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What products are high in fluoride. Fluoride-rich foods

The human body contains many chemical elements that make up most of the periodic table of Mendeleev. They have varying degrees of importance. So the entire skeletal system of a person, as well as his nails, hair and teeth, directly depends on fluoride.

general characteristics

Fluorine is a chemically active poisonous gas with a pungent odor. It can be pale yellow or greenish yellow. At very low temperatures (from -190 to -290 o C), it turns into crystals or liquid.

The element belongs to halogens, substances that, interacting with metals, form salts. In addition, he is able to react with almost the entire table of chemicals, destroying them when interacting.

The first assumption about the presence of this element was put forward in the 18th century, but attempts to extract it from the compounds ended in injury or death of scientists. Only at the end of the 19th century, Henri Moissan was able to do this. On the one hand, fluorine is a dangerous element, but on the other, it is extremely necessary for most living organisms and for humans. It is found in the composition of ores and minerals in the earth's crust, and in the form of compounds in underground and sea waters.

The biological role of fluoride in the human body

Fluorine performs some of the essential functions in the human body... Namely:

  • regulates metabolism;
  • plays an important role in the formation of the entire bone skeleton even during intrauterine development;
  • in the event of a bone fracture or crack, accelerates the fusion of its tissues;
  • in combination with calcium and phosphorus forms the basis of tooth enamel;
  • has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system;
  • enhances immunity;
  • promotes the elimination of heavy metals, radionuclides and other hazardous substances for the body.

Near 60-65% of fluoride enters the body through drinking water, and less - through food. If its content in water does not exceed 5 mg, then sodium fluoride is added to it. It is very difficult to maintain the optimal amount of fluoride for the body, since there is too little border between its norm and excess. If a person needs only 1-3 mg of this substance per day, then the slightest excess of this norm can turn a useful element into a potent poison.

Fluoride absorption

When fluoride enters the human body, it is retained through the bloodstream in the intestines or stomach. The degree of assimilation directly depends from its solubility in water and the amount of its consumption. Most of the soluble fluoride is absorbed through the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

Phosphorus and aluminum can reduce the degree of absorption. Absorption also occurs via fluoride toothpaste and the respiratory tract if the element is gas.

Almost all fluoride is found in teeth and bones. The age and sex of a person, as well as the state of his skeletal system, depends on the degree of its concentration. The element is excreted through the urine. Children retain more than 80% of fluoride, while adults retain less — about 60%.

Beneficial features

Fluoride plays an important role in the formation of bone, dentin and tooth enamel. He and its compound (fluoride) are present in the human body: teeth, bones, skin and thyroid gland. Without this microelement, the formation of healthy teeth is simply not possible, in addition, it protects teeth from various diseases, including caries. If a pregnant woman's diet contains the required amount of fluoride, this is pledge of her strong teeth, as well as the teeth of her future baby.

The optimal amount of fluoride benefits the entire human skeletal system. It helps to strengthen bones and reduces the risk of various degenerative processes, as well as has a beneficial effect on wound healing and improves iron absorption. For optimal functioning of the human body, a balance of vitamins and minerals is required. This also applies to fluoride, its lack or excess can have extremely negative consequences.

Lack of fluoride in the body

The lack of this element by the body is mostly due to its small amount in water - less than 7 mg per liter. Other reasons:

  1. metabolic disease;
  2. missing input through other sources: food, toothpaste.

With a regular lack of fluoride and its compounds by the body,:

  1. osteoporosis. This is a disease in which bones become thin and fragile as a result of bone resorption.
  2. Caries. Disease of the teeth, which is accompanied by tooth decay. It begins with the dissolution of minerals with further destruction of tissues and the formation of a cavity.


Most fluoride compounds are poisonous. Its toxic dose for the human body is 20 mg, and already 2 g will cause death. With acute intoxication of the body, damage to the central nervous system and the digestive tract can be observed.

The main symptoms

  • nausea;
  • stomach upset;
  • vomiting;
  • muscle spasms;
  • low blood pressure.

In chronic poisoning, the cause of which is the regular use of water with an increased content of fluoride, the destruction of the tissues of the teeth and bones, metabolism and deterioration of blood clotting occurs. In addition, it increases the risk of osteosarcoma.

Main reasons:

  • regular intake of various fluorine compounds in the body at work;
  • improper exchange of fluoride in the body;
  • increased fluoride content in drinking water;
  • overdose of medications that contain this element.

Consequences of an excess of fluoride:

  • deterioration of the condition of the enamel of the teeth;
  • osteoporosis;
  • calcification of ligaments and tendons;
  • the appearance of chalky spots on the teeth;
  • the appearance of bone spurs;
  • low blood pressure;
  • deterioration in heart rate;
  • irritation of the skin, their itching and peeling;
  • loss of voice;
  • the appearance of a dry cough;
  • hemorrhage from the mouth or nasal cavity.

