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Etsence of Slavs. How the Slavic peoples disappear

We offer to your attention the material of the Russian service "Inter - Radio Romania" about the origin of Romanians and the connections between Protoruman and Polovtsy ethnic groups.

This material is interesting: Throughout history in Romania, they considered themselves the direct heirs of the Roman Empire (and there were grounds for it), then, for example, when Ceausescu, they began to produce movies, emphasizing the national identity of the ancestors Romanians and their heroic Fight against the Romans.

Now, Romanian historians begin to prevail a middle point of view on the origin of Romanian.

Although in the state hymn "awaken Romanian!" The origin of the Romanian people is mentioned quite clearly and clearly - the heirs of Rome:

"Now or never prove the world,

What the Roman blood flows in these hands

And in our breast we store with pride name

The winner in the battles, the name of Tranana. "

By the way, Romanian anthem is in its full version one of the longest anthem in the world.

In his lines that we quoted, the Emperor Traian says, in which Romania was conquered by Rome, and the Thracian tribe of Dakov was forced to become Roman citizens.

By the way, the name of the country comes from the Latin word "Roman", although Romanians called Valah in the Middle Ages. But the name of the valahs (or wooh) is also related to Rome.

It is believed that the original Germans called the nomanized Celts (from Walh - with the ancient-monthly "alien" or "foreigner").

These peoples were Wales - the future population of Wales, Wallon and Velshi. Byzantines began to call the peoples and tribes of the Balkan Peninsula, dealing with nomadic cattle breeding. Greek it looked like βλχος.

So, the material on the origin of the Romanian of official broadcasting from Bucharest. Audio this program will be available somewhat later.

To the question of the origin of Romanian

"The desire to learn your historical roots, and also to find out who we are from where they come from - naturally for any community and the people.

Different epochs answered this question in different ways. In the 19th century, Romanticism dominated in historical science, the answer corresponded to his political program - the construction program of national states.

And one of the main abstracts of historians of the era of romanticism was the thesis of the so-called ethnic purity of the origin of his own people, by virtue of which they exceeded the national specifics and understood the role of a foreign factor in the formation of nations.

Romanian historiography was no exception. Back in the 18th century, long before the emergence of romanticism, representatives of the Transylvanian school argued that Romanians are direct descendants of the Romans, which colonized ancient Dacius in the 2nd century AD. Later, historians began to talk about the role of Daca in the ethnogenesis of the Romanian people. In general, Romanians consider themselves as descendants of Romans and Dakov, recognizing the role of Slavs as an additional element in the formation of the Romanian people.

However, the foreign factor played in the medieval history of Romanian a more important role than the one that can be judged by the preserved written sources. For the millennium, which passed between the departure of the Romans from Dakia in the 3rd century AD. And the formation of the Romanian feudal states in the 14th century, 12 large tribes and ethnic groups of various origin were held throughout the territory of modern Romania.

Among the last in time were Polovtsy or Kumani, the Turkic people who lived in 11-13 centuries in the Black Sea steppes, and which from the 11th century began to populate and the region from the lower Dniester and the Lower Prawn to the southeastern radiation of the Carpathians. After in 1223, the combined Russian-Polovetsky argent of Mongols defeated the battle of Mongols, the Polovtsy were forced to go to the West, closer to Karpatam Mountains, where Catholicism accepted in 1227. In the south-east of the Carpathians, Kumanskoye was formed, that is, the Polovtsy Catholic Bishoprosis, which was under the protectorate of the Hungarian crown. It existed to the Great Mongolian invasion of 1241, after which the Polovtsy dissipated, part of the territory of the Hungarian kingdom, part - on the lands between the southern Carpathians and the Danube, where they were soon assimilated by the local population. In foreign documents of the 13th century, the state of Kumania, inhabited by Romanians and Polovtsy, whom the authors of medieval essays did not distinguish between themselves. Some historians believe that this state education is the predecessor of the Romanian Principality of Valahia, which emerged in the 14th century.

Polovtsy problem Romanian historians are engaged in more than a hundred years, but he always remained the area of \u200b\u200binterests of narrow specialists. Completely unexpectedly, the Oka was in the center of attention of the general public after the history of the historian and the famous popularizer of the history of Nagu Juwara. The book on the role of Polovtsy in the formation of medieval Romanian states wears a deliberately provocative name: "Tokomerius, he is the same Negro-Vodo - the voivod of Kumansky origin at the origins of Valahia." At the same time, the Giuvara hypothesis is not original: the theory of the role of Polovtsy in the formation of Romanian statehood is known for a long time. But in the face of the domination of historical romanticism, few Romanian historians were ready to risk a reputation and assume that the Poland, the people of Turkic origin contributed to the formation of the Romanian people and the first Romanian states.

Among those who were seriously engaged in Polovtsy question, first and foremost to call the largest historian of the first half of the 20th century Nikolay Yorgu, and the recently died culturologist Ovidi Drimuba, who published the most important medieval monument to the Polovetsky language, Codex Cumanicus.

About the book Nyagu Giuwara and about the issues she raises, we talked with the historic-orientist Virgil Chokyltan, a researcher of the Bucharest Institute of the History of Nikolae Jorgia. And our first question was about why Romanian chronicles and then historians wrote so little about Polovtsy:

"I think this is explained by psychological reasons, namely the horror before the steptee. Few people know today, from where the Romanian word "Cappoon" is going. In folk fairy tales and in the folk consciousness, in general, "trains are cannibals and other monstrous creatures in human appearance. In fact, "Cappoon" is a distorted Turkic name "Cap Khan", that is, "Great Han". Such a transformation personified the horror of the local population before the steppe, as the experience of communicating Romanians with Huns, Polovtsy, Tatar-Mongols and other steppe peoples who came from the East was very unpleasant. Attitude towards a Polovtsy issue in the academic world is a reflection of such perception of steppe peoples. "

The princess of Valahia was based on the legend, about 1290 of the Negro-Vodode (that is, a black prince, or a black governor), who, together with a squad and noble people, moved there because of the mountains, from Transylvania, where he ruled the edge of Fagaras, subject to Hungarian kingdom. In the south of Karpat, Negro-Vode created a new state education, which after four decades united all other small formations that existed between the southern Carpathians and the Danube. It happened about 1330 by the Board of Basarab I, the first historic Lord of Valahia. The personality of the legendary black-water historians will already arise the third century, but never came to a common opinion. Some consider him a fictional figure, others are confident that a real historical character is hiding behind a beautiful legend. In his book, Nyagu Zhuwar claims that Negro-Voda is not someone else as the father of Basarab I, namely Thocomerius, a to-particle, according to Latin writing. According to other interpretations, this name could sound both as a tokomer, anemier, toctemir or tichomir. The main thesis of Giuvara is that the to-particle of his origin was a half. Our present guest historian Virgil Chokyltan opinion Nyagu Jiwara does not share:

"The name of the auction is present in the document of the Office of the Hungarian Kingdom dated 1332. It contains one of the first references to the name Basarab: "Bazarab Filium Thocomerii, Scismaticum Infidelis Olahus Nostris.", That is, "Basarab Son Tokomeria, incorrect our schismatics shafts (i.e. Romanian)." I note that the emergence of this document coincides with the exacerbation of relations between Hungary and Valahia. As for the hypothesis of Nyaga Giuwar, then, first, he identifies Toktemir - a to-particle with the legendary black-water, but I believe that this is not confirmed by historical sources. Secondly, he writes about the existence of a Polovtsian layer, which, in his opinion, created the Romanian principalities, but which was not really pure Polovkoy. Thus, the 1332 Hungarian document mentioned clearly clearly indicates that Basarab was "schismist", which, from the point of view of Catholics, means that he was Orthodox. But in this document is also said. Basarab is named Olahus, that is, Romanian, since the word Olahus in the Middle Ages called Romanians. That is, in 1332, Basarab was Romanian and Orthodox. "

Virgil Chokyltan believes that in the 13th century, when Valahia arose, the process of assimilation of Polovtsy Romanians came already far away:

"Romanization and Christianization of Polovtsy occurred not immediately. But at the beginning of the 14th century, the Romanization process of the Turks was in a very advanced stage, which says such an example. In the privileges issued by the Lords of Valahii by the Bryshovsky merchants, the Fortress of Bran, on the border of the Valahia and Transylvania, appears as a terrain inhabited by Turks. Transylvanian Saksa and Hungarians settled on this territory in the first half of the 13th century, a hundred years before the first mention of Basaraba as Romanian, these Turks in the Bran area were no longer found. But, they borrowed the Romanian name of the place, which the Germans are still called the trezburg, and Hungarians are Tonzvar, that is, "Turkic Grad". And we are talking about the Turks, and not about the Turks, which in Europe then there was not yet, because if they found Turk there, then the Sakes would be called Brankenburg, and Hungar Shörёkvar. Romanization of the Carpathian space was deeply at the beginning of the 13th century, although this process was not straightforward and not all the half were assimilated by Romanians by that time. And since the chronology of events is known to us approximately, then claiming that it was Poland who created a state, it is necessary to take into account the process of their assimilation, which in the 14th century if it was not fully completed, then in any case it was already in advanced stage. "

Is it possible to speak in this case about the half ancestors modern Romanian? Virgil Chokyltan:

"We passed two stages of nationalism, the first in the period between the two world wars, the second in the era of National Communism. It is necessary to get rid of such approaches to the study of our historical roots and consider the question objectively. Nowhere in the world there is no so-called pure blood nor ethnic purity and the likes of such things. The world is mixed and he was the same in the past. But this does not mean that we have no national, Romanian, identity that we do not have our own, Romanian, history. Moreover, we have the right to radically change the approach to the question: not to exaggerate the purity of our Daco Roman blood, our Roman origin, but, on the contrary, to properly assess our ability to assimilate other ethnic groups. This is the main historical achievement of Romanians. "

What happened to the Polovtsy heritage in the history of Romanians? The memory of Polovtsy-Kumanhans did not disappear, but, according to scientists, it remains only in some toponyms like a team, a coman, a team, a doodle, and the names of their own, such as common among Romania, the surname Coman. Really, Polovtsy heritage today is nothing more than the hidden Turkic element, once played a role in the ethnogenesis of the Romanian people, and which in the 21st century is perceived as a sign of a very natural diversity of the historic roots of the nation. "

America? No more than your America ..


The author of this article, in general, was not intended to specifically disassemble issues related to the formation of the Romanian nation. The sphere of my interests (as a member of the West Polesky Scientific and Local Local Society "Zagodye") is an ancient story of Slavs. However, many important events of this story took place on the lands of modern Romania. So in the "Tale of Bygone Years" it is said that the Slavs in ancient times lived on the Danube, where the "Land Bulgarian and Ugorskaya". IN XII-XIII centuriesWhen the Russian "initial chronicle", Ugor land (Kingdom of Hungary), was written and corresponded, also included the territory of Valahia-Romania.
Today, today Romania - this, in general, non-Slavic country - literally devastated by Slavic toponyms. And until recently, in Romanian, some estimates were up to twenty percent of Slavic words, and for other estimates and much more. The official language and language of worships in the X-XVIII was Slavic.
In the folk creativity of the Western Polesia (Zagoda), you can find confirmation of the message PVL. In the songs, it is usually mentioned not a bug or gum, the largest rivers of this region, namely Danube. The events described in them show Danube by no means of a random stay in a foreign country, and the native edge of the heroes of the songs. And in general, every "big water" in Western Polesie is called "Danube".
How and when did the Valahio lapse the status of Slavic territory and became Romanian? There is no accurate data on this. Exists whole line versions on the origin of the Romanian nation and language, which are sufficiently detailed in Wikipedia.

I. Theories of the formation of the Romanian nation (from Wikipedia)

The problem of origin (ethnogenesis) Romanian is one of the most complex problems of Romanian and world historiography. The complexity of obtaining a reliable answer to the question where and when the Romanians appeared in the scarce of sources early history Territory of modern Romania, as well as in the limiting politicization of historical discussions. Despite the fact that the relatives of Romanians appeared in the territory of modern Romania, in the early I millennium, the Romanian people emerged as a whole and began to identify themselves with the word "Romanians" only at the beginning of the XIX century.
Representatives of all scientific areas recognize the following provisions:
At the heart of ethnogenesis Romanian (substrate) there is a certain Balkan people, whose language was in relational relations with Albanian.
At the beginning of the new era, this people underwent cultural and linguistic returns.
At the final stage, the ethnogenesis of Romanians experienced a strong Slavic influence. (See Slavic influences in Romanian)
The main disputes are conducted on the place and time and time of the ratomanization, ethnicity and the name of the people subjected to the novels, autochones or the elimination of Romanians in the territories of their modern residence, as well as the nature and role of Slavic influence.
All the variety of opinions on ethnogenesis Romanians can be reduced to three main theories: migration, autochthon and Dako-Latin.

Autochthonic or Dafa Theory: Romanian continuity and migration
According to this theory, the foundations of the Romanian people were the tribes of Dako-Getov, exposed in 106 n. e. Romanization and perceived spoken Latin. Roman dominion in Dakia continued from 106 to 271 years. This theory in various versions is supported by almost all Romanian historians and the overwhelming majority of European. Decisively reject the idea of \u200b\u200bthe continuity (continuity) only Hungarian historians. Soviet historians occupied the intermediate position between supporters of the continunic and migration studies.
Arguments for:
The extensive nature of the colonization of Dacia.
The colonists were immigrants from different provinces of the Roman Empire and therefore Latin, the official language of the empire, became the only means of "inter-ethnic communication" both with each other and with Daki. Gradually, spoken Latin outstretched all local adverbs. From the language of Dako-Getov in modern Romanian there are about 200 words.
Tyky Toponyms have been preserved in Romania, (the names of the rivers: Samus - Someş, Marisia - Mureş, Porata - PRUT, etc.; City name: Petrodava - Piatra Neamţ, abstructum - abrud) What is an indirect testimony of continuity between Romanians and Daci .
The traditional Romanian suit is close to the costumes of Ducks depicted on the Tracan Column.
In accordance with the line of Irechek, Romanian could only be formed in the territory north of the Balkan ridge.
Arguments against:
Dakia was located in the Roman Empire, too short time lapse, disadvantageous for the november.
The Romans won only 25% of the territory of modern Romania. In addition, the romanization process took place mainly in cities, therefore, the majority of the population was not affected.
Most of the colonists were immigrants from distant provinces of the Roman Empire, such as Iberia, Dalmatia, Gallium, the Middle East and could not speak the language so close to Latin as Romanian. This thesis is controversial, since most of the provinces mentioned have already been nominated.
After the departure of the Romans, free ducks (for example, carps in Moldova) returned to empty lands.
There are very few sources about the accommodation of the number of the population in Dakia after evacuation until the X century.
In Romanian, there is no (or rather, almost no) German borrowings, in Dakia in 5-6 centuries. Herman tribes lived.
Migration theory
This theory appeared at the end of the XVIII century and completely undertakes for the 1860s in the works of the Austrian historian Robert Rörsler. According to this theory, after the conquest of Dakia, the trayan, the indigenous population was destroyed, from which it follows that it is impossible to talk about the process of nomanization of the local population: in 106-271. There was a roman colonization of these lands.
In 275, most of the population left Dakia, and the remaining were destroyed by migratory tribes. Thus, this theory denies the Heto-Dafa continuity. Supporters of this theory believe that the Romanian people were formed somewhere in the south of the Danube, from where emigrated in the XII-XIII centuries., Returning to Transylvania, where the Hungarian population has already lived. It should be noted that this theory arose during the struggle Romanian for the right to own Transylvania and had quite specific political goals - to prove the lack of "historical rights" Romanian on transylvania.
At the moment, this theory in its classic form is few followers. Anyway, Migration theory is mainly supported by Hungarian historians.
Arguments for:
The presence of general words in Romanian and Albanian languages.
South of the Danube lives whaust (Armumans, Meglenororamic, etc.), who speak the East-Romanesque languages \u200b\u200bclose to Romanian.
There are no written sources, certifying Romanians north of the Danube until the X century, although opponents lead a number of similar sources.
The presence of a large number of written sources, certifying Romanians migrating from the south to the north of Balkans and living among Slavs (for example, the Romanian-Bulgarian kingdom).
Romanian toponyms in Albania and Bulgaria.
The weddow shepherds migrated to the north in search of the best pastures, reaching Poland and the Czech Republic. The author's influence on the culture of residents of the mountainous regions of Poland and Ukraine is traced.
Evtropy mentions the resettlement of Roman citizens from Dakia south from the Danube in 270-275.
There are much less Slavic words in Aruman than in Romanian. According to linguistics data, the split of Protorsuman community occurred after Slavic relocation to the Balkans. This maintains the theory that the main Slavic influence on Romanian took place after the migration of the Mukhov in the territory populated by the Slavs north of the Danube.
Ancient Romanian geographical names (toponyms) in Transylvania (in the former Dakia) either come from Slavic (city: Belgrade - from the XIX century Alba-Julia, Virgo, Lipov, Brasov, Rivers: Bistrita, Trnava, Krasnaya, etc.), or the Hungarian language (city: Tirgu Mures, Oradea, Timisoara, Sibiu, Arad, etc.) What will show that immigratory Romania began to use the geographical names of the original Slavic and Hungarian population.
Arguments against:
Dactic toponyms are preserved north of the Danube. However, the preservation of toponyms indicates only the continuity of the settlement, but not necessarily on ethnic continuity.
The Hungarian Chronicle of Gesta Hungarorum claims that when Hungarians arrived in Pannonia, they encountered already inhabited by her whales.
The tale of this year mentions the struggle of Hungarian aliens with whales and the Slavs.
No medieval chronicle mentions any large-scale displacement of peoples from the Balkans to the territory of Romania; And some opposite speak of the opposite direction of migrations: according to the "Starcon" Kekavman (1066), whale of Epirus and Fessals came from the north of the Danube and Sava.
In the territories, which were part of the Roman province of Dakia, Romanian dialects retained more latin than in other regions of Romanian. It would be difficult to explain why Romanian migrants from the Balkans spoke on a more profitable language exactly in the territories where the Roman province was existed for 6-7 centuries ago and Latin was distributed.
The name of the Danube in Romanian has a shape that goes back to the original (derivative of the restored * donaris) form, and not borrowed from other languages. This shows that Romanians always lived somewhere around this river, and not far to the south.
Dako-Latin version
Some historians suggested that the Daksky was close to Latin. This explained the phenomenon of the novelization of the population of Dakia in a short period of time. At the moment, this theory is considered one of the least likely.
Arguments for:
It is believed that the Latins moved to the Apennine Peninsula in the region of 1000 BC. e. From the territory of the future Dakia.
Romanian grammar contains such characteristics of classical Latin, which are not found in other Romanesque languages.
During the short time of the Roman occupation, the local population could assimilate Latin language only if he was close to Dquet.
Arguments against:
There are no reliable sources in which the proximity of Latin and Dquet would mention.
The words of the Heto-Dahky origin, preserved in Romanian, have nothing to do with Latin or one of the Romanesque languages.
Theory of "Extensive Populations" and "Mobile Continuituity"
The theory of "extensive groups of the population", put forward by the Romanian historian P. P. Panaytescu is a rethinking of the theory of the continuity. According to this theory, the Romanesque population of the "extensive group" was distributed from the north of the Danube to the mountains of Pinda and the city of Thessaloniki in Symbiosis with another "extensive group of the population" - Slavic. The Romanesque population north of the Danube managed to assimilate Slavs, while residents of the southern shores of the Danube were assimilated with more numerous Slavs. The "Mobile Continuity" (A. Nikulzka) assumes the presence of several centers for the formation of the Romanian language and the people.
So, some Romanian historians have created a similarity of the legend on how the descendants of the Roman legionnaires and ancient Ducks, pushed into the mountains of the Slavs, gathered there with the forces and carried out reverse conquest. Initially, this version seemed quite plausible to me, especially since in the "Tale of Bygone Years" as if they say that some voloki (Valahi?) Attacked Danube Slavs and led violence over them.
However, more attentive analysis sowed doubt. The other version was gradually formed. According to this version, there were no Valash reconquitors directed against Slavs. Valahi are not descendants of ancient Ducks and Roman legionnaires. It is the Slavs (Slavic) warriors played in the first millennium of our era a decisive role in the formation of Valash (Romanian) and Moldovan nationalities. The proof of these provisions is devoted to this article.
1.\u003e Ethnogenesis Romanian

