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Room flower Maranta. Maranta lowered Maranta leaves

Maranta is a favorite plant of many flower water. Maranta is quite unpretentious in care, grows well in any conditions. This indoor flower raises the leaves up in the evening and again blossoms in the morning. For such an unusual property of the Maranth received the name "Prayer Plant". The leaflets of the marbles are decorated with brown spots in the amount of 10 pieces. That is why tying this plant with religion, the flower has another name "Ten Commandments".

The flower was named after the famous botany and scientist Bartolemo Maranta, who helped people and treated their herbs. Leaflets of the plant are a real work of art - shades gently woven with each other, creating unusual patterns and interlacing. The color of the leaves can vary from white to dark green, with red and burgundy veins. The Maranta flowers with small flower, which can be white, cream or lilac. Many flower products believe that flowers of the Marantians cannot be compared to beauty with its leaves, so immediately remove the inflorescences so that the plant does not spend their strength on them.

Maranta is a medium in height of the plant, it rarely reaches a growth above 40 cm. This unpretentious flower is well grown by stroke and with proper care appears before man in all its glory.

Maranth plants species

Flower Marantians has more than 25 species depending on the color and shape of the leaves. Here are some of the most common types:

  1. The White Maranta is most common. Leaves dark green, central lived silver color. On the sides of white stripes.
  2. Flooded Maranta. The color of the leaves varies by all shades of green. On the edge of the leaves there is a red line that becomes burgundy or pink. Leaf in the form of feathers.
  3. Maranta Kerhechina has oval leaflets on short cuttings. Green leaves with white stripe in the center. On the reverse side, the leaflet may be pink or bluish.
  4. Maranta Reed. The color is similar to other varieties of margraments, but the edges of the leaves have a wave-like shape. Cane Maranta grows with a dense shrub.
  5. Maranta Maranta has a dark color of the leaves - from black to olive.

In order for a person, a plant or animal to feel good, gladly grew and multiplied, you need to create comfortable conditions for them for them. Here are some tips to create comfortable conditions for the growth of marantines.

  1. Maranta is a fairly water-loving plant. The land in the pot of this flower should always be wet. The frequency of watering depends on the time of year and the level of humidity in the room. Usually, the margrament watered a couple of times a week, in the hot summer months - every other day.
  2. The tropical margrament is best put in the clay pan with water.
  3. The margrament must be sprayed with water from the spray. From this, its leaflets become alive and moistened.
  4. Water for watering and spraying Maranta should be room temperature. It is not allowed to water the plant with hot or cold water. It is best to water the plants with a standing water so that there are no extraneous impurities in it.
  5. The margrament can not be water with a chlorine or lime content - it dies from this.
  6. Plant Maranta - Teleenubivo. Do not put a pot with a flower under direct sun rays, especially in the summer and spring months.
  7. The optimal temperature for the growth of marantites is from 16 to 25 degrees. The flower does not tolerate frost and sharp temperature drops. It is also important and humidity of the room in which the Maranth is growing. In the winter months, when radiators and batteries are dried air, it is necessary to further moisturize the flower.
  8. The Maranta does not like drafts, so it's not entirely correct to place a plant on the windowsill. Also near the pot with a flower should not be extraneous plants, at least at a distance of 20 cm. The margrament grows well if it does not light up.

Once every two years, this plant requires a transplant, because the roots are closely in the previous pot. The new pot should not be very different from the previous one - in the large earthen space of the Maranta grows worse.

Before transplanting a plant needs to be prepared. Cut your dull and faded leaves and some shoots. The flower should spend its forces on new shoots, and not to restore faded leaves. If you want the Maranta to stretch into growth, cut off the side young shoots. If you want to get a more empty and lush plant, it is better to cut the flower in the top.

Preparing a new pot, pour on the bottom of the clamzit, so that the roots of the plant will not rot in water residues from watering. The lower layer must be filled with soil with low acidity. For this you need to mix one part of the sand, two parts of the peat and three parts of the usual soil. Pass into the ground a little crowded coal, and then put a lump of land with a plant. Pull the gaps between the roots of the plant and the walls of the pot of ordinary earth.

How to feed the maranta

So that the maranta was beautiful, lush and spread, it needs to be fertilized. Especially much the plant needs to be upscreen in spring and summer, during active growth and flowering. Fertilizing the margrament can be special mineral complexes that can be bought in the store of decorative indoor plants.

Fertilize the plant follows two weeks. Dissolve a piece of mineral complex with a matching head in a liter of clean water and pour them a plant. Two weeks later, you can pour the same composition that remained in the bottle - it is not necessary to breed a new portion. However, be careful - do not overdo it. The overabundance of mineral fertilizers can lead to the death of the plant.

The margrament can be multiplied by several ways. First, the fission of the roots. When the plant transplant, divide the roots into two or three parts. Pay attention to the fact that each root system should be viable. After that, the roots of the plant are placed in water or immediately plant a pot (if the roots are sufficiently developed). After that, the Maranta needs abundant watering during the first weeks. Next, the plant develops as usual.

If the plants are still far away, and the flower needs to be multiplied, it can be done by the method of drawing. Cut the plant with a viable stalk 10-12 cm. Young shoots that we remove when trimming are good. The cuttings should be placed in the water so that the twig gives the roots. When the Marantans get sorry, it can be transplanted into a pot with a soil. Cover it from top of a plastic film to create a thermal imitation. In such conditions, the plant is best accepted. Best of all caring cuttings cut from May to September.

Diseases and pests

There are no special pests and diseases in the plant. Usually, the Marantans have two enemy - milders and cute ticks. The torment Cherver is localized on plants. To get rid of it, you need to wipe the trunk of the flower with soap solution. After processing, thoroughly rinse the flower with clean water so that there are no soap residues.

The presence of sputum ticks can be determined by a thin web, which is formed from the wrong side of the leaves of the plant. At the same time, the plant loses the lower sheets, becomes sluggish. A web tick infects plants with too low humidity indoors. To get rid of it, you need to cut all the infected leaves and process the maranta by bacteriological composition, which can be bought in a specialized store. It is designed specifically for decorative indoor plants - is ruthless to pests and delicate with plants.


Here are the main problems faced by flowerflowers in the cultivation of a margrament plant.

Why does the maranta dry? Maranta can dry for several reasons. One of the main is the lack of moisture. If you do not often water the plant, if you do not spray the leaves, the lower sheets can turn yellow, and the upper - dry at the ends. Maranta can dry out due to excessive amounts of lime in the soil. Check it easy. Pour a little land on a plate and pour the soil with vinegar. If the earth began to foam, it means that there is a lot of lime in it. Maranta can be covered with brown stains, if in the room where the flower grows, low humidity.

Why do the leaves twist the leaves? Almost any changes in the flower are the cause of incorrect care. Maranta twists the leaves before every night, and in the morning it dismisses again. If the leaflets remain twisted throughout the day, it means that the plant is just cold. Place it in the room with a higher temperature so that it "came to itself."

Why does Maranta change the color of the leaves? If the leaflets of the plant became faded, dull or yellow, it means that something is wrong in care. Try to transfer the plant into a warmer room, eliminate drafts, increase the irrigation rate. Perhaps the Maranta changes the color of his leaves, because she lacks nutrients - remember, if you have long fed a plant.

Decorative room flowers - like children. They require attention, care, care and love. Create your plants comfortable conditions for life so that they please you with active growth and lush flowering.


Plant maranta (lat. Maranta) - Representative of the kind of perennial herbs of the Marramov family. There is a genus about 25 species growing in the tropical belt of America. The name of the plant was in honor of the Bartolomeo Maranta, Medieval Lekar and Botany. The Maranta has other names - a prayer plant, praying grass, "Ten Commandments" (by the number of specks on the leaves of one of the types of Maranta) and the fetal root. Maranta flowers are decorative and deciduous plants, and not at all flowers in the usual representation for us, but their leaves are a real masterpiece created by nature.