Foods containing fluoride

Fluoride in food

You can maintain the balance of fluoride in the body with the help of food. If this component is not enough in the water, then you should correctly adjust your diet from fluorinated products.

  • Seafood. They contain a large amount of trace elements, including fluoride. It is worth considering eating shrimp, crab, fish and its caviar as well.
  • Black and green tea.
  • Vegetables and fruits. Potatoes, apples and grapefruit are the richest in fluoride.
  • Cereals: oatmeal, rice and buckwheat. Other cereals contain insignificant amounts of fluoride.
  • Red wine.

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant and immune boosting element. Let's find out - the signs of its deficiency and excess.

Fluoride-rich foods

The largest amounts of this element are found in tea, sea fish, walnuts, bran, eggs, meat and seafood. Among the cereals, it is worth highlighting oatmeal, and rice. Plant foods also contain fluoride compounds: all green leafy vegetables, grapefruit, apples, onions.

Table - Foods rich in fluoride


Sea fish (portion 150 g):

Sea bass

Herring and mackerel

Freshwater fish (portion 150 g):

Fish products (serving 45 g):

Cold and hot smoked herring

Dried cod

Herring in tomato

Poultry and offal (portion 150 g):

Chicken fillet

Chicken liver

Bread (portion 60 g):

Grain bread

An excess of fluoride in the body through food and water can be traced in the event of an unreasonable occurrence of weakness and general malaise. In this case, you can limit the intake of this element by replacing apples with pears, seafood with meat, and tea with cocoa. The main thing to remember is that everything is good in moderation and find your optimal balance.

Video: The role of fluoride, and how it can be dangerous if it is in excess

The human body contains almost the entire periodic table, and among the elements there are those whose importance is difficult to deny. Among them is fluoride, without which our skeletal system, hair, nails and teeth could not exist. You can replenish depleted body stores by consuming fluoride in food.

In addition, healthy skin is an indicator of normal fluoride content. It is important to know which foods contain fluoride in order to maintain an optimal balance in the body. Interestingly, an excess of this substance is often even more dangerous than its lack.

Consider which foods contain fluoride? It's no secret that we get such an important element with drinking water. However, this is not enough in every region. This is why it's important to deliberately include fluoride-rich foods on your menu several times a week. The main thing is a sense of proportion, you should not make up your entire diet from this!

You will immediately feel the moment when you "overdo it" at the expense of including fluoride in your diet. You will have general malaise and weakness. In this case, fluoride in food should be limited, preferring poultry instead of fish, pears instead of apples, and cocoa instead of tea. The main thing is not to rush from one extreme to another and maintain an optimal balance.

Fluoride is present in all organs and tissues, but 96% of it is concentrated in bones and teeth. With calcium, this component provides mineralization and strength of the skeleton, maturation and hardness of tooth enamel. What products contain the most fluoride is described in the article.

The component is needed for normal hair and nail growth. Fluorine is involved in important physiological cycles, strengthens the immune system, removes heavy metals and toxins. With the help of a trace element, the vital activity of acid-forming bacteria is suppressed. Fluoride prevents the development of caries.

What is the best way to consume?

Heat treatment is harmful to volatile fluorine, and tea brewed with boiling water is not a living product. This feature of the component of interest should be taken into account when preparing food.

It is advisable to use the sources in their original form - raw. Do not put them in aluminum dishes, which will waste fluoride. In addition, a large amount of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium complicates the absorption of fluoride.

Where is it present?

One third of the ingredient comes from food, so foods that contain fluoride are good for your health. But most of it comes with water. Since a natural trace element is present in a bound state, its concentration in living organisms is very low. An exception is tea and sea fish.

Most of the ingredient is lost during cooking. If food is cooked in an aluminum pan, it reacts with the material and is removed from the food. It will not be possible to make up for the lack of fluoride with the help of a monotonous diet, so doctors do not prescribe a diet, but fluoride agents. And what products contain the most fluorine will be discussed later.

Herbal products

When a component is lacking, it is important to eat foods rich in fluoride. There is a lot of this component:

  • in cereals - bran, rice, buckwheat;
  • vegetables - pumpkin, potatoes, onions;
  • fruits;
  • wine, grape, tomato, orange juices;
  • honey;
  • prunes, almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds;
  • spices and herbs;
  • pickles.

The source of fluoride in wine is a chemical sprayed on the vine. Its concentration can be high.

Fluorine ions have the ability to move from the leaves into the solution, therefore, when tea and decoctions are infused, 70-90% of it "migrates" into the water. Chamomile "gives away" little mineral - 5%, while rose hips - 20%, mint - 30%.

Tea (100 ml) contains 10,000 mcg of fluoride, while mineral water contains 800 mcg. Walnut contains 865 mcg of the component. The daily requirement of a trace element will be provided by 300 g of walnuts. Products that contain fluoride are saturated with this component when consumed in moderation.

