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Partial continuity program. Work program "Continuity

Municipal budgetary educational institution
Novonikolsk secondary school

Work program "Continuity"for preschool preparation

for children 5 - 6 years old

2016 year

The school of the future first grader is a comprehensive additional educational service for preparing preschool children for school.

Legal and regulatory framework

An additional educational program for training in groups of adaptation of children to the conditions of school life "Continuity" (hereinafter referred to as the program) was developed on the basis of the following regulatory legal documents:

  • Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 27E-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation";
  • Federal Law No. 124-FZ of July 24, 1998 “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”.
  • SanPiN - 10, approved by the decree of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010, No. 189 registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 03.03.2011, registration number 19993;
  • Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 12.2006 No. 06-1844 "On approximate requirements for additional education programs for children."

The content of the program was developed on the basis of the new Law on Education in the Russian Federation, in accordance with the federal state educational standard of preschool education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 No. 1155 "On approval of the federal state educational standard of preschool education" (registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 14, 2013, registration No. 30384), entered into force on January 1, 2014) and taking into account the federal state educational standard of primary general education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2009 No. 373 "On the approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard for primary general education" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 22, 2009, registration No. 15785), entered into force on January 1, 2010).

The work program is based on the program "Continuity: preparing children 5-7 years old for school" author Fedosova N.А. and others and is adapted to the conditions of the OS.

Focus of the program

The school of the future first grader is a comprehensive additional educational service for preparing preschool children for school. An important role in the process of educational activity of primary school students is played by the level of development of cognitive processes: attention, perception, observation, memory,

imagination, thinking. The development and improvement of cognitive processes will be more effective with purposeful organized work, which will entail the expansion of the cognitive capabilities of children. Thus, the program "Continuity" has a socio-pedagogical focus.

Relevance of the program

Currently, the school is solving the complex problem of education and upbringing of the younger generation - the personal development of the child (readiness and ability for self-development, the formation of motivation for learning and cognition) on the basis of mastering universal educational actions (regulatory, cognitive, communicative), cognition and mastery of the world. In the sphere of economic and political transformations of our society, the primary school teacher is required to improve the entire system of the educational process, to implement continuity between preschool and primary education. One of these areas is preschool preparation.

The relevance of the program "Continuity" consists in solving the issues of equalizing the starting capabilities of children, taking into account the problem of different levels of preparedness of children, which makes it difficult for them to adapt to the conditions of school life.

The educational program "Continuity" involves the use of modern pedagogical technologies that allow to activate the activity and thought processes of the child, to include him in the changed social environment. The program presents a system of interrelated classes, built in a certain logic, aimed at the formation of the necessary level of psychological readiness for school in preschoolers, communication with peers and teachers, and motivational readiness for school.

Pedagogical feasibility of the program

One of the most pressing problems of the modern school is the growth in the number of pupils with school maladjustment already in the first grade. Very often the result of academic failure, school neuroses, increased anxiety is the unpreparedness of the child for learning. These phenomena persist and persist for a long time in children who enter school. The first year of study is very difficult for a child: his usual way of life changes, he adapts to new social conditions, new activities, unfamiliar adults and peers. Adaptation proceeds more unfavorably in children with impaired physical and psychological health, as well as in those preschoolers who did not attend preschool institutions. A child's admission to school is the starting point of a new stage of development. Teachers take into account the difficulties of the adaptation period and are interested in making it less painful for children. Practice shows that the greatest difficulties in primary school are experienced not by those children who do not have a large amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, but those who show intellectual passivity, who do not have the desire and habit to think, the desire to learn something new.

Preschool preparation creates equal starting conditions for obtaining primary education, makes available high-quality education at the level of primary general education.

Purpose of the program: comprehensive development of the child, which will ensure the formation of readiness for learning in primary school in the future student, the development of those intellectual qualities, creative abilities and personality traits that ensure the success of the adaptation of the first grader, academic achievement and a positive attitude towards school.

The main objectives of the program:

  • organization of the process of teaching, upbringing and development of children at the stage of preschool education, taking into account the needs and capabilities of children of this age;
  • preservation and strengthening of the physical, mental health of children and their emotional well-being;
  • development of personal qualities of children;
  • the formation of value attitudes and orientations in preschoolers;
  • development of the creative activity of children;
  • the formation and development of mental functions of the cognitive and emotional-volitional sphere;
  • the formation of the prerequisites for universal educational actions, the development of communication skills;
  • development of skills to act according to the rules.
  • the formation of social personality traits of the future first grader, necessary for successful adaptation to school.

Adapting to school

Adaptation is a natural state of a person, manifested in adaptation (getting used to) to new living conditions, new activities, new social contacts, new social roles. The significance of this period of entering an unusual life situation for children is manifested in the fact that not only the success of mastering educational activities, but also the comfort of being at school, the child's health, his attitude to school and learning depend on the well-being of its course.

Adaptation to schooling goes through:

  • the formation of basic skills necessary for teaching at school;
  • expansion of knowledge about the surrounding objective world, natural and social environment;
  • enrichment of the child's active vocabulary, coherent speech;
  • logical and symbolic propaedeutics.

Planned result: favorable course of adaptation of first-graders to school.

The main indicators of the child's favorable adaptation:
preserving the physical, mental and social health of children;
establishing contact with students, with a teacher;
formation of adequate behavior;
mastering the skills of educational activities.

Age characteristics of children 5-7 years old.

The "Continuity" program is designed for children 5-7 years of age. At this age, there is an intensive development of the intellectual, moral-volitional and emotional spheres of the personality. The development of personality and activity is characterized by the emergence of new qualities and needs: knowledge about objects and phenomena that the child did not observe directly is expanding. Children are interested in the connections that exist between objects and phenomena. The child's penetration into these connections largely determines his development. The teacher forms the desire to solve new, more complex problems of cognition, communication, activity.

Based on the need for self-affirmation and recognition of their capabilities on the part of adults, characteristic of older preschoolers, the teacher provides conditions for the development of children's independence, initiative, and creativity. He constantly creates situations that encourage children to actively apply their knowledge and skills, sets them more and more difficult tasks, develops their will, supports the desire to overcome difficulties, bring the work started to the end, aims at finding new, creative solutions. It is important to provide children with the opportunity to independently solve the assigned tasks, aim them at finding several options for solving one problem, support children's initiative and creativity, show children the growth of their achievements, make them feel joy and pride from successful independent actions.

The development of independence is facilitated by the development by children of the ability to set a goal (or accept it from a teacher), think over the path to achieving it, implement their plan, evaluate the result from the position of the goal. The task of developing these skills creates the basis for the active mastering of all types of activities by children.

Creativity is the highest form of children's independence. The aim of the program is to awaken interest in creativity. This is facilitated by the creation of creative situations in play, theatrical, artistic and visual activities, in manual labor, verbal creativity. Particular attention is paid to the development of cognitive activity and interests of children. The teacher pays attention to new, unusual features of the object, makes guesses, turns to children for help, focuses on experimentation, reasoning, assumption.

At this age, children begin to show interest in future schooling. The main thing is to connect the developing interest of children in a new social position (“I want to become a schoolboy”) with the feeling of growth in their achievements, with the need to learn and master new things. The teacher seeks to develop the attention and memory of children, forms elementary self-control, the ability to self-regulate their actions. This is facilitated by a variety of games that require children to compare objects on several grounds, search for errors, memorize, apply a general rule, and perform actions with conditions. The condition for the full development of older preschoolers is meaningful communication with peers and adults.

In the process of interacting with the outside world, the preschooler, acting as an active person, cognizes him, and at the same time cognizes himself. Through self-knowledge, the child comes to a certain knowledge about himself and the world around him. The experience of self-knowledge creates the preconditions for the formation of the ability of preschoolers to overcome negative relationships with peers, conflict situations. Knowing your capabilities and characteristics helps to come to an understanding of the value of the people around you.

Distinctive features of the program

The program is developed on the basis of the educational and methodological complex "School of Russia". This teaching material is structured in such a way that all its most important components: subject content, didactic support, methodological support and artistic and polygraphic performance are aimed at achieving the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education, take into account the requirements for its structure and content, reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard.

The School of Russia program is available for preschoolers, guarantees the achievement of a positive result in learning and real opportunities for personal development, as it is built on such principles as: taking into account age characteristics, gradually increasing difficulties, openness to new things.

The concept of the training program for future first-graders is based on the following idea: preschoolers are just preparing for systematic education and this determines the choice of content, methods and forms of organizing children's education.

The concept of the program "Continuity" considers preschool and primary education in the system of lifelong education, offers a personality-oriented model of preparation for school and allows you to organize the systematic preparation of children for learning in primary school. The program "Continuity" and a set of manuals have been prepared by leading experts in preschool and primary education. The benefits of the kit allow you to ensure the mental and physical development of children at the level that is necessary for their successful inclusion in educational activities and further education at school. The set "Continuity" does not allow duplication of materials from the first grade of a general education school and makes it possible to prepare a child for learning in any system.

Educational area

Program module "Continuity"

Set "School of Russia"


Fedosova N.A.

"From word to letter"

Goretsky V. G. et al. "ABC"

Goretsky V. G. "Recipes"

Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G.

"Russian language"

Mathematics and Computer Science

Volkova S.I.

"Mathematical Steps"

Moro M.I., Stepanova S.V., Volkova S.I. "Mathematics"

Social Science and Natural Science

A.A. Pleshakov "Green path"

Pleshakov A. A. "The World Around"

The main principles of preparation for training are:

Unity of development, training and education;
- taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children;
- A complex approach;
- systematic and consistent;
- variability and variance;
- consciousness and creative activity;
- clarity.

General characteristics of the program

In the process of studying these sections of the program, children will gain knowledge about the world around them and practical ways of interacting with it. The program is aimed at general mental development and activation of the imagination. In the course of the implementation of the content of the program, the methods of mental actions will be formed in children: comparison, generalization, classification. The skills of voluntary activity, skills of observing the object will be formed. The development of speech, fine motor skills and graphic skills will continue, the development of the ability to compose a short story from a picture, the ability to arbitrarily keep attention on the subject of discussion, the vocabulary and general outlook of children will expand, the development of associative thinking as the basis of aesthetic reaction, the development of aesthetic taste and general culture of the child.

A playful form of classes and an atmosphere of benevolence will allow the child to avoid stress. Tasks are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of children and create situations of success for them. Day after day, the child will independently make "discoveries" and actively participate in learning. In the course of the implementation of the program in children, through creativity, the ability to invent, create new things, the personality of the child is best formed, his independence and cognitive world develops. Thus, during the work of the school of the future first grader, not only the acquaintance of the teacher and the student takes place, but the main task of the program is also solved: reducing the adaptation period when the child enters school.

Academic-thematic plan

Module "Green Path" A. Pleshakov ()

Name of sections

Total hours

The world around us and our safety.

Cosmic bodies. Natural phenomena.

The world of plants and mushrooms.

Animal world.


(Integrated course.Development of speech. Preparation for learning to read and write)

Module "Mathematical Steps" S. Volkov (Introduction to Mathematics)

Module “Physical culture. Health"

Name of sections

Total hours

Gymnastics. Climbing and climbing. Games "With the ball under the arc", "Crawl - do not drop."

Athletics. Walking, running. Games "Who will get together sooner", "Frog and Heron".

Relay races. Walking and running with obstacles. The game "Who will move the pins faster?"

Rope games. "Who is faster?", "Who is next?", "Who can?"

Sport games.

Module "Construction"

Name of sections

Total hours

Marking "by eye". Flexion. Making a paper cup.

Application "Hedgehog". Assembly: gluing, gluing.

Performing modeling techniques - kneading, rolling. Craft "Favorite animal".

Finishing - applique made of natural fish material.

Module "Fine Arts"

Module "Green Path" A. Pleshakov

Course "Familiarization with the surrounding world"

The work program "Green Path" was developed on the basis of the program of N. A. Fedosova "Continuity. Preparing children for school ", the author's program. A. Pleshakov" Green path ", approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow 2012) in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary Education.