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Landing and margrament care

  • Bloom: Decorative decorative plant.
  • Lighting: penumbra.
  • Temperature: In the summer - 22-24 ˚C, in winter - 16-18 ˚C.
  • Watering: The ground must be slightly humid all the time.
  • Air humidity: Elevated. The daily spraying of the leaves in the heat and the plant content on the pallet with a wet moss-sphagnum is recommended.
  • Feeding: From March to August twice a month with a weak solution of complex mineral fertilizer for deciduous plants.
  • People's period: From October to February.
  • Transfer: In the spring once every two years.
  • Reproduction: Vegetative - cuttings and division of the bush.
  • Pests: Mathematical Chervests, Slaughter and Cellites.
  • Diseases: From improper care, stem or root rotting can develop, and the leaves may lose decorativeness.

Read more about growing marantines below

Maranta Flower - Description

The room flower of the Maranta is a plant with a stray rhizome, the leaves of the elliptical form, the root or double-row located on the stems. The color of the leaves is diverse and incredibly beautiful: the background color varies from almost white to dark green, and on the background there are bright stains, stripes and veins. The top side of the sheet is much brighter, and it is especially striking when the Maranta flower makes his "prayer": in the evening she raises the leaves and turns them slightly so that only the one-photon bottom side of the plates is visible, and in the morning he lowers and turns his beautiful leaves in the morning, The view of which every time is admiration.

A room with white, white, cream or lilac asymmetric three-shaped flowers collected in the top-like inflorescences. Blossom Maranta is not a god of message which is the spectacle, so the flowers are better to immediately remove that the plant is in vain does not spend strength. Maranta fruit - single-bedroom box. In the height of the Indoor Plant of the Maranta rarely grows above 30-40 cm, so it may be contained in any, even the smallest room, although natural types of plants sometimes reach 150 cm in height.

The care of the colors of the Maranta is not as complicated, as it is considered, so even a beginner flower model can grow this treasure.

Maranta care at home

How to care for a marr

The margrass care is to create optimally comfortable conditions for the plant. What kind of conditions is it? First, the lighting: the home flower of the Maranta is best grows in a half, hitting the leaves of direct sunlight in spring and summer time must be excluded. Secondly, the air temperature is comfortable for the margrament in the summer 22-24 ºC, in winter - 16-18 ºC, but no less than 10 ºC. The safe cultivation of the Maranta also largely depends on the humidity of the air and humidification of the soil - is third.

For watering, the margrances can only be used by soft water in room temperature that does not contain lime. The frequency of irrigation is determined by the state of the soil in the pot: it should be slightly humid all the time. So that the air is humid enough for tropical marrants, keep it on the pallet with wet pebbles or clay, and even better - with a wet sphagnum. In addition, regular spraying of the leaves of the plant from the fine sprayer of the resistant or filtered water temperature is needed. In the hot season, it is necessary to spray the margrament daily.

Transplant Marantha

Maranta transplantation is carried out on average every two years in spring in a wide shallow pot, more than the previous one in diameter just a couple of centimeters. First, pour a thick layer of clay into the new pot so that the moisture is not in the roots of the margrass. Then place the layer of the weakness of the sooth (pH of about 6), consisting of sand, peat and garden land in proportions 1: 2: 3 with the addition of rotten coal and handusty of coniferous ground, then carefully pass the margrader into a new pot together with an earth's room and add so much soil how much it will be necessary to fill the pot.

Before you get a plant from an old pot, put it in order: remove old dried leaves so that the plant spends the strength on the formation of young shoots, and not on a fondary foliage. Professionals are recommended before the transplantation in general to cut all the shoots, leaving only one interstice on them, then the new fresh threshold will be thicker, and your Maranth will turn into a magnificent motley bush.

Marantha fertilizer

An important factor in the successful cultivation of room margrament is fertilizer. Maranta needed in the period of active growth, so from March to August twice a month it is fed by a liquid complex fertilizer for decorative-deciduous plants. Note that the solution should be weak (one gram of comprehensive fertilizer per liter of water), because the maranta is very sensitive to the excess of moisture in the roots, and to excess nutrients in the soil.

Marantha reproduction

Reproduction of maranta division bush

Maranta reproduction at home is produced in vegetative ways. For example, the division of the bush with the next plant transplantation. For this bush, the marrants are carefully separated into two or more approximately equal parts, cutting the rhizome so that each deleted has a sufficient number of roots for life. The parts are searched by pots into the substrate for marrants, watered a little warm water, are loosely covered with a transparent polyethylene package and kept warm until young leaves appear. Then the package is removed, and behind the plant is careful as usual.

Reproduction of Maranta Strenkov

How to propagate a margrament if you do not decide to cut the rhizome flower? Cropped when haircut shoots marantites can be used as cuttings for its reproduction. Sufficient cutting length - 8-10 cm, and it should have two interstices or at least a couple of leaves. The bottom cut is made for a couple of centimeters below the node. Sections of shoots are placed in water to root, and when they will grow roots, cuttings are planted into the ground and are covered with a transparent polyethylene package to create greenhouse conditions accelerating the survival rate. Faster and reliable cuttings are rooted, cut from May to September.

Pests and diseases Marantians

Diseases and insects

It must be said that any specific diseases of the Maranta are not amazed, the problems in the plant arise mainly due to improper care. The same can be said about insects.

Marannt is most often suffering from red spider ticks and milders. The presence of a tick is determined by the presence of a thin web from the bottom side of the sheet plates and falling out the leaves, and the appearance of these pests is provoked to too dry air indoors. Damaged leaves need to be removed, and the plant spray with acutely or phytodeterm.

The torment Cherver focuses mainly on the cutters of the leaves, and it needs to be washed off with a soap solution (20 g of soap per liter of water) - just do not forget to remove the soap from the plants. If this measure is not enough, it will be necessary to spray with a scorecling solution several times (2 ml per liter of water), until you make sure that the plant does not threaten anything.

Maranta yellow leaves

Frequent questions about why yellowing the Maranta, do not imply some unambiguous response. The reasons may be somewhat, because decorative-deciduous plants react to stress and diseases precisely by changing the color and texture of sheet plates.

  • At first, The reason may be too cold air indoors.
  • Secondly, Yellow spots on the leaves can be traces of sunburn.
  • Thirdly, Too low air humidity, fourth, drafts.

In addition, an absolutely obvious reason is insufficient watering, as a result of which the lower leaves of the plant turn yellow. What to do if the marrants turn yellow leaves? Re-read the rules for leaving the plant, identify the cause and eliminate it. Just do not wait fast success: soon there are only troubles, and the plant, like a child, requires care, attention and time.

Maranta dries

Why does the Maranta dry? First of all, it may be due to the lack of nutrients in the soil: first the tips of the leaves will dry, then brown spots appear on them. The plant also behaves and from the lack of moisture: the lower leaves are yellow, and the tops dries the tips. The Maranta dries out and then when you forget to keep the high humidity in the room. Leads to the same result and the presence of lime in the soil, so follow the hydrogen indicator of the soil.

Marantans twisted leaves

Maranta has such a feature - to turn the leaves every evening and reveal them every morning. But if you observe the drying of the tips of the leaves first, and then their folding, then the reason is either in the disadvantage of moisture in the soil, or in the fact that Maranta is frustrated - transfer it to a warmer room and make sure that it does not fall into drafts. And remember: no matter what problems with room colors, in particular, with a margrament, look for the cause in the rules of plant care. Determine what you have broken them, correct the error, and the problem will go away by itself.

