy of his state in many aspects was also based on the religious and ethical norms of Buddhism. In 180 BC. Dynasty Maurev ovelave shungov dynasty. It was a weak dynasty, and the once great state of Maurev broke up.

The era of Guptes (IV - VI centuries)

Before IV. The power was divided among themselves clans and tribes. In 320, a new Gupta dynasty was founded (IV - VI centuries), an extensive empire was created under their authority. The era of Guptes is the heyday period, the "golden age" of the culture of ancient India. Literature and architecture enjoyed the greatest patronage. In the VI century The Gupta Empire was on the verge of decay and fell under the onslaught of the nomadic tribes who invaded the territory of India (Gunna).

The beginning of the medieval history of India

After the fall of the state of Guptes, political fragmentation began in the country. The first who, after Gupta, tried to unite the country within the framework of a single state, was Harsha (Kharchavardkhan), he joined the throne in 606 and rules until 646. It is from him that it is considered to be the beginning of the medieval history of India. The capital of the Harshi state was Canava. He was a ruler-enlightenment. Patronized literature and science, favorably belonged to Buddhism. Harshi did not have strong receivers, immediately after his death, his state was contemplated, and a period of political decay was submitted. In the conditions of feudal fragmentation, the Indian rulers could not respond with a new threat - Muslim conquest.

Muslim invaders

The first of Muslims to the territory of India entered Arabs. Arabs went to their conquest companies after the death of Mohammed (632). By the viii of the age, the turn reached India. In his conquests, Arabs were limited to the territory of Sinda. Their main conquests were associated with the name of Mohammed-Ibn-Kasima (712). Their trips were robbing, and the Arabs have not made any fundamental changes to the Department of India, but they first organized Muslim settlements in India with a traditional Indian management system.

The next conqueror was Mahmoud Gaznevid. Gold is the principality in Afghanistan. He performed his first campaign in 1000, and took the tradition to go to India every year. He committed his last campaign in 1027. Gradually, the GA rank lost its political influence, and its rulers lost power to another Afghan principality of GUR. The rules of Gur also could not get around India, and headed by Mohammed Guri. He made the first campaign in 1175, and the last of 1205 Muhammed Guri as a governor in India left his warlord Kutb-Ud-Ding Aibek, who soon began to rule as an independent ruler, and it was from him that the Epoch of the Delia Sultanate begins.

Epoch of the Delia Sultanate (1206-1526)

In the Delia Sultanate there were four dynasties: Gulyama (1206-1287), Hilji (1290-1320), Tetraki (1320-1414), Sayids (1414-1451), Lodi (1451-1526. ). Sultans Delhi their military campaigns were no longer limited to the North-West of the country, and they conducted them throughout India. The main goal of their internal politics was reduced to conquests, the administrative system of Sultanov Delhi was scattered and poorly controlled. During the Delia Sultanate, India was attacked by Mongols and the invasion of Timur (1398-1399). In 1470, India visited the Russian merchant Athanasius Nikitin. But he visited not the Delia Sultanate, but one of the states on the dean - the state of Bachmanids.

The Empire of the Great Mughal (1526-1658)

The history of the Delia Sultanate in the battle of Delia Sultanate ended in the Battle of 1826, when the victory over the ruler from the dynasty of Lodi won Babur. He became the founder of the Great Mughal Empire: Babur (1526-1530), Humayun (1530-1556), Akbar (1556-1605), Jahangir (1605-1627), Shah Jahan (1627-1658 .), Aurangzeb (1658-1707), Late Mogola (1707-1858). This era is saturated with events in both external and internal politics of India. Babur Military Strategy, Akbar reform, the great buildings of Shah Jakhan, the intransigence of Aurangseeb glorified the Muslim rulers of India far beyond.

New History of India (1856-1947)

The new history of India is the era of Europeans. The first who opened the way to India were Portuguese. Vasco da Gama reached the shores of India in 1498. They settled on the west coast of the country (Goa-Diou). Their power was always limited to the coastline, they did not go deep into the country. Gradually, they gave up their priorities to the Dutch, who began their activities since 1595. Another applicant for Indian trade owners were the French who came to India in 1664.