Animal products

There are also animal products that contain high levels of fluoride. He is present:

  • in meat;
  • liver;
  • broths on bones, poultry meat, canned fish;
  • milk;
  • fish;
  • seafood, shellfish.

Salmon (700 g) covers the daily fluoride requirement. It is advisable to cook fish with bones, as this saturates the body with a larger amount of a trace element than fillets.

Mackerel (100 g) contains 1400 mcg of fluoride, while tuna contains 1000. These are products containing fluorine and calcium. In cod, blue whiting, pollock, hake of this component 700 mcg, in haddock - 500. Products containing fluorine must be present in the human diet.

Daily rate

It is difficult to draw a line between excess and lack of a component. There is very little fluoride in products, so an overdose is not terrible.

The body of an adult weighing up to 70 kg contains about 2-3 g of fluoride. Its norm per day is 0.5-4 mg and depends on age, weight, energy consumption, region, nutrition. For example, for children 6-9 years old, 1.1 mg is required, for adolescents 14-18 - 1.5, and after 18 years - 1.7-4.

Pregnant women and people who are engaged in manual labor need 2 mg of the mineral every day. With osteoporosis, the rate rises.

a lack of

  • to the destruction of bone tissue;
  • high sensitivity of the teeth;
  • fragility, brittle nails;
  • hair loss, split ends;
  • anemia;
  • osteoporosis;
  • curvature of the spine;
  • periodontal disease;
  • caries;
  • deterioration of vision.

Therefore, you should adhere to the measure. If there is a lack of a component, the doctor may prescribe medications. It is important to complete the entire course of treatment.


Fluoride in food is able to compensate for the deficit only with moderate consumption. But the component is poisonous if more than 20 mg is supplied. An overdose is considered dangerous. The excess results in:

  • to slower growth, cessation of cell division;
  • general weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • nausea;
  • skin rash;
  • complete loss of voice;
  • convulsions;
  • trembling fingers;
  • bleeding gums;
  • oppression of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland.

Difficulty breathing, a decrease in pressure also occurs. The bones will be rough, resulting in muscle and joint pain. In case of fluoride poisoning, conjunctivitis, lacrimation, pneumonia, irritation of the bronchi, skin, severe abdominal pain, diarrhea appear.

With an excess of fluoride, fluorosis can occur - a disease in which gray-brown spots appear on the enamel, deformation of the joints, and destruction of bone tissue. Wrinkles, white hard areas form on the skin. Fluorosis appears when there is 0.5 mg of fluoride per 1 kg of body weight.

Signs of an overdose appear gradually, so if you feel a little sick, you need to visit a doctor. If medical assistance is untimely, the treatment will be delayed for a long time.

To eliminate excess fluoride ions, you should eat foods rich in calcium, as well as take medications (calcium gluconate), laxatives (sodium sulfate). Magnesium products prevent the absorption of the mineral.

If poisoning with this component appears, induce vomiting and rinse the stomach.

Best sources for kids

A growing body definitely needs this component, as it participates in the formation of healthy bones and teeth, strengthening enamel and preventing dental ailments. Lack of a component leads to developmental disorders.

But this does not mean that from an early age children should be stuffed with dietary supplements with F. It is necessary to feed them natural products. An excess of the component also negatively affects health. For children, the best sources of fluoride are:

  1. Tea. It should be administered from an early age.
  2. Pickles. Cucumbers added to the salad are excellent fluoride saturation.
  3. The grape juice. This favorite drink enriches with a trace element. Only it should be natural juice, without preservatives and chemicals.
  4. Spinach. This vegetable, like other green leafy vegetables, gives strength and serves as a source of valuable vitamins.
  5. Tomatoes. All tomato dishes are rich in fluoride. Tomato juice is also useful.
  6. Carrot. Made without salt, but with some added vegetable oil, it is a nutritious side dish.
  7. Orange juice. If you are not allergic to such a drink, then at least once a week you can give your child fresh citrus juice.
  8. Asparagus. It is served whole or crushed in puree.
  9. Beet. You can cook borscht, salads, juices from a vegetable.
  10. Prunes. It is added to compotes and desserts.

Children under 2 years of age are prone to food allergies. Therefore, these products should be introduced carefully, slowly. Only after habituation can the dose be increased.

Coming up with a fluoride-rich menu is easy. You just need to know what products it is in. Soups cooked on bones, poultry broths are considered a hearty dish, a concentrated source of F. You just need to check the quality of the meat.

Freshly prepared food is the best. But canned food is also suitable. For example, fish fish are recognized as the best sources of fluoride. In this case, you need to check the quality and freshness of the product. In addition to canned food, fresh fish is suitable. The main thing is to boil it, stew it or bake it with bones.