The work program is designed for 13 hours per year (1 lesson per week for 30 minutes).

A.A. Pleshakov "Green Path" Textbook for preparing children for school. - M .: Education, 2015.
N.A. Fedosov. The program “Continuity. Preparing children for school ”. - M .: Education, 2015

The course "Acquaintance with the surrounding world" is presented by the "Green Path" program.

The "Green Path" program is aimed at developing universal prerequisites for educational activities, cognitive interests and intellectual abilities in children, forming the foundations of life safety and environmental awareness.

This course provides the systematization and scientific correction of the natural history ideas accumulated by children in preschool age. At the same time, this is also the experience of consistently introducing the child to the methods of cognition inherent in natural science disciplines, following which you need to see as much as possible with your own eyes, do it yourself. The foregoing determines the selection of the course content and the nature of the activities of children in the classroom.

The content of the course is structured as a synthesis of various components of natural science and environmental knowledge with the inclusion of available elementary information from the field of astronomy, physics, biology, ecology. At the same time, a sufficiently holistic initial picture of the world is created, which becomes the foundation for the deployment of the corresponding educational content in primary school.

The basis for preparing children for learning is cognitive and research activity: direct observations in nature, actions with objects, carried out in an entertaining, playful way, which is natural for a child of this age. This activity is complemented by productive (constructive) activities: drawing, coloring, cutting out figures, sculpting, modeling, etc. In this case, the main attention is paid to the formation of universal prerequisites for educational activity - the ability to work according to the rule and model, listen to an adult and follow his instructions, and also the development of the creative abilities of children.

When mastering the course, children master such important skills for subsequent learning as the ability to highlight the properties of objects (shape, color, size), find their common and distinctive features, divide objects into groups, compose a whole from parts, record the state of an object and its change (phenomenon ), etc. Thus, the formation of the prerequisites for universal educational actions (primarily cognitive), which is necessary for the successful mastering of the primary school program, is carried out. The greatest attention is paid to logical actions: analysis, synthesis, comparison, serialization, classification, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, construction of a logical chain of reasoning.

The course material is presented in several sections. For the organization of observations in nature, recognition of natural objects in a natural environment, the sequence of consideration of individual issues can be changed relative to the order of their presentation in the course. First of all, this refers to the section "Seasons", the materials of which are studied in accordance with seasonal changes in nature. However, other issues of the course, as well as the sequence of studying the sections as a whole, can be changed at the discretion of the teacher.

The world around us and our safety (1 h)

The beauty and diversity of the surrounding world. The joy of knowing the world, communicating with people. Reasoning about objects and situations potentially dangerous to humans.

Traffic safety rules as pedestrian and vehicle passenger. Fire safety. Rules of conduct when dealing with strangers. Manufacturing of a traffic light model.

Stars, Sun and Moon (2 hours)

Observation of the starry sky (with the help of adults), highlighting individual constellations (two or three). The sun and its role for life on Earth. Observing the moon in the sky (with the help of adults). Modeling the location of the Sun, Earth and Moon relative to each other. Modeling: Moon, Earth, Sun. Game "Journey to the Moon".

Adventures of a sun bunny. Observing light rays. Light and Shadow: staging shadow theater scenes.

The rainbow is the decoration of the world. Children's stories about their impressions of watching the rainbow. Painting the rainbow in the picture.

Safety rules for observing the stars, the moon, the sun, games with a sunbeam. How a sunbeam can set a forest on fire and how to avoid it.

Wonderful world of plants and mushrooms (4 h)

Plants in our area: recognizing them in nature (using the Atlas-Identifier). Herbaceous plants. Shrubs. Trees. Ornamental plants; coloring images, drawing, making applications. Modeling of vegetables and fruits from plasticine, differing in size, shape, color. Growing plants from seeds by children. Edible and poisonous plants, their comparison, identification of the most important distinguishing features. Medicinal plants.

Mosses and ferns are also plants. Drawing moss and fern sprigs from a natural pattern.

Mushrooms are not plants. A variety of mushrooms, their recognition in drawings, dummies and in nature (with the help of a determinant atlas), coloring images. Edible and poisonous mushrooms, their comparison, identification of the most important distinguishing features. Human attitude to plants and mushrooms: what should it be? Reasoning based on observations.

Safety rules for picking berries, medicinal plants, mushrooms.

Our friends are animals (4 hours)

Animals of our area. Inhabitants of the living corner. Pets. Dog breeds. Drawing your pet.

Insects (butterflies, beetles, etc.), their recognition in drawings and in nature (using an atlas-guide), coloring images. Collective production of the model "Butterflies in the meadow" (gluing images of butterflies, decorating a picture or a model of a flowering meadow with them). Observing the behavior of fish in the aquarium, discussing the conditions necessary for the life of fish. A variety of fish, comparing them in size, body shape, color, identifying the relationship between structural features and living conditions of fish. Mental completion of images of "hidden" fish.

Observation of the behavior of sparrows, jackdaws, crows and other birds of the closest natural environment (features of movement, nutrition, sounds made, relationships with other birds, etc.). A variety of birds, comparing them in size and color. Arrangement of bird images in order of increasing (decreasing) sizes.

Observation of squirrels and animals from a living corner. A variety of animals, comparing them in size, body shape, color. Arrangement of images of animals in the order of increasing (decreasing) sizes.

Modeling and coloring of images of fish, birds, animals, their recognition in drawings and in nature.

Frogs, snails, worms are also animals. The need to respect them. Coloring images of a snail and an earthworm. The attitude of people to animals: what should it be? Reasoning based on observations.

Safety rules when meeting and communicating with animals.

Seasons (2 hrs)

Observation of seasonal changes in nature. Seasons, their most important features. Simulation of a sequence of seasons. Revealing causal relationships between various seasonal changes (position of the sun, weather, life of plants and animals, human activities), their display using the simplest models.

Different attitudes of man towards nature (based on the observation of examples of positive and negative attitudes). Assessment of human behavior in nature (own and others), the simplest rules of behavior.

Safety rules in different seasons of the year. Safety on the water, on ice, on slippery roads. Prevention of colds.

Planned results:

  • possess universal prerequisites for educational activity - be able to work according to the rule and model, listen to an adult and follow his instructions;
  • to recognize the studied plants and animals in drawings and in nature;
  • list the seasons in the correct sequence and briefly describe their signs;
  • apply the acquired knowledge and methods of activity to solve new cognitive tasks, propose your own concept of constructive activity and translate it into a drawing, craftwork, model, etc.;
  • show a cautious and prudent attitude towards potentially dangerous situations for humans, observe elementary rules of road safety and safe behavior in the natural world;
  • to show an interested and careful attitude to the natural environment, to observe the simplest rules of behavior in nature.

Module "From word to letter" N. Fedosov

Integrated course "Development of speech and preparation for learning to read and write"

The working program for the course "From sound to letter" is developed on the basis of the program

N. A. Fedosova “Continuity. The program for preparing children 5-7 years old for school ", the author's program of N. A. Fedosova" From word to letter ", pre-school training programs.

The work program is designed for 26 hours per year (1 lesson per week for 30 minutes).

To implement the program content, a tutorial is used:

N.A. Fedosov. "From word to letter." Textbook for preparing children for school. In two parts. Moscow: Education, 2015 .

The course "Development of speech and preparation for teaching reading and writing" is presented by the program "From word to letter".

The program "From word to letter" is aimed at the diversified development of the child through various types of activities that perform the functions of developing connected speech, phonemic hearing, creative thinking, coordination and fine motor skills of movements, muscles of the motor apparatus of the writing hand, visual and motor factors as a single whole action. The course prepares for teaching reading, writing and forms the basic skills of the culture of speech.

  • creating conditions for the formation of a multilaterally developed personality of a child (intellectual, spiritual and moral, aesthetic, emotional development), creating the prerequisites for positive motivation for learning at school;
  • practical preparation of children for learning to read and write;
  • the formation of an elementary culture of speech, improvement at an accessible level of the skills of coherent oral speech of children.

A distinctive feature of this section of the program, in comparison with the alreadyexisting, is the implementation of the integration of work on preparing children for learning to read with work on the development of their oral coherent speech and preparation for learning to write.

The main tasks of the development of speech at the preparatory stage are:

  • expansion, enrichment and activation of the vocabulary of children;
  • the formation of the grammatical structure of the child's speech;
  • improving the skills of oral coherent speech, monologue and dialogical (answering questions, retelling a story, fairy tales, composing a story based on a picture, drawings and illustrations for a work, a story based on personal observations and impressions, composing riddles, stories, verbal drawing, etc.) ;
  • creation of speech utterances of various types: descriptions (of a person, animals, objects, premises); reasoning (read your favorite poem. How do you like it? Tell your favorite fairy tale. Why do you like it more than others? etc.); narration (various types of retelling, story).

The development of speech is carried out to a large extent on works of fiction, which contributes to the enrichment of the speech of children, the expansion of their vocabulary, their spiritual, moral and aesthetic development, prepares for an adequate perception of literary works in the course "Literary reading" in elementary school and the course "Literature" in basic school, stimulates the development of the reader's interest, educates the reader, which is one of the urgent tasks of the modern school. In addition, the material for activities that promote the speech development of children are the world around the child, phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, works of various types of art (music, painting), etc.

The purpose of preparation for learning to read is to create conditions for meaningful and conscious reading, educating an aesthetically developed and emotional reader.

In the process of reading (listening) works of oral folk art and literary works, an intensive multifaceted development of the child takes place: intellectual, moral, emotional, aesthetic, speech; children develop a stable attention to the word in a literary text (which is the basis of work on the study of literature in primary and secondary school), the ability to perceive the word as the main element of a work of fiction.

An indispensable condition for successful work in preparing for reading is the creation of conditions for the formation of a persistent and stable interest in works of fiction in preschoolers. This is accomplished in several ways. First of all, a carefully thought-out selection of works for reading: these should be works that are samples of children's fiction, corresponding to the age and psychological characteristics of children, representing different literary genres (fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings). In addition, the use of predominantly game forms of work (staging episodes, game improvisations based on plots of literary works, various competitions, etc.).

Work is underway to correct and develop phonemic hearing, to develop a distinct and clear pronunciation of sounds, syllables, words.

In preparation for training, considerable time is devoted to work on the sound analysis of words, the concepts of "vowel sounds" and "consonants" are introduced, which are recorded using various chips.

If the basis of preparation for learning to read and work on improving oral speech are auditory sensations, then in preparation for teaching writing, technical actions predominate.

Preparation for learning to write is a rather complicated process, since, in addition to developed auditory sensations, the child must have a well-prepared motor apparatus, especially the small muscles of the arm; developed coordination of movements, fine motor skills and processes such as perception of space, attention, imagination, memory, thinking.

When writing, the problem of interaction of visual and motor analyzers arises, since the movements of the eye and hand occur within the contour of the perceived object simultaneously.

Thus, the program "From Word to Letter" solves the problem of preparing children for learning to read, write and improve their speech.

Learning is based on play and is practical in nature. Speech games, construction, work on the formation of fine motor skills and the development of coordination of movements are of particular importance in preparing children for teaching their native language. Speech games develop thinking, speech, attention, imagination. These are, for example, the games "Suggest a word", "Make up a word", "Guess a word", "Make a riddle", "Continue a fairy tale", "Continue a story", "Repeat quickly and correctly", "Tell about a toy (color, shape , size) "," Name the sound "," Pick up words for a given sound "," Guess the word ", etc.

  • the development of the sound culture of speech in order to prepare for teaching literacy and reading (the ability to listen attentively to speech, to individual sounds, work on the correct pronunciation of sounds, teaching the correct intonation, controlling the tempo of speech). Work on the development of the articulatory apparatus (development of correct diction, voice power, highlighting especially significant words, etc.);
  • reading poems by Russian and foreign poets, fairy tales, stories, proverbs, sayings, riddles;
  • conversation about what the teacher has read (answers to questions related to the emotional perception of the work, understanding the plot, the characters of the main characters, the ability to hear, perceive by ear expressive language means - epithets, comparisons, of course, without using terminology);
  • memorization and expressive reading.