The history of the English East India Company originates since 1600, the starting point of the conquest of India is the British. It is customary to be the battle of Plesi 1757, when the English military leader Robert Clive won the ruler of Bengal Siraj-Ud-Double. The establishment of British rule in India was completed by 1856. India became the "pearl" of British colonial possessions. It was like a raw material base and sales market for the UK.

Indians were not ready to put up with their position, uprisings broke out in the country (the Great Sipayst Uprising (1857 - 1859), the Liberation Movement was organized. Leaders for independence such as: Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Ball Gangadhar Tilak, Vinaka Damodar Savarkar adhered to different views on the path to liberation. The great thinker of the 20th century Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi) believed that the way to freedom lies through Akhimsu (non-violence). He promoted that boycott and inaction are much more efficient to force and armed methods of struggle.

Democratic Republic of India

On February 20, 1947, British Prime Minister Cleplent Richard Ettley announced the readiness of the British government to provide India complete independence at the latest - by June 1948. After negotiations with all interested parties and a number of coordinates, the Governor-General India Louis Mountbethten presented the plan of the section of British India into two independent states: Muslim and Hindu. Based on this plan, the British Parliament has developed and adopted an act of independence of India, which received royal approval on July 18, 1947. At midnight, on April 14, 1947, India became an independent state.

August 15, 1947 - Independence Day of India. The first prime minister of India was Javaharlal Nehru. The section of India, carried out according to the religious principle, was accompanied by numerous victims. Those regions where most of the population were Muslims moved to Pakistan, and the rest to India. The disputed territory still remains Kashmir.

According to the Constitution adopted in 1950, India is a sovereign Federal secular democratic republic. Until the 1990s. Power in the country belonged to the party Indian National Congress (Inc.) and the Nehru-Gandhi clan. Since the 1990s India lived in a coalition government. At the parliamentary elections of 2014, the Indian People's Party (BDP) won the decisive victory, and Narendra Modo was elected to the post of Prime Minister.

Historical article: Ancient India

Description: This article is intended for those who are interested in the history of the ancient world and ancient India, teachers, parents and children.
Purpose: Increase the cognitive activity of this topic and to the very history of India.
1. To talk about the origin of the civilization of India.
2. Describe the main stages of Ancient India

3. Ensure the basis of belief.
4. Falling the Empire.

Ancient indium

Ancient indium - This is one of the first civilizations of the world, which brought world culture the largest number of various spiritual values, with a turbulent and complex history. It was here that the greatest religions were born, the empires appeared and destroyed, but from the century in the age of the "incredit" originality of the culture of India was preserved. This civilization was built of large and very well-planned cities with water supply and built pictographic writing, to decipher to this day fail.
At the end of the III of the Millennium BC, the Peninsula of Industan is not far from the Valley of the Indian River, there are two main center of India. This is Harappa and Mohadle-Daro, so on behalf of the river and received such a name. Its development was directly related to the organization of high yields of irrigated agriculture. Nature and climate of India are distinguished by a great variety. Almost the entire Peninsula Industan is busy with a hot, dry climate.
Later from the north-west, the nomadic tribes of Arii penetrate into India, which are mixed with the local population (II thousand BC).
Gradually, India is transformed and many small states arise in the valley of the Gang River, led by rajes from the VII-VI century BC. Epic poems "Mahabharata" and "Ramayana" talk about wars, which were among themselves Raji. Development of agriculture and crafts, as well as concluded wars led to the emergence of property inequality from the Aryans. Raji, headed by robbery, accumulates a lot of wealth. With the help of warriors, they strengthen their power, make it hereditary. Raji and their warriors turn prisoners in slaves. From peasants and artisans, they require payment of filters and work on themselves. Raji gradually turn into the kings of small states. During the wars, these small states are united in one, and then the ruler became Maharaj ("big king").
During this period, the National Religion of Brahmanism (God Brahma), which contributed to the folding of the Society Varna Society. Thus, the entire population of the ancient India was divided into four groups called as casteles (Varna) -Exterable social groups. These were 1) Brahmins (priests) who did not engage in physical labor and lived on revenues from sacrifices; 2) Kshatriya (War), there were also state administration in their hands, between Brahmans and Kshatriyari, the struggle was often conducted; 3) Vaisia \u200b\u200b(artisans, farmers) also treated them various merchants and shepherds; 4) Speuds (servants), the lowest from the caster, all the local population conquered by the arias was also the fourth Casta. I didn't enter any Casta. The caste feature was such that the born in one of the caste could not move to another and there was social not equality in society.
VI century BC It was characterized for a short period with Alexander Macedonian, as he captured North-West India. But after his departure, almost all of India was under the rule of the kings from the Maury Dynasty. Then, this state reached the state at the Tsar Ashok, continuing the Candaguput's conquest policy, Ashoku joins his possessions a number of neighboring regions, as actively contributes to the spread of a new religion for India as Buddhism The earliest of three world religions (268-231 gto AD). Founder Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha).
In the results of the Empire of Maurev to break up into several states (the beginning of II V.Do N.E.). For a short time, the Unified State of Guptes appears in India again (the beginning of IV VDD N.E.). The city of Magada again becomes the center of large slave-owned state - Gupt. The kings of this state committed a number of successful conquering campaigns in the Ganges Valley and Central India. The rulers of small kingdoms paid them tribute. India led extensive land and maritime trading with other countries.
But the final fall of the slave-ownership orders in India and the period of ancient history contributed to the invasion in the middle of the V c. The northern tribes of the Huns, who finally broke the country and formed their power in India.