Toxic sources

Probably everyone knows about fluoridated water, which enters houses through communal water pipes. There is an inorganic form of fluorine in the tap fluid. And this, according to doctors, is not the safest method of replenishing the mineral reserves. Do not use this water for cooking for children.

There is an increased concentration of fluorine in wine. But it is difficult to attribute this drink to useful, because the source of the component is the pesticide that was used to process the plant. Cryolite is used, which is considered a harmful insect repellent. The concentration of the component in a glass of wine is greater than in 1 liter of fluoridated water. You should choose quality products to maintain the vitamin and mineral balance.

Where else is fluoride?

In addition to products, there are preparations with this component:

  1. "ACT" - is used to prevent the appearance of caries. This is a gel applied to the teeth. A film is formed with it, which saturates the enamel with fluorine.
  2. "Koreberon" is a remedy that has anti-caries, anti-rachitic, trophic effects. It is prescribed for osteoporosis. The drug has many side effects and contraindications.
  3. Sodium fluoride. It is used as a prevention of caries in children and adults. It is used after consultation with a specialist.

You should consult your doctor regarding the use of drugs with fluoride. They should not be taken without permission due to the likelihood of causing great harm to health. Usually, the doctor prescribes medicines only when urgently needed, and in most cases the component can be obtained from products.

Fluoride is indispensable for the formation of bone tissue and teeth, but a slight excess causes severe irreversible consequences. The lack of a component is less harmful, therefore, the content of the trace element supplied with food should not be controlled.

Fluorine Is a poisonous gas that is essential for humans to function normally. First of all, fluoride is good for teeth and bones, as it strengthens tooth enamel, promotes the growth and development of bones.

Basic properties of fluorine

Fluorine itself is a gas with a very strong and unpleasant odor. In small quantities, the element smells like a mixture of ozone and chlorine.

At extremely low temperatures (from minus 188 to minus 288), the substance becomes liquid or solid. In the liquid state, fluorine is yellowish, in the gaseous state it is colorless, in the solid state it is greenish-yellow.

The substance is a very powerful oxidizing agent and the lightest among halogens.

The substance boils and melts at incredibly low temperatures (- 188 and - 219 degrees Celsius).

The structure of fluorine can be described as follows: a diatomic molecule of a substance includes 4 connecting orbitals together with three disintegrating ones. The bond order in the molecule is one.

If we study the composition of fluorine, we can come to the conclusion that the substance is monoisotopic, because on Earth there is only one stable isotope of the second (F19). Science also knows 17 radioactive isotopes of the element and 1 nuclear isomer (F18).

The benefits of fluoride for the human body

The body of an adult contains 2.5-3 g of fluorine. The biological role of fluoride for humans is significant, since most of the trace element is concentrated in the enamel of teeth and bone tissue. Fluoride is excreted mainly through the kidneys.

Calcium and magnesium interfere with the absorption of fluorine. The element itself impairs the absorption of iodine and accelerates the absorption of iron.

The main functions of fluoride in the body:

  • fluoride is especially useful for teeth and bones: together with calcium and phosphorus, it forms and strengthens bones, tooth enamel, accelerates the restoration of bones in fractures;
  • participates in the mass of biochemical reactions;
  • promotes the growth and health of nails and hair;
  • helps to form, mature and develop blood cells;
  • strengthens the immune system and maintains human health;
  • removes radionucleides and heavy metals from the body;
  • protects against caries by reducing the activity of acid-forming bacteria;
  • reduces the risk of periodontal disease.

Daily dose of fluoride

The person's need for an element should be determined by the attending physician. On average, a person needs 1.5 - 5 mg of the substance daily.

An increase in the body's need for fluoride can be due to metabolic disorders in the enamel of teeth and bones.

Large doses of fluoride (more than 20 mg) poison the body, and if the dose exceeds 2 g, the person will not survive.

Excess and deficiency of fluoride: symptoms

Usually, with a lack of fluoride, problems begin with the teeth, skin and bones. So, with a lack of fluoride in the body, osteoporosis develops (characterized by weak bones), hair begins to fall out, and nails become brittle. The element is of particular importance for the teeth. With a lack of fluoride, caries develops in the body (tooth enamel becomes thinner, it can crumble or chip off).

It is important to know that with a lack of fluoride, osteoporosis develops first, and caries and profuse hair loss will not take long.

It is possible to compensate for the lack of an element by using fluoridated water and products, dietary supplements and preparations with this element. For the treatment of caries, fluoride tooth varnish, toothpastes with fluoride, tablets with sodium fluoride in the composition can be used.

The main reason for the lack of an element:

  • permanent residence in those regions of the country where there is little fluoride in soil, food and water;
  • violation of fluoride metabolism in the body.

