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All about piercing language. Beautiful language piercing: Main features

Piercing language and installing decorations - this is a type of piercing, which in the last case received distribution among certain groups of young people. Piercing of the language is considered to have a particular chic as evidence of a strong character. In reality, the piercing came to the United States and Western Europe from Latin America. In the ancient Aztecs, Maya and Olmekov, the punctual language has a ritual procedure related to blood collection for sacrifices. In India, the piercing language and other parts of the body were demonstrated by facira, as the ability to transfer pain when pushing into trance.

The piercing of the language turned out to be so much the original decoration that since the end of the 90s began to spread widely on both sides of the Atlantic, and Hollywood actors and rock singers, who established the piercing of the language in themselves became widely distributed.

Today, piercing services offer various salons and hairdressers, but many young people believe that this operation is very simple and it can be done at home, although they have no idea about how to pierce the language.

About how to pierce the language than to pierce how to install decoration on it and how to spend painlessly, begin to understand only when they take a needle. In fact, it is better to entrust a friend than the aim of himself. For piercing, a thick needle from blood transfusion or catheter is suitable. Before piercing the language, it is necessary to check whether a barbell or earrings in the needle hole takes place with cotton swabs to stop the blood.

After that, you need to rinse your hands thoroughly, wipe them and the place of puncture with an antiseptic, to disinfect the bar and the needle with a solution of antiseptics or alcohol, mouth rinse the dentalodine. The needle needs to keep strictly vertically and prick in the middle of the language. Piercing aside from the cents can lead to damage to the blood vessel and abundant bleeding. After the needle passes the language through the needle, the bar is inserted, and the needle takes out. Then the ball is screwed into the bar and disinfect the edges of the puncture. After installing the rod, the first week of the mouth should be ringed with an antiseptic after each meal.

How to pour a language

How to pierce the language knows a lot more people than it seems. Even on the courses for the first prefigure assistance in accidents, future drivers teach the fact that in order to get the tongue to the ladies need to go through the pin and pull it out. The fact is that along the central axis is the least sensitive and least saturated with blood vessels of the zone. When piercing and do it. Basically, the puncture is made in the center of the language, i.e. along the longitudinal axis. Sometimes the puncture is done at the tip itself or on the sides, but such punctures are staying longer.

A clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow to pierce the language know and can only be done in a cosmetic salon, observing all the rules for language disinfection and the tool. Before piercing his tongue is delayed with a pinch or clamp and a thick needle is introduced with an exact sharp movement. The puncture is tagging and introduced into it a metal bar. In some cases, a flexible teflon rod is used, which is less limiting the mobility of the language. The thickness of the rod must be selected according to the size of the language. A thick rod leads over time to an increase in the puncture channel, and the thin starts to move, creating discomfort when taking food. It is noteworthy that, like any wound in the oral cavity, the puncture of the language heals very quickly. In part, this fact contributed to the spread of language piercing.

Why pouring a language

The question of this is not how to pierce the language, and why the piercing carriers never really worried, but in vain. After the puncture, the first 5-7 days the tongue will be sick and is in the swelling state, and the final healing of the puncture occurs within 3-5 weeks, constantly reminding itself painful manifestations. At this time, the risk of infection of the wound is preserved. The constant presence of a foreign body in the mouth can lead to distortion of diction and gum disease. Contact Earrings with teeth leads to their embrittlement and increasing fragility. Cases of oxidation of piercing are not excluded, which increases the risk of chip edges of the teeth. The long-term wearing of oral piercing contributes to the violation of the functions of the jaw bones and destabilization of the state of the teeth. In addition, when contacting the rod with food, the edge of the puncture can be damaged and cause long-term bleeding, which in turn can cause inflammation of the language.

Therefore, before deciding the question, where and how to pierce the language you need to answer the question "Why?".

The puncture of the tongue was popular since time immemorial. Particularly relevant, he looked at the tribes of the ancient Aztecs and Maya. This decoration was made not only for the sake of its aesthetic component, but also for ritual rites. Now it is almost everywhere you can meet the paintings of rock painting, which depict the main leaders of the tribe with punctured languages. And if first language piercing was considered a privilege only for recognized authorities of a particular society, then over time, such a decoration could afford everything without disaster.