1. Forgotten civilization in the Indus valley M. F. Albedil
2. India. History of the country of Sygarage Tammita Delgoda

Ancient India received its name from the Indian River flowing through its territory. The land of the Industan Peninsula has become the birthplace of many civilizations, the most ancient settlements are called the excavated cities of Harappu and Mohenjo-Daro, and named the first ancient Indian civilization is called Harapp.

People in ancient India settled near the rivers, and the main part of the country's territory was covered with dense forests, which were inhabited by a variety of animals and birds. They tamed elephants, which in many ways helped them.

Then the elephant was considered an animal endowed with divine power, and the cow was considered a crumine, was a symbol of the mother. The killing of the cow in ancient India was considered a sin.

Life and customs of the ancient Indians

The inhabitants of this peninsula managed to get sugar from sugar cane, this sugar is the most oldest in the world. In the mastered area, they grown vegetables, barley, wheat, rice and cotton, from which it was possible to make light clothes.

People who inhabited ancient India were low growth, with black hair and dark skin.

Residents of ancient India built settlements with straight and spacious streets, and built their homes two or three floors.

When excavations of the ancient city, Harappu were discovered by granaries and palaces, archaeologists were able to conclude that the ruler in ancient India was the Supreme Owner of the Earth, and the grain of public grains distributed between ordinary people in the event of a cramming or starvation.

Early civilization

If we talk about early civilizations in the territory of Ancient India, it is worth noting that in the north in the first half of 2 millennia BC. Arias appeared.

It is noteworthy that their tongue was Sanskrit, a single Indo-European language, from which many modern languages \u200b\u200boccurred, even Russian.

The ancient poems "Ramayana" and "Mahabharata" are preserved, thanks to which you can learn about life, beliefs and myths of the ancient Indians. The poems are talking about wars that occurred between the royal childbirth, and the main character of the poem "Ramayana" is the hero of the frame, who is trying to find his stolen bride.

Religion and culture of the ancient Indians

The ancient religion of the inhabitants of India was Hinduism, which was preserved to the present day. The main gods recognized Brahma - God created the world, Vishnu - God, saving people from disasters, Shiva is the god carrier of cosmic energy, which can save, and destroy.

Other gods were also revered, for example, Krishna - God-shepherd. The basis of the belief of Indians was that not only a person had a soul, but also in plants, animals too.

According to their conviction, the soul was eternal, and might after the end of the earthly life to melted into another body. The next life of the soul depended on behavior and lifestyle, which was at its previous carrier.

They and their faith were very close to the concept of karma, as the law of retaliation. Karma literally meant the case, so for each bad or good act, it was necessary to be given to the extent that the person deserved it.

The special, unique system is also distinguished by the physical, and spiritual improvement of a person - yoga, which was created and developed by Indians.

In the ancient India, the figures were invented, which are now called Arabic and which the whole world enjoys. Books Ancient Indians created from palm leaves, the leaves were bonded between themselves the rope.