Planned results:

  • navigate situations corresponding to various spheres of communication;
  • know and use polite words (start and end of communication);
  • know the stable formulas of speech etiquette - greeting, farewell, gratitude, request;
  • be aware that in different situations you can speak in different ways: loudly - quietly, quickly - slowly, fun - sad, etc.;
  • articulate the sounds of Russian speech, understand that correct articulation, good diction contribute to effective communication;
  • evaluate the sound of your voice in terms of pronunciation, tempo, volume;
  • address the interlocutor when it is appropriate, respond to the appeal;
  • use appropriate situations, pace, volume;
  • follow socially accepted rules of conduct when talking;
  • look at the interlocutor, not interrupt the speaker, use facial expressions and gestures that do not interfere, but help the interlocutor to understand what has been said;
  • communicate certain information, agree on joint activities;
  • observe a culture of listening: polite listening, attentive listening;
  • pronounce all sounds correctly;
  • pronounce words distinctly and clearly;
  • select sounds from words;
  • find words with a specific sound;
  • determine the place of sound in a word;
  • observe orthoepic pronunciation norms;
  • make sentences for key words, on a given topic;
  • compose stories, fairy tales from a picture, from a series of pictures;
  • retell a fairy tale, story (small in content) based on supporting illustrations;
  • observe basic hygiene rules;
  • navigate the notebook page.

Preschoolers should know:

  • the difference between a letter and a sound;
  • configuration of block letters;
  • assignment of uppercase and lowercase letters;
  • the difference between capital letters and printed ones.

Preschoolers should be able to:

  • navigate the notebook page;
  • move the writing hand from the bottom along the line, from left to right, right to left, etc;
  • print letters;
  • distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters.

Module "Mathematical Steps" S. Volkov.

Course "Introduction to Mathematics"

The work program for the course "Mathematical Steps" is developed on the basis of the program

N. A. Fedosova “Continuity. The program for preparing children 5-7 years old for school ", the author's program of S.I. Volkova "Mathematical Steps", recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary Education.

The work program is designed for 26 hours per year (1 lesson per week for 30 minutes).

To implement the software content, the following are used:

  • Volkova S.I. "Mathematical Steps": A textbook for preparing children for school. - M .: Education, 2015.
  • N.A. Fedosov. Program "Continuity Program for preparing children 5-7 years old for school". - M .: Education, 2015.

The basis for the selection of mathematical content, its structuring and the development of forms of presentation of material for the mathematical preparation of children for school is based on the principle of focusing on the paramount importance of the general development of the child, including his sensory and intellectual development, using the capabilities and features of mathematics.

In the mathematical content of the preparatory period, three main lines are combined: arithmetic (numbers from 0 to 10, digit and number, basic properties of natural numbers, etc.), geometric (prototypes of geometric figures in the surrounding reality, shape, size, location on a plane and in space of the simplest geometric figures, making their models from paper, etc.) and content-logical, built mainly on the mathematical material of the first two lines and providing conditions for the development of attention, perception, imagination, memory, thinking in children.

The course implements the main methodological idea - the development of cognitive processes in children will be more active and effective if it is carried out in the process of the child's activity, saturated with mathematical content, guided by a special selection and structuring of tasks, the form of their presentation, accessible, interesting and exciting for children of this age ...

Among the methods used in the period of preparing children for school in mathematics, practical methods, the method of didactic games, and the modeling method are proposed as the main ones.

These methods are used in various combinations with each other, while the leading method remains the practical method that allows children to assimilate and comprehend mathematical material, conducting an experiment, observing, performing actions with objects, models of geometric shapes, sketching, painting, etc.

Much attention is paid to the formation of the skills to communicate with the teacher, with other children, work in the same rhythm with everyone, when necessary, work with counting and geometric handouts, use a notebook with a printed basis, etc.

The use of specially selected mathematical content and methods of working with it will bring the general development of children to the level necessary for the successful study of mathematics in school.

Comparison of objects (figures), groups of objects in shape (round, not round, triangular, rectangular, square, etc.); in size (long, short; narrow, wide; high, low; longer, shorter, the same, etc.); by location on the plane and in space (right, left, center, bottom, top, right, left, above, below, inside the figure, outside the figure, etc.); by color, by the material from which the items are made, by purpose, etc.

Numbers from 0 to 10. Counting objects. Oral numbering of numbers: names, sequence and designation of numbers from 0 to 10. Number and number. Reading numbers. Comparison of the numbers of the first ten.

The main characteristics of the sequence of natural numbers: the presence of the first element, the connection of the previous and subsequent elements, the ability to continue the sequence further, no matter where we stop.

Simple geometric shapes : triangle, rectangle (square), circle.

  • attention: the simplest labyrinths, games "Cheerful account", "Compare pictures", "Find common elements", etc .;
  • imagination: dividing figures into parts, composing figures from parts, composing figures from models of segments according to specified properties, transforming one figure into another, etc.;
  • memory: visual and auditory dictations using
  • arithmetic and geometric material;
  • thinking: highlighting essential features, identifying

patterns and their use to complete the task, analysis, synthesis, comparison, construction of simple reasoning, etc.

Planned results:

Know the difference between a digit and a single digit; names of single-digit numbers, be able to count to 10 and in reverse order, determine where there are more (less) objects, determine the number of objects in a given set and orally denote the result by a number;

Know the name of the main geometric shapes (triangle, rectangle, circle),

to distinguish them, to find their prototypes in the surrounding reality;

Conduct the simplest logical reasoning and the simplest mental operations (compare objects, indicating similarities and differences, classify objects according to given criteria, identify simple patterns and use them to complete tasks, etc.).

Preschoolers should know:

Composition of the first ten numbers;
- how to get each number of the first ten (add or subtract 1);
- numbers 0-9, signs +, -, =;
- name of the current month, sequence of days of the week;
- coins in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 50 kopecks, 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles.

Preschoolers should be able to:

Give numbers in forward and backward order within 10;
- correlate the figure with the number of items;
- use arithmetic signs of actions;
- compose and solve problems in one action for addition and subtraction;
- measure the length of objects using a conditional measure;
- make up of several triangles (quadrangles) larger figures;
- divide a circle, a square into 2 and 4 equal parts;
- navigate on a piece of checkered paper.
- to conduct observations;
- compare, highlight the specified and new properties of the object, its essential and non-essential characteristics;
- to understand the relativity of the properties of an object;
- draw conclusions based on the results of observations, check their truth;
- be able to use the findings for further work.

Expected results

The expected results of the program implementation include:

Providing uniform starting opportunities for future first graders;
- development of the personality of a senior preschool child;
- the formation of his readiness for systematic training.

The program "Continuity" is aimed at preparing the senior preschooler to achieve personal, metasubject (regulatory, cognitive, communicative) and subject results.

The personal results of preschool training are the formation of the following skills:

Define and express, under the guidance of a teacher, the simplest general rules of conduct (ethical standards);
- in the situations of communication and cooperation proposed by the teacher, relying on common for all simple rules of behavior, make a choice of what to do (with the support of the teacher);
- with the support of the teacher and others, to assess their own actions and the actions of other people;
- to understand that the assessment of his actions and motives is determined not so much by his own attitude to himself (I am “good”), but primarily by how his actions look in the eyes of the people around him;
- express your emotions in an ethical manner;
- understand the emotions of other people, sympathize, empathize;
- express your attitude to the heroes of literary works, their actions;
- explain whether he wants to go to school or not, and why.

Formation of positive motivation for learning activities: "I want to learn!" - the most desired planned personal result.

The meta-subject results of preschool preparation are the formation of the following universal educational actions (hereinafter referred to as UUD): regulatory, cognitive, communicative.

Regulatory UUD:

Learn to define and formulate the goal of the activity in the classroom with the help of a teacher;
- learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher;
- learn to pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson;
- learn to express your assumption (version) based on work with the material (illustrations) of the textbook;
- learn to distinguish a correctly completed task from an incorrect one;
- to study together with the teacher and other children, to give an emotional assessment of their activities in the classroom and the activities of the whole class;
- learn to evaluate the results of their work.
Cognitive UUD:
- learn to navigate in your knowledge system: to distinguish new from the already known;
- learn to navigate in the textbook (spread, in the table of contents, in the legend);
- learn to find answers to questions in illustrations;
- compare and group different objects (numbers, geometric shapes, object pictures);
- to classify and generalize based on life experience;
- learn to draw conclusions as a result of joint work with the teacher;
- learn to convert information from one form to another (compose mathematical stories based on subject drawings and simple models, replace a word, sentence with a diagram).

Communicative UUD:

Give your last name, first name, home address;
- listen and understand the speech of others;
- learn to focus on the position of other people, different from your own, to respect a different point of view;
- learn to formalize your thoughts orally;
- build statements that are understandable for the partner;
- be able to ask questions in order to use them to obtain the necessary information from a partner in the activity;
- Together with the teacher, negotiate with other children about the rules of behavior and communication and learn to follow them;
- maintain a benevolent attitude towards each other not only in the case of a common interest, but also in situations of conflicts of interest that often arise in practice;
- learn to perform different roles when working together.

The subject results of preschool training are the formation of skills:

  • improvement and development of oral speech, preparation for learning to read and write
- answer the teacher's questions about the content of the piece he heard;
- ask your questions about the content of the literary work heard;
- recite a short poem by heart;
- construct phrases and sentences;
- determine the number of words in a sentence;
- compose an oral story based on a picture, a series of plot pictures;
- highlight individual sounds in words, determine their sequence, select words for a given letter;
- divide words into syllables, highlighting the stressed syllable;
- distinguish between sounds and letters;
- to recognize and distinguish the letters of the Russian alphabet;
- hold the pen and pencil correctly;
- accurately carry out hatching, coloring, tracing along the contour.
  • Introduction to Mathematics:
- continue the given pattern;
- call numbers from 1 to 10 in forward and backward order;
- keep count of items within 10;
- to correlate the number of objects and the number;
- compare groups of objects using pairing;
- compose math stories and answer the questions posed by the teacher: How much was it? How much has become? How much is left?;
- classify objects by shape, color, size, common name;
- to establish spatio-temporal relations with the help of words: from left - to right, above - below, in front - behind, close - far, above - below, earlier - later, yesterday - today - tomorrow;
- recognize known geometric shapes (triangle, circle, square, rectangle) among the proposed and among the objects of the surrounding reality;
- outline the given geometric shapes on a sheet of paper in a cage and depict the simplest shapes "by hand";
- to navigate in space using yourself or a selected object as a reference point, as well as on a piece of paper.
  • The world:
- to recognize the studied plants and animals in drawings and in nature;
- name the main signs of the seasons;
- list the seasons and days in the correct order.

Thus, preschool education ensures a smooth transition from preschool childhood to primary school for children with different starting capabilities, i.e. allows you to realize the main goal of the continuity of two adjacent ages - to create conditions for the child's successful adaptation to schooling, to develop his new social roles and new leading activities.

Terms of the program implementation

The program is being implemented for 1 year. Teaching children is designed for 26 academic weeks, the total number of teaching hours is 78.

Forms and mode of training

  • groups are formed from children 5 - 7 years of age;
  • duration of classes in preschool groups - 30 minutes;
  • form of classes - game, motor (group);
  • class schedule: Saturday from 10-00 to 12-00.
  • Mode of study: 1 time per week - 3 lessons, 30 minutes each, with breaks of 10 minutes for rest;

Methodological support of the program.

The course "Familiarization with the surrounding world" is presented by the program

Green Path.

To implement the software content, the following are used:

A.A. Pleshakov Green Path: A Study Guide to Prepare Children for School. - M .: Education.

The course "Development of speech and preparation for teaching reading and writing" is presented by the program "From word to letter".

To implement the software content, the following are used:

Fedosova N.A. From word to letter: Textbook for preparing children for school: at 2 o'clock - M .: Education,
- N.A. Fedosova. The program “Continuity. Preparing children for school ”. - M .: Education, 2015.