Types and varieties Marantians


The inhabitant of Brazilian rainforests with a short (25-30 cm high) stem, the leaves oval, up to 15 cm long, up to 9 cm wide, on the stiffs up to 2 cm long. The top side of the sheet is painted in a dark green color, silver passes through its center The band, the side alkalips - silver-white with a light green pattern, the bottom side of the sheet is reddish or jet-green. In culture, this species occurs infrequently, its varieties are growed more often.

2 weeks ago I bought a marriage, put on the windowsill, watering as the upper layer of soil drying, spray 2 times a day, the room is dark, but daylight lamps are burning 10 per day. When I brought it from her, her leaves kept horizontally or a little to the top, now the cutters as before they are raised up, but the leaves dropped and look into the floor, but they do not dry out and the edges do not dry. What can she miss?

Plants of the marrine family have long flexible stiffs that are connected to the leaves in a special way. Thanks to this feature, the leaves have the ability to drastically change their position depending on the lighting. In the afternoon, the leaves are rejected (almost at right angles), and at night they take almost a vertical position.
If the location of the margrass is unsuccessful and there are shortcomings in care, then attentive flower water can "calculate" their errors on the leaves:
- with an excess of light, drafts, dry air (below 70%), excessive cold (below 18 degrees) or heat (above 25 degrees) leaves are lowered, or cease to respond to darkness;
- with low air humidity, the leaves are twisted into the tube, dried around the edges;
- with too bright or insufficient lighting, with too high temperatures it is lost beautiful color of the leaves (the leaves are pale and discolored);
- With lack of light, the leaves of the leaves are very dragging.
Support air humidity in all ways, follow the rules of care; Try to change the location of the Maranta.

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Why leaves marrants all the time are lowered down?

There may be several problems here, but if the Maranta twisted the leaves in the tube in the fall, then pay attention to the temperature background, the temperature difference is destructive for the margrament, first cool +17, then + 20

More often this happens when the batteries are not yet included. Maranta does not like temperature below +18, the temperature is favorable within +24 degrees.

Excess watering in autumn and drafts are also not favorable. Watering should be reduced and spray the margrament with warm water with "epinoma".

Maranta has flexible and long stuffs connecting with the leaves in a special way. Therefore, depending on how much light, the growth angle of leaves changes. With daylight, leaves can stand at right angles, at night stand vertically.

If the leaves dropped or do not react to the appearance of darkness, it means

excess light, draft, dry air, cold or hot.

If the leaflers twisted into the tube and dried along the edges of the sheet, then it means low in humidity

If the leaflets pale are discolored, it is hot enough.

If bad lighting, then the leaf cutters will be very pulled out.

Maranta, who came to our latitudes from Brazilian tropics, causes an interest in the motley foliage and a bright spectrum of green-red color. As a sign of gratitude for the correct care of the magnificent conditions, the plant although it is rare, but ejects inflorescences. In fact, they are not obvious and are not so attractive as wide line lancing leaves with a clear drawing and multi-colored streaks. In addition, it strikes the imagination not only their appearance, but also behavior. In this article we will tell you all about the flowers of Maranta: from legends and believes to demands and whims.

What conditions to create for marrants in the house

To whitewate the flower, it was comfortable in your abode, take care of the correct mode of temperature, moisture and lighting, do not forget to fertilize it and to transplant it. The Maranta does not forgive mistakes when growing at home, and therefore, the more you love her and betting near her, the brighter it will burn with chic foliage, but it is worth cooling it - the plant will die (not in vain it fell into the list of caprisyl). However, let this fact do not scare you. The main task in care is to bring indoor cultivation to the native culture environment as much as possible. Tricious, you will learn to please your beauty.

In "Praying Grass", special requirements for accommodation, and where exactly put the pot, you will understand, watching her leaves. Their mobility complements the uniqueness of the exotic vase. With the normal development of the plant, in the evenings and on rainy weather, the leaves twisted the leaves into the tube, slightly raising upwards, and in the mornings and in bright sunny days - widely spread to the horizontal position.

If the old foliage pale and began to be frown, and the new grows in shallow, lost a juiciness and very much dropped down, it means that the flower is uncomfortable due to the overaffect of light. While the loss of drawing on the leaves, their constant twistedness, on the contrary, speaks of poor lighting.

The ideal option for the placement of the flower will be the northern windows, where there is always a half and no burning of direct sunlight. If there is no such possibility, the East Western sides are allowed. In extreme cases, the flower can be accommodated away from the window, somewhere on the table or floor stand. An irreparable mistake of many flower flowers is that they are in charge of a margrament in dark corners. In such conditions, it cannot develop and dies.

Optimal temperature

In the natural medium, the plant grows in warmth and moisture. Consequently, low temperatures adversely affect the tropical guest. The permissible limit is +15 ° C, and that if it is not enough to water the plant. Does not forgive the "pogromol grass" of drafts, sharp drops of temperature and heat. In the summer, it is comfortable at +22. +25 ° C, and in the winter, the thermometer will not fall below +18 ° C. With increasing temperature, the need for an increase in air humidity increases.

How to care for a marrant at home

The leaves of culture often act as an indicator of the correctness of its cultivation. Therefore, they are regularly sprayed and wipe, and it is important to ensure that the water does not leave untidy stains (it is best to use a spray gun and a soft brush). Consider the Maranta - a fragile representative of the flora, which is easy to damage.

In the summer, Vazon is preferably taken to the balcony, and even better in the garden, but not on the sun. You should also take care of the protection against wind, exhaust or production gases. Fresh air required for the full development of the plant, however, at the same time, it can destroy the ventilation near the lively route.

From time to time, cottage needs to be trimmed. Do not aesthetically look dry stems of an infrequent infloresception and dead leaves. Therefore, they are neatly agitated by sharp scissors, which before work it is worth a disinfection. Also come with very elongated shoots distorting the shape of green scenery. With a favorable content of the annual increase in the vase range from 4 to 6 leaves. With the age of the Maranth, of course, the decorativeness and magnificity of "chapels" will lose, but it is possible to solve this problem with the way of shifting.

Watering and humidity

The most important requirement of the Maranta flower when careing at home is moisturizing soil and air. It can be done simultaneously or alternate. Usually, for tropical plants, a rich watering is needed in the summer and moderate in winter. Also, be sure to watch the land in a pot of stopping, but do not turn it into a swamp. In both cases, the culture risks to get sick and die.

Water for moisture should be soft, room temperature. In snowy weather you can take advantage of Tala. If you take water from under the tap, leave the container for several nights to be comfortable.

The amount of irrigation depends on the temperature conditions containing a room facing. Some flower products for extending moisture advise to fill the pallet under the container with a plant with gravel or moss, and only after that pour water there. Naturally, the pot must be a hole in the lower part.

An elegant maranta requires daily spraying. In the cold season, when the apartments are actively central heating or other heating devices, the procedure should be repeated in the morning and in the evening. Cooking the capricious flower and a warm shower, just do not forget to cover the ground in the pot of polyethylene flap. This procedure is recommended to be carried out once a month, and water should not be warmer 40 ° C. Keep in mind that in premises with overwhelmed air all moisturizing procedures will be in vain that you can determine the leaf rusty rusty tips.

Fertilizing and fertilizer

The exhausted margrament begins to feed the early spring, and the approximate period of feeding covers the time from April to August. Fertilize the plant twice a month, introducing organic and mineral complex fertilizers in turn. The latter are bred to light concentrations.