At that time, excess fluoride can be recognized by a variety of symptoms:

  • disturbed work of the central nervous system;
  • kidney pathology;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • pneumonia;
  • violation of the shape of the skeleton;
  • convulsions;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • osteoporosis, calcification (primarily ligaments and tendons);
  • heart problems;
  • irritation of the skin;
  • painful sensations in the abdomen;
  • dental problems (fragility, fluorosis, bleeding gums);
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • loose stools;
  • tearing;
  • feeling of severe weakness, loss of strength;
  • voice problems;
  • iron deficiency;
  • low pressure.

Due to the large amount of the element, calcium accumulates in the body: growths appear on the bones, which leads to deformation of the skeleton and limbs. Also, with an excess of the element, aluminum begins to accumulate, which negatively affects the human central nervous system: mental disorders and tremors of the limbs are possible.

Long-term overdose of the element (ten years or more) slowly leads to fluorosis of the entire skeleton. Its signs:

  • joint pain;
  • joint mobility disorders;
  • violation of the shape of ligaments, tendons;
  • the appearance of bone spurs;
  • progressive muscle weakness;
  • immobility;
  • neurological diseases.

Large doses of the substance can lead to death or poisoning of the body.

An excess of fluorine occurs most often due to increased concentrations of the trace element in the water. This occurs when a person constantly drinks fluoride-saturated water and cooks food on it.

Fluoride is often found in toothpaste. Of course, fluoride strengthens the enamel, but at the same time it can harm it. You should know that if you use such toothpastes for a long time and without interruptions, fluoride accumulates in large quantities in the body, which, on the contrary, leads to diseases of the teeth and oral cavity, and the enamel will begin to deteriorate.

Excess fluoride will not benefit children either. An overdose of a substance is especially dangerous during the growth and development of the skeleton, therefore it is very important to give the child only purified water or at least (if possible) know its composition.

The optimum fluoride content in water is 1.5 mg per liter of liquid. When drinking water with a higher concentration of fluoride, a person may notice the first signs of its excess in the body:

  • increased breathing;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • cramps of arms and legs;
  • kidney problems.
  • It is necessary to stop taking fluoride products, drinks, drugs, the use of fluorinated toothpastes, start taking enterosorbents and symptomatic agents.
  • In case of acute fluoride poisoning, hospitalization is necessary.

Also, an excess of fluoride occurs when poisoning at work, with long-term use of drugs with it in the composition or due to a violation of the internal metabolism of a substance.

To normalize the level of fluoride in the body, it is necessary to stop using foods, drinks, medicines with fluoride, as well as toothpastes and rinses with this substance in the composition. You should urgently start taking enterosorbents and symptomatic agents. If fluoride poisoning is acute, you should urgently go to the hospital for hospitalization.

Fluoride products

At the moment, the content of fluorine in water is such that most of the element is supplied to the body from liquids (about 70-80% of the daily value).

Fluoride is also found in plant foods:

  • leafy vegetables, spinach;
  • fruits: apples, grapefruit;
  • grain crops;
  • rice;
  • vegetables: potatoes, onions;
  • any nuts;
  • drinks: tea, wine.

Contains fluoride in foods and animal origin:

  • seafood;
  • chicken meat;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • meat and offal.

Popular fluoride preparations

There are many pills and gels that contain fluoride. They are prescribed by doctors and sold strictly by prescription. Using them yourself is life-threatening. They are usually used to fight caries and to improve the condition of the oral cavity and teeth.

The following drugs are very often used:

  • "Sodium fluoride". Release form - powder or crystals. The remedy is used for osteoporosis and children's caries. Taking "sodium fluoride" should be accompanied by the use of foods rich in calcium and magnesium. Prescribing the drug is impossible without a preliminary blood test to determine the ratio of minerals in the body. Only in this case can you be sure that the remedy will benefit the patient, not harm.
  • "Natrium fluoratum" - resorption tablets (1 mg). This is the same sodium fluoride. It is aimed at replenishing fluoride deficiency, treating caries, and improving the condition of bones. Promotes the maturation of enamel, its strengthening. The drug is prescribed for osteoporosis, osteopathy, for the prevention of caries. Contraindicated in pregnancy, breastfeeding, children up to six months, three years, 6 and 14 years (depending on the dosage of the drug and its dosage form).
  • "Coreberon". Available in the form of pills and coated tablets (20 mg). Another analogue of sodium fluoride.
  • "Vitaftor". The drug contains sodium fluoride, retinol (vitamin A), vitamin D, ascorbic acid, sorbitol and some other substances. Release form - liquid. It is used for the prevention and treatment of caries and to improve the formation of permanent teeth enamels. Usually, the remedy is prescribed for children who live in areas where the fluoride content in the water is below normal (less than 0.5 mg per 1 liter of water). Vitaftor can be used for children from 1 year old.
  • "ACT". Mouthwash solution. Contains sodium fluoride. It is used for the prevention of caries in children and adults.
  • "Fluorolac" is a special gel that is applied to the enamel of the teeth. It is used as a preventive measure to prevent periodontal disease and caries. Before using the gel, the teeth are cleaned (do hygienic cleaning). The drug forms a special film on the surface of the teeth, protecting them from harmful bacteria, strengthening the gums and increasing the stability of the fillings. The product can be bought without a prescription at a regular pharmacy, but dentists recommend not using it on your own to avoid overdose.