The course "Introduction to Mathematics" is presented by the program

"Mathematical Steps".

To implement the software content, the following are used:

Volkova S.I. Mathematical Steps: A Study Guide to Prepare Children for School. - M .: Education.

N.A. Fedosov. The program “Continuity. Preparing children for school ”. - M .: Education, 2015

Additionally, the program is provided with:

Methodical types of products (game development, conversations);

Didactic materials;

Manuals for group and individual work;


Audio and video recordings;

Geometric shapes.

List of literature for students and teachers

  1. ON THE. Fedosova, E.V. Kovalenko, I.A. Dyadyunova, A.A. Pleshakov, S.I. Volkova and others. Program for preparing children 5-7 years old for school. "Succession". Moscow "Education", 2015

Literature for parents

  1. Kovalenko E.V., Novik E.A. Is Your Child Ready for School: A Parent's Guide. Moscow "Education", 2015

Calendar-thematic planning

course "Familiarization with the world around", program "Green path"

Lesson topic

The world around and human security

The world around and human security.

Cosmic bodies. Natural phenomena.

Starry sky. Sun and moon.

Natural phenomena. Folk omens.

The world of plants and mushrooms.

Plants and their variety. Parts of plants.

Herbs. Shrubs. Trees. Ornamental plants.

Edible and poisonous plants. Medicinal plants.

Mushrooms. Mosses and ferns.

Animal world.

Animals and their diversity. Body parts of animals. Pets.

Insects. The structure of insects and their diversity.

Fish. The structure of fish and their variety.

Birds. The structure of birds and their diversity.

Beasts. The structure of insects and their diversity.


Seasons. Seasonal changes in nature.

Calendar-thematic planning of the integrated course

“Improvement and development of oral speech. "Preparation for teaching reading and writing", the program "From word to letter".

P / p No.

Lesson topic




The development of coherent speech. Picture story. Sentence concept. Scheme of the proposal. Drawing up proposals for the scheme.

Syllable. Division of words into syllables. Stress. Stressed and unstressed syllables.

The concept of letters and sound. Vowels and consonants.

Letter and sound a. Reading syllables and words.

Letter and sound o. Reading syllables and words.

Letter and sound u. Reading syllables and words.

Letter and sound and. The letter and sound are s. Letter and sound e. Reading syllables and words.

Letter I. Reading syllables and words.

The letter y. Reading syllables and words.

The letter e. The letter ё. Reading syllables and words.

Hard and soft consonants. Reading syllables and words.

Letter l, sounds l, l̓. Letter m, sounds m, m̓. Reading syllables and words.

Letter n, sounds n, n̓. The letter p, sounds p, p̓. Reading syllables and words.

Letter в, sounds в, в̓. The letter f, sounds f, f̓. Reading syllables and words.

Letter z, sounds z, z̓. Letter c, sounds c, c̓. Reading syllables and words.

Voiced and voiceless consonants. Reading syllables and words.

Letters w and w, sounds w, w. Reading syllables and words.

Letter b, sounds b, b̓. The letter p, sounds п, п̓. Reading syllables and words.

Letter d, sounds d, d̓. The letter t, sounds t, t̓. Reading syllables and words.

The letter k, sounds k, k̓. The letter g, sounds г, г̓. Reading syllables and words.

Letter x, sounds x, x̓. Reading syllables and words.

The letter c, the sound of c. Reading syllables and words.

The letter is, the sound is. Reading syllables and words.

The letter is h, the sound is ch̓. Reading syllables and words.

Letter y, sound. Reading syllables and words.

Letters b and b are signs. Reading words.

P / p No.

Lesson topic




Painting the space around the path. Comparison and juxtaposition of the shape of objects. The contour of objects. Trace the contour of objects along the plotted points. Comparison and juxtaposition of the shapes of objects.

The contour of objects. Trace the contour of objects along the plotted points. Comparison and juxtaposition of the shapes of objects. Straight and oblique lines (sticks), semi-ovals, ovals. Finding suggested shapes in painted objects. Straight and oblique lines (sticks), semi-ovals, ovals. Finding suggested shapes in painted objects.

The contour of the object and coloring it inside. Lines that form the inner contour of objects. Trace the contour of objects on the working line. Working line, superscript and subscript lines. Work in the working line from left to right.

Letter A (uppercase and lowercase). Work in the working line.

The letter O (uppercase and lowercase). Work in the working line.

The letter U (uppercase and lowercase). Work in the working line.

The letter I, Y, E (uppercase and lowercase). Work in the working line.

The letter I (uppercase and lowercase). Work in the working line.

Letter U (uppercase and lowercase). Work in the working line.

Letter E, E (uppercase and lowercase). Work in the working line.

Hard and soft consonants. Letter L, M (uppercase and lowercase). Work in the working line.

The letter L, M, H, P (uppercase and lowercase). Work in the working line.

Letter H, P (uppercase and lowercase). Work in the working line.

Letter B, F (uppercase and lowercase). Work in the working line.

Letter З, С (uppercase and lowercase). Work in the working line.

Voiced and voiceless consonants. Letter Ж, Ш (uppercase and lowercase).

Work in the working line.

Letter Ж, Ш (uppercase and lowercase). Work in the working line.

Letter B, P (uppercase and lowercase). Work in the working line.

Letter D, T (uppercase and lowercase). Work in the working line.

The letter G, K (uppercase and lowercase). Work in the working line.

Letter X (uppercase and lowercase). Work in the working line.

Letter C (uppercase and lowercase). Work in the working line.

The letter Щ (uppercase and lowercase). Work in the working line.

The letter H (uppercase and lowercase). Work in the working line.

Letter Y (uppercase and lowercase). Work in the working line.

The letter b and b. Work in the working line.

Calendar-thematic planning of the course "Introduction to Mathematics",

program "Mathematical Steps".

Lesson topic




Spatial and temporal representations. Preparing to study numbers.

Clarification of spatial representations (top, bottom, between, left, right). Objects signs. Compare items by size: large - small, larger - smaller.

Comparison of items by size: high - low, higher - lower.

Orientation on the plane: left, right. Length. Longer is shorter.

Comparison of groups of objects by quantity: more, less, the same.

A circle. Polygons: triangle, quadrilateral.

Rectangle, square.

Comparison of groups of objects by quantity: later, earlier.

Comparison of objects by mass: light - heavy, lighter - heavier.

Numbers from 1 to 10. Addition and subtraction of numbers.

Number and digit 1. The concept of "one - many".

Number and digit 2. The concept of "pair".

Number and digit 3. Composition of number 3.

Number and digit 4. Composition of number 4.

Composition of numbers 2, 3, 4.

Composition of numbers 2, 3, 4.

Number and digit 0.

Number and digit 5. Composition of number 5.

Equality. The "=" sign. Action "addition", "subtraction". The specific meaning of the action is "addition", "subtraction". Action signs "addition" +, "subtraction" -.

Number and digit 6.

Number and digit 7.

Composition of numbers 6, 7.

Number and digit 8.

Number and digit 9.

Composition of numbers 8, 9.

Number 10. Features of recording the number 10.

The composition of the number 10.


preschool class

for 2016 - 2017 academic year

Date of classes

Item name


From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics

Familiarization with the outside world


From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics



From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics

Physical education. Health


From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics



From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics

Familiarization with the outside world


From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics

Familiarization with the outside world


From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics

Physical education. Health


From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics

Familiarization with the outside world


From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics



From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics

Familiarization with the outside world


From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics



From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics

Familiarization with the outside world


From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics

Physical education. Health


From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics



From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics

Familiarization with the outside world


From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics



From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics

Familiarization with the outside world


From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics



From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics

Familiarization with the outside world


From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics

Physical education. Health


From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics

Familiarization with the outside world


From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics

Familiarization with the outside world


From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics



From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics

Familiarization with the outside world


From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics

Physical education. Health


From word to letter

Introduction to Mathematics

Familiarization with the outside world

Schedule of work of the group of preschool training "Continuity" of the Khobotovsky branch

MBOU Novonikolsk secondary school

for 2016 - 2017 academic year

Saturday from 10-00 to 12-00

(Once a week - 3 lessons of 30 minutes each with 10 minutes rest breaks)

List of children attending a preschool class

Khobotovskiy branch MBOU Novonikolsk secondary school

for 2016 - 2017 academic year

P / p No.

Surname, name, patronymic of the child

Date of Birth

Alekhina Marina Sergeevna

Dyakin Gleb Nikolaevich

Isaev Elman Faizuraevich

Makhmutov Usen Elmanovich

Meshcheryakov Artem Dmitrievich

Radetsky Stanislav Andreevich

Khromova Maria Alekseevna

Shelkovnikova Tatiana Serafimovna

EMC for preschool training "Continuity"

1. N.A. Fedosova, E.V. Kovalenko, I.A. Dyadyunova, A.A. Pleshakov, S.I. Volkova and others. Program for preparing children 5-7 years old for school. "Succession". Moscow "Education", 2015

  1. ON THE. Fedosova, E.V. Kovalenko, I.A. Dyadyunova, A.A. Pleshakov, S.I. Volkova et al. Methodological recommendations for the program "Continuity". A guide for educators. Moscow "Education", 2015
  2. Fedosova N.A. From word to letter. Textbook for preparing children for school in 2 parts. Moscow "Education".
  3. Volkova S.I. Mathematical Steps. Textbook for preparing children for school. Moscow "Education".
  4. A.A. Pleshakov Green path. Textbook for preparing children for school. Education.



Explanatory note

The problem of school readiness is deeply worked out in modern psychological and pedagogical literature. For a long time, it was believed that the main indicator of a child's readiness for schooling is the level of his mental development. Currently, the concepts of preparing children for school consider the readiness for schooling as a complex holistic phenomenon, as a set of qualities that form the ability to learn. The child's psychological readiness for school is a necessary and sufficient level of the child's psychophysiological development for mastering the school curriculum, this is a certain level of the child's intellectual and personal development.

In our educational institution, these tasks are solved in the classroom "Future first grader".Classes in "Future first grader»Are held on Tuesdays and Thursdaysfor children of 6 - 7 years of age, pupils of preparatory groups of preschool educational institutions, as well as children for various reasons who do not attend them.

Preparation of preschoolers for systemic education in the 1st grade is carried out according to the program "Preparing for school" from the series "Continuity" authors Fedosova N.A., Komarova T.S. and others. This program is recommended by the Ministry of Education of Russia.

A distinctive feature of the development of the educational system at the present stage is the active process of creating a system of continuous education. One of the main conditions for ensuring the functioning and development of a unified continuous education system is the implementation of the continuity of different stages, in particular, the continuity of preschool and primary education.
In this regard, educational technologies are being improved, the development of which takes into account the following trends in the development of education:
- from the reproduction of knowledge to their productive use, depending on the tasks to be solved;
- from mechanical memorization to learning as a process of intellectual development;
- from a statistical model of knowledge to dynamically structured systems of mental actions;
- from targeting the average student to differentiated and individualized training programs;
- from external motivation for learning to internal moral and volitional regulation.
Thus, the most important component of the pedagogical process is becomingpersonality-oriented approach, development of personal competencies.
The proposed concept of the Program "Continuity" is developed on the basis of the idea of ​​continuity between preschool, primary and basic education.
The concept of the program "Continuity" considers continuity as the creation of conditions for a humane (conflict-free and comfortable) transition from one educational stage to another, the purpose of which is to successfully adapt to new educational conditions.
Preparation for training is a continuity that allows for a humane transition from one age group to another and for the implementation of the main tasks currently set for education.
The concept is based on the following
principles :
- the continuity of the child's development;
- the general development of the child based on his individual capabilities and abilities;
- development of creative abilities in children;
- development of the child's personal competencies as a subject of creative activity, as an active subject of cognition;
- development and strengthening of personal health;
- development of spiritual and moral convictions of the individual;
- development of stable psychological adaptation to new conditions of education;
- continuity between teachers, students and parents.
Reasons for
implementation of the principle of continuity between preschool and school education are:
- orientation not to the level of knowledge, but to the potential of the child, to his “zone of proximal development”;
- creating conditions for the inclusion of the child in new social forms of communication;
- organization and combination in a single semantic sequence of productive activities;
- preparation of the transition from play activities to educational;
- ensuring a gradual transition from immediacy to arbitrariness.
The "Continuity" program is at the heart of the preparation for schooling
personality-oriented and developmental technologies.
The purpose
student-centered technologies are the development and formation of an active creative personality in the process of preparation for training.
Developing technologies are aimed at the formation of problematic thinking in the child, at the development of mental activity.
Developing technologies contain:
developing didactic games, developing practical tasks, creative exercises, construction, analytical and synthetic actions.
The content offered to prepare for learning by the program "Continuity" corresponds to the age characteristics of older preschool children and forms the basis for the use of personality-oriented and developmental technologies.
In accordance with the logic of a child's development, preparation for school is not educational, but developmental. In preparation for school, the "Continuity" program does not allow duplication of the first grade of a general education school. Preparing to study at school according to the program "Continuity" of the invariant. Its goal is to prepare a preschooler for any school system.