From the organic, the most valuable fertilizer is chicken litter. It contains large quantities of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium necessary for flora. These beneficial substances are absorbed gradually. Nevertheless, in some cases, the beginners of indoor flowers are afraid to overdo it with proportions and make only purchased mineral feeding, adhering to a clear instruction. When preparing fertilizer from chicken excrement, it is important to consider the following recommendations:

  1. Never use fresh litter as feeding, as it includes urinary acid that can burn the roots.
  2. In order to reduce the excessive concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus, leave litter over the night in the fresh air.
  3. For the preparation of liquid feeding, the collected excrement with water in the ratio of 1:20 is divorced. The mixture should stand on the street for more than a week. Under the roots it is impossible to pour it. In addition, for a start, it is necessary to abundantly pour a plant with ordinary water.

How to transplant

For transplanting Marantans, in the spring are looking for a shallow capacity (wider than the previous one for several centimeters) and prepare the substrate. In the absence of the necessary components, you can use the purchased soil for the margrass. At home, it is prepared from coarse sand, garden land and peat in a 1: 3 ratio: 0.5 ratio. If you wish, you can add charcoal. Another way is to mix the equal parts of the humid, sheet and peat ground.

Not depending on the option chosen by you, the soil must be loose and slightly acidic. You can check the acidity of a special decoction: in the glass, boiling water brewed a couple of black currant leaves, and when it is good and cooled, throw a small earth com. Watch: If, as a result of the reaction, the water is slightly blushing - the soil is sour, the green shade speaks of a weakly acidic medium, and bluish - about neutral. Now that everything is ready for a transplant, we will understand in detail how to transplant the margrament. To start at the bottom of the pot, put the layer of clay, carefully pass from the previous capacitance of a wet earthen tuber with a root rosette and sprinkle it with a fresh substrate. Work carefully so as not to damage the root system. At the end of the procedure, paint the plant and spray from the sprayer. In heightened attention, it will need to fully root.

How to propagate a margrament at home

This process plays a key role in the rejuvenation of the bush. Looking at the delicate foliage of the flower, many do not even imagine how simple the Maranta in reproduction. (There are two ways, both are successful and frequently used).

Reproduction of division

To get the second instance of the plant, sufficiently cut off the root part of the root: an outlined earthen tuber simply dissect in half and sear the decenes in different tanks. If the parts are planted with poorly developed shoots, they are watered, covered with a polyethylene bag and sent to a warm place, creating greenhouse conditions. When the bush goes into growth, covered removed, continuing to regularly spray the leaves.

Reproduction of cuttings

This method is interested in a lot of people, however, based on the number of questions often asked in various forums, we can conclude about the lack of knowledge in this direction. A lot of scientific articles have already been written about how to multiply Maranta cuttings, but not to delve into scientific terminology, we only note that the technology is simple and accessible to everyone.

The planting material is taken with annual sprouts in summer or autumn (cut-off the tops of the shoots must have at least 4 leaves). Then, for several months they are put in water, and when the roots appear, the cuttings will be plugged at 6 cm into the substrate, the preparation of which we mentioned above. Further care for a young vason is the same as when the root of the root.

Solving possible problems when growing Maranta

Do not even doubt: the smallest care errors will be obvious. The appearance of the "praying herb" is often deteriorating due to inappropriate conditions that lead to diseases. In addition, the Maranta is very sensitive to pests. It is liked to "objeate" the web ticks, trips, shields, often occupying the entire inside of the sheet. Typically, this happens during dry air indoors.

To avoid pests caused by pests, diseases of the Maranta and in order to avoid possible treatment, increase the humidity of the air and paint the soil.

When it is zakining the roots will begin to refuse, which will entail the appearance of nematodes. You will learn about this by formation on the leaves of the brown spot. Salvation will serve only cutting off the damaged parts of the living edge. It is important to treat sections by manganese. Only after that the root rosette can be transplanted into fresh soil and further follow the rules of watering.

Seeing that the Maranta lowered the leaves, do not exhaust themselves the thought of "what to do?". To begin with, inspect the vase and check it for the presence of pests. If you do not find anything, pay attention to the lighting. Located near the battery or in direct sunlight, the flower rearrange immediately. However, at the same time, too much moisture, dryness and complete darkness, too, for nothing.

Pay attention to the leaves:

  • if they twisted and began to be down - enhance moisturizing;
  • dried and conquered at the tips - review the watering mode, an excess or lack of moisture is possible;
  • they became yellow and slightly faded - more often water;
  • lost drawing and purchased a pale lifeless color - rearrange the pot in the half.

    • Maranta: Home Care
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    • How to make solid cheese at home
    • Maranta is a small plant reaching about 20 centimeters height. Contain the plant follows at a moderate constant temperature, since the sudden drops can damage the flower and destroy the margrader. In winter, the temperature should not fall below 12 degrees. The perfect place for the content is a well-lit place protected from sunlight and in a half-way.

      In order to create a fabulous condition for its petomice, put a pot with a plant in the pallet, which must be filled with wet moss.

      Watering Marantians

      In the warm season, water the margrament follows daily, and in the winter - as needed. For the watering, it is best suited for warm soft water out.

      In no case do not overflow the soil of the flower and do not let the plant dried. Do not forget to regularly spray the leaves of the margraments. About the insufficient amount of moisture you will be prompted with yellowish brown spots that appear on the leaves.

      Transplant Marantha

      Marantant to transplant 1 time in 2 years in spring time. To do this, divide the bustard of the plants into parts, transope in the soil, then cover the film and keep in such a mini-greenhouse until the plant gives roots.

      Marantha reproduction

      This plant is multiplied with cuttings, which are obtained as a result of trimming. For the drawing, the cuttings are used in size about 8-10 centimeters, if there are several intersals and pair of sheets.

      Maranta cuttings lay down into the water, then transplant to the prepared ground, cover with a plastic bag, thus creating mini-greenhouse. Check out the margrament from May to September, since it is at this time that the plant is actively rooted.

      Maranta care features

      When caring for a margrament should pay attention to the following points:

      1. Low temperature and excessive soil moisture will make the plant sluggish, and can also provoke the reinforcement of the roots of the margrass.

      2. Bright light, straight sun rays can damage the gentle leaves of the margraments, as well as bring drying.

      3. Necessary dry air can cause the plant slows down and perishing.

      Take care of your pet: if brown tips are formed on the leaves, then in the room containing a maranta, too dry air.

      Tri-color Maranta: Prayer Plant (and other photos from the photo)

      Maranta is considered one of the most beautiful deciduous, ornamental plants. The birthplace of this plant is considered to be Brazil. It was brought to the territory of Europe for about 100 years ago, and despite the difference in climates, the plant had taken root in these parts.

      Types of Maranta (photo)

      In total there are more than 25 types of marrants. But, unfortunately, not all of them are popular with flower flowers. As a room plant, the following types of marrants are commonly used:

      Maranta Belozhilkova

      This species is the most common in the home collections of flowerflowers. The flower has tuber roots. The stem is not high, reaching only 25-230 cm. Oval-rounded leaves give the flowers of refinement, while their size ranges from 10 to 15 cm long and about 5 minutes 9 cm wide. The leaflets of this plant have a dark green color, with this bodies - silver. The lower side of the sheet is different and has a green-red.
      Maranta BELOVILK: photo at home rarely you can meet a real, clean variety, typically grown its varieties:

      • Koherhovena. The plant reaches only 15? 20 cm. Maranta Kercher has leaflets, the maximum reaching 15 cm. The coloring of the leaves is similar to a purebred variety, the difference is a silver strip and eye black spots, located near the central strip.
        Maranta Karhoven: Photo
      • Massaja black. This variety is practically no different from the above. The difference can only be seen in the color of the leaves. Color leaves dark green, close to black. Spots have olive color.
        Maranta Massaja: Photo
      • Tri-color Maranta (Tricolor). Leaves from such an oval form margrass, lightly velvet. Allowers have a distinct red color on the outside, on the inner - pink. There are also stains located along the lateral veins and have dark green.
        Tri-color MARANT: Photo
      • Two-color maranta

        This is a rare variety, which has distinctive oval leaves with wavy edges, their size reaches 10? 15cm. Leaves of this variety have a dark green main color and brown spots of brown color in the middle of the vein. All lessed leaves, on the inside, slightly reddish and located on short cuttings.
        Two-color marant: photo

        Cane Maranta

        This variety is a kind of shrub, as it can grow to 1 m in height. Cane Maranta has large roots that are similar to the tuber. The leaves of this variety are simply gigantic compared to previous views and can reach 25 cm. Their form resembles an oval, a little pointed from above. All leaves are lowered down and have a dark green color.
        Cane Maranta: Photo

        How to properly care for the margrament at home

        If you want to have such an exotic plant in your house, it is necessary to pay attention to watering, lighting, choosing a soil and, of course, correct feeding. Only when performing all recommendations, the plant will be healthy and beautiful.