Representatives of Eastern civilization have not lagged behind this plan. Sufi and fakirs also made piercing language. However, much more interesting was the interpretation of the piercing of the language in Australian aborigines. They believed that such a modification of the body "Releases from the body of evil energy". Thus, as they thought, the shamans could contact the gods.

Why do the piercing of the language in our time? What are the dangers at the same time and what is worth waiting for the selected jewelry? We will try to answer all such and a number of other issues to answer our article.

Beautiful language piercing: Main features

The nervous can immediately refuse such a venture. After piercing the language for several weeks, it will be necessary to abandon solid food. Equal milk products, very hot or very sweet food is also unacceptable. You can't talk normally at first. Such inconveniences can cause a considerable psychological stress that is very likely. To this you need to be ready.

Why do the piercing of the language? Mainly to increase your sexuality. Indeed, a qualitatively selected decoration looks very exciting.

In most cases, the puncture is made in the midst of the language. Immediately after that it is quite small swelling. It is normal and usually in a few days it falls. Many are interested in the question: how to handle a prolque language? The resulting wreck is washed with Mirismine for several weeks. Chlorohexidine can be used. Language piercing usually heals around a month.

How do the puncture of the language?

The gun and the catheter for this operation is no longer used. Most appropriately apply a special needle for piercing. There are several reasons for this: first, it is easily sterilized, secondly, the needle is much sharper for the same catheter. Due to this, painful sensations are significantly reduced.

In no case cannot be argued that the piercing of the language is painless. The presented organ of the human body is, in fact, the same muscle as, say, the lip. A priori pain will be felt. Often she is pretty strong. If after the puncture sore language is quite normal. The needle passes through the longitudinal fibers of the language in the same way as through any other tissue. Despite the seeming simplicity, such a procedure requires depreciation, since there is a considerable risk to hurt in the language of two large blood artery. If the tongue is tongue after a puncture, the wound can silence significantly. For up to 10 days, a long rod is set, after decorating the desired length is already applied. But in general, this is a normal body's reaction to a foreign body.

Many people have a small wpadink in the middle of the language. It will be the most optimal place for puncture. Interestingly, the further from the tip of the tongue is the hole, the more painful it will be more dangerous.

Accordingly, no less exciting question of all extremals: how to remove piercing from the language? Here everything is much simpler than you think. Special balls on the rod are easily unscrewed, not posing work for removing the decoration. There is only one thing but: decoration you must set back literally for several hoursSince the hole heals almost instantly. If promiscuity, you will need to make a new puncture.

How to choose a professional piercer?

If you find it difficult to choose a specialist, you can first call several of them and ask leading questions. They will allow you to find the most qualified wizard. He will puncture without risk for your health. Remember, the best specialist is the one that avoids all the danger.

To begin with, ask how the person we have. If not more than three years, then you can call further. The most important questions go further: what is the puncture and in what conditions the tools are sterilized. The only correct answer is: after cleaning and disinfection, sterilization occurs only in the autoclave, and disposable needles are used for the piece of puncture. Be sure to ask whether anesthesia is made for a similar procedure.

This master will absolutely confidently answer "no". Well, at the end you need to ask about the decoration and the possibility of its replacement. Specialist who knows his craft applies a titanium bar with a length of 18-22 mm. After a few months it will be possible to replace it with a shorter. If the answers to all questions were satisfied, you can assume that you have found your master.

There are some more useful tips for choosing a qualified piercing studio:

  • It makes sense to ask familiar or friends who have made a similar procedure, recommend you a specialist or studio to carry out such an operation.
  • Directly in the studio, pay attention to hygienic accessories and in general, the conditions for the implementation of the prolque language. Specify the nuances of sterilization of tools from a specialist. He can be happy to tell you about these details. It would be nice to ask whether disposable gloves are used by medical personnel.
  • In no case do not hesitate to ask for an appropriate certificate to prevent you. This is an important document and its absence should force you to doubt the studio qualifications.
  • Also, learn whether employees are graduated from hepatitis B directly performing the puncture procedure.

In the event that your requirements and questions answer reluctantly, trying to hide important facts - it is advisable to turn to another piercing studio.

How to care for piercing language at home?