II. Volokha is not the indigenous population of Dacia and not the descendants of the Roman settlers

Supporters of the continuity of the preservation of the novel language in Dakia have not too many facts in confirmation of their hypothesis. For example, they believe that in their favor, the so-called "BITERAN DAR" IV B testified in the Carpathians. n. e. - Candlestick with the inscription in Latin. Of course, such a thing could get there and as the extraction of Germanic or Slavic warriors.
Also consider one of the earliest written evidence of the preservation of Latin in the Balkans phrase "τόρνα, τόρνα, φράτρε", Cyrillic "Torn, Thorn, Frastre" or Latin "Torna, Torna Fratre" (letters. Translation.: "Turn, turn, brother" )., fixed by Greek military chronicists in 587.
We will not deny that in the VI century in Dakia, it was possible to find people speaking on the Balkan Latin, although the Greek chronicles for rumors could well confuse the "phratera" with "brothers" or "brother", and "Thorno", for example, could be and the Slavic word "bad". But the question, whether the novel-speaking in Dakia lived, for example, in the III century AD, remains open.
Therefore, let's start with the question of the Illyrian or Dako-Albanian substrate, the theory of which is recognized by the majority of researchers from the Romanian nation. In the Romanian language, there are really about 160 Albanian words. Some of these words came into toponyms of Romania and Moldova. For example, Albanian Kodyr (Hill) is guessed in the title located in Moldova, the elevation of the coders. And another Albanian word - MAL (Mountain) - can be correlated with the Toponym Moldova itself, since most of the Romanian Moldova is a mountainous country.
And yet it is possible to unambiguously consider the ancient (Dorim) presence of the Albanian element in the territories of the north of the Danube proved? The above describes the migration theory of Robert Rörsler. It fully admits that among migrants who came to the territory of Romania from the south of about a century. e. Or later, Albanians could be. They brought words to Romanian language. And in Valahia, many hired Albanian soldiers-Arnauts served in the time of Turkish rule. Albanian immigrants even reached Ukraine.
More difficult to question with toponyms. They are clearly ancient. But are they exclusively Albanian? Kodyr is fully correlated with Germanic Haed, Hed (head, elevation). Albanian MAL correlates with Icelandic Muli (high, cool mountain), as well as with German Maul (Language), Mulde (Hollow), Mold (Earth). The last word It is like toponym Moldova even more than Albanian MAL. By the way, Moldova, the Germans still call the Czech River Vltava.
Next is the question regarding the Dako-Latin theory of origin: was the Dafa Latin delicate language? In the arguments of supporters of the Dako-Latin version of the genesis of the Romanian ethnos, it is quite rightly indicated that "in a short time, the local occupation could learn the Latin language, only if he was close to Daeky. And they have the argument that there are plenty of Latin words in Albanian. Of course, some of them could be directly borrowed from Latin at the time of the rule of the Romans, but part could be in Illyrian languages. Doubt is also available by the thesis: "The words of the Heto-Dahky origin, preserved in Romanian, have nothing to do with Latin or one of the Romanesque languages." How can you determine what words in the language of modern Romanians have undoubtedly Heto-Daxie origin? There is no inscription not what made in two languages \u200b\u200b(billingva), but in general, not a single exagitation, which is reliably known that it is made in the Daci language. The greatest allegedly Daxian inscription consists of two words, one of which is the name.
However, there are reliably Dquet toponyms and names. They are known from Roman sources, indicated on historical cards German historian Gustav Drozens. And they actually do not really look like Latin. They also resemble the Germanic, as well as the toponyms of the "coders" and "Moldava".
For example, the name of the Daeky Chief of Ruffer is similar to the famous leader of Ariovista's swarms. It is also very transparently interpreted from the archaic German dialects as "the best of born." Drill and Bor - the names of the grandfather and the Father of the Scandinavian God of Odin, meaning the "parent" and "born." Bista (Vista) is compared with German BESTE (the best). The name of another leader of Dakov - Decibal - is well interpreted from the English language as the "Daxian Bull" (DACI - Bull).
It is possible to interpret a number of Dquake toponyms and ethnonyms well from Germanic languages. For example, it is assumed that the self-sizing of Daks was similar to the Frigian word "Dao", which is interpreted as a "wolf". But in Indo european languages Only the Germans have a suitable word on the phonetics, which closely comes up to the concept of "wolf" or "dog". This, for example, "English" Dog "(DOG). It is obviously connected with the English Daggle - "Welcome", Icelandic Tik - "Bitch" (Dog), Toa (Tofa) - "Fox" and Tak - "grip". A German Jage (Hunting) should also be attributed here, which in English is read as "Jag". The English Hunter (Hunter) is associated with the Hund (dog). And among the Germans are known at least one tribe, the name of which also contains a reference to the Totem "Dog" - Burgundy (Burg-Hund).
That is, the Daci may have been "wolves" on their own way, but at the same time they were hunters in their way of life. The same can be attributed to the relatives of the people of the people of Geta. If we assume that the geettes had German origins, then their ethnonym is best compared with the German "Gut" (good, good, mining). That is, the geetes (goths) were breadcrumbs (hunters). So the ethnonyms "GET" and "DAK" could well be synonymous.
The names of the Dquet Punks most often ended on the word DAV. This word can be compared with the English DOWN - the "slope" and "nisin" (valley). Perhaps in this case also interpretation "City" (Town).
On the map of Droisen there is a number of cities names ending on "Daving" (Dava). All of them are well interpreted from Germanic languages. Singidava (Singen - sing) - "Song Valley" (compare with the Polish toponym "Psyssy"). Argidava (Arg is bad, angry) - "evil city" (compare with the Russian toponym "Zlobino"). Pelendava (Pelle - Leather) - "City of Kozhevannikov" (Compare the Ukrainian toponym "Kozhemyakino"). Rusidava (perhaps from the word RUST - weapons) - "City of gunsmiths".
In addition to toponyms on "Dava" in Dakia, there were several more toponyms that are very easily interpreted from Germanic languages. Brucla - from the German word bruck (bridge). Napoca (a modern cloud on the Someshul River) - from the German Nappe - "String" (compare with the Ukrainian toponym "Stry"). Drobeta - from the German words of Droh (Grozny) and Bett (Lorovo). This toponym can be compared with the German WolfSScanze (Wolf Lair).
Finally, the famous capital of Dakia Sarmizegetuza. There is a Dutch word Kermis - "Fair". The word getuza can be compared with German Tausch, Getausche (exchange). Both parts of the word are perfectly consistent with the meaning and can be applied in the title of the Big Mall.
There are also two cities in Dakia, whose names can be associated with the names of famous German tribes. This is Marcidava (Marsaki, Markomans) and Patavissa (Batava). But perhaps the last toponym is associated with the military settlement of the Ninenene Batavov, which served in the Roman army.
Again, there is an important historical source that, however, does not directly indicate Daks as the German tribe, but he says that the Germans were Geets. This is the famous "Getika" of the Gothic historian of Jordan. Perhaps it has exaggerations, and distortion, but in the main one he could not be mistaken. In any case, Getika is considered quite a respectable source on the history of Slavs and other peoples of the III-V centuries of our era.
Another source is the "History" of Herodota, says that the leaders of some Thracian tribes (to which in those days they precisely attributed the geta and, perhaps, Dakov) worship Hermes. Hermes or Mercury is identified with one. The Germans were the only European people who worshiped the God of distant wanderings.
The ancient connection of Germanians with Thracian and Frigian tribes can also be asked in the names of the German goddesses Frey and Friga. It is known that wives, especially the wives of the leaders, were often chosen among the representatives of the neighboring tribes, with whom they wanted to have allied relations. Wives of warriors often became their captives taken in neighboring hostile tribes. Mother of Odin and Tyura, for example, were from hostile to Assa Tour Tribe.
As for the Albanian language, if Latin words could be brought to it during the Roman rule, with a high probability, the specific words that can be identified as Germanic, borrowed from passing German tribes could hardly be. Thus, the Albanian language initially could also be related to the German languages. Another indirect evidence of this hypothesis can serve a large number of words of Germanic origin in Azerbaijani, that is, in the territory where the Caucasian Albania was located. But the question of the German trails in the Caucasus and the kinship of the Balkan and Caucasian Albanians, as well as the Albanians of Britain (from the names of the ancient Kingdom of Alba), in itself an interesting, may be far from leading us from the main topic of this article.
Of all this we can conclude that the Daeky language, as well as the Albanian child, if they were not quite Germanic, could stand in relation to Germanic languages \u200b\u200bjust as Lithuanian stands in relation to Slavic. Consequently, they could not be close to Romanesque languages.
In the case of the recognition of the relatives of the Daciy and Germanic languages, the lack of Germanism in modern Romanian proves that Daki was not ancestors Romanians. Just as the ancestors, Romanians could not live in the northern shore of the Danube and during the domination of the Germans of the V-VI centuries of AD, as it was stated in objections against the autochthon (Daci) theory of origin Romanians. And it finally closes the question of the possibility of autochthonic origin Romanian.
Obviously, Daci was indeed exterminated or novelized after the conquest of Dacia Roman Emperor Trian. And in that and in another case, they could not stay in Dakia after evacuation carried out by Emperor Aurelian.
Romans owned the northern shore of the Danube since 107. e. until 270-275 years old e. Averalian brought not only Roman troops from Dakia, but also the Roman colonists, that is, the bulk of the population speaking in Latin, including the number of novels.
If in Dakia after that there is a certain amount of indigenous population, then the incentive to continue to speak in Latin, they did not have. Dakia seized the German tribes for a period, by no means less than the Romans owned it. Daki could remember their German roots and merge with new Vlakovy Dakia. Germany Duck's remnants later, apparently, left Dakia along with Gotami, hepids and other Germans who left the invasions of Huns to the West.
Romanization is obviously shallow - disappeared later on the southern bank of the Danube. So it is strange to believe that Romance influence continuously remained after only 170 years of "Roman occupation" in Dakia, while in Mezia, where the rule of the Romans, and then Romeyev-Byzantine continued for a thousand years longer, her traces almost left.
5.\u003e Daksky
6. Gustav Droysen (1838 - 1908). Allgemeiner Historischer Handatlas In 96 Karten Mit Erläuterndem Text Bielefeld, Velhagen & Klasing 1886, S. 16.
9. Scandinavian mythology. Cosmogony.
10.\u003e Daki
11.\u003e Albania

III. Volokha did not attack the Danube Slavs

So, Dakia was, apparently, almost empty when Slavs came on her lands. Gunns and Slavs at that time were allies. When the goths under the guidance of vinitaria defeated the Slavs and crucified their leader of bicks along with the 70s of the elders, the Huns were avenged for it, defeated vinitaria in turn. Gunns left after the Germans in Pannonia and on, and the Land of the Nizhny Danube could leave their allies.
If Daki remained on this territory, they could hardly revive the former power, and then challenge the Slavs. But in the "Tale of Bygone Years" it is said about the alleged attack on the Slavs of some Volokhov, which were identified with Romanians.
Another Karamzin in the "Story of the Russian State" on the basis of his interpretation of the chronicle of Nestor writes that the Danube Slavs were displaced from Pannonia by Volokhami, "Donyn there are living", that is, Valachi Romanians. Behind him, the same version repeats all subsequent Russian and Soviet historians. In the translations of the "Tale of Bygone Years" of the two most authoritative Soviet historians D.S. Likhacheva and O.V. Creator in the same expressions the following fragment is given:
"... sat down by the Slavs on the Danube, where the Earth is now Hungarian and Bulgarian. And from these Slavs diverged Slavs on the ground and nicknamed with their names, where who sat down at what place. So, for example, some, having sat down on the river with the name of Morava and morava nose, and the other were called the Czechs. But also the same Slavs: White Croats, and Serbs, and Chorutan. When the Volokha was attacked by the Slavs on the Danube, and settled among them, and he had oppressed them, then these Slavs came, and they sat down on Vistula, and the Poles went from those Lyakhov, other Lyakhi - Lutchi, Others - Mazaschean, Others "
From the said paragraph "Tale of Bygone Years" and it is concluded that a certain people - Volokha - attacked the Danube Slavs, settled among them and oppressed them. Only one phrase, from which extremely extensive far-reaching conclusions are made.
Meanwhile, this phrase in the original is rather dark in meaning: "Waoh Boy-founded on Danube, and those who are in them and violent." Judging by the fact that the name of the people is delivered in the articulated case, and the verb is not at all, this is not a complete phrase, but only her fragment. Likhachev and cottages also came to this conclusion and connected the specified fragment with the following in order, which in the original looks like this: "The words of the OVI who has come and squeezed on a hanging, and there is a nickname, and from Tѣh Lyakhov, Lyutitsa, Lyutitsa, In the Olya Mazovisan, and Inena Relaimer. " At first glance, it can be seen that both fragments in terms of building East Slavic languages \u200b\u200bare not consistent. To match them, the translators were forced to translate the name of the people to the nominative case in the first fragment, to make verbs, and add the word "when". In the second fragment, the changes are not so obvious: only two verbalies were transformed into the verbs. But, in general, the translation text is so receding from the form of the original, which is unlikely to be recognized as satisfactory, especially in such an important case.
In our opinion, a fragment of the people of the Voloche is much better consistent and in terms of building and in meaning with the previous fragment. In the original it looks like this: "From Tѣh Sloven, the names of their own, kde, at which Mѣstѣ, who appeased with the name of Morava, and the Druisians, Caucose, and Cesci, and the same word, are Silver and chorutana. " To this fragment, it should be added: "Waoh Boy found on Danube, and those who are in them and violent."
We draw attention to the fact that when transferring names with the verb "called" the same acceptable approval in the vinema and cleaner case. For example, "they called the Serbs" or "they called the Serbs." We believe that, having started coordination with the transfer of tribes in a vinegenous case, the chronicler could for some reason go at the end of the phrase to coordinate in the articulated case.
It is necessary to translate this entire fragment, in our opinion, it follows: "From those sneaken on the ground and nicknamed with their own names, who are somewhere (Sevs) - on which place. So who came (that is, the aliens) sat on the river with the name of Morava and nosed "Morava", and others were imposed "Czechs", and these - (said) the same (again) "Slovene", "Croats White", "Serbs", "Chorutan", Volokh (ordered) ... ".
In the Russian sentence when listing some subjects non-pronoun And the verb can be, in principle, put in front of each indicated subject: "These were called by Serbs, these were called Morava." But for brevity and pronoun, and the verb is used once or twice, and in other cases they are simply meant: "These are called Serbs, these Morava, Czechs, etc.". In this case, next to the word "Volokha" is also meant to verb (imparted) and index pronoun (SII).
In general, the fragment that interests us will look as follows: "Seias were imparted by the Volch, that would be found (found) on Slovenia on the Danube and Sex in them, and the violent them." Thus, it turns out that the chronicler explains to us why he put the people of Wool in one row with other words. People Voloch, at least live among the Danube Slavs.
It is also obvious that this people are put in a number of other Slavic tribes, because a lot of culture and language from the Slavs. The correctness of this conclusion can be easily proved if we remember that in the language of Valahov (Romanian) in due time there were up to 20-40% of the Slavic words that the Slavic language in Valahia was a long time ago official, as well as church, that the overwhelming number of Toponimov Romania is also Slavic .
So, Volokha - Valahi. If you rely on reliable historical sources, the formation of the first famous Valash principalities refers to the XIV century. So there can be no attack of Valahov, if it sometimes had a place to be the reason for the resettlement of the Slavs with the Danube on the Dnieper and Vistula no later than the VIII-IX century, but most likely, much earlier.
It is the doubt that with the VI of the VIII century, Valahi were able to attack the powerful at the time of the Slavs, is the reason that a number of historians are trying to identify the Volokhov of PVL that with the Romans, then with Franks.
So who attacked the Slavs? Are we sure that Slavs are sure that someone really oppressed or outdown that the Volokha was attacked by Slavs?
The word "found", at least it clearly does not indicate. It is quite possible to interpret the word as "inspired" (who needed), that is, who came from somewhere and peacefully interlayed (gray) among Slavs.
There is a rather unclear expression "violent them." Its quite can be interpreted as "creative violence them." However, it is much closer to the specified communion of the verb "Local". Replacing "E" on "and" with the then low level of grammar codification is quite likely. Then the expression "violent them" can be interpreted as "inhabiting them (Slavs) of the Earth." The word "land" could well be omitted, because the words "village" (Selga) on the Fascue is not only a settlement, but also the fields. Thus, the expression "inhabiting them" is well interpreted as "cultivating (creating through the burning of the forest) of them (Slavs)."
In this regard, the question arises, from where and how did they hit (found) Wollahi-Volokha on the land of the Danube Slavs? In order to respond to it, refer to the testimony of authoritative historical sources.
1. Jordan. Guity. 245-248.
2.\u003e Valahia
3. Core. Slavs and oriental romance. P. 175.