        The marriage family is well tolerates shady places, ideal for the location of the flower is the northern part of the apartment or at home.

        If there is no possibility to place the plant away from sunlight, then you need to take care of hot days, burning sun rays do not come into contact with the leaves of the plant. In other cases, the plant will begin to root, dry, and leaflets twist.

        When light shortage, the plant fades, the form is lost, the leaves of the plant become thin, the cuttings are pulled out.

        Watering and humidification

        This plant perfectly feels air humidity about 90%. To resolve, it is recommended to spray the leaves of the plant with a soft, stretched water. If we perform a spraying with ordinary water, white spots may appear on the leaves.

        Do not forget about the soul. The margrament should be washed under running water, no more often once a month.

        Watering the plant is only a soft water. Soil should always be slightly wet. In the hot period, watering spend after 3? 4 days. In winter, it is recommended to give the soil to seek about 2? 3 cm.

        Home (room) Pomegranate: Growing and care at home.

        Why Zamiculkas is called a flower of curse and what other signs are associated with this plant, read in our article.

        Reproduction and rooting Maranta

        In order for the Maranta to feel good, it should be transplanted twice a year. And what if you need to multiply the flower? There are two breeding options Maranta:

        1. Shining. This type of breeding is carried out only in spring, as a last resort in the early summer. To do this, cut off the young cutter to 8 cm, where there is a couple of leaves and lower it into soft water. One month later, and maybe earlier, the cuttings are formed roots, after that it can be placed in the ground. For landing, a mixture of sand and peat is perfect. For faster rooting, create a greenhouse effect.
        Shining Marantha 2. Decision root. This type of reproduction is carried out at any time during transplantation. For successful division, the bush should be cut in such a way that each separated part has a small piece of rhizomes for adheated and growth. Each slice is necessary to separately plant a pot. Next, you should create a greenhouse effect, until new leaves begin to appear. Decision root Marantians

        Signs and superstitions associated with the margrament - why are the margrament called a prayer plant?

        Maranta is associated with a lot and superstitions.

      • One of the most common superstitions is about the fact that Maranta brings wealth to what lives with her in the same room.
      • The second narrates that the Maranta has a soothing effect. That is why it is recommended to put on windows in children's rooms. The flower normalizes the energy situation in the room.
      • And thanks to one characteristics, this flower began to call - "praying herbs." And this is connected with the ability of the Maranta to change the direction of their leaves. Under the conditions of plant favorable, the flower leaves are almost horizontally, the leaves are deteriorating together and rise.
      • If you want to decorate your home exotic and not a picky plant, and even attract wealth, then you definitely need to acquire a margrament. This is an amazing flower with not only beauty, but also magic and healing properties.

        See also a useful video for the care of the margrament at home:

  • South American tropical plant of low growth with decorative oval leaves is called a margrament. Its leaves have spectacular shades of green: from light - to a saturated dark. On their background, bright stains, points or veins are symmetrically disposed. Stalky Maranta, while she is young, directed up and start to shame later, if it is grown without support. At home, care for a marrure must be correct, then it blooms. Flowers assembled in spikelets, unspoken and small, appear in the late spring or summer.

    The beautiful plant is named after the botany and a doctor who lived in the 16th century of Bartolomeo Maranta. The seeds fell into Europe with the help of American statesman W. Houston, who was also a planter. For the first time, he discovered a plant near the city of Santa Cruz and exported it to seeds to European countries. An unusual flower immediately fell by their inhabitants and took a worthy place in Orangers and greenhouses. About him tell a lot of interesting things:

    Views of houseplants Maranta and photo selection

    The family of margrass numbers about 25 varieties. Here is some of them:

    Maranta two-color. From a biological point of view, this is a separate look, rather similar to Marantant Karcher. On a small reddish stiff, there are oval leaves with a length of 11 - 15 cm with low-fat edges. From below, they are pubescent, with a reddish ornament, the pattern is presented in saturated with green and brown spots. This species does not form tubers.

    An unusually spectacular variety. The rich background of the leaf leaves of the three-color (tricolor) is a little dull at the edges. Along the central red vein there are yellowish or light green specks. At the edges of the sheet, they go into pier-shaped patterns of dark green. A clearly visible on top of the red bodies on the inside of the sheet pale and acquire a pinkish shade. It is difficult to explain why the Tricolor Marantu is compared with the fish, but it is also called the "Red Herring Ridge".

    Maranta Karhoven - It is believed that this kind of deserted

    The plant has oval leaves (on short stiffs) and small white flowers. The lower part of the leaves is painted from blue to red shades. Upper - decorated with a central light stripe and fiercely either with sliced \u200b\u200bspots of dark green. This species is considered to be strain and meet the plant even in inexperienced flower flower.

    Unlike the above, there is dark spots on the leaves (from brown-olive to black) and a light central strip. Compact plant. Compared to the rest, this species is the most demanding in care.

    Growing in Mexico, Zetral and South America, and the island of Trinidad. Leaves of an egg-shaped plant, flowers have a melting form.

    The most common plant. Gray-green leaves with silver streaks and colored patterns. Stem is small (up to 30 cm). Leaves are the heart-shaped (length - 11 - 15 cm), there are reddish and sieu-green. The root of this type of flower is languid-shaped. The White Maranta is easily breeding, unpretentious.

    High compact plant (up to 1.3 m), has thick cheese-shaped roots. Leaves are elongated, dark green with a jack. Their form is ovoid, with a sharp top. From the bottom of the sheets are pubescent. Flowers small and white.

    How to care for the South American Beauty-Maranta

    This plant loves heat, comfortable temperature is considered to be 20-26 degrees.

    Watering. Maranta in nature grows near water bodies on wet areas. Therefore, in the summer it is necessary to moisturize it often (every other day) so that the soil has been a little wet all the time. With irregular watering, the plant can dry. In winter, its frequency is desirable to reduce (1 time in 5 - 7 days). The surface of the substrate should be given to sleep for a couple of centimeters. Excess soil moisturizing can lead to the root of the root. When watering, it is necessary to prevent water from entering the leaves in order not to have fungal diseases. It is necessary to moisturize the plant only with soft water (boiled, rain or rescued).

    Temperature.Maranta loves warm air, + 20 - 26 degrees in summer and + 16 - 18 - winter. It does not tolerate temperature drops and drafts. For this reason, in the summer it is not recommended to carry out a plant to the street.

    Air humidity

    • If the flower is indoors with dry air, spray it a couple of times a day (in summer) and 1 - 2 times in 7 days in winter.
    • Put a flower pot into an external container, which is pre-fill with a wet peat.
    • You can install a pot on the pallet with wet: moss, sand, pebbles.
    • Plant regularly under the shower, closing the pot of the package so that the soil is not overcooked.