All of the above funds should not be taken without a doctor's permission.

Fluoride in toothpaste

The benefits of fluoride in toothpaste are undeniable. It is this substance that provides its anti-carious effect. It is not harmful when used locally (that is, during normal teeth cleaning), it strengthens the enamel well due to its increased resistance to acids. And the harm of fluoride in the paste is possible in the following cases:

  • with constant use of a paste containing fluorine in high concentrations (more than 1000 ppm);
  • if the paste is swallowed while cleaning.
  • prophylactic (fluorine content - up to 1000 ppm) - suitable for daily use, do not pose a hazard during long-term use: for example, Splat Aktiv, Splat Arktikum, Splat Siberry;
  • anti-carious (fluoride content - more than 1000 ppm) - aimed at intensive strengthening of the enamel at the first signs of caries; not suitable for long-term use (such are the majority of pastes from Lacalut and Paradontax - fluorine content 1400 ppm).

It is worth knowing which fluoride-free paste can benefit your teeth. Today, many manufacturers of toothpastes produce rulers with or without this element. The most popular fluoride-free toothpastes include:

  • BioRepair Total Protection Plus is an Italian toothpaste without foaming agents, parabens, antiseptics and fluoride. Contains zinc to strengthen teeth.
  • ROCS: Jasmine Flower. Manufactured in Russia. Low abrasiveness (will not damage enamel), no fluoride, antiseptics and parabens. Contains calcium, magnesium, xylitol to strengthen teeth and bromelain to break down plaque.
  • ROCS: Bionics. The least degree of abrasiveness, therefore, harmless to enamel. Free of antiseptics, foaming agents, fluoride, parabens. Contains extracts from herbs (licorice, thyme, kelp), calcium and magnesium.
  • ROCS Maximum Freshness, ROCS Caribbean Summer, ROCS Citrus Jazz, ROCS Morning Energy, ROCS Taste of Delight, ROCS Forest Midday. Abrasiveness is at the level of the norm, but slightly higher than that of the above types of this paste. The composition contains no fluoride and antiseptics, contains xylitol, calcium, magnesium and bromelain.
  • "President of Unique". Italian pasta without fluoride. No foaming agents, fluoride. Contains Calcium and Xylitol.
  • Splat Ultracomplex, Biocalcium, Maximum. In the composition of hydroxyapatite, papain (for splitting plaque). No antiseptics and fluoride.
  • Splat Aromatherapy, Green Tea, Magnolia. Contain extracts from plants. No fluoride or antiseptics.
  • "Paradontax without fluoride". British pasta popular in Russia. Low abrasiveness. Free of foaming agents, parabens, antiseptics and fluoride. Contains large amounts of sodium bicarbonate and extracts from plants.

The list of toothpastes containing this microelement is simply huge (below are the most common):