IV. Myth about mass cruelty Slavs

In the "Around of the oldest written reports of the Slavs" there is a rich selection of reports of the Byzantine authors about the cruelty, creative by Slavic Hordes who invaded the Byzantine Empire through the Danube. The sake of objectivity consider it necessary to quote the first and most important of these messages. According to the "Svor", it was drawn up by the Cessarian proof and was placed in the VIII book of his writings (Gothic War).
"38. For the same time, the army of Slavs, gathering no more than three thousand people, moved across the river Istr, without met anyone from whose part of the opposition, and then without much work, going the River Gevr, divided into two parts. In one part there was a thousand eight hundred people, the second included everyone else. The heads of the Roman troops in Illyry and Frakia entered into the open battle of these troops, but although these parts were disconnected, but the Romans were divided due to their sudden attack, one of them were killed, others were fled. After the Roman's heads were thus broken by both barbar detachments, although the barbarians in numbers were much weaker than the Romans, one of the enemy detachments entered the battle with Asbad. It was a warrior from the Emperor of Justinian's bodyguards, enrolled in the so-called candidates; He commanded a regular coneen, which has long stayed in the Throsky fortress Tzorule, and consisted of numerous great riders. And they were turned against them without much work, and during this shameful flight were killed very many many, Asbad was taken alive, and then they killed, throwing into a burning fire, pre-cut the belts from the skin on the back of this man. After that, they began to robberly robbery and all these terrain and in Thrace and in Illyria, and many fortresses and the other detachment of Slavs took the siege; First, the Slavs never dare to approach the walls or descend on the plain (for open battle), since these barbarians never even tried to pass on the ground of the Romans. Even through the river Istr, apparently, for all the time they switched only once, as I told about it above.
These Slavs, the winners of Asbad, devastating a contract to the sea down to the sea, also took the attack and seaside town, named the Toper, although it was a military garrison. This city was the first on the Thracian coast and from Byzantium defended the path for twelve days. They took it as follows. Most of the enemies hid before strengthening in difficult places, and a few, appearing near the gate, which were facing the east, were disturbed by the Romans, former on the wall. Roman warriors who were in the garrison, imagining that enemies are no more than those they see, holding the weapons, they immediately left them against them. Barbarians began to retreat, pretending to be frightened by their attack, they turned to flight; Romans, who are passionate about the persecution; It turned out to be far ahead of fortifications. Then they rose in the ambush and, being, in the rear of the persecution, cut off the opportunity to return back to the city. Yes, and those who made the appearance that retreat, turning the face to the Romans, put them between two lights. Barbarians all destroyed them and then rushed to the walls. Urban residents, deprived of the support of warriors, were in complete helplessness, but still began to reflect how much they could at the moment, attackers. Before all, they lily on the storm boiling oil and the resin and the stones threw them all the people; But they, though, not very long reflected the danger threatening. Barbara, putting the cloud of arrows in them, forced them to leave the walls and, putting the stairs to the strengthening, the city took force. Up to fifteen thousand men, they immediately killed and the values \u200b\u200bplundered, the children and women were turned into slavery. At first, they did not spare neither age or gender, both of these detachments from the very moment, as broken into the Romans region, killed everyone, without disassembling years, so that the whole land of Illyry and Frakia was covered with unwrapped bodies. They killed them to meet themselves not with swords and not with spears or some other ways, but by knocking firmly in the land of stakes and making them per capita, they were sitting on them with the great force on them, making it so that the edge of this cola was among the buttocks, And then under pressure of the body penetrated into the insides. Here's how they considered it necessary to handle them. Sometimes these barbarians, lifting a deep in the ground, four thick Cola, tied their hands and legs of the prisoners and then continuously beat them with sticks on her head, killing them in such a way as dogs or as a snake or other wild animals. The rest, together with bulls or small cattle, which they could not drive into the decens, they locked in the premises and burned without any regret. So, at first, the Slavs destroyed all the inhabitants. Now they are barbarians from another detachment, as if driving around the sea, they became some of them to capture, and therefore everyone went home, leading to countless tens of thousands of prisoners. "
Attentive analysis of this extinguishing shows a number of inconsistencies. It could be so that only three thousand barbaric warriors, besides those divided into two detachments, not having any experience, took so much impregnable Byzantine fortresses? Why are the Slavs in the depths of the enemy territory among hundreds of thousands of enemies, was so tired of themselves with the sophisticated executions of thousands of prisoners?
In the "Code" comments, this message recognizes the exaggeration of numbers given by the proof. In his "Secret History", Kesarian wrote about annual invasions to all the reign of Justinian, each of which was worth the empire 200 thousand "Eat and enslaved Romeev." And since the deadline for the reign of Justinian was 38 years old, then it is possible to imagine that in the whole empire at that time it was so much population in order to read these numbers at least remotely real. In addition, Prokopii writes that the attackers lost no less than Rome, including here, apparently, and peaceful Roma population. It is even more unreal.
From here it follows the conclusion that the proof in the specified messages was unlikely to have been objective. And his "secret story" and in general, in fact, a sharp pamphlet against the policy of Justinian, created, apparently, by order of the political enemies of the emperor.
The reason for the complete unconditional confidence in these reports from most researchers should be recognized first of all, the exclusive talent of the cassary as a writer. For the same reason, it was obviously a certain tradition was created in the image of Slavic invasions in the writings of later authors.
Perhaps, alone Emperor Mauritius (582-602), the passigacon of which entered all our hostels of the Slavs, was more objective:
"Excerpt 44 IX, 3. Let even these barbarians, but they do not have a military system and a single chief; These are the Slavs and Antairs, equally, other barbaric tribes, who do not know how to obey or fight in the ranks.
About 45 xi, 5. The tribes of the Slavs and Ants are similar in their way of life, in their bushes, in their love for freedom; They will in no way be inclined to slavery or submissal in their country. They are numerous, hardy, easily carry the heat, cold, rain, nudity, flaw in food. For those who arrive in them, they are gentle and, providing them with the signs of their location, (when moving them) from one place to another guard them in case of need, so, if it turned out that, on the nonsense of who hosts ingenics , the latter suffered (any) damage, who took him earlier begins the war (against the perpetrator), considering the debt of honor to take revenge on the alien.
They are in captivity they do not hold in slavery as other tribes, for unlimited time, but, limiting (slavery) for a certain time, they offer them to choose from: whether they wish for a well-known redemption to return the ravisas, or remain in the position of free and Friends.
They have a large amount of diverse cattle and fruit of the earth, lying in a pile, especially millet and wheat. The modesty of their women exceeds all human nature, so most of them consider the death of their husband with their death and voluntarily suffer themselves, not counting the stay in possession of life. They will settle in the forests, in uncommordable rivers, swamps and lakes, arrange many outlets in their dwellings due to those who are happening with them, as well as dangers. The things they needed for them are buried in the caches, no more openly own anything and behave stray. They love to fight with their enemies in places that have shouted with dense forest, in crafts, on cliffs; Benefit for myself (ambusions), sudden attacks, tricks, and day and night, inventing many (diverse) ways. They are also experienced in crossing the rivers, surpassing in this regard to all people. They must be kept in the water in the water, so often some of those remaining at home, being caught as a sudden attack, plunge into the puchin of the waters. At the same time, they keep in the mouth specially made large, sweeping inside the roots, reaching the surface of the water, and themselves, lying at the bottom (river), breathe with their help; And they can do it for hours, so it is absolutely impossible to guess their (presence). And if it happens that the reeds are visible outside, inexperienced people consider them for growing in the water, the faces, familiar (with this quota) and recognizing the reeds on its crop and (occupied) position, pierce the sheaths of the pharynx (lying) or pull the reveament And thereby force (lying) to dig out of the water, as they are no longer able to stay in the water longer. Each armed with two small spears, some also have shields, durable, but difficult to porty (from place to place). They also use wooden onions and small archers, widening special for arrows by poison, if the wounded does not accept an anticipation before or will not use other auxiliary means, known to experienced doctors, or will immediately do the place of injury, so that the poison does not spread through the rest of the body .
Without having a chapter and getting over with each other, they do not recognize the military system, they are not able to fight in the right battle, appear on open and even places. If it happens that they dare to go on the battle, then during him with a cry move forward all together, and if the opponents do not stand their scream and flutter, then they are strongly coming; Otherwise, they turn to flight, slowly remember the forces of enemies in a hand-to-hand fight. Having great help in the forests, they are sent to them, since among the Tsannin they know how to fight perfectly. Often they throw prey as if under the influence of confusion and run in the forest, and then when the coming rush to prey, they easily rise and cause harm to the enemy. All this they are the masters to make a variety of ways in mind with the purpose of luring the enemy. "
As can be seen, the Slavs during the times of proof and Mauritius did not differ in high martial arts. (By the way, Mauritius wrote his stratigikon later proof). This could not be in completely objective circumstances. Such arts could have at that time unless the former mercenaries served in Romeic Forces. It is possible that the detachment described by the Cessarian proofer was made out of such warriors. We can even assume that they hired goths, which at this time he was war with the Byzantines to distract from Italy at least part of the winning of their Byzantine army. But in this case, of course, it is impossible to spread on all the Slavs neither praise for a brilliant military sweating, nor accusations in extreme cruelty.
The numerous Slavic invasions to the southern coast of the Danube obviously actually led to the devastation of the Byzantine territory. But it happened primarily at the expense of all thousands of colons and tenant peasants.
Such an involutionary hurt both by the Byzantine state budget and on the welfare of the Byzantine nobility and church. Of course, this gave rise to the opposition in the indicated environment of the conquest policy of the Justinian, who did not have enough troops to protect the Mesia because of it. Hence the proof pockets.
At the same time, it was very important to prevent the departure of the applied Christian population with the Slavs pagans to inspire the Byzantine subjects of the conviction that Slavs - beasts. Hence the writings of other authors, first of all church.
Worried was because of what. Undoubtedly, the success of Slavs in the territory of Byzantium is primarily due to the promotion of the local population. Of course, the Slavs had barbarism, and in Byzantium civilization. But the Byzantine civilization was actually available only to a relatively narrow circle of nobility and citizens. And the mass of the rural population has styled in the need and no less strong than the Slavs, barbarism and blessing. The same proof writing that the Podachi, who imposed Vasilev, were more painful than the robbery of external enemies.
The Slavs has expect freedom former colons. During the Slavic invasions, they actually got the opportunity to escape from the power of the empire and calmly move over the Danube with families and property and under the protection of Slavic warriors.
A pay for it was only relatively short-term and not too painful testing. Slavic society of that time clearly could not use those huge masses slaves and colons that fell under their power. In the Slavs, the position of slaves was hardly different from the status of younger family members. Really owners of slaves from the Slavs were rather cartridges by going to the future articulas of their tribe.
As the anonymous authors are written on the site, the former Romes became full members of the community, besides, under the protection of Slavic laws of hospitality. The community in their face received workers and warriors-defenders, sometimes very devoted. In any case, warning from confidence in the "so-called rations", Mauritius with a regret notes: "After all, there are both Romes, changed over time and forgotten their own; They prefer favor to enemies. "
The number of Vasiles's subjects lucid by the Slavs gives grounds to assume that extensive areas of compact residence of the former Romeyev should have been founded on the territory of modern Romania under the patronage of Slavs. In these of their autonomous communities, Roma had the opportunity to mostly maintain their tongue (vulgar or Balkan Latin) and Christian religion. Undoubtedly, these communities and played a decisive role in the formation of Romanian nation.
In turn, the Slavs settled the liberated lands south of the Danube. Thus, there was a peculiar ethnic casting. Slavs settled in Mesia in such a quantity that completely and finally assimilated the remains of the Roma population. Later, although the control over Bulgaria at times and returned to Byzantium, nothing could not be done to return the previous state. Former Romes, whom the Voloki began to be called - after the main mass of Slavs to the south - the advantage in the former Dakia. It is about this fact that the PVL, apparently, is stated in such words: "Volokhuy, izh, the Bosch of the Earth Slovenskaya" (the Volokha, who accepted the Slovenian land). About any violence against Slavs there is no speech.
However, if Slavs themselves allowed themselves to try on the territory of the Empire, it would be difficult for them to recruit so many new migrants on their lands.
Notes to chapter:
1. Prokoki Kesarian. XVIII (20)

3. Prokoki Kesarian. XVIII (21)
Arch of the oldest written news of the Slavs. T.1 - P. M., 1994 - 1995.
4. Written source - Ancient Slavs in excerpts of Greco-Roman and Byzantine writers by VII century. n. E.// Bulletin of Ancient History.1941. № 1, p.230