    Despite all the measures taken on the humidification of the air, in the room conditions, the tips of the leaves dry out at the flower, but in the greenhouse plants feel perfectly.

    Place the plant so that it would not be directly straight solar beam

    Lighting. Straight solar rays of a housemate does not like. With bright light, the sheet plate decreases, the leaves are losing a bright color. In the unlit (dark) place of the color shade of the leaves also pale. The Maranta prefers a bright diffused light (half-day) and best grown with artificial lighting (16 hours a day) with fluorescent lamps.

    Indoors the optimal place to accommodate the flower is the stand in the center of the room. In winter (due to lack of light), the plant can be transferred to the windowsill.

    The composition of the soil.Breathable loose substrate - is the basis for successful growing plants. If you grow it in the peat, then you need to add some dolomite flour into the mixture. You can also use land mixes for marrants from the store.

    Quite just to prepare your own substrate. There are 2 ways to prepare:

    • Peat (2 parts).
    • Sheet land (2 parts).
    • Sand (1 part).

    The second way:

    • Humus (1 part).
    • Sheet land (4 parts).
    • Peat (2 parts).
    • Sand (1 part).

    For looseness of the substrate, the mixture is added to the mixture of Sfangum, charcoal, pine bour, lightweight soil from the coniferous forest.

    All spring and autumn plant must be picked up with mineral fertilizers

    Feeding and fertilizer.From spring to autumn, the flower fertilizes every 2 weeks with special (for indoor decorative-deciduous plants) with mineral fertilizer (2 grams of 2 liters of water). You can alternate it with a strongly divorced organic. However, it must be remembered that the plant is sensitive to the overgrowth.

    In winter, the margrament is fed by severely diluted fertilizer than 1 time in 28 - 30 days.

    Transplantation and leaving for the plant. Marandte over 3 years of age in the spring period (1 time in 2 years), the young plant is annually. For this, they take not a very deep, but wide pot, a little more than the previous one, because the root system of the plant is small and develops horizontally.

    It is necessary to remove patients and old leaves on the plant, and on the bottom of the pot it is necessary to lay out a layer of drainage (charcoal, broken brick, coarse sand, ceramzite). It should be about 5-centimeter.

    To make a lush bush from the marrants, you need to cut off all shoots under the root. As a result, on the plant, new fresh shoots and young leaves are reappearing.

    Reproduction of the Plant Maranta

    Maranta seeds, cuttings and division breeding.

    Shining.In May - September from the Maranta bush cuts off a cutlength of 8 - 10 cm with a pair of intersals and several leaves (2 - 3), it is processed by a growth stimulator and is placed in water tank. After 32 - 45 days, he will release roots. After that, it is planted in a peat soil mixture and watered well. The cuttings are well rooted in greenhouse with elevated humidity and temperatures.

    Division.The bush is taken out of the pot, carefully cut the rhizome to 3 - 4 parts, so that each tuber has a good root and several leaves. Each root is planted into a separate pot with loose soil mixture and is covered with a transparent package for better survival. Hold in a warm place.

    Reproduction seeds.You can grow flower and seeds. It is better to sow them at a temperature of 15-19 degrees and maintain its entire vegetation period.

    Flowering Maranta. The plant blooms abundantly, for the whole summer, floral arrows appear on it. However, the flowers themselves are rather unpleasigned: on the arrow collected in the spikelets small pale pink, light yellow or white flowers.

    At home, the bloom in the Maranta is very rare, and the flower products consider it a significant event.

    Diseases and pests of plants

    Maranta is subject to mass of diseases and pests, so you need to follow the plant

    Mealybug. This pest focuses on the cuts of leaves. It must be flucked off with a solution of soap (20 g per liter of water). Do not forget to remove after soap falling with marrants. If the kneading is not effective enough, apply the spraying solution of the accuteral.

    Shields.Brown plaques appear on the surface of the leaves and stalks. Sheets dry out, fall, lose color.

    Measures of struggle

    The leaves are cleaned by wiping them with a sponge dipped in a soap solution (20 soaps per 1 liter of water). Then spray the plant with a solution with a solution of accuters (1 liter of water 1 - 2 ml means). Treatment can be repeated several times until the pests are completely destroyed.

    Red cobweb tick.The most dangerous pest of the room marrants is a web tick. It is usually settled on the underside of the leaves growing in a dry warm room. The leaves on the damaged plant are losing color - become pale and prematurely fall. Blesley specks are formed on their surface, and a thin web appears on the bottom of the leaves.

    Measures of struggle

    Lifting the leaves with a weak tobacco solution with soap. Removing damaged. Pollination (outdoors, outdoors) with gray or spraying by accomplice, phytodeterm, fuffan, derris.

    As usual, the leaves are folded in the margrass due to insufficient watering

    Folk recipes for the destruction of ticks on plants

    Through the meat grinder, skip the crude garlic or onions and distribute in 1 liter of water. Insist 24 hours, then strain. Add 5 g of soap. Pour water at the rate of 1: 1. Process the plant. You can also insist dandelion and yarrow.

    Slow height, dry and brown leaf edges

    It happens with very dry air in the room. Regularly moisturize the plant. And be sure to check whether the flower is affected by pests. If necessary, it will be necessary to apply insecticide.

    The leaves are folded, spots appear on them.

    This happens with insufficient watering. The land mixture must constantly be slightly wetted.

    Yellow-brown edges of the leaves

    With a lack of either an excess of nutrients in the soil.

    Fallen leaves

    With excess watering or extremely dry air in the room. The soil should not be raw, but a little wetted.

    Playing sluggish stems

    Low temperature with high humidity.

    Leaves dry and lose bright color

    This happens when intense solar lighting is too intense.

    Crimping Marantians

    Extended plant gains. Remove as they appear. This contributes to the fact that new young sprouts are actively growing from the center.

    Outcome: Homeland Marantians are wet, with scattered light, warm South American tropics. In order for the plant to feel as good as at home, it needs to provide comfortable warmth, frequent spraying and scattered light. And then the flower will constantly delight you with bright beautiful leaves.

    Good luck to you in the cultivation of margraments.

    Maranta does not need spectacular inflorescences, it is beautiful without them. Her fantastic patterned leaves admire the flowerflower for more than 400 years. Marantophiles do not get tired to surprise the touching habit of this gentle flower - to fold the leaves in the evening, as if reading a prayer. Seeing this "gesture", the British called the margrament with a prayer plant and attributed to her mystical properties. The South American Indians with a margrament also associated legends. On any continent, the fans of this whimsical plant live, they are convinced: the whims of the Marantians should be performed to admire the magical painted leaves, which are so similar to the feathers of richer birds. Below we will talk about the peculiarities of the care of this unusual plant at home.

    Charming, useful and mystical

    Maranta is a miniature, about 20 cm high, a plant with very picturesque leaves. They are large (up to 15 cm), resemble the shape of an egg and painted on the upper side with original color patterns: on a green background, red, silver, brown or olive specks, points and accommodation are symmetrically located. And the exfill is usually raspberry or pink or sizo-bluish. Stems of young marrants are directed up. And over time, if the bush does not find a support, hang or shake. The plant is demanding about home content, but it can be successfully grown in the apartments, knowing the rules of care.

    Maranta gave the name to a whole family in which plants are included, cultivated as indoor: ktenants, stromans and catelatles. With the last margrament is often confused. But the Calatea has a higher growth, the leaves are longer and differ in the pattern, and most importantly - the character of a whimperier than the mother of the family, marrants.