The concept of the program "Continuity" considers preschool and primary education in the system of continuing education and suggestspersonality-oriented model school preparation systems.

Asthe main goals of preparing for school nominated:
- development of the emotional and volitional sphere;
- development of communication skills;
- the formation and development of mental functions and the cognitive sphere of children;
- preservation of the health of preschoolers.
The implementation of these goals allows to ensure the mental and physical development of children at the level that is necessary for their successful inclusion in educational activities and further education at school. In this way,
aim preparing children for school is not the mastery of any specific elements of educational activity, butcreation of preconditions to schooling.
The main
principles of preparation for learning are:
- the unity of development, training and education;
- taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children;
- A complex approach;
- systematic and consistent;
- variability and variance;
- consciousness and creative activity;
- clarity;
- availability and sufficiency.
As the leading activity of the child is considered
play and productive activity.
The main
tasks preparation for training are:
- protection and promotion of health;
- development of mental functions and personality traits;
- ensuring continuity between preparation for learning and teaching at school.

The stage of preparation for training acts as an independent complete block. The transitional stage ensures continuity in the development and education of preschool and primary education. Preparation for learning includes a fairly diverse content, the purpose of which is the development of the child.
A feature of the content of preparation for school is that the material offered for preschool children is developed on an integrated basis and the division of the content into subjects is conditional.
Classes "Future First Grader" include the following sections: "From Word to Letter", "Math Steps" and "The Wizarding World of Creativity."

Preparing children for school begins on October 1 and lasts until April 30.
Classes are held with a group of children. The duration of the lessons is 25 minutes with 5 minute breaks.

Approximate number of lessons per week

Section title

Number of lessons

"From word to letter"

"Mathematical Steps"

"The magical world of creativity."


Classes are held 2 times a week (on Tuesdays and Thursdays) using a set of manuals prepared for the "Continuity" program.
Main activities - play and productive activity.

Section "From word to letter" "consists of the program" From word to letter ". The "From Word to Letter" program solves the issues of practical preparation of children for teaching reading, for teaching writing and is working to improve oral speech. The content of the course is aimed at the general development of the child, through which a solid foundation is created for the successful study of the Russian language. The content is focused on solving the following tasks: creating conditions for the formation of a multilaterally developed personality of a child (intellectual, spiritual, moral, aesthetic, emotional development), for creating the prerequisites for positive motivation for learning at school; practical preparation of children for learning to read and write; the formation of an elementary culture of speech, improvement at an accessible level of the skills of coherent oral speech of children.
A distinctive feature of this section of the program is the implementation of the integration of closely interrelated and interpenetrating work to prepare children for learning to read with work on the development of their oral coherent speech and preparation for learning to write.

The section "Mathematical Steps" is presented by the program of the course "Mathematical Steps".
The selection of the content of the Mathematical Steps program is based on the principle of focusing on the paramount importance of the general development of the child, which includes sensory and intellectual development using the capabilities and features of mathematics.

Program of the section "From word to letter" "From word to letter"

The course "From word to letter" (author - N.A. Fedosova) helps to practically prepare children for learning to read, write and improve their oral speech.
The content of the course is aimed at the general development of the child, through which a solid foundation is created for the successful study of the Russian language.
The content is focused on solving the following tasks:
- creating conditions for the formation of a multilaterally developed personality of a child (intellectual, spiritual, moral, aesthetic, emotional development), creating the prerequisites for a positive motivation for learning at school;
- practical preparation of children for learning to read and write;
- the formation of an elementary culture of speech, improvement at an accessible level of the skills of coherent oral speech of children.
A distinctive feature of this section of the program, in comparison with the already existing ones, is the implementation of the integration of work on preparing children for learning to read with work on the development of their oral coherent speech and with preparation for learning to write.
The main tasksspeech development at the preparatory stage are:
- expansion, enrichment and activation of the vocabulary of children;
- the formation of the grammatical structure of the child's speech;
- improving the skills of oral coherent speech, monologue and dialogic (answering questions, retelling a story, fairy tales, composing a story based on a picture, drawings and illustrations for a work, a story based on personal observations and impressions, composing riddles, fairy tales, stories, verbal drawing, etc.) etc.);
- creation of speech utterances of various types: descriptions (of a person, animals, objects, premises); reasoning (read your favorite poem. How do you like it? Tell your favorite fairy tale. Why do you like it more than others? Etc.); narration (various types of retelling, story).
The development of speech is carried out to a large extent on works of fiction, which contributes to the enrichment of the speech of children, the expansion of their vocabulary, their spiritual, moral and aesthetic development, prepares for an adequate perception of literary works in the course "Literary reading" in elementary school and the course "Literature" in basic school, stimulates the development of the reader's interest, educates the reader, which is one of the urgent tasks of the modern school. In addition, the material for activities that promote the speech development of children are the world around the child, phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, works of various types of art (music, painting), etc.
The age characteristics of children 6-7 years old necessitate the use of a variety of tasks in the process of training to expand and activate their vocabulary and speech development.
In preparation for mastering their native language, children get acquainted with the help of adults with stories, fairy tales, plot and subject illustrations, learn to answer questions and ask questions about the content of the read texts, retell what they have read, expressively read poems learned by heart, compose riddles, fairy tales, stories from illustrations ...
In the process of acquaintance with works of art and work with them, the intellectual and moral-aesthetic education of children is carried out, the development of their emotional responsiveness to the phenomena of the surrounding life. They master dialogical and monologic speech, learn to speak expressively, without tension, without haste, clearly pronouncing each word.
The purpose
preparation for learning to read is the creation of conditions for meaningful and conscious reading, education of an aesthetically developed and emotional reader.
In the process of reading (listening) works of oral folk art and literary works, an intensive multifaceted development of the child takes place: intellectual, moral, emotional, aesthetic, speech; children develop a stable attention to the word in a literary text (which is the basis of work on the study of literature in primary and secondary school), the ability to perceive the word as the main element of a work of fiction.
Already at preschool age, it is important to foster emotional responsiveness in children, which will subsequently be the key to the successful development of works of fiction; to conduct purposeful and systematic work on the formation of the child's ability to emotionally comprehend a work of art, to express their own perception of what they read, their attitude to the work and its heroes.
It is important to emphasize that already at the stage of preparation for learning to read, children should become familiar with certain means of artistic expression (epithet, comparison) without introducing terms, should be able to determine their role in a work and be able to use them in their own speech - without this, the process of mastering courses "Reading" in primary school and "Literature" in primary school will be significantly difficult.
An indispensable condition for successful work in preparing for reading is the creation of conditions for the formation of a persistent and stable interest in works of fiction in preschoolers. This is accomplished in several ways. First of all, a carefully thought-out selection of works for reading: these should be works that are samples of children's fiction, corresponding to the age and psychological characteristics of children, representing different literary genres (fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings). In addition, the use of predominantly game forms of work (staging episodes, game improvisations based on plots of literary works, various competitions, etc.).
The content of the work
to prepare children for learning to read includes:
- the development of a sound culture of speech in order to prepare for teaching literacy and reading (the ability to listen attentively to speech, to individual sounds, work on the correct pronunciation of sounds, teaching correct intonation, controlling the tempo of speech). Work on the development of the articulatory apparatus (development of correct diction, voice power, highlighting especially significant words, etc.);
- reading poems by Russian and foreign poets, fairy tales, stories, proverbs, sayings, riddles;
- a conversation about what the teacher has read (answers to questions related to the emotional perception of the work, understanding the plot, the characters of the main characters, the ability to hear, perceive by ear expressive language means - epithets, comparisons, of course, without using terminology);
- memorization and expressive reading.
In preparation for learning to read, a readiness is formed to speak coherently on certain topics, to be aware at an elementary level of what speech is, what is its purpose and features.
Work is underway to correct and develop phonemic hearing, to develop a distinct and clear pronunciation of sounds, syllables, words.
In preparation for training, considerable time is devoted to work on the sound analysis of words, the concepts of "vowel sounds" and "consonants" are introduced, which are recorded using various chips.
If the basis of preparation for learning to read and work on improving oral speech are auditory sensations, then in preparation for teaching writing, technical actions predominate.
Preparation for learning writing - the process is rather complicated, since, in addition to developed auditory sensations, the child must have a well-prepared motor apparatus, especially the small muscles of the arm; developed coordination of movements, fine motor skills and processes such as perception of space, attention, imagination, memory, thinking.
When writing, the problem of interaction of visual and motor analyzers arises, since the movements of the eye and hand occur within the contour of the perceived object simultaneously.
A significant part of children, when visually perceiving an object, is inclined to confine themselves to a very cursory examination of the exhibited object, so that the image that forms in their minds is very incomplete. This is reflected in the reproduction of images and their elements. Children can successfully visually identify an object, but have noticeable difficulty in reproducing it. The image of letters of various configurations requires a fairly high level of organization of the hand locomotive system, a very complete and detailed image. Therefore, the program offers an elaborate system of exercises to prepare you for writing.
Thus, the program "From Word to Letter" solves the problem of preparing children for learning to read, write and improve their speech.
Learning is built on
play activities and wearspractical character.
Of particular importance in preparing children for teaching their native language are acquiring
speech games, construction, work on the formation of fine motor skills and the development of coordination of movements. Speech games develop thinking, speech, attention, imagination. These are, for example, the games "Suggest a word", "Make up a word", "Guess a word", "Make a riddle", "Continue a fairy tale", "Continue a story", "Repeat quickly and correctly", "Tell about a toy (color, shape , size) "," Name the sound "," Pick up words for a given sound "," Guess the word ", etc.
Construction helps children to consciously prepare for learning to write and develops their analytical skills. Construction work takes place with the help of various objects: figures, elements of printed letters, from which children construct objects of various configurations, printed letters, make up patterns, ornaments.
Preliminary indicative action helps to form fine motor skills, develops coordination of movements, prepares children to perceive the shapes of letters. It includes tracing the contour of an object, tracing common elements in objects, shading objects, completing the missing elements of objects, inscribing objects in a limited space, finger gymnastics, etc.