There are a number of uncomplicated requirements and rules that will survive the period of wound healing with the smallest discomfort:

  • Ostly, hard or viscous food is not worth using at first. Alcohol also stands to be protected. The alcohol extremely negatively affect the wound, dissolving the fabric that appeared, which will be bleeding again.
  • If possible, do not smoke.
  • Teeth are better to clean after each meal. It would be nice to rinse the mouth with antiseptic layerin.
  • Prefer soft food.
  • If the language piercing does not heal for a long time, use a warm saline solution. It will contribute to a faster healing of the wound from the puncture.

There is such a spicy question like kisses. At this time, they should also refrain from them. Otherwise, there is a risk to pick up the infection.

If you have hints on complications, you should immediately sign up for a reception to a dentist.

What decorations are suitable for a prolque language

First of all, you can use various modifications of the rod. The material is the material Teflon, titanium, surgical steel or gold. At first, some people apply Labret. This is an ornament used immediately after piercing lips. Thus, the place of puncture will become less noticeable. For this, just turn the labret with a flat hat to the top.

How much is the piercing language?

The procedure itself will cost you more than an available amount. The overwhelming number of piercing studios "ask" for a similar operation from 1200 to 3000 rubles. Much more expensive will be necessary for the decoration itself.

How many wound heals from puncture?

In most cases, up to 10 days. Over the course of two weeks, the wound must completely delay. By the way, it is difficult to infect the wound. The mouth cavity constantly produces antimicrobial peptides that kill bacteria. However, this does not mean that the piercer can be treated negligently and casually.

Possible Language Piercing Consequences

This procedure is fraught with a number of complications. All of them is useful to know and minimize the risk of occurrence. Undoubtedly, at first negative symptoms follows immediately contact a doctor.

  • Curve puncture. In this case, there is a big risk to hurt a large blood artery or vein below. As a result - a big loss of blood.
  • Anesthesia. Remember, no professional porer will allow themselves to make anesthesia when piercing language. There is a huge risk of anaphylactic shock, which can lead up to death. Although the puncture of the language is the procedure is not painless, but its anesthesia is categorically unacceptable!
  • Insufficient sterility. Such studios of piercing come across, where there is no autoclave for sterilizing decorations and tools. Such neglity and non-professionalism can lead to a number of diseases, up to the infection of HIV, the treatment of which is impossible. If the language is rushing after a puncture - immediately contact the doctor!
  • Incorrect decoration. Unprofessionally selected, it can both be in the tongue, and interfere with a normal conversation.
  • Problem with teeth and gums. Too long decoration with a debt is able to bring down tooth enamel, substantially relaxing your teeth. This problem applies to the gums.

As you can see, the puncture of the language, which is needed very strict, is simultaneously a simple and extremely responsible procedure.

Fashion pouring tongue exists from ancient times. Men living in tribes, thereby proved those who surround their courage and masculinity. Each tribe has existed its special ritual. Nowadays, the tongue is not only the guys, but also girls. The most amazing thing is that adults are taken. The article will help to deal with the following issues: "Why do people do it?", "What are there any contraindications from the procedure?" What is the meaning? "

Why it is necessary to the beautiful floor

People have many reasons to go to pour tongue. For example, rock musicians make this procedure, and the main fans of such performers are girls who go to this step to imitate their idol.

Also piercing in the language shows that a person belongs to some particular cultural direction.

Often the solution to pour a language comes to mind girls after a quarrel with loved ones or parents. Thus, they try to stop the flow of negative memories and catch a new emotional wave.

But the most important answer to the question "Why do girls pierce language?" Once again emphasizes the uniqueness and uniqueness of female logic - "It's fashionable!"

Before you decide on this step, it is necessary to approach the choice of the cabin and a specialist with all seriousness and care. It is undesirable to do this at home, entrusted to such a procedure to friends and friends. Any piercing is a huge risk of infection. The specialist you choose must have experience, knowledge. Also check the certificates and the availability of a medical record. The most important thing is that he should know how to correctly pierce the language to deliver you as few pains as possible.

Follow the master to use only one-time tools. It is desirable that the cereal for piercing is either of the titanium or from medical steel.


Like any procedure, the piercing of the language has its own contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to calculate the language when:

Bad blood consumption;


Allergic reaction to any metals.

Also, this procedure is also in danger during colds. It is better to wait for complete recovery. Be sure to eat tightly, because after the puncture you cannot do it. Minimum per day to refuse the use of alcoholic or alcohol drinks.