    Maranta was born at the bottom of South American tropical jungle, swamps. Where there is always wet from evaporation and warm air, and the sun looks infrequently. The first, three thousand years ago (this was proved by the finds of archaeologists), the Indians were domesticated by Marant. The plant conquered them not at all with its beauty, but edible rhizomes, leaves suitable for weaving, and healing properties. The Marantant was called the Maranthorn, they were treated with the juice, the soldiers hit by poisoned steles.

    From the roots of reed marries prepare a rare species of Starch - Arrourut. It is used as a thickener when cooking pudding, jelly, sauce. Used as flour in dietary nutrition.

    The elegance of tropical beauty was appreciated in Europe only in the 17th century. A certain plantator saw a miniature fiber plant in the quaggers near the city of Santa Cruz and delivered it to the old light. Gentle flower was given a name, perpetuating the memory of the Italian scientist Bartolomeo Maranta. The crumb of the Maranta struggled by the Great British folded in the evenings with the leaves-palms and their intricate pattern. For this, it was nicknamed with a prayer plant and a flower of 10 commandments, according to the number of specks on a sheet plate. And it became a good tradition to keep at least one margrament in the house. However, the charming crumb was a rather capricious pet. She did not want to live in a gasped and dry air and forced the flower water to maintain a wet and warm atmosphere to invent special greenhouses that called flurarums. Maranth was also settled in Orangery.

    When the air in the houses became cleaner, and the floweries learned to moisturize him, whimping the Maranth moved closer to the person. She is now not considered easy to leaving the plant. It should not start, for example, the child as the first flower. But experienced flower flower will fully cope with the requirements of Maranta. And the cultivation of this plant is a fascinating occupation. In addition, the margrament is a great option for shady rooms. For life, she does not need a lot of light, and the decorative leaves will be even brighter in the half. The high humidity about which Maranta dreams will be helpful and other residents of the apartment.

    White, tricolor, reed and other

    Total described 23 types of Marant. Of these, the most popular Maranth is the Wholesale and its varieties: a tricolor (tricolor), Kurcher and Massaja. These plants are considered the least capricious members of a demanding marrantov family. Get acquainted with his representatives in more detail.

    • Maranta Bessel won popularity in flower water as not a very whimsical plant. On stems that do not grow above 30 cm, large pistachio leaves, on the front side Silver bodies and stain pattern. Bottom - green or reddish. On the rhizome of the Bedlopy Maranta, tubers are well noticeable. The plant simply multiplies, not too demanding to conditions and care.
    • Maranta is a tricolor, it is a tricolor and a fascinator, it is the most common and spectacular variety. On the oval leaves, the red, yellow and different shades of the greenery caused a drawing, similar to the coloring feathers of the colon bird. But there is less poetic comparison: Marante tricolor gave a nickname - a red ridge of herring. This compact plant is well managed to grown at home, but it will be better to look in a flurarium or in a bottle garden.
    • Maranta Massaja is a little more than a tricolor. Its foliage dark green, almost black, decorated with silver streaks and stains in the center. This type is more descended, compared with other marrants.
    • Maranta Karhoven is another popular variety. In young plants on delicate green leaves, two rows of dark brown peasons. Over the years they acquire a green color. Own leaves can be bluish or red-pink. Roots with small dirty thickening. This plant is the hardest of the marrine, even inexperienced flowerflower will cope with it.
    • Maranta reed is the highest, in nature her growth is more than a meter. Leaves in the form of a long and pointed oval of dark green color with a bluish tint. The bottom is slightly pubescent. At the plant thickened fatnevous roots.
    • There are Various (Penister) forms of reed marrants. They do not like a pattern like other varieties. White, yellow or red spots and strokes scattered on the sheet chaotically.
    • Maranta two-color is a rare plant, which sometimes is distinguished in a separate look. Similarly with a type of burner. On reddish stiffs, egg-shaped leaves, along the edge they are wavy. From above - a pattern of green and brown spots, the lower side is reddish and covered with a light flush. The roots do not have tubers.

    Photo Gallery: Maranda Varieties

    Maranth Maranth Maranth Marant Marant Marant Marant Marant Marant Tricoloral Marantine Marantine, It's Tricolor and Marant Facitor Reed Varianty Marant Reed Marant Reed Varianty with Red Leaves

    No mysticism

    Marantians for a long time caused a mystical thrill and delight. People could not explain why the leaves are folded with the arrival of the darkness of the plant, stretching them into the sky, as if in prayer. And in the morning reveal the palms of foliage, meeting the sun.

    Scientists-nerds promoted this mystery. It turned out, in a touching gesture there is nothing mystical. It is explained by the Maranta's simple desire to get a little more light. The plant from the nose dense jungle changes the angle of the leaves, so that they are better illuminated by the sun. In the afternoon, the leaves are located almost parallel to the ground, and in the evening they rise vertically, substituting the outstanding sun. And on the eve of the change of weather with sunny on rainy marrants behave the same way. For this they deserve the fame of the natural barometer.

    Video: Praying Plant raises leaves

    Conditions for Marantians

    When choosing a place for marrants, remember its natural habits: love for warmth, moisture and muted light. Straight sun rays, hot, dried air battery, cutting cold air - this does not fit the plant from the tropics. Yes, and the windowsill is not the best place for Maranta: in spring and summer - too bright light for leaves, in the fall and winter - cold roots.

    Table: Offer conditions

    SpringMarandians prefer multiple light, feel good in half. The best place for cultivation is the Eastern and Western sides. Or south, but not by the window, but in the depths of the room. Contact from the midday sun. The direct sun discovens the elegant foliage and make it smaller.
    1. Very high, 90%. Take care of moisture. Spray the plant regularly, up to 2 times a day.
    2. Sut the shower flower, but be sure to cover the soil with a film so that there is no convergence.
    3. Wrap a pot with a marble moss or peat and put a container in a large size.
    4. Place the margrament on the pallet with pebbles or moss and water them.
    5. Put the wide capacity with water, aquarium, air electroplanery or room fountain.
    Moderate, 20-22 0s. Take care of drafts. Maranta does not tolerate sharp fluctuations in temperature.
    SummerModerate and slightly higher, + 20-26 0s. Protect from heat and temperature drops.
    WinterWell lit places, but away from the straight sun. Add artificial backlight. Light day for marrants should last 14-16 hours.High, 80-90%. Do not put the plant next to the heating devices.
    Spray the leaves and stems at least 2 times a week.
    Moisturize the air by all available ways.
    Moderate, 18-20 ° C, slightly cool. Below +14 should not be descended.

    Florarium or bottle

    Maranta lovers admit that the most difficult thing is to ensure high air humidity. Beauty from tropical swamps lacks moisture in heated apartments, no matter how try. It requires truly greenhouse conditions.

    But there is a way to please the margrader. It lives perfectly in home greenhouses or flurararums. Make them are not so difficult. And the Maranth will become one of the best tenacious jungle tenants.

    1. For an open flurarium, you will need a container or aquarium of glass, transparent plastic.
    2. It is filled with drainage material, porous soil substrate and plant tropical miniature plants.
    3. The planting is moisturized, covered with a lid or just glass and put in a warm and bright place.
    4. Florarium plants themselves create a microclimate. From time to time, when condensate appears, you need to venture mini-jungle.
    5. Once a few months, arrange rain plants and clean the aquarium garden: remove damaged leaves.

    The closed flurarium is sometimes called the garden in the bottle. Its main difference from the open (aquarium) - the container should be with a rather narrow neck, which is tightly closed with a lid.

    After planting a bottle garden watered just once, and then tightly clog and do not open. Plants live in a closed ecosystem on average about 2 (there is a record - 50 years old) years, independently providing themselves with air and moisture. Few of them are capable of living in a bottle garden. Among them is a whimping and moisture of the Maranth. The garden in the bottle - it looks very picturesque, and you do not need to care for him. However, creating such a product of floral art is difficult. We need taste and snarling to carefully and picturesquely sear the green inhabitants.