V. The origin of the ethnonym of Valahi

Here is what writes about Wikipedia Valah:
"Valahi (also whale, magic) - ethnographic exoetonym, denoting peoples, carriers of East Romanesque languages; the name of the Romanian and the entire East-Romanesque population of the Balkan and Carpathians in the Middle Ages, as well as (in earlier sources) of the entire Romanesque, novel-speaking or novel population Europe (see Latin Europe and Old Numeral). Based on Valash etony-language groups, two large modern nations have arisen: Romanians and Moldovans, which have their public entities, as well as a number of small nationalities, the Balkans: sacrisums, Meglenor.D., Aromunes, Whale Serbia, Vojvodina, Macedonia etc. Others, even more small Valash groups gradually assimilated by entering the composition of South Slavic peoples. "
German origin of the term
The term has a German origin (shaft) and was originally used by Germanians to designate the novels of the Celts living in the Roman Gallium Province. After the V century, in the conditions of German domination, inhabiting Gallia Gallo-Romans received the contemptory name "Wales", then the names of Wales and Wallonians appeared, which Anglo-Saxons and Utah were used to designate partially romanized Celts of the British Islands. The Germans, who were located in the former Roman province of Region (now Switzerland), called the Romance population with their native Franco Provencal language (see Romandy). Later, the term penetrated into Slavic languages. In Slavic languages, as well as in Hungarian whams, all Romanesque peoples were originally called (cf. Polish. Włochy - Italy). Byzantines, southern and eastern Slavs called whales (Greek. Βλάχος The shepherds of the Balkan Peninsula.
Valahi in the history of the Eastern and South Slavs
In the Middle Ages (from the VI-XVIII), Valahi experienced a strong influence of the Slavic language and culture. But the differences in everyday life and culture did not allow Valahs to finally assimilate in the Slavic environment, although Slavic-Romanesque bilingualism reached its apogee in the VIII-XII centuries. Unlike Slavs, the main occupation of Valahov was cattle breeding; Therefore, Valahi led half-blooded lifestyle with a low level of material culture, almost complete absence of urbanization and military formations. The first written report on the Volokhah is contained at the beginning of the undated part of the Old Russian "Tale of Bygone Years" (before the stories about the walking of the Apostle Andrei, about the foundation of Kiev and the invasion of obversions): "Volokha attacked the Slavs Danube, they settled among them, and began to oppress them." . From non-Russian sources, the name "Voha" is found in the history of the Board of the Byzantine Emperor Alexei Komnin (1114-1116), which contains information about the Volokhahs living to the northeast of the mouth of the Danube, and in the Chronicle (1118-1206) of the Byzantine historian N. Honiata. The honiatory wrote that in 1164, Archont Andronik Komnet, trying to escape to Galician Russia, was captured by Valahs at the Border of Galicia (Northeast of the Prothet-Dnestrovsky Arala). "
It is hard to believe that initially Valahi-Romanians were bad farmers and were able to engage only by the sheet. All we know about these peoples, talks about the opposite. And Moldovans, and Romanians are very good farmers and builders-bricklayers. Rather, the Slavs in the first centuries of our era were not too tempting in agriculture and crafts.
Obviously, Valah-Romanian and the shepherd shaft are not quite comparable concepts. It is known that in addition to Valahov-Romanians in Moravia existed and there are still purely Slavic Walahs-shepherds. This is what Brockhaus and Efron encyclopedia writes about them:
"The Slavic population of Moravia is wearing various names in different parts of the country: far from the Czech-Moravian mountains live, in the valley of the river. Ghana - Ganaki, in the eastern part of M. - Slovaks, by the pool r. Of the ramps, in the mountainous districts - Valahi, finally, according to the southern flow of r. Moravia - Croats. Valahi are not in tribal relationship with swallows, or Valahs Romanian, and are the same Slavs as the rest of Moravans; The name of them comes from the word whale or lax \u003d shepherd, shepherd. Coming by neighbors of the Poles and Slovaks, Valahi are in many ways to go to those and others. The language of them represents the transition from Slovenian (Slovak) to Polish and retained many old forms and words. Living away from cities, in secluded huts, mostly among the apiaries, in the mountains, Valahi are distinguished by big conservatism in their customs and in the nrav. Many vintage motives have been preserved in their songs. In the spring, they move into movable chalas, on the top of the mountains, graze sheep and, collecting dairy skops, cook cheeses. Between Valahs a lot of poor people traveling to a foreign land - selling tubes and others wooden crafts».
To begin with, only as long as they suppose that the Slavic shepherds-Valahs had no relation to Valahm Romanians. In this case, the etymology of the words "Valach" would still have several Slavic sources.
Firstly, the Russian slang word "pour" in the sense of "go" (fail, Vali from here). However, this word, like many other slang words, undoubtedly has an ancient origin, since there is an analogue in the Bulgarian "Vali" (go), and in Polish - Walesac Sie (wagon). That is, the shepherd wanders with herds around the fields and the mountains or, in other words, woven with cattle.
Secondly, vintage shepherds were usually dressed from heads to legs in sheep's sheep and, quite probably, non-tried and unshaven. That is, they are volohats (hairy). Wool or felt were alone from the main products of cattle breeding. Sheep's haircut has always been involved in the shepherds themselves. By the way, when shearing, sheep is also filled with legs.
Thirdly, the overwhelming part of macate cattle male needs to be hushed (pouring), otherwise their meat is impossible to eat. From here there are such Slavic shepherd terms as: "WH" (hose bull), "volars" (hosened ram), shafts (hose stallion, Merin). Actually hulling the livestock (as well as in general treatment of livestock and people) was engaged in special signs (Magi?), But they could not do without the help of shepherds. It is likely that the shepherd-valahs could get their name also for this one of the most important and time-consuming operations.
Fourthly, Slavic shepherds could be called Valahs named their patron pagan god Volos or Veles (Veles - Lamb God). It is possible with a lot of confidence to argue that the Magi was priests first of all, exactly of God, the patron siest of the economic life of the people equal to Perun (God of Warriors).
Fifth, shepherds either themselves owned their herds, or were subject to some major domain with herds. In both cases, their position is associated with the word "power" (parish). And this can also be a source of etymology of the word "Valach" (Valash, washed). By the way, in Lithuanian, close to the Slavic, "peasant" called Valstietis.
All five or six etymologues of the Slavic word "shafts" (shepherd) are quite easy to associate logical. Ancient Indo-European sounding "VL" (BL) meant a good hunting prey. Hence the English "Vella" (good), "Bul" (Bull), Val (Keith), hence the German "free" (good) and "Vel" (KIT), hence "Ballery" (Keith and Cow), Pilar (whale and bull) in Romanesque languages. In the Lithuanian language "Valga" means "food".
In the same row, the Slavic "Ox, Vork, chick, body (carcass)". Obviously, the Slavic "throw" first of all meant to go hunting and kill prey. The word "wolf" also meant "Hunter".
After at the disposal of Slavs turned out to be a domestic cattle, the term "pole" spread to a number of actions and with this cattle. At this time, it appeared, apparently, the word "wagon", that is, the wool is the product of the rolls of sheep (by analogy with the word "bastard" - Padal). Only later, the term "hair" was apparently distributed to people. There was also the word "power" - possession, first of all, livestock and only later people. And as the result was, finally, the words "shafts" (shepherd), hair (God shepherds) and Magi (the priests of Volos Veles, assistants of shepherds).
Now knowing the Slavic etymology of the word "shafts" in the meaning of the "shepherd", it is much easier to give the Slavic etymology of the word "shafts" in the meaning of Romanians. They are well linked in the context of the hypothesis from the previous chapter on the crimson of the ancestors of Romanians, that is, Romeev, from Mesia Slavic soldiers.
First, if the "shaft" means "mining", then the Valah-Roma is Military prey (full) of Slavic warriors. Secondly, the Slavs could force Romeyev to work out the agreed period as shepherds, and the prisoners of Roma during this period were in their authorities, and entire communities.
It is very important in this case by the connection of the word "shafts" and another Slavic (Czech and Polish) of the word Volat (worry), that is, call, call, invite. Of course, you can call or squash the herd. But in this case, it is undoubtedly about the fact that Romeev-Valahov Slavs did not just bearing for the Danube, but were invited.
Over time, new values \u200b\u200bhad to appear in the word "Valach". The word "Will" (Sloboda) means the settlement of free people. So over time, became on the northern shore of the Danube former Roma. And the word "Volokha" could well mean the inhabitants of the will - these are now former slave villages.
Finally, the connection of the ethnonym "Valahi" should be recognized with the name of one of the most numerous Slavic tribes - the streets. According to PVL, the disiences lived somewhere in the South Bougie and on the Danube: "Insitory, tivteri in Bouguyu and Dnѣpra and Dunayevi dunes." This is very close to the Valahia. Perhaps in earlier times, the disiences could live in the Valahiya itself, the name of which is quite consonant of their behalf (disenssed vulci). In Valahia, there is also a large burden area, the name of which even more resembles the ethnonym "desirable".
At the same time, the ethnonym "desirable", if he is associated with the Totem "Wolf", more like the German "Ulf" (Ulv) - Wolf. It is not strange that it was the "wolves" called themselves and ducks. By the way, one of the Romanian regions is called Ollenia. And this toponym goes from the name of the Olt River (Ulf?). The Romans called her Alitus. That is, the Holonim "Olt", most likely, arose in Ducks (which once again confirms their German origin).
The next chain of ethnonyms is logically built. The Romans leave, leading to Romanized Daci, leaving Dakov who speakers in their own - most likely - proto-perficed. The Germans come, who understand that the name Dakia-Oltegen is connected with the Totem "Wolf" (Dog, Ulv). Perhaps at this time Dakia was sometimes called "Ulfren." Then the Slavs come, who prefer to call themselves by the name of the country in which they are downtown. By the name of the country Ulfren (Ulwen), they called themselves streets. After the streets, there are former Rense captives, which, in principle, were to be called by the name of the Slavic tribe, among which they lived, whose members were formally. But the former Romses had a lot of grounds a little change their name, as mentioned above. They could redo the "desirable" in "Valahi".

Many sources about Serbakh (Slavs), as antique and from the following centuries, neglected by official historians - were not studied in an exhaustive way. But in the official historiography of Europe, it was emphasized that Slavs were illiterate to the 9th century and unresolved. In Western European states, this was done intentionally. It is strange that such a statement was perceived by the Slavic intelligentsia as a fundamental scientific fact. In particular, it is incomprehensible that the Russians were also done, although their state in the 18th and 19th centuries. He was a global power. They could (without fear of the West) eliminate imposed falsifications. Serbian intellectuals, including Milos S. Milayevich and Simim Lukin LazichIn the second half of the 19th century, they wrote against official history, but their works were withdrawn and no longer appeared - they were published only at the end of the 20th century. Due to the refutation of the German interpretation of Slavic history (in the books of Sim Lukina Lasich and Dr Milos S. Milayevich), Austria-Hungary threatened Serbia not only by sanctions and refusal to the loan, but also a war, so Serbia had to obey and include dictated from Vienna And Berlin the story of Slavs into his education system.

School and university textbooks and today contain definitions from the fabricated history of Slavs. This is refuted at scientific meetings, but the majority media european countries Avoid such publications. Here are some work with these meetings.

The report of the Italian historian Dzhankarlo Tomatsoli Tiziano and the co-author, Bulgarian linguist P.Sserafimova, drew over attention. At the International Congress "Docyrillov Slavic Writing and Doharistian Slavic Culture" (St. Petersburg, May 12-14, 2008), they pointed out that the falsifications about Serbakh (Slavs) and the Greeks reach the third millennium to R.Kh. They also indicated that the Minoan culture in Crete is not Greek, but Slavic. Of course, Tiziano is in captivity of long-standing instructions from the Vatican on the replacement of the Serbian name (wherever it appears in historical sources) Slavic, but this does not reduce the importance of his labor. Along with other European linguists, they read a linear letter A and B with Seraphim, and all the inscriptions in Crete were expressed. They came to the conclusion about the presence of Slavs in Paleolithic in all parts of Europe, explaining that the ancient toponyms of Southeastern Europe were considered Neslavyansky, and in fact they can be read only with the help of Slavic languages. Tiziano and Serafimov believe that the Slavs are: both Illyans, and Thracians, and Scythians ... and they settled Crete in the Third Millennium BC. There they created a minist state in which the overwhelming majority were made. Writing was already familiar with the case in Crete, and it is connected with a letter from Vinci and a letter from Lepenski-Vira - and both are in Serbia. Ticiano does not allow the possibility of having a Greek culture in Crete, as historical sources indicate the fact of resettlement of the Greeks to the Balkans only in the 7th or 8th centuries. to R.Kh. This means that the Greeks only inherited Slavic writing and the Slavic state device from Crete. Based on this work, it becomes clear that the famous Trojan war took place even before the arrival of the Greeks to the Balkans, and that most likely conducted between Serbian (Slavic) states. There is no reason to argue that modern European nations (the British, Germans, French, Spaniards, Italians ...) participated in it, since the national formation of these peoples occurred in centuries after the Roman Empire, when their language was formed on the basis of Latin.

The Russian philologist Gennady S. Grinevich came to the identical conclusions regarding the ancient Slavic writing, arguing that Slavs inhabited the left and right bank of the middle and lower flow of the Danube, " making a possible zolarization of civilization" He pointed out that the Slavic syllable letter is the oldest in the world, and its start takes in Vince (Serbia) - 5.000 years to R.Kh. Working independently of Tiziano and Serafimov, he came to the same conclusion about the Minoan culture as they. Grinevich finds Slavic writing and Slavic language in Crete (XX-XII centuries to R.Kh.) and in Etruria (Italy) in the VIII-II centuries. to R.Kh. It has been established that the runes (found in many places in Europe) are the Slavic letter, and are read (only) with the help of Slavic languages. Gennady S. Grinevich read the Runic Texts (IV-X centuries from R.Kh.), explaining in detail it in the book " Praslavyan writing. The results of decryption" It is a pity that there was no place for the content of this book in school and university books. And in it, among other things, it is also indicated that the Slavic letter is ancient in the world, and it is found in Europe, Asia and on the west coast of America! Grinevich suggests that other nations worldwide enjoyed the Slavic letter. He puts in the reproach to the Russian king Peter Great what, admired (for some reason) by scientists in Western Europe, he invited many to Russia. These foreigners, asserts Grinevich, and created a peculiar "historical pyramid" in Russia, from which, among other things, removed the idea of \u200b\u200bRuna as a Slavic letter. They "scientifically" interpreted that Runes are a letter of an unknown people and extinct language, and subsequently "cut down" that they represent only mystical symbols - created for occult rites. Thus, the German Nationalistic Socialist Party Adolf Hitler, who belonged to such conclusions of the "scientists of the West", adopted one symbol from the runes - the swastika, which members of the party turned into a symbol of Germany, confident that it gives the state mystical power. The "scientists" Germans in Russia interpreted and the fact that the runes are a letter of an ancient Greek language, especially the texts from Siberia and Mongolia! Of course, they failed to read them with the help of ancient Greek, but such interpretation was in linguistics and history. Under Queen Catherine, the second German scientists clarified that the runes in Siberia and Mongolia belong to " unknown Eastern people" They danced from the Greek, because it was logical to assume that the ancient Greek is to read. Having guessed about the truth, Tsarina Catherine fulfilled with full law that the relationship between modern and antique Slavic writing was unknown to be lost, hinting on the duty of scientists to identify the causes of this. Grinevich drew attention to the fact that Western Europeans avoid celebrating the traces of Slavic writing in time immemorial, so that a whole millennium never tried to read the runes with the help of Slavic languages. They did it with Latin, Greek, Hebrew, but such attempts naturally were not crowned with success.

On the way, Grinevich followed the Russian academician Oleg Nikolaevich Trubachev. In his work: " Ethnogenesis and culture of the oldest Slavs - Linguistic studies"He pointed out that the Balkans and the Pranodina are the pranodina of all modern Slavs. The opposite of official historiography, Trubachev argues that Slavs (in immemorial antiquity) with the Balkans and the Fedubee settled Western, Eastern and Northern Europe, and that Serbian is the basis of all Slavic languages.

Medieval Romanization of Serbs (Slavs) in the Carpathians

If you take on the verification of the approval of Trubachev about the cradles of all Slavs in the Father, we will see the insurmountable obstacle, since on the left bank of the bottom of the Danube and up to the Northern Carpathian Mountains there are two Romanesque nations - Romanians and Moldovans. It is difficult to believe that their current land was part of the Praodina of Slavs, if there is no Slavic people now there. In addition, there are no historical traces of any exaglement of Serbs (Slavs) from there in antiquity and resettlement instead of the new population from Romanesque territories - say, from Italy, France, or Spain. Where did the Romanesque people come from in Slavic land - the academician of Trubachev does not explain. But, antique and medieval sources clearly indicate the conclusion that the ancestors of the current Romanians and Moldavan were Serbs (Slavs). These sources in their book "Carpathian and Lycian Serbs"), in Serbian and English, introduced prof. Dr. Rel Novakovich. This book is awarded the award. Kostich's Lases at the International Books Salon in Novi Garden (1997). Do not put forward new abstracts about the history of the Serbs, as well as trying to assure us in the truth of the cited reports of Serbs in Turkey, Romania and Italy to R.H, prof. Dr Novakovich just uses historically witnessed facts, adding geographic names from ancient cards to them. He only leads additional materials to the history of the Serbs, and since the second millennium to R.Kh. and up to the XIV century. from R.Kh. Similar temporary framework of the history of the Serbs (Slavs) are amazed; After all, we were taught that the Serbs on the historical arena of European civilization appeared only in the sixth and seventh centuries. first millennium. Professor Rel Lovakovich frees us from any temporary limitations by Reliable analysis Expanding the horizon of Serbian antiquity. He simply lists the facts. And they are sisha, and they are continued. They are unshakable, as many of them are carved on granite plates in Iraq, Malaya Asia, in the Balkans and in Etruria (Northern Italy). Along with these stone inscriptions of unknown chronicists, the historical references to Serbs (Slavs) were left and the authorities of antiquity and the Middle Ages: Herodot, Strabo, Plini, Ptolemy, Maccelline, Dion Cassius, Appian from Alexandria, John Zonar, Byzantine King Bagranogenic, Soan . Bavarian geographer, and many others. These sources about Serbian antiquity and this did not lose scientific verification. They referred to Many Slavists of the New Time in Western European countries - especially in France (Siprian Robert, Ami Bue), Pavel Joseph Shafarik, Jan Collar and Konstantin Jirechek from Austria-Hungary, but also our contemporary Colin Ronfru, Professor from Cambridge. Prof. Dr. Rel Novakovich in the specified book, exhaustively leads Serbian sources about the long Serbian past, certifying that Greek historians and cartographers also show them about the Serbs (Slavs). It indicates that our historians are in vain they left without attention, although they have been preserved in many Orthodox monasteries. If these evidence were used in a timely manner, they would bring substantiation to the works of Serbian and Croatian historians, notes Professor Dr. Relle Novakovich. However, he gives properly some of them, as they, even engage in the study of the fate of the Serbian people (as a result of the rivalry of the world powers in the Balkans), the emergence of the Serbian (Slavic) culture was referred to Paraory. Since the author decided to identify at what kind of group of Indo-European peoples belonged to the Serbs, or the closest was adjacent, he had to study Serbian, and a Serbian letter, anthropology, ethnology, Serbian paganism and Serbian Christianity. Thus, he revealed Serbian (Slavic) traces on a huge geographical space, and in time that cannot be accurately defined. Despite the fact that in the title, only the territory of the current Romania and the Serbian kingdom of Licks (Lika) in Malaya Asia are indicated, Serbian settlements or states from the UK to India are considered in the book. Of course, the presence of Serbs (Slavs) on two continents is doubted, but only before familiarization with sources from Carpathian and Lycian Serbs.