Soreness of the procedure

The one who makes the first time piercing, thinks how painfully pouring a language. This process may not bring strong pain, as the needle will take place between muscle fibers. But be prepared for the fact that healing will be long and painful because the place of puncture will be swollen. It will last a couple of days, then the healing process will begin.

If the tumor does not fall and, which is even worse, the pus appeared, it happened either due to improper care, or because of the poor-quality accessory in the form of an earrings.

Correct care

Competent care is that this type of piercing is necessary. For the first few days, wechit the mouth at least five times a day with a special solution. Be careful: it should not contain alcohol and fluorides. Each rinse should last 1 minute, not less. It is also necessary to care for the decoration yourself. Three times a day, wipe the accessory for sea salt or antimicrobial soap. Try not to touch it once again with your hands. After you have handled the earring, you need to wipe it. To do this, use disposable towels or napkins, but in no case terry, as they can make an infection.

Pros and cons

Unfortunately, this procedure has only three advantages:

Relatively low soreness;

Thanks to the antimicrobial effects of saliva, the risk of infection is reduced to a minimum;

Pleasant and new sensations during a kiss.

Lovers of sharp sensations consider piercing of the language the sexiest. But here there is a reverse side of the medal in the form of minuses:

Language initially swollen;

If infection falls, then severe consequences cannot be avoided;

Accessory can spoil tooth enamel;

Violation of taste sensations;

At first - problems with the pronunciation of words and speech in general.

Alone or in the cabin

Many who think about how to pierce the language itself. Those who wish to make it their own most often become children and adolescents. They believe that this is the best option to show your own fearlessness. But ask any specialist about it, and he will say that it is not necessary to hold such a procedure yourself, and even at home. Because you can hardly find a secure place of puncture. Therefore, it is better to seek help from a doctor or a pierced specialist.

Piercing at home

The question of how to pierce the language at home, has caused a lot of disputes and disagreements. If one believe that this is a fairly simple procedure that does not need certain knowledge and skills, others argue that at home it is impossible to avoid the penetration of infection.

To the one who does not want to go to the salon, just gaughters, does not see the meaning to pay a professional, and thinks he can do it on his own, I want to explain: Piercing is not just a small hole in some part of the body, above all, this kind of mini - Operations. During such a procedure, tissues of the language are injured. Are you sure that after self-punking you can provide all the necessary measures of disinfection? If you miss at least the slightest part, then the infection may fall into the puncture area. Cases with complications after such independent procedures are often found. As you probably guessed, a weighty percentage is the youth, which does not pay due attention to sterility and hygiene.

Therefore, do not think about how to pierce the language at home. Do not add new health problems, trying to prove the surrounding your coolness.

And finally

Today, the piercing of any part of the body is not a freak. Do not lend to the position that the procedure for piercing the language can be dying. This is not true. Maximum that can happen is small complications. The only condition - the procedure should be carried out by a competent specialist!

Know that after the puncture, the language will swollen, so the bar, which you will insert into the tongue, you need to choose more. Only after full healing can be changed to short. The average duration of the complete healing process reaches four weeks. If you do not replace the long bar on short, then when you talk or eat food, it will hang out in the language. There have been cases that teeth broke from it.

Probably should not tell about how negatively affect the human body toxic substances in cigarettes. And for the piercing of the language it is unacceptable. Therefore, smokers will have to abandon cigarettes until the puncture seat is full.

It is also impossible to use the rinse for the mouth called "Listery" and to it like, this will lead to a burn burn.

Check daily, whether the rod is well twisted. There have been cases when she spun, and the man swallowed the decoration.

And remember that piercing is not a reflection of beauty, so you do not have to get involved!


Language Piercing - What consequences can lead a fashionable passion

Piercing of various parts of the body is a fashionable passion, which has already been popular enough among young people. Many choose exactly the language as a place for a puncture, because here the earring can always be hidden from prying eyes, for example, at the time of study or work. But it should be understood that the decoration of the body involves its inevitable injury. Without a careful and responsible approach to the healing period in the wound, an infection can be found, and there are no problems here. Today we will talk about how to make piercing, which may be unpleasant consequences and what to do if after puncture strongly.