    Plants that are suitable for flurarmum: Maranta, Air, Royal (with small leaves), Calatea, Camery, Ferns, Pillow, Ivy (Meltsolite), Dwarf Ficus, Fittononia.

    Video: Landing Open Florarum


    Young bushes Marantans transplant each spring, adult plants in two years. Usually with this operation combine the reproduction of the root division. You just purchased a flower to transplant, withstanding it a couple of weeks in quarantine. In stores they contain in a depleted substrate to limit growth.

    Sometimes the plant thickened too thickened and lost decorative after the summer. The transplant fall is also possible. At the same time, try to crop the margrader more, its leaves will grow more active. But from the reproduction during the autumn transplant will have to abandon.

    The margrate will suit a wide plastic pot, a little more than the previous one. The plants have surface roots and the depth they do not need. And plastic, compared to ceramics, it is better to keep warm - it will enjoy the margrader. If you plan to form an ampel plant, take a suspension basket or porridge.

    Tropical beauty will be grateful for the nutritional, loose and weakly acidic soil. Submitted:

    • ready shopping mixture for marrantovy, enriched with wooded coal;
    • on 3 parts of the garden land, one and a half - peat and one sand;
    • equally poverty, leaf and peat ground with the addition of a small amount of coniferous land and pieces of wood coal;
    • on 2 parts of the leaf land, one - peat, by half a humus and sand, for airiness cutting moss sphagnum and a pine bark;
    • peat substrate, compost and leaf land in the same fractions.

    Replant Maranta

    1. Steriline (garble) Soil mixture and drainage, pot shirt with boiling water.
    2. At the bottom of the pot, put the drainage layer 3-4 cm (large clayjit or broken brick, mixed with river sand).
    3. Top drainage pour part of the soil, moisturize it.
    4. Remove the plant from the old pot carefully, without breaking the earth with roots.
    5. Survey the above-hour part, remove the dried and sick leaves.
    6. Inspect the roots if there are fallen, carefully remove them.
    7. Move the plant to a new pot.
    8. Earth team gradually fall asleep with the new soil, sealing the emptiness between it and the wall of the pot. In the process, slightly shook the capacity so as not to leave unfilled areas.
    9. Pour a slightly plant, spray it and put in a slightly pronted place.

    Maranta painfully transfers a shift pot. To help her, add the drug to root in the irrigation water once a week (corneeling, zircon, epin, eco-engineer). It can be sprayed from a very small sprayer with a solution of epine (on a glass of water 2-3 drops).

    Video: how to transplant the margra

    Maranta care at home

    At first glance it seems that it is difficult to care for a demanding margrament. She really does not fit forgetful and too busy flower. But if not only cactuses live in your house, but also the moisture plants, the Maranta will not add much trouble. Put it or hang it next to ferns, begonia, fittonias and other enhancers of high humidity. Then care will be easier. Or grow a marigue in a flurarium - it is original and interesting.

    Watering and subordinate

    Maranta prefers very wet air. And the roots are not always good for the roots. The soil should not turn into a swampy, it is fraught with grinding diseases of the roots. It is necessary to find a golden middle, watering a plant. The upper layer between irrigation should be slightly adding, and inside the coma to save moisture. In the summer, the margrament is watered often, about every other day. In winter - 2 times a week and less often. The frequency depends on the temperature of the content. The warmer, the time of watering. Sometimes it can be replaced by bathing under the shower or spraying.

    Maranta is sensitive not only for quality, but also to water temperature. For watering, water, desalted, filtered or estimated, necessarily heated, approximately 5 degrees is higher than room temperature.

    Maranta does not tolerate excess fertilizers. During growth (in spring and summer), it can be filled with mineral complexes for decorative plant plants, but dilute them more than recommended in the instructions. Especially be careful with nitrogen meals, because of it the leaves are green. Make feeding every two weeks after watering. In winter it is not necessary to feed. But weakened plants permissible to eat once a month

    Flowers, peace and lamps

    Healthy Maranta in the spring and summer releases the spikelets on which small white, yellowish or lilac flowers appear. They, compared to patterned leaves, look inexpressively. And blossom takes the strength of the plant, after him, the Maranta can arrange a period of rest, losing the leaves. Therefore, many flowerflowers cut down barely crumby flowers.

    In winter, the Maranta can relax. It stops growth, sometimes loses part of the leaves. It is limited in watering, stop feeding. But the humidity should remain high. And be careful to the air temperature. The margrate is not worthwhile on the cold window sill, it will be better to feel in the depths of the room.

    If the margrament spends the winter on the windowsill, warming the roots. Put a pot on thick foam or other stand that maintains heat. Wrap its cloth.

    With an artificial increase in the light day, the margrament will increase the fox leaf and winter. It is noticed that this plant prefers not the sun, but electric light. For highlighting, incandescent lamps are not suitable. Plants need special phytolamba (fluora), gas-discharge lamps (reflex, OSRAM or Philips) or ordinary luminescent. LED lamps have proven well, they give the most efficient backlight.


    If the Marandte grows uncontrollably, over the years she can lose decorative appearance. The stalks are taken from below, a weak pigtail is formed, the leaves, which are not enough space, are minor and yellow. In particularly launched cases, it is necessary to do radically. Fully cut the margrament, put the pot in the half and water very moderately. After some time, the roots will give a new, healthy increase.

    But it is better not to bring to extremes, but to regularly pay time to the formation of the margrass. It is necessary to remove the deformed, elongated shoots, carry out the trimming of the firing or sluggish foliage. The place of the cropped will quickly take new leaves.

    True maranta, try to cut off the twigs together with the joints-joints. Then they can be used for overlap. From these thickens will begin to develop new roots.

    The margrament can also be grown on a support or form an ampel plant from it.

    Video: Ampel Maranta

    Table: Care errors

    Video: how to care for a marr

    Diseases and pests (table)


    The margrament usually multiplies with cuttings and dividing bush during transplantation. From seeds, this plant is practically not grown. They are difficult to get at home, because insects need for pollination. Yes, and it makes no sense to try a long sowing, the first two ways are very comfortable and give good results.


    Highlighting marrants are usually combined with the formation of a bush. Cuttings can be rooted from spring to autumn.

    1. Cut the adult twigs of 8 - 10 cm, there must be two interstices and 2-3 leafs.
    2. Treat the slice of the growth stimulator (epin, zircon, corneser), place a few seconds into the solution.
    3. Put the cuttings into the water tank.
    4. After two or three weeks, the roots will appear.
    5. When the roots are growing a little, plant the cuttings into the moistened light peat substrate or moss.
    6. Spray seedlings and build greenhouse (cover them with a package or can) for better adaptation.
    7. Check and moderately moisturize the cuttings.
    8. When new leaves appear, remove the greenhouse, take care of both an adult plant.

    Dividing bush

    This type of breeding is combined with plants transplantation. But if you can transplant the margrament at any time of the year, the division will be effective only in spring.

    1. Remove bush Maranta from pot.
    2. Scroll with a sharp sterile knife, cut the rhizome to the parts so that each detanka has several leaves and a developed segment of the root.
    3. Pour the cuts with crushed coal and the cornearding agent.
    4. Each part to land in a separate pot filled with a loose soil mixture (compositions in the chapter on transplant).
    5. Spray seedlings, cover to improve the survival rate of the package.
    6. Separated plants in the halftime, in warm (20-22 ° C), protected from drafts.

    Experienced flowers claim that there is another way of reproduction of the Maranta. New plants can be obtained by putting the tubers that are formed on the roots. They need them, carefully separating, fall into light soil or moss. After some time, the tubers must give sprouts.