Much earlier professional. Dr. Rel Novakovich, " Bavarian geographer"And Pavel Shafarik left evidence that Serbs were crowded and powerful people, from which all modern Slavs arose!

Prof. Dr Novakovich subjugated his work to the facts collected during the millennium from a huge space, manifes this methodological skill, appropriately relevant to the studies in just 190 pages of a bilingual publication (in Serbian and English).

Labor Novakovich Carpathian and Lycian Serbs - to the history of Serbs from the second millennium to R.Kh. on the 14th century Replies to many questions and explains many bewilders, however, causing new ones. As for the Carpathian Serbs, we give themselves the right to state that future historians have to expand these studies using the interdisciplinary method. The antiquity of the Serbs in these lands confirmed Konstantin Jirechek, who wrote that the current territory of Romania is the "maternal land" of Serbs (Slavs), although he penetrated his work on the history of Serbs, that the Serbs on the Danube and the Balkans moved only in the seventh and eighth centuries . After R.Kh.

Although Professor Dr. Novakovich does not criticize (does not even mention) the conclusions of modern historiography about (by imaginary) arrival of the Slavs in the bottom of the Danube in the seventh century, he contrasted with more than unambiguous Byzantine sources. Prof. Novakovich in a habit only indicates documents and historical events. Describes what happened in the 4th century (360-363) in the Roman Tsar Justinian Second. Constantinople chronist Marcellin Carpathians called Serbian mountains. Even greater value to confirm that Serbs (Slavs) are the indigenous population of Romania and Moldova, has an earlier (308-324, during the confrontation between the Roman kings by Konstantin Great and Liking), the reference to Serbs in the Carpathians and the Low Room - on this territory today There are Romania and Moldova. And Dion Cassius in Roman history Recorded that the liking was sern, and asked for help from the Carpathian Serbam! Along with this, prof. Dr Novakovich leads purely Serbian toponyms and hydronicims in Romania: Sachi, Severin, Virgin, Targovisht, Pogan, Brasov, made a speaker (Failure of Cold) and many others. The geographical names and names of settlements, undoubtedly, was impossible to be adopted from the language of the people, only swept through this territory, and most often they argue that Serbs were exactly as follows through Romania - on the way to the Balkan Peninsula. These information about Serbs in the fourth century in Romania should only add the fact that by residents of Romania of Christianity in Serbian, and the fact that Serbian has been applied in the Middle Ages in the administration to wonder the origin of the current population of Romania and Moldova. In particular, because the first traces of the Romanian language are detected only in the 17th century, and it also contains a significant percentage of Serbian words.

In order to avoid interpretation of the settlements of Serbs in Romania in the fourth century, a possible arrival of Serbs to the Carpathians from "Praodina" in Ukraine, where they remained before their settlement to the Balkans (in the VI and VII centuries), prof. Novakovich leads historical documents on the same (Serbian) settlements in Serbia, and in the same IV century. We are talking about the Byzantine mentions of the bishop of Nice in Remezian (Bela Palanka, in Serbia), spreading Christianity among the "wildering serbs".

Prof. Dr. Rel Novakovic claims that in Romania, the Serbs worshiped God Dagon (half a man, half a fish), and that King Lickinia was an opponent of Christian faith, and that is why King Konstantin fought with him. The same deity found both peoples of Mesopotamia. And in Mesopotamia (Iraq), antiquity cartographers made geographic names in Serbian, individuals were preserved: Baba, Piran, Risan, Bean, Bihach, Bar, Debar, Lim, Bari, Boyan, Kolator, Kotur and others.

But some surprises come from Malaya Asia. Monuments with inscriptions in the Serbian (Slavic) language were found in the Dogreic State of Licks (Lik), and the American archaeologists, so that you do not need to be afraid of bias. The capital of this state was CRH. And the city of the same name we have today in the field of face, in the Republic of Serbian Krai. Another state in the territory of the current Turkey, beyond the doubt that Serbian was called Lydia, and her was a sard.

* * *

Prof. Dr Novakovich mentioned Serbian traces in Italy, Western Europe, and even in the British Islands. This Claimer is also needed, but here we will not pay attention to Serbian (Slavic) traces in Asia Minor and other areas of Europe. We are interested in the ancient and medieval population of Romania and Moldova - its ethnicity, which indicates the previous language of these edges, used in Romania and Moldova before creating a variant of the current Romanesque language. Based on medieval language information in Moldova and Romania, it is suggested that the conclusion of the creation of the Romanian and Moldavian nations from Serbs (Slavs). This was carried out by state-friendly engineering of the Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches, the Gabcburg Monarchy (Austria), Germany, France ... The population of Romania and Moldova thus included in the Romantic Group of Peoples. This group also includes Italians, Portuguese, Spaniards, Wallon and French. Modern science data European peoples consider (ethnically) related. The remaining two groups make up Germans and Slavs.

So, the similarity of languages: Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese, French, Wallonov, Moldavan and Romanian made it possible to conclusion about their relatives, so they were included in the same group - Romanesque.

In this classification, the ethnic characteristics of these peoples were not taken into account. As well as the fact that parts of these peoples (and even whole peoples) were told in a certain period of time, which was not related to their modern language (for example, the Germans in the northern and eastern part of the state were spoken up to the XIX century on the Slavic language version). If we consider that the language determines the national affiliation, then modern Germans do not have the same national, or racial, origin - for the ancestors of the two groups until recently spoke in different languages, so they did not belong to one nation.

To clarify this European riddle of languages \u200b\u200band nations, take a hypothetical example of the transition of the people from one language to another. So, if any European people decides (according to their own will or by coercion) to use the language of some African tribe, this does not mean the inclusion of this European people (on the basis of language) into Africans. For he does not belong to Africans in a racial attitude. This visual example of the fact that the nation (and race) is impossible (necessarily) to bring out of a certain type (modern) language, forces us to revise the purity of modern European groups of peoples: Romanesque, German and Slavic. In our case, if the ancestors of modern Romanians spoke in Serbian (Slavic) language, then what rule they can include them in the Romanescent group of peoples? If something similar (the change of ethnicum) is impossible for the example of borrowing the African language by the European people, then why is it possible in the event of a borrowing of the Romanesque language to the Slavic people?

Peoples in Europe were forced (the state oppression and authority of the church) to refuse their tongue and accept someone else's - and then they were considered a different people. The creation of the "Romanian nation" and "Moldavian nation" is due to:

  1. change of language - they said in Serbian, and then they were imposed on the tongue created from the Mixture of Serbian with Latin, and
  2. the silent of instructions in the ancient and medieval documents that the inhabitants of modern Romania and Moldova are the Slavic Detacities, or the Distah Slavs.

Language of Datsev

Roman and Byzantine (Greek) state documents replete information about the Dafes. Poets, historians and chronicists of Rome and Byzantium also left information about Dafets. No one came to the head to assure us that the ancient or medieval residents of Romania and Moldova were related to Romans, or Latinians. It would mean something similar and assume, since the Romanian territory is located away from the Apennine Peninsula, which does not leave the possibility of the relatives of the Dets and Romans. Romans won Dakia in the first century from R.Kh. Thanks to the Roman poet Ovid, we know that Latin and the Daxian language did not have points of contact. Ovid was expelled from Rome to the Romanian coast of the Black Sea. He did not leave any definite (understandable) information about the native people, but reported that his Romans did not understand. He called the people in modern Romania not by the Dafes, but heats, Sarmatians, Pontica and Thracians (today we know that these names were related to the Slavs). In the history of famous Bavarian geographer Also called the Slavs the following groups of peoples: Goths (Geets), Sarabs, Scythians, and considered it quite clear that Ovid did not understand Slavic (Serbian) language ready and Scythians. Let's see how Ovid in a letter to a friend talks about the language at the Romanian coast of the Black Sea: "I myself, the Roman poet, often - forgive me about the muse! - Use forced to the local Sarmatian language ... The ears are stunned and the Thracian Mollyze, and Scythian, might, soon the poems will begin to write. Even I am afraid, believe me that the lytered latin and Pontic, suddenly read the words. "

So, we see that in the first century from R.Kh. Language on the territory of modern Romania was not included in the group of Latin languages. If you follow the rules when making Christianity - when it comes to the Patriarchate in Constantinople, we know that the peoples have taken baptism in their own language. Russians baptized in Russian, Georgians in Georgian, Armenians in Armenian, Greeks in Greek, Arabians in Arabic, etc. Residents of modern Romania and Moldova baptized in Serbian. There may be no exception here - so that this population is baptized not in their native language, but by foreign, Serbian. Do not be their native language, would not be preserved in the Church and the State Administration during the entire Middle Ages, and in the individual temples of Romania and Moldova to this day. Serbian has preserved, although this territory was then not part of the neighboring Slavic states: Serbia, Russia, Bulgaria. The Serbian Orthodox Church until the mid-18th century printed the books for the residents of Romania, and there is no dispute, it did it at the then Serbian language and Cyrillic alphabet. About this prof. Vera Milosavlevich writes: "When in the middle of the 18th century, in Venice, it was again allowed to print books for the needs of peoples in Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Valahia, and at the" their dialects "and" Illyrian letters "(hence, Cyrillic), then the Greek The typographer received permission for this subject to attracting only Venetian subjects and other technical personnel. Consequently, Serbian monks no longer allowed to print their books in Venice. "

Prof. Vera Milosavvlevich introduces us in his study by Serbian medieval literature so that it was silent in Yugoslavia. The then Serbian books were called Serbuli, for they were written in Serbian, but this name of the Yugoslav system of education and literature is unknown. Serbuli was pursued, and the preserved works were artificially divided into two groups - so that the Serbian medieval literature fund turned out to be less. This was done as follows: Separate works (although they all in Serbian) were marked with the abbreviation "Wed", while others "Czech Republic". Only the first wore the mark of Serbian literature, and the rest - Cyrillic literature, as the Russians, and Bulgarians, and Romanians, and Moldovans, and Moldovans, were used, so that works with a note "Czech" could belong to the literature of these peoples. As a result of this book, which was published in Serbian in the cities of Romania and Moldova, were not included in Serbian literature. By such a reception, the Serbian literature is not only husky, but also hidden the fact that the population of Romania and Moldova has had medieval literature in Serbian. Prof. V. Milosavlevich explains this as follows, commenting Catalog (About the Serbs of the XV-XVII century) of the Serbian Matitsa Library:

"Strictly determining - which books in Catalog They are serb, and which no, they came to not quite successful solutions. This Catalog Also, it was not possible to avoid incorrect paths, for which they still walked, identifying the body of the Serbian book. The concept of the Serbian book is much wider than the concept of Serbul. The grounds for its introduction were, if desired to cover wider content than the concept of actually Serbul. But that did not happen. The concept of the Serbian book, the definition of which is not given here, was used in such a way that due to its coverage of materials, so that such a mark does not even have all Serbs from this meeting. None of the books printed in Targovishte, Dugu Field, Brasov, SAS to you, in the current Romania, does not have the mark "Wed". Even the edition of church books for Catholics, written in Serbian and Cyrillic, are not marked as Serbian books, and printed in Trnave (Slovakia), Rome and Venice. "

Faith Milosavlevich explains that the books drawn up in Serbian in Romania, due to such negligence of modern Serbian intellectuals will be lost, because no one will look for Serbian works under the note "CZ" (Cyrillic), and even more so under the note "RM" (Romanian) , After all, Serbuli (in Serbian) written in Romania was designated as Nesorbski - "PM".

"Without transcription in the description, books from printing houses on the territory of modern Romania (Brasov, Dugo Field, Ces Besby, Targovishte). All of them were in the group with the designation "Czech Republic", from which it follows that none of them is Serbian. Separates earlier (up to 1986) had a signature "PM", which indicated the Romanian book. And if they designate them in the library, who will then search for Serbuli under this signature? Especially, if you know that the books in Romanian and Cyrillic are also printed from the middle of the 17th century.

Prof. Vera Milosavlevich informs us that in the Romanian Princely Dvor, in the 17th century they spoke in Serbian, and that Stoyan Novakovich (XIX century) identified Serbian literature in Romania. She points out in the criticism of the "catalog" Matitsa Serbian:

"It lies the greatest mystery of this Catalog. Are there any books among these books - not designated neither Serbian, nor as books in Russian - Serbuli, and what exactly? About one of them still standing Novakovich, and later, other authors, established that it is a genuine Serbul. It - Flower than flowery or Pentikostar - printed in Targovishte (Romania) in 1648-1649; Undoubtedly, one of the latter, if not the last edition, the real swan song of the church book-Serbuli. By the grace of Volokhskaya (Valash) The Princess Elena printed it John Athos, a native of the Kamengrad in Bosnia, Teszenik of the Gomonian Monastery ... And this book of the library of the Serbian Matitsa in Novi Garden had previously had a signature of PM. "

It is unforgivable that Serbian intellectuals, even academics, persistently attributed similar Serbian works to the literature in Romanian language?! After all, it is difficult to believe in something like that, and therefore prof. Vera Milosavlevich eliminates any perplexity:

"Church books from old printing houses on the territory of modern Romania in literature are commonly called Volokhski. So they called Lubomir Stanovich in Catalog of manuscripts and old printed books The People's Library in Belgrade from 1903. So they calls Dean Medakovich in Hylandark catalog (1978). But, the same Stanovich in his Older Serbian records and inscriptions He brought the afterbirth from these books - as an ancient Serbian texts. Is it possible in such confusion with Volokh books to seek the answer - Why is the number of Serbul in this catalog remained unspecified and unknown? Maybe yes, but it should not be so. There is no reason to book, handwritten and printed, which in due time, in the hands of Metropolitan Cyprian, Metropolitan Maxim and other artists and believers, played conciliatory and enlightenment role in orthodox worldever became a stumbling block between the Serbian and Romanian book and culture. "

Unlike Serbian researchers, Croat Iosip Badalich wrote that Romanian literature was written to the end of the 16th century in Serbian. Of course, Badalich did not indicate it literally that she was "Serbian", and "South Slavic". Badalich testifies that in the Romanian and Moldavian medieval literature used Serbian language:

"Badalich in his bibliography brought two books from the 16th century, printed on the territory of modern Romania, and in this meeting. But, Badalich, in addition, all Volochki Cyrillic editions are given, from the first books of Makaria until the end of the 16th century (they are 34). Badalich This act justified: although Romanian bibliographers, it is quite clear, included the data of the publication into their national bibliography, they both in language and according to graphic technical signs belong to the South Slavonic cultural circle, making up one whole with the books of the Eastern Church. When Badali unequivocally emphasizes South Slavic character, then in this case we are talking about the Yugoslav framed content - and it is Serbian. "

In the ancient Romanian temples and today there are frescoes and icons with inscriptions in Serbian. The beginning of the use of the new Romanian language in the literature is celebrated only from the 16th century. This is indicated in the Encyclopedic article about Romanian.

In order not to think that the Romanian language existed until the 16th century, let's see how the encyclopedic article is about him. There is no dispute - Romanian language is not natural, and it has arisen on the territory of modern Romania. He was brought from Rome and imposed the population - the state coercion of the Roman Empire. The population never learned to speak on Latin imposed on him, but in his (Serbian), the language made words from Latin. The number of foreign language borrowing has multiplied over time. Subsequently, Romanian philologists have given preference to borrowings from Latin, and new from Romanesque languages \u200b\u200bcontributed. That is how Romanian language (and Moldavian) was created. The basis of him was not a pure Latin, but an endful - the language on which foreigners spoke in Rome:

"Romanian language developed from Latin, mostly vulgar language of the Roman provinces of Dakia, Mesia and Thrace, whose population (Thracians, Illyrians and others) mixed with the legion meters of garrisons, with colonists, referred, etc. And during the kingdom, it is a nominated ... Ancient document in Romanian is a letter of Boyarina Neaxushul from 1521. In the 16th century, within the framework of reform desires, transfers of church texts from Slavic to Romanian appeared. The first Romanian printed book out of 1544 has not been preserved. In Brasov in 1559-1581 There were Protestant editions of church books. Of great importance for the adoption of the Dako-Romanian dialect as a literary language had the edition of the Bible from 1688 g.. Romanians beforeXIX. centuries used Cyrillic, with their own signs "J" and "C", which included and in modern Serbian Cyrillic. The Moldavian version of the Romanian language and today uses Cyrillic. "

The creation of a Latin-based language is commonplace in Europe. That is how European languages \u200b\u200bare created (with the exception of Slavic and Greek). Creating a French language:

"Belongs to the group of Romanesque languages \u200b\u200barising from Latin. The development of modern French from Latin took place in several stages. Roman legionnaires who came in Gallia in the second century of the old era, said not in the literary language, according to the rules of classical Latin grammar, and on the vulgar Latin, i.e. spoken language.