  1. "Ivorin Total" ("Avanta"). Contains triclosan for antimicrobial action, fluoride and calcium to strengthen enamel, pyrophosphates to protect against tartar, natural essential oils for fresh breath.
  2. "Ivorin healing herbs" ("Avanta"). Contains herbal extracts for wound healing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects and natural essential oils for fresh breath. It is used for the prevention of caries and periodonitis.
  3. "Albadent Stone-control ®" ("Vita Firm"). The action of the paste is aimed at gentle cleaning of the teeth, anti-inflammatory effect and prevention of caries.
  4. Amway. Contains herbal extracts. Prevention of caries and gum disease.
  5. "Aquafresh". Provides the prevention of caries and periodontal diseases.
  6. "Aquaftem" ("Faberlic"). Improves local metabolism, is effective against inflammation, with small wounds in the oral cavity, prevents the occurrence of caries.
  7. Biodent Herbal (LEK kozmetica). Main components: sodium monofluorophosphate, extracts of chamomile, sage, lemon balm, rosemary. The paste is intended for the prevention of caries and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.
  8. Blend-A-med Complete (Procter & Gamble). Prevention of caries, periodonitis, effective cleansing.
  9. "Glister" ("Amway"). Contains calcium and fluoride to prevent caries, vitamins in the composition reduce bleeding and inflammation of the gums.
  10. "Pearls for the Whole Family" ("Nevskaya Cosmetics"). A popular cheap paste with calcium and fluoride, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the enamel.
  11. "Cedar balsam with fluoride" ("Modum"). Contains essential oils and herbal extracts, has bactericidal, wound healing properties, strengthens the enamel.
  12. Colgate Total (Colgate - Palmolive). Complex impact.
  13. Lacalut aktiv (ARCAM GmbH). Complex effect.Heals wounds, has antimicrobial effect, wound healing, carries out the prevention of caries and periodonitis.
  14. Lacalut fluor (ARCAM GmbH). It slows down the process of enamel darkening, mineralizes and protects teeth, restores the natural whiteness of teeth with prolonged use. Prevents the appearance of caries and other diseases of the oral cavity.
  15. "New pearl eucalyptus" ("Nevskaya cosmetics"). Contains eucalyptus extract, which has anti-inflammatory, wound healing effects.
  16. "New Pearl Total" ("Nevskaya Cosmetics") Complex effect. Protects teeth from staining pigments.
  17. "New Pearl Extra" ("Nevskaya Cosmetics"). Strengthens local immunity.
  18. "New Pearl Complex" ("Nevskaya Cosmetics"). Refreshes breath, cleans teeth well, has a complex effect.
  19. "New Pearl Multivitamins" ("Nevskaya Cosmetics"). Vitamins in the composition accelerate metabolism, calcium and sodium in the composition remineralize enamel.
  20. "New pearl soda bicarbonate" ("Nevskaya kosmetika") Restores the acid-base balance, preserves the whiteness of the teeth.
  21. "Optifresh" ("Oriflame"). Contains iron, calcium, zinc, fluorine, which together strengthen the enamel of the teeth.
  22. "Paradontax". An effective paste for gingivitis and periodontal disease. Effectively stops bleeding, inflammation, has an antimicrobial effect.
  23. "PresiDENT Activ". Popular paste for the prevention of dental caries, diseases of the oral cavity and periodontal disease.
  24. "PresiDENT Classic". A popular paste for the prevention of caries, diseases of the oral cavity and periodontal disease. Contains herbal extracts.
  25. "PresiDENT Exclusiv". Popular paste for the prevention of dental caries, diseases of the oral cavity and periodontal disease. Contains herbal extracts and propolis.
  26. "SPLAT asset". Effectively fights inflammation, bleeding. Restores the whiteness of the teeth, prevents the appearance of plaque.
  27. SPLAT special sea minerals. Beneficial effect on enamel and gums.

What is the best fluoride paste? When choosing this hygiene product, you need to pay attention to the composition. It is desirable that the paste for daily use meets the following requirements.

  • Abrasiveness level - no more than 80 RDA. High abrasiveness, suitable for infrequent use for teeth whitening and tartar prevention.
  • Lack of antiseptics - chlorhexedine, triclosan. The use of pastes with such components is necessary only for gum treatment.
  • Moderate fluorine content (no more than 1000 ppm). A high concentration of fluorides is useful for short-term use and is found in anti-caries pastes. For healthy teeth, the concentration should be lower.

Fluoride-free baby pastes:

  • "PRESIDENT Baby". Suitable for children from birth to three years old. Contains calcium, xylitol, chamomile extract, retinol and propolis. Does not contain sugar. Low abrasiveness (25 RDA).
  • PRESIDENT Kids Strawberry (3-6 years old). Contains 3 effective forms of calcium for strengthening teeth, xylitol, vitamin E and aloe extract. Suitable for children who do not develop tooth decay too often.
  • SPLAT Baby is a paste for children from birth to three years old. Contains aloe extract, licorice, lactic enzymes (to increase local immunity), calcium (to strengthen teeth).
  • "SPLAT Kids strawberry-cherry" (from 2 to 6 years old). Contains lactic enzymes (to strengthen local immunity), aloe, arginine and licorice extract. Does not contain harmful substances and allergens. An effective paste for frequent stomatitis, thrush in the mouth, and teething.
  • ROCS Baby. The range of children's toothpastes is suitable for children from 0 to 3 years old. Contains xylitol (for neutralizing harmful acids), chamomile extract, alginate (for anti-inflammatory effect when teeth appear). The disadvantage of toothpaste is its low abrasiveness (plaque will be removed poorly).
  • ROCS PRO Baby. For children from 0 to 3 years old. It has a very good composition: it includes xylitol, calcium, honeysuckle extract. The disadvantage of the paste is its low abrasiveness and high price.
  • ROCS PRO Kids Wild Berries. Suitable for children from 3 to 7 years old. Contains honeysuckle extract, xylitol and calcium in high concentration. Suitable for children with good teeth.

Children's fluoride pastes:

  • Colgate ELMEX. Designed for children from 6 months to 6 years. It contains the highest quality form of fluoride, aminofluoride, at a concentration of 500 ppm recommended by the European Academy of Dentistry. The paste is aimed at strengthening immature children's enamel. This form of fluoride is more quickly activated inside the mouth, and this is a definite plus, since children brush their teeth not as long as adults.
  • Lacalut Baby - contains aminofluoride (250) ppm and vitamin E. Suitable for children from birth to two years old. Aminofluoride is able to form a film on the teeth, through which fluoride penetrates into the enamel of the teeth for a couple of hours after brushing, thereby strengthening it.
  • ROCS Kids Berry Fantasy. For children from 4 to 7 years old. Fluoride concentration - 500 The high concentration contains xylitol and aminofluoride, which makes the paste effective in the fight against caries. It can be recommended to use it only up to 6 years, since then permanent teeth begin to erupt, and the concentration of fluoride should be at least 2 times higher.
  • "LACALUT Kids 4+" (from 4 to 8 years old) - similar to the pasta "ROCS Kids Berry Fantasy".