Piercing as a source of pain

If we talk about the degree of soreness of the procedure itself, then the implementation of the piercing language - the event is not pleasant. If a person is very nervous and twitch, because of which the specialist will not be able to make an accurate puncture, everything will end with serious damage to an important body. Therefore, in many salons and medical institutions offering this service, it is recommended to use local anesthesia. Today, both injectable and surface methods of administration of anesthetic are widely used.

Will there be a tongue after piercing language?

On a note! Choosing a piercing under anesthesia, prepare for the fact that in the first couple of hours you will not have the opportunity to exempt normally, because the language is unlikely to be obeying you. It is better to take care in advance that someone from acquaintances be next to you. The action of "freezing" will be completely passed only after 1-1.5 hours.

After puncture, the language will still be sick and deliver discomfort. To relieve pain, you can take a pellets anesthetic. In this body, there is a huge number of vessels and nerve endings, so for another 2-3 weeks you will feel some soreness and swelling of soft tissues. Be careful: if it does not get better, the pain is enhanced, acquires a pulsating nature, you should seem as soon as possible to see the doctor. Possible complications in this case include an allergic reaction to metal and infection of the wound.

How to make puncture

To know what to expect, first you need to find out exactly how the puncturing procedure is carried out. So, this process involves the following steps:

  1. to start, the language is placed in a special tool - clamp, in the center of which has a hole for decoration,
  2. after that, the master makes the puncture, for which it uses a special sterile needle intended for one-time application,
  3. through a special hole in the needle inserted "bar", after which the needle and clamp are removed,
  4. after that, the oral cavity is treated with a disinfectant solution, for example, "chlorhexidine".

If the procedure was held in the afternoon, then in the late afternoon the language will inevitably swallow, some inconvenience will deliver. The healing rate largely depends on the individual characteristics of the human body. Someone this process takes five days, someone has two weeks. Keep in mind that during this period you will have to exclude sharp dishes from your diet, acid-containing products, if possible, limit the consumption of solid food. It is also recommended to talk less and move the tongue to accidentally do not hook the wreck.

All pros and cons of piercing

The popularity of this piercing form has acquired popularity is quite deserved, because compared to many other options for decorating your body, it really has many advantages. Here is some of them:

  • painlessness procedure when using anesthesia,
  • the possibility is easy and at any time hide the earrings,
  • small risk of developing complications, subject to all sanitary requirements and techniques for the procedure,
  • chance to increase self-esteem, do something original, decorate your body with a spectacular decoration,
  • the opportunity to remove the earring at any time - the language is distinguished by the tendency to quickly regenerate tissues, so that such damage will overgrow themselves quickly and practically leave traces.

However, along with obvious advantages, fashionable hobby has its own minuses. So, the disadvantages of piercing include long and rather painful healing, the appearance of speech defects, increasing the intensity of salivation, damage to the dental enamel, the difficulties in chewing in the initial pores, as well as the most likely negative reaction of loved ones and family members, if it comes to completely young people .

Piercing language makes it possible to stand out and increase self-esteem

"My girlfriend somehow once decided to pierce his tongue itself. He disinfected with something big and everything made everything before the mirror. And it seemed to be normal, went to bed, and then in the middle of the night woke up from hellish pain and from what it is difficult to breathe. Language is all swollen, my parents immediately called an ambulance. It all ended well, but personally I have a precipitate, as they say, remained ... "

Olala, Krasnoyarsk, from correspondence on the forum

So that the procedure goes smoothly and without excesses, you should carefully approach the selection of places where it will be held. Obviously, it will be better and safer to give preference to the proven medical center offering the services of this kind.

Contraindications and possible consequences - everything can be calcined

Despite its wide popularity, the piercing of this part of the body is not available to everyone. There is a whole list of contraindications that prohibit the intentional
Policy injury:

  • lack of opportunity to seriously treat the healing period: it is not necessary to make piercing if you currently have no time and appropriate conditions to regularly process the wreck, carry rinsing and washing,
  • pregnancy period: During this period, the risk of critical infection is a really serious threat, so once again expose yourself and the child of danger is simply unreasonable,
  • allergies to antibiotics: In this case, the potential complication in the form of infection may be fatal,
  • metal allergies
  • blood blood coagulation
  • mental diseases
  • epilepsy,
  • oral diseases,
  • autoimmune diseases, hemophilia, diabetes - all this is strict contraindications to intentional damage to the oral mucosa. If there are any health problems, it will not be superfluous to consult with the doctor.