In Serbian (Slavic), the origin of Romanians believed the Sava Tekelius, the educated person of the Austrian kingdom at the turn of the XIII and XIX centuries. He published an article on this and a book in 1823. His book in German in Galle printed the Serbian language reformer Stephanovich Karadzic. Her title was causing: Proof of what Volokha (Valahi) is not Roman origin . Although his Serbian and Romanian intellectuals were criticized, Sava Temalee did not change his opinion, and in 1827 published the second, the completed publication in German and Romanian languages. The title of books in the writer of Stewan Bangsko from Timisoara says: Evidence the fact that the successes of non-Roman origin, and that it does not result from their Italian-Slavic language. With a few evidence enriched, and on Volokhsky translated by Savoy Tekel . Speaking against the withdrawal of Tekeliya, Romanian writers Damascus of God and Ephymy Murge wrote a book. Serbian critics in the XIX century also criticized Sava Tekelia. His work was not registered in the catalogs. The historian Jaovan Radonich is negative about him.

Having called for Tekelus for the fact that he called Serbs (and the antiserbian orientation of the Croatian Illyrian Movement in Austria), against Tekeli, among others, wrote Jaovan Sberling and Alexander Forishkovich. Literary critic Joan Sberling dismissively responded about everything written by Tequel " ... Is it generally about literature at all ...", And Forishkovich (in 1966) said that he had a low class leaving, although the Maternal Motherland was a nobleman of medieval Serbia, and the fourth generation of Hungarian nobles:

"Composing Cubes Mosaics, in front of us the figure of Gentry, who leaves the leather from the skin to overcome the abyss of the sharing gentry and magnates, and if not forever, then at least temporarily stay among the nobles - if only on his clothes of a small -coming nobleman fell at least a bit of a little glitter and aristocracy "

Sava Tekelia did not include in Serbian literature, and in schools it was mentioned only as a benefactor and the creator of Mathitz Serbian. Negative assessment of the respected criticism of the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Jovana Scherlich became decisive for making a similar solution.

And the work of intelligent techkia about the dacians as Serbian (Slavic) antiquity tribe and the Middle Ages followed (it was necessary) to study - both in history, in philology, and in the literature of all Slavic states!

Geographical names in Romania in Serbian

Geographical names in any area are originated in the language of the indigenous people. This is an immutable fact, and they always go to the Serbian language in Romania, while many of them are defiled by Latin addies, or a translation for some concept from Romanesque languages. Therefore, Sava Tekelium correctly noted that Romanian is a combination of Serbian and Latin words. And what, let's say, geographical names are concepts from the Serbian language - slightly desecrated Latinism, you can make sure that one of the most attractive Romanian seats of country walks in the Carpathians - Exquisited Retreat. This place, there is no dispute, I used to be called the "Failure of Cold", or "Cold Issv". Serbian word "freak" ( spring, source) It is completed by the Latin graduation "ul", and does not sound in Serbian, or not in Slavic. Professor Dr. Rel Lovakovich dedicated special attention to geographical names in modern Romania. Using the most ancient geographical maps and records of historians and chronicists of antiquity and the Middle Ages, he indicated that the Carpathians in the Middle Ages were called " Montes.Serrorum." or " Serorum.montes."What meant" Serbian Mountains", Having assured us in the fact that this could not happen if the Serbs had just passed through the Carpathians on the way to the Balkans - passersby do not leave geographical names behind them. Dr Novakovich found hundreds of Serbian geographical names in Romania, some of which here we give:

Andra, Brigadier, Bunisav, Branishte, Bukova, Boca, Gypsy, Chervena, Dobrost, Desa, Good, Gira Paddan, Gradishtea, Goal, Gosta, Gostavats, Icon, Spread, Izuborul de Jos, Kozia, Kula, Kriva, Krasnova, Livadia , Lipovanu, Lipia, Matitsa, Mars, Mika, Moore, Novasov, windows, eagles, Odaja, Popovich, Palanka, Pogan, Pipes, Rudo, Sink, Rakita, Radovan, Serbaneshti, Sirba, Selents, Standard, Sarah, Slatina , Tisa, Trinity, Tairy, Targovishte, Teslia, Ub, Waid, Veda, Zagog, Zagor, Zlata, Zhilava, etc.

Romanian philologists have identified a little more than 100 words, and they say that they are from the Daki language, in their opinion, which is not Slavic (Serbian).

Historical sources about Dafes

Like other historians, modern French historian Francis Contdes writes that the Slavs from Praodina came to the Danube and Balkans in the VI and VII centuries. Without explaining why the Romans wrote that the Slavs lived in the Balkans and in Romania (in the Black Sea) in the first centuries of R.Kh. Look at his book:

"Romans in the first centuries AD. indicate contacts (direct and indirect) with the Slavs in the eastern borders of the kingdom; From the north to the Black Seas, from Germany to Thrace, along the Danube. "

If the Slavs lived along the whole Danube, then obviously we are talking about modern Romania, which accounts for the biggest segment of the Danube, more than in any other country. This Rome document suggests that the Dets are one of the Slavic (Serbian) tribes.

And prof. Dr. Rel Novakovich, describing the civil war in Byzantium in the IV century. from R.Kh., quoted ancient documents about the territory of Romania, where in the IV century. lived serbs. We are talking about the Civil War in the Eastern Roman Kingdom (Byzantium). In the description of the confrontation between the king of the Licking and the king of Konstantin Great, the inhabitants of modern Romania are mentioned as Serbs, and as supporters of Tsar Likinia. Lexicon Myers from 1905 (MAYERS KONVERSATIONS LEXIKON) about Likinia indicates that he was " low-class Dech».

The testimony of Romania as Serbian (Slavic) Earth also left the Austrian historian Konstantin Jarec, whom (Austrian authorities) is entrusted with a duty to prove its relocation of Slavs from Russian steppes to the Balkans and in Central Europe. He had the truth (only in two sentences), where it is about the VI century. from R.Kh. and antique residents of the Balkans:

Everything is clear about Slavic Valahia, and almost everything is also clear about the Slavic Balkans. For, if the Serbs (Slavs) did not live in the south of the Balkans in antiquity, then this city, in this area (Albanoan) could not contain the Slavic (Serbian) word in its name - "Field". So the name of the specified city was uttered, although most historians argue that this "field" comes from the Greek word "policy" - which means "city" or "city-state". But, Serbs (Slavs), this was uttered unchanged as the "field" - and in the case of other settlements in the Balkans, in Romania, Moldova, Transnistria, Russia: Skopla, Sevastopol, Ienopol, Vrpol, Prokopel, Constantinople, Prioll, Tripol, Acopery (narrow field) ...

Serbian historian Chorovich is choking Slavs in Romania

Serbian historian Dr. Vladimir Chorovich wrote in detail about the people in modern Romania during Byzantium. Considering Byzantine Wars with VI in IX centuries. Against the oblasts (Avarov) and Slavs, Chorovich in the then Greek documents did not find the words about Romanians. When these documents mention the Deticles (according to the official version, non-Slavic ancestors Romanians), then refer to them " slavic Distyans"But Chorovich gives this fact without attention. It seems that, under the influence of official history, according to which Romania can not be a pranodina of Slavs, he does not comment on Byzantine information that the Dafes are Slavs. Dr. Chorovich describes the then atmosphere in Romania as follows:

"Byzantine army, performed distrust of the new commander-in-chief, no longer wanted to invade deeper in dangerous Slavic areas, and in general stay on the left bank of the Danube. "

If, let's say, the Dets (ancestors of modern Romanians) were not Slavs, but somehow they could not be designated as " slavic regions».

Serbian historian Dr. Chorovich in the description of the VI and VII centuries. leads an important work of the Byzantine king of lion TacticsAnd an excerpt from him about Slavs in Romania:

"IN Tactic Tsar Lion This place is more clearly designated: their (Slavic - S.Ya.) Earth is on the other side of the Danube. "

And, as often happens, this Byzantine statement that the Slavic land is on the left bank of the Danube, is not consistent with the statements from the official story that Slavs have only passed through Valachia (Romania), and therefore Dr. Chorovich added (helping official history) that the Slavs were there " on someone else's land».

The specified short comment on the fact that Valahia (Romania) is not Slavic land, Dr. Chorovich refutes - in the same book. Speaking about the struggle between the Byzantines and the Slavs in Romania, he writes that this is the land of Slavs - " dquet Slavs." Let's take a look:

"Comb after the first success continued military actions. His detachments followed the Slavs - deeply invading their territory in modern Valahia. Slavs were moved into nearby forests and swamps, intending to take up the enemy troops, unusual to such a terrain, and defeat them ... The king wanted all this promotion to end with half measures, and therefore ordered the army to fall in Slavic territory so that in the spring it was immediately possible Start strip again and the left shore of the Danube. "

As can be seen, there is no mention that the Slavs in Valahia are on " alien Earth", As Dr. V. Borovich earlier argued. He denied his statement in the description of these battles, after obstacles were intervened:

"Consequently, with all the nebula of the messages, it is still clear that Slavic settlements, not only in the West, along Sava, but also in Dakia, to a certain extent were dependent on the oblast; Only settlements located east, due to their remoteness from the main centers of oblasts between the Danube and Tisoy, were much freer. However, we have already noted above that the Kagan is that Daeky Slavs sent the embassy with the requirement to pay him tribute and, if they refused, then forced them. "

Dr. Chorovich fails to hide the fact that Romania was indeed the original Slavic (Serbian) land, as he is forced to use Byzantine sources, and they indicated:

"Therefore, the oboras considered themselves the rulers of the regions with the Slavic population, so they then took over their defenders' duty ... Kagan sacrificed the eastern, Dquet Slavs, allowing Romanes to transfer through the Danube in the fight against them."

Here is another confirmation that there was no other in the territory of modern Romania, except for the Slavic (Serbian) population:

"Slavs probably passed to the Byzantine territory also in order to avoid the very burdensome cruelty of the root power."

It is very noteworthy here that historians do not explain where the approval was taken from the Byzantine documents that the Diquses were Slavs. They rewrite this ethnic definition into their works, but do not explain. But they claim (the opposite of this information) that the Slavs have only passed through modern Romania, and the Diquses remained in it, while Slavs settled in the Balkans. And the instructions in the documents that the Dafes are the Slavic tribe, Yugoslav historians as if not concerned.

Historians did not deal with the rally named "Volokha", so that the groups of residents in modern Serbia are considered not to serbia, but a national minority! It is difficult to find a word, more connected with Serbian ethnicum than the word "Volokha". Historians left for such a definition of Serbs, turning the "Volokhov" in "Moobov", emphasizing that this is the name of the cattle breeders in medieval Serbia. To a certain extent, this is true, since Serbian (Slavic) God Voloch (hair, whamn) was the defenders of shepherds. But, historians do not explain such a simple fact: any Serb shepherd is under the protection of the whale god (Volokha, Voloch, etc.), and cattle breeding was the most common branch of the economy in the pre-industrial times.

European peoples called Serbs by Volokhami - equally, as well as Illyrians, Razhans, or, as predominantly made Hungarians - with rates. Austria (1630) settled the life and organization of Serbs of Military Kraili (border) Volokhsky (Valakh) Statute (Serbian Statute) - Latin: Statua Valahorum.

The fact that the Austrians Volokhov were considered to be Serbi, especially if they still used the Serbian language, the adviser to the Austrian Queen of Mary Teresia (XVIII century) Iogen Christoph Baron Bartenstein. Austrian Count Borenstein writes about Serbs in modern Transylvania, in Romania, or Ertel - as this area is called Hungarians. According to the testimation of the tsaritsa, in the middle of the 18th century, only Serbs lived there - without Hungarians and Romanians. They spoke in Serbian. These Serbs, he calls Volokhami, indicating that they are mainly Orthodox, although a certain part recognized the father of the chapter - became uniats, or, as Bainstein writes, they " steel connected"(With the Roman Catholic Church).

In short, Bartestein provides information on the population of transylvania from the applied books: 135,000 of exclusive farms, including 85,000 Orthodox Serbs. Considering that then the families were more numerous, and that the population in the XVIII century was less than in the XX, it is possible only to assume how many Serbs in these 135,000 farms were.

Alas, now the descendants of these residents of Transylvania are ranked to the Hungarians - they say in Hungarian and are all Catholics. There are 2 million them there and they act with the political demand of autonomy in Romania. It is curious that these Serbs assimilated not to Romanians, but in Hungarians. This decision was made by the Vatican and Romania in the XVIII century, apparently to increase the number of Roman Catholic population; Translate them to Romanian - they would have, even if not Serbs, but still a disagreeable Orthodox population. And it would prevent Roman Catholic promotion to Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia and Russia.

Jurisdiction of the Serbian Orthodox Church - until 1864 and 1919.

Deticles (Romanians and Moldovan) were baptized in Serbian, as during the adoption of Christianity in Byzantium (from the IV century) there was no Romanian language and its Moldavian version. In these two, the edges of Vera confessed in Serbian until the middle of the XIX century, when the Orthodox churches in Romania were subject to the jurisdiction of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The historian was written about this, a historian, researcher of the history of the Serbs of Military Krai - in Austria. He described the allocation of Romanians from the Serbian Orthodox Church and the establishment of the Romanian Orthodox Church:

"Based on the privileges from 1690(Serbs in the Habsburg monarchy / Austria /, proclaimed in 1630 - S.Ya.), Patriarch Serbian Arseny Charneevich began the reorganization of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the Habsburg monarchy (Austria), under jurisdiction which, along with Serbs, were Romanians, Greeks and Cinsers (Aromy). Until 1706, the residence of Patriarch was in St. Andrei, in Hungary. After the election of the first Metropolitan Isaiah Jakovich in 1708, it was transferred first to the crashbed, and then (1713-1919) in Karlovtsy (Srmsky-Karlovtsy - S.Ya.). In the second half of the 18th century, the Karlovak Metropolitan covered the region from the Adriatic to Bukovina, from Sava and the Danube until the top Hungary. It included the following dioceses: Gorecarlovak, Pakratskaya, Sremskaya (Archdiece -), Bach, Budima, Arad, Timisoar, Vrshatskaya, Erdelskaya and Bukovinskaya. The struggle Romanian for the national emancipation was expressed in the desire of Romanian hierarchs to get out of the Carlovak Metropolis. This struggle reached a peak in 1848, when the Romanian Orthodox Church proclaimed a way out of the Carlovak Metropolis, which was carried out only in 1864 by the Tsarist Decree, when the Romanian Sibius Metropoline came out of the Serbian Karlovak Metropolis. The royal rescript from 1868 produced a section of parishes and monasteries, which led to many misunderstandings between the two churches. After the final separation of the churches, the period of cooperation between Serbs and Romanians occurred. Several Dioceses of the Karlovak Metropolis, and partly, was in the territory of modern Romania (after section - S.Ya.) :

Timisoar diocese covered the northern banat adjacent to Morishu, Tisa and Ertel. It is first mentioned in 1608, during Turkish rule. After the expulsion of the Turks and the inclusion of a banat to Austria, the Timisoar diocese until 1919 was part of the Serbian Karlovak Metropolis. After the inclusion of significant parts of the Timisoar and Vrshats diocese, the current Timisoar diocese was established, which included all Serbian Orthodox church communities in Romania in Romania.

Vrsatskaya Diocese covered the southern banat. This diocese is first mentioned in 1594 during the Banat uprising. After the expulsion of the Turks and the establishment of the Austrian authorities in 1718, the Department of Diocese was in a caterase, and from 1741 to 1919. in Vrshaz. This diocese has always been part of the Karlovak Metropolis. When sharing churches in 1864, the eastern part was highlighted from Vrshacksky Diocese and called the CaranSebanese diocese included in the Sibius Metropolis. Parts of Vrshats Diocese, which found themselves in 1919 in Romania, included in the Timisoar diocese.

Aradian diocese I personified the province of the north of Morish and in Krishan, i.e. Cut. She continued the traditions of the Ienopol diocese that existed before the arrival of the Turks. It was restored as the Inepoly-Arad Diocese after the Great Resettlement in 1690, and until 1864 he was part of the Sibius Metropolis.

Erdele Diocese He was part of the Serbian Karlovak Metropolis since 1716 until the separation of churches.

Bukovinsky diocese It was also part of the Serbian Karlovak Metropolis.

The Erdele and Bukovinsky diocese were part of the Serbian Karlovak Metropolis and, along with the Arad and Carances, dioceses, are included in the Romanian Sibius Metropolis - in 1864. "

Translation from Serbian: Sava and Petar Rosich

Leningrad State University. A.S. Pushkin, First International Congress "Docyrillovskaya Slavic Writing and Doharistian Slavic Culture", Book 1, St. Petersburg, 2008, p. 337-346.

Johan Christoph Baron Bartestein, A brief report on the state of scattered numerous Illyrian people on the royal and royal specific land, Typography of the Armenian Monastery, Vienna, 1866.

Prof. Dr. Love Cermich, Serbs in Romania from early Middle Ages and to this day, Belgrade, Ministry of Represents Serbia for Relations with Serbs abroad, 1997, p. 34-37.

How and when Romania and Moldova have lost the status of Slavic lands? There is no accurate data on this. Regarding Moldova, this issue was not too interested in Russian and Soviet scientists, although the "Tale of Bygone Years" (PVL) indicates that in the Dniester in the X - XII centuries there were very numerous tribes of the streets and tivers. According to the list of tribes "Bavarian Geographer", only the desire (UNLICI) had 418 cities. But at the time, on the issue of origin, Moldovans are almost no discussion, there is a number of versions on the origin of the Romanian nation and language (indirectly affects Moldovan).

II. Romanians - not the indigenous population of Dacia

In essence, the first and third versions belonging to predominantly Romanian historians complement each other. The version of the proximity of Latin and the Daeky language clearly arose under the influence of the criticism of the autochthonuclear theory, as one of the first arguments against this theory was: "Dakia was located in the Roman Empire, too short period of time, insufficient for the novelism." And the fact that the third version of ethnogenesis Romanian is considered the least likely, is simultaneously a blow and on autochthonic theory.