Contents of the program

Development and improvement of oral speech. Expand and activate the vocabulary of children: enrich the child's vocabulary with words denoting actions, signs of objects (the exact names of the qualities of inanimate objects - material, shape, color, size - and animate ones - a person: character traits, signs of appearance, behavior), words with direct and figurative meaning, diminutive suffixes; to draw the attention of children to generalizing words, to stimulate their correct use in their own speech; find in the literary work read by the educator (poem, fairy tale, story) words with the help of which the author accurately, accurately, figuratively and expressively describes a person, nature, and use them in his own speech.
To develop in children stable attention and interest in the word, awareness of the role of the word in the text of folklore and literary works. Learn works by heart. Learn to ask questions, compose questions for a text, a picture, build short messages. To develop the skills and abilities of a coherent monologue and dialogical speech. To teach coherently, logically and consistently to present the content of what you have heard (fairy tales, stories) based on illustrations, on the questions of the educator (story about an interesting event from your life, about the most vivid impressions, story about a picture, creation of stories, fairy tales, poems, riddles, etc. .). In this case, the main thing is the development of children's interest in independent verbal creativity. To form in children, already at the preparatory stage, the ability to notice and correct speech errors in their speech and the speech of their comrades.
Expand the vocabulary denoting the names of objects, actions, signs. Improve the ability to form single-root words, use complex sentences of different types in speech. To form the ability to correctly use words that are suitable for a given situation. Form a correct understanding of the figurative meaning of words. Learn to notice and correct speech errors in your speech.
Learn to compare objects, highlight and correctly name essential features; enrich the dictionary with the exact names of qualities (material, shape, color, size). Pay attention to the correct understanding and use of generalizing words by children, to intensify their use in speech. Develop dialogical and monologue speech. Teach the transmission of text based on illustrations in a meaningful, logical and consistent manner. To develop in children attention and interest in the word, in its emotional coloring based on fairy tales, poems. Learn riddles, tongue twisters; retell fairy tales based on illustrations. Develop the ability to communicate coherently about episodes from your own life on a given topic; describe orally the world around (flowers, animals, birds, trees, vegetables, fruits, sky, sun, moon, etc.) according to the plan proposed by the educator, or by analogy. Develop emotional perception of speech in adults and children. Learn to answer questions, ask questions, build short messages. Learn to compose stories from the picture: describing the content, inventing a plot that precedes the image and follows it. Develop children's interest in independent verbal creativity, encourage the creation of stories, fairy tales, and poems. Awaken the desire of children to communicate, arouse interest in the speech of others and their own, and on this basis, begin the formation of elementary skills of the culture of speech, correct speech behavior, the ability to listen, and also speak out on related topics.
Along with the development of monologue and dialogical speech, special attention is paid to speech technique, in connection with which the lesson includes elements of breathing exercises, articulation exercises, speech warm-ups that help the development of oral speech, the assimilation of the norms of the literary language.
Sound reproduction: speech gymnastics (exercises for breathing, lips, tongue); pronunciation of sounds of the Russian alphabet, pronunciation and comparison of sounds, training exercises for pronunciation of sounds, consolidation and automation of sound.
Spheres of communication: household (everyday); the art of words; business.
Preparation for learning to read. To teach the correct literary pronunciation, orthoepic norms of the literary language. To improve the sound culture of speech: the ability to distinguish by ear and in pronunciation all the sounds of the native language. Improve phonemic hearing: teach children to name words with a certain sound, find words with this sound in a sentence, determine the place of a sound in a word. Reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds. Exercise in the differentiation of sounds by ear. Strengthen and develop articulation: teach children the clear pronunciation of words and phrases; to form the ability to change the strength, pitch of the voice (voice, strength, melody, intonation, speech rate, pauses), to teach the correct use of intonation means. Introduce the correct pronunciation of sounds, select sounds from words in order; distinguish between vowels and consonants and designate them using colored chips and block letters; recognize vowels and consonants in words. Highlight sounds at the beginning, end and middle of a word; match words by sound structure.
Preparation for learning writing: prepare the writing hand for writing by tracing patterns and letters of various configurations, drawing patterns by analogy and independently, adding and shading objects, gymnastics for fingers; to acquaint with the rules of writing - with the correct fit when writing, with the position of the sheet, pencil (pen) when working in a notebook; learn to work in a confined space (in the working line), move the writing hand from the bottom along the line, from left to right; to acquaint with the contour of the object and its features; to acquaint with the configuration of printed letters and their sound shell; to model and construct objects from elements of letters of various configurations.
Planned results:
- to navigate in situations corresponding to various spheres of communication;
- know and use polite words (start and end of communication);
- know the stable formulas of speech etiquette - greeting, farewell, gratitude, request;
- to be aware that in different situations one can speak in different ways: loudly - quietly, fast - slowly, fun - sad, etc .;
- to articulate the sounds of Russian speech, to understand that correct articulation, good diction contribute to effective communication;
- evaluate the sound of your voice in terms of pronunciation, tempo, volume;
- to address the interlocutor when it is appropriate, to respond to the appeal;
- use appropriate situations, pace, volume;
- follow the socially accepted rules of conduct when talking:
look at the interlocutor,
do not interrupt the speaker,
use facial expressions and gestures that do not interfere, but help the interlocutor to understand what has been said, etc.;
- to communicate certain information, to agree on joint activities;
- to observe the culture of listening: polite listening, attentive listening;
- pronounce all sounds correctly;
- pronounce words distinctly and clearly;
- select sounds from words;
- find words with a specific sound;
- determine the place of sound in a word;
- observe orthoepic pronunciation norms;
- make sentences based on key words, on a given topic;
- compose stories, fairy tales from a picture, from a series of pictures;
- retell a fairy tale, story (small in content) based on supporting illustrations;
- observe basic hygiene rules;
- navigate the notebook page.

Program of the section "Mathematical Steps"
course "Mathematical Steps"

The author of this chicken is S. I. Volkova. The basis for the selection of mathematical content, its structuring and the development of forms of presentation of material for the mathematical preparation of children for school is based on the principle of focusing on the paramount importance of the general development of the child, including his sensory and intellectual development, using the capabilities and features of mathematics.
Teaching children in the period of preparation for school to count and measure, in order to bring them to the concept of number, remains one of the most important tasks.
But just as important and significant is the task of purposeful and systematic development of cognitive abilities, which is carried out through the development of cognitive processes in children: perception, imagination, memory, thinking and, of course, attention.
In the mathematical content of the preparatory period, three main lines are combined: arithmetic (numbers from 0 to 10, digit and number, basic properties of natural numbers, etc.), geometric (prototypes of geometric figures in the surrounding reality, shape, size, location on a plane and in space of the simplest geometric figures, making their models from paper, etc.) and content-logical, built mainly on the mathematical material of the first two lines and providing conditions for the development of attention, perception, imagination, memory, thinking in children.
The course implements the main methodological idea - the development of cognitive processes in children will be more active and effective if it is carried out in the process of the child's activity, saturated with mathematical content, guided by a special selection and structuring of tasks, the form of their presentation, accessible, interesting and exciting for children of this age ...
Among the methods used in the period of preparing children for school in mathematics, practical methods, the method of didactic games, and the modeling method are proposed as the main ones. These methods are used in various combinations with each other, while the leading method remains the practical method that allows children to assimilate and comprehend mathematical material, conducting an experiment, observing, performing actions with objects, models of geometric shapes, sketching, painting, etc.
Much attention is paid to the formation of the skills to communicate with the educator (teacher), with other children, work in the same rhythm with everyone, when necessary, work with counting and geometric handouts, use a notebook with a printed basis, etc.
The use of specially selected mathematical content and methods of working with it will bring the general development of children to the level necessary for the successful study of mathematics in school.

Contents of the program

Comparison of objects (figures), groups of objects by shape (round, not round, triangular, rectangular, square, etc.); in size (long, short; narrow, wide; high, low; longer, shorter, the same, etc.); by location on the plane and in space (right, left, center, bottom, top, right, left, above, below, inside the figure, outside the figure, etc.); by color, by the material from which the items are made, by purpose, etc.
Numbers from 0 to 10. Counting objects. Oral numbering of numbers: names, sequence and designation of numbers from 0 to 10. Number and number. Reading numbers. Comparison of the numbers of the first ten. The main characteristics of the sequence of natural numbers: the presence of the first element, the connection of the previous and subsequent elements, the ability to continue the sequence further, no matter where we stop.
Simple geometric shapes: triangle, rectangle (square), circle.
Content-logical tasks for development:
- attention: the simplest labyrinths, games "Cheerful account", "Compare pictures", "Find common elements", etc .;
- imagination: dividing figures into parts, composing figures from parts, composing figures from models of segments according to specified properties, transforming one figure into another, etc.;
- memory: visual and auditory dictations using arithmetic and geometric material;
- thinking: highlighting essential features, identifying patterns and using them to complete a task, conducting analysis, synthesis, comparison, building simple reasoning, etc.
Planned results:
- know the difference between a digit and a single digit; names of single-digit numbers, be able to count to 10 and in reverse order, determine where there are more (less) objects, determine the number of objects in a given set and orally denote the result by a number;
- know the name of the main geometric shapes (triangle, rectangle, circle), distinguish them, find their prototypes in the surrounding reality;
- to carry out the simplest logical reasoning and the simplest mental operations (compare objects, indicating similarities and differences, classify objects according to given criteria, identify simple patterns and use them to complete tasks, etc.).

Work program for the course "From word to letter"

(module of the program “Continuity.

Preparing children for school "for preschoolers)

Russian language work program fordeveloped on the basis of N. A. Fedosova's program “Continuity. Preparing children for school ", the author's program of N.A. Fedosova" Speech development. From word to letter ", approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow 2015) in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary Education.

Fedosova N.A. Preschool Learning: Preparing for School. - M .: Education, 2016.

Fedosova N.A. From word to letter: A textbook for preparing children for school: 2 hours - M .: Education, 2015.

The program "From word to letter" is aimed at the diversified development of the child through various types of activities that perform the functions of developing connected speech, phonemic hearing, creative thinking, coordination and fine motor skills of movements, muscles of the motor apparatus of the writing hand, visual and motor factors as a single whole action. The course prepares for teaching reading, writing and forms the basic skills of the culture of speech.

The content of the program is aimed at the general development of the child, through which a solid foundation is created for the successful study of the Russian language.

The content is focused on solving the following tasks:

- creating conditions for the formation of a multilaterally developed personality of a child (intellectual, spiritual and moral, aesthetic, emotional development), creating the prerequisites for positive motivation for learning at school;

- practical preparation of children for learning to read and write;

- the formation of an elementary culture of speech, improvement at an accessible level of the skills of coherent oral speech of children.

A distinctive feature of this section of the program, in comparison with the already existing ones, is the implementation of the integration of work on preparing children for learning to read with work on the development of their oral coherent speech and with preparation for learning to write.

The main tasks of the development of speech at the preparatory stage are:

- expansion, enrichment and activation of the vocabulary of children;

- the formation of the grammatical structure of the child's speech;

- improving the skills of oral coherent speech, monologue and dialogical (answering questions, retelling a story, fairy tales, composing a story based on a picture, drawings and illustrations for a work, a story based on personal observations and impressions, composing riddles, fairy tales, stories, verbal drawing, etc.) .);

- creation of speech utterances of various types: descriptions (of a person, animals, objects, premises); reasoning (read your favorite poem. How do you like it? Tell your favorite fairy tale. Why do you like it more than others? etc.); narration (various types of retelling, story).

The development of speech is carried out to a large extent on works of fiction, which contributes to the enrichment of the speech of children, the expansion of their vocabulary, their spiritual, moral and aesthetic development, prepares for an adequate perception of literary works in the course "Literary reading" in elementary school and the course "Literature" in basic school, stimulates the development of the reader's interest, educates the reader, which is one of the urgent tasks of the modern school. In addition, the material for activities that promote the speech development of children are the world around the child, phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, works of various types of art (music, painting), etc.

The purpose of preparation for learning to read is to create conditions for meaningful and conscious reading, educating an aesthetically developed and emotional reader.

In the process of reading (listening) works of oral folk art and literary works, an intensive multifaceted development of the child takes place: intellectual, moral, emotional, aesthetic, speech; children develop a stable attention to the word in a literary text (which is the basis of work on the study of literature in primary and secondary school), the ability to perceive the word as the main element of a work of fiction.

An indispensable condition for successful work in preparing for reading is the creation of conditions for the formation of a persistent and stable interest in works of fiction in preschoolers. This is accomplished in several ways. First of all, a carefully thought-out selection of works for reading: these should be works that are samples of children's fiction, corresponding to the age and psychological characteristics of children, representing different literary genres (fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings). In addition, the use of predominantly game forms of work (staging episodes, game improvisations based on plots of literary works, various competitions, etc.).