Important! In Russia, piercing is allowed to persons who have reached the age of age - 18. In some cases, the procedure is allowed from 16 years, but only with the written formal consent of the parents.

In addition to the set of contraindications, the piercing of the language has a number of serious complications. Of course, today in medical centers and decent salons, all the risks are reduced to the minimum, but the likelihood of encountering a serious problem still remains. Thus, infection or metal can be penetrated into the wreck provokes an allergic reaction. With inept actions of the wizard, bleeding can open or suffer the nerve, which will lead to partial loss of sensitivity. The most dangerous possible consequence is infection through the tools - hepatitis, HIV and other dangerous diseases.

How many piercing heals

For many who have already decided to decorate their language with spectacular earring, the question remains on how much the body heals after the piercing. As a rule, the entire process lasts from 5 days to 2 weeks - much depends on the characteristics of the body.

Regarding how long the healing process lasts, we figured out. It remains to find out how much the language after the puncture can be sown. Unpleasant sensations and discomfort are usually preserved throughout the entire lifetime. At first, the swollen body may interfere normally speak. It is extremely important here to strictly follow all the prescriptions of a specialist who made the puncture. Only when these conditions are fulfilled, the wound will successfully heal for 10-14 days.

The main dangers of piercing

If you have a desire to decorate your language earring, first will not be more superfluous to learn more about the possible negative consequences of the piercing of this part of the body. So, all potential dangers can be divided into three large categories.

1. Allergic reaction

After piercing in the language, some people develop an allergy to a metal from which the decoration is made. Without prior examination, learn about the presence of intolerances, some allergens are almost impossible. If the problem lies in allergies, in addition to pain, skin itching, inflammation, and even the suppuration of the wound may appear.

2. Bleeding

If the procedure has been done not too skillfully and neatly, serious bleeding can be opened. As mentioned above, a plurality of blood vessels are concentrated in this body, which can be easily hooed during a puncture. As a result, strong swelling will appear, which will eventually lead to breathing problems. The subsequent recovery will require a lot of time.

3. Other consequences - infection

The main danger in piercing is the risk of infection. The infection can easily penetrate the body through the tools and open wound, so today the auditory authorities with all severity refer to the monitoring of observance of sanitary standards and rules of salon workers offering such services. It is allowed to use exclusively disposable needles, unpacking which should be in front of the client. Strict measures were introduced, because some time ago, the mass passing piercing led to the rapid spread of such serious diseases as HIV infection and hepatitis.

Everyone who wishes to make piercing in the language should be aware that a rather massive decoration can cause irritation on the gum, to injure her. Also, the presence of a foreign metal object in the mouth is negatively affected by the state of dental enamel and may entail a change in taste sensations. If suddenly, the tongue after the procedure is the whole and numbness, or an acute piercing pain appeared, which is only enhanced, and in this organ itself began to pulsate, you need to urgently ask for medical care.

Immediately after the procedure, at least one day, it is worth abandoning hard foods and sharp dishes, as well as from seasoning with sharp specific tastes. Special care during this period involves holding regular rinsing using pharmacy antiseptics and medicinal herbs - before this it is better to consult with the doctor. You should also change the toothbrush and then after each cleaning it is good to rinse it. During the daily daily, the mouth should be carefully ringed, including under the tongue, but it is necessary to do it carefully, trying not to strain the body.

If you recently punctured the language, we take seriously to the care of his healing. It has nothing complicated in it, but there are a number of restrictions that you should stick. Try to eat warm food, not too cold or hot, as well as minimize any risks of random injury to the oral cavity. Careful and attentive attitude to their health will help prevent a lot of serious problems.

  1. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The ancient ritual of the sacrifices of the People of Maya and the Australian Aborigines rapidly entered into modern fashion. Information, how to pierce language at home is available on the Internet space. Knowledge of rules, sequences of actions and methods of protection against inflammation and infections will help to carry out the procedure safely.

Whether it is worth calculating the language, for example, you need to solve, only for sure knowing the nuances of the procedure. Otherwise, it is better to make a piercing language in a professional salon, where specialists know exactly what to carry out this mini operation, as the process to the most of the pain relief and do not affect the infection.