The Romans won Dakia under the Emperor Trianta in 107.N. Under the rule of Rome, the country was about 170 years. Of these, one hundred years had to be for military operations caused by the uprisings of DAC supported by neighboring tribes. In the end, the Roman emperors became clear that Dacius could not hold. In 271 N. e. The Roman Emperor AVRELIAN has decided to evacuate the Roman troops on the right (southern) coast of the Danube Roman troops and the civilian population, where two new right-bank provinces were created on the territory of Mezia and Frakia: Dakia Coastal (Lat. Ripensis) and Dakia inner (lat. Mediterranea). In such conditions, it is clearly impossible to form a Dako-Latin community, which is stated in an autochthonic theory. And if part of the Ducks still underwent a novelization, then in 271 they had to go south together with the Roman settlers, as the other Ducks remaining uncompaired could consider them as traitors and enroll with them according to this status.

Since then, Dakia has passed under the control of the German tribes - ready, vandals and, mainly, hepids formed in the territory of the former Roman Dacia gepidium. The supervision of Germanians continued until the arrival of the Huns, who first smashed the Eastern King Ermanarich, and then passing through the Nizhne-Danube lowland, they invaded Pannonia. It happened about 380 G.N. Thus, Daki could be exposed to a germanization for 120 years or more, because part of the Germans remained in these places for many years in these places and after the Gunning conquest. But in Romanian, as stated above, there are practically no German inclusions.

After the Germans, Slavs came to Dakia. The Slavs-Ants at that time were allies of Huns. Before the arrival of Gunnov, Anty were forced to obey Gotham Ermanarich. But after the defeat of the Ostrovskaya Empire, they gained independence. Goths could not accept this, and their king of vinitari broke the army of the Antian leader of the bodies, then connecting it to the same 70 other Anthem elders. Gunnsky Cagan Balambert, having learned about it and returned with the troops from Pannonia, in turn, smashed and killed vinitaria [Jordan. Guity. 248]. After the death of Vinitaria, Anty again gained strength and, obviously, began to settle the territory of modern Moldova and Romania. The rule of Slavs continued, apparently, until the XIV century, when the first Lord of Valahiya Mircea, the old one of the mountain tyrgoviste dismantled the lowland territories of Valahia from the mouth of the Danube to the Iron Gate. But after that, the Slavic influence in the Valahia remained until the middle of the XIX century. Obviously, most of the Valash Knight - Boyar was Slavic blood. Yes, and the first capital of the "Romanian" Valahio Targovisht, judging by the title, was once the Slavic city.

Nevertheless, some Romanian historians have created a popular legend on how descendants of Roman legionnaires in the Union with Daca, pushed into the Mountains of Slavs, gathered there with the forces and carried out reverse conquest, and long before the reign of Mirchie old. Initially, this version seemed quite plausible to me, especially since the "Tale of Bygone Years" seemed to be stating that some voloki (Valahs?) Allegedly attacked Danube Slavs and led violence over them. It was unclear, where did Romanian language from the time of the Roman conquest of Dacia, after the evacuation of Away, there was no one of the descendants of Roman legionnaires and settlers left since the Roman conquest of Dakia after the evacuation of Averalian?

However, more attentive analysis sowed doubt. The other version was gradually formed. According to this version, there were no Valash reconquitors directed against Slavs. Valahi are not descendants of the Dquet women and Roman legionnaires, survived in Dakia centuries of the German and Slavic rule. It is Slavs (Slavic warriors) played in the first millennium of our era a decisive role in the formation of Valash (Romanian) and Moldovan nationalities. The proof of these provisions is devoted to this article.

Supporters of the continuity of the preservation of the novel language in Dakia have not too many facts in confirmation of their hypothesis. For example, they believe that in their favor, the so-called "BITERAN DAR" IVV) indicated in the Carpathians. n. e. - Candlestick with the inscription in Latin. It is clear that the thing could get there and as the extraction of Germanic or Slavic warriors.

Also consider one of the earliest written evidence of Latin's preservation in the Balkans phrase "τόρνα, τόρνα, φράτρε" ("Thorn, Thorn, Frame" or Latin "Torna, Torna Fratre" - letters. Translation.: "Turn, turn, brother") recorded by Greek military chronicists in 587. We will not deny that in the VI century in Dakia could find people speaking on the Balkan Latin. (Although the Greek chronicles on the rumor could well confuse the "phratera" with "brother" (a charting case), and "Torno", for example, could be the Slavic word "bad").

They said that this exclamous was published by the local, mobilized by the Byzantine army, turning to his naughty donkey. He published him so loud that he crumbled the Slavic watch near the camp, to which Romeev squad wanted to come in unnoticed and attack by surprise. The Slavs warned by crying, in turn, attacked Romeyev and destroyed the squad. So the episode could reach Byzantine chroniclers only as weakly confirmed rumors.

But the question - did the novel-speaking in Dakia in the IV or V centuries lived in Dakia? - It remains open.
Therefore, let's start with the question of the Illyrian or Dako-Albanian substrate, the theory of which is recognized by the majority of researchers from the Romanian nation. In Romanian, allegedly, there are about 160 Albanian words. But, ask what this Albanian is present? Of course, linguists attribute him to the Indo-European language family, but there he is a mansion. The study of the dictionary of this language shows that up to 80% of words there are borrowing from Greek, Latin and Slavic languages \u200b\u200b- that is, this is real Esperanto. About a huge percentage of borrowing writes and "Wikipedia".

About what was the most ancient prototype of the Albanian language is generally difficult to speak. It is quite possible to assume that it was one of the Scythian-Iranian mock. The Albanians themselves call themselves a hippet.

The ancient name of Ossetians (Iron's self-rinking) is "Alans", that is, almost Albanians. In the Caucasus, the Iranian border itself once existed Caucasian Albania or Arran. However, scientists belong to the language of Caucasian Albania to the Ibero-Caucasian family. The fact that Caucasian Albanians could migrate to Western Europe seems to show the ancient names of Scotland regions - Albania and Arran.

However, we do not deny at all that Albanian words could get into Romanian language. Albanians close neighbors Romanians, they live in different countries, their colonies are even in Ukraine. With Turkish dominion, many Albanians served as Turks in the territory of Valahia. However, whether the ancient elban language of Illyrian and close to Daksky remains open.

What do we know about the Illyrian languages, to which the Daksky and the language of the ancestors of Albanians belong? Actually nothing. Hence our doubt on the thesis of autochthonic theory: "About 200 words remained from the language of Dako-Getov in modern Romanian." How can you determine what words in the language of modern Romanians have undoubtedly Heto-Daxie origin? There is no inscription not what made in two languages \u200b\u200b(billingva), one of which is already familiar to researchers, but in general, any special exagitation that it is known that it is made in the Daci language. The greatest allegedly Daxian inscription consists of two words, one of which is the name.

Toponyms usually have an ancient origin. The strong proofs of some closeness of Albanian and Daksky languages \u200b\u200bare toponyms of Moldova. So, for example, the Albanian word KODER (Hill) can be compared with the name of the coder elevation. And the name of Moldova itself with the Albanian Mal (Mountain) is Western (Romanian) Moldova Gorisa. But whether the data are toponyms exclusively by Albanian?

The "coders" is completely related to the English Haed (head, vertex) and German HUT (cap, vertex). Moreover, in the Old History Variety, the English "Heds" (vertices) would be transmitted as "Hedur". And goths, hepids and vandals, as you know, were from Scandinavia. Albanian Mal strangely correlates with Icelandic Muli (high, steep mountain), as well as with German Mulde (River Valley), Mold (Earth). The last word is like toponym Moldova more than Albanian MAL. By the way, Moldova, the Germans still call the Czech River Vltava.

On the domination of Germans in the territory of Dakia in the III-IV centuries AD. We have already spoken above. But could not be that the language of the Ducks, like, however, and the ancient Albanians, even before the arrival of the Romans, Slavs, and also ready and hepids had something to do with the German language group?
There are reliably deky toponyms and names. They are known from Roman sources, and toponyms are indicated on historical maps of the German historian Gustava Droin. And here is the oddity. All of them are well interpreted again from Germanic languages \u200b\u200bas the toponyms of the "coders" and "Moldava".

It is known that the names of the Thai settlements most often ended on the word Dava. It can be compared with the English Down - Slope (Hill) and Nisin (Valley). Perhaps in this case also interpretation "City" (Town). This is how the names of the Dkyky cities from Germanic languages \u200b\u200bare interpreted. Singidava (Singen - sing) - "Song Valley" (compare with the Polish toponym "Psyssy"). Argidava (Arg is bad, angry) - "evil city" (compare with the Russian toponym "Zlobino"). Pelendava (Pelle - Leather) - "City of Kozhevannikov" (Compare the Ukrainian toponym "Kozhemyakino"). Rusidava (perhaps from the word RUST - weapons) - "City of gunsmiths".

In addition to toponyms on "Dava" in Dakia, there were several more toponyms, which are also easily interpreted from Germanic languages. Brucla - from the German word bruck (bridge). Drobeta - from the German words of Droh (Grozny) and Bett (Lorovo). This toponym can be compared with the German WolfSScanze (Wolf Lair).

In Dakia, there were also three cities whose names, apparently, can be associated with the names of famous German tribes. This is germisara (germundura or German), Marcodava (Marsaki, Markomans) and Patavissa (Batava). But perhaps the last toponym was associated with the military settlement of Batavov, which served in the Roman army.

An important confirmation of our hypothesis about the German origin of Daksky toponyms is the name of the city of Napoca. This is a modern club on the fast mountain river Someshul. In our opinion, Toponym comes from the German Nappe (jet). With the German name, the Slavic name of the city is echoed - "Cluj", which clearly means "key", that is, the spring (that is, again "jet"). Obviously, there is a powerful key in the pillow-clusa area. Goths and hepids who came to the land of Ducks after the Romans did not change this clear toponym. Slavs, who changed the Germans, transferred the name of the city to their language. This is sometimes found in history. For example, Lithuanians have long called the city of Konigsberg (the Royal City) - Karaliaučiaus (Royal), and the Poles and other Slavs were called "Crunevatz".

And finally, the famous capital of Dakia Sarmizegetuza. There is a Dutch word Kermis - "Fair". In German, the fair is called Messe. The second meaning of both words is "fair" or "legal." From here, we believe that the particle Ker is in the Dutch version comes from Heer (Mr., Sovereign). That is, Kermis means "fair with consent and protected by Mr. (sovereign)" or easier "Royal Fair." At the same time, it is known that in European languages \u200b\u200bthe pronunciation of the word heer is the word SIR (in Russian transcription - Sir, Sar). Thus, in the toponym of SarmizEgetuz, in our opinion, first of all, there is an indication of the presence of the Daeky Sovereign there.

The word getuza can be compared with German Tausch or Getausche (exchange). Both parts of the name are perfectly consistent with the meaning and can be applied in the title of the Big Capital City, where the main fairs of the country occur, and trade is carried out after paying duties. Currently, inhabited on the Bariu River (southern influx of Mures), where the Dakskaya SarmizEgetuza was called, called Costashti. This name can be compared with German Kosten (spending, sample). Both the meaning of the term can be applied to the collection of duties, combined, also with the quality of product quality.

url \u003d "/ uploads / edault / dakiya1.jpg"]

Well, the name of the great Heto-Dake Chief of the King Dacia in 82 BC. e. - 44g BC e. Ruffer, who built Sarmizhetus, is similar to the famous leader of Ariovista's swarms. It is also very transparently interpreted from the archaic German dialects as "the best of born." Boer and Bor - the names of the grandfather and the Father of the Scandinavian God of Odin [Scandinavian mythology. Cosmogony.], meaning "parent" and "born." Bista (Vista) is compared with German BESTE (the best). The name of another Chief of Dakov Decibala is interpreted from the Anglo-Saxon Language as the "Daeky Bull" (DACI - Bull).

The name of the Dafa god thunderstorm is known - Goebelizis. It is believed that the name comes from Indo-European root * G'HEIB (light, lightning). It is no less likely that the German Gebell (Rugan, Ground) is based on the basis. Thunder - "Vorkun", such is his epithet (from Icelandic scalds, such epithets were called "Hati"). Gaelisis (Goebelzih) was "grumbling God." Perhaps it was just the epithet of God, whose name was impossible to pronounce VSU. It is even better to "Goebelizis" as the name of God thunderstorms and rain, if we assume that this is a combination of geben's German words (giving) and LESE (harvest). That is, "Goebelizis" \u003d "Giving harvest".

Another epithet of the Daxian God of Thunderstorms, as we believe was the name of Salmoxis. According to Herodota, Salmoksi in Getheov, relatives of Dakov, was a cultural hero, and subsequently recognized by God. But in the same place Herodotus directly says that Zalmoxis is the second name of God Haelizis [Herodotus "History" IV. 93-96].

The name of Salmoxis is well correlated with the English Solemn (saint, solemn). Solemn is derived from the Scandinavian SOL (Sun). In general, from Germanic languages, the Salmoxis name is interpreted as Solem-OX (sacred bull). Communication with the name of the game is traced in the option of aircraft. This pronunciation of the name of God talked along with the first. The English word SAM means "moisturizing" and, in particular, precisely grain (sowing!). In general, the name of the aircraft is apparently decrypted as SAM-HOLY-X - literally "moisturizing the saint" or "God bringing moisture." The ending -X (X) here is well correlated with the usual German endings -CH or -G (for example, in Friedrich name or adjective Heilig).

But all this is only epithets of God thunderstorms and rain. What could be the present name?

The name of the Daksky city of Tarn could well be due to the name of the German god of the war of the Tira or in the Scandinavian version - Tyura. Tyur (in some German tribes, it was also called Tsiu (Tiu) and Tivats) once was the chief God of German tribes. Romans identified him with Mars. Only later Tyura-Mars pushed one-Hermes from the first place. In Tirt, it was probably the sanctuary of this ancient leader of the German gods. The same can be said about the city of Tiazum (Tivats). Moreover, the German phonemon "Tivats" is very close to the "Zeus" phonemon. Zeus was the god of thunderstorms and is identified with the German Toron. If you consider the similarity of the names of Tira and Torah, it can be assumed that the shooting range was originally not only by the God of war, but also the god of thunderstorms, rain and fertility. Such a collision took place with the Roman God of war Mars. So, in our opinion, it was the God of Tir in Heto Dakov who wore nicknames Gaelisis (Gaelzih) and Salmoxys-aircraft (samcholiks).

If we talk about the toponymic traces of other Germanic gods in Dakia, then in the city of Burridava, it was probably chosen by God Buri - the progenitor of people and grandfather of God of God. Well, in the city of Atzidawa (Asidava), there could be a common sanctuary of all German gods-ASs.

About the presence of tribes, who were akin to Germanians, indirectly speak other sources. So in the "History" of Herodotus it is said that the leaders of some of the Thracian tribes (to which in those days they exactly attributed the geta and, perhaps, Dakov are worshiped by Hermes [Herodot. V.7]. Hermes or Mercury is identified with one. The Germans were, apparently, the only European people who worshiped the god of distant wanderings as the main god of her pantheon.

The ancient connection of Germanians with Thracian and Frigian tribes can also be asked in the names of the German goddesses Frey and Friga. It is known that wives, especially the wives of the leaders, were often chosen among the representatives of the neighboring tribes, with whom they wanted to have allied relations. Wives of warriors often became their captives taken in neighboring hostile tribes. Mother of Odin and Tyura, for example, were from hostile to Assa Tour Tribe. Friga could be taken alone in Frigi residents, Rabor Fracians, who lived in Malaya Asia.

It is curious that in the famous Greek History of the Magnesia, Magnesia, proceeded by the Germ River. And just opposite the mouth of Germany in the Aegean Sea is the island of Skyros, whose name can be compared with the title german tribal Skirov or Scandinavian Word "Schkers" (Islands). Further, one of the tribes participating in the formation of Persian nationality was called "Germany" [Herodot. I.125].

In almost all Caucasian languages, you can find a significant number of important German words. For example, Ossetians are called "FourD", which can be compared with the Scandinavian "Fiord". Mountain in Ossetian is called "Hoh", which can be compared with the German HOHE (height). The bull in Azerbaijani is called Öküz (OKEC), and in German - Ochse and in English OX. One of the main gods of the ancient Ossetians was Wastardji, whose name should be compared with the name of the Scandinavian God of As-Torah. Obviously, it is worth believeing \u200b\u200bthe information that placed the medieval Icelandic poet and the sorn of Snorry Sturlson in his book. Scald argued that one whom he considered the mortal man and the leader came with his people to the north from the distant south of the Great Pressode (Great Sweden in the south).

Therefore, apparently, it is not to be surprised at the presence of the words of Germanic origin in the Albanian language, if the Albanians came from the Caucasus. However, if Albanians always lived in the Balkans and were akin to Ducks, then in this case they also do not have to be surprised.

In the end, we have a literary source that almost directly indicates the German origin of Ducks. This is "Getting Gotka" of the Gothic historian of Jordan. It says that Geets Frakia were akin to Goths Scandinavia. Perhaps in "Goetica" there are exaggerations and even distortion, but in the main Jordan could, as we think now, do not mistake. We believe in Jordan, when he writes about the past of Slavs. Consequently, the Geets could be German. And at the same time, Getets are recognized by the closest births of Ducks. In the last period of its existence, the Geta lived the north of the Danube and probably merged with Daki in one people.