The content of work on preparing children for learning to read includes:

- the development of the sound culture of speech in order to prepare for teaching literacy and reading (the ability to listen attentively to speech, to individual sounds, work on the correct pronunciation of sounds, teaching the correct intonation, controlling the tempo of speech). Work on the development of the articulatory apparatus (development of correct diction, voice power, highlighting especially significant words, etc.);

- reading poems by Russian and foreign poets, fairy tales, stories, proverbs, sayings, riddles;

- conversation about what the teacher has read (answers to questions related to the emotional perception of the work, understanding the plot, the characters of the main characters, the ability to hear, perceive by ear expressive language means - epithets, comparisons, of course, without using terminology);

- memorization and expressive reading.

In preparation for learning to read, a readiness is formed to speak coherently on certain topics, to be aware at an elementary level of what speech is, what is its purpose and features.

Work is underway to correct and develop phonemic hearing, to develop a distinct and clear pronunciation of sounds, syllables, words.

In preparation for training, considerable time is devoted to work on the sound analysis of words, the concepts of "vowel sounds" and "consonants" are introduced, which are recorded using various chips.

If the basis of preparation for learning to read and work on improving oral speech are auditory sensations, then in preparation for teaching writing, technical actions predominate.

Preparation for learning to write is a rather complicated process, since, in addition to developed auditory sensations, the child must have a well-prepared motor apparatus, especially the small muscles of the arm; developed coordination of movements, fine motor skills and processes such as perception of space, attention, imagination, memory, thinking.

When writing, the problem of interaction of visual and motor analyzers arises, since the movements of the eye and hand occur within the contour of the perceived object simultaneously.

Thus, the program "From Word to Letter" solves the problem of preparing children for learning to read, write and improve their speech.

Learning is based on play and is practical in nature. Speech games, construction, work on the formation of fine motor skills and the development of coordination of movements are of particular importance in preparing children for teaching their native language. Speech games develop thinking, speech, attention, imagination. These are, for example, the games "Suggest a word", "Make up a word", "Guess a word", "Make a riddle", "Continue a fairy tale", "Continue a story", "Repeat quickly and correctly", "Tell about a toy (color, shape , size) "," Name the sound "," Pick up words for a given sound "," Guess the word ", etc.

Planned results:

- navigate situations corresponding to various spheres of communication;

- know and use polite words (start and end of communication);

- know the stable formulas of speech etiquette - greeting, farewell, gratitude, request;

- be aware that in different situations you can speak in different ways: loudly - quietly, quickly - slowly, fun - sad, etc.;

- articulate the sounds of Russian speech, understand that correct articulation, good diction contribute to effective communication;

- address the interlocutor when it is appropriate, respond to the appeal;

- use appropriate situations, pace, volume;

- follow the socially accepted rules of conduct when speaking:

look at the interlocutor,

do not interrupt the speaker,

use facial expressions and gestures that do not interfere, but help the interlocutor to understand what has been said, etc.;

- communicate certain information, agree on joint activities;

- observe a culture of listening: polite listening, attentive listening;

- pronounce all sounds correctly;

- pronounce words distinctly and clearly;

- select sounds from words;

- find words with a specific sound;

- determine the place of sound in a word;

- observe orthoepic pronunciation norms;

- make sentences for key words, on a given topic;

- compose stories, fairy tales from a picture, from a series of pictures;

- retell a fairy tale, story (small in content) based on supporting illustrations;

- observe basic hygiene rules;

- navigate the notebook page.







Pre-letter period

(5 h)

The development of coherent speech. Picture story


Sentence concept. Offer schema


Drawing up proposals for the scheme


Syllable. Dividing words into syllables


Stress. Stressed and unstressed syllables



Letter period

(45 h)

The concept of letters and sound.


Vowels and consonants.


Letter and sound a. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter and sound o. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter and sound u. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter and sound and. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter and sound e. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


The letter and sound are s. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter n, sounds n, n. "Reading syllables and words with studied letters


Composing syllables with learned letters


Hard and soft consonants. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter r, sounds r, r ". Reading syllables and words with studied letters


Letter l, sounds l, l. "Reading syllables and words with studied letters


Letter m, sounds m, m ". Reading syllables and words with learned letters



Voiced and voiceless consonants. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter p, sounds p, p ". Reading syllables and words with studied letters


Letter b, sounds b, b. "Reading syllables and words with studied letters


Letter t, sounds t, t ". Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter d, sounds d, d ". Reading syllables and words with studied letters


Letter k, sounds k, k. "Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter g, sounds g, g. "Reading syllables and words with studied letters


Letter v, sounds v, v. "Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter f, sounds f, f ". Reading syllables and words with studied letters


Letter z, sounds z, z ". Reading syllables and words with studied letters


Letter s, sounds s, s. "Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter w, sound w. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


The letter sh, the sound sh. Reading syllables and words with learned letters



Paired consonants. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


The letter c, the sound of c. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letter d, sound ’. Reading syllables and words with learned letters.


Letter x, sounds x, x ". Reading syllables and words with learned letters


The letter is h, the sound is h '. Reading syllables and words with learned letters


The letter is, the sound is Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Letters b and b are signs. Reading syllables and words with learned letters

38 – 39


The vowel letter "I". Reading syllables and words with learned letters



The vowel letter "ё". Reading syllables and words with learned letters



The vowel letter "e". Reading syllables and words with learned letters



The vowel letter "y". Reading syllables and words with learned letters


Reading and writing

(6 h)

Reading and writing letters and syllables. Game "Tell me a word".


Reading and writing letters and syllables. Guess the word game


Reading and writing letters and syllables. The game "Continue the tale"


Reading and writing letters and syllables. Make a riddle game


Reading and writing letters and syllables.


Games "Find words for a given sound", "Guess the word"

Work program for the course "Mathematical Steps"

Work program in mathematics forpreschoolers (as part of additional paid educational services in preparation for school)developed on the basis of N. A. Fedosova's program “Continuity. Preparing Children for School ” Volkova "Mathematical Steps", approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow 2009) in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary Education.

The work program is designed for 56 hours per year.

To implement the software content, the following are used:

Volkova S.I. Mathematical Steps: A Study Guide to Prepare Children for School. - M .: Education, 2016.

N.A. Fedosov. The program “Continuity. Preparing children for school ”. - M .: Education, 2015

The logic of presentation and the content of the author's program fully meets the requirements of the Federal component of the state standard of primary education, therefore, no changes have been made to the program, while taking into account that educational topics that are not included in the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs are classified as elements of additional (optional) content ...

The program "Mathematical Steps" is aimed at developing the ability to conduct observations, compare, highlight the specified and new properties of an object, its essential and insignificant characteristics; understand the relativity of properties; draw conclusions, check their truth, be able to use these conclusions for further work.

The basis for the selection of mathematical content, its structuring and the development of forms of presentation of material for the mathematical preparation of children for school is based on the principle of focusing on the paramount importance of the general development of the child, including his sensory and intellectual development, using the capabilities and features of mathematics.

Teaching children in the period of preparation for school to count and measure, in order to bring them to the concept of number, remains one of the most important tasks.

But just as important and significant is the task of purposeful and systematic development of cognitive abilities, which is carried out through the development of cognitive processes in children: perception, imagination, memory, thinking and, of course, attention.

In the mathematical content of the preparatory period, three main lines are combined: arithmetic (numbers from 0 to 10, digit and number, basic properties of natural numbers, etc.), geometric (prototypes of geometric figures in the surrounding reality, shape, size, location on a plane and in space of the simplest geometric figures, making their models from paper, etc.) and content-logical, built mainly on the mathematical material of the first two lines and providing conditions for the development of attention, perception, imagination, memory, thinking in children.

In the course "Mathematical Steps" the main methodological idea is realized - the development of cognitive processes in children will be more active and effective if it is carried out in the process of the child's activity, saturated with mathematical content, guided by a special selection and structuring of tasks, the form of their presentation, accessible, interesting and exciting for children of this age.

Among the methods used in the period of preparing children for school in mathematics, practical methods, the method of didactic games, and the modeling method are proposed as the main ones. These methods are used in various combinations with each other, while the leading method remains the practical method that allows children to assimilate and comprehend mathematical material, conducting an experiment, observing, performing actions with objects, models of geometric shapes, sketching, painting, etc.

Much attention is paid to the formation of the skills to communicate with the educator (teacher), with other children, work in the same rhythm with everyone, when necessary, work with counting and geometric handouts, use a notebook with a printed basis, etc.

As a result of studying the program "Mathematical Steps" of the preparatory course, the child should know:

Composition of the first ten numbers;

How to get each number of the first ten (add or subtract 1);

Digits 0-9, signs +, -, =;

Name of the current month, sequence of days of the week;

Coins in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 50 kopecks, 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles.

This section of the program is aimed at developing skills:

Give numbers in forward and backward order within 10;

Relate the figure to the number of items;

Use arithmetic signs of actions;

Create and solve problems in one action for addition and subtraction;

Measure the length of objects using a conditional measure;

Make larger shapes from several triangles (quadrangles);

Divide a circle, a square into 2 and 4 equal parts;

Navigate on a piece of checkered paper.

Conduct observations;

Compare, highlight the specified and new properties of the object, its essential and insignificant characteristics;

Understand the relativity of object properties;

Draw conclusions based on the results of observations, check their truth;

Be able to use the findings for further work.






Pre-digital period

(10 h)

The concepts of "More, less, the same"


The concepts of "Longer-shorter", "higher-lower"



Visual-spatial orientation on the sheet, in the cage


Acquaintance with geometric shapes (triangle)


Acquaintance with geometric shapes (circle)


Acquaintance with geometric shapes (quadrilateral)


Introducing Geometric Shapes (Rectangle)


Acquaintance with geometric shapes (square)



Digital period

(30 h)

Number and digit 1



Number and digit 2



Number and digit 3



Number and digit 4



Number and digit 5



Securing the composition of numbers 1-5



Number and digit 6



Number and digit 7



Number and digit 8



Number and digit 9



Securing the composition of numbers 6-9



Number and digit 0. Countdown.



Securing the composition of numbers 1-9



Year, month.



Days of the week, days


Addition and subtraction of numbers within 10

(13 h)

The meaning of addition.


Addition of the form  + 1


Addition of the form  + 2


Addition of the form  + 3


Addition of the form  + 4


Collapse within 10


The meaning of subtraction.


Subtraction of the form -1


Subtraction of the form -2


Subtraction of the form -3


Subtraction of the form -4


Subtraction within 10


Addition and subtraction within 10


Simple tasks

(3 h)

Solving simple tasks based on clarity


Game "Visiting the Queen of Mathematics"


Coins in 1, 5, 10, 50 kopecks and 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles. Recruitment and exchange.

Work program for the course "The Magic World of Creativity"

(module of the program "Continuity. Preparing children for school" for preschoolers)

A special place in the development of a child's personality is occupied by art, which can develop a sense of beauty, form high aesthetic tastes, the ability to understand and appreciate works of art, the beauty and wealth of nature. Decorative and applied art plays an important role in the upbringing of the younger generation of internal culture, the ability to perceive beauty in the surrounding reality and folk art. Being engaged in decorative and applied art, children become familiar with the rich heritage of folk crafts, the world of national culture, a sense of beauty arises in them, imagination and artistic and imaginative thinking develop.

The program "The Magic World of Creativity" is focused on creating conditions for the creative self-realization of the individual, the formation of a personality integrating their own knowledge and skills into improving this world. One of the ways of self-expression, creating an individual style, translating ideas into reality is arts and crafts.

It is important to develop a high artistic taste in children from early school age. This program is aimed at making students of applied products and models of the simplest technical objects, expanding art education.

Purpose of the program- creating conditions for the development of creative abilities and self-realization of children through their inclusion in various types of applied creativity.