When choosing a baby paste, it is necessary to take into account the concentration of fluoride in the water in the area of \u200b\u200bresidence. If the content of the element is exceeded, the use of fluoride pastes is impractical and can lead to serious health problems not only for the child, but also for the adult.

Hello dear readers. The topic of proper nutrition today is interesting for everyone who wants to stay vigorous and healthy for many years. We monitor the caloric content of the diet, calculate the amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins. However, we forget that the body needs microelements, for example, fluoride, for a full-fledged life. Let's figure out where to look for this exotic component, and which fluoride foods are preferable.

Why does our body need F ions?

Since fluorine is a gaseous substance of the halogen group, it enters our body in the form of compounds of various metals (calcium, sodium, tin). Then it is ionized and transported by the blood to organs and tissues.

The human need for fluoride is small, only 0.5-4 milligrams per day. Considering that a liter of drinking water contains 3-12 mg of fluoride, it can be said that there is no need to specifically saturate the diet with foods containing fluoride, provided that the basic principles of proper nutrition are observed.

Although it is customary to refer fluorine to the group of conditionally vital microelements, the body will not be able to completely do without it. By itself, F is necessary at the stage of formation of tooth enamel and bones. The condition of the nail plate and hair, as well as the rate of regeneration of damaged tissues, depends on its content.

Fluoride ions catalyze hematopoiesis, help the body get rid of radionuclides and heavy metals. In addition, halogen speeds up the absorption of Ca or iron from food.

The excellent compatibility of fluoride and calcium allows them to work in tandem, strengthening bones and tooth enamel in every possible way. Therefore, the trace element is especially important for women. As you know, while carrying a baby, a mother needs a regular intake of calcium, which is necessary for the formation of the baby's skeleton.

With a lack of it, the body will borrow a trace element from the bone tissue, which will immediately affect the condition of the future mother's hair and nails. For older women, it is important to consume the maximum allowable amount of foods containing fluoride to prevent the development of osteoporosis.

Another useful property of halogen F is its ability to reduce the aggressiveness of the acidic environment in the mouth and to kill bacteria that cause tooth decay. By the way, manufacturers of toothpaste successfully use this.

How an excess of a trace element will affect the body

Recently, there have been many articles and publications on the harm of fluoride. Say, this chemical element is unsafe for the human body. I must say that halogen is indeed poisonous, but only in its natural, gaseous state.

Moreover, we get it from products in micro doses; the body does not have time to accumulate a critical concentration of the substance, since F is quickly utilized through the urinary system. But it is really not worth buying products enriched with fluorine. Not only are the prices for such a product 20-30% higher, the risk of overdose when consumed increases markedly.

Now a little about how you can find out that your body is too much fluoride. Since halogen ions follow, first of all, into the bone tissue, its excess will manifest itself as white spots on the tooth enamel. But if this sign is easy to detect visually, other consequences, such as nosebleeds, pressure surges, skin itching, or headaches, are often attributed to other factors.

The constant excess of the required daily fluoride intake leads to a decrease in immunity, complication of the course of chronic ailments, the development of allergies and even the appearance of tumors. It should be taken into account that fluorine compounds are incompatible with magnesium, they prevent its full assimilation.

Where is the trace element contained

Almost all food categories contain varying amounts of fluoride. But we must admit that the trace element is not found in large quantities anywhere. As a rule, its presence in products is limited to tenths and hundredths of a milligram.

Its content in sea fish is relatively high. Mackerel is especially rich in fluorides, containing 35% of a trace element of the daily intake. What other products contain fluoride can be found in the table. Calculations are based on the maximum daily intake.

Fluorides can be obtained not only from fish, dairy products or cereals. Some of them are found in beef or veal, liver. If we talk about seafood, then the trace element can be found in seaweed (kelp). Fluoride compounds are found in apples, grapes, dates, spinach, beet tops, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds.

You will probably be curious to know that in addition to the listed products, the trace element is present in significant quantities in the tea leaf. We can say that the plant is a favorite in terms of the content of fluoride compounds. At the same time, during brewing, the leaf gives off about 50-70% of the substance to water.

This is why tea is believed to be good for teeth. This is especially true for green varieties, which almost do not contain coloring pigment, which means they will not cause yellowing of the enamel. Hot drinks made with the addition of mint are beneficial. Fluoride is also present in its leaves and stems.

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