Of all this, you can make the conclusion that the Daeky language, as well as related to him (perhaps!?) Anciental bank, if not quite Germanic, still could stand in relation to Germanic languages \u200b\u200bjust like Lithuanian standing in relation to Slavic . They could not be close to Romanesque languages. In the case of the recognition of the relatives of the Daciy and Germanic languages, the lack of Germanism in modern Romanian proves that Daki was not ancestors Romanians. Just as the ancestors, Romanians could not live in the northern shore of the Danube and during the domination of the Germans of the V-VI centuries. AT., as it was stated in objections against the autochthonne (Daci) theory of origin Romanians. And it finally closes the question of the possibility of Dako-Roman autochthonic origin Romanians.

Obviously, Daci was indeed exterminated or novelized after the conquest of Dacia Roman Emperor Trian. And in that and in another case, they could not stay in Dakia after evacuation carried out by Emperor Aurelian.

If in Dakia and there is a number of indigenous population, it either did not speak Latin at all, or forgot it for 120 years of German rule. Romanization (obviously shameless) disappeared later on the southern bank of the Danube. So it is strange to believe that the language romance influence continuously remained after only 170 years of "Roman occupation" in Dakia, while in Mezia, where the rule of the Romans began earlier and continued much longer, his traces were almost left.

We bring to your attention the material of the Russian broadcasting "Inter-Radio Romania" material about the changes that has undergone in the world throughout history the name of the Romanian people. We provided this material with small notes. Also, since, in this material of the Romanian and Synovia, the issue of negative perception of Romanians in the world is addressed, the site offers extensive information on the topic of negative imigible Romanian, which is present in some outside Romania.

Colors of the modern Romanian flag (image from the site of the Romanian affair).


entry: Romanian and Wash

The name of the Valahi, (or in another whaust pronunciation) is also related to Rome. It is believed that the original Germans called the nomanized Celts (from Walh - with the ancient-monthly "alien" or "foreigner"). These Celts were Wales - the future population of Wales, Wallon and Velshi.

Later, the Byzantines began to be called the peoples and tribes of the Balkan Peninsula, dealing with nomadic cattle breeding. (according to Greek - βλάχος). Currently, a small Balkan people, close to Romanians, speaking at Staroruman Dialekte - Aruman, continue to be called valahs in the world.

In the Balkans, the name "Valach" has always been exony (by inconvenience), by these Romanian ethnic groups (the Romanians themselves did not use it). And not very honorable exony. But the name "Romanian", in view of the custody of the Romanian people, was also not honorable in the Middle Ages. And now more about the names and self-discharges of the Romanian people throughout history in the material of the Russian broadcasting "Inter - Radio Romania"

"In the Middle Ages, ingenic authors called Romanians" Valahi "or its derivatives: the Greeks and South Slavs used the name" Woof ", Eastern Slavs -" Volokha ", Hungaries" Olah ". Even in the medieval Romanian chronicles, written in Slavic, their authors used the "international" terms, although they did not use the Romanians in everyday life. (They called themselves Romanians - approx. Site). The word "Romanian" (Rumân; MN - Rumâni) was used to designate dependent peasants, which constituted the overwhelming majority of the population. In the chronicles and documents, the boyars were denoted separately, the word "Boyer" (BOIER; MN. BOIERI).

About the terms "Romanian" and "Valah" denoting the same demographic and linguistic essence talked with us a historian and philologist Virgil Chokyltan, a researcher of the Bucharest Institute of History named after Nicolae Jorgi:

Romanian: from proud name

heir to the Romans to the name for serfs and back

"In the Middle Ages, the word" Romanian "(Rumân) meant" serf ", since this initial ethnonym, that is, the name of the people, received a social sense. There is no doubt that the word "Romanian" comes from the word "Roma", that is, Rome, the laws of linguistics are proven by quite exactly, since in Romanian Latin sound "O" goes to "U" ("U"). But how the ethnonym turned into a social term to say difficult. Another thing is clear: when the national consciousness has become a wide masses, especially in the 19th century, his meaning has changed again. He became an ethnonym. In the 19th century, a change has happened to him: from Romanian, it turned into Romyn (Român), precisely for the Roman origin to be obvious. At the same time, it should be emphasized that the Romanians themselves used the word "Romanian" as self-sizing. But when the fortress dependence has become universal, this word has become synonymous with the words "serf".


- name for a foreigner

The story of the words "Valach" is even more interesting. It occurs from the name of one of the Gallean tribes who lived in the 1st century to our era, on the territory of today's France. Says Virgil Chokyltan: "It is assumed that" Valach "comes from the name of the Celtic tribe of Wolkov, who lived in the territory of Gaul during the time of Julia Caesar. After conquering his Romans, this tribe, like many other Gallic tribes, has been nomanized. Over time, all the romanized tribes began to call, regardless of whether they were celts or heter-daci. As a result, different options for this name appeared, which denoted different tribes. Such were for example woven in Belgium, Welsh - former Romanized Celts in Britain and others. In Polish, Wolos means Italian, and Wolah, Wlach - Poles call us, Romanians. In German, there is a verb Welschen "Mold", "to utter other people, meaningless words", which in the derogatory sense belonged to the strangers who did not speak German. By the way, the Slavs call the Germans "Germans", that is, "dumb", devoid of speech, using a negative particle "not".


for "Roman" self-calf

According to Virgil Chokyltan, the desire of different nations to be considered by the descendants of the Romans, comes from the enormous influence that the Roman Empire had for the historical destinies of Europe: "Apparently, the Byzantine Greeks have problems with Romanians due to the use of the ethnonym" Romanian ", so As the Byzantines themselves considered themselves the descendants of the Romans and called themselves "Romainee." Between these two names existed this competition. The Greeks could not assume that the population, the main occupation of which was a shepherd, had the same origin by making it a competition.

Even part of the Gypsy calls himself "Roma", because on his way when relocation to Central Europe and north of the Danube they lived for some time on the territory Byzantine Empire And they were considered citizens of Byzantium, that is, a new Rome. In other words, the paths of origin of all these names lead to Rome, as if confusing these paths would be. "

Asian peoples, such as Polovtsy, Hungar, Tatars or Turks, in contact with Romanians, were used for their designation derivatives from the word "wham". Virgil Chokyltan: "In Church Slavonic, Russian chronicles are called" Volokhami ". In Byzantium, Romanians called "whales", that is, shepherds, and the word it had a derogatory meaning. By the Byzantines, the Turks borrowed him, but since they could not utter two consonants at the beginning of the word, they added the initial vowel. So "Vlakhov" turned into a Turk in "YFlak" (îflak). In the Middle Ages, the Turks called the Valachia "YFlak" or "Euflak". Hungarians, also in a derogatory sense, called Romanians with the word "Olah" (Olah), which they borrowed from one of the Turkic languages, Polovtsy or Khazar. German colonists in transylvania, Transylvanian Saxes still use not quite the usual name blach, which coincides with what was used in medieval sources in Latin. Transylvanian saks also use the Bloch option. "

The ingenic medieval name of the Romanian principalities of Moldova and Valahia also contained the term "shafts" to their inclusion in the Ottoman Empire. (Romanians themselves called the Valahius "Tsar Romynish" - approx. Site). Valahia was called "Ungraduchia", that is, "Valahia, that near Hungary", and Moldova - "Ruslakhia", that is, "Valahia, that about Russia." In a new time, it was time for new cultural values \u200b\u200band people found new names for their collective identity. "

Material from the archive was transferred to Inter-Radio Romania, Russian broadcasting of February 11, 2008.

Notes and subtitles Site

Information on the topic:

Negative sides of the Romanian image

In 2001, the long-term correspondent of the TASS Soviet news agency in Bucharest Nikolai Morozov in one of its articles in the Tassovsky echo echo "Echo of the Planet" decided to speculate on a fairly exotic for the Soviet and Russian press - the perception of Romanians in the world. The original title of the article "Modest Charm of Romania". Published in the weekly "Echo of the Planet" Dual Room - No. 18-19 April 27-May 10, 2001. Some excerpts from this publication we offer to your attention ..en; Reduction is indicated by the "..." icon. Despite the fact that Romania now joined the European Union and advanced on the path of its development, many estimates from the proposed publication are very entertaining and are still relevant.

Little-known in the world

"For Romania, no one really knows anything. The prestigious "International Gerald Tribun" illustrated an article about the President of Romania with a photo of some Scandinavian businessman, and the former Secretary General NATO Javier Solana confused Bucharest with Budapest. And nothing. The helpless-perturbed protests lost in the Romanian press, and the caravan went on.

Being overseas, the correspondent of the Bucharest newspaper decided to ask if the Americans were known where his homeland is. He received the most good response from the New York Police: "At the airport we will go on the plane, will come down in Europe and ask there."

You can write anything about Romania anything. Everywhere will believe, and no one will check. Because this country is not interesting to anyone. What comes to mind when you are asked about Romania? Drinking, foreigners remember: Ceausescu, Nadia Komench (Romanian gymnast - approx .... or more: oil, Mamalyga (cornpage of very dense consistency, similar to baking than on the porridge - approximate .... Once Romania rejects any information that does not confirm it. And vice versa: any absurdity corresponding to this "image" is engaged in the newspapers of all over the world. Meanwhile, the colorful and controversial of Romania does not fit into well-known schemes coming only for manipulating public opinion.

How are Romania and Romanians in the West? It is clearly visible in popular American television series. So, in the "secret materials" agents Mulder and Scully face a sect of Romanian emigrants. Fanatics with burning eyes and in black clothes are trying to be treated with the sword-sick child, which as a result dies. In a semi-suck "horsepower", the immortal murderer's immortal murderer languishes in the prison of Romanian Securities (state security), and the frozen doctor-supervisioner, leaving dirty jokes about democracy, frees this bribe. However, Romanians are also positive characters. For example, in "mercenaries" is a seductive-rock saboteur that her chefs from the American intelligence agency charge the most dirty work.

Poor and backward

Romania for foreigners from the West is the European Banana Republic, and Bucharest is something like the wonderland from the "Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God". You can come here for a week for the sake of acute sensations, as in Peru or Nepal, but it is impossible to live here. Moreover, many in Romania entails the desire to taste forbidden pleasures, to which at home, at the "Civilized West", they do not even dare even approach. After all, backward and poor people can be made satisfy the most unusual whims! There is not even a decent "shopping". "..."

Once, Soviet journalists richly poured ash on their heads, swinging in insincere reflection of reality in the former socialist countries. However, the former timid embellishment of Romania in intensity does not have any comparison with its current unrestrained "devilization" ...

Meanwhile, the country did not always use such a bad reputation. The Second World War Romania was known as the "Hitter Europe", and Bucharest is like "Little Paris". What is so far to go?! In the 70s, the showcases of the metropolitan stores were overclocked by multi-colored lights, music was laid out of the opening doors, and the night streets were full of funny people. Where is this last year's snow? Total in ten years, the city plunged into darkness, sunflower oil and sugar were sold on cards, and Romanians hung up in a coat in cold apartments.

The taste of poscommunication and high pride

The taste for the former luxury is bizarre in Romania to today's poverty, breeding a cool exotic, which adulthous and antiseptic aliens digest simply. Although Romania is one of the most backward countries of Europe, the sale of limousines here is constantly growing. Among the urban ruins, fashionable mansions with video cameras at the entrance are rising. Luxurious stores will come in piles of rotting garbage and rushed dogs of stray dogs. Elegant ladies in chic toilets are adjacent to the streets with badly smelling rims. Cell phones "Ericssson" are removed from the pocket of Cell phones "Ericssson", and Mexican telenovellas look at cable television in sewage channels. Do not live beautifully!

Foreigners, as a rule, look at Southeast Europe "from the aircraft". For them there is no Bulgaria, Romania or Croatia, but only - the Balkans. It is clear that the pride of Romanians suffers from such disregard. Especially since in all his misfortunes they blame foreigners. Romania, alleged local political scientists, - the victim of the Ottoman, Habsburg and Russian Empires. The history of the country is full of cunning attacks and military occupation, territorial losses and financial reparations. "Romania is at the crossroads of all the troubles," the medieval Moldavian chronicler broke into the stolen. The Romanians, suffering from the Complex "Eternal Victim", know that it is impossible to give up to anyone, and therefore they are right in all disputes.

Romanian "Best Neighbor" - Black Sea, and not neighboring invaders

"Our best neighbor is the Black Sea," the Romanian historian wrote. Judge for yourself: Russians were taken away from Romanian Bessarabia and brought communism to the country. The West, having entered into the Yalta collusion with the Kremlin, left the country in the claws of the "Evil Empire" for a long half century. As a result, Romanian had a hostile and suspicious attitude towards foreigners, from which they do not expect anything good. And they themselves are always ready to pay the same coin - for example, to unwind a traveling tourist.

Always retaining statehood, unlike Poland and Hungary, but at the price double Game

Here they are proud that, unlike Hungary, Romania was not completely enslaved by the Turks and, unlike Poland, never lost statehood. Standing, however, managed with a skillful double game and the continuous change of allies. It is curious that treason and compromises can be found in the history of any country, but for some reason the adhesive is tightly in the Romanians. Losting at historical intersections ability to be loyal, they became "strangers among their own and their among others" in any camp. In addition, the long-standing habit of bending the back in front of the strangers from time to time explodes by the attacks of painful arrogance. It causes bewilderment in the West, where Romania has a reputation of an unpredictable, non-permanent, incorrect partner. One of the most difficult and closed countries for foreigners - Romania. But who wants to spend time to unwind the club's problems of the country, which has such a minor weight in world politics?

Cultural - ethnic uncertaintyb

Does not cause confidence and cultural uncertainty of Romania. The country located at the crossroads of civilizations during the centuries was subjected to all sorts of influences - Western, Slavic, Muslim. In the middle of the XIX century, Romanians wore a bathrobe and chalm, and the eastern motives are heard in music today. In Romanian language, the Slavic ear will easily recognize their native words, and the attraction to Western culture reflects the sympathies and tastes of the local intelligentsia. On the one hand, this means the wealth and diversity of Romanian culture, but on the other - it does not allow it to unambiguously fit into a particular cultural type. By the way, some of which claim that it is this distround of influences that led to the unusually spectacular beauty of Romanians, from which General Ariel Sharon chose themselves, Tennis player Biorn Borg and even the emperor Bokassa ...

Balkan Raskannancy

Of course, Romanians want to NATO and the European Union! But to submit to any order - the communist or democratic - above their forces. "What are we Germans or what?!" - they are offended. It is necessary to see the Romanians lead a car or simply go the street! I am almost sure that the saying "If it is impossible, but I really want, then you can" - Romanian origin. Judicial processes - Passion Romanian, but at the same time they say: "Why hire a lawyer if you can buy a judge?" From stolen church bells, self-snealing devices are manufactured here, and the last pennies spend on a restaurant. I remember my neighbor on the official dinner was American, who in despair whispered to me in the ear: "So much eaten just in poor countries!"

The poet Mircea Dienes said prophetic words: "We compromised communism, compromise and capitalism." So Romanians are stubbornly do not want to part with their distinctive lifestyle and pay with the inadvertent West with mutual contempt - not very much and wanted to your NATO! It seems that the cherished desire of Romanians - so that they are simply left alone! This, however, does not mean that they love Russians here.

Latin Island in the middle of the "Slavic Sea"

"Romania - Latin Island in the Slavic Sea" is a deep-timing saying hides a hint of a hostile environment of the country. If in the 50s Romanian historians led the countdown of "century-old friendship" with Russia almost since the time of Paleolithic, then today the slogan of the day: Romania Isxtari belongs to Western civilization. It is clear that the choice of an ally is largely determined by the conjunctural gain. To be Russian in Romania is not easy. Here I was informed that I am a Bolshevik and even from the KGB, as, however, all the Russians.

One Russian historian asked in surprise me in surprise, why Romanians argue that the Russians invaded their country 13 times? Having learned that each Russian-Turkish war here is considered for the invasion of Romania, he was shocked. Throughout the history of "Love for Russia" took the most original forms. For example, Marshal Antonescu forbade Romanians to wear a hat-Ushanka, "because it is tailored to the Russian sample." The order, however, was not fulfilled - Romanian frowned ears. Talking to any item - from the recipe for the filler to comet Halley - here almost definitely lead to the topic "Bessarabia - Romanian Earth!"

Strategic crossroads

Is it worth breaking the spears around Romania? This is not France, not Germany, not Italy. But Romania is the second in the area and the population of the country in Central and Eastern Europe after Poland. It takes a strategic position in the region, and it is impossible to go around the warlords or businessmen. No wonder on the eve of the Second World War, it was in Romania that the residency of exploration of all countries participating in the future grandiose contractions, which mutually adopted each other. "..."

The key geographical location is, however, the trouble of Romania, which is too weak to take advantage of its advantages. The country is historically a "neutral strip", where opposing vectors of influence and streams of information are faced. "..."

Romania still remains a false table of Europe, where diplomatic options are running, and maybe it is in this a historical mission. "

Deciphering text from "paper version", subtitles Site

This review "Romanians and Valahi (Woha). The history of the name of the people. Negative image of Romanians in some in the world "is prepared on the basis of the two above sources.