Objectives of the program:

    expansion and consolidation of knowledge in the field of composition, shaping, arts and crafts;

    the formation of figurative, spatial thinking and the ability to express one's thought on a plane or in volume.

    the formation of the need to use modern technologies of artistic material processing in the process of manufacturing a product;

    to acquaint children with folk arts and crafts (Gorodets, Zhostovo, Gzhel, etc.), to expand the idea of ​​folk toys.

    development of educational and cognitive activity of the child: mental, emotional, locomotor, cultural and aesthetic;

    development of the child's personality: imagination, thinking, intelligence, fantasy, artistic taste, technical thinking and design skills;

    formation of communication skills in a team;

    the development and improvement of manual skill, fine motor skills of hands, the expansion of sensory experience, the formation of skills in the field of technological paper processing.

This program is based on the analysis of general education programs in the field of "technology" and "art", along with general ideas: the development of a general ability to create, the ability to find your place in life. Provides for the development of students' artistic and design skills, non-standard thinking, creative individuality. She orients preschoolers to independence in search of compositional solutions, in the choice of methods for making crafts.

Expected results

development of children's interest in non-traditional visual activities.

improvement of visual skills and abilities, development of artistic and creative abilities of children.

Thematic planning

p / p

Lesson topic

Number of hours



"Summer meadow"

1 hour.



"Let's decorate a flower vase"

1 hour.



"The butterflies I saw in the summer"

1 hour.



"Forest thorns"

1 hour.



"Autumn Leaves", I lesson

1 hour.



"Autumn landscape", II lesson

1 hour.



"I walk on a carpet of autumn leaves"

1 hour.



"I love fluffy, I love prickly"

1 hour.



Orientation in space. Spatial image

1 hour.



"First snow"

1 hour.



"Pattern on a cutting board" (Gorodets painting)

1 hour.



"Pattern on a platter" (Gorodets painting)

1 hour.



Drawing on a wet sheet ”.

1 hour.



"Cockerel - Golden scallop" Working with pano.

1 hour.



Elements of the Khokhloma painting.

1 hour.



Painting a tray in technique - Khokhloma

1 hour.



1 hour.



Modeling from plasticine and cereals "Heroes of fairy tales".

1 hour.



Origami "Bunny", "Ship".

1 hour.



"Magic snowflakes"

1 hour.



"Winter Night", I lesson

1 hour.



"Winter Night", II lesson

1 hour.



"Winter forest"

1 hour.



"Elegant Christmas tree"

1 hour.



Application "New Year's chains", "Christmas toys".

1 hour.



Drawing with paints "Blobography", "Magic threads".

1 hour.



Work in pairs to create pictures.

1 hour.



Origami "Bird", "Boy and Girl".

1 hour.



Dymkovo toy - what is it?

1 hour.



DIY Dymkovo toy

1 hour.



Farm. Plasticine animals.

1 hour.



Curl (decorative drawing)

1 hour.



Animals of hot countries

1 hour.



Zhostovo tray. Let's consider the elements.

1 hour.



Painting on the Zhostovo tray.

1 hour.



Decorative molding "Let's paint the world with plasticine" (molding on cardboard).

1 hour.



Application "Postcard for February 23"

1 hour.



1 hour.



Drawing with pencils. Object drawing "The funniest and the saddest".

1 hour.



Drawing with pencils and paints “City landscape”.

1 hour.



"Postcard for mom (mom's favorite flowers)"

1 hour.



"My mum"

1 hour.



"Photo frame"

1 hour.



By design

1 hour.



"Fantastic planet"

1 hour.



"Starry sky"

1 hour.



"An old painting"

1 hour.



"Flowers bloomed"

1 hour.



"Colors of the sea", I lesson

1 hour.



"Colors of the sea", II lesson

1 hour.



"How I Love Dandelions"

1 hour.



Production of postcards - posters.

1 hour.



1 hour.



Application, floristry "Blooming Garden".

1 hour.



Combined final lesson.

1 hour.


Sections: Working with preschoolers

“Schooling never
starts from empty space, but always
relies on a certain stage
development done by the child. "

L. S. Vygotsky


Recently, a lot has been said about the continuity of preschool education and the primary stage of school education. The issues of insufficient managerial and organizational continuity of activities, the lack of unified education and training programs, inconsistency in the content of educational programs and the requirements of kindergarten and school, imperfect diagnostics during the transition of children from kindergarten to school, etc. are raised. Continuity provides, on the one hand, the transfer of children to a school with such a level of general development and upbringing that meets the requirements of school education, on the other hand, the school's reliance on knowledge, skills, and skills that have already been acquired by preschoolers, their active use for the further comprehensive development of students ...

One of the factors that ensure the effectiveness of education is the continuity and consistency of learning. Thus, continuity and continuity presuppose the development and adoption of a unified system of goals and content of education all the way from kindergarten to postgraduate and coursework.

The situation that has developed in modern Russian society is precisely characterized by the absence of such a unified system and the mismatch of goals (and, accordingly, programs, textbooks, control requirements) at the junctions of various stages and forms of education.
Having studied the concept of the content of lifelong education, normative documents on continuity issues, we have developed a program: "Continuity in the system of preschool and primary education."

Purpose of the program:

Creation of a set of conditions that ensure the formation of the child's readiness for school. Implementation of a unified line of child development at the stages of preschool and primary education. Ensuring continuity, integrity, consistency.

Program object: children of preschool and school age, parents, teachers.


1. Alignment of goals at preschool and primary school levels.
2. Improving the forms of organization and teaching methods both in preschool educational institutions and in primary school:
3. Improving educational content in preschool and primary school.

common goal continuous education of preschool and primary children :

Harmonious physical and mental development of the child, ensuring the preservation of his individuality, adaptation to a changing social situation, readiness for active interaction with the outside world.
Continuity of preschool and elementary educational programs involves the achievement of the following priority goals:

At the preschool level:

  • Protection, health promotion and physical development of the child, the development of his general abilities;
  • The development of arbitrariness, cognitive activity, the development of communication and self-confidence, ensuring his emotional well-being and successful education at the next stage.

At the elementary school level:

  • Physical education of the child.
  • Cognitive development and socialization appropriate to age-related capabilities.
  • Mastering different forms of interaction with the outside world.
  • Formation of educational activities and readiness for education in the middle level of the school.

The implementation of the general goal of education for children 3-10 years old requires compliance with a number of pedagogical conditions:

At the preschool level:

  • Personality-oriented interaction of a teacher with a child.
  • Formation of play activity as the most important factor in the development of a child
  • Creation of an educational environment conducive to the personal and cognitive development of the child.

At the elementary school level:

1. Reliance on the current level of achievements of preschool childhood.
2. The focus of the learning process on the formation of the ability to learn as the most important achievement of this age period of development.
3. Individual work in cases of an advanced or lower rate of development of the child.

The specific goals of each age stage of education, taking into account its continuity, are formulated along meaningful lines that reflect the most important aspects of personality development:

· physical development;
· Cognitive development;
· Social and personal development;
· Artistic and aesthetic.

Principles for the selection of the content of continuing education for children of preschool and primary school age:

1. Development principle... It involves the orientation of the content of education to stimulate and support the emotional, spiritual, moral and intellectual development and self-development of the child, to create conditions for the manifestation of independence, initiative, and creative abilities of the child in various activities, and not only to the accumulation of knowledge and the formation of skills in solving subject problems. At the same time, the importance of the assimilation of knowledge by children, the acquisition of skills and abilities as a means for child development, and not an end in itself of preschool and primary education, remains.

2. The principle of humanization... Strengthening the humanitarian orientation of the subjects of the natural science and mathematical cycles and the influence of all academic subjects on the emotional and social-personal development of the child; attaching special importance to subjects of the humanitarian and artistic and aesthetic cycle, increasing the share of various creative activities of children.

3. The principle of integrity. It requires the selection of such educational content that will help the child to maintain and recreate the integrity of the picture of the world, ensure that he is aware of the various connections between his objects and phenomena, and at the same time, the formation of the ability to see the same object from different angles.

4. The principle of cultural conformity... It is understood as the "openness" of various cultures, the creation of conditions for the fullest acquaintance with the achievements and development of the culture of modern society and the formation of various cognitive interests.

5. The principle of the content of education. It assumes the possibility of coexistence of different approaches to the selection of the content and technology of education, in different ways implementing the goals of education, taking into account the development of modern science, the needs of society and regional characteristics. In addition, variability ensures the differentiation of education, that is, the possibilities for the individual development of each child. At the same time, it is imperative to preserve the invariant minimum of education as a condition that ensures the right of every child - a citizen of the Russian Federation - to receive preschool and primary education on an equal footing with others.

On the basis of the program, a unified regulatory and legal framework has been worked out, regulating the activities of the MDOU d / s of general developmental type "Teremok" and MOU LSOSH No. 3 in matters of succession, a succession plan, an agreement, a provision on cooperation(Attachment 1)

Dominant forms of pedagogical work with children

Forms of organization and methods of teaching in preschool and secondary schools

  1. Using a variety of forms of education, including specific children's activities in an integrated manner,
    going outside the group and the site, uniting by subgroups.
  2. The use in preschool educational institutions of the cyclical nature of the content of education, which ensures the relevance of the "previous in the present", creating conditions for the use by the children themselves of their experience.
  3. Ensuring the relationship of activities (frontal, subgroup) with the daily life of children, their independent activities (play, artistic, constructive, etc.).
  4. To support a developing subject environment both in preschool and in elementary school, which functionally simulates the content of children's activities.
  5. Wider use of methods that activate thinking, imagination, search activity in children, i.e. elements of problematicity in training.
  6. Wider use of game techniques, the creation of emotionally significant situations, conditions for independent practical activity.
  7. Changing the forms of communication of children both in the classroom at the preschool educational institution and in the classroom at school, providing the child with the opportunity to focus on a peer partner, interact with him and learn to maintain dialogical communication between children, recognize the child's right to proactive statements and reasoned defense of his proposals, the right for a mistake.

Predicted result:

  • The development of curiosity in preschoolers as the basis of the cognitive activity of the future student.
  • Cognitive activity will act not only as a necessary component of educational activity, but also ensure his interest in learning, arbitrary behavior and the development of other important qualities of the child's personality.
  • The development of the child's abilities as a means of independently solving creative (mental, artistic) and other tasks, as a means of being successful in various types of activities, including educational.
  • Formation of the child's abilities to spatial modeling before entering school life; the use of plans, schemes, signs, symbols, substitute items.
  • Through the use of role-playing games, dramatization games, children's experimentation, the achievement of the formation of older preschoolers and first-graders of creative imagination as a direction of intellectual and
    personal development of the child.
  • Formation of communication skills in senior preschoolers and first graders (the ability to communicate with adults and peers) as a necessary condition for the success of educational activities

Program implementation mechanism

Stage 2
Upbringing and educational activities with children in kindergarten

Pedagogical activity:

Classes with children under the preschool education program using modern technologies.
- Relationship with society (music school, art school, museums, etc.)
- Holidays, entertainment.

Psychological support of the child:

Accompanying the adaptation of the child to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.
- Accompanying children at risk.
- Correctional and developmental classes.
- Trainings. Psycho-gymnastics.
- Observation. Diagnostics of preschool maturity.

Methodical work:

Nurse, educational psychologist, speech therapist, educators, teachers of additional education, teachers, deputy. head for VMR, deputy. OIA Director

Conducting general methodological associations, meetings, pedagogical councils on the education and training of children.
- Conducting open lessons and classes.
- Application of new technologies for the upbringing and education of children (acquaintance with the technologies used by preschool educational institutions, secondary schools).
- Creation of pedagogical conditions for building a consistent subject-developing educational environment.
- Maintenance of diagnostic cards for each child, in order to track the development of children.
- Identification of problems (maladjustment, school immaturity of first graders at school).

Succession results: ( application)

  • Circle work is being carried out at the preschool educational institution
  • Networking with educational institutions of the city of Lyantor.
  • Interaction with social institutions of the city.
  • Cognitive development of children through excursions.
  • System of work with parents.