Doubts and fears before the procedure

People who decide on home piercing are overcome by doubts and fears relating to possible pain in the oral cavity. The use of analgesic will make it possible to make a painless process, however, when their action stops, painful sensations will remain up to the full healing of the wound. Therefore, to the question, it is painful to calculate the language, you can answer that it is completely tolerant. The procedure depends on personal susceptibility of pain and configuring. The procedure can be compared with the cosmetic bunch of the ears.

Exact knowledge on how to calculate the language is necessary. If the procedure is carried out at home, then the attitude towards hygiene and sterilization of tools for piercing should be elevated. In this case, it will be possible to avoid infection and inflammatory processes, with which it is unlikely to be able to manage, will need ambulance.


For a prolque language, a set of sterile tools is needed, among them:

  • decoration: a rigid rod, consisting of a rod with a rounded cross section, on which elements are screwed on both sides: stones, cones, spikes. The decoration is made of surgical steel, titanium, teflon or gold. The rod occurs with the inner and external thread, its dimensions are from 1.5 to 3.5 cm;
  • clamp for keeping the language, the tools of this type are usually used by surgeons, the clip is made of stainless medical steel;
  • piercing catheter or cannulated tool: empty inside the needle manufactured by different diameters. The needle has a laser sharpening, therefore the puncture of the language at home is performed with maximum comfort and safety. The diameter of the catheter should be larger than the diameter of the selected decoration, then repeated manipulations will not be required;
  • sterile gloves that will ensure reliable capture of tools and protected from infections;
  • preparations for disinfection: Miramystin or chlorhexidine.

Step-by-step instruction

How to correctly pierce the language and almost painlessly, tells the step-by-step instruction. However, before studying it, it is important to know some rules for this mini operation planned at home.

First you need to understand where, in what place you can pierce the language. Piercing is made exclusively at the tip of the tongue or strictly in its middle. If the puncture is done at the edges, then the likelihood of the needles in large artery is great, the blood will be difficult to stop.

If there is concerns that the language will hurt, then you can resort to analgin or but-sipe. These drugs are able to facilitate manipulation.

  • Sterilize all tools, including decoration, special means or medical alcohol.
  • Carefully rinse the mouth using antibacterial or slightly salt solutions.
  • Hands thoroughly wash with antibacterial soap, then put on sterile gloves.
  • Holding the clamp language, chain the place for the puncture.
  • Make a puncture hard movement. With the help of the catheter, the puncture is made from below, using the usual needle from above. Video about how they pierce the language in one way or another can be found on the Internet.
  • Insert an earring with a catheter or by the usual movement. Earring is inserted without delay, since after a few hours the wound will begin to delay and have to make a new puncture.
  • Carefully rinse your mouth with an antiseptic.

Possible complications and problems

Knowledge of how to safely pierce language at home, can minimize unwanted consequences. However, they still may appear. If the place for the puncture is chosen incorrectly, the decoration may not take care. The place of puncture will be constantly swollen and root, creating inconvenience when receiving food.

The consequences of the piercing of the language performed at home, in any case there will be uncomfortable sensations in the mouth for a while. About two weeks take exceptionally soft and liquid food. Dickey is broken, the decoration interferes and it is difficult to get used to it.

In some cases, the rod, in contact constantly with the teeth and the gums, can bring down the enamel from the teeth and damage the gum.

Care after puncture

After a puncture, care should be sent to the speedy healing of the wounds. In the mouth is constantly produced by antimicrobial peptides that kill malicious bacteria. However, it is not necessary to rely on them, additional measures are needed for healing.

  • Exclude alcohol and smoking, as the resins contained in cigarettes and the ingredients in the composition of alcoholic beverages will detain the healing process.
  • Refuse viscous, solid and acute food, fermented and sweet food.
  • Roth rinse with warm brine and antiseptic laserin or Miramistin.
  • To postpone kisses for a while, as the danger of infection appears.

Understanding how to correctly pour a language will help make this small and rather risky operation in all senses successfully. The choice where to spend it, at home or in the cabin, remains for a person who wants to be unusual and sexy, standing out in the crowd. In any case, security and preservation of health should be decisive factors for a person who has decided